#*  ⁖   peach  →   drabble
elitadream · 8 months
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Mario instinctively lifted a trembling arm before he even registered the embrace, powerless to resist the pull. And when Luigi tightened his hold, wordlessly inviting him to do the same, he found himself entirely unable to hold back any longer. It was then that the stupefying reality of it all finally hit Mario with full force, and he broke down crying as he gingerly engulfed Luigi in a tender hug.
There it is, folks. My last entry for the body swap concept I shared over the past few weeks. 🤲💝 This is a direct continuation of these two scenes that I wanted to explore through both illustration and text. I hope you've enjoyed this tangent! I will surely revisit it again at some point. ^-^
(Full scene below the cut 📝)
Mario stared, mouth agape, frozen in place.
He had been about to voice his surprise as he had looked up and spotted a second figure walking into view, but had fallen silent the second he had recognized who it was. Unable to finish his sentence. Unable to articulate a single word.
The man currently standing a short distance away from him appeared similarly struck, as if lost in a daze. His eyes were wide open and his stance unsteady, but his breathing was slow. Quiet. Calm, even. His hand slid from the rocky surface on which it was resting, and he shuffled his feet slightly as he stood a little straighter. A movement that Mario had seen a million times before and knew by heart. The detail was painful in its candid simplicity, the familiarity it emanated feeling both out of place and strangely grounding. The young man blinked, his shoulders dropping somewhat, and Mario noted that his expression wasn't one of horror or dismay.
It was one of solemn awe and sympathy.
Mario felt his jaw twitch and move feebly, but no sound came out. Distantly, he registered Princess Peach gently patting his neck in support, her touch warm and comforting. He could feel his eyes begin to sting as he swallowed, then resolutely tried again.
"L-Luigi?" He finally whispered, his voice wavering.
It didn't seem real.
Mario wasn't sure how long he had remained chained up in his cell, although the time he had spent imagining the worst scenarios imaginable had seemed to him like an eternity. The confinement and loneliness, he could handle. But no punishment or torture remotely equaled the threat that Bowser had dropped as he had turned to him, his human features distorted by an ugly and cruel sneer.
"If you do anything to try and get out of here, they're dead. That lovely Princess you're so enamored with? Dead. That miserable coward you call your brother? Also dead. I guarantee you I will kill them both, and I will make sure they thoroughly suffer to make you pay for it. Is that understood?"
Mario had already been heavily restrained at this point, faced with a squad of Bowser's best guards and Kamek hovering menacingly above them, wand in hand. But that didn't matter. He might as well have been alone with the tyrant, free and fully capable of defending himself; the dark promise would have halted him in his tracks all the same, paralyzing him with an identical wave of sickening dread.
He had only managed to give a single, haggard nod in response, and as soon as the malevolent king had departed with his troops, he had caved under the weight of his own despair. There, left alone to rot in the deepest dungeon of Bowser's fortress, he had spent many hours stagnating in emotional agony, overwhelmed by a crushing feeling of helpessness and guilt.
This was all his fault. He had fallen into his enemy's trap, and now his loved ones were in grave peril because of his foolishness. Worse yet, he couldn't protect or even warn them.
It was a nightmare come true, and the torment it had plagued him with ceaselessly had made it impossible for him to rest or think about anything else, exhausting him beyond his limits.
He was still reeling from the shock and astonishing surge of hope he had felt when the princess had entered his cell. To see her there, alive and well, reaching to offer him any form of reassurance she could despite his horrendous mistake and appearance had felt almost like an absurd dream in itself…
But to find Luigi there as well stunned Mario in a way that he couldn’t put into words even if he tried. To think of all that his little brother had braved for him - and still continued to brave, even now - was absolutely staggering.
Mario was vaguely aware of the sound of Peach's voice as she offered him a few hushed words of encouragement, but he could barely hear her. His mind felt as though it was wrapped in a thick layer of wool, fuzzy and packed. The prickling sensation at the corner of his eyes intensified, making his vision blurry and unfocused.
Luigi took a tentative step forward, then another. He was being cautious, his movements measured and small. Something in his demeanor told Mario that he wasn't doing this out of unease, or to mentally steel himself, but for another reason entirely. He was observing him attentively, trying to gauge his reaction, and it was suddenly clear that Luigi was being careful for his sake instead of his own.
The pressure at the back of Mario's throat became all at once suffocating, and he made a choked noise as he tried to press himself further against the wall he had backed into, hiding his beastly face in his hands.
"Per favore… Non avvicinarti di più", he whimpered brokenly, vainly trying to conceal himself from view.
