#in a you’re dangerously close to thinking about these acts in an irl context and at some point this pixels will stop being pixels
5qu1dink · 1 year
i hate seeing proshippers have the best takes and image sets like NO i’m not gonna reblog from you bc i Hate You and everything you stand for but goddddddddd.
i hate censorship too which is whyyyyyyyyy i can say i want you dead
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loquaciousquark · 3 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E125 (Feb. 16, 2021)
Goooood evening good evening good evening, all! I hope you’re all staying warm and safe and dry in this chilly weather. Tonight’s guests: Travis Willingham and Laura Bailey. 
We open tonight with Travis ribbing Brian for his continuous remodel of his office space. Laura demands a second introduction of herself as she wasn’t paying attention during the first one.
Travis: “You’ve gotta love Julianne Moore. She’s the only actress who can cry and show you all her teeth at the same time.” I was listening pretty closely when he said this and I’m still not sure it had any context. 
Jester thinks there’s a strong possibility at least half the party will die against the Tombtakers. Fjord doesn’t think the odds are quite that high, but it will be dangerous. Laura points out that most of the M9 are also willing to sacrifice themselves for the rest of the party, so that changes their odds as well. Travis: “The game is not a stress reliever. It is not a stress reliever. I mean, it’s fun as shit, but it is stressful!”
Laura thinks Essek will give them a better chance. Travis: “A plus-one? A powerful plus-one, but a plus-one?” Did you see his reaction when we gave him the lowdown? Let’s be real: we kinda trust Essek. I got $50 that when we come back, he’s gone.” Laura is convinced he is trustworthy & wants to lighten his soul.
Jester spent so much time trying to bring out the Molly side of Lucien that to have him then betray them sucked. She knew that trying to bring the good out of everyone they met would eventually fail, but it stung that it was the most powerful one they encountered to first betray them.
She tries to talk about finger gestures during the answer as a reference to the HBO show “Raised by Wolves,” and Brian and Travis tell her to keep digging this hole she gets herself into about fingering. Travis: “Just get off the interstate at the next exit and turn right.” Laura, of course, immediately mimes turning a hard left, and they spent the next few minutes laughing at her inability to tell right from left and that even now she still has to hold up her hands to tell left from right.
Fjord is furious that they nicked the Bag of Holding. The loss of Vess DeRogna is bad enough, but he is genuinely IRL anxious about the loss of the Cloven Crystal. Laura points out that Fjord has also explicitly talked to Lucien about the deep sea creature patron he used to follow as well. He’s terrified one of Lucien’s scimitars is suddenly going to have a big eye sticking out of it. Laura suggests they’ll just succeed, bring back the city, and wake up Uk’otoa for the heck of it.
It was really rough to go from the Gelidon fight to the Tombtaker fight, especially since the first fight sent so well. Travis felt great that he initiated the dragon fight - he knew they had a far advantage in the numbers and felt that it was an open and shut case.
Laura does boggle that if Caleb hadn’t asked for that item from the Bag of Holding, they might have slept all night before realizing it was gone. They’re both relieved that they now know so much more about how the Tombtakers fight, especially the anti-magic cone. The most anxiety-ridden part was when they were trying to run and the TTs weren’t letting them. “You know when you don’t even have squares, when Matt’s black-tableclothing it, you’re in deep shit.” Laura had no spells left - she was so worried if she dropped the polymorph she would have had nothing left.
Travis: “Thanks for healing me, babe.” Laura: “You’re welcome, baby. It was ultimately a waste, though, because we took a rest immediately and you could just spend your hit dice.” Everyone laughs at Travis’s pain. She does say it was worth it in the moment since they didn’t know if they would be able to get away.
They joke that Laura’s just wearing the Fire Resist ring on a chain around her neck/Sprinkle is wearing it now to keep it safe since she’s not attuned to it anymore. It’s pretty hilarious!
Travis hoped that the TTs were originally actively looking for more acolytes rather than just having Caleb & Beau read the book. Otis needs to die. He’s relieved they have an idea of what all their blood rites do. Laura thought the time with them was fun, but it makes her retroactively wish that she’d dropped Zoran in the lava when they had the chance. Travis wishes they’d put a chime on the door of the tower.
Laura loved the tarot card reading, since Taliesin sent her really detailed breakdowns of the cards & gave her a real deck for Christmas. Taliesin told her she did a great job afterwards which she really appreciated, since she’s not sure what she’s doing. She does wish that she knew why Lucien seemed so nervous when she was talking about rebirth.
Cosplay of the Week! @clever_comics on twitter with a lovely Veth in her snowy lavender-colored outfit and pigtails.
Travis on confessing to Jester: “It FUCKING made me crazy!” He’s never been an instigator of campaign romances in the past, but because he loves Laura and was able to connect to her on that level he felt like it was a good challenge instead. He doesn’t think he could have done it with someone he wasn’t comfortable with. It was also important to him for it to be founded on real-game moments and after real-game time had passed, and he felt it was a very natural progression. Seeing the statues rip five years from her in such a benign situation made him realize that to let the opportunity pass wouldn’t have been worth it. He wishes he’d told Vandran what he meant to Fjord as well.
Laura loves that Fjord is becoming more confident as well. The post-Gelidon smooch took Laura completely by surprise since she’s finding Jester is a little surprisingly awkward with IRL affection, and she was surprised Fjord was the confident one there. “It’s so wonderful. It’s a matter of finding a way to get comfortable with it with her away from the Tombtakers.” Travis thought it was important to continue the “go for it” mantra. He notes that he’s pretty private about his personal life IRL, so it’s been a bit of a shift. It’s slower in a way - not a “you’re my one true love” kind of thing, more of a “let’s see where this goes and act on what you can” thing.
They were all “poopin’ in their pants” to get to go to Emon. The worst part was not getting to explore outside the tower since they had to leave again immediately. Kima is so cool, and Travis was actively trying to get Kima to come with them. Everyone boggles that they got to borrow Allura’s staff.
Laura only was thinking about the item-tuned-to-the-target-plane because she’d been texting with Liam trying to iron out their spell choices. She’s so relieved that they were able to get something tuned to the Sea from Allura.
For the most part, Laura knows what spells are the most useful for Jester, but every now and then she does get caught by major component requirements that she hadn’t noted. She wants to get another chalice for Hero’s Feast before they go into the Sea.
Dani points out that a lot of their allies right now are mages (no Kashaws, no Kimas, no Grogs) and they’re heading to a bad place for mages.
Travis has a sudden brain wave about all the TTs being from the Claret Order and wonders if they should investigate that before they pursue. I don’t even remember what that order is and I feel terrible!
Fanart of the Week! It’s a beautiful card by @crovyne on twitter of the Cree counterspell.
Laura really wants Brian to shave the sides of his hair and do Viking braids in the rest. I didn’t want to say anything out loud, but Brian’s hair is really looking pretty...pandemicky.
This is Dani’s four-year-anniversary of her start for Critical Role! Awww, Dani! You’re so short in real life.
Fjord is stoked that the Star Razor is a Vestige, and more now that he knows in-character what that means. It was great to see Allura react the way she did.
Jester doesn’t think they can really go to Nicodranas - they don’t have anymore time. Even more, Jester’s avoiding going home because she doesn’t want the Ruby to see that she got aged up/hurt on her travels.
Travis honestly assumes that the TTs are spying on them 100% of the time now.
Does Jester feel better now that the crest is away from Lucien? Yes, even though it’s gone off course. She thought dropping the crest where they were was a HORRIBLE idea and was appalled so many people were suggesting it. She saw the city with her own eyes, knows the danger of what’s coming, and if they had dropped it in flight she would have dropped with it and defended it as long as she could if that’s what would have kept them from getting it.
Travis thinks that if they can negotiate with Lucien, they should try. Everyone is super worried about Caleb’s and Beau’s new eyes and are fully anticipating they’re on a clock at this point. They wonder if it’ll drive up their exhaustion, allow Lucien to force them to fight against them, maybe make them willing slaves to the mysterious voice...they need to solve it sooner rather than later. 
And that’s all for tonight! New episode this Thursday - usual time, usual place. Stay warm, friends, and is it Thursday yet?
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America & Libi
America: What.the.fuck 🤯😷
Libi: ???
America: that’s not acting
America: it’s his real 😍💖🐱💫 behaviour
Libi: nooooooo 😅
Libi: it is a wee bit cringe how he has to gaze into my eyes like that
America: & it’ll take more than Mr Mullan yelling cut to get his 👅💦 out of your mouth, ear or anywhere else he can get away with putting it if you don’t tell him it’s meant to be fake
Libi: You don’t really think that, do you?
