#in vulcan your heart belongs to everyone and your feelings are felt by everyone
curator-on-ao3 · 11 months
For the directors cut thing: I would absolutely love to hear you talk about "Facets of Belonging". I love this story soo much and I read it like a million times because it makes me so happy and warms my heart. It kind of became my head canon for pikeuna ❤️
Hello, hi, I love you! I’m extremely honored by you rereading that story, @azalealunalight, and, hoo-boy, am I happy to talk about it. ❤️
This is going to start a little down but get better.
Facets of Belonging was actually my second pass at trying to unpack Among the Lotus Eaters, an absolute garbage pile of an episode with shipper glasses off and even worse with shipper glasses on. My first try, a one-shot called The Curse of Memory, I very much wrote with my head as an attempt to make sense of at least some aspects of the garbage pile. That story got interesting comments along the lines of, “This writing is good, but I don’t like seeing Pikeuna like this.” And I didn’t either. I had tried for canon-consistency and made myself — and my characters — unhappy.
So fuck that.
Fuck that on the bathroom floor, actually.
So I wrote Facets of Belonging from my heart as a way to let love breathe the way I think it should — freely, honestly, with two people trying their best because they owe that to each other. And I had an absolute blast writing repressed Chris, Una who would have made a pass at him years earlier if she had believed he had any game whatsoever, and both of them not understanding why Batel dumped Chris (I wanted everyone to be somewhat valid there and I hope I succeeded).
It was extra fun to include all the “they were already married, your honor” details like Chris using the secret knock on Una’s door for their shared fresher, Una flawlessly reading Chris’ body language, and Chris and Una having chosen the bathroom rug together years earlier. (The first part of the story goes on and on about how comfortable and fluffy and thick the rug is because I know me and, if the story hadn’t done that, I would have spent the later parts of the story wincing as they made love on that same rug. But it’s okay because the rug is comfortable! and fluffy! and thick!)
In terms of the technical stuff, I enjoyed the shifting third person limited point of view. Having Chris and Una mentally vibing but him more brave while she’s always a step ahead and more calm as he worries — that felt right. Part of Una being a step ahead, for me, is how her consistent adjective for Chris is “exquisite,” while he thinks she’s “beyond beautiful, beyond gorgeous. Something else. Something new.” because he hasn’t gotten to “exquisite” yet … but he will.
In terms of other things that happen after the story ends — if bathroom plumbing on the Enterprise works in any way similar to bathroom plumbing in multi-family homes today, you’d better believe other crewmembers on their same plumbing line heard Una’s ecstatic screaming in the middle of the night. I like to believe Spock is among those crewmembers. Vulcan hearing and all. Gonna be quite a morning on the bridge, amirite?
Oh, and I feel like when Chris lets himself look at Una and actually consider shifting their friendship to romance, the primal attraction he feels truly put the “id” in “idiots in love,” if you will. (And him being like “whaaaa?” she called him “sweetie” was great fun.)
For me, Facets of Belonging is a Marie Kondo story — it sparked joy to write, cleaning out the mess from before. I’m absolutely pleased and honored and delighted that the story makes you happy, too, and that you asked about it. Thank you, thank you, thank you, @azalealunalight, from the bottom of my heart … and the fluffiness of Chris and Una’s bathroom rug. ❤️
Want more information about a fic I wrote? Send me an ask.
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2063april5 · 2 years
S2 EP18 "The immunity syndrome"
McCoy: Spock, how can you be so sure the Intrepid was destroyed
Spock: I sensed it die.
McCoy: but I thought you had to be in physical contact with a subject before-
Spock: doctor, even I, a half vulcan, could hear the death scream of 400 vulcan minds crying out over the distance between us.
McCoy: not even a vulcan could feel a starship die.
Spock: call it a deep understanding of the way things happen to vulcans, but I know that not a person, not even the computers on board the Intrepid, knew what was killing them, or would have understood it had they known.
McCoy: but 400 vulcans...
Spock: I've noticed that about your people, doctor. You find it easier to understand the death of one than the death of a million. You speak about the objective hardness of the vulcan heart... yet how little room there seems to be in yours.
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jillianallen14 · 3 years
Spirk fanfic rec
Some amazing Spirk fanfic to bless your dash because I’m falling in love with this shit all over again (this is like the 10th time this has happened lol):
Entering Orbit:  Jim escapes to Iowa to avoid the media frenzy following the Narada incident, but a late-night miscommunication results in Spock turning up on his front porch; rated m; 30,957 words
Papers in the Roadside:  Non-Starfleet AU. Jim owns a small bar in Chicago, keeps on picking up strays and taking care of everyone no matter how hard it makes his own life. Spock is a journalist writing feature articles for the Chicago Tribune; he depicts the world with uncanny skill, but hides more than one personal drama and is possibly under surveillance from the Vulcan royal family. They meet by accident just before their lives start to spin out of control; rated e; 49,637 words
Take Refuge in What You Know:  AU - Kirk has moved into a apartment/house and wants to get to know his neighbors. He meets his neighbor Spock, a loner who suffers from extreme agoraphobia. Kirk thinks he's beautiful enigma; rated e; 120,334 words
Listen, this is not only my favorite Star Trek fic of all time, it’s also one of my favorite fanfics in general. It’s right up there with Text Talk and The Shoebox Project from the HP fandom, which if you’ve read, you know are incredible and frankly life-changing. And this fanfic changed my life. The description the author gives doesn’t do the beauty of this fic justice. I suffer from agoraphobia and Spock’s depiction as an agoraphobic man was probably the most well-researched, sympathetic, empathetic, caring, realistic portrayal of what it’s like to be agoraphobic that I’ve ever witnessed in fiction. It made me cry like a child because I had never felt so seen and understood. This writer is incredible, and this fic is incredible. I can’t recommend it enough. It’s an AU, which I’m usually pretty wary about, but it barely even feels like an AU. It just feels like Jim and Spock. The author’s understanding of both of their characters’ is perfect, like just a spot-on portrayal of who they are. This fic genuinely helped me accept who I am and helped me understand that I am capable of & deserving of love. If you don’t read any other Star Trek fics (and you def should read more Star Trek fics because they’re amazing), then let this one be the one you read. I dare you not to read it three times in a row like I did.
Observations:  First Officer Spock comments on life aboard the Enterprise and his service under Captain James T. Kirk; rated m; 500,000+ words.
So the author of this fic actually did a thing where they made this fic into two books (similar to what The Shoebox Project authors did many years ago in the HP fandom). They don’t get any money from people buying the books; the cost is just to go towards producing the books. This fic is the equivalent of two LARGE novels. We’re talking 600 pages & up. It’s a huge fic. Now, that being said, I read it in one day. ONE DAY. It’s that good. This is another one of my all-time favorite fics, though not quite as dear to my heart as the one I listed above. It’s focused on AOS, and tbh, I forget that what happens in this book isn’t actually canon. Like it’s so well-told, it just feels like it’s now part of the timeless story of Kirk & Spock. The “professional” Star Trek writers would never be brave enough to do what this author does with Kirk and Spock, though. This fic will make you angry, will make you laugh, will make you cry. It has such a good grasp on every single character. It also shows the love between the crew of the Enterprise, which is always a treat, and it’s beautifully done in this fic. It has a sorta-enemies-to-lovers arc between Spirk and an enemies-to-close-friends arc between Spock and McCoy that is beautifully done and fleshed out. This fic is definitely a journey to go through, and I can’t recommend it enough. It’s extremely slow burn, and you will want to slap both Kirk and Spock (and McCoy) upside the head at certain points lol. 
Of Coffee Beans and Green Tea Leaves:  The progression of a relationship, through Coffee Beans and Green Tea Leaves. Basically, it’s an AU where Kirk works at a coffee shop to pay his way through school, and Spock visits often. rated t; 16,429 words
Love, love, love, this fic. It’s cute, it’s in character. They have kind of a rocky start together, so it’s got a little bit of that Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy i-hated-you-but-now-i-love-you-marry-me vibes to it. I’m a sucker for that, if you haven’t figured that out by now lol. It’s really good, and a really enjoyable read. And it’s not too long, if you’re in the mood for something on the shorter end of things.
 Please Don’t Touch the Vulcans:  The "yes" is out of Jim's mouth before he can think about it. Jim is chipper about having time off for the holidays. He asks everyone if they want to spend time together but sadly, everyone ditches Jim over the holidays because they have plans. McCoy visits his daughter, Nyota visits her family, and everyone splits. Not knowing Spock has feelings for him, Jim doesn't even bother asking if he wants to spend time together figuring he has something to do. Something cute, romantic with the boys spending time with one another and confessions; rated m; 17,690 words
Super cute and has lots of Sarek, which idk about y’all, but I’m always a fan of. Sarek and Jim kind of get to know each other a bit, and it’s cute. Sarek knows about they’re in love before Spock & Kirk know lol. If I remember correctly, there’s also some appearances from everyone’s favorite: Old!Spock! You also get a little bit of jealous and protective Young!Spock. So you’re in for a real treat with this one. 
The Ren shat’var Trilogy:  A split-second decision changes Jim's life forever, as he enters into a bond with Spock in the face of certain torture. Enemies to the Federation emerge from unlikely places, and the command team must contend with unexpected threats, as well as challenges within their own intense relationship. In this three-part series, the Enterprise races across the galaxy to confront the unknown, and Jim and Spock discover the true significance of their unprecedented connection; rated e; 184,411 words
Textual Attraction:  Valentine’s Day does not bring up pleasant memories for Cadet Kirk. But the serendipitous switch-up of his cell phone with a particular Vulcan professor’s will make his day far more interesting –and romantic. Perhaps some new memories can be made! 15,900 words
SO GOOD. Just SO good
Spaceman:  Academy AU. Five times Spock realizes he's attracted to a barista at the academy spaceport, and one time he decides to do something about it. rated t; 3728 words
Short, sweet, funny. You’ll love it.
Subtext: Texting your Vulcan first officer in the middle of the night is never a good idea. Especially when you have an obsessive crush on said Vulcan.The holidays are approaching and Jim is left entirely Spockless aboard the Enterprise when his First takes shore leave on New Vulcan. After some midnight pining, Jim sends a text he instantly regrets. That is, until Spock responds and willingly continues their textual communications to an inevitable conclusion; rated t; 13,032 words
Cute, sweet, funny. It’s a texting fic. I think you’ve probably figured out I love those. This one makes me laugh so fucking hard. Like actually laugh-out-loud-omg-did-i-just-snort kind of funny. Spock is great in this one
All Spock Wants For Christmas:  While Jim is away on a delegation mission, he panics about what to give Spock for Christmas. With help from Bones and Uhura, and in between some spam texting with Spock, Jim realizes he already has the perfect gift. And all it needs is wrapping paper and a bow; rated t; 11,966 words
And here we have another cute, sweet, funny texting fic. Sue me lol
The Morning After:  Jim convinces Spock to take shore leave with him on Risa, hoping the time together will help re-solidify their bond of friendship after some recent tension. Meanwhile, Spock convinces himself he's on Risa for one reason and one reason only, to prevent his wayward captain from getting into trouble. After a passionately illogical night of Romulan Ale and chocolate infused liquor, everything changes when Jim wakes with something other than a hangover filling his head. Something he's sure neither he nor Spock can handle. Because if Jim knows anything for sure, it's that his messed up thoughts belong nowhere near Spock's clean, ordered mind; rated m; 50,381 words
HAHA. This fic fucking cracks me up. You’ve got drunk boys pining over each other & not realizing it. You’ve got accidental marriage. You’ve got bed sharing. It’s great, it’s cute, it’s funny. 
Take This Sinking Boat (And Point It Home):  In which Spock pines, Jim isn’t stupid (except he kind of is), and Christopher Pike has had enough of this bullshit; 6698 words
Pike is great in this one, and it’s super, super funny.
Extracurricular Activities:   Spock returns to the Academy from a tour of duty to find an intriguing cadet captures his attention; rated e; 15,433 words
Veritas: Basically, Kirk and Spock are on trial because the Federation thinks they are emotionally compromised by each other, which is putting the lives of their crew in danger. They have to convince a court they’re not actually in love with each other. They think the claims are bullshit. They think it will be easy to prove that they aren’t in love or emotionally compromised, damn it. It isn’t; rated m; 186,80 words
This one is so, so good. A real gem off of Fanfic.net. I remember it was actually one of the first Spirk fanfics I ever read, and it blew me away. The progression of their relationship is really well-done and interesting. It has star-crossed lovers vibes and has some really emotionally intense moments in it, especially for Spock. 
A Habitual Affection:  Living in 1930s New York with the Vulcan you're secretly in love with is no simple thing. But Jim never liked anything simple. And then, the big snowstorm hit...; rated t; 7998 words
A beautiful TOS fic about one of the gayest episodes of Star Trek. Love this one. 
Atlas:  Between what was and what will be stands James Tiberius Kirk, in all his fractured patchwork glory. Because saving the Federation was only the beginning; rated t; 135,529 words
A beaut. Really great characterization, and the progression of Jim and Spock’s relationship is really well-done.
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
Coming Home
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(photo courtesy of IMDb)
Pairing: Leonard “Bones” McCoy x Reader. Other Characters: Captain Jim Kirk, Sulu, Uhura, Spock, Scotty, Nurse Chapel, Joanna McCoy and Jocelyn McCoy
Word Count: 6594
Warnings: A bit of angst as there usually is with exes, medical incident, topped off with fluff and a little implied smut.
Prompt: “Did you ever plan on telling me?”
Summary: Reader left Dr. McCoy and the Enterprise eight years ago for reasons unknown. Captain Kirk has decided to get her to come back, so he offers her a position in the ship’s Botany Department and Lab. How will her ex-boyfriend and CMO Dr. McCoy react to seeing her after all these years?
"Jim, I just don't think it's a good idea," you told him, shaking your head. Captain James T Kirk was in your apartment, trying to convince you to rejoin him on the USS Enterprise.
"Why not? It's been, what, eight years now? Surely he's forgiven you by now," Kirk replied.
"Even if he has, which I doubt, I haven't forgiven me yet. We haven't even spoken since I left. No, I can't come back, Jim. You need things to run smoothly on that ship of yours. I would only upset the applecart," you affirmed.
"Please? You're the best botanist in Starfleet, and we really need you. Sulu can bring you up to speed on all of his latest findings with the plants we've catalogued in the past few years. Besides, there are others who would be happy to see you return to the ship," Kirk pressed.
You bit your bottom lip in concentration. Jim could tell you were close to cracking under his persuasive argument. You missed your 'girl talk' sessions with Uhura, even though monthly subspace messages have kept you in touch. They just haven't been the same as being together in person. If you came back, you might even start a lively discussion with Spock on Vulcan vs. Human philosophy.
If you went back, you know Jim would make your return as smooth as possible. He was right, that others would be happy to see you again. However, there was at least one crew member that you were fairly certain would not share in everyone's enthusiasm at seeing you back on the Enterprise.
Dr. Leonard. McCoy.
The two of you had been in a relationship for about four years prior to your departure. You shared the same quarters, during which time you were blissfully happy and in love. Leonard was the light of your life, and you saw him in every scenario in your future. Marriage, family, retirement from active duty, maybe eventually a house somewhere.
All of that came crashing down the night of his daughter's birthday party, when Joanna was turning 13. Two weeks after it happened and without explanation, you left Leonard and the Enterprise.
You had no intention of ever returning to the ship. You were content in your teaching position at Starfleet HQ and to stay at home, maintaining your garden. That is, until a blonde-haired, blue-eyed captain came knocking on your door, asking you to come back.
"So?" Kirk asked.
"I'll need to pack a few things, make some arrangements," you sighed.
"Ship leaves here in five days, will that be enough time?" Kirk inquired.
"I suppose it'll have to be, won't it. You're not exactly leaving me with much choice," you retorted. "Don't worry, Jim. I'll be there, ready to assist you however I can," you promised. I just don't know if I'm ready to face him again, not after all these years that have gone by, you thought to yourself.
As if he heard you, Jim nudged your arm. "Maybe this is just the opportunity you two need, you know, to clear the air. Much as you may not think so, the two of you belong together," Jim concluded softly.
"I have a feeling that one way or another, the situation between Len and me will soon be resolved," you replied.
When you re-materialized on the transporter pad, you were surprised to see so many of your friends waiting to welcome you back. Sulu, Chekhov, Scotty, Uhura and even Spock had made the trip down to Transporter Room #3, along with the captain to await your return. The only one absent was Dr. McCoy, but you didn't expect him to show up. Not willingly anyway.
You stepped down from the transporter pad and were immediately engulfed in Uhura's embrace. She rambled on about when the first 'girl talk' night should be while you traded hugs with Sulu and Chekhov.
"Hello, Commander. It is agreeable to see you again," Spock greeted you.
"It's nice to see you, too, Spock," you smiled as you pulled him into a hug before he could stop you. "Mr. Scott, always a delight," you gushed.
"Aye, lassie, it's good to have ye home again," Scotty beamed.
"Thank you. It's good to be--" your greeting was interrupted by the transporter room doors sliding open. The moment of truth had finally arrived, where the next few words spoken would set the tone for the time to come.
"God in Heaven," McCoy whispered. His mouth suddenly went dry at seeing you again after eight years. He could see that the years had been kind to you, because to him, you were even more beautiful than before. His heart did a mini-flip in his chest, but almost immediately afterwards, his brain and his memory re-engaged.
McCoy coughed and cleared his throat in an effort to regain his composure. "Commander," he said gruffly, nodding his head sharply at you. "Jim, a word please?" he asked, then turned and left the transporter room without sparing you a second glance. Tears sprang to your eyes but did not fall.
"Excuse me, everyone," Kirk replied. As he passed by you, he caught your hand and squeezed lightly. "Don't worry, remember what I said about opportunities?" he asked and you nodded. "Don't waste 'em," he said with a wink.
"How could you do this, Jim? How could you allow her back on board after what happened between us? The woman I love broke my heart when she left me--the ship!" McCoy thundered.
"Well, Bones, let's start with the fact that we need someone to head the Botany Department and Lab, and she's the best. Then we'll fill in the middle with how I don't think either one of us knows exactly what happened to make her leave. And we'll end with, oh, because it's my ship, I'm the captain and if I say we need her, then she re-joins the crew," Kirk concluded.
"Fine. If that will be all, Captain?" McCoy replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Yes, Bones, that will be all," Kirk responded. McCoy turned to leave when Kirk briefly called him back. "For what it's worth, you could look at this as an opportunity to clear the air between you. At least you'd know, once and for all why she left, instead of always assuming it's your fault."
McCoy mumbled something under his breath as he walked out of the captain's Ready Room. Kirk shook his head at his CMO's antics when it came to you. He knew the two of you still loved each other, and firmly believed that you belonged together.
Kirk wished he knew what happened all those years ago to make you think your only choice was to leave your family and the man you loved. Something told him that whatever it was, it was bound to come out into the open. Hopefully when it did and the dust settled, everything would return to some semblance of normal.
The first few weeks aboard ship were a bit awkward. You were trying to get used to a working schedule again, and on top of that, trying to avoid the CMO at every turn. It didn't help that you had mutual friends who didn't hesitate to offer their advice on how to resolve things. They all swore they only wanted what was best for you and the good doctor. However, only the two of you could decide what that looked like, and at least for now, that meant avoiding each other.
One day, you were in the lab, cataloguing plant samples gathered during an away mission to Taegus-3. You made sure your team was taking extra safety precautions when handling the samples. "Be careful around these plants, some may have thorns. We also don't know yet if they're poisonous, so for now, use the bio-suits and the thick rubber gloves."
You were walking through Station #2 where a member of your team was performing tests on one of the samples. The young ensign turned away from her station, while you made notes on your clipboard about the plant she was working with.
As you were asking her some questions about her work, you felt something snaking its way around your exposed forearm. By the time you realized what was happening, the plant had started to apply pressure to your now vine-wrapped arm. Sulu heard the commotion and rushed over with a knife, which he then used to cut the vine from your arm. The vine fell away, but left red burn marks in your arm wherever the vine had come into contact with the skin.
"You'd better head down to the MedBay and have someone take a look at that," Sulu advised.
You looked at Sulu like you'd rather have the vine back on your arm, squeezing the life out of it until it snapped off than deal with Dr. McCoy. Eventually you relented and left the lab to get yourself checked out in the MedBay. You only hoped that it was Dr. McCoy's day off, because you didn't think you could deal with him at the moment.
Unfortunately, luck was not to be on your side today. Nurse Chapel called for him as soon as she saw you walk in the door. She had you sit on the biobed and started to check your vital signs. While she was discussing them with Dr. McCoy, a wave of dizziness crashed over you. It was also getting harder to breathe, which was detected by the biobed and it started sending out alarms.
McCoy and Nurse Chapel came racing over to you. "Damn plant must give off some sort of toxin when it wraps around its victims. Hold on, sweetheart, stay with me. We'll get you taken care of, don't you worry," he soothed.
As comforting as his words were, you knew he was in 'doctor mode'. It came naturally to him to use soft terms like 'sweetheart' to put his patients at ease. You knew those words didn't hold any affection towards you anymore like they used to. Whatever feelings may have been implied towards you by his words were likely to be a thing of the past.
"Hold still now, we're going to give you something to counteract the toxin," McCoy explained. He attached a hypospray to your neck and pressed the button to release the medication. Almost immediately, your breathing became easier and the dizziness slowly dissipated. In the meantime, he took the opportunity to bandage the vein-like burns in your forearm.
Once your condition seemed to be stabilized, all you could think of was to get out of the MedBay and back to your quarters. You eased yourself down from the biobed and took a few tentative steps towards the door.
"Whoa, whoa, wait a minute, where do you think you're going?" McCoy demanded.
"Back to my quarters, Dr. McCoy. I thank you and Nurse Chapel for your assistance, but I can take care of myself from here. I hereby relieve you of your obligation to monitor my health any further," you retorted.
"I really don't think that's a good idea, sweetheart," he replied. "You could have a relapse, or develop a complication, or--" he started.
"DON'T. You don't get to call me 'sweetheart', or 'darlin', or anything that would indicate you remotely have any feelings of affection for me anymore," you shot back. Tears began prickling at your eyes, threatening to fall. "Ever since I got here, you've been avoiding me. In the mess hall, the rec area, even the turbolift for goodness' sake," you explained.
"Me?!? As far as I see it, Commander, it's been mutual avoidance. This is as much interaction as I've had with you since the day I saw you in Transporter Room #3. So, don't pin all of this on me," he snapped.
"I'm pretty sure you're not happy that I'm here, so I figured I'd stay out of your way as much as possible. To that end, I'm leaving and going back to my quarters," you informed him calmly.
"Yeah, that's right, I almost forgot. Leaving, that is what you do best, isn't it?" McCoy sneered.
You stopped walking towards the door, overcome by a sob too painful to hold in anymore. After taking a deep breath, you turned your tear-stained face to Dr. McCoy. "I suppose you're right. I've had that coming to me for the last eight years, haven't I?" you asked tearfully. You turned back towards the doors then left the MedBay and headed straight for your quarters.
After you left, McCoy stood there, with his hands on his hips and shaking his head. He wondered how the situation with you ever got to this point. He remembered how much in love the two of you were, sharing quarters, intertwining lives. For him, you were his whole world, the one he saw his future unfolding with. You loved him despite his flaws and the fact that he constantly thought that he didn't deserve you.
Your mutual friends were rooting for you both, and Joanna loved you as well. The two of you got along well, no hint of jealousy from her when it came to spending time with her father. He remembered how flattered you were when Joanna had once asked for your advice on something.
Jocelyn didn't seem to like you, but then again, she didn't love much of anything to do with him, except Joanna. On more than a few occasions, he'd heard Jocelyn throw snide remarks your way. But as was your nature, you took the high road, and Leonard felt you had handled his ex-wife with grace.
Then came Joanna's birthday party. He'd seen you and Jocelyn talking about something, then when you left her, you looked a little shaken up. McCoy didn't think much of it at the time, but you seemed a little distracted after the encounter. He tried to get you to talk to him about it, however, you assured him that you were tired and just needed some rest to feel better.
Two weeks after the party, without any prior discussion, you had left the Enterprise for a teaching position. Just like that, you were gone from his life, but not remotely gone from his heart. He'd met other women over the past eight years, but none of them could ever hold a candle to you. And deep down, Leonard McCoy knew that no one else ever would.
Back in your quarters, you went straight for the bathroom to splash water on your face as a way to calm down. How dare he! you thought. You had stayed away from him because you thought that's what he wanted. After all it was you who left him. Even though in your mind you knew it was for a good reason, there were still at least two broken hearts at the end of it.
You suddenly remembered what day it was, so you finished drying off your face with a towel. Today was Joanna McCoy's birthday, and she was turning 21, an important milestone. You hoped she was available to take your call, but if not, you would leave a birthday message for her.