He didn't understand how Luigi could remotely find it in himself to look at him, and less even approach him. His little brother had always been frightened of fierce creatures. Mario recalled many nights where he had held Luigi close when they were young, assuring him that no monster would ever come near him. What good could he accomplish now? In a cruel twist of fate, he was stuck as the one thing he had vowed to protect Luigi from, and there was nothing he could do to change his predicament.
He couldn’t handle the mere thought of his brother staring at him with terror in his eyes. He just couldn't. It would be too much for him to bear.
"N-non ti v-voglio spaventare", he stuttered weakly, amidst the ragged breaths shaking his entire form.
There was no audible response to his plea, and for a few harrowing seconds, Mario believed he was alone once more. Wondering, despite himself, whether he had wished so dearly to see Luigi and Peach again that he briefly managed to persuade himself that they were indeed there with him. But then, he heard a faint sigh, and was deeply startled when two very small hands took hold of his own, gently prying them away. The contact was meek but insistent, and Mario found that he didn't have the resolve nor the willpower to fight it. Gradually, his clawed paws were withdrawn from his face as he heaved and shuddered, his eyes still shut tight in mortifcation.
He couldn’t move, could hardly even breathe. He was petrified.
"Ciò non potrebbe mai accadere…"
With a start, Mario gasped and looked down to see Luigi fondly shaking his head. He was smiling, albeit in a pained and wobbly manner, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. His gloved fingers went to cup the underside of his jaw, grazing the scaly area in a gesture completely devoid of hesitation, and with seldom seen certainty, he serenely held his gaze.
"…caro fratellone," he added in a fragile murmur, before leaning forward and past his snout.
Mario instinctively lifted a trembling arm before he even registered the embrace, powerless to resist the pull. And when Luigi tightened his hold, worldlessly inviting him to do the same, he found himself entirely unable to hold back any longer. It was then that the stupefying reality of it all finally hit Mario with full force, and he broke down crying as he gingerly engulfed Luigi in a tender hug.
"Sei qui! Sei davvero qui!" He repeated like a mantra, sobbing profusely.
"Io sono qui," Luigi returned, his kind voice muffled against his neck. "Non vado da nessuna parte."
Never had Luigi been the one to comfort a scared and distraught Mario before, but in this exact moment, nothing felt more right. They both needed this, they knew, and for more reasons than one.
Standing respectfully off to the side, Peach looked on as Luigi whispered something else in Italian, causing both brothers to huff in incredulous mirth. She watched as Mario ever so gently angled his head downwards, ruffling Luigi’s hair with his cheek as he lightly stroked his back. And as she did, it occurred to her with stark clarity that they were really - and truly - two halves of a whole. Separating them seemed as awful and unnatural a thought as a world existing without either night or day. It was simply inconceivable.
Walking out from the shadowed spot where he had quietly observed the whole exchange, Junior wandered closer and stopped a few timid steps away from the princess, his gaze riveted on his feet.
"I understand, now," he mumbled dejectedly.
Peach turned to the young prince, giving him a soft and curious look. Before she could inquire about his statement, he feebly kicked at the dust and joined his hands behind his back, purposely averting his eyes still.
"I understand why this was so important to him," he elaborated, designating Luigi with a slight jerk of his chin. "Why he did all of that, and why he wouldn't back down. I didn't know they were so…"
He trailed off as he looked at the bros, a glimmer of wistfulness and empathy shimmering in his eyes.
"Inseparable?" Peach supplied for him, knowingly.
He nodded, his outwardly nonchalant demeanor however made less than convincing by his troubled frown.
"Do you… Do you think there's a chance Mario will still want to be my friend?" He eventually asked, his voice plaintive and small.
Peach blinked at him in mild shock, and with a compassionate smile, she bent down to his level.
"You have reunited him with his brother," she reminded him, emphasizing the sheer significance of that fact through her tone. When he tried dismissing it with a rueful shrug, she laid a hand on his shoulder and waited for him to look at her. "You did a wonderful thing, and we're all very grateful for it. Mario loves you very much no matter what. He'll want to thank you himself, no doubt."
Though he tried not to let it show, Junior was visibly elated and relieved by her response. He rocked on his heels with a boyish grin, looking proud and hopeful for the first time that day, and Peach found that his enthusiasm was contagious. With a pleased hum, she smoothed out her dress and motioned for him to follow her just as Mario and Luigi finally parted.
They didn't know how they would solve this issue, and if they were all honest with themselves, they were also very apprehensive about what was yet to come. But something had changed. They no longer felt defeated, lost or isolated. Where there had previously been nothing but fear and sadness, there was now love and support. A newfound assurance and sense of security. A powerful warmth that helped soothe the pain.
They were all together again, and this already felt like a victory in itself.
