#in which i am nijimura right now
venyablyat · 2 months
Your JJBARCW AU is very intriguing to me; may I ask what you have in mind for the plot of the AU so far? Are you planning on making a storyline with it? Who are the major players? And, do you have an ending fleshed out? Sorry for all the questions, and thank you for drawing and sharing this au!!
thank you very much for the question! i am very pleased with these words and the fact that in the english speaking community someone was interested in my idea. i am even more pleased that there are more and more of you and you support me so much. now to the heart of the matter.
that’s right, in the au itself the plot is planned (it is already essentially written out, but not turned into a beautiful form like a story or novel). i'm currently working on this, although i don’t know yet how big the work will be. there is really one small catch: my native language is russian, and the work itself is now written in russian, and my level of english is quite poor. i plan to translate the text into english after finishing writing, but this will take a very, very long time. i'm sorry, i'm really embarrassed about this.
what about the characters - the main role in jjrcw is played by the main characters of parts 4 and 5. the characters of the diamond is unbreakable are mostly ukrainian anarchists: josuke is an apolitical jewish surgeon, the nijimura brothers are now called the nizhnik brothers and both are of ukrainian origin, and they are not siblings, but half-brothers, and yukako and koichi in this au became a kuban cossack woman and a former officer of the white army. the characters of the golden wind will be a cell of communists infiltrating the ranks of the white army to begin its destruction, so to speak, from the inside. in fact, now there is a lot of information and developments, the au mainly explores the issue of the complexity of the lives of queer people at that time, i studied a lot of literature and wrote down a lot, which will be discussed later in the work. the topic of relations with the orthodox church will also play an important role (i myself am an orthodox christian and am well versed in this topic, so i think it will be interesting).
i hope that i can translate the work into english myself or find myself a good assistant in this matter, so that the english-speaking part of my audience can become familiar with the plot.
however, if you want, for your convenience, i can just briefly tell the plot of jjrcw in its entirety in a fairly simple language so that you can understand what it’s all about. i also have plans in the near future to draw complete references for the characters with their small characteristics and nationalities (as well as names, since for authenticity i changed them to those more common in the territory of the former russian empire)
thanks for your question!!!
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a little sketch of me crying with happiness
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ultfreakme · 9 months
Hello, KnB ask here... Do you mind if I ask other ships from KnB? Do you have other ships beside AkaFuri? Like, who do you ship Kagami with, Kuroko or Aomine? Cause my friend is Aomine/Kise & Aomine/Kagami shipper (she can't decide which is better, just Aomine is her fav). For me I ship Aomine with Momoi (one of my fav het ship until now), she (my friend) hate Momoi as character. I don't know why.... Let's just say, my friend and I agree to disagree for that ship. What do you think?
I love reading your answers and you're right, that Furihata scene in s3 is also one of my fav (still laughing when watching it)....
Hi!!! I have a bunch of KNB ships lol, all of the teams have their assigned duos within and also there's iconic rivalries so it's just begging me to ship.
Mine are usually:
Nijimura/Haizaki (I am realizing recently that I may have thing for delinquent-like characters being shipped with cool and calm types)
Kiyoshi/Riko/Hyuuga(could be all three or any combination of two)
I usually don't ship with Momoi with anyone and I very much like her as character. Wish we got more with her and Riko's rivalry. Also more on her own basketball skills and analysis. I thought she wasn't utilized as well as she could have been. I don't really mind Aomine/Momoi but I'm like, ambivalent? Sorry 🙏
I do have a few other mix-up ships, I'm a little more open with shipping in KNB and they're usually:
Nijimura/Himuro Okay so this one I have to explain I think. Idk if this is common knowledge but there was a light novel chapter where we follows Nijimura when he's in the U.States taking care of his dad. While he's there, he runs into Himuro and accidentally gets involved in some kinda gang dispute. Nijimura keeps going on and on about how beautiful Himuro is LMAO and they take down some shady shit together using Nijimura's delinquent days experience. It's as wild and unhinged as it sounds it's CANON I SWEAR
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I really like Nijimura. me and my friend joke that he's our god. Himuro is so pretty and beautiful he's our top for visuals. So when we found this, we immediately went "oh yeah, they had at the very least, a fling"(jealous Murasakibara hello~ Also it's funny to me that Kagami has no fucking clue who Nijimura is- the one guy who had all of the GoM's respect no matter what- but HIMURO does. Imagine that meeting in Last Game).
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stardustedsins · 2 years
Kiss prompt #25: a kiss as a yes
Nijimura Okuyasu/reader (gender neutral reader)
You check the time on your phone, making sure you’ll be ready when your boyfriend comes to pick you up. It’s date night, and he’d said he wants to take you somewhere special, so you don’t want to make him wait. You’ve already showered and picked out some nice clothes, you just have to get dressed and ready to go. Okuyasu had refused to tell you exactly where he’s taking you, saying he wanted it to be a surprise, but you’d managed to get him to at least give you a dress code.
It’s unusual for him to keep date plans a secret like this, so he must have something special planned. You’re excited about it, and you’re ready to go when Okuyasu knocks on your door. He likes to come pick you up instead of meeting at your destination. 
“Hi, Oku.” You give him a quick kiss. “Am I allowed to know where we’re going yet?”
“Nope, not ‘til we get there.” He smiles and takes your hand as you start walking. You chat idly about various things on the way to your destination, but the closer you get, the more quiet your boyfriend seems to be.
“We’re here.” He finally tells you as you approach one of the nicest restaurants in town. This place is expensive, and you’ve heard that reservations have to be made months in advance. Okuyasu has clearly put a lot of planning into this date if he got you a table here. A server leads you to your table, marked with a little card that says “reserved” in fancy text.
“Here are your menus, and I’ll be right back to take your drink orders.” 
“Are we sharing?” You ask.
“If you want to, sure!” Okuyasu smiles at you over the menu. The two of you often pick two dishes and eat half each, so you can enjoy more of the menu at the restaurants you visit. With Okuyasu training under Tonio, he always has an interesting perspective on the preparation or plating of the food, and sometimes he’ll try making a dish for himself after having it at a restaurant with you.
The waiter returns to take your drink orders, and you start to narrow down your choices for the entrees. Once you’ve decided on two that sound good without being too similar to each other, you place your order. As the water leaves the table, Okuyasu stands up.
“I’m gonna go ask where the bathroom is.” He hurries up to the waiter and has a quick conversation. Surely it doesn’t take that long to tell a customer where the bathroom is? Odd.
Dinner is wonderful. Both of your meal choices are delicious, and you finish both plates between you. You’re about to ask if Okuyasu wants to try any desserts when the waiter returns with a covered dish, which they set down in front of you. Do they have the wrong table?
“Um, we didn’t order-“
“It’s okay, I ordered it.” Okuyasu nods at the waiter, who leaves without taking the cover from the dish.
“Um. We’ve been together for a while now, and I really like spending time with you. We always have a good time when we go out, or stay in, or anything. And you were there for me when my dad died, and you’ve always been so supportive about my internship. You’re so important to me, I can’t imagine my life without you.” He pauses for a moment. “I tried to plan a speech, but it just sounded awkward, and now I can’t remember everything I wanted to say, but, uh… you can uncover the dessert?”
You take the cover off of the plate to find a slice of cake with neatly iced words on top: “will you marry me?” You look up at Okuyasu, who has gotten out of his seat and down on one knee with a ring box held out.
“I love you. Will you marry me?”
You launch yourself out of your own seat to join him on the floor so you can take his face in your hands and kiss him passionately right there in the middle of the restaurant. You can feel yourself tearing up with the emotion of the moment, and when you pull away, you can see Okuyasu’s eyes shining too.
“Yes, of course, yes!” You throw your arms around him, and he hugs you tight. Other diners have started clapping, and when Okuyasu puts the ring on your finger, they cheer. It’s a little embarrassing, but you’re too happy to care. You’re engaged! Okuyasu is your fiancé! 
You’re on cloud nine as you pay your bill and walk home together, imagining being married to Okuyasu one day, calling him your husband. You can tell he feels the same, and you’re beyond excited to start planning this new chapter in your lives together soon.
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volfoss · 3 years
Pls Rant about DIO!!
omg ok <3
I feel like fanon DIO really is either extremely slutty or omg best dad ever and not really anything in between. (we will get to mudad dw <33) like i rly rly think people just kind of ignore the manipulative side of him and the fact that hes canonically horrible for the sole thing of wow lets make him rly rly horny 24/7. which like yeah sure, dio is kind of like that canonically, but people that rly act as if thats his sole personality trait (at least to me) feel like theyre ignoring a lot of phantom blood. i feel that PB set him up as (obviously) a horrible person but someone who is cunning and manipulative and good at getting people on his side (take specifically after the boxing match and even right before getting arrested how he hit them w the crocodile tears and then had his vampire moment). I feel like also a lot of fanon rly rly reduces him to a bimbo? hes canonically a law student which idk how easy that was to get into w the late 1800s, but he had to be smart in order to get to that.
now <333 mudad time!!! i feel like i make it no secret i despise mudad. a combo of wow lets retcon giornos past (which yeah sure i understand the point of wanting to make giorno have a "happier past" which ppl seem to think that being w dio would make it better... which 🤨, but like his past is AN INTEGRAL part of his motivations thru part 5 but sure lets erase that) and making it so dio actually cares about someone other than himself that rly just make mudad a rly rly shitty combo for me. dio literally canonically disposes of women as soon as hes done w them (except for like? his kids moms. which idk my theory on that kinda ties into his mom and how she died youngish, and that he MAYBE doesnt want to deprive the kids of that, but i think theres a fair bit of compelling theories on that). the people hes shown to be close with (pucci and POTENTIALLY vanilla ice) are still not people he's shown to be doting with. not to mention how he literally ignores his other kids pretty much (although idk if he rly knew of their existence), but sure yeah he would care about giorno SO much and dote on him, sure. it just literally doesnt add up at all and its like?? why do u have to do this, whats the purpose. theres a ton of shitty dads in jojo but there are also good ones (ie mr nijimura and norisuke higashikata, altho i will admit theres a lot more bad dads > good dads) and you can focus on the ones that aren't literally blatantly shown as being a bad dad in canon but wtv.
also teehee ship rant ig but holy fuck the fandom is SO gross about dio. not even the jonadio stuff but also diopucci and some of the people who are shipping him w his kids. i am not remotely getting into how i feel about those other than theyre literally so so disgusting and people do NOT know how to be normal!!!!
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jojoimaginestories · 4 years
History Class (Josuke Higashikata)
History Class
Paring: Josuke Higashikata (Part 4) x Fem! Reader Words: 1234 Warning: Fluff, Some Mild Language, Collage AU Requested By: None
**Gif does not belong to me**
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College was stressful. The classes, the assignments, the expectations. It wasn’t like high school, which you recently just escaped from. You were a college freshman, and you were really just trying to get on your feet and prove that you could do anything on your own.
You entered your History 8 am class with tired eyes and a cup of coffee in your hand as you took a seat inside. You took your seat in the back of the class and lazily sat there while pulling out a magazine to read for the long upcoming hour ahead.
“Okuyasu, if you ask me one more time what we’re doing in here, I will slap you,” A voice hummed as it entered the room.
Your eyes flashed up to see a guy with a pompadour hairstyle with another guy following behind him. Your cheeks flared up as you recognized the two instantly. Okuyasu Nijimura and Josuke Higashikata. They also attended the community college you were attending. You also remembered that they were in your history class. Man were you oblivious… and MAN did you really forget a lot of things over the weekend. You looked forward and sighed.
You grew up with Josuke. You were next door neighbors. You’d play outside every day until the awkward years of being a teenager dawned upon you, and you two diverged with different interests. You were sure he barely recognized you. But as the years grew, you leaned about your crush on Josuke and decided it was the best if you just left everything alone. You would soon move on from it and probably find someone who would know about your existence, unlike Josuke here.
Other students rolled it, and it was time for you to finally focus on the subject that you were completely acing, because this class was your best class. You sat up straight, twirling your pencil in your hand as you stared at your notebook in front of you. You crossed your legs as they swung underneath your seat.
I wonder what I should do today. My next class is at 10, then I have one at 12. Then I go home… Maybe I can go snack on a sandwich from St. Gentleman’s and study at the library. There is a test coming up… In this class and in biology. Smart. I’ll go study for a bit and do some homework.
You nodded in confirmation of your plans as you made a face.
