#in place of a 'never skip 9' rant you can just pick rose
spirantization · 1 year
This is not about which one is the BEST episode, or else this poll would be a showdown between Midnight and the Waters of Mars. The Girl in the Fireplace is here because someone is holding me at gunpoint. My captor says if no one votes for it he'll let me go.
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shewolfofficial · 6 years
Dad!Levi x Mom!Reader ~ Run Pt. 2
Warning: Cursing, Slight Angst at the end
Summary: You spend a few days with Levi and your friends still in the forest, one night you recieve news that the Scouts were no longer criminals
A/N: If there's any grammar mistakes please excuse them, I've started to write fanfiction after midnight and I become tired when I'm reading over it for mistakes
You woke up to birds chirping and quiet chatter from around you, opening your eyes you glanced down to your side where Rose was supposed to be sleeping only to find her not there. Shooting up like a bullet you failed to notice everyone was already awake including your two daughters. "Mommy I'm here don't worry" Rose came out from behind the tree holding a bunch of flowers she picked in her little hand "o-oh I thought you went off by yourself" you chuckled dryly to your young child who giggled and walked over to Sasha and Connie who were eating a cooked fish. You could see Levi sitting by the small river on a large stone talking to Isabelle, probably bitching about people they don't like since you usually catch them doing it.
"Good morning Y/N" Armin chirped to you as you stretched a little "good morning Armin, mornin' Mikasa" you greeted him and the girl who stood next to him. "You both get enough sleep?" you asked them as they both nodded "what about you? How are you holding up?" Mikasa replied while you shrugged "I'm alright, nothing to worry about here" you snickered as she nodded. "Well looks like someone is finally awake!" a teasing voice came from behind you, immediately knowing who it belonged to you rolled your eyes playfully turning around to face Jean who wore a devious grin "well good morning to you too.... JEAN BOYYYYY!!" you shouted to him before laughing, hearing Armin and Mikasa titter from behind you. "Jean boyy!" Sasha called out from across the little river making you laugh harder. "Oh shut up potato girl" Jean growled before facing you "if you want it that way, fine Y/N this means war" he snickered before appearing next to you and leaning on your shoulder trying to imitate your voice " 'Oh Captain Levi! I am a damsel in distress oh please save me my knight in shining armor! ' "Jean exclaimed gaining Rose's and Isabelle's attention as they watched you both.
Frowning you shot him a glare as a pink blush dusted your cheeks "sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you over the attempts of you trying to impress Mikasa" you snickered as Jean's eye twitched. "Oh I'm sorry! What was that Y/N? I didn't hear you over the fact that you never stop fawning over the Captain!" Jean shot back frowning.
Isabelle nudged Levi's side resulting in him looking to her in confusion, the only response he got was a gesture towards you and Jean trying to embarrass and insult each other. "I've actually never seen this side of mom before... It's strange but funny" Isabelle mutters as she and Levi both watch you and Jean torment each other.
Armin was now clinging onto your arm to try restrain you after Jean said that you pissed yourself on your first expedition out loud. Boy were you furious at him. "YOU SAID YOU WOULD NEVET SPEAK OF IT AGAIN YOU BITCH!" you screeched in horror to the male who laughed at your expression. "Oh well at least we know who won this war right Y/N?" Jean snickered before you sent him a death glare. "You should really stop drawing pictures of Mikasa and leaving them around in the dorm Jean Boy!" you watched his face drop in terror as he paled "fine I give up you win" Jean pouted in disappointment. "Momma bear wins again!" you say proudly as Rose claps excitedly from beside you "great job mommy! Here, have a flower!" Rose smiled as she placed a flower behind your ear. "Thank you sweetie~" you sang to her kissing her forehead.
Rose was a very innocent and kind child, she would always make sure you, Levi and everyone else was happy or she'd try to cheer them up. You could tell she would be a kind young woman when she grows up. Isabelle was quite the daddy's girl, she would be interested in fighting, the Military and topics related to it. She had the personality of her father and wouldn't hesitate to jump into a fight if she wanted.
Getting lost in thought Levi didn't notice you and Rose arriving in front of him until you waved a hand in front of him "Leviii? Helllooo? You there or are you in cloud 9?" you joked hearing Isabelle snicker as Levi's gaze darted up to meet yours. "What?" he asked as you placed your hands on your hips "what's the plan for today cap?" you smirk at him "we're waiting for Hanji to return with news on the MP situation in the capital, we may be closer to not being considered as criminals anymore" Levi says as Rose sat on his knee. "Right..Well thanks for bringing me up to date anyway" you say watching Rose hand a flower to Levi and Isabelle as he bounces her on his knee. "Has... The whole house been destroyed..?" Levi asks quietly looking at you, sighing you nod "currently we're homeless, quite literally since we are in a forest" you snicker at your own joke as Levi playfully rolls his eyes.
"I'll sort the housing situation out with Historia once we get her and Eren back" Levi says as you shake your head. "Nope you can leave that to me mister! You'll probably threaten her or something" you smile to Levi who clicks his tongue "probably... Fine.. You do it then" he says knowing you won't give up until he agrees.
// Time Skip - 4 hours later \\
You watched the sunset over the hill through a gap in the trees, E/C orbs watching the blazing mass of fire and heat slowly disappear over the hills, hearing rustling of grass come up from behind you-you were soon joined by Levi who sat next to you in silence. A few minutes passed and Levi broke the silence "Sasha wants to bring you hunting for food for dinner, you know, since it's animals and all that shit so.." Levi spoke as you nodded your head laying back on the grass lookin up to the darkening sky starting to be speckled with stars. "I'll go with her in a minute.. I'm just watching the view you know?" you reply as Levi nods looking over your features, sighing he tore his silver orbs off you "I'm sorry I brought you and the kids into this mess... You three were doing just fine" he mumbles in guilt, shooting up you look at him. "Don't dare blame yourself for us being dragged into this shit, it's not your fault, it's more of my fault since I disgarded the thought of all scouts being labelled as wanted, that included the ones who retired. It's my fault not yours so don't beat yourself up over it" you say as your mother tone kicks in. Levi shakes his head running a hand through his dark hair "If Hanji wasn't there when those pigs had you at gunpoint you and the girls would be dead, I should have fucking been there to protect you three like a good father and husband" he bites his lip as I wrap my arms around him. "Nonono Levi what did I say about beating yourself up over it? What are you talking about? You're a brilliant father! The girls love and admire you! Don't forget you're an amazing husband, you've protected us and supported us more than I can count" you exclaim to him. Holding Levi in your embrace as you rocked gently back and forward.
"Now I'm going to go hunting with Sasha and we're going to get everyone dinner for tonight, if I come back and you're still beating yourself up over it you'll have to listen to me rant about how great of a father and husband you are for god knows how long, ya hear me?" you couldn’t help the smile that tugged on your lips as you pulled you both up, resting both your hands on his shoulders. "Let momma bear take care of daddy bear and the cubs for tonight" you giggle as Levi smiles a little before leaning in and kissing your lips, kissing back you nip his lower lip before pulling away. "Now come on soldier boy, let's go back to the others" you say holding his hand and dragging him back to the others.
// Time Skip - After Dinner \\
You and Sasha managed to score a deer and hauled it back to camp where you gained some surprised faces. "Mom is that one of Santa's reindeers!? Did you kill one" Rose exclaims on the verge if tears thinking you killed Rudolf or something. "No she didn't Rose, Santa's reindeers live In the North Pole remember?" Levi instantly soothes the young girl as she clings to him.
The deer actually tasted really nice and Rose even ate it. Leaving everyone with full stomachs and tired minds, Armin and the others began going to bed. "Rose you can stay with me tonight up in the tree yeah?" Isabelle offered as Rose nodded excitedly to sleep in the tree with her big sister.
Gaining some remaining heat from the campfire you heard the light snores from all around you, presuming everyone was asleep you stayed up getting as much heat from the dying flames. That didn't last long until arms sneakily wrapped around your waist as you felt someone digging their head into the crook of your neck, catching a glimpse of Levi's raven hair you calmed down as he cuddled into you. You could hear Levi let out a low growl from behind you "what was that you were saying earlier? 'Let momma bear take care of daddy bear and the cubs for tonight'? Looks like you already done your part now why don't we switch roles... Let me take care of you tonight" Levi whispers before biting on your neck making you squeak. Standing up Levi pulled you up before dragging you a little bit away from the camp. "Levi where are we going?" you ask as he leads the way "tch.. Don't worry" was all he responded with.
