#i am the captain and ill go down on this ship
mamajake · 2 years
ships: (I'm unoriginal) SONAZE !
Whoo okay, I know I said two cents but I'm gonna give you a dollar. Only because this ship makes 100% cents (I'm sorry lmao)
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Abcense is to love what wind is to fire, it extinguishes the small and kindles the great
Sonic, in almost every sense, makes Blaze burn Brighter. Whether it is wind fueling the flames, or the beauty of Sonic (and his friends) helping her control the emeralds and become Burning Blaze.
After her first transformation, I always imagine Blaze looking at herself in awe, with Sonic gazing at her and reminiscing about the first time he transformed. I'm in love with their kinship.
Sonic has done nothing but raise her up, teaching her to trust. No matter how many times she fought back, he was still there with a smile, wanting to help.
Even when they actually fought, I like to think that Sonic only fought back in the same way that he fought Chaos. He opened her heart.
Unwanted Contact
Blaze, being a person of solitude, strikes me as a person that doesn't care much for touch. She'll happily give a hand shake as thanks or a hug just for Cream and Marine, but she keeps to herself mainly.
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Now she is almost always seen holding hands with sonic and I'm all for it. It's affirmation of the trust they share.
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With all their hand holding and trust, it makes this panel more impactful for me. I don't think she would lean in that close to anybody, but it just shows how comfortable she is with Sonic. (Also look at that lil blush!)
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This final scene in Sonic Rush lives rent free in my head. The fact that Sonic clings on with his other hand shocks me. He knows what's at stake if they don't seperate, and yet he still holds on. Sonic doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve, but he definitely shows it through his actions. He doesn't want her to leave.
The Tragedy
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Ah yes, the nitty gritty, the stuff that makes it canon for me.
The two are different sides of the same coin. Guardians with amazing abilities who kick ass and take names. The difference? Sonic is free, he's not duty bound. Blaze doesn't live a bad life, but I'd bet it's not the one she wants. There's an envy she has for the blue dude.
Blaze sees her pyrokenesis as a curse, Sonic sees his as a gift, something that grants him freedom. Sonic lives life to his fullest, while Blaze has a whole ass kingdom to run.
I wholeheartedly believe that there's feelings for each other in canon, but what makes it work is the wall between them. They can't stay together, it wouldn't work for multie reasons. Blaze can't abandon her kingdom, Sonic wouldn't want to rule, and oh yeah, the likelihood of dimensional demolition.
Sonic isn't a character who should be in a relationship, it's not his style. If he were in a relationship, it would have to be with someone who allows him his freedom, and could keep up with him. In fact, it's why I ship Sonadow (ooh just wait until I start talking about that).
Shadow and Blaze are people who would keep up with him and keep to themselves at the same time. However, as I said, the wall between Sonic and Blaze is what makes the feelings real for me. It keeps the characters in their lines without changing things.
Suggested reading
Sonaze is my life blood and every few months I'll browse for a big ol' chunky fic to binge through. Sadly there isn't a whole lot of Sonaze around, so for everybody, I'm gonna post some suggestions.
By yours truly, unshameful plug ;)
Don't leave me alone
By @marinaiguess
Need to want
By The Maxx
Winds to my flame
By Crimsonmoon3540
Never Alone - The 100 Sonic & Blaze Story
By WolfChalk
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Ed’s journey this season is going to perfectly mirror addiction and recovery, and I am so fucking here for it. Watching these first three episodes of S2 was like watching a highly dramatized AU of my own descent into rock bottom (except everyone was dressed wayyyyyy cooler than I ever was), so I have a lot of thoughts, reactions, and insights that I want to share with other fans. I’m sure many of us who have struggled with our mental health connected with Ed in these episodes, but I think addiction is the most appropriate lens through which to view him because addicts (more often than people who struggle with other mental illnesses) so wholly destroy their own lives and utterly devastate those of their loved ones. I want to share - from the perspective of someone who has steered her own ship straight into a storm and woke up alone to face some very hard choices - what is going on with Ed at the start of this season and what I think is coming.
Let me start by saying that Ed isn’t literally addicted to any one thing, despite his heavy use of drugs and alcohol, but his goal is the same as that of all addicts: escape. He does not want to sit with the pain of Stede leaving him on an immediate, surface level; on a deeper, more habitual level, he doesn’t want to sit with the pain of his own self-loathing. Of course the two are related: the former brings the latter to a head. Stede abandoning him dredges up and brightly illuminates all of his insecurities, and now Ed has to run. Get out. Escape. Don’t think about it. So he is fighting, stealing, drinking, snorting, shooting, killing - whatever it takes to not think about it.
“Demon? I’m the fuckin’ devil.” People in recovery often talk about addiction as if it were a separate, sentient monster living within them. Ed taking on the mantle of demon - a creature known specifically for possession, for removing the host’s free will - is intentional. So is his insistence that he’s not just any demon but the demon. The worst there is. (More on that when we get to The Innkeeper.)
Izzy’s confrontation of Ed in the captain’s cabin and then on deck is a form of intervention. Izzy is trying to help Ed, but of course this goes terribly for him and for Ed because interventions (I cannot stress this enough) are maybe the worst thing you could do to an addict. All addicts know things are bad, but they cannot be pushed to change one single second before they’re ready. Ed knows things are bad. He’s well-aware of how he’s spending his time, how his crew feels about him, how disappointed Izzy is. Being confronted with all of those truths by Izzy was always only going to make him do two things: 1) dig further into his unhealthy coping mechanisms, never mind that they don’t have nearly the effect that they used to; and 2) lash out at the person who forced him to think about it. Izzy lost his leg the moment he stepped into Ed’s cabin.
The impossible bird. You guys remember the song Chandelier by Sia? The one about her addiction to alcohol? The whole thing may as well come right out of Ed’s mouth at the end of that first episode, because that experience is exactly what he’s trying to convey to Frenchie. Nevermind that Frenchie has the temerity to tell him the bird can’t exist, that it has to come down sometime, that flying forever isn’t sustainable. The bird can come down on its own terms, or crash… but Frenchie’s definitely not going to say that much. Still, “that sounds like something that can’t exist” hits Ed, and leads us to the next episode.
Now we’ve got Ed forlorn, heartbroken, almost catatonic while playing with his cake toppers. We don’t actually see him crying in the opening of the episode, which is the point. He’s done crying now. The impossible bird can’t exist, and Ed has already resigned himself to this. He’s decided to die. The only sure-fire permanent way to not think about it.
When next we see Ed, he seems to be doing better, but this is a huge red flag for anyone who knows to look. He’s giving away his responsibility to Frenchie; he’s cleaning the cabin for the closure. He knows the end is coming fast, and the relief that knowledge brings him leaves him weirdly at peace. It is he eeriest part of these episodes, IMO.
Then he goes to find his first mate, the person who knows him better than anyone else in the world, the man he just fucking shot and ordered killed. Ed needs his low opinion of himself validated, and of course he thinks he’ll get it from Izzy after everything he’s done to him. He wants the one person who has stuck with him through everything to confirm that he’s now irretrievably broken and no longer worthy of his love. Ed wants someone to tell him that he’s right: he should die.
He doesn’t get that from Izzy. Interestingly, Izzy doesn’t tell him he should die. He says “Clean up your own mess.” Izzy has learned the lesson now that Ed isn’t ready to get better and that he can’t make him be ready. (This post isn’t about Izzy, but hoo boy - I have big feels about that man.)
Ed has been indulging in various forms of self-destruction in order to not feel his feelings, and steering the ship into the storm is his worst indulgence yet. This is the worst of his crimes - not beheading or arson or a red wedding. It’s when he tries to bring down everyone who has ever loved him into his misery, into believing what he believes. The audience generally (and Ed’s audience of Stede specifically) can forgive him for hurting strangers and for the non-specific mayhem whose victims we’ve never met; but it is much less certain that anyone will forgive him for hurting the only family he’s ever known.
The storm itself is the perfect metaphor for Ed’s attempt on his and, incidentally, everyone else’s lives. One of the most common metaphors used by friends and family members of addicts is that of a hurricane: that their addicted loved-ones tend to destroy everything they touch, anyone who was foolish or brave enough to stick around. And, like hurricanes, addicts aren’t malicious. Ed’s primary goal here is to get himself killed, not to kill everyone else. He wants the ship to go down so his death is certain. His firing a cannonball into the mast and asking Jim and Archie to fight to the death isn’t malice: it’s utter and complete nihilism. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing and no one. The end is near, and he’s so fucking drunk and high off these distractions that he couldn’t think about it if he tried. He’s manic with relief. (See also: “Finally.”)
And now for the finale: Purgatory. Buckle up, because this is where the addiction analogy gets real *chef’s kiss.* Purgatory is the equivalent of the morning after the worst, most rock bottom binge night of your life. You wake up with no one for company but the ghosts of your former selves. Now what?
Well, first - who is Hornigold to Ed? Why is he the guy Ed sees? It’s because Hornigold is another addict, if you will, but one who is (in this Purgatory hallucination) farther along in his recovery. He can impart some wisdom from that place, but he can also stand in as someone Ed can loathe because they’re not as different as Ed once thought, even if Hornigold can say he’s grown.
Hornigold tries to give him soup. He tells Ed, “Gotta get these nutrients into you,” and then literally shoves soup down his throat. That’s what it’s like in rock bottom. You don’t want to take care of yourself, but some lizard brain survival instinct takes over and makes you drink water, eat a piece of fruit, take yourself to the hospital. These things don’t really happen voluntarily that morning after, but you can still count on that instinct to kick in with some damage control.
Ed telling Hornigold how he “got here.” Hornigold says “Mutiny. It’s always mutiny.” Ed insists his mutiny was special, worse somehow. This whole scene is exactly what happens in your first recovery support group meeting. You go in thinking no one has ever been as fucked and fucked up as you are, which makes you feel isolated and alone. But then you get there and everyone else in the circle has done the same shit, been through the same shit. Ed’s not actually the devil; he’s just another demon, like many demons before him.
Ed worries he’s insane when he reflects on everything he’s done. Hornigold’s reply that “Feeling bad isn’t going to rebuild an abdominal wall” is a concept that people usually learn a little bit later in recovery, so I expect we’ll see more on this theme from Ed. Guilt is a useless emotion that only serves to conversely make the addict feel better but doesn’t help the harmed party: the addict feels like their suffering is cleansing, but it’s not - feeling guilt is just more self-indulgence, more self-destruction. Hornigold - a fellow addict in this moment - is trying to get this lesson to him early. It’ll return.
“You’ve got to move on or blow your brains out.” We’re getting back to Purgatory as the metaphor for the morning-after rock bottom, because this is the exact calculation that every person in recovery has done. They all had to answer that one big question. Your whole life is a mess, and you made the mess. Do you want to clean it up? Or quit? (Or make some soup? Yeah. That big question can’t be answered without basic needs having been met. So let’s eat. Let’s start there. It’s easier.)
Now we have Ed’s fantasy about opening an inn: This is also a common part of the morning-after rock bottom. You start thinking about the wrong turns you took, the mistakes you made, the way your life was supposed to go and all the reasons you’re not where you wanted to be. (And all the people you can blame for the fact that your life didn’t go as planned.) And when that honest part of yourself starts telling you that actually it’s all your fault… well, a) you don’t wanna hear it, and b) you can’t silence (kill) that monster, no matter how hard you try. You’ve got to face it. Face all those truths you’ve been running from for years. Now you have to think about it.
So now the big question, the inevitable math. Hornigold suggests looking at the pros and the cons. That’s the easiest way to break the calculation into manageable variables. This is probably my favorite moment of the episode, because when you’re sitting there, morning after the worst night of your life, everything is fucked - these are the exact variables that go into your equation. Do I really want to live? You ask yourself that, and because your life is in fucking shambles, you come up with the stupidest goddamn reasons to keep going. You wanna see the next seasons of Good Omens and Loki. You wanna eat your mom’s spaghetti again. Sometimes it’s nice when someone hugs you. It’s never the big things that save your life; it’s a bunch of the littlest things. The smallest comforts. The big things… they’re too unattainable. They’re too much to hope for, and they’re more than you could possibly deserve. What are the pros of living for Ed? Warmth, good food, orgasms. This is a stunningly accurate representation of the things that will keep you alive once you’ve hit rock bottom.
And then the cons: “I don’t think anyone is waiting for me.” This is why addiction is the better metaphor. There is no human experience more isolating than addiction. You are alone in more ways than you’ve ever been before. You have pushed away or pissed off everyone who ever cared about you. And even the ones who will maybe still be there for you - they can’t help you clean up the mess you’ve made. You have to do the work alone, even if they’re still willing to stand next to you. And this con… it’s the scariest one. Your list of little pros looks so pathetic next to the horror of being utterly fucking alone. Who is going to brave that for some stupid shit like Tom Hiddleston sexily flipping his hair back in that Loki way he does? Why should Ed carry on just because blankets are cozy and marmalade is pleasant?
This is where we get to the moment on the mountain, and what Stede represents. Hornigold tells Ed “You’re unlovable, and you’re afraid to do anything about it.” Ed could do two things about being unlovable: He could try to fix it, or he could end it all. Hornigold represents the worst part of Ed: his weaknesses and cowardice. And if Hornigold is in the driver’s seat, he’s going to end it all. He throws the rock off the cliff, and Ed gets dragged down into the water to drown. (Let’s also talk later about how often addiction is compared to drowning, and how nothing else in the show actually threatened Ed’s life - not Izzy with a gun, not all the rhino horn, not Jim’s cannonball - like drowning in his own mind.)
But then there’s Stede. Stede is how the pros win over that one big, horrifying con. Stede is hope. Stede is just a glimmer of hope. Hope is the most important thing you need in the morning-after rock bottom. As much as I enjoy the idea that it was love that saved Ed, I don’t think that’s a wholly faithful interpretation. Because Stede’s love for Ed doesn’t solve anything, doesn’t fix anything - it certainly doesn’t fix Ed. It cannot fix Ed. Hornigold just told Ed that he’s the one who has to “do something about it,” because Ed is the only one who can save himself. But even if Stede’s love for him in itself isn’t what saves Ed, Ed’s trust in Stede combined with that love gives him hope. Stede loves Ed, truly loves him, came back to him even though he knows Ed’s nature, knows his list of crimes, knows what he’s done to Stede’s friends and family. And maybe Ed can find in himself what he trusts Stede truly sees. It’s a “maybe,” not a certainty. But it’s hope. Someone loves him. Maybe he can love himself, too.
This Woman’s Work: I read this song as referring more appropriately to Ed’s relationship with himself, in no small part because Ed literally made himself the woman in the cake topper couple. All the things that should have been done, should have been said - they’re things Ed needs to do and say to himself. He’s got a little life and a lot of strength left. The journey has just begun.
I want to pop back quickly to a few other moments in The Innkeeper that resonated, starting with Stede and Izzy’s discussion about what happened to Ed: “He went mad. He was a wild dog.” Izzy describes Ed’s breakdown as if he was no longer the same person he once was; this is exactly what addiction does to a person. Ed hasn’t been himself; he’s been held hostage by his need for escape, and he’s become something else. Possessed, if you will.
Izzy: “You and me did this to him, and we can’t let the crew suffer any more for our mistakes.” I’m not writing an essay on Izzy (yet), but this is a very interesting perspective that says a lot about Izzy. Stede and Izzy both owe apologies to Ed, but they are not responsible for his actions. I predict we’re going to see this theme explored in later episodes as a part of Ed’s healing process and recovery. And also hopefully in Izzy’s growth.
Frenchie’s line that “We’ve been living second-to-second for a while now” is a callback to the impossible bird idea. Which, again, is just Chandelier x Sia. “I’m holding on for dear life, won’t look down, won’t open my eyes, keep my glass full until morning light ‘cause I’m just holding on for tonight.”
So what’s next? For me, it was learning to sit alone in a quiet room with my thoughts. It was apologizing to the ones I hurt, because even if I didn’t mean to hurt them - even if I was suffering also and worse - they still got hurt, and in the end it didn’t matter why. It was developing the habit of liking myself, and acting on whatever self-love and affection I could conjure up. And yes… it was new seasons of Good Omens and Loki, my mom’s spaghetti, and hugs.
So I think Ed has a lot of accountability, reflection, and breaking of old habits in his future… but also warmth, good food, and orgasms. And good for him. That’s the beauty of recovery: we get to come back.
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mytheoristavenue · 1 year
GOTG Rocket x Reader 🍋 - Heatwaves
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Summary: Long from home, the ship's air conditioner breaks, resulting in hallucination-inducing heat. Your obvious crush on Rocket doesn't make things any better.
Warnings: Inspired by a series of TMNT fics I did a while back, sexual innuendo, dirty talk, degradation, praise, illness from excessive heat, daydreaming/hallucinating, suggestive situations, sexual tension, judgment impaired by arousal, fem!reader, non specified species!reader, humanoid/anthro!reader, takes place between vol. 2 and infinity war
You were so dizzy, melting into the sofa, sprawled out with no regard for anyone else's comfort. Your head rested against Mantis's leg, while your legs invaded Drax's bubble, not that he minded. His people didn't really understand the concepts of personal space anyhow. You were all in this boat though, Gamora splayed out on the floor as it was the coolest surface in the ship. With this heat, all there was to do to bear it was strip down to the littlest clothing possible before becoming indecent and napping to make the time pass quicker.
"C'mon, you guys, cheer up," Peter forced a cheerful tone from the cockpit. "Rocket said he should be finished with the repairs on the AC tomorrow."
"Thank God," you groaned, pinching the fabric of your tanktop to unstick it from your chest. "I can't take this shit anymore."
"Yeah, I'm so sweaty, it feels like I showered in my clothes." Mantis agreed from above you, doing the same and wiggling all over to have her shirt sit right.
"But you didn't," Drax gave her a lead-poisoned stare. "I have been watching you for hours and you haven't moved, let alone gone to shower." The empath's head very slowly turned towards him, her glare and pursed lips screaming that she was done with his nonsense.
"Ya know," the captain called again. "If you're hot, just think how Rocket feels. It's probably way hotter down there in the boiler, plus he's covered in fur."
"I am Groot." The sapling said, raising his head off Gamora's chest as she nodded, agreeing with him.
"I don't care that fur is like insulation, if you're hot, he's hot. And I don't see any of you trying to help him, so stop whining." Peter's light reprimand, admittedly had pulled on your heartstrings a bit. It was awfully nice of Rocket to fix the AC all by himself, even if he was the only one with the know-how to do it.
"He's right," you sighed, begrudgingly tearing yourself off the sofa, your exposed skin having stuck to it. Finally separated from the mound of leather and flesh, you stumbled over to the kitchenette and threw open the fridge before grabbing a few bottles of water. "Rocket might need some help, I'll go check on him."
You had never been in this part of the ship before, slinking through halls and around protruding pipes and fixtures. It was much hotter down here, closer to the water heating systems. You had to halt for a moment, pressing your hand to the wall for stability as you hunched a bit. If you were already feeling faint, you couldn't imagine how Rocket was feeling. For all you knew, he could have passed out and nobody would have known.
Suddenly you began to make out a distant, distorted racket that echoed and reverberated against every surface. It sounded almost...melodic? Following as it became louder, it led you to a warm light that streamed out from beyond a closed door. You halted for a moment, now being able to separate the noise, which you now recognized as a voice, singing lazily. Rocket never sang in front of people and you almost felt perverted as you listened to his rendition of Silver's 'Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang'. "Now that it's said and we both understand," he softly crooned, voice carrying to far reaches. "Let's say our goodbyes before it gets out of hand."
Inhaling sharply, you finally found it in you to grip the door handle and let yourself in. Orange light flooded out of the small room and the music became as clear as it was going to get, loud enough to conceal the sound of the door opening. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.
Everyone had always been able to tell you were sweet on Rocket, and you'd never done much to hide the fact but seeing him now, bathed in marigold neon, laid flat on his back up underneath a large fixture...shirtless- it was too much for you. His fur was slicked against his chest from sweat and his jumpsuit was tied loosely on his hips, revealing much more of him than you ever could have been prepared to see. Adding to that his admittedly lovely, gruff singing voice, the scene was a recipe for an upset tummy.
Deciding you couldn't handle this, you silently tried to back out of the room, eyes trained on him like a deer in headlights. You may have gotten away with it, had one of the water bottles not fallen from the crook of your elbow, alerting him to your presence. Instantly, he rolled out from under the machine, set down his tools, and sat up, staring at you. "(Y/N), what are you doing down here?"
Now that you could see his face, you were in even worse shape. The white stripes on his cheeks were smeared with grease, whiskers crumpled, and fur unkempt. He looked incredibly rugged- more so than usual. "Hello? Knowwhere to (Y/N)?" he croaked again and waved a hand in front of him, voice hoarse from unrestricted use. "You okay?"
At last, you shook out of your trance, flustered to hell and back, and eagerly swooped down to grab the bottle. "Y-Yeah, I'm great! You're just really hot!" Rocket stared at you for a second, waiting for you to correct yourself before owning the compliment and mocking you for it. Obviously, you didn't take the hint, so that was his cue.
"Well thanks, dollface," he smirked, standing up and sauntering over to the doorway, taking the dropped bottle from you before popping off the cap and chugging it. About halfway through, he stopped with a deep, relieved sigh. "I always thought I was pretty hot but it's still nice to hear it from someone else." That's when your stomach dropped, realizing what you'd said. Time to backtrack.
"Oh my God, no!" you gasped, once again dropping what you were holding to slap your hands to your face. "I don't think you're hot!" Rocket looked at you quizzically, hand on hip. "I-I mean I do think you're attractive, b-but not in a weird way! More like a friend way!"
"Uh-huh," he teased, crossing his arms and leaning on the doorframe. "Friend attraction's the best kind, ya know? And don't sweat it, Quill says I'm hot all the time."
"Rocket, please..." you finally gave in, physically crumbling. "I meant like- you're probably getting hot down here and I wanted to bring you something to drink."
"I know, dollface, I'm just yankin' your chain." he laughed, pushing off the wall and walking back farther into the room to sit on a bucket. "I needed a break anyway, thanks princess."
"N-Nothing!" You finally let out a sigh of relief, following a bit closer and sitting on the floor. "So how's it coming?" you asked, uncapping your own bottle after passing him the last one.
"Well, I've identified the problem, but I don't got the right parts to fix it. Good news is, I think I was able to work up a temporary replacement that should at least get us back to Knowwhere. I know if we can just get home, I can get a brand new part for cheap-" You weren't sure when, but at some point, you'd stopped listening, mind and eyes wandering.
" Ah, fuck, (Y/N), easy! Yeah, j-just like that, keep movin' just like that for me princess..."
"Are you even listening?" Rocket's annoyed tone brought you out of your daydream. You must have zoned out without realizing it, how embarrassing. "Jeez, you're hopeless, ya know that?" He chided, standing up and grabbing a rag to wipe his hands on.
"Sorry..." you slumped shamefully before trailing him as he got back into position. "H-Hey, is there anything I can do to help you out?"
"Hmm," he paused, laying back down on the creeper, ready to roll back under the unit. "I guess you can keep me company, hand me tools," he proposed, disappearing under the machine. Suddenly his voice dropped an octave, words echoed against metallic surfaces that made you freeze. "I know my girl is very good with my tools."
