#in classic jen fashion i could not keep this short
savedpeople · 4 months
2. Do you take pleasure in harming/being harmed by others? //4. Does bloodshed have any significant effect on you? //8. How do you feel about sadistic people?
Violent Headcanons | Not Accepting | @wexarethewalkingxdead
"Does a little bit of spilt blood bother me?" He makes a face, one that slowly gains a grin that's just a little too wide. "Have you seen the kind of shit I've done?"
Negan remembers, of course, the first time he took out a couple walkers. The splattered blood on his face as he slowly sank to the floor, horror-stricken, thinking he'd just become a murderer while trying to save a kid's life. It became second nature once he realized what they were, became the new normal within days.
He remembers the first time he actually took a human life, too. The blood half his, half theirs; the way his hands shook as he recollected himself while the reality of what he'd done sank in, wide eyes as he wrapped barbed wire around the baseball bat soon to be known as Lucille; and the mask, the act, he put on the moment he faced the group that witnessed it all.
That, too, soon became the new normal.
"That shit doesn't bother me." Not anymore. "I mean it is unfortunate, sometimes, and let me make it clear that I'm not into killin' people for the hell of it." People are a resource and all that. "But that's how the world is now. Kill or be killed."
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"Now, do I take pleasure in-- hold on, is this a sex thing? Because it kind of sounds like we're heading into kinkville with this one." He chuckles at his own joke; the answer would be a resounding yes if it is, probably. But he knows it isn't.
"I ain't gonna lie to you. Sometimes? That shit feels good. When they deserve it, well... let them have it." It is satisfying to hurt, kill, someone who he deems deserves it. Consequences. And when he gets to use Lucille? There's a sick, twisted exhilaration he can't deny. But that's not to say he's proud of it.
He knows it shouldn't feel that good.
"Don't know why the hell you think I'd get anything out of getting hurt, though. Again, unless this is a sex thing. In that case I may just let you slap me around a little bit."
Negan laughs, but his expression turns more serious after.
"Like I said: not into killing people without a reason. I extend that to not hurting people without reason, too." He tries to, anyway. Some of his actions might suggest otherwise, but he finds ways to justify it all in his mind. "So if the sadistic fucks out there are getting their dicks hard from harming the weak and the innocent... personally, I find that shit to be a bit barbaric." He believes this, really he does. "And if Lucille saw that shit? Well, she'd have something to say about it too."
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 031 [Finals Begin!]
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Word Count: 2,786
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〈“Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold. But you will remember me, remember me for centuries. And just one mistake is all it will take, we’ll go down in history.” Fall Out Boy, “Centuries”〉
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“Do you see him, kid?” I asked, holding his ankles in my hands.
Riku was sitting on my shoulders so he could look over the crowd. He crossed his arms, resting them on the top of my head. “Nope. There’s Mt. Lady, but my brother isn’t anywhere around. Where is that idiot?”
I hummed, approaching the blonde-haired hero. “Let’s gather some clues.”
“Like Scooby-Doo!” I could hear the smile in his voice and chuckled.
She noticed us approaching and lifted her chin, hand on her hip. “Did you finally come to apologize?”
“Not even on your life,” I deadpanned. “Oi, Riku.”
“Right! Have you see a teenage boy that’s really desperate for your attention?��
If I wasn’t holding his ankles to keep him from falling, I would have facepalmed.
She sweatdropped. “There’s a lot of those, you’re gonna have to be more specific.”
“Umm, well, he’s eighteen-years-old, never had a girlfriend that isn’t an anime character, got rejected from two different colleges, he’s a huge pervert with a large stack of dirty magazines under his bed and his favorite color on a girl is pink! Does that help?”
My eye twitched. Really starting to remember why I don’t fuck with little kids… I cleared my throat. “Maybe start with his name…”
“Yuki Reigen.”
“Okay. Now, what does he look like?”
He hummed thoughtfully. “He’s kinda short for his age and he dyes his hair blonde, but he’s really bad at it so it’s super streaky. He wears blue contacts but his eyes are actually brown like mine! His skin is kinda oily, especially his nose, even though he uses this weird smelling cream. He thinks it works but it doesn’t at all!”