Despite no longer being together with her father, you still kept in touch with Joanna over the years. She was a ray of sunshine in Leonard's life, and in yours as well. The last you had heard, she was participating in Starfleet's medical program, thus following in her father's footsteps.
You opened up the comms to send your message request to Joanna. A minute or so later, your video screen lit up with her smiling face and frantic waving at the camera. "Happy Birthday, Joanna!" you grinned.
"Thank you! It's so good to hear from you," she exclaimed.
"I sure wish I could give you a hug for your birthday, sweetie. How's school going for you?" you asked.
She launched into a few tales from her classes, with you nodding and smiling. One of her stories had you busting out in laughter so hard that tears were coming out of your eyes. For the most part, she had achieved the right balance between school and having fun, not an easy task.
"Hey, so Uncle Jim told me you're back on the Enterprise, is that right?" Joanna asked.
"Yes, that's right. Your uncle visited me about six weeks ago and asked me to run the Botany Department and Lab. I wasn't sure about coming back, but he eventually wore me down," you gave a small smile.
"Has he....has Dad seen you? Have you talked to him?" she asked carefully.
You nodded. "I had to go to the MedBay today, due to an unfortunate encounter with a plant from Taegus-3. It wrapped around my arm and wouldn't let go. I had to get a hypo for an allergic reaction, and bandages for my arm. Your dad patched me up just right," you explained.
"Good. Um....I have to ask you something. Do you remember my 13th birthday party?" she inquired.
"Joanna....," you warned.
"Do you remember it?" she tried again. You nodded and she continued. "I know something happened there, because two weeks later, you and Dad weren't together anymore. Why? You two were so happy together, and then you left. What happened?" Joanna demanded.
"Something I can't talk about, Jo, but my leaving was for the best. The best for you and the best for your dad," you replied.
"Best?!? How could it be best for you and Dad to be without each other for this long? Didn't you love him anymore? Was it my mom? Did she say something to you at that party?" Joanna persisted.
At her question, you looked away, and you knew you'd only fueled her curiosity. "Of course I still love him. I told you Joanna, I can't talk about it. Please don't push me on this. Listen, sweetie, I have to go now, but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Take care, honey," you said.
"But---" was the last you'd heard of her voice before you terminated the connection. In the reflection of the view screen, you could see tears sliding down your face. You decided that you needed a drink, so you left your quarters and headed for the recreation area.
"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" Captain Kirk said as he saw you sitting at the bar.
You groaned at his presence, only wanting to be left alone. "Oh, god, Jim. What are YOU doing here?" you retorted.
"I heard you got hurt and went to MedBay today. Then I went by your quarters to check on you, only to find out you're not there. Figured I'd get a drink, and here you are," he replied.
"Jim, don't take this pershonally," you slurred. "But I want to be left alone. M'kay? Been a rotten day and I'm jusht done," you remarked as you drained your glass and signaled for a refill.
"What happened today?" he persisted.
"You think that just because you have that perfect hair and those bright blue eyes that I'm just gonna spill my guts?" you asked. A smirk crossed his face as he waited expectantly. "Fine. I'll tell you, you insufferable man. I called Joanna McCoy today, since it's her 21st birthday," you started.
"Thanks for the reminder, I'll have to call her later," Kirk interjected.
"Anyway, the topic of conversation got around to her 13th birthday party. She asked me why her dad and I aren't together anymore," you explained, tears threatening again.
"What did you tell her?" Kirk asked.
"I told her the same thing I'm going to tell you. I can't talk about it, but I did what I thought was best for her and for Leonard," you replied. "Now, drop it, Jim," you warned.
"Sorry, no can do. Bones and I both saw Jocelyn talking to you at the party, then the rest of the night you seemed a little upset. Don't get me wrong, you put on a brave face. You fooled most everyone, but Leonard and I knew that something wasn't right. Look, it's been eight years. Don't you think it's time to spill the beans?" Kirk wondered.
"Jim, no good can come from this. Best just to let sleeping dogs lie," you said as you tried again to shut him down.
"Please, let me in. I can see how much this is hurting you, and I think Len finally deserves to know the truth. Don't you think so?" Kirk pleaded.
A few tears had slipped down your face, and you nodded, your resolve having broken at last. "It started when I was in the kitchen putting candles on Joanna's cake. I thought I would do that to make myself useful, help Jocelyn so it was one less thing she had to worry about. Wrong move, because she read me the riot act about how it's her job to do that and I should just back off," you said.
"Ungrateful b....please go on," he prompted.
"I apologized, but she refused to accept it. Instead, she gave me an ultimatum. I had to stop seeing Leonard or she would refuse to let him see Joanna. At first, I couldn't believe she was serious, but one look in her eyes and I knew she was. That's why I was so distant the rest of the night. I tried to put Leonard off by saying I was just tired, but I don't think he was convinced," you remarked.
"Why didn't you tell Len? Or me? We would've found a way to fight this," Kirk insisted.
"I know you would have, and I love you both for it. She said if I told anyone, her next stop was the courthouse. Don't you see? She held all the cards, and I had nothing," you explained.
"You didn't have 'nothing', you had Len and me," Kirk replied.
"Think about it. If I fought her, then she took Len to court and he lost, it's my fault. If I refused to stop seeing Leonard, she would not let him see his daughter. My fault again. Either way, Jim, Leonard and Joanna lose. I couldn't bear for that to happen, so I left. As much as I loved him, and still do, his relationship with his daughter is and always will be more important," you finished. Tears were now streaming unchecked down your face.
"Whoa. I knew she was a piece of work, but I didn't know exactly how much. Bones would be livid if he found out that Jocelyn is the reason you're not together," Kirk replied.
"And that's exactly why I didn't want to tell you. Jim, please, I'm begging you. Let this go," you implored as you slid off your barstool. Jim turned to you and pulled you into his comforting embrace. "I'm going to go sleep this off, okay? I'll be taking a sick day tomorrow," you added. "Goodnight, Jim."
"Goodnight," he called after you then returned his attention to his drink.
"Poor kid. Hate to see a pretty girl cry. So, knowing you, I'd bet that you have no intention of letting this go, do you, Captain?" Tony, the bartender, asked.
"Nope," he replied, downing the rest of his drink. "I gotta find a way to make this right if it's the last thing I do. Thanks, Tony," he said before leaving to go to his quarters. Once there, he opened a comms channel to send a message to his niece. The video screen popped up with Joanna's picture.
"Uncle Jim!! So great to see you," she gushed.
"Happy Birthday, honey. Listen, I know about a conversation you had earlier, that involved a certain someone and your dad," Kirk remarked. "I finally got her to tell me what happened at your birthday party."
"She told me she couldn't tell me, but she could tell you?" Joanna asked angrily.
"Hold on there, sweetie. In her defense, she'd had a lot to drink by the time I caught up with her," Kirk explained.
"Oh. Well, I asked Mom about it, but she wouldn't tell me either. Please tell me what happened, I want to know," Joanna begged.
"Sure thing, kiddo. Then we're going to brainstorm on how to get the two of them back together," Kirk winked.
"Ooh yay! So, tell me," she persisted.
Dr. McCoy trudged into his quarters and sat down on the couch. He grabbed a communication tablet and sent a signal to his daughter, to wish her a happy birthday. Unfortunately, Jocelyn picked up the tablet and answered.
"Joanna's busy right now, Leonard. Call her back later," Jocelyn replied curtly as she moved to disconnect the call.
"Wait, Jocelyn! Will you please let her know that I called to wish her a happy birthday?" McCoy asked.
"Your girlfriend already called earlier and spoke to Joanna. I just assumed you were in the room at the time," Jocelyn remarked.
"What girlfriend? I don't know what you're talking about," McCoy replied. He was starting to get an uneasy feeling the more he talked to his ex-wife.
Jocelyn made a tsking sound of disgust. "The same one that was here on Joanna's 13th--" she broke off and a smug smile crossed her face. "Never mind. I guess she took my advice then."
McCoy's face drained of color. "And just what advice was that? It's been eight years, Jocelyn, you'll have to refresh my memory," he retorted.
"What difference does it make? She must not have been as devoted to you as you were to her. She left you, therefore, you got to keep seeing your daughter," Jocelyn shot back.
The pieces started to come together in McCoy's mind, and it was showing him a pretty ugly picture. "You threatened her. Didn't you?" he seethed. "Why, Jocelyn? What has she ever done to you?" he demanded.
"Joanna called her 'Mom', that's what!" Jocelyn exclaimed. "When Joanna came home from that week-long vacation with the two of you, she was telling me about how much fun she'd had. She slipped and referred to your girlfriend as 'Mom'. I am her mother! I will not be replaced by some flavor-of-the-month!" she shrieked.
"ENOUGH, MOM!" Joanna's voice came through clearly. "Hi, Dad," she greeted McCoy.
"Hiya, pumpkin," he drawled. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart," he replied softly. "Did you know about this?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at his daughter.
"Dad, nobody knew anything about it until she told Uncle Jim tonight. And he said that it was only after a lot of alcohol that she would even tell him. She's kept this horrible secret for all this time, because she wanted you to be happy and able to keep visiting me. She still loves you, Dad, I know she does. Please tell me you still love her," Joanna pleaded.
McCoy turned his face away from the view screen, but not before his daughter caught a glimpse of his watery eyes. "I never stopped loving her, Jo. Not even when she left. I was angry and hurt, but....yes, I still love her," he declared, his voice thick with emotion.
"Then you know what you have to do, Daddy. Go tell her," Joanna whispered the last part. "Consider it my birthday present," she grinned mischievously. "I love you."
"You got it, sweetheart. I'll let you know how it goes. Later, though," McCoy promised with a grin of his own. "I love you," he told her before the call disconnected.
The view screen clicked off, while McCoy digested all of the information he'd just been given. All these years, he mused. The two of you could've been happy together, maybe even engaged or married. Instead, his ex-wife and her jealousy got in the way of that with her threats of denying him visitation rights.
He'd been so wrapped up in his own emotions since you've been back, that he hadn't stopped to consider how you may be feeling. He had been convinced that the reason you left was because you didn't love him anymore. Now he knew that the exact opposite was true. You loved him so much that you sacrificed your own happiness with him so he could continue to see his daughter.
Leonard knew that he had to make things right between you. It couldn't have been easy to come back to work on the Enterprise, knowing at any moment you could run into each other. But, you pushed those feelings and worries aside to help Jim by running the Botany Department and Lab.
He had to admit, it's been awkward since you've been back. He didn't expect the old feelings of love to come rushing back at the first sight of you that day in Transporter Room #3. As much as your leaving had hurt him and the radio silence throughout the years, he still loved you. And now, he grinned to himself, it was time to do something about it.
You left the rec area and had gone back to your quarters for the night. When you got back, you changed out of your uniform and put on your pink plaid pajama pants and an oversized T-shirt. You made sure it was short-sleeved because of the bandages on your arm from the Strangling Vine Incident earlier in the day. After grabbing a glass of water and two pain meds, you settled into place on the couch. "Computer, illumination at 30% please," you requested.
What a day. First you were attacked by an alien vine, forcing you to get checked out in the MedBay by your ex-boyfriend and CMO. Later, you couldn't even find peace in the rec area. The CMO's best friend and captain of the ship kept hounding you about something that took place eight years ago. You'd told him to drop it, but he refused until you spilled that horrible secret.
Now Jim knows, but knowing about it didn't change anything. No matter how much you still loved him, Leonard surely didn't love you anymore. He'd made that quite clear today with his parting remark as you left the MedBay. You continued to sip at your water, each tilt of the glass with a shakier hand than before.
Off in the distance you heard your door chime, indicating someone at your door. "Come in," you called. You were shocked to see Dr. McCoy walk in. "Excuse me for asking, Doctor, but what the hell are you doing here?" you demanded, arms crossed over your chest.
His eyes locked with yours and you almost gave in to the softness you thought you saw, but you stood your ground. He cleared his throat before speaking. "I'm here to check your bandages. You left the MedBay so quickly, I wanted to make sure that the wound was still covered," he explained.
You rolled your eyes. "Really, Doctor? Is that the best excuse you could come up with? You didn't even bring your medkit, and I really don't have time for this. Goodnight, Dr. McCoy," you retorted.
"Now wait just a minute. As Chief Medical Officer, I am responsible for the health and safety of all crew members. I can see right now that you look a little flushed, which could mean a fever and possibly an infection. Just a quick exam. It'll be painless, I promise," he pleaded, his hands raised.
You arched an eyebrow in skepticism but finally relented. "Fine. A quick exam, then I'm going to bed and you can see yourself out," you muttered.
He stood in front of you, first looking at the bandaged arm, then sliding his hands up your arms to rest on your shoulders. He peered into your eyes and could see how bloodshot they were, probably from the tears you'd been shedding lately. He checked the lymph nodes on your neck to see if they were swollen, but they were fine.
He patted down his uniform, checking his pockets. "Hmm. I don't have a tricorder with me, so I'll have to check your temp the old fashioned way," he remarked. Before you could utter a word, his lips meshed with your forehead.
The second his soft lips touched your skin, something inside you fluttered. You closed your eyes and gave a sigh of contentment before you could stop yourself. "Doctor....," you whispered.
"Shh. Still checkin' your temp, darlin'. And it's Leonard, by the way. You used to call me that, remember?" he murmured against your skin.
Your eyes flew open and you stepped back. "Wait a minute. Why are you really here?" you asked.
"I already told you, to check your bandages. Besides, I want to apologize for what happened earlier in the MedBay, as you were walking out. I shouldn't have said that," McCoy started.
You backed further away from him as the realization sunk in. "Oh no, no, no, you've been talking to Jim, haven't you?" you replied. "I told him to drop it, that no good can come from dredging up something that happened eight years ago. Dammit, does that man ever listen?" you ranted, pacing the floor.
"Hold on there for a minute, sweetheart. I didn't talk to Jim, I called Joanna to wish her a happy birthday. Jocelyn picked up because Joanna was busy. Jocelyn was the one who admitted what happened, not Jim," McCoy explained.
"Leonard, I'm so sorry about what happened all those years ago. I truly thought I was doing the right thing by leaving. But all I've done is cause tremendous heartache for the people I love," you admitted, breaking down into tears yet again.
McCoy walked over and put his arms around you, holding you close to his chest. His hand came up and stroked the back of your head. "Shh, it’s okay, darlin'. I just wish I had known about it then. You never should've had to shoulder that burden all by yourself. Did you ever plan on telling me?" he asked.
You leaned back just far enough to lock eyes with him. "I couldn't, Len. Jocelyn said if I did, she would take you to court and fix it so you couldn't see Joanna at all. I know that custody hearings can go either way, and there's no way I could take the chance that you might lose. So I thought my only option was to step aside. I'd rather have you hate me but keep visitation rights for your daughter, than to love me and not have her," you said as you broke down again.
"Oh, Sugar, I could never hate you," he replied softly, brushing your cheek with the back of his hand. "When I found out that you left, I was so angry and hurt. Mostly because you'd made a decision alone that affected both of us. But when you came back and I saw you on that transporter pad all those weeks ago, I thought I had a second chance. Probably screwed that up too, though, haven't I?" he chuckled and so did you.
"Nah. You haven't done anything of the sort. I have missed you so much. After enough time had gone by, I thought about reaching out to you. Then I figured that too much time had gone by and you'd be with someone else. Which would've been fine, as long as you were happy, that's all that would matter to me," you remarked.
"Well, I haven't exactly been living like a monk, you know. I've met other women over the years, but none of them compared to you and no one ever will, either. Which is good, because I don't want any pale imitations or substitutions. I only want the real thing," he admitted just before crashing his lips into yours.
You felt the depth of his emotion poured into that first kiss and returned it with equal fervor. The apologies, the regrets, the longing for each other you still had after all these years. And the love you'd been keeping hidden from each other but never fully let show until now.
"Oh, my love," you whispered. "I've missed you so much, Leonard," you replied hoarsely.
"I've missed you too. I love you so much, Sugar. Can we please agree to not ever be separated like that again? I don't think my heart can take another minute without you," he remarked.
"Mine either. No more separations like that, because with you is where I belong. I love you, Len," you declared. You ran your hands up his arms and cradled his neck between them. Your fingers slid through his jet-black hair, smirking as you teased the short hairs at the base of his collar.
"Oh, there's my naughty girl, I wondered where she'd gone," McCoy growled playfully as he tightened his embrace.
"She's been right here, all along. Just waiting for the right time to come home," you replied softly, then tugged him closer for another kiss.
This kiss was different than before. This one was slow, sensuous and held the promise of a new beginning. As your mouths moved against each other, there was just enough of an opening between you for Leonard's tongue to slip through. He took full advantage of the opportunity, and when your tongues met, a moan of pleasure escaped from you.
Leonard's hands roamed up and down your back as he nudged his way to your neck. "Darlin', you're so beautiful," he murmured against your skin. He left a few open-mouthed kisses on your collarbone, nipping as he went and ultimately leaving his mark on you for all to see.
Layers of clothing were shed one by one. Little by little, Leonard nudged you backwards until the back of your knees hit the bed. You climbed up onto the mattress, crawling until you reached the middle where he soon joined you and leaned down to kiss you.
His hands and mouth took their time in worshiping every inch of your exposed skin, as if re-committing it to memory. Your mouth and hands were doing the same, reacquainting yourself with every muscle, every detail of his exquisite bare body.
The silence of your room was punctuated with breathy words of affection and moans of ecstasy from the two of you. Layers of passion were built higher and higher as you both chased your release. Finally, you both tumbled over the edge, one after the other, each whispering declarations of love.
Later, after you both got cleaned up, Leonard came back to bed and settled under the covers with you. He wrapped his arm around you so that your head rested on his chest. You could hear his steady heartbeat, which brought out a sigh of contentment from you.
"Len?" you whispered. He hummed in response, drawing random patterns on your shoulder. "Is this okay? I mean, what just happened, I don't want this to be a one-time thing. I'd like us to try again. I-If that's what you want," you hastily added.
He shifted so that he was propped up on his side, looking down at you. His hand cupped your face, while his thumb caressed your cheek. "Sweetheart, I've wanted that ever since you set foot back on this ship. I may be a little late in sayin' so, but I never stopped lovin' you. If you'll have me, I would love to try being us again," he replied softly.
"I would love that very much," you answered. "I love you, Leonard."
"I love you too, darlin'. Welcome home," he whispered, pulling you in for a long, slow kiss.
Tags: @marvelouslytrekking​ @spacedancer1701​ @anna-phora​
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honeypirate · 3 years
Easy Living part two
Part one
Obi Akitaru x Fem!reader
Obi Akitaru falls in love with the girl at the rock show
Also ducks survived the cataclysm
Song one
Song two
Song three
Song four
Song five alternate version
Obi didn't see you outside of the office where you were doing paperwork. He thought you were avoiding him but you interacted with him during office hours so he couldn't really convince himself at first. You had said you were too tired to eat with everyone and just wanted to rest, which is how you got out of family dinners and could sneak in and eat after everyone leaves.
After a week and a half of this, he plans to find you and talk to you. Oh how he missed your jokes and your presence. You get back from your physical therapy and he meets you at the door “come with me” he says and takes your good hand “we’re going out”
You get ice cream, and just walk the town for a while. You figured he would want to talk soon but to be honest you havent quite dealt with your feelings yet. You didnt know what to say. Hey sorry Captain I’ve been avoiding you a little so i could squash all the romantic feelings i have for you since you only want to be best friends. No hard feelings? Also I feel like a failure because Im useless right now?
No. You couldn’t be that honest, but you would be honest enough
He stops by a bench next to the trees that have started to bloom in the warm spring air. You sit beside him, a little farther than usual and he sighs “talk to me. Please” he says softly and you swallow “about what?” you ask, your voice a little shaky and nervous. “y/n” he sighs “okay, i’ll just ask. Why have you been avoiding me after we had tea?” he leans his elbows down on his thighs and looks over at you.
You swallow hard and look down at your toes, giving your ice cream cone you were nursing a lick to buy some time.
“Obi, i’ve just been really tired. It wasn’t you. I promise. As you said, we are best friends forever. Please dont think im avoiding you i promise im not really. It’s just so hard to not use my arm, i cant do my job like i need, i feel like im useless. And youre my Captain! i dont want to be less than you deserve as a team member”
He brushes your hair back behind your ear and you gasp, looking from your toes into his eyes. “I’m your friend first remember? And so here I am, asking you as a friend, please dont think you have to avoid me. I dont think less of you because youre injured, youre not broken or ruined, youre just hurt. And you’re perfect the way that you are at any moment so dont even start with thinking you’re less than anyone. Youre incredibly strong and smart always. Let me be there for you. Right now as a man and not as your captain. Okay?” you feel your heart rate beat erratically in your chest and you kick yourself form coming along. Those perfect things he said to you from the perspective of a f r i e n d. God you loved him so much it hurt. Hurt because he doesnt love you back. More than a best friend anyway.
You do your best to go back to normal, you talk to him more, forcing yourself to attend dinners and joke like normal, ignorning the growing cracks in your heart.
A few weeks later, after a mission you werent allowed to go on, Obi announces a celebration “Since we just had a successful huge mission, we will be celebrating and inviting the companies we have friends in. so the 5th, 7th, and 2nd, will all be attending.” you dont deny that youre excited. You love celebrations because it meant the best barbeque plus you cant wait to talk to Hibana and Konro.
That night after your physio you talk to Maki and Vulcan, planning to take care of the entertainment for the night. Vulcan on the drums, Maki on the electric guitar, and you on vocals. You spent the next few days preparing and getting all the music sheets for them from songs you all put together. A list of 8 songs that everyone would enjoy, or so you hoped.
Your arm didn’t have to be in a sling anymore, it was healed but the muscles were tight and the scar tissue hurt. you had to work through that but your physical therapist said you would work that slowly and it would be almost 100% again.
When the day arrived for the celebration you felt nervous as hell. “Are you excited to do this?!” Vulcan says and pats your good shoulder and you laugh “I’m nervous and excited” Maki squeals as she does a sound check on her guitar “this is going to be so cool!”
When you guys move out to the stage, you get everyone’s attention by tapping the mic, a squeal going through the speakers before Viktor adjusts some settings on the computer.
“Hey guys. We put together a little entertainment for you all. Hope you enjoy it” you look around at everyone as they make their way over to the stage. Obi’s eyes were wide and he was grinning ear to ear, you didn’t tell many about this so it could be a surprise and you knew that was a good choice with the look in his eyes. He made his was to front of the crowd, whistling loudly as Maki began to strum.
Vulcan hits the drums as you begin to sing
“Scar tissue that I wish you saw
Sarcastic mister know-it-all
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you 'cause
With the birds I’ll share” after the first verse your eyes flick down to Obi and he has the biggest smile you’ve seen. It makes your heart flutter as you wink at him as you sing the chorus
“With the birds I'll share this lonely viewin'
With the birds I'll share this lonely viewin'”
The end of the first song everyone cheers loud and you feel proud as you laugh with the excitement and atmosphere. Obi is your loudest cheerleader.
Vulcan leaves the drums to stand by the keyboard for the next song as Maki plays the chords.
“You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
Sail away, kill off the hours
You belong somewhere you feel free
Run away, find you a lover
Go away somewhere all bright and new” your eyes flick down to Obi and you smile softly
“ I have seen no other
Who compares with you”
Some people hold up lighters and those with fire abilities hold some fire up and sway side to side, the atmosphere is light and easy, a moment where no one is thinking about infernals and government problems.
You sang the four softer songs Maki chose first before taking a water break then going back on stage to finish strong with four songs you were excited about since you knew they were some of your and Obi’s favorites.
You look down at Obi when the music starts and the recognition in his eyes makes you grin. You know most people in your company know this song because of Obi. “You show us everything you've got
You keep on dancin' and the room gets hot
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You say you wanna go for a spin
The party's just begun, we'll let you in
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You keep on shoutin', you keep on shoutin'”
You feel your body feel with pride when the crowd sings the chorus and you realize more people know those song then you thought
“I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day x4”
The cheering at the end of this song makes you laugh before you take another drink of water and move on to the next few songs until you end with the last two you were excited about.
“Okay everyone. Two left” you smile at the boos that are scattered “ We’re glad you liked this show and hope you had fun here. There’s extra food so if you’re hungry make sure you fill up” You wink at Obi again as you begin to sing the song as he whistles loudly when the guitar begins, throwing his fists in the air doing his devil horns.
“This is a thing I've never known before
It's called easy livin'
This is a place I've never seen before
And I've been forgiven
Easy livin' and I've been forgiven
Since you've taken your place in my heart”
This one was one of your favorites and you got into it dancing around on the stage. When it ends you laugh and smile as they cheer. “Okay guys. I dedicate this last song to the companies here tonight thank you all for making this not a complete failure. I was nervous but now.. this has been a dream come true of mine honestly. Anyway. For you” you look down at Obi and he nods and then whistles again when he recognizes the song
“A company always on the run
A destiny, oh it's the rising sun” the crowd cheers and you get goosebumps
“I was born, a shotgun in my hands
Behind the gun
I'll make my final stand, yeah
That's why they call me” you look down at Obi and he sings with you
“Bad company
I can't deny
Bad, bad company
'Til the day I die
Until the day I die”
Your voice fades out and Vulcan and Maki finish their notes and the crowd goes nuts. You bring Vulcan and Maki up and you hold hands and bow before waving and exiting the stage.