You squeaked at his sudden turn in demeanor, falling on your behind and scrambling away from him. "W-What?!"
Rocket rolled back out, propping up on an elbow, eyeing you with concern. "What, what'd I say?" he asked frantically. "What's up with you?"
"Y-You said-" you stammered, not even comfortable with repeating what you heard. "Y-You said...I'm g-good with your tools!"
He looked at you like you were the biggest moron he'd ever met. "Well, yeah?" he chastised. "You help me in my shop all the time, so I know you know which ones are which. You're good at knowing which ones to hand me." Your chest heaved as he once again returned to his position, reaching his hand out. His small fingers curled, a sign for you to hand something over. "Gimme that ratchet." Quickly, you placed it in his hand, before clicking open the socket set.
"What size socket?"
"Twelve millimeter." He answered, settling the tool on his stomach to use both hands for whatever he was doing. Scanning the set, you plucked out the shallow twelve millimeter piece and set it on his chest, waiting for him to grab it. He did and growled in dismay, giving it back.
"No, princess," he corrected, gasping through clenched teeth. "Need it deep."
"You...w-what?" you carefully asked, feeling incredibly dizzy and unable to discern truth from hallucination.
"I need the deep twelve millimeter, not the shallow one." Rocket scolded, giving a frustrated sigh as he listened to you scramble for the correct piece, profusely apologizing all the while. Finally, you found the right one, presenting it to him just in time for him to roll out from under the fixture again. "Okay, dollface," he titled his head, worried. "What's your deal?"
"Deal? There's no deal!" you played dumb, laughing nervously, hoping he'd just drop it. "I'm fine, really!"
You went rigid, watching him silently creep closer to you, unsure if this was real or not. Finally, he placed a paw against your cheek and whispered in close: "You're burnin' up, baby."
"Rocket, I don't feel good." you stated abruptly. "I-I think something's wrong with me."
"I'll say," he cooed, dragging his knuckles down the side of your face. "How about you let me change that, hmm?" The world around you began to blur, and all you could make out were his words. You understood that his hands were on you, but you couldn't say where; you couldn't feel it, you couldn't even see clearly. "Yeah, baby just lay down, lemme do all the work." He soothed seductively. "Let daddy take care of you, 'kay, (Y/N)?"
That last word, it was your name, right? He kept repeating it, like a broken record, and suddenly all the gruffness left his voice. You listened as intently as you could, hearing it morph from lustful to monotone, and then increasingly more worried- desperate even. "(Y/N)!" There it was again.
Slowly, as his voice became more clear, the cloudiness in your vision dissipated and your senses began to return. Your cheek burned against hot metal, and you could feel patting on your face. A figure hovered over you, close enough to breathe on you. "Goddamnit, (Y/N), wake up!"
"R-Rocket...?" you stuttered, recognizing the figure. "What's going on...?"
"Nevermind that," he hushed. "Lay back down," Suddenly, he turned away from you, yelling out the door, presumably to the oncoming footsteps stampeding down the hall. "In here!" Your eyelids began to get heavy as the world began to fall away again. The last thing you remember was being lifted into the air by a second, hulking figure, then nothing.
You awoke in your bunk, arctic air breezing by your face. What had happened, how did you get here? Where was Rocket? Your fingers twitched, sore from lack of use and the tips of them caught the sensation of something foreign. Multiple fibers connected to one source, soft in mass but wirey when you singled one out. Letting your hand travel up the organism, you froze, realizing you'd answered one of your questions. Glancing down, you found Rocket, curled in a ball at your side. That was odd, you did share a room, but Rocket never slept in your bunk.
Your movements must have roused him as he stirred under your touch, slowly unfurling himself and stretching out. "You're up," he noted, smiling a bit. "You'll be happy to know the AC is fixed."
Now that you took notice of it, the room was cooler, cold even. "Wow," you yawned, smiling back sleepily. "How long was I out for?"
"About eight hours," he copied, yawning as a reaction to seeing you do the same. You halted a moment, confused.
"Wait, I thought you said it'd take you another day to fix it?" you rubbed sleep from your eye waiting for his explaination.
"Nothin' an all nighter couldn't fix." He laughed exhaustedly, curling back up into your side. You'd usually question his sudden cuddliness, but it made your bed that much cozier. "Honestly, your little heatstroke..." his voice softened a bit. "It scared me a little. I was worried about ya."
"Heatstroke..." you repeated. "That makes so much sense," At least now you had an explanation for all those hallucinations from earlier. Though you were glad to be well again, Rocket's attention was nice, even if it was all in your head. "That explains me hearing and seeing things that weren't there down in the boiler. Sorry for acting so weird.." you confessed sheepishly.
"Don't be sorry," he chuckled cockily, eyes peacefully resting. "We'll definitely be having a lengthy, private conversation about all that after I catch up on some sleep." Your stomach dropped at that, imagining all the terrible outcomes that could result from said conversation. "And for the record, dollface, I do think you're very good at handling my tools, ya know," he smirked, nuzzling your ear. "When you follow directions."
Your stomach did flips as your head began to feel heavy again. "I-I must still be hallucinating...I swear I just heard you say-"
"Did I fuckin' stutter?"
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ghoulsister1 · 1 year
The Cat's Meow
Captain Kuro x Female!Reader. (One Piece Netflix Series) Fluff. Suggestive content. Reader is part of The Black Cat Pirates. Secret relationship. Reader is Captain Kuro's First Mate. ☆Set before the events of Syrup Village☆
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Ever since you were little, you always wanted to set sail across the seas, to see the many wonders that lies beyond the horizon and have many wonderful adventures, so that you always had a new tale to tell to the other pirates, sailors and fishermen in the local restaurants and taverns. You're family had other ideas, which is why you fled and snuck on aboard a ship one night, just in time too as the ship was just leaving port, bound and sailing wherever it's Captain wished it to go.
It wasn't until you were found by the crew that you realised you weren't on any ship, you were on the ship of the Black Cat Pirates and now, the crew was dragging you by the scruff of the neck of your clothing to their Captain, the feared Captain Kuro.
You gulped as Butchi dropped you to the floor inside the Captain's quarters, you had heard stories of Kuro and his deadly claws and ability to move so fast and quietly, like a ghost. You also heard of his ruthlessness and you shivered as Butchie and Sham addressed their Captain.
"Captain Kuro sir! We found this dirty stowaway on-board the ship" Bellowed Butchie.
"Yes, she was sneaking about below deck like a rat in our food stock" Hissed Sham.
"Wait I can explain...!" You Cried but flinched as Sham hissed at you, baring her teeth.
Captain Kuro stood up and walked over to where you were and you felt yourself tremble, knowing this how you will die, by the claws of the ferocious Captain Kuro.
"What are you doing sneaking on board my ship and why?" Asked Captain Kuro, looking down at you with a sneer as you froze upon seeing the long, sharp claws he wielded. You couldn't answer, the words gone as you just couldn't stop staring at the deadly clawed gloves and knowing that's what's going to kill you.
"Answer the Captain!" Shouted Butchi, making you jump at the sudden sound of his voice and you began to babble.
"I'm sorry I snuck aboard, I had no choice! There was no where for me to go as my family will find me! I just wanted to see the world, sail the seas and live you know? I just jumped onto the first ship I saw leaving port and well, here I am" You Babbled, tears welling up in your eyes.
Captain Kuro and the two crewmates listened to your explanation without a word.
"Please forgive me Captain Kuro! I know you must be suspicious but believe me when I say I come with no ill intent to you or your crew. You may do what you wish with me. Maroon me on an island, drop me at the next port or anything! But please don't take me back to my family, please" You Pleaded, tearfully.
Captain Kuro said nothing, just looked at you with cold, calculating eyes before smirking.
"So, a run away from home? Wanted to be rebellious? Be a pirate? *tsk!* You have no idea what you are getting into young lady" Remarked Captain Kuro with a tut. You said nothing, just kept still in the spot you were dropped in.
"Very well, we are far from the port now and I'm not turning the ship around to drop off some runaway brat!" Spoke Captain Kuro with a sneer as he ordered you to stand up on your feet, which did on shaky legs, still unsure if you were gonna die or not.
"Welcome on board, little stowaway! Don't expect this to be a 5-star cruise. You will be part of my crew now. You will work to earn your keep on this ship, if the crew works you work. I don't tolerate slacking from my crew and I will not tolerate it from you. Do you understand?" Asked Captain Kuro, glaring at you.
"Yes Captain" You Replied nervously, nodding your head.
Captain Kuro smirked at you as you addressed him as "Captain".
"Good. Learning already. Right little brat, go with Butchi and Sham, they'll show you where you will sleep tonight. We have some cheese and bread, you'll have that to eat tonight. Tomorrow you work" Ordered Captain Kuro sternly.
"Yes Captain. Thank you Captain Kuro" You Said, grateful. Captain Kuro waved you off with a slight sneer and you left the Captain's quarters with Butchi and Sham.
At the first light of dawn, your new life began on board The Bezan Black. You swabbed the decks, helped unload and load cargo, helped cook meals, fished and hunted, helped the crew in every way you could. Along the way you gradually earned your new crewmates's respect, especially Butchi and Sham. You really earned their respect during an attack by Marines.
You had picked up a sword and thanks to your rich family's upbringing of horseriding and fencing, you fought off three Marines much to the surprise of Butchi and Sham, even to the surprise of Captain Kuro who was impressed by your swordfighting. Thanks to that, Butchi and Sham saw you as a Black Cat Pirate and on a full moon night with a sea calm and quiet, you were fully made an official Black Cat Pirate.
As a pirate, you did see wonders and had some adventures that you were proud to be part of. You sought and found treasures, saw amazing sights and of course had epic battles, mostly with Marines.
During all that, you moved up through the ranks in the crew. Captain Kuro saw you as reliable, diligent and cunning. He admired that in a person and in his crew. So when Captain Kuro made you First Mate, everyone was surprised but were happy except for Jango, who was Captain Kuro's original First Mate. But Captain Kuro had made his decision and he expected his crew to respect that.
You and the feared Captain kept things professional. Until he kissed you in his quarters during a celebration after a successful raid. You kissed him back and soon you two began your relationship, but in secret. Captain Kuro wanted to keep his image and status as a ruthless and fearsome pirate Captain in front of his crew and enemies. You respected that and both of you would carry on the image of feared Captain and his loyal First Mate in front of the crew and enemies, but behind closed doors you and him were lovers who would spend many wonderful nights in each other's arms, everything around you two disappearing till it felt like it was only just you and him in the world.
One year or two had passed and you smiled as you thought back to the night you were taken in by the Black Cat Pirates, became part of their feared crew evening earn a new name in the process and becoming "Hellcat" instead of Y/N. But with Kuro and behind the locked door of the Captain's quarters, Kuro still called you Y/N.
"Something on your mind, my kitten?" Asked Kuro raising an eyebrow and smirking at you. You smiled at him and approached him.
"Was thinking about the night I snuck onto the Bezan Black and I was introduced to you and the Black Cat Pirates" You Recalled as Kuro gave a chuckle at that.
"Ah yes, you were just a bratty stowaway sneaking about my ship like a stray kitten" Teased Kuro and you gave a giggle, nudging him as he laughed softly.
"Hey, I wasn't that bratty" You Teased.
"But look at you now, a proud member of my crew" Remarked Kuro smiling.
"And your lover" You Added as you wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in close to kiss you passionately and you eagerly returned it. Things were about to go further until a bang on the door broke the spell.
You and Kuro pulled away to straighten yourselves up before Kuro unlocked the door and Jango rushed in, he looked haggard and panic-stricken but he looked at you as you made yourself busy by looking at a map, glaring at Jango when he stared at you.
"Something you care to report Jango?" You Asked sternly.
"What's she doing in here?" Asked Jango, shocked. Kuro glared and his face darkened.
"She is helping me map out potential raids and coming up with a strategic approach to each one. Why? She's my First Mate! Are you here to tell me something or waste time?" Asked Captain Kuro, snarling.
"Captain! Marines have been spotted and are fast approaching!" Jango Cried. You looked up at that, shocked and Kuro looked annoyed.
"Marines? Again? That's the third time this month! Jango, prepare the crew and wait for me outside! Now!" Ordered Captain Kuro and Jango fled outside to get the crew.
You turned and saw Kuro, he was annoyed but also looked tired. You frowned, you've seen Kuro was looking more tired these days, especially with the Marines constantly attacking.
"Kuro?" You Asked, worried as you approached him. He looked at you tiredly but embraced you nonetheless.
"These Marines keep coming for us, for me. They won't stop till they have me. It's getting tiring my dear, quite tiring" Kuro Replied softly.
"What will we do?" You Asked.
"I have a plan my kitten. I've been planning this for months. It will work perfectly and it will make the Marines never bother us again" Explained Kuro, smirking as he recalled his plan.
"You are called 'Kuro Of A Hundred Plans' for a reason my dear" You Remarked and you both shared a smile.
"First though, I must deal with the Marines. Then our plan can begin" Declared Kuro as he pushed his glasses up with his palm.
A crescent moon hung in the sky that night, the Marines never stood a chance against your beloved Captain Kuro. By the time you and rest of the Black Cat Pirates arrived, only one Marine was left alive though badly wounded. Kuro stood amongst the bodies of the Marines, the deck covered in blood, bodies and giant claw marks.
"Now, we can begin our plan Jango. But first, Hellcat! A word in private" Shouted Captain Kuro and you followed Kuro to a private corner.
"Listen to me my dear and listen good. I must stay here with Jango to set the plan in motion. There's a boat for you to get you back to the nearest settlement or town, Butchi and Sham will escort you" Explained Kuro.
"Will Butchi and Sham come with me to shore?" You Asked. Kuro frowned.
"They will only see you off, they must stay with me" Replied Kuro.
"But wait, what about you? Will you join me?" You Asked, worry growing as Kuro's eyes filled with a strange sadness as he gazed at you.
"You will be coming with me, right? My love?" You Asked, feeling dread seep in to your heart.
"I will join you on shore when everything is ready. Butchi and Sham too" Replied Kuro.
"You promise me Kuro?" You Warned, feeling afraid to leave Kuro's side.
"I promise you kitten. I promise" Kuro Vowed and with a quick kiss you two parted ways.
Butchi and Sham lead you to the boat. You got in the boat and looked ahead to see the lights of the nearby town.
"Goodbye Hellcat" Cried Sham as you began to row. You waved at the two.
"I'll see you on the shore!" You Shouted, smiling but you frowned as Butchi and Sham waved at you sadly, Butchi shaking his head.
You reached the shore and landed. You watched the two ships, anxious and wondering what was Kuro's plan to get rid of the Marines.
Hours passed until you saw the Marine ship sailing. You frowned as you looked over at the Bezan Black which stood still and dark. Fear flooded into your brain, but you still held out hope that your crewmates and beloved Captain were safe.
But as the Marine ship sailed into the night, you heard a voice shouting from the ship. You listened closely and your heart sank upon hearing a somewhat familiar voice shouting loud and proud from the deck of the ship.
"I AM CAPTAIN KURO OF THE BLACK CAT PIRATES!" Echoed throughout followed by the gruff voice of a Marine shouting: "I HAVE SINGLE-HANDEDLY DEFEATED THE BLACK CAT PIRATES!"
Your heart shattered at hearing those words and you clutched your chest, tears welling up as you let out a loud wail and you sobbed as you sat upon the sands of the beach. You mourned for Butchi and Sham. You mourned for the Black Cat Pirates who were not only your crewmates but also a family to you.
And most of all, you mourned for your beloved Captain and love, Kuro.
Syrup Village. Present Day.
You looked over at the flyer you found pinned up in one the establishments.
"Maid Wanted.
We are currently looking for a woman who has experience in cooking and domestic tasks. If interested, please go to this address for further details."
You were looking for a decent bit of work to make some money. Despite no longer being part of a crew, your inner Black Cat Pirate never died, despite being the only living member of the fearsome pirates. You had a few run ins with Marines and recently a brush with some Arlong Pirates but you held your own against them.
As you arrived at the address you were greeted by a ram like man called Merry.
"Ah! Hello there miss!" Greeted Merry.
"Uh hello there. I'm here about the job" You Replied handing Merry the flyer. He smiled at that and took inside the grand house.
"Oh Miss Kaya will be delighted that you've accepted! Oh Miss Kaya! We have a lady here who wishes to apply for the job!" Cried Merry happily. You told Merry your name and he smiled.
"Just out of curiosity, did you work previously?" Asked Merry politely. You smiled warmly.
"Only on a ship. I was a cook and I sometimes cleaned the decks. That's all" You Replied as you remembered that beautiful ship, the Bezan Black fondly.
Suddenly Kaya made her appearance and she wasn't alone. She was standing with a butler of sorts, but your heart stopped upon seeing him.
"Miss Y/N, this is Miss Kaya. And with Miss Kaya is our finest butler, Klahadore!" Announced Merry happily.
Klahadore stared at you and you stared at him.
"No...it can't be....y..you were captured....and you....were executed!" You Thought as you stared at Klahadore who then smirked at you and shot you a wink.
"It is you.....Kuro!" You Thought with pure joy, tears nearly welling up your eyes. You composed yourself and introduced yourself.
"What a lovely name!" Bubbled Kaya smiling at you sweetly.
"A charming name for a charming lady" Replied Klahadore, smiling at you and making your heart race.
"Miss Y/N tells me she worked on a ship, just like you Klahadore!" Recalled Merry.
"How interesting" Remarked Klahadore, smirking at you.
After introductions, Klahadore offered to show you around privately. Once alone, you both embraced each other in a loving, passionate kiss. Tears of happiness streamed down your face as you were finally reunited with your beloved.
"Oh Kuro! I thought you were captured! I thought everyone was gone!" You Sobbed as Kuro held you in his arms.
"Oh my sweet kitten, I'm sorry for causing you such distress. But I was afraid that there was a possibility of the plan going astray, which is why I sent you away to avoid any repercussions. Thankfully my plan didn't fail. But I'm sorry my love you had to bear such a pain" Explained Kuro pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Where are the others?" You Asked.
"Oh, they will come soon. This is all part of my plan. Now that you are here, we can really start" Recalled Kuro smirking.
"Does this plan involve separation?" You Asked, anxiety skyrocketing.
"No. Not anymore. My sweet kitten, we'll never be apart again" Promised Kuro.
"Promise me?" You Asked unsure.
"Promise" Assured Kuro and you two shared a deep kiss.
Kaya's parents set up a room for you to sleep in but you always snuck off to Kuro's room and sleep there, in his arms just like the days when you and him sailed upon the sea.
But you knew Kuro's plan was just beginning and you both smiled as Kuro plotted his next move. You snuggled closer to him, happy to be back with your beloved Kuro.
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sunlaire · 9 months
Love the idea of crozier getting promoted to captain and having a steward for the first time. And not liking the notion one bit. He's been mending his own uniform up til now. He's been dressing himself and getting his own food.. Why does he need a steward? Its extravagant is what it is. Unnecessary.
But then Jopson is there. Taking his coat when he retires to his cabin. Pouring his whiskey before he can even think to ask. Crozier is caught between annoyed and appreciative. If he were being very honest with himself, It's hard to muster up much annoyance toward the polite lad.
One afternoon, when they've just made it through a storm that's lasted a week, the seas are the calmest hes seen them since leaving port. Crozier is weather worn with muscles aching when he finally lets himself go below. And jopson is there, with a basin and razor.
"We might shave before the seas turns again, sir." He says, and crozier wants to argue the point. His tired mind casts around for the other stewards in the service. Had he ever heard of such a thing, a steward shaving their captain? He nearly dismisses jopson...but he's tired and his beard has grown longer than he'd like.
So he sits in a chair and resigns himself to being fussed over.
The boy is quiet and focused. His hands touching, moving, soothing over crozier's face. With a sigh, he lifts his chin and closes his eyes. Just for a bit, to rest his tired eyes for a moment. The steward lathers the soap over his whiskers, slender fingers guiding him to lean his head back further. Crozier swallows, neck fully exposed like this. A razor scraps in careful strokes along his cheek, his jaw. He moves his head without thinking and feels the blade there at his neck, cutting away the stray hairs.
Time becomes warm and syrupy, the feeling of being groomed so intimately unravels the tension within him. Crozier's mind tilts into the realm of sleep without his meaning to. It's nice. He can admit that to himself, here suspended between dreams and the waking world. A warm hand rests on the side of his neck, tilting and angling him with gentle nudges. Crozier hums when jopson pets over his cheek, the razor gone now.
"Is it done?" Crozier's voice is a croak. He clears his throat, blinking away the sleep. The sunlight spills through the cabin windows, orange and gold on the floorboards. It moves like a dream with the rock of the ship.
"Yes sir. Here, let me clean you, sir." And crozier should insist on doing at least this himself. But truthfully, he doesn't want to protest. He lets the lad run a warm cloth over his face and down his neck, watching him.
"Are you feeling well, Jopson?" Crozier let's himself be moved beneath the wash cloth.
"You look fevered." It's true. His pale face seemed to be colored with a flush. Had he been ill and Crozier hadn't noticed? The thought felt unacceptable to himself. He would not be the type of captain to demand service from those who were unwell.
"I am alright, sir. I promise you." He said the last part almost sternly to cut off any argument. Bold as that was, it made Crozier huff a laugh.
"Right. I wouldn't think to deprive you of your duties."
His steward nodded once, definitively.
"Quite right, sir."
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
Just a laundry list of stuff from the Terror scripts that doesn’t nearly get as talked about as much as it should and I’m going to make it everyone else’s problem
The way that neptune’s shit in front of hickey is LITERALLY a revenge shit. Puppy knew puppy always knew- but also how neptune is so beautifully and carefully tied into scenes like. The script loved this dog. So fucking much ("we put up with it because the captain loves it" DAMN RIGHT!!!! THATS HIS DOOOOOOG).
As much as I hate these bitches: that extended scene with Sir John and Lady Jane???? Him in bed with the flu and they are literally the picture of casual tenderness and affection and I might never recover from it. He literally asks her to stowaway like I CANNOT with that shit it’s so unbelievably cute. "I'm ill, Jane" will haunt me forever.
Sofia’s “you should marry a pole, not a woman”??? YYYYYYYOWCH
Also the change your jacket before you come down to dinner bit to Francis that was carried over from the book makes me go insane. Yes. Change your whole self to make yourself presentable to good society and then you can be with us. Yeah. Sooo fucking normal (I am yanking that man away from Sofia with my fucking teeth on the scruff of his neck).
Also. The Pelgar Bridgens romance. Is so real. Show gets so subtle with it I read it as a storge kinda bromance first go around but script loved these two guys being in love so much and it was beautiful that it was literally written queer love from the get go. And put up against Hickey and Gibson it’s a stark and beautiful and TRAGIC as fuck contrast. Like show showed it well but the way it was actually written is ascendant to me.
JFJ being at home in combat. Jesus fucking christ. And the crown of thorns. Jesus was a man riddled with scurvy and his name was james fitzjames. also the splinter thing he literally carries the ship with him in the most painful way possible. christ alive.
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More One Piece X Batman au ideas/hcs
Just more assorted ideas from this OP Batfam au here iv been playing with. All you have to know is the Batfam is now in the op world tho!