“Hey, (Y/n)!!” You turned to see your best friend, Yukako, sit next to you with a grin. “I see you’re already in ‘class mode’,” She smirked. “Why don’t you ever have fun and get out of the books?”
You gave a small laugh. “Because I’m good at it. This is fun.”
“You’re lying.” She pouted her lips. “Besides~! We know what you find fun~!”
“Which is what, hmm?”
“Okuyasu, no, I don’t think the average woman carries a ton of weight in their purses,” Josuke called and looked over at his best friend in irritation.
Yukako snickered. “You find staring at Josuke a fun hobby~!”
You glared at her. “Shut up. I don’t.”
“You should ask him out,” She leaned on her hand. “We can go on double dates with my Koichi~!”
I sweat dropped. “They ARE friends, aren’t they?”
“Not a chance.”
“C’mon (Y/n)! What’re you doing after class? We’ll go do something then!”
“I’m going to go study at the library. And I’m eating at St. Gentlemen’s.”
“C’mon, a study date!”
“No. Not unless the world was crashing and burning.”
“You know I need help with class though! And so does him~!”
“It’s Josuke. He’s pretty smart.”
“Please do me a solid and try?”
The professor walked in. “No. Let’s focus in class, okay?”
After class, you subtly left to head off to the next building of your class. Yukako held your arm as you walked.
“Please (Y/n)! I promise I won’t do anything bad! I will do good by you,” She pouted.
You sighed. “Yukako, the last time we studied together, we almost failed the exam because you only wanted to talk to Koichi, who was trying hard to study too,” You looked at her. “He’s just lucky he can retain information better than we can,” You lowly muttered under your breath.
She gasped. “If I get you a date with Josuke, will that be better?”
“The only chance that’s gonna happen is if pigs fly, and pigs aren’t flying, are they Yukako?” You rolled your eyes. “Stop being so hopeful.”
“But-But…” She smirked. “I got it!” She jerked away from me and ran off.
You sweat dropped. “Alright, see you later then,” You mumbled and walked off.
You arrived at St. Gentlemen’s at 12:30, after a bus ride and a quick walk. You ordered yourself a hot sandwich and left it at that. You ate while on your way to the library, checking your phone to see if your mother called you.
I blinked and turned your head as you bit into your sandwich. Mid-chew, you saw Yukako wave with Josuke and Okuyasu in tow. Your eyes widened.
“You said when pigs fly, right?! I made one fly,” She called with a grin.
You blinked twice. …What, you thought to yourself.
“What,” You squeaked as your face got hot.
The group met up with you as you hadn’t bothered to move from your position on the sidewalk.
“Hey~! I brought some people who need your awesome tutoring in History~,” She grinned.
I stared at her in shock.
“Wait, aren’t you the chick that sits in the back,” Okuyasu pointed out towards me.
“U-Uh… yeah,” I slowly nodded.
“Guys, this is my best friend (Y/n) (L/n). She’s a history major! She’s so smart~!”
Josuke blinked. “(Y/n) (L/n),” He asked. His eyes lit up. “We were childhood friends~! I remember! Man, you grew up, didn’t you (Y/n)?”
Your cheeks got hot as your heartbeat quickened in your chest. “U-Uh, yeah,” You nodded.
Damn his cuteness… He makes me liking him much harder than it has to be. You thought.
“(Y/n) is a genius! She’s making a 99 in the class right now! She’s my go-to for studying,” Yukako nodded.
I sweat dropped as the magical moment my brain had was ruined. “I just pay attention in there. You gotta know that the history of the beginning of civilization itself is actually very interesting, did you know that if things had been different, we would have most likely would’ve grown somewhere more eastern? If it weren’t for the fertile soil, civilization would’ve moved in a different direction, and many things would most likely be different, you know?”
“Marry me please,” Josuke mumbled as he stared at me.
I rolled my eyes. “A couple of dates, then I’d say yes,” I hummed without thinking before blinking twice.
“Wait, what?”
We stared at each other in confusion. Yukako snickered. “Told you they liked each other,” She hummed to Okuyasu.
“How do you sense this,” He muttered towards her.
“I just know~!”
My cheeks got hot. “W-Wait, what-what?! WHAT,” I squeaked. I almost dropped my sandwich. “Oh MY GOD. I said that. I’m sorry!!”
Josuke’s cheeks were tinted red. “How about we talk over coffee,” He asked and rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous grin.
I slowly nodded. “Sure… You still need help in History?”
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tenacityreturns · 3 years
❛ staying up till 4 am to talk to you is worth every minute. ❜ / aomine
there’s something amazing about being seventeen. taiga doesn’t pause to think about it, but he isn’t blind to the moments that he realises that these are the good old days. he’ll be stretching with the seirin guys, listening to them chatting about the last game, the next game, yesterday and tomorrow and the days after that, and he’ll think out of nowhere that next year will be different. the team will change. who will be captain? he doesn’t want to think about it. he’s not even a sentimental kind of person, but thinking about the end of this specific group of seirin starters makes him realise that he’ll be thinking about these guys when he’s making it big for himself in the nba ( which is an eventuality, not a hopeful dream ). if not for them keeping him grounded and in good spirits in the most dramatic of moments, where would he be?
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he’ll have another moment of recognition when he’s talking to nijimura. he’ll be graduating sooner than taiga lets himself think about. he’ll be leaving soon too. will nijimura remember to call him to talk about nonsense bullshit like he does now? or will they drift apart and each become closed chapters in the other man’s life? what about himuro? taiga braces himself for a period of silence from his brother while he acclimatises to whatever early adult life will bring him.
ew. adult life.
but being seventeen is something special. for the first time, he’s surrounded by people who care about him. they care if he’s not doing great, they care if he’s busy or free to hang out, they care if he’s even in the country. one specific person cares in a different way. he’ll text him stupid emojis instead of having a conversation like a normal person; he’ll notice when taiga absently announces that he needs new shoes, or a new hoodie, or, fuck! a new basketball, he guesses, but first let’s run away from that broken window? to make matters worse for everyone, taiga has taken to aomine’s nocturnal habits and they can be found in places they shouldn’t be at two o’clock in the morning. they’ll be on a rooftop, in a basketball court, at a twenty-four hour convenience store buying junk food. aomine isn’t the bad influence, it’s taiga. aomine could lie around and do nothing, but taiga is restless and prone to this kind of thing. he feels so alive like this. it’s his normal, his safe. making the most of being six foot four, two-hundred pounds. almost no one fucks with him at two in the morning, less so when there are two of them. one of these days, taiga’s going to act on the impulse to get on a train going anywhere and take a mini vacation. maybe he’ll still be as restless when he’s twenty-five, but it’s sure not the same as sneaking out as a kid.
tonight’s realisation that he truly loves how his life is turning out, he’s safe in bed. they have school tomorrow, but he’s been on the phone with aomine because he can’t sleep. aomine, that is. taiga could’ve gone to sleep at eleven, but he doesn’t want to just abandon his boyfriend like that! they’ve been talking bullshit for the last three hours. it’s nearly 4am, now. taiga doesn’t think he’s said one coherent thing, and he knows for sure that aomine hasn’t.
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“i’m tired, man,” taiga wipes his hand down his face, phone resting on his pillow beside him.“i’m tired,” aomine replies like that’s somehow more important.
“then go to sleep!” he snorts, “what are you talking to me for?”
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“because you can’t sleep, obviously.”
“what-- no, you said you can’t sleep!”
“you said--”
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“no!” taiga sits up and his head spins.
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“yeah! hey,” aomine hisses, “you don’t know what i was gonna say. listen to me.”
“okay,” he lies back down again.
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“i’m listening!”
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“go to sleep, taiga.”
“how long have you been tired, dude?”
“like-- i don’t know. two hours?”
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“two hours? daiki! i was waiting up with you!”
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“that’s what i was doing with you. bah! stupid.” aomine drops the attitude and laughs to himself. he ends it with a sigh. “so we can go sleep now?”
“yeah, i guess,” taiga yawns, “sorry for keeping you up so late.”
“staying up till 4am to talk to you is worth every minute,”
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“pfff, shut the hell up,” but he’s smiling wide. “even if it was a waste of time, it was kinda fun.”
“oho, yeah? it was only alright.”
“i’m going to sleep.”
“love you,”
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“mhm,” taiga can hear aomine plugging his phone in. taiga is not going to do that, and he will regret it later. aomine continues before he can be called out for not saying it back. “right back atcha.”
it’ll do. they hang up. taiga is smiling until the very last second, and wakes up exhausted and miserable, but without a regret in the world. aomine texted him a rooster emoji to wake up to, and kagami replies saying “i dont wanna see your cock!!!!” and they both have a tired, miserable day, but they’re young and in love so everything works out in the end.
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n0r14k1-k4ky01n · 3 years
Can I get a matchup for part 3 or 4? Whatever you think will work best!
I’m a 21 year old female, preferably a male character for the match. I am an Aquarius, Slytherin, INFP/INTP. I have brown hair that goes to my shoulder blades, brown eyes, I’m also 5’5. I have an hourglass body type, muscular and on the chubby side. I have 3 tattoos, one on my right thigh, one on the left, and one on my left bicep. I also have snakebites. MAJOR RBF, I’m always asked if I’m in a bad mood, thanks to my face. My personality is kinda a mess, I can go from being quiet and reserved, to sassy and teasing, or to being a totally brutal asshole. Real protective of the people I care for, like my siblings or close friends.
One of my hobbies is probably hunting and fishing. I’ve been shooting bows and guns since I was two, so I know how to handle weapons. Big animal whisperer, I have tons of pets.
My other hobby is cosplaying. I’ve done it for years, but now that I’m an adult, I can have more fun with it.
Another hobby is playing video games. A lot. I have a huge range of different games I play.
I think that’s all, thanks!
This took so long to get to, lmao- But, my match up for you would be...
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Okuyasu Nijimura!!
In terms of appearance, you two look pretty scary next to each other, unintentionally glaring at anyone who passes.
... Until you say something to him and he turns into a lovesick puppy, of course.
Would think your tattoos are SO cool, same with the snakebites.
As for fluctuating mood, that's perfectly fine by him! It might take a while for him to adjust, but as long as you communicate with him, there's no problems!
A bit of an emotional sponge if he knows someone well enough, so there's a good chance his mood will swing right along with yours, lmao.
I dunno if it's a weird headcanon, but I've always thought Yasu would like fishing, so that fits super well!
Would be so impressed by hunting too, and would absolutely ask if he could come with you some time.
"What if... We cuddled in the deer stand...? Ahaha, just kidding... Unless...? 👀"
And as we all know, this boy loves his games. He'd mostly wanna play fighting games, but don't think he'll let you win because he loves you!
... Well, don't think he'll ALWAYS let you win. Only sometimes.
Alternative Pairing: Noriaki Kakyoin!
I can very clearly picture you two snarking at whatever poor bastard happened to earn your ire.
A pretty consistent person, which can be nice when your personality shifts so easy.
Another Epic Gamer™, and I honestly don't think he'd turn up his nose at hunting or fishing.
He'd prefer to sketch or paint while you waited for a catch, but he'd still happily hang out with you.
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jjbakaloskaiagathos · 4 years
Once-Upon in Morioh-Cho: 1999 Summer Flashback 🚨
In the previous chapter:
Sophie has approached the house, wiping sweat from your face.
- Higashikata-san, welcome me to Morioh-Cho!
Chapter 2:
Stand name: [Mrs. Brightside]
Stand master: Marmalade Sophie
Ability: observing areas as if they are a hologram and transporting into them. Attack “Light Splash” allows to blind enemies and leaves small burns on their bodies. If Sophie is not focused, she will not control an area.
The girl is sitting at the table, putting her leg under a hip, and correcting the notes on the sheet. The room is lit up with one small lamp which stands on the chest. Sophie looks at the watch and notices that it has already been 1 a.m: the time, when many people go asleep. She has taken a glance with boredom at the crumbled paper, trying to formulate her thoughts and aims. Suddenly, the girl breaks into a tricky smile and starts write something fast.
- What will you say about that, Higashikata Josuke? It seems that our interview is turning into a quite interesting thing, is it?
Sophie has giggled and has attempted to imitate a serious face, imagining that she wears narrow glasses, a long black dress and ugly old shoes. She has begun to read out the questions and has burst out with a loud laugh, not reached the last one.
- No, no, I need to focus myself on the content. I must cross it out.
• Who inspired you to go through the police?
