#will wood DNI!!!!! /j
eazy-peazy54 · 5 months
every time i hear the word "tumblr" come out of will wood's mouth i get so fucking scared. like what if this 30 year old man sees my stupid ass rambles about my captain laserhawk musical under the will wood tag 😭 and is just like "cringe!!! cringe!!!! ANT ATTACK 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜" like what then.
i will be killed in my sleep, burned from the gallows, and hung at the fucking stake by will wood and chris dunne when the world inevitably ends. makr my words. when youre all ghosts you will die to see it.
i have no clue what this post even is anymore im just kind of typing my stream of consciousness into a blank space and seeing what i come up with. its like a podcast of sorts. i am heavily rambling. yapping if you will.
one day when im a famous musician, i think my fans will look back at my old tumblr posts and be like "what was this bitch on" and for the record, it is 2:13 in the morning as i am jotting this all down. this is how i wrote songs back in the day in 2024. just incessant yapping and rhyme schemes that attempt to make sense, but all in all just don't. in the end i was purely just powered by possible adhd and sleep deprivation.
anyways if you read through all of this youre a real trooper. and will wood and/or chris dunne if you see this no you didnt
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eff4freddie · 5 months
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Touch | Part Four
Your skills are tested more than ever, and Joel finds a way to thank you for everything you do for Jackson.
Words: 6.2k
Part Three | Series Masterlist | Part Five
Warnings: depictions of childbirth, here there be smut (this chapter is a lot), fingering, praise, Joel is grumpy but horny, Joel has unique ways of showing his appreciation, we continue to stan an apocalyptic grump
Minors DNI
Later, you would be grateful that your makeshift massage table had the good grace to collapse when it was just you on it. You’d been leaning over it, all your weight on one corner trying to set the towels right, when you heard the telltale creak of wood. You yelped as it gave way, landing heavily on your knee and for a moment the pain took your breath away, as you suddenly found yourself crouched amongst the detritus of your usefulness in Jackson. For a long moment you were stunned, your brain trying to catch up, before you felt the tears pricking at the back of your eyes, your jaw aching where your mouth turned down. Your first real thought was that Joel had been right. Your second was that you had no idea how to tally this loss.
You felt helpless, made small and childlike by the shock and the pain, and you wondered if it would mean you’d have to leave Jackson. The town council had been dubious at best but you’d made it in based on Maria’s championing of the cause, and you couldn’t bring yourself now to consider how you would need to survive on your own in the cold, in the dark, realising that the last three months of warmth and safety had made you soft, had dulled your senses. You should never have leant on the table the way you had been, you should never have been so careless. You looked down at your shaking hands.
You saw in them your mother. Your memories of her skin, papery thin across her palms, across her knuckles. How easily she would bruise as her treatment went on, how you went from being able to push down into the sinew to dusting light across the surface, how towards the end all she could tolerate was your fingertips, dragging gentle so as not to tear.
You wiped the tears off your face with your mother’s hands, your own only capable of destruction.
The expedition to recover the raider’s stash started the following morning, and you along with most of Jackson went to the gate to see them off. Marla was smiling, riding high on her chestnut horse, her eyes bright and wild looking over the crowd. Your eyes, too, scanned over the faces, your tummy somersaulting with the prospect of seeing Joel. You had no idea if you wanted him to be there, if you were worried that he would speak to you or more worried that he wouldn’t, if he would look through you, keep his eyes empty of any recognition, or if he would stare you down, that same look of naked wanting written clear on his face. You felt your cheeks turn traitorously red at the thought of it, a bolt of something sharp and hot between your thighs. In the time since Maria’s kitchen you had wondered if you had misinterpreted, your mind playing the moment back but this time Joel is disgusted, this time Joel is confused, this time it’s Joel who legs it down the hallway and out into the freezing cold. You found yourself trying to cling to the real memory, trying to hold it safe and fragile in your palm, scared of it and scared of cracking it, brittle little thing that it was.
There were no speeches when Marla and the six departed Jackson. Even Jacob, who you expected to grandstand, was quiet. You spotted Ray on the other side of the street, his eyes never leaving Marla’s back until the gate closes behind her. He looked like he wanted to cry, and you took a step towards him before you saw Simon appear, gripping him by the shoulder and steering him towards the mess hall. You decided not to try and catch up to them, your knee aching from standing so long in the cold.