-Im leaving the og post with multiple options but im def leaning twords them having their own Pirate crew, and either ally with another canon crew or have ties to the Revs, or both. Im unsure on what they'd be called because the Bat Pirates or Bat and Bird Pirates is kinda lame lol so ill figure something out later, and also am open to suggestions!
I feel like they're very open about being Vigilante-Pirates, working like or with the Revs but still being Pirates. It catches on pretty quick for them, and later is a classification used for other similar crews. Also, yes they follow the Pirate Codes and learn the traditions! They mostly learned out of curiosity at first but learned how important it was and kinda just fell into them.
Here's the set-up on the crew for those with official position, though they do have a lot of crossovers (Any positions not specifically mentioned are just done by all the crew or when needed, or not needed at all);
Bruce is the Captain, and Navigator (Tho I feel like all of them learn how to navigate just in case). The crew mostly governs itself, but they learn more about the Pirate Codes and make sure to listen to their Captain when it's important because it's as much as about respect to their crew but also for other crews. They adapt pretty well to it tbh tho it takes a bit because being a pirate crew is largely very different from a Vigilante group.
Dick is the First Mate, and their Communications Expert/Diplomat. Ie he keeps track of allies, friends, man's the phones, er, snails? And is the one usually to socialize or mediate with both interpersonal and outside the crew. He does use swords, but doesn't consider himself the official Swordsman of the crew, that's Damian. (This is because I found out in older comics Bruce taught him to fight swashbuckler style, so he uses swords he switches out with his Escrima Sticks when needed)
Jason is their Gunner/Sniper and Cook, and he also is their Chronicler. He bitches a lot about the last two, but he refuses to let anyone take over the Cook role as he doesn't trust anyone else, but also enjoys writing their adventures down despite denying it.
Tim is their Information Gatherer and Chemist Expert, and knows the second most of Navigating. He and Bruce also are the ones who mostly make the weapons for the others, though most of them could if needed. He also shares Archaeologist duties with Bruce, though everyone partakes.
Cass is their Spymaster and Scout, and also "secret weapon" ie she kicks major ass and scares the shit out of their enemies cuz nobody expects the tiny half mute girl to be one of their frontline fighters <3
Stephanie is their Doctor, because I love the hc that she decides to become a Doctor and has been going to med school (and because I need someone to fill the position without Alfred here ^-^'), as well as their Tailor, though she splits that with Jason and Dick as needed. Though everyone knows Advanced First Aid due to their lifestyles.
I feel like Duke decides to pick up the position of Official Shipwright because they need someone to do so, and actually comes to really enjoy learning how to make and take care of ships properly.
Damian is their other Swordsman, due to his skill and pride in his swordsmanship. He is also their Beast Tamer, and secondary Spy. He's often thought to be a Cabin Boy, which pisses him off, but he's got actual positions on the ship, so he isn't despite his age. Some of the Old Guard have issues with how young he is, but it's not like anyone of them had a choice due to his past, and it's not like he hasn't earned the roles either. He's more experienced them most pirate crews!
They all switch out chores mostly evenly, Helm the ship, rigging, and do lookout duty, though often trade off when someone needs a break from the others due to the whole "trapped on a ship 24/7 hours together". Most of them know how to use instruments, so technically they all are the Musician, though they don't often do so. Damian plays his Violin the most, however, and has secretly enjoyed learning Sea Shanties to play. Dick is the one who bursts into song and knows almost endless sea shanties.
They're also all considered frontline fighters, which is strange for even a small pirate crew, but anyone can also easily switch to support or really any types of roles in a fight, which makes them even more odd. It's not often crews are very versatile, specially with how most of them can easily pick up the role or position of the roles another inhabits.
-At first I was unsure if they should ditch the costume or nah, but then I realized how hard it would to be to live in them like, 24/7 cuz they can't exactly treat this like patrol. Plus, wear and tear of the costumes would make it just unlikely they'd survive for the months or even years they're stuck in the OP world
So I decided that they do a mix-up. They keep a lot of their costume or costume elements but add more casual and piratey vibes in, both for comfort and style to fit in a little better, like these images.
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Bruce really didn't want to, same with ever taking off the masks or suits due to the risk of somehow being ID'd back in their world, but over time even Bruce has to admit they can't live in their suits or all call them only by their Vigilante names forever.
They still all wear masks for the most part, and how much they keep or get rid of varies between them, but yee.
Dick has a coat like above, but he also has a very nice black swashbucklers shirt he'll put over instead. Bruce was bullied into making his cowl only the top part of his face, but they got him a captains/swashbucklers hat that has similar bat ears on it as well to wear. They tried to find a Captain's coat that worked but in the end decided to stick with the cape.
Tim no longer has the full cowl of Red Robin but instead a half face one that also lets his hair free, and kept his "wing cape" and chest belts but overall went for something more casual but still armored.
Damian has changed the least with his Robin suit and refuses to really mess with it, though he will occasionally take the over-shirt off and wear a looser, more comfy shirt over the under-suit.
Uhhh the others I really don't have anything concrete but you get the idea for outfits lol
-The Whitbeards would really like them as pirates, they have soft spots for Crews that are Family, though they are not a fan of how young Damian is, even more so when they learn that apparently all the kids have been fighting since they were little, but eventually find out that Bruce liked it even less than they do, and he really had no other choice other than to teach them to do it safely then let them do it behind his back.
-Mihawk and Bruce would get along very well also btw
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simmyfrobby · 3 months
The narrivative richness of sid leaving geno to be on nates team does have me salivating a little bit im not gonna lie
then you hold life like a face / between your palms, a plain face, / no charming smile, no violet eyes, / and you say, yes, i will take you / i will love you, again.
if he goes ill be cheering for him so hard. i love drama i love divorce i love the ruthlessness of dropping everything and burning every bridge just to try to reach that goal one final time. watch me fully switch my allegiance. colorado or bust.
if he stays: beautiful. tragic. captain going down w his ship. i guess my point is i am here for the narrative and the narrative always wins.
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fuukonomiko · 9 months
Rejected Scenes From My Fanfic
One of my commenters requested to read my discarded chapters so I'm posting it here instead of AO3 because I don't want to confuse people. So here is one of them. I have like 15-20 pages of rejected material and I think I will put them on here for....those who are bored or intrigued.... (Official fanfic here)
Also @kaladinkholins Thank you for your support :D
The eating scene will be in another post :)
Here goes:
She stayed in her cabin. She wasn’t sure how long. All she knew was that she felt emotionally ill. The captain had been checking in on her and had left some food outside her door. She simply replied she felt unwell. 
I can’t let myself be overcome by this, she scolded herself. 
Mizu alighted from her room. It was dark. The deck was empty save for one sailor who was watching over the raven’s nest.
The moon was out, casting light upon her. The seas were calm, in much contrast to what she felt inside. The samurai stretched her limbs, stiffened as they felt from her lack of motion the day before. She can’t allow herself to slack off from her training. 
She caught a sheathed sword thrown at her. Across her was Taigen, holding the broken blade forged by Master Eiji. Before she could utter a word he was already in front of her, sword raised in offense.
“Ha!” she blocked him rapidly, kneeling on her right side to absorb the strength of the blow. She pushed back and kicked him on the stomach. Taigen retreated a few steps before striking again, swinging his sword before her which she avoided narrowly. Mizu hopped up on one of the platforms as she avoided his strikes. She masterfully evaded them while taking jabs at Taigen who had ducked it with just as much mastery.
Shadows of a majestic battle occurred on the deck of that ship. Neither one gained an advantage. Mizu climbed the mast and the poles. Taigen followed her without fail. She flipped and somersaulted her way around the ship and he swiped when he had the chance. At one point Mizu stepped on a loose plank and fell backwards. Taigen dove forward and had the broken blade across her throat.
Mizu found herself looking up at him, his breath visible as he tried to catch it. It was bone chilling cold outside and neither of them seemed to have noticed. A thin film of sweat was on his forehead. She waited for him to speak, expecting expletives, rage. Something foul and filled with hate.Taigen’s features appeared to soften as he pulled back the sword from its threatening position, casting it aside as it made a resounding clang. His hands found their way on either side of Mizu’s head.
“Claiming your honor back?” she taunted as he looked down on her, eyes taking in the curves and angles  of her face.
“Something better.” he took in a deep breath and in a heartbeat his mouth was over hers, kissing her with the utmost restraint. 
Mizu gasped when she felt his lips over hers. It was soft as she remembered, warm, tender. His fingers twined in the deep brown tresses of her hair. His body closed the distance between them and she felt the goosebumps on his skin. He pulled back slowly, the most tender of expressions on his face.
“I don’t know what you were expecting.” he spoke softly. “But I can tell this was not it.”
A confused look crossed her face. “I’m not sure….” she answered, puzzled. 
“Are you going to hit me again?” 
“Only if you’re into that…peculiarity.”
Taigen laughed out loud, releasing her face but pressing his forehead against hers. “I want you to know….that I accept you. All of you….if that’s not evident now, then I’m stating it to you.For all you are. For who you are.”Her hand found itself on his wrist. 
“You…you don’t mind that I am a woman?”
He pulled away slightly. “Should I?”
A corner of Mizu’s lip lifted. “Some men do not want to be taken down by a woman.”
“I am not just any man.” he rationalized as he pulled her into his arms. “You’re Mizu. Man. Woman. It doesn’t matter to me. All I want is you. For all you are.”
Mizu allowed him to embrace her, even relaxing her shoulders as she savored his closeness. His heart was palpitating against her, and it felt soothing. She placed her hand over it, feeling it alive and throbbing.
They were on that deck for a while, with Taigen standing up first and letting her go. “It’s getting cold.” he stated as he offered a hand. He escorted her back to her quarters where it was less chilly. Mizu gave his hand a squeeze. “Taigen…”
“I felt that.”
If he could turn red, he would have. He didn’t think Mizu would have detected the reaction she again triggered by her nearness. He was wearing his hakama, dammit! How? How could she know? Was it outlining his outfit again?
A short laugh came out of her lips as she pulled him closer. “Just so you know, those things don’t scare me.”
“I don’t think anything scares you, to be honest.”
“One thing does….that I would die before getting my revenge.”
He took a seat next to her. “I’ll make sure you don’t. Even if I have to die doing so….”“Stop offering your life for mine.”
“It’s a worthy sacrifice.”
Mizu became silent as she took in his words. “Taigen I….I can’t ….I’m not the person for you. It’s not that I feel nothing. But I don’t know if I can reciprocate what you are offering me. You…you’re offered me so much and I don’t know if I could do the same….I’m damaged goods. You need better.” She raised her gaze to meet his brown eyes. “I don’t know if I can make you happy.”
He looked at her, the tenderness not waning. He rested his cheek on the top of her head. “I don’t need you to make me happy. Just being around you does that to me. I won’t ask for anything….other than…perhaps….would you allow me to make you satisfied?”
She pulled away, eyeing him curiously. Taigen bent down to kiss her, again, this time firmer, more passionate, more tenderness. Mizu felt him pressing against her, guiding her to lay on her bed. 
He slowly backed away when she was supine, lips parted, cheeks flushed. Taigen had his hand on the belt of his robe. “May I satisfy you?”
Mizu nodded slowly. 
She reached out to him, and he took that hand, planting a kiss on her calloused palms. Her hands were not soft, not in the least. They were hardened by years of labor, gripping that smithing hammer and brandishing her sword. He rubbed his cheek against it, the rough skin signifying her strength. 
It turned him on immensely.
His lips traveled slowly on the length of her arm, going down until he reached her beautiful face. He took her lips again, kissing with fervor and allowing her to realize the urgency of his need. He found that he likes kissing her. He liked it more that she kissed him back. 
Taigen started to undo her top, almost tearing it with impatience. When he met with her bindings he undid them with care. He did not know how long she had not done this, and he didn’t want to overwhelm her with his desire, no matter how fervent it was. 
“You’re beautiful.” he murmured as her chest was exposed to him. “So, very beautiful.” 
Mizu was warm. The coolness of the air was now an afterthought. His gaze warmed her over and when he reached over to touch her body it was all she could do not to whimper. His touch was firm, his fingers tracing every line and curve he exposed as he slowly peeled off her clothing. Between her legs developed a tingling sensation that had long been dormant and she almost felt ashamed that it occurred. “I want you, Mizu. All of you.” he  bent down to kiss her neck, lips moving across her shoulders. 
“Take it all, then….” she whispered as her body moved of its own accord to follow his touch. Her hand found its way to hair, grasping its lengths as he went about trailing kisses on her skin.
Mizu let out a sound foreign to her ears as he performed a slow exploration of her body. It only seemed to entice him as she felt him nibble in places that he passed. When Taigen reached her breasts he rubbed his cheek on the turgid nipple before taking it in his mouth and sucking 
She moaned, loudly, fingers gripping the sheets of her mat. When one of his hands found the delta between her legs she just about bolted off her bed. “I suspect I found a place that you like.” he stated as his fingers felt the moisture between her thighs. He probed the warm, soft spot and the heat was more than he could bear. 
“Mizu….” his voice cracked as his digits slid to explore her. The cry she let out was music to his ears. She was tight. She was wet. She made sounds he didn’t know she was capable of. Mizu writhed beneath him and it was the most beautiful sight to behold. 
Taigen positioned himself between her strong legs, slowly guiding his rigid length into her. It was his turn to take in a sharp breath as he made entry. He cursed so uncharacteristically when he finally fitted himself. He lifted her hips, tilting them so he could reach as deep as possible.
“You feel so good, Mizu.” he cried as his member swelled inside her. He watched the pained expression on her face as he bent to kiss her again.He gripped her hips as he started to move. Forward. Back. Pushing in as far as he could and pulling out almost completely. He dipped in rapid succession, responding to the intensity of her cries. Mizu buried her fingers on the muscles of his back as she received him. She called his name out in pleasured agony. Slowly he emptied himself into her, his breath trying to  catch up. 
Taigen gently lowered himself on her, savoring her skin against his. He could feel her breath on his forehead, her long fingers resting on the small of his back. His entire body tingled with ecstasy, even as he had already climaxed. He wanted to savor every little bit of it as he closed his eyes, his hand resting on her hip. 
“Mizu.” He was panting, heart beating so fast it felt like it was going to bounce off his chest.He could hear her own heart palpitating against his cheek. 
For a good amount of time they lay there, resting against each other. Taigen was the first to lift his head, watching her afterglow. He decided he liked the way her eyes darkened with the pleasure he was able to bestow on her. Her lips looked dry and he watched her lick them quickly with her tongue. 
He rolled over to her side, relaxing his muscles. His right hand crept to take hers to give it a squeeze.
“I’m sorry.”Those were the first words out of her mouth after a long bout of silence. Taigen wasn’t sure how to take that.
“For laying with me?” he ventured curiously.
“No.” she denied with firmness. “I’...I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want.”“
You just did.” his tone was intrigued as he raise himself by an elbow/ “You know what I mean, Taigen.” she sighed. 
“I can’t…I can’t be your domesticated little housewife who waits with a warm meal and the children all washed and ready.”
His brows met. “Who said I wanted that? Did you not hear me earlier? Has the clanging of the metal of swords dulled your ears? I said just being with you is enough for me. To help you get your vengeance. Your fight is my fight. I offer you my life, to do with as you please.”
“I want you to live and be happy.”
“Then I will make an oath not to die.” he stated as his finger found its way to her belly button.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
hii! could i request AU pirate!wakasa and black dragons and other characters, maybe toman (dont do it if you dont want to)
AUR MY GAHD (let me know if I didn't write anyone you wanted!)
Let's see what the guys do when they find a stowaway on their ship. And when that stowaway happens to be the Ship Comissioner's daughter.
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Stowaway: Wakasa Imaushi/ Keizo Arashi/ Shinichiro Sano/ Takeomi Akashi/ Chifuyu Matsuno & Baji Keisuke/ Ken Ryuguji x Fem!Reader
wc: 2.1k
tw: like, a little smut, but mostly fluff
Wakasa "The Shadow" Imaushi
Wakasa's crew shouts and runs about the boat, preparing for the inevitable. A departure from shore was always the most exciting part of the adventure, and as Wakasa leans over the map in his quarters, he feels a sense of enthusiasm overcome him.
The vessel he'd been working on for years was finally on its maiden voyage, preparing to take the seas by force. Waka imagines when his nemesis, Redcliff, would encounter him on the high seas. He shudders with pleasure as he remembers the installation of world-class cannons. Redcliff wouldn't stand a chance.
"Captain!" His door bursts wide open without decorum, and someone stumbles into the small space, panting heavily. "Captain! We have a stowaway!" Waka mutters to himself, frowning. Of course, this would be his first encounter on the seas.
He follows the short fellow onto the deck, only to see you lying on the ship floor with an ashen face. "A stowaway..." Waka murmurs, eyeing you carefully. He notices the jewels around your neck and wrist, admiring them for a moment before returning to his scowl.
"What are you doing on my ship?"
"I have no ill intentions," you mutter, holding a hand up in the air as an oath. "I swear I am only here because I have to be." Chuckles erupt around the ship as it drifts into the sea unmoored.
"I didn't invite you," Wakasa replies, crossing his arms. "I don't invite wenches onto my ship."
"I am not a wench," you protest, finding your legs momentarily. You stand shakily, holding onto the main mast. "I'm the commissioner's daughter." A hush falls over the men, and you swallow hard, meeting Wakasa's eyes without fear.
"Did he send you?" Waka wonders, instinctively stepping back from you. He doesn't deal with wealthy women at all. That's not his specialty.
"I'm..." You pause, choosing your words carefully. "I ran away." You remove your bracelet and necklace, handing them over to the captain. "That's my fare." Wakasa eyes the jewels, his gut feeling raring at him to throw you overboard. But you're a woman. A rich one at that.
"Where do you want to go?" The question weighs heavily on his mind as you ponder for a moment, then raise your head defiantly.
"Wherever you're going." He scoffs at your remark.
"You want to become part of my crew?" You shrug in the face of the white-haired pirate, smirking.
"It's better than being wed to a megalomaniac." Wakasa laughs out loud, which encourages his crew to do the same.
"I'm just as thirsty for power," Waka promises, pocketing the jewelry. "But I'll bite. We're going to the Isle of Wolfgulch. If you think you can make it on my ship for a week, we'll see about making you part of my crew."
"You won't regret it," you reply, and Waka's eyebrows shoot up.
"Oh, I sure hope not," he breathes. "Or I'll toss you overboard with the other fools."
Keizo "Redcliff" Arashi
Heavy boots thud toward you. You're on the wooden deck, face down, praying to whatever god is out there that Redcliff would crush you quickly.
"It's illegal to trespass." The simple statement makes you nod once. "What should I do with you?" You lift your head to look at the icy-eyed man, praying a little harder in your head. He looks down at you curiously, but this isn't the first time his eyes have lain on your features.
You wonder if he remembers you from all those years ago. You wonder if he remembers your father or how he once looked on Keizo and told you, "That one is a born sailor." You don't see any register of memory behind his eyes, so you lower your own to the floor again.
"No answer," he finally mutters. "Hm."
How could Keizo forget the hot summer you spent on the beach, watching him redo his knots and untie them again while your toes skimmed the cool water's surface? You weren't yet thirteen, but you watched the older boy work his way around a mast and back, desire seeping into your heart as he grew stronger, smarter, more--
"Get her some clothes and a meal," Keizo grunts, turning away from you. "The commissioner's daughter is a friend to us."
"A friend?" you exhale, your heart beating wildly. Perhaps he had forgotten the illicit kiss you stole from him before he sailed away for the first time, leaving you on the shores of a fuzzy memory.
Keizo turns his head toward you, stopping on his way up the steps. You can read his expression from far away, the one that says "later" as if you were something to be dealt with. But instead of continuing his path up the stairs, he walks back down, his eyes serious.
"If your father knew you were here, what would he do?"
"Not a damn thing," you reply softly.
"Are you sure about that, y/n?" Keizo lifts your chin with a single finger, his eyes searching yours.
"I told you I'd follow you to the ends of the earth if you ever returned." A smile lifts the corners of Keizo's mouth, but only slightly.
"Both of us remembered, then."
Shinichiro "Soft Iron" Sano
Shin puts his head in his hands, considering the awful dilemma he's presented with.
"I'm so sorry," you whisper, clasping your hands together. "I just have to make sure my brother is okay..." Shinichiro leans back in his chair, wounded. Your brother! Mikey flashes in front of his eyes.
"You understand, don't you?" Shinichiro lowers his hands to look at your face. Oh! Your pleading face wounds him even more, despite the fact that he's certainly at sea and in heaps of trouble. He pauses and takes a deep breath, then lets it go before answering your pleas.
"You will see your brother," he murmurs. "We will turn the ship about and return you to your home." Your eyes widen, and for a brief moment, Shin thinks you will accept the verdict. But then you burst into tears.
"Don't cry, don't cry," he urges you, standing from his chair and coming around to comfort you. "It's just..." Shin searches for the answer among his many thoughts. "He's not on this ship. But perhaps he'll be on the next one."
"He said he was on Soft-Iron's ship," you reply quickly, unfolding the letter you stuffed into your pants pocket. "Look!" Shinichiro reads the words with mounting dread. It's a bald-faced lie, he thinks. But a damn good one.
"I've never known your brother," Shin answers, looking at the foreign signature in dismay. "He must have misled you. I'm sorry." You take the letter back while sitting and absorbing the news.
"Then we need to find him!" You stand up and take Shin's place at his desk. "We have to search for him. You'll help me, won't you?" Shin stiffens at the sight of your hopeful face turned to him. You had expertly tapped his weakness: a pretty face and a mission.
"S-sure," he hears himself say. "We'll find him together." You hurry to him and throw your arms around his neck, thanking him profusely. Soft-Iron can already feel his heart melting into nothingness in his chest as he inhales your womanly scent. Dear Lord, he prays silently. I hope we never find this guy.
Takeomi "Scar-Face" Akashi
Takeomi is above you, huffing and grunting as his hair caresses your face. "You should've... never... shown... your face... little thief."
Your fingers instinctively grip the sheets, but you release them to drag your nails across Takeomi's back. "Hate fucking is still fucking," you quip back, sweat rolling down your spine. Takeomi cries out as the pain mixes with pleasure, one becoming the other in an endless loop of insanity.
"Got caught stealing from me again." You roll your eyes at his comment, moaning despite your annoyance. Stealing from Scar-Face was too easy, you reckon. If it wasn't the booze that brought him to his knees, then it was money. And if it wasn't that, it was women. Well, you. You're the only woman in his life at present.
A hand comes up and smacks your left ass cheek, and you bite down on your exclamation, trying to hold it in as the crew circulates just outside the door. "You'll pay for that," you hiss, but Omi just huffs a short laugh.
"That and all the other shit you've taken from me, huh? Just paying out of my ass," he complains, rutting into you roughly. This is pure heaven, you think to yourself, digging your nails into his back again. "You'll pay for what you stole tonight."
"Impossible." You clench around his cock, pushing him closer to his high. Takeomi gasps, trying to hold his shaky breaths, but he continues to fail miserably. "I'm gonna take that orgasm before you can take mine," you laugh, clenching around his again. "I took your manhood once, and I'll do it again. Just like I stole your heart." Your tone is teasing, but there's a modicum of truth behind the statement.
