#in the super mario bros movie from 1993
the-acid-pear · 1 year
First time i hear "those who fight and run away live to fight another day" and tbh love it
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multicolour-ink · 4 months
https://youtu.be/U8oCbGaAZTo?si=J1fzeXHW0YS1d5E5 For the Mario Bros crossover thing, how did that react to Game Luigi getting yeeted from his body by the Grim Reaper in the Belmonts reveal trailer for Smash Bros Ultimate? No doubt the Mario’s would be terrified to see Game Luigi’s spirit just floating around over his body so casually after that while the Luigi’s either faint from fright, get impressed (93 Luigi for example) or flat out just run away or even scream in fear.
Oh yes I remember that ^^ Caused quite a stir in the day 😆
For this I'm going to imagine them all reacting to the clip
93 Luigi: "Cool I died!" 😃
93 Mario: 😶 (unable to respond)
Game Luigi: shivers and hides his face unable to bear reliving that nightmare again 😥
Game Mario: Pulls his Luigi close and hugs him tight trying to soothe him from the horrors.
Paper Mario: He's fought against a Shadow Queen and various undead minions. He can fight this bad guy.
Paper Luigi: Knows it's better not to hold his Mario back.
Supershow Mario: Declares that he will bet all his pasta that he can find a way to save Luigi.
Supershow Luigi: "Yeah that's great bro, but you'll be the one dying - from hunger!"
Movie Luigi: Cringes and looks away. This is 10x worse than being thrown around by a giant turtle! And then he sees that his Mario is quiet...
Movie Mario: Just stares, in total silence, the image of Luigi getting killed by the scythe playing over and over again in his brain. He can't help but think of it being HIS Luigi. How this could have been his own little bro if he never saved him in time. How could he cope?? He starts shaking and his Luigi holds him tight.
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Mario movies be like
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suppermariobroth · 6 months
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A deleted scene from the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie would have featured Mario playing a custom-made saxophone made out of pipes.
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smallmariofindings · 22 days
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Chroma key footage from the production of the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie.
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The desk of Forty 7: 1# The end of the Warp Point arc.
What did you guys think of this storyline.
So I'm going to be going on hiatus. But I will come back later in the month around when summer starts.
I'm pretty sure we're going to have some great stories to tell now that Earth and Panko have direct contact with each other.
Truth be told. Back when he first started planning out SUPER in 2017. Before it was even an Ask blog and we didn't even have the concept of the previous SUPERS. I always wanted a major plot point to be that early In the series. It would be somewhat of a deconstruction of the Isekai concept by having the world coming together to be a major plot point.
I'd like to hear your thoughts tho.
I will still be taking asks.
But story posts will be put on hold.
I have some ideas though for oncoming story lines.
How would you guys feel about some of these concepts.
The 1993 Mario Movie
A double dash centric post
The world of Paper Mario.
In episode with no Mario content and sole focus on Garth.
Seeing some of Garth's family and have them react to panko.
Remember. I'm open to suggestions.
I only really have this explanation for what exactly this is now.
This is something I'm going to be doing after a period of time. Every once in awhile I'll come and speak out about some stuff.
Good day
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janmisali · 8 months
Luigi Bracket: Tony Rosato vs John Leguizamo (FINAL ROUND)
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Tony Rosato (The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 and the Super Mario World animated series)
"Well, like they say in Brooklyn, early to bed, early to catch the worm! Or, is it the bagel?"
[bio from previous matchup]
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John Leguizamo (the 1993 movie)
"I got a feeling we ain't in Brooklyn no more."
[bio from previous matchup]
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artycomicfangirl · 9 months
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I guess I wanted to experiment some more until I find the right design for Daisy's Mum? so here's some random quick sketches and what-ifs. Excuse my messy handwriting haha. Part 1, cause I have more!
• I reckon that face wise, Daisy shares a lot more resemblance to her mother. I took inspiration for this from the 1993 Super Mario Bros movie, as Daisy’s mother is literally played by the same actress in the flashback. But with much darker hair.
