#in which he catches the feels by accident and tries to deny them for like 3k words
ghostlywhiskey · 10 months
lumberjack!price who grows accustomed to having you around after a few days. his 'manly' cabin that have has only ever graced by his presence, a few friends and family now and then, had touches of you now.
the disheveled throw blanket that decorated the recliner with a book you had picked from one of his shelves.
the lingering scent of your perfume after you had freshly sprayed it on and moved throughout the cabin.
instead of one coffee cup sitting in the sink after breakfast, two now sat in the kitchen sink - his always left with nothing and your cup with little less than half of the coffee remaining.
but it's the panties that get mixed in his clothes by accident after you had forgotten to taken a singular pair out of the dryer. when he's in his room folding the clean clothes, he can't help but swallow the largest lump in his throat when the fabric hooks around his finger. he isn't a shy man by any means, and he feels rather confident when it comes to women, however, he's more concerned seeming like a creep right now. what if you think that he took them from the room you are sleeping in? which then means you think that he went through your stuff. with his body already on high alert, he curses to himself when there's a knock on his door, causing him to quickly shove the panties into his front jean pocket. both hands shoved into his pockets now as well, he turns to face you.
"everything okay?" voice indicating no sense of panic as he looks at you.
"mhm," you hum, your phone in your hands buzzing as you glance down to read a message. "i was just wondering if you had heard anything about my car."
shaking his head, price goes back to folding his clothes as he avoids eye contact with you. he wasn't going to look you in the eyes and lie as he spoke, "simon's backed up. bunch of people had issues after the snowstorm."
a soft 'okay' leaves your lips, but it doesn't sound like disappointment. it's almost as a smile accompanies the word after you say it. therefore, causing price to glance back over at you to confirm or deny the feeling. but by the time he tries to steal a look, your body is already turned away from the inside of his room and making its way back to the spot on the recliner.
needing to clear his head a bit, once he's tidied up a few things around the cabin, he heads outside to the backyard to catch up after a few days of not chopping any wood. grabbing the axe, he begins to get through a good amount of wood in the next hour. his breaths exhaling into the cold air as mini, fleeting clouds indicate he's steadying his breath. only then does he notice you've moved from the recliner in the living room to now sit in the sun room, your knees pulled up to your chest on the couch facing the window that offers you a direct view of him.
setting the axe down, his hands go to his hips as he rests them there as his chest continues to rise and fall; eyes still locked on you up in the sunroom. and at that point, you couldn't even hide the fact you had been watching him since the book you had been reading sat next to you on your side, closed and untouched for the past 45 minutes. his smile painting his face, clear despite his bear that surrounds his mouth as it's a toothy grin, a small nod of his head directed towards you. your cheeks warming at the gesture before you give him a small wave and quickly grab for the book, directing your attention away from him to avoid further embarrassment of being caught staring.
in an effort to warm his hands for a moment as well, they slip away from his waist and shove into the pockets of his jeans. one hand met with the panties he had shoved in an hour earlier, fingers toying with the fabric.
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
Can I request how Alhaitham, Cyno, and Tighnari would react if they thought the reader was cheating on them? Like maybe they overheard something out of context or walked in on reader in a compromising position with someone they've been spending a lot of time with, or anything really, and then how the reader reassures them that they would never cheat. Feel free to ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable. Have a nice day!
Ooh ok, so I read this wrong at first and thought it was that the reader was cheating and I thought that was fun, but reactions to mishearing is also fun!! thanks for the request <3 ♢ Characters: Alhaitham, Cyno, Tighnari ♢ Genre: angst to fluff ♢ Extra: a little short and not too detailed, sorry about that <3
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Well at first, he doesn't actually believe what he's seeing. Why would you cheat? Of all people.
But you'd been spending so much time with this other friend of yours, that when he found you two on top of one another, it was hard to deny the "facts".
Alhaitham was hurt- he was already a really quiet man, but the eerie silence that followed after he found you was the worst. He didn't say anything, he barely had a physical reaction other than his eyes widening a little.
He just turns and leaves. Your friend gets off of you and you sprint to follow him, just barely managing to grab his arm which he yanks away.
The words immediately come pouring out of your mouth as you explain that your friend simply slipped and you tried to catch them, but you fell too.
As you kept explaining and talking, Alhaitham didn't say a word. He was just dead silent as he always was. Finally, you paused and stared at him.
"Ok." Was all he said. You felt the despair and fear build up inside of you, you were terrified your relationship might end over a misunderstanding.
"I-I'm sorry..." you said, shakily. Alhaitham still hadn't turned to look at you and it was really making you nervous. "Why are you sorry? You said it was an accident. Why apologize unless you did something wrong?" He challenged, finally looking at you. Honestly, you flinched a little with the way he made eye contact.
"Well, my actions still hurt you, didn't they? Something made you think I wasn't faithful. I'm sorry for that." Alhaitham went back to being silent, making you slowly reach for his arm. That's when he sighed and wrapped that same arm around you, pulling you in for a hug.
The sudden affection brought a world of relief to you and you released a breath you didn't even realize you were holding. Your arms wrapped around his waist and you hugged him so tightly. "I swear, I would never cheat on you! I love you so much, so, so much." You said, looking up at him. Alhaitham stared into your eyes for a moment before nodding.
"I believe you... I do."
You and Cyno spending less time together wasn't either of your faults. Cyno was just really busy and you were too sometimes. It never meant you two loved one another less, it just meant you needed to work on it a bit more.
Of course, Cyno would still get a little jealous when he thought you and your friend might've been a little too close.
You see, when he constantly saw you two with your arms around one another, it sent a wave of jealousy through him.
But he rationalized. You were always loyal- why would this time change? You never gave him a reason to doubt you before, so why now?
Here's the thing: Cyno didn't think you were just being unfaithful because. But he felt as if... maybe you two drifted apart a little and maybe... you might've found interest in this new friend of yours. And all of that was confirmed when he saw you on top of your friend in your sharred bedroom.
Cyno froze up, staring at you- on top of your friend- in HIS bed. There was just a terrifying silence. Cyno opened his mouth to speak... but just closed it and looked away. A quiet grunt came from him and he turned away.
"Cyno! Cyno, wait! It's not what you think!" You yelled as you tried to follow him. You grabbed his arm and it made him freeze. "I fell! Well, they fell and I tried to catch them!"
You kept going on, trying to explain exactly how your friend fell, exactly how you tried to catch them but tripped and fell on top of them- but Cyno just stayed quiet.
"Are we still in love?" He asked, making your eyes widen. It was the first thing he'd said and it... scared you.
"O-of course we are! Yes, I'm still in love with you!" You said confidently, making him turn to you. He didn't say anything but you could see the uncertainty and sorrow in his eyes.
Without another thought, you engulfed him into a tight hug, squeezing as much as you could.
"Cyno, I love you. I'm not sure how you feel or what made you say that, but I'm still in love with you. And if you think you're losing feelings well I'll just bring them back. But my feelings haven't changed fro you- not one bit."
"You don't like your friend more?" He asked, making you shake your head.
"That's just my friend. I love them as much as I could love any friend- but you, you are my everything." Cyno fell silent and looked away, but there was a tinge of red on his cheeks and a very, very faint smile on his face.
You and Tighnari had been together for almost three years. Your relationship was doing pretty good until he got busy. That wasn't anything new, people got busy all the time.
But this time, his work took him far and for a long time. Of course, in your eyes the relationship never dulled. But for Tighnari, he felt as if he began to fail as a partner.
He tried, but he found it hard to keep up with you and this new friend you'd made. He didn't have a problem at first- you could be friends with anyone.
But then he noticed how much time you two spent together. Too much time. Not only that, but your friend was so... touchy. When did you start allowing that?
Tighnari told himself over and over that you wouldn't cheat. It wasn't in your nature and you were just too good of a person. If you didn't like him, you let him know. Which sent a new wave of anxiety through him. What if you were just about to end the relationship?
Then he saw it. You on top of your friend. A thousand thoughts went through his head but only one of them stuck out. "It's time." This was probably the moment you'd end your relationship with him and it was most likely his fault. He was too busy for you. This friend kept you busy- and happy, evidently.
"I-it's fine, I know." Tighnari spoke in a sorrowful tone, looking down. "Sorry." With that, he slowly turned away and left. You were frozen where you were, but it all hit you after a moment. Your friend pushed you upwards and you sprinted after him.
"Tighnari!" You called, trying to stop him but he wasn't looking at you. He was walking fast too, maybe trying to escape. You caught up to him, grabbing his arm. "Wait- please, wait!"
"It's fine, you don't have to explain. I know. I've been busy, you're in love with your friend-"
"What?! No! No, TIghnari, that's not even close!" You said, cutting him off as you stopped in front of him. "Please, don't think like that. I love you- only you. My friend just tripped and I tried to catch them, but I slipped too." You went on to explain what had happened in detail, but Tighnari wasn't listening.
You loved him? Still? After all of this?
"Tighnari? Are you listening?" You asked, slightly waving your hand in front of his face. He looked at you, humming as if asking 'what'. You sighed and looked away, frowning. "I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry?" He asked, curious and surprised.
"Because, I made you doubt me. I didn't mean to and-"
"No, that's not it. I just assumed you and I weren't close anymore since I got so busy. It felt weird." He said, absolutely refusing to let you take the blame for this.
Your arms wrapped around his waist and you leaned into his form, eyes meeting his.
"I love you just as much as I did before. I love you so much, you're all I think about. I don't want to break up- I don't ever want to leave you. I swear." You said with a slight smile.
After a moment, Tighnari's smile began to match yours. He gave you a slow nod as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly.
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queenoftheimps · 3 months
Why I Think The Season 2 Finale Is Gonna Be Even Rougher Than We Anticipate
Something I am increasingly worried about as we approach the Interview with the Vampire season finale:
What if Louis knows that he doesn't know everything? What if that's what he prefers?
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Most of the audience suspects Armand was involved in the trial. Daniel definitely does. There's clues already there that this is the case. I've seen chatter online about how next week will, presumably, be when Louis realizes the truth and splits with Armand.
...however. When Louis confronts Armand about his memories of 1973, Armand tells him Louis asked him to erase them. Louis initially pushes back, but seems to accept this.
Except: why would you ever accept that as an explanation -- unless you knew that it's something you would do? Or possibly even something you'd done already?