"If your daddy wasn't who he was, I would've made you a wench long ago." Takeomi shudders, groaning sharply before spilling his seed inside of you. "Would've... made you my wife... a long time ago."
Chifuyu "Shore Raider" Matsuno & Baji "Blackmane" Keisuke
"No, no, no!" Baji grabs your arm, pulling you out of the closet. His touch isn't rough, but it's enough to set your skin ablaze. "No stowaways!"
"Hey!" you shout, stumbling behind him as he drags you into the open. "That hurts!"
"What hurts me," Baji begins, growling. "Is that Chifuyu sneaks you onto this ship without my permission and then hides you in his closet!" Chifuyu comes down from his perch at the wheel, his eyes full of concern.
"Baji!" It's clear he has every intention of throwing you into the ocean, but Chifuyu quickly stands between him and the railing. "Don't you dare--"
"Women distract us from our purpose," Baji sneers, gripping your wrist even tighter. "Or did you forget the vow we made, Matsuno?"
The vow. You stand in the salty air, watching Chifuyu pale, then blink twice as if a spell had been broken. "I know we made a promise to each other," Chifuyu murmurs, holding his hands out. "Nothing will come between us, Baji; we're co-captains. But I love y/n, too."
Baji grunts, his jaw muscles fluttering. "If you have a woman," Blackmane begins, turning his head towards you. "Then I'll need my own. You'll help me find one, won't you?"
"As sure as the sun rises," Chifuyu nods, smiling brightly. Baji lets you go and stalks off, shaking his head and muttering about the "silly spell" you'd cast over his friend.
Ken "Dragon Skull" Ryuguji
"Tell me the story again." Draken leans his mouth on his laced-together hands, eyes devoid of emotion.
"I got on the ship during the night," you repeat. "I stowed myself into the pantry, where the pickles and eggs are. And I fell asleep." Draken nods. "And I woke up when we were a ways away from the shore."
"But I don't understand why you snuck onto the ship." You roll your eyes, sighing loudly.
"Dad? Arranged marriage? The whole 'you speak when I say you speak,' 'you jump when I say you jump' thing?"
"Freedom," Draken articulates, and you nod. But it was more than that.
For years, you watched Draken hone his skills as a pirate. Every time he returned, he brought more loot and more fame. You feared being left behind in the wake of all of his success.
"I didn't want to be left behind," you exhale.
"Why didn't you just ask?" You're stunned, unsure of how to answer the simple question. "Y/n, we've been friends for so long. I would've told you that you could come along. Now, I'm sure I have the ire of your father and the whole island."
You had yet to consider how this would complicate things for Draken. You were just thinking about being at sea with your best friend, exploring the world together. You hang your head, but Draken walks toward you and touches your cheek from his bed.
"Cheer up," he urges you softly. "I'm not going to make you fish food today. Even though you scared the dogshit out of my crew."
"I brought some money if that makes any difference."
"Keep the money," Draken whispers, his eyes softening. "That's your loot. The first rule of the sea is what's yours is yours." He leans forward to kiss your forehead. "Come on, I might as well introduce you to the others... since you're stuck with me and all." You giggle as he takes your hand, leading you to the deck.
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starboy-acer · 6 months
“i’m so obsessed with your ‘ex’” (FnC With More Fish)
[chip and gill take a break and caspian talks to chip about it…]
“i don’t know, we just got in a fight and decided we needed to spend a little time apart. being on a ship together all the time can strain a relationship, that’s what jay said at least.” chip told caspian after caspian had asked him what happened. part of him was curious but part of him had some sort of ulterior motive. he wanted to know if they were going to get back together. he had no intentions of driving them apart, if so, but if they weren’t getting back together then he wanted to shoot his shot with gillion tidestrider.
“ah, i see.” caspian soaked in this information. they’re not exactly together but they’re not exactly broken up. he had some choices laid out in front of him. he could either go speak to gillion and see what happens or he could stay with chip and keep out of it OR he could talk to both of them and see what happens. he knows that neither gillion nor chip are precise with their attractions. they’ve both expressed that if they both ended up loving someone else, the same person as the other, then they would be willing to add on to their relationship. the more the merrier is what gillion would say. the universe is love is what a high-as-a-kite chip would say (truth btw. ep 92 intro).
“god, i need another drink. and to go find ollie. ill see you later, cas.” chip said and he reluctantly stood. once he was out of view, caspian tracked down gillion. it wasn’t hard, there’s not any other fish men around this town.
gillion was standing on the deck of the albatross, which wasn’t like him at all. usually, he would try to get off the boat as much as possible whether it was swimming or going with the rest of the crew. caspian approached gillion quiet enough not to startle him but loud enough to not sneak up on him.
“caspian! how are you?” gillion smiles. it seems genuine to caspian, but he knew there was something wrong.
“i’m okay, gill. i just talked to chip.” caspian mentioned chip to test the waters. he wanted to see gillion’s reaction to hearing his lover’s name. every move and word gillion said was being analyzed by caspian.
gillion looked back out to the water with a slight smile. “i suppose you know that me and chip are taking some space right now.”
“of course, it’s all chip would talk about. he really seems to love you.”
gillion’s eyes widen, almost as if he wasn’t expecting that. “oh.”
“i just… i am aware that chip loves me. and i love chip! don’t get me wrong. but being in the same small area together all the time just puts a strain on things sometimes.”
caspian nods as gillion pours his heart out. he heard most of this from chip first. he knew absolutely that they weren’t over. he simply just didn’t know whether he should confess or not. he felt like he should, he knew that he should, but he didn’t know if this was the right time.
eventually, gillion pauses and looks at caspian. “cas. captain lizzie told me something earlier. she came to see me after she noticed i was the only one left on the ship.”
caspian’s heart almost stops. he had told lizzie about his feelings before. he didn’t know whether or not she would tell gillion, but he knew that she always encouraged him to tell gillion next time they met. maybe she knew caspian would chicken out and did it for him.
“what exactly did she tell you?” caspian tries not to make his voice shake.
“she told me about your feelings for me.” gillion says calmly as he turns to caspian and takes a step forward.
caspian nods. “i see…”
gillion steps closer to caspian. “i’m not going to tell you that i don’t feel the same. i’m not the best with feelings, but i would be open to the idea.” he stops in front of caspian, not too close at all. “however, i do want to—“
gillion turns as he sees chip run up to the boat, clearly under the influence. he looks confused, but happy to see him.
chip runs up and holds gillion’s hands as he talks. “listen, i know im not the best boyfriend in the world. i know that sometimes i can get annoying. and i fully respect you if you ever need a moment of space. but i want— no. i need you to know that i love you always. i love you so much. you’re my everything. i don’t know what i would’ve done with my life if i hadn’t pulled you out of the ocean and i’ve been so so so interested in you since. i love you, gilly.”
gillion smiles widely as he pulls chip into a deep kiss. caspian stands there awkwardly. he doesn’t want to speak up and interrupt but he also does not want to watch. gillion then pulls away and snaps back to reality.
“right. right, i was talking to caspian about something important. im glad you’re here for this conversation.” gillion then explains what lizzie told him about caspian’s feelings. she was vague about it, which caspian was eternally thankful for. he had spent too many nights gushing about gillion and he did not want lizzie to tell gillion about that.
chip nodded and looked caspian up and down then smiled. “hey man, i know he’s great. i don’t care to share him. especially when im more confident in where we stand.” he looks at gillion and smiles wider.
caspian looks around and then back at them. “wait, what?”
“we’re saying that you can… join? our relationship.” gillion says, not knowing exactly what to call this. “since you like me and not chip, i can just date both of you. the more the merrier!”
“gillion tidestrider, boyfriend collector.” chip laughs. gillion then pulls out a notebook and begins to scribble something in it. caspian can see that the notebook is titled “Complete Collection of Gillion Tidestrider’s Titles”.
“of course, that’s if you’re okay with that caspian.” gillion says after putting the notebook away.
“oh, i’m absolutely okay with that. i’ve had a girlfriend and boyfriend at the same time. this is not new to me.”
chip’s jaw drops. “new caspian lore just dropped??” he questioned loudly.
caspian laughed at chip, one of the first times he’s ever laughed at a chip joke.
the boys spent the rest of the night between the ship and the tavern. there were plenty of comments, of course, whenever people would see chip kiss gillion and the gillion kissed caspian or any combination of the throuple’s affections. jay and lizzie were practically cheering whenever they heard. jay loved to see chip and gillion happy and lizzie was just grateful that she wouldn’t have to suffer through listening to caspian complain about gillion and gush about him in the same sentence. of course, she still had some of that in her future, but she doesn’t know that right now.
eventually, caspian had to leave with lizzie and her crew, but he and gillion promised to call every night and check in with each other. they also promised to meet each other whenever they have the chance.
chip spent multiple days joking about how he has a fish boyfriend and his fish boyfriend has a fish boyfriend. gryffon got so tired of hearing about it that he fully pushed chip off of the ship one time. nobody saved him and they just waited until gillion came back. but it’s okay, he’s okay, because he can swim. ollie also pushed him over the ship. and so did jay. throughout that week, he ended up soaked more often than he would like.
(not as proud of this as the others, but i hope you guys still like it 🫶)
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totallybakedcake · 1 month
hello :) (if you recived another message sorry I don't know if I sent it bc my phone doesn't work) as I asked before like could you do a Aoi x Haruichi fanfict? also I'd like to read something that focuses also on Haruichi's family issue because I'm really struggling to think about something and I'd like to know other people's thoughts :)
Woo hoo my first character x character fic!! Really I do like to ship many characters together but don't have any motivation to write. I had fun trying to make a backstory so thanks:D
The joy of silence
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There were no cute fanarts on them on google so settling with this one ig
Haruichi was just in his apartment, gazing at the mellow sunset while lost in thought. He had for the past four hours been opening his phone every five minutes, which even made the vice captain and instructors concerned, so he had to stop.
He didn't tell anyone; he wasn't bold enough to tell them that it was his father's birthday, and he had tried to call him multiple times, text him plenty of times, and even send him some gifts, but in response, he got dead silence.
He felt so annoyed and nervous at the beginning of the day that he worked way harder than usual, and now everything would hurt if he even moved an inch.
"I am hungry." He thought to make dinner, but during cooking, most probably his body would give out, so he diverted his mind and would think about that later.
This is the first time he felt so useless that he might cry from it, but what could even help him cheer up? Just then
The doorbell rang.
Usually at this hour, nobody came to visit him, though Haruichi did think of a certain someone when he needed to talk.
"Aoi?" Ah, yes, it was Aoi. He didn't outright say it, but he was glad that he had come to visit him.
"Talk." Kaguragi simply said that and settled on the couch. He damn well knew that Haruichi was very upset and wanted to confront him in private.
"Caught me, huh? Well,  what can I expect from you?" Haruichi didn't even hide the fact and just sat down beside him, offering him some ramen before digging into his.
He took deep breaths to calm down as he spoke. "I had a little brother; he was younger by 4 years. We played for hours and hours every day. Each day our parents would come home with gifts. He always wanted some sort of building set that helped him build weapon toys. He was going to be the one to inherit the Izumo family business. While I was 18 and he was 14, a kaiju attacked our home. He died; mom got an illness and died soon later. I was the one left that dad would leave the business to. My destiny was to become a defense force officer or maybe a captain someday, so I refused, and we argued day and night after that. Dad quit trying to convince me but also stopped talking to me as we both cut ties. Today is his birthday. I did countless things to reach out, but he just wouldn't reply."
The room felt silent as none of them dared to say anything else. Haruichi was and is still hiding his pain deep down, but the tears might start to fall and not stop.
Aoi pulled him in an awkward hug. He had never hugged anyone, but it was a great way to comfort a sad person. "At least you have us; I am sure in the future your father will forgive you; give him some time."
To say he was shocked is an understatement. Haruichi wrapped his arms around Aoi. He closed his eyes, muttering thanks over and over as he got comfortable in the warm embrace that was like a balm to his sore muscles.
It was a quiet moment where no words needed to be exchanged; just the relaxing touch was enough. They were enjoying each other's company.
Falling asleep with Kaguragi felt like heaven, but there was no way in hell that Haruichi was ever going to admit that.
"Oh Kaguragi, I love you," he thought to himself before joining in on the slumber.
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Mating Season
Marco x F!Reader
This is long.
Warnings: Soft and hard sex, fingering, giving head willingly, pining for one another, Slice Of Life, Proposed too, Angst, Pregnant at Marine Ford but escaped with Ace and Pops, give birth on the Moby Dick, baby, and a BONUS after everything, also Fluff and Romance.
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Your a natural born Phoenix from two other Phoenixs. Youve been flying around the world to find a suitable mate as Phoenixs have become near extinct. You fall in love with the first commander Marco who on a whim you decided to join the Whitebeard pirates. After a couple of years your captured by Teach/Blackbeard because of Ace. Ace wasnt captured then you find yourself imprisoned at Marine Ford as the Whitebeard pirates come to rescue you.
Marcos POV
'Ah another patrol' you think to yourself as you look up at the sky its so peaceful then you see something in the sky high above you its shimmering.
"Well its over my patrol area I should check it out Yoi" you say as you fly higher and faster to cetch up with it.
'What a gorgeous day today' you think as you feel a presence flying behind you.
'Its too big to be a small bird' thinking. You choose to ignore it but it flies at your side now. Looking over you see a blue Phoenix shocked you try and communicate with it.
"Hello?" You say using telepathy.
"Hello there im Marco the Phoenix who may you be Yoi?" Marco asks.
"I am (N) the Phoenix. Where are you from Marco?"
"Are you busy? I can show you Yoi" he says. You sigh and say
"Okay Ill humor you Marco lead the way" you say as he flies down and you follow.
"Hang on its dangerous down there, humans live there" you squawk. Hovering in the air he turns around and says
"These are good humans please trust me no harm will come to you. Ill make sure to protect you Yoi" he says and you reluctantly agree. You follow him again swooping down to see a ship.
"Thats where you live?" You ask.
"Yup its called the Moby Dick my dad, we call him Pops is the Captain Yoi" Marco says sweetly.
"Ahhh" you just reply. You go down further flying dragging your talons into the water then fly up near Marco. You and him go to opposite sides of the ship to perch on the railing. Surprising a lot of people as it was dinner time. Everyone was looking at you then Marco then you.
"What are you humans looking at?" Using telepathy you think into everyones heads. Suddenly Marco transforms into a human and jumps on deck.
"No one here will hurt you I promise. Come have a chat with Pops Yoi" Marco says as you jump and land gently in the middle of the deck. You transform into human form. With fiery eyes that never extinguish while wisps of flames flow out of your body in human form your wearing white Skypeia crop top and a short skirt with (c) hair and your shorter than most men especially Marco who is six, eight leaving a whole head off. Alot of the crew start whistling and hollering at you and your skirt and crop top. Marco glances at you then back at Pops.
You and Marco stand before Pops.
"My son whats this another Phoenix? I thought Marco was the only one." Pops asks.
"I am (N) a real Phoenix! I was born being a Phoenix!" You yell.
"You know me and Marco visited Skypeia and I met two other Phoenixs before perhapse they were your parents?" Pops says quizzically to you. A single tear falls down your face as you notice Marco glance at you.
"They were my parents before Enel came... I am the last of my kind. Ive been searching everywhere for another Phoenix."
"Well do you have a place to call home child?" Looking down you admit
"Why not join our crew then? Were all family here and youve found another Phoenix now" Pops offers and you think about it.
"Yea join our crew (n) Yoi" Marco says.
"Hmmm okay yes, I appreciate your offer. I can fight well as well"
"But I request to be near Marco since hes the one who said hell protect me. A fellow Phoenix is comforting." Your serious flaming eyes piercing through whatever they look through.
"Hahaha looks like your sharing your room Marco. And you can work under Marco to earn your keep, food and drink will be provided to you fair deal?" Pops says.
"Sounds good" you notice. You sense Marco tense up at the deal. The crew cheers loudly whistling and saying.
"Finally bird brains gonna get some!" Startling you but you feel a gentle touch on your shoulder. You can sense everyone very well as you have been training since birth.
"Go children eat drink" Pops says. As you follow Marco to his seat he made room for you as you notice two other black haired men sat at your table one has short shaggy hair with a tattoo that says ASCE with the S crossed off and the other one looks like a samurai.
"Let me introduce you to Ace (the one with the tattoo), and Izo (the samurai). Ace is the second division commander Izo is the sixteenth division commander. You know me but im the first division commander, Izo is last Yoi." Marco explains with a small chuckle then smiles.
"Its an honor to meet the great Phoenix of Wano" Izo says
"How do you know where I come from?" You question Izo.
"The true Phoenixs used to live in Wano. Phoenixs are the sacred bird of Wano and I came from Wano" he explains and you nod.
"My parents never told me why they left Wano." Looking over to Ace he says
"Hey there I hope we can be friends!"
"Im sure ill warm up to everyone as long as nothing bad happens." You say as Ace replys
"Dont worry (n) well protect you" you just chat, eat and drink until Marco excuses himself so you do the same.
"You start work tomorrow (n) Yoi" Marco says seeming tense. Some of the crew who were drunk were cheering Marco on saying
"Its finally happening" Once inside his room you see furniture which you havent seen in a long time. You start to undress but Marco stops you.
"Here wear this, god girl are you trying to give me a heart attack? Yoi" Marco says blushing hard.
"So its bad to undress in front of others? And ill have you know I am thirty years old in human time I am a woman!" You question.
"Yes, unless your mates, lovers, or married. Oh sorry woman Yoi" he chuckles, turning around closing his eyes thinking about what you said. You undress and wear his button up shirt.
"Im done." He turns around bkushing his shirt fits your cleavage perfectly while it stops at the middle of your thighs the rest fits like a dress. The arms however flapped around which you were flaping around giggling.
"Why are you so comfortable with me we just met.Yoi" he asks.
"I cant explain it that well but you remind me of home... I feel safe with you Marco ... I hold all humans to their words so I am comfortable for now. That and im stronger than you in battle I can just sense it. That and im almost unkillable" what you said made him looked insulted but also made him blush again and made you blush too.
"Well turn around so I can change Yoi" he says and you obey closeing your eyes. After a couple minutes.
"Im done Yoi" you open your eyes and turn around blushing cherry red.
'Hes only wearing boxers and shorts ah god those abs and chest those shoulders' you think. He notices and says
"What? See something you like? Yoi" he says.
"Iv.. ive uh .. never seen such a handsome man before." You admit and he blushes deep red now.
"I dont think anyones ever called me that, since im intimidating Yoi"
"Well just so you know you are a.. very handsome man" you say the last part quickly.
"Well thank you. Now just go to bed (n) how do you sleep? Yoi" he asks.
"Well I am always usually in Phoenix form but ill make an exception" you say as you jump on the bed near the wall in the corner. You pull the blankets up.
"Well I usually sleep in the middle. Ive never had a woman in my bed before Yoi" he trails off, seeing youve decided your fate. You could feel Marco enter the king sized bed and roll into the middle.
"Just do whats comfortable" you say facing the wall then turning around. Facing him you scoot a little closer to him. Eventually he falls asleep and your cuddling his side. Now warm you fall asleep.
In The Morning Marcos POV
Rays of light poke through waking you but you stop moving, noticing your position. She was laying her head on your chest hugging around your abs. You sigh.
'How do I get out of this Yoi? She is cute like thi- wait why am I thinking that? Im a higher rank than her. I cant be abusing my power Yoi' you think to yourself. Luckily or unluckily for you she started to wake.
You start to wake up. Feeling something warm under you, you open your groggy eyes to see Marco looking down at you. Arms behind his head. Waiting it seems. You notice your position finally and get up but he turns slightly trapping your hand making your head stay on his chest cheek to chest making you blush which he takes note of.
"Stronger my ass Yoi"
"You sure like to cuddle. You should have just told me Yoi" you hear him say while smiling making you blush cherry red. Your attempt at words was a bunch of sorrys and mumbles unable to speak clearly. He finally lets you go chuckles and you just say
"Im sorry I sleep weird... you were just so warm.." you admit which makes him blush.
"You could have just said that Yoi" he states. Marco gets up, puts his glasses on, and goes to the vanity with sink and mirror looking at you.
"Well time to get ready (n) Yoi" Marco says to you as he watches you get out of bed cetching a glimpse of your panties to which he immediately turned his head to the vanity sink and mirror blushing red while finishing brushing his teeth.
"All done?" You say as you twirl and twirl until your dizzy and fall down.
"What are you doing silly Yoi?" He chuckles loudly making you smile too. You hold a hand on the sofa and slowly get up slowly becoming un dizzy.
"Just waiting on you, so I can use the sink." You say. Once he was done
"I thought you didnt have anything with you Yoi?" He asks but as hes watching you make a circle in the air a portal opens (like Dr. Stranges portals but with fire) and you grab a tooth brush, tooth paste, and deodorant. Then the portal closes. Shocked he says
"Thats pretty cool and handy. Well now its your turn Yoi" he says
"You shouldnt assume things of others Marco at least give them a chance to hurt you first" he looks at you with an eyebrow raised.
"Im assuming youve been hurt before by others Yoi?" He asks as you finish up you put your toothbrush and paste you put on the sink and in his cup. You walk up to him and point in his chest.
"Yes I dont trust humans. But your another Phoenix so its different. ... you seem kind..so.dont let me down too" halfway through explaining you lightly blush as your touching him looking up at his eyes then away lightly blushing.
"I give humans one chance then its done normally" you explain.
"Well lets get to work now" you say wiping your tear away. Your in your Skypeia outfit again just cause you really like it. He leaves the subject alone and leads you out the door to the office him grabbing his doctors coat slipping it on.
"Your a doctor?!" You almost yell.
"Uh yes im the crews doctor and first division commander Yoi" he blankly states like it no big deal.
"Maybe thats why I trust you over the others too" you question yourself as he says
"Well im also, id say laid back Yoi" he grabs a stack of papers, brings them to your desk, then tells you what to do for them.
~A Year Later~
Over the year you HAD become friends with mainly everyone. Ace was your best friend and youd constantly talk about Marco to him about liking him alot but he didnt mind. He would give you advice to just ask him out allready but you couldnt. And when Ace talked to Marco he just said he didnt want to abuse his power but he admitted that he at least liked you alot.
After working, asking Marco all kinds of questions, which he happily answered every one with a smile, it was dinner time. You happily sat next to Marco warming up to him more. He seemed to notice your attitude.
"Looks like someone's cheery today Yoi" he says calmly. You just look up at him and smile a genuine smile making him smile as well.
"Id say today went pretty good, though I need to speed up more on paperwork." Marcos arms resting on the top of the booth.
"Youll get the hang of it dont worry Yoi" Marco says and pats your head as Ace and Izo walk over to their seats.
"So (n) how was working with ol bird brain over here?" You see Ace say you look at Marco who ignores the comment and you say.
"It was good as always thanks Ace."
"Dont worry I bet youll speed up in no time" Ace says with a smile making you smile slightly and sigh.
'That would be nice wouldnt it to be more helpful to Marco?' You think to yourself little do you notice that Marcos staring at you while your thinking.
A Full Year And A Month Later
Its Mating Season!
You let it slip to Ace that you love Marco then the suddenly the whole ship knows. Little did you know of his feelings towards you. Everyone knew how you both felt about eachother but no one dared say anything. That is until today. Even Pops knew.
