#in my defense I'm reading the odyssey
pathos-bathos · 8 months
Thinking about Hector's baby son being terrified of his father in his armor helmet as he is heading out to war
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cyclogenesis · 1 month
life update
Got back from my grandmother's house late last night and wrote down 1,000 disconnected words from I think...three different WIPs because I thought of scenes in the car and didn't write them down at the time because I was driving. Driving did not, however, stop me from trying to photograph the gigantic moon. Didn't work. Just a blurry sky ball. (Yes I could have taken a voice memo but I was also singing along VERY loudly to the first Paramore album. Sorry for multitasking!!! All We Know Is Falling is a perfect record!)
Bounced out of bed at 7am thinking I would do stuff today but the stuff I ended up doing was looking at Tumblr because I was tired from a long weekend of socializing and also couldn't figure out which WIP I wanted to tackle. The jealous Logan one I started before Body Count which has some good stuff but also might suck? The super stabby one where they fuck in the Odyssey and then later fall in love (quirky!!)? The one where they come across a bunch of other multiverse versions of themselves, including the two scenes I've already written both of which are breathtakingly self-indulgent? Something around the handful of tiny snippets I've written that are not connected to anything larger but somehow almost all compare Logan in some way to a cat?
Also need to participate in capitalism (gross) and shoot some stuff because I went mildly ham in Visalia yesterday and found some amazing pieces for my vintage shop (link! sorry! capitalism! survival!). Went through everything again this morning and realized that I did actually buy more stuff for myself than I'd realized, but in my defense I'm in a 1980s Venice Beach stoner bro style era and these black stonewashed jeans fit me perfectly. Sorry! Ken doll masc phase! Also keeping the 1989 neon New Kids on the Block t-shirt to wear sincerely and the D.A.R.E. t-shirt to wear ironically! Whatever!
Sent my father a seven text thread entitled Conversational Bibliography because we saw each other this weekend and every time we hang out it results in multiple recommendations, this time including language apps (2), New Yorker articles (1, earthquake-related), books (3, 2 of which were earthquake-related), and the link to my Deadpool/Wolverine fic, because he likes reading my stuff and gives me charming feedback via text. And he always takes my recommendations and reads what I recommend which is why he's now also a Locked Tomb stan. Adorable. Love that guy.
What will I do tomorrow? Gosh, you tell me!!
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mimbotomy · 1 year
ask game: C, G, S, T, V?
C: What character do you identify with most?
Barnabas! Just like the best NPC in Odyssey (I'm sorry to all my other beloved NPCs who I adore but he's my favorite), I love the ocean, mythology and stories, and am ride or die for my best friends. And I too would do anything for Kassandra 😂
G: Do you write your story from start to finish or do you write the scenes out of order?
Bit of both! I try to write mostly start to finish but I do end up jumping around a lot with some fics, especially when I get stuck on my current chapter or arc. Or if I'm writing the Children of Kephallonia, because I get way too excited about scenes a million years from my current chapter.
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
I will always lose my mind for the friends to lovers and found family trope. Throw in an enemy to make it enemies to lovers, enemies to friends, enemies to found family, or enemies to friends to lovers, and that's lowkey even better. Or a fake dating scheme - whoops I'm just starting to describe your new fic, but in my defense it is hitting all my boxes 😂
Beyond that, I adore time travel fics. I just love the idea of someone getting a second chance to make things right and save their lost loved ones. I actually love it so much that I started writing a new time travel fix it fic even though I'm definitely not done with my first RIP. I also occasionally love a good modern au or crack fic too, but I'm also pretty picky about them too.
Also crossovers. I fucking love crossovers.
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?
I honestly kinda despise soulmark/soulbond/etc fics - like no offense to anyone who writes or likes them, but I love the build up of a relationship too much and I feel like that trope just kind of cheapens it. Also not a fan of AUs that are so far removed from the source material that it's a whole new cast of characters/story, but once again, no judgment to those who write/like them!
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Reading this question made me forget literally every fic I've ever read.
Maybe it's a bit of a cop out to say, but I don't think I would ever want to write a sequel/prequel for someone else's fic! I think one of the best parts of reading is reading and falling in love with someone else's writing style and interpretation of the characters and so trying to write someone else's story in my style would just ruin the experience. So I will leave the writing the prequels and sequels to the original fic writers and leave a thousand kudos and comments instead!
Always down to answer more questions, found here!
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mused-like-roses · 1 year
🖥 — favorite platform besides tumblr?