• How do you cope with your feelings at work?
• What is your dick size?
• Have you ever pissed at the street corner?
• What secrets do you use when you catch a criminal?
• What porn genre do you like?
• Do you want to fuck me?
That day had become a key to cope with assignment which was sent to the girl. When she used [Mrs. Brightside], she did not expect that the police and ambulance had just dealt with the cruel robbery. Sophie was struck by the officer’s great work, imagining how it would be if she interview him.
- I absolutely don’t remember his face… I guess Higashikata-san may be strong, intelligent and brave man, who devotes all the spare time to protecting Morioh-Cho. I suppose it will be gold experience, - says Sophie and with these thoughts she lays a bedsheet, grabs a blanket which covers her and has fallen asleep.
The police station is located near the center of a bed town. It is a modern two-storied building with sophisticated layout, distinguishing among various insignificant constructions. To reach this place was not a difficult mission for Sophie because the police station represents as an important part of Morioh-Cho’s protection. Standing in front of the designated point and crossing out today’s uncomfortable questions, the girl confidently has entered the large glass door.
The interior has been completely predictable: gray walls, a small number of plants on the windowsills, simple white lamps and many other things indicate that the place reflects a serious purpose. Near the entrance, Sophie sees a big metal detector and a man, representing as a security guard in the dark-blue uniform. He takes a glance at the girl and starts to come up.
- Who are you? You’re not allowed to come in.
- I’m Marmalade Sophie who works at Morioh-Cho radio station. I create an article about the police’s work of the town that’s why yesterday I reached an agreement to interview the officer Higashikata Josuke. I can show you my identification and then you let me through, do you?
- I don’t care about your personality because my work is to protect the building and people who are here. Take off any metal objects and open your bag.
- Wanker.
- What?
- Oh, never mind.
The girl has just put her earrings, bracelet and necklace, which is made of gold, on the table. When Sophie did these movements, she realized that it looks like checking before the final exams at school in Russia. The girl’s mood is gradually getting worse that is why she starts to get nervous and sweat.
- Oi, lady!
Sophie has turned around, seeing a stranger. It is a man of tall height and stocky build, wearing a dark pompadour and light hair on the sides, densely combed back. His face has small and irregular features that are complemented by two long intersecting scars. His amiable smile does not calm down Sophie that is why her armpits and hands start to sweat more. The girl is thinking about how she can reach Higashikata’s office without unpredictable meetings, but today it has turned out to be impossible.
- Mademoiselle, may I introduce myself? My name is Nijimura Okuyasu, a senior police officer. I hear that you’re a practicing student who works at Morioh-Cho radio station, and today you have come to find out some information about our work, don’t you?
- Nice to meet you, Nijimura-san. I’m Marmalade Sophie, you’re absolutely aware of my business. Don’t you help me to see Higashikata-san? I need to interview him.
- Of course! I can take you to the first floor.
Climbing up the stairs, the senior officer told Sophie some special points. It turned out that Nijimura-san has close relationships with Higashikata Josuke who remains a total mystery for the girl. Eventually, the couple has reached an important room.
- Good luck and don’t be afraid.
- Thank you!
When Sophie has opened the door, she can observe big windows which are skipping sunlight to the office, including beautiful furniture. There is a large desk which is made of real wood, a cabinet is full of books and folders, a board hangs on the wall, covered with photoshoots, a black matte sofa and a coffee table in front of it. The girl is more interested not in the interior but in the figure, sitting on the armrest of the chair.
It is a man with large features, especially his deep-blue eyes and full lips. It is funny the thick arched eyebrows match his relaxed and kind face. Sophie can only see this sitting pose but she can guess his height exactly because of the frame. Higashikata-san looks stunning: dark hair represents as a wild pompadour, gold circle-earrings get the girl’s attention and uniform with expensive decoration suits perfectly. There is no reason to doubt that he is so handsome.
- Good morning, Marmalade Sophie. Have you reached the police station without any problems? I’m waiting for you, - says the man, standing up from the armrest.
- Good morning, Higashikata-san. Yes, I have. Thank you.
- Perhaps, you want to drink, do you? If it is, I will be able to ask a secretary about a cup of tea or coffee.
- Thank you but I don’t. And now the closer: your colleague told me that you’re aware of my visit. I was really inspired by your great work when you catch a robber. It was so fantastic! Can I ask you some questions about the police? The town and Japan must know the heroes which will be described in my article.
- I ask the questions here, not you.
Instantly, there is awful silence. Sophie did not expect that she would embarrass herself like that for the first time. The girl looks at him, starting to get nervous again, choosing the right words to continue this awkward conversation. Sophie often takes everything personally that is why in the school times she was always crying about little things. One day the girl broke her leg and had a decision to visit a doctor. At hospital a haughty woman shouted at her, accusing of breaking the queue. Sophie burst into tears in front of the doctors, sobbing every minute. Now she feels the same.
- Oh, what happened to your face? It’s a joke! My stupid joke…
It does not help.
- So… You seem pretty young, you’re a student, aren’t you?
- Yes, I am. I’m a sophomore and my department… Whatever. May I start an interview?
- Of course. There is no need to stand, sit down.
The conversation started with simple questions about the police and its definition in the officer’s eyes. Higashikata Josuke told Sophie many interesting facts and accidents which had to face. He answered that the reason, why the organization operates as a single well- set mechanism, is because of industrious people who work there. The main aim of Morioh-Cho police is a protection of the town.
- You said the organization is good at coping with difficult and confusing criminal cases and that’s right: there are no unsolved ones but I have found out some information about Kosaku Kawajiri. This man vanished about ten years ago and the wife and the son still have been waiting for…
- I won’t be able to answer your question.
- Why? It’s general quest…
- I don’t like to repeat: I refuse to answer this question, - says the officer, taking his eyes off.
It is getting dark outside. From this room it can see how street lamps have started to light up a full road. The officer is sitting against the window that is why his face is covered with a mysterious shadow, which can admit only the perfect features.
- You have a secret, in which you don’t want to involve me and my readership, do you?
- Marmalade-san, you’re pushing a line.
- A true journalist never pushes a line, he tend to think real information. If I write wrong things in my texts, I will mislead many people. Please, tell me about this per…
- Do you hear me? The conversation is over.
- Higashikata… Josuke, is it your name? The part “ske” can be read like “jo”. What an interesting one, - says Sophie, teasingly looking at his face.
- What are you up to?! - asks officer, getting furious.
- Exactly, the interview is over. Goodbye, JoJo.
The girl has stood up and shut the door roughly. Sophie is thinking about how she can get an archive, where definitely there are important notes about citizens. Perhaps, can the girl use [Mrs. Brightside] to find a direction? But at this time, she is being mad at Higashikata-san and at the thought that her mind treats him as a lovely man. Suddenly, someone grabs her elbow in a sharp way.
- What’s wrong with you? No need to become Dale Cooper in a skirt.
- Harry S. Truman, immediately, let me go.
- One more move and I will speak differently with you.
Sophie sees his eyes. She cannot believe that this kind and pretty face may hurt her. The girl is not surprised that Higashikata Josuke turned out to be very tall and upper-body. Their glances have met for a couple of seconds.
- To hell with it, I'm off! It’s a torture being here! - shouts Sophie, approaching the entrance, - Just so you know, this guard made me to open my bag and show my personal stuffs! He knows that girls keep spare pants and sanitary napkins, such a pervert!
Two men are standing against the wall and watching how Sophie goes out, ignoring the metal detector.
- Higashikata-san, I can…
- You can’t. Let her go.
⬅️ To be continued
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peacharchivedtm · 4 years
a one night stand is suppose to be just that , shuuzou thinks , as he’s sitting here , awkwardly eating pancakes at the table. the setting is this, kagami, his room-mate who is absolutely enjoying this chaos, across from him ; tatsuya, the man he is absolutely head over heels in love with but not together with, to his left ; and his one night stand , sora , to his right. sora is currently in nijimura’s clothes , which isn’t any better than what they were when tatsuya walked in and he was clad only in nijimura’s pj’s bottoms and nijimura himself is shirtless , in loose shorts with bruises and scratchmarks against his back.   mom , dad , god , whoever is up there , how did he get here again and what did he do to deserve this ?  
he knows that look on tatsuya’s face. it’s one of calm anger that simmers just beneath the surface and he tries to break the tension , “ --- can someone pass me the honey ? ”  tatsuya slams it in front of him. “ so , i didn’t catch your name , ” he says , directing attention to sora, whose name he had definitely heard, but he’s pissed and annoyed at the situation so he thinks it’s the very least that he could do.  “ uh - sora-- ” sora wonders if he slept with this guys boyfriend , why else would this stranger , ( who sora has to admit is so pretty. what is up with this apartment and having nothing but attractive men in it ? ) be so cold towards him ? tatsuya , he chides himself mentally. he remembers hearing kagami and nijimura say it.  “ sora, ” tatsuya repeats , rolling the name around on his tongue , “ so - tell me how you met nijimura ? ”  the man in question winces , as he directs his attention towards kagami , asking for some kind of relief. he doesn’t get it , in fact what he does get is the other finishing his plate and leaving. the bastard ! leaving him in this predicament ! it’s rare for tatsuya to call him by some other name other than shuu , which means he absolutely is livid at the moment.  “ uh --tatsuya ? we met last night -- is nijimura your boyfriend ? ”  nijimura coughs , choking on his pancake.  boyfriend ? he wishes that he was dating tatsuya. although , with the ice coming from the shooter , he’s not sure that’s going to be an option in the future. ( he wonders briefly why tatsuya is mad ? it’s not like they were together after all. nijimura can hook up with whomever he wants to and whenever he wants too. ) “ no, ” tatsuya says after a pause , blinking at the use of his first name, “ no he’s not. he’s free to do whoever he wants too. ” it’s said in such a chilling tone that nijimura knows that he is definitely no longer free to do whoever he wanted too. “ also please call me himuro. after all , we are in japan , it’s only fair , correct ? you don’t know me that well. ” sora flushes in embarrassment , and goes to speak.  “ so , sora , ” nijimura cuts him off and tries to change the subject, “ where do you go to school ? ”  “ wow , nijimura , sleep with the man and don’t even know what school he goes to. ”  “ shut up tatsuya. ” “ i’m just saying, shouldn’t you know who you sleep with before you sleep with them ? ”  a glare is given to the shooter , and a kick is received on his ankle. bitch , that hurt ! nijimura is sure there will be a bruise there by the afternoon, blooming in all sorts of greens , purples , and yellows. he doesn’t say anything about it , in fact he , at the very least deserves it.  sora definitely thinks something at the very least is going on between the two. ugh , this is the problem with pretty boys , usually , there’s someone else that they’re into. “ ah -- i’m a student at touou. ” he says finally , after glancing at tatsuya and nijimura.  nijimura nods. “ i have a couple of friends that go there too. ”  tatsuya snorts.  sora , cleaning his plate , grimaces , before standing , “ well , this was lovely, ” it was not , “ but i need to leave immediately. ” he’s not even concerned with getting his clothes , but he immediately tries to get out of this very awkward situation.  “ goodbye , sora. ” tatsuya says , cold as ice , with his ever-pleasant smile on his face. nijimura stuffs a pancake into his face as he waves. whatever gets rid of this tension in the kitchen faster. it’s now just the two of them , and nijimura almost wishes he had left instead.  “ so - ” he tries to change the subject. “ so , does that happen often ? ”  “ does what happen often ? ” tatsuya sends him a glare , and quirks a brow as he tilts his head into the now shut door that sora had all but fled out of without a second word. shuuzou lets out a sigh. “ does it matter ? ” another kick against his shin , and nijimura scowls towards tatsuya. “ stop that. ”  “ answer the question ” tatsuya replies.  nijimura purses his lips and debates on not answering it but as always , he will give tatsuya whatever he wants so after a pause , he averts his gaze. “ sometimes. it’s rare that they stick and make breakfast though, usually kagami just throws them out. ” tatsuya nods. good taiga. he should get him something special he thinks. get rid of all of them. “ i see, ” he says eventually.  pushing the plate away , he leans back , “ so. ” nijimura begins , “ what’s your deal ? why are you so icy ? ”  “ i’m not icy. this is just how i am. ”  “ a load of bullshit. try the truth. ”  flipping shuuzou the bird , tatsuya shifts. “ i just didn’t expect to see anyone else here so early in the morning and it caught me off guard i guess. ” also a load of bullshit but tatsuya is not good with commitments and he doesn’t know what to say or how to say that he’s jealous that the person he’s in love with is hooking up with other people. why not him ? “ why do you do it ? ” nijimura swallows , they’re going into dangerous , almost confession territory , “ its just letting off steam you know -- ” a devilish smile crosses tatsyua’s face , and shuuzou swallows. oh he’s in trouble.  tatsuya leans forward , dropping his gaze to shuu’s lips. “ so would just anyone work then ? ” the other flushes , bright red.  “ what do you mean ? ”  eyes narrow , “ you know , ” he takes hand and runs it up the other’s arm , “ what about me , would i work for you ? to let off steam , as you say ? ” he’s jealous , and he wants to test something. he doesn’t know what he’s doing , he must be out of his mind.  nijimura shifts , ears lightening up in red as eyes widen. “ ta- tatsuya ---- what are you saying ? ” it’s kinda cute tatsuya thinks , how shuu is trying to play innocent now , when he obviously wasn’t so innocent last night. not with the scratch marks that he had seen on the other’s back.  “ would you sleep with me ? ” he decides to ask out-right. oh man , aomine is going to have an entire field day if taiga doesn’t tell him about the awkward situation first. he knows the two of them had a meet up today. “ after all , i came over today to keep you from being lonely. i knew daiki and taiga were hanging out , i could make it worth your while. ” it’s all but purred out and shuuzou is trying to get away but the chair is against the wall and he can’t go any further.  “ no. ” shuuzou finally says and tatsuya’s guts twist. he knew it. he knew the other didn’t think of him like that. “ you’re not them. they’re nobodies , but you’re someone. ”  “ i see. ” tatsuya says backing away , face straightening out.  shuuzou licks at his lips , “ i couldn’t -- i wouldn’t , i can’t , just sleep with you and have it not mean anything. ” he says finally , voice quiet. “ they mean nothing and that’s fine with me. but you -- ” a breath as he looks away from tatsuya , “ you would mean something. ”  tatsuya pauses. shuuzou was never good about talking about his feelings , well , neither was he. “ so they’re a stop along the way then ? ” he says , staring at the other , willing shuuzou to just look at him. to see that tatsuya is irrevocably in love with him , would do anything for him. he’s pleased to know that nijimura thinks that it would mean something if they slept together. it secures his position against all of those other boys that shuu had brought home. they meant nothing , and he meant something.  this is dangerous , tatsuya and shuuzou both know. confessions could happen here if they weren’t careful about what was said.  nijimura shifts , “ you could say that but the last stop --- ” a sigh as he shakes his head , “ well , ” the last stop is tatsuya or no one. shuuzou knows this but he can’t say this right now. tatsuya is a hot wire waiting to explode , he can’t just confess right now. “ well , who knows when the last stop is. ” 
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“JORGE JOESTAR”, Wikipedia + Google Translate edition, volume 2.