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spicycinnabun · 4 months
There was no way Steve was going to agree to this (especially since he had already said no—not once, not twice, but three times), so Eddie did what he had to do: he pulled out the big guns.
Bambi eyes? Check. Quivering, pathetic pout? Check. Hands clasped together in the most humble, pleading way? Check.
“My beloved,” Eddie began. Syrupy, sweet voice? Check. “My beautiful boytoy, my hunky stud muffin, my gorgeous king, my main squeeze…please dress up as Princess Peach for our couples’ costume?”
Eddie wanted to be Bowser, damn it!
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sweetie-peaches · 7 months
I’m rotating qtubbos trauma and denial in my head so hard
After getting off the boat the first thing he does is throw himself head first to working on his projects. Blood soaks his hands through the gloves he threw on but he puts it out of his mind
He worked until he couldn’t work any longer. And passes out, leaning on the boiler in his factory, positioned awkwardly across pipes and conveyer belts. His exhausted riddled, used to purgatory brain translates the warmth of the boiler to his team, all curled up together, only having each other to keep themselves warm.
He’s thrown into the final battle, thousands of eyes watch as he misteps, his hand shake and he drops his sword.
Everything seems to slow down then, a Diamond sword jets out from his abdomen, it’s slick with his blood. Ruby red, so so red. Blood clots in his nose, throat, and ears.
His friend.
His guardian.
He looks up into Phil’s eyes, he wasn’t wearing that mask anymore. Red..ruby red eyes so full of desperation, and fear.
He did what had to be done.
And for what?
He wakes up at with a cough, hitting his head against the hard metal of the boiler, his entire body tingles with burns but he puts that out of his mind as his shoulders shake as globs of blood and spit eject themselves from his mouth
Respawns always left such a nasty toll, especially with no time to let himself heal.
After unclogging his throat, and grabbing something to clear away the coppery taste. He throws himself back into work.
He comes up with the frankly genius idea of mixing speed potions with caffeine, downing bottle after bottle and letting his brain hyperfocus on ever detail of his factory. He fixes things that didn’t even need to be fixed.
He just wanted to do anything to put that hellish island out of his mind
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just-before-dawn · 2 months
yknow in "mr mistoffelees" when tugger gets so carried away with hyping up misto, and then misto taps on his shoulder to get his attention and then whispers something in his ear, and then tugger's like "oh yeah! okay!!", and then misto goes up to the tire and tugger starts his "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!! I GIVE YOU!!"
one of my fave parts ever
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he loved you since he first saw you, and his heart could not stop fluttering whenever he saw you. when he overheard you break down, he angrily promised to himself to protect you, even if you didn't even know who he was. he always got so jealous when anybody did so much as laugh with you.
osamu, shoto, obanai, tsukishima, twilight, megumi, mikey, + any of your faves </3
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pianokantzart · 5 months
💪🏽 Platonic :)
💪🏽 Bridal carry Even though Princess Peach walked ahead of Luigi she kept close tabs on him, taking care that he didn't get left behind in his distracted state or side-tracked by anything dangerous. All the while, she took silent notes, trying to determine what his physical capabilities were without the help of the super star. She discovered that he was a lot like Mario. His jump height was more impressive, and he had a poorer sense of balance, but otherwise they were very similar.
No doubt the two would be an even match in terms of fighting prowess– not that they would ever fight each other willingly. But while Mario was bold... even audacious at times... Luigi was skittish and gentle as a little green bird.
She could see why Mario had been so worried about him when they were separated, and she knew it was no small show of trust to let him venture out into the wilds alone with her for so long. Even though this was just a day trip to collect some fire flowers, this was a responsibility she would not take lightly.
The journey was quiet, but ultimately pleasant. Whenever they did speak, they mostly talked about Mario, Luigi asking about his adventures when they first arrived, and Peach asking about their life back in Brooklyn.
Halfway home, Princess Peach noticed something was wrong. Luigi was slowing down, biting back little squeaks of pain and leaning against whatever rock or tree was nearby. She slowed her pace to give him time to recover, but it eventually reached a point that she couldn't help but ask what was wrong.
"It's nothing," Luigi sighed, setting himself down on a large mushroom and rubbing at the legs of his overalls, "just my knees acting up.
Hands crossed daintily in front of her skirt, Princess Peach turned back, expression soft with concern. "Your knees?" Luigi nodded. He seemed embarrassed, and did his best to shrug it off with a reassuring smile and a wave of his hand. "An old work injury. Flares up from time to time. I just need to take an ibuprofen and ice it up when I get home."
The Princess responded with silence. Just as Luigi was beginning to worry that she was regretting her choice of company, he felt himself lifted into the air.