Mt. Lady tilted her head, her finger on her chin. Her face suddenly lit up with recognition. “Oh yeah! He was so desperate for my number, he said he’d do anything for it, it was honestly pathetic. I was just about to tell him he could have it after being my slave for two years, but then he suddenly panicked and ran off.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I asked.
“Yeah, you’re a creepy old hag!” Riku added. “My brother will never be a slave to someone as ugly as you!”
“What did you just call me, you brat?!”
“Mt. Lady!” Woodsman came speed-walking up, putting his wooden arm between us before she could advance. “You’re supposed to be patrolling!”
Riku started to shake, his fingers curling around my short hair as he sniffled. “S-She’s so s-scary! She threatened to h-hit me!” His crying alerted the other people around us, who stopped to see what was going on. Hearing his words made a few of them glare at her, clutching their children closer.
The color drained from her face and she hastily tried to explain the situation. “W-What? No, I -”
Woodsman put his hands on his hips, glaring at her. “You made this child cry, now say you’re sorry!”
“But I didn’t -”
Riku started to cry louder.
“O-Okay! I’m sorry, just stop crying!”
His cries died down to soft sniffles. I swear if he gets snot in my fucking hair I’mma rage.
Woodsman turned to us with a sigh. “I’m really sorry about her, she has no filter. You really should be getting back, the finals will be starting soon.”
“I can’t.” I motioned toward the kid shoving his face onto my head. “He can’t find his brother and I’m trying to help find him.”
“Oh, I see. Here, let me take over.” He held his hands out and I bent down so he could gently grab Riku under the arms, lifting him up and over my head before bringing him into his arms. “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll find his brother.”
I nodded, ruffling Riku’s hair. “Don’t leave that idiot brother of yours again, okay? And no more jumping from the stands.”
He nodded, wiping at his wet eyes with the back of his hand. “Thank you, big sis.”
Woodsman nodded his head at me before walking away, Riku leaning over his shoulder. His sad expression morphed to a smug grin, all traces of his tears gone.
I exchanged a look with Mt. Lady and I knew we were thinking the same thing – children are fucking demons.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Thank you, Cementoss! Hey, sports fans, are you ready?! After all the action you’ve already witnessed, it’s time for the real battle to begin! Can you feel the excitement?! Our competitors are on their own now! Sometimes heroes have only themselves to rely on! Heart, skill, strength, wisdom, courage – they’ll have to use all of these things to rise to the top!”
A bead of sweat rolled down my cheek as I took a deep breath. Why the fuck do I have to go first? Man, there’s gonna be so many fuckers watching me. Just the thought makes me want to die. Maybe I’ll just forfeit…
Strong hands landed on my shoulders. “You’re pretty tense, kid. Nervous?”
I turned around to face Snipe and Toshi. “I’m always tense, it’s a way of life.”
“Don’t worry, young Jen, you’ll do great.” Toshi gave me a thumbs up and a grin. “You fought against young Reggian a bit in the cavalry battle so you know a bit about his quirk already.”
“Somethin’ to do with air, I think?” I scratched my cheek.
“Just don’t kill ’em and you’ll be just fine,” Snipe put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a half hug. “We’ll be rootin’ for ya, kid.”
“Thanks, guys.” I grinned.
“Well, well, audience, let’s cut to the good stuff and not delay these finals any longer! Welcome our first fighters – with a potty mouth and an attitude to match, it’s Jen Winchester from the hero course!”
I stepped through the doorway, hands shoved into my pockets. My eyes squinted as the sudden bright light invading my vision. The crowd was screaming, but I did my best not to pay them any mind as I approached the arena.
“Versus! His sanity is seriously up for debate, it’s Regina Reggian from general studies!”
“Hey, I’m lucid sometimes, twatwaffle!”
“What did he just call me?!”
“A twatwaffle.”
“Don’t ever say that again, Eraser…”
I rolled my eyes before glancing across to the other doorway where Regina was exiting from, looking smug. Man, this guy really has a face I just wanna punch. With a fucking metal chair.
“The rules are simple – immobilize your opponent or force them out of the ring! You can also win by getting the other person to cry uncle! Bring on the injuries because we’ve got our very own Recovery Girl waiting on standby! So put your morals aside and don’t be afraid to play dirty, but of course, no life-threatening crap, folks, it’s not allowed! Real heroes use their powers to throw villains in jail, not kill them!”