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Armand, as suspicious as he is, has been laying some groundwork that Louis is deliberately taking part in altering his own memories: "The pages we tore out of Claudia's diaries -- we did most of those together!" Which Louis seems to confirm is true.
I think part of the issue is that Louis' evasiveness is being attributed to a desire to protect Armand & continue seeing him as the love of his life. And it may be true to some extent. But also -- I think it's at least partly to protect Louis from the weight of his own guilt over Claudia's death.
Because if Armand is guilty -- if he has been plainly, obviously guilty for decades, if Daniel can catch it from third-hand evidence 70 years later -- and it happened because he wanted to have Louis to himself, how do you even process that? How do you handle knowing that Claudia died a horrific death because of a romance she herself called you out on? After she told you that this man threatened her and you denied it?
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Hell, how do you process it when she's condemned by testimony from someone you failed to kill? When Louis tries to convince Daniel that he really did intent to kill Lestat, that Claudia was the one who couldn't burn him, is it because he can't handle feeling responsible for Lestat being alive to testify against her?
Truthfully, I wouldn't really blame Louis for not being able to handle that level of guilt, and we know he winds up spending several years draining drug addicts as a coping method before ultimately attempting suicide. Being able to forget all of it, and forget that you'd forgotten them, would be appealing. (And I think it's noteworthy that Louis only seems to be willing to question Armand about his memories of 1973, which occurred well after Claudia died.)
That said: I have concerns about what this is going to mean for present-day Dubai.
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Daniel clearly can tell something is up and is gunning to dig in. But Louis keeps shutting him down hard. ("Armand sold you out-..." "I'm talking now.")
We also have seen what happens when Daniel digs into something that Louis really doesn't want to talk about. When he asks for Claudia's missing pages, Louis deliberately seems to trigger his Parkinson's. When Daniel makes comments about Lestat's letter, Louis starts digging into Daniel's memories of Alice (which also seems to worsen Daniel's tremors, though that may not be deliberate).
So what happens if he starts pushing in on something that Louis has gone to great, deliberate lengths to forget about? Something that ties into the worst event of Louis' life, something he still feels tremendous guilt over?
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Raglan James' line about "You fear Armand. You should fear the other one" feels like a shoe that hasn't been dropped yet. I've been pretty steadily predicting that Daniel is going to have some sort of massive medical issue in the penthouse, but I'm slowly wondering if Louis may be what triggers it (possibly by accident). Hell, I even kind of wonder if Armand suspects something like this could happen, which is part of why he's been so adamant about always being nearby, cosplaying as Rashid so he can run in whenever Louis gets upset.
I don't know, I would love for the finale to be as easy and simple as "Daniel helps Louis see that Armand is guilty, Louis dumps Armand". But this show has never been about easy, simple situations so I suspect we're in for a rough time.
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athenaswrath · 7 months
Until I found you - Chapter 4
Quinn Hughes x reader
Word count: 851
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
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When you said you wanted to be on Quinn's good side, you never thought you were going to be on his best side. A couple of days after the accident in the kitchen, he kept helping you around, probably still feeling guilty about making you hurt yourself, but it was so easy to get close to him. Way too easy. Whenever you said you're going to do something for the guys, call it food or bring stuff out to the lake, he was immediately by your side. And while it usually takes you long to trust someone, you felt as if you had known him for years, and his calming presence had you feeling comfortable around him soon enough.
The first days consisted of him telling you every single embarrassing story about his brothers (which evened things out due to the fact that the other Hughes told you all his embarrassing moments already, not that you were going to let him know); he even told you about some things his parents never learned about, like that time he made Jack's nose bleed when they were around 7. It was so nice to hear him talk about his family, especially his brothers. You could easily tell how proud he was of them and how much he loves them.
Quinn was so similar to his brothers, and yet, he was not. Well, it didn't feel that way, and it scared you. The Hughes are sweet, kind, funny and caring, but while you see Jack and Luke as brothers, Quinn just seems to be effortlessly beautiful, and you couldn't deny the funny feeling you get whenever you're near him. So no, being close to him and on his best side wasn't exactly a good thing.
One night you were all sitting around a fire, and Quinn by your side was telling you about his teammates when you caught Zegras glancing between the two of you with that smug look of his, and you decided at that moment that you had to get away from Quinn, cause you tried to deny it, but truth be told, you were falling for him. And you were sure there was a rule book out there for this kind of situation, and rule number must be the one that tells you in big, blinking neon letters that you should under no circumstances fall for your best friends' brother.
You noticed how Quinn didn't pay a lot of attention to you when Luke was close, so you spent two whole days by Luke's side (which wasn't weird on a daily basis, Nico is always telling you how you two were platonic soulmates).
On the third day, you were watching a movie with Jamie when Quinn entered the room and sat between the two of you. Jamie offered him some snacks, and the only answered he received was a hard glare and a barely visible shake of his head. After a couple of minutes, Jamie stood up, probably not being able to stand the tension pouring from Quinn's pores, so he just let us know that he was going to catch up with the boys before he closed the door.
"So, why are you ignoring me? Did Luke say something to you?" he asked, never looking away from the screen. "I'm not ignoring you, and what would Luke had to do with that anyway?" he didn't answer, so you turned to keep watching the movie, or try to at least, he was so close that you could clearly hear his breath getting heavier.
There are moments, despite your best efforts, when you still let yourself think about what it would be like to be with him. Like when he lets his gaze find yours after he's made a joke, or when he's telling you something only the closest people to him know. But you know better than to fall for it, you know better than to let yourself fall for him freely.
You were grateful to hear the boys outside the house, and you knew there were seconds before the chaos entered through the door, so you placed your hand on his knee, and you felt him tense next to you. "I don't want you to get tired of me that soon. That's it. I promise." He turned to look at me, but he had furrowed brows and a strange look in his eyes, and I wondered if he could see my real worries, but before he could say anything, the chaos arrived at last.
There were plenty of reasons why you two would never work out, so whenever you caught yourself thinking about him, you started listing them. 1. He's your best friends' brothers, 2. You would never have time to be together, 3. He's way too focused on being captain, 4. You're not girlfriend material.
You barely had any relationship experience, it was so hard for you to trust someone, basically everyone and everything you had was the team. So you were scared of getting attached to anyone for them to dump you or eventually getting tired of you.
Tag list: @coldheartedmar @adore-u-ls
Author's Note: Let me know what you think about this or if you have any suggestions!
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kraken-o-doyle · 11 months
My delulu brain gives you an assessment of the characters of Blades. Fair warning it's a lot 😂 Enjoy.
Nia, obviously her backstory is literally being snatched up and taught how to use her light from literal birth is controversial to say less. And after joining our party, she began seeing all the things wrong with what she was conditioned to believe - and dear god that would fuick up a person (depends on the matter). Even a year later Nia is struggling with the fact that she is still the shadow creature and I think losing MC made her stronger and less shy, but at the same time yours truly believes she cannot trust anyone - it was only revealed to MC that she is still struggling with the aftermath of Dreadlord dying and turns into this creature when she is in danger BY ACCIDENT OR SHEER DUMB LUCK.(PLOT DEMANDS IT) why is MC still covering for her?????
Imtura at first was literally denying the fact that MC was even alive and to be fair, she is the last person to be recruited into the team in book 1, but in my humble opinion it's evident that Imtura and MC(moi mc)relate more to one another than any other character. And her not making too many friends due to being a ✨princess✨is such BS but you know (I would be more than grateful to be in a princess' corner as a good friend) and as stated in book 1, we weren't told she was a princess because she's a captain of a ship and that way she could keep others' respect before they literally fall over themselves to please her. And when our little party didn't treat her any different before and after knowing who she was, she opened up...
Circling back to Imtura believing MC to be dead; if I was in her position and a friend that I saved the world with just 💨, I would too think they're gone since the other implications are that they are being tortured in a dungeon and bled dry by an empress' daughter. 😳
Mal, sigh, he is just wracked with guilt from losing MC, I kid you not I feel like he made some deals to try and find MC; only for someone like Tyril to find out and absolutely berate him (which is why Tyril in the newest chapter called him reckless). I'm sure there is gonna be more reckless behaviour that Mal had done through the year for both characters to use their first names. And got his stupid ass corrupted by shadow - whether or not he knows if he's infested and becoming a Thrall for the Ash Empire... we'll have to wait and see.
Tyril, from what we know so far tried from beginning to end to find MC (to be honest from what we were told Nia and Mal helped a lot until they stopped? why though - correct me if I am wrong.) even if you are romantically involved or just platonic friends, he literally sees you as an equal and is equally happy to see you back in the land of the living. Him grovelling and desperately trying to find answers on how to find MC shows what type of person he is, but I'm sure he is keeping some feelings or all of them back due to just being happy to have MC back in his life. (And doesn't want to burden MC with his problems)
Aerin better come back because whether or not I missed his jabs at the group and him only having eyes for MC(s phone, do you have some games). But genuinely what did he give the group (only heartache), because if you didn't catch him in book 1 he literally comes in one chapter - takes a stab at MC's celibacy - leaves the next. Where the hell did you crawl off to Aerin, did you go off to finish off someone?the king. Jesus, imagine. Or even worse he won't come back this book...
WILL WE GET KADE, LOOLA AND THREEP THIS BOOK BECAUSE ITS DIFFICULT WITHOUT THEM. I miss them a lot, also definitely not catching up with Kade like we should've; imagine if MC dies and the rest of the group (after saving the world and whatnot) comes back with her corpse with a note attached - sorry. 😐
I would scream if we have a therapy session with some certain characters - say certain someones we haven't seen in the WHOLE BOOK. Very disappointed in that department. Because from where I am sitting we NEED YEARS WORTH OF THERAPY.
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md-confessions · 5 months
Long ass ramble about Luzi
(things I'd like to note: Uzi is bi and demi AroAce, Lizzy is a lesbian and was dating Doll at some point but broke up after episode 3)
Lizzy was def the first one to develop feelings, like way before the show starts, Lizzy thinks Uzi is indeed a weirdo and a freak but that's kinda what made Lizzy start developing feelings for Uzi, which she tries denying to herself.
She's the popular girl, why would she develop feelings for the unpopular freak? She had a reputation to maintain, she couldn't just throw it away by starting a relationship with Uzi.
The reason why Lizzy teases/bullies Uzi so much is because she doesn't know how to put her feelings into words, at least for Uzi she can't, so she tries teasing her, Lizzy to be honest finds Uzi's Shinenigans funny, even if she wouldn't admit it to anyone.