For example, the 4567 characters meet each other, the boss characters fight each other (time stand vs time stand), the ultimate life cars are revived, and so on. (Quite a company.) In 1900, 10-year-old George Joe Star, living on the Spanish island of La Palma in the Canary Islands, was struggling by Antonio Torres and sent a daily life to help his childhood friend Lisa Lisa. (Yep, he’s just sent the entirety of his daily life to help Elizabeth. That’s the Joe Star way for ya’!) A mysterious case of being killed occurs. (... I don’t even know, what to think about this) Detective 999 (Tsukumoduk) (Poor boy. At least he’ll now understand Dio, who was only called “D” and was miserable) George Joe Star, who lives in Nishiaki Town, Fukui Prefecture, meets with a boy 9999 who came from another world because he was able to unlock the code hidden in the murder of a closed room. (Sounds kinda like unlocking secret codes in games) In addition, a message from Yoshikage Kira sent a message saying, "If you get close to Morio-cho, you will kill it." (Kira’s message sends a message on it’s own, while Morio-cho decides to die for no better reason, than someone getting close to it) As it continued, 999,99 were found dead in Morio-cho the next morning. (... Quite the killcount.) Yacross House (Ya’, ain’t no ye ol’ Arrow Cross House!) Yasuhiro Hirose, Mysterious Nijimura, and the innumerable large number of Nijimura (The Nijimure family keeps getting bigger) Moriojima is covered with a transparent barrier, and cannot pass military missile attacks Outside detectives said, “Kira Yoshikage, calm down. We know you are not the culprit in the detective triple murder case. The true criminal may be trying to hunt down you in wet clothes. Could you consider cooperating in the investigation?' (The wet clothes saga continues) Nijimura and his colleagues prevent the townsmen from getting confused and hysterical, and at the gymnasium that causes mass burnt suicide. (What a nice gymnasium) Nijimura and his colleagues prevent the townsmen from getting confused and hysterical, and at the gymnasium that causes mass burnt suicide. (The town’s not better either) However, Kenton is killed and George is suspected as a suspect (Makes sense) The George criminal theory is an impossible crime The mafia boarded the town of Morio and began controlling the mayor and residents. (No opportunity wasted) Mafia Shiohana Hatsuryu calls the detective George and requests a detective to "find out the boss's diabolo." (Kinda ironic, given, who Giorno is here) Darlington tells George "Resuscitation of the Dead". What we did about Dio Brando and Stone Mask, and that my father and brother were obsessed with the delusion of resuscitating Kenton. (What a nice time to live) 300 zombie aviation units have launched a mainland attack on Britain. George and Lisa Lisa are all defeated in an aerial battle, and London is regained. (... Are they sure they didn’t completely misinterpret the results?) Butcharati says, "The bad guys who die are good. You don't have to figure out the truth of death." (Great words, Butcher-rati!) I have Giovana treating my wound. (Whom do you mean by “I”?!) The explanation of the stand was received, and with the help of dew, it was possible to see the stand and have a conversation in Japan. (M - Multitasking) In this place, Arrow Cross House, the mystery of the diabolo, Yoshikage, and 999 killings is to be solved. (The killcount stays awesome) When I was a kid, I had a timid personality. When I was a kid, I was bullied by Antonios and helped by Lisa Lisa. He became a friend of 9999 and gained experience as a detective assistant in his early teens. He is also very interested in airplanes and cars, and once he is an adult he becomes an excellent British military pilot. (The POV keeps jumping. Also, multiple Antionions? I think Torres wasn’t a skin zombie yet by this point.) Shortly after his birth, he was adopted and was adopted, and was adopted by the British Joe Star family in Fukui Prefecture and was named "George". (The holy adoption trinity, embodied in one boy. Maijo be happy) Received a message from "Yoshikage Kira" by name, and further killed 999, whom he met, in Moriomachi, leading to Moriomachi and becoming involved in a stranger case. (... I’ve thought serial killer detectives were a thing of the ID: INVADED) Kato Tsukumo 99 (Tsukumoduk Kato) (Poor boy.) The world has a meta- idea that it is a story, and I believe that by believing in Beyond, we must overcome our destiny as the protagonist. (Quite an optimistic outlook on life) In Chapter 1, I was aware that I was a detective and the protagonist of the story, but when I learned about unknown existences such as vampires and ripples, I was convinced that Beyond moved to George and became the protagonist. (The fourth walll just keeps getting broken) Seiryoin Ryusui 's JDC series ' famous detective " 9999 " has the same name as "Kato 9999 " in Maijo's past work " 999-Tsuku Moduuk- ", but it is set. And different people. I had been planning for 100 years in a canoe on the sea floor. (The coffin was too expensive, so, he had to do with canoe) . Elizabeth Strazzo Known as Lisa Lisa . George's one-year-old childhood friend. With a strong personality, he helped George, a bullied Antonio, in his childhood. He later married Ai Soai and has a son, Joseph Joe Star . Under the influence of the ripples of Jonathan Joe Star, he learned the basics of ripple breathing when he encountered a marine accident at an early age. (Wait... did Lisa Lisa transition at any point?) Penelope de la Rosa A younger girl than George, a person who was involved in a case that was resolved by 999 and George. In a nightmare, the clown forced him to murder a closed room, causing him to become a clown phobia. Later he worked in Elina's office and became a co-resident of the Joe Stars family. (Penelope too... also, murdering the closed room? And becoming the embodiment of clown phobia? AWESOME) Nijimura Mysterious (Nijimura wonder) Bad-looking student with left and right afro hairstyle. A high school boy with a fast-moving personality, and an enormous twin brother. The shirt and school run have the description " 10^64 ". I am chasing Yoshikage Kira who has gone missing. There is a character with the same surname in the fourth part of the original work. (Nijimura with afro. Cool) He has the appearance of a middle-aged man and can speak with his ego. (NYPD Blue speaks not with mouth or some Stand bullshit, but with ego. Awesome.) On Manhattan Island, I am motivated. (And nowhere else) Yuki Kachi, Cat Cat Nyan Nyan Nyan He had been killed in the Boyoyon cape and the Angelo rocks in the town of Duo. (Neko Neko too...) Lumbaba 12, lol curry (Lol) PocoRoco Triple Seven Astronaut of HG Wells. Black youth. Light staff Multiple stand. Carry out the given instructions. Goya Three Soundman Astronaut of HG Wells. A Native American bloody youth. "Soundman", which was said to be the real name of "Sandman" in the 7th part of the original work, is in the family name. Dune The body and sand are united. Bounce, not stand. Ability has a vision. (”I, Dune, have a vision!") Giorno Giovana / Shiohana Hatsuno Rino Executive of the Paschone family. Betrays the boss Diabolo and pursues his identity with his colleagues. It has a star-shaped bruises, although its history is unknown. Brno Bucharati (Vry intrsting mfioso) Narancha Gilga A mafia boy whose age is not so different from that of George. Shake the knife easily. Even simple calculations are wrong. (That... is correct) . Panna Cotta Fugo It seems to be a hallucination stand. (Well, at least Reimi won’t be only one of her kind anymore) Diabolo (common name) The boss of the Paschone family. He never reveals himself to his subordinates. I have been betrayed by Giorno and others and are being chased by them. Later discovered as a corpse at Arrow Cross House. Dio referred to him as "the son of a train robber," and was sucked into the blood as familiar. King Crimson Diaboro stand. You can skip the time for a few seconds. (Now Diaboro has become a familiar?) Dorcio chocolate Doctor. A person involved in drug trafficking and terrorism in the United States. Gaido is also taking a slaughter of civilian massacre by taking advantage of Giorno-led boss purge operation. (Dorcio expanded his influence to the USA? Cool) A man dressed like a bondage. A patient with chocolate, who has a psychiatric outpatient history. He is involved in the massacre of civilians with Chocolatata. Evil Dead Secco stand. It looks like a giant person. It has the ability to hide events that occur anywhere and make them imperceptible from a particular direction. (Chokolatata. I think I’m going to keep this one in mind. Also, Evil Dead got buffed, I see.) Cars [B] The ultimate life form born by a man on a pillar wearing a stone mask wearing Aja's red stone. Dangerous creatures that are strictly ordered by the United Nations to never approach the earth. After being thrown into space at the end of the battle with Joseph Joe Star, he wandered through space and arrived on Mars and settled in. He had previously communicated with Fannier Valentine of the United States (the previously mentioned fear was Tatezen), and returned to Earth with Fannier's death along with George, Nalancha and Pucci. By further learning the stand as the ultimate life form, it is possible to copy the stand ability of others (the ultimate is added to the stand name, and it is further strengthened). The Eyed Baroon Spacecraft HG Wells newly discovered Mars' third moon, or creature. A sphere with eyes, fangs and tentacles. Named by NASA. It is directly connected to the right hand of Cars on the surface of Mars, and a sphere with a diameter of 5 km floats in the sky 8 km above. I couldn't observe it from Earth because Cars was hiding it by moving against the rotation of Mars. As described above, it is a living body that extends from the body of Cars, and the inside is hollow and contains the body of the spacecraft Giotto. (UN ordered Kars never to reach Earth? Ha-ha-ha. Also, is he now just a simple Homo Sapiens, who wore an Aja mask on a pillar? And what’s the Tatezen?) Jonathan Joe Star [B] Jojo, the fifth generation detective George. He died together in 1889 in an attempt to prevent Dio's train robbery. Dio Brandow Joe Star [B] Adopted by the Joe Star family and Jonathan's brother-in-law. It is said that Jonathan died in a train robbery. (The family tree keeps getting weirder) Joseph Joe Star [B] The Joe Star family emigrated from the United States to Nishixiao Town in his time. He was the great-grandfather of the detective George, and was called "Joseph Grandfather". Died in 2010. He is a hero who once exiled the ultimate life cars. Honoring his grandfather Jonathan, he called Dio only "D" and said it horribly. (Dio still has no luck with names) The land is only one huge continent Panlandia, and the Japanese archipelago is attached to the eastern end. The ocean is Ocean The Ocean. (The ocean is Ocean The Ocean. Does it make a trinity?) Arrow Cross House A residence of Rohan Kishibe. A strange structure where the four tips of the cross are in the shape of an arrow. It was said that it was built without anyone's knowledge, it seemed to have been relocated from Sai Akatsuki-cho, or the shape had changed before I knew it. It was the scene of the 9999 killing case and the Yoshikage Kira & Diaboro killing cases. Remi Sugimoto, the stand, controls the building and space. The interior space embodies the tesselact structure, which is a conceptual figure because of the stand. (How did they manage to pile up 9999 corpses in there?) 14 words In July 1999, the fragments of the spacecraft Giotto crashed, the Pucci family became craters, and only the eldest son Enrico, who was out, escaped the difficulty. 14 words on the surface of the iron plate "spiral stairs" "beetle insects" "ruins town" "fig tarts" "beetle insects" "road to Dolorosa" "beetle insects" "singularity" "Giotto" "angel" "Hydrangea," "beetle," "singularity," "secret emperor," and "how to reach heaven" were written. Detective George experiences these 14 things through the story. Pucci, who accompanies George, also experiences these phenomena, and when all the conditions are met, a maid in heaven is born. ( @sophianightdreamer So that’s how this Touhou/JJBA crossover came to be...)