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
Tumblr media
// I assume we're speaking RP-wise, and if that's the case, then Discord is like my go-to! Overall platform wise, I'm prolly gonna flounder between Youtube and Crunchyroll.
// Hoo boy, this one is gonna be lengthy and off the top of my head so it'll be disjointed AF so... read more!
Super Mario 64, Sonic Unleashed/Adventure 2, Paper Mario: TTYD/Super, Legend of Zelda: BOTW/Twilight Princess, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Kirby, F-Zero, Pokemon, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, Star Ocean, Dark Cloud, Just Cause, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia, Overwatch, Fortnite, Borderlands, Danganronpa, Sleeping Dogs, Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Judgment, Dragon Quest, Street Fighter, Tekken, Granblue Fantasy: Versus, Guilty Gear, Blazblue, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive, Mortal Kombat, The King of Fighters, For Honor, Senran Kagura, Ace Attorney, AI: The Somninum Files, The World Ends With You, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Nioh, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-Man (Insomniac), inFamous, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Oneechanbara, Devil May Cry, Dante's Inferno, God of War, Phantasy Star, Naruto: Ninja Storm/Shinobi Striker/Path of the Ninja, One Piece Pirate Warriors/Odyssey, Yo-Kai Watch, Spec Ops: The Line, Destiny, Enter the Gungeon, Red Dead Redemption, Code Vein, Earth Defense Force, Genshin Impact, Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, Shantae, Indivisible, Monster Hunter, Mafia, My Friend Pedro, Neir Automata/Replicant, Rayman, Rogue Galaxy, Dynasty/Samurai Warriors, Scarlet Nexus, Star Wars Battlefront, Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor, Watch_Dogs, Vampyr, Ys, Madworld, Halo, Castlevania, Bloodstained, Gunvolt, Mega Man, Gears of War, and Buck Bumble
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wutheringmights · 2 years
oh. my. fuck. it is near 3 am and i have since finished the chapter, haven’t yet read your commentary but will in the morn. so. wars got strangeled and gave up on morals i see. ig it is an eye for an eye and he values violence over sight :// back on my thematic bullshit tho the discussions of death are really interesting because there is this idea of murder and killing in battle snd self defense, and a lot of play with the contemporary idea of the hero within your fic, the idea of the good guy who sets boundaries to differentiate from anti heroes, or outright villains, which i find to be fundamentally at odds with the classic heroes of macbeth, achilles, etc. and while violence begets violence begets death, there was still this honour in killing for your land and i just think that this ethical strife on the act of taking a life when taking a second to give sympathy shifts it on its head. and then there is that whole layer of complication with wars fucked up notion of love regarding the engineer, this weird concept of give and hurt and take, and the self destructive beauty of it all, twisted further again by the idea of familial connection, wether through shared spirit or blood; a bone deep connection that you cannot deny, echoes of the self. and then that ties into linkle and lincoln and link (i love the naming scheme btw) and this care, this duty and fucked up dysfunctionally reluctant family and the warped lens with which wars views it. i apologise for the word dump once more, i have no clue as to the coherency of what i have sent you, but thabk you!! you have set my brain alight in making connections between different greek plays i have read and given me a much better understanding of values in ancient greece just through the thoughts your wonderful writing provokes!!!
Always glad to help you with your study of Greek plays. You are far smarter than me, anon.
In terms of classical lit, I'm more well versed in the epic poems. So to add to your bit about the morality of murder for classic heroes-- in the Odyssey, our hero Odysseus is seen as less moral than his contemporaries because he solves problems through cunning and wit. He prefers to win through trickery as opposed to strength. I think you could find some parallels with Warriors there, as he has taken his ability to read people and be personable and turned it into a weapon.