A few pats on the back and many people telling you how great that was was a little overwhelming and Obi could tell. He pushes through the crowd and takes your hand “gotta borrow this rock star for a moment excuse us please” he says and takes you with him behind the stage where he could let you take a breather.
“Looked a little overwhelmed with the loving crowd” he says and leans against the side of the wall behind the stage. “Just a bit. Thank you Obi” he hasn’t stopped smiling and his eyes are filled with stars for you. “I didn’t know you could sing Little Duck” he says and you chuckle “there’s a lot you don’t know about me Obi” you say with a smirk and drink of your water bottle. “And I love discovering new things about you.” he says softly and you feel your cheeks flush under his soft gaze “is that right?” You ask in a flirty tone and you cock your head with a smile. “Yes. It is” he says and you stare into each other’s eyes for a moment, soft smiles and a warm feeling growing in your bones.
“Hey y/n I brought you some food since we missed out” Vulcan says and hands you a plate “you’re a lifesaver Vulcan thank you!” You say and take it with a grin. Obi kicks himself for not thinking of that and scowls at the weird jealousy he feels spike in his heart at the way you smiled at Vulcan. He shakes his head and excuses himself to go talk to Hinawa.
“That was weird” Vulcan says and you raise an eyebrow in question, mouthful but he understood you “he looked at me like I just flirted with his girl. How weird is that?” You laugh and your cheeks dust slightly pink “I’m sure there was something else on his mind, we’re just friends” you say and take another bite of your barbecue, moaning a little about how delicious it is. Vulcan just shrugs “that was really amazing. Great idea y/n! It was so fun. If you ever wanna jam again I’m down” you smile and nod “I’ll take you up on that sometime”
“Are you sure you don’t have feelings for her?” Hinawa says, acting like it’s annoying him that he has to have this conversation to hide the fact he finds it entertaining that his Captain is so blind. “She’s been my best friend for so long. Wouldn’t I have had feelings for her before today?” Hinawa sighs “are you sure you haven’t?” Obi feels like his mind expands as he connects the dots. “Well damn” Obi says with a slight smile teasing the corners of his mouth and Hinawa shakes his head.
After that night you didn’t see Obi outside of work for a week. It was weird. Like the tables have turned and now you don’t know why he’s avoiding you. He calls you into your office and you feel a little worried.
“You wanted to see me sir?” You said as stood at attention in front of his desk. Outside of this room you felt like he was your Obi but every time he calls you into his office you feel completely different. The atmosphere he held in that room for you, powerful and commanding, you were intimidated and slightly turned on but you never would allow yourself to think of that.
“I wanted to check in on how your therapy is going” he says, his face was stoic and level, but you see there’s something in his eye, something has changed. “It’s going well Sir” you raise your arm and show your limited range of motion “she says I’ll be back to good and cleared for duty soon, since I’m well enough now to have more frequent appointments.” he nods and makes a note on his small pad of paper. “Are your ignition abilities okay? Do you need training there?” You shake your head “no Sir. My abilities haven’t been effected” he nods once and then smiles, a soft smile that shows way more emotion from him than your used to “that’s all. I’m glad you’re doing well. Dismissed” “thank you Sir” you salute and then turn and leave, feeling extremely confused at the emotion you saw in his eyes.
You chew your lip as you pace the walkways of the company, pacing and thinking, (more like overthinking amirite) and trying to decide if you should talk to him. You somehow end up in the tallest room of the building, looking out over the town and the sunset. You get a flashback to your first day as a fire fighter, walking back to the truck with your team you were in the back of the group by Obi and he stopped to look at the sunset for a moment. “Remember y/n, take a moment to appreciate the beauty around you. It’s always taken for granted” that’s what he said to you that made you admire him. The original seed your feelings grew from. You smiled and turned, running down the steps to try and find him, to tell him.
“Hey Arthur have you seen the Captain?” You asked when he was the first one you saw “oh yeah. He just left with the girl from the flower shop” you raise your eyebrows “left with Margret? Why?” He shrugs “I don’t know. Probably a date. She seemed really happy” you laugh once in shock “huh” you say and he just shrugs, going back to his pretending to be a knight with his plasma blade as you walk out of the room.
You pace the halls again until you eventually give up. You won’t tell him. He’ll never know. You hope he’s happy with Margaret, she seems like a lovely woman.
Every day being around him sucks, you wish you could take some time off to go away for a little bit so you wouldnt have to see him, wouldnt have to feel the pain anymore. It made you look forward to your physio appointments but even those are ending soon, only two left before you're cleared. Dont get you wrong, you are excited to be cleared to work again, paperwork was beginning to annoy you, but you were going to miss the excuse to get out every once in a while so you wouldn't have to see him anymore. At least until you have gotten over him.
He notices you pulling away, avoiding him again. He doesnt understand everything was going so well. He was planning this big confession and spent forever with the florist planning the perfect bouquet and getting her help on what girls would like in a confession, he has the whole thing planned out but now you wont even look at him uness you have to. He’s so frustrated! When did communicating with each other get this hard?
You get back from physio and he meets you at the door again, this time hiding his emotions and just giving you a look that tells you to follow him. He takes you to the same empty room you were in yesterday, at the very top of the company. “Captain?” you ask softly, your eyes on the ground and your hands gripping the strap of your bag that is across your chest hard enough to lighten your knuckles. “Little duck” he whispers softly, his voice held something you couldn't place, something you never heard from him before, and when you realize what it is your eyes meet his. It was pain.
“My little ducky” he says softly “why?” you feel your walls break, your hard work to build them up and forget about your love for the captain turned to ash as you cover your face with your hands, tears burning your eyes. “I.. I just” you swallow hard and pull yourself together, you wont cry in front of him. You sniff and grit your teeth, dropping your hands and controlling the emotions on your face “I hope you are happy with Margaret” you say and look behind him, knowing if you saw his pain you’d for sure cry.
“What.. who the hell is margaret?” he says and you furrow your brows as confusing fills your mind. You look to your feet “Arthur said you’re dating Margaret, the florist” he laughs “her name is Margaret? I thought it was Molly, that’s awkward. But no, I am not dating the florist. Why would you believe aAthur? He thinks he's a knight ninja king or something”
“I uh, i gota go” you say and turn to leave but he takes your hand, pulling you to his embrace. “No you dont” he whispers and gently holds your head to his chest. “Tell me. I need you to tell me what is going on. Right now on this roof we are going to tell each other everything we’ve been hiding, starting with how you have been avoiding me again” you feel your eyes burn again, this time because of how frustrated you were with your stupidity..
“I feel so stupid i dont want to say” you mumble into his chest and he laughs “my precious ducky, please tell me” he says softly and you pull back, deciding to look into his eyes when you tell him the truth. “I couldn't deal with being around you knowing how much I love you since I thought you were with someone else. It hurt too much to see you. I thought i lost my chance”
He laughs softly “how could i fall in love with anyone else when the best woman is right in front of me?” you look up at him with a shocked expression and you almost turn to look behind you to see if there was anyone else there but you controlled yourself. You just cleared your throat and asked “what?” he laughs and cups your cheek, his strong callused hands holding you gentler than you could have ever imagined after seeing him crack a jar of pickles when he was opening it.
He leans down to your ear and whispers “I love you. I've loved you since the beginning. My little ducky” you gasp and turn your face to connect your lips to his. You melt into him as his strong arms wrap around your waist, lifting you to his chest as he kisses you deeply, his tongue swipes at your lip and you meet him with your own, making him hum in approval as you runs your fingers across his short cut hair on the back of his head, the shaved hair tickling your palms before you move higher to get his longer lengths in your fingertips.
You didn't even remember him picking you up until your feet touch the ground again. “You love me?” you ask when you pull back, right up against his lips and he sighs softly, pressing his forehead into yours. “I love you y/n” he says and you feel your stomach flip as a slow grin spreads over your face before your hands move to his shoulders as your bag falls to the ground and you jump, wrapping your legs around his waist as he catches you easily with a laugh
You kiss his lips again, overcome with happiness, pecking them a few times quickly before peppering kisses around his face “i love you” you whisper between kisses and he laughs as he holds you tight, his heart fluttering to know you feel the same. You pull back and smile down at him “i'm sorry i was such an idiot” you whisper and then hop down from his arms. “you’re not an idiot sweetheart. If i found out you were dating someone else and not me, that would hurt. I would have to avoid you for a while too. I dont want you to be with anyone else but me” he says and you blush, your heart melting as you take his large hands in your own “so when ya taking me out on a real date big guy?” you ask with a blush and he smiles “since you asked, sweetheart, that’s kind of the reason i was with Maggie to begin with” “margaret” “yeah margaret. She was helping me plan the perfect way to confess to you, i had this whole pan. So this friday, you and me, 7pm. I have a reservation downtown and will be getting you the best bouquet of flowers you ve ever seen so get ready” you laugh a little awkwardly “sorry for ruining your plan” you say and he smiles, kissing your forehead “you haven't ruined anything. you love me, nothing is better than that. Plus this means i can kiss you sooner than i was hoping” he leans down and presses his lips to yours softer than before shooting tingles down your spine “and it’s so much better than I imagined” he admits and you grin “then dont stop” you whisper and he smirks “anything for you sweetheart” he says before his lips are crashing into yours again
“So whats this about a duck”
Shinra asks at dinner and you groan as Obi laughs hard. You look pointedly at everyone there “okay but this does not leave this table and if it does i will beat ALL of your asses, so its more incentive for one of you to not say a thing because imagine how the rest of you will feel about the one who spilled” they all nod with a laugh and Hinawa rolls his eyes, knowing you’d never dare to beat his ass.
“Back when Obi and i were greenies” you look to him and he has a shit eating grin on his face as he lays his hand on your knee under the table. “We were just normal fire fighters, so calls like getting a cat out of a tree was nothing new. But this was a call about a duck. I answered the phone and it went a little bit like this” you put your hand to your ear like a phone
“thank you for calling the Fire Defence Agency, my name is Y/n how may i help you today?”
your voice changes to sound like an older gentleman “yes, my duck is stuck, please help.”
voice is yours again “your duck sir?”
“Yes. Herbert the duck. He cannot fly. Come immediately. 2836 the street name rd”
“Then he hangs up. Obi and i were the only ones there since we were greenies and had to man the phones during lunch hour so we roll out and get to his house and sure enough a duck is stuck on top of this mans roof” you hold your hands up and try to shape it out for them “he had this house where the top was sort of curved like this just above his front door” you bring your hands up and around in an arc. The truck we have doesnt have the laddder but it’s not too high so Obi puts me on his shoulders and as i go to grab this little bastard he screams in my face and pecks my eye” Obi is laughing remembering it “hush let me finish” you say to him with a smile
“So this damn Herbert the duck, my eye is watering and it hurts and i'm cursing up a storm as Obi laughs his ass off and tries to hold me steady. i get a hold on Herberts back, holding down its wings so i can easily lift it into my arms and as i pull it towards me he pecks my OTHER EYE” Obi is holding in cackles, he knows whats coming and can hear the mans voice as clear as day in his head “then Obi brings me down and im crying uncontrollably, my eyes burning as this duck watches me smugly hand him over to his care taker and then the gentleman goes”
You change your voice to mimic the mans again “watch out, he’s a pecker” Obi is laughing so hard along with Vulcan and Shinra, the rest chuckling along with.
“And i'm standing there, eyes leaking unctronably from being pecked in both eyes, and he just takes his duck and walks inside his house. I had to go to the doctor and get vaccines for all these diseases that ducks apparently have.” Obi catches his breath and wipes his tears “you should have heard her on the way back from the doctor, two eyepatches on and going on a tangent about how ducks should have gone extinct and left the geese since they are much cuter. I couldn’t stop laughing the whole drive home”
You slap his arm playfully “you saw that picture at the museum they look so cute and kind!” he smiles and holds your hand “I wonder how Herbert the duck is doing” he asks and you smile “probably not as well as I am” you smile around the table at your team and friends, all smiling and still chuckling softly imagining your story.
“I can’t believe that one of the first things you liked about me was my tangent about ducks” you say as you crawl into bed beside him. He laughs and wraps his arms around you, hugging you to his chest “you were so cute and funny. I knew I needed to keep you around me because you made life fun and wonderful because that’s who you are” you kiss his cheek as he continues, rolling over and holding you “I knew I wanted to have you forever but I was too dense to realize I loved you” he nuzzles into your neck and lays on your chest, his weight and warmth comforting. “I love you” you whisper and he kisses you neck softly “I love you sweetheart”
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Seventy Two Hours
star trek: tos
quarantined together!
for @wanderingcas​ ...’cause she asked for it. ;)
Fifteen steps.
Nine steps.
“It hasn’t changed in the past hour, Jim.” Spock doesn’t open his eyes, just speaks wearily into the echoey, empty space.
He wants to glare back at the Vulcan, but he’d probably see it even with his eyes closed. Of course it hasn’t changed in the past hour. It hasn’t changed in the past sixty eight hours and–he glances at the screen on the wall–thirteen minutes. And fifty-four seconds.
But what else is he supposed to do?
He goes back to pacing the perimeter of their isolation chamber.
Spock sighs. “Jim…”
“Yes, Spock?”
But Spock doesn’t seem to have an answer. Good. Kirk doesn’t need a lecture right now. Especially when he can’t escape.
“Bones, there’s got to be another way.” Kirk is frantic, practically pleading. “Don’t tell me there are no other isolation cells on this ship–I know every inch, she’s my ship. Hell, I’ve even been held in several of the other cells before, as I know you can recall, since you’re the one who gave the orders. So what’s this about?”
McCoy is not cowed by his captain’s protests. “Look, Jim, I can’t let you out, not when there’s a chance you could infect the crew. And none of the other cells are available, so I can’t beam you to one of them, even if I thought that was advisable.” At that Kirk smiles, sure he can convince Bones to beam him somewhere, anywhere–his quarters, back to the planet that got him into this mess, the vacuum of space–but the level gaze from the doctor knocks that idea flat. Bones crosses his arms over his chest and repeats, “If I thought that was advisable. Which I don’t.”
Kirk lowers his voice, makes it almost too low to hear, and this time he is pleading. “Bones. You know why I can’t stay here. You know what this’ll do to me.” He closes his eyes, then says one more time, “Please.” He can’t look when he says it. He already knows the answer.
“Sorry, Jim. It’s only three days. If it’s any consolation I don’t think you were actually exposed, but we have to be sure.” He looks at Kirk, then at Spock, then shrugs. He knows what he’s putting Kirk through. He reaches out like he wants to put his hand on Kirk’s shoulder, but of course he can’t. The wall may be invisible, but it still exists. Nothing can get through it, in either direction. There’s a small airlock in the corner for delivering food, and a bathroom in the other corner; the walls to that are invisible too, for the moment, but when someone wants to use it they become opaque, and the door appears. Quite clever, these isolation cells. Keep all the germs on one side or the other.
“Are you alright, Captain?”
Kirk turns to see Spock’s concerned look.
Yes, they do an excellent job of keeping the germs where they belong. And sometimes they also trap a man inside with another man.
“Fine, Mr. Spock. Just fine,” Kirk says, his voice infused with false cheerfulness.
The man he’s been in love with for months now.
When he gets tired of pacing, Kirk hops onto his bed, flops onto his back, and stares at the ceiling. There’s a crack about four inches from the wall. It’s about six inches long and is shaped like an elongated letter S.
It’s not actually a crack. He thinks it’s probably a scratch. But he can’t figure out what could scratch the ceiling.
He’s been puzzling it out, off and on, for nearly sixty nine hours now.
Anything, absolutely anything, is better than thinking about the man sitting on the bed next to his.
(This both is and isn’t the honest truth. Thinking about Spock fills him with a lightness, a warmth, he’s never really felt before, and in his clearer moments he knows he’s never experienced anything more lovely. It’s sometimes–quite literally–breathtaking. But it’s also an exquisite kind of torture, being trapped here in this tiny space, wanting to look his fill, wanting to touch, wanting to kiss, but being forced to keep his distance.)
“Why do they make these things so small?” he wonders aloud. “We can barely move in here. It’s a wonder we can even breathe.”
“I assure you there is plenty of oxygen, Captain. All scrubbed and filtered so as to be safe for us to breathe. Although I daresay the more dangerous would be for someone outside to breathe our air.”
“It doesn’t feel like it, Spock. It feels small and crowded and airless.” He risks stealing a glance, then looks fixedly back at the ceiling.
Spock is silent for a moment, as if he’s contemplating something. Then he says, “After Iowa, being anywhere on the ship must feel confining. I’ve never been there, but we have places like that on Vulcan. Wide open plains, big sky. After visiting a place like that, everything feels small. And you lived in Iowa for years.”
Kirk’s heart lifts at the mention of his childhood home. “I fell in love with the stars in Iowa,” he tells Spock. His voice hitches ever so slightly on the word love, but he keeps moving quickly, hoping Spock doesn’t notice. “You’re right about the sky, so big, and it always felt so close, like if you could just get high enough on your tiptoes you’d be able to run your fingers along it and feel something like velvet, only softer.”
He rolls onto his side, angling his body so he can look at Spock now; he feels vulnerable, talking about feelings with the Vulcan, but he’d been the one to bring it up. He goes on. “Most of the time my ship is enough. I’m quite literally among those stars now, Spock, though I still can’t touch them. But I’ve stood on other planets, and I live on a ship that navigates through starlight instead of waves. I just don’t like being trapped, especially when I can’t see outside.”
Spock is silent, contemplating, then says, “Were you ever trapped as a child?”
Kirk can’t stop the slight widening of his eyes, the small jerk of his head. But he manages to keep his voice steady. “Once. I was...small. Maybe five? Six? I don’t remember exactly, it’s…” He takes what he hopes will be a calming breath. “It’s somehow both a muddle and very clear in my mind.”
He’s probably imagining it, but he thinks he sees Spock’s eyes...soften.
“It was summer. We had a lot of storms in summer, thunderstorms rolling across the prairie, loud and fierce. But that summer, that hot July afternoon, the air suddenly stilled. It was eerie; the animals went quiet, even the birds roosting somewhere as if waiting for something to happen. And then the sky turned a sickly green, and we all knew what that meant.” He swallowed reflexively, remembering.
“I believe you call the phenomenon a tornado,” Spock says, his voice gentle.
“Yes,” Kirk says. He’s looking at Spock but he doesn’t see him. He sees a tree against a green sky. He hears Spock’s voice but only just; mostly he hears the rush of wind so relentless it eats houses and pulls one hundred year old trees up by their roots. “We had a shelter, everyone did. There was nothing about the shelter that should have made it any more frightening than any other place we lived, but somehow it was. It was just as brightly lit as my bedroom, but somehow it always seemed more shadowed, like something unfriendly was hiding just beyond my sight. There wasn’t, of course, it was just the fear of the storms that made me feel that way when we went down there, but you can’t make a small child understand a thing like that.”
Spock makes a small noise and Kirk looks up to see an odd look on the other man’s face. “Right,” Kirk says with a crooked smile. “Vulcan logic. I’ll bet you weren’t frightened of anything so mundane as storms when you were a kid.”
Eyebrow raised, Spock says, “On the contrary. I didn’t like storms at all. Or darkness, at least for a little while. But I learned to control my fear, so it couldn’t control me.”
A pang of sadness lances through Kirk’s middle, and at first he doesn’t understand why. Spock had mastered his fears, why should that be sad? And then he slips back into the memory of the tornado, of the stillness and the horrible green sky. He’d been out of his mind with terror; even that young he knew what those things meant. He’d been screaming for his mother, and when he found her he’d been shaking with fear. But she’d wrapped her arms around him, murmured into his hair, and together they’d run to the shelter, hand in hand.
Spock had mastered his fears. But who had been there to hold him, to reassure him, even to hold his hand?
But saying that out loud gets much too close to his own feelings, so he leaves those thoughts behind. “We survived the storm alright; our shelter was good and safe. But when the all clear came through the computer and we tried to get out the door wouldn’t open. The lock was disengaged, the latch opened, but the door wouldn’t move. Not an inch.” His heart races at the memory, the acrid taste of fear rises in his throat. “A tree had been dropped onto our shelter door. Later we realized it wasn’t even our tree–all of the trees on our property were right where they belonged. But tornados don’t care where they drop things, they just pick them up and let them go. It was a big, heavy tree, heavy enough to trap us in our storm shelter.”
Kirk looks back up at the ceiling, at the odd scratch, or crack or whatever, that he’s been staring at for hours on end. “We called for help, but we had food and water and air so we were low priority. It was nearly eight hours later when a rescue crew finally got the tree off our door.” He drapes an arm across his eyes. He’s not sure if he’s hiding or just changing positions. Possibly both. “The shelter seemed to get smaller by the hour. By the minute. By the time they opened the doors it felt about as big as a dollhouse.”
He’s so lost in the memory, so keyed up from being so close to Spock for so long, his body works on autopilot, jumping off the bed and preparing to resume pacing before he’s even conscious of his decision to move. “So that’s the story, Spock. I don’t like to be trapped. I much prefer open spaces, or,” he grins at his own cleverness, “just space, as it were.”
“Captain,” Spock says, reaching out a hand to stop Kirk’s attempt to begin nervously pacing again.
Kirk freezes.
“Jim.” Spock’s hand slides down Kirk’s arm until their fingers are a tangled mess; not perfectly twined together but truly tangled. Kirk lets out a small, breathy “ha!” that breaks enough of the tension that they can pull their hands apart and slip them together again properly.
“Jim,” Spock says again, his voice soothing and calm. “We only have a few hours left, as long as we don’t start to show symptoms. The chamber is not getting any smaller. You are going to be okay.”
Kirk hears the words, but from very far away. Instead he’s keenly aware of Spock’s palm against his, the way their fingers twine together, the tug on his arm. He follows the pull, let’s Spock guide him to sit on the bed beside him.
“Spock,” he says. He wants to say something else. Anything else. He’s usually so good at this, all smooth edges and easy words.
“Just relax, Jim. You don’t have to say anything. You don’t always have to fill every silence with explanations. Sometimes the silence is enough.”
Kirk tears his eyes away from their clasped hands so he can look into Spock’s eyes. With his eyes he asks, Really?
Spock doesn’t answer, not with words. But he squeezes Kirk’s hand. The corner of his mouth lifts in an almost smile. He leans forward, eyes still locked with Kirk’s, until their foreheads are just touching.
“Spock?” He’s repeating himself, but Spock just finished saying he doesn’t need to overspeak.
Still, he has to know.
Spock squeezes his hand again. “Yes,” he says. No hesitation, no uncertainty. Something loosens in Kirk’s chest.
“Scan’s are all clear, you can get back to captaining your ship, Jim,” McCoy says, strolling into the ‘safe’ part of the isolation room, tapping at his PADD as he walks. Under his breath he adds, “Whatever those captaining duties actually are.”
He looks up, startled by the sound, and is even more startled by what he sees.
Spock’s bed is canted up so he’s almost sitting, a pillow behind his head. And sound asleep, the side of his face pressed against Spock’s chest and his limbs tangled around the Vulcan, is Jim Kirk.
“He’s asleep,” Spock says, rather unnecessarily, his voice pitched low so as not to wake his sleeping captain. “He’s been rather...distressed.”
“Finally opened up to you, did he?” McCoy asks with a grin.
Spock looks down at Jim, and McCoy sees a warmth he rarely sees come over the man’s face. “Indeed,” he says.
“Good,” he says with a nod. “I’ll be off then. Your walls are gone, by the way. You’re free to go whenever he wakes up. You could just carry him back to your quarters now, if you’ve got the notion…” He winks.
Not looking up from Jim, Spock says, “Thank you, Doctor, but no. I think I’ll just let him sleep.”
“Suit yourself,” McCoy says, amusement in his voice.
When he takes one last look over his shoulder, Spock is gently running fingers through Jim’s hair.
“Wonders never cease,” he mutters to himself once he’s in the corridor. “All it took was a little accidental exposure and mandatory quarantine. They’ll be telling this story for years.” Shaking his head, he grumbles, “Of course, they’ll forget it was me who stuck them in the same isolation chamber.”
Even though half the others were empty, he thinks with a grin. He congratulates himself for a job well done.
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goldenworldsabound · 5 years
Here There Be Dragons VI
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3  - Chapter 4  - Chapter 5 With the dragon slain, Akabayashi is in critical condition as everyone else searches for the exit.