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pseudorganized · 4 years
The Bachelor(s)
Summary: (Sequel to My Best Friend's Wedding)
"It's the night before the Big Day. Are you ready? See you at the Bachelor Parties tonight! #bakahusbands"
Or Daiki and Ryouta are getting married but Daiki needs to get through the bachelor parties first.
Characters/Pairings: Aomine Daiki, Kise Ryouta, AoKise. A bunch of cameos.
Notes:  After two years, #bakaboyfriends will finally become #bakahusbands because it took me two years to write up the sequel lolAnyway, here is my actual offering for AoKise Day but I am fashionably late, it seems. There will probably be mistakes and those are mine. But anyway, I won't delay you any more. Hope you enjoy!
Also available over at Ao3!
"Aomine-kun, Akashi-kun has a problem."
Tetsu's eyes were huge in his face like they usually were but for some reason, they gave Daiki an uneasy feeling just then. The feeling didn't ease when Daiki found himself meeting eyes with Akashi who looked too calm and too serious as always..
"Aomine, I apologize." The apology felt sincere and Daiki wished Akashi would blink. "I don't have smaller bills."
Not for the first time in the past few days (weeks, months) Daiki had no idea what was going on. "...What?"
"For the night's… entertainment," Akashi non-explained delicately, quietly, still very seriously and Daiki really wished he knew what he was talking about.
Satsuki only told him to come pool-side where “his” side of the bachelor party was going to be. No one told him he was going to have any part of keeping things organized, never mind having to hold Akashi Seijuuro's hand through commoner pre-wedding festivities.
He probably looked like the actual idiot he was because Akashi's face was actually starting to look a bit pinched. You kind of start to notice his shifting expressions after spending some time with him and he often told you to run laps until you dropped dead.
"I don't have the necessary denomination for tipping the exotic dancers--"
Daiki felt like his head had exploded. He held up his hand to Akashi's face to stop him. He must have really just experienced brain damage because he actually dared to just put his hand up to Akashi's face within stabbing distance.
What the fuck?
Daiki looked urgently at Tetsu. "Exotic--I thought Satsuki said no strippers?"
Tetsu looked at him quietly for a long time.
Big, innocent eyes on his stupid, fucking child-like face.
"Yes, Momoi-san definitely said no strippers," Tetsu confirmed.
Daiki absolutely felt his blood pressure shoot up. "Then why did you--"
"Oh, I understand now." Akashi interrupted Daiki mid-mind explosion #2. Now those eyes were on Tetsu.
Tetsu turned his head and looked right back at Akashi.
No fear, ice cold. He just needed a milkshake and a pair of sunglasses.
Akashi looked back at him like he was about to wage some kind of war. It felt like the Winter Cup Finals back in first year high school all over again. "That was not funny, Kuroko."
In turn, Tetsu smiled a little, the Rakuzan ass-kicking asshole. "I kind of thought it was, Akashi-kun."
And Daiki left them there because he did not need the added stress on his already huge pile of it the day before his wedding. Where the hell was Kagami when he needed him?
Two years ago, Satsuki got married and Daiki had been involved with some tasks and responsibilities for the wedding. He had seen first hand what kind of stress and turmoil one had to go through just for one special day and he had thought himself adequately prepared for it. As usual, he was wrong. It was a whole other ballgame when it was you on the way to be shackled and it was your soon-to-be spouse who was stressed because no, Daiki, we can’t just do it at our favorite outdoor court! Among other things.
And now they were at this beach resort with a bazillion of their family, friends and acquaintances (It’s just about a hundred people, Daiki, don’t be dramatic--) for the ceremony. Tonight was the bachelor parties which took up the bar and restaurant and pool areas. Too many people they knew and vaguely did were milling around socializing, eating, drinking and having a great time before the big day tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Daiki was overwhelmed and kind of tired but that wasn’t anything new nowadays.
"Hey, Aomine!"
Daiki stopped then sighed before just turning towards the voice, not at all surprised to find himself face-to-face with his brother-in-law. Well, sort of brother-in-law.
Hamada Tadashi was a robotics engineer who was involved in developing technologies towards making the world a better place. More importantly, he also happened to be married to Satsuki, thus explaining his presence in the party. What was strange was how he was seated at a table with his old Touou Captain, Imayoshi Shoichi, and one Kuroo Tetsurou. Looking at all three of them together already made Daiki's head hurt a little bit more.
"Are you okay?" Tadashi asked, looking genuinely concerned. Daiki might not have gone out of his way to befriend the guy until he did the right thing and proposed then married the girl Daiki considered his sister but he had always, grudgingly, thought the guy was a decent one. Always friendly and accommodating and wasn't deterred by Aomine's attitude one bit. "You want to sit down with us for a while?"
"You do look kinda overwhelmed," Imayoshi put in and Daiki was pretty sure his old Captain was giving him a surveying look.
Beside him, Kuroo hummed in agreement as he looked around idly. “It’s kind of a madhouse around here right now, huh?”
A madhouse was right and if Daiki thought about it a bit harder, his brain would most likely die. He had no idea how he and Ryouta were able to accumulate these many people as friends and acquaintances through the years. Take for example Kuroo here who was a member of FC Tokyo and was currently sitting in the smart kids’ table. Before Tadashi noticed him, they must have been talking about something brainy, like Tadashi’s latest project that had something to do with robot nurses or whatever they were called. It almost always flew over Daiki’s head whenever Satsuki tried to explain it to him.
“I have no idea where all these idiots came from,” Daiki grumbled as he took a seat beside Kuroo which faced away from the chaos happening in the pool area behind him. Normally, Daiki wasn’t one for socializing but people were here for his wedding and he supposed he could spend some time being welcoming.
“Well, you’re gonna have a wedding in a beautiful beach resort plus food and booze. Most everything’s free,” Imayoshi shrugged easily before taking a sip of his own drink, something amber and expensive-looking. “Are you really that surprised, Aomine?”
Daiki gave his old senpai a bit of a glare. “And all of you didn’t have to come.”
“Come now, Aomine, you can’t be this annoyed about us accepting your and Kise’s invitation, are you?” Kuroo has a hand over his heart, shit-eating smirk on his face, and right then Daiki knew how he and Imayoshi could get along like a house on fire. “I’m hurt. It wasn’t cheap coming out here, you know?”
Was it too late to regret his choice to sit down? It probably was.
“I think Satsuki and Kise did a great job organizing everything, though.” Tadashi came to his rescue with a winning smile, that smile that always came out when he talked about his beloved wife.
“They’re a powerful combination,” Imayoshi noted with a nod and even Kuroo had to smile at that.
It looked like Kuroo had something to add to that but then a loud whoop swelled from the pool area. Daiki looked over to that direction and found Midorima walking away from the ruckus with a bit of a pinched look on his face and the day's lucky item in one hand. It seemed to be a rolled-up sock.
“What’s going on?” Daiki asked, a bit worried that someone might come in and call everything off.
Midorima looked at Daiki like this was all his fault. “An arm-wrestling match.”
“Between who?” Kuroo suddenly asked, looking far too interested for anyone’s good.
“Iwaizumi-san and Matsuoka Rin.” Everyone turned to find that it was no other than Nijimura-senpai who spoke and tagging along was Himuro, of course. It was still kind of strange seeing their old Teiko Captain with Himuro Tatsuya but apparently they were friends. Or something.
Himuro was almost grinning. “We’re on our way to witness an epic gun show, according to Matsukawa-san.”
“Any bets going around?” It was Imayoshi who asked, unsurprisingly, as he rose up from his seat.
“Not that we know of as of yet but we can always ask around, Imayoshi-san,” Himuro replied with playful cheek and it didn’t take long before Imayoshi was walking off with them followed by a very curious Kuroo.
“Are they going to be okay?” Tadashi suddenly asked from the side.
Midorima pushed his glasses up against the bridge of his nose as he did. “I expected better from Iwaizumi-san and Matsuoka-san both but I suppose the occasion inspires a reckless sense of fun.”
It still sounded like Midorima was blaming Daiki but he had known Midorima long enough that he knew just to just ignore it.
"They're grown ass adults," Daiki said with a scoff. "They should know what they're getting into."
Thankfully, Midorima made no further comment and politely excused himself.
The noise level behind them was rising and normally, Aomine would have been in the middle of that. An arm wrestling match between Iwaizumi Hajime, his old College roommate and former volleyball ace, and an actual Olympian? Aomine would have been all over that but not today.
He sighed and he noticed Tadashi just kind of smiling at him sympathetically.
"...What?" he asked with a bit of a frown.
The smile on Tadashi's face barely shifted. "You want to take a breather? I can cover for you."
Daiki actually took a bit of time to think about it. What were the consequences if he stepped away from this circus for a while? How painful would they be? Could he actually trust Tadashi?
"Can I trust you?" he asked and Tadashi got points for not making a fuss about even being asked.
He just smiled that friendly smile and Daiki could really sort of tell why Satsuki fell for him. Tadashi was just a really nice guy.
"I think anyone would want a break every now and then."
And wasn't that true? Daiki was pretty sure Tadashi would even have some science to back all that up.
With a sigh, Daiki got up from his chair and made to go, nodding at Tadashi as he went.
"Stay outta trouble, Hamada. Don't get into any arm wrestling matches or whatever."
Tadashi's laugh sent him off. "See you later!"
Daiki raised a hand and quickly made his escape. Finally.
Walking down the path toward the restaurant and bar area made him realize that it wasn't long before sunset. The path leading to the restaurant cut through a well-maintained garden with a sea view. The sky was slowly turning into a mix of yellows, pinks and purples and even Daiki could definitely appreciate the sight.
Honestly, he could get married anywhere, even just a basketball court (wearing his favorite Jordans, of course), but he had to admit it was a good idea to have their wedding in a beautiful place like this.
"Oh there you are, Aomine-kun."
He had to look away from the view to find Mibuchi Reo coming up to him and he felt an instinctual urge to flee. Mibuchi was one of Ryouta's so-called Groom Squad, a group of Ryouta’s friends from all over who offered their assistance to Ryouta and Satsuki as the wedding approached. Daiki barely ever saw the lot of them the past few weeks without it involving some wedding-related task.
"Hey, Mibuchi-san," Daiki greeted, deciding to try and make this as painless as possible for his own good. "What's up?"
"I'm so glad you're here, Aomine-kun," Mibuchi replied, waving a well-manicured hand toward the direction that Daiki just left from and making an annoyed-looking face. "Imagine if I have to go over there where all the brutes are? No, thank you."
"You were looking for me?" Well, that was a dumb question but Daiki asked anyway.
"Yes, Mr. Husband-to-Be--" Daiki thought Mibuchi was about to reach out and pat or pinch his cheek; he didn't. "--Ryou-chan says to meet him by the Sandbar."