But Lizzy probably bullied Uzi by accident, Lizzy is ABYSMAL at reading other people, even herself, Liz says things without thinking sometimes, Lizzy might think she's just doing some light teasing for a slightly mean joke while in actuality she sounds like she's mocking you.
Uzi definitely took a LONG time to develop feelings for Liz, like at least after episode 3, Uzi and Lizzy started getting slightly friendlier with each other after the prom fiasco with Doll happened, but not in public, like, after school the two would talk a little.
Lizzy starts showing a side of her she pretty much only showed to like V, Thad and maybe Doll, a side Uzi would describe as "less bitchy" like she still made mean jokes and remarks but it's much more clear she's just intending them as teasing rather than insults.
Uzi starts to catch feelings but it's a lot slower than Lizzy catching feelings for Uzi, Uzi also starts actually seeing Lizzy as an acquaintance rather than an enemy or rival or obstacle in her life. Uzi starts feeling things whenever she is either talking to Lizzy, thinking about Lizzy or Lizzy is brought up by either V or Thad. Like she feels slightly warmer/calmer when talking to Lizzy, whenever Lizzy teases her she blushes, dreaming about Lizzy.
Uzi doesn't understand what it is.
Between episode 4 and 5 Lizzy confesses she has feeling for Uzi and has had them for years, Uzi kinda has a "oh shit" moment and realizes she was having a crush, she's never been in love prior to this.
Uzi didn't feel any sort of attraction or interest to anyone in her class, like nothing, maybe it was because of how she never really was close to anyone.
Uzi notices that yes, she felt the same about Lizzy and the two start dating, though in secret... Or semi-secret, like N, V and Thad know but everyone else just thinks they're maybe like, acquaintances since they're now semi hanging out publicly, like Uzi doesn't eat at the same table or talk with Lizzy's other friends but they talk to each other in public now.
Lizzy's friend group is not a fan of her hanging out with Uzi though, they think it's gonna make Lizzy a weird as well or something.
Khan probably thinks Uzi and Lizzy are just good friends that have sleepovers very often and the fact they sleep and cuddle and snuggle in the same bed whenever Lizzy sleeps over is just friendship and nothing romantic.
Lizzy's father/the teacher has a suspicion, he knows Lizzy likes women and wonders why she and Uzi have gotten so close all the sudden, he doesn't like Uzi so he isn't a fan of his suspicion and thinks it's just him overthinking it.
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prompt: since you said you wanted to try writing for your siblings au again, i would love to see a oneshot with gregory, annie, and vanessa :) maybe gregory has a broken bone and theyre sitting at home with him and hes just stewing in anger of not being able to move off the couch?
(thank you for the wonderful au btw!! one of my favorites)
Tumblr generated prompt 43! Just some siblings AU silly stuff in this one. I’m not a doctor, so don’t pay too much attention to the injuries and whatnot, lol. You're welcome! I'm glad you like it!
Blame the Centipede 
Annie had to take a moment to muffle her chuckles into her hands before regaining her composure. Once she was sure she wouldn’t laugh in their faces, she picked up the snack-laden tray she’d prepared and left the kitchen. 
A pouting Gregory and a sulking Vanessa sat on the couch in the living room of their apartment. Gregory’s left ankle was in a blue cast, his crutches leaning against the arm of the couch beside him. Vanessa’s right arm was secured in a sling, and she had a dazed look about her from the painkillers. 
They’d left a spot open for her in the middle, and after setting down the tray, she fell back into the cushions, keeping firm control of her expression. 
But her poker face was far from perfect. Vanessa slumped down further before wincing and pushing herself back up. Gregory glared at his cast. “It’s not funny,” he mumbled. 
“I’m not laughing,” Annie immediately denied. The corners of her mouth twitched upward. 
If the accident had been serious or traumatizing, she really wouldn’t be. But it hadn’t been, quite the opposite, so it was only out of the kindness of her own heart that she wasn’t mercilessly teasing them. 
“Movie?” Vanessa grumbled. 
It was day three and their sixth movie. It was going to be a long few weeks with her roommates mostly immobile. Gregory had already developed a glint in his eye that spoke of his accumulating restless energy. He was going to cause trouble soon, Annie could feel it. 
She queued up the first Indiana Jones, one of the few movies they could all agree on, and passed each disgruntled sibling their snacks. Annie swallowed back her comments as Vanessa fumbled with her bowl of pretzels, reduced to one functional hand. Gregory tried to find a comfortable position while keeping his ankle elevated. 
Not that she’d ever say so, but she was glad they’d both gotten hurt. Simply because one of them being down for the count would have utterly tormented the other, and there surely would have been blood drawn. As it was, they were both partially responsible, and they were both suffering the consequences of their actions. 
For a while, the movie distracted all three of them. But Gregory began fidgeting before it was even over, which was highly concerning. There was only so much that an energetic kid like him could be engrossed in, and it was way too early in their recovery to break out Monopoly. 
Vanessa seemed to catch on soon after Annie. She silently mouthed a curse up at the ceiling, making Annie snort, before leaning forward to send her little brother the stink eye. “Don’t tell me you’re bored already.” 
“I’m so bored!” Gregory groaned. “Can we go outside? Or just me, you guys don’t have to.” 
“No,” Vanessa and Annie said together. 
“You’ll just get yourself into more trouble or something,” Vanessa added. “You’re not going anywhere without adult supervision.” 
Gregory groaned louder. “Literally, can we please do something that isn’t watching another movie? My brain’s gonna start leaking out of my ears soon.” 
“We could do a puzzle,” Annie suggested. She’d suggest video games, but they didn’t have any. None of them really had time or the inclination to camp out on the couch for hours on end, sucked into this or that game. 
Probably why this forced stillness was so difficult for both of them. 
Vanessa made a noise that said please not a puzzle but also I’m desperate. Fair, as Gregory would probably resort to war crimes soon if they couldn’t find something engaging for him. 
Annie glanced at Vanessa, saw the sling, and a sneaky giggle immediately escaped her control. Vanessa rolled her head along the couch cushion to level a grumpy glare at her. 
“It’s not my fault that it’s funny!” Annie finally broke. She snickered. “A seesaw, Ness! A seesaw! Gregory managed to break his ankle, and you managed to break your collarbone and dislocate your shoulder—on a seesaw! It doesn’t get much funnier than that!” 
It had been glorious. She and Vanessa had been lazily going up and down, with Gregory balancing right on the fulcrum. And then Vanessa had told him there was a centipede on his shoe, he’d half lost his balance, half threw himself into the air, and he’d pretty much landed on Annie. Most unfortunately, since her side of the seesaw had been more up than down. 
The extra weight had taken them straight to the ground, doing little more than brushing Annie’s behind. Gregory landed funny, breaking his ankle, and Vanessa, taken by surprise, was basically launched off her seat. Except she’d held on with one hand, yanking her shoulder out of socket as it took her full weight at an awkward angle, and then she’d smacked into the fulcrum when she did let go, fracturing her clavicle. 
Annie had quite uncharitably been laughing when she called for an ambulance. 
“We never should have stopped at that park,” Vanessa said to herself. 
“Ugh! I want to go to the park!” Gregory said. “That sounds like so much fun right now.” 
“After what happened,” Vanessa cried, “you want to go back?!”
“It wasn’t the park’s fault! You know I hate centipedes!” 
“You shouldn’t have thrown yourself at Annie!” 
“It wasn’t like I was aiming at her!” 
Annie sank down into the couch and opened a pack of Hostess cakes, letting their argument wash over her as the bad guy’s face melted on screen. Pretzels and chips began to sail over her head in each direction. Ahh, her weird sibling roommates. She wouldn’t want them any other way. 
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softguarnere · 2 years
Like A Dream (Like A Plan)
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Shifty Powers x OFC
One: The Loneliness of the Letter Z
Summary: In which Zenie's brother takes a leap that all the McGlamery siblings have longed to make
A/N: Happy New Year! Yet another year and another holiday that we've made it through 💪🏼 May 2023 treat you all with kindness and be your best year yet 💕 Since time doesn't exist during the holidays, here's an update a day early (because I spent half the day thinking it was Monday anyway 💀)
Warnings: Zenie's dad has dialogue in this one :/
Taglist: @latibvles @lieutenant-speirs @liebgotts-lovergirl
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North Carolina, 1937
Matthew has a secret. Zenie isn’t blind; she can tell that something is going on, what with he way that he and Marilyn sit in his room, long into the night, whispering in voices too low to decipher through the wall that separates his room from theirs. Her sister tip-toes back into their room late at night, and acts like there is nothing to talk about the next morning.
Then there’s Granny. Matthew is not related to her – technically speaking, Matthew is Zenie’s cousin on her father’s side, and was adopted by her parents after his own died in an automobile accident, but Granny has always loved him as if he were her own flesh and blood. Zenie catches them talking at the kitchen table whenever she comes home from school, but they always fall silent the minute that she enters the house.
It's driving her insane, the way that everyone acts like she’s not a part of whatever is going on. She is fourteen. She used to imagine that being fourteen would mean that she would no longer feel like an outsider wherever she went. Fourteen used to mean being old enough to be included and being old enough to understand the world and what happens in it. Clearly, she was wrong.
Maybe she should have pieced it together sooner. The way that Matthew doesn’t spend so much time with his old friends in the afternoons. They way that he has taken her place as the distracted child – always staring off at the mountains and the sky, daydreaming. He has found a way out. Which is something that Zenie doesn’t realize until she comes home from school one day to see him dressed in his Sunday best, hugging their mama goodbye as their father loads a heavy suitcase into the cab of his truck. 
Gravel crunches beneath her shoes as she runs down the rest of the road leading to their house. She drops her books somewhere along the way.
“Pick those up!” Her father yells as she comes speeding towards them. “I paid money for those!”
Zenie skids to a stop in front of the truck. It’s obvious what’s happening: her brother is leaving. Her eyes move from him to the suitcase to the house, trying to piece it all together. Her breathing is heavy, and it’s not from the short run down the road.
“Where are you going?” she demands.
Matthew puts a hand on either of her shoulders. “Zenie – “
“You’re leaving.”
It’s not a question. “I have to.”