You woke up feeling hot and bothered laying on Marcos chest hugging him again. This was the new normal and he eventually got use to it. You inhaled his scent which was driving you crazy inside woody musky but clean. You leaned up getting off of him seeing his face was red also. You panting and just knowing your wet down there. He eventually wakes up panting. Sitting up now both of you.
"Ugh it must be that time of the year my little bird Yoi" Marco says to you and you just nod panting harder than him since your more animalistic than him.
"Ugh time for work" you say really not wanting to go to work today. Once you dress in shorts a crop top no bra and mini boots your finally ready finishing your necessities. Marco led you out the door and locked it.
~In The Office After A Couple Hours~
Someone knocks.
"Yes Yoi?" Marco asks and Aces head pops in and stares at you both.
"Geez whats wrong with you two? Got fevers or passing it between you two or is it just matin-?" Ace says slightly chuckling then gets cut off.
"What do you want Ace? Yoi" the blue Phoenix snips.
"Okay dam I just came to get a painkiller, you sir need to get laid" Ace says then leaves the office with a thud. That makes you crack up laughing.
"Oh come on not you too my little bird Yoi" Marco says crossing his arms slightly frowning. Finishing your laughing you say
"Well its true you do need too, your all uptight than your normal chill self" you say expecting an answer.
"You of all people should know why (n). Its mating season dont tell people about it I normally just tell everyone its a annual fever Yoi" he says. Scratching the back of your head Marco says
"What did you do Yoi?"
"It kinda slipped out while drinking with Ace haha" you say as Marco takes off his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose then puts his glasses back on.
"Ill be right back get back to work my little bird Yoi" he says as you nod knowing he was probably going to find Ace.
Marcos POV
Finally youve found Ace sitting on the back of the Moby Dick.
"What were you trying to pull back there? (N) told me she let it slip about Mating season while you both were drinking and you had to go telling the whole ship. Dont lie either. I know how it works around here Yoi" You say as Ace looks taken aback.
"Gosh your really pent up have you been sleeping well~ with (n) right by your side? Must be painful to have a forbidden fruit but never taste it" Ace counters.
'Hes partially right. I do get to sleep by her but that also was by her request but what if she likes Ace? Who am I to deny her? She couldnt possibly like me though some signs are there to suggest so, maybe shes just overly nice with me since im a Phoenix? Yoi' you think as Ace says.
"Your dam right Im in love with her, maybe I should just ask her out allready and have her sleep with me instead?" Ace threatens.
'He knows shes in major heat too. It would be so easy for him.'
"Dont you even think about it! (N) is mine! Im in love with her too. Yoi" you yell startling yourself at what you just said.
'Im in love with her I cant bare the thought of (n) with someone else her moaning someone elses name' you think to yourself.
"So bird brain finally admits it out loud. Look im a nice guy. Ill give you one chance then im going all in." Ace says as you stand to walk away but then something he says makes you look at Ace in shock before calming down. You throw him a small pill and he looks at you.
"Painkiller Yoi" was all you said as you both nod knowingly now.
Youve just finished the last paper when the door opens to reveal Marco.
"Big bird ive finally done all these papers" you say happily you both wearing slight red on your faces from mating season.
"Oh good job my little bird Yoi" he says clearly distracted by something so you stay quiet but get up to take a break.
"No breaks today little bird Yoi" he says to you calmly.
"Ookay" you just say as you go to pick up another pile of paperwork to do.
~At Dinner~
You sit in your normal spot next to Marco.
'Izos allready here. Where is Ace?' Your pulled from your thoughts by Pops.
"Tonight we will dock on an island for restocking so behave yourselves. Thats all kids" you turn your attention back to your table to see Ace poped up sometime.
"Hey Ace when did you get here?" You ask quizzically.
"I had to finish up some commander stuff but the parties here now haha" Ace says loudly as he starts drinking. You see Marco glance at Ace then start eating and drinking his ale quietly. Izo doing the same.
'Well I knew restocking was tonight, everyones probably tired from preparations' you think as dinner flies by. Then its time for the commanders to go restock after dinner. Marco cetches you on deck looking at everyone.
"(N) I need your help with restocking tonight Yoi" You hear and turn to Marco.
"Oh okay sure commander!" You chime as your walking off deck with him Ace runs up and asks
"Hey (N) you want to go for drinks?"
"Ace im-" you were cut off by Marco
"Shell be busy helping me with restocking Yoi"
"Well thats strangee because thats the commanders job" Ace insinuates something.
"So then that means the Second division commander isnt doing his job? Yoi" Marco pressed Ace then their almost glaring at eachother.
They both look to you.
"So what will it be (n)?" Ace asks as you think.
"Im sorry Ace can I get a rain check? He is my commander" You ask sweetly.
"Uh sure no worries sweetie (n)" Ace smiles softly then runs to cetch up to his buds. You feel Marcos glare on Aces back.
"What was that all about Marco?" You question.
"What do you mean little bird? I dont know what your talking about Yoi" Marco plays dumb and smiles wide. He holds your hand then goes into town for supplies which was unlike him normally he wouldnt be so bold turning heads from the crew, making them all wonder. Once found, you both load up and head back to the office. Once put away Marco turns to you
"How about we relax in the room for a bit? Theres still plenty of time to go out. Yoi" Marco asks.
"That sounds nice big bird" you say following him to your guys room. Once in you take off your boots and lay on the bed so he could sit down next to you.
"(N) theres something I have to tell you. Yoi" hearing him say that made your heart race as you sat up pretending everything is okay.
"Whats up Marco?" You ask patiently looking him in his blue flaming eyes as they meet your fiery ones.
'Why is he so nervous?' You think.
"(N) I... I...." he cups your cheek and leans in as you lean in too and gives you the softest most loving kiss ever. Foreheads touching after breaking for air nuzzling noses, both of you panting he says.
"(N) I love you I have for awhile now. Will you please be my Mate? Yoi" he softly says as its almost, almost completely quiet for once on the Moby Dick. In shock you swallow.
"Marco I love you too! I have for awhile, and id love to be yours and only yours. Your mate" you say connecting a kiss again this time he brings the passion for all the lost time making you both pant loudly tounges fighting for dominance to see who will be victorious. He breaks from your kiss and starts sucking hard and kissing your neck leaving hickeys every where as you moan loudly
"Marcoo!" Which turns him and you on, even more than you were allready. You can feel your pussy is soaked allready, throbbing for him as you pant
"Marcoo I need you!" Moaning loudly. He picks you up and puts your head on a pillow while he undresses and asks
"Just to be clear your okay with this? Yoi" he asks.
"Yes a thousand times yes my big bird" as you unbutton your shorts but hes allready undressed, now undressing you yanking your shorts, panties and shirt off throwing clothes on the ground. He suckes your neck in various spots.
"Marco everyones gonna see! Ahh yess!! big bird!" His hand sliding up and down your slick finding your button swirling around up and down it making you moan the most sexy moans you could muster.
"Thats the point (n) to show everyone who you belong too Yoi" Panting harder you moan
"Marcooo please!"
"Please what my little bird Yoi?" He asks teasing you you look him in his eyes his blue fiery eyes as he stares into your red fiery eyes. Squirming you moan
"Please Marco fuck me I need you so bad its painful! Im in heat!" You yell as he pins your arms down with one hand, his legs ontop of yours. His throbbing cock dripping precum onto your inner thighs. He leans down cock rubbing your pussy as he gets his cock wet he nibbles at your nipples then sucks hard on them around them making more hickeys.
"Yes Marco! Please fuck me I cant help it its too much stimulation!!" You yell as their were few souls on board at this time.
"Someone's impatient, fine my little bird you wish is my command Yoi" he positions his twitching cock at your entrance.
"Marco I forgot to tell you im a virgin" panting loud he doesnt look surprised with how your reacting.
"Ill be gentle my little bird. I figured as much Yoi" he says to you.
"Marcoo that was also my... first... kiss" you moan his name loudly for anyone on board to hear unfortunately their was a group who came back and heard your commotion.
"It was mine as well Yoi" Whistling and hollering they yelled
"Atta Marco!" Which he growled at. He released your pinned arms to prop himself up on his elbows. Redirecting his attention to you, you wrap your arms around his neck pulling up sucking on his neck hard making him moan your name loudly
"Ahh! (N)! Yoi" Marco moans.
"Your mine Marco!" As you loose the strength to keep yourself up you fall back down. He slowly slides his twitching cock into you as he pauses so often for you to adjust.
"Ahhh MARCO your so big!!! You yell as he asks
"Are you ready (n) Yoi?" And you just nod in complete heat.
"Take me im yours, first commander Marco!!" You yelled very loudly as he penetrates your virginity makeing you gasp in pain but before you knew it his lips were on yours as he rubs your button in circles helping the pain go away. Breaking for air he growls
"Now your mine! Yoi" He asks
"Is this better my love? Yoi"
"Yes im okay now thank you" you say as he replys
"I never want you to feel pain my little bird Yoi" he says sweetly. He uses his blue flames pressing on your abdomen to heal your virginity around his cock so it heals but doesnt grow back. You nuzzle his neck as he starts to slide in then back out just a little then in so you can adjust to his big size. Once he bottoms out on your back wall he starts sliding in and out slowly going faster with your moans.
"MARCOO YESS RIGHT THERE!!" You yell as he listens to your commands. Both of you panting hard almost hyperventilating as hes now pounding you, balls slapping against your ass. Keeping time fails you.
"OH First Commander YESS!!!" You yell.
"(N) god your so tight!! Yoi" he yells into your ear.
"Marco your gonna make me cum allready!!" You whine.
"Cum for me baby bird Yoi!
You obey and release
"First Commander im cuming!!" You scream as he continously pumps through your high making you dizzy but he continues you hanging on to him wrapping your legs around his torso, arms wrapped behind his neck. He grabs your thighs for a better pounding. And goes animalistic as you moan
"Yess!!! First commander Marco!!! You fuck me so good!! Dont stop! Cum in me!! Please mate with me!" You beg shouting.
"You want big bird to cum in you, beg more Yoi!!" Hes thrusting so hard you can barely breath but manage to say
"Please I need you!! I need your cum creaming in me!!" Which makes him go faster and harder making you see stars and black spots.
"Im gonna cum little bird!! Yoi"
"Cum all in me Marco! Fill me up!!" You yell not knowing how much time has really passed and how many others could hear you both.
"Ahh! First commander im gonna cum again!" He grunts
"Cum baby bird cum with me yoi!!" He keeps pounding you, sweat dripping off him onto you. Both of you huffing for air
"Ahhh!! Big bird im cuming!!! You yell as he yells
"Im cuming!!! Im creaming, take my hot cum little bird!! Yoi" he hes pumping hard making you see stars as you both cum. You could feel his cock release his hot cum as your walls constrict.
"OHH MARCOO!!!" You scream his name tearing up.
"(N)!!!! Yoi" he yelled as well, him thrusting through your and his highs, eventually slowing his pace to a stop. As you both are huffing hard he huffs
"It may hurt pulling out, here let me pick you up well go to the shower Yoi" he says as you clinge onto him, him holding your shaking thighs. Once in the shower he holds you up and slowly slips out with friction which takes a minute.
"Ahh!" You squeal as his girth is now missing. He sets you down but you hug onto his waist and abs for support wobbly legs.
"Did I really do that good of a job? yoi"
"Uh does it look like it? It was my first time" You reply as he hugs you offering his support under your arms.
"You were my first as well Yoi" After you can somewhat stand you both get cleaned up and dried off.
"Do we need to go out? I dont think I can walk straight" you ask giggling.
"We can do what ever you want my sweet little bird Yoi" he chuckles to you petting your wet (c) hair. As you both get cleaned up then he turns off the water he hugs you using his hybrid form to dry you both off.
"Can we just cuddle? We can go out after tonight right?" You ask.
"Yes we can and yes love Yoi" he says hugging you picking you up laying you on the bed. Then hopping in with you pulling the blanket over you both one of his arms under your head as he snakes his other arm around your waist and pulls you close as you wrap your left arm around his waist and abs, legs entangled. You could feel his cock near your pussy and felt euphoric with afterglow sex.
"I love you my big bird Marco~" you whisper.
"And I love you (N) my sweet little bird Yoi" He whispers back and gives you a forehead kiss. You give him butterfly kisses on his tattooed chest and neck which were covered in hickeys and slowly fall asleep.
~The Next Morning~
You both get dressed side by side looking in the mirror.
"Marcoo you gave me soo many hickeys I cant cover these up!" You squeal.
"They arnt meant to be covered dear. Show them off! Wear this instead of that. Yoi" It was a black low cut crop top and a different pair of black shorts.
"Thats a command from your commander" he says with a husky voice on your neck making you shiver and softly moan. Hes behind you now leaning down kissing and sucking on your hickeys making you moan
"Marcoo" your bottom was still bare. He touched your pussy sliding back and forth
"Ahh looks whose soaked my little bird do you need release? Yoi" he whispers slowly in your ear while slipping a digit in to you making you gasp and moan.
"Marco yes!" You lean on the glass of the shower from the outside proping yourself up with your hands while hes fingering you then he adds another digit pumping in and out for a good minute
"Marcoo yes Marco" you moan as you whine at him withdrawaling from your heat. You look up at him with pleading eyes as he puts the soaked fingers in his mouth and swallows your juices.
"Ill save the rest for later tonight Yoi" he gives you a devilish smile. Your now craving his cock so you pull down his pants and boxers to reveal his erection. He tries to back away
"What are you- ahh!! Yoi!" You wrap your arms around his legs as you put his member in your mouth and start pumping with your head.
You look up meeting his eyes as you go deeper and deeper until your deep throating him.
"God (N)!!Yoi!" You feel his cock twitch and his legs weaken hanging onto the sink. Then you slow to a stop and release him swllowing all the precum and saliva.
"Ill save the rest for later tonight~" you cutely say as you clean yourself up.
"Oh so you want to play dirty do you little bird? Yoi" You put on the outfit your Commander gave you after you cleaned up your pussy.
"You started it first, First Commander" you poke his abs as he adjusts his cock in his pants. He puts on his purple jacket and you put on your platform boots three inches high. As you and him clean up the room you finally finish and exit the room. He locks the door and you both go past crew members who were whistling and hollering at you both because of the hickeys were so visible on you both.
"Bets hes not pent up anymore." One says.
"He finally with (n) finally" another one says. He just ignores them smiling wide, intertwines his fingers with yours and walks off deck. Walking past the bar Marco says
"I want to take you on a date Yoi" you stopped and asked
"Whats a date?" You ask.
"Hmm its what mates, boyfriends, girlfriends, lovers, and married people go on. Like go to a restaurant take a walk, holds hands, kiss, be romantic-" he was cut off by
"Hey you guys. Woah thats alot of hickeys, good for you both! Haha Bet your not grumpy anymore Marco huh? Whatcha up too?" Ace wrapped his arms around yours and Marcos shoulders.
"Were going on a date!" You chimed and Ace glanced at you guys hands intertwined then to Marco then back up.
"What are you up to Ace? Yoi"
"Oh back on speaking terms now? Good and im just hangin with the buds drinkin anyways."
"Good for you guys, welp have fun. Dont wanna keep you" Ace says waving headed back to the bar. You wave back. As Marco starts walking again you follow him to a sushi bar and sits at the bar, and so do you.
"Isnt this place expensive?" You ask.
"Anything for my little bird besides isnt sushi your favorite food? Yoi" he questions and you nod.
"I knew it Yoi" he chuckles and smiles at you making you blush.
"Dont worry about it im First division commander remember? Yoi" he smiles at you. You both order. You got the sashimi tuna with a bowl of rice and lemons, he got a strange pineapple roll which you giggle at. Of course you both order the sake and drink it all too even if it doesnt effect you both. Once done he pays and you both leave headed to the koi pond.
"Oh look they have bread you can feed them!" You happily look at Marco who just smiles at you and walks up next to you while your feeding the koi.
"Here Marco try it!" You gleam up at him making him slightly blush. He takes the small bag and feeds the rest to the koi then puts the bag in the trashcan smiling. You both roam the island then he stops in the middle of the main plaza.
"Here wait right here so I can see you through the window. Ill be right back Yoi"
"Okay big bird ill wait here" you motion for him to lean down to which he does and you give him a kiss on his cheek. *click* He stands back up slightly blushing.
"Thank you my little bird Yoi" he says then waves to you. You look at a clothing store on the same side as the shop Marco went in. After about five minutes. Then you felt someone grab your arm. And another come from behind you to your side and one directly behind you.
"Look who strayed to far boys" one of them said.
"My mates coming back any second" you retort and turn your head to the one behind you.
"Oh yea and whose this whimp mate of yours?"
"Marco the Phoenix" you say plainly.
"Haha yea right! Well we wont believe such a lie"
"How about we beat him up and take you back home and cover you in more hickeys than that while were bangi-" The one behind you said but got cut off.
"Unless you want to die where you stand, then youll let go of her and leave right now" you heard a low husky voice say on your free side turning to look.
"Holy shit its really Marco the Phoenix run!" They yell as they let you go and ran away that blue flame in his eyes.
"I said id always protect you Yoi" you look up to him and smile wide.
"Marco!" You hug him and he hugs you back. *click*
"Uh thank you for that, shall we continue our date? Oh what did you have to get?" You ask.
"Yes lets continue and its nothing, they didnt have it. Yoi" he says frowning as you nod
"Okay I really want to go to that clothing store right there please?" You hold his hand.
"Sure lets go Yoi" he smiles at you, and you both walk over entering the store. You get heart eyes on this one outfit it was all black skirt with a velvet black choker with a sapphire dangling from it and the top was short sleeved but shear draping down partially your arms as it was a v cut too with black thigh high boots.
"Excuse me miss how much is this whole outfit?"
"Oh thats been there for awhile its a bit pricey its 50,000 Berries mainly because the genstone is real." She says smiling.
"Ill take it all!" Marco looks at you shocked you even have that much Berries, while you open your portal pulling out a gaint bag of coins.
"Heres another bag miss. Ill count it out for you" after about an hour.
"And that makes 50,000 Berries gosh miss you have good taste. Feel free to take it off the mannequin." She says and you nod. Opening your portal you start throwing the outfit in the portal.
"Thank you miss have a great rest of your day!" You say as she says the same then you and Marco leave the shop.
"Whew that took longer than expected sorry big bird" you look up to him as he says
"Its fine this is what people do on dates Yoi"
"Oh okay where next my love?" You question
"Oh come with me Yoi" he says as he holds your hand gently as always leading you to a secluded area with a pond with unlit candles and various colors of birds right before the sun sets. He motions for you to sit with him which you obey. He holds out his hand flaming the water and lighting the candles blue illuminating the birds flowers and you both.
"This is so romantic Marco!" You exclaim half hugging him.
"Ive always wanted to show someone important to me these beautiful moments in the world" suddenly as the sun sets he gets on one knee.
"I know its a bit early for this but I couldnt help myself I love you (N) Yoi" he pulls out a sapphire and gold ring and says.
"(N) The Phoenix will you do me the honor of marrying me youd make me the happiest man in the world Yoi" in shock you point at yourself and he nods.
"I would really love that Marco!" You kneel and hug him. Once you stopped hugging him he slipped the ring on your finger.
"Wow a perfect fit!" You happily say as he smiles from ear to ear and picks you up twirling you around then setting you down.
"I love you so much (n) Yoi" he says as your place your hands on his chest.
"I love you so much too Marco, soo much" you retort as its dark now.
"We really should get back to the ship they may have left without us" your face grows grim.
"Lets go regardless. I hope you had at least an okay time Yoi" he says softly. You look him with a bright smile and firey eyes
"It was perfect, just like you" you poke his nose and he chuckles. Walking back hand in hand intertwined you both chat, him making you laugh and giggle then you finally reach the beach and you both see the Moby Dick out at sea.
"Are you ready Yoi?"
"Yes big bird" you both transform into Phoenix forms and you both hear a *click* then Marco flew up and you did the same another *click* but you ignore it if Marco ignores it.
'Did he even realize it was a camera click I think I heard it earlier too.' You think. You both fly away as you look back you saw a news reporter then look in front of you, you circle around Marco then fly higher Marco following you above the sky line.
"Having fun? Yoi" he asks.
"Yes very much hey dance with me?"
"Dance in the sky? Sorry I dont know how. Yoi" he says a bit saddened.
"Like this follow me" you do some flashy moves with a dive swirl then come back up. He tries it too with you and does it successfully. He chuckles
"This is fun your right (n) haha Yoi" he laughs. Once youve both had your fun and stretched your wings you both flew over to the Moby Dick and landed in the middle transforming into human forms.
~Its Dinner Time~
You both take your seats.
"Ah (n) and Marco as I allready said be wary of photographers and the news. Their trying to get any intel on you and (n) also any new big bounty crewmates" Pops says. You raise your left hand with the ring up.
"Yes child?" Pops asks.
"Were compromised then we took off a news guy took some pictures of us sorry Pops"
"Marco is this true?" Pops asks.
"Yes I was a bit .... occupied Yoi" he admits giving a small blush. The crew whistles and hollers.
"I do see... Did they get a picture of your faces?" Pops asked.
"Im not sure my back was turned to him, he may have taken a picture of (n) though. How could I be so careless. Yoi" Marco puts a hand behind his head.
"Well we all make mistakes son im sure itll work out some how for now eat and drink well figure it out" Pops says.
~After Dinner~
Clothes on the floor, heavy panting, loudly moaning, balls slapping. You both couldn't help yourselves your both at peak heat.
"Ahh!! Marco!! Im gonna cum again!" You moan loudly. He moans in your ear
"Little bird you feel so good! Cum my baby bird cum all over my cock Yoi" hes holding you up against the shower wall pounding your cervix making you see stars.
"First commander im cumming!!" You yell arms around his neck water trickling down both your hot bodies.
"Again? Thats the third time baby! Can you cum one more time for me? Yoi" as he thrusts in and out letting you ride out your high.
"Ahhh!! Yes for you I can Marco!!!" Moaning almost screaming riding on your high.
"Your so good to me!! Marco!!"
"I try my best (n)!! Ahh!! Im gonna cum soon little bird! Yoi" he yells in your ear sucking hard on your neck, breasts and nape.
"Aghh im!!! Im gonna cum again Big bird!!" Yelling in his ear. Him thrusting harder, him grunting in your ear.
"Cum with me my baby bird!! Yoi" he grunts as he thrusts again and again making you see black spots and stars making you tear up at the ecstasy.
"Im gonna cum again Marco!!" You moan loudly.
"Ahh!! Me too cum with me (n)!! Yoi" A few more hard thrusts and you cry out
"Im cumming Marco!!!" He keeps thrusting moaning as he felt your walls constrict around his cock sending him over the edge.
"(N) my little bird ..*grunts*.. im cumming!! Im creaming in you my mate!!" He yells loudly. Thrusting through his and your highs you both moaning eachothers name.
"(N)!! My baby bird!!! Yoi" he slowly comes to a stop you both huffing. After a minute he slowly pulls out of you seeing, both your cum flow down the drain. He gently sets you down hugging you close to support your legs which were twitching and shaking.
"Ahh (n)..my sweet little bird. I told you id save it for tonight Yoi" he chuckles cetching his breath.