Libi: I don’t even know how to start that conversation if I need to, yikes 😬
America: I know, me & everyone else watching him eye fuck you for the full scene
Libi: oh no
Libi: I don’t know what to feel about that
Libi: no wonder your sister looked even more mad at me than usual
America: 🎊🎉 if it means she stops liking him now
Libi: Undoubtedly more of a reason to hate me more if she thinks I’m like, encouraging him
Libi: which I’m not, btw
Libi: How do I tell him to not without making him a bad actor
Libi: or have him think I’m being 😍💖 by implying he is, ahh!
America: His shite acting isn’t your problem, he’s got an understudy too
America: & telling him to back off doesn’t have to sound flirty, remind him how old you are, my sister couldn’t stop pointing out the fuckedness of the age gap so she can’t hate you for doing that either
Libi: I don’t wanna sound like I’m accusing him of anything though
Libi: that could get too serious too fast
America: Lads make us feel uncomfortable to say or do things all the time & they’re not beating themselves up about it
Libi: Yeah, you’re right
Libi: but they probably don’t have to then go on and act with them without everyone wishing the guns were real
Libi: probably
Libi: but there’s 0 chance he’s quitting or Mr Mullan will kick him, that’s as true
America: there’s 0 chance he’s heard a genuine no in this context before, if you do it 🔫💥💖🔪🩸 he might quit
Libi: I’ll talk to him 1 x 1 first
Libi: deserved or not, I don’t wanna go in full guns blazing about it
America: At least consider letting Chi overhear you, calm her down a little
Libi: No offence but your sister is probably the least of my worries if EVERYONE saw and thought the same thing
Libi: she already doesn’t think highly of me
America: She was the least of your worries when she thought Jake saw you as a dumb 2nd year, she’ll move up the list now you’ve moved up his rankings
Libi: Why does she even like him?
Libi: beyond the superficial, which it clearly is
America: He can give her back some of what she’s lost now the parties are over & somewhere to put her energy that’s feeling wasted on mam & daddy Gaz
America: cos of the superficial she’s decided he’s worthy enough of it & won’t make a holy show of her
Libi: I don’t know why I asked really
Libi: like there’d be something to do or whatever
Libi: she isn’t the only person to ever waste her time and energy though so, no judgment, I guess?
America: She’d be wasting her time & energy if she was hopelessly 😍💖 cos he looks like [indie heartthrob] & can play maybe half of his songs in tune but she’s smarter than that, smart enough to know what he’s like & what he’s good for
Libi: It’s all still beyond me
America: 😂 You’ve had better role-models
Libi: You can say sheltered
America: I don’t know you well enough to put what you’ve been through or not into different 🔴⬜️🔷
Libi: It’s cool, dumb 2nd year isn’t a million miles away
America: Chi wouldn’t feel so threatened by you if you were just a dumb 2nd year
Libi: I’ll do my best to convince her
Libi: that isn’t going to rid her issue with Bobby but nothing has
Libi: who knew this casting would cause so much drama?
Libi: not Mullan, obviously
America: Or leave the lying to me, a seasoned pro
America: Mr Mullan knew what he was doing too, he’s in a dating slump & needed the 🎇🎆
America: I offered to 🌶🌶🌶 up his profiles but that was obviously more risk or reward than he was looking for
Libi: That’s dangerously close to a teen drama style teacher who does the most unprofessional things purely to further the plot
Libi: Not cool IRL, Sir
America: Why I always fake a note for PE, she’s super intense
Libi: [Tell her about JJ sports cupboard gate like LOL yeah she is]
America: 🤯 that was them!
America: I've tried to get Sean to meet me there when he has PE but he says the lads have it wayyyy worse
America: 👌 I know that drawing out maps is 0 punishment compared to like, doing extra runs or washing the teachers balls but Bobby, Louie or Jake would meet you 😂
Libi: I’ve never heard their PE teacher speak at a normal volume he’s always shouting
Libi: I see the 😱
Libi: Bobby would but only because he’d think I was in danger… somehow
Libi: Louie isn’t as… 😍💖🐱💫 as Jake though, is he?
Libi: He seems quite nice to me
America: Bobby 👉 best friend
America: Louie 👉 just friends unless…
America: Jake 👉 destroyed by being put in the friendzone
Libi: I think you’re taking a leaf out of Mr Mullan’s book
Libi: The 💘 is purely fictional
America: If that’s how you want it, Louie’ll stop at non-fictional 🤤 in between scenes
America: 👅💦 staying in his own mouth unless you or Mr Mullan insist
America: he’s not Jake, like you said
Libi: 😂 Omg don’t
Libi: now I won’t be able to do any scenes with anyone without being all 😨😓🤔
America: 😶
Libi: Do you think I can come down with a sudden case of stage fright?
Libi: Can’t exactly fake a note for an out of school hours activity 😏
America: If you hand your role to my sister I’ll come down with genuine 🤮 from watching them perfect their stage 😍💖 on & off it
Libi: Good point
Libi: She’s done literally nothing to deserve that
Libi: I won’t really
Libi: It’s just
America: you’ve gone from 0-1000 where lads are concerned, it’s understandable that you wanna stop the 🎢 & go
America: Lucie allegedly did sign up to the play for 😍💖🍆💫 but the rest of us not so much
Libi: When we do the kiss, it’ll be my first one
Libi: Proper one, not being a kid
America: We could easily arrange you getting kissed before Jake or Louie do the honours
Libi: But who else?
Libi: At the risk of sounding Lucie about it…
Libi: I don’t like anyone so it may as well be fake, right?
Libi: It’s nbd
America: At the risk of sounding like Jake when he thinks he’s doing something cool by playing 😈 advocate for no fucking reason…
America: you don’t sound sure about it being nbd
Libi: Heh, it’s like
Libi: doing stage kisses isn’t, you know?
Libi: but when I think of it as a first, then that does matter a bit
Libi: but that’s stupid, it’s just an arbitrary thing, if I don’t want it to count then it doesn’t, so
Libi: Sorry, this is literally such a non-issue 😬🙄🥴
America: It’s refreshing to have something lowkey to talk about
America: Gary insists on pushing every little thing to crisis point & you know what my sister’s been like about the play 💥
Libi: I do get that
Libi: plenty of dramas to pick from in my family
Libi: it’s crappy when all people want to talk about is what you’re likely spending most of your time thinking about and wanting to not with the rest
America: [some kind of party deets]
America: We won’t be able to hear ourselves think or anyone talk there
Libi: Who’s the host? I don’t recognise the deets
America: You wouldn’t, she goes to [insert name of the nearest catholic school]
Libi: Oh, okay, cool
Libi: I’ll have to ask, obviously
America: let me know if it’s a no before I knock for you
America: don’t wanna get on the bad side of your grandda there’s too many perks to being allowed in your 🏡
America: & your nan already thinks I’m trouble
Libi: She doesn’t, she’s just like that with everyone
Libi: it was kinda her job for most her life so makes sense
America: It’s cool, I recognise the signs you don’t have to cover for her
America: & clearly she does too, trouble & in trouble 🚨
America: is she in touch with any of the people she used to work with who could throw Gary out?
Libi: If only it came with those kind of perks
Libi: He’s still being… himself, then?
America: 🤣 Yeah, you could say that
Libi: And your ma is still blind to it and 😍💖?
Libi: I’ll make sure I say pretty please when I ask about the party then
Libi: Bobby’s invited too, right?
America: She hasn’t stopped believing 🌞 shines out of every one of his holes
America: & ha! I don't know what to tell you about if that'll work or not when I'm literally the wrongest person to ask about asking permission
America: I took it for granted he’d be coming if you are, but obviously invite whoever you want, it’s that kind of party
Libi: It has to fade, everything does
Libi: I’ve got no idea if it’ll work either tbh but it seems like a good place to start 😅
Libi: The more the merrier, got it 🥳
America: Si’s diy tattoos already have & he started those when Chi’s parties stopped, Ciara’s looks like washed off biro
America: maybe don’t tell them I’ll be your 1st kiss if you seriously want to get it over with though 🤫
Libi: 😬 at least the regret will only last as long as the ink
Libi: Don’t tell my grandparents or don’t tell the boys? 🤔😏
America: If the lads don’t know what a bad influence I am, tonight isn’t gonna be the night to be reminded, they’ll be lucky to remember anything
Libi: Heh 😅
Libi: Things with Sean are going well though, yeah?
America: What’s he said?
Libi: Oh God, nothing
Libi: I should’ve phrased that more conversational less unintentional dig, my bad
America: 😐 I knew it
America: he’s uninvited, I’m not gonna be the next Michelle
Libi: I swear he’s said literally nothing
Libi: that was all me
America: He doesn’t have to, you told me going in that he split with her after if it got too serious too fast & his mam hasn’t stopped talking about that
Libi: Mums are just like that with boys
Libi: it isn’t coming from him, that’s what matters, right
America: what matters is not ignoring 🚨🚩
America: & I’ve made up my mind
Libi: To?