// Next Day \\
You sat at the trunk of a tree watching Sasha and Connie talk to your daughters, Isabelle seemed to have a blush on her cheeks which made you snicker seeing how she formed a crush on Connie. Levi was out collecting sticks and twigs incase you needed to start a fire with Mikasa and Jean. Armin fishing in the river and you just sat there chilling, not really in the mood since you were sore from last night so you didn't fancy probably embarrassing yourself in front of everyone.
Noticing figures approaching in the distance made you quirk an eyebrow soon recognising them as Levi, Mikasa and Jean coming back with firewood you could hear Levi order them to drop it in a pile where the last camp-fire was situated.
Soon enough the darkness of night begun to creep up and arrive that signalling dinner time, luckily you managed to catch a rabbit but immediately got attached to the white fluffy animal and quickly be-friended it.
Now resulting in you holding the litte creature to your chest as everyone stared at you like a hungy pack of wolves. "Y/N hand over the rabbit" Jean said reaching for it, scurrying backwards your back his against the tree. "Cone on Y/N it'll be quick and easy, it won't feel a thing" Connie tries as you shake your head pouting. Levi walked past them giving you a fed up expression "Y/N give it." he said squinting his eyes down to you holding out his hand. Wrapping the small ball of fluff in your arms protectively you refuse Levi which makes him frown at you. "Y/N it won't feel a thing, just hand it over" Levi attempted once more before you sighed and gently passed the small bunny to Levi, holding it by the stomach with one hand he turned his back to you. A few seconds later you heard a firm snap making you flinch as the rabbit dangled from Levi's grip on it's ears.
You literally had to force yourself to eat a part of the cooked rabbit which made you gag, rabbits had been your favourite animal since you were young. Managing to befriend one then have it immediately die a few minutes later upset you. Once you finished eating your friend you laid against a tree outside the small circle of people eating your little friend. Not long after Hanji appeared with Moblit with news on the whole government issue. The fake king had been exposed and the scouts were no longer criminals. Watching everyone jump and shout for joy including your two daughters, sitting in the background watching them celebrate you knew since the fake king has been exposed, the mission to retake Wall Maria will be happening once everyone regroups meaning you will have to leave Levi for another while without seeing him.
That could last god knows how long, and it's Wall Maria for bloody sake! The place is full of titans! This made you feel even more sick to the bottom of your stomach with worry about your husband and friends.
You had to admit, not seeing Levi for a few weeks upset you, getting to be reunited with him for under a week made you happy but the thought of having him leave again broke you since there's a chance he might not come back one day.
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disposedserenity · 6 years
BTS in Singapore #LoveYourselfSG
I don’t know who would even wanna read about a concert that happened A MONTH AGO. But if you are still keen, hey ho.
*I’m gonna recount the entire day in great detail, so please feel free to skip any details if you don’t care about it.*
disclaimer: all pics & videos are not mine unless stated, credit goes to bts/bighit/fansites/fans
For reference, I was at yellow 1 (left side of the extended stage)
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On the night before the concert, it still felt unreal. I was surprisingly calm and I was even watching 聲林之王 with glenn (who stayed over) 😂 I thought I wouldn’t be able to sleep but I ended up falling asleep at around 3 am.
19 January, 6.00am: My eyes opened and I was sooooo effing tired LOL. I swear I was in a daze all the way till the actual concert. We got ready and proceeded to leave the house at 8 am. Once I arrived at the stadium, there were fans everywhere. The group of us (carol, mingyou, glenn and I) decided to grab a cup of tea/coffee to wake ourselves up and I don’t know how, but it was already past 9 am by the time we bought our drinks. Glenn and I went to collect the various fansupport items (a cool thing about kpop concerts is the amount of free stuff given out by fans) and we went to find glenn’s roommate who had been queuing for merch since 6am.
At 10.30 am, glenn and I went to register for soundcheck. The place we were at (outdoor area outside astons) had various dance cover groups, which was actually a pretty good form of entertainment to pass the time. After we were done with registration, glenn had to pick up an item she had ordered from a fansite, which we had a hell of a difficult time trying to find because the stadium is so freaking big. We had to speed walk to queue for soundcheck right after, as we were already late (queueing started at 12.30pm and it was almost 1pm)
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That was basically my reaction when BTS walked out.
Even though they were in casual clothes and had no makeup on, (Jhope even tweeted about it!!!), in my mind they looked like this as they were walking over to us HAHAHA:
They performed three songs in total: mic drop, dna and run. I went in assuming they would each be rehearsing their solos, so I wasn’t expecting those three songs to be chosen. But, it makes total sense because these are the more hype songs. My memory is slowly fading so I’ll let drake illustrate how I felt during the soundcheck.
When they all stood in one line right in front of me:
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When I heard the opening note of mic drop:
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**when I heard the whistling in DNA**
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*run plays* me: YAAAAAAAAS BICTH
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me realising midway that bts is real and I’m actually seeing them like wtaf-
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armys after the soundcheck:
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I don’t know how I ever got so lucky winning soundcheck passes, but I wanna thank all the lords and the universe for awarding BOTH glenn and I this opportunity. Soundcheck is truly such an intimate experience because you get to experience bts in all their natural glory. Even though this was just a rehearsal, it felt like a mini concert and I even told glenn that I’d be fine if I didn’t go for their concert and I can die happy lmaoooo.
Brief soundcheck tidbits (you can read the rest here):
1) Jin looks THE best without makeup, he has such good skin and I swear this man is really really handsome in person. I’ll admit I never bought into the worldwide handsome hype before, but I’m a convert now.
2) Jin kept looking at glenn and I several times and he was FULL ON staring. It wasn’t even a brief glance, it was as if I owed him money and he was waiting for me to return it to him (yes jin i owe u my money and life). I kept wondering if I was delusional (aren’t we all, tbh). To be fair, I think jin was also looking at the barricades behind us and/or staring into space, but this man definitely looked me straight in the eye. How did I survive? I didn’t, I’m typing from my grave
3) hobi glows in person, and he’s really not called the sun for nothing. He was the first one to walk out on stage and he had the biggest smile plastered on his face the entire time. Sunshine radiates from this man with every move he makes. Alongside joon, he was the one speaking the most and leading the members.
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Ok, so storytime. There were supposed to be 1000 soundcheck winners but when we entered, there was NO way that there were 1000 of us. Our area had probably around 100 - 150 people max and the same goes for the other side. During the concert ment time,  jungkook mentioned that there were only 200++ fans at soundcheck. The moment he said that, glenn and I turned to each other and went “HUH?” and we clowned him because we thought he couldn’t math... (sorry jk bro for doubting you oops). As it turns out, about 800 soundcheck passes were cancelled because they were obtained through special means and connections. AND, the reason they looked really tired/sad at soundcheck was because they were expecting 1000 fans and they probably thought they couldn’t even fill up that amount. :( fuck you scalpers, fuck you snakes staff, but I’m glad bighit decided to cancel all those tickets because those fools dont deserve it and also more space for us soundcheck winners muahahaha.