He blinked as he found him held in a bridal carry. As thin and dainty as Peach's arms appeared, she was surprisingly strong, carrying him down the hill back toward the Mushroom Kingdom as though he was nothing but a limp dishrag.
"P-Princess?" Luigi said, red with embarrassment. "Don't worry, this isn't necessary!"
"It will take longer for you to recover if you overexert yourself" the princess insisted gently, "don't worry, it's no trouble at all."
Luigi recognized that tone. The voice was gentler and the verbiage was more regal, but that tone was unmistakable. Without thinking, he muttered under his breath, "Man, no wonder Mario likes you so much."
"What did you say?" Princess Peach asked, head cocked in innocent curiosity. Luigi stammered.
"I said... uh... I said 'thank you very much'! You're... you're really nice."
Peach giggled. Luigi couldn't tell if the amusement was from the compliment itself, or how bad he was at lying, but either way she showed no sign of pressing the matter.
"Thank you, Luigi." She wore a gentle smile as she held him a little closer, and continued down the path toward home. "I think you're really nice too."
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bradshawsbaby · 5 months
Slippers with Bob and Peach? I can see these two being so cute and snuggly on a snowy morning
Let’s just hope that Bob actually makes it home safely so that he can enjoy sweet moments of domesticity like this! 👀
There was nothing that Bob loved more than slow and easy mornings at home. He’d always been a quiet man, a man who preferred the simpler things in life, but ever since the war, he’d come to cherish even more deeply the beauty of the mundane.
Take this morning, for example. Snow had been falling steadily since last night, the white frost sparkling on the bedroom windows and filling the house with an otherworldly kind of hush, the kind of stillness that you could only experience on a winter morning such as this one. Rolling over in bed, Bob smiled at the sight of you lying beside him, your long lashes resting against your cheeks, your chest rising and falling steadily, your rosy lips parted ever so slightly as you slept. He could spend all morning just basking in the wonder that was you.
You seemed to have a sixth sense for when he was awake, however. Shifting onto your side, you slowly blinked your eyes open, a sleepy smile gracing your beautiful face when you saw that he was already up and watching you.
“G’morning,” you mumbled through a yawn, giggling softly when your husband leaned over to press a kiss to your forehead.
“Good morning,” Bob whispered back, lifting a hand to stroke your cheek reverently.
“It’s still snowing,” you commented in surprise, lifting your head to look over his shoulder at the windows.
“Mhm, I’ll go out to shovel soon,” he nodded, wrapping an arm around your waist and nuzzling your neck.
“Oh no, not yet,” you told him, wrapping your arms around him. “Let’s have coffee and pancakes first,” you added with a laugh.
“Now there’s a swell idea,” Bob grinned, planting a kiss on your lips before sitting up and pushing the blankets back. When he saw you shiver slightly at the sudden chill, he jumped out of bed and slipped his feet into the new slippers you’d gifted him for Christmas, the expensive ones you and your sister had spotted at the department store.
Before you could even swing your legs over your side of the bed, Bob was kneeling down with your own slippers in hand, the ones he had purchased for you as part of your Christmas present. “Here you go, Peach,” he chuckled, slipping them on your feet and then reaching for your robe and sliding it over your shoulders.
“Why, thank you, Bobby,” you grinned, rewarding him with a kiss before the two of you walked hand in hand towards the kitchen.
Yes, there was truly nothing Bob loved more than mornings at home with you.
January OTP Prompts
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Im so glad I finished the quiz when I did because my dumbass went and got sick, again, so now I gotta wait until my muscles don't feel like their melting so I can write shit again
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bokutosmochi · 1 year
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mammon x gn!reader
"two orders of pie ala mode for mammon and anon please!"
ingredients? a how-to on making mammon cook for you
what's it? general
allergen warnings? n/a
sugar level? 0.4k
regulars? @tokyometronetwork @tahonet
parlor's note? love love looove writing for our precious baby mammon!! had a lot of positive comments on my last mammon fic which is linked here. thank you so much for requesting him nonnie (⁠●⁠’⁠3⁠)⁠♡⁠(⁠ε⁠`⁠●⁠)
bon appetit!
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help him avoid lucifer's wrath
"i always knew you had a soft spot for me." you grinned into mammon's shoulder as he plated your favorite dish onto their finest china -- the ones that are used during special occasions.
you could feel him grumble at your words, sneakily pinching your side though he stood with his back to you. "ya better watch the things ya say, stupid human. the only reason why the great mammon's cooking for ya is because ya helped me out with that science exam."
he turned around and attempted to glare at you -- he never could, you were too precious to him. "the great mammon doesn't have a soft spot, and i most definitely don't have a soft spot for you."
you laughed at his words, knowing that they did not hold a single ounce of truth. "yeah, sure thing, mams. that's why you offered to max out goldie if i helped you ace your science finals, right?" you bumped your hips with his as he scowled. the familiar pink blush could be seen dusting his cheeks, but he tried to hide it as he washed his hands. "just eat tha damn dish."