“But where – “
Gently, he turns her and starts to lead her away from the truck, away from their family. Behind them, their father tells them to stay, complaining that they’re going to be late. Zenie can hear him mutter about how her schoolbooks are still on the ground as they walk towards the barn, then past it into the field.
Matthew tries to speak when they’re out of earshot, but Zenie beats him to it. “You’re leaving because you want to get away from him.”
“From all of it,” Matthew agrees, not even trying to deny it. He runs a hand through his hair, which glints like a new penny in the afternoon sunlight. He sighs through his nose. “I’ll go crazy if I have to stay here the rest of my life. We all will.
“I don’t want to work on a farm. My real parents were farmers and look what that got them. Look what it got our parents. I hate the way people look down on us. I hate not having anything! Nothing of my own, anyway. I want to be a man – my own man. Can you understand that?”
She understands it, more than he thinks she does. It’s hard to think of a time when Zenie hasn’t felt like this house is some sort of trap. There’s a deep loneliness in this place. She’s always felt it, deep in her bones. It’s in the way that Matthew and Marilyn are the same age, and that their names start with the same letter, while she’s set four years behind them with a name starting with a letter that hardly ever gets used. The letter Z is an incredibly lonely figure, just like her.
Forgotten, at the end of the alphabet, just like she’s about to be by her own siblings. Because there’s no doubt in her mind that when Matthew leaves, Marilyn will soon be gone, too.
“I want to leave,” Zenie blurts out.
“We all do.”
Their father is pacing in front of the truck. Mama grabs his arm as he starts to walk over to them, probably telling him to wait just one more second, because they’ll be done soon.
“I’m joining the Air Corps. Dad signed the papers for me. I don’t know if I’ll stay past my initial enlistment, but at least it gets me out of here, gets me some money of my own. Gets me started.”
Her lack of a response must come off as anger, but really Zenie knows that the second she opens her mouth to speak she’ll burst into tears. She has to keep her bottom lip clamped between her teeth. His decision might be breaking her heart, but she doesn’t want him to feel bad – not when he’s finally found a way out.
“You’ll make it out one day, too.” He pats her on the shoulder again. His hand is firmer this time, like he’s trying to ground her.
One day. She’s fourteen. How much longer can she go on like this?
“You have Granny,” he reminds her. “And Mama. Take care of them for me, okay?”
Biting her lip is doing no good. Warms tears are leaking from the corners of her eyes as she nods. She may not have her brother anymore, and soon she won’t have her sister, but at least she has Mama and Granny. She’ll never truly be lonely as long as she has Granny by her side. Maybe that’s what got Matthew this far. 
“Matthew,” she chokes out as her brother starts back to the truck. They’re still far enough away that their family can’t hear them, but she whispers it nonetheless. “How did you make it this long?”
For once in his life, her brother – usually so brave and bold and sure of himself – hesitates. He glances at the truck before taking a quick step back in her direction, his voice quiet as well. “Knowing that he’s not really my father. That's what kept me going.”
Then he climbs in the truck. Dust kicks up from the wheels as their father drives him away. Zenie stands, motionless, the skirt of her dress balled up in her fists as she watches them go.
Her books are still on the ground where she dropped them. She should probably dust them off and go study for her geography test.
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icharchivist · 2 years
What a3 character would you want in the batman universe and why-
i admit that my knowledge of batman is pretty limited to mostly the posts on this website and like the 3 movies i saw so i can't give the most amazing of replies to this,
but my first thought was definitely, the Autumn Troupe. Because i think they would cause so much chaos that it would put them on super villains/super hero radars
Like i can imagine. Omi belonging to a group of thug unaware the mafia of the corner was using them, and later he quited and tried to have a normal life but he's just hunted down in every corner. Probably has to turn into vigilante work for it, but also very likely to try to "reform" as a photograph journalist to try to take down the gangs and mafia he holds responsible for Nachi's death. He already has a codename after all.
Sakyo belonging to a mafia that's not so shady in general but therefore it makes people uneasy about how much they can approach him. I could see him become easily an informant from the underground in some way. Azami can remain pretty much the same but i can imagine that he'd run off from his father once in a while to try to catch a glimpse at super heroes in the city, or help them by starting fights. Sakyo and Batman being on speaking term because for years now Batman found Azami doing dangerous things and brought him back home to Sakyo, and Sakyo has to try to hide it from the big boss, so now they have a "🤝 my adopted child doesn't listen to me" solidarity.
Taichi's storyline can almost be 101, him being used by bad people first by promises of a happier future and then by threats and he's slowly losing it until either the rest of Autumn finds him, or Batman does. Except that it means Taichi is even more in danger than in canon so, huh, save him?
Juza is trying to live his life normally but thugs are always attacking him so he probably ended up recluently doing his own bit of trying to keep super villains at bay completely by accident. Probably got noticed by Batman in the sense "wow a teen who can fight and who's trying to not fall to what society is pushing on him is he an orphan or?"
Banri's story could be a mess because i think he'd go to vigilante work right away out of pure "need to feel some thrill" while he still has a moral compass, but it means he's not immune to villains who are like, not completely harmful? Like i think Catwoman could coax him into stealing a museum with her. I think esp that since he's not acting with any of the big guy at first, super villains could target him just to get rid of him, but eventually some would catch on his "super ultra easy mode" (tell me it's not almost a superpower) and would specifically try to recruit him to do bad things for them. Which would also put him on the good guys radar who would probably try also to get him on their side.
But as i love my troupes all together eventually i sure hope they get to all meet regardless and end up forming the second most dysfunctional superhero squad in all of Gotham. But there i'm missing the steps to get there.
Though i think, with the idea of Batman having crossed path with all of them, he'd probably be completely baffled by this team up. The fact that now all of them are protecting Taichi for example, or the fact Azami is much less willing to listen to any of the adults around them.
So, Batman turns to Sakyo and is like, so, huh, you adopted more kids? and Sakyo tries to deny, "like hell i would adopt those pain in the ass." and Banri would reply something like "yeah who would like a father like you" with Azami following "Ditto." Which is the one killer move to have Sakyo starts to throw dagger for eyes, only stopped because Taichi gets teary and "but we ARE a family right guys? guys??? guys???" and Sakyo gets Taichi-mailed into having to admit he cares about those guys. Batman just nodding because ah yeah that's how it is at home too it's fine.
Then in general nothing really stops the rest of Mankai to have normal lives in the background as well (from like half of Winter having a night life in crime infested Gotham and stuff like that) but Autumn is the one Troupe that seems to me like they'd end up involved in the middle of superhero/supervillain battles.
and i'd love to point out say, more dynamic with the rest of the Batfamily, but i genuinely only know them from shitposts so i will not do myself the embarrassment to try that.
Hope this lives up to your expectations ^^
have fun!
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ducknotinarow · 8 months
2012 Rasey - [🌨️] our muses get caught in the first snow of the season
| SEND AN EMOJI FOR A STARTER ! ↳ winter season & holiday based
For a long time? Raph was pretty sure the only thing he would have was his brothers. Funny how often and common it became over time for him to want to be on his own or quite the team even. It wasn't like Raphael couldn't survive and live on his own he even knew a good place he could move out to if it really came down to it. Raph also knew he never truly could leave his family. Being an accident just sort of made sense that that would just be how their lives would be. Even when humans came into their lives and let them expand just a bit past their own small circle. But even then Raph was pretty sure Casey and April would some day leave them behind too.
Which hurt most when it came to Casey. Maybe it was why he wanted to deny when he had liked Casey in a romantic way. Humans would never want to date them. Guess he was wrong about that in the end. As Raph looked down and found Casey relaxed on his lap. Dark ebony locks of hair thrown over his scales soft to the touch. As he stroked over Casey's head, with a gentle touch. Once so insisted that it could oudl never happen. Even when Casey shared, he was into guys, too. Even when Casey said he would fuck the monsters in some of the flims they liked. Nope Raphael insisted that Casey could never return his feelings. Casey could never love a mutant turtle. Raphael was wrong wrong on what Casey could feel towards a mutant turtle. Raphael smiled softly at the sight of whether Casey had just rested on his lap.
Chompy and Savage resting on Casey's own chest, happily snug under Casey's arm. Savage of course, bitting on Casey's fingers. He hadn't been the only turtle that missed them well they went off. Felt like forever. Felt werid not to have Casey just here. Raph Felt it could be said he was just as missed well Casey was gone. Normally on could winter days. Casey always tried and made Raph go out to skate or something casue Casey was like that loved the snow. That and ice, especially of a hockey rink.
Raphael had been sort of hogged Casey once he was back. Sure, he let Casey catch up with his own family, but Raph was there the whole time. I'm glad for the snow today . They could just be together, however. As Raph swiped his thumb across Casey’s forhead. Pushing back their bangs and seemed to draw their attention from the turtles who were in a deep sleep. Smile soft on his beak to match the gaze in his eyes over Casey.
"Hey." Raphael stated before he leaned down a bit to look down at Casey. "I love you." Raphael had never been the best when it came to speaking that phase to Casey. So when they called him out. It would be expected for Raphael to roll his eyes and ignore it instead. Raph pressed his beak to Casey's mouth. The angle was a bit awkward in the upside down kiss, but their mouths still slipped onto the right place. Casey's lips were warm and soft as ever before Raoh pulled back to gently tap his forhead to Casey's before he sat up again. They hadn't had much time alone since Casey got back. So he was greatful for the sudden snow storm that came in let them just be together and soak the other in. It had been a few weeks at best but they were also a few weeks with out Casey.
Something Raphael didn't want again. But he knows he'll have them. When asked if he missed Casey instead of the usual cheap shot to give. "More than I thought I could miss someone whose alive" Raphael admitted. Sure he was called a sap by Casey often but he never fully owned up to the claim.
The thing was, though. If Raph found the time Casey was away for training alone was rough? Then, how would it be when Casey finally got into hockey season? Not all the games would be in New York. Raphael knew he loved Casey. He may hate to recall the time in space with the Mona Lisa drama. But it showed him Casey was the only one he wanted to be with. "Nothin' wrong Case." Raph promised. Sure the love was wanted and appreciated but it was still out if the norm for Raphael. "Jus'with ya not round to piss me off every second" He joked as he always did. "I had time to think for once is all."
Raphael combed his fingers through Casey hair for a moment as he turned to look away the second had dragged before he spoke again.
