#in a phenominal way
horror-aesthete · 2 years
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Hellraiser, 2022, dir. David Bruckner
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rainbowpairofdice · 2 months
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San Juan, PR (05.05.24) 🇵🇷✨
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freakinflipflop · 2 years
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My absolute favorite Mario movie trailer comment. Where else are you going to see this
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carebooks · 10 months
the witcher seasons 1-3:
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the witcher season 4:
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meowchela · 3 months
🌙- what is your f/o doing late at night when they can’t sleep?
delilah is a CERTIFIED SLEEPYHEAD so she doesn't have this problem. due to her powers, she falls and stays asleep very easily....however, actually getting rest is another story, because using her dream powers takes up a lot of energy. this makes her nap during the day in order to get that energy back properly!!! so she'd probably meet up with me the next morning and we'd both me tired, me from not sleeping because i'm more of an insomniac between the two of us and her from sleeping but not getting any rest XD
as for sarv? she has a lot more skeletons in her closet that would keep her up. certain regrets and irreversible choices, past actions that haunt her, even things she's been forgiven for that she just can't let go of. being alive for centuries will do that to you, and being former leader of the underworld doubly so......especially since she's tried so hard to distance herself from that life. usually she sleeps pretty well but i can definitely see there being times where it all catches up with her again and she has to take a night to just ponder everything. most of the time she'll have ruv by her side to be a silent comfort/to talk things out with him since he was either there for it or has seen her at a point where he'd understand but on nights where i stay over i'm sure she'd just want to cuddle me close like a teddy bear and try to ignore it all. like with ruv she can let her feelings out more freely because he's seen her at her worst and understands where she's coming from, but she sees me as a fresh start and wouldn't want me to see the uglier sides of herself that she's been distancing herself from for centuries now. of course i would love her no matter what, but to her it's an oppurtunity she doesn't want to mess up, yknow? so if we spend the night together we'd probably stay up doing fun or relaxing things to get both of our minds off of the late night demons we both have to face
from this prompt list!
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worldend · 5 months
people bitching abt margot robbie not being nominated for the oscars for the barbie movie and saying its becuz the movie was feminist and its becuz shes a woman and whatever whatever. but nobody is talking about ppl like lily gladstone at all and how shes the first native american woman to be nominated for best actress in the oscars and also for her win on the golden globes and multiple other actresses and women of color also winning awards in all of these events. is it only anti feminist when its about white women?
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lucifer-kane · 6 months
I don't like. Go Here, for the Alan Wake games or anything but ohhhh my god. The musical sections in the second game (as well as other games made by the same people) go so hard. It's such an interesting way to format a level. Not only do the songs fuck so hard but god just. The visual design is sick as hell.
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twizzta · 1 year
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Come With Me Into A Land Of Spectacular Wonder..
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swagging-back-to · 8 months
i love this new game that came out only bc of that one guy everyone goes crazy about. i dont actually like the guy and i havent seen anything about the game besides a few memes and a few va lines.
the fact people really be out here getting wet over this guy is INSANE to me
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thefluxqueen · 1 year
yall arent ready for cal n nap’s ava fic i swear
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this-should-do · 2 years
i have never been more tempted to break my internet safety training and post a selfie cuz i look fucking great today
my fits serving barney calhoun today too, got a wonderful blue shirt (its plaid too, prob my fav shirt, i call it my gender shirt cuz it really good like dat) sum nice dark jeans, and my beloved black boots
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metallicaislife · 7 months
Meet and Greet
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Requested by: Anon
Word Count: 1,536
Genre: 18+ Smut minors dni
Warnings: protected sex, oral(f and m receiving), swearing
The sun beat down on me as I waited in line. As soon as I heard Metallica was coming to my city, you bet I snatched a ticket so fast, and paid extra for the meet and greet. It didn’t matter that none of my friends were interested in the band, nothing was going to stop me from coming even if it meant I was going alone. 
I was surprised that I got there before the band did. I watched as their bus pulled up, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of the door as it opened. The first member off of the bus was Kirk, he has been my favorite since I got into the band. He’s geeky, and proud of it, he just seems like the sweetest guy. His looks take my breath away, seeing him in person is so much better than the glimpses I've gotten on the television. His mop of curly dark hair, and deep brown eyes. Perfect. 