• But in terms with the flair and colouring, Daisy’s traits from her father shines much more!
• Usually I did want for the Queen to have Middle Eastern/Persian inspiration. But i kind of given her the name Laelia, because it is a flower of Mexican origin. I know it’s too much of a reach. But sort of like Sarasaland’s Portuguese/Spanish influence?
• I’m thinking so far that Laelia is from a Kingdom that prides itself in artifacts? Knowledge? Gems? Honestly not sure yet! But I know that she really adores nature and studies subjects relating to nature.
• As a Princess, she wears mostly Mauves and blues, to symbolize a blue orchid. And possibly the colours or her kingdom. After she marries into the Royal Sarasaland Family, she starts to wear more brighter and warm colours, showing how she truly loves and embraces the land’s culture.
• The King, Richard (since the fans seem to have given him this name, so I’ll refer to him as that!) Absolutely adores the Queen. From their first meeting, he was already quite smitten with her! But she wasn’t focused on love at first, and was studying at the time. Every simply glance she gives him. Every time she politely calls his name. It reduces the tough and stern King into a flustered mess.
It was even more prominent even before they were crowned! He tried to impress her on some occasions haha.
He’ll be afraid of silly things. But if it’s right in front of her, he’ll puff up his chest and brave it out…most of the time!
Is it cheesy for him to say that her eyes shine like the most beautiful of gemstones? Well, according to his Royal friends they might!
• It’s also why that if the Queen was ‘whisked away forever’, Richard becomes absolutely devastated. Heartbroken. The Queen brought warmth into his life, and it was taken away from him. But knowing that he still has his Daughter, is enough to keep him going.
But! I wonder if there’s a possibility of her returning somehow?
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
Weird Mario Enemies Presents: A Chris Pratt Carol
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‘Twas the night before April, when all through the flat,
Not a creature was stirring, except for a Pratt!
Chris Pratt couldn’t sleep, after such a long day,
For his movie premiere was just five days away!
“I’m so excited”, Pratt thought, with a grin on his face,
“For my role as the Mario, I’m definitely an ace!”
But just as Chris had thought those thoughts with his brain,
He soon heard the sounds of a rattling chain…
A scary ghoul appeared right before Pratt’s eyes, 
And its face looked familiar, much to his surprise!
The ghost was Bob Hoskins, it was clear to see,
As he was cast in Super Mario Bros. (1993)!
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“Why are you here?” pratted Chris, with a fearful tone,
And the specter replied with a ghostly groan,
“I’m here to warn you, so hear my plea,
If you carry on like this, you’ll end up just like me!”
“This cannot be! Don’t take me for a fool!
Even Miyamoto-san thinks I’m so cool!”
“So it may be, but take a look online...
As the voice for the plumber, they all wish you’d resign!
Anya and Charlie, and Jack Black too,
Not one of them receives as much hate as you!
You’ll be visited tonight by three Mario ghosts, 
From them you must learn, or your career is toast!”
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First came the Ghost of Mario Past,
At his brilliant white glow, Chris Pratt lay aghast!
The room was illuminated by his ethereal light, 
Though he was a pro wrestler, he came not for a fight!
The ghost showed him visions of an old cartoon,
In which Mario danced to a familiar tune, 
 The live-action plumber was a certain Paisano, 
Portrayed only by the legend Lou Albano!
“Bah! Humbug!”, scoffed the Pratty Chris,
‘You come to my home just to show me this?’
But despite his attitude, Pratt really knew,
That he didn’t have as much Pasta Power as Lou…
‘Hey paisano, lemme give you a clue, 
Super Mario’s Italian, through and through!
Your bland voice acting just makes me sigh,
At this rate you’ll go to hell, before you die!’
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The Ghost of Mario Present arrived as due,
He was heard all through the house, with a resounding ‘wahoo!’