Urbosa lifted up Akabayashi into her arms, while Spock collected the crystal the dragon had left behind in it’s passing. Wendy got to her feet as well, gritting her teeth and walking forward into the tunnel that was an offshoot from this larger cavern. She felt unsteady on her feet, but her determination to save Akabayashi gave her a new burst of adrenaline to keep her going.
“Shizuo, keep up with the Princess.” Urbosa snapped. It wasn’t an unfriendly thing to say - but it was all business, waking him from his horrified daze. He ran to catch up to her.
“If we hurry, we should be able to save him.” Spock said, addressing everyone. “With this crystalline heart, Lord Viren has a spell that should heal him.”
“But isn’t Viren back at the castle?” Shizuo asked, as he ran ahead to scout for the exit.
“He should be waiting for us once we exit.” Spock replied, avoiding eye contact with anyone.
“You spoke with Lord Viren?” Urbosa questioned.
“Yes. He’s the only expert on dark magic I thought we could trust.” The Vulcan answered. “And I was correct to trust him.”
“Assuming he actually shows up.” Shizuo grumbled.
“He will.” Wendy said. It was as if it was a command. “I am certain of it.”
The group was silent except for their labored breathing and heavy footfalls as they dashed down the labyrinthine tunnels.
“I think this is the exit?” Shizuo said, pointing down a tunnel just a bit up ahead.
“Does it look like the entrance?” Spock asked patiently.
“Then it is the exit.”
“Hurry!” Wendy yelled, looking at Akabayashi’s pale face with concern. She started to fall behind. She hadn't eaten, she hadn't slept, and she'd expended a lot of her energy with her shields. Spock hesitated, looking at her. Urbosa continued moving forward. “Don’t wait for me, go! Get him help!”
Spock, with the heart in hand, chased after Urbosa.
Shizuo ran to Wendy. “I can carry you, Princess.” She thought to argue, but she was running very low on energy. She nodded, and he scooped her into a bridal carry. Shizuo was fast, catching up to jump through the exit with the others.
They were out.
Viren paced nervously in front of the exit. He'd come here alone, with a single unadorned carriage, with absolutely none of his usual pomp and circumstance. He was sweating, for several reasons. Was this technically treason? Why weren't the so-called elite guards out of the cave with Wendy yet? What if they failed? How long should he wait? What if the Princess was already-
The guards and the Princess appeared out of the inky blackness without warning, landing in front of him.
"Viren, Mizuki used the pendant. Help him." Spock handed over the heart without further comment into Viren's waiting hands. The mage looked in amazement at the crystalline heart. He'd never seen the heart of a dragon in person - he had seen sketches, but those were dull and lackluster in comparison with the real thing. The things he could do with it...
"Please, Viren, I-" Wendy choked on sobs, on her knees next to the unconscious and bloodied Mizuki, tears streaming shamelessly down her cheeks. "I'm begging you, save him-" Urbosa clasped a hand gravely on Wendy's shoulder, herself fighting back tears. She met Viren's gaze solemnly. A warning glance.
"You don't need to beg me, Princess." Viren crouched down with the heart. "I need one more ingredient - the tears of someone to whom he is of great importance." He held the heart out under Wendy's face, and she closed her eyes, a few tears dripping immediately onto the heart.
With his components gathered, Viren began the spell.
"Erom on si gninruom litnu, denruom eb lliw ohw taht fo efil eht erotser." Viren chanted, eyes glowing with energy that he was pulling from the heart. Energy flowed from his hand onto Akabayashi's chest, where the pendant rested, before spreading over the rest of his body.
As Wendy watched, hands over her mouth, his skin grew flush again. His breathing became less labored. The pendant cracked, and Akabayashi opened his eyes. He started to sit up, but stopped as Wendy flung herself onto him.
"You're okay." She cried out, beginning to sob again as she buried her face in his neck, wrapping her arms around him as much as she could. He smiled softly, wrapping his arms around her.
"I guess I am. How about that." He kissed the top of her head, before looking to Viren. Viren had a sad smile on his face, but when he realized Akabayashi was looking at him, he got to his feet, eyeing the ground and frowning. The other guards converged on Akabayashi, expressing their feeling of joy at his fully healed state.
Viren's mouth twitched, and he turned away. He didn't belong with this group. He didn't want to see how they celebrated. Their joy...he didn't feel it. He was happy that the Princess was happy. But he wished, in some twisted way that he hated, that he had been the one to risk his life to save her. Coming in and saving that person...it knotted him up inside. He hadn't done enough. His part was after the real danger had passed.
He turned around at the Princess' voice, blinking in surprise to find she was right behind him.
"Yes, Princess?" He asked, voice more stern, more harsh than he had intended.
"Thank you. I can't thank you enough." She smiled at him, her softness melting the bad feelings away, leaving only her in their place.
"I...I only did what anyone else would have." He replied, looking away.
She shook her head. "Maybe, but...no one else could have. And I know your dark magic is not without it's costs." She slid a hand onto his cheek, turning his gaze back to her. He blushed, looking startled. "So...thank you." She pressed a quick kiss to his lips, before wrapping her arms around him in a hug.
Blushing even deeper, he returned the hug, putting his head to rest on top of hers. She always knew the right thing to say to quiet the feelings of insignificance and jealousy that welled up within him. How could it be that he had been willing to let her die? How could he have gone along with that? Grief at his own choices began to overflow.
"I'm so sorry, Princess, I don't deserve-" Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. Dammit, he didn't want to cry in front of the elite guards, dammit, dammit!
She put her hands on either side of his face, looking up at him.
"You do. I understand. My own father and mother didn't try to save me, Viren. And they may yet punish everyone who has helped me." She wiped his tears away with her thumbs. "You did what you thought you could. And then, you chose to do more. You are not a fighter."
He closed his eyes, taking shaky breaths, arms still wrapped around her.
"But that doesn't mean you are weak. It doesn't mean you are helpless. There are still things to help with. Convince the King to spare us." She smiled at him. "If anyone can do it, you can."
He sighed, "I'll do everything in my power." He pressed his forehead to the top of her head.
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dreamthinkimagine · 5 years
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Giggly
WARNING: sad!spock
For @plomeeksandmintjuleps
The Chief Engineer slowly sat up in his bed, reached out his arm, and with his eyes still closed he patted his night stand looking for his alarm clock. This was annoying; the entire situation was annoying. He only got three hours of sleep because he was in the engine room all night trying to fix an urgent problem that if left unfixed would have cost everyone the Enterprise. So why did he have to get up to work even more at 6:00 AM again?
It wasn’t that he didn’t love his job or his ship; it was quite the opposite. He had built the ship himself and loved her as his baby. He was so dedicated to the Enterprise that when he lost his right middle finger while working on her, he tried to escape sickbay several times a day just to finish his work. But, like every parent, occasionally he was completely drained. He was exhausted; and as much as he wanted to stay in bed, he didn’t even want to imagine what would happen to his ship if he wasn’t in the engine room.
In fact, his love for the Enterprise would have kept him going on three hours of sleep, but not this time. Usually every parent likes a babysitter every now and then, but it was getting a little much. Kirk had slowly gotten into a habit of sending Spock down to the engine room to “assist” Scotty in his work. Spock may have started out as a babysitter, but he was now more like a nanny. Every time the half-Vulcan entered the room, Scotty felt more and more unsure about the captain’s faith in him. Why didn’t Kirk trust him anymore? What did he do? The fact that he didn’t even know why just added more exhaustion to the situation. Exhaustion was a weird feeling for him, usually his love for the ship would give him all the energy he needed and more; but since he felt like the Enterprise was being taken away...well...what else could he expect to feel?
He forced his sleep-filled eyes open and rubbed his face. His blanket felt as if it weighed fifty pounds as he lifted it off himself to get up. He set the shower on cold and made his hands into a cup. With the water that gathered in his hold, he splashed his face hoping that the shock would wake him, but it didn’t. Instead it only made him crave his nice, comfy, warm bed all the more.
Getting himself dressed was a hassle - he almost fell back asleep three times. He was so tired that he felt weak, his limbs even heavier than the blanket; his own body betraying him. If getting on the boots were tough before, pulling them up now was a hundred times more difficult. He yawned a deep yawn from within his core, the sound resonating inside him. Brushing his hair was usually an easy task considering the length, but today it felt like trying to detangle a couple fist-fulls of wires from the Enterprise’s mainframe.
“Computer. Date.”
“March 31st 2268.”
Even though his mind was alert, his body was not. The red-shirt wanted to work on the engines more, but doubted that his body would make it easy. He remembered a quote from Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, “The spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak.” Boy, is the flesh weak, he thought to himself as he trudged out of his quarters and into the hustle and bustle of a normal day on the Enterprise. He looked at the people in the hall and through his fatigue, it looked and felt as if everyone was moving in fast motion while he was left in the dust.
* * *
Having arrived in the engine room, he immediately forced his body to get to work and tested everything he had worked on just a few hours before, and it all worked perfectly. Better than perfect. And even though he was tired as heck, the pride he held for his own ship outweighed it.
Okay, so Kirk called it his own ship, and Scotty let him have his fun. Kirk said it was his, and yes he was in charge of it, but Starfleet assigned him to it in the first place. It even stayed on their property when it was on earth - at least until Scotty decided to retire, which he couldn’t even see himself doing for a long time. Kirk and Starfleet could say they owned it all they wanted, but Scotty knew better. He built it. It was his. You build it, you own it. It was his “Ol’ Girl.”
As Scotty was thinking, he was interrupted by a Red Alert. Soon after, Mr. Spock marched into the engine room and began to take over everything the Scotsman had previously been doing. Suddenly, Scotty had his energy back. He sighed before he even spoke.
“Mr. Spock, what are you doing here?”
“Captain’s orders.”
“But don’t you belong on the bridge? You can do more there. I’m the Chief Engineer. I can - and I do - handle everything here.”  It was almost as if Kirk thought that the engineer didn’t know what he was doing.
“Normally, Mr. Scott, I would not doubt your abilities.” Okay, Scotty thought. That’s a bald-faced lie. “However, we are facing a life-force that we have never even seen before. The Captain, Dr. McCoy, and I feel that it would be most beneficial for all of us if I were to be here.”
“He thought logically. Now, Mr. Scott, please be quiet as I am attempting to recalibrate the engines.”
“I can do that!”
“But there is no room for error, Mr. Scott.”
Error. Scotty decided to stand back and let Spock do his thing; completely shocked and broken by what he had said.
* * *
As the day went on, Scotty had time to process and think about what happened - and he was angry. He stormed into his room; barely able to keep himself from stomping his feet like a child. As soon as the door closed behind him he began punching his pillow. He threw it across the room and when he went to go get it, he shoved his face in it and screamed louder than he ever had before.
He collapsed onto his bed and just lay there thinking with a scowl resting on his face. How could Kirk, Spock, and McCoy have such little faith in him? After all he’d done? After all the times he was able to boost warp speed and save their lives? How could they just betray him like this?
He didn’t have a wife or children on earth. The last time he even tried to get with  a woman he had been accused of murdering her and other women too. He had a sister and a nephew, but she didn’t want her boy to have anything to do with him or Starfleet because of a dispute.
His parents had died years ago and left him materials in their will to build his dream ship - the Enterprise. Even just having the “O’l Girl” made him feel sentimental about his parents; he thought of her as the last thing his parents gave him before they died. This infuriated his sister. She was left with her parents’ business - which she never wanted (not that they knew) and wasn’t left with anything to fulfill her own dreams. She was so jealous of her brother that she had ostracized him from her family ever since. His parents were both the only children in their families, so he had no aunts, uncles, or cousins. Now he had no one, except the Enterprise. This ship was his baby. She was all he had.
And apparently he wasn’t good enough for her.
The next morning he woke up early, still annoyed at the previous day’s events.
“Computer, what time is it?”
“It is 2:03 A.M. on Friday, April 1st 2268.” Scotty paused.
“Computer, what day is it?” he asked wanting to make sure he heard it right.
“April 1st.” April Fool’s Day. Perfect. He could get revenge and get away “Scott-free.” Maybe he could change the times on Kirk, Spock, and McCoy’s clocks?  Maybe he could go old school and put saran wrap outside their doors so they'd walk into it. He kept thinking and then he remembered little capsules from his childhood that would freeze liquid. He'd drop them in his parents' coffee, water, stew, soup - anything liquid - on April Fool's day. Then it came to him; the idea exploding in his head. Their food. All he'd have to do was rewire the mainframe of the food synthesizer to mess up their orders. And since the machine recognized each person individually by their voice, he could have it only affect the three culprits. "Ready to help me pull a prank, Ol' Girl?" He asked the ship as he took up his tool bag and looped it around his neck and shoulder like a tricorder. "I'll fix ya right back up afterwards."
With that, he headed out of the room and passed through the hallways. The ship’s soft hum rang through the Scotsman’s ears and its low constant tone was the only sound present at this time of night. He snuck passed the doors along the walls, tiptoeing as quietly as a sleeping tribble - not that there would be any on his ship. Anymore...
His heart pounded within his chest as he trod through the long passageways; wary of the possibility that someone might emerge from their quarters and spot him. He carefully paid attention to his direction and his footing in an attempt to avoid that. If he woke someone up, they would definitely see him. Then they might wake other people. Or they might mistake him for an alien and hit him with the power of their phaser.
It was in the mist of his worries that he realized where he was - Captain Kirk’s room. He had to be especially careful here. Kirk was the Captain, and for all he knew, he could already be awake; and attracting his attention was the last thing he needed. If Kirk caught him - well, he didn’t like to think of the idea of getting fired and permanently taken away from his baby.
He carefully and slowly knelt down, took off his tools and slid them across the floor to the next door. He got on his hands and knees and crawled as slow as he could. When he heard himself breathing, he quickly held his breath for the journey across the entirety of Kirk’s room. Five feet down, he thought to himself, at least fifteen more to go. He sighed in relief when he reached his tools, for Kirk not having come out, and continued his trek. He had passed the Captain’s Quarters; there was no going back now.
He entered the Mess Hall and turned on the lights. Eyeing the synthesizer, he made his way over; feeling more determined with each step. He set his tool bag down on a table, took out what he knew he needed, and set to work.
“They’ll call me to fix it, and when I do, they’ll remember what I can do.”
However, he was so distracted, that he forgot one very important flaw in his plan...
“Tuna salad sandwich with a side salad and ice cold water.” Sulu said, and in a grand total of three seconds, the synthesizer gave it to him.
“Caesar salad and water” Uhura asked.
“Chicken nuggets and french fries with barbeque sauce and a medium root beer” was Chekov’s request. Kirk came up to the machine with an arguing Spock and Bones right behind him. Chuckling to himself, he placed his order.
“BLT and an iced tea.” But what came out was anything but that. Kirk looked at his tray in confusion. Sardines and light brown coffee. Kirk repeated his order, but this time got sunny side up eggs that were drowning in ketchup and water with an grapefruit slice in it instead of the typical lemon. He didn’t even like grapefruits. Kirk sighed in defeat and walked to a table slightly annoyed. He set his tray down and went to the comm on the wall and called down to engineering. Spock stepped up for his food next.
“Plomeek soup,” but he was soon presented with a mountain of salt with a splash of tomato sauce on top, a side of asparagus, and a strawberry milkshake. McCoy asked for a well-done stake with mashed potatoes and green beans with a mint julep; and got prunes, a bowl of hot sauce, canned meat, and cranberry juice. Back at the table, the men looked at each other’s food and pondered what the problem could be.
“While we wait for Scotty, why don’t you take a look at it, Spock?” Once he was examining the machine, Kirk told McCoy that Scotty sounded a little too eager to help. “I’m going to head back to my quarters and check the security footage.”
Kirk’s stomach growled as he marched out of the mess hall and down the hallways. He was sure Scotty was behind this - accidentally or purposefully. And he was pretty sure it was on purposeful. His day had already been stressful enough already, and now this too? He wasn’t mad because his food was messed up, but because his friends’ orders were messed up. Spock and Bones were integral to the operation of this ship, they needed their strength, energy, and their best concentration. No food meant none of those. Plus, they didn’t deserve this.
“Computer,” he said as soon as his room’s door closed behind him. “Play the security footage from last night until now.”
Back in the mess hall, twenty minutes has passed when the comm on the wall made a beeping noise and Sulu answered.
“Sulu, send Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy down to my quarters. I need to see them immediately.”
“Is everything alright, Sir? What’s the emergency?”
“No emergency. Just a pest problem.”
“The tribbles aren’t back, are they?”
“Don’t even joke about that. Just get them here.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“What’s going on, Jim?” Bones asked as he and Spock entered the room.
“Look at this,” he said and played the footage. His computer screen was split into many squares, each with a different piece of footage playing. Several cameras captured Scotty roaming the halls with his tool bag - including all the stunts he pulled just to get across Kirk’s room - but one square, shown at the top right of the screen, revealed Scotty tampering with a perfectly working synthesizer.
And it captured everything.
It captured which exact tools he used, how he took off a piece of the front and was able to crawl inside. It seized the moment when he emerged covered in sweat and his hair messy and clinging to his forehead. It caught the wrinkles in his face when he smiled, even his breathing. And it recorded his fatal words, “That’ll show 'em.” Kirk turned around in his chair to speak, but McCoy did first.
“Well, that explains why he was able to fix it in five minutes.”
“You did call for Mr. Scott to come up and repair it, Captain,” Spock added.
“Doesn’t matter. He messed with my crew. Both of your jobs require you to have the proper food and he took that away. When I get my hands on him - “
“I can assure you, Captain, our food has indeed been replaced.”
“We got exactly what we wanted to eat, so you can calm down. Besides, have you seen the date?”
“What’s the date got anything to do with it?”
“It’s April 1st!” Bones said.
“April Fool’s Day?” Jim questioned. “But then why did he say it’d show us? No one else’s order got messed up - just ours.”
“He’s around us a lot and we’re on a social level where we can pull practical jokes on each other. Everyone’s fine, no one’s hurt, and he’s too loyal for true sabotage. I think it was just a harmless prank.” Jim took a moment to carefully think about what Bones said and absorbed it like a sponge. It was April Fool’s Day, Scotty had switched up the synthesizer, quickly fixed it, and then replaced their food. The more he thought about it he began to realize that it really was just a minor inconvenience; and Scotty was close enough with them to pull a small joke. Plus, Bones was right - there was no real harm done. Soon enough, all the anger that Jim had toward Scotty was drained from his body and was replaced with mischief.
“You’re right, Bones. It was just a joke. Since it’s still April 1st, how about we pull a little prank on our little engineer?”
Scotty waltzed through the hall humming to himself with his chest puffed out, proud that he showed McCoy, Kirk, and Spock that he knew what he was doing. It was small, but he felt confident that this incident would remind the Captain of his abilities and would soon enough quit his nasty habit of sending Spock to the Engine room. What he didn’t expect was, as soon as he got in his quarters, to be tackled, pinned, and tickled in all of two seconds.
“Whahahat?” But when he forced his eyes open and saw the dreaded three, fiery anger blazed within him. He mustered all his strength at once and rolled out from underneath them, completely taking his attackers by surprise. After a second to process what had just happened, they quickly tried to get up, but Scotty interrupted them. The shock of his anger kept them frozen in place.
“You think this is funny,” he yelled. “You think this is a joke?! A game?!” Scotty’s breathing became heavier, the veins in his neck bulging through skin. A beat of silence passed by, although to the current pranksters, it felt much longer. Finally, Spock broke the silence.
“I did advise you against this, Captain.” Jim tried to say something back, but was cut off.
“Spock, I’m so sick of your - “
“Scotty!” Jim yelled, getting up. “What the devil is wrong with you?! What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Oh, so now you care what I think,” the Scotsman yelled as he stepped closer to Kirk. “You didn’t care at all what I though about the ‘help’ in my engine room!”
“What are you talking about?” Spock and McCoy slowly emerged from their positions on the ground. They didn’t get as close to the red-shirt as their Captain was, but they were still ready to pounce in case things went even more south.
“Of course you don’t know! You don’t know that I can operate this ship either! Let alone the engines! That’s why I fiddled with the synthesizer and fixed it again!” Kirk’s anger only grew.
“I thought that was a joke, but now-”
“What? You think I’m the joke now?” Scotty’s hands turned to fists.
“What has gotten into you?! You step down right now,” Kirk said with a sense of sternness that matched the engineer’s anger. He tilted his head down to show his draining patience.
“Do I have to spell it out for you?! It was revenge! You don’t think I’m capable of running engineering, so you send that Vulcan down! You did, McCoy did, and Spock thought it would be ‘logical’ if he came down because Scotty can’t do anything without making an ‘error’! I’m sick of it!”
“We’d never seen that alien species before,” Bones cut in. “I just thought having two down there might - “
“Shut up, McCoy!”
“Mr. Scott, I will not have this kind of talk on my ship!”
“You’re ship?!”
“Yes, my ship. I’m the Captain, so it’s my ship.”
“I built it! I designed it!”
“For Starfleet!” Kirk was about to put Scotty on probation when he yelled again.
“From designs I was already working on before they asked me to build them a ship! I could’ve drawn up different designs, but I thought Starfleet could use a ship like this - my dream ship!” In his anger, he splurted out something he never wanted to discuss with anyone; let alone his Captain. “The same dream ship my parents left me materials to build it with in their will! The same ship that drove my sister and I apart! That’s why I can’t even see my only nephew!” A silence rested between them. “She’s all I have...and you don’t think I’m good enough for her.” Why did I just say that?
“...Scotty, I -”
“Please...just leave.” The three of them filed out of his room allowing him to be alone and regret what he had said.
In his quarters, Spock lay wide awake as he stared at his ceiling thinking about the day’s events. For someone who refused to show emotion, he had a lot of them. He was furious at the things Scotty said against his Captain and McCoy. He could almost once again feel the anger boiling within his being, the struggle to keep a straight face, and the focus to steady his breathing to not show any emotion. How badly he wanted to neck pinch him just a few short hours ago, but to do so without a direct threat to Kirk’s well being would have been illogical.
He was sad. He remembered being bullied as a child for his human half.  He remembered how the Vulcan children saw him as, well, not as intelligent as they were. Was he making Scotty feel the same way? Even if he hadn’t made him feel that way exactly, he was certain that he had lost the engineer’s respect. And, even though he wasn’t one to even talk about emotions, he felt that that was the saddest of all. He had only felt this kind of pain once before - when he lost his father’s respect after going against his wishes and joining Starfleet.
He felt sorry. He yearned for things to go back as they had been. He wanted to fix it. He had to - he was not about to lose his friend as he had his father.
He was determined.  
The next night, Scotty stayed behind in engineering, working to improve his engines. Alone. The episode from the night before had been playing on loop in his head since the incident had happened. All day all he could think about was, “Spock, I’m so sick of your...Oh, so now you care what I think...You think I’m the joke now?...It was revenge!...Scotty can’t do anything without making an ‘error’...Shut up, McCoy!”
“You’re ship?!”
“Yes my ship...The same ship my parents left me materials to build it with in their will...I can’t even see my own nephew!...She’s all I have...and you don’t think I’m good enough for her...”
“Scotty, I -”
“Please...just leave...” He was so lost in his own flashback, that, an hour later, he didn’t hear the door open.
“Scotty.” Reluctantly, the engineer turned around to face Kirk who had a satchel over his shoulder - and it didn’t even shock him when he saw Spock and McCoy there with him. “We want to talk about last night.” Upon hearing this, Scotty turned around again and got back to work. He dug his tools and gloved hands back into an engine as sparks flew; doing something Kirk wouldn’t be able to understand for the life of him - and they both knew it - because he wasn’t the Enterprise’s engineer.
“There’s nothin’ to talk about.”
“I didn’t understand how important this ship is to you. I never understood the sentiment.”
“I didn’t either,” Mccoy piped in. “I can’t say that for Spock because he doesn’t understand sentiment,” McCoy added sending a sarcastic look to the Vulcan; but for once, Spock decided to stay silent. He didn’t want to fight and annoy Scotty more.
“You weren’t supposed to know any of that. It’d do us all better to jus’ forget it happened.”
“Scotty, you’re good enough for this ship,” Kirk said. There was a silence from the engineer as he worked. “We know you’re more than good enough; and I’m sorry. We’re sorry.” Scotty’s silence still resonated, but he paused what he was doing. Kirk reached into his bag and pulled its only content out into the open for all to see. “So, we made this for you.” He turned his head and couldn’t believe what he saw.
In Kirk’s hands laid an Enterprise-shaped, stained, and polished wooden plaque with the words, “The Enterprise - NCC 1701 - Est. 2265.” Where the engine room was, it read, “Built and Owned By Montgomery James Scott.” Scotty’s eyes went wide as he slowly lowered his tools. His hands shook as he pulled off his gloves, never once taking his eyes of the glorious plaque stating his ownership of the Enterprise. As he walked over, Kirk spoke again.
