#in the woods somewhere au
the-lark-ascending69 · 2 months
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This Robin with this Nancy
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Comphet baby who tries so hard to be normal, femenine, and a good heterosexual girlfriend, unaware of the horrors in the woods and in her own heart x exhausted lesbian monster hunter who sees no point in denying herself after denial killed the girl with whom she had an homoerotic best friendship with.
They kind of fear each other and hate each other at the same time. This AU is very incomplete rn but I imagine Robin might have been cursed by Vecna - this eldritch spirit from a secret world in the woods - and Nancy and Jonathan are tracking down his victims to keep an eye on them, since Vecna tends to use them to create monsters, control monster or open gates to find more victims. Their job kinda consists on checking on her every two or so days to track the progress of the curse and figure out if there's a cure. If there's no cure, they'll need to kill her, since fully flayed or vecna'd victims are incredibly dangerous, and they need them out of the game before Vecna can kill them himself.
Nancy has kinda hated Robin ever since she began dating Steve, suspecting that Steve might have been cheating on her considering how quickly he moved on. Okay, that's not true. She hates Robin because she sees a little bit of her past self in her: the one who killed Barb. There's this teenage girl silliness and softness and stupidity that reminds Nancy of how different she's become from other girls in her class, and she resents... not them, but the distance, the difference, she can't afford to be frivolous and happy anymore when frivolousness and happiness killed the girl she loves, but Robin seems to fit in so seamlessly into this perfect picture of the teenage girl, when Nancy had to pay for even a shot at it with someone else's blood. Oh, if only she knew!
She grows more and more exasperated the more Robin refuses to tell her and Jonathan about what Vecna shows her. Vecna's curse can last months, even years, so for months Nancy knocks on Robin's window at 4 am to ask her how she's doing, and all Robin offers is a "fine". Jonathan tells her to be patient, but Robin is making their job really, really hard.
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beybuniki · 2 months
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they should go on a fishing trip pt.1
#DONT COMMENT ON THE BACKGROUND I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWW#anyway this is day 1. they take a bus. the bakugo household has fishing gear so ´deku is wearing bakugo's onesoe (?) and bakugo is wearing#his dad's. and notices he has grown :')#anyway they take a BUS and don't feel like doing this at all it's awkward for so many reason#also trying to relax after everything is neurologically just really hard they might be hyperivgilant dik#and there's so much they never got to unpack bnut they have to and they have to start somewhere and with someone#deku makes that flower crown while bakugo preps everything and they both look at it and are thrown back into their childhood 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️#and at first they just sit and wait for the bavarian fish to bite (rody should make a cameo tbh) but then bakugo breaks the iceeee.#and he starts with their moms because their moms have been such a stubbron connection between these two :')#and deku answers with the usual 'good :) how's your mom :)?' and to everyone's surprise he actually opens up#and tells deku about his mom's insomnia because she watched her son die (that shit was live streamed tpo 10 bnha tweets btw)#idk i love to think of their moms being a very easy subject to connect through i think it's easier for them that way to be more vulnerablei#and then some fish biteeeeeeeeeeee#but like 3 small ones so they have to gather berries and mushrooms and make stew (dw there's an aldi this is bavaria after all)#but yeah day 1 is a bit weird like it's just them in the woods with no distractions#which is so different from whatever went on during their 1st year of high school#don't read this i will throw up i just need this somewhere this is my public scrapbook#bnha#deku#midoriya izuku#bakugo katsuki#the flower crown on their knees makes this a bit homosexual but fishing is always homosexual im not fighting against that#au:#fishing
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alfairy · 11 months
Nimona AU where Ballister and Nimona do leave the kingdom and go over the wall to find a new safe home. Years pass. The kingdom is more paranoid than ever because the queen killer and the monster were never caught and could presumably still live among them or return to cause more chaos.