It was probably super sappy to say that his heart thumped when he heard that Ryouta was asking for him. "At the Sandbar?"
Mibuchi waved him off. "Yes. Go on now. He's waiting."
And after what felt like years, Daiki felt like smiling.
"Okay," he said with a nod but before he went, he took a moment to look Mibuchi over. "You look tired, Mibuchi-san."
Mibuchi made a less than elegant, very weary face and Daiki would have laughed if he could but he got it.
"Satsuki-chan runs a tight ship,” he quipped dryly. “But I love her and Ryou-chan so Neesan will persevere. I will tell you this, though, Aomine-kun.”
Mibuchi lifted a finger poignantly. “Yu-chan and I are most definitely eloping."
And that did make Daiki laugh. "I don't know if Kasamatsu-san would agree but hold on just a little bit more. This’ll all be done tomorrow."
"Thank God."
Daiki didn't waste time on making his way to the Sandbar after talking to Mibuchi. Now, the Sandbar wasn't some piece of land that sprouted up from the sea. The people who came to the resort just called it that because there was a lot of sand and there was a bar. It was an area by the beach where a bar and dining area was set up. Low tables were placed down on mats over the white sand where you could sit or even lie down comfortably and enjoy some drinks or a meal while looking out towards the beach. And if you decided to go for a swim, you were just a few steps away to doing just that.
He found Ryouta some ways away from where the early dinner crowd was, looking over to the direction of the sea and away from his phone, finally. The setting sun's golden light reflected on his hair and eyes, making him glow and look even more beautiful if that was even possible. He seemed to sense Daiki's stare as he came closer and he turned his head to smile at him.
"Aominecchi~!" Ryouta called, drawing up the old nickname teasingly that Daiki had to scoff and lean down to give him a kiss for it.
Ryouta smiled when he kissed him back and it made Daiki feel warm. That little detail was something about Ryouta that he would never get over.
Daiki sighed when he drew away. During the kiss, he had gotten a hand down to lightly cup by the side of Ryouta's neck to end up with fingertips caressing his nape. Ryouta was smiling still, looking fond and sweet and also a bit like he was tired. Daiki kissed him again for good measure. When was the last time they were alone and this close?
"Daiki must have missed me," Ryouta observed with a grin a moment later after Daiki settled beside him. Daiki didn't care to occupy his own side of the table, happy enough to just squish up against Ryouta as much as possible that he was almost on his lap. He even leaned his head by Ryouta's shoulder and closed his eyes. When he breathed in, he smelled Ryouta's lavender shampoo layered with the sunblock he must have just reapplied. Ryouta smelled so good and familiar he could fall asleep right then and there.
"Could we leave and go to bed already?" Daiki asked with his eyes closed. He bothered to ask even when he knew the answer would be "no".
A soft giggle and Daiki felt fingers playing with the hair by his nape. A shiver ran through his spine and he almost groaned. Ryouta and his magic fingers...
"But we still have the ending program for the bachelor parties, remember?"
Daiki actually groaned at that. "There's more?" He almost turned his head and nipped Ryouta on the shoulder.
Another giggle, more petting, this time more soothing and indulgent rather than playful. "Just some games and we gotta give a 'thank you' speech for the guests. Poor Daiki. I'm sorry, baby." Finally he got a kiss for his troubles. "You must be tired. Daiki needs to recharge, hm?"
"Do I get a lapdance from you at least?"
Ryouta tugged at his ear kind of hard even if he did laugh at the question. "No, Ahominecchi! Not when my sisters are gonna be watching, come on…"
That tug hurt a little and Daiki frowned but he just grumbled under his breath and took more cuddles for compensation.
If you asked him, this big, flashy celebration was not really Daiki's style. It was something he decided after having to follow Satsuki around for months to make sure she wasn't obsessing over little details too much and that she got enough rest. Wedding planning was stressful as all hell and he would prefer to not have anything to do with it if he had a choice. He could get married anywhere and have it done anytime. All that mattered was that Ryouta would be the one standing with him and that he would say "I do".
But Ryouta wanted the big, flashy wedding because it was his style. In his own way, Ryouta loved the planning, the hassle, the stress. He wanted to make memories and have people to share them with. Plus, Ryouta just loved a good party and why not make his wedding the best one ever?
And since Daiki loved him and knew what it took when it came to getting together with Kise Ryouta, he agreed to the beach resort wedding with the bazillion guests. Also the crazy bachelor parties though his batteries were drained and he would prefer not to see anymore people for the next year or so.
But for now it was okay because he was in a corner away from all that with just Ryouta and he was getting his hair petted while waves coming up the beach sounded in his ears.
"You awake?"
He must have dozed off for a bit because when he opened his eyes, the lights around them had been turned on and night had fallen. It was cooler and with a deep sigh, he shuffled even closer against Ryouta. He wrapped his arms around him and was prepared to get settled for a bit longer when a smell distracted him.
A waiter had come up with a bit of a smile, a tray held over one hand. On the tray were two plates of food and he laid them down carefully before them.
One plate had some beautifully grilled chicken and a hefty vegetable salad on the side. On the other plate was a burger, the patty thick and juicy and topped with finely shredded cabbage, paired with wedges of potatoes.
"I ordered us dinner!" Ryouta chirped after sending off the waiter with a smile of his own. "Did you know that they served Teriyaki Burgers here? I thought you might want to give it a try."
His burger definitely didn't look anything like the ones he got at Maji Burger but his stomach rumbled at the sight of it. When was the last time he ate?
"Do we have time for this?" Daiki asked even as he already reached to examine the burger. He wasn't sure about the cabbage but well, he was hungry.
"I asked Momocchi for at least an hour," Ryouta answered as he picked up a knife and fork and immediately pierced one of Daiki's potato wedges. Rude.
Daiki took one of the bite-sized pieces of chicken Ryouta had sliced up as payment.
"An hour?"
Ryouta hummed in answer. "An hour to have dinner and just to hang out." He offered Daiki another piece of chicken with his fork and Daiki obligingly ate it. "I told her I missed you."
Daiki cut up about two bites' worth of his burger and placed it over one side of Ryouta's plate.
"I missed you too…"
Ryouta gave him that pleased, happy smile that always crinkled his eyes, very unlike those polished ones he gave cameras, and Daiki sighed. He reached to wipe off a bit of dressing that was by Ryouta's lip with his thumb.
"Now eat,” he told him. “And you better finish all of that."
Ryouta nodded obediently. "Yes, Daddy."
And then laughed when Daiki scowled and rolled his eyes at him.
Sometimes, Daiki really couldn't believe he was actually marrying this annoying (precious) brat.
The burger was juicy with the right amount of teriyaki sauce and the cabbage added a good crunch. It was pretty good and Daiki enjoyed it as he and Ryouta had their dinner. It was their first time having a meal alone since they arrived at the resort and it was a nice break. They got to catch up a bit with each other and how the whole day had been so far. As usual, their conversation flowed smoothly, hardly a dull or quiet moment.
Daiki watched Ryouta as he told him about his day, voice lilting and always in motion. Ryouta had always been animated, full of life, glowing and golden, and Daiki often had a hard time looking away. He had long grown past the embarrassment of getting caught staring at Ryouta for too long and now, they had come to the point where Daiki knew he wouldn't really be able to look away ever again. And that thought was…
Ryouta was smiling at him, amused, and Daiki knew he was caught just staring again.
"Ah, Daiki is so in love with me," Ryouta sighed wistfully as he lifted a hand to his forehead like he was going for a swoon. "How is he to survive another night without being married to me, I wonder? This must be my curse for being so handsome."
"Oi, stop that," Daiki grumbled as he reached and took the hand that Ryouta had to his forehead, the one with the ring he gave him. "You really need to stop picking up shit like that from Oikawa-san."
Ryouta was laughing again, flushed from giggling too much and that random cocktail he ordered, while he held onto Daiki's hand and looked like, well.
Daiki's Forever.
"Ki-chan! Dai-chan!"
Satsuki appeared with a wave and a smile and Daiki sighed because he knew it was time to go back to the party. Joy.
"Momocchi!" Ryouta waved back with his other hand that was not holding Daiki's. "And Cheekinui too!"
"Can you just go back around and take that demon with you?" Daiki asked as he eyed Satsuki and the plump plushie in her arms. The plushie that resembled Ryouta down to the blond hair and big amber eyes. Daiki had no idea why Kise Ryouta plushies existed but there was probably a method to the madness and it included fangirls and wishful thinking.
Satsuki shook her head just as she handed over the plushie, Cheekinui, to a Ryouta making grabby hands. "You're always so mean to Cheekinui, Dai-chan. What did he ever do to you?"
"It's a trespasser," Daiki answered just as he avoided soft sausage hand pats that Ryouta was inflicting on his cheek via Cheekinui. "We're on a dinner date. And it’s evil."
The plush might look like Ryouta but it was evil to its core, Daiki just knew. He could tell by its penetrating, judging stare.
"Then I’m a trespasser, too," Satsuki said with a shrug and ignored Daiki's answering groan. "It's time for you two to come back and make an appearance at your party."
"Tell them we're busy," Daiki insisted and no, he was not whining. What are you talking about? But he stopped and just sulked a bit instead when Ryouta kissed his cheek.
"Give me just 10 minutes, okay, Momocchi?" Ryouta said as he got up, smiling that professional Kise Ryouta smile. "I'll just freshen up."
Satsuki beamed. "Okay, Ki-chan!"
Ryouta turned to Daiki and wordlessly held out Cheekinui like the plushie was a baby, hands under the plushie’s armpits while his feet dangled. Cheekinui had a wardrobe change--blue and white Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts, usually he wore a tiny Kaijou jersey--and somehow he had white angel wings strapped to his back. Daiki really didn't get it but he took it like a man and just accepted the Ryouta-looking plush. He was rewarded with a happy beam from Ryouta.
"Be right back!"
Daiki watched Ryouta go with a sigh before sitting back on his chair and putting Cheekinui over his lap. It was weird, sitting a plushie over his lap like it was a child, but he had probably done weirder for Ryouta and would continue to do so in the future for sure.
He felt Satsuki's eyes on him and he turned to meet her gaze.
She was smiling at him, something soft and fond, and it made him just hold Cheekinui closer for some reason.
"Are you ready, Dai-chan?" she asked and Daiki knew she didn't need to elaborate.
He knew what it was she was asking and he also knew his answer.
"Yeah," he replied easily, calmly, and he looked back to the direction Ryouta went.
"I am."
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courtingstars · 5 years
First, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who was so kind regarding my life update post... I really appreciate your support and your patience with me. <3 Last week was another rough one. (I guess that’s just how my life is, at the moment. //laughs) But around the middle of the week, I found THIS in my mailbox and NOTHING ELSE MATTERED ANYMORE BECAUSE LOOK AT IT:
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I didn’t open it right away, because I wanted to ooh and ahh over it as much as it deserved. Which I was finally able to do a few days ago, and OMGGG IT’S BEAUTIFUL:
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(Pictured with the Last Game GoM keychains I always keep on my table, haha)
I LOVE IT SO MUCH. ❤️💛💚💙💜 I love the cover, I love the extras, and just a quick flip-through of the book gave me SO MANY FEELINGS about these precious rainbow basketball kids. 💕🌈
It was so awesome to see all the fellow KnB fans who contributed, many of whom have created tons of fanworks that I’ve enjoyed over the years... Artists like @linipik and my Rainbow Squad friends @whitecometofakagi, @memedoritos, and @optimistic-negative-thing. (THOSE PHOTOS WERE TOO CUTE.) Plus, the first fic in the book is a Seirin story by @szczepter, and as if that weren’t awesome enough there’s also a Kiyoshi fic about Seirin by @tetsucchin?! When I saw that, I was immediately like YES, THIS BOOK IS FOR ME, I AM 100% HERE FOR THIS BOOK. (Because you all know how much of a Seirin nerd I am, haha. XD)
I’m still slowly going through all the entries and savoring them… There’s so much love for the GoM in here and a Rakuzan fic by @umisabaku I can’t wait to read, and IT’S JUST SO GOOD, IT’S ALL SO GOOD. (And there’s so much more awesome work that I know I’m forgetting to mention... But I just had to put together some kind of gushing post as soon as I could?? XD I’ll try to reblog any of the entries I can find here on Tumblr, because THEY’RE ALL AMAZING AND EVERYONE SHOULD SEE/READ THEM.)