As you swung around to head home a pair of eyes caught yours, and it took you a moment to recognise that Joel’s daughter was watching you, likely had been quietly regarding you, from her position leant up against a fence post. For a moment you just stared at her, her gaze unwavering and her face unreadable. She looked so small, but so wired, her arms held tight against her body. You recognised it, the perennial fight or flight, and you felt a pang of something sad and hopeful, a flip of the gut. You smiled warmly at her, nodding your head. She hesitated, but nodded back, and disappeared into the dissipating crowd. She may not be Joel’s actual daughter, you thought, but they are so very much the same.
You were halfway home before you heard your name being called, a frantic edge to it that made the hair on your arms stand up. You turned, searching for Tommy and finding him barrelling towards you, stopping only when he can hold onto your arms to steady himself, nearly toppling the both of you in the process.
‘God, what is it?’ you asked, unable to get the fear out of your voice and thinking immediately that something was wrong with Joel, the sinking feeling in your gut dislodging bile snd sending it rushing into your throat.
‘Maria,’ Tommy said, and it’s no better, ‘she’s started…it’s happening and,’ he sucked in another gulp of clean mountain air, coughed for a second like he was choking on it, ‘she’s asked for you,’ he finished.
‘For me?’ You repeated, and now you really heard the panic. Tommy swallowed hard and nodded at you, his eyes big and brown and terrified, and you found yourself moving, heading straight to their house without even considering if this was the sane thing to do. You stopped, suddenly, and Tommy nearly slammed into your back. ‘Wait, did you call on the doctor as well?’ you ask, and Tommy sighed.
‘She doesn’t trust ‘em,’ he said, as if this was in any way a reasonable explanation. ‘She made me promise not to call on him unless it was really needed.’
‘Tommy, she’s having a baby. It’s needed,’ you said, and you watched his face fall. You knew in that moment he would do anything for her, that this was testing him more than anything ever had, and you remembered that this was what family was: throwing yourself under the bus just to properly entertain their nonsense.
‘I’m coming, of course,’ you said, and you saw his shoulders relax. ‘When I say so, you go get the doc. I can be the bad guy,’ you finished. Tommy nodded his head so hard he nearly shook his cowboy hat off, and you were off then, determined to be the sensible one, an Apocalyptic Doula with nothing but a twenty-year-old knowledge of human anatomy and a shattered massage table.
You had only just stepped onto the front porch when you heard the low moan, and you felt your stomach twist. Turning back to look at Tommy you saw the way his mouth was set firm and grim in a line, the way he searched your eyes for some kind of reassurance. You had attended a birth once, in the QZ, and it had happened in the bathtub out of fear that FEDRA would cart the woman off and cut her open rather than waste ether on her, waste the time of properly welcoming a new life into a dead world. That baby had arrived squawking and angry, an entirely appropriate response, and you had stood behind the midwife holding the towels and trying not to look at the remnants of what had brought him here. This was the limit of your qualifications, and looking back at Tommy’s pinched face you realised it would have to be enough.
You forged on, reaching down into your gut and pulling some strength from somewhere around your tailbone. In the entry way your eyes adjusted to the dark.
‘She wanted the curtains drawn, wanted the dark’ Tommy explained behind you, and you thought immediately of an injured cat seeking out the damp privacy under a house to tend to its wounds, to face the horror of its own mortality away from prying eyes.
‘That’s good, it’s calming,’ you said, and you saw how soundly this reassured him, two breaths from full blown panic as he was. ‘Do you have towels?’ you asked, and he scurried off to get them, grateful to have something to do.
In the living room Maria was on her knees, leaning over the arm of the sofa and resting her head in the bend of her arms. For a second you thought she was praying, but you heard her deep breaths in and out through her nose and you realised she had retreated somewhere inside herself, the pain sending her reeling back from her own skin. You got in behind her, hissing as you leant on your bad knee, and pushed your hands into the small of her back, over her hips, supporting her pelvis as it worked to expand enough to let the baby through. She sighed, relaxing into you, so that you held some of her weight in your arms.
‘Thank you,’ she breathed. ‘I knew you could help.’ You felt a twang of pride inside your ribcage, and you hummed your acknowledgment to her.
‘How long?’ you asked, and she sighed.
‘Feels like months,’ she said, turning slightly towards you. You took the opportunity to reposition her, sliding your arm under her belly to round her spine out, and she groaned in relief. ‘Had been feeling something for the last day or so, nothing regular, I thought false labour maybe?’ She stopped speaking for a second and you watched as her belly seized, felt the ripple of muscle under your palm. You went back to rubbing hard circles into her hips as she breathed through it, finding that you matched her, that you sucked the air in as she did, shared it between you, caught yourself in the moment of relief when she slumped back against you. ‘Lost my plug around dinner last night, though, waters this morning.’