"I know ya always thought only about two things for ya future. Bounty hunter or hockey player...just wonderin' if you ever thought of anything else in there. To have room?" Raph may have asked to much for Casey to know what he meant. "I mean look at 'em they missed ya a lot to. Prettt sure Sav imprinted on you and Chomps only ever relaxes after getting upset if I'm the one holding him or you." He had pointed out with his finger so Casey could look to the pair of turtles.
"So I mean do ya think there's room for the them in those future plans by chance?" Raph lowered his gaze so he could avoid Casey a second "for the three of us I mean?" He let the the slience in the room fill in between them a moment before he spoke again.
"I mean I ain't got much ta offer you Case outside one thing, ya know" Casey was gonna make him say it "Loving you. And I want ya to know I love you more than anything" Mushy emotions weren't reallt for Raphael but his expection was always Casey. Because Casey was worth that wall being dropped for.
"So..I dunno ever think 'bout us being. Forever I guess?" Raphael manged to ask at last. "Cause I have." Hoped that confession would help his side here. "I mean I can't give ya rings or a wedding but ya know if ya maybe do. Just I know I want this, us. Forever. That's all. Cause then least I know when you leave again that fall be back."
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locria-writes · 4 years
do i have a clever title? no. am i ashamed of this? for a while, yes, but i’ve grown past this and discovered worse kinks (〃‿〃✿)
Today, he’ll finally ruin you.
Valentin had meticulously arranged for the whole night, having blackmailed the host into accepting his demands. He made sure that you would be seated next to him for dinner. For the entirety of the meal, he hiked up your skirts, letting his fingers draw patterns on your knee, then your thigh, until he finally slipped a finger into you.  
He must commend you for your masterful composure, expression barely flinching as his thumb rubbed your sensitive bud. Perhaps this is what separates your ilk from the rest, but he knows that’s not true. A lesser woman would have crumbled immediately.
So, now he pulls you into a room after dinner, one that the host prepared for him as specified. He leans against the door, a not-so-subtle sign that you will not flee from him.
“I’m quite impressed with you.”
“I’m rather flattered.” Your lips quirk to a practiced smile. “Could you please explain what you need? My father might be looking for me.”
“Forget the old man. I’m here.” He crosses his arms, staring you down. “I’m here to propose a game we should play.”
“A game?” You tilt your head, almost adorably so, as you regard him warily. “What kind of game?”
“A very fun one.” Valentin steps toward you. “I promise you’ll love it.”
“I’m not so sure I believe you.”  
“Hear me out.” One hand cups your warm cheek. “If I win, you let me do as I please with you tonight.”
Your pout reminds him of a puppy – an accursed weakness of his. “That sounds like every night we spend together though.”
“Yes, well, if you win, you can do as you please with me for the night.” It’s a preposterous idea, really, because there’s no way you can win this. He’s planned everything so that you’ll lose.
Your eyes light up at that as you clasp your hands behind you. “What’s this game then?”
Valentin smiles thinly, stepping away to retrieve the box he left in here earlier. “Take a look.”  
Your gaze is uncertain as you remove the top of the box. “What is this?” Your voice is sweet as can be as your hand touches the object inside.
Oh, he can already imagine your expression when he tells you. “What do you think it is?”
“I haven’t any idea.” You pick it up, tracing its grooves. It takes a lot of willpower to stifle his laugh. “A glass ornament?”
His hand touches your soft lips, gently tracing its shape. “Think less like a noble.
Doesn’t it look familiar at all?”
Your cheeks flush pink as you look down at it again. “Please, just tell me, Valentin.”
He chuckles as he pushes his thumb into your mouth. “You really are a precious nobleman’s daughter, aren’t you?”
You pout again, but before you can say anything, he leans down and whispers against your ear, “They use these in whorehouses. They’re to simulate a man’s cock.”
It’s hilarious and absolutely adorable when you’re face turns bright red and you stumble backward. “I beg your pardon?” Your voice is higher than normal with panic. “And you let me touch that…that filthy thing?”
He laughs. “Calm down, it’s brand new. I went through a lot of trouble to procure it, you know.” A half-truth. He knows somebody who makes and sells them.
“W-why are you showing me this?”
“For our game, of course.” Valentin flashes you his most persuasive smile as he steps toward you once again. “This will be in you for the entirety of the party. If you can handle it, you win. However, if you need me to help relieve you, you lose. Understood?”
“That’s…that’s so…immoral…”
“Immoral?” He rolls his eyes and sneers, “So that’s immoral, but our relationship isn’t? You think that letting me fuck you in my office with others next door isn’t immoral, but this is?”
You squirm under his scrutiny. “I-I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just…m-my father is here.”  
“Because he’s here is the reason why we should play this game.” He catches your chin and raises your head so you’re looking at him. “Wouldn’t it be fun to do such lewd things while he’s none the wiser?”
He can see you deliberating the options in your head before you finally nod. “I…I guess it’ll be fun.”
Fun…for him, he supposes, but he won’t ruin it for now. “Sit down on the divan over there and get ready.”  
You obey him, like you always do, as he takes out the toy and covers it in the oil he had the sense to bring with him. He might hate you, but he doesn’t want to hurt you like that. If he were to hurt you like that, it would be because of himself, not some silly toy.
It’s a sight to behold, the precious scion of the Spellmeyer clan with your legs spread and undergarments loosened. It takes a remarkable amount of willpower not to tear your dress off and fuck you right then and there.
Patience, he reminds himself. He can do whatever he pleases with you once he wins.  
The wide gaze you give him almost does him in once again. “Why do you look so scared? It’s just like any other time.”
“It’s different.” You’re looking a little shy now. “My father doesn’t know anything about this and…and it feels so exciting.”
He snorts. “You want your father dearest to know that his darling daughter is being ruined by a commoner?”
You look away, a strange look on your face, but when you say nothing, he doesn’t push the subject. Instead, he presses the tip of the toy to your entrance. “Ready?”
“I think so.” Despite your words, he can hear the thrill in your voice.
He pushes it in, slowly for a bit, and when it’s clear you’re not in any pain, shoves it in quickly, eliciting a cry of his name from you. “Did that hurt?”
“N-no…” Your breathing is ragged.
“Damn, I wish it did.” He sighs as he offers you his hand to help you up, ignoring the indignant harrumph you gave him. “How does it feel?”
“Full.” Your face is pink. “It, um, doesn’t feel like you.”
“I’d imagine not.”
“I-I prefer you.”
That makes his brows go up in surprise. Your eyes are downcast as you leave the room with him, and he notices your stiff gait. So, he smirks and says, “Need any help?”
“I…I’m fine…” The trembling of your lower lip indicates otherwise, but he decides to humour you for now.
Naturally, Valentin would never dream of letting you off easy. The entire night, he sticks close to your side. Instead of your asking him to dance, he volunteers himself, a rush of excitement coursing through him whenever you faltered. He makes you sit down often, knowing that it will push his toy deeper inside you, and the faces you make as you struggle to compose yourself are nothing short of splendid.  
“Are you feeling all right?” he murmurs next to your ear, wrapping an arm around your waist.  
He’s well-aware of the whispers swirling around. They’re no longer surprised about seeing him with a woman – they’re not even shocked that it’s you – no, their astonishment comes from his tender appearance.  
Your discomposure has been chalked up to the wine he’s given you, explaining your flushed appearance and unsteady carriage. It only serves to further his purpose as he steadies you throughout the night. He’s not ignorant to the murmurings of how gentlemanly and dashing he is.
How foolish they are.
“I-I don’t…” Your voice is breathy; an inflection he’s grown used to. “I can’t do this…”
“Then shall we go relieve you?”  
Valentin wants to curse himself for his trepidation of fucking you. It’s just to further spread the rumours, he tells himself. It’s only to spite your father, he says.
But he knows somewhere deep down, he truly does love the sounds of your moans and the feeling of how warm you are around him.
“I need you, Valentin…” You’re more or less clinging to him as you leave the ballroom You must so close to your breaking point now.
“Needy little whore, aren’t you?” He can afford one kiss, right? If not to lead you on, it will at least add to his newfound reputation, right?
Your lips are soft and warm, the barest trace of wine still clinging to them as they part for his tongue. The quiet moan you give him encourages for his cool hands to cup your flushed cheeks.  
There’s something about how warm, how delicate you feel under his calloused fingers that makes his resolve falter. Deep down, he knows it’s not your fault; that it’s wrong to put Burkhard’s sins on you, but he’s gone too far to give up now. Someone must pay, and he’s long decided that that someone is you, yet…
He can’t bring himself to acknowledge that he really does love you.
“Ah, Elector Sonnen.” The voice sends chills down Valentin’s back as he lets go of you. Stepping back stiffly with his eyes darting to the source of it – the one man he’s been trying to get to.
Burkhard regards the two of you coolly, though Valentin doesn’t miss the flicker in his gaze as he looks at you. “So, this is where you’ve wandered off to with my daughter.”
“F-Father.” You attempt to curtsey, but almost collapse, and would have, had he not grabbed your arm.
“Why are you acting so unbecomingly, foolish girl?” Burkhard’s glare at you is enough to make Valentin angry.
Why is he angry though?
“It’s my fault, my lord.” He steps in front of you. “I gave her a little too much to drink, so she’s tipsy.”
“How uncouth.” His sneer isn’t even masked now that he’s out of respectable company. “The son of a whore thinks he’s worthy of helping my daughter?”
It takes all of his willpower not to punch the man right then and there. Valentin grits his teeth as he levels his own glare. “A bastard is a hundred times more respectable than yourself.”
He doesn’t let the older man speak another word, instead, he drags you away with him. You’re barely stumbling along whilst whimpering quietly, but Valentin doesn’t want to look back, fearing he’ll still see Burkhard’s face.
He pushes you into the room from earlier, hard enough for you to topple over onto the floor. “V-Valentin…” You sound like you’re halfway between sobbing and moaning.
There’s almost a pang of pity when he sees the desperation on your face as you rock your hips in an attempt to get any friction to relieve you. It’s a bit charming, dare he say.
The sweet sound of his name leaving your lips almost makes him reconsider his plans.
So, he crouches down to your level, grabbing your chin with one of his hands. “Tell me what you want.”
“I-I want this to be over…”
“You just want it out?” His other hand hikes up your dress. “That’s it?”
You nod so furiously that he chuckles while pushing your skirts up and pulling off your soaked undergarments.  
“Aren’t you a dirty little slut?” A cool finger traces the outline of your wet entrance. “You look like you’ve cum several times already.”