"I love you Marco" you say both hands on his chest and abs.
"I love you my sweet (N) now lets get cleaned up. Yoi" you scrub and wash Marcos back and he does yours. Once clean you both dry off using both your wings cuddling heat encapsulating you both while kissing. Him giving you butterfly kisses on your hickeys. Once dry you both transformed out of hybrid form into human form. Crawling under the sheets cuddling up and slowly falling asleep.
~Months Later~
"Good morning my baby bird Yoi" you hear your mate say as he brushes your hair with his other hand then kisses your forehead. You laying your head in the crook of his neck laying on his other muscular arm. Facing eachother you give him butterfly kisses on his neck and chest.
"Ahh feels nice Yoi" you look up to him as he looks down to you. He leans down and you lean in, lips connecting tounges swirling around sucking swallowing then breaking for air.
"Come on sweetie lets get up Yoi" he says as you both get up, get ready, then head out on deck as it was both of your day off. You were wearing the outfit you had bought from the island Marco proposed to you on. Then he locks the door as you both go out on deck. You spy Ace who walked up beside you.
"Whatsup Ace?" You say as he shrugs looking forward not looking at you and your hickeys even though everyones gotten used to yours and Marcos love making over the months except Ace had been talking to you less and less. You all go up to Pops.
"Pops wheres Thatch??" Ace asks.
"Son ... he was killed by Teach and Teach jumped overboard stealing Thatchs devil fruit" Pops says as you feel an overwhelming urge to kill and you knew Marco could feel you. Transforming into your Phoenix form you hear
"What?! Ill kill that bastard!" Ace yells.
"Not if I kill him first!" You yelled as Ace jumps off on to his parasail blasting off and you flew off deck following Ace. Both Marco and Pops screaming
"(N), Ace come back!!!!"
~A Week Later Marcos POV~
(N)s absence has been worrying you non stop. Your in your room looking at the mirror when you kicked the wall making the trash bin knock over.
'This isnt like me. Ace is with her so shell be okay. Better clean up this mess. Yoi' you think to yourself as you bend done you spy something that shouldnt be there.
"A pregnancy test? Yoi" since your a doctor you were familiar with these things but (n) pregnant? Allready? Digging a little you find the box.
"(N)s pregnant?! Dammit now shes off with Ace! Why would she go when shes carrying my child? ... unless she didnt see the results? I could have came in while she was waiting.. she hid it so im assuming the latter. Regardless I need to find her soon. Yoi" you speak to yourself.
~(N) POV~
Ace left his parasail on the beach as you landed keeping in Phoenix form.
"You really think that info was right Ace?" You questioned.
"They said he should have just arrived here in this old bar town." Ace replys walking as you walk feet taller than him. You two searched the town Ace and you ontop of a buildings roof. Then you spy Teach.
"Ah look who showed up, mad about Thatch I see!" Teach yells to us.
"You are disgusting Im gonna kill you!" You yell through telepathy.
"Hahahaa Id like to see you try Aces misses." Teach says as he shows off his powers.
"Tch! She belongs to Marco!" Ace shouts as Teach attacks, grabs Ace and punches him sending him flying into the building your perched on.
"So you never told her? Well then I shall" Teach yells to Ace.
"No dont!!!" Ace screams.
"You see our little lover boy is in love-"
"Stop!!" Ace interjects but Teach continues.
"Lover boy is in love with you, thats why itll be so much sweeter to have the government kill him or even you the last born Phoenix!" Teach laughs as you hop onto the ground beside Ace.
"Ace tell the others what happened" you say as he replys
"Wa-what do you mean?"
"Brace yourself Ace!" You yell to only him as you do a J kick to his abdomen as he falls all the way to the beach by his parasail.
"Go now!!!" You use telepathy to only Ace. You glance at him, him blazing away on the water. You let out a battle squawk before attacking.
Marcos POV
"Whats the commotion outside? Better check it out. Yoi" standing from your desk with doctors coat on, you walk out of your lonely office. On deck you see Ace but no (n).
"Ace wheres (N)?! Yoi" you yell walking up close to him, not knowing what to think. Ace looks up to you, then back down his hat covering his tears but you see through him. The wind knocking his hat on his back. Now exposing his tears. You walk up to him and give him a good punch from the side knocking him onto the floor.
"Shes alive!" Ace yells. Which calms you a bit but a crowds developed around you two.
"Ace!!! Things are far from okay!! First you both take off weeks pass of nothing no word and now you tell me shes fine because shes just alive shes my fiance carrying my child!!!! Yoi" you scream at him as the crowd gasps, blue flames are coming out of you. Aces eyes grow wide and you did not like that.
"(N) was captured by Teach he said he would turn one of us into the world government at Marine Ford that he got two for one deal. She kicked me away and told me to tell you guys everything that went down. Im sorry I couldnt protect her Marco!" Ace yells while crying.
"Tears wont solve anything Ace Yoi" you say as Pops says
"Marco go cool off we will get her back" reluctantly you obey and transform into Phoenix from flying up high while hearing murmuring about you and (N) and Ace.
Your in your human form because they bound your ankles, wrists and neck with sea prism cuffs. Little do they know you just need your hands and feet free to go into Phoenix form. Sea prism does nothing to you since your not a devil fruit user though they assumed it would help.
"Get up its time." Two gaurds came to get you. A single pair of shoes for you. Slipping them on the gaurds say.
"Walk" which you obey up the millions of stairs. Once to the scaffolding and stage they hook you to the stage as you knelt down.
"No ones coming for you" Sengoku says. The broadcast was being shown all over the world you were pretty sure. You couldnt help but cry silently. Suddenly a ship floats out of the water with a pop. You know that ship anywhere!
"The Moby Dick" You whisper. As Sengoku becomes flustered as three more Ships arise from the depths.
"(N)!!! Im here!!!! Yoi!!" You knew that voice anywhere.
"Marco!!!!!" You yelled back.
"Well rescue you!!!!!! Yoi!!!" He says as Sengoku says into the snail mic for the snail projector
"Dont bother pretending what he is too you, our intel says hes your Mate, which is why we must execute you (n). The very last true born Phoenix must die. Phoenixs are much too dangerous to the public to be free. Youve destroyed entire islands before. Lets bring up your bounty. It says 2,300,000,000 Berries for a reason." Sengoku takes a break and swallows. Marco looks shocked but regains his composure.
"And who were your parents?" Sengoku asks you.
"Whitebeard is my father I dont have a mother!" You yell into the mic.
"Wrong our intel says you were born from two Phoenixs who were killed by Enel, but one Phoenix survived, now so shall you be killed!" He clicks the mic to talk with Pops. Tears streaming down your face you look up at Marco whose looking at you. You then see Whitebeards allies. Pop's used his Tremor-Tremor fruit causing a tsunami. Aokiji uses Ice Age to freeze the ships and keep the tsunami in place.
"Save (N)!" Pops yells as all the commanders jump onto the ice running into battle with the Marines. You started using your Flame Beam to try and destroy the scaffolding again and again wipping your head everywhere to destroy your enemies destroying cannons and parts of the scaffolding Then you stop feeling useless but notice the scaffolding moved.
"Just leave with your lives!!! I ran off without permission I dont deserved to be saved!!!" You screamed at Pops and Marco.
"Child I told you and Ace to go isnt that right Marco?" Pops says calmly.
"Thats right sorry to give you so much trouble (n)! Yoi" hearing Marco say that you cry sobbing at their gesture. Sengoku announces to the world that Ace must be killed as well for being Rogers son. You bet gasps were all over the world. As the battle continued pirates entering the plaza fighting, you saw Ace hang on to Marcos talons as they flew to the scaffold suddenly a Vice Admiral came up in front of you punching Marco down.
"Noo!! Marco!!" While Ace jumped up unlocking your wrists then the scaffolding came crashing down while you felt Ace unlock your feet.
'Where the hell did they get a key?!' You think. In the thick of the smoke you transform into full Phoenix form Ace in Fire Fist form.
"Go back to the ship now Ace!" You think to him as he obeys but while kicking ass. You fly around looking for Marco once found, you grab onto him he has a sea prism shackles on one of his legs, on deck next to Pops you rip the shackles off of Marco. Using your regeneration flames on Marco.
"Their after you too Ace stay out of it! Pops call a retreat!" You say in their minds.
"Retreat my sons!!!" Pops calls the word. You flew off as Marco held his chest which you noticed.
'Theres only one person who shots beams of light' you think to yourself.
Marcos POV
"Agh! Dam these wounds!
'I cant just blurt out your pregnant though, but its obvious she doesnt know. What if our baby di ... no I cant even fathom even thinking it. Yoi' You think to yourself regenerating faster now thanks to (n) flames. Ace was still on the ice with Akainu following him.
Flying above the island you feel Ace is in danger so you fly down blocking Akainu from punching Ace with your flaming wings becoming as hot as they can be like lava. Ace looks shocked as Akainu says.
"Once I start an execution I intend to see it through."
"Oh yea well lets make an exception!" You yell. Suddenly you jump kick Akainu sending him flying back to the scaffold. You look to Ace as Marco flew down to meet you both.
"What are you two doing (n) come onto the ship now thats a command!! Yoi" Marco yells.
"Im busy!!!" You yell back
"Your pregnant with my child dont strain yourself anymore!! Yoi!!" Marco yells at you. You just look at Marco.
"Yes really! Be way more careful! Yoi" Suddenly Marines are yelling at Sengoku. You see him pick up the snail com and say
"Shes pregnant kill her and Rogers son Ace D. Portgas!!!" Gasps from everywhere were heard and probably from all over the world as well.
"Dammit!! I shouldn't have said anything. Yoi!!"
"Come back to the ship!! Yoi!" Marco pleads.
"Grab Ace put him on the ship. Ill be careful!"
"You better be! Yoi" Marco yelled to you as he flew Ace on the ship. You flew up high.
Once everyone was on board Pops used his Tremor-Tremor fruit to break all the ice surrounding the ships the back three ships started to leave as the Moby Dick started to turn around. You battle cried, and used a lot of your flames to create a false sun covering the entire island. Youve had enough.
"Well this isnt good" Aokiji says. As your sun is flying down it impacts with the island but the Vice Admirals used their powers to block it in certain spots. Akainu uses his meteor fists in the sky as your sun tears apart the island everyone is shocked and only the strong withstand the sun you threw. You bet it took out all the visual snails too. Now you have another problem.
You hear commotion from the Moby Dick that theyll all be killed. Before the meteors fall onto the ships youd lived on for so long you yell
"Phoenix Guard!!" Using your hottest flames possible dripping with lava you create a circle on a angle in the air, so as the fists hit the circle of flames they slide off onto the island. After the ships are all sailing away and Akainu stopped using his attack you jet fly to the Moby Dick transform into human as Marco runs to you. Jumping onto the deck mid air you suddenly feel immense pain in your chest see a light beam and tumble falling onto the deck blood spilling out of you and from your mouth. You feel Marco pick you up.
"You guys did do it..." you say as Marco is shaking and says
"Shh dont speak. Yoi" Marco starts crying.
"Tell.. me... how.. bad is... it?" You ask. He just hugs you blood getting on his jacket and abs so you could see. You feel everyones eyes on you
"Its been... a while.. to feel... myself.. slip.... away.." you say as Marco hugs you as your body falls limp.
"(N)!!!!!!NO!!!!Yoi!!!!!!" Ace is crying as well as Marco and the crew. Your body grows cold quick then turned into ashes in Marcos arms. Suddenly once everyone was crying, your ashes heat up again then flames start appearing making everyone watch in awe. First they were blue flames then they got bigger and more red then the ashes suddenly burst into flames and you transformed into Phoenix form then transformed back into human form. Jolting up from Marcos hands, breathing like its your first breath of life. You cough up some left over blood. Inhaling deeply. Then falling back into Marco. Him crying over you as he holds you close.
"(N) your alive. Yoi" you hear Marco say.
"Dont.. want... to.... speak... hurts..." you say softly as he uses his regeneration flames on your whole body. Looking up at him tears fall on your face.
"Shhh.... im.... fine... just.... tired... so... tired..." you say quietly as you fall into unconsciousness.
Marcos POV
"....so... tired..." she says then she goes unconscious in your arms. You check her pulse before reacting this time. Pusle is strong and steady. As everyone is looking at her like a miracle just happened. You pick her up and go to the med room in the med office without a sound from anyone just stares. You got her a blanket and set up IVs in her to help her body recover everytime your flames went out you gave her new ones to help aid her recovery.
'She must have definitely over exerted herself' you think.
Two Days Later
Your working on paperwork barely have gotten any sleep. First you hear her heart monitor raise in bpms. So you stand and go around her bed holding her hand. She stirs at your touch.
"Mar..co..." she whispers its barely auditable but it makes you smile that shes alive and the whole in her chest closed up when she was reborn.
You flicker your eyes open, groggy and sleepy but warm. 'Whats this,.. my hand' you think as you boot up, the lights blinding you from above. You turn over feeling something snag on your inner elbow.
"Agh!" You cried out.
"Here let me undo your IVs yoi" you hear a familiar voice say as your vision is spotty and blurry. The husky voice took out your IVs and all cords attached to you.
"There my little bird, feel better Yoi?"
'Wait I know this voice,... its... my mate.... Marco' you think and blink away the spots to see
"Marco...?" you speak as he holds your cold hands warming them up.
"Yes my sweet (n)? Yoi" he says softly to you
"Hi.." you say putting up a hand to his cheek softly rubbing his stubble.
"I missed you" you sit up slowly him supporting your back.
"I missed you too Yoi" he replys.
"Do you remember what all happened love Yoi?" He asks you as you start to think
"I was going to be executed... then you guys came and saved me... I think I died for a minute..." you touch the spot where the light beam hit you which Marco took note of.
"Thats all I remember doc" you say shrugging your shoulders. Slowly swinging your feet to the floor. He grabs your hands.
"(N) listen... Yoi"
"Yes Marco? What is it?" You ask quietly. His fiery blue eyes met your fiery red ones waiting with anticipation.
"I saw the test result Yoi" he says calmly as your blush tomato red covering your mouth as you gasped softly.
"I thought I hid it, you were coming into the room so I put it in the trash"
"Well I found it. The result was positive, you have our child in you. Im guessing here but I hope its okay. I need to buy an ultra sound machine if I can after all this. Yoi" he states and finishes.
"And yes you did hide it, but I was angry and kicked the trashcan over and found it. Yoi" he explains. As it sinks in you point to yourself and he nods smiling wide. You stand up and jump up to hold his neck with your arms hugging him, wrapping your legs around him.
"Oh Marco were gonna be parents!" You shout. He chuckles/laughs loudly holding you with one hand.
"Yes and im gonna be a daddy Yoi!" he says hugging you tightly twirling you around. Then you slid off of him as he leaned down to kiss you deeply breaking for air he started a rant
"Youve had me worried for weeks! There had better not be a next time of you running off with Ace Yoi"
"Ouu yea that probably looks bad now that I think about it..." you trail off.
"You think? Imagine what I was thinking not knowing where you were or if you were alive or dead and having my child in you Yoi" he replys getting choked up with tears. You hug him close kisses his chest and abs.
"That wont ever happen again I promise Marco" you reassure him.
"Ill stick to your side like glue from now on okay?" You question him. He takes off his glasses to wipe his tears then put them back on, he nods then says.
"Ill hold you to your word (n) the Phoenix Yoi" hugging and kissing his sweet lips and neck.
Nine months Later
You weren't allowed off the Moby Dick for the entire nine months by Marcos command. He got Thatch to give you special foods and fruits so the baby will be extra healthy. Marco went and got supplies for you and the baby when the ship docked at different islands making sure to be careful not to transform into Phoenix form or hybrid form. As they never changed Marcos wanted poster picture which was his full Phoenix form. So he could still walk around freely but they upped your bounty to 3,000,000,000 and plastered your face on your wanted poster.
You wobble from your shared room after locking it. To the med office where your fiance was working so you could do some work as well. Opening the door you see your lover turn his head back to you.
"Hello my little bird how are you feeling this morning? Yoi" asking as he helps you to your chair.
"He's kicking again want to feel our baby handsome?" You ask Marco as he smiles wide. He gently placed his hands on either side of your swollen belly then leaned down to listen to your belly. *kick* *kick* *thumpa thumpa*
"I can hear him kicking, and his heart beat Yoi" he looks up to you then kisses all over your tummy tickling you making you laugh.
"Hey that tickles!" You laughed as Marco let go of your belly he leaned over to kiss your lips. Soft and sweet, he gave you a peck then went to his side of the table facing you.
~After A Couple Hours Of Working~
You both hear a pop/click then a whoosh of water. You both stop and look at each other.
"Umm I think my water just broke...Marco.."
"Well thank god your in the right place allready Yoi" he quickly got up and helped you up. Picking you up bridal style and setting you on the med bed. Hurrying to get the proper drugs and IV in your arm.
"Take these pills dear Yoi" he hands you the pills and gave you a cup of water. You gulp the pills down and chug the water then it started.
"Aghhh!!! It hurts Marco!!" You yelled loudly as he gets ready.
"Dont worry little bird these are contractions they will pass.
"----" you couldnt talk at all when the contractions started and you figured theyd only get worse. You could barely breath then it would stop and start again.
"Your contractions are lasting forty five seconds inbetween every ten minutes its just starting. Yoi" Marco says to you as you both hear the door open.
"Hey doc-"
"Were closed for now get out!! Yoi" Marco snaps
"Ohh shit okay bye" the crewmate runs out the door alerting the crew that your in labor. Your Phoenix goes and locks the door then runs back.
"Aghhhh!!!" Tears sting your eyes as you felt the need to push after hours and hours of Marco trying to comfort you.
"Your contractions are lasting thirty to seventy seconds, with breaks five to ten minutes. Now your in true labor dear your gonna have to push soon let me know when you feel the need to push Yoi" you hear Marco say calmly.
"Okay please keep talking and I feel the need to push!" You yell loudly as another contraction happens you arching your back.
"Then its time to push sweetie Yoi!" He says as you felt the need to push with the contractions. You push when you feel the need and eventually you feel the baby come out. You both hear crying feeling relief as Marcos and your baby is alive and well. Marco snipping the cord, and takes the baby for a while to clean it. You feel yourself slipping away from life again.
"(N)! Stay with me! Yoi" The heart monitor beeping slower and slower until it goes *beep*.
Opening your eyes you gasp for breath like its the first time. The heart beat monitor spikes to your breathing level. Breathing hard you look around and see Marco with your guys baby lullying it to sleep. Your fully healed from being reborn.
"Ahhh I feel so much better now...." once your breathing stabilizes your heart beat normalizes Marco looks at you and hands your guys baby onto your chest.
"That always scares me when your reborn Yoi" You coddle your baby.
"It is a him right?" You ask and your fiance just nods.
"Hello there our baby bird" you coo as he sleeps.
"What should we name him? Yoi" Marco asks you.
"Hmmm ......... I like Kai what do you think Kai The Phoenix?" You ask him as he crosses his arms raises a hand to his chin thinking.
"It has a nice ring to it dear. I love it Yoi" he says smiling wide to you making you smile wide too. He walks over to you both and strokes your hair.
"Hello our baby bird Kai Yoi" Marco coos as you smile raise your hand to cup Marcos face rubbing his cheek. He looks at you with tears in his eyes.
"Awe honey are you okay?" You ask him. He takes off his glasses and wipes his tears then puts his glasses back on. Looking at you he smiles wide
"Im .. just so happy your both alive and healthy. My heart stopped when I heard the heart monitor go silent. Yoi" Marco says hugging you below the baby.
"I need to give Kai his immunization shots then he can be introduced to the crew and Pops Yoi" Marco tells you as he cleans your bottom up picking up your dress then laying it on you again. Your dress is soaking wet. Sitting up you hand Kai over to Marco.
"Ill be back I really need a shower, can give Kai his shots sweetie?" Marco holds Kai then looks to you.
"Of course little bird go feel better. Ill take care of everything. I love you (n) Yoi" Marco says quietly to you as you slide off the med bed.
"I love you Marco" Knees kindave weak, but once stable you walk to the office door unlock it and go to your guys room lock the door. Crew members looking at you in awe. Then take a shower. After drying off with your wings you open your portal and change clothes into shorts and a crop top and mini boots.
'Its been so long since I could where these' you think to yourself. Once ready you go back to the office open the door then lock it.
"Marco big bird" you call out as you hear a *shhh*" as you round the corner you see Marco sitting on a chair holding Kai lulling him to sleep.
"Awee look at you two, your allready such a good daddy" you walk up to Marco and brush your hand through Marcos hair.
"So how long was everything?" You ask him. Him checking the clock he says
"About six or seven hours its dinner time now sweetheart" your Phoenix says.
"Six or seven hours?! No wonder im beat" you tryied to hush yourself.
"Well at least you dont need to heal that much now Yoi" Marco says to you. You noticed Marco had wrapped Kai in a baby blanket. Your lover stands handing you Kai as he goes and undresses his medical gloves apron etc. He goes to his desk and pulled out a paper and signed it except for one spot.
"Here dear let me see him, sign there Yoi" you hand over kai again and see Marco was writing up a birth certificate the mothers name is blank. You sign your full name then set the pen down. You go up to Marco and Kai and gently hug around Marcos waist you both gently swaying with Kai in the middle. Closing your eyes head leaning on Marcos chest you smell that brand new baby smell intoxicating you and Marco. Maternal instincts kicking in.
"Well be late for dinner (n) Yoi" Marco says rubbing your arm. You look up at Marco with puppy dog eyes and he allready can tell what you want. He hands you Kai gently as you smile wide. And he cleans up everything that was dirtied. Then after everything was cleaned, sanitized and put away. He unlocked the door and led you out of the office. Holding Kai with your left arm and holding Marcos hand with your right heading to the dining area everyone stares and cheers for you both as you both walk up to Pops.
"Son is the baby okay?" Pops asks concerned. With a extra wide smile Marco says
"Yea Pops guess what your a grandfather now. Hes name is Kai! Yoi" which makes Pops chuckle and smile. You offer Kai up to Pops as Pops takes Kai gently in his hand.
"Ahh my grandson Kai the Phoenix! Cheers everyone to my grandson Kai! And to Marco and (n)!" Then Pops lowers his hand for you to take Kai which you do and Marco guides you by your waist to your table. Sliding into the booth Marco first then you. He wraps his left arm around you as he eats and drinks. Once hes done he motions for you to hand him Kai. Which you do and start drinking and eating.
"Congratulations you guys!" Ace says as Izo says
"Congrats Phoenixs may you live a lovely life"
After Dinner
"Im so tired how about you big bird? You delivered our baby all those hours" you say as he seems sleepy.
"Yea I am tired lets go to bed little bird Yoi" he says as you both slide out of the booth and you both head toward your room hearing hollering and whistling. Once in and locking the door Marco sets Kai in his crib. Kai being a heavy sleeper is a god send. Once ready for bed you crawl into bed with Marco as you both turned into hybrid forms wrapping both your and his wings around eachother.
Bonus Five Years Later
Marco married you five years ago. Kai was growing up good, he learned many things Phoenixs and humans needed to know. You and Marco are very protective of Kai, and taught him how to read, write, and speak how to transform into different forms and many other things.