You did some rough calculations in your head, considering this and by the way she was still able to speak, you estimated she wasn’t even halfway there. You steeled yourself for hours and hours of this, felt a sliver of panic slice at your windpipe.
‘Why haven’t you called the doctor?’ you asked, and she huffed out a tired, joyless laugh.
‘You’ve seen him,’ she said, and you had - when you had quarantined on arrival, and as soon as you’d seen him you’d wanted to make a Dougie Houser joke, but you had realised he would be even too young to know the reference. You wouldn’t have been surprised if he tried to check your pulse in your elbow.
‘I’ve done this once before,’ she said, and you fought hard against the instinct to ask for more, to mask your surprise. She was quiet for a moment, gently circling her hips in the air. ‘I know I’m asking a lot,’ she said, and you heard the doubt in her voice.
‘Not too much,’ you reassured her, ‘but I reserve the right to call an actual professional if required.’
Maria snorted through her nose. ‘Let me know if you find one,’ she said.
Maria laboured into the afternoon, sometimes kneeling, sometimes pacing, sometimes lying on the sofa with a pillow between her knees. You kept her cool, collecting her sweat in a damp towel and handing it off to Tommy to rinse, the stressed soon-to-be-father hovering always in your peripheral view. Occasionally he would ask you how things were progressing, as if you had a magic wand or an invisible ultrasound machine, but Maria eventually got tired of him asking and snapped at him to shut it, that no one had any idea. It wasn’t the reassurance he was looking for.
As the sun set Maria started to get more agitated, finding it hard to get comfortable in any position. Unable to carry her full weight, you had Tommy come over and hold her up while she groaned and swore into his neck. You could see that she was tiring, made worse by the fact that there was no clarity on how much longer it would be, how much longer it should be, that the three of you were holding your breath trying to figure out if danger was lurking around the corner, like it so often was.
She had taken to letting out her breath in long moans, the sound almost mournful, as you and Tommy took turns to sway with her, as you held her hand, as you patted her hair back away from her face. Occasionally you would look into her eyes and see that she was barely there, that the pain had now stolen her away completely, that she had left her body to do its work without her tagging along for the ride. Only occasionally would she speak to refuse medical attention, and then not again for minutes at a time.
It was around this point, when the moaning became constant, when it appeared that there was no Maria in the room, that Tommy swore under his breath, gathered his coat and stomped out the front door. Maria didn’t look up from her position slumped over the back of the couch and you didn’t mention it to her, hoping that Dougie was ready to earn his keep.
Ten minutes later you heard the door open again and two sets of footsteps, calling over your shoulder that you hoped he’d brought the good drugs. You heard a laugh, a huff of a thing that froze you on the spot.
‘If I had those ya reckon I’d be here?’ Joel asked, and you wondered if this would be the thing that finally sent you careening over the edge: opening a pregnant woman’s hips with your hands while the man you had a raging crush on sassed you from the doorway.
‘Tommy?’ you asked him as he appeared behind his big brother, eyes anxiously roaming over Maria.
‘Joel has seen this before,’ he said, not looking at you so not seeing the look of surprise on your face that you quickly wiped from your features, your eyes flitting to Joel to see if he he’d caught you and knowing, in your guts just knowing, that he had. ‘I figured he could tell us if it’s going ok.’
You couldn’t help a little ripple of unearned indignation at this, and you informed them that you had it under control. It was difficult for them to hear, though, as this was also the moment Maria chose to bend further at the hips, brace her knees, and bellow from deep within her soul.
Joel regarded this silently for a moment. Tension hung in the air while you all waited for his assessment. ‘Totally normal,’ he said, as if Maria hadn’t just unleashed a screaming banshee from the fifth circle of hell. ‘I’ll leave you to it.’
‘No, stay,’ Tommy said, too quickly, stepping towards Maria and rubbing sweet but ineffectual circles on her shoulder. ‘I mean, you can…if things get…’
‘You can stand at the business end with a catcher’s mitt,’ Maria said, from somewhere under her own elbow, shrugging off Tommy. You grinned, falling just a little bit more in love with her by the minute.
‘Tried a bath?’ Joel asked, and you were about to offer to start drawing it when Maria shook her head.
‘Too narrow,’ she said, sounding breathless but resolute. ‘Need her with me and we wont both fit.’ You beamed at this, unable to stop yourself turning to Joel feeling just a little smug. You’d been at this for hours and he thought he could come in and fix it in five minutes? He cocked a knee and put a hand on his hip, and you could see that in any other situation he would have rolled his eyes. As you looked away you just caught his little grin in your peripheral vision.