“You built it, you own it. I even had Sulu take command of the ship for the day just so Spock and I could make it; and Bones stained and polished it.” Scotty gently took the plaque from Jim’s hands and grazed his fingers over the smooth and well polished wood. Barely touching it, he slowly ran the tips of his fingers over the name “Montgomery James Scott” and felt tears welling in his eyes. One trickled down his cheek as looked up from the plaque and at the three before him. Quickly, and without thinking, he pulled the three of them into a hug, hanging on tightly and not letting go.
“I can’t promise that I’ll never send Spock down here again, but I can promise that when you retire I will help you leave with this ship,” Kirk said. “Even if it means we have to steal it.”
“Thank you...Captain.” A few moments of silence passed before Scotty let go.
“I’ve gotta go put this on the wall,” he exclaimed, a wide smile gracing his face. He immediately grabbed his tools, picked a spot to display his prized plaque, and got to work. As the three of them watched his progress, McCoy leaned over and whispered something into Spock’s pointed ear and then Jim’s. Spock’s eyebrows went up and Jim smiled at the realization of Bones’ statement - it was true. How could he have forgotten?
“There,” Scotty said as he stepped back to marvel at it. “Now everyone will see it and know the Enterprise belongs to Montgomery Scott.”
“It looks beautiful there, Scotty,” Kirk said and placed a hand on his shoulder. ”However, there is one thing.” Scotty looked at him with caution, for he noticed a twinkle of mischief in Jim’s eyes. “It has been brought to my attention that we still owe you some revenge for the food synthesizer.” Scotty had a sudden flashback to when he was jumped the previous night and began to back up, a small smile already showing on his face. To be honest, he missed the camaraderie; the jokes, the playing. He missed their friendship.
“Oh no,” he said putting his hands up as he slowly backed away. Kirk playfully pushed him down and pinned an arm to the ground. As soon as the engineer was on the floor, he let Bones lay down and place his arm over his shins, putting all his weight on it by leaning; allowing him to both pin his legs and have easy access to the knees. Spock, still weary on Scotty’s opinion of him, stayed put.
“I’m pretty sure it’s OK now, Spock.” Spock stayed there, silently thinking about it for a minute; but seeing Scotty’s ever present grin, especially when the engineer looked at him, he knew it was alright. He got down on his knees and pinned his other arm with his Vulcan strength. “Sorry, Scotty,” Kirk said. “But, even though it’s your ship, I’m still the Captain; and I say that since you sabotaged our food you must suffer the consequences.” It was at that moment that Kirk gently skittered his fingers up the “poor” Scotsman’s underarm. The chief engineer gasped and with a wide grin stretched across his face, immediately tried to clamp his arm down; but Kirk had a strong hold of him. Satisfied with the reaction, he glanced at Spock, then at Bones; and then dug in. This was revenge after all; and he wasn't about to go lightly on him.
A few minutes later, Scotty began to cry through his laughter as McCoy quickly scratched his knees and Kirk and Spock attacked his stomach - his weakest point - with playful fury. They immediately got off, helped him up, and decided to take him to the mess hall for a treat from the synthesizer. However, he hadn’t been crying because of their revenge, but because as he had listened to them and looked at his new plaque, he knew that the Enterprise was no longer the only one he had.
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bbparker · 7 years
Distance (Jim Kirk x Reader Soulmate AU)
Summary: Jim takes a trip back to the past with Spock and why he’s feeling down about his soulmate. 
A/N: So this was requested by anonymous but i’ve altered the idea  and I know there are some parts that don't exactly match with the movies but just bare with me aha
Warnings: Savage soulmate ahaha
Gif belongs to @haloless
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Jim sat in his captain’s chair, softly humming to himself as everyone was busy with their work. The whole month they had been in space, everything had run smoothly, much to the surprise of everybody (Bones). All of them had been off to monitor the New Vulcan at the request of high command.
Jim was so lost in thoughts he hadn’t realised that Spock had been trying to gain his attention the last five minutes. “Sorry, Mr Spock. What were you saying?”
“Jim it had come to my attention that these last few months since Kahn incident you have been rather… distracted.” Jim absentmindedly rubbed his wrist. His soulmate tattoo, which had faded, worried Jim. Noticing the absentminded rubbing, Spock raises an eyebrow. “Is it to do with the separation between yourself and your soulmate perhaps?”
Jim, quickly standing and walking on the bridge with Spock in tow, wasn’t so eager for the whole ship to find out and gossip over his separation from his soulmate. “If you wanted to know Spock, yes it’s about (y/n). We’ve been separated nearly two years.”
Jim slowed down to a stop, leaning on the rails. Redshirts and the occasional blue shirt filtered by while Jim remained silent. “Before we met, (y/n) had always had the dream to be the Captain of her own ship, like her mother was. Our soulmate story began at Starfleet Academy and it wasn’t an easy one. I wasn’t a very considerate person” A slight pause ensued before Jim carried on. “What a time it was…”
“Okay, then how could you possibly have passed that Xenolinguistics exam with how many extracurricular classes you have, I mean do you even have time to be walking with me right now?” (Y/n) muffled a laughed at her friend Marie-Clare’s pestering. Both were walking around the campus aimlessly until their next classes began. “Maybe you should try studying once in a while rather than looking for that soulmate of yours., you would have passed the exam.”  Marie jumped in front of (y/n), “Don’t you want to meet your soulmate? Worried he’s ugly?”
“Excuse me, I’m not worried about it because fate has a time for everybody and if I’m not meant to meet him yet, then I won’t.” (Y/n) laughed. Marie, deciding to move on spotted a certain male striding down the hall. “If anything I hope he’s my soulmate.” (Y/n) glanced up to see that a blue-eyed smirking man was striding, right up to them. “Ugh, as if. You deserve better.” (y/n) patted Mari-Clares hand.
“Ladies, looking good today.”
“Kirk, did your head manage to inflate even further or is that your hair? Hard to tell these days.” (Y/n) smirked, she didn’t not like Kirk. In fact, they had been friends for years and the teasing came naturally. “Ah, (y/n) what would I do without your constant ability to mock either my head or my hair.”
“Nothing because I am the only girl who could and would mock you.” Kirk wrapped his arm around her shoulder and began leading her to their next class. (Y/n) waved a quick goodbye to Marie-Clare and continued on with Jim, receiving the glares of many. “Yes and that's why you’re-“ But (y/n) had stopped listening, Jim’s sleeve on his right arm had ridden up as he had his arm around her. Of course, they’d been curious about each other's tattoos but never showed each other. (Y/n) didn’t know why but now she had seen it she couldn’t unsee it. It was a square with various patterns within it, intertwining lines and beautiful pictures. Just like hers.
“Now admittedly, I knew she’d seen it. I knew we had the same tattoo and I knew she was my soulmate. At the time, I just didn’t want to let go of my lifestyle.” Jim looked down, eyes watering slightly. “We’d never shown each other but I’d seen hers by accident three years prior. It's not easy to mistake, can you imagine anyone else with this sort of soulmate tattoo?” The Vulcan looked at the fading tattoo. “It is indeed unique and rather intricate.”
Kirk smiled gently, rubbing the tattoo yet again. A habit he’d picked up while thinking of (y/n). “I was stupid, I wasted so much time that I could have spent with her, my soulmate, with other females who didn’t matter. (Y/n) wasn’t one to hold herself back when she found out either…”
“You-you knew? You knew and you never said anything?!” (Y/n) and Jim stood in her dorm now, each across the room from one another. “You fucking knew and you continued to sleep around with other girls?!” Jim tried to step forward and get a hold of her, to comfort her. 
Now that both parties knew, the bond would grow stronger and stronger until things just… worked out. (Y/n) had dragged him back to her dorm after classes ended and told him, somewhat excitedly, until she realised the nervous and slightly guilty look on Jim’s face. He told her the truth about knowing and now they were here.
“Look, (y/n) I know I messed up-“
“How long did you know?”
“I said, how long did you fucking know I was your soulmate!?”
“…3 years.”
“Three fucking years! And you never said a word? Why?”
“I… I didn’t want to change how I was…”
“You… you’d rather sleep around with those whores than have your soulmate? Wow, Jim. I have no idea what I did to deserve someone as low a soulmate as you.”
That hit Jim in the heart, he had no response. She was right after all.
“I…I…” He simply couldn’t find the words and something deep inside him seemed to shrivel up as he watched his best friend for years, his soulmate cross her arms and turn her pouring eyes away from him. She was ashamed to look t him, something he’d never quite experienced before. How could he have done this to his other half, the one woman who he was meant to love and care for? Wiping her eyes, (y/n) turned to Jim tall and proud. 
“I don’t need you Jim Kirk…” She began and Jim’s eyes widened. “No, please!” (Y/N) was reciting the Breaking Bonds Vow. It was something that everyone learnt and remembered by heart, it was almost unheard of but when one soulmate simply could not accept the other, they performed the vow and their soulmate bond was severed but their whole heart had to be in it.
 (Y/n) seemed like hers was really into getting rid of him. The Breaking Bonds Vow was pretty much the opposite of a soulmates wedding vows. “I don’t need your love nor your touch. Your heart, your soul is not one with mine and each breath-“
Deep inside Jim felt like someone was severing a cord and it was nothing like he had ever experienced. The pain was like being punched in the heart and mind repeatedly. “Shall be for me and not you. We are no longer two parts of the same soul, from now on we are two separate beings. I hereby release you, James Tiberius Kirk from our bond.” And then like a stab to the chest, Jim and (y/n)’s soulmate bond was severed. He didn’t know how she managed to stay so strong through the pain. 
Jim felt empty, something wasn’t right anymore. He looked around and saw that the colours of the world weren’t as vivid as they used to be, he didn’t feel as happy as he did before. Looking down at his tattoo, Jim saw his tattoo was faded to the point of being unrecognisable.
“(Y/n), what have you done?” Jim gasped.
“I broke our bond so you’re free to be the man-whore you want to be. I won’t have myself played by you, Jim Kirk. Goodbye” Jim gasped as he walked out her door. The empty space felt like someone had tipped cold water on top of himself and then was blowing on him with a fan.
“She had severed the bond so easily?” Jim sighed and looked over to Spock. Soulmate marks weren’t foreign the Spock, he has one himself, but Vulcan’s having soulmates wasn’t as common as it was humans.
“When someone really detested you and feels no connection to you any longer, the bond can be severed easier.” The Vulcan almost looked upset at the very thought of the breaking bonds vow. It was not something anyone should have to experience, yet Jim did. It was his own fault, he knew that. “She was right though, I didn’t deserve her… Eventually, we talked of course, but her new soulmate tattoo had already started to re-appear. I never got another one.”
“So it seems that your only match could ever be (y/n).”
Jim smiled softly, “It seems so. She was the only woman who could handle me.”
“But what doesn’t make sense, is that you and (y/n) seemed quite-“
“Yeah I know, I’m getting to that. After a year we were able to talk again, she had her new soulmate and she was happy. (Y/N) was ready to forgive but her soulmate wasn’t exactly perfect either.”Jim could still hear (y/n)’s screams as she found out her soulmate had died. He’d held her and when an hour drew by, Jim took (y/n) back to his dorm to sleep.  
“He’d been drinking and taking drugs with his friends. Then decided to go for a joy ride. He died on impact.” Jim said without any emotion in his voice. 
“I’d never known (y/n) had been…through that much.” Though Spock’s voice had no emotion within it, Jim knew he and (y/n) were friends at least and Spock held some sympathy for her.
“She moved passed it by the next year, having heard what her soulmate had been doing behind her back. Upon graduation, we were friends again and something had changed, within (y/n) I mean. She became more determined, stronger and resilient. The girl who severed our bond and cried wasn’t there anymore. Then, that’s when I knew. (Y/n) was the only one for me, I was never going to find a more intelligent and strong person than (y/n). Being on the Enterprise with Nero attempting to take us down, she was there for me. Hell, I didn’t deserve it but it was.”
“I remember well, she seemed adamant on my, in her words, ‘sticking it where the sun don’t shine’? A term I am still not yet familiar with.” Jim laughed heartily, her turn of phrase against Spock almost always made him laugh.  “I seem to remember she barely left your side throughout that whole incident.” Jim interrupted. “Even when you shovelled me off to a class M planet, she followed. She was loyal like that. It was a shame I couldn’t be the same while we still had the bond.”
“It seemed as though (y/n) was wasted on you, Captain…”
“Did you just… did you just tell me a joke?” Jim began smiling up at his commander. Spock simply raised his eyebrow for Jim to continue. This information was… interesting to him. “So by the end of the Nero incident, (y/n) and I were pretty much back to normal and more. I mean I almost died a couple times so, I guess that scares people onto the right path…”
“You may relieve him.”
“I relieve you.”
“I am… relieved” Pike smiled as everyone stood up to clap, Jim turned to face the crowd. He scanned the crowd searching for one face and one only. (Y/n) stood in the midst of the crowd smiling and clapping for him and looking so proud of him. Something within his chest sprouted at the thought of his soulmate being proud of him, bond or no bond. 
When everyone dispersed, (y/n) ran right for Jim. Jumping on him in a strong hug, wrapping her legs around his waist, hugging like a koala bear. Kirk was definitely not anticipating the hug and nearly toppled over in his attempt to catch her.
Pulling away slightly, limbs still wrapped around him, (y/n) noticed the room was now empty. Face to face, with Jim holding her up, she quietly muttered. “Hi there…”
“Hello.” Jim quietly said back. “So we won, you’re a captain and-“ “You’re going to be working on my ship.” “I guess I am Captain. But as I was going to say was, you almost died James.” Her tone suddenly serious, a frown on her face. James was only concentrating on the fact she used his first name- (y/n) was the only person who he like using his actual name.
“Yes well, it was for the sake of the world soo..” (Y/N) laughed, “don’t be cocky.” “You love it, don’t lie.” 
Smiling softly at him, “Yeah, I do love it.”
Jim looked into her eyes as she did his. “James…” she whispered. “Y-yeah?” Their lips came together in their first kiss,  heated and passionate; there was love lingering between the two. (y/n)’s hands reached from his shoulders and into his hair, tugging slightly. Jim’s hands on her thighs pulled her closer to him if possible. There was a lightness in his heart and signing in his soul. Breaking away, Jim could see all the colours return to their vivid state, (y/n) eyes being the pinnacle of colour to Jim.
“You…” Lowering her to the ground, Jim looked at his wrist and the tattoo had fully reformed and was clearer than ever before. “We reformed the bond,” Jim stated, eyes wide. Taking this as a bad sign, (y/n) began stuttering, flustered. “I-i’m sorry, I should have asked-“ Jim interrupted her by kissing her and pulling her in at the waist. With kisses, Kirk muttered, “I never want to break this again.”
The kiss grew more passionate as Jim continued holding her to him. (Y/n) pulled away, resting her hand on his face, thumbs stroking his cheeks. Their foreheads together, “I promise, there’ll never be anyone else. What a mistake I made that day.”
“But not an invalid one, I must admit.”  Both laughed, Kirk, capturing her lips once again.
“You both re-formed the bond? That’s not an easy thing to achieve.”
“But we loved each other and that seemed to be enough.”
Jim pulled out a photo he has never let go of. It was (y/n) and him on the bridge, him sitting in the captain's chair for the first time, and her on his lap, arms around his neck and big smiles on both their faces.
“When we separated, just before Kahn, we thought it was for the best. She wanted to be a Captain and there’s never two to a ship. I couldn’t hold her back from her dreams for my selfish needs.”
“Could you not have made it work, as humans put it, long distance?” “We technically are. I still love her and somehow I know she still loves me. Maybe one day, fate will bring us back together but for now, we’re apart.”
Spock looked down at the photo between Jim’s fingers. “Then what seems to be the problem, Captain?”
“When Kahn killed me and then I was revived, I woke up and my first thought was (Y/n). Did you know Spock, that when we die, our soulmate knows?”
Over the intercom, a Russian accent called for their captain. “Ceptin, a ship approaches.”
Spock raised an eyebrow not satisfied with the lack of resolve. “The thing is Spock when I died and you guys brought me back, my soulmate tattoo has faded exponentially and it hasn’t reappeared the same. (Y/n) might think I’m dead.”
Making it to the bridge, the USS Enterprise was hailed by the adorning ship. “Captain Kirk…” The commander on screen seemed surprised at the sight of him. “This is Commander Marie-Clare from the USS Grantis. My Captain is beaming aboard your ship for an emergency meeting.”
“Affirmative Commander.” The transmission ended, Kirk not even having to question this order, he knew who the captain was.
Kirk did not wait, he practically jogged all the way to the beaming room and as soon as the light cleared, there stood some of the USS Grantis’ security and crew who immediately left to integrate with the Enterprise’s crew. One stood out.
“It seems you can’t stay away from me.” The older female’s head shot up and a cheeky smile overtook her face. “It seems I can’t, the distance was killing me, Captain Kirk.”
He smirked, tattoo burning.
 The dark lines etching themselves back into both their skins. Neither realised, to entrapped within each other.
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leadandtreesdocx · 7 years
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High Hopes
Fandom: Star Trek (2009)
Word Count: 2,202
Summary:  An alternate timeline begs for more differences, and this story explores one to do with Spock. Or, why the Spock in this reality is so emotional. Hint: It has to do with a girl.
Before Spock was born, the doctors and specialists loved to tell her of her chances to conceive. Or rather, lack thereof.
“Though similar in many aspects,” They would drone, trying to be delicate and tiptoe but at the same time firm enough to get the point across to this obviously simple human. “Vulcan and human physiology isn't compatible in this way. A naturally conceived child is highly improbable.”
Naturally, Amanda was upset by this. She had two sisters growing up and had always imagined children of her own. Little ones that would feel loved and cherished under her protection. When she got married, the vision was only slightly altered as she now wanted children with her husband. She approached Sarek with this topic, his response being irritatingly logical, as always.
“When we decided upon pursuing our relations, many possibilities came to the forefront of my mind. One of those was children and the rarity it is for humans and Vulcans to be suitable in a reproductive capacity. This is something I accepted early on.”
“But what if we grow to want children? What if I want to be a mother?” Amanda argued, growing exasperated by the unflinching nature of those around her. She didn't want complacency, she wanted solutions.
“As always, there are options. Besides adoption, cloning therapy has gone a long way in producing healthy offspring. However, I understand that many humans oppose this option for ethical reasons.” Amanda rolled her eyes and left to find a different opinion, her husband pondering on what, exactly, he had done wrong.
After this talk, as well as talks with her parents, siblings, and others, Amanda had given up any hope for a child of her own. She wanted a life with Sarek, and if this couldn't include a life with a child from both of them - she could live with it. She had just started to look into the options Sarek spoke of (boy or girl, Vulcan or human, none of the above?) when she went for a routine checkup and found herself three weeks pregnant.
Nine months passed and Spock was born, a tiny, wailing infant that came into the world in the spring. He had her eyes and Sarek’s ears and both of them were in love, even if it was only Amanda who showed it outwardly. They had a family.
And that was all Amanda ever wanted.
“Mother, what does this mean?” Amanda and Sarek paused their discussion and turned around to see a four year old Spock clutching the datapad they were currently discussing, one from her last medical appointment. He had a slightly alarmed expression on his face, not having learned to block out all emotion, especially at home. “Are you ill?”
Amanda laughed gently. “Not at all, dear.” She sent a warning look to her husband before leaning down to be on Spock’s level, smiling kindly. “It means that you're going to be having a sister.”
Spock blinked.
“You are… with child?”
Amanda laughed again, because his father had said the exact same thing the hour before when she told him. Sometimes their similarities couldn’t be more apparent.
“Yes, Spock. Are you excited to have a baby sister?”
Spock blinked again as his face settled into one of deep contemplation. His parents looked on as his young mind tried to formulate what he was (or was not) feeling.
“As an older brother,” Spock glanced up hesitantly at his father. “What do I have to do?”
Sarek thought about the answer before answering his son with his usual seriousness. “Older kin have a duty to pass on any and all knowledge to their legacies. In doing so, you have a responsibility to this person - one to protect them. Do you understand?”
“I,” Spock faltered, his face scrunching up a little in his confusion. “I believe so.”
Amanda positively beamed at him before kissing his head. “You'll do brilliantly, Spock. Like you always do.”
Spock blushed green, but preened under his mother’s attention.
“Why do they make fun of me, Spock?” Spock closed his book with a snap.
“Who makes fun of you?”
“My classmates, the neighbors, practically everyone that I pass in the hall.”
Spock looked pensive for a moment before simply saying, “I see.” And returning to his book, trying to play it off as if it was a trivial matter. Darda knew him better than that.
“I don't need any help,” His sister was quick to deny, and continued before he could respond. “I just don't understand.”
Darda had this annoying tendency to try and understand everything. Despite the irrationality of this, Spock found affection for his little sister in her passion. But this was matter he found need to discourage her from, because of her almost naïve, kind hearted nature. So he gave her a rare smile, one that spoke of bitterness and affection, before telling her the honest truth.
“And you never will, ko-kai.”
Her face started to crumble so he inquired about her studies, which she could prattle on about for days. As her mood soared with each detail, Spock felt a glimmer of satisfaction in the back of his mind that he would not acknowledge. Like his father had told him to do, Spock was protecting his sister in the only way he knew how. Never mind that he had the same doubts and questions, he was able to help her forget, even if just for a moment.
Spock had come to the conclusion quite a long time ago that though he could logically understand other Vulcans’ disdain for them as half-breeds, he would never quite be able to grasp the why involved. But some mysteries are meant to remain unsolved, Spock reasoned as Darda started talking about her recent lessons in history, this must be one of them.
“How big do you think Starfleet is? Is it bigger than the Academy?”
“Guessing is not productive,” Spock remarked without inflection, scrolling through the book he was reading. “You possess a data pad. It is within your reach.”
“Guessing is a game, kaisu. It's not meant to be productive, it's meant to be fun.”
“Regardless, it ceases to be a game when you already know the answer.”
Darda had done well in her studies, advancing beyond what anyone on Vulcan had predicted for her. She bypassed the Academy in favor of a school that would better help her attain the qualifications needed for her chosen field. Darda wanted to be an architect of all things. Inspired by the history books of Earth and the current marvels of Vulcan, she was already rising through the ranks due to her unique insight. There were not a great many things in which her knowledge surpassed the men in her family, but she was determined that this would be one of them. Whenever a single building was mentioned in a conversation, Darda most likely knew the exact dimensions and structural problems from her research. Starfleet had been no exception.
“Did you know,” Darda began speculatively. “That the Golden Gate Bridge has only a small portion of its original self still intact? When they set out to preserve it, they found so many of the original materials outdated or dangerous that they couldn't rationalize building it the same way. The original portion in no way helps the structural integrity and is held aside from visitors.”
“I thought so.” They were both quiet for a moment, content in the silence before Spock glanced up from his book at the time and saw that he would need to leave now if he wanted to arrive home with enough time to check his bags before sleeping.
“I must leave to pack the rest of my belongings.” Spock started to collect his things and didn't see the heartbroken and slightly panicked expression on Darda’s face.
As Spock turned to leave, he heard her soft voice.
“I will miss you, you are aware.”
He turned back and allowed their eyes to meet, hers glassy and his a tad soft.
“I am.”
They both paused for a moment, the realization that this would be their last, real moment together a sobering one. He would be leaving Vulcan, leaving her the next day. Tomorrow would be spent around others and they would have to maintain the formalities expected of them, unable to give a last parting word without justifying the Council’s words. This was it for them, until they could meet again in the future. Due to their different life choices, that could be years.
Spock lifted his hand in the customary goodbye.
“Live long and prosper, ko-kai.”
Her lips wobbled into a smile as she raised her own hand.
“Live long and prosper.”
“You never loved her!”
Days after the dust had settled and hours after the most pressing meetings had been attended to, Spock sat in his room, a data pad on the table beside him and James Kirk’s words ringing in the air.
The doors slid open with a near silent whir, and Lieutenant Uhura stepped inside. She didn't say anything, just came and sat beside him. She saw the data pad lying on the table and wordlessly, Spock handed it to her.
Lieut- Nyota scrolled through the article.
“Did she build this?”
A nod.
She smiled, looking back down at the picture shown of a gorgeous cathedral. “It's beautiful.” She admitted. It was made to liken one of the older Roman cathedrals, but with better materials and a more practical layout. It was quite impressive, especially for her first project, not to mention -
“It's mediocre.”
Nyota started at his break from silence and his harsh words. She looked up at her love to explain. He didn't look at her but sighed as he stared off at some unseeing tragedy.
“She had so much more she wanted to do. Grand monuments, sprawling cities, ingenuous irrigation methods…” Spock trailed off before he spoke again, frustration coloring his words. “It's an insult that this was the only thing that came to pass. A waste.”
Nyota stared in disbelief at the irrational rational she had just been witness to. Spock was hurting, but his attempts to distance himself and by proxy belittle his sister’s life’s work enraged her. Instead of saying this, she was quiet for a moment before putting the pad in his lap, the picture of the church still enlarged.