America: not pass on the party info to him
Libi: I mean, that’s up to you
America: Yeah & it’s up to him if he turns up anyway, I’m not the only source or saying he can’t
Libi: But maybe, if you want him to come, you should just tell him and not worry about how it could look or could be perceived
America: we’ve been spending loads of time together cos of the play
America: maybe if Mr Mullan wasn’t so trigger happy & had given me more than 1 scene shit could play out differently
America: 💖🔫
Libi: I’m surprised you didn’t get your sister’s role
Libi: not just for namesake reasons
Libi: she is funny, but I wouldn’t have assumed she’d be better suited, you know?
Libi: Suppose she’s known Mr Mullan longer
America: Is she funny or is she mean & people don’t want to realise she’s joking? 🤔🙄
America: Mr Mullan isn’t solely playing safe on the dating apps, I guess
America: I could call him out for not wanting to be on the receiving end of her ‘jokes’ & keep her as a favourite in case you don’t try out again or there’s no other surprise 2nd year star but if I blame him for anything it’s deciding I’m a liability in a bigger role
America: like I signed up with a 🔫 to my head! I wanna be here
Libi: I mean, I don’t think she’s funny IRL at all, but I’m not meant to because she’s definitely mean to me and mine
Libi: but in the role, I’m not going to be unnecessarily bitchy and pretend she’s bad 🤷‍♀️
Libi: That is rude, I don’t think anyone is that desperate to stage kiss and miss a couple of lessons, at best, obviously you want to be here
Libi: He should have a little faith, honestly
America: the script making her look good is on Ms Howe
America: I should've taken art, Mr Mullan's fantasy of what kind of teacher he is is wayyyy closer to her reality
America: though you'd probably have some suspicions I was as 😍💖🐱💫 for you as Jake & Louie are if we had any more shared lessons
Libi: She is a really good teacher, tbh
Libi: Well, I like her
Libi: She doesn’t force her vision onto us, and she basically lets us do what we want, as long as we can prove that there’s artistic merit and skill that goes into it so, yeah 😜👍
Libi: As I only have to kill not kiss you, that’s alright with me 😅
Libi: You could pick it for your senior options, get the fake blood out for old time’s sake
America: I don’t know, I’m sure I’d like her less when she refused to believe my da’s a famous artist
Libi: You’ve got a few years to perfect the lie
America: That’s true, ironically
Libi: 😏
Libi: It’s basically rehearsal, so Mullan can take that as proof of dedication
America: 👌 still won’t hold my breath for the end of year lead but if it means he’ll kiss & make up with me so I can stay dedicated to not being 😍💖🍆💫 over Sean 😜👍
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nat-20s · 5 years
Top 5 Breakdowns over David Tennant- any fandom/show/ play you've seen? I really liked the dw one you did, just hoping you could expand over/ include other things he's been in.
Oh anon you are QUITE the enabler thank you.
So this is like half actual breakdown list and half just like David Tennant recommendations in general because I love that funky little scot.
+1. This isn’t going on the official list because I already did the previous list you mentioned (i’m glad you liked it, btw!!!) but yeah. Doctor Who. He plays the doctor in a very fuckin uhh mercutial way (he plays a lot of characters that way and I am 100% enamored by it every fuckin time he just does it SO WELL AUGH) and like highs were so high and the lows were so low and he was so FURIOUS AND CRUEL but also so GENTLE AND KIND and like oof!! The multifacetedness bitch!!!! That’s what it’s all about babey!!!
5. Good omens. I mean, duh. There was no fucking way I was gonna survive good omens. Like, honestly, even without miss tennant I wouldn’t have survived it because HA HA HA HA H O L Y SHIT MY FAVORITE BOOK FOR THE LAST DECADE WAS GETTING AN ACTUAL SCREEN ADAPTATION I GENUINELY DID NOT THINK WE WOULD EVER BE HERE THIS SHIT IS LIT. but then but THEN it was like. The way that he portrayed crowley definitely fit into a particular niche that david tennant KILLS. Like god okay I could spend an whole fucking essay on this point so I’m gonna distill this down to just. THE moment that I was like “okay okay okay okay fuck I’m GOING THROUGH IT” was when his voice cracks as he tells aziraphale that he lost his best friend because like in context OOF and out of context I have been Pavlovian trained for the past decade to Utterly Lose My Shit when David Tennant is like this close to crying and he expresses that with his whole body THE ASSHOLE! LET ME REST. I THOUGHT I WAS OVER THIS MISTER!!
4. The Escape Artist. Lesser known (I think?), but a VERY GOOD miniseries! The tone is much darker, and he’s a much more serious character. Similar vibes, role wise, to broadchurch. I’m not sure how much rewatch value it has but watching it for the first time had me like MISSION STATUS: SICK!!!! It’s like a cat and mouse mystery and like. I’m not gonna go to in depth into the story because I think it’s more enjoyable to go into it not knowing much and too me it was one of those things that took like 3 hours to watch all of and a full week or two to like. Process. Also I’m not usually one for drama and I was ABOUT it so I would recommend!!!
3. JESSICA JONES (season 1). Holy FUCK dude. Definitely his darkest and most evil role, and the subject matter is VERY heavy and I definitely would NOT recommend it for everyone because it could be, how you say, triggering as fuck or even just because it is incredibly dark and that might not be your thing. Funnily enough, it’s DEFINITELY not my thing, personally, I tend to avoid narratives about sexual assault because so many of them are, uh, ya know, bad, but Jessica Jones season 1 really is done FANTASTICALLY! The David Tennant breakdown was just a level of cognitive dissonance because I had never seen him play like a VILLAIN villain. I mean, yeah, he was Barty Crouch Jr., but that was for like 30 seconds and while the dude was creepy there was a layer of campy over the topness that is present in most fun fantasy franchises. I remember when he was cast as the purple man me and my parents were like. Yeah he’ll obviously crush the role because he’s talented but in the back of our minds we’ll probably still be thinking of like the doctor and I wonder if we can fully accept him playing the role. Yeah there was fucking NONE OF THAT. When he played Purple Man I never ONCE thought of his other roles and I didn’t even, like, think of David Tennant, ya know. I was just like oh shit this man is evil and terrifying and I want him dead! Please die!!! And yes, I know that that’s how acting works or whatever but also ACTING ya know!!! Of any of the roles on this list this one definitely made me be the most like SHE HAS THE RANGE because I really think it highlights how INCREDIBLY GOOD at his job he is!!! I have not ever rewatched Jessica Jones season 1 though because while it is honestly like a triumph of television it is also A Lot to deal with and I am very rarely in the kind of mindset where I’m able to watch it. But yeah. David Tennant knows what the fuck he’s doing and it is very good.
2. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING BABEY. Literally I knew nothing about the play or why I should care but the promo material was like. Catherine Tate and David Tennant are costars again and I was like OKAY SIGN ME THE FUCK UP HELL YEAH HELL YEAH HELL YEAH. For real I think on screen chemistry Catherine Tate and David Tennant are one of if not just straight up my favorite duo of all time. They are just so DELIGHTFUL and ENCHANTING and BEWITCHING and basically I want them to costar in everything ever. @azirafeathers was like “sherlock holmes adaptation where she’s sherlock and he’s watson” and I haven’t stopped thinking about that since!!! I would give my left thumb or at least like a solid $60 to see that. Like PLEASE it would be PERFECT. I LOVE THEM. And god this production of much ado is definitely like. “Here’s Benedick and Beatrice. They’re two chaotic dumbass bisexuals that are like fives on the kinsey scale and they fall in love much to their surprise” and it’s TERRIFIC. That’s exactly what I like to see. Like it’s set in the 80s and the set design? The visual gags? The costumes? The soundtrack? THE PHYSICAL COMEDY? It all SLAPS. David Tennant really balances “fun and funky slut” and “utterly PINING idiot” so fucking well. I have said it before and I will say it again David Tennant peaks when Catherine Tate is being mean to him. Also really iconic to give him the role that is like the only man in the play that is (after a bit) CHUGGING his respect women juice. I mean LOOK at this utter buffoon.
