Self Love
Im writing this today from work because I thought it was important. I'm listening to the song Flowers by Miley Cyrus. Everything she says is true, but I take in a bit of a different context. You /should/ love yourself better than another person can. You /should/ buy yourself flowers and all those wonderful things. Loving yourself should be your first priority.
I know its something I struggle with, always feeling I need someone else's love to feel worthy. The truth is that You are worthy, you are Enough. It's hard to believe when your brain tries to tell you otherwise but it's true. It's something I need to constantly remind myself, I am enough and I am worthy of love. I am worthy of self love.
Find things you enjoy, it doesn't matter if you're good at it. If it's something that makes you happy, it's more than enough. I love food and I love to cook. It's part of my love language. I love cooking for other people because I pour my heart into what I do and what I cook. Now, turn that love inward into myself. I want to cook meals that nourish my soul and my body. Pour all that love into myself and feel me at the very heart of it.
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tobreakalegacy · 1 year
Knife Edge
Whoever came up with the idea of house arrest was a sick bastard. 
I suppose I was lucky. I wasn't on house arrest. It was more like I was on probabtion for my blatant rule breaking.
General Monsare may be a rebel but her family words still held true. She did not go gentle. Her first act after arriving back from the North was put me on leave for three months, for insubordination. I couldn’t been so lucky as to think that in the jubilation at having a nation once again, she would forget about my blundered kidnapping attempt and the impromto and unsolicted rescue mission, all in the spanse of less than a week. 
I was surprised that I wasn’t fired or court martialed but now I was bored. I had never been bored in my entire life since. Now it the was a state I found myself constantly, unfortunately. 
I poured myself a glass of water after looking outside. I supposed I should be grateful that I got assigned an apartment for the time of my paid leave but at the same time, I hated the quiet the maddening calm. 
I blew some dust away from the bars on the window. I really needed to start cleaning this house. I could practically hear my mother breathing down my neck about cleanliness being next to godliness and if I didn't get the mold out the house I’d have craw-craw in an instant. I smiled. I missed the old hag. I wondered where she had gone to this time or if she would even tell me where she was. Libe certainly didn't know where she was and we both knew her better than to ask but I could tell it was something to do with the new republic. 
I looked out the apartment window at the hustle and bustle going on down below, the same how it was before. I knew that it looked like nothing had changed but the city was at a tipping point. I could feel it. Getting independence was just the first step. 
I took one last look outside when I heard a bunch of furious knocking at the door. I grimaced, running hand down my face. 
This man had terrible timing. 
I pulled myself off from my sofa and went to open the door and Libe was standing there in a white te shirt with a silver jacket. 
“What happened to phoning before you arriving?” I asked. 
He just pushed past me into the house and then turned back to me with his hands in his pockets. 
“Davido, you do know you're not in prison right?” he said and then made a show of open and closing my front dor. “You can go out if you want to.”
“Of course,I know that.”
“I don’t think you do, because no ones seen you out here for three weeks.”
“How do you know that?” I looked at each of the walls. I had the feeling someone was watching me. I knew this paid leave business in a nice appartment was too good to be true. 
“Relax, bro. Your neightbour, he hasn't seen you out and was worried that you had died in there.”
I coudhged out a laugh. Mr Uchu or at least that's what he called himself always sat out in front of his door every morning and evening. It was nice to know he cared. I should probably go out to reassure him that I wasn't dead. 
“As you can clearly see libe.” I gestured to myself. “I’m not dead.”
“Well, stop acting as if you're under house arrest.”
I grimaced. "I’m not acting like I’m under house arrest. What makes you say that?”
Libe snubbed his nose at me, looking me all over. My skin itched all over from his eyes. Was he cursed? Wouldn’t surprise me, really.
“Looking at you, you’d think that someone had just died.”
Not someone. 
It wasn't until I saw the gentleness in his eyes that I realized that I had said that out loud. 
“Look I’m not saying that what happened didn't matter…”
“I had it coming. Honestly, I’m surprised I'm not dead.”
“Ah David, you're mistaking how violent she is.” 
“Libe she wanted me to kidnap Aria because she thought she may be a threat.”
“Okay, that was war time and that girl wasn’t exactly entirely innocent.”
I winced at the memory of Aria and Aaron holding me hostage in Hellgate. 
“Besides we’re not at war any more.”
I fell back on my sofa. That’s what everyone loved to say but honestly, a small part of me missed the war. I missed having a purpose, now I had to make a new path. The rebellion had been my entire life, even durign my time working the palace. I was itching to go home but then I doubted that would ever become an option. This stage of what no was toojarrign to coperehend. I wasn't sure Libe would understand. 
He sat himself down next to me. 
“You’re angry because you’r e on leave but think about it this has been your whole life, this cause, this war.”
He looked out into the distance and I didn't need to ask to know that he is thinking about Truth. 
My first five older brothers went into business and farming like good dutiful sons, while Truth, Libe and I went a different direction, since the time we were teenagers. 
This was all we knew, all we wanted to know. 