"aw, no 'mon. wanna wait for you so we can eat together." you picked up your plate and sat in the sofa, patting the space next to you invitingly. against his better judgement, he looked back to you only to shift his focus back on drying his hands -- he met your gleaming eyes and immediately got flustered; you were definitely too cute for him.
faking a halfhearted look, he got his plate and sat down next to you.
directly next to you.
but he couldn't help it, he couldn't help the way he naturally gravitated towards you. for a moment, he thought of scooting a few inches away from your body heat, but he instantly froze when you shifted even closer to him and laid your head on his shoulder. "thank you so much for dinner, mams." you murmured softly, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear to kiss his quickly reddening cheek.
for a while, his mouth went dry, completely not expecting what you just did seeing as he was completely obvious to the way you felt about him -- the way you liked him as much as he liked you.
"ya-ya know you can't just do that to someone, right?" he looked away making you laugh lightly. "well yeah, i'm not doing it to just anyone though, right? after all, you're my first man."
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i get: reblog
you get: GRIMM
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elitadream · 6 months
Ok, I have one last question regardig the babies, sort of anyway, How would everyone react to seeing an adult Jr?
Ooh, that's a fun one to imagine! ☺️🩵
They would recoil in shock upon seeing this large beast suddenly appearing around the corner and barreling towards them at high speed; their instant feeling of alarm relenting somewhat upon seeing the huge grin on his face and the sincere joy in his eyes.
Before the man could react or even process this new development, he would be swept up right off the ground by two massive paws and squished in a strong bear hug, wheezing from the pressure.
"It's so good to be able to do this for once!" The creature would exclaim, happily swinging him back and forth in his crushing hold. His voice -pleasantly deep and amicable, yet unmistakably familiar- would have Mario blinking incredulously in recognition.
"Junior??" He would rasp, hardly able to breathe. The Koopa would finally release him, still smiling broadly, and it would only be then that Mario would note how strikingly similar he looks to Bowser. Behind them, Luigi and Peach would also stare in amazement.
"Can you believe it? Now I'm just like my papa!"
The prince would strike a regal pose for good measure, his merriment however dissipating rather swiftly as he would hum and join his hands in front of himself in thought; a hint of his usual self reflecting starkly in his sheepish demeanor. "Too bad it's only temporary though..."
"You- But- What- How's that possible??" Luigi would stammer out loud, visibly dumbfounded.
"I, uh... took Kamek's wand while he was asleep," Junior would say, shuffling his feet bashfully. There would be a stunned silence before he would hastily add, "B-but I made sure to put it back where I found it before anyone noticed! He usually keeps it under lock and key. I just wanted to try it, that's all! Besides, the age inducing spell only lasts about an hour, so... I'll be a kid again very soon."
His enthusiasm would deflate entirely with his statement, and Mario couldn't help but shake his head with a fond chuckle at that. Peach and Luigi would follow suit, sharing an amused look.
"What's so funny?" Junior would ask, frowning confusedly.
"You seem to think of that as a bad thing," Mario would answer. "As though this older version of you is better."
While explaining himself, he would step forward and maintain Junior's gaze, his expression warm and indulgent.
"And fair enough, it's indeed incredible... I'm looking at you and- I feel so proud. But that's only because of who you already are. Child or not, it doesn't matter. You're amazing, and I know that you have a bright future ahead of you. I'm only glad I got to see a small glimpse of it today."
Junior's astonishement would morph into deep thankfulness and delight as he would promptly embrace him again; albeit more gently this time.
"Thank you," he would murmur, giving the man a meaningful squeeze.
Mario would take a moment to marvel at how big and robust and majestic his young friend has temporarily become, openly welcoming the fantastic surrealness of the moment. As for Luigi and Peach, they would similarly admire the stark change in Junior's appearance; however knowing full well that it will only be a matter of time before they see him like this again. ^-^ 💫
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peaches2217 · 4 days
Peaches' Fancy Fics - A Masterpost
Because Tumblr's a dick and makes navigating the tag itself needlessly difficult! 💗 This will be updated as I post new content, so keep an eye out!
Because I am, if nothing else, predictable.