With a torch in his hand and sitting upon a heap of food,
This jolly ghost could only spread his good mood!
The ghost brought Pratt to a world of Wet-Dry,
To a small home with a family that struggled to get by,
The ghost gestured to the window to peek, 
For there Pratt would find a situation most bleak.
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A poor uncle and niece shared one measly dish,
But the frail young Spikina held only one wish,
Her beloved Super Mario, she wanted to see,
On the big screen, going ‘yahoo’ and ‘yipee!’
Were she to hear Chris, she’d soon be let down,
Hearing her hero so dull would just make her frown!
If her illness got worse, we’d surely know why,
Chris Pratt would be to blame if she were to Die!
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The Ghost of Mario Yet to Come was last, but not least,
For he took the appearance of a demonic beast!
Even Pratt could only tremble in fear,
As this frightening new apparition drew near.
Just as the silence was making Chris choke,
The ghost opened its mouth and spoke, 
“Where is god when you need him?”
And this left Chris Pratt feeling quite grim.
Chris didn’t really know what the spirit had meant,
But he was left with a feeling, a need to repent,
And though it hadn’t spoken of the future at all, 
Just its presence had made Pratt want to bawl!
“O spirits of Mario, I ask that you forgive!
I won’t voice another cartoon, for as long as I live!
I now understand the depth of my sin,
I’ll no longer voice Mario, I simply give in!”
With that, Chris scrambled out of bed with a start,
He dashed to his window with a beating heart. 
From his flat he saw a boy standing outside,
With a small hint of hope, Pratt leaned out and cried:
“You there! What day is to-day?”
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“To-day? Why, It’s April Fools Day, sir!”
“April Fools! That means I haven’t missed it! Wahoo!” said Chris Pratt, as he flipped his turtle with joy!
He had no further intercourse with Spirits, but lived upon the Total Abstinence Principle, ever afterwards; and it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Mario well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! 
And so, as Tiny Spikina observed, Mario bless Us, Every One!
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the-brucest-fan · 1 year
This ain't no game... IT'S-A MOVIE! ⭐🍄
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A very special collab with r8y_m1x on Instagram.
I wanted to recreate the poster from the Super Mario Bros. movie from 1993, but I would've never finish it on time, so Ray offered me to make this a collab: I drew Luigi, and he drew Mario and the background. We wanted to post it on the movie's release date, but we couldn't finish on time, so here it is at last✨
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pianokantzart · 8 months
When I was younger the first exposure I have ever had to anything Mario related was the 1993 Super Mario Bros. Movie. I don't know why, my family is more of a movie family than a gaming family, especially back then. So I grew up thinking that there was an age difference between the two characters, mainly because they don't look too much alike as well.
And then in the year of 2023, low and behold, I find out that they're twins. It shook me to my core. But them being twins that aren't Identical makes it even better.
I'll admit, I never really got really invested in the Mario characters until the new movie came out and the bromance hooked its claws into my brain. Until then I was vaguely aware that Mario and Luigi were twins... but it really didn't matter to me? I just liked the colorful worlds of Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 and decimating my siblings in Mario Kart. As a kid, my siblings and I shared a wii, so aside from Super Paper Mario I never really got to see any characterization like they had on the DS Mario and Luigi games. I just enjoyed the gameplay.
Now that I'm actually deep into the fandom and the lore, I gotta admit my personal favorite interpretation is that of the slight age gap, like in the Super Mario Brothers Super Show.
But I digress... having watched the 1993 movie, I won't deny I developed a bit of a soft spot for the 15+ year age gap too.
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Luigi having never known anyone in his family besides Mario? Mario raising his little brother the best he can despite being an impoverished blue collar worker? Them being the only family they have left in the world? The way Luigi's an impulsive young man and Mario– despite being a bit rough around the edges– is a kindly, protective father figure with a heart of gold? The wingmanning? The quips back and forth?