“Can you really look at this and tell me that?” She pointed harshly at the work, hoping to draw Spock from his stupor. “From what you told me, she was dedicated but never did anything without truly meaning it. So logically, she couldn’t believe it to be a waste, otherwise it never would’ve been made. Your sister made this, Spock. Take time to appreciate it.”
She left him at that, to contemplate her simple words and hopefully find some closure. He did think about what she said, but he couldn't justify the beauty that was this church for the brilliance that was his sister. He had always held Darda in high esteem, sure of her as he was of anything. Darda was going to help so many in this universe, of that he had never a doubt.
But now she was gone and he just couldn't understand how this church could still stand with her absence.
Spock knew contacting his elder self wasn't a very thought out or pragmatic plan. But he wanted to know how Darda’s life would've played out without the destruction of Vulcan. Without the attack that he indirectly caused.
But when her name was brought into discussion, his alternate self could only stare in confusion.
It had never occurred to Spock that, in an alternate reality, his parents only miracle was him. In the original timeline, Amanda and Sarek never produced another child, but were quite happy with Spock as their only child together. Amanda died old, Sarek remarried, and the only ‘Darda’ Spock knew of was from Earth’s Bible.
The anniversary of his planet’s destruction was a rather somber affair. The captain had made arrangements for them to travel to New Vulcan, but a few violent Klingons delayed their trip.
So instead, they were having a small memorial on the ship. The mess hall had a shrine of sorts with pictures of loved ones messily taped on along with the new flag hung in the background.
Spock, having a year to think about it, put her cathedral there alongside a picture of his mother.
Kirk sidled up next to him.
“Who’s the church for?”
Kirk didn't mean it as an insult, but it smarted somewhat that hers wasn't a work so easily recognized. Instead of snapping with his newfound temper, Spock reflected on what the photo represented, especially to him.
“A remarkable woman.” Kirk looked at him in surprise, not expecting him to answer and unsure of the connection she could have with the Vulcan. “If you would excuse me, Captain.”
As Spock left, James realized that he hadn't really answered his question. But looking at the worn photo of a hauntingly beautiful cathedral hanging next to the pristine portrait of Spock’s mother, Kirk decided it was better not to ask.
Translations: ko-kai - sister kaisu - sibling
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pendragonfics · 7 years
Of the Expanse of Outer Space
Paring: Jim Kirk/Reader
Tags: female reader, cadets, Cadet Kirk, Starfleet Academy, fluff, slice of life, post Star Trek (2009), but set before Star Trek: Into Darkness. 
Summary: Laying in bed, Reader thinks over the times she has spent with Jim in Starfleet.
Requested by: nonny ♥️
Word Count: 1,989
Posting Date:  2017-06-15
Current Date: 2017-06-16
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On the weekends where there is no schoolwork to be done and all the exams are completed and you are left lying in the bed with your eyes fluttering open, heart beating softly, a sense of satisfaction flowing throughout, it is good. Feels even better when the space beside you in the bed is warm, and the body there belongs to the guy who you can’t believe fell in love with you. It’s not that you can’t believe he fell in love with you. More like that he’s with you, and has been for the last six months. Not that you’re not any good. It’s that he’s sort of nomadic, love-wise. But not lately. Turning in the sheets, you face the blond man, seeing how the sunlight falls onto his face through the curtains upon his face.
When you had first met, it had been a sunny, sunny day, and just your luck the air filters in the classrooms had broken down in the fan units, leaving the air conditioning rendered useless. It was just your luck, and sweating like some kind of barnyard animal and toting piles of files for your xenoanthropology classes, you didn’t really have the right mindset to be looking where you were going.
Also, just your luck, to not see over your files, and be knocked into by a guy who’d also not been looking where he was going. While your hair was stuck to your head and sweat compiling upon your lip, Jim Kirk looked like a sun god in the heat, his hair a halo of gold, smile apologetic yet handsome altogether. Everyone knew Kirk. Well, all the ladies, anyways; last semester, your roommate’s best friend had a fling, and wouldn’t shut up about the guy afterwards.
“I didn’t see you there, Miss –,” He frowned, almost realising then he didn’t know your name.
You shake your head, “It’s okay, Cadet Kirk. I didn’t either.”
Sometimes, Jim Kirk looked like an angel. You say sometimes, because you’re sure he’s got the devil in him; how else does he get into so much trouble, and look good doing it? Luck? Genetics? Your bloodline showed you descended from scientists who took their work too seriously, what did that make you then, a stuck-up knowledge-seeker who’d file for divorce and share the news on their child’s birthday? (True story. It’s not a thing child-you took lightly). Kirk was the son of the one and only George Kirk, captain of the USS Kelvin. You’d say Jim had a right to be nomadic.
He never really spoke of his family, and that was okay. You didn’t either, and it just left you both living in the present. Going out for drinks every so often with McCoy, having study sessions with Uhura, finding him asleep on the couch with reruns of Doctor Who still playing while he napped. You’d down the alcohol, and memorise the materials to study, and when Jim lost his place in the episodes of the ancient show, you’d rewind it for him on the holovid.
After helping pick up your files, he’d apologised, and gone off back to his running games with his pals. But after it, you couldn’t help but see him places, like it was Where’s Wally but with Captain Pike’s protégé recruit everywhere. The bars. The library. Your dorm-room block. Your roommate Tonita thought he was some kind of stalker. You shook your head, and said it was a coincidence. Starfleet Academy, however prestigious, was still large to its own limits. It wasn’t that you didn’t like running into him. He looked like there was something more to him than the famed womaniser who dreamed of captaining a starship.
But it’s three weeks later and he’s not on your mind when you look up halfway through your shift. Working at the medical clinic with McCoy is just to earn money, and keep up your accreditation of medical practice (who didn’t like a nurse-slash-studier of alien cultures?). But looking up, you see him. Jim is standing in the entrance, his hand wrapped up in a dish cloth. You also notice that his nose is coloured-in with bruising pigment, eyes watery. There’s a small cut under his eye, too.
If you were attending to a patient, you wouldn’t drop everything and walk over to see the guy, what, you barely knew him. But you’re sorting out bandages for Leonard, who’s too lazy to sort them out himself, and gesture for Jim to sit in the triage seat.
“Looks like a barfight, Cadet Kirk.” You raise an eyebrow, taking the dishtowel hand in yours, inspecting it. “Doesn’t look as bad as it could be.”
He snorted, and then winced. “You should see the other guy.”
You shook your head. “No thank you. Not a fan of conflict.” You sigh, and motion to the empty Medbay beds, “You’ve got glass in your hands. I can take it out, or I can have the doctor look at it.”
“I do not want the doctor.” Jim shakes his head. “Bones’ll only laugh at me.”
In his sleep, he mutters something, that sounds like punch it! or something. The pair of you were yet to go to space, but you knew inside you that he’d make a great part of a team when on board a space ship. And not just because of his genetics. At this, Jim turns, his head turning toward you, burying his fair face and hair into the space between shoulder and neck. He smells faintly of peppermint and motor oil, and your shampoo he borrows when staying in your dorm room.
It’s been ages since he’s been in his room, for a proper sleep. Always your bed, always your space. You wondered if he had a thing for not wanting to be alone. You didn’t mind. The evidence was nuzzling you, coming up through the layers of sleep. You wondered if his dreams were of the expanse of outer space, or perhaps of his own memories. People say that sometimes your dreams are from your past, but it wasn’t true for you. Your dreams were a vivid kaleidoscope of warmth, a jumble of faces you’d never seen before, events never to occur.
“________,” Jim breathes, his lips warm upon your skin.
It’s raining when he finds you. It has been eight months after you patched him up, and with only a year to go until graduation, you are sitting on a pile of good marks and barely any sleep. You heard a day too late that he had run away into outer space. In fact, all but your roommate’s best friend had been taken away to space to fight against the rouge Romulan Nero, leaving you planet-bound and mopey.
Perhaps it was because nobody had selected you for a ship. Perhaps it was because last you heard of Jim, he’d bedded the Orion cadet Gaila before running off into the stars to save the day (illegally, after cheating on the test). Perhaps you weren’t as detached as you’d tried to be from the guy, and the reason your heart felt like it did was because you felt…more for him. Damn it, you loved him, and stupid you hadn’t told him soon enough.
But it’s raining when he finds you. You’re sitting on the terrible carpet in front of your dorm room, locked out after losing your keys somewhere through the day. As the news came that the peace between the Romulans had been kept, and Nero defeated, your friends returning, you felt overjoyed. You could all graduate in one years’ time, and all could go back to normal. But hearing that James T. Kirk, a lowly undergrad upon entering The Enterprise had been promoted three tiers during the events, your heart sank. No way in the heavens would he, a captain, like you back when there were other fantastic people out there in Starfleet with more prestigious positions.
“Mind if I join?”
You look up, and see him there. He’s wearing the yellow shirt, too, and it makes him look like a million dollars. Damn him and his silly ways of winning over the council. Winning a war. You don’t respond. Jim sits, anyway.
“You didn’t get called in for the distress call on Vulcan?” He asks you. “I thought every cadet did.”
You shrug. “I was off-base. You’d just cheated on the test, and I was flown to D.C. for a research assignment. Or don’t you remember? Gaila sends her regards.” He sat there, silent, still. “Imagine being stuck on Earth when there was an important space battle going on. Sucked ass, Kirk.”
He frowned. “Why don’t you ever say my name? I mean, my first name?”
Your heart stutters at his voice. Damn him. Damn you. Why can’t you just be angry at him in peace? “I don’t?” you ask. You know the answer. You never call him Jim. Not to his face, anyways. In your family, a bloodline of scientists who took their work too seriously, first names were special. Not to be thrown around flippantly, kept in the heart of those who they loved. “Sorry, I guess.”
He shakes his head. “No, don’t be sorry, I was just wondering…are you mad at me? Uhura made it seem you were mad at me, but I don’t know why.”
You don’t know why either.
“I’ll call you Captain Kirk instead,” you joke. But thinking about it, everyone probably calls him that now, since that’s what he is. “If you like.”
He’s silent.
“I don’t know if you’re here because you’re saying goodbye,” you mutter, your voice above a sort of whisper. “Before you go off and make a life out in the stars.”
Jim shakes his head. “I wasn’t – goodbye?” You go to elaborate, but he’s too quick, “I was coming with a job offer. You’re highly recommended by Commander Spock, and Helmsman Sulu. ________, I…I missed you.” His eyes are so, so blue, and they’re looking through your soul. “Don’t tell me it’s just me.”
“It’s not just you,” you blurt out. “I –,”
“Stop playing possum, possum,” you tease him, moving yourself to your side of the bed. It might be a double mattress because Starfleet Academy are stingy on anything that isn’t in space, but it didn’t mean there weren’t sides to the bed. A smile graces his lips as those eyes flutter open, lips part, the breath returns to his lungs to resume wakefulness. “Good morning, Jim.”
He rubs his nose, scrunching his face, yawning. “How’d you know I was awake?”
You grin. “Magic.”
“Y’know, I didn’t want to disturb your thoughts. You look pretty today,” He moves his arms, one behind his neck, the other moving under the sheets to cradle you closer to his torso. “Were you thinking about your graduation today?” His lips connect with yours, halting you from answering his queries, and adds, “Or about today’s launch of the USS Enterprise?”
“To be honest, Jim…” you blink, “I completely forgot.”
He laughs, nuzzling into your side again. “It’ll be just you, me, the vast expanse of space…and eight hundred crew.”
“You sure know how to talk a girl up,” you chuckle, moving your arm so to hold your hand with his. “I was actually thinking of us. When we met. You know, stuff.”
“Not thinking of breaking up on me, doll?” Jim looks at you with an eye that reminds you of old earth tales of pirates, you’re not sure why. But, like always, he makes the quirk look good – almost insanely good on him.
You shake your head. “Not on the eve of her departure, captain.”
Jim bites his lip. “Did I ever tell you how you make my rank sexy, Lieutenant ________?”
“You did last night, I remember correctly,” you wink, stretching your limbs under the bedsheets. “Come on. Let’s boldly go where no one has gone before.”
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Red candle magick
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Posted by Michelle Gruben on Feb 28, 2019
Human beings, it seems, have an irresistible attraction to the colour red. Rubies are the most precious of all gems, wearing red has been shown to increase attractiveness in dating studies, and marketing experts tell us that red-hued ads get more clicks than any other colour. It should come as no surprise that red candles are among our best-sellers here at the Grove!
Most beginner Witches can tell you that a red candle is used for spells of power and passion. In our advanced candle magick series, we go deeper into the meaning of each candle colour to help you refine your candle choices.
What can you conjure up with a red candle? Here’s a big ole list of the red candle’s magickal uses:
To achieve fame or power
To attract a sexual partner
To ignite vitality in oneself
Drawing wealth and good luck
Increasing passion in a relationship
Root Chakra work/connecting with the physical body
Triumph over rivals in love or business
To get over a bad relationship or job
To return negative magick to its sender
To keep an enemy away
Increasing willpower and confidence
Invoking Fire gods/goddesses
To make a fresh start
Correspondences of Red
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Red belongs under the dominion of the warlike planet of Mars. In Mars, we find the energy and courage to seize what’s rightfully ours. Mars magick is aggressive, arguably self-centred, and fuelled by the pulse and throb of the physical body.
Red is the colour of danger and of rage. In many cultures around the world, red symbolises victory and martial power. Red evokes the spilled blood of the martyr or vanquished foe. Danger and disruption are signalled by the colour red in warning signs and desktop alerts.
However brutal that sounds, its wise to remember that Mars (and his Greek counterpart, Ares) is also a lover, not just a fighter. The physical prowess and charisma of Mars is enough to woo the most beautiful of the goddesses, Venus/Aphrodite. It’s not surprising then, that the colour red has a prominent place in sexual magick.
As the colour of the element of Fire, red expresses all the sharpest, quickest emotions. Lust and anger, but also pride and excitement. Red can be a powerful partner in a whole range of spell-work: Strong emotions and deeply-felt needs are at the heart of all successful magick.
Bold, sexy, and in charge, red finds its zodiacal match in the sign of Aries.  Because of red’s association with Fire and ego, a secondary planetary correspondence is the Sun.
Planets: Mars, the Sun
Deities: Ares/Mars, Seth, Sekhmet, Durga, Lakshmi, Hephaestus/Vulcan, Morrighan, Babalon
Zodiac Signs: Aries
Element: Fire
Chakra: Root
Tarot Card: The Tower
Variations of Red Candles
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True red is by far the most popular of the red spell candles. Red is such a primal hue that to mix it with any other colour feels like it dampens its impact.
Red-pink, ruby, or rosy red candles are occasionally used in love magick. These candles combine the sexual urgency of red with some of the sweetness and tenderness of the colour pink—a kind of compromise between love and lust.
Red-orange candles are suitable for spells of power, victory, and motivation. Fiery red combined with Airy yellow suggests success in business or creative ventures.
Berry red or burgundy candles contain mostly red with a hint of blue and/or brown. Choose these colours when you want the energy of your red candle spell to be tempered by wisdom and grounded in the element of Earth. Burgundy is an excellent choice for spells of manifestation, courage, loyalty, and earned success.
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Dual-colour or reversing candles are half-red, half-black. This type of candle is used for reversing negativity and undoing spells cast by another.  Commercially made reversing candles are available from metaphysical shops—but I’ve heard of resourceful Witches sawing off two pillar candle to make their own. Red candles are unscented but can be dressed with Reversing Oil before use.
The reversing candles we sell are black on top and red on the bottom—which is the proper way to construct a reversing candle. The black portion burns first, and neutralises/absorbs the curse or bad juju. The red portion burns second, and its function is to empower the magick worker to fight back and/or return the spell to its origin.
Red candle scents
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All of our spell candles are unscented. Wherever you shop for magickal supplies, you will usually find this to be the case. Most Witches prefer to add their own scented oil to suit the working, or to skip the scent entirely.
Still, there is nothing wrong with using scented candles for spell-work, if that’s your preference. Just remember that scents (just like colours) have their own meanings that work on your unconscious magickal mind. The sensory input can either amplify or weaken the energy of your spell.
Red candles are popular for holiday décor, and retailers trot out red candles every Yuletide season. The best of the holiday scents (for candle magick) is cinnamon. Cinnamon corresponds to Fire, Mars, passion, and protection magick—so it is a perfect match for most red candle spells. Other red candle scents in the holiday category include Christmas spice, cranberry, apple cider, and occasionally, peppermint.
Most people either love or hate holiday scents. If smelling them makes you feel like a sparkling sugarplum, then go for it! If you have emotional baggage around the holidays, though, don’t let Christmas spice anywhere near your red candle spell.
A second category of red candles scents is florals. Red rose, honeysuckle, hibiscus, and other red blooms make an appearance on the red candle aisle. Red flowers stand for attraction and seduction. Their sweet aromas are perfect for spells of romance, but less appropriate in spells of protection.
And then we have the food category: Cherry pie, candy apple, blood orange, strawberry, tropical punch. In general, foodie-scented candles are better for mundane use than for candle magick. However, if one of these fruity flavors is particularly appetising to you (or to your intended partner), why not try it for your next love spell?
Red candles for protection/power
As the colour of the warrior, red is an obvious choice for protection spells. Red emboldens and fortifies the spell-caster to stand up against any adversary. A human being’s automatic reaction to the colour red seems to be innate and cross-cultural. Studies have shown that just viewing the colour causes increased heart rate and breathing—physiological responses associated with both sexual arousal and anger. “Seeing red” is a real visual phenomena that some people experience while overtaken with rage.
Red is linked to the element of Fire, the fastest-acting and most overtly destructive of the four elements. It’s also—as we mentioned earlier—attributed to Mars, the planet of aggression and conflict. A burning red candle can be used to cast a powerful circle of protection and fight back against wrongdoers. Many protection spells combine red candles with other Martial ingredients: Iron nails or chilli peppers, for example.
Anger gets a bad rap in some spiritual communities, where everyone is supposed to be made of rainbows and white light. But to reject anger entirely is to leave a powerful magickal tool on the shelf. Warriors of bygone days understood that raw fury is a way to tap into special reserves of courage, agility, and strength—similar to what science now calls the fight-or-flight response. The magickal adept is never consumed by anger, but he or she knows how to manipulate anger to create a desired outcome.
Red candles for wealth and good fortune
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Red is considered an auspicious colour, especially in Asian countries. Brides in China, Japan, and India wear red on their wedding days. Holiday decorations often include red and gifts of money are given in red envelopes.
It’s not just an Eastern tradition to associate red with wealth and power. In the west, red garments signified majesty and authority as early as the Byzantine Empire. Rich red dyes (often sourced on the Asian continent) were a favourite status symbol of the merchant class in European cities.
By this logic of symbols, red candles are a fine choice for spells of good luck, success, and prosperity. Choose the most vibrant, saturated red candle you can find, pair it with a gold candle holder, and dress it richly with Frankincense or Dragon’s Blood oil.  
Red candles for love
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"Red candles for sex, pink candles for love." It seems corny, but there is some truth in this old folk magick adage.
I love red lipstick. When I was working as a chef, I’d wear it every day, because the bright kitchen lights and white jackets washed out my complexion and made me look like a ghost. And as a novice manager, I noticed that people paid more attention when I was talking if my lips were red.
Anyway, I had been at a new job for just a few weeks when an older lady, a dishwasher from South America, brought me a gift: A tube of pink lipstick. She explained that red wasn’t a flattering colour on me—and later, when pressed, that red wouldn’t help me meet “the good kind” of men.
I tell this story because it’s a perfect illustration of the sexual power of the colour red. Red has the ability to alert, unnerve, arouse, and intensify. Prostitutes once wore red to advertise their profession, and many cities around the world have red-light districts. Red evokes human sexual responses: Engorged genitals, flushed skin. Many people have a sense that red is just not proper. Pink is offered as a substitute—it’s the same thing, only toned down a notch with pure, spiritual white.
Some people are looking for a lifelong love affair…other people want to get laid without commitments or attachments. No judgement here! Just keep in mind that candle magick gurus usually reserve red candles for the “extra spicy” type of love-drawing spell. I should note here that some people have ethical objections to love spells…but red candle magick is not for the timid.
Red candles for new beginnings
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Do you have a bad relationship or crappy job you’d like to leave in the past? Need inspiration to start a project or kick a bad habit? Does it just feel like its time for a clean start? A “new beginnings” spell might be just the thing to drum up some fresh energy to get your life moving again.
Most of the time, I recommend white candles for this sort of magick. But don’t forget about red—an inspiring, high-energy hue that’s also, as we’ve mentioned, the colour of elemental Fire.
Evoking Fire invites rapid transformation into any spell-working. Fire is aligned with life-force energy, the source of all creative endeavours. Fire creates as it destroys, it provides as it consumes. It’s the perfect helper for forging new pathways—especially when there’s some old crap you need to burn up first.
Red is also associated with the Root Chakra, and so carries a practical, back-to-basics vibe that’s useful for starting new projects on a firm foundation. Contemplating the Root Chakra puts you back in touch with what really matters most to an incarnate creature: Your safety and your body’s happiness. When you meditate or do yoga, you start by grounding and awakening the Root Chakra.
Why? When the lower chakras aren’t whirring along, the upper ones quickly get out of balance. It’s hard to accomplish anything if you don’t start from a strong position, with a sense of possibility and well-being.
Herbs and oils for red candle spells
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Combining your candle-burning spell with the appropriate herbs and oils can amplify the working by engaging even more of your senses. Typically, the candle is anointed (or “dressed”) with a matching oil prior to being lit for the ritual. Herbs can be sprinkled over the top of a burning candle or laid around the base. Whether you like to work with fresh/dried herbs or distilled oils, here’s a few herbal suggestions to amp up your red candle spells.
Spiritual protection: Cinnamon
Power: Dragon’s Blood
Banishing/revenge: Chilli pepper
Love: Rose
Willpower: Lemon or Orange
Wealth: Frankincense
Gemstones for red candle spells
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Red candles can be used alongside these stones in ritual:
Red Jasper
Rose Quartz
Tiger’s Eye (red or gold)
Now that you know a bit more the magickal energy of red candles, you can easily craft your own candle spells for love, wealth, power, and protection. Here’s a few examples of red candle spells to get you started!
Celtic Love Spell
String six horse chestnuts on a red cord, with three knots between each one. When the moon is full, burn a red candle and say (thrice)
O Diana, goddess of love and of the hunt,
I pray to thee!
I pray these knots will tie up the heart of [X].
May she neither rest nor sleep
Until she sleeps with me!
Until she submits to my will, my love.
O Diana, bring about our love, and bless it!
Then throw the charm into a blazing fire. She will come to you, one book assures, “before the embers grow cold!” – Leonard R. N. Ashley, The Complete Book of Spells, Curses, and Magical Recipes
To Increase Willpower and Finish Projects
You will just need a red candle, a tablespoon of almond oil, three drops of lemon oil and it must be full moon. You must go outside under the full moon and so combine almond oil and lemon oil. Anoint it into your wrists, inhale the scent and so concentrate on the energy that the smell could give. Light the red candle, close your eyes, and repeat this chant five times: “Fiery candle, bloody red, clear the slowness from my head. Mother moon of glowing light, give me fierceness through the night.” – Dayanara Blue Star, Magic Candle Spells: Guide to Witchcraft  
To Stop A Couple from Arguing
When two lovers are quarrelling it is best to etch both names into the side of a PINK or RED CANDLE, and coat it with Honey. Burn the candle on a Friday evening to increase love and soothe the quarrelling couple. – Kyle Brandon Leite, Firewolf’s Simple Spells for a Happy Home
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trade-baby-blues · 7 years
For Now, Forever, For Always
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Pairing: Jim x Reader
Word Count: 1646
Warnings: A little angst. Mostly fun banter and fluff
A/N: To the anon who requested the Bones angst and the anon that requested a sequel to Seeing Double, I promise I’m working on both of those!!! I haven’t forgotten about you guys and they’ll both be coming up soon. Also look who made a fancy header image for this fic instead of doing homework B) 
If there was one thing you prided yourself on, it was your ability to give the perfect gift, moving people to tears with your thoughtfulness on more than one occasion. Even Spock got misty-eyed when you gave him a handmade terrarium replica of Old Vulcan with his mother's initials engraved on the bottom. The one person you could never figure out, though, was James Tiberius Kirk.
You thought he’d be the easiest, settling for an antique remote-controlled motorcycle he could drive around the bridge. You were almost shaking with excitement when you gave it to him for Christmas but two years had passed and it had yet to leave the shelf in his quarters. You switched up your game for his birthday, opting for a classier holoframe that displayed pictures you’d collected over your time on the Enterprise. His eyes lit up when you gave it to him, but three months later when he finally invited you to his quarters for dinner for the first time, you noticed the batteries had died and he hadn't replaced them.
“I just don't get him, Bones,” you said, letting your hands drop on top of your stomach. You stared furiously at the ceiling from Bones’ couch. “No matter what I get, he just doesn't seem to like it.”