Traduzione, Per Favore? | Crimson Dreams | A Call from the Balcony | Safety | Regalia | Useless | Hiding | A Princess' Woe | Traduzione Non Necessarie | Early Mornings | The Man in Red | Cake in the Garden | Rescue | First Snow | Scared | Everything's Okay | The Door | Untarnished (Ongoing)
Hey, the green beans need love too!
All the Gold in the World | Sunlight | On (Wo)manhood | Party | Overstimulated
Non- or Partial-Ship
Sometimes I don't hyperfixate exclusively on my OTPs. Who knew?
Freak | Back Home | Summer Rain
Spicier Selections
Read: NSFW. Spiciness levels may vary.
Popping Cherries | Plateau | Stay | Beautiful | Florals - Peonies | Florals - Roses
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sweetie-peaches · 7 months
To distract of blue team tumblrs fear, here’s a cute headcanon/Drabble for shapeshifter Tubbo and demon bad
(Taking inspo from @haloberry here)
in demon culture when a imps horns grow in it’s a tradition to spoil them and protect them until their velvet falls off, because the velvet stage is just like a puberty for them, where they’re extremely reckless and vulnerable
So bad finds himself extra protective off Tubbo as his horns grow
(Despite being a shapeshifter, his horns still take a while to grow. Due to the relationship between bad and tubbo slowly improving)
He’s brings him food on instinct, checks over him for wounds, and all around acts as a mother hen as well as a guard dog to Tubbo, more then usual
When in a fight, he hears Tubbo shout, and watches as he falls to the ground with a thud. His body goes limp
he drops his sword and shield. Not caring to pretend to be civilized anymore, he uses his claws, his teeth, to try and tear them apart for hurting his imp.
eventually he’s overpowered and respawns at the blue base, his instincts taking hold and as soon as his eyes are open he’s searching for Tubbo. Thoughts of making them pay curling at the back of his mind. Until he finds him, still injured from the fight, but otherwise okay. His fatal injuries healed.
He follows him around the rest of the day, a silent shadow, a warning
Tubbo hates to admit it, but the protectiveness is nice, if not a little over bearing.
He quickly decides horns are not worth it, that this velvet stuff sucked, and that bad was terrifying when he went full demon on people because they laid a finger on Tubbo.
Without a thought he hits his horns against people. One day he does this to bad who laughs and leans down to hit his horns against him.
Eventually when the velvet starts to fall off, which results in a sort of general sickness for tubbo, with body aches, fatigue and all around horribleness. He also snaps easier and struggles to regulate his emotions.
Bad tells him it’s normal, just hormones balancing out
Tubbo decides that being a shapeshifter is no longer fun, and wishes he could have anything else but suffer through puberty again but demon version
After the last of his velvet falls off, tubbos horns (a surprising blue color) get scuffed and chipped easily
Upon seeing this bad drags him to the base to teach him how to polish them. A tradition typically taught among demon packs, elders teaching imps.
Herbs/flowers of some kind, wax, water/healing potions.
(Tubbo, being Tubbo, has the idea of adding glow berries.
His horns glow in the dark for a week, instantly giving up his position in every single situation)
Eventually he gets used to the horns, finds himself comfortable with them. Even they can be a pain. After the protectiveness and pampering of the velvet instincts inside him fade. Bad still remains protective of Tubbo, understanding he can hold his own, but gripping his shoulder a bit tighter. Watching him a bit closer. And tubbo is the same, feeling that if he fell bad would be there.
There’s A subtle shift in the relationship between them. A closeness that wasn’t there before
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Jordan and Marie have lunch
Drabble, 709 words, M rating for sexual themes
Something that many didn’t know about Jordan Li is that they are a tease. Not many people grew close enough to them to hear their quick jabs and subtle sarcastic remarks. Even in their hookups, they often took efficiency over theatrics, making their reputation on campus to be a glowing one, if not entirely accurate. 
But no, not many people know that they are a tease as well as Marie did. The general population didn’t know about how Jordan could edge her for hours, smiling the whole time. How they unraveled and learned her entire body just to see how to get her riled up and keep her there under their close watch.
For example, Jordan was eating lunch. Now- Marie wasn’t into food play, but the way that Jordan was eating that peach made her reconsider. She never really understood their sexual undertones, even after Emma explained it and showed her a scene of a kid fucking one (it anything that turned her off of peaches even further). But right now, Jordan was eating a peach and she doesn’t think she's ever wanted to be a food as much as she did now.
The entire group was gathered in the dining hall for lunch, and Emma had begun talking about something that a girl in class had done when they initially pulled out the peach. Marie had looked away from her friend for a moment to see Jordan. They’re hair fell in a swoop to their side as the two made eye contact. Slowly, and very deliberately, Jordan took a bite of the fruit. Juice trickled from the fruit down their wrist and chin. Jordan swore softly, and licked the juices from their wrist. Marie watched as the second trail trickled down their throat, past their adams apple to disappear beneath their gray wife beater. 