The director decides one day that they need to take the fight to the monsters, strike first before they are stricken again. Knights are sent out beyond the wall to search the surrounding land and burn down the woods in order to “smoke the monsters out.” Destroying everything, trying to fight a monster that was never even there.
During one of these instances, Ambrosius and Ballister finally see each other again face to face for the first time in years since that fateful interaction at the institution. They’ve both changed, physically at least; Ambrosius’ hair is longer, Bal’s got some more grey streaks and a new arm upgrade. But underneath all of that they’re still the same, still got that lingering hurt and romantic feelings. Nimona is still the same as ever and hasn’t aged a day.
(Also idea that maybe there’s other small communities and people living outside the wall that Bal and Nimona ended up quietly settling down in. People who are far more open minded and accepting of others, and who are more concerned about the walled off kingdom with guns pointing at them than this nice guy and his cool daughter. That’s their neighbor and they’re not gonna let some knights storm in and cause trouble for him.)
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zellink · 5 months
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young at last, at last.
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blushweddinggowns · 1 year
Nancy had to give it to him. In around a few months time, Steve had her wrapped around his finger just as much as every other girl in school, maybe even more so. She hadn’t even meant for it to happen! She had tried to keep things in a strict tutor/student zone but then Steve had to be all…him. He had looked so devastated when he realized they had classes together, and the way he tried to make up for it was too cute for words. 
She just…never thought he would be the way he was. Before they’d met she just knew him as basically Eddie Munson’s personal bodyguard, who just happened to be too hot and good at sports to completely fall out of popularity. He was notorious for being a master at making people cry, and was surprisingly quick-witted for someone who had never gotten above a C- in English. He was a heartbreaker with a killer smile and a horrible attitude. So how did all of that end in Steve Harrington being the sweetest guy she’d ever met?
The massive crush she had on him was completely out of her control. It was his fault for being all nice and funny and handsome and…God. She sounded like the girls she and Barb used to make fun of. They used to call it the Harrington disease. Nancy just hadn't realized how contagious it really was. 
Though she stood by the fact that whatever was going on between her and Steve was different. She had heard a lot of rumors about what it was like dating Steve Harrington, and most of them involved him being all handsome and charming until he got what he wanted, then he’d dump you first thing. The others were a little weirder, stories about him being completly standoffish and maybe even a little germaphobic? There were some girls that swore that he never even kissed them during their short time together and they would have to fight for something as insiginfigant as a hug. Nancy wasn’t quite sure who to believe, no one did. Steve was kind of mysterious like that, another reason why so many girls were obsessed with him.
But with Nancy, it didn’t feel like he was using her for something else. It didn’t even feel like Steve was purposefully romancing her. They had gone from a study session once a week to actually being friends. They ate lunch together nearly everyday, she was invited over to movie nights with him and Eddie, which was great for when Barb was stuck at band practice. He even started taking her to school in the morning sometimes. And she always got to pick the music, no matter how much Eddie jokingly whined about it.
How could she not like him? Hell, she even liked how good he was to his friends, especially Eddie. The two of them were nearly inseparable and it never mattered to Steve that Eddie was…well, pretty far below him in the world of high school cliques. And it’s not that Nancy thought Steve could do better. Eddie was great! They were good for each other, especially after he told her more of how they first met as kids. It made a lot more sense on why Steve was so protective over him, and why he got so pissed when people acted like they couldn’t understand what Steve saw in him. 
It was the same way some people looked at her and Barb. And Nancy hated that. Like being twenty pounds overweight was some kind of crime. But Steve never looked at Barb with disgust. He knew what it was like to see people for who they were; he understood the value in that. And he was always so nice to her. Steve wasn’t the first guy who had wandered into Nancy's life, but he was the first one who didn’t try to box her best friend out at every oppruntunity. 
She loved that about him. She kind of loved everything about him. The past two months had been the most fun of her young life. Because Steve was fun and so much better than she had ever imagined. 