He turned to Tommy. ‘I really don’t know what I can do here,’ he said, but Tommy stopped him.
‘Just stay,’ he said, and you realised that he was appealing to his older brother to stick by him, that he was telling Joel that he felt safer with him there. You realised that Joel, as gruff and stoic as he was, was comfort for Tommy. You realised that you agreed.
You tried to get Maria to eat some dry bread around dinnertime but she refused it, tired and sweaty and back deep inside herself. Tommy brought out ice chips from the freezer for her to chew on and you avoided looking at them for too long, the memory of the cold across your teeth as you held Joel by the wrist too strong, and too ill-fitting for what lay ahead of you. You studiously avoided Joel’s eyes, only glancing up long enough to see that he, too, was avoiding what Tommy held in his hand.
Around 10 pm Maria started wanting to retreat up to the bedroom, and you followed her up the stairs slowly to make sure her legs wouldn’t give out. It took three contractions to get up there, her face screwed up tight against the bannister, bracing herself against the wall, and when she reached the landing she wailed that she couldn’t do it anymore, that she wasn’t strong enough. At the bottom of the stairs you heard Joel inform Tommy that she was close, that it was time for the doctor. He slipped away into the night to bring him, while Tommy helped hoist Maria onto the mattress. Within moments she was up again, on all fours and howling, as you encouraged her to swing low into her hips, to drop down and let her pelvis open. She told you, rightfully, to fuck off.
‘Do you need to push?’ you asked her, thinking back to the delivery you saw in the bath in the QZ, racking your brains trying to remember how the midwife handled it.
‘I don’t know, I don’t know,’ Maria cried, and you reached out to wrap your hand around your wrist.
‘I think that means no,’ you said, trying to scrounge together some confidence to push into your voice. ‘I reckon you’ll know when you feel it.’ Maria nodded at you, her head bent back to look at you through her armpit, and you gave her what you hoped was a reassuring smile.
‘You can do this,’ you said, and you knew, looking at her on all fours on her mattress, hair wild and matted and eyes now shut tight against the pain, primal and urgent and so incredibly strong, that it was true.
You felt a hand on your arm gently pulling you away, and you stood to see Dougie Howser at the end of the bed. You repositioned yourself so that Maria could see you, sat at the headboard and let her rest her head on your shoulder. You looked over to see Tommy getting down on his knees to lean beside her, Joel in the doorway watching on. His eyes met yours and for a moment the world was silent. An understanding seemed to pass between you, that what you were witnessing was sacred and precious, but that it belonged to the people in front of you, that it was not for either of you to share.
‘Ok,’ Dougie said, and you were surprised his voice didn’t break as he spoke. ‘We’re close but we’re not quite there yet.’ It bothered you that he said ‘we’ as if he was also writhing on the bed howling in agony, but the one functioning synapse you had left advised you now was not the time to point this out.
Maria groaned when she heard this, turning her head to Tommy and panting, as he rested his forehead on hers. You were close enough that you could hear her urgent whisper to him that she couldn’t do it, that it was going to split her open, and the way that he soothed her, how he held the back of her head and whispered words of love and courage, how he knew she was hurting but that she could do it, how he loved her, more than anything, but how much in awe of her he was that she was going to make him a dad. You felt heat in the back of your eyes, swallowing sour across your throat, the intimacy of the moment so breathtaking that you wanted to turn away from it, even as it played out almost entirely in your lap. You looked over Tommy’s back to Joel, saw that he had heard it too, that he had witnessed this moment, saw the way he stood steadfast in the face of such naked love. Saw that he was holding your gaze, letting you borrow some of his strength to carry you through it, to be able to resist the instinct to shy away.
‘Oh!’ Maria suddenly exclaimed, her eyes wide as she snapped her head up to look at you. ‘I have to push!’ You watched as Dougie ducked down behind her again, busied himself underneath her, before returning to the surface and nodding to Tommy that it was time. Your remaining synapse again advised you not to point out that he had just said she wasn’t there yet, then promptly joined all your other brain cells in death.
‘Ok baby,’ Tommy said, and Maria reared up then, swinging her legs down so that her knees were back on the floor, her elbows digging into the mattress. You reached out and held her hand.
‘Can she do it like this?’ Tommy asked and you answered for Dougie, knowing the answer almost innately, not wanting him to try and put her on her back.
‘Let gravity help,’ you said. ‘Let her do it how her instincts tell her to.’