“I’ll stop anyone that tries to get too rough,” Cementoss said calmly. He was sitting beside the ring, directly centered with it in a chair he had made with his quirk.
I scratched my cheek. Call me old-fashioned but should they really be encouraging teenagers to beat the ever-living shit out of each other? Sounds fucking suspect.
Regina grinned at me. “I’m gonna force you to give up, nerd!”
“Not even in your dreams, kid.” I grinned back. “Be careful, you don’t wanna get burnt.”
“You’re a magician’s red burnin’ chicken looking ass.”
“What the fuck does that even mean? Your taste sound like ass. I’m gonna fucking annihilate you like Kunimitsu Tezuka did to the dinosaurs.”
“Nani the fuck?”
We both took our stances. He held his hands out like he were gripping a sword and the air around him started to solidify, forcing the hilt of a sword. The blade started to form… is that a fucking cactus? “Hey! This is my cactus and his name is Pablo!”
I sweatdropped. What is with this guy? “Oi -” I suddenly gagged as something solidified in my mouth. It tasted like if you took Kirishima’s dirty gym socks, wiped your ass with it, and then pureed it with rotten onions. My stomach turned as I spit it out, coughing violently as I tried to ignore the taste on my tongue. Is that… a mother fucking sock?!
“Winchester just spit up a sock! What is this sorcery we’re seeing, folks?!”
“Take this!” Taking advantage of the distracted he had created, he moved in close, swinging the sword above his head. My hand shot up, connecting with the translucent spikes of the cactus. They broke the skin, small drops of blood flowing from the holes.
“Reggian has successfully launched the first attack! How will Winchester respond?!”
“Am I a fucking joke to you?”
“No, you’re a nerd.”
“Hmph, can’t argue with that one, but you’re gonna have to die now, thanks!” I squeezed my hand, increasing the temperature of my skin until the cactus exploded. My hand was throbbing.
“PABLO, NO!!!”
I punched him in the stomach, sending him stumbling backward, clutching his stomach and coughing.
“You’ll pay… for killing Pablo… you thot!” He held his hand up and the air started to solidify. “Improvised special move, Pablo Jr!!” He threw the small, potted cactus at me and I grunted, smacking it away. As soon as my hand touched it, it exploded.
“It’s hard to see but if you look closely you can see a bunch of translucent spikes now stuck in Winchester’s body from that last attack!”
“Son of a bitch,” I grunted. He lifted his hands again and I dashed forward. I won’t even give him the chance to – smack. I fell face-first on the ground, the cold cement seeping through my clothes.
Silence fell over the stadium before a roar of laughter erupted.
“Oh my god!”
“Did you see her face?!”
“I’m so glad I came, this is hilarious!”
“What a classic move!!”
“I’m wheezing, someone help!”
“Ahahahaha! Class 1-A isn’t looking so cool now, is it?!”
“Shut up, Monoma!”
“No one can get past my second improvised special move – Banana Peel Field!!” Regina laughed loudly.
“I can’t believe it! In all my years, this is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone slip on a banana peel during the sports festival! This is great!!”
I slowly lifted my head, my teeth clenched in annoyance. I fucking slipped on a mother fucking banana peel made of goddamn air. This fucking brat is toying with me and it’s pissing me off. I pulled myself to my feet, my blood boiling as flames engulfed my hands. I thrust them out to the side and lines of fire shot out in all directions, swirling around the arena.
I clenched my fists, grinning when he took a step back. “I’m not gonna give you the chance to give up, but don’t worry bro, I will give you the chance to die!” I slammed both fists against the ground, the concrete splitting as fire snaked through it directly toward him.
“Ah, shit -”
The flames shot up from the ground, hitting him in the gut and lifting him off his feet. I teleported behind him, pulling my leg back before slamming my shin against his back and into the cement. He coughed, doing a somersault to avoid my boot. He breathed heavily, lifting his hands again, but I didn’t give him the chance, teleporting behind him again. Pain shot through my skull and I knew I needed to end it soon.