Bones didn’t even look up from his paperwork.“You know he doesn't like to celebrate birthdays on account of his old man biting the dust the same day.”
“God, tell me you don't say that to him.” You sighed again, swinging your legs over the edge of the couch. “His birthday’s in two months and I still don't have anything for him. What if it's not the gifts? What if he just isn't into me?”
Bones leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose, grumbling under his breath. “I've never seen anyone as in love as Jim is with you, and I was married once. Buy a nice lingerie set and give him the best damn sex of his life or something. Now, would you please get out of my office so I can finish this damn paperwork before we go on leave?”
The next few days passed in the blink of an eye, and soon you were touching down in Risa for a week long shore leave while the Enterprise was restocked and repaired. You hit the shopping center with Uhura the first day, still set on finding the perfect gift for Jim. When nothing caught your eye, you took Bones’ advice and settled for some lingerie.
Jim was already asleep by the time you got back, and you couldn’t help but smile at his gentle snores. He worked so damn hard on the ship all the time - not a single casualty in years. What other captain in the fleet could say that? He was so dedicated to his crew and his ship, and all you wanted to do was remind him that everyone on the crew felt the same but you couldn't figure out how.
You put your shopping bags down as quietly as you could, slipping your shoes off and sliding into bed next to Jim. You pressed a kiss to his cheek, and Jim rolled towards you in his sleep, throwing an arm around your hips and pulling you against him. You smiled softly as you buried your face in the crook of his neck, letting sleep take you.
Jim woke up with a smile on his face for the first time in far too long. “Morning, beautiful,” he said, tilting his head up to kiss you but tasting only the cotton sheets. He cracked his eyes open, a wave of panic shooting through him. He practically shot up in the bed, searching the room frantically. The movement caught your eye, and you noted the panic on Jim’s face before he caught sight of you. He smiled but his shoulders didn't unwind, and something finally clicked into place for you. “Morning, gorgeous,” you called. You hopped up onto the counter, giving Jim a full view of you in his dress shirt and the lingerie you bought yesterday.
Jim laid still on the bed, drinking you in. Slowly, he made his way over to you, running one hand through your hair and putting the other on your waist. His kiss was feather-light.
That's one thing that surprised you about Jim. You knew his reputation in the academy. A different girl every night, always hot and heavy. You expected him to be the same now, but every touch was fleeting, as if you were made of glass. You didn't mind, really, but sometimes you wished he’d let his walls down around you and let instinct take over.
“You're so beautiful,” he mumbled against your collarbone, nipping your skin and hugging you tightly to him. You could feel Jim’s chest rise and fall with yours, sunlight bathing both of you and making his hair look like spun gold. You ran your fingers through it softly. You could've died right then and there and been happy.
Shore leave passed in a blink and the next two months seemed to go even faster until the day before Jim’s birthday finally rolled around and you were practically bursting at the seams. You’d arranged with Spock to clear Jim’s schedule for the day, so you sat waiting, legs crossed, on top of the bed.
“You waiting for something, doll,” Jim asked, catching sight of you as the door slid open. You patted the bed beside you, motioning for him to come sit. Jim rolled his eyes but walked towards the bed, leaning down to kiss you.
“Not yet,” you said, pushing Jim down roughly. He only laughed and pulled you down with him. You would've fought harder if his lips weren't so damn soft. “Jimmy,” you whined, “I gotta give you your present.” You reached over Jim to pull open the bedside drawer, revealing a small box.
“You know I don’t need presents on my birthday. Dinner with you is more than enough.”
“That’ll come later, don’t worry. For now, shut up and open the box.”
“You can’t tell me to shut up on my birthday.” Still, he sat up, crossing his legs and leaning over the box.
“Good thing it’s not technically your birthday yet, then, Jimmy.”
He watched you carefully, smile still tugging up his cheeks. He pulled the ribbon off extra slow to tease you and you groaned loudly. You pressed the back of your hand to your forehead. “James...Jim...I think….I think I see the light. I think this is the end of the road for me. I’m not long for this world…..Goodbye…..Jimbles…..” You flopped dramatically onto your back, struggling not to smile at the howl of Jim’s laughter. You cracked an eye open and saw him clutching his ribs. You snapped your eyes shut again, playing dead, when Jim looked at you again.
“All right already I get it. I’m opening it. Now, get up here.” Satisfied, you crawled up to the headboard to cuddle up next to Jim. Finally, he pried the lid of the box and took out the book inside.
It was a simple leather-bound journal that you’d etched Jim’s initials into. Jim turned the book over in his hands, admiring it as he always did with old books. He opened the cover, expecting blank pages but glued inside was a picture of you kissing him on the cheek captioned, “For J. Know that you’re always loved.”
Jim sucked in a breath beside you, and your eyes darted up to his face. His eyes were glassy, but the ghost of a smile was still pulling at the corners of his mouth as he flipped through the book. Every page belonged to a different crew member, each recounting their favorite adventure or memory with the captain. Behind the yearbook-style signoffs was a collection of pictures of Jim’s father that you got from his mother, along with a letter she wrote for Jim about how proud she was to call him her son, how proud his father would have been.
Jim took in a shaky breath as he finished the letter, and you dropped your lips to his shoulder, kissing him through his shirt. He kept turned the next page, and you watched him thumb through your section of the book. It was filled with doodles, song lyrics, and pictures of the two of you on shore leave. Finally, he got to a page that was blank except for three words: I’m yours, always. Jim traced the words with his finger before following the arrow you drew to the next page, two words: Be mine? You buried your head in Jim’s neck, heart racing, not wanting to see his reaction when he turned the next page. His shoulders rose as he sucked in a sharp breath.
A ring sat taped to the top of the page with a checklist underneath: For Now, Forever, For Always. Jim didn’t move, didn’t breathe, and you lifted your head to look at him. He stared at the ring like it would jump off the page at him, but he didn’t speak.
You started to get worried, pulling away from him. “You don’t have to say yes right now,” you started, barely above a whisper. “I’m in this for the long-haul. I’ll stick around as long as you’ll have me. I swear I would never leave you.”
Jim let the book fall closed in his lap as he turned to face you, slamming his lips down against yours. You hooked your arm tighter around his neck, tugging gently on his hair. He broke the kiss as a sob hit him hard, and you pulled him closer to you, tears threatening to spill from your eyes too. “Thank you,” Jim whispered into your shoulder. “Thank you.”
Tags:  @outside-the-government @martinawalker @thevalesofanduin @goingknowherewastaken @yourtropegirl @trekken81 @feelmyroarrrr @yukki-art @atari-writes  @the-witching-hours12-3
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honeypirate · 3 years
Figure it Out part five
Hinawa x fem reader
The one where stuff happens and the mission isn’t canon I’m just excited to finish the next part where reader is alone for a week lol
this one is longer and more fluffy
Warning- swears.
You groan and hold your throbbing side gingerly, you change into your jumpsuit and tie the sleeves around your waist, leaving on Hinawa’s shirt. you grab one of your pills and your water and slip out the door, following behind the others.
“I like your shirt” he says, voice quiet so only you hear it as he appears behind you. He must have left his room shortly after the time you left yours. you smile and look down, your cheeks flushing “thank you, I think it looks good on me. It belongs to a very amazing man I know.” you say quietly back, your heart fluttering at his chuckle. “I’m sure he enjoys seeing you in it very much” you don’t know when he got so bold, was it because of this morning in bed? You weren't complaining tho, it felt nice to flirt with him a little more obviously.
“Well, he’s my best friend, so if he likes seeing me in his clothes he should tell me.” you whisper back and send a smile over your shoulder as you reach the right door, he opens it for you and you smile in thanks, as you walk past him he leans in to your ear and whispers “I love it” you grin, your cheeks flushing again and your arms getting goosebumps. You sit down at the table and he makes his way over to Obi, who’s pretending like he didn’t see your interaction and trying to pretend like it didn’t make him happy. He was scribbling notes about it to tell everyone later (you guys are like the romance soap opera of the company everyone’s watching and waiting)
You take your pill and set your water on the table, when you look up to Hinawa it’s then you know the mission is big. His face looks grim. You frown and your eyebrows furrow as you wait for the meeting to start.
The mission is in the Chinese peninsula. And you’re not invited. You sigh, you would be invited but since you can’t go because you’re injured, you’re on house sitting duty. You make a mental note to write a letter to your grandma for them to deliver. The seventh, you were told, would be around to help if any infernals come along.
The rest of your day passed slowly, everyone else had things to do to prepare but you couldn’t do anything in your condition. You do some paperwork and write your letters before deciding to just stay out of the way, grabbing a book from your room you head to the roof to at least enjoy the sunshine.
You sit on the roof with your back against the wall, your legs crossed, the warm sun on your face warming the coldness you felt in your soul.
You read your book until the sun began to set, but when you tried to get up, the strain made your wound hurt and pulled at your stitches. You winced as you kept trying, maybe if you could get your knees under you, but everything you tried pulled it and made you whine. When you ultimately gave up, you were panting from the pain and you still didn’t know if you could get up by yourself.
You huffed and tried to think of a plan, do you just wait for someone to find you? Should you try to get someone’s attention? Call for help? You sighed with relief when the door opened
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you” Hinawa said as he came over to where you were sitting, he watched as the panic in your eyes gave way to relief as you looked up at him “do you wanna sit with me for a moment?” You ask with a smile and he nods, when he settles in beside you his hand reaches out to rest against your thigh and you lace your fingers through his, laying your head on his shoulder.
“Sorry if I worried you.” you say and he chuckles softly, relishing the feel of your cheeks warmed from the sun against his shoulder, he squeezes your hand before bringing it to his lips “I’m glad you’re okay” he says as he kisses your knuckles. your cheeks flushed and you chuckled softly “I don’t know if I’m that okay...I can’t get up now, it pulls my stitches” he sighs softly, not in annoyance just a soft sound conveying how grateful he was to find you so you didn’t hurt yourself. He doesn’t say anything, just turns to kiss your head.
“You leave in the morning?” You ask, your voice quiet. “Yes” he says, and his grip on your hand tightens slightly “will you stay with me again tonight?” You ask, your voice barely above a whisper, afraid that if you asked any louder it would give away how worried you were that he’d say....
“No” he said and you lifted your head and tensed for a moment before he turned his head towards you with a chuckle “we’re staying in my bigger bed, remember?” You gasp and laugh raising your other hand and slapping his chest lightly as he laughs, reaching up with his other hand to cup your cheek.
“So we’ll stay together tonight?” You ask, he could see the worry in your eyes and he leaned down, pressing his forehead to yours “stay with me tonight.” he says and your cheeks flush, your heart fluttering against your ribs. Your hand moves from his chest to rest against the back of his neck, your fingers playing with the ends of his hair.
He sighs, a soft comforting sound, before pulling back to look at you again, smiling at the sight. Your pupils were slightly dilated and you had the softest of smiles, it made his heart squeeze to see the blush on your beautiful cheeks. He smiles, a soft pleased chuckle falling from his lips before he’s leaning down to bring his lips a breadth away from yours, you suck in a slow gasp your hand moving to cup his cheek, your thumb brushing across his skin as you close the distances, your lips brushing his just slightly before pulling back, your heart rising in your chest as it races. “There you guys are!” Maki says from the doorway and you’re both scrambling away from each other.
You groan, your hand moving to hold your side as you wince, your eyes closing as you breathe through your teeth. “Obi’s called another meeting” she says and then she’s gone again, feeling uncomfortable about catching you guys basically kissing. “Guess we should go” you say, your voice strained and eyes screwed shut as you wait for the pain to subside. This line, the line that you have been dancing around for days, the unspoken feelings that were obvious to everyone, would have to wait. Again.
He stands and crouches next to you, gently moving your hand to see the wet patch of blood seeping through the dark shirt. Your eyes pop open and meet his as you raise a blood smeared finger at him “this isn’t because I laughed so you have to keep your promise still” he chuckles “let’s go” he says, kicking himself for being part of the reason you were bleeding again and easily lifts you to his arms, your hands moving to wrap around his neck to keep you stable.
He doesn’t set you down on your feet like you expect, he instead keeps you in his arms as he opens the door, carrying you down to his room instead of to the meeting. He sets you down on the edge of his bed and gestures to your shirt as he grabs the first aid kit and another one of his shirts, laying them both beside you on the bed.
You move your hand up to hold your neck, just so your arm could be out of the way as he cleaned you up and rebandaged you. “Hey what’s that?” You ask, your voice quiet. “What?” His eyes look to you before following your eyes to the corner of his room, landing on a brand new guitar. “Oh. That was your surprise that I forgot to give you since we were in the hospital” you gasp “you got me a guitar?” You whisper and finishes placing the tape on the bandage before pulling back and looking in your eyes “I wanted to hear you play it” you smile and cup his cheek “so it’s just purely selfish reasons why you got me a gift?” You tease and he chuckles, his fingers resting softly on your side under your bandage. “My selfish desperation to make you smile” he whispers, worry and hope both fighting in his eyes.
He pulls back to shake out his folded shirt, holding it up for you to slip your arms into. You blush and look down and as you allow him to help you dress again, feeling safe and taken care of. “Thank you” you whisper as he finishes pulling it down, you look up into his eyes and hope he sees exactly what youre feeling. Safe, comforted, cared for, loved. Hope he saw how truly grateful you were to have him taking care of you. How much you wanted to kiss him properly. He tucks your hair behind your ear with a single nod, “you’re welcome. We should get to the meeting” you take his waiting hand and stand “can’t make the lieutenant be late” you say with a laugh and he sighs softly with a smile. He was terrified of how good you make him feel, but he couldn’t help but run headfirst towards that.
“Okay. So let’s go over the plan again. everyone excluding Hinawa, Y/n because her injury, and me, are heading to the Chinese peninsula in the morning. Hinawa and I will be leaving shortly after to stay in the First to complete our mission on finding more out about Amaterasu. We will all come back here in a week. While we’re gone,Y/n, you’re in charge here. Vulcan will walk you through the surveillance equipment and alarm systems. I will have coms on us where you can reach us if it’s an emergency or if there are any infernals.If there are any infernals call the seventh they are prepared to help. If anything else happens you call the coms we have and Hinawa and I will come running ” you nod and swallow, not looking forward to having a week alone in this giant place, but you had no other choice. You nod at him and he goes through more details that you tuned out, chewing your lip as you sit there worrying. Hinawa watching you from the corner of his eyes, seeing the load of worry on your face made acid rise to the back of his throat since he couldn’t comfort you here. His hands on his lap pick at his cuticles as he participates in the meeting.
You exit the meeting first, slowly making your way down to your bedroom, your side throbbing has become worse as your medication wears off. Hinawa watches you leave but he was to do a few more things before he has to make dinner so he couldn’t follow.
You sit on the edge of your bed and sigh softly as you stare at the edge of your water glass, a drop slowly making its way back to the bottom after your drink, the pill still slowly sliding your throat and sticking. You take a another drink
“Hey can I talk to you?” Maki says as she knocks against your open door. You look up and smile, forcing your worry back. “of course. Come in” you say and she nods nervously and sits across from you at your desk chair. “What’s up?” You ask and she sighs, looking at the floor by your feet as her words come out rushed “I’m sorry for ruining your moment with the Lieutenant on the roof I feel so bad” you let out a few shocked laughs and she looks at you with raised eyebrows “Don’t worry about it Maki! Seriously.” You smile and she relaxes a little, letting out a breath. “Plus, I don’t even know if we know what’s happening yet. It’s new. But uhh.. have you told anyone else?” She shakes her head “no I haven’t” (she has. She’s told everyone. You’re the news in the company) you laugh “good. I just. It could turn out to be nothing at all. So I’d appreciate if it stayed between us for now. Maybe I could talk to you again when you get back? I could use a good girls night. We should do that when you all get back!” You reach out and pat her knee as she beams excitedly “of course totally... And yes that would be so fun! I’ll let the other girls know!”
A knock to your door frame makes you look over and you smile when you see him “Do you think you help me in the kitchen for a moment y/n?” Hinawa asks and you nod “of course. I’ll be right there.” He nods and waits in the hall as you say goodbye to Maki.
“Are you okay?” He asks once you’re by his side, Maki going in the other direction. “I’ll be okay” you say and he reaches over, taking your hand and placing it on the inside of his bicep as you walk together. A small act that warmed your heart and comforted you, making your cheeks flush. “Are you okay?” You ask back, looking up at him with a small smile as he holds the kitchen door open for you. “I’m always okay with you by my side” he whispers into your ear as you pass and it sends goosebumps down your neck. “Cheesy” you say with a laugh as he grabs the aprons. Placing one on himself before putting an apron around your head, leaning close as he reaches under your arms to gently tie the strings behind you. “But seriously” you say, placing your hand on his chest.
He places his hand on yours and smiles softly with a sigh “I worry more about you” he says softly and you blush “I promise I’ll be okay” you whisper with a smile and he kisses your forehead before turning towards the ingredients he has laid out already. “Consider this the Princess giving the Prince a week off of worrying about her” you say with a chuckle as you begin to cut up vegetables.
He coughs once as he feels his face flush, he almost forgot about the story he told you. He’s glad you’re not looking at the way he knows his face is red. “I don’t think that’s possible for this Prince” he whispers after a moment and you laugh softly before leaning over and kissing his shoulder on the seam of his t-shirt.
You don’t talk for the rest of the cooking, you both knew you just wanted to be close to each other before you’d be apart. Neither of you could admit that yet though, not confident in the new feelings, not ready to cross that line fully, especially now that you have to be apart for a week.
You hummed for the most part, different songs you could think of, melodies that brought Hinawa a sense of calm as he cooked beside you. If he closed his eyes he could see the years that you might have together, and that terrified the hell out of him.
Dinner was filled with laughter and conversation like always. Your little found family always makes your heart warm. You soaked in as much as you could, holding on to it all so you didn’t get too lonely while you were alone for the coming week.
You shower that night, gingerly washing your wound and letting the warm water soothe you. You put on some cotton black shorts and slowly slipped on a black sports bra that zips up the front before leaving the bathroom and knocking on Hinawa’s door. “Come in” he says and you pop your head through, your towel around your hair wobbling a little “can you bandage me up?” You ask and he laughs before standing from his desk, his bag that he was packing half packed with more contents around it. “Of course”
You sit on his bed again, reaching up to unwrap your hair as he comes over with the stuff. you hold up your arm again and he quickly patches you up “you’re so gentle with me” you whisper as he covers you with a bandage. His hands pause for a moment, his cheeks flushing as he pulls back into a crouch to look into your eyes “always” he whispers then tucks your damp hair behind your ear.
“Do you want a shirt?” He asks and you blush and reach out, placing a hand on his chest, looking at your fingertips as they trace the neckline “can I … have this one?” You whisper, your heart beat hammering so loud you’re sure it’s audible to even him. He chuckles softly and goes to stand but you follow him, standing in front of him you place your hands on his waist, your thumbs reaching under his hem as your palms rest against his belt. You search his eyes to see if he objects to you taking his shirt off but you find none, he smiles, his cheeks dusting pink, and nods.
Your fingers slide softly up his sides, sending goosebumps across his chest and back, as you push his shirt up. You bite your lip as his chest and stomach become bare, a soft sigh passing your lips as you pull the shirt softly over his head.
He takes his shirt from your hands and places it over your head, helping you slip it over your arms, his hands stopping and squeezing gently on your hips. You lean forward and place your hands on his chest, leaning your cheek on his shoulder as he wraps his arms around you.
“Can I … can I sleep in your bed while you’re gone?” You ask and he chuckles against you “I wish you would” he says and kisses the top of your head. You turn your head and place your lips softly against his skin over his heart. Your arms wrap around his waist under his arms as you hold him as close as you can get him, hoping he can feel how much you don’t want to be alone this next week.
You bury your face in his neck and it smells like hint of sweat and his cologne, smelled ultimately like Hinawa to you and you loved it. You took a deep breath and sighed against him. “I should shower. I probably smell” he mumbles against you and you chuckle “no. You don’t. But you should because it’s getting late.” You pull back and cup his cheek for a moment, smiling at the blush that touched his cheeks. He cups your cheek for a moment, his thumb brushing across your bottom lip slowly and gently, making your heart flutter before he drops his hand “I’ll be right back” he says and you nod, moving over to place your towel across the back of his chair as he moves to grab clean clothes.
“You know” Obi says as Hinawa walks into the bathroom “we could just take her with us” Hinawa sighs “we could, but objectively we need someone here” nothing else was said about that or about the fact that Hinawa didn’t deny he was worried about you, or that Obi could tell he cares for you.
Hinawas bed had tan sheets and a black comforter, it was soft and warm and when you crawled into it you sighed in relief at how nice it was. It was a million times more comfortable than your bed. You almost stayed under the covers but you remembered your surprise and you popped back up, ignoring the slight stabbing of pain in your side as you snatch it up and drop down to sit cross legged on the floor.
The strings felt familiar in your hands and the chords came back to your memory easily. Slowly picking out the song you used to play over and over when you were first learning. You hum through the first line as you try to remember the words. Stopping and restarting strumming when you remember them “Could've been one lonely night. Just like the others. But you lit up my life. This is what it's like to be lovers” He smiles outside of his door, the sound of guitar strings being plucked and you soft voice reaching his ears before he even opens the door.
“You and me need never be lonely again Spin with me endlessly or at least until the end Please never fall in love again Oh, please never fall in love again”When he opens his door he smiles at the sigh of you sitting in his room playing a soft song with a sweet smile. You stopped playing and looked up at him when he walked in “are you ready for bed?” You ask and he nods “you play and sing beautifully. I hope you’ll play for me when I get back” you blush and place a hand on your cheek shyly “of course” he takes the guitar from your hands and places it back on its stand before gently scooping you up into his arms as you laugh “sorry I forgot I shouldn’t sit in the ground” you whisper and he smiles “I don’t mind”
He places you in his bed and then crawls in behind you, pulling the blankets up to your shoulders as he claps his hands gently, his lamp turning off.
You wait for a moment, then burst into laughter, trying so hard to stop as your hand reaches over to cup your side as your whole body tensed to try and not die in the pain that’s shooting across your ribs but the pain and groans don’t stop the laughter
When you calm down you reach behind you to him and cup his cheek “you have a clapper?!” You say with a small chuckle “you’re a grandpa” he puts on a fake scowl but his blushing cheeks and the way his hand reaches to rest against your hip tells him a different story. “It’s efficient” is all he says as he moves his body to be pressed up against you, his head down by your shoulder. “Also. That was strike two” he whispers and kisses the side of your neck, sighing into you.
Your top foot moves back to rest between his calves, your hand moving to brush against his hand on your hip. His fingers start to draw small patterns against your skin, moving underneath your shirt. You sigh reaching up to cup his cheek and he moves his head closer, your fingers playing with his hair. “Hinawa” you whisper, “I wanna see you” he chuckles softly, brushing his lips softly across your neck before he moves gently, easily crawling over you and bringing the blankets up again before you pull yourself into his chest, wrapping one of your legs over his thigh as he moves his thigh between yours. “Yes” you whisper as you reach up, cupping his cheeks and his hand wraps around to rest against your back. “We should sleep” you mumble as you look into his eyes. “Yes” he agrees but doesn’t close his eyes, just starts tracing patterns against your back.
“Hinawa” you whisper and he hums in response. The feeling in your heart is heavy, but you can’t seem to find the right words. You love him. But your mouth can’t seem to form the syllables. You lean forward, your nose brushing against his and he sighs, the smell of minty mouthwash filling the air as your hand buries in the hair at the nape of his neck. You lean as far forward as you can, your lips almost touching as you look into his eyes, watching to see if he will kiss you or shut you down.
His hand moves up to cup your cheek and you whimper softly, a sound he barely heard but once he did he was smashing his lips to yours.
His hand moves to bury in your hair as he presses his lips to yours hungrily, a soft moan escaping when he licks your bottom lip. You melt into him as he holds your head gently, his thumb softly moving back and forth as his tongue slowly massages yours. He grunts softly when you bite his bottom lip, your hand moving to grip his shoulder as he sucks on your tongue gently before biting your lip and pulling back before pressing his lips against yours again again and again chucking when your tongue fights against his, wrapping around his as you sucked softly, your thighs tightening around his thigh making him moan softly against your mouth. This line, the line that you have been dancing around for days, the unspoken feelings that were obvious to everyone. God it feels so good to finally be across that line.
Your kisses were both desperate and needy, when you pulled away he pressed his forehead against yours, both panting with your eyes closed. Your hand had rested against his neck, your other had been pressed against his chest this whole time. His hand was under your shirt, flat against your back and drawing small patterns against your skin.