In the end, Joel didn’t need a catcher’s mitt. Maria and Tommy’s baby boy slid into his father’s hands and onto his chest, the younger Miller gasping with awe and love while the very youngest Miller gave his dad a piece of his mind. The shrill cries were somehow the sweetest thing you had heard, somehow a symphony of life and resistance, and you found yourself surging with hope at the sight of him, wiggly and squirming and covered in goo. Joel appeared with the towels and Tommy wrapped him up, while you helped Maria back onto the bed and into a comfortable position. You backed away then, over to the doorframe where Joel had stood vigil for so long, letting the new parents luxuriate in their first moments with their creation. After a few moments Joel came and stood by your side and you almost let yourself reach out, take his hand in yours, so awed were you by the events of the last twelve hours.
Joel offered to walk you home and you let him, the adrenaline retreating to leave just plain exhaustion in its wake. You had been wired right up until you pulled your coat on, the warmth of it reminding your tired bones of the need for rest.
‘Oh my god,’ you said, as Joel pulled Maria’s door shut behind you and ushered you down the front steps. He smiled at your tired excitement.
‘Somethin’, right?’ he asked, and you just nodded, didn’t have the words, couldn’t find them even as you jumbled through your brain.
‘She was amazing,’ you replied, your breath fanning out in front of you in the midnight chill.
‘She had a good team,’ he replied, and you grinned back at him.
The walk back to your house was only a few minutes, but with each step the exhaustion and the cold got in under your clothes and held you hard and bony by the knee. You’d managed to ignore the pain of it when Maria needed you, but now the ache had settled in. You started to limp.
‘What’s that about?’ Joel asked you, nodding towards your feet.
‘Oh I hurt my knee, you were right, the massage table did come down.’ You were focussed on your feet in front of you, trying hard to slide on the ice, so you yelped a little in surprise when Joel grabbed your arm snd stopped you.
‘You hurt?’ he asked, and in his eyes you saw genuine worry. He faltered, collecting himself. ‘Was anyone hurt?’ he tried again.
‘No it was just me,’ you said, and you turned away from him to keep walking, hearing his footsteps quicken to catch up with you. Your eyes were stinging from the cold and the weight of the day. ‘I was, am, so grateful to Tommy for finding it for me but the table was huge, I had to climb onto it to get the towels right each time, and it was hard to get into a good position sometimes so I had to kind of lean over to get at someone’s shoulders…’ you pantomimed this in thin air, raising one leg up to demonstrate how you would need to contort yourself, and nearly slipped. Joel grabbed you by the armpit to steady you, grunting as you leant on him. ‘Sorry,’ you said, wondering if the fatigue had made you delirious. ‘Slippery,’ you helpfully clarified, as Joel nodded once at you but didn’t let you go.
You expected him to drop you at your front door, but he followed you onto the porch and down your corridor. It felt strange, having just witnessed the miracle of life, to throw him out straight after, so you didn’t, listening to him shuck off his jacket and hang it by the door. He stopped at the doorway of your treatment room, regarding the mess of splintered wood on the floor.
‘Yeah, I know. I’ll clean it up, it’s just really heavy,’ you said and you weren’t sure if you meant the weight of the wood, exactly. You sighed, heading into the kitchen and then stopping when you remembered what tends to happen when you and Joel sit down at a table, and doubled back to flop down on your sofa. You lifted your knee and started rubbing at it over your jeans. You heard the floorboards creaking under Joel’s feet as he continued to inspect the damage in your treatment room.
‘You want some tea?’ you called our to him after a while. He appeared over your shoulder, grinning when he saw you slumped into the cushions.
‘Reckon if I did I’d have to make it myself,’ he said, and you closed your eyes snd hummed your agreement. Instead, he came and sat down next to you, his weight nearly causing the rusted springs to collapse you into him. You watched his eyes roam your meagre belongings.
‘Wood was rotting through at the top of the legs,’ he said after a while. You rubbed absently at your knee and nodded. ‘Tommy wouldn’t have checked, he ain’t careful. Back on the old job sites I spent half my time checking his work, correctin’ his mistakes before the boss got onto em.’
‘He’s lucky to have you,’ you said, honestly. He looked over at you, and you thought you saw the faintest hint of pink under his patchy beard. You wanted to pull him to you and nip on the skin. You swallowed.
‘That botherin’ ya?’ he asked, and you panicked for a second that he knew what you’d just been imagining, before you realised he meant your knee. You nodded, and he grunted in acknowledgement.
‘Show me what to do,’ he said, and your breath caught in your throat.
