#imported cosmetics
interareapsp-blog · 6 months
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pinacoladamatata · 1 year
Patch 3 be like: your companions now unload their supplies on you. Enjoy 500lbs potatoes. You cannot sell or buy anything. Lest ye will never be able to save again. Your favourite hairless cat, His Majesty, has been hairified. Woe be upon ye. Raphael now has black hair. You can change Tav's hair though.
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organicmatter · 6 months
tattooers + people who get tattoos IMPORTANT FDA statement made a few days ago
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i haven't seen anyone else post about this so I collected some screenshots. HERE is the full statement. I don't want to fear monger at all but its important for tattooers and clients to be informed.
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sunkissedlouis · 8 months
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krystle's skincare (+ makeup) & haircare routine for louis backstage
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ubercharge-the-sniper · 5 months
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I have become TF2’s most hated player /joke
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tchaikovskaya · 8 months
Enduring horrors beyond comprehension (being a renter and trying to balance the real cost of spending your own money to somewhat improve the apt/house that you don’t own and won’t ultimately keep, vs the abstract cost of having to live with and look at shit that is functionally or aesthetically horrible in your daily life)
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gender0bender · 1 year
There is another group of men who live, and often suffer, with breasts. Unlike gynecomastia patients, these men are transgender. Assigned female at birth, they identify as, transition to, and live as their true male gender. It is common for transgender men to report dissociative feelings toward their chest. Many trans men develop personalized terminology to re-gender their body parts; it's common for trans guys to think of their chest exclusively as their chest, without using the word "breasts" to describe that part of their body.
Some non-transgender men who have gynecomastia also manipulate gendered language to describe their gender nonconforming bodies. Specifically, these guys use acutely masculine terms to talk about their breasts. One user on a popular gynecomastia forum underwent surgery to have his breasts removed. He wrote about the experience with sports terms, stating, "I had two liters of fat removed from each breast, and a hockey puck of estrogen, or whatever." Another described his breasts as if fast food: "The amount of tissue for each breast was about the size of a quarter pounder burger from McDonalds."
None of the men that I spoke with felt like their gynecomastia was a gender issue. "I feel the need to say [that] I've never had any complex with my gender. My case with gynecomastia was no different to the mindset of someone who wants to remove an ugly scar, birthmark, or lump," Sam told me.
Brian is also in his twenties, and he lived with gynecomastia for many years before having it surgically removed. "Gender was never really something I contemplated in any sense of the word I guess," he told Broadly in an email. "When I developed gynecomastia, I was embarrassed by it and sometimes made fun of for it, but I never felt like 'less of a man.'" He said that he never felt the need to be manly. But he and Sam both felt a need to correct a part of their body that they had come to see as abnormal, something that caused them some degree of mental anguish. Though they don't feel aware of the way that gender relates to their experiences, it is arguably intrinsic. "Gender didn't become more important after puberty," Brian said. "I never really paid attention to the idea. It just was."
"Feminists and critical race theorists have long argued that this is how privilege works," Blum said. "Just as most whites don't experience themselves as having a race, [cisgender] men seldom experience themselves as having a gender." The sense of anxiety, insecurity, or disconnect that men with gynecomastia experience toward their chests can resemble the way that transgender men experience gender dysphoria. Both groups deserve to live without that anguish, and to have healthcare that recognizes the difference between cosmetic and medically necessary plastic surgery—but they also deserve to live in a society where their bodies are not deemed abnormal.
- 'Chop the Things Off': The Plight of Boys Who Grow Breasts, from VICE by Diana Tourjée
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m00nstorm · 11 months
Hear me out
I might not be buying the cosmetics for the game right now, but I think a Johnny cosmetic where he is wearing a leather jacket would be nice ngl. Even if it is really hot in Texas.
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Abled neurotypical people love to pull out the “not everything needs to be tailored to you!!” when disabled people are literally just asking that you don’t talk down to people who can’t prioritize the super “easy” lifestyle choices you promote.
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insectwmn · 2 months
everytime tsumugi gets a new card i play a game i like to call “is his hair actually longer this time or am i just deluding myself?”
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4giorno · 2 months
i could cry bitch i could cry (positive)
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chryza · 1 year
Some games I don’t mod
Some games I mod a little bit just to change the look of some things or add a QOL feature
And then Cyberpunk 2077 requires a full day in advance of any actual gameplay to update shit when I decide to install it because I play with so many dozens of mods that I’ve forgotten what vanilla tastes like and don’t care to remember.
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minkydinks · 11 months
absolutely no fucking way someone actually just said to me "dogs are the only animals with floppy ears so it's actually less natural if you don't crop them"
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desperatepleasures · 6 months
had so many stress dreams this morning but the objectively funniest one was having to get my botox injections from a new neurologist who wasn't as skilled as my current one. mfer BLOTTED the injection sites when I bled instead of gently dabbing them clean!!!
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Did I buy a double tumblr "verification" checkmark because staff told me it has the potential to turn into dash crabs?
Yes. Yes I did.
pspspspspspspsps at the dash crabs
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mosspapi · 11 months
Lady doing my flu shot was trans positive this is so epic
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