His hand slides down your spine and you clench your legs together, a soft whimper leaving your lips making him chuckle. “We should go to sleep, have to get up early” he says, so serious you pull back and search his eyes for a moment, the small teasing smirk on his lips as he looks at your shocked expression and you laugh, rolling your eyes “alright alright, if you want to ruin the moment” You say trying to scooch away but he laughs, holding you close to him. “I don’t want to ruin the moment. Not at all. But you need to heal up. I don’t want to hurt you” he whispers and you still in his arms. “You’re so responsible” you whisper in a teasing tone against his chest and he laughs “I L-“ he stops, the words getting caught in his throat. He almost said it. Almost just told you he loved you. And it felt so easy. So simple. So perfect and right. You pulled back and looked up into his shocked eyes “are you okay?” You ask and brush your fingers against his cheek. “Yeah I’m fine. Sorry. I don’t know what I was saying.” You lean up, softly pressing your lips to his for a moment before sighing and cuddling in to him. “It’s okay” you whisper as you reach up, holding the back of his head as you play with his hair. It was such a small act that brought him so much comfort he never even realized he could experience. His eyes burned with tears as he cradled you close to him. He should just tell you. But he can’t make his mouth say the words.
“Is it stupid that I’m going to miss you?” You whisper and he chuckles “no. No it’s not” he says and sighs “I promise, I’m going to miss you” he whispered back and you held him a little tighter “good. That makes me happy” he laughs and yawns “you make me happy” he says, the honest truth. As close to confessing as he can bring himself in this moment. You kiss his neck “you make me happy” you whisper as you moved his shirt, sucking on his collarbone and biting a little. Leaving a little mark you hoped would last him a week, hoped it would remind him of you. “So you don't forget me” you whisper with a soft half laugh, your side still hurting from laughing at his clapper. He laughs and scoots down, nuzzling his face into your neck making you laugh with how it tickles before you slowly melt into a moan as he sucks a spot against your neck.
He kisses the tingling skin then kisses your cheek “I won’t forget you, kitten. It’s only a week” you grip his shoulder and then cup his cheek, pulling his face up so you could kiss him, hoping he felt the love you want to give him.
The sound of his alarm woke you and you groaned. “I take this as a physical attack” you say and he laughs, pressing the button and ending the beeping. He turns and kisses your lips softly, just a good morning peck because he couldn’t think of anything more normal. You sigh and hold him for a moment “you’ll be safe?” You whisper and he laughs softly “of course” you nod “good” he turns his face into your neck “you’ll be okay?” He asks and you chuckle, trying not to sound worried as you say “of course. I’m tough remember?” he laughs and pulls back, brushing your noses together.
He claps and his lamp turns on, making you chuckle again at the look he gives you, ignoring the pain you feel. He gets up and puts everything left on the desk in the bag and zips it up before grabbing his clothes. He turns to you “close your eyes” he smirks and you chuckle before groaning and covering your eyes with your hand. “No peeking” he adds with a chuckle and you laugh “awww” you tease and he laughs “okay fine. I guess you can peek” he says and you move your fingers, opening one eye and making eye contact through the gap as he pulls up his pants all the way, his biceps twitching as he buttoned and zipped making you bite your knuckle. “come back to bed please” you say breathlessly and he laughs, his heart squeezing in his chest as he looks at you, your hair messy from sleep, his shirt on your body, perfect. Breathtaking. “Be patient kitten. I don’t want to hurt you” he says with a gentle smile and you get up, walking over to him and kissing his chest. “I know. But do you.. do you feel the same?” You look up at him with your chin against his chest and he sighs with a laugh “you have no idea.” he says, his eyebrows furrowed as he brushes his knuckles against your cheek. You smile and run your fingers through his hair as a knock to his door signals ten minutes. You smile “I’ll see you down there Lieutenant” his heart squeezes in his chest. Tell her you fool. He thinks but he can’t. Fuck he loves you so much. He lets you walk to his door, watches as you wink when you close it behind you. Fuck he loves you.
He catches you by the door to the garage and pulls you into the side storage closet “cutting it a little close here Lieutenant” you whisper with a slight chuckle and he rolls his eyes before he brushes his lips against yours. Your heart beams as your skin tingles you both taste like minty toothpaste and you whimper against his lips when he pulls back. “Needy” he says and you frown and mumble “god you don’t know the half of it” against his lips. you watch his jaw tense as he swallows hard when he pulls back“Don’t hesitate to call if anything, ANYTHING, happens. We will come back. The mission is important but you are more so. Understand?” He says and you nod “yes sir. You protect yourself, protect Obi. Be smart like I know you are” he nods “anything for you” he says with another kiss and then he’s opening the closet door and exiting, then you’re watching them drive off and sighing into the silence. “Guess it’s just you and me HQ” you mumble as you close the door to the garage.
22 notes · View notes
yourthyla · 8 years
Phew! I’ve been reading a lot of fics so I’ve been doing this rec-list of my favourites for you. trust me it’s from MANY sources and depths of the internet. I’m gonna try to keep it clearly organized and updated. 
Also, these fics are really various, but the pairings are only combinatinos of Spock, Kirk and McCoy. I warn you I have a huge thing for AUs.
I used AO3 ratings and sometimes included author’s description.
This is also a thanks to my nearly 400 followers, I LOVE YOU all! I hope this comes any useful to you!
E// Hours of Freedom is a both-sided amnesia fic but the best I’ve read. Kirk and Spock in forest, surviving, fluffing around and eventually smutting.
E// Got You is a Mirror-verse PWP where Spock and Kirk do it right on the bridge. Yes, you heard me, in front of everyone. One of the hottest PWPs ever.
E// The Friend Awesome in-character fic taking place on Vulcan, exploring Kirk’s jealousy and sexuality
E// The power of suggestion Under an unfortunate influence of a drug, Kirk starts temporarily believing he and Spock have been lovers. One of the best get/together fics and solutions of long secret crush I’ve read!
M// Communication A  wonderful epistolary fic (I love these) Being at war, Spock is separated from his crew before the end of 5YM and they miss each other immensely. They quite maturely handle their affections for each other and start writing between the lines.
T// A means to an end A morning-after fic with an interesting twist! Kirk and Spock shyly & slyly taking their friendship to ‘the next level’ :D
E// Turbo Tale This story is from Turbo lift’s POINT OF VIEW. No, trust me. This is too wonderful and I’ve never read a blowjob scene used so strangely appropriately and affectionately like here. .
G// The Game Very entertaining and originally handled challenge by the author.  The crew plays a game in a bar. I love this too much.
E// The Berries One of the best ‘we’re in forest, you’re drunk and we’re too surprised we’ve both loved and craved each other all along so let’s get it finally over with’ I’ve EVER read.
E// Personal Effects Spock received a personal android, he likes him a lot. Kirk is furiously jealous. 
M// Shall We? This one is different and so weird? It has plot but a humorous one and somehow this kept me entertained and I appreciate it in a strange way. Such an original view of K/S development!
E// Absolution The author truly spoiled me with this fic. It is a fuel to my hurt/comfort love, there is nothing like nasty abduction and then (most of the fic) soothing the character (Kirk) delicately with love while every single sentence of it is PERFECTLY in character that it awes me. The thing is very real. (However I only enjoyed the first half as much, I’m not sure if I ever finished the second.)
G// First comes love AU. Kirk is a single parent and Spock is a child doctor. Why you should read this? 1) PUREST THING EVER. 2) REALISTIC PURE CHILD’S (David) POV. 3) His daddy is falling in love with his doctor?!! 4)OhgodpleasejustREADit... I just wish this was longer *cries*
E// At a glance Teenage!AU. Ok I just realized I read this as AOS? It totally worked? Anyway, I only read 2 chapters because it felt satisfying enough the other day but I was IN LOVE with the first kissing scene, one of the most powerful I’ve EVER read. Love at first sight. Epic. I’m gonna finish it one day and update my opinion. 
E// Surrender PWP. Warning for dub-con and dom/sub elements. Normally I’m not so into this and if yes I don’t bother rec-ing it BUT I am doing so for the massage scene because hot damn, that was the hottest stuff ever. Simply well-written Spock seducing Kirk. (wth was this published in year 1997?!?)
E// Master and Commander A satisfying first-time PWP, awkward shower sharing, pleasant switching of the roles.
E// Getting What You Wished For Having any wish on a planet that creates anything for you, Spock (very logically) summons copy of Captain Kirk to deal with his oh so suppressed sexual and romantic feelings toward him. It doesn’t work but it might give him a push to finally confess.
E// Ardor Amazing PWP which just didn’t feel too cliché for my taste. Features gym red pants and very nice foreplay and resolved sexual tension wohoo.
G// in love with my captain This is just a drabble to warm your heart. It’s just the last sentence...is everything good in the world.
T// An Impossible Smile “ Captain Kirk has a seductive smile that no man or woman can stand up to. He uses this against Spock.” THIS IS SO GOOD because nobody ever portrays Spock as ‘one of Kirk’s conquests’ (sorry for that) but this one does and IT HURTS SO BAD but it’s short enough so you won’t die but..wow..
E//  Rose Hips and Vulcan Lips PWP with FLUFF, married Spirk, Spock is cold, there’s Kirk’s mom in the house while the two dorks go warm up in the shower and do nasty things, anyway: "Spock...Only you could stand there, naked, in the shower, with soapy water running down your chest and that big, thick hard-on poking out at me, talking about plants with vitamin C. And I love you for it." :>> i want marriage like that.
T// Questions, Questions Brilliantly in-character fic about Spock being forced to answer very personal questions to McCoy as a part of the physical. M// The Sample is a sequel to Questions, Questions, where Spock must deliver semen sample for McCoy. He is failing, and asks for help. I will read these for the rest of my life.
E// Aegri Somnia Spock and McCoy are stranded on a planet and fight for their life. PERFECT food for hurt/comfort lovers. Contains horror atmosphere, very naturalistic description, love confessions & cuddles. What’s not to love.
E// I have enough Huge hurt/comfort. I have a thing for depressed!Bones and this one suffers all included (alcohol, secret love for Spock, self-harm..) But don’t worry, he gets the comfort he deserves.
T// Nothing By Halves This is mostly for the nice idea. All I can tell you is copy the description and my favourite quote summing it up: “McCoy wishes he could talk to Spock's human half. After a transporter malfunction, he can.” And: “It wasn't your human half I needed to get through to, or the Vulcan. It was just you.” I’m crying.
E// What happens in Vegas Can be AOS too. Crack-ish. This was lot of fun. Well, the first part looked more promising. Somehow I thought it would be better if they slept together sooner, when it was still kind of taboo, you know what I mean? It turned too sugary for me which seems to by my frequent problem but still adorable and fun fic!
E// Always watching You - “An asexual but not aromantic Spock contemplates his relationship with Jim and Leonard.” Exceptional fic.
E// Unbearable “As McCoy struggles with holding Spock’s katra, he finds himself stuck in the middle of a relationship between his best friend and a dead man.” How bittersweet.
E// Get the party started (if it works for all parties involved) PWP-ish. “Jim caught Bones calling Jim's and Spock's name in his 'self-loving' time. Jim's solution? Phone Spock. While Bones's still at it so Spock could hear it first-hand, of course.” Wohoooo! Voyeurism is my weakness trope.
E// Beautiful Liar “McCoy reveals hidden feelings for Spock after accidental contact with his mind. He doesn't know Kirk and Spock are lovers, so Jim lies to him.” This is actually kinda sad? But not exactly angsty. 
M// The Exchange Student Teenage Spirk AU. Jim is abused by his step-father, Spock, the exchange student comes to his rescue. Hurt/comfort, so fluffy, SO beautiful!
E// Gift An AU, takes place on xenophoibic Vulcan; Spock finds a young human and decides to keep him. I love how they grow up together and develop an unhealthy addiction to each other. However it gets a bit angsty at the end and I’m unsure how the ending makes me feel. 
E// Papers in the Roadside AU. Jim owns a bar and Spock is a mysterious journalist who makes him lose his mind. This story has flawless atmosphere and slow development. It is essential.
E// Educated Differences A standard 21. century university AU where Jim and Spock are put as roommates and I don’t think I even need to comment this.
T// Mayday, My Darling Very realistic fic about Spock getting drug-addicted. I don’t usually enjoy established relationship but THIS is perfection! Tags speak for it all. 
T// Subtext Jim has a crush on Spock, he misses him and regrettably end up trying to pick him through texting. Very enjoyable ‘texting’ fic (mostly.) Also funny and fluffy!
E// Tray Tables and Seatbelt Signs AU. You ever heard of Mile High Club? No? You will now. Spock is hot flight attendant and Jim a very annoying and needy passenger. Bonus: best description of Bones&Jim friendship ever.
E// In time AU. Kirk’s mother leaves to space for years and emplys Spock as her son’s ‘caretaker.’ Now, I know how difficult it is to characterise a child/teenager well but this author took my breath away. Jim's development feels 110% real and the relationship of him and Spock over THE YEARS is developing perfectly, it's balanced, flowing ideally fast. Lot of mutual pinning, slow-build, hurty comforty this is SO GOOOOOD and pure.
T// Stacks AU. Librarian!Jim and cadet!Spock. What I liked about this one is that Kirk was so pure, contrary to other AOS fics. As a librarian, interested in a regular Vulcan guest, he has this really nice character vibe. And he doesn't think it's creepy when Spock makes awkward sexual propositions and just goes with it because he actually respects him for once. 
E// The third wheel Academy AU. Awh yes, another fandiction that I simply devoured at once. Spock is a professor who calmly dates around with cadet Uhura but Jim is an annoying bastard who decides to steal Uhura from him, however he ends up falling in love with Spock and stealing him instead. Spock is succumbing hopelessly and adorably, god. 
M// The Fountain AU. “Somehow, Jim thought the brothel would be different—big and beautiful. Not like this, with just one broken Vulcan.” What can I say? Jim rescues Spock from where he certainly doesn’t belong. Hurt/comfort is my oxygen. Bones making important and appreciated appearance as well!
M// A Kingdom to Come Fairy-tale AU.  “Jim has been ordered by his mother, Queen Winona of Terra, to marry crown princess T'Pring of Vulcan. He intends to do no such thing.” Who doesn’t need a kingdom-set fic once in their life? I tell you, this is better than you think, do give it a try. I could not stop until I finished. Pure gold.
T// Mother, why Kirk is a waiter and Spock was arranged an outrageous blind date with Gary Mitchell in the restaurant. Jim manages to be the only pleasant thing on the date. Pity for the happy but open ending.
E// Muddy Waters Uni AU. I’m not sure about this one. I know I really loved the beginning, or half of it and then again I was deeply disappointed and dropped it. But in this fic Spock is a human but has ‘Vulcan syndrome’ or something so he looks like a vulcan so that was pretty cool I think.
E// Creep College AU. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read this at first but I am glad I did!! It was very good! The characters were given their names because their parents were Star Trek fans and stuff?? So they are in the Star Trek fandom?  Kirk is in love with a ff writer while dealing with this creepy classmate at school. Well, as the author says:  “ One story, two storylines, one love.”
E// Called You Friend This is not a fanfiction, this is PURE ART. This is so imaginative, various, makes you feel things. You have to read bit between the lines to follow the plot but this is just beautiful.
E// Life is Just a Bowl Full of Peaches ??? AU. I don’t even know why I saved this one but I knew I could regret it?? Crack-ish, maybe? McCoy is a single parent countryman and he is online dating Jim, thinking he's a GIRL. I don't know. Just. It’s fun but it’s also like nice? I don’t know if I finished but I definitelly enjoyed the beginning.
T// Subtlety Cute Cofee shop AU! Too bad it isn’t longer.
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speedygal · 8 years
Kirk Prime grieving
If we ignore Star Trek: Generations. And if Jim outlived Bones as Spock did, there’s a good chance Jim was alive on the Enterprise E waiting in their shared quarters when Spock was taken into the anomaly. Beware, this post will squash your heart, put it together, and then tear it apart again.
He would have felt their bond severed because quantum mechanics. How painful it must have been for Jim. Imagine how heart broken he was. How soon  do you think the grief would have overwhelmed him? He saw what happened through the window and he knows. Poor Jim is alone. Because everyone he knew is dead. Spock was the last one. Imagine Jim wavering through the stages of grief taking it pretty hard. Jim’s in denial that Spock is truly gone from his life. He packs what belongings they brought with them and notices their Enterprise crew family portrait is missing. He assumes Spock took it and that he is coming back soon. Spock knew he was going to die and took it with him because he rather not be alone because he discovered he has the onset of Bendii’s.. And Jim was right, he will die alone. Spock preferred not to bring Jim with him and wanted to be remembered the way Jim sees him now than a illogical,wasting irrational Vulcan. Spock wanted to spare Jim of seeing him fall apart.
Jim is approached by Picard who merely says, “I grieve with thee.” and Jim just has a forced smile thanking him for the comment. Jim thinks Spock could have survived. He could have survived. And he is hallucinating. The medical officer checks Jim over and recommends Jim goes to Vulcan to a healer to help him. Jim is approached by Geordi La Forge who knows how he feels about losing a loved one. Jim feels insulted because Geordi lost Data once not twice. Geordi mentions how they lost Data previously to a collector. Jim is dumbfounded. Geordi makes the point that Data came back just like Spock did and he is grateful for that, he also tells him that Spock would likely not want him to be going down that road. Geordi is right. Geordi asks if Jim still has some friends or family to be with him. Jim doesn’t feel appropriate to visit Peter Kirk’s family or Joanna’s grandchildren. He doesn’t feel himself at the moment to visit family. Jim sees Spock throughout the day and he has to remind himself that his Vulcan is gone. He then realizes he could have gone with Spock. He could have spared himself being alone. The Enterprise takes a few days to get to Vulcan. Jim gets a message from Deanna and Riker. He gets one from Alexander who is on another ship including a visit from Wesley.
Tryla Scott, a engineer, approaches Jim and tells him of how Uhura had raised her grandfather with Christine Chapel while being a product of Scotty and Uhura’s DNA. He grandmother raised her with some help from Scotty when she would not get her head out of hover cars while fixing them. Her father was a science officer.  Tryla only knew Scotty for such a short period of time before he passed and offers her shoulder for him to cry on. She’s a commander by this point after her career was restarted for a fair chance at climbing the ladder due to the parasite’s involvement.  Jim sees a lot of Uhura in Tryla and the twinkle in her eye that Scotty would have. Jim is thrilled to meet someone like her. He tells her stories of Scotty that he hadn’t written in his autobiography. Jim tells her some stories of Nyota Uhura’s time on the Enterprise. The embarrassing ones. They both share laughs at the humiliating Uhura stories. It helped them both with their still aching loss for their close friends. Tryla has to go on her shift and makes the wish that they had more time to talk with the sentence starter “If only. . .”
Jim wonders what would have happened if Spock got there in time. If the sun never went supernova. If Spock came back then everything would be okay. If the Vulcan managed to succeed. If he could go back in time and beam Spock out from his death. . . Jim then does research about the age of the planet’s sun to discover it was done by someone. It was set to supernova prematurely. Jim is outraged. He goes into a holodeck and sets up a room full of breakables. A replica of his quarters post the wrath of khan in  San Francisco. He destroys everything. And he terminates the program with wet, teary red eyes and struggles to regain his composure. He goes past several ensigns, Klingons, who are going to have exercise in the holodeck. Jim visits the counselor of the USS Enterprise E. He needs someone to talk to. He drinks some hot chocolate and talks about how he is feeling lately. It’s a good session. Jim leaves the counselors office feeling better but depressed. He has had nightmares of  different time where his father died heroically, growing up reckless and bold and his brother running away, and meeting Bones on a recruitment shuttle. And nearly losing Captain Pike to a mad Romulan. Spock and he not on good terms with a love-hate relationship. Spock, alive, alone---it’s his worst nightmare when he sees a dream of Spock in a cave during the ride to Vulcan. “James Tiberius Kirk, how did you find me?” with what relief was in his voice. That dream made him wake up crying. Jim’s certain its his mind plying tricks on him and that his wish for Spock to be alive is torturing him.
He is mellowing out and spends most of his time in the quarters with a headache.  The headache is painful and it is hurting. It feels like someone yanked his entire being out. The noble, living organic half is gone. And all that is left is a vulnerable man with glasses and a big, kind helpful heart. Jim weathers it because he has gone through worse. He thinks of the Tarsus Nine and it makes him even more depressed because he is the only one left. Everyone he knew is gone, enemies, frenemies, old friends, and so on. Koloth is gone. Trelane is still around but he refers to himself as Q. Those Jim knew personally  from his time are gone. The new people here make Jim feel like he doesn’t belong. Like he is a relic of a golden era. That is bygone. He expects Spock by his side and McCoy,too. It feels unreal not to have them. It makes Jim feel emotional how he is still alive when Spock was supposed to be the one who outlived the crew. Not Jim. When he’s alone on the way to the healer he talks to himself. It’s helpful for Jim to feel not alone and it comforts him that they are with him in some way. He sent his findings to Star Fleet  with the entire report written in caps. He arrives to the healers place of work and he doesn’t look fine himself. The severed bond is repaired and his mental shields are put full throttle up. Jim leaves Vulcan and goes to Riverside to the old house. Sometimes he thinks he hears McCoy talking to him. The medicine Doctor Crusher had given him when he came to her ‘med bay’ is working with the hallucinations and they don’t continue as the severed bond condition has been taken care of. Jim’s nightmares get worse. Spock meeting Spock. Seeing his Spock looking down at the photograph. Awakening in the middle of the night from that image. He recalls a conversation he shared with McCoy when they were sitting back and relaxing on shore leave from a recent adventure on the USS Enterprise  A contemplating a point made by one of the natives regarding how powerful of a force the triumvirate are. Largely considered a entity on the planet. “What are we, science or magic?” “A tragedy,darlin'.”
He has machines that take care of the house when he doesn’t feel like it. Jim eats less and does not go to town often. He is utterly depressed. And these nightmares are not helping. Jim sleeps in often and he attempts to make a new life without Spock. Somehow,four months later a stray cat sneaks into his house and curls up beside Jim on a empty bed. The cat makes Jim a lot better. He ends up adopting a lot of stray cats and taking care of them and ooops, he’s the neighborhood catman. McCoy would have been highly amused. Jim can hear his husbands comment on this in his mind. The kids on the farm come pouring in with rat problems and Jim happily gives away the kittens the cats make when they are old enough. Before Jim knows it, he has moved on and accepted that Spock’s gone now. Now all that is left is that one cat which entered his life. Christmas was a blurr to him and he doesn’t remember celebrating it nor Halloween or thanksgiving. Jim feels light on his feet and himself again with a cat perched on his shoulder when he goes to town. No one is surprised anymore with the cat that has no eyes. Jim calls the cat David. Jim, a retired admiral living off his pension, goes sailing with the cat to distract himself. The pain’s better now. Just a gentle ache in his heart. And goes out of his way to help people he comes across. The cat is usually on his shoulder. The cat is what wakes Jim up every morning and comes over to him to be petted when he is feeling sour/bitter/sad. It can sense these things. One day, David acts strangely in the morning. Jim lets him out and attends to house chores when he sees a familiar figure in the hall. He drops the empty mug. The machines clean the mess as Jim processes what he just saw. He admonishes himself for thinking who he thinks it is because they are dead and he is not. It breaks his heart to see a hallucination. Jim shoves down that heartbreak and vaporizes it internally.  He gets another mug and makes himself coffee. He misses Spock and McCoy.  He misses McCoy worrying about Jim and his health. Spock gently reassuring the doctor that he is fine even some reassurance from Jim himself. He misses hearing them and seeing them. He misses his crew. His sleeping habits have improved because of the cats and the nightmares are over.
Tryla gets a promotion to captaincy earlier so then she arrives to Riverside. She is excited to talk face to Face with her grandmother’s mother’s commanding officer because he feels like family and tell him the news rather than talk through messaging. Jim had been sending message after message to her regarding Scotty and Uhura that spills to stories about the core command crew. She could make a collection of stories or a documentary series with Jim as the talking head in them. She would rather make it when it feels appropriate. He had so much time on his hands.  He did the recording in front of a aesthetically pleasing wall. He just sent her that morning a copy of the holovid he sent to Spock for becoming Ambassador because he ran out of stories to tell. She drives the hover-car rental to the Kirk residence. She get out then knocks on the door until she notices the door is unlocked. She calls Jim out as the camera goes through each room that is empty and intact. The kitchen,the living room, the dining room, the guest rooms, the closet,the bathrooms, as Star trek: TOS song plays gradually turning into the cinematic version of it, and the main bedroom with the bed made where above it is portraits of the crew. Tryla grows frantic searching for Jim until she gets to the backyard. Jim is lying by the garden motionless with his eyes open and wearing gloves with a garden shovel resembling Voyager in his right hand. It is even modeled and designed to be that way. Try attempts to resuscitate him and calls the authorities. Jim Kirk died alone. He is formally pronounced dead thirteen minutes later. Somewhere, far away,Spock just arrived into a alternate timeline with a severed bond. It is guaranteed with his ailment, he will not die alone.
The End.
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