‘What?’ you asked, frozen in place next to him. He was avoiding your gaze, but he slipped an arm behind you and pulled you over to the coffee table, so that you sat facing him, squarely between his knees. He put his hands on your shin, and you just managed to hold in a gasp.
‘Show me,’ he said, nodding down to his hands.
Your mouth was bone dry, your throat threatening to collapse in on itself. His hands were so warm, scorching through your jeans. ‘Umm…’ you started, taking a second to catch your breath. He waited patiently for you to continue, his thumb gently rubbing back and forth on the inside of your knee. ‘Well, I landed right on it so you don’t want to really massage the knee cap,’ you started, casting your eyes down to your leg where it felt almost safe. ‘It’s better to try and move some of the fluid, support the tendons around it because they got a bit of a sudden stretch as well.’
He made a sound in his throat to indicate he was listening, moving his hands to brace either side of your knee.
‘It’s really about gripping around the back of the leg while you kind of make little circles with your thumbs,’ you said, demonstrating with your own hands in front of your face. ‘Sometimes I imagine it’s like I’m smearing toast on butter,’ you went on, and he huffed out a quiet laugh.
‘You butter your toast with your thumbs?’ he asked, gently ribbing you again.
‘And what if I do?’ you shot back, pretending to be offended. He smiled, returning to his work.
‘This good?’ he asked, and you hummed. ‘What about here?’ he asked, moving his hands above your knee and holding firm. He let out a shaky breath and you watched his face as he kept his eyes trained on his hands. The heat from them was scorching, and you felt sweat break out on the back of your neck. ‘Can I do anything here?’
You wanted to laugh, a giggle forming in your chest and threatening to pop out into the air between you. You wanted to tell him he could do anything anywhere, but you gripped hard on the edge of the coffee table and steeled yourself.
‘Same thing but just rather than circles try and kind of push down towards the knee.’ His grip was firm, his hands so strong. You held your jaw shut tight, not sure whether you wanted to laugh or scream, the wings brushing so hard against the inside of your ribcage now you wouldn’t have been surprised if the feather started to strip away, if you opened your mouth and coughed them up onto the rug.
‘I gotta tell ya, I thought you were lyin’ about going to school for this,’ he confessed, and your attention snapped back to the man in front of you. ‘You must have been young on outbreak day,’ he said, and you nodded. ‘But I saw how you were with Maria tonight I…I knew it then. I was wrong, and I’m sorry.’
‘It’s ok,’ you said, your voice quiet. ‘I was young, but my mum…when I was 15 she got…and she needed so much medical help, one of the things that they said would help with the chemo was…so I went to school for it on the weekends and…I helped her.’ You were aware you had yet to finish a full sentence, but your poor brain was scrambling to understand what was happening, had been scrambling all day. You saw again your mother and father standing at the kitchen sink peeling potatoes, your mother’s favourite knitted beanie covering her head. Honey I’m going to Jackson. See if I care.
You came back into the room, your mind drifting back to the man in front of you, who was watching you openly now, his hands still on your knee.
‘So beautiful,’ he said, almost to himself. You felt heat bloom across your chest. ‘Doin’ so much for so many people. Will you let me do something for you?’
Your vision blurred, your eyes watery, and you nodded, suddenly shy. He stood and tugged you up into standing, coming forward to support your weight, his lower hand on your back and your nose buried in his shoulder. You felt him grip the button of your jeans, popping it open with one hand.
‘Take these off baby, so I can take care of you,’ he said and your fingers moved of their own accord, pushing the denim off your legs and down to your feet, where he helped you step out of them. He sat you back down on the coffee table, getting onto the floor in front of you, inspecting your now naked knee as he held it in his hands. His bare skin on your bare skin, his pulse against yours.
He clicked his tongue at the sight of the purple and yellow bruise blooming across it. ‘Poor little thing,’ he cooed, bending down to place a feather light kiss on it, his hand gripping the back of it, his fingers digging into the flesh of your inner thigh. You broke out in shivers, temporarily unable to speak, letting out a breathy whimper when he moved his hand up to pull you towards him, the edge of the table digging into your bottom. ‘I know, baby,’ he hummed, his voice gravelly and dipped in sin. Your cunt throbbed in time to your thundering pulse, the heat between your legs unbearable, making you want to squirm, but he held you fast.