The flames raged on my arm as I cocked my arm, bringing my fist against his face. He flew backward and I stomped my foot, sending a wave of flame to propel him farther. It smacked into him like a spout of water, forcing his body out of bounds and pinning it against the wall. His eyes rolled back in his head as he lost consciousness, the flames dying out. The air spikes in my body disappeared.
“Reggian is out of bounds!” Midnight raised her hand, the metal cuff clanking from the movement. “Winchester advances to the next round!”
“Woah, that chick is kinda scary, don’t you think?”
“She told him to die!”
“That’s not a very heroic thing to say…”
“Reggian did really well!”
“He’s hilarious! Imagine having him as a sidekick.”
“Right? There’d never be a dull moment!”
“His power is pretty unique, too. If you think about it, the uses for his quirk are pretty limitless.”
“Right? Fire’s a pretty basic quirk, no creativity there.”
My eyes narrowed at my hand, watching the blood drip to the cement.
“Go see Recovery Girl.” Midnight ordered.
“Yeah, whateva.”
“And with that explosive display, we have the first victor of the finals! Class 1-A’s Jen Winchester! Ah yeah~ that was a pretty amusing first fight, kids! Both of you fought bravely, let’s show them some love!!”
I won the fucking match, but I feel like a fucking loser. I shoved my hands into my pockets as I approached the dark hallway. I wanna go home.
“Hey, big sis!”
I glanced up at Riku’s voice. He was leaning over the railing again, waving his hand like crazy. A taller boy stood behind him, gripping the back of his shirt to keep him in place. That must be his older brother. Good, I’m glad the Woodsman was able to find him.
“You were so cool out there! Your power is uber strong!” he grinned brightly, closing his eyes. “I wanna be just like you when I grow up!”
My heart skipped a beat as warmth flooded me, my lips twitching up as I released a breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding. Thanks, kid… I needed that.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Gimme some sugar~” Gran pressed her lips to my cheek and patted my bandaged hand. “There, all better, deary.”
“Thanks, Gran.”
“Why the glum face? You won, after all.”
I sighed, falling back onto the bed and staring up at the ceiling. “I don’t know. I mean, I know I won the fight, but he won over the crowd. They totally hated me.”
She hummed. “There will always be times when people prefer one quirk over another. Don’t let it get you down, deary. You’ll always be number one in my heart.”
I smiled, turning onto my side and propping my cheek up against my palm. “Can I ask you somethin’?”
“Of course you may.”
“What does it mean… to be a hero?”
She sent me a surprised look before humming, her hand on her chin. “Well, everyone views it quite differently. At its very core, a hero is someone that wants to help others, but everyone has their own reasons, their own desires, to become a hero.”
“But I don’t,” I frowned, picking at the white sheet beneath me. “I don’t have that drive. I’ve thought about it a bunch of times, but I can’t think of a reason to fight. Besides… if people find out who my mother is, won’t that make them hate me, anyway? Bakugo told me not to tell anyone. He was dead serious about it. She was an A-Class villain turned pro hero. No one trusted her…”
Gran set her small hand over mine, her voice warm. “That may be true, but you are not your mother, deary. You’re your own person and if they view you differently, well, that’s their loss. No matter what happens in the future, you will always have a place here at U.A.”
My fingers wrapped around her hand. “Do you think… I’ll find a reason to be a hero?”
“I do, but you must remember that you grew up in a world where heroes are nothing more than fiction. It makes sense that you have no desire to be a hero because you grew up believing that such a dream simply wasn’t possible. I believe that, with time, you’ll find your reason to keep fighting. You just have to have some patience. These things can’t be rushed.”
I chuckled. “Patience has never been my strong suit. When I was a kid, the loading screen for my new game was taking too long so I kicked the TV.”
She laughed, patting my hand. “Yes, well, you are still young, deary.”
I glanced at Regina, who was unconscious on the bed across the room. “He gonna be okay?”
“He’ll be just fine. I’ve healed his wounds, now he just needs to recover his stamina. No need to worry.”
“Che, as if I’d worry about that idiot.” I rolled over onto my back, folding my hands behind my head. “Can I rest here for a bit?”
“Of course, deary.”
“Thanks, Gran.”