Like, dang dude, I know that the production was a nightmare and the film has little to do with the world the videogames created, but the cool grungy aesthetic and the 10/10 familial relationship really carried the movie. I wouldn't mind a sequel just to see more of that version of the Mario Luigi dynamic.
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silenzahra · 2 months
Today's the anniversary for me! ✨
I know the Mario Movie was released on April 5th 2023, but back then I was seeing the Holy Week processions with my dad, so I didn't get to go to the cinema until April 8th, which was a Saturday, and that was when everything changed for me 😌💚❤️
This is going to get a bit long, personal and emotional, so it's totally fine if you'd rather not read it! 💖
As I've mentioned, this movie saved my life simply because I was in a terrible place when it came out. Admittedly, I had been feeling a bit better that week thanks to the fact I was going out every day and was distracted and such, but my mind was still not totally... fine.
Until, at 8PM, the Mario Movie finally started and I spent the next hour and a half with a silly smile on my face, feeling like a little kid again and experimenting lots of feelings and emotions I hadn't felt in many months. Happiness. Joy. Laughter. A warm heart. Tension. Pure emotion. Excitement. Nostalgia. The urge to cry, though not from sadness.
And the need to get those cute brothers off the screen and give them each a big bear hug.
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(Posted this edit on my Instagram account last Friday.)
Mario and Luigi did really save my life. I had already fallen for them long ago, when I was 13 and played Superstar Saga on my GBA, since that was the very first game that made me see these two as endearing and charming characters with a beautiful sibling bond based not only on love, but also trust, laughter and comfort.
And, in all honesty, seeing this movie, seeing that bond translated into it, was totally a dream come true. Aside from the M&L games, we don't really get to see much of these two taking care of each other (please correct me if I'm mistaken!). Also, I'm a 90s girl, so I had been wanting a good animated Mario movie since... I honestly can't remember. All I know is I used to watch the cartoons (specifically the one based on Super Mario Bros 3), and then I ran into the live action movie from 1993 and... Welp. Let's just say I'd rather forget it 😬 (Sorry if you did like it, it simply was NOT my cup of tea.)
And then this movie was announced, and every new trailer made me feel more and more hyped, and reminded me of my love for the Super Mario franchise. I had already been hyperfixated on it back in 2013-2016, when I played Dream Team and fell even harder for them (especially Luigi), and when I finally got to see this movie, that obsession came back stronger than ever.
I felt like a little child again. I went back to play my old favorite games. I listened to the ost on loop for months, and it ended up becoming my most listened album on Spotify last year.
And I also felt the urge to write again.
Writing has always been an important part of my life. I started at 8 and I simply couldn't stop. To me, it is like breathing, so when I spend some time away from writing, I'm not exaggerating when I say I feel a physical pain on my chest. And due to the bad place I was in, I had been away from it for way too many months.
It turns out all I needed was a dose of brotherly love in order to feel my fingertips tingling again with the urgent need to start writing.
So yeah. There are many things I have to celebrate today and to be thankful for. First of all: I'm alive, and happy, and better than ever, still struggling with anxiety and fears but feeling way better than I'd felt in the years before this film came out. I feel emotion, and joy, and will to continue living and enjoying life and fangirling and being myself. I feel connected to Mario and Luigi and my heart simply warms up every single time I think about them (which is 24/7 tbh).
And I'm writing again! 2023 was the year I've written the most in my entire life, and I owe it to this wonderful movie, and so far I've continued to write this year too, and that's also thanks to Mario and Luigi.