"Kai get over here!! Where is that boy? Yoi!" You hear Marco yell. As you pop behind Marco looking around you scooch out of the office. Turning into Phoenix form you fly up seeing Kai in the crows nest sleeping. You perch on the crows nest.
"Kaiii..... Kaiiii wake up baby" Kai stirs rubbing his eyes waking up.
"Momm I was sleeping" he jumps up.
"Listen to your father, hes calling you. Youlll get a candy." Kai in human form whines
"Awee that means a shot!"
"Its either that or no dinner." You state you knew he loved his food. Kais blonde hair flying in the wind. He mumbled.
"Okay..mom" he transforms into Phoenix form and flew down to the deck with you and transforms into human form him jumping on your back. You giggle as you walk back to the med office and Marco just smiles wide crossing his arms as he holds the door open for you both.
"Are you ready baby bird? Yoi" Marco asks Kai as he jumps off you and hops up on the med bed.
"Yea dad im ready" Kai says in a sad and scared tone.
"Its okay it only hurts for a second Yoi" Marco says as he prepares the needle.
"Ready 3...2...1... and done Yoi" Marco says softly as he puts the needle in the hazardous waste bin.
"See youve done so good our baby bird Yoi" Marco says as he gives Kai a lolipop.
"Yay!! Thanks Dad, Mom!" Kai yelled as he went to Pops, you and Marco watched from the door.
"Grandpa! I did it!" Kai boasts.
"Good job child" Pops says and pets his head. Then Kai transforms into Phoenix form and flies to the crows nest again. You and Marco close the door and sit across from eachother doing paperwork.
After Dinner
"Time for bed Kai" you say as he talks to his uncle Ace.
"Awee come on I wanna sleep with uncle tonight mom!" Kai whines.
"Is that okay with you Ace?" You ask him. He nods and says
"Yea no problem come on ya little squirt race yea!" Ace yells.
"No fair your bigger than me wait up!" Kai yells chasing Ace. Suddenly Marco wrapped an arm around your waist leading you to your guys room. Once ready for bed you both slip into bed transforming into hybrid form. Cuddling eachother Marco says
"Goodnight mama bird I love you Yoi"
"Goodnight daddy bird I love you" you whisper.
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maaneskin · 1 year
FLYING BISON. red haired pirates x f!reader, 0.5k
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“excuse me,” 
the red haired pirate crew's heads snapped up to the top of the mast where they saw a young woman squatting with a smile.
weapons were out and ready to fire in an instant, all pointed upwards. 
shanks stepped out from the men, “who are you?” he asked calmly, though he was still cautious.
you smiled, “i was just wondering if you had any fruit i could get,” 
nodding, you stood up from your squatting position and easily and elegantly got down onto the deck, standing in front of the captain.
“oi!” a man from the crowd shouted, “you can just get onto our ship and then ask for things,” 
you didn’t flinch at the guns being pointed at you. you waved your hands in front of your chest, “it’s totally fine if you don’t have any to give, i was just wondering,”
“we could kill you, you know? we’re pirates!”
tilting your head downwards, you chuckled, “do you think i would drop on a random pirate ship if i didn’t know how to fight? that’s not very nice of you,” 
an amused expression came over shanks when he felt no ill intentions from you. he laughed, shocking his crew (mostly the newer ones though, the older were used to his antics), “i don’t know if we have any fruit, but someone can check,” he turned to one of the men, “go check if we have any fruit for the lady,” 
the guy nodded and ran off inside.
shanks patted you on the back, leading you to a chair, offering some sake that you politely declined. he sat down in front of you, “you never did answer my question of who you were,” 
“right! i’m (name). it’s nice to meet you,” 
“nice to meet me, eh? you do know we’re pirates right, little lady?”
“of course,” you smiled, “but you’re giving me fruit,” 
“i guess that’s right,” 
“captain,” the guy who went to look for fruit came back with two barrels, “this is all the fruit we have. it’s not very fresh though,” 
“oh, that’s fine,” you said, “it doesn’t have to be fresh, just not rotten,” 
“how much do you want?” shanks asked, taking a big sip of his sake.
“as much as you’ll give me,” 
shanks nodded, “give her both barrels; no one eats fruit on this ship anyways,” 
you clapped your hands together, “ah! thank you!”
“is it all for you?” a long haired man asked. shanks introduced him as benn.
“no, it’s for appa,” 
a raised eyebrow from yassop, “appa,” 
you nodded, “yeah! my flying bison!” 
the captain’s eyes widened, “you have a flying bison? i thought only air benders had them,” 
“i am an airbender!“ you got up from the chair and walked to the fruit filled barrels, “and an earth bender, fire bender, and water bender,” 
“you’re the avatar,” shanks said in disbelief, “i knew i recognized those marks,” 
he referred to the marks you had on your arms. small pictures of the elements - two on each arm.
“correct!” you grinned brightly.
putting two fingers up to your mouth, you whistled and no sooner than ten seconds was appa on the deck.
“appa!” you exclaimed, not noticing the looks of horror and amazement from the crew, “i got your fruit. here you go,” you threw a few apples into the deck, appa wasting no time to eat them.
119 notes · View notes
handspunyarns · 2 months
You Were Marked: Days Twenty-Seven to Twenty-Nine (Din, Part II).
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pairing: din djarin x *reverse age-gap* *plus-size* fem!O/C       
word count: 7.4K   
chapter summary: Din returns to Unmanarall to search for Marathel. 
warnings:  angst, medical emergency, animal death, mention of physical illness / blood / violence / murder / suicide / rape / child rape / child sexual abuse / child death / object rape, English and Mando’a cursing      
***Please feel free to comment, kvetch, or otherwise speak your mind about my work. ***   
You Were Marked: Masterlist      
You Were Marked: <- Previous Chapter 
Din had the sudden sensation that a TIE fighter crash-landed on his chest, and he lurched upward towards what he believed was the excessively rude pilot who apparently couldn’t land worth a damn, uttering a gurgling rebuke as he grabbed his blaster. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA!” yelled the pilot. 
“I’ll blast you both apart!” shouted Din, leaning on his elbow and alternating his blaster between the two men who hovered over him, his brain misfiring in every direction. 
One of the men, wearing a light blue uniform, looked at the spent hypos in his hand and muttered, “Holy shit, I can’t believe that worked.” 
Din’s heart pounded painfully in his chest, and he groaned.  “What happened? Where am I? Who are you?  Are we enemies?  Where’s Marathel?” demanded Din of the man wearing an X-wing uniform. 
The X-wing pilot held up his hands, and said, “Okay … Let me take those one at a time.  You had … a cardiac-type … episode.  We gave you a series of hypos for that.  We didn’t expect you to react so quickly, though.”  The pilot took a breath.  “You’re on your ship.  When you didn’t answer our hails following your distress call, we tractored your ship on board the Luisitz.”  Din stared at the pilot.  The pilot continued, “Yeah, it’s a dumb name for a ship.”   
Din lowered his blaster, not because he felt safer, but because he couldn’t hold his arm up anymore.  He was also too weak to keep himself up on his elbow, so he lay back down on the floor.  The pilot visibly relaxed, and the man in blue — who was apparently a medic — held a scanner over Din’s chest.   
The pilot continued, “That there is Corpsman Ka’nab.”  The medic waved. Din nodded slightly in response.  “I’m Captain Carson Teva.” 
Din grunted.  “My name is …” 
“Din Djarin.  Guild Bounty Hunter, Mandalorian.  Yeah, we scanned you.  Got your chip.”  Teva pulled out his holopad.  “Going back to your original questions, I can safely say I sure as hell don’t want to be your enemy.  And as far as where is Marathel … I can’t say, because I don’t know who Marathel is.  Is Marathel your cat?” 
“My what?” 
“Your cat, or whatever pet you have on board.  Look, you said you were the only one on board, but we scanned your ship as we tractored it in…” — Din groaned inwardly — “… and there’s obviously a second, small, life-form aboard, but it’s in a shielded portion of the ship.”  Din remained silent.  “Hey, if I could have a pet in my X-wing, I would.   So what is it?” 
“A … pet, yes.” Sorry, kid.  “Not Marathel.  She’s …” 
“That her?” Teva pointed at the console, and Din looked up to see that his holopad was now projecting the image Cobb had sent.  Din nodded, and grunted in the affirmative.  “Pretty.  Heading out to see her, Djarin?” 
“Something like that.  Am I done, now?  May I go?” 
The medic said, “If you can sit up on your own, now, I’m done with you.” Din slowly pushed himself up and shifted so he could lean against the console.  He looked down at himself and saw that the medic had pulled off his pauldrons and cuirass, and had sliced his flight jacket and his underthermal open to get at his bare chest, which had several adhesive sensors stuck to it.  Din looked at the medic.  “Hey, I only know not to remove a Mandalorian’s helmet. That, I did not do.  You can take off those stickers yourself, and chuck them out.  Captain, I’ll send you my report.” 
“Was it a heart attack?” asked Din. 
The medic frowned.  “No … not as such.” 
“Not as such?” 
“Well, your blood pressure went to zero and your heart rate was spiking at 200.  But the scans showed no heart damage whatsoever.  Then you had some sort of seizure, like maybe you shot a clot through your heart into your brain, but nothing showed on neurological scans.  So the only idea I had was to hypo you with what I would use on someone who was having a heart attack and a neurological seizure.”  Din turned his head to look at Teva, who shrugged and continued tapping on his holopad.  Din returned his gaze to the medic.  “Hey, it worked.  And I removed that bacta bandage you were wearing, you obviously didn’t need it.” 
Din looked down at his chest again, looking for the bite mark … which was gone.  Not just healed, but gone, as if he’d never been bitten at all.  “What the …” Din looked up at the medic.  “What did you do?” 
The medic and Teva exchanged glances.  “I … removed a bandage.  If you had a wound under there, it’s obviously healed now.”  The medic tossed his equipment into his bag.  “I think I’m done here.  Safe travels, sir.  May the Force be with you.”  The medic left. 
“This is the way,” muttered Din as he looked again where the bite wound had been, looking for a pale scar, anything that would prove that Marathel had bitten him.  “It’s like … it never happened.” 
“Are you sure you were wounded, Djarin?” asked Teva, leaning in to look closer at Din’s chest. 
Din looked up at Teva, then hurriedly closed his thermal shirt and flight jacket over his bare skin.  The helmet was the most important part, but bare skin in general was still … difficult.  Even in a medical emergency.  “Would you believe that I had a human bite there?” 
Teva went back to his holopad and chuckled.  “This Marathel of yours gave you a what-for, did she?  Or was it … your pet?” 
“My … pet … is not human.” 
“Djarin …” 
“Mando is fine,” snapped Din. 
“… Mando, look, I don’t care.  I only care about weirdness on my patrol, and you brought me weirdness.  For the second time, I’m pretty sure.  You’re one long way from Nevarro.  And from Maldo Kreis.” 
“So are you, Captain.” 
Teva chuckled again.  “I said it first.” 
Din looked up at the holo of Marathel.  It occurred to him that he’d only seen her looking like this for seven days. Seven days.  He’d known her almost three times as long in her injured state.  It felt almost unfair. Which Marathel did I fall in love with?  Was it the Marathel with the clear skin and the bright eyes, who called him Bounty Hunter and baked him bread?  Or was it the Marathel who almost died in his arms and had nearly lost all her blood twice?   
Whichever Marathel it was, she had given him his first kiss with a woman.  And had broken his heart over and over and over.  And had gotten him the closest to not only removing his helmet, but to leaving his Creed altogether. 
Teva noticed Din staring at the holo.  “Tell me about her.” 
“It’s complicated.” 
Teva nodded.  “It always is.  Believe me, I  understand.” 
Din considered the Dahls and a lifetime of torture starting with being sired by a murderous pervert. He sighed and said, “No, Captain, I don’t think you do.”  He looked back at Teva, who was still tapping on his holopad.  “Aren’t you done, yet?” 
“Not even close.  I would have fewer reports to process if you’d died.  But then, I would have never known that lovely woman’s name,” he said, pointing at the holo.  “And I’d also have to be responsible for your … ‘cat’. 
Din went back to looking at Marathel’s holo.  “Captain, let me ask you something. Say … say someone found a planet where women and girls … little girls … have been generationally tortured in the most reprehensible ways.  Just how many need to suffer, or die, before the New Republic does something?” 
“Is it a Republic or Empire-era planet?” 
“Dank ferrik,” grunted Din.  “Are you taking the piss?” 
“I wish I were, Mando.  So which is it?” 
“It’s neither.  The settlement is the only site of civilization on the entire planet.  Everywhere else is … inhabited only by animals. But there might be artifacts from other planets within this settlement.  And let’s say that one of those artifacts was … Old Republic.” 
Teva frowned at Din.  “Where is this planet?” 
“I’m only speaking hypothetically, Captain.” 
“How many hypothetical generations are we talking about?” 
“Possibly two thousand Basic years.” 
“Kriff.”  Teva pinched the bridge of his nose.  “Little girls.  How young?” 
Din swallowed.  “Her first memories.” 
Teva’s eyes flicked up to Marathel’s holo, then he harrumphed.  “Have you ever heard that there’s always three ways to do things in the military?  There’s the official way, the right way, and then there’s the way that us grunts take care of things.”  He did some final taps on his holopad, then stood up.  “It sounds like you know about the official answer to your query.” 
“Primitive culture … blah blah blah.” 
“Blah blah blah, indeed.  Now, the way that a grunt — like myself — would take care of this … l would search for any artifacts on this hypothetical planet that give a clue where these hypothetical people might have come from, originally.  That might be enough for some … hearsay … to get in the right ear, for the right thing to happen.”  Teva sighed, and shook his head before he held out his hand to help Din up from the floor.  “My report is good enough for government work.  Let me see what I can do to speed up your release.” 
Din nodded. “Thank you, Captain.” 
“You’re welcome, Mando.  May the Force be with you.” Teva stepped on the ladder out of the cockpit.  “Don’t forget to get your pet out of the hold.  And, uh … keep me updated on this hypothetical planet of yours.” 
Shortly after that, the Razor Crest launched and exited the landing tunnel of the Luisitz, Din thinking to himself that it was indeed a ridiculous name for a ship.  He set the coordinates back to Unmanarall, and throttled into hyperspace. 
Once they were set on their way, Din dropped out of the cockpit and pulled the access panel open.  “Kid?  You can come out now.”  He heard Grogu chattering, and then the boy jumped out of the access panel and into Din’s arms, bawling.  Din was still unsteady after experiencing whatever it was that had happened to him, and he sat down hard on the floor, hugging Grogu.  “It’s okay, kid.  I’m okay.  Everything’s okay.  We’re going to get Mama back.  We’re on our way to Mama.” 
“Mamaaaaaaa…” wailed the tearful Grogu, and Din would have rather cut off his arm than to see Grogu cry.  “Bah daws! Bah daws!” 
“Bad Dahls, you got that right, buddy.  We’re gonna show those bad Dahls a thing or two.” 
Grogu stared at Din with his tearful eyes, runny nose, and trembling lip.  After a couple of hitches, the child quietly asked, “Patu … Mama?” 
Din sighed, and found a cloth to wipe Grogu’s nose.  “Blow,” said Din, and Grogu complied. “Ad’ika … I wish I knew what to tell you about Patu Mama.  The first thing to do is to go back and find Mama. We’re on our way back now.  We don’t know what we’re going to find when we go back, so we need to be ready for anything.  It’s time to be Mandalorians. This is the way.”  Grogu made a bleat in the affirmative, but still looked incredibly sad. 
With the time skips his mind had taken, Din figured they had a day or so to get back to Unmanarall.  He stripped off his sliced jacket and thermal shirt and inspected the damage.  He had some needle skills, but he didn’t think even Marathel could fix this. Din noticed that this jacket was one that Marathel had embroidered the Mudhorn signet, so he ripped off the embroidered pocket and deposited it into the bin with his other keepsakes.  Getting full in there, he thought.  He rolled up the cut shirt and jacket and shoved them down the back of his clothing bin, still loath to toss out something Marathel had held in her hands, despite his confusion regarding his feelings for her.  He grabbed a clean thermal shirt and gathered it in his hands to pull over his head when his eye caught the yarn bracelet he’d bought. He’d originally intended to give it to Marathel.  Now, he decided he’d wear it until it fell off, or until he and Marathel figured out just what the shab there was between them … if anything. 
One thing at a time.  For now. 
Din redressed and collected all his armor.  He cleaned and polished every surface and every crevasse of every piece of armor, saying each Mando’a incantation out loud. He did this not only for his own benefit, but also for Grogu’s, for it was high time the boy started learning these things.  Din used one of the new felted wool cloths Marathel had made, and perhaps he was biased, but he thought the handmade cloth was far superior to anything he could have purchased for the task. 
That chore completed, Din then moved on to his weapons.  He’d been far too distracted recently, and he hadn’t been maintaining his weapons cache as he should have.  Ni ceta, Manda’lor.  He dismantled each weapon in his armory, cleaning, polishing, and calibrating each part to working perfection.  He even tinkered a bit with his antique bolt blaster and vibro-blade, both inherited from his buir.  Both weapons had been handed down in buir’s family for several generations.   
When Din was a boy and still relatively new under buir’s care, buir had taken him out to the canyon the covert used as a shooting range, and let him fire the old bolt blaster.  It was the first time Din had handled a weapon, and the recoil landed him right on his ass. Once buir stopped laughing, he began weapons training with Din.  Buir had been the most patient of teachers, and it was his calm and positive reinforcement that Din always tried to emulate as he passed on the Mandalorian traditions to Grogu.   
By the time the chores were completed, there were only a few hours to go until the Crest reached Unmanarall.  Din made bone broth for both himself and Grogu, and they split a ration bar.  Din decided that they both could use a nap, to be fresh for whatever awaited them when they returned to Marathel’s planet. Din put his feet up on the console, and Grogu curled up against him, murmuring Mama before he dozed off.   
Din projected Marathel’s image again —the one that Cobb sent — and he stared at it for a while.  Din worked out what she had been doing at the time this image was captured.  Marathel was making bread at the palace while all the others watched and did their best to convince her to not return to Unmanarall.  He was the only one not there.  She had revealed to him her sad life, and he had rejected her because of it.  But he’d always known, deep in his heart, the depth of her lifelong suffering, who her father was, but he wouldn’t admit it to himself.  He’d been such an unmitigated asshole to her.  All she’d wanted was kindness.  He’d granted her some kindness, but not enough.  Only enough to suit him.  Only enough so that he could remain comfortably within his Creed. 
Din absently put his hand over the bite mark — scratch that — where the bite mark used to be.  Okay, why did the bite mark burn like I’d been dipped in lava, sending me into a ‘cardiac episode’ … and then disappear? 
The bite mark burned on the second night of the Dahl’s mating, and then in the Hold, when Marathel told him to be still.  Actually, any time she told him to be still. Din had believed that she controlled him through the bite mark, which … might be only partially true.  She had told him to be still in order to make him remove his weapons, so that she could sacrifice herself.  To make him take her back, and to leave her behind, in essence, to sacrifice herself again.  And she made him be still to prove to him she was nothing more than a … body to be used for his pleasure. 
The other times the bite had burned, he’d attacked her, brutalized her, frightened her, both awake and in his dreams.  But in all those times, she never told him to be still … instead, she begged him to let her go. 
But if she controlled me, why would she beg me to let her go? She could have just told me to do that!  And once I’d taken her back, then why would the bite still burn?  Why did I forget her?  And why don’t I … love her anymore, for kriff’s sake! 
Did I have a not-a-heart-attack and lose a scar because … Marathel is now …? 
Din flat-out refused to complete that thought.  He refused to believe it even if he did.  So, instead, he decided to follow his buir’s advice:  take a nap; things will be clearer when you wake up.  It wasn’t until he was an adult that he realized what buir was actually saying: kid, shut the fuck up for a while; I need to rest my eyes.  Din gently patted Grogu’s back and watched the little green boy sleep until Din dozed off himself. 
Din woke up to the hyperspace alarm going off.  We’re here.  We’re back, Marathel.  You told me to leave you here and not come back, but I’m not one for following orders. And I’m thinking about ignoring your request to not take revenge on that Hold.  Especially if you broke the promise you made to me and leapt off that cliff after all.   
Din dropped the Crest out of hyperspace above the planet, and his thoughts about the best way to reduce the Hold to rubble were suddenly stopped.  He had entered orbit just above the Hold coordinates, and the atmosphere above that point was a cloud of grey smoke.  The shab?  Din looked down at Grogu, who looked back up at him, asking, “Mama?” 
“Looks like Mama’s been busy, kid. Hold on.” 
Din circled the Crest into the atmosphere and landed where he had the first time he’d been here. It was pointless to prevent Grogu from going with him; the boy was in his floating pram and waiting by the ramp door before Din could get out of his chair.  As they made their way to the Hold gate, Din could smell something distinctly chemical in the air.  He associated it with hot springs and geysers, which confused him as he did not recall this odor here before.  They came out of the woods to see the large wooden gate leaning against the stone pilaster, and part of the stone wall collapsed.  But these sights didn’t confuse Din as much as what he didn’t see, and that was the Round Building. 
As Din stepped through the gateway, he could now see the where the Round Building had been was now a smoldering ring of rubble, blown from the center out.  Dank ferrik; Marathel didn’t mess around.  As he came forward, he heard a couple of shrieks and noticed some women scattering at the sight of him.  One came forward, braver than the others.  The blonde woman wore a light green gown that was torn and dirty … a Duke, thought Din.  “You ... You came back.”  She held what looked like a fireplace poker in front of her.  “Stay back, metal man.  You brought her back; are you here to finish us off?” 
“I wish you no harm, madam, I am only looking for Marathel.” 
To Din’s surprise, another nearby woman, this one with the curly black hair of a Captain, spat on the ground.  “The Belwhyn bitch wrought this destruction.  She and her demon creatures have killed us all.”  This woman wandered off, wringing her hands and muttering. 
Din returned his attention to the woman in green, asking, “Did she mean the Dahls?” 
The blonde woman nodded, and lowered her poker.  “They came in after her … we knew she’d gone into the Round Building, looking to kill the Elders.  The building began to burn.  The men were running out.  But she’d left the gate open, and all the Dahls ran in, running straight to the men trying to escape the fire, and killed them all.  Men were going back inside, preferring to burn than to face the wrath of the Dahls.  The Dahls ripped them limb from limb.  Then ... they went after the children ...”  The young woman sobbed.  “The children.  The babies.  Gone.  The children ran to us for protection.  The Dahls snatched them from us, and killed them too.”  The woman continued to cry. 
“All the children?” 
“Just the boys.” 
Din looked at the destruction around him.  Bodies — parts of bodies — were still everywhere.  Women wept, holding the corpses of infants.  One, he saw, no longer had a head; but the woman cooed to it as if it were still living.  Two other women were gathering remains of men to put into another pyre.  A little girl, hardly larger than Grogu, helped the two women, carrying smaller human parts: a hand, something that looked like a child’s leg.  Other females merely sat on the ground, rocking, their faces blank slates of horror.  Grogu whimpered in his pram.   
“So it’s true.” 
Din startled; he had been focusing on the destruction around him.  “I beg your pardon?” 