Before I delve into the concert experience, I need to vent about my stupidity and anger at myself. **CAUTION: RANT AHEAD** So, the standing ticket holders were let in to the venue from 4 pm onwards, and we happily found a spot to settle in and chill. (it was definitely NOT chill in our pit, but that’s another story) At around 6.30pm, everyone decided to stand up officially. Fast forward 15 minutes, I went into full panic mode because I needed to pee. Usually, I’ll just hold it in but my stomach was feeling quite queasy (I’ve been having a lot of stomach issues since november). I also didn’t wanna watch the entire concert with the constant urge to pee because that’s so fun, right? It just SO happened that mingyou and carol were talking about going to the back to watch the concert so I said fuck it, I’ll just go to the toilet and stand at the back too. Went to the toilet to pee and ta-da, ONLY TWO FREAKING DROPS OF PEE CAME OUT. I was so pissed at myself (my body really) because it made me leave my front spot for nothing. But, what’s done was done. I told myself that hey, at least you can finally breathe now (while internally cursing). **RANT OVER**
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Even though I’ve watched so many fancams from their concert, NOTHING will ever beat the experience of watching it in person. I got GOOSEBUMPS when the first note of idol played and they all rose from the platform. Till this day, I STILL get goosebumps rewatching any idol fancams because of that exact moment.
me watching the IDOL opening stage for the 94919994th time:
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I was watching IDOL from the back with carol and mingyou, and I was truly thankful that I had the space to dance and go wild. But, that feeling lasted briefly because I realised I was so damn far from the stage. BTS was performing most of their choreographed songs at the purple main stage so even if I was at my original spot, I still wouldn’t be able to see them. The huge led screens existed for that very reason, but my stubborn ass was adamant on watching them on the stage instead of seeing them through a screen.
me deciding to squeeze my way back in again:
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After IDOL, it was time for their intro ment (introducing themselves, saying a few comments the usual stuff). Immediately after, they performed save me/I’m fine. I don’t know why my idiotic ass thought this was a good time to squeeze my way in when I should have been FOCUSED on my boys. I was basically half watching them, half saying sorry excuse me to strangers. *bows head deeply and slaps self*
Ok moving on.... I really freaking love how they created the transition from save me to I’m fine. The part where tae gets up into a bridge position was b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l. For some reason, he looked particularly breathtaking doing this move at this very concert. The beauty of live performances, indeed.
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Personally, tae stood out in save me/I’m fine the most.
Magic Shop was next, which surprised me because I forgot that it was so early in the setlist. Hence, I was NOT ready for the incoming wave of emotions.
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“so show me, I’ll show you” will forever remain one of the most iconic lines in the fandom 😭😭😭 I think I would have cried if this song was played towards the end of the concert. 
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As per tradition, a subunit vcr is played before each members solos. So the order goes hopekook, minjoon, tae and yoonjin (yoonjin was too!! much!! to handle because it was 2 separate screens and I didn’t know where to look at???)
Jungkook: Euphoria
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(aiyooo look at them cheeks *pinch*)
I love how this has now become our official fanchant (for context). Euphoria is one of my fave intros after seesaw and my ears were in for a treat that night. (It was also at this point I decided to just stay in my current spot instead of trying to find glenn). Jungkook sounds amazing live and this made me realise that wow, he really deserves the main vocalist title.
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As most fans would have known, Jungkook was so exhausted at the seoul music awards, which was a mere few days before the concert. Naturally, I was worried that kook would push himself too much in sg. I could tell he was definitely a little worn out, but he still gave it his all (bcos its jungkook) and delivered an impressive performance. I’m truly happy I’ve witnessed euphoria live 😍
J-Hope: Just Dance
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JUNG HO SEOK, YOU GOOD??? J-hope showed me what the term bias wrecker really meant that night. I think EVERYONE left the stadium that night rethinking their bias list (if you didn’t, you’re lying). His stage presence and charisma is out of this world. Everyone knows he’s a good dancer, but seeing him executing those moves in person is REALLY something else. 
my face during the entire performance
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when he walked over to the extended stage, I was like
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I Need U + Run
I honestly don’t remember much from this except for THE vmon moment because they were kinda all over the place. They started at the main stage, then came over to the extended stage and were just dancing their hearts out freely. The members were all splashing water (Idk how they do it so nicely, I’ll probably just hit someone’s head with the bottle) and there was a water cannon. The water cannon was SOOOO strong, I and the people around me were caught off guard (rip my hair & makeup). Bighit probably knew mosh pit fans were sweaty as hell so they wanted us to take a bath. How nice of them.
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I loooooveee the outfits they wore here. I’m not a fan of all white ensembles but on bts, I’ll make an exception. They look like ethereal angels who've descended down to earth for one day to grace us with their presence. I’M HERE FOR IT.
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look at all da sparkles (and jimin’s messy hair uwu)
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Jimin: Serendipity
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Till this day, jimin remains my favourite performer in bts. Whenever I watch a bts performance, my eyes automatically go straight to jimin. As a contemp dancer trained in ballet, you can see how that has shaped his performances. Fluidity is the term I would use to describe his style, because he moves like he’s gliding through water. I often find myself rewatching his fancams the most because he has so much adaptibility, its crazy. He knows when to go hard and when to reel it back in. Jimin has such pretty dance lines as well. He stands out because he really pays attention to the little details (the turn of a foot, the hand placement, arch of a back)
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Out of all the solos, serendipity is really the prettiest. The combination of jimin’s glitter shirt + pastel hair + bubbles really was a feast for the eyes 😍
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See what I mean? Jimin looks so picturesque even in motion.
Trivia: Love
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As glenn pointed out, Joon looks so much softer in person (he’s a real life koya 😭). In person, his features are much softer and ‘rounder’. While he may have soft features (how many times can I use the word soft), his stage presence is a huge contrast. I’ve often noticed that out of everyone, joon is the most focused member during performances. While the others will interact with fans/try to incorporate some kind of fan service, rm concentrates solely on carrying out what he’s supposed to do. I can respect that.
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Ugh!!! This man!!! Honestly, I was a little worried joon wouldn’t get the hype and cheers he rightfully deserves but Singapore impressed me. Well done, my fellow countrymen (and foreign fans). There was a girl beside me who screamed super loud and kept yelling “KIM NAMJOON!!!!!” so I was like HELLLL YEAH OKAY FINALLY SOMEONE AS HYPED AS ME LEGGO. Jungkook making a heart at the end with namjoon was so cute uwu. Everyone collectively lost their shit when joon slid his jacket off over one shoulder. King of giving the people what they want, I see you.
**another thing to note is how he always looks SOOO happy performing love. You can see the genuine happiness radiating off this man. It makes me happy too 🤗
The main talking point of this performance was that jimin fell. I actually missed it, because I could only see their side view and jimin was blocked from my pov. By the time I looked at the screen, jimin was already on the floor (still smiling bcos he’s jimin) and I was like oh nooooooo. Apparently after that, they coordinated among themselves mid song to tell each other not to do the ending choreo. A PLUS TEAMWORK, RIGHT THERE! tae even went to wipe the floor after the performance, bless his precious soul.
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sidenote: I love love their dna outfits, especially the jackets!! They had different ones for the america and europe concerts, but I do love the asia tour ones just a little more.
The other highlight of the concert happened here because I was reunited with glenn!!!!!!! I found her just when they launched into fire and we were like OOOOOMMMMGGGG YAS. I actually gave up on ever finding her, but I suddenly saw her blouse from the corner of my eye (THANK YOU GLENN FOR WEARING A PINK DAISY TOP). During the medley, everyone kept following wherever the boys went because the boys were on the moving stage. I felt like I was at a wave pool getting pushed without even moving. They were right at the back at the small diamond stage, so I couldn’t really see much. I had no choice but to watch from the screen. 
funny moments: tae doing pubg dances LOOOL , rm’s legendary hip thrust (you’re welcome)
Airplane Pt. 2
I.. actually forgot that this song was on the setlist. It felt really anti climatic and I wish they would have arranged this to be after DNA or something. 
*airplane pt 2 comes on me:
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Jokes aside, I do love this song. It was even one of my top songs in 2018 according to spotify.
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V: Singularity
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For the first and only time during the concert, this made me speechless. Normally, I’d be cheering and singing along to all of the songs. BUT man oh man, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from tae. While jimin is my favourite performer to watch, I believe that tae is the most expressive performer in bts. Whenever I watch him, I realise that wow that’s really a celebrity right there. Its easy to dress up and put on a show, but not everyone can really perform. What separates a regular person from a star is the x factor, and taehyung is the perfect embodiment of that.
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Fake Love
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First off, how did I not notice jhope was wearing leather gloves???? Fake love is still that bitch, no matter what anyone says. It gave us goth bangtan and that’s all I could ever ask for.