I have no doubt that you noticed this (or that you read this in my commentary), but the really interesting thing about past Warriors this chapter is that his crisis of conscience kicks in the moment one of his plans doesn't go the way he wants it to. But he's so deeply entrenched with this way of living that he can't recognize it. He seems to understand how people work, yet can't seem to understand himself.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
Open question: So in addition to being Circe from Epic I think I might also be Ctimene (Odysseus's younger sister and Eurylochous's wife) and I have no idea how to go about questioning. I haven't read the Odyssey but from what I can tell she's only briefly mentioned, and she hasn't been mentioned at all in Epic and from what I know likely won't be. The main reason I believe I'm from the Epic canon is because those are the specific versions of Odysseus and Eurylochus I feel attached to and like I may have memories of. Odysseus made sense because of my Circe canon but I couldn't figure out Eurylochus and why I felt so crushed when he died. I mean as Circe we only met once and it wasn't under the best of circumstances. But I have no idea of how to actually go about questioning her. The best I have is some fanart I found of what people imagine Ctimene in Epic might look like (which has struck kin feels in me), a possible memory of Odysseus telling me my husband was dead, and an Epic animatics creator saying that she may put her somewhere in their Mutiny animatic which if that does happen could help. I know it's possible that I just am feeling sad over the death of a character but this feels different. I mean I didn't feel this way when Polities died. I felt sad but this is different. This feels like more than just being sad a character I like died, it feels like I knew Eurylochus and had an important connection to him. I'm crushed by this. I also feel like this could explain why I feel so angry and defensive when people put the blame on everything that happened in Thunder Saga on Eurylochus. (With that said I understand he screwed up big time. Obviously.) Same with Scylla and the wind bag. I'm sad and angry that Eurylochus opened the bag when we were so close to being reunited and I'm angry at Ody for trying to sacrifice my maybe husband when he confessed. I just don't know. I'm pissed about how everything between them turned out and that if I'm right and these feelings are genuine I lost my husband and was made a widow by my brother. So how should I question a character from an adaptation of a classic who is (afaik) barely mentioned in said classic and likely will never make a canon appearance in the adaptation I am questioning from? (#🌙🌹🐚)
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derrickperegrine · 7 years
📕🐉 L O V E your blog, and also I don't follow directions like a twat. I looooove to read and write; I'm basically really into drama and performance arts (just cried over an episode of So You Think You Can Dance) -- I prefer staying up drinking with close friends instead of partying all night long. Super ambitious about what I want and I do my best to get what I want. According to JK my patronus is a swan and I love Charms + Transfiguration + all food. literally all kindsa food.
ahh thank you so much!! and haha dw it’s cool
best classes:
mythological herbology: the study of plants in magical myths and legends, such as the goddess iðunn’s apples and the lotus trees in homer’s the odyssey
permanent transfiguration: advanced transfiguration course that teaches permanent transformations. only highly responsible and students are allowed to take this class for fear of consequences
illusion charms: charms class that teaches students how to cast elaborate illusions, disguises, and covers to both distract attention and evade scrutiny
worst classes:
summoning magic: a branch of defense against the dark arts that concerns allying with magic sentient beings to defend against greater evils in a common environment
rune-making: an advanced runes class that teaches students to craft their own runes and sigils based on their experiences with runes
elective courses:
show-dueling: half-dueling half-performance, this class teaches students to crush their opponents with skill but also to dazzle the onlookers with elaborate spells
alchemical transfiguration: combining alchemy and transfiguration, this class teaches students to brew transfiguration spells into potions that they can drink for instantaneous, silent, and long-lasting transfigurations
extracurricular activities:
durmstrang drama club: schedules and puts on performances of both classic wizarding plays and students’ original creations
quidditch: this one is self-explanatory
additional duties:
head girl: this one is self-explanatory
captain of the durmstrang quidditch team: this one is self-explanatory
favourite haunts:
durmstrang airspace: flying is allowed in any part of durmstrang, but the best place to fly is directly above the entire school, the wind pulling against you as you hover above durmstrang’s dozen of buildings, dark forest, and sea shore
the common hall: a large hall with roaring flames, mahogany and leather furniture, and fur throws where durmstrang students can chill, read, or have a mug of mulled mead with their friends
pet: eurasian eagle owlshort drabble:
a corridor of red robes that churn and twist like an uneasy sea of unspilt blood. hungry smiles and hungry words, floating into the air and causing your heart to tug with desire. heads held high, sharp jaws catching the slanting morning sunlight like a shine against a blade’s edge. this is durmstrang. a school for the wanting, a school forged from determination, a school full of protagonists.
there’s always something spectacular happening at durmstrang – whether it’s the latest spat to occur in this school of alphas, a perfect demonstration performed in class, or the latest prank pulled by the infamous quidditch team – and there is never a single boring moment. durmstrang is always a school of excitement, neatly tamed behind a suit of red wool and warm fur; the hidden teeth behind a polite smile. this is what magic ought to be – promise, movement, brilliance.
lights, camera, action. put on your game face, wave at the audience, and put your best foot forward. the world is watching you, durmstrang, and you sure as hell are going to make it worth their attention. they’ll be on the edge of their seat, terrified with rapture, by the end of your performance. remind them that you are a beautiful thing; but behind your control a wildness crouches and waits, ready to pounce at any moment.
song: strom by die toten hosen
reb celebrates 750 no more please
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