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1. H A M L E T. So imagine that you’re 14 and it’s 3 am and you’re casually watching David Tennant’s hamlet on youtube or at least the parts they put up and you’re painting stars on your ceiling with glow in the dark paint and it makes you realize that you have an excess of black bile and a melancholic temperment and you’ll understand why, while this might not be my all time favorite david tennant role (though it definitely is high up on the list) , this is absolutely my number one David Tennant Related Breakdown. Hoo boy. This probably doesn’t come as a shock to literally anybody that knows me irl bc I Will Not shut up about Hamlet and it is this productions fault. Different people will respond differently too it, and I’m definitely 1000% biased because a: I love him and b: it was the first production I ever watched and it’s what got me On My Bullshit, but this production honestly makes me like. Get Hamlet. Or not get hamlet, personally, as a character, we’re never meant to fully understand him honestly, but it made me understand the ALLURE of the play. I watched it and I was like oh. Yeah. Okay. I can see why people have been obsessed with this for 400 years. I know why it’s considered one of the greatest roles and one of the greatest plays of all time. And I went absolutely feral for it. It solidified Horatio permanently as one of my all time favorite characters in anything ever. David Tennant has this tendency to put manic and desperate energy into the characters that he plays, and that of course works extremely well for hamlet. Plus, like, he plays characters that are drowning, that need the assistance and kindness of love to try and float, and even with that might not be able to keep their heads above water, and the characters that are opposite him are basically always wonderful. Because I am deeply deeply predictable, the core dynamic of Hamlet and Horatio’s relationship is probably like THE most appealing and interesting and important aspect of the play to me, and Peter de Jersey (who is absolutely INCREDIBLE in this production) and David Tennant pull it of breathtakingly beautifully. Every time I watch this I have to lie down for a while. Every time I THINK about this I have to lie down for awhile. So, yeah, number one David Tennant based breakdown is over his hamlet.
Honorable mentions
this gifset-I have not seen what this is actually from but it made me have a conniption. I’m in love with her. She’s my idealized self. I don’t know what to do with myself. I spent 5 hours looking at this now. What the fuck. 
The Decoy Bride- I didn’t have a breakdown over it BUT it is a recommendation. Very silly rom com, very much a comfort movie like music and lyrics or singing in the rain for me. Great for sleep overs or rainy sunday afternoons. 
Richard II- I haven’t seen it but based on one (1) clip and some stills I would be lost in the sauce for a week after a viewing. 
Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger- watch nativity 2 danger in the manger. 
Fright Night- jesus fucking CHRIST mister tennant went full slut
Casanova- Mister Tennant Goes Full Slut part 2- has blue colored contacts and it’s weird
9 notes · View notes
13x11 watching notes
I take back at least 5 of the recent snide comments about Sam's jacket. D:
... aaarghhh being non-US is a pain. For having to rely on downloads, anyway. Pretty much just that :P 
well it's nearly 5 but I have a download which started with a bunch of static over Donna recap I don't need, and then in to a vampire recap...
I love that it shows us Dean being a vampire, and the time he was turned, just because it really ought to be more of a thing, even as a lighthearted "I got turned into a vampire once but I'm fine" like idk in 12x16 trying to reassure Claire or something :P Well, no, but you know what I mean. Typical Dean!girl complaint that they don't spend enough time harping on all the various traumatic things he's been through, even if some of them are 1 episode MotW things which don't earn mytharc "remember this?" nods 7 seasons later.
That was a very short recap, scratchy bit I skipped aside.
Well this is a horrifying open :D Nice serial killer basement you got there. The same playing music while doing something horrific thing as Athena in Davy's last episode, but she was just being an undertaker doing her job, and this is clearly the baddie of the week at work, with his serial killer wall and leaving blood splatters on all his dirty horrifying equipment.
Still, you gotta have music while you work.
I can't prove anything withthis level of CBA but the truck stop looks like the one Sam got snatched from in 2x21, just because it's small and single story and all. It's probably been a bunch of other things knowing this show, like, idk, 4x01 and 10x03 and no one's ever added it all up :P
Other thoughts: it's "manny's" but the Y is out turning it into "MANN 'S" which means once again I'm just gonna say toxic masculinity may be the bad guy and it's not exactly subtle :P
If this is Donna's niece I love her already because of her bumper stickers - anti-guns and "think globally act locally"... the anti-gun sentiment is especially amusing because of the jokes about Donna's arsenal... There's a social responsibility to actually advocate AGAINST guns, but the entire monster hunter subculture is indistinguishable from weirdoes in the woods with a stockpile of weapons, as Victor pointed out for us back in season freakin 2. As local law enforcement it's more likely Donna would have access to and comfort with weapons and an ideal scenario is that people know about monsters in general and are equipped to fight them, that is, the law enforcement like Jody and Donna and other hunter-cops who actually can turn it into a part of their regular job, with the emotional responsibility less about crazy revenge missions because no one else will do it... But you know, that and an anti-gun sentiment completely undermine the show's entire set up, which is why this show has a bizarre second face of being equally favourite of republicans and democrats, because the take-it-into-your-own-hands and collect guns for legitimate self-defence scenarios super appeals to them.
IRL there are no monsters except the ones we make, is all I'll say >.>
But in the context of the show, and especially as she's gonna get kidnapped, the fact this world has different rules aka legitimate danger to personal safety from monsters, means the show's social conscience is always going to be skewed and conflicted, and the fact she's against guns is potentially not going to look good given her status as an innocent civilian who has no idea of the irony of her stance being undermined by the existence of monsters and her aunt's legitimate giant gun and flamethrower collection being a lifesaving boon >.>
Oh, gross, close ups on eating, making it look really horrific, with red tomato soup (blood) and slicing into a steak with a squelch (self-explanatory).
This is gonna be an arty, violent, gross episode, isn't it? :P Mental note to try and catch the director. Because with this voice over about psalms or something there's definitely a sort of ~mood~ being set.
Christ, the population of this diner is basically the cast of The Adventure Zone's latest thing (which is playing some cryptids in the woods Supernatural D&D knock off literally called "Monster of the Week" and I'm gonna keep recommending it :P) - anyways if you've seen the fanart I've been reblogging there's literally a character people are headcanoning to look almost exactly like this person with the curly hair. Minus the bunny rabbit.
I like the Aliens Are Watching Us guy as well. There was a conspiracy guy in 12x15 (also Davy) so I guess he's not done with this concept of people enjoying the wacky stories without realising they're a shade off, Ronald Resnik style. (Perez is possibly competing to be the new Edlund, if Yockey is taking after Robbie in tone... aka gently petting existing characters on the head while introducing amazing one offs)
Anyways definitely feeling the vibe of Would Not Go In This Place Unless Truly Desperate they want us to get :P
Okay the cashier is super creepy up close, taking too much delight in his power over her ability to leave and his leisure to decide if her ID is valid or not and mocking her name.
(Pointing out that "Hanscum" is old English is asking us to go look it up and ponder how it relates, right?)
Oh boy and there's the request for her to smile that makes him a Grade A Creep whether he's the monster or not.
So many creepy trucks and vans, the "Jesus Saves" van looking anything but salvation, and probably ANOTHER fake out bad guy with the window washer, just here to scare her... Holding up the window washer thingy like an axe murderer.... Whether he is affiliated with the murderer or not, we get a lingering shot on him and a red STOP beside his head
Aaand someone slashed her tyre while she was there....
Oh no, caltrops. It's a trap :(
AAAAH scary masked guy!
not the same mask as in the promo pictures, just a bag over his head and goggles. This time referecing over to 13x05 and the plague doctor masks - the same huge dead eyed look they have without any of the style :P Theeemes for the season though.
Oh no, we start the episode on Sam trying to have a lie in... Already awake before his alarm then grumpily staying in bed another two and a half hours. #relatable
is he okay?
I mean I know in general he is Not Okay but I guess this is going to take some unpicking :P
OH NO he resisted PANCAKES.
Dean is up and about and enjoying being home with comforts around him, and Sam...
Is still in bed at 10. I may cry.
Oh thank god Donna is calling him to get him to move.
He's resisted food which means everyone narrowing their eyes at him not touching his lizard in 13x10 gets a cookie for pointing out his issues and how he handles them re: food. I know lethargy and not wanting to get out of bed are huge signs of depression but we rarely see that side of Sam manifest, and mostly just see him casually not eating or having much interest in food offered to him so I think it may be one of the first times the story is actually set up to genuinely call attention to him having a depression lie-in and refusing to come out and get pancakes that Dean is making to celebrate having a kitchen again.
Anyway, now we get Donna angst. Hearing her cry is the absolute worst.
It's such a sharp shock, tbh, to go from Wayward Sisters where she was shown off as the fun comic relief, and have her in the same coat and all suddenly speaking in such a tiny voice, and sitting helplessly in her great big D-TRAIN truck which was like the cavalry arriving and betraying a character that pretty much never DOESN'T want to make a fun entrance and lighten the mood...
Oh Donna. :(
(This is especially painful having watched all the WS episodes up to this point in the last few months)
"BREAKDOWN" appears over Donna pulled over to the side of the road, having her quiet breakdown over this, in an episode about serial killers engineering a breakdown on the side of the road, after we saw Sam having a silent breakdown this morning
Someone turned the angst dial all the way back up to 11 after the break it was taking.