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I wasn’t expecting them to perform the rock version, and I LOVE IT. I’ve probably watched all of their fake love performances, but seeing it live just solidified it as my fave title track from the love yourself series. Funny anecdote: jungkook didn’t lift his shirt up like he usually does and I swear the people around me were disappointed. They didn’t outrightly say anything, but I could feel the sadness 😂
Suga: Seesaw
ALRIGHT, SHE DROPPED THE CHEESECAKE TIME. Seesaw is my fave solo so you bet your sweet ass this bitch was excited AF!
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Singapore did good for the seesaw fanchants, I’m so proud of us *wipes away tear* yoongi definitely noticed our efforts and smiled so freaking wide when he heard us (he absolutely has THE cutest gummy smile).
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I remember the entire fandom (me included) got shookt to the core when yoongi first debuted the seesaw performance. We were like ‘suga dancing??’ Seesaw as a song itself was already a pretty unconventional fit for yoongi. We were all used to his hard hitting rap songs (agust d says hi) so we were really surprised. But, you can see how much fun yoongi always has whenever he’s performing seesaw and I’m thankful that he reversed our expectations with this song.
Jin: Epiphany
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THIS MAN, yes I am suing. His name is Kim Seok Jin. How dare he make me feel all of the feels when I specifically told him not to? Hearing 50,000 people singing “I’m the one I should love in this world” together was truly a historical moment (just hear how it sounds from OUTSIDE the stadium). Seeing Jin channel all of his emotions into this song was heartbreaking, yet cathartic at the same itme. I would have full on ugly cried but all the screaming probably killed the mood.
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the gaze of a man who knows the power he holds, ugh I stan
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Epiphany is such a perfect song, 10/10. I don’t know what else to say because nothing I ever say will compare to the experience of actually watching it live. I love you, jin (no hetero)
The Truth Untold
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v, jimin, jungkook, jin are the nation’s vocalists thank you for coming to my ted talk
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I could barely hear tae at the start because of his mic, which was a shame :( Aside from that, everyone sounded really great. TTU is a song that can strain your voice if not done properly. There were definitely some concerts where some of them struggled to reach the high notes or the correct key. One thing’s for sure though - Jin has CONSISTENTLY been singing in perfect pitch and ALWAYS delivers a fantastic performance. Jin’s singing is so stable, it deserves more recognition. I love tae’s ad lib here and how he made everyone lose their marbles after.
Outro: Tear
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HANDS DOWN, FAVE PERFORMANCE OF THE NIGHT!!!!! I walked out of the concert still thinking about tear, because it was THAT powerful. I’m glad glenn was beside me for this because she’s the only other tear enthusiast I know (TEAM SENN ✊🏼). BTS individually have amazing stage charisma, but put the three rappers together and you get AN UNDENIABLE FORCE. I’ll always stan rap line till the day I die. The three of them have such different rapping styles, yet nothing sounds out of place when they work together.
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yoongi in headbands is so hot, no one fight me on this
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Mic Drop
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Second fave performance of the night! (okay I might be slightly biased, since it was right after tear) Even though this was nearing the end of the concert, I was actually way more energetic than I was at the start. It was like I was saving all my energy stores for this very moment. When joon mentioned it was their last song, I was like NOOOOOOOOO WAIT WHAT YOU CAN’T LEAVE YET. Then, I remembered that there was an encore segment and the world was all right again.
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I see you stylists with the second white ensemble of the night, and I raise you one. Mic drop is the song that can get anyone hyped up anywhere. I feel like this is the song that you can play at clubs / festivals and it wont feel out of place. Fun story: the dj at dpr live’s show played mic drop and everyone was lowkey jamming to it (also shout out to all the armys there)
Please watch jhope’s fancam!!! I’ve always felt that mic drop is one of the few songs that allows him to really shine as a dancer. As a hip hop dancer, he doesn’t get many opportunities to showcase it because he has to ‘tone down’ for bts choreos. If you have the time, do check out all of his hopeonthestreet videos to really see dancer hoseok in his element!
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mandatory iconic yoongi mic drop
Encore Stage (So What & Anpanman)
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All of the cutest and funniest interactions took place right here!!! Before the concert, I was going back and forth between getting purple or yellow tickets but I definitely do NOT regret getting yellow tickets! The extended stage is where you can see their goofy selves come out to play.
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joon + jimin’s cheeks: an untold love story
p.s. joon was casually applying lip balm before this moment, lol
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me whenever minjoon minjoons
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this is peak joon at his final form
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jimin got to start anpanman this time!!
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cosmo and wanda (I mean vmin) being the absolute cutest
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chaotic duo taejin back at it again
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vmon was being very very cute during anpanman & so what!! There were so many vmon moments throughout the concert, THANK YOU UNIVERSE for blessing me with the most underrated ship.
noteworthy moments during the encore stage:
-sope freaking looked at glenn and I, and we almost combusted right there. Both of them came over to our side at one point, and stepped down onto this black box platform just below (no wonder they felt so close). Almost everyone else were on their phones, so naturally they noticed us because we were the only two crazy bitches cheering by ourselves. I MADE EYE CONTACT AND THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS. suga smiled so hard when he saw us going all out, and that’s when I knew: I was yoongi’s bitch for life. jhope was looking at us with a sort of approval *stands at attention* YES SIR ARMY REPORTING FOR DUTY
-jungkook came over to our side of the stage and was just in right front of me. I took this time to really look at his face (HAHA) because I felt like I didn’t see him enough during the concert. He was doing body rolls (looked a little something like this) and everyone around me was busy trying to get his attention. Upon closer ‘inspection’ of jungkook, I have concluded that he is a 5 year old trapped in a 20 year old ripped body. His body proportions are reeeealllyy crazily good - with his tiny waist and long legs (and veiny arms). I can see why people lose their mind over him, but he’ll always remain an adorable bunny to me.
-I got blessed by yoongi’s holy water during so what. I didn’t think I was gonna be close enough to get the water but I GUESS NOT! I’ve never been happier getting splashed with water in my life. I swear, yoongi was so cute bouncing around and just smiling the whole time (I can’t stop talking about yoongi, SO SUE ME)
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this is what jungkook looks like in person, can you believe? Fansite pictures are always heavily edited (especially jungkook’s for some reason) so sometimes they can come across as quite ‘fake looking’ when you look at images. Lemme tell you, they look a thousand times better in person. The melanin, the glow, the messy hair, their natural skin - can we get a hallelujah
Final Ment
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Their final ment before we parted ways :((( I do enjoy hearing them speak even if its in korean, because you get to listen to their thoughts and feelings. I also really appreciate their attempt in speaking english, because it shows that they care. They might have memorised what to say, but effort goes a long way!
- tae saying we are part of his story, memory and scenery 😭😭😭 who knew it would be a teaser for his song! that sly kid. give it a listen over here, you won’t regret it.
- jungkook saying that the fans at soundcheck (*raises hands* YES IT ME) cheered crazily good. yasss thank you kook for acknowledging us and trust me, you could have just ten armys and we’ll still cheer like 10,000 people!
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yoongi was being so freaking cute and for what?? that little pout before he launched into his speech.... HERE TAKE MY HEART
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the best part was yoongi correcting the translator (not good night, GREAT night) man’s fluent in english but never shows it off, I approve of this slytherin move. yoongi even mentioned that he thought there was a day 2 concert. live nation, what are you doing??? I was so looking forward to a day 2 concert too. Is minstradamus predicting a 2 day concert in Singapore in the future??  👀
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jin is a sagittarius in every sense of the word. the way he waited for his close up before slowly removing his shades.....I’m honestly not surprised anymore. I’m too used to having so many sagittarius in my life LOL. he even attempted to speak singlish not once, but twice. I sincerely applaud the effort, though my greedy self wished every member tried too (I’m still waiting for jimin to say ‘ zuo mo ni jiang bad de’)
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speaking of jimin, he sang promise!! for the first time!! live!! singapore was truly blessed :)))))
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thank you God for spending a little more time on this fine specimen, jung hoseok. hoseok is fine, but with his forehead exposed? FINE FINE. *cue me singing I’m fine* everyone was chanting “J Hope! J Hope! J Hope!’ even before he spoke and he was like oooooh, me? while pointing at himself like pls hobi ITS ALL FOR YOU BBY.