The blonde woman pointed at Grogu.  “Olba said you had a child with you.  She only saw it from a distance.  She said it was sweet.  And green.  And Marathel loved it.”  She sniffled.  “My boys are dead.” 
Din reached out to the woman in green and she recoiled from his hand, brandishing the poker again. “Please, good lady, can you tell me what happened to the Round Building?” 
The woman spread her arms wide.  “Big boom.” 
“Why did that happen?” 
“Marathel.”  The woman looked at his visor again.  “You’re the one that brought her to the Hold.  You took her away, and the marchwyl.  I was whipped, because I wouldn’t tell them it was Hylma who stole the marchwyl, even though I was glad it was gone.  But the others ...” The woman’s voice dropped to a whisper.  “Others told.  Then the Elders killed Olba and Hylma and Tymfy and Lorica.   They’d brought her out, they’d taken the marchwyl, and she still had the Dilimgau.  The Elders do not suffer thievery,  but… I’m glad the Dilimgau is also gone.” 
Din wasn’t sure whether this woman was going to remain relatively calm or not.  So far, she’d been very helpful, but she was also using the same flat, unemotional tone of voice that Marathel used when she catalogued the terrible things the men did to her.  This woman seemed to be unafraid of him as well as Grogu, and she didn’t seem to want to use that poker on him, and he wanted to keep it that way.  “Marathel is not here now?” 
The woman scrubbed her nose with the back of her hand.  “She left and took the Dahls with her.”  Din was relieved to hear that at least Marathel left here under her own steam.  Then Grogu quietly whimpered Mama, which startled the woman.  “That thing can speak?  It can say mama?”   She dropped the poker and sat down on the ground, weeping.  “I’m not a mama anymore.” 
Din knelt in front of her, not wanting to get closer.  “I am so sorry.”  He let her cry for a few moments before he asked, “Madam, may I look through the debris?” 
The woman looked at him in confusion, as if she’d never been spoken to with deference before, which was most likely the case.  “Why?” 
“I want to help you.  I can tell people to come and help you.” 
The woman frowned at him.  “Come from where?” 
Din pointed skyward.  “From up there.  You saw my flying metal box?  There are others out there, many others, and I think your people came from somewhere else, long ago.  I need to find some evidence of where your people might have come from.”   
The blonde woman looked around her in despair.  “We are beyond help.  We are all dead.  No more men means no more babies.  Some women have killed themselves already.”  She began weeping once more, and dropped her poker on the ground. 
Din muttered apologies again, but moved away from the blonde woman as quickly as he could towards the wreckage of the Round Building.  Grogu stuck close and remained quiet, seemingly affected by everything around him.  Din leaned over and touched his head to Grogu’s.  “I know, kid.  Some very bad things happened here.  But no one will hurt you.  I promise.”  Grogu looked dubious.   
Din peered down into the hole left by the apparent explosion.  The chemical smell here was much stronger, and burned Din’s nose.  Grogu began coughing, so Din closed the pram lid, and sealed his helmet.  The smell was familiar, somehow, but he couldn’t quite place it.  He carefully stepped down into the crater, sliding down what must have been a large door.  There seemed to be a lot more metallic debris in the crater than he anticipated.  He’d figured this building had been constructed of stone and wood, which it was, but it appeared that there was a large metal component. 
The blast had obviously disintegrated the stone, and the wood had burned away, but the interior layer of the Round Building had been sheet metal that broke apart in panels, curling against the intense heat that had occurred from the fire. He moved towards the center of the crater, balancing carefully on the rubble.  He turned in a circle, finally realizing that this building was not engineered in a circle, but was built around a metal cylinder. Din pulled out his holopad and began taking stills.   
There is no way these people made a metal cylinder this large.  They don’t have the means to make sheet metal like this. 
Din moved towards a section that was still fairly intact and attached to other pieces.  Riveted together.  
It’s a ship.  This was a ship. 
Din nearly pumped his fist in the air.  He had been right, after all.  He got closer to what was undoubtedly part of a fuselage when some markings caught his eye.  Bending down, he wiped some soot off the wall and saw what was unmistakably Aurebesh lettering.  He could only make out a couple of letters, however. 
Din then looked down to his feet, and he could see a sublevel below him.  He picked his way to an area he could access, and dropped down.  The flat surface he landed on shifted under his feet, and the section began to fall further into the hole, so he fired his jetpack so he would not fall with it.  As he lifted into the air, he noticed some of the women shrieking and running again at the sight of him flying.  Din sighed, remembering how jumpy Marathel had been when she first saw him and Grogu.  He took a few holo stills from this vantage point, as it showed the fuselage/building well.  A panel had fallen inward, and from here he could now see lettering on it, in both Aurebesh and an old script he did not recognize, but the inscription was obviously the name board of this ship: 
Lew’el.  They came from the Lew’el system!  There was also a string of numbers, and Din was unsure if it was the old style dating system, or the ship’s registration, but in any case, it was old.   
Din then noticed several round objects behind the building, near the uprooted tree, the tree Marathel had nearly fallen out of.  He touched back down to the ground, picking up one of the round objects, recognizing it immediately as a lid for a chemical storage barrel.  There were quite a few of them on this side of the wreckage, making Din think that the blast was more directional than just up.  As he dropped the lid, he noticed that his glove was coated with a blue-grey dust.  What the … Mist?  He looked over the area around him, and realized that this whole side of the building was covered with Mist dust.  Why in Frith were they … 
“Are you a machine?” 
Din had not been expecting to hear a voice, and he whirled around to see a small girl standing behind him.  She was a sweet-looking child, with long brown hair that was seriously in need of a good brushing.  She also had large, dark brown eyes and a face full of dirt.  Her dark green tunic and skirt were stained and torn,  and her bare feet were utterly filthy. If he’d been running around this dirty at her age, his mother would have had a conniption and hosed him off in the front garden.  His buir, meanwhile, would have simply drop-kicked him into the river.  “No, child, I am a person.” 
“Why are you made of metal?” 
Remembering that Marathel didn’t understand the concept of religion, he said, “My people wear armor and a helmet.  Those are the rules my people live by.” 
Seemingly satisfied with this explanation, the little girl said, “Belwhyn Marathel did all this.”  Din nodded.  “The Elders made her a Belwhyn because she fucked you, and she was only supposed to be fucked by the Bishop.”  Din could not reply, as he was stunned by these words coming from this little girl.  She didn’t seem to mind, as she went on without prompting.  “I was there when they made her a Belwhyn.  She screamed as they all fucked her.  The Captain kicked the Dilimgau into her cunt.” 
“… What?” 
“She came back and killed them all.  The Bishop is over there,” the little girl said, pointing.  “I was supposed to be the Hunter’s Whyn,  but he’s dead now.  I was branded and everything.  See?”  The child lifted up her skirt to show Din, and she was naked under her skirt. He turned away as she exposed herself to him. 
“Lower your skirt, child,” Din muttered. 
“But I don’t have an Elder anymore.  Are you going to be my Elder?” 
The girl dropped her skirt and began to cry.  “But … I’m supposed to suck your cock now, aren’t I?” 
Din backed up from her.  “No.  No!  Go back to the women, child.  Just … get away from me.”  The girl ran away, crying at being rejected by him, leaving Din feeling both repulsed and saddened.  Mostly repulsed.  It made him think of Marathel’s brand, made him think of her as a child just like the little Hunter girl.  No wonder Marathel was so damaged in her mind. And hearing that the Captain had … His hands curled into fists, and he wished the Captain was still alive so he could kill him.  Din considered burning down the rest of the Hold and killing the remaining survivors as a mercy to them.  He took a deep, shuddering breath, knowing that he could not do that.  Perhaps these women could be rehabilitated ... Perhaps their minds could be repaired ... 
Perhaps I could just give up my Creed and join a traveling underwater circus! 
Din lined up several barrel lids and took holos.  He believed he had enough.  Now he needed to find Marathel.  He walked around the fallen tree and back out to where the women still milled around.  He didn’t see the little girl, and he was thankful for that.  Din approached Grogu’s pram, still closed, and he gently maneuvered it away from the fallen Round Building.  “Kid?  Are you okay in there?”  He heard some shuffling inside.  “Knock once for yes and twice for no.  Are you doing okay in there?”  There was a light, single tap from within.  “Okay, buddy, just stay in there a little longer, alright?”  Another tap.   
Din looked over the yard again.  Nearby was a dead body that was oddly enough, still intact.  He went over and looked down at the corpse of the Bishop.  His eyes were gone, and his mouth was open and full of blood.  There were multiple stab wounds all over his body, a couple right in his crotch.  Too good for you, you son of a bitch.  Rapist.  Child rapist.  You carved a gash down a beautiful woman’s face.  You destroyed her before she was even born.  You broke her mind so much she dreamed I was you! And I wish you could come back to life so I could kill you myself, you … “MOTHERFUCKER HU’TUUN!” growled Din as he drew both blasters and alternated firing shots into the corpse, over and over.  Din holstered his blasters, reared back, and kicked the corpse in the groin.  He then raised his helmet enough to spit in the corpse’s eye socket before stepping back and setting it on fire with his flame thrower.   
Finished now, Din turned, placed his hand on Grogu’s pram, and walked them both out of the Hold gate, not looking back at the women and girls who stood staring at him.  “C’mon, kid, let’s go find your Mama.” 
Din decided to return to Marathel’s hut on the Crest.  On a normal hunt, he’d leave his ship where it was and walk.  He liked having the time to settle his thoughts, make a plan, and creep up on his mark quietly.  Right now, however, he felt the need to hurry.  Although Marathel walked out of the Hold, he wasn’t sure how long ago she did that, which direction she was going, or what state she was in when she left.  The rest of the women were still shell-shocked by the explosion and the Dahl’s attack, but they didn’t go on a rampage like Marathel had, fighting off and killing however many men. 
Din and Grogu went back to the Crest, lifted off, and touched back down in the grassy field just outside Marathel’s yard.  From here he could not see anything too out of the ordinary, but as he and Grogu approached, he could see that the brown panels Marathel had hung were no longer there.  Then he saw her bag lying on the ground where she’d dropped it.  Hoping she may be still in the hut, Din hurried forward but stopped short at the four rounded piles of flowers.   
Four.  The four women who brought her out.   
“Stay here, Grogu,” muttered Din.  He went up to the steps.  There was a burned-out torch — Marathel must have intended to burn the hut down — a whetstone, and bloodied footprints.  He looked up to the ridge pole to see the four ropes the women had been hanged from.  He did not wish to unwrap the women to see what they had suffered. More of Marathel’s footprints went through the large blood spill under the four shroud-wrapped bodies.  Din could smell the decay of flesh, and flies buzzed everywhere. 
Olba, Tymfy, Lorica, Hylma.  I am so sorry.  Ni ceta.  Thank you for being good women to Marathel.  Thank you, Olba, for mothering Marathel the best you could.   
Din took a step back and chanted the Mando’a prayer for the dead, something he hadn’t spoken since the death of his buir.  He believed these women were fully deserving of this honor, and that Manda’lor would accept their souls for their sacrifice.  This completed, Din stepped up into the hut.  He decided that there were certain items that he needed to collect before he left this place.  He rummaged around until he found what he wanted as well as a bag to carry the items in. 
Din stood in the center of the hut and looked around one last time, feeling as if he were seeing ghosts of lifetimes past: Marathel cooking at the fire, Marathel playing with Grogu, Marathel in his arms.  He took one last look at the post near the corner.  Her leaning post.  He closed his eyes, took a breath, and walked down the steps to the yard.  Once there, he turned, aimed his flame thrower, and set the hut ablaze. 
Din stood for a few minutes, watching the hut burn.  The roof thatching went up like a rocket, and soon it collapsed, leaving just a burning shell of posts.  Now, he was finished here.  As he and Grogu returned to the Crest, Din snagged Marathel’s bag, hoping that she would need it back.   
Din flew the Crest low, searching for life signs on the scanner and wondering where she would go.  How far could she get?  Din assumed she was injured in some way; Marathel was not a trained warrior and had probably been running on adrenaline.  He felt fairly sure that she was heading for the cliff, but he had no idea where this particular cliff was.  It was within running distance from her hut, he knew that.  Grogu stood on the console, peering through the view screen as Din followed the coastline, searching for this cliff of hers.   
The scanner began beeping.  Din looked at the monitor to see a large convergence of life signs coming up ahead of them.  As they got closer, the sensor picked up one single additional weak life sign.  Din steered the Crest in from the high ledge, fifty or so meters above the crashing waves.  The ledge was a mostly a grassy field with the foliage growing right up to the edge of the cliff.  There was a large, flat boulder some ways away from the edge.  Din was thinking he could see a couple of small objects on the boulder, when Grogu suddenly shouted “Mama!” 
Din immediately brought down the Crest, and was out of his chair before the ship had fully settled, and practically leapt through the ramp door.  He ran to the boulder, where he saw a cracked wooden cup, the remains of a spear, and a bloody handprint.  Din immediately panicked, thinking, damn you, Marathel, you promised me you wouldn’t kill yourself! You promised me that you would live out the rest of your days on this fucking rock! I promised I wouldn’t take any revenge, and I promised that I would leave you behind.  Well, I broke both of those promises and you’ve broken yours.  We are just a fucking pair, aren’t we? 
Din flicked the heat sensor on his helmet, and detected a life sign a few meters away.  He ran over as fast as he could, sliding to a stop next to the crumpled form of Marathel.  She lay in a heap, not far from the dead body of Rodanthe.   Marathel’s arms were twisted beneath her as she half-curled into a fetal position.   Under her hips was a pool of thick, half-dried blood.  No, not again, thought Din as he leaned over her, touching her exposed and sunburned cheek with his gloved finger.  Her eyelids flickered, and Din whispered, “Oh, ma’mwsh ha’laa.”  He couldn’t tell where she was injured or where the blood pool had come from, but she wasn’t dead, oh, thank you, thank you, she’s not dead. 
Din carefully turned her over, realizing that her collarbone was broken and her shoulder was dislocated. She had a gash on the side of her head, with maggots in the wound. She was terribly sunburned where her skin was exposed. How long had she been out here?  But before he could fully assess any of her injuries, he heard Grogu cry out, “Patu!  Bah Daws!” 
Din straightened up, seeing Grogu standing on the flat boulder, pointing at the tree line at the edge of the grassy field.  He looked at the tree line, and the heat sensor on his helmet showed many signatures, many living creatures, and they were coming straight for him.  Din ran forward, brandishing his blaster as hundreds of Dahls charged.  He skidded to a halt, firing at several Dahls, killing them, causing the creatures to trip over each other, but still they came.  Din holstered his blaster and fired his flame thrower, but he’d been fire-happy recently and he could only swing the flame once along the front line of the Dahls before he ran out of fuel.  It did, however, bring them to a stop, and they stood their ground, chattering their keh-keh noises at him, clawing at the dirt. 
Din screamed at the Dahls, “Get away from her, you fuckers! You leave her alone! You’ve taken her entire life away! Get out of her head, get out of my head, and leave us both alone!”  He grabbed both blasters,  shot several more times at the feet of the closest ones, and the pack began to move backwards.  “That’s right, you back the fuck up and LET HER GO!” 
Unfortunately, this infuriated the Dahls, and they charged forward at Din once more.  He lifted his blasters again, intending to strafe the front line for as long as his blasters held out, when the Dahls simply stopped, as if they were crashing into an invisible barrier.  Yelping in pain, the Dahls clawed at the air, at each other, confused.  Din was just as confused as the Dahls, and he looked back over his shoulder to see Grogu holding out his little hands, holding back the Dahls with the Force.  Din returned his attention to the Dahls, who were backing up once more, now fearful of the metal man and the little green creature. 
“Go away from here!  Get out of her head and leave her alone. You’ve had her for thirty years!  You’re done with her now. She doesn’t want you anymore. You let her SUFFER!  You NEVER loved her!  NOW LET US GO!” 
Snapping, hissing, the Dahls continued their retreat as Grogu released the Force barrier and sat down in exhaustion.  Din kept his stance, brandishing both blasters, firing a warning shot at the feet of any Dahls that attempted a forward move.  Eventually, the Dahls disappeared back into the tree line, but Din held his ground until the creatures were out of range of his visor’s sensors. 
Din slowly backed up himself, scanning the tree line for any sudden movement, until he was back within range of Marathel.  Holstering his blasters, he turned to Grogu, sitting on the boulder.  “You okay, kid?”  Grogu bleated weakly.  “You did good, buddy, I’m proud of you.”  Din went to one knee beside Rodanthe, hoping that at least this one last Dahl had been true to Marathel.  He stroked the animal’s head, wondering if his cardiac episode had occurred at the time of her death.  If so, then what was the reason for him to lose his love for Marathel? 
Not having any answers, Din decided that the best course of action was to care for the still-living woman.  He carefully lifted Marathel from the ground and carried her to the boulder where Grogu sat.  “Hey kid, grab that cup and spear, would you?” asked Din, figuring that if Marathel meant them as a suicide note, they were important to her.  Grogu did as his Patu asked, and looked up wearily at Din.  Din nodded his head at the ship and said, “Going my way, pal?  Hop on.  Mama won’t mind, I don’t think.” 
Grogu leapt into Marathel’s lap, whimpering Mama, curling against her.  Din carried them both into the Razor Crest, closing the ramp behind him.  The Dahls moved forward again to the tree line, and watched as the small ship lifted off the ground, and winked away into the sky, leaving Unmanarall for what Din hoped was the final time. 
Day Twenty-Nine point Five ->
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petrichorium · 2 months
i am barging in to demand (humbly request) the shanks/pluvi lore. specifically how you met. please. i just really wanna know your vision
I am always ready and eager to talk abt shuvi lore truly i hope ur ready for So Much Yappage here 🙏🏻
The basic gist of it is I’m a lighthouse keeper and I end up kinda saving his life when the red hair pirates wreck near my island bc they didn’t listen to me LMFAOOOOO but I’ll put a more detailed account under the cut 🫣 and talking abt this inspired me to make a lil moodboard for our slowburn while i still live on my island (for a timeline it takes about two yrs for him to finally wear me down enough that im like yeah sure ill fuck u, n then abt four more yrs of us in a steadily ramping up fwb until i finally do leave w him—which is a Fraught Decision and a Whole Thing i will not get into here LOL)
It's a year after shanks lost his arm and they left the east blue, uta's with them bc the vague "uta is canon but film red is an au" thing lets me do what i want and what i want is for her to be integral to me warming up to the whole crew LOL (i have aged her up a bit tho, she's 12 here; shanks is 28, im 32ish bc again i do what i want and what i want is to age myself up KJSHDBFJKH). Anyway again im a lighthouse keeper, there's a storm brewing and i see their ship in the distance so i call them up on their transponder snail..........
I think they're coming in from a scuffle tbh, kinda intending to make landing and lick their wounds as they wait out the storm. im like hey ur Too Late and Too Far and ur gonna wreck if u try to make landfall rn. they do not listen to me and attempt anyway. it's a mess, the ship's already pretty damaged and the crew tired and in the chaos uta ends up going over—shanks jumps in after her, one armed and all, and they r swiftly separated from the ship in the storm
uta's fine enough when they wash ashore right beneath my lighthouse and shes also Loud enough that i hear her over the wind so i make the trek out and take my little pulley-lift down the cliffs and like listen. nearly unconscious man i know was one of those pirates who didnt listen to me...... i would not have bothered. but little girl soaked and sobbing and terrified clinging to him........ would be cruel not to help. so i grumble and bitch and trudge over to throw his arm over my shoulders and Attempt (w uta's "help" which is more just her bawling and yanking on his shirt, and also his help which is a bit more useful but still Not Great) to lug him back to my lil lift.
Im in like. Work overalls and a pair of grungy waders and a big ol wool sweater and a coat thrown over—real waterman chic yk—just soaked to the bone bc it’s pouring and the seawater’s doing nobody any favors, cursing up a storm bc shanks is a big fucking man and I’m very much doing the heavy lifting. Anyway he’s half conscious and drops a uh...... clearly addled “you’re beautiful” and I’m like okay dude if ur awake enough to be pulling that bullshit ur awake enough to walk better than this cmon now……….
Anyway we make it to the lift up to the lighthouse w uta just absolutely inconsolable and shanks drifting in and out of consciousness. Im taking the moment to catch my breath and steadily get more and more pissed bc she’s called him captain enough times for me to know he’s definitely the one who just Blatantly Ignored my warnings And she’s called him Shanks enough times that I’ve finally put a finger on who he is—bc one of my responsibilities as lighthouse keeper is also to warn the island of who’s approaching so I keep tabs on the more Infamous pirates of which the red hairs are so I’m even more irate LMFAOOOOOO sooooo serious I am such a cranky spinster in this selfship (even tho again I’m only like. 32 JDNCKSNKDND)
Anyway. Once the lift brings us up to the lighthouse/keeper’s quarters I help shanks to the spare room and grab him some dry clothes and he’s Out by the time I’ve showered n gotten into my own. Uta’s a bit better esp once I get her showered and dried too, she hovers near him for the first lil bit and then is spooked enough by the storm and yk her unconscious father that she ventures back out to stay w me. To help calm her nerves I decide to call into town and see if the rest of the crew has popped up (bc i know the currents and know generally where a ship like that would end up)—im decent friends w the local bartender and shes like yeah they showed up n now theyre weathering out the storm. she puts me through to beckman and he talks to uta and then he n i kinda agree better to just wait until the storm passes and then theyll come take uta and shanks off my hands
it takes like a couple days!!! the lighthouse is abt thirty mins from town but the storm's so bad the route is too dangerous for a bit. shanks remains largely unconscious for most of that; i take care of uta and she n i rlly bond during this time, in fact i let her sleep w me bc shes too flighty to sleep well w shanks.
and then she lets her fleet of uncles into my house while im tending to the light and i come back to be jumpscared by beckman and im like wow this is awful gtfo of my house take ur captain with u i want all of u G O N E 😭😭😭 i am not a people person and i do not naturally get along w men esp not. the kinda men the red hair pirates are i fear so i am very curt and quick to send them off.
it takes shanks another day or so to sleep it off n then he wakes up to a disheveled crew and a wrecked ship w them all stuck for at least a month while the ship is repaired. He only has very hazy memories of me regarding the whole ordeal and it's one of the primary reasons he comes out of it A Bit Obsessed but v much nothing concrete.......
ofc when i finally venture into town beckman points me out and shanks approaches me very eagerly n offers to buy me a drink n im like :) no thank u i would rather not do that actually pls take ur arm off my shoulders and never speak to me again JSHIBFJHB idk........ it takes a couple of other interations && watching me w uta before his Full Infatuation sets in but within the week shanks is v much enraptured and also in denial abt the romantic aspect (in his head he just wants to be friends w me bc uta adores me and i saved him; its like a funky little challenge in his head LOL)
then it's two yrs of him finding every excuse to come back "for uta's sake, shes always asking after her favorite auntie" and slowly coming to realize hes into me and then starting to be Very Obvious about it until i again finally give in. its sweet, idk hes the kinda guy in my head who falls Hard but doesn't realize until hes in the thick of it, poor Beckman who saw the entire future the moment he started asking uta about me when he woke up LMFAOOOOOO
n e way there we go 🙂‍↕️ 🙂‍↕️ i hope it lives up to ur expectations JHADBFJHB
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