“I haven’t.” Your hand grabs onto his upper arm. “Please, Valentin…I-I can’t do this.”
Valentin flashes you an amused smirk as he pulls out the toy with no preparation whatsoever, drinking in the cry of relief that goes along with it. “Happy now?”
“Yes, yes, yes, thank you so much.”  
He watches your warm smile, feeling himself mimic it as well, as though your silly happiness infected him. It’s disgusting to let such vapid emotions affect him, but he doesn’t resist as he undoes his cravat.  
“It’s time for your punishment, whore.” The words are spit out harshly, yet you no longer cower nor flinch.
Instead, you look at him with wide and excited eyes. “What’s my punishment then?”
Were you enjoying this? Valentin chuckled as he tied the cravat around your eyes. “That’ll be for me to know, and you to find out.”
It’s a double-edged sword, depriving you of your vision. He takes a great amount of delight in seeing your eyes tear up and look about curiously, but the fact you’re going to be hypersensitive to his every touch is more enticing.
“Y-you’re not going to leave me like this, right?” There’s a trace of panic in your voice that eerily echoes that of his own. What happened to a precious noble girl to have such a fear?
He brings his lips close to your ear, licking the shell of it before murmuring, “A tempting idea, but I don’t turn down a good fuck by a desperate whore.”
Valentin picks up the glass toy, watching it glisten under the lights, before bringing it to your lips. “Clean it, harlot. Taste how wanton you are, letting yourself cum to this fake cock.”
You obediently do as he says, pink tongue licking along its surface. Maybe it isn’t such a good idea, since his trousers suddenly seem so much tighter as he thinks about how your mouth around him.
The thought of how warm you, the picture of your doe-eyes looking up at him with tears in them, the thought of how gently you speak to him…
Suddenly, he feels an immense distaste for the toy, and pulls it away. “That’s enough.”
It’s not hard to think that you’re blinking in confusion. “D-did I do something wrong?”
No, no, you did nothing wrong, he wants to say. It’s his sentimentality.
“Of course you did, you dim-witted slut.” He flips you onto your stomach, grabbing your hair in the process. “Don’t you know what you’ve done wrong?”
“I-I don’t know.” The fear is rising in your voice. “I’m sorry.”
Valentin bites down on the nape of your neck, ignoring the pained cry you let out, and undoes his trousers. He wanted to torment you at first, but it’s unbearable now. “If you don’t know...” He presses himself against you, and he feels you stiffen from surprise. “Then I’ll make you suffer for it.”
He rubs himself against your entrance, coating his length with your wetness. “What is it that you want?”
“I want you.” You try to move with him, but he pulls on your hair harder. “Be clearer.”
“I want you to fuck me.” You’re whimpering now.
“How so?”
“P-please fuck me like your whore.”  
“Good girl.”  
Valentin pushes himself inside easily, giving you almost no time to adjust before beginning to pound into you.
He likes it this way – your being completely obedient to him, and the sex only being about lust and pleasure, but it’s almost not enough now. Now, he almost craves something more intimate. Somewhere in the deep recesses of his mind, he just wants to shower you in kisses, and let this act drop.  
Almost as though he truly wants to make love to you.
The realization of that fuels his furious thrusts, forcing himself to let your cries and moans sink in.
He only wants to fuck you.
He only wants you as a pawn.
He only wants you for revenge.
…He really wants to love you.
“Valentin…Valentin…” His name spills from your mouth time and time again as you cum, it almost baffles him. Why do you keep chanting his name? It’s always been like this, and it’s always confused him. Do you not know that this is wrong?
Do you not know that he’s a bad man?
“Fuck,” he groans, coming deep inside of you. He’s reluctant to pull out, desiring little more than the feeling of how gentle and warm you are.
But he eventually pulls out, watching his seed slowly trickle out of you. Every single time he’s cummed inside, yet he’s always fascinated by it. Will this time leave you with child? If you are with his child, what will you do then?
As if drawn by these thoughts, he uses a finger to push it back inside of you as he continues to watch, almost tenderly so.
“What are you doing?” Your voice sounds so soft.
Whatever mildness he has disappears as he presses a harsh kiss to your neck. “I was making sure that this time you’ll be left with my child.”
“What greater honour is there,” he says, untying his cravat from your eyes “than to bear my children? Think about the chaos that the precious Spellmeyer daughter has my child out of wedlock. What will they do then?”
Your eyes fill with worry as you turn to look back at him. “I-I can’t…”
“But you will.” His nips at your lips. “You’ll be my wife. It’s your duty to bear my children.”
Valentin’s cheeks warm slightly at your echo, so he buries his face in the junction between your neck and shoulder. “Is there another position where we can fuck and have children without questions?”
There’s that adorable breathy laugh of yours. “I suppose not.”
He can still make this work. He’ll marry you, and then ruin your family – the two can be mutually-exclusive.  
You don’t deserve him, that much he knows, but he also knows that he doesn’t deserve you. You should have someone who’ll love and cherish you, neither of which he can do, and yet…
Valentin knows that he’s hopelessly and desperately in love with you. Even if it’s not the smartest thing to do, he’ll keep loving you.
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butler-trouble · 2 years
Room 23 // Austin!Elvis x Reader
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A/N: I know I’m not a big writer on here but if any of you have any requests or ideas, don’t be afraid to send them to my ask. It could be requests for Austin Butler or Elvis, doesn’t matter. Thank you for reading! 
Rating: PG, nothing but fluff
Prompt: Elvis and the reader have been close friends since freshman year of high school, but with his career taking off it becomes impossible to spend time together. When Elvis leaves for the Louisiana Hayride, you realize that you're starting to fall in love with him. in effort to find out how he feels, you find your way to his motel room to declare your love. 
Word Count: 1,511
In freshman year of high school, you had mutual classes with Elvis Presley which inevitably ended in you two becoming best friends. What first started out as hanging out on weekends has led to ending every day with a phone call to each other. Over the next few years, you two had become so comfortable that your families knew each other well and often talked. Since you two had been so close, many have suspected that you two liked each other but you both adamantly denied every time. You both only saw each other as best friends and nothing more, until recently.
Elvis' dreams of making music were finally coming true as he announced to you and his family that he was invited along the Louisiana Hayride. Although it was thrilling to finally see your best friend's dream come true, it hurt to know that he would have to leave you for a while. At first it was difficult for you to accept that he would be gone, but you two tried to spend as much time together as possible over the next couple days. On the night before he left, you two stayed up late talking, which ended in a conversation about how much you worried but he reassured you that things would never change.
                          ─────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────────
When Elvis left, you stayed in your room and tried to keep yourself occupied with the emptiness in his wake. You spent most of the day playing records and reading books, which began to remind you of the time you met Elvis. 
You were sitting in the back of the school library, sitting alone at a table with your face shoved in a book. Your eyes followed the words of the page and as you were about to turn the page, you felt someone bump into your shoulder which caused you to close the book. “I am so sorry,” You hear in a boy’s voice just above a whisper before your eyes are met with his. “No it’s totally fine. Accidents happen,” You smile at him, taking in his features. He had dark hair, slicked back with grease, and the kindest smile you have seen on any other. “I’m Elvis,” He introduced himself, earning a smile from you. “Hi, Elvis. I’m Y/N,” You respond, turning more towards him. “Oh yeah, you’re Y/N from English and Math. Mind if I sit with you?” He asked, his smile growing slightly as you nod in approval.
After getting to know a little bit about him, and getting many hushes from the librarian, you two have to part ways. “I have to get going but it was nice meeting you, Elvis,” You spoke just above a whisper as you pack up your bag to go home for the day. “Wait! Before you go, can I get your number so we could maybe hang out sometime?” He whispered loudly to catch your attention. Nobody has ever asked for your number before so it makes your heart skip a beat. “Yeah of course,” You smile and hurried to write your number on a piece of scratch paper, handing it to him before you walked out of the building. 
Wow has everything changed since then. 
Soon you realize that the whole time your eyes were darting over the words on the book, your mind always dozed off to think about Elvis. Ever since you two met, you haven’t spent any longer than two days without each other and the thought of him being this far away seems to be a lot to handle. Everywhere you turn, you think of some memory you have of him. Singing along to your records and dancing around your room, poking fun at little diary entries you made in your early high school days. I shouldn’t be thinking about him this much. Best friends normally think about their best friend all the time right? They always get giddy when making plans together. Right? Right...? Oh. Oh no. 
“I’m in love with Elvis,” You finally state out loud, something you have adamantly denied since the beginning of your friendship. As those words linger out in the open, your mind flashes to the many women who would be at the shows. The women who, more than likely, will be all over him. The thought is enough to get you running out of the house with your keys in hand. You quickly start your car and head on the road to the motel he told you he’d be staying at. 
Within minutes you’re pulling into the parking lot that was dimly lit from the neon signs hung above the building. You had been told from the man at the front desk that Elvis was in Room 23 and as you step out of your car, your eyes dart at each door number until you find just the one. Once your eyes land on the numbers, you come running towards the door just in time to realize that you have nothing planned to say. ‘Why didn’t I prepare something?,’ You think to yourself. Before your mind could catch up with your body, your small hand balled into a loose fist and knocked on the door. Knock knock knock. 
As you take a deep breath in, you’re startled when the front door comes open. Elvis had opened the door with a mildly confused look, leaning his arm against the door when he realized it was you. “Y/N? What are you doin’ here?” He asked in his thick Southern accent, almost distracting you from what you came here for. “Elvis, I need to talk with you,” You state in a serious tone, your eyes finally meeting his beautiful blue ones. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “You’re scarin’ me, bug. You never talk like that unless it’s serious,” He spoke, using the nickname he gave you just a year into your friendship. As he spoke, he stepped aside to let you in and you step inside the motel room. You take a quick look around before you take in a deep breath, hearing him close the door before turning around to face him.
As you try to think of the words to say, you run your tongue across your lips which seemed to catch his eyes for a moment. His eyes quickly darted back to your eyes, tilting his head slightly at the odd behavior. “Elvis, I-” You start shakily before he gently grabbed your hands in his, trying to comfort you. You place your shaky hands in his, “I came here to see you because I’ve been thinking about a lot of things. About you,” You start off, your hands beginning to calm under his touch. His expression turned from confused to slightly worried, “Not in a bad way, I don’t think,” You quickly spoke to reassure him, beginning to mumble in nervousness. “To be honest with you, I can’t stop thinking about you at all. When I listen to music, when I write, when I’m just laying in bed doing absolutely nothing. Elvis, I can’t keep going on denying the way that I feel about you and I hope that it won’t mess our friendship up but.. I’m in love with you, Elvis,” You ramble before finally getting to the point, your heart beating out of your chest as you await a reaction. 