The Impala rolls respectfully and quietly up to Donna.
She looks small :(
I'd guess she's apologising for calling them because it's pretty much The Next Day or thereabouts give or take driving time. Like, she'd be assuming they need their "Just back from a parallel universe" downtime.
Also because if we add any extra time instead of assuming it's been back to back since, like, 12x19, then the tension about Cas evaporates and they leave him for weeks.
So let's say they saw Donna like, 2 days ago max.
Oh no and she feels the guilt of inspiring her to go off on her adventure, because she had fun and talked about it. This is not how fault works, D-Train :( You did nothing wrong. It's the serial killer who took her, no one else.
Sam tells her to just focus on the case rather than think about it which is A+ coping methods and how you end up like how Sam was this morning
Ew, Doug is here
Oh no Dean is leaving Sam and Donna together. Dean, no, you're the chirpy pancake-making one today - you have to prop 'em up :P
Oh boy, this is the real FBI isn't it? They were in the promo...
"First off, I'm not your son." Dean straightening up and trying to fake-authority figure bluster past the confidence of real authority.
Doug diving in to rescue him may be the only way out he has?
"Company man. You should have told me." "Didn't get a chance."
I think Dean doesn't know the codes to pass as FBI with whatever they'd immediately say to identify themselves with casual ease - like in 12x06 where at the hunter party he doesn't know not to say wendigo? There's just some stuff he probably can't know without, like, literally being the FBI and having their specific swagger and way of talking.
e.g. I don't think Dean would say "Company man" without sounding like he got it from TV
Oh dear, he doesn't have the field office - yeah he just diiiives around that one.
Not here on official business, the victim is my cousin, I'm just here to get some answers.
Makes Donna on a close family level to them - or at least that she's another branch of the same family officially like what Doug might think watching this exchange, knowing Dean is not Donna's brother/husband/whatever else on the closest level would make them share a niece.
... Obviously also a lovely message about how Donna's business is family business for them
"You and Donna are related!?"
How long was Dean chilling and making pancakes and not calling Cas??? Asmodeus has HAD to have had an accidental "is Dean trying to sext Cas?" confusion over the texts he's been getting in this time period.
... the fact that Cas is back next episode and for all intents and purposes the promo pics and premise would make me think it's Buckleming but it's actually Yockey and BL have 13x13 is like the one thing keeping me going :P
I hope I have that the right way around... Literally panic-checking my 13x12 tag before I continue, just for Cas's sake
"Amanda Tapping directed the episode written by Steve Yockey" Mmmmmmmm
Okay, soul soothed, continuing to watch Dean blustering through pretending Wayward Sisters was a family reunion, which is also adorable that Donna used an emergency family reunion as the excuse to go.
Well at least the FBI already seem to have done most of the work with having a map with red string, names and other victims. This parallels directly to the serial killer's collection, the red string mirroring the blood splatters that guy was leaving on it.
Pretty much gonna assume Mr FBI is the serial killer, or else as much of a problem as him.
Donna looks so tiny in this room full of men.
"Troopers got an anonymous tip" aka there's something fishy about it being called in - if Mr FBI is the killer, it makes his job more effective than waiting around for someone to find the car so he can get his rocks off on chasing himself around in circles :P
Bleeech Doug putting a hand on Donna's back to reassure her.
If you hadn't gathered I'm super not a fan of Doug being back because I think it's ridiculous to inflict another Doug on Donna, and especially when you're doing a dark episode actually doing emotional stuff with her for once, it's dragging out a joke that was from her first episode when we didn't know anything else about her. Defining her by her Dougs
Oh yeah her niece is called Wendy - I think that name was made up for Peter Pan? Or else boosted its popularity through the stratosphere to the point that you can make up a fake fact that the name was invented in Peter Pan. Either way, Wendy Darling associations - growing up, but doing the gap year before college is essentially putting off becoming an adult aka having a Peter Pan year...
If Mr FBI is the serial killer, calling himself "the Butterfly" is the most inconspicuous way to go about it, than "yeah I named him myself he's The Badass Slaughter Man" :P
It makes sense, as well, the way he migrates for the winter and back.
The pause before describing what happens to the victims and Donna saying "go on", not wanting to be talked down to or having her feelings saved just because she's personally invested/female and prone to hysterics/both
He's been chasing him for TWELVE YEARS without catching him
Aka this is the easiest thing ever: just get paid to suck at doing your job to find yourself :P
If he turns out not to be the killer this was at least a hilarious diversion imagining this
Oooh they've re-used the yellow panels for the motel screen which have a serious pedigree of being the yellow panels in the motel - but almost always in crosses or inverted crosses in the empty spaces between them. The new pattern doesn't really have any negative space image I can see.
Dean knows trucker lingo.
I assume this is something you pick up if you literally grow up routinely visiting truck stops and being exposed to truckers as the other wandering workers you'd find on the road most often as a hunter.
There's plenty of headcanons out there about Dean and truckers and picking things up as well.
He calls Wendy "Alice in Wonderland" which might be trucker lingo but also overlaps with the whole Wendy Darling then when talking about Victorian kids literature
Sam says it's stupid to use the trucker radio and then starts trying to argue down the case because he wants to go home and not-sleep some more. (ARGH it being a couple of weeks means Sam has spent a couple of weeks not sleeping)
He has a point about being fugitives and wanting to stay off the radar, but I kinda think he's just finding reasons and yelling about them because he's irritable (depressed, angry, no sleep) and wants to stop even though he couldn't say no to Donna to start with, now they're here it's time to start looking for exit ramps.
Dean says "Dad used it all the time" re: the radio so we're also invoking his ghost with some point to make on top of everything else :P
"So what do you want to do? Call up Donna and say 'sorry about your niece, these things happen! Later!' and head back to the bunker to mope some more?"
OH NO I mean of course Dean has noticed but holy crap he's actually calling it out immediately.
(Reminds me of season 1 when they had so little else going on they were constantly side-eyeing each other's nightmares and grumpiness levels and commenting on it - Dean especially while trying to work out what was wrong with Sam before he came out with the visions thing.)
Anyways we have it established in the same episode that Dean calls it out that Sam is moping around the Bunker, which honestly should not impress me as much as it does, except that they have had a very passive-aggressive last... 11 years :P
Dean thinks it's weird that Sam got up at 10 because he's Mr Rise and Freakin' Shine, and tbh there were people last year bitching about Davy's characterisation of these guys, but he has a very very direct way of exposing them and picking which bits to show up to catch them at their worst angles and I LOVE IT from a meta perspective, but perhaps it comes off weird to people who aren't primed to think of the characters in certain ways. Especially that they may act out of their normal patterns. In 12x15 Dean started the episode disgustingly dirty and not caring about the car or their home environment, which is obviously out of character. Sam "sleeping in" is out of character but this time we see it unfold and at least immediately have a clue that it's because something is wrong and have it called out far more obviously than in 12x15 where it was left for us to interpret, and some people wildly missed the mark by assuming it was just bad characterisation, instead of identifying past characterisation and playing with it as an exposure of something new
Also... Dean made pancakes because he knew Sam was upset. My heart.
I mean Sam didn't go for them, but again, 13x05, Sam trying to make Dean feel better, 13x11, Dean trying to make Sam feel better.
Uhoh. I am scared to see what Dean lists... "I know you're in a dark place. We lost Jack, Mom is... I think about 'em too. All the time."
He doesn't know Caaaas is lost tooooooo
my heart.
ALSO it's dramatic irony again, as it was at the beginning of the season - Dean not knowing about Cas's current state, in which we are wildly more equipped to tell him how he should be feeling...
I mean look at bisexualdemondean's inbox over Christmas with all the jokey needling from people reminding him to check on Cas or coughing into their sleeves about seeing what Asmodeus is up to, and obviously demon!Dean casually being like pfft whatever and paying it no heed because the very in character RP is savvy to this plot that Dean has no clue and seems to think he has no reason to worry, even if he hasn't seen Cas in a while. The show is making the same reaction as the anons who want him to look and the show Dean is obviously completely in the dark, minus the wink wink fourth wall break from the blogger behind the demon!Dean blog that they know full well what the anons are implying because they've seen the show...
why am I using this as an example? Because the show's been incredible with the dramatic irony this season and as a way of creating an emotive response from us it can not be overlooked as an element of the season, but also has a knife edge from causing a BUNCH of wank from people who don't get it that this is something Dean doesn't know, that the pain of watching him not knowing all this stuff is basically permanently setting up SOMETHING at his expense this season and constantly using what he doesn't know about what's happening to Cas as the lever to boot.
And idk I find it totally fascinating, and awesome, and really clever, but when the show is super clever the fandom as a mass entity seems to struggle, for whatever reasons.