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yes, you have stolen my heart jung hoseok
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I can’t believe this man even bothered to count the days and meals for his speech..... (I like how bts pretends music bank didnt exist LMAO) this man can honestly sell you a trash bag with how eloquent he is. english is his second/third language yet he can construct better sentences in english than I ever will. in Jeon Jungkook’s words “Kim Namjoon, you dangerous man”
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Answer: Love Myself (aka THE END CRIES)
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At last, the final song dawned upon us. This is it, the moment reality hits you. That we’re all gonna return to our sad little lives after the concert. I was expecting myself to cry, but I actually felt... at peace? Hearing them sing “I should love myself” also served as a final reminder that that is also the title of their world tour, and the key message to take away from the love yourself series. At the end of the day, bts are also 7 young men in their 20s struggling alongside the rest of us. They have their own battles to fight too, but at least we’re all in this together. BTS may be there to provide us with happiness and love, but we must never forget to look inward first. 💜
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Welcome, first time experiencing singapore’s humidity?
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Singapore air’s just that powerful huh
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I got chills, they’re multiplying!
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Ngl, Singapore really impressed me. Every member’s solo got the same deserving amount of screams and we even got seesaw’s part down! (yoongi was really happy huhu) I don’t think they nor us fans expected such an enthusiastic response, but I hope this lifted their spirits up. Touring non stop for months is no easy feat, and I hope our passion made them less weary for one night. I still feel extremely blessed that I got to see them so quickly after I became a full-fledged fan. Hope to see you boys real soon! 😁😁😁
p.s. I recommend reading glenn’s experience here, because it is MUCH more detailed and well articulated
p.p.s link to jimin fancams, link to j-hope fancams, link to rm tear fancam
To end off, here are some random/cute pics for your enjoyment ~
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me shaking off all the sweat, filth and water out of my hair after the concert
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grandpa over flowers
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hello glenn, this is for you
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LOOK at jungkook’s forearms.... he can literally kill us all
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The cameraman was WHIPPED for tae that night, it kept focusing on tae for a good chunk of time (I can’t blame him/her, we were all in awe too)
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Singapore is officially J-hope land now. Can he run for president next?
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Thank you for giving me a night I will never forget 190119 will forever be etched in my memory 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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redrobin-detective · 7 years
The Long Way Around 9 (real)
Distracted by the Vikings/Eagles game I nearly forgot to post (Come on Vikings! You can come back!). We get a look at some of the other departments here and also a certain big canon event that Izuku missed by being in Gen Ed. How ever will it end? I know but you all need to come back. Also I miss-labeled the last chapter (8) as 9, my bad! 
Chapter Nine: Game On
As the first week at Yuuei came to a close, Midoriya Izuku's mornings fall into a predictable pattern. Every morning his alarm goes off at 4:30 am. Now most teenagers wouldn't even think of voluntarily setting an alarm so early, much less get up when it rang, but Izuku wasn't most people.
Sure he grumbles sometimes but he's always up and out of bed soon after. He can't slack in his training even though school had started. So he dutifully begins his normal morning exercise, a 25 minute run through his city to the nearby park where he could watch the sunrise while he ran through his stances and flexibility and even improvise some fighting moves before making the 25 minute journey home.
But of course there wasn't time to relax as he needs to quickly shower to make himself presentable. Usually by the time he's done, his mother is finishing up breakfast. He'd tried to tell her that she didn't need to bother getting up so early for him but it was a useless one as she would still be up every morning cooking.
That done, he'd have enough time to grab his bag, wave his mother goodbye and run down to the station to catch his train. The ride can be long or short depending on traffic or villain attacks so he always tries to catch the early train. He usually entertains himself by reading up on the latest hero reports as he no longer had the time to chase attacks all over the city. Izuku likes to keep his mind sharp by imagining how he would have fought in any given attack.
If there were no delays, he can get to Yuuei about 30 minutes before classes started. Izuku spends some time wandering the picturesque grounds or tries to spot any pro heroes (specifically All Might who he'd still yet to see). He then sits in his classroom and do a bit of study work until everyone else arrives. Izuku always makes sure there's time to chat his friends before homeroom.
Other times, if the train is late, he'd have to run to school, sprinting past the gate, through the halls and into his classroom, hopefully before Chiura-sensei gets there. He sits down heavily in his chair, panting over his run and still finds some time to make a few comments to his friends before homeroom begins.
Most days ended up like this, began before the sun rose and continued long after the sun had set as he trained, studied and read up on the latest heroes and quirks.
It was an exhausting schedule, one that catches up with him every once in a while and forces him to take a break but overall he charges on with determination everyday with that 4:30 am alarm. Because he isn't going to reach his goal by sleeping in, by spending his free time goofing off. He's going to get there because of all the hard work and heart he puts into everything he did.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Taketsu says Monday morning, pulling Izuku out of his head. Patrick, Korudo and now Shinsou are off to the side debating something or other. "Don't mind them, they're just mad cause the hero kids get to go on some fancy field trip today while we're stuck in class. I personally don't care, so what's got you up in the clouds?" She asks, propping her elbows up on her desk.
"I'm thinking about weapons," Izuku says quietly before his brain reasserts itself and he realizes how bad that sounds. "For training! If I'm going to be a quirkless hero, I'm going to need some tools to make up for my lack of quirk. My master spent a lot of time training me with a bō but those are made of wood and won't stand up to the combative quirks."
He leans back in his chair and sighs. "Besides all that, I need to think about how I'm going to sell myself in the first place. The Sports Festival is three weeks away and I need to make an impression if I'm going to transfer."
"Heavy stuff for a Monday," Taketsu says with a smile before her face scrunches up in concentration. "Sounds like you need to talk to people in Business and Support. I hear the support kids are always eager for projects to test their mettle and people in business pretty much spends all day thinking about how to market heroes. Our first student council session was Friday and there were kids from all departments there, I can probably see what connections I can pull for you. Find anyone who's interested."
"You're the nicest, most amazing person I have ever met," Izuku says, near tears as he grins at Taketsu. "That would be so helpful, you have no idea. I can pay you back this afternoon when we train; I have some moves I think will work well for you."
"Oh, right, is that today?" Takestu winces.
"Yeah, we talked about it on Saturday, remember? You were all for it then," Izuku reminds her.
"Yeah but that was Saturday and this is today and, well, exercise just isn't my thing," she whines.
"That's why we've got to get better," Izuku answers with a smile. "Come on, you were talking about how you wanted to be a hero, a hero needs to be more than just their quirk. Besides, working out together is a fun way to keep in shape."
"Alright, alright, I'll be there," Taketsu says, holding her hands up in defeat. "I'll get you in touch with some business and support people and you teach me how to do some sick ninja moves."
"It'll take time to build up strength and technique but I'm sure you'll- uh can I help you?" Izuku begins to explain before one of their classmates, Fukuyo? Fuyono? Appears beside them. He's a little taller than Izuku with slate grey eyes and hair pulled back into a small tail with a feminine looking face and a bored expression.
"Hey sorry, I couldn't help overhear you needed someone in Business. My twin sister is in that department and, believe me, she'd have a field day making you into a hero. I could introduce you to her if you're interested. Aneko could probably hook you up with someone in Support," the boy answers with a lazy droll.
"Oh that'd be real helpful uh," Izuku winces and trails off awkwardly. He can recite interviews with All Might by heart but he doesn't know his own classmate's name?
"Fukuyo Kyoudai, I usually pal around with Kamoto, Izumo and Inukai so we haven't had a lot of opportunity to talk. I uh," Fukuyo looks away. "I think it's great you're going for Heroics. My uncle is quirkless too and it sucks how people treat you guys. If me or Aneko can help, let me know." Fukuyo says before quickly glancing around and rushing back to his seat before anyone noticed he'd been talking to the kid without a quirk.
"Psst Midoriya!" Patrick whispers from behind him. "What was that all about?"
"Networking, you wouldn't understand," Taketsu responds and Patrick starts giggling despite the lack of a joke. Korudo looks annoyed at being interrupted mid-rant and Shinsou just looks vaguely confused.
"Are you guys always like this?" the purple haired boy asks.