His expression softened and the corner of his lips turned up into a smile, gently letting go of your hands to place both of his hands on the sides of your jaw. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear those words from you, baby,” He mumbled as he inched closer to your face, your heart practically beating out of your chest. Before you could even think of a response, you feel his warm, soft lips envelope yours into a kiss that sent a warm feeling throughout your body. His lips pressed perfectly between yours, the kiss lasting a few moments before you both pulled away to breathe, his hands never leaving your face. Your cheeks begin to heat up as Elvis began to stroke your cheek with his thumb gently, pressing his forehead gently against yours. 
“I’ve had a crush on you since Sophomore year of high school. Knowin’ you and your stubborn ways, I just had to wait for you to come to me, darlin’,” He explained with a low chuckle towards the end, his eyes trailing over your face in admiration. You let out a soft giggle at his stubborn comment, “Sophomore year, huh? And you didn’t even try to slip a kiss in?” You finally speak up in a gentle teasing matter which earned another laugh from him. “What can I say? I’m a Southern gentleman,” He spoke before lifting his head to press a kiss on your forehead, gently pulling you close until you’re enveloped in his arms. “I’m in love with you too, Y/N,” He finally speaks after a moment of silence, resting his chin on your head as he rocked you back and forth, humming a tune.
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Fluffy 📔 for Hangman:
Convincing him to get a cat even though he’s a dog person
(Happy celebration! Congrats on the milestone :) )
Thank you for sending this in nonnie! Answering this was so much fun :D
Convincing Hangman to get a cat even though he's a dog person:
Jake grew up in Texas, on a ranch yeah? So he grew up with all kinds of animals.
There were the horses in his parent's stables, one or more of them his own,
then there were at least two dogs, one in the stable and one family dog
his sisters at some point wanted a hamster and that’s what they got as their first own pet
maybe there were even some geckos or local reptiles he caught and put in a terrarium
and with ranches around there, of course, was also lots of cattle, but also some donkeys and what else. Maybe even the rare llama/alpaca
he got along with all of them. He likes animals and he has a good handle on them
then there are cats
His mum had one and there also were a couple mingling around the stable, to hide in the hay or to catch the mice that were prone to be drawn to the buildings (especially the chamber in which they stored the animal food)
they never liked him, and it’s not for lack of trying. Cat’s just didn’t like him
He distinctively remembers one accident when he was very little, bordering between toddler and small child
he tried to pet the cat but when he got close the cat hissed at him, and before he knew she had extended her claws and swiped across his face. It’s safe to say baby jake did not appreciate getting a bloody scratch across his cheek and down his chin,
he even claims you can still see a faint scar from said accident
ever since then he and the cats had been on the warpath
Jake’s darling girl is as much of an animal lover as he is. It’s actually one of the first things they bonded over and the thing that convinced her to give the cocky pilot a chance. If animals like him he can’t be that bad right?
shortly after they moved together, she is complaining about feeling lonely. Jake’s work has him away a lot of the time and she gets sad being completely alone in the apartment
the problem is: Their landlord doesn’t allow dogs. Besides, it’s an apartment complex and they live a couple of stories high. It’s not the ideal environment to hold a dog
But a cat, a house cat, would be perfect. Except Jake is totally not on board. He is putting his foot down and refusing vehemently. Not even her pouting and whining can convince him otherwise
that’s what he tells himself. The truth is, slowly she is wearing him down, showing him pictures and videos of cute cats, she even makes him laugh once with a funny video. He of course denies this
But then it’s the weekend and they are planning to go do something and when they are sitting in their car, driving around his girl asks him if they can make a quick stop at a friend of hers. He agrees
Two steps into her friend's place and there is a loud meow coming from the end of the hall. Jake freezes, meeting eyes with the cat that’s now standing there, looking at him and lazily flicking its tail.
The cat meows again and then it’s charging toward him. He is ready to grab anything in reach to defend himself from the vicious predator, but the attack never happens. Instead the cat circles around him and when she rubs against his legs she even starts purring
His girl is looking at him apologetically, telling him her friend's cat just had babies and she was dying to see them. He feels a little pang of sadness realizing she didn’t tell because she thought he’d deny her to see them
Hesitantly he follows the women to another room, he can already hear the tiny meows from inside, and then there they are. Multiple little fluff-balls, stumbling and tumbling over each other, one cuter than the one before.
One of the little ones gets put into his arms before he can react or refuse and once again he freezes. But here too he realizes the cat won’t hurt him. Instead, that little cotton ball is meowing quietly at him, snuggling against his fingers and being so so tiny 
He fell in love faster than he was ready for. His girl is a little concerned about how quiet he got. “Jake?”, she asks him carefully and then he looks up at her with round eyes, glassy, and mumbles “It’s so cute.”
“I want one.”
Safe to say once the little ones are old enough to be rehomed these two take the one home that Jake held in his hand (he refused to put the little one down the entire time they were visiting)
My askbox is still open, feel free to send in more headcanons or even one word/one sentence prompts for small drabbles/ficlets!
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Omegaverse Headcanons
Gender Neutral reader
Bakugo’s scent is a mixture of cinnamon and caramel, with just a little bit of smokiness.
He’s more aggressive when his primal instincts take over, especially when it’s over an omega.
Many betas and other alphas try to court him, but he only sees himself being with an omega. He prefers their sweetness.
He has a hard time finding someone to court since most omegas get overwhelmed by his aggressiveness.
When Bakugo finally comes across you, it surprises him that you simply laugh at his behavior, even going as far as offering him some sweets.
He thinks he’s smooth when it comes to secretly scenting you, trying to lure you into his trap of falling for him.
You just think it’s silly, but let him think that it’s working, eventually starting a courtship with him.
Bakugo gladly accepts the bracelet, and makes you a necklace in return.
Kirishima’s scent is crisp apple, and a little earthy.
He’s not aggressive at all, unless someone is making an omega uncomfortable, or hurting them in some way.
When Kirishima sees how uncomfortable you are as an alpha tries to force you to accept a courting gift, he jumps in to help you.
The way you looked up at him with awe and profusely thanked him made his heart skip a few beats.
Kirishima knew that he wanted to court you, but he wanted to start out by simply getting to know you.
You felt extremely safe around him, so you were always found right by his side.
He is the one to make the first move in starting a courtship, gifting you a sculpture made from rock.
You give him a watch that you had made with the help of your grandfather.
Denki’s scent is fruity, and the smell of rain.
He’s not aggressive unless he gets taunted too much.
He isn’t very good at interacting with omegas as they made his instincts go into hyperdrive.
Denki is surprised when he finds out that you are an omega as you make him feel more calm than alert for your safety.
He did like it though, so he was quick in coming up with a plan to court you.
Denki watches closely to find out your likes and dislikes, leading him to give you a giant stuffed animal he made and scented.
You accept it and gift him with a charm that you made of one of his favorite characters.
Midoriya’s scent is strawberry.
He is very good at staying calm, unless he sees someone in trouble/distress, which causes his instincts to come out more.
He bumps into a child while on patrol, only to find you, her babysitter, a few minutes later.
With the girl falling asleep in his arms, you ask Midoriya if he can carry her home, since she’s finally asleep after hours of you trying to get her to nap.
After that, Midoriya finds himself spending time with you, his inner alpha going crazy to court you.
He courts you by writing a letter, since it’s easier for him to get everything out on paper rather than saying it.
You give him a bracelet that has some charms of All Might on it.
Todoroki’s scent is sweet and lemony.
Nothing really aggravates him, but he won’t hesitate to defend someone, especially when they can’t defend themselves.
There are plenty of people, alphas, betas, and omegas, who try to court him, but he just isn’t interested in them. He wants to experience real love.
When you enter Todoroki's life, you’re just another person in his friend group, but over time he feels something change.
He begins to feel the need to be around you more, and have more of your comforting touch, especially when you play with his hair.
When you write him a letter as a courting gift, he accepts it, giving you a special stone somehow made of fire and ice.
Tamaki’s scent is blueberry.
He is not aggressive at all, unless he absolutely has to be.
No one seems to find any interest in him due to his timid nature, so he loses hope of ever finding someone to court.
You change that when you pick him, out of everyone, to be partners during a project.
Tamaki clings to you whenever he feels nervous, but you don’t mind at all, even making yourself available whenever he needs to go somewhere with a large crowd.
You know you’ll have to start the courting process, so you make an octopus charm for him.
He accepts it, and, although he feels like he might pass out from happiness, he manages to make you an octopus plush.
Hawk’s scent is the natural outdoors smell, and rain.
He can be very aggressive, but keeps a level head most of the time.
A lot of alphas throw themselves at Hawks, but he denies to start a courtship with any of them.
He ends up having to catch you during a villain attack since he accidentally causes you to get thrown off of a roof.
Unlike the typical reaction that he usually gets, you hit him for causing the accident to happen in the first place.
After that, Hawks constantly bugs you, in which he gets the same result of you ignoring him, but he just can’t stay away.
After some time, he gives you a necklace as a courting gift.
To his surprise, you accept and give him a drawing you made of him.
Aizawa’s scent is Lavender.
He is good at hiding his aggressive nature, but it still comes out every once in a while.
He has known that a new nurse would be joining UA, but he never expected it to impact him.
When you entered the office to help patch him up, he became uncharacteristically flustered, causing a slight blush on his cheeks.
He would often visit your office to spend time with you, and to scent you so that others would know to stay away.
He wants to wait for you to court him.
When you approach him with a cat plushy for him to scent for you, he is more than willing to do so.
Aizawa, in return, gives you a ring.
Dabi’s scent smells like a campfire.
He doesn’t even try to hide his aggression, causing omegas to steer clear of him.
When he is walking down an alleyway, Dabi bumps into you.
He attempts to rob you, in which you simply move around him, and when he goes for his gun it is now in your hands.
You smile at him before throwing it back to him, making a snide remark.
Dabi can’t believe you’re an omega, but he finds himself drawn towards you nonetheless.
There are no courting gifts. It’s just an unspoken fact that you are his and he is yours, so there’s no need for any material things when there are plenty of emotions.