Non-judgementally, it's like that MIB meme about panicky mobs of people aka fandoms, just as a mass entity. If you're reading this I assume you've been reading the other posts I made per episode where I've talked about this literally every time it comes up so as individuals you're probably not part of this :P
Oh heck I should not have pressed play. "You can't let it eat you up. Look when I was broken  up you were there for me. Well I'm here for you now."
I love SalmonDean in the exact right quantities and this is the sort of thing that makes my stomach hurt with affection for them
Dean gives Sam the same message of putting your head down and focussing on the work.
Repress repress repress!!!!!!!
I think the radio is going to put an end to this - yeah
lol Dean is midnight rider
sounds like a woman on the other end? the static makes it hard to tell but the dudes all laugh off Dean's request like it's a hook up request for Wendy or just don't care, then this woman radios in with info
score one vs toxic masculinity
"it's a date"
Dean says he'll go check it out and tells Sam to hang back, I think to enforce his obligation to Donna while also giving him a chance to rest until needed, which is a nice arrangement.
Sam does the "Look obviously I'm here for Donna" and doesn't have a "but" - though it's left hanging that he's struggling. Whatever else is going on, he is saying he doesn't intend to bail, despite his earlier attempt to argue to go home
aaaaand back to the serial killer basement.
More masks, and Wendy with her eyes covered too
Wendy screaming and getting screamed back at, and mocked silently with the serial killer miming tears at her - not using  his voice, definitely falling into this persona of the monster with a disregard for her feelings... the "Boo hoo" attitude again takes me back to toxic masculinity as the bad guy
And he tells her to smile (again if it's the UFO creep from the Truck Stop although honestly he looked too small to be this guy) - if it's not him it's once again just men being creeps.
"Sorry I'm late," Sam says, showing up after reluctantly dragging himself into work
my heart is breaking for this guy
Donna has been handed credit card history for Wendy so they'll probably be at the creepy truck stop soon - if that's not where Dean arranged to go already (I didn't catch where they arranged to meet)
Huh, Mr FBI called in Bible Guy who I assume had the Jesus Saves van, of all the potential suspects in that truck stop.
He's suuuuper creepy but I assume at this point, probably not the bad guy, if he's already here 15 minutes in.
Although he did have Wendy's bloody shirt so who knows... Doesn't look good.
He's called Pastor Diamond something or other which goes with how there's a diamond motel neeext episode... or 13x13. Yeah. Anyways, theeemes
He's already called out for having a history of lewd behaviour, then we add being creepy enough to keep a bloody shirt even if he isn't the killer.
(I assume the killer wouldn't be dumb enough to be caught with it)
OMG Dean's dressed as a trucker.
Which is to say, his normal plaid with a puffy vest over it.
And yaaaay it is mowhawk lady from the diner aka one of the main characters from TAZ Amnesty I mean what no she isn't a magician with a bunny. I'm so confused :P
Oh no, she didn't stop to pick Wendy up, and she made excuses to herself for why she couldn't stop and help out another woman in distress, and now feels the Guilt. Everyone feels very bad about what happened to Wendy but it's not helping her >.>
Donna has to stop to gather herself when they pull out Wendy's picture and start talking about how great she is.
Pfft and then Diamond whatever fuckhead is super racist about a guy with a Mexican-sounding name. Well he may not be the serial killer to be brought in so early but this is very much a story of how all the humans can be monsters if they try hard enough.
(I love the "Humans are the real monsters" stories and this one is great because who can you trust in that scenario, and it focuses on all sorts of things, like the trucker's responsibility to help and being a bad Samaritan etc is a lesser evil and she's definitely one of the nicer-seeming people, because she said Manny's gives her the creeps as well so she's on our side about it, but at the same time she's still mixed in with the social responsibility for allowing evil to happen... this probably isn't social commentary about current America at allllll)
Dean enlists Doug's help which is... great... and Doug shows up trying to be all shady in a hooded coat. Donna's adapting to the grittiness well... Doug sticks out like a sore thumb
I like that Dean's already staking out Manny's anyways.
Ewwww Doug just saying "I love Donna" blech
He's asking if Donna will be okay after never seeing her sad before but almost the first proper interaction Dean had with Donna seeing her as more than local police but as a person was seeing her deep dark pit of sadness about how Doug1 treated her, and told her she deserves better. He KNOWS Donna has a lot of sadness and self-worth issues she doesn't let on, and if Doug doesn't know about them after a year, he's not someone Donna opens up to. She opened up to Jody immediately, in contrast :P
"Not sure what you mean."
Doug lists some really superficial things they talk about as talking about "everything"
"I think she's hiding something from me"
Dean is like... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
He tells Doug he's going to be there for Donna and to trust her.
Maybe I just really hate Doug more and more but Dean's starting to remind me of the Lester conversation in 10x02 but just in bafflement about how Doug could possibly ~get~ Donna.
Meanwhile Donna looks like she's about to school Pastor Dickhead
He's sitting there with the lighting giving him a halo while playing butter won't melt in his mouth
And she's playing friendly cute Donna facade while telling him he's gonna be had for dinner for 2 days in the cells while getting him to talk
She's awesome.
Well that's super suspicious that the cashier closed early and chased after Wendy... We're halfway through so allowing for monster nonsense to get added in...
At this point because it took so long to get to a download, my mum insisted we watch the episode together while we ate so I now know everything that happened. D:
Ugh creepy pastor. ugh. the least he deserves is being reduced to crying by Donna while interrogating him.
Mr Totally Not The Bad Guy being like "But the shiiiirt" and Sam and Donna are too smart to think it makes sense for a moment. Sam says almost exactly what I would have done - hurr blurr I evaded capture for 12 years but here I am with a bloody shirt in my van
I mean the pastor is probably someone they were sizing up as potential eating and just hadn't got around to him yet, so he also worked as a fall guy
Anyway blatant "but if it isn't him who is it" cut to the cashier
The plot makes mores sense with hindsight that he cracks and shows Dean the video because they'd recognised the Winchesters' car and so he wasn't just playing dumb that he happened to know the website but his albi was being over here while the live cutting up was going on but that he confidently had the reassurance they didn't know he was a vampire so he could go along with whatever while leading them into a trap, and thinking that his day ended with packing up bits of Winchesters to go.
The "how they do it in the FBI" pathetic slap and then the Look that Donna gives Dean and the shifty look he gives back before turning to Doug and giving him another "but yeah it is" nod to back it up is an amazing silent exchange
Whoops Doug finds out about monsters. Dean has another "awkward" look caught between them
At this point Wendy being auctioned is really just bait to make them come
I will forgive Sam for not being more suspicious of Mr FBI on account of him having a very bad day but the point where he shows up and helps them investigate and Sam, now knowing it's monsters, doesn't fob him off harder but just says "alright follow me" is where I call impaired judgement
The caged halo lights are back and the creepy mask guy doesn't get to stand under one but one is directly behind Wendy in the video clip of her screaming
The trick with the radio is good because it works on us too knowing the torture is currently going on with that music playing.
And then we go to Doug being roughed up and turned because it's time to do all the reveals now we have the fake out, so Sam gets knocked out and Doug left as a distraction and the cashier to hold them up.
Oops Doug is a vampire. Doug growling is weird
Pfft and he just immediately attacks Donna. Dean is very quick thinking to immediately grab dead man's blood as soon as things start going.
"Well thanks for making it easy for me."
The vampire comes back to gloat and tell Dean that Sam's been got.
I love that Donna has no patience and just shoots the guy's knee out because we need to sort things out and Dean's showy machete waving ways aren't her style :P
"No no no get further back. He's a big boy, we need a wiiiide lens" I know it's terrible but I laughed SO HARD
"Hell soon as I saw that fancy car I knew who you were"
... we do always say is it a good idea that they keep driving it around? no. but will they stop? Never. :P
"The Butterfly" giving Sam a rough estimate of how many monsters there are - 100s of thousands - says the ones Sam and Dean see are too mean or stupid to "pass" which does lend itself to a double-edged fear of every day people being monsters... I think the implication with a corrupt FBI guy and the monsters we see all being white peeps is not a racist implication but more commentary on society being awful and so on, and I think using the racist preacher as the absolute scum of humanity is a good way to avoid too much weird implications about monsters - the BMoL had that creepy Brexit parallel which sort of cast monsters as immigrants which of course, considering they might well eat people, wasn't the neatest message.
I think this is a bit more tuned to 2018 anyway :P My concerns about the social commentary from earlier have mostly evaporated.
He thinks he's saving good honest American lives by feeding only people who won't be missed to the monsters - and he mentioned that the Mexican guy had a family which means he WOULD be missed - he's just racist too.
He's good at the whole auction voice thing though.
