#incessant rambling
eazy-peazy54 · 5 months
every time i hear the word "tumblr" come out of will wood's mouth i get so fucking scared. like what if this 30 year old man sees my stupid ass rambles about my captain laserhawk musical under the will wood tag 😭 and is just like "cringe!!! cringe!!!! ANT ATTACK 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜" like what then.
i will be killed in my sleep, burned from the gallows, and hung at the fucking stake by will wood and chris dunne when the world inevitably ends. makr my words. when youre all ghosts you will die to see it.
i have no clue what this post even is anymore im just kind of typing my stream of consciousness into a blank space and seeing what i come up with. its like a podcast of sorts. i am heavily rambling. yapping if you will.
one day when im a famous musician, i think my fans will look back at my old tumblr posts and be like "what was this bitch on" and for the record, it is 2:13 in the morning as i am jotting this all down. this is how i wrote songs back in the day in 2024. just incessant yapping and rhyme schemes that attempt to make sense, but all in all just don't. in the end i was purely just powered by possible adhd and sleep deprivation.
anyways if you read through all of this youre a real trooper. and will wood and/or chris dunne if you see this no you didnt
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ntls-24722 · 1 year
imagine how fucked the animatronic's time perception must be. in SB the plex is still running and all the lights are still on and shit afterhours, assumably 24/7. the only way they're able to gauge that time has passed are digital clocks. But does that even mean anything to them?? Like is all that time is worth to them is how long their shows last, or how long each routine is? Do they percieve days going by?
And on top of that, imagine the utter MINDFUCK as the plex burns down and all the lights are out and shit that they literally SEE a day go by for the first time. Like they're able to see the sun come up and down for the first time. How crazy would that be
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mamajake · 2 years
ships: (I'm unoriginal) SONAZE !
Whoo okay, I know I said two cents but I'm gonna give you a dollar. Only because this ship makes 100% cents (I'm sorry lmao)
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Abcense is to love what wind is to fire, it extinguishes the small and kindles the great
Sonic, in almost every sense, makes Blaze burn Brighter. Whether it is wind fueling the flames, or the beauty of Sonic (and his friends) helping her control the emeralds and become Burning Blaze.
After her first transformation, I always imagine Blaze looking at herself in awe, with Sonic gazing at her and reminiscing about the first time he transformed. I'm in love with their kinship.
Sonic has done nothing but raise her up, teaching her to trust. No matter how many times she fought back, he was still there with a smile, wanting to help.
Even when they actually fought, I like to think that Sonic only fought back in the same way that he fought Chaos. He opened her heart.
Unwanted Contact
Blaze, being a person of solitude, strikes me as a person that doesn't care much for touch. She'll happily give a hand shake as thanks or a hug just for Cream and Marine, but she keeps to herself mainly.
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Now she is almost always seen holding hands with sonic and I'm all for it. It's affirmation of the trust they share.
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With all their hand holding and trust, it makes this panel more impactful for me. I don't think she would lean in that close to anybody, but it just shows how comfortable she is with Sonic. (Also look at that lil blush!)
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This final scene in Sonic Rush lives rent free in my head. The fact that Sonic clings on with his other hand shocks me. He knows what's at stake if they don't seperate, and yet he still holds on. Sonic doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve, but he definitely shows it through his actions. He doesn't want her to leave.
The Tragedy
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Ah yes, the nitty gritty, the stuff that makes it canon for me.
The two are different sides of the same coin. Guardians with amazing abilities who kick ass and take names. The difference? Sonic is free, he's not duty bound. Blaze doesn't live a bad life, but I'd bet it's not the one she wants. There's an envy she has for the blue dude.
Blaze sees her pyrokenesis as a curse, Sonic sees his as a gift, something that grants him freedom. Sonic lives life to his fullest, while Blaze has a whole ass kingdom to run.
I wholeheartedly believe that there's feelings for each other in canon, but what makes it work is the wall between them. They can't stay together, it wouldn't work for multie reasons. Blaze can't abandon her kingdom, Sonic wouldn't want to rule, and oh yeah, the likelihood of dimensional demolition.
Sonic isn't a character who should be in a relationship, it's not his style. If he were in a relationship, it would have to be with someone who allows him his freedom, and could keep up with him. In fact, it's why I ship Sonadow (ooh just wait until I start talking about that).
Shadow and Blaze are people who would keep up with him and keep to themselves at the same time. However, as I said, the wall between Sonic and Blaze is what makes the feelings real for me. It keeps the characters in their lines without changing things.
Suggested reading
Sonaze is my life blood and every few months I'll browse for a big ol' chunky fic to binge through. Sadly there isn't a whole lot of Sonaze around, so for everybody, I'm gonna post some suggestions.
By yours truly, unshameful plug ;)
Don't leave me alone
By @marinaiguess
Need to want
By The Maxx
Winds to my flame
By Crimsonmoon3540
Never Alone - The 100 Sonic & Blaze Story
By WolfChalk
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aratinatophat · 2 years
Swear down I give up not what’s it calling Jon gonna wear all my silly little eye necklaces today :/
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temporalteardrop · 8 months
bass makes a dollar. i make a dime. that's why i think about lesbian sex on company time
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qwertyfries · 2 months
did anyone else read that one book in middle school where this girl goes to stay with her extended family in the countryside but then war breaks out and she has to escape through the wilderness with her younger cousin except the whole time she's reflecting on the incestuous relationship she had with a different cousin at the start of the book
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whatafuckinnerd · 10 months
I find it unfathomable and astounding that Tumblr isn't more obsessed with Sam Reich. You're telling me there exists out there a man who was born into the aristocracy of our country—with every privilege of modern society at his fingertips—who didn't complete high school (due to his mental health) and instead chose to devote his life to making strangers laugh and raising awareness on mental health. A full-bearded short king who is so committed to being the change he wants to see in the world that he decided to take the company he worked for into his own hands so that he could make sure all the people who worked under him could keep their livelihoods.