She pressed a kiss to my cheek before returning to her work, leaving me to mull over her words.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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barinacraft · 5 years
The Affinity Cocktail - Scotch Whisky And Vermouth Find True Love
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The Affinity Cocktail Pairs Scotch Affection For Vermouth
The Affinity Cocktail is one of only a few truly classic drinks mixed with Scotch whisky which shows the difficulty of pairing it in the perfect marriage. At least in spirit.
Modern versions of the Affinity Cocktail have sort of settled on a sip similar to a perfect Scotch Manhattan with orange or aromatic bitters, although the original drink recipe was hardly perfect (equal parts French and Italian vermouth). Back then it was closer to a sweetened Scottish Rory O'More or a Robert Burns with sugar instead of absinthe.
Either way, like most Scotch whisky cocktails, the character of this drink is greatly effected by how manly the mixture is. Blended may be best to begin with.
History Of The Affinity Cocktail
First Appeared In Print
The New York Sun initially reported on Monday, October 28, 1907 that,*
There's another new cocktail on Broadway. They call it the Affinity. After drinking one, surviving experimenters declare, the horizon takes on a roseate hue; the second brings Wall Street to the front and center proffering to you a quantity of glistening lamb shearings; when you’ve put away the third the green grass grows up all around, birds sing in the fig trees and your affinity appears.
The new ambrosia contains these ingredients...
Original Affinity Cocktail Recipe:
1 jigger (1 ½ oz) Scotch whisky
½ jigger (¾ oz) Italian vermouth
1 (medium) tsp powdered sugar
1 dash orange bitters
Shake in cracked ice, cocktail fashion, until thoroughly blended and cooled, then strain and quickly serve. ( Note: would recommend using superfine sugar though instead of powdered to avoid the corn starch and other anticaking agents which adds cloudiness and can affect the flavor. )
During this time period, many cocktails were created to commemorate the opening of a Broadway play and the reference to Wall Street is in relation to the financial crisis known as the 1907 Banker's Panic which was triggered by a failed attempt to corner the market on United Copper Company stock in October 1907.
Which Broadway play inspired the name for the Affinity cocktail though?
Keep reading below.
Syndicated newspaper columns including The Washington Post and others ran the story the following day. The Hartford Courant embellished the details with their own verse which also provided some more clues to the source, writing,†
Well, then the pianola sounds as good as the symphony orchestra. The second one convinces you that trust companies and savings banks are solvent and you want to put your money back. If you take three it seems like Summer, otherwise you’ll buy your wife, or the affinity, a new fur coat. Then it’s time to stop.
“It moved the poet to the following:
In its glistening depth is the light of her eyes,
In its taste is her honey kiss.
There’s a victor’s crown for the man who tries
To build me another like this.
If you put another bright red cherry in the last one you will feel like a Belmont as you ride home in the subway.
Divorcons or Let's Get A Divorce
James Slevin announces on November 8, 1907 a sketch he adopted for vaudeville based on the 1885 book Divorcons! by Emile de Najac and Victorien Sardou may be named Affinity.‡ This does not appear to have happened, although the original title was turned into a play1 which opened at the Playhouse Theatre April 1, 1913 running through May 19, 1913 and was later released as a 40 minute short silent black and white film2 as a comedy drama on December 15, 1915.
His Affinity Is A Miss
His Affinity is released as a black and white short silent film on November 9, 1907.3 This comedy details the adventures of a mild mannered husband, who after deciding to leave his overbearing wife, finds romance with a single girl he meets in the park. Drama ensues.
Good Golly Miss Molly, McGinnity
Good Golly is right when it comes to all the affinity references in popular culture in 1907 and shortly afterwards. Not to be confused with the rock and roll song by Little Richard in 1958, “Molly McGinnity, You're My Affinity” by composer John W. Bratton was released November 23, 1907. However, this humorous Irish folk song, lyrics below, was not featured on Broadway.4
The Billowy Ecstasy Of Neptunian Soul Kisses
The year 1907's affinity for affinity has come to a close and the source for the “newest drink on Broadway” as proclaimed by The New York Sun at the end of October does not seem to exist. Unless an advanced preview of an upcoming show served as inspiration for the Affinity Cocktail.