And while technically, they weren’t officially dating it still felt like something was going to happen, and happen soon. Maybe then they would get some more alone time without Eddie around. And she liked Eddie! She really did. He was hilarious, impossible to embarrass and weird as all hell, but it worked. He was a sweet guy when you got right down to it, even if he was a little on the scary side. She just…liked Steve more. A lot more. 
Everything with him just felt so…good. Like they were just falling for each other naturally. They just needed a small push to get them past the friend zone.
“Earth to Nancy? Hello?”
The sound of Barb’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She had a brow raised at her, hand on her hip as she waited for an answer to a question that Nancy had definitly not been paying attention to.
But Barb saw right through her. She always saw right through her, “You weren’t even listening were you?”
“Sorry, sorry, I was just-”
“Thinking about Steve. Yeah, I know.”
Nancy leaned against the locker with a pout, “Come on! I think he might like me. Like, like me like me.”
Barb sighed, just the slightest bit annoyed. Though in her defense Nancy had probably said that same sentence ten times in the past 4 hours, “Nancy he’s a player. And yeah he’s nice and I’ll give it you that he’s not nearly as annoying as we thought he’d be, but can’t you get with someone who isn't so…out there?”
Nancy rolled her eyes, “Yeah because so many guys are just dying to get with me. And what do you mean out there? He’s totally normal.”
“Are you actually trying to tell me that Steve Harrington is normal? The dude who has dated the entire cheerleading squad? The guy who laced Alex’s weed with acid last year for looking at Eddie wrong? That guy?”
Nancy rolled her eyes, “Oh come on! Rumors like that are almost never true. And they were never able to prove the Alex thing! And everyone knows the Carvers will say anything for attention.”
“I just don’t want you getting hurt.”
“I won’t! Come on, you know me. I would never get involved with someone who's actually dangerous. Do you really think he’d hurt me?”
Barb groaned, “You know what I mean! Not physically but yeah. Emotionally I think he can cause some damage. I’m not even saying he’d do it on purpose! But-”
“But nothing,” Nancy interrupted, “Look as sweet as it is that you’re worried about me I’ll be fine. And Steve’s a good guy. You know he’s a good guy. I mean god, you guys have hung out without me before! Doesn’t that show that he’s not just trying to use me?”
“That was one time! And it was literally just a ride home after band practice!”
“And was he or was he not the perfect gentleman?” 
Barb sighed, “Okay, fine. In the vacuum of what we’ve seen he’s fantastic. I’ll give you that. But we don’t live in a vacum! And I just think there are some…things that you purposely don’t want to see.”
Ok, now she was just grasping at straws, “Well maybe I’ll have a chance to see them this weekend. Did I tell you that he invited us to a party at his house Friday? I think he’s finally going to ask me out.”
Barb narrowed her eyes at her, “Invited us or invited you and you made him include me?”
“I mean us. He said your name thank you very much. Plus, Eddie’s going to be there too. You know I would never third wheel you like that.”
Barb narrowed her eyes at her, “Oh but you’d take me as your Eddie buffer? Are you serious?”
“What? He’s nice!” Nancy exclaimed as she started dragging Barb towards their next period. They were going to be late at this rate, but she needed to know that she was going to come. Half because…yes she needed an Eddie buffer but mostly because she just wanted her there. And on the off chance that Barb was right and this was all a terrible idea, having her there would certainly soften the blow. And she knew Eddie would make it his personal mission for her to have fun, so it was a win-win in Nancy’s book. 
“I’m not saying he’s not! But he’s kind of…intense isn’t he? Especially when it comes to Steve. They both are. It’s always Steve and Eddie. Eddie and Steve. Don’t you think…that’s kind of weird?”
Nancy rolled her eyes, aware of exactly where Barb was going with that one. Tommy Hagan had been making it his personal mission to convince the whole school that those two were gay for each other, like a little creep. No one really believed him anymore, not after Steve’s dating rap sheet started, but it still came up every now and then. 
“Well we’re always Nancy and Barb and Barb and Nancy. Is that weird?”