‘Can I do anything here?’ he asked, moving his hand up, his other mirroring his actions on your other thigh, his fingers close enough to brush against your panties but he stayed achingly far from your centre. He pulled your thighs apart, making room for himself as he shuffled forward. You shook your head, willing him closer, higher and further, inside. ‘No?’ he asked, pretending not to understand, and you nearly cried out. The ache was unlike anything you had ever experienced, the heat and the pulse of it stopping you from forming any kind of cogent thought.
He moved his hands to bracket your hips, his thumbs rubbing circles on the crest of the bone, and you keened, staring imploringly into his sparkling brown eyes. If he was going to continue to torture you, you were not going to stand for it, the moment you regained your ability to move.
‘I’m sorry, baby,’ he said, but the bastard didn’t mean it. ‘You’re so good to us, so good to this town. I won’t tease ya.’
And he didn’t, then, slipping his hands under your underwear and running his fingers up against your dripping seam. You gasped, rocking your hips into his hand, as he circled your clit with one hand and pushed two strong, thick fingers into your cunt. He watched your face as you screwed your eyes shut, the pleasure almost painful in its entirety, sending sparks into your fingertips and down to the tip of your tongue. You heard the hoarseness of your voice as you cried out into the quiet of your living room, your hands flying to grip Joel’s flannel shirt.
‘Joel!’ you gasped, genuinely surprised by the way he had set your entire nervous system ablaze.
‘Sssh,’ he said, ‘I know baby, I know.’ He manoeuvred his hands inside your underwear, stretching the stitching almost to breaking point, and you didn’t fucking care if he destroyed every piece of clothing you owned, would ever own.
‘Take them off, take them,’ you muttered, pulling at them to get free, suddenly feeling the cotton too tight across your hips. He gripped them, stripped you of them in one swoop, barely missing a beat as he pumped in and out of you.
‘So good to me, so good to us,’ he muttered, his eyes watching the contortions of your face as he systematically took you apart. ‘Slipping that ice into that mouth,’ he added, and you would have been shy about it except that you were currently spread open on yet another table, every breath pushing you closer to toppling over the edge.
You felt your cunt gripping, your weight now bearing down on his hand, as you reached forward and grabbed him by the wrist, pushing him further into you, to graze against the spongey spot you could never reach yourself.
‘Oh, fuck, baby,’ he said, as you moaned high and tight, ‘show me how you like it, show me how to help you.’
‘There, there,’ you whimpered, the weight in your pelvis heavy now, the heat expanding out into your limbs, the speed of it breathtaking, as if all your life you had been waiting for this one man to touch you. ‘Please,’ you added, a gasping benediction to nothing in particular.
When you came, hips circling Joel’s pumping hand, your own grasped in his shirt, head thrown back to the ceiling and eyes shut tight, you forgot for a moment. Forgot to tally your losses, to keep the running sheet in your head of grief and of fury. Forgot the world had ended, taking with it first your family, then your home, and then your self. Forgot for a moment the dying light over the mountains surrounding Jackson, the cold and the bite of winter nipping fast into your bones. For a moment you floated, anchored as you were to the world by Joel’s touch, his breath hot on your neck as he repeated and repeated and repeated your name.
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creepling · 1 year
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that boy is a monster - j. slaughter / 2.6k
in contribution with THE HAUNTED HOEDOWN
prompts: sex in the woods or somewhere public (added bonus if it includes knife, blood, hunter x prey kink)
summary: everyone comes and goes from the slaughter residence, either as survivors or stacks of meat. but as you escape and run further into the woods, johnny won't let you go that easy.
tags: DEAD DOVE - read at your own risk. smut. MINORS DNI. fem!reader. non-con. hunter/prey. knife/blood-play. descriptive injury. narcissistic johnny. fem penetration. blood hunger. choking. roughplay. slapping. kidnapped ending.
It would help to know the surroundings. Sprint the track to get to the finish line. But you’re bleeding. Your legs ache, and the tree branches are tearing at your skin. The calls of the Slaughter family echo in the distance.
Running for your life is supposed to be the escape. You’re out of the house, but your heroic end is not at a close. You have to keep running. You have to survive. And one person, in particular, will not give you up so easily.
“You’re the reason this is happening. You brought them damn kids here. You go get ‘er!” Drayton told off Johnny, waving his bloody stick towards the exit you stumbled out of.
Johnny was cool in his stance. He is cleaning his knife, sharpening its blade. He admires the glint of it in the moonlight, a sly smirk winking back at him in its reflection.
“Keep yer panties on, old man. I’ll get her,” He brushes off the Cook, swaggering towards the gate.
With his family seeing him off, Nubbie chuckles and cheers him on. Sissy claps and howls. “Bring her back fresh now, ye hear!”