"Ug, welcome to my world, pass Go and get your free headache," Korudo mutters and Patrick is still laughing by the time Chiura-sensei enters the classroom.
"Aneko says you can meet her for lunch," Fukuyo says, creeping up behind them in the hallway after morning classes let out. He seems nervous, looking around again to make sure none of his friends can see him. "She says she'll be sitting near the back, by the windows. Don't worry about finding her, she'll find you," He adds quickly. "I hope she's able to help. She said she's got someone in mind from Support who can get you whatever you need."
"Thanks Fukuyo, I really appreciate it," Izuku grins. "Why don't you sit with us, it would give us a chance to get to know you."
"Yeah, I'm going to have to pass," Fuyuko says with a wince. "Kamoto is expecting me and, besides, I never eat lunch with Aneko. Her thoughts drive me crazy, bad enough I have to live with her." He waves his hand when Patrick opens his mouth to ask, "I don't have time to explain, ask Aneko."
"I don't understand why you hang out with Kamoto," Taketsu pouts. "He's such a jerk."
"Yeah but he's funny y'know and he's got this sort of magnetism about him. I don't know, he's not so bad when you get to know him." Fuyuko shrugs but even he doesn't look very convinced. His phone buzzes and he checks it with a slight grimace. "I gotta go, good luck with Aneko. Don't let her push you around too much."
"So did he tell us how to find this girl or did I miss out on that?" Shinsou asks, coming up from behind with a bored expression. "What? You're not the only one who needs to think about marketing appeal."
"Yeah, and I know next to nothing about the business kids, it could be interesting," Korudo adds.
"Where you go, we go; we're with you 100% man!" Patrick grins, leaning over Korudo and Shinsou. So the five of them enter the cafeteria, searching for their mysterious contact in Business. Patrick, taller than all of them by far, stands on his toes to try and look around. "Fuyuko does know the entire school has lunch in here at once, right? There's no way we'll be able to find this girl in this crowd."
"Hey there, you must be Kyoudai's friends!" A chipper girl says skipping up to them. Izuku blinks in surprise as the girl before them looks to be the spitting image of Fuyuko except with longer hair. If he didn't know any better, he'd say the boy had simply changed clothes. His eyes look down briefly before rushing back up to her face with a blush; she didn't even have a girl's figure. If it weren't for the hair and skirt, he'd swear she was a boy.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Fuyuko Aneko but you can call me Aneko since you're my little brother's friends and that practically makes you my friends! Come on, I've got a table and I am so ready to pick your brains. I've been needing a project to sink my teeth into," she smiles as she flips her shoulder length hair and gestures for them to follow.
"It's like someone gave Fuyuko a wig and a semblance of a personality," Korudo mumbles.
"That's not very nice, Korudo. I think Fuyuko would make a pretty girl," Patrick murmurs back even as he has to repress a smile. Shinsou, however, makes no attempts to hide his grin. Taketsu hums angrily at the three of them.
"Find a seat anywhere there's room!" Aneko says as she guides them to a table piled high with books and magazines.
"So the floor?" Shinsou responds dryly, moving aside a few books to make room. Aneko throws back her head and laughs.
"I like you, you remind me of Kyoudai. Little bro still won't sit with me, huh? Well it's probably for the best. His thoughts are so dull and slow they wear me down sometimes." She examines their blank looks.
"Our quirk is sibling telepathy. Whenever we're within 30 meters of each other, we're able to hear each other's thoughts. Convenient when playing pictionary, not so much when you're trying to study and your brother has a stupid pop song stuck in his head. Anyway," she claps her hands together.
"Back to business. I need a project to impress my teachers for the Sports Festival and it sounds like you need some advice. Which one of you is the quirkess kid who wants to be a hero?" They all look at Izuku, "You? Really? Hmm not a lot to work with but if anyone can make you a star, it'll be me. Did Kyoudai tell you our Uncle Nashi is quirkless too? I have a soft spot for your plight."
"I'm not disabled you know," Izuku says sharply because this is starting to get old. "I'm not fragile or helpless or someone to be pitied. I'm just me and just because I happen to be quirkless doesn't make me any less capable or mean I need to be treated differently." Korudo and Patrick look a little sheepish but Aneko doesn't seem bothered.
"I was wondering if you had any steel in your spine, good, you're going to need it. Other kids in Class 1-J are analyzing the hero kids and you've got some stiff competition. Acid, Steel, Half Hot Half Cold; those kids have some impressive quirks. You'll need everything you've got just to keep up."
She folds her fingers together and gives him a predatory gaze. "So tell me what you've got going for you. Please don't be shy; modesty only works for clothing sizes and feminine products."
"O-oh, okay," Izuku stammers out.
So Izuku describes his greatest strengths: his martial arts, his analytical skills and his adaptability even as his friends chimed in with a few others he hadn't considered: his drive, his compassion, his resilience and his tendency to be underestimated by just about everyone. Aneko hums, alternating between talking, taking notes and typing furiously on her phone, appearing to have multiple conversations at once. It was dizzying just watching her, no wonder Fuyuko needed a break.
"Hmm, ok, I can make this work. Everyone likes a good underdog story, I'll put together a profile but here's my main advice for you, quirkless boy." She puts down her phone and leans forward with a serious expression.
"The number of transfers to Heroics is astronomically low and Yuuei just let quirkless students into the school a few years ago so if you're going to do this, you need to go all the way. You seem kind of shy which is cute and has its own appeal but it's not going to win you any medals, not when you're up against people with downright terrifying quirks. You need to make yourself stand out as much as possible and, more importantly, you need to win. Got it?"
"I got it, thanks," Izuku says thoughtfully. He'd thought as much but having it laid out so plainly really put things into focus. He's not really a flashy kind of person but he's sure he can come up with something.
"What do you need from Support?" Aneko asks, picking her phone back up and going right back to texting. "I'm assuming some equipment. Since the General, Support and Business aren't held to the same standards as Heroics, they're allowed to use their gear during the Sports Festival. That's less than a month away so you'll need to get your things together now."
"Y-yeah," Izuku nods, reaching into his bag and pulling out his notes. "I need a couple of things. I need a bō staff, like in martial arts but I need it to be durable enough to stand up against whatever quirks people can throw at me. Also I'll need some lightweight, flexible protection, mostly gloves and boots. At some point later, I'd love a belt of sorts to keep things like smoke bombs and other things in but I don't think I'll really need that right now. Maybe if I get into Heroics," he explains as he flips his notebook around and shows Aneko.
"Uh huh, I see," she says, briefly glancing at the page before looking back at her phone. "Ok, I know a girl in Support who might be able to help you out. She usually likes things with a little more flourish but she owes me 'cause I didn't rat on her when I caught her trying to uh improve the school's ventilation system," Aneko continues, still typing quickly. "I'm sending her your info to see if she's interested. Anyone else here want to be a hero? Don't be shy now."
"Uh," Korudo begins.
"I'm going to transfer to one of the hero classes," Shinsou begins. "I have a brainwashing quirk and I'm not afraid to do whatever is necessary to get there."
"Oh you're spunky, I like it, you and me are going to talk some more," Aneko grins at Shinsou. "And you, my dear," she adds, pointing to Izuku. "Are going to meet Hatsume Mei. I hope you got your fill of lunch 'cause you're going to be spending the rest of the period in the student workshop going over your blueprints. Try not to die."
"I'm sorry, what?" Izuku asks.
"Business Girl! Where's my victim? You said he was plain but they all look plain to me!" A busty pink haired girl says popping behind Aneko, pushing up some enormous goggles off her dirt stained face. She smells vaguely of smoke and it'ss similar enough to Kacchan that it puts Izuku a bit on edge. "I have a couple of projects going on now but I have 20 minutes with nothing to do so I might as take this on. It sounds a bit boring but, who knows, it might end up being interesting!" Izuku is beginning to wonder if this was a good idea.
"It's him," Taketsu says, gesturing to him and completely throwing him under the bus. "Have fun; bring him back in one piece. He's kind of the glue holding our little group together."
"Oh, you are so going to get it when we train this afternoon," Izuku whispers as he's bodily hauled out of his chair and dragged away.