They really toned down the vampire cure thing because Dean barfed his guts up with it and now he's letting Donna give Doug the cure in the car as they drive.
In the *car*
"Let's begin the auction for Sam Winchester's HEART"
lemme tell you, even coming in at like 500k that's still not as much as it's worth. That is a priceless artefact there.
I absolutely adore the "you had no idea your aunt could do that" fight sequence :D
Like, she knows Donna's a cop, but having her just bust in and kill the guy...
What an aunt.
"There are many pieces to Sam Winchester but only one heart"
Honestly, devoid of context, I wanna see that on like 8 different artsy Sam edits.
Fake out Sam getting shot. "Since Dean's out there, quick and dirty."
Not quick enough.
Sam having a "huh, I'm not dead," moment. After we see the close up gunshot and that's why Sam and "The Butterfly" were both down to their white shirts, because there's just a mo where we aren't sure which one of them we're seeing even though it was aimed at Sam's head so it's clear just from seeing a shot to the heart that it wasn't Sam.
Also he wouldn't just randomly die, I say in a season where Dean randomly died already :P
Dean does those quips just for Sammy's benefit
I think Donna and Doug maaay not have been dating but she kinda realised she might like him now they've had a sort of adventure together...
"I was a vampire!" "For a couple of hours"
Ah well, bye bye Doug, thanks for breaking Donna's heart, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
This was a bit drawn out but I think it was important for Donna even if Doug is really annoying so I don't like watching him struggle on screen.
I think Donna really hoped she'd found someone in the life
Sam just sees it as completely inevitable and good for Donna that she doesn't have someone she cares about in the firing line.
Ow ow ow ow.
Oh Donna as well... :(
I'm just in so much pain for Sam and Donna. Dean needs to hug 'em both.
He just gives Donna the pat on the shoulder while she cries.
Buuut now she's Doug-free for Wayward Sisters, hurrah!
She and Jody can bond and discover something in each other they didn't even know they were missing :3
That Jody's name isn't "Doug" for starters.
Dean's still harping on what Sam said to Donna, both telling her to get used to having no one close to you and just in general, yikes it's never good to hear someone you care about talking that way about caring about people and he should know he's BEEN there.
This is like the dark opposite of 11x04's optimistic Sam and "someone in the life" stuff.
Sam angrily stands his ground because he's a grumpy goose today "Was I wrong?"
it seems like Kaia set off his latest mood but also in losing Jack in the process of looking for Mary, who, also, is still gone and not seen for weeks before that, presumed dead... I would guess the fact that he was miserable in The Bad Place was the start of this, before Kaia died, and losing her really just symbolised how shitty everything is, the cherry on top of losing all the people they care about over and over.
After Dean spent the first part of the season his terrible way, now Sam's got his overdue depression and breakdown (tiiitle drop) that has been lurking below the surface...
... if we're lucky, as Sam fans, this might not just be a one-episode thing but actually, like, something that's going to happen in an ongoing way for Sam??
Sam denies he's in a dark place because everything he's saying is true, but Sam normally does repress and get optimistic about finding ways to research their way out of whatever hole they get themselves into this time.
Which ain't healthy but is how Sam manages to skim over the top of being in a dark place most times, meaning this is really hitting him hard now.
He also mentions Cas in his list of having mom and cas back and helping jack, accidentally playing into the dramatic irony in another way, of not knowing Cas is currently in trouble now as well but still listing him among the ones they've lost and that he's lost hope over...
"This ends one way for us, Dean."
And with that, the ginormous, grimy, rusty cog behind the entire mechanism, finally clunks around a slot, turning it from Dean as the dying bloody mindset Winchester to Sam, for the first time in a long time, and in a very curious way that Dean, who states it all the time, is now forced to evaluate and to think, do I really agree with it? I say it all the time but WOAH THAT IS HORRIFYING TO HEAR COMING OUT OF SAMMY'S MOUTH WHAT THE HELL WHO BELIVES THAT?
Anyway then we end of that awful shot of Sam from the outside of the impala looking in on him which just makes us feel helpless about not being able to hug him, in my scientific opinion of what that shot is implying.
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annbrighthaus-blog · 5 years
Everyone has sexual fantasies now and again. And, as they say, no matter what you imagine, someone else has thought about it at least once. But transitioning from a place of imagination to actually following through on your desires can be tricky. That's where sex experts come in, with some tricks for pursuing sexual fantasies that might clear the air as you figure out what you want in bed.
First and foremost, there's nothing wrong with your fantasy being something that you either can't, or don't want to, act out on. "Fantasy is free space. It doesn't always make sense and it doesn't have to," sexologist and relationship expert Dr. Nikki Goldstein tells Bustle. Of course, if you have sexual fantasies that include anything particularly dangerous or illegal, it's likely best to speak about it with a professional. But if your fantasy is simply creative or mildly taboo, then there's a chance it might actually be something worth pursuing with someone who is willing to explore it as well.
With society being so sex-negative sometimes, there can be a bit of a gray area around whether it's you who doesn't want this idea to come to fruition, or whether you're just nervous. So it's important to break it down a bit. Once you do, you can know whether something is a fantasy, or a full-blown desire. "Desire is something you long to do. A fantasy is just a thought," Goldstein says. And if it's really more than just a thought, you deserve to know.
Here are eight ways to differentiate between a fantasy and something you really want in bed, according to experts.
1. Put The Fantasy In A Real-Life Context
The most important step is simply bringing your fantasy into context. "Think about actually doing it in every day life," Goldstein says. "Does it still seem appealing and exciting?"
Whether it be pure logistics, or the fact that your fantasy involves non-monogamywhen you're in a committed relationship, sometimes a fantasy just doesn't make it past this step. "A fantasy might have elements of supernatural or fictional characters," Dr. Laura Deitsch, Vibrant's resident sexologist, tells Bustle. "It might involve time travel or superhuman strength. It might just be something that comfortably lives in a person's psyche and they have no desire to feel on or in their body. A desire speaks more to picturing this thing really happening, and it's realistic, at least to an extent, and the conjurer is comfortable with any outcomes." If you can easily say that your fantasy sounds good in a real-life context, then you're probably a step closer to making it happen.
2. Figure Out Whether The Fantasy Has Any IRL Implications
This step basically involves asking yourself one question: do you have more to lose, or to gain, if you follow through on this? "Think about the implications of living out that fantasy," Goldstein says. "Does it involve other people? How would a partner react? Would it jeopardize the relationship?" Each part of this bigger answer will give you added clues to whether this fantasy belongs in your sex life.
On the other hand, if you feel like you have something to lose by not following through on this, that's a big sign too. "If you have a fantasy that is a constant source of erotic energy and heat and it would crush you not to enjoy it, hold off and try to figure out how, at the very least, to optimize the experiment," Carol Queen PhD, Staff Sexologist at Good Vibrations, tells Bustle. Even if it seems a bit nerve-wracking, if you can't handle keeping this in your head any longer (and it's safe, consensual, and legal), it's probably just time to go for it.
3. Set A Date And See How You Feel
If your nerves are still bothering you, there's a way around that, Dr. Deitsch suggests.
Just set a date for the fantasy scenario, and then see how you feel as the date approaches. "If you are excited, eager, and smiling, it's probably something you want to do in bed. If there is trepidation, if you postpone, if you experience dread or panic, it's likely a fantasy that should stay that way," Dr. Deitsch says. This way, you'll be able to avoid getting too close to something that you didn't actually want to do, and learn more about yourself for the future.
4. Talk To Someone About It
It may be nerve-wracking, but it is OK to talk about sex with others. Plus, more and more people are getting comfortable with the subject, too, so you likely won't be the first person you know to get open about the subject.
Just bringing up the subject around a friend might open up some thoughts or feelings you were previously unable to uncover. And if your conversation with friends doesn't help enough, you can always seek other forms of help, too. "If a person is really confused then talk to a counselor about it," Dr. Dawn Michael, Certified Clinical Sexologist & Sexuality Counselor, tells Bustle. "Many people come to me to work out what is a fantasy that should stay just as a fantasy and what may be possible to explore." No matter who you end up opening up to, it'll likely be a good step towards understanding your sexuality on a deeper level.
5. Consider Whether Your Partner (Or Potential Partner) Is Also Going To Want This
If your fantasy isn't a solo act, then you're going to need to consider the other person (or people) involved. "For most people this presents the greatest issue," Dr. Michael says.
Luckily, if you're single or non-monogamous, access to the Internet and different apps means you're more likely than ever to find someone into the same things as you. And if you have one partner, sometimes just talking about the idea can be sexy in itself.
It's important to also note that a fantasy can actually be an indicator that you might need a change in your sex life. "Sometimes ... this [step] means pursuing the fantasy and leaving your past life to do so," Dr. Queen says. "If someone constantly fantasizes about people of a different gender than they usually partner with, that may mean they're trying to come out as gay or bisexual, for instance." Listening to your fantasies could actually mean a major step in your life.