And of course, and more importantly, this film has led me to meet all of you, beautiful people, and I honestly couldn't be more grateful 🥹🫂💖 With you I can fangirl and scream and cry and be myself, and that's why I felt like sharing this with you guys, because I know you understand and share the feelings I've experimented these months since I first saw this movie. I love each and one of you with all my heart 💖💖💖
And after talking non-stop, I believe I kinda feel like finally showing my face here (the real one, not this one 😂), so... Here I go! 🤭👇
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This is me today! 🤭 With lots of Mario stuff as you can see, and I even painted my nails to match the main characters! 💅
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The blue is for Toad, the pink is for Peach, green and red for Luigi and Mario (obviously) and black for Bowser since he was played by Jack Black! 😁
Admittedly, I'm not very good at painting my nails because I'm not into makeup and such, but I do like to see them all painted, I think they look beautiful 🥰 Last year I used to paint them red and green all the time since I went not once, not twice, but thirteen times to see this movie, and every time wearing a different shirt 🤭 Though the one I'm wearing today is the one I wore exactly one year ago, as you can see here! 😁
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I literally cannot remember when or where I bought it, but it was simply PERFECT to wear to go see this movie 😁 And you bet, when the Toad guard said that quote from the first Super Mario game, I went all silly in the cinema: "OMG my shirt!!!!!" 😂😂😂
And here are some pics from some of the other twelve times I went, and you can get a look at some of the Mario shirts I own! I may go and show them all together in a different post, and maybe also the earrings since I own a lot: red shrooms, superstars, fire flowers, green shrooms... Would you like that? 🥰
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Now that I see it, I look a bit scared on the first one 😂 The green shirt I'm wearing on the second one is pure GOLD, and on the third one I kinda felt like I was taking a picture with Mario himself 😂😂😂
I did own some Mario merch before the movie came out, but last year I went and bought tons of it, including shirts, earrings, and of course plushies! 🤭
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They look like a cute little family OMG aren't they ADORABLE I love them all so so much 😭❤️💚✨
So this is it! This is my little celebration of the first year since I saw for the first time the movie that saved my life 🥰 In all honestly, I would've liked to bring a fic or something, but as you all know, I went through a very hard Holy Week and I'm still not feeling totally ready to get back to writing (even though I've gotten a couple new ideas, for which I'm deeply grateful).
But I hope sharing my experience and feelings (and my face! 😂) is enough for this year, and let's hope I can bring a new Mario story to share with you guys very soon! 🥰
I love you all so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
And would love to see marios reaction as Bowser says "We'll see how tough this Mario is, when he watches me kill his brother!"
Ah sorry, I am not sure if you mean only Movie Mario's reaction, or all of the multiple Mario's ^^; I'll do them all since I assume that is what you mean.
1993 Mario: Loudly proclaims "Not on my watch!" and proceeds to make clear threats that he will strangle that dragon.
Paper Mario: Is reminded of when he almost lost his Luigi once...and hides under his hat in distress 😟
Cartoon Mario: "Not on your leaping lasagne life!"
Game Mario: Furiously declares that won't happen and he will save Luigi no matter what!
Movie Mario: As soon as he hears those words...something overcomes him. He freezes in his seat; while all the Mario's are rightfully declaring that they will defend and save Luigi no matter what, Movie Mario has lived it. He's seen his brother nearly die. Not at the hands of Bowser mind - but it was Bowser who put his brother in that cage...Bowser who wanted to sacrifice the prisoners. The reason that Luigi was dangling over lava in the first place...He can still recall Luigi falling...and wonders what if he never reached him...
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thedurvin · 4 months
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Ever since that "you should watch dumb movies" post went around I've been trying to figure out my favorite Dumb Movies to recommend--subjective, yes, but personally I, a connoisseur of the genre, find these movies to be the fun kind of stupid and the stupid kind of fun. Expect some more when I can skim my DVD collection and remember more of them
Demolition Man (1993)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (1993)
The Last Dragon (1985)
Plan 9 from Outer Space (1957)
Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (1983)
Tank Girl (1995)
Flash Gordon (1980)
Masters of the Universe (1987)
Time Bandits (1981)
Running Man (1987)
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Apologies to anyone that thinks these movies shouldn't be called dumb
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smallmariofindings · 1 year
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Vinyl sleeve for the "Walk the Dinosaur" single from the soundtrack for the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie, featuring Yoshi's design from the movie.
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Luigi Mario from Super Mario Bros. (1993 movie)
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