"That's only if you come back," Taketsu says with a cheekily little wave. Patrick and Korudo give him a solemn look as if he were going off to a firing squad instead of a consult.
Working with Hatsume doesn't end up being as awful as he'd initially feared. Her workshop was chaotic and cluttered but she navigated around all the bits of junk and scrap with ease. It was clear she was very dedicated; someone who put everything she had into her work. Izuku found himself liking that about her and her natural enthusiasm for her craft made him more excited discussing his ideas.
He told her what he was looking for her, what kind of measurements and material, and she chimed in with some good points for improvement. Well, some of them were good. He doesn't care how cool they looked, he was not adding rocket thrusters to his boots. When the warning bell rang for afternoon classes, he was almost surprised at how fast the time had gone by. He leaves her with his phone number and the assurance that he'd get in contact with her if he had any other ideas.
Izuku jogs back to class feeling happy and light; this was just another step forward towards his goal. He slides into his desk just before the final bell rings. Talking to the others while their teacher got things ready, it seems the rest of lunch had gone well with Aneko. She was going to put together a profile for both him and Shinsou on how to improve their image for the Festival. The teacher clears their throat and class begins.
The majority of fifth period is spent having conversations via eyebrow with his friends. He feels a little bit bad for not paying attention but on the other hand, friends are still something of a novelty so he feels he's allowed to enjoy it. Besides, he's doing pretty well in history. Patrick, completely through facial expressions, manages to convey what he thinks about Korudo's latest comment when a cell phone rings loudly near the end of class.
"Excuse me class, I'm sorry, I should take this. Please be quiet, we'll resume in just a moment." The teacher flushes as she answers the phone. As soon as she turns, the entire class is laughing and talking with each other, Izuku and his friends included.
"Dude I am so pumped for this afternoon," Patrick says, throwing a few punches. "You were so awesome the other day in gym; I can't wait until I can do things like that."
"Things like that take time," Shinsou adds softly. "But I am interested in-"
"Will you be quiet," Their teacher hisses suddenly with startling severity that leaves everyone silent. "This is serious, I need to hear this." She turns her back again to the now silent classroom. "No, I can't believe that, on our campus? That's terrible, was anyone hurt? Oh my, okay. Yes, I'll take care of the students. Keep me informed."
She hangs up and spends an extra few seconds staring at her phone, as if she needs to insert the new information into her world view. "Class, I'm afraid something terrible has happened. I don't have all the details but it seems that villains have attacked the USJ facility where one of the hero classes and their teachers were training this afternoon. It looks like it was a deliberate attack. Your homeroom teacher is going to come back in to dismiss you all, the school is being evacuated."
Izuku feels like the floor has dropped out underneath him. Villains openly attacking Yuuei? It was unheard of but the implications are terrifying. Had anyone been hurt? He freezes, wait which hero class was at USJ today? Which class was Kacchan in?
He dives for his phone in his bag and quickly shoots off a message to Kacchan. He's had the same phone since they were in middle school so he's sure it's the same number. He'd do anything, anything, to get an angry text telling him to fuck off. Instead the lonely text sits there, with no indication of being read or responded to.
Chiura-sensei swiftly enters the classroom a few moments later, his face as grim and menacing as Izuku has ever seen it while their history professor rushes out.
"So you've all heard the news; USJ, one of our training facilities, was attacked this afternoon by a large group of villains. Most of the school's heroes are now on site processing the captured villains. As of right now, the situation is being contained. No word yet on who did this or if the leaders were able to be taken or not. As a measure of caution, we will be waiting until we have more some heroes back on campus before sending you all home."
"What class was attacked? Was anyone hurt?" Izuku demands, not even bothering to raise his hand.
"It was 1-A, the other hero class was scheduled to be there tomorrow but that's obviously not going to happen now. Right now, the only confirmed injuries are the pros who were there during the incident. They were injured severely enough to require care in a hospital." Sensei pauses, "as I said, we don't know a lot right now but it seems there were minor injuries among the students too." Izuku thinks he's going to be sick, he's pretty sure Kacchan was in 1-A.
"We have to do something, we can't just sit here," Izuku blurts out again. There's static under his skin and can feel himself begin to hyperventilate. He thinks of Kacchan being buried in sludge, of how afraid he'd looked as he suffocated. He thinks of his friend suffering like that again and, maybe this time, someone didn't get to him in time.
"Calm down, Midoriya," Sensei says so forcefully that Izuku's vision comes back into focus. "I respect your feelings but you are a student and it is our job to protect you, right here and right now. I understand this is very distressing for all of you but I need you to conduct yourself in a manner befitting Yuuei students."
Izuku's fists are shaking on his desk but he forces himself to keep quiet. "We're waiting for the heroes to come back and give us the all clear, then we'll be letting you go. All of you will go straight home and stay there. Please walk in pairs if you can," Sensei continues.
"What about tomorrow? Will there be class?" Motome asks.
"There's no official word yet but I'm betting school will be closed tomorrow, but don't use that as an excuse to slack off. Now more than ever, Japan needs to see Yuuei as a symbol of strength and resilience. It's up to all of you to represent the values of this institution." Chiura-sensei checks his phone. "Alright, grab your things and line up quietly. Looks like they're beginning evacuation procedures. We may run into some of the pros and hero students but please control your curiosity, they've been through hell today."
The walk through the hallways is silent and painfully tense. A couple of the other classes are making their own precession, just as sullen and silent. Yuuei is usually so loud and now it feels like a tomb. Izuku thinks he's going to explode with all the anxiety building up inside of him; he has his phone in one hand in the hopes that Kacchan will get back to him.
If the inside of Yuuei was like a tomb, the outside looked like a warzone. There are police and heroes everywhere. Izuku can't even keep track of them all as they bustle back and forth, dragging off villains and investigating the grounds. Above them, he can hear a helicopter or two circling the premises. If his mom is watching this on TV, she's got to be scared to death. Izuku needs to check in with her once he finds out about Kacchan.
He notes a few battered but ultimately unharmed hero kids sitting on the front lawn being looked over by Blood King. Kacchan isn't among them. Izuku checks his phone again, shoots off another message before shoving the device in his pocket.
"Keep back everyone, we're bringing in the injured," Present Mic screeches loudly. Izuku's heartrate picks up as he catches sight of a couple of stretchers being pulled out of an ambulance. "Take the kid to recovery room A, we also need someone to contact his parents. The other guy goes straight to Recovery Girl's office, he's uh a special patient." The Voice Hero continues on in a quieter tone.
The next few seconds seem to slow down to a crawl for Izuku. He's distracted, for a moment, by the hustle around him that he almost misses the boy being carried away on the stretcher. His breath catches in his throat as he catches sight of the prone figure. He may be bloodied and wearing a costume, but Izuku would recognize that spikey blond hair anywhere.
"Kacchan!" He shouts and, just like before, he runs toward his childhood friend without a second thought.
"Midoriya, back in line right now!" Sensei shouts in the background but Izuku's entire world has narrowed down to Kacchan's bruised and bloodied face, his expression almost soft in unconsciousness. There's a couple of hands trying to pull him back but Izuku struggles in the hold.
"Please sir, I know him!" Izuku shouts back, "He's a- we live near each other. I know his parents, I can contact them to let them know what happened, I can keep watch over him. Please, you can't make me leave him. I won't leave him!" Izuku says as he gives his teacher a look that says he'd need to be dragged back into line.
It's a dangerous game he's playing and yet he can't bring himself to care. "I don't care if I get punished but you can't let him be alone at a time like this," Izuku pleads.
"It's okay, Yamada, you can let him go," Chiura-sensei says quietly and Present Mic releases him, letting Izuku get closer to Kacchan's stretcher. He grabs the sides in case they tried to pull him away again.
"Be quiet and stay out of the way," Sensei hisses back in a way that promises there will be a reckoning later. "If I hear that you so much as breathed wrong, you are out of there and out of this school. Do you understand me, Midoriya?" The threat hangs heavy in the air but Izuku has no time to be concerned for himself when Kacchan could be dying right now.
"Yes Sensei," he nods back as he jogs to keep up with the medics, searching Kacchan's face for some sign that he'll be okay.