Our eyes met as he walked past, and he smiled. Kirk fucking Hammett perceived me with his eyeballs and smiled. I could die right now and still be the happiest woman alive. 
The rest of the guys walked past and waved saying hi to their fans. I was still on cloud nine just thinking about the smile from Kirk. 
Not long after they got there, the line started moving and the meet and greet began. When it was my turn for the one on ones, I talked to Cliff first, he was really kind, even though I could see he would rather meet fans in the wild instead of this sort of setting, but now they were blowing up and not playing small venues, that is a bit harder, so I’m grateful they are doing this meet and greet. Lars was next, and he was super funny. He talked my ear off about how excited he was for this tour and thanked me for coming. James had to tell him to shut his trap so the line could keep going, which brought me to James, super sweet guy. Like Cliff, this wasn’t his jam, maybe if it was the fan just talking to the whole group instead of the one on one, he would flourish a little more, he was delightful to chat with though. Kirk was last in line, I could feel my heartbeat picking up, just like out in line our eyes met and he smiled at me. 
“Hey, I’m Kirk.” He said, giving me a small wave. I introduced myself and mirrored his wave. He let out a soft chuckle. 
“Thanks for coming out, we really appreciate our fans, we wouldn’t be where we are without you all.” He said. 
“No, thank you for sharing your talent with us, my life wouldn’t be the same without your insane guitar riffs.” I complimented him. His grin widened.
“You’re too kind, and cute too. I don’t know if my heart can handle such compliments from a woman like you.” He winked. I could feel my cheeks heating up. “I don’t do this often, and believe me that isn’t a line, but here,” He said and reached in his back pocket and sneakily handed me a pass. “Our time is short here, but meet me backstage after the show.” He finished. In utter shock, I pocketed the pass and nodded. 
“Will do, Mr. Hammett.” I said, starting to feel more confident. Kirk smirked at me and we parted ways. 
Okay, keep it together. Yes, I just had my main character moment but I had to keep my head on planet earth. After the show could go many ways, but the most likely scenario had me clenching my thighs at the thought. 
Preoccupied with my thoughts, time passed fast, before I knew it, the show started. I was at the barricade on Kirk’s side. I know I already said it, but the tv screen does not do that man justice. He was so sexy on stage, lost in his playing. He kept looking my way and would smirk as I screamed along to the music. 
Needless to say the show was abso-fucking-lutely phenominal and I knew right then and there any time they come to play I would be purchasing a ticket. 
When the show finished, I confidently made my way backstage. Well, I was confident until I passed security and had no earthly idea where to go. I must have looked like a lost puppy as I stood awkwardly unsure if I should just start knocking on doors, because no way in hell would I give up whatever opportunity I was given by Kirk. 
“Hey, you’re the girl from the meet and greet.” A voice called out. I turned around and was met with Cliff, who had a smirk gracing his lips.
“Uh, yeah, I am.” I replied. 
“Loverboy’s dressing room is that one over there.” He said and pointed to the only door off to the side. 
“Thank you, Cliff.” I said, he nodded and moseyed off to his own dressing room. 
I made my way to Kirk’s dressing room and knocked. He poked his head out soon after, and smiled when he saw me. 
“Come on in.” He said opening the door wider. My eyes widened slightly seeing he was sweaty and shirtless already. I entered and he shut the door behind me. 
“You played really well tonight.” I told him. 
“Again, the prettiest woman with the compliments, I don’t know if my heart can handle it.” He said, placing his hand over his heart. I giggled. “Can I get you some water or beer?” He asked. 
“I’m fine, thanks.” I said. I wrung my hands together, the confidence leaving my body unsure of where this encounter would take us. I mean, I know what I wanted, but if I read the situation wrong I would absolutely die of embarrassment. Kirk noticed my hands and reached out stilling them. 
“Hey, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I just thought you were gorgeous, and had good vibes.” He said reassuringly. 
“Oh I definitely want to, unless you don’t want to, I just wanted to make sure I read the situation right.” I said. Kirk chuckled.
“I definitely want to.” He replied. 
“So it would be okay if I kissed you?” I asked softly.
“More than okay.” He whispered back.