Barb opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, a tell-tale sign that Nancy got her, “I-okay. You win that one.”
“So you’ll go?” Nancy asked, as they sat down at their desks, barely beating the bell.
Barb smiled at her, reaching out to ruffle her hair a bit, laughing when Nancy batted her hand away, “Yes, I’ll go. But if you ditch me to make-out with Steve I’m going to be so pissed.”
Nancy grinned, “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
When Friday rolled around Nancy was beyond excited. It was the first time she had ever snuck out of her house and so far, it had turned out to be very worth it. She was having the time of her life, and so was Barb thank god. The alcohol had certainly helped even if it turned out that beer tasted horrible. She was actually glad that Steve had taken the firm stance to limit them at two each.
“I don’t want your first brush with alcohol to end with you puking in the pool like mine did,” He had said with a laugh when Barb asked about it, “You ladies are better than that!”
Eddie had immediately taken that as permission to call Steve a grandpa, but Nancy thought it was sweet. And it took a little bit of the pressure off. This wasn’t exactly a party in the traditional movie sense, but it was the first time Nancy had been with boys her age completely unsupervised. Plus it was better than the movie version anyway, way more calm and comfortable. They spent nearly two hours playing truth or dare in their backyard, all of it culminating in Nancy pushing both boys into the pool, then Barb pushing her.
She was the only one who managed to stay dry and then proceeded to be the judge of all of their subsequent swimming races. She was always sure that Nancy was the winner, no matter how far behind she’d been. They all had to get out eventually and Nancy was not above rubbing how much fun they were having in Barb’s face when the boys left to get towels. 
She shook out some of her wet hair right over her, giggling when Barb yelped at the cold feeling, “I told you it would be fun.”
Barb tilted her head back to look up at her with a grin, “Yeah, yeah. You win this round Wheeler.”
“And I might just win a boyfriend tonight too. But now I’m freezing. You want to come inside with me?”
Barb shook her head, “In a little bit. Feels nice out here.”
She was perched on the end of the diving board, feet dipping into the water. She looked happy, happy and relaxed and Nancy couldn’t help but preen at that a little. Who would have thought that getting her best friend out of her shell would actually pay off? 
She walked back into the house calling out, “Steve? Where’d you go?”
She smiled when he suddenly popped his head around the corner, towel in hand with Eddie in tow. He handed it over to her before looking her up and down, “God you look like you’re five minutes away from freezing to death. I probably have something you can wear? So you can stay warm while your clothes dry. It might swallow you whole but it’s something.”
“Uh, sure!” Nancy said, way too loudly. But the idea of wearing Steve’s clothes was making her feel some type of way. And his smile wasn’t helping things either. He pointed her up the stairs, taking a second before following behind. She watched as he started to dig through his drawers, noticing for the first time just how easy it was to make out the muscles of his translucent shirt.
God, this guy was going to give her a heart attack. 
He kept his back turned while she changed, which was a plus for her. Because the last thing she needed was him seeing her sniff his shirt like a creep. But it smelled just like him. And her wearing his clothes had to mean something right?  
“Okay, I’m done,” She shakily said, nerves back in full force, “Do…you want to head back downstairs?”
Say no, say no, say no.
“Actually…would you mind if we just talked for a second?”
Nancy nodded, not trusting herself to speak as she watched Steve sit on his bed, patting the spot next to him. She almost tripped in her haste to get over there, but lucky for her Steve missed it. He was too busy staring at the ground. He looked…nervous. He actually looked nervous because of Nancy.
He took a deep breath before starting, still refusing to look at her, “Nancy I…well. Okay. You know, I’ve never met a girl like you before, right? You just…seem really open-minded. And smart, but like in a real way. If that makes any sense. I like that about you.”
He was going to do it, Steve Harrington was going to ask her to be his girlfriend, officially.
“And I think I really want you in my life, but…I don’t want to lead you on.”
Nancy furrowed her brow, confused and more than a little bit worried on where this conversation was going, “Lead me on?”