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catintheruemorgue · 4 years
annoying things they do
summary: small things these guys do that just grinds your gears a bit.
characters: oda, dazai, kunikida, twain, akutagawa, atsushi, mori, poe, ranpo, fittzgerald, steinbeck, chuuya, yosano, gin, kouyou, higuchi, alcott and lucy
these are all based off things i do or have inconvenienced my life lmfao i’ll probs do a part two with everyone i missed this just got wayyy to long lol next im posting being friends with double black 
If you're wearing shorts and have bruises he will poke them when you're resting your legs on him. He’s silent about it too and if you yell at him he pretends to act like he doesn't know what you're talking about.
Will smack your sunburn but this one is actually an accident. He just wanted to pat you on the back because you're amazing.
Will space out when you talk too long, sometimes certain objects are just so… mesmerizing
Loves to jumpscare you the only exception is if it was a trigger. In that case he will just call your name and whip something at you for you to catch at random.
When you're driving he likes to reach over and honk your horn. It's almost caused so many roadside fistfights.
If he sees a dog in public he will bark and growl at it.
Won’t let you on the bed without socks on. You could be sick as a dog and he’ll still enforce this rule.
Cleaning is hard because he has a hard time throwing things away. You'll spend extra time as he holds two identical pens, trying to decide which one he wants to keep. He’s learned to plan certain days in his schedule for cleaning now.
Won't let you turn up the music in the car and will keep it at a level that's so low it's annoying.
Walks around the house shirtless but then complains about how cold it is.
Blasts his music so loud when he wakes up in the morning and it's always early 2000’s hits. It's not rare for you to have Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield stuck in your head by 9 am.
Always has to climb something, this stems from his adventurous side. It's not really that annoying but when you’re in a crowded area and he runs off to go climb the tall statue, screaming at you to take a photo… Yes it is. Especially when children try and follow him and you're stuck receiving glares from the parents.
Will not let you throw any food products out. He tells you it's a perfectly good meal (even if it's not) and that he will eat it tomorrow. It’s sad because you know this stems from childhood but it’s still annoying.
Reuses the same gross, musty ziplock baggies. You keep buying new ones but he doesn't get it lol.  
Will tell you if your breath smells, hair is messy, outfit is ugly. He does not see an issue with this and it's nice knowing someone has your back but he doesn't have to be so rude about it..
If he drinks he's one of those drinkers who will not let you take it from him. Keeps an iron grip on the cup. He finishes it no matter how drunk and always throws up. Thankfully he rarely drinks.
He stops to help everyone, literally even if they just look like they need help. You've been late to so many things.
Will eat anything. Once you made steak and somehow forgot about it. It was hard as a brick yet he still almost broke his teeth eating it. You think you saw some tears as he told you it was delicious.
Listens to people's conversations in public and isn't afraid to comment, loudly, about it. You know it's loud because they either stop talking or try and confront you guys.
Comes up to stops fast and brakes so hard you feel like he does it on purpose.
Sometimes if he and Elise get into a “disagreement” he’ll try and rope you in to take his side and you always do, knowing it would probably give him more satisfaction if you chose to side with her.
Asks for constructive criticism but will then argue with you about why you're wrong.
Always humming a song he heard Twain singing and then it gets stuck in your head too.
Will deny stupid things like why your favorite mug is in the trash or why he just let out rather loud scream in the bathroom. You know he's lying because he looks away and makes sure his bangs are covering his eyes.
Will call you out on any lie even if you don't mean to lie you just forgot about some of the details.
Don't take him grocery shopping if you have a set amount you want to spend. He won't even sneak, he will just say he wants something and throw it in the cart.
Such a backseat driver even though he can't drive.
Likes to act like he's still in his twenties and will somehow get the two of you invited to college parties where he will attempt to do a kegger in front of everyone. You end up being the one to hold him up and he always ends with a, “LETS FUCKING GO!”
Likes to ask for the senior discount even though he's not that old, he just likes to hear the women validate that he's not old.
It’s scary how he used to buy without looking and now will scream if the price on a price tag is too high.
Always looking at the grass for wheat to chew on. It's so cheesy when you walk into the city and he's got it sticking out of his mouth.
He gets weirdly intimate with nature and you feel like you're third wheeling.
Has the mentality that he has to provide for you because he is the man. He gets so shocked when he finds out you still want to work.
Has a hard time making decisions you could ask him what he wants for dinner and his mind will just break.
Gets way too pissed at movies and will actually get up and walk away. Once you were kicked out of the theater because he wouldn't stop yelling at the screen. Another time he walked out you waited a whole ten minutes before you realized he wasn't coming back.
Sometimes activates his ability at night and it's so scary waking up to him floating halfway across the room.
WOMAN TIME!!!!!!!!!!
Will glare at you so intensely if you say something she disagrees with.
Always tries to rope you into drinking with her even if you’ve said no the past ten nights.
Will describe wounds or injuries in such detail and just won’t stop, almost like she’s trying to fuck with you, but she’s not.
Claims to be nothing like her big brother but then will go on to make the same facial expressions and do some of the same mannerisms as him.
Will spend hours trying things on just to put it all back, leave the store and change her mind when you’re almost home. Then she’ll have you run back with her to buy it all.
Is used to sneaking around so scares you a lot. Also on the topic of being silent sometimes she just won’t respond, thinking you can just read her vibes / mind.
Will judge what you eat, especially fast food but will try and steal a fry in private when you're not looking.
Will say things like, “Well that's just the way the world works.” If someone tries to share their baggage with her. You understand she’s had a pretty rough life but it's caused you to almost spit out your drink multiple times.
At functions forgets about you for about an hour while she mingles with everyone else, you could tap on her shoulder and she'll dismiss you like you're a subordinate. Until you clear your throat again you'll see the slight blush as she apologizes.
She has no sense of privacy. If she hears a crash or loud noise she will bust down the door. It’s sweet but not when the noises are usually from you knocking all the shampoo bottles down again.
Horrible road rage actually puts you on edge to be in the car with her. She doesn't even have to be driving.
Likes to act like she's a professional at everything and people usually believe it because of her suit. It's so nerve wracking when she giggles when they walk away with false information.
Will agree to everything you suggest but you can only tell when she doesn’t want to do it when you’re currently doing it.
Yet she’s not afraid to grumble about how annoying it is when someone bumps into you and doesn’t apologize. It’s sweet but you’re left dealing with the situation if the person is aggressive enough to say something.
Always corrects your spelling or if you say something like “I could care less.”
Will fish for compliments in a very obvious way like, “Wow. Wish someone would call me pretty..” and then just stare right at you.
Kicks you so violently in her sleep but won't let go of you so you cant get away.
Constantly stealing from restaurants. You're banned from a couple restaurants because she got caught trying to steal a cup or salt shaker.
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osamusriceballs · 3 years
The Accident
Atsumu x fem Reader
Words: ~700
Warnings: None
About: You wake up next to a stranger - but what happened and most importantly: WHO IS THAT GUY?
Updates every Monday!
-> Part II
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A groan escapes your lips when sunlight hits your face.
A terrible headache, as if someone were repeatedly punching your head, demands almost all of your attention while you desperately try to open your eyes. Your body feels stiff, as if you'd been laying in the same position for way too long - not surprising, since you definitely had a few drinks too many last night.
You barely remember anything. Some short flashbacks of you dancing with a guy and a golden ring run in your head, but you don’t have enough energy to think about it. “Fuck.”
You groan deeply, licking your dry lips and forcing your eyes, with sheer willpower, to open up.
An unfamiliar room.
An unfamiliar bed.
And an unfamiliar naked arm around your waist.
“Fuck, fuck-” your eyes are now fully open while you scan the arm around your body. Tanned, muscular, and surprisingly big - with a golden ring around his finger. The same ring you had flashbacks about when you got up. You don’t fail to notice that you’re absolutely naked under the sheets - does that mean… you slept with this man?
Who is probably married?!
“No, no-” you close your eyes tightly, with the desperate hope that this was just a bad dream, just a hallucination - but it’s futile. The arm is still there when you open them, and it won’t disappear so fast. Your breath quickens when you turn your head, slowly scanning more and more of his body, which is, of course, as naked as yours and barely covered by the blanket - it seems that he gave most of it to you, or maybe you just hogged it. You really don’t remember and you couldn’t care less when you see his trained, god-like body. If your mouth wasn’t so dry, you would definitely have drooled over his toned abs - and that man probably never skipped leg day, judging by his juicy thighs that are barely covered by the blanket. His face seems utterly relaxed though, soft snores escaping his half-opened mouth, his blonde hair softly falling down, covering half of his face.
He is handsome.
You can’t deny that he is quite the catch - attractive, a body to make you kneel in seconds, and a soft, yet sharp face you could watch all day.
But the ring.
He is married.
“God, no-” you push his arm in an attempt to free yourself, but a particularly loud snore leaves his lips, and he grabs for your arm in his half-asleep state.
“Baby, don’t leave,” his words are barely audible, and you tense visibly when he tries to pull you back and puts his leg over your body. Baby?
“Let me go,” you groan and push his arm hard to roll off the bed - and you land on the floor with a loud 'bam'. Instant regret.
He lifts his head at the sound but instantly frowns and covers his face with his hands. He must be hungover too. While you’re busy trying to get out of this embarrassing situation, you spot a bottle of water and some pills on the nightstand, instantly recognizing the pills as painkillers that you frequently buy.
You grab for them and take a pill without thinking twice. A few gulps of water, and you feel a bit better already. Not enough to function properly, but enough to slowly get back on the bed. The stranger watches you through half-closed eyes, without moving at all; he must feel as shitty as you. You hesitate for a second when you're back on the bed, but slowly offer him the pills and the water bottle. He stares at you for a second before silently takes the bottle and a pill from you and swallows it without hesitation.
You let your head fall back to the pillow and close your eyes again. You will feel better if you sleep a bit longer - that’s what you tell yourself hopefully. You don’t care the slightest bit about being naked next to him; he probably won’t remember this, and you also hope to forget the embarrassing moment.
The blonde male next to you leans back and covers both of you thoroughly with the blanket, much to your surprise. You feel warm instantly, almost forgetting about your lack of clothes. “G'night,” his words are barely audible, but the warmth from his naked body sends comfort to you while you drift into dreamland once again.
Without noticing the golden ring on your own finger.
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