I closed my eyes, our lips met softly as we wrapped our arms around one another. The kiss grew heated as he backed me into the couch and helped me lay down. He kissed my neck and left a mark. All reservations were gone as my hands wandered his body. He undressed me. My back arched as he I found his tongue to be just as skilled as his fingers. 
“Oh my god, Kirk…” I moaned out. I gripped his hair tightly and he hummed against my pussy. He used two fingers to bring me over the edge. My voice already hoarse from the concert. As I came down from my orgasm I noticed his boxers were removed. He stood next to my head and I positioned myself so I could take his dick in my mouth. I darted my tongue out liking the tip before letting him slide into my mouth. I hollowed out my cheeks as he began thrusting softly. Tears entered my eyes as he repeatedly hit the back of my throat. He picked up the pace and had his hand in my hair as he helped me meet his thrusts. I could feel him getting closer to his high. He stopped and pulled out of my mouth, he found a condom and rolled it on before climbing back on top of me. His lips found mine in a deep kiss as he sunk into me. His pace was relentless. He broke the kiss as my head fell back, I let out a hoarse scream. He bit my neck softly as his hand found my clit. He rubbed me as he continued rutting into me. I came a second time, the pleasure hazing my vision. Kirk came soon after and buried his forehead on my shoulder. 
“Fuck that was so good.” Kirk muttered. 
After we cooled down, He helped me clean up and we got dressed. 
“I probably ought to head out.” I said after gathering my things. 
“I wasn’t kidding earlier when I said I don’t do this often, I know I’m in the middle of tour, but I want to see you again.” Kirk smiled at me.
“I would like that too.” I smiled back. 
Kirk and I exchanged numbers and he walked me out to my car that was in the nearly empty lot. Kirk kissed me, and waved goodbye as I drove off. 
Not only did I get to meet my favorite band, see them perform and have mind blowing sex with my celebrity crush… He wanted to see me again. Even if we don’t, I won’t kid myself, we live very different lives- I’ll be content knowing for one night I took the breath away from the man who has consistently stolen my breath since I saw his first interview.
Thank you for reading! :)
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maythearo · 2 months
okay so I just backread the entire twst x mh AU you made and first off O U G H!!!! THEY'RE SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!! All of the designs you made are absolutely phenominal, Deuce and Ace are so silly and funky and I want to throw them around like squeaky toys
and second, since there's been a bunch of Yuu Thoughts being thrown around I thought why not, let's throw my own hat into that ring: what if Yuu's kinda like. Danny Phantom. They were a regular human but then Died But Got Better Sorta, and now they kinda exist in a way that really shouldn't work yet somehow does. Idia takes one look at them and just Squints but is too socially anxious to actually approach them about it
And what if Idia was supposed to be the one to take Yuu's soul to the afterlife or whatever place they're supposed to go but he forgot/did a terrible job and now everytime they cross paths on the hallways he's a ball of nerves because no one can hear about this, ever. He'll be disowned from the family business or something! (He probably won't) He'd look at Yuu and think, every single time "right I'm supposed to do something about this asap" but never does. The cycle repeats the next day.
On the other hand, it would be funny if Yuu was a lost soul and be followed around by other students related to this theme of afterlife such as Ace and Vil (unexpected duo), like
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sgiandubh · 6 months
The Snowman connection
@luhafraser took the snowman episode one block further, mentioning Raymond Briggs' children classic book with excellent reason (https://www.tumblr.com/luhafraser/738152443146338305/the-snowman-at-cawdermill-house?source=share).
But there is more. There is always more, in S&C world, because this book, narrating the unlikely friendship and travel adventures between a stripe-pyjamaed boy named James and The Snowman, was turned into a hugely successful animation movie, in 1982. I am sure both S and C know by heart this wonderful song (always Peter Auty's version, not dreadful Aled Jones, by the way - the youtube poster is totally right!):
Because this song was an enormous hit (and with good reason, mind you) in the UK, the Scottish soft drinks brand Irn-Bru turned it into a very successful, gently derisive Christmas ad campaign, circa 2007 and in the following years.
S referenced it twice, on Twitter.
In 2015, tagging C (and Grant O'Rourke, for full transparency) - his response to her Tayto banter, I suppose.
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... referencing this 2007 ad:
#phenominal, indeed. Heh.
And in 2018...
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... for the (much-awaited?) sequel:
That second time, he didn't tag C, anymore: EFH had happened, after all. But I am ready to bet the farm it remained important to them, somehow.