Steve nodded, “Have you ever um…heard those rumors? About Eddie and I?”
“Which rumors?”
Steve sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, and for the first time Nancy realized he was actually shaking, “About us, uh, doing stuff? Like…being gay?”
Was that what this was about? Was he afraid she thought he was gay? 
“Steve, no one believes that. You have nothing to worry about-”
“They’re true.”
Nancy could feel her heart stop in her chest. She was surprised she managed to say anything, let alone something that was coherent, “W-what?”
He still wasn’t looking at her, “It’s true. We’re gay. For um, eachother. And have been for years. Well that’s not even right. We’re like…in love. Like really, really in love. And it’s not a phase, it’s not an experiment. I just love him and he loves me.”
Nancy stared at him, mouth hanging open while a million and one thoughts raced through her head. But she couldn’t focus on any of them because he was still talking. 
“And I know that’s probably like really out there because of all of the other crap people say but I’m not some kind of Casanova. I haven’t even had sex with a girl before. All of those dates never got past first base, if that. But we needed a way to not be obvious so that’s how that happened.”
Nancy had never felt dumber in her entire life. 
“And I really like you Nancy, and I felt like you deserved to know because I want us to be friends. Like real friends and…you’re the first person I’ve ever actually told this too, because it just feels like I can trust you and…yeah. So um, yeah. That’s about it.”
He finally turned to look at her and the hopeful look on his face was too much for her to handle. She was on her feet before she even know what she was doing. But one thing was for sure, she needed to get out of here before she started fucking crying. 
“Are you okay?”
Nancy ignored the question, half because she was very close to being choked up and half because she could barely hear anything through the blood rushing through her ears. 
“It’s getting late!” She said instead as she backed her way to the door, “And I should probably go find Barb a-and I won’t tell anyone so sure! We’re good!”
“But wait, you’re clothes-”
Nancy was already out the door before he could finish his sentence. She raced downstairs, stopping when she was suddenly face to face with Eddie. Steve’s Eddie. Because they were together and she was delusional apparently. 
He narrowed her eyes at her, “Uh, are you okay?”
“I-It’s fine! I’m fine!” She reassured as she hurriedly put on her shoes. Somewhere in the back of her head she was aware that Barb was probably still out back, but she couldn’t risk going out there to get her. One more look at Steve and she’d start breaking down, and she was not going to die of embarassment on top of everything tonight, thank you very much. 
She went for the door, pausing to look back at Eddie. He looked…hurt. Which was not helping how messed up she felt inside, but it did get her mouth moving, “And I um, won’t tell anyone so you don’t have to worry. I um, yeah. Bye.”
“Wait, I can give you a ride-”
But Nancy was already on the other side of the door before he could finish. Was walking home in the middle of the night in November a good idea? No, but was she still going to do it? God, yes. 
She barely made it a block away before she was crying. But at least she was alone. She didn’t do crying infront of other people. Not even Barb. Barb who she freaking just left to deal with the awkward aftermath in her place. God, she was going to be so pissed at her. 
And then she’d have to explain the whole stupid thing to her. Except she couldn’t. Because that wasn’t the kind of thing you could tell other people was it? 
She wrapped her arms around herself as she walked, sniffling. She was happy that Steve had at least chosen a sweatshirt for her, otherwise she might actually be at risk for hypothermia here. God, she was still wearing his stupid clothes. She can’t believe she thought that meant something. None of what happened between them ever meant anything. 
The guy she was on the verge of being in love with was freaking gay. Gay and taken. Every time the three of them had been together she had been the unknowing third wheel, completely deluding herself. And Barb had warned her. She had fucking said not to get her hopes up and here she was, being a moron and leaving her to clean up the mess.
God, she was awful. She was too depressed to go through the effort of sneaking through her window. She just went through the front door instead, beyond grateful that her parents slept like the dead. The first thing she did was change, because the thought of smelling like Steve all night made her sick. She crawled into bed, praying beyond hope that she’d wake up the next day and this would all be a really bad dream.