Also, I just wanted to say thank you so, so much to the mods, who did so much hard work to put this gorgeous fanbook together! I’m honored to have been part of such an amazing project. I got super emotional reading the forward, which welcomed both new and longtime fans back to the fandom. I really hope the KnB fandom sticks around. I know I’ll still be here, writing about these goofy basketball kids, for anyone out there who still wants to read about them. ❤️
(I do have a few more KnB projects in the works right now, besides the series I’m still updating… Hopefully I’ll be talking more about them soon! I’ve been working on a Seirin multi-chapter fic, a big future fic, some Rakuzan stuff, and a KnB meta project that I’ve been wanting to do for a REALLY long time.)
So in summary, THE FANBOOK IS SUPER AWESOME AND INCREDIBLY RAINBOW AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Thank you again to everyone who helped make it! Receiving it made a tough week so much better. And I’m so grateful I was able to contribute to such a beautiful anniversary book about one of my all-time favorite shows/stories. 💕🌈
Also, I’ll be posting my story from the fanbook online very soon! Along with a meta post about some of the canon stuff about the Generation of Miracles that inspired it because of course I’m going to do that, come on. XD And @whitecometofakagi and I are planning to post a version of our collab fic about Nijimura and Akashi in the future as well. 🖤❤️
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jarmes · 5 years
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Twisted Destiny Chapter 18 - Thunderstruck, Part 3
Masterpost - Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
As Johana’s plane begins to take off, Sydney Young summons Thunderstruck and fires a storm of quills at it. Lightning crashes down from the stormy sky into the plane, bouncing between quills and ripping the plane apart. The remains of the plane crash down and explode.
Johana sits in an airport security interrogation room, her hands locked together by handcuffs. She could break them, of course, but what would be the point? There’s no way they’d let her get on a plane ten minutes after locking her up.
The light above Johana is far too bright, shining down blinding white light all over the metal table Johana’s hands are chained to. Johana moves her mouth to her coat and bites one of her buttons, tearing it off. She uses Hamon to spit the button at the light with pinpoint accuracy, shattering that.
“Impressive,” a policeman says as he walks into the interrogation room. “I guess I’ll add property destruction to your long list of charges.”
“What charges? I’ve been here for five hours and you still haven’t told me what I’m being charged with,” Johana says.
“Oh, all in good time,” the policeman says.
He wears an ill-fitting grey suit with a loose blue tie. Bandages cover a cut on his right hand. His greasy hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail. Something about his demeanor pisses Johana off. “Who are you?” she asks.
“My name is Chief Inspector Sting, I’m with the London Police. Airport Security called me after you killed that security agent.”
“Like I told the last guy, I didn’t kill him.”
“You won’t believe this, but you’re the first murder suspect to say that to me.”
“Check the tapes, I didn’t touch him.”
“The cameras in that part of the terminal went out right before the security agent died. Some kind of power surge, I’m told. Eyewitnesses said you were raving like a madwoman before the detective died, threatening to kill people. Others reported that you got into a fistfight with another man, a man who is now missing.
“His name is Sydney Young, he’s the one you’re after. I didn’t do anything to the security guard.”
“Then why were your fingerprints on the dead man’s baton?”
Johana’s heart drops. Inspector Sting pulls a notepad out of his pocket and glances over hastily scribbled notes. “According to the papers we found on you, your name is Johana Joestar. Is this correct?” he asks.
“And the girl that was with you, the one that is now missing, her name is Kan Nijimura, correct?”
“Wait, what do you mean, missing? What happened to Kan?”
“She escaped from security shortly after the two of you were brought in. Don’t worry, we’ll find her. After all, we wouldn’t want a murderer running free.”
“I’m not a murderer, and Kan definitely isn’t.”
“Of course you aren’t. This is all some big coincidence, isn’t it?” Sting says in a mocking voice. “You know, I’d be more inclined to believe you if this wasn’t the first time you were involved in this kind of thing.”
“This is the first time-”
“When I heard that the people being held were Johana Joestar and Kan Nijimura, I was pleasantly surprised, because the two of you are prime suspects in multiple cases of mine.”
“What cases?”
“Yesterday a crowd of people fainted at your friend’s concert. When we investigated the campus, we found multiple bodies, including the body of one of your teachers, a teacher you reportedly disliked and the body of a student whose heart had been ripped out,” Sting says. “And then, before I could track you down and question you, I was pulled away to a new case. Dozens of people died in a hospital downtown under mysterious circumstances. A hospital that, surprise surprise, you checked Kan Nijimura into mere hours before. Among the dead was another man whose heart was ripped out, a man who, by sheer coincidence, shared a room with Nijimura an hour earlier.”
Johana clenches her fist. “And then, this morning, we received reports of gunfire outside your dorm building. When we arrived we found more bodies,” Sting says. “And, of course, there’s the issue of the dead security guard.”
“Like I said, Sydney Young killed that man. The other slayings, they weren’t my fault.”
“And where is Sydney Young now?”
“I punched him through a window onto the tarmac, check there.”
“So you admit to killing this man? That’s progress, I suppose.”
“I didn’t kill him. At least, I don’t think I did. I didn’t have a chance to check because you locked me up here. And I only fought him because he attacked me and Kan. It was self-defense. All of these slayings have been self-defense. I’ve never sought out to hurt someone.”
“Then explain the arrow,” String says. Johana curses herself and slams her fist against the table. “Oh, you didn’t think we’d find the arrow? If you aren’t trying to hurt anyone, why are you trying to bring a weapon on an airplane.” Johana doesn’t have a good response for that.
“Everywhere you go, it seems, death follows,” Sting says. “Our current theory is that miss Nijimura is some sort of psycho killer and you’re her accomplice. As soon as we find Nijimura, the two of you are going away for the rest of your lives, understand?”
A large foot kicks open the door of the interrogation room. “Objection! I object to these proceedings,” Nero shouts as he bursts in.
“I’m sorry, who the hell are you?” Inspector Sting asks.
“How thoughtful of you to ask, dear detective. I am JoJo’s lawyer and am appalled that you questioned that you would question my client without my presence. Worse, you have not even read JoJo her rights yet, which is grounds for a missed trial!”
“You aren’t a lawyer,” Sting says.
“How could you possibly know that?”
“I’ve met lawyers, you aren’t one.”
“Such slander! I’ll add that to the long list of things my client and I will be suing you for after this thing boils over. On the topic of my client being mistreated, let us talk about those lights on the ceiling. One of them is broken! Do you really expect my client to sit here in such horrid conditions! I demand you release my cousin at once!”
“Okay, I’m not really sure what’s happening right now, but I know for a fact that Joestar isn’t leaving anytime soon,” Sting says. “For crying out loud, she’s wanted for multiple murders.”
“Nero, what are you doing here?” Johana asks.
“I am trying to save you, JoJo,” Nero says.
“Well, you’re doing a pretty shitty job at the moment,” Johana says.
“Wow, that was cold,” Sting says.
“Inspector, I apologize for my cousin...being the way he is,” Johana says.
“Is he even a lawyer?”
“You dare accuse me of not being a lawyer? I shall not stand by as you fling these insults, good sir!” Nero says before backhanding Inspector Sting.
Sting grits his teeth. “Did you just strike a member of the police, you son of a bitch?”
“Insulting my mother now, are we? I should slap you for that. Note that this shall be the first time I slap you, because that first slap hardly counted. If I really wanted to slap you, I would have done it like this,” Nero says. He slaps Inspector Sting as hard as he can, flinging Sting over the table.
“Goddamnit Nero,” Johana says while laying her head down on the table.
Inspector Sting climbs to his feet, his face red with burning hatred. “You bastard, I’ll make sure you rot in a hole for the rest of your life!” he shouts.
“You’ll have to catch me first!” Nero says before running out of the room. Inspector Sting charges after him, slamming the door behind him as he leaves.
Johana sits there in silence for twenty seconds before sighing. “Good job, Nero,” she says. “You know, when I break someone out of police custody I usually try to take them with me, but your way works too.”
“Talking to yourself is really weird, you know,” a voice from behind Johana says. Johana turns to see Kan standing in a black corner, waving.
“Kan? How did you-”
“Oh, right.”
“I broke out of custody as soon as I could and found Nero. Are you going to break your cuffs or are you just going to sit there?”
“What’s the point?” Johana asks. “This airport is filled with cops-”
“Cops who are preoccupied with Nero right now.”
“I feel bad for mocking his plan now.”
“Don’t. The lawyer act wasn’t exactly Oscar-worthy.”
Johana snaps her handcuffs. Kan opens a doorway on the wall and the duo sneak their way back to the main terminal, where they hide within a crowd of travelers. “Nero got us some new tickets after we missed our flight. Take off is in ten minutes,” Kan says. “It’ll be tight, but we should be able to make it.”
“What about Nero?”
“Nero’s smart, he can take care of himself. Besides, Woodstock’s Stand Users are after you, not Nero.”
Johana’s throat drops. “The arrow! Sting mentioned the police had the suitcase we hid it in-”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got that handled,” Kan says.
Kan leads Johana to a potted plant by the airport restrooms. After glancing around to make sure nobody is watching, she creates a wormhole on the ground and pulls out a suitcase. “I stole it back before coming to rescue you,” Kan says.
Johana opens up the suitcase, revealing three bracelets, the arrow, and a black cap with a gold star printed on it. “Huh,” Johana says.
“What?” Kan asks.
“It’s just, in all of the time I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you be so...on top of things,” Johana says. “You’ve grown a lot recently.”
Kan blushes. “Let’s get going,” she mutters. “We don’t want to miss our flight.”
Nero runs through the airport, chased by dozens of cops. Inspector Sting pulls a pistol from his belt and fires wildly at Nero. Nero slides like a baseball player, dodging the shots. Viva La Vida appears next to him and strikes the ground, decaying it. The police trip over the pothole-filled floor.
Sting leaps over the trap and continues chasing Nero. Nero jumps back to his feet and runs as fast as he can. He runs up and escalator, hurdling over people in his way. Sting keeps chasing.
Nero runs straight for a wall. “There’s nowhere you can run!” Sting shouts. Nero smiles. His Stand appears and breaks down the wall. The Stand jumps through the new hole, sending Nero flying out of the hospital.
Sting stops. He’s stunned with confusion. Nero is gone, having evaded two dozen cops. That isn’t what confuses Sting, though. The thing that he can’t understand is the strange figure that appeared next to Nero as he broke the wall.
Nero lands on the ground outside the airport. Droplets of rain splash down as he runs away. Thunder crashes above as he climbs up the parking garage where he left Kelly’s convertible.
Nero stops short of the car. A man stands by the car, arms crossed. Nero summons his Stand. “I did not expect to see you here,” he says.
Johana slides the suitcase under her seat. As the flight attendants give their speech, Johana takes Kan’s hand. “We made it,” she says with a smile.
“You’ll be back in New York soon, isn’t it exciting?” Kan asks.
“You know, so much has been going on that I haven’t really had a chance to think about it,” Johana says. “I don’t plan to stick around longer than I have to, though. I’m only going home because I have to.”
“Where do you want to go after New York? We can’t go back to London, obviously.”
“Yeah, we can’t,” Johana says with a sigh. “I’m sorry I brought you into this.”
“We should go to Japan,” Kan says, ignoring Johana’s apology. “It’s really pretty this time of year. I can show you my hometown, introduce you to my family, it’ll be fun.”
As the plane begins taxiing down the runway, the pilots notice a man standing on the tarmac. He shambles towards the plane, leaving a trail of blood. His arms hang limp at his side, too broken to function. Countless quills have been stabbed precisely into his body like acupuncture needles.
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mirellasnape · 6 years
Sleepover - Josuyasu Week 2018
Prompt: Sleepover.
Words: 1400
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16661549
My third JosuYasu fic for this amazing event. Damn, these fics are getting longer. Also, I am barely making it on time (it’s 11:20pm Tuesday here), because I watched some Diamond is Unbreakable episodes to get the timeline right. And instead of just checking, I watched the whole last eight episodes because I have no self control. It’s kinda in the same universe as my other fics for the Josuyasu Week 2018. But you don’t have to read those to understand, Still unbeta’ed, and errors are still mine. If you find any, let me know so I can fix ‘em. Enjoy!