"You're a brave kid but I admire your spirit," Present Mic says. "Don't worry, your friend is going to be just fine. He's pretty banged up now but Recovery Girl is one of the best docs around." Izuku swallows the lump in his throat, his hand lightly gripping the side of the stretcher near his friend's face.
He's not sure what the world is coming to, where Yuuei of all places would be openly attacked in such a manner and Kacchan of all people could be hurt. Izuku closes his eyes and fights back tears, all he knows is whatever is coming in the future, he's going to face it head on and try to be prepared for whatever storm is coming.
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shawnmendesdream · 7 years
Request: Can you do a Shawn imagine based on his song Roses or Ruin?
A/N: I decided to go for writing an imagine based on the song Roses, so I hope you enjoy!
Your name: Submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
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You’ve been with your boyfriend for 2 years, and to be honest, it has been very on and off. Some days he’d treat you like the only girl in the world, but other days he would say, “I don’t think this feels right.” Or, “This is too much and it’s going nowhere.” Those were the days that you felt like crap, and would want it all to be over because the breaking of your heart was too much to deal with.
You would rant to Shawn about it constantly, and you always wondered how he managed to deal with you and listen to you all the time. He’s the sweetest person you’ve ever met, and he deserves the world.
When things were good with your boyfriend, they were really good. You’d go out on cute dates to cafes that he saw and said that they reminded him of you; to the cinema to see the film that you’ve been waiting to come out for 6 months, and that’s just the beginning of it. He made you truly happy.
But there’s always been one person who plays on your mind – Shawn. He makes you feel a certain way that you can’t describe even to yourself, and it makes you feel guilty that you don’t feel this way about your own boyfriend. You don’t know if he knows the effect he has on you, or if he has some feelings for you too; all you’re aware of is the pressing guilt that comes with being with one person and loving another. Or do you love them both?
Sat on your bed, you unlock your phone and click on Shawn’s contact. When you’re about to message him to say hey, you suddenly see him typing at the bottom of the screen.
“Hey, Y/N. Can I call you?” The message reads when it comes through.
You rapidly type a response, “Sure.” You send the message and get ready to pick up the phone.
Shawn’s been on tour across Europe and you haven’t been able to hear the sound of his voice in 2 months. For normal friends I guess this wouldn’t be a huge issue. It would be sad, but you’d get over it when you realise that you’ll see him before you know it. But for some reason, with Shawn it feels like it’s been an eternity and it makes you realise the extent to which you missed him.
Your phone rings and you answer the call, “Hi!” You say excitedly down the phone.
You hear a deep breathing in your ear that turns into a chuckle, “It’s just me, Y/N. It’s okay you can calm down. I know I’m Shawn Mendes and everything but no reason to get too excited. You know me after all.” He replies rather cockily, and you can tell he’s smirking and happy with himself.
His voice. You can’t describe it without being cheesy, but it just sounds so familiar and homely. “Sorry I just haven’t spoken to you in a while,” You say smiling to yourself as you lie back on your bed and hug your pillow tightly, “How was tour?”
“Tour was the most amazing thing I will ever experience in my life.” Shawn tells you, before describing what it was like to spend time in every single country.
You can’t get enough of the details, and the more and more he tells you about each place, the more and more you wish you could’ve been there with him. No matter how much he talks to you about his life at this moment, you never get bored and you long for him to talk forever. You can tell he wants to talk about you more, but you encourage him to keep telling you about the different countries for over an hour.
Shawn suddenly stops speaking whilst telling you about Paris, and changes the subject of the conversation to your surprise. “How is it going with you and…? Sorry I forgot to ask earlier.” He knows your boyfriend’s name, but for some unknown reason he’s choosing not to say it.
“Things with me and… are great thanks.” You say, copying him and examining your partially chipped nails, waiting for his response.
“Well that’s great, I’m really happy for you!” Shawn replies a bit too excitedly.
As you’re not face-to-face, it’s hard to tell if he’s genuinely happy for you; just being nice, or if he’s being sarcastic. Something in your mind tells you that he’s being sarcastic, but that may be purely because you want him to be. You want him to be a little bit jealous, because then it will show you that he has feelings for you too, “When can I next see you?”
Shawn thinks for a moment, and then responds, “Whenever you want to. I can literally come over right now if you want me to.”
Your heart skips a beat at the thought of Shawn sneaking up into your room at 1 o’clock in the morning. It makes you feel excited and exhilarated, and it will cure this aching feeling that you’ve had ever since he went away. “Come right now.” You say happily and smiling so much that you know he can hear it. Immediately, you hang up the phone and get up from your bed to go and sit on the chair by your window and wait patiently until you catch sight of him. It’s lucky that Shawn only lives about a 5 minute walk from your house, because you don’t think that you could wait much longer than that.
A familiar figure appears suddenly in the distance out from the dark shadows of the streets. You know it’s Shawn before you even have to hear his voice or see his face in the light. Briskly, you open your window and you’re greeted with harsh winds in your face, but you don’t care. Even though it’s 1:00am, you scream out to him, “Hey, fancy seeing you here I-“
“I have to tell you something, Y/N.” Shawn shouts back at you before you’re able to finish.
A million thoughts run through your mind, and you can’t decide if you actually want to know what Shawn has to say or not. Your mind is playing tricks on you – making you have doubts in your feelings that you know you’ve had for so long. You have to know what Shawn needs to say to you.
He walks closer to your window slowly, but in large strides and you notice that he has one hand behind his back. “I really don’t want this to be cliché, Y/N. But I got you this rose.” He shouts and reveals the rose from behind his back, looking up at you basically hanging out of your window in shock.
“Hold on!” You yell, before grabbing your dressing gown on your door hanger and running out of your room and down the stairs. Out-of-breath, you swing open the front door to see Shawn now standing right outside… and you smile.
“Y/N, I don’t know where to start with all of this, so I’m just going to attempt in some sort of way to explain how I’m feeling.” He tells you, with his glances switching to and fro between you and the ground. “I’ve seen you with your boyfriend a lot. I’ve seen the days where it’s been good, and the days where it’s been very, very bad between you both. He can make you happy but he can also make you depressed, and I just have to let you know that I would never do that to you.” He explains sweetly.
You’re speechless throughout everything he’s saying. Mainly because you cannot believe it’s happening, but also because you just don’t know how to react and what to do.
Shawn takes a step forward, “It’s not that I don’t care about the love that you have, Y/N. I don’t want to take that away from you, if you honestly feel that lasting connection with him. But I have to tell you that there’s absolutely no way that he could feel the same as I do. We’re not even in a relationship, but I’ve never felt a love so deep for anyone before in my life, nor do I think I’ll ever feel this again without you.” He says lovingly, moving the rose closer towards you.
“Shawn, I-“
“Y/N, I want to be the one that makes you smile every day. I can’t see your face every single day knowing that you’re loving without me.” He tells you, and you think that you may actually see a single tear brimming in his eye, “I just need to know,” He corrects himself, “I have to know how you feel about me, because I’m worried that your heart might feel the same.”
You tighten the strings of your dressing gown around your waist and then run your hands through your hair when you realise you can’t find the words to say.
“If you take this rose from me now, I’ll know that you do feel the same. If you refuse to take it, I know that I’ll have to let my feelings slowly die away, and let yours grow with him.” He reaches out his hand with the rose in it so that it’s now in range for you to take it.
Why isn’t this as simple as you thought it would be? You have feelings for Shawn. But, there’s still your boyfriend involved in all of this. You’ve never felt more conflicted in your life: you know that your boyfriend treats you badly most of the time, and that Shawn has always been a gentleman to you. Shawn has never harmed you in any way, but with your boyfriend you never know how the day might pan out.
Your fingertips brush against the rose and you can feel Shawn’s eyes hot on you that make you blush in a way that even your own boyfriend can’t. Before you realise what you’ve done, you see in your hand the symbol of Shawn’s love for you - the deep red rose. “I feel the same way and more, Shawn.” You whisper out into the cold, and the sides of Shawn’s mouth tug upwards into the most beautiful and genuine smile you’ve ever seen.
A/N: You can send me requests here.
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