Part 1 Part 1.5 Snippets from an unfished chapter of this fic
Part 3
This whole saga will have one more part that does not end sadly! Except for Barb dying but blame the duffers for that one.
@a-little-unsteddie @ghost--enthusiast @jestyzesty
@dustcommander @attic-cat-blog @dinosareawesome2137
@obsessivlyme @missarte-beltane
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silvernmoonlace · 8 months
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fae!Tubbo fanart by me :))
(based off Tubbo's character in Lost In The Woods Somewhere by @hellenite)
btw I resumed (re)watching She-Ra yesterday and got soaked in the rain today so I'm feeling pretty happy rn :)
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bonefall · 1 year
Why doesn't Blossom just. leave? Idk if that sounds weird since you have talked about how the clans essentially function like a cult (although this was in reference to starclan), but if Blossom feels so completely isolated and shut off, why not just. Run away.
Blossom literally gets told 'no one cares about you, why not just disappear?", and the clan does NOTHING to say otherwise, and their silence is basically agreement. Suicide tw, to someone who is already at their lowest, or just climbing out of it at least, that line could have horrible implications- you dont matter, just fade away, no one would notice, etc. Idk if that was intended (ashfur seems like the kind of asshole who would intend it but i dont think you intended it), but. yeah its horrible.
Since im believing it wasn't intended, maybe change it? Emptycry could work (instead of 'no one cares, you're a waste of space' its 'your words are empty, be quiet'), or maybe naming her Rottedpetal- the flowers have been shredded, and now they have begun to rot instead of growing anew. Or, if you want to keep the name, Blossom snaps and decides that he's speaking the truth- so she leaves. Maybe she becomes a loner (does the lake territories even HAVE any loners that function similar to Barley, Ravenpaw, Smudge, etc???), or joins another clan (i highly doubt this since the other clan would eventually learn of 'clearface' and start calling her that again, or worse kick her out for breaking the code), OR she becomes a kittypet, completely willing to trade freedom just to be loved.
...forgive me but I feel like a lot of people are missing the point of Dishonor Titles and why and how Ashfur uses them.
Ashfur is picking the cruelest possible names he can think of exactly because he wants the people who oppose him to be broken. He is finding a character's deepest insecurity and putting it on full display, forcing the other cats in the Clan to join in on his mental abuse to set them against each other.
This serves the purpose of showing that Ashfur is even worse than Bramblestar, and that he is very perceptive of people's insecurities.
The cruelty is the point. These titles from the Impostor aren't meant to be petty, they are meant to be gutwrenching.
Why does Blossomfall not leave? Because her entire family is here. Father, siblings, three children, any friendships she's finally started working on. She had to beg to come back in on their grace and she will not get another chance. Random humans aren't an option. It hurts but she eats it, knowing her only options are to take it for the next two weeks or be exiled forever.
If she was going to leave because of the name, then that is something Bramblefake can use as well. "Codebreakers are weak cats. She couldn't handle having her disrespect thrown back at her and cared more about her pride than her Clan. A traitor twice, now a traitor thrice."
But things were just finally starting to get better for her, and she's not willing to leave her entire life behind for the exciting opportunity to... live alone in the woods. Not yet.
She becomes a rebel later, but not yet.
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jupitersrising · 11 months
JWCC Characters' Daemons
So I really wanted to talk about why I chose certain daemons for each of the characters. both because I spent a lot of time on it and because I think it would be interesting. You don't have to read the fic for this to make sense...probably. Kinda spoilers for the fic though, if you want to read it, I suggest finishing that first then coming back to this. :)
Yasmina "Yaz" Fadoula:
First she is a pronghorn antelope, which as said in the fic, is the second fastest land animal in the world. They're about the size of a normal deer, if a bit smaller and a tan-ish color with horn hence the name.