Enter The Soul Kiss, a Broadway musical created by Florenz Ziegfeld all about the subject, which included the song My Affinity, sung by the sculptor in the show sixth on the song list during Act I. It opened January 28, 1908 at the New York Theater and ran for 122 performances until May 23, 1908.5
The play had a behind the scenes production cast that included many of the same players responsible for The Ziegfeld Follies. Familiar names included producers A.L. Erlanger and Marcus Klaw, music by Maurice Levi (and others) and script / lyrics written by Harry B. Smith, who also wrote the Rob Roy operetta which has a drink named after it.
The soul kiss, a tongue in cheek [sic] expression for a French kiss elevated to exaggerated proportions, was supposedly invented by a romance instructor who was quoted in a newspaper interview as saying, “When I exchange soul kisses with my affinity in the planet Neptune, I close the doors, throw myself on a couch, my soul goes out from my body to meet him and I experience a billowy ecstasy.” By the way, at the time, personal lessons could be purchased for $300.
Her description inspired Smith6 to develop the plot for the play which had J. Lucifer Mephisto (Ralph C. Herz) betting one million dollars that sculptor Ketcham Short (Cecil Lean) would not remain faithful to his fiance, model Suzette (Florence Holbrook), under the temptation of a soul kiss from dancer (Adeline Genee). As a follow up, The Ziegfeld Follies of 1908, which debuted on June 15th of that year, contained a comedy spoof mocking the November elections called The Political Soul Kiss where Miss Columbia (female Uncle Sam) tries to find her affinity among the presidential candidates including William Jennings Bryan, Charles Evans Hughes, William Howard Taft and then 2nd term incumbent president Theodore Roosevelt who was not seeking a third.
The Affinity (Play)
Its probably folly to keep searching for the stimulus behind this sip's sobriquet since The Soul Kiss seems to seal the deal, but there actually was a Broadway play named The Affinity.7 However, in 1907 it was still known as Les Hannetons.
Les Hannetons, which translates to cockchafers (the beetles known as June Bugs), by French playwright Eugene Brieux, was a three act bitter comedy first produced at the Theatre de la Renaissance in Paris, France on February 3, 1906. The controversial play dealt with matrimony and mistresses, treating marriage as a battleground, and gained some infamous notoriety after being banned by censors in both France and England. British stage actor Laurence Irving, who translated Les Hannetons8 into English, performed the play with his wife Mabel Hackney in the United States, first renamed as The Incubus in 1909 and then later renamed again in January 1910 as The Affinity. There were no bureaucratic black outs on Broadway, but the crowds were not amused and the play lasted for only 24 performances at the Comedy Theater on west 41st street.
Behind Your Bar - How To Make An Affinity Cocktail At Home
First Published In A Cocktail Book
Minus the powdered sugar, the Express Cocktail with equal parts Scotch whisky and Italian vermouth plus a dash of orange bitters via Straub's Manual of Mixed Drinks (1913) appears to be the earliest recipe printed in a cocktail book which comes closest to the original 1907 Affinity Cocktail. However, the first one named the Affinity Cocktail published in a bartending book is the one in The Reminder by Jacob A Didier (1909) and it is a different formulation.9
Its this ‘perfect’ combination of Scotch whisky with French and Italian vermouths along with aromatic or orange bitters that has become the modern classic so to speak.10
Affinity Cocktail Drink Recipe (modern classic):
1 oz Scotch whisky (blended)
1 oz French (dry) vermouth
1 oz Italian (sweet) vermouth
2 dashes aromatic or orange bitters
Measure all the ingredients into a mixing glass with ice and stir well. Strain and serve with a twist of lemon peel (or orange rind to match the bitters if chosen). Adjust the manliness to suit.
David Embury, the author of The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks (1948) ratchets up the proportions to a 4:1:1 ratio. When it comes to Scotch though, that's probably too manly for most.
Similar Mixed Drinks
Automobile Cocktail - gin, scotch, sweet vermouth and orange bitters.
Beadlestone Cocktail - equal parts Scotch and dry vermouth.
Borden Chase - an original Affinity Cocktail with pastis instead of powdered sugar.
Emerald Cocktail - half-n-half Irish whiskey and Italian vermouth with a dash of orange bitters.
Highland Cocktail - equal parts Scotch and sweet vermouth.
Thistle Cocktail - Scotch whisky, Italian vermouth and Angostura bitters.
Trilby Variation - a Borden Chase with parfait amour.