“If only he were here,” I blurted out, breathing deeply so I wouldn’t fall apart. 
“He would tell you to go get your barber and and put him in front of a firing squad.”
I punched him in the arm.
“What the hell?”
“It’s true, remember when he would drag us out of bed just to cut our hair. I swear he was training or something.”
I howled out a laugh. That was Truth, acting more like a father than a brother.
“I’m serious though, stop acting like this is a punishment and you’re in some sort of prison.”
“But it is," I whined unseemingly.
“That woman is hard as nails, and if she wanted to pucnish you you wouldn't be alive and breathing, with all your body parts intact in this nice house that you're not paying rent in.” He had a point, unfortunately.  I was lucky to get off with what I did, with just a slap on the wrist. 
I was lucky that she was in good mood after having the Republic's independance acknowledged. 
I was lucky that she and Aria were on such better terms now. 
I had always been conditioned to accept horror and when there was a reprieve I was ready for it to burst. It would eventually, but something I could do was try to  live as best as I could until then. Be as good in peace as I was in war. 
I clapped a hand on Libe’s shoulder. 
“Notwithstanding the hair comment, thank you.”
“Someone has to make you don’t spend all your ime brooding. People will think it’s the hallmark of your personality.”
I rolled my eyes.
“I am not broody.”
“Keep telling yourself that bro,” he got up and then went straight into the kitchen to inspect the shelves. 
“David Obiakra Soro, have you forgotten how to season food!”
I chuckled and got up to meet the Liberty's ire and ready to see what life held away from the knife edge. 
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familiaanteomnia · 4 years
Since it keeps coming up-
Clary really likes fire, even if it’s canon with her memories/kind of bittersweet what happened to the apartment. But we’re talking if it’s flammable Clary has probably taken a look at the warning label and gone ‘hmmm but how does it burn’. 
She likes putting paint thinner on sidewalk and setting it on fire. Which the art it can make even if depending easy to wash away. Makes both her love for art and adoration for fire nicely satisfied. 
As such her old room was usually coated in both art supplies and artwork. Plus candles. Which more than once her mother was like ‘do you realize paint thinner is right by like 4 candles and a lighter?’ to which Clary would have to rearrange everything to safer means. 
If it’s a verse where she stays a shadowhunter/is more settled in. Probably keeps it rather impersonal as doesn’t seem hers. Yet does set up an easel, obtain a few candles and scatter crumpled sketches,etc. 
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manna-the-artist · 4 years
Day 7 - Dear husband
Ooops, almost forgot Day 7 xD (*chough* already Sunday here *cough*) @gentapprentices​
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After the whole “Almost-plague-again"-fiasko Fynn and Asra spend the first few months in Vesuvia to recover from everything and spend time with their friends and family. Especially Asra had a lot of catching up to do. Fynn stayed in the background for a bit but Asra quickly put an end to that. (”What, you think when I have my parents back you’d had to leave out?”). So yeah, “Meeting the parents” (properly) was quite exiting.
The months after that, Fynn and Asra went for a little travel toghether with Nadia to visit Pakra. Portia was with them, so naturally Julian followed. And with him Kamael. The impromto engagement between Julian and Kamael surprised few, the one between Fynn and Asra even fewer people.
The honeymoon...travelling and relaxing of course. But in the end, they always ended up in Vesuvia.
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dnds · 7 years
im back and more depressed than ever
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gobblepotstew · 6 years
Ok! We started off with the gcpd packing heavy for a "impromto" unification.
Then Jim and Lee argue. Nothing new. They love each other.
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oswednesday · 5 years
before i go to bed, like i Want the job im sure itll be nice and i “need” the money and i know i have avpd and all my senses were on high alert but i felt really like de-humanized by that circulations manager like she wasnt brought up in the email exchange prior--i didnt even have contact info to forward a follow up to, and her body language was like weird hostile like that aside also like the impromto paper test and then where i had to physically move books about in my meeting the hiring managers outfit and not being up front about it, and them being like just making sure you know numbers and letters in order like,,,,,,duh hello? it wasnt even like a test about dewy decimal knowledge or conventional book organization, she also got like real close into my space  and didnt bother to at least see me to the elevator or have another coworker come in to check the results like what was the purpose of all that? the nerve of it all, so i wont be entirely heart broken if i dont get it cause shed be my boss and she was giving off some weird vibes
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chcsingdrecms · 6 years
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vincent used to take dance class lessons; from childhood until he left for collage. the only reason he stopped was because it’d been at his parents’ urging and he’d left home, no longer seeing a reason to stick to the past time now that the reason why wasn’t the people he lived with. he still dances, mostly to amuse himself, and it’s something that shows in his every movements, he’s too fluid and graceful and most people can tell it about him right off the bat. he’s dragged artemus into several impromto dance lessons when they were in collage and happened to be drunk. hell, there were even times the two of them had had too much to drink and spent most of the night laughing and trying to coherently dance to what vincent could remember from all those years of classes and drinking more until exhaustion and liquor got them to fall asleep for the night.
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