6. Ask Yourself "Does This Fantasy Ever Go Away?"
Again, the persistence of a fantasy might mean more than you think. If you depend on the fantasy for pleasure, or if it's a "companion" not a "visitor" in your arousal, Dr. Queen says, it might be sending you a message about who you really are.
Dr. Queen lists dominant and submissive or other sexual or kinky roles, sexual orientation-linked fantasies, and fantasies with a strong emotional charge as major indicators. "With all fantasies, you send yourself some kind of message (what's hot, what you find exciting, what you find compelling), so try to learn what you can from them," Dr. Queen adds. You deserve bringing your imagined desires to life if they're a major part of who you are sexually.
8. Try The Lite Version
Even if all signs point to "go" on your fantasy, you still might want to start with something a little more gentle to begin with. You'll never know how things feel until you try it, after all. So if your fantasy involves full-blown submission, for example, start with some light bondage or spanking, instead of a ball gag on the first try.
This easy-going first step can be really fun. "A person might figure out a new trick is really fun and adds to their sexual repertoire, or they might learn they hate it. Either way, data is gathered and hopefully no one got hurt in the making of said fantasy," Dr. Deitsch says. So don't get too bummed out about taking things slow.
And no matter whether your fantasy actually becomes something you want to pursue or not, there's no reason to stop imagining. "The reality is, there is not only one way to enjoy sexual fantasies," Kristin Marie Bennion, licensed mental health therapist and certified sex therapist, tells Bustle. "Some people seek out experiencing the scenarios in their fantasies, others act out only certain aspects, while there are many who are fulfilled by keeping their fantasies solely in their imagination." And through the process of exploring your fantasy, you'll figure out what works for you.
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languidschizoid · 6 years
If it's not too much, can I ask 1-50 for the maddwinter questions meme for your paragf? (You can make separate posts, if that would be easier for you)
hell yeah you can ask
i’ll leave some questions out because they’re too personal for me though (and can i ask why you asked for my paragf specifically?)
1: What’s your para’s full name? Does it have any kind of meaning? She was born as Judith McGilan, then she escaped from somewhere to her biological father which is when her name was changed to Judith Jillian Foster. After she had first killed someone she changed it to just Jillian (she felt like she was a different person and didn’t deserve to call herself the name of the innocent child she used to be)At the beginning of my paracosm her name had been Jill her whole life but then I got to know a Jill irl and I tried to change her name. But the only part of her life where I managed to do that was her childhood bc I hadn’t daydreamed that much about it before
2: What is your para’s favorite band or artist? She doesn’t really have one and if she did it would be one that doesn’t exist in this universe lol
3: What’s your para’s worst habit? Do you know why do they have that habit? And since when? Is it a habit tp be overprotective and hypervigiliant? I wouldn’t say so but she had that since her whole family except her sister either died or went missing and her sister hated her
4: What does your para usually have in their everyday bag? Any reason why? Her emergency phone. One she actually has for her job but honestly that’s just so that she has a reason to keep her phone turned on in case something happens
5: What does your para usually dream about? And why? Often nightmares either of trauma she has already experienced of of fears she has of something similar happening again
6: What does your para’s house look like? Do they prefer a big mansion or a small apartment? In California she has an apartment that looks like my sister’s old one except with less rooms. In London she lives in a mansion with her huge family (not her biological family, it’s complicated). She’s fine with both
8: What does your para like to do before going to sleep? Do they prefer to sleep alone or together with someone else? Or perhaps with something? She doesn’t need to sleep technically but she likes to since the nightmares got less. But when she’s w my parame she prefers to watch her sleep. One time she whispered something to her while she was asleep and when she didn’t immediately wake up she freaked out. She likes sleeping next to her but whenever Erin falls asleep Jill worries she won’t wake up for spme reason
9: What kind of clothes does your para like? Describe their clothing for summer and winter! That depends too much on the context but she often wears black. Not at work though
10: What is your para’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw ever disturbed their relationship with someone? She tends to be overprotective and controlling. I mean she can control herself, she doesn’t stalk her girlfriends or anything but it sure would make her feel safer if she did
11: Does your para have any hidden talents? If so, why do they hide it? Not really. I mean she doesn’t really tell people how well she can fight bc why would she?
12: Does your para sleep with pillows? If so, how much? She has like 3-4 but she doesn’t use all
13: Does your para have any pets? If so, why do they choose those pets? no
15: Does your para have a big ego or a very low self esteem? And why? This is difficult… She definitely seems confident on the outside and I mean there are some things she is confident about but at the same time she hates herself for stuff she’s done
16: Does your para struggle with some kind of addiction? I don’t think so
17: Does your para have any mental or physical illness/disorder/disability? She has PTSD
18: Does your para have any kind of criminal record? How did they get it? She has killed people and definitely done other illegal things but she never got caught for any of it
19: Does your para live in some kind of self denial? And why? She used to deny her sexuality for the first… maybe 20 years of her life? Because well, she was born in the 30s
20: Does your para like to be seen or don’t want to be seen by people? She doesn’t care a lot I guess? She’s not shy, she’s fine with attention, but she usually doesn’t crave it (unless it’s by specific people)
21: Which is your oldest para? Do they like to imply that they’re older most of the times? Do they get any advantages or disadvantages for being older? A side para, not really important and she doesn’t even appear in a lot of versions
22: Which para is your youngest para? Do they get any advantages or disadvantages for being younger? That depends on where you are in the timeline. In the latest one it’s Zara, a newborn
23: Which para is the tallest and shortest? How tall are they? i dunno actually. I tend to imagine Rose as quite tall but thats unlikely (she was born in the 15th century)
24: Which para likes to sing everywhere? Do they ever break out in a song randomly? And what song do they usually like? lol none but that’s a good idea
25: Which para is the worst driver? Have they ever driven before? How did their first experience go? These isn’t really one who’s particularly bad at driving
27: Which para likes peace? Who likes to make fights with everyone? And why? Erin “likes peace”, Rose likes to fight. It gives her the attention she wants and she can show off
28: Which para likes to stay out of fights and mind their own business? And why? Erin. She has anxiety and it gets even worse when people argue. It could mean they ask her whose side she’s on and then what if one of them hates her?
30: Which para has a very sarcastic and offensive sense of humor? Have they ever actually offended someone before by their jokes? Do they have someone who can joke along with the same sense of humor? Alcais. He’s an abusive asshole and offending people with his jokes is exactly what he likes about them (fun fact: solely by knowing Al’s name you can easily find out what book my paracosm is based on)
32: Which para likes to explode with happiness everytime something good happens?Erin, Leah, most of the children
35: Which para has the loudest voice? Who’s the quiet one who barely talks? Erin’s the quietest one among people she doesn’t know but when she’s with one person she trusts (like her mother or gf) she’s gonna start telling them about her special interests so enthusiastically it automatically makes the person she’s talking to happy too
37: Describe how your para would get out of jail if they ever went to one! She’d get as close to an exit as possible, fight a guard and get their keys
38: Describe your para using a movie quote!It’s not from a movie but a TV show and it doesn’t really *describe* her, it’s simply something she would say/has said: “Dying is simple. It all just stops. You’re dead. The people around you dying, that’s the hard part. ‘Cause you keep living, knowing that you didn’t do everything to keep them here”
39: Describe your para in 10 words! Protective, determined, confident but self-hating, offense is the best defense
41: How quick will your para to trust someone new? What will they do if that person betrays them? She doesn’t usually trust anyone new unless they prove that they can be trusted and she knows them for a while. She does trust Erin though, mostly
42: How does your para behave around children? Are they experienced or not? She is experienced (she works as a child psychologist, raised two kids, and she trains children to fight) but how she treats children, or people in general, really depends on who she’s with. To her students she’s strict (not necessarily in a strict parenting way, more like the kind of friend who forces you to keep your own resolutions?), with her patients she’s less…extreme
44: How does your para deal with stress? What makes them stressed in the first place? If it’s a problem she can solve, she finds out how and solve it. Otherwise she collects knowledge about the thing that’s stressing her, even if it has no effect at all
45: How will your para describe what love is? Will they describe it wonderfully or badly? Love is being selfish. It distracts you from everything you should be focusing on and it can destroy your life and make you feel good at the same time. Love is dangerous because nothing is worse than losing someone you love and that can happen anytime
47: How does your para act around someone they don’t like or hate? lol they dead
48: How does your para act around someone they love? protective, vulnerable, she takes an eternity to trust someone but when she does she trusts them fully and will share everything with them
49: How much does your para care about beauty? Do they like to wear makeup or go natural? She's never really cared about it but she looks awesome either way
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