Jordan looked over at Emma and nodded, affirming they were listening before turning back to Marie.  Full lips covered the peach as they sucked the  juices from the crater they had left. Marie watched their throat bob as they swallowed, crossing and uncrossing her legs underneath the table. Looking around the table she sees Sam and Andre have joined the conversation, listing off ways to exact revenge on the girl. Luke passes the role of mediator to Cate as he scrolls through his phone between bites of pizza. 
She turns back to Jordan and sees a smile playing on the corner of their lips. They take another bite which proves to be messier than the first. Juice spills onto their fingers and Jordan, being an animal and the devil incarnate, licks their fingers. Not just their fingers but their palm as well, their tongue flicking in the webbed space between their ring and middle finger. All while staring directly at her.
A pleasant shiver runs through Marie as she remembers the last time those brown eyes licked her. Should she be this turned on over someone eating a fruit? Over fruit nectar? Part of her feels like a horny teenage boy seeing a sex ed textbook for the first time. Another part of her feels like she might die if she continues watching. 
Clutching her stomach she leans forward  in her seat. “Hey I’m starting to get cramps so I am going to head out.” This is only half way a lie. She will get her period the day after tomorrow, and when it comes cramps will certainly follow. She is just making a preemptive leave. 
Around the table every one voices their sympathies. “Hey, I can go with you if you want,” Emma offers, zipping up her bookbag.
“No it’s fine,” Marie reassures with a tight smile she hopes comes off as a grimace. “You have class in twenty- I just want to lay down a bit.” 
Emma nods. Marie can tell by the look on her face that she is all too willing to skip class for her roommate, but also doesn’t want to risk being overbearing. “Okay well, I have Advil over the sink, help yourself.” Marie nods as she gathers her things. With a final goodbye and walks off, towards the student dorms. Passing through the Quad she sends a quick text to Jordan. 
Your dorm. 5 minutes.
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just-before-dawn · 1 year
brb im currently COLLAPSING over il sistina mistoffelees LIKE LOOK AT HIS DESIGN??!!!!! i think its my favorite design ever
his lil card bowtie and hat and coat AND THE MAKEUP?????? im SOBBING
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
This is for the prompt
Mario "i beg of you please, don't hurt Luigi"
"I beg of you, please, don’t hurt [name]"
writing prompts
Takes place in the Mario Movie verse SPOILERS FOR SUPER PAPER MARIO
(further authors notes under the cut)
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It was supposed to turn out differently.
Get the Pure Hearts, save all the worlds. That was how it was supposed to go.
Except now they found themselves facing against the unhinged jester who they had thought was merely Bleck's minion; along with a creation of his own monstrosity.
And Luigi was caught right in the middle of it.
"Isn't this delightful?", Dimentio's almost musical voice trilled. "What a glorious construction of myself and our Man in Green!"
Mario didn't answer. He clenched his fists, eyes burning. Neither he nor his companions could move because magical binds were latched around their wrists, their power forcing them to kneel on the ground.
"Surely", continued the jester, his eyes equally burning back with gleeful malice, "You ought to thank your brother for this wonderful turn of events."
Mario's heart stung as he looked at his brother. Luigi was pinned in place. Dark magic in part from Dimentio and the Chaos Heart prevented him from moving anywhere, locked in a fabricated prison. Even more disturbingly, the floral sprout that had seized control of him the moment Dimentio had activated it, had crawled ever tighter around the gaps of his cheek bones, across his mouth, and around his neck. Winding ever so much further down his body until every limb was under command of the parasite.
"You cannot begin to imagine how much I have dreamt of this moment!", Dimentio cried as he floated next to Luigi.
The green plumber still seemed to have life in him, for he whimpered and attempted to move away from Dimentio's very presence. Mario saw glints of tears in those innocent blue eyes.
"Getting the heroes to do all the work. Pretending to be the Count's loyal minion and acting like I was invested in his plan to destroy the worlds, when all I really wanted to do was recreate everything in my own perfect image! And to top it all off, the fabled Man in Green is the brother of the hero!"
Dimentio suddenly stopped his monologue and quick as a blink was right in front of Mario.
"So tell me, Man in Red", asked the jester. His eyes bore into Mario with manic exhilaration. "Doesn't that get you excited?"
Mario growled in response. It was all he could do, for his shaking wrists were bound so tight that he couldn't move them to strike even if he wanted to. All he could do was glare back with a look so scorching, it would've no doubt melted Dimentio on the spot.