She settles very, very young as Yaz as a character is assure of herself throughout the show. it's only later that we see her get nervous and doubt herself. She's not exactly cocky in the beginning but she knows what she wants and goes for it.
The pronghorn is supposed to be both a symbolism of her youth when she settled (he's always clumsy and too big "not fitting into his limbs") too young. Staking all her claims on something before she truly knew herself.
As it progresses we see Yaz open herself up to the others, to trust, criticism, etc... this instead of opening herself up to the possibility causes her to shut down (Essentially the scene where she says she and Sammy aren't friends and her petty fights with Brooklynn, her trying to walk with her messed up ankle) and this comes to a crescendo of emotions when Sammy gets poisoned.
There's moments when she's running when she thinks she's not going to be fast enough. She's not going to make it in time. it's a very intense scene and highlights her character development.
It also makes her face her feelings and the changes over the last few months.
Her daemon then settles as a peregrine falcon. While not a land animal, it is one of the fastest animals in the world. Reaching speeds of 200mph while diving. This is the push she needs to realize that the clunky version of herself. The version that cut her off at thinking that part of her, right then, was the best version of herself that she could be. When in fact it came later when she was pushed past her limits.
The antelope was the manifestation of something clunky. Something that looked nice on the outside but wasn't actually working. While the falcon was her becoming 'sleeker' in a physical way, but also more herself. Opening her mind to more possibilities.
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
fic talk in the tags 💝
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shellibisshe · 1 year
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marian ramos-de león | v. something in the woods calls out
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the-lark-ascending69 · 2 months
Oh god oh gosh oh my dear i am on the floor sobbing of lesbianism
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robot-singularity · 4 months
Okay, fielding a question to people who know more than me: hey does the sonic screwdriver do bone?
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sitwmedia · 2 months
Little dumb babies.. Squishy.. (FINISHING THE ADULTS CHILDREN DESIGNS FOR ONCE) (Yes toilet woman is in the au she's important ok? I also wanna draw her screaming about the rights of bees)
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(the black eyes are bc she's going alpha mode)
(i used Google translate)
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musicalchaos07 · 1 year
Jancy Academic Rivals AU thoughts
Based on this post. I have spent all day thinking about it and here's what I have so far
1996 Maine
Robin is Nancy’s roommate 
Argyle is Jonathan’s roommate (I personally love the idea that Argyle is secretly rich)
Steve is also Jonathan & Argyle's roommate but he's never home so Jonathan goes like 3 weeks before ever seeing him in their dorm
Nancy’s best subjects are Chemistry, English, and Polisci-Debate
Jonathan���s best subjects are English, Polisci-Debate, Art, and Latin
Jonathan is from Hawkins and was friendish with Nancy but moved to Montauk, NY when he was like 7 so Nancy doesn’t remember him 
He remembers her bc of course he does 
Nancy is class president because she’s top of the class and is in charge of touring students around campus
Nancy begged her parents to send her here at the age of like 13 and she’s been there since
Jonathan is just now transferring in as a junior and a scholarship student
Jonathan applied because he wants to go to The National School of Photography in France or the Rhode Island School of Design 
While touring Jonathan Nancy makes an off comment about how that’s essentially a waste of an education and how she went to Paris over the summer
Jonathan is understandably annoyed because his assumptions that everyone at the school is going to be nothing but spoiled, pompous rich kids are proving true 
He’s also annoyed she does not remember him at all (but never brings up that they sort of know each other bc awkward)
So he asks in a snippy way what she plans to do and she tells him she's going to go to Oxford to study Journalism and he asks how that’s any better
They are very much giving pretentious and just another suburban girl in their initial introductions
Jonathan resolves to attempt to ignore her as much as possible which is very difficult because he has a crush (He may think she's ambitious and overly competitive but she's also gorgeous and wasn't mean about him being a scholarship student)
Anyways one night while looking for somewhere to smoke Jonathan & Argyle find Nancy, Robin, and Steve breaking into the school pool for a late-night swim/hang out (Picture s1 pool scene minus the murder and st*ncy scene)
And naturally, our intrepid little art hoe takes photos 
Nancy finds out and gets even madder at him because if anyone else found out she’d be in trouble and it could ruin her reputation
THEN as though all of that wasn’t enough Jonathan corrects Nancy’s Math error in class and she gets pissed 
Because she’s right she's always right (except this time)
And Jonathan teasingly offers to tutor her if she needs it 
Thus academic rivalry is born
Nancy is pissed because Jonathan’s Advanced Latin class counts as more credit. Jonathan is pissed because Nancy is so much better at Chemistry.