This was not exactly how Josuke imagined his first sleepover with Okuyasu. In fact, in his mind, they would have been at Okuyasu’s since, you know, less parental supervision, Nijimura-san notwithstanding. They would watch some movies on his shitty TV and VCR, maybe he could even bring the N64 and some games. But nope. Sleepover at Josuke’s. Doing homework like good kids, and tomorrow finding clues to find a serial killer. That Thursday had sure been eventful. Not only they had one Stand fight after another, and even a third Stand appeared and was defeated by Rohan and Koichi, but his mom had been put in danger. That Enigma bastard was lucky he didn’t tear him up page by page. Thankfully, Mikitaka, Yuuya, and especially Okuyasu were there to help. And then Koichi told him earlier that night that this grade-school kid Kawajiri Hayato knew something about Kira. They were meeting the next day at 8:30 am at the intersection with the huge Pepsi sign. Hopefully the investigation will be fruitful, so they could be close to defeat Kira once and for all.
He was originally just going to call Okuyasu about the plan, but then he just blurted to his friend to come over to stay the night, which he agreed to readily. He was probably expecting a night of fun. Convincing his mom was harder, but after her “fainting episode”, she was distracted enough to not put too much of a fight. Besides, Tomoko liked Okuyasu. She did tell him, they better be fast asleep by 11pm. As thus it was 10:30pm, and they were in Josuke’s bedroom finishing their homework, using the notes Yukako kindly gave them. Well, that she kindly gave Koichi, and thus Josuke. They didn’t even ask how she had those notes when she didn’t even go to their class. Girls in love could be scary. Koichi was such a pal he asked for her own notes to give to Okuyasu, since they actually had classes together. “Man, why are we doing this, if we are going to be late to school anyway?” Okuyasu complained while hitting his head on Josuke’s low table. “We already ditched school today, dude. I don’t think our homeroom teachers will be happy if we are late without our homework”. Josuke repressed a yawn. He didn’t sleep well the night before. “But we are badass delinquents, Josuke” Okuyasu sprawled on the floor. “Dude, you eat strawberry ice-cream every Monday and try to pet all the dogs and cats you encounter.” “And I do those like a badass!” The so-called “delinquent” pumped a fist in the air. “Then go finish your homework like a badass so we can sleep, and get up on time to go all good-cop/bad-cop on a grade-schooler.” By the time Okuyasu finished his homework, Josuke was sleeping on the table, having finished his own some minutes ago. He woke up when he felt something on his hair. He opened on eye, and saw Okuyasu hastily removing his hand. It was proof of their undying friendship that Josuke didn’t comment on Okuyasu touching the pomp. “Hey, man. Are you done?” “Yeah. Your mom was here a couple of minutes ago to say she had run a bath for us.” Josuke did open both eyes for that. “You wanna go first?” “Nah man, it’s your house. Go wash while I tidy up here. I should be done by the time you start your soak.” Josuke was once again about to fall asleep, this time in his tub, by the time Okuyasu walked into the bathroom. He woke up quickly for that. Damn. He had forgotten an important fact. In order to share a bath, they both had to be naked. And thus, this was the first time Josuke had seen Okuyasu with so little clothes. Basically just a small towel around his hips. One of Josuke’s small towels. “Hey Josuke!” Okuyasu’s smile froze on his face as he looked at Josuke in the tub. But unlike Josuke who was trying and failing to keep his eyes on his face and not on all the display of tanned, toned and scarred flesh; Okuyasu couldn’t seem to keep his eyes away from Josuke’s face… Or rather, his hair. Yep, that was the first time Okuyasu had seen Josuke without his signature hairdo. His long black hair brushed his shoulders, making an even bigger contrast with his pale skin and blue eyes. Okuyasu blushed. Josuke, thinking Okuyasu noticed he was being a perv, blushed back. “So um, there’s the shower and you can use my shampoo and bodywash if you want to.” Josuke looked away and pointed at said items. “Huh. Yeah. Of course. Thank you, Josuke.” And because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut, he blurted. “You look a lot like your mom with your hair down.” “S-shut up, dude!” Josuke blushed all the way down his chest, remembering all the times Okuyasu had called his mom hot. With the blush slowly receding, Okuyasu also noted how pink Josuke’s nipples were. He cleared his throat and decided to take a cold shower. He turned around towards the detachable shower head and all the bath thingies Josuke and Tomoko apparently collected. He grabbed one at random and started washing himself. It smelled like strawberries. This was Tomoko’s. Okuyasu blushed and took more care in selecting a shampoo. The second one he opened smelled like Josuke. There’s a winner. Meanwhile Josuke was waiting for the perfect moment to escape to his room. He was far from relaxed now, peaking every once in a while at Okuyasu giving his body a perfunctory wash. Josuke noted his hair was treated with more care, which he approved of with a hum. Okuyasu heard it, and turned towards Josuke, who turned away quickly and faked relaxing in the tub. After rising his body and hair, Okuyasu stood up… and dropped the towel. Totally accidental! Both yelped. With Josuke tripping in the tub, and being underwater for a second or two. And Okuyasu tripping with the small stool while trying to reach for the towel before it touched the floor. It all happened in a couple of seconds, but they made enough noise to make Tomoko knock on the door. “Everything alright, boys?” “Yes, Tomoko-san!” “Yes, mom!” “Alright then. Hurry up and leave the bathroom so you can sleep. Tomorrow is a school day!” Josuke took advantage of Okuyasu’s distraction to leave the tub. When his friend turned around, Josuke already had a towel around his hips, and was walking towards the door. “The tub is all yours, buddy!” He smiled at Okuyasu without actually looking at him, grabbed some more towels and sprinted off toward his room. By the time Okuyasu returned to Josuke’s room, he had calmed down and was in his bed. Feeling more confident, he just raised his covers and make some room for his buddy. Okuyasu quickly took him on his offer. There was another problem Josuke didn’t foresee. While his bed was very comfortable that he could sprawl over it when he was all by himself, adding another large teenager meant a lot less room. Well, it’s not like they usually respected personal space anyway, and with both properly dressed that shouldn’t be a problem. But it was a problem. None could find a comfortable position, and kept moving around until… “Ugh! Stop squirming! We need to sleep so we can be in our best shape for tomorrow’s investigation!” “This bed ain’t big enough for both of us, Josuke!” “Yes, it is!” And so Josuke just turned Okuyasu on his side and cuddled him. “There! See! We fit!” Okuyasu froze for a second, and then completely relaxed. Ah, peace and quiet. And Josuke was so warm too! He was glad the days weren’t too hot yet. This was the best! “But why do I have to be the little spoon?” Josuke gritted his teeth. “Because you are shorter!” “By 2cm! And I have way more muscles so I might be slightly shorter but I am bigger!” “Shut up, Okuyasu. We need to sleep. You can be the big spoon next time!” “Fine.” Okuyasu smiled and mouthed to himself. “Next time.” Both boys fell asleep after that. All comfortable and happy and safe. The next day, Kawajiri Hayato called Josuke, telling him to not be late to the meeting with his friends.
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peachmusesa · 3 years
nijihimu in the main verse is interesting because like:  them: meet at 15.  niji, immediately in love: oh shit   tatsuya: :)  then they become best friends who pine / maybe have a little thing as teens do you know , tatsuya moves away to chase after his brother. niji gets kicked back to japan and goes fuck it and moves in with tatsuya’s brother who becomes one of his best friends (and whomst he gets drunkenly married too later) nijihimu is BACK on -- but not on on. just kinda flirty , kinda stupid, in a will they won’t they please for gods sake get tgoETHER EVERYONE IS TIRED OF THE TENSION, NIJIMURA STOP SLEEPING WITH STRANGERS AND FIGHTING THEM AND MAKING AN EIGHT HOUR ROUND TRIP JUST SO TATSU CAN FIX U UP, which they eventually do get together right before they play each other in the WC their final year, zone happens because I SAY SO, just like i say that niji is the captain for Seirin at this point bc i SAY SO, blah blah blah, they’re together and it’s WORSE now and everyone is misearable but aok/aga bc they’re also together and Worse.  college. tatsuya is like ‘hm. i might marry shuu actually’ and his dad pulls some GRADE A BULLSHIT so tatsuya ends up breaking up with niji whose like ‘im fine’ [internally DYING], at some point they reconcile , get back together, niji is thinking abt proposing , tasuya knows and is like actually i can’t xoxo we’re done, we’re donE, and niji goes to kagami’s to bitch, and they somehow get the BRILLIANT idea to go to vegas where they get drunk and marry each other. tatsuya is FLAMING mad abt it btw but eventually gets over it. kaga / niji gets a divorce like hehe nothing happened THERE.  tatsuya’s dad gets hit by a car and dies xoxo  tatsuya and kagami’s bf now xavier go roUNDS aomine’s dating sabs and shuu moves on with hideaki and hideaki and sabs kinda :eyes: each other but stays respectful until hideaki breaks up with niji bc bro......... i love you and youre STILL answering tatsuyas calls a 3 am ??? you obv don’t respect this relationship and i deserve better. aosab breaks up. sab and hideaki end up together and married and niji and aomine are like :eyes: what just happened THERE  then aokaga finally gets back together and nijihimu starts sleepign with each other AGAIN and manages to like hide it from he press for three months, then like. nine months later tatsuya proposes to niji and things end happily...ish .sdaeriogh MEANWHILE  other verse nijihimu is just 
gets together / breaks up / off-on.  sometimes they end up together. sometimes they don’t but then u have coach niji whose like ‘ we absolutely must kill the knicks bc my ex plays for them and i hate him xoxo’ 
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tenacityreturns · 3 years
‘  my kink is getting some fuckin sleep.  ’ / niji yelling, tatsuya behind him as aokaga watch. it's 4 am.
picture it. 10pm, and while he's making dinner, kagami has this GENIUS, FUCKING MONUMENTAL decision to teach aomine something about cooking. it's not enthusiastically received, but as soon as a challenge with prizes is in place, it grabs his attention. and kagami just likes the idea of teaching him something for a change.
slow forward ( like fast forward, but each minute is exquisite agony ) to SIX. HOURS. LATER. six HOURS. later. that's like the whole period of time kagami sleeps for! that's almost the school day, right? six FUCKING. hours later. it's 4am. as in, four hours after midnight. as in, please, aomine, for fuck's sake, is it this complicated? is kagami making it worse with his exhausted patience? pushed beyond his limit, he is now sitting in the kitchen, covered in flour, with his crying face in his hands. aomine is running on fumes. and he's fuming. he seems to want to know, want to try, if anything just to meet the challenge. but every attempt thus far has been futile. he's already given up at least eight times, given the cooking time between batches.
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now they're sitting in a sea of inedible chocolate chip cookies. then it's raisin cookies. then they're just fucking cookies, they don't have anything fancy to them. they'd run out of supplies a long time ago.
"i hate this," aomine will say, "i'm going to bed."
"okay," kagami will say.
"you go ahead, maybe i'll try again after all."
"no, you'll burn down the building. i saw what you did earlier."
"it's brown, it looks like baking paper."
"it's brown paper. it's not oven safe!"
"why do they look exactly the same then!"
arguing is a losing game. kagami can't even eat any of these stupid cookies. his instructions fall on almost wilfully deaf ears. at least when he had to teach riko how to cook something, she wouldn't tell him that she knew better and would do it her way. they're literally cookies. he doesn't even have to use a recipe with them. why would you doubt someone who doesn't have to use a recipe like this? in his frustration, he's started throwing the cookies at aomine while he's trying to bake in a last ditch attempt to make him as sick of this as he himself is.
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this descends to shouting, obviously, but they're actually trying to be quiet! which is maybe worse, given that they're not quiet at all. they both turn in shock to see nijimura and tatsuya standing in the kitchen suddenly. kagami sees tatsuya and starts crying again.
"what the fuck IS this?" kagami lifts up a burnt but... strangely soggy cookie.
nijimura yells. kagami starts banging his fists on the counter. let me sleep. LET ME SLEEP.
"i'm trying to do this for you, idiot!" aomine is also yelling, and somehow it gets to kagami. he stops banging his fists. the both of them are absolutely out of their mind exhausted right now.
"aw, for real?"
"babe," kagami pulls the approaching boyfriend in for a hug, they are reminded that it's 4am, please go to bed, and FINALLY. FUCKING FINALLY. aomine agrees. kagami sees the cookies in a new light. they are not stubborn rejections from an idiot who did a whole batch using salt instead of sugar ( how did kagami let that one pass? ), but a labour of love. all is forgiven ( by him, not by his flatmate ).
kagami's still wearing jeans and an apron, and aomine hasn't slid under the covers as they pass out on kagami's bed.
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