The jester looked over Mario in thought, and then he pressed a glowing hand to Mario's chest. Mario gasped and tried to throw him off, but the jester's dark magic kept him firmly in place. The plumber felt like he was being searched inside. A powerful force was making its way in places that it shouldn't ever be and Mario was frozen in place, beside himself as he found himself unable to even speak.
He heard Peach give a cry of concern.
Seeming to find what he was looking for, the jester then gave an amused smirk and lifted his hand away. Mario gasped as if he had been submerged in water, and just as quickly the hatred he felt for this twisted jester came back in force.
"Interesting", Dimentio spoke up before Mario could. He paused and looked back at Luigi. The green plumber had seemingly reacted to whatever the jester had been doing to Mario, as the tears were now pouring down his cheeks and the vines had wrapped around him even tighter.
"I wonder what would happen...?", the jester mused as he turned back to Mario. He grinned widely.
"How would it feel, if the piece of him that resides within you were to just...disappear?"
Mario shook with hatred.
Dimentio cackled.
"Oh it's perfect!", he shrieked. "Hurt the enemy through love. So poetic! But in my world, you won't need any feelings like that."
He snapped his fingers and the vines holding Luigi's limbs loosened a little and the green plumber slumped to the ground.
Mario heard him sobbing.
"Witness the birth of a new world! My world!", Dimentio cried joyfully. "You will wither away as I remake this pitiful existence. Get ready for the Greatest Sh-"
He was suddenly cut off as something struck him hard in the chest. Dimentio shrieked again as he was thrown back by the force, tumbling and rolling over before colliding with the nearest wall.
The jester staggered to his feet, hand to his chest. His breaths pained.
The air was suddenly silent, save for the laboured breaths of Mario, who had somehow broken out of the magical binds and had punched Dimentio with every ounce of strength he had. It seemed to take a lot out of him though, for the red plumber stumbled as he tried to right himself up. His fist shook from both exhaustion and anger, as he stared the jester down, daring him to make another move.
Peach, Bowser, Tippi, and everyone else were equally as stunned and afraid as they gazed at the Red Hero. Luigi looked too through glazed eyes; admiration and fear for his brother temporarily overcoming the magic.
Dimentio looked down at his chest as he took his hand away. The diamond on his chest was now cracked, shards falling away from it like dust.
For a fleeting moment the jester stared in disbelief, and then all too quickly his expression became jovial and dangerous again.
"Well", he said coldly. "This got interesting."
And before anyone else could react he somersaulted up into the air again and landed behind Luigi. To everyone's horror, he yanked Luigi's head back, one hand pressed into the green plumber's throat.
Mario's heart stopped.
"Please", his voice trembled. "I beg of you please, don't hurt Luigi!"
He hated having to act like this. He hated having to beg to that jester who he more than anything wanted to do worst things to. But he'd made a grave mistake. He had aggravated Dimentio even more, and there was no telling what he was going to do now. He had to hold it back. For the sake of his brother.
But Dimentio only grinned.
"That's how we're going to play, Man in Red? So be it."
He moved the hand that was holding Luigi's throat away, and snapped his fingers.
All at once, Luigi let out a guttural scream, as the floral sprout glowed red and sprouted even more vines around him, wrapping him tighter and tighter. Very soon he slumped forward. His eyes didn't even hold any emotion, for they were now fully glazed over with no recognition at all.
"Luigi!", Mario cried. His heart pounded as he didn't breathe, didn't think, only able to watch as his brother was taken somewhere he couldn't follow.
"Time", said Dimentio giving a gracious bow in front of his creation. "For the Ultimate Showdown!"
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Authors notes under the cut
So...Dimentio in the Mario Movie verse?
In all seriousness, wanting Dimentio in the movie verse is an idea I've had for a while, and I even drew up some ideas of what he might look like. I don't know if or when I will ever post them (for they are unfinished), and for a while I just let it go as I got caught up in other things, and drawing anything SPM was becoming taxing. But then I saw this prompt show up in my inbox and I thought "Oh yeah, I know exactly what to do for this one!"
I understand that in terms of the actual movie verse, they can't go too dark in terms of the character himself, but just picturing Dimentio acting as such a flamboyant and psychotic clown (where have I seen that before?) at the very end is something I really would love to see, no joke! I think it would be pretty fun. There's nothing wrong with this new verse playing around with characters a little.
Anyway, hope you all like. I understand if this is not what the anon was expecting...but I hope they also enjoy it too.
Take care <3
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loves who, when they finally meet you again after being in long distance relationship for a while, run to you and give the tightest, squeeziest glomps (hugs). </3
izuku, bokuto, denki, tanjiro, sasha, sugawara, kurapika, + any of your favorites 💖
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