Nancy tries to transfer into Latin for the extra credit, and Jonathan tries to transfer out of Chemistry because he's better at Earth Sciences (Jonathan isn't successful and Nancy does transfer in but she's completely lost)
It gets to the point where the whole school knows that these two are just insane and trying to one-up each other 
Their polisci-debate class is just the two of them arguing over various issues (not that they necessarily disagree but they both approach issues with different viewpoints i.e. gender v class in s3) while the class watches
And the sexual tension is BAD which Nancy knows and hates because she’s mad enough he can challenge her academically but then he’s also hot??? (Robin is unrelenting until Nancy finally admits to thinking that Jonathan is hot but Nancy insists nothing is going to happen)
Jonathan is lowkey-highkey dying inside from the tension but he’s thriving in teasing Nancy over academics (Argyle thinks he's crazy over this and can't figure out why they won't just do hanky panky)
Argyle and Robin end up bonding and forming the “Jonathan & Nancy just make out already club” which they definitely treat like a skull and crossbones-ish secret society
Steve is also an unwilling member
This leads to Jonathan & Nancy having to hang out more outside of class because of their roommates 
This also leads to Nancy buying Jonathan a new lens for his camera ( I don’t think she’d get him a whole new camera) for his birthday (I HC his birthday as October 10th) and he feels guilty because it’s too nice of a gift 
So to "pay her back" he makes a mixtape for her (Purely platonic he assures Argyle. Can you believe she doesn't know The Cure?) (He def puts Just Like Heaven & Friday I'm in Love on it though)
And maybe on Halloween Nancy and Jonathan end up at a party in the woods behind the school and maybe he lets her borrow his sweater because she’s cold 
And maybe he walks her back to her dorm after this party because she’s been drinking a little (not like blacked out though) and there’s allegedly a bear in the woods (Jonathan might also be high and a little paranoid)
On the walk home, he finally reveals that they went to elementary together.
Plot Twist Nancy did remember him but she was still holding a grudge because he disappeared without saying goodbye
Jonathan then apologizes and makes a big deal about saying goodnight to her 
She returns his sweater a couple days later and everyone starts gossiping about why she had it and Nancy retreats after this 
But then it all comes to a head when their Polisci-Debate professor (Murray) assigns them to be partners on a research article (because he knows) 
One minute they’re whisper-arguing in the library and then Jonathan kisses her 
Nancy kisses him back 
They are hot and heavy making out in the stacks until the librarian catches them
They have to talk their way out of detention 
Then they go up to Nancy's room (because Robin is in Jonathan's with Steve & Argyle) and share a bed
They don’t tell anyone though (again Murray knows) because they don’t want to give them the satisfaction
They continue business as usual then one night over Thanksgiving break Robin, Argyle, and Steve catch them holding hands as they’re walking back from the woods and are like “busted”
Steve owes Robin money 
They still continue the academic rivalry part though because Jonathan knows Nancy likes the competition and he’s happy to indulge her 
They end up tying for the top of the class at the end of the semester effectively ending Nancy’s streak. 
I am attempting to write this as a full fic but I cannot write fanfic to save my life so if someone wants to take this plot bunny be my guest (just tag me when you're done)
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generalofthetwinks · 6 months
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Gently shake the screen and make sitw twek dance
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cow-tag · 6 months
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