York Cocktail - Scotch whisky, French vermouth and orange bitters.
* - "Live Topics About Town." New York Sun 28 Oct. 1907: 4. Print.
† - Hartford Courant 29 Oct. 1907: 14. Print.
‡ - "An 'Affinity' Sketch." Variety Magazine Nov. 1907: 6. Print.
1 - Divorcons (the play).
2 - Divorcons (the movie).
3 - His Affinity (the movie).
4 - Molly McGinnity, You're My Affinity song lyrics:
I've been a single man all my life.
I've never wanted to own a wife.
No Wedding Bells was the song for me.
Money my own, and my evenings free.
Now all that's over, those days are through;
You've done the trick with your eyes of blue.
Molly McGinnity don't you see?
You're the affinity meant for me.
Molly McGinnity, You're my affinity, Say that you love me, do.
In this vicinity, No femininity, Is half so sweet as you.
Molly McGinnity, Down at old Trinity, If you will not decline.
There's a doctor of divinity, The Reverend Finnerty, A waiting to make you mine.
“Hold on a minute,” says Molly dear,
“What's this affinity word I hear?
Is it some kind of a breakfast food?
May be its meaning is not so good.”
“Whisper,” says I, “‘tis a brand new word,
‘Tis from the French, and it means a bird.”
“Oh, if that's so” says my Molly dear,
“Say it again, for I like to hear.”
Molly McGinnity, You're my affinity, Say that you love me, do.
In this vicinity, No femininity, Is half so sweet as you.
Molly McGinnity, Down at old Trinity, If you will not decline.
There's a doctor of divinity, The Reverend Finnerty, A waiting to make you mine.
5 - The Soul Kiss (Broadway musical extravaganza).
6 - Harry Bache Smith, First Nights and First Editions - An Autobiography (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1931). Print.
7 - The Affinity (the play).
8 - Michael Holroyd, A Strange Eventful History: The Dramatic Lives of Ellen Terry, Henry Irving, and Their Remarkable Families (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008). Print.
9 - That's not really true, but since the first "Affinity cocktail" published in a bartending book was actually a completely separate recipe altogether, we decided to remove it from the main article content. This drink, which later became known to some as the Violet Affinity cocktail was originally listed with instructions to frappe 2/5 French vermouth with 2/5 Italian vermouth and 1/5 crème de violette; serving in a chilled stemmed glasses via William T. (Cocktail) Boothby, The World's Drinks And How To Mix Them (San Francisco: Pacific Buffet, 1908), 143. Print.
10 - Other Affinity cocktail variations have appeared along the way including one with equal measures of whiskey, French and Italian vermouths along with 3 drops of Peychaud bitters and a twist of orange peel on top via Ernest P. Rawling, Rawling's Book of Mixed Drinks - An Up to Date Guide for Mixing and Serving All Kinds of Beverages and Written Expressly for the Man Who Entertains at Home (San Francisco: Guild Press, 1914), 14. Print.
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waterfall8956 · 7 years
Hey everyone,
I thought it was about time to do a get to know me post because it’s fun and you’ll get to know more about me in the process… win win. I didn’t want to do the general questions like favourite colour and how old are you because I wanted to something a little different. So naturally I went to google to find some interesting questions and there were some really good ones on signupgenius.com. As I was reading the questions, I honestly loved them all there are so many good ones on the list, but I have managed to pick a few of my faves from the list of  100
   1. Who is your favourite author/favourite book
This is another really good question but really hard to answer not because I can’t think of anything, but because it’s so difficult to choose. I did an English degree, so naturally I have a massive book collection (perks of being an English grad ey?) I have been lucky enough to read texts that I would never have chosen to read myself and also classics that I can just read again and again (I love a bit of Gatsby). I didn’t think I could do it but I’ve managed to choose my favourite book and it has to be Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri. Okay, so this is a little bit of a cheat because it’s a collection of short stories – but they’re all in one book so it counts. I read this book for my dissertation and I instantly fell in love with it; I just couldn’t put it down (that’s how you know). If you guys are looking for something witty and relatable then I would definitely recommend giving this book a read. p.s my favourite story in the collection is A Temporary Matter.
Yes those are bookmarks from when I read this book at uni, and yes I’m too lazy to take them out.