How many other CEOs are out here being as honest and transparent with their target audience/market as Sam Reich is? How many of them acknowledge when they fumble and continuously strive to be better than they were? How many of them actually seem like they respect their talent, both in the cast and crew? Sam Reich is the standard we should be holding other CEOs to.
But forget about all that (I could talk for a long time about the respect I have for Sam Reich)—ignore just how respectable he is as a businessman and a person. Ignore all the wholesome reasons for obsessing over Sam Dalton Reich.
The man is a stone-cold fox.
He's a little chaos gremlin and an absolute evil mastermind all rolled into one classy suit and well-groomed beard. Whenever Sam is on the set, you can guarantee he is going to make you crack a smile. And for someone with such natural authority, he's never afraid to be the butt of a joke and show himself being embarrassed. Go ahead, watch any clip of him trying to improvise in No Laugh Newsroom and just try to resist that blush.
You're sleeping on a goldmine of a man, here, damnit! And I will NOT let this go ignored any longer!
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llemon-soda · 3 months
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I love seeing the shock and disappointment from new readers of Dracula when they find out that Dracula basically makes a guest appearance at the beginning + end of the book and almost nowhere else. The rest is literally just a subtle homoerotic polycule between Van Helsing, Dr Seward, Lord Godalming and Quincey Morris.
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stressfulsloth · 1 year
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Thinking about Disco Elysium and stars. Something about communal experience and simultaneous isolation, hope and idealism, fear and beauty and terror and burning. The inherent horror in the vast romantic starscape of the sky, the melancholy and loneliness inherent in the untold distance, a communal experience of something too enormous to fathom. Stars bear witness to humanity, to the millions of tiny people crawling on the face of Elysium. They watch the people, and the people watch back, and make up stories about the stars. Stars symbolise love, hope, something unreachable and unattainable.
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The way that the light of the stars reaches every single being in Elysium, from human to phasmid, but no matter how far it reaches it is still a cold and distant glow, always on the verge of going out. A moral brilliance, a holy light to strive towards, something always at risk of burning out, but there's a dichotomy too. A duality between the stars as brutal unfeeling observers, moralists even, like the aerostatics flying overhead, tiny dying lights that watch impassively over every terrible thing in the world, and the flipside; stars as the burning kernels of hope, furious burning flames that parallel Harry and his golden-orange forest fire nature. Stars as the light of communism, the star-and-antlers. They're hope and dreams- a million years in the stars. Rockstars and superstars. The light of a brighter future (however short-term that future might be) coming towards them at the end of the tunnel. It makes me think of Sacred and Terrible Air and the light pollution in Vassa- ending light pollution as the world ends. "You may laugh at this, but in the evening, when the big world in the distance swells into a bloody maelstrom, families come out into the street in Vaasa and are insignificant together. Only distant explosions disturb the deep peace of the winter night, its flawless starry sky. Everyone watches, heads tilted back." The stars are a shared experience. Something that everyone watches, insignificant together, when there's nothing more that can be done. Light in the face of darkness, community in the face of inevitability. Togetherness. The stars are there in the church with the ravers. They're there watching Harry and Kim together. Insignificant together. In dark times, should the stars also go out?
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edsnotden · 2 months
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big mo4 art dump bc ive gotten into but not posted anything ive drawn for it ..!!!!!!!!!!!!i rlly like this game i have horrific brainrot
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kavehshahrewar · 1 day
Ok. Coughs. Progenitor Episode Four
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Is this not cool as hell!!! Would you not put a little guy in there to hang out with you!!!! You could have a crab in your abdomen and it could be your crabdomen. Big things are happening here
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privaterecording1clips · 10 months
genuine question: where does “private recording 1” come from?? i’m out of the loop, i didn’t realize a whole fan community existed!
Wonderful question!! It is true that this is sort of a fandom-made name for this “group” but let me explain!
Private Recording 1 I believe comes from a voice-chat within Chilled’s discord server that is often used for streaming (and sometimes recording?). I don’t know how it got adopted by us, it just did lmao. The name incorporates basically anyone who is a regular in the streams (and videos) of Chilled, Ze, and Co. since they’re kind of at the epicentre of everyone, but of course it is not necessary for them to be included (The cool thing about PR1 is that pretty much anyone can come and go, and the term “group” is… incredibly loose)
Us as a fandom are a small bunch, but we do our best and are very passionate about our streamers!!
I’m gonna put a little rant (all good things, all good things lol) in the RBs about how much I love what PR1 is <3 Thanks for the question!!
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aratinatophat · 2 years
SOMEONE. Tell me where I can find people to talk to please omfg. I haven’t seen people who aren’t my family in like 2 weeks and it’s honestly getting so fucking annoying. Just stopped talking to my best friend too because he kept being a consistent ass. I’m so fucking bored and lonely dude I swear to fucking goooooodddd
I wanna be someone else stfg
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temporalteardrop · 1 year
thinkin about boobs again
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citizenerased77 · 2 months
belldom because it makes me want to curl up in a ball and giggle and scream and laugh and cry and really just react in such a manner that is unfit in response to two middle aged men simply being gay 
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