It's not about that soft drink. Forgive the blasphemy, but I pushed the devotion up to buying it from the British wares stockist of our neighborhood, a week ago, and I have to say I was underwhelmed. You simply pray for remaining teeth after the first gulp - it's THAT sickeningly sweet. Must be an acquired taste, or something.
But it is about that song. On a personal note, I discovered it very, very late, circa 1998. But I always made sure to have it in my Discman, every time I was coming back to Paris, after the Christmas holidays. And to me, this song will always mean standing near a luggage belt at the Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport. And praying for all my bags to make it safe and sound, with all those scandalous goodies from home.
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taeyongslaptop · 2 months
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Weather you're a Nctzen or just a lover of kpop , HELLO!
I usually don't type too much when I post because there is no need too. But , I will this time. If you like my post's or follow me or reblog me , it could be for a couple of things. Either you are a die hard Nctzen ( like myself ) , Just love kpop in general , or the MOST IMPORTANT ... 이태용 better known as Lee Tae-yong has inspired you , saved your life , cured you with his music somehow or just made you happy on your saddest days.
Taeyong has done all of that for me. Including saving me from some of the most darkest times that I have exsperienced in my life. Taeyong has been my light for years now.He has dug me out of holes that I never though were possible to escape. And for that , I will be forever greatdful until the day I no longer walk on this earth.
I have spent countless hours crying and depressed that he has had to leave us for awhile. But , his manly duty to his country calls and I have tried hard to understand that. I knew sometime it was going to happen and I always dreaded it. I am the type of person who always thinks negative most of the time.e So , thinking of something happening to him whilst he is away on duty has drove me up the damn wall.
But this week once again , he has made me proud , feel safe and sound and content with his situation. Because , not only is he a freaking phenominal leader to his brothers and to us , he now will be the leader of his platoon! I can't express how happy this has made me. It made me feel that everything is okay. Not only is he doing his duty to his country , but of course he ended up being a platoon leader!
This is what he does. He takes the best of the worst situations and makes it into something of an amazing exsperience for everyong. Including us back home supporting him. I know feel more content then ever knowing he is a platoon leader. Because with Taeyong leading , nothing could ever go wrong. Now , I am no longer crying worrying about him while he is doing his duty. He has it under control and this was his way of letting us know that!
Thank youso much Lee Taeyong for being that light for me and im sure millions of other people. I love you , with all of my heart always and forever! Continue to be safe , in good health and LEAD!
Taeyong comes home Dec. 14th 2025 // Just in time for Christmas!
Counting down the days until Taeyong is home: 597
Our Nct L E A D E R & our PLATOON LEADER !!
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kaleberryshake · 8 months
Pd Season 2 Episode 40 spoilers
Okay, listen. I know William teasing asking Vynce out in this episode was just that-- teasing-- but also, I honestly don't mind this will-they-won't-they. Personally, I love slow burns, and I honestly don't think there was any time in seasons 1-2 where they would've worked as a healthy, functioning couple. There was so much character development needed in both William and Vyncent that I would much rather wait until their relationship lines up at the right time.
We are at a point, with the turn into season 3, where William is more confident in himself and more solid. William was very fickle and freaked out by everything before, running away from every problem and never confronting them. He got easily jealous because of his insecurity, and I think this could've caused a lot of tension in their relationship. I love William, don't get me wrong, but he wouldn't have been the best boyfriend. He was constantly jealous and anxious. Also, the whole Bell Tech incident might've been much worse had they been dating because their feelings would've been much more intense. I do not want to imagine that :)
I also think Vyncent does need that time for character development that Condi is giving him in season 3. All of Vyncent's life, he has been relying on other people. While that's not a bad thing, he hasn't had much time to be independant and discover himself within the world of Prime. For example, once he got to Prime, he had all of these otherworldly DND heroes in his brain, and once they left, all of his time was dedicated to finding Ash, defeating demons, and protecting his friends. I think allowing Vyncent room for this growth is a really smart play. We've seen a lot of William's romantic feelings for Vyncent, but not much the other way, so I think that this is a great time for the exploration if they do include that.
Either way, I trust the boys to resolve it well. I love PD, and I think they play phenominally. I can't wait for the next season!
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