 2. What makes you laugh the most?
This is a really cute question and surprisingly a tough one to answer. There are loads of things that make me laugh like pretty much every episode of friends (no surprise there), my brother’s sarcastic take on pretty much everything in life, and videos of dogs being naughty/getting into trouble on YouTube (I don’t know, it’s just funny). But the thing that makes me laugh the most has got to be when I’m just messing around with anyone who is close to me because we always just come out with some of the funniest things. Unless it’s at my expense, then not so funny.
3. Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion?
There are so many outfits/pieces from the 90s that I love but they’re already back in fashion. I’m talking scrunchies, chokers, checked shirts… the list goes on quite a bit. So I can’t think of anything that I would want to bring back that isn’t already back. But there are some iconic Rachel Green outfits that are to die for, she just makes everything look so good.
What is not to love about these outfits? Checked shirts, dungarees, crop tops and of course the turtleneck (anyone who knows me will have seen my collection of turtlenecks, you just can’t have too many).
4. How would your bestie describe you?
We all love asking our besties (hey Kell if you’re reading, which I’m sure you are because you’re my number one *wink*) how they would describe us, and I’ve definitely asked mine many times how she would describe me. I’ve known Kelly for more than 10 years so it’s fair to say I’m not the same person as I was when I met her (thank god) so her answer has changed a few times over the course of our friendship (again, thank god). As soon as I chose this question, I text Kelly to find out what she would say now, see screenshot down below:
Awww, isn’t she nice (let’s ignore the needy part, she doesn’t know what she’s on about, I’m not needy *does sassy hair flip*) 
5. What do you do to keep fit?
I used to struggle with keeping fit a few years ago because 1. I didn’t have the dedication to exercise/workout and 2. I didn’t have the willpower to eat clean (not that I stuffed my face with burgers on the reg). But last summer I decided that I was going to stick to a workout routine (with the occasional chocolatey treat) as I was getting married in December so obviously I wanted to look and feel at my best. I’m not a health or fitness expert but there are 3 things that I personally love doing to keep fit:
Pilates/HIIT training are my two favourite methods of working out. When I first started working out I did it with Charlotte Crosby’s 3 Minute Belly Blitz and I loved it. I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants to lose weight, maintain their fitness or even just have a bit of fun. After I reached my goal weight, I wanted to do something that would help me tone up my muscles a bit more so I started up pilates. I didn’t take lessons (because let’s be real, we’re not all stars on Made In Chelsea) instead I followed Cassey Ho’s Blogilates workouts on YouTube and they’re seriously amazing. She even has an app!
Walking (yes, even in the rain) is an easy and underrated way to get some exercise into your day. Walking to/from work, on our lunch breaks or even a quickie round the block (is that American?) can make a huge difference. I like to keep track of my steps and try to see how many I can do each day or I’ll just go for a quick walk whilst I’m on the phone to Sonu (which is a lot so you can imagine my step count).
Drinking sufficient amounts of water is so so important. The best way I like to do this is by filling up a big bottle of water and keep it at my desk so I’m reminded to drink from it. I tried keeping an app once but that didn’t work out because I just kept forgetting #fail
6. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
‘I’m not great at advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?’ yes, this is the infamous Chandler Bing quote and it’s so perfect for me. I think 90% of the time anybody asks me for advice I just have an unhelpful (yet somewhat humorous) response, oops.
7. What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a coffee?
I kinda have two answers for this.
The first person that came to mind was Jennifer Aniston. I just find her so funny and I know we’d get along well because she’s got a really dry sense of humour (so you know Jen, if you’re reading maybe we can catch up sometime). Plus she’s so beautiful, I think I’d just stare at her the entire time. The second person would be Emma Watson, I find her really inspiring and the work she does is so admirable so I’m sure there’d be a lot to talk about (and maybe she can tell me how to get into Hogwarts).
As always, I hope you guys enjoyed reading my post, I had a lot of fun answering these questions. Tag me in your get to know me posts, I would love to read some of them. 
xo Amerjit
ps I’m not that bad at advice really.
    7 Questions To Get To Know Me Hey everyone, I thought it was about time to do a get to know me post because it's fun and you'll get to know more about me in the process... 
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