Johnny was not going to share. He wants to play with his food and keep you all to himself. Once he finds you, you’re going to scream. He will have your insides, grip your flesh and suck your blood. His family will not have a nip of you. You’re all his.
The beginning of the hunt sent Johnny’s instincts into overdrive. Your shadow mystifies into the forest, and he picks up the pace to dive into the belly of the beast. He grunts as he sprints, inhaling the air. He was only human, but everything in his attitude was animalistic. A coyote in a man’s body, wanting to catch your scent, embarks on the trail you left behind and chases you until your soft flesh is between his teeth.
Deep within the sun-dried trees, Johnny halts his speed and listens to the silence. He peered his hearing for the snap of a twig, the ruffle of a leaf, anything to assume you were close by. He crouches to the earth and calculates the ground. His eye caught an indent, your shoe print heavy in the dry dirt, the heel dragged out, exposing your struggle. Johnny was mesmerised for a moment, then he advanced, tailing the track of your footprints to the direction of your hiding spot. He arrives at a dead end, cursing under his breath. He catches a look above, checking the trees, but both the trees and you are too fragile to hold weight. His eyes scan the horizon, wondering how far you have gone.
“I’m gonna find ya soon enough, sweetheart. Why don’t you come out, and we can get this over with?” Johnny called into the night, his skin tingling at the thought of you nearby.
He was closer than you thought. Tugged low in the dip of the earth, you bite the inside of your cheeks and muffle any sound of panic that threatens to burst. You may be bleeding, tired, and traumatised, but you will not give up. If he wants you to meet the same faint as your friends, he will have to come and get you.
At the deafening silence, Johnny sighs. It was long and drawn, but it soon shifted into a chuckle, and he gripped the handle of his knife tighter. “Fine, I like the challenge.”
Johnny advances, his footsteps descending to whisper when you decide to leave your hiding spot. You drag your limping body in the opposite direction, clenching your side as a cramp takes over. You look around with alert eyes, hoping to find an opening or another hiding spot if he is close. Your hope dwindles at the same scenery repeating: trees, branches, dirt. Over and over. No sounds alert you, making your eyelids droop and blur your vision. You look down at your body, your clothes drenched in blood, giving sense to your lightheadedness. The blood loss and dehydration were slowly creeping up and taking over you. Legs wobbling, making you fall.
“Come on,” You whispered, “You can do this.”
Johnny had his eyes on you. He watches you struggle, crouching within the dry branches. Your pain and fatigue amuse him, reassuring him that mortality can be handy for this line of passion. He loved a prey’s fear, how it ignites them with the endurance to keep living. Yet, the thing that is chasing them will always catch them. It can only get them so far. It lets them die with a fight still in them. People call that honour, but to Johnny, it is the thrill of the game.
It has been long enough. Johnny watches you collapse, grunting at the pain taking over, your knees buckling as you try to crawl your way further. Johnny cracks his neck and readies his blade, his heavy steps approaching you.
“I gotta hand it to ya. You got some fight in ya,” Johnny mused, towering over your struggling state.
The widening of your eyes made Johnny chuckle, tuts leaving his mouth as you began to sob.
“Come on now, I ain’t gonna kill ya. Not yet, anyway,” Johnny grips the back of your hair, yanking your head from the ground and crouching down on top of you. His legs saddle your sides, squeezing in to hold you in place. You catch the glint of his knife hovering over your throat, threatening to slice if you struggle.
“Ma mama always got at me for playing with my food as a kid. I never grew out of it. Y’know why?” Johnny presses his lips to your ear. You could now hear the husk in his voice.
“Because I fuckin’ love it,”
Your hands grip the earth, and a scream bellows from your strained throat, sirening through the trees, making birds take flight. Johnny shoves your head to the ground to silence you, pressing his blade tighter to the skin of your throat.
“You shout one more time, and I’ll cut you,” He spat, causing you to dwindle your struggle into small whimpers.
“Just kill me, please,” You plead, Johnny on top of you, detecting that you would rather be dead than be at his mercy.
Johnny enjoys having the upper hand far too much, grazing his gloved hand down your spine, lingering on the skin exposed from your summer blouse. He glances at the cuts littering your exposed arms, blood dripping from a knick on your shoulder. Johnny licks his lips in anticipation, locking his lips on your wound. You gasp, cringing at the suction from his mouth, his tongue swirling around the cut and soaking his mouth with your blood.
As if energy surged through him, Johnny groans at your taste, licking his lips dry. Your taste is sweetly metallic. He has never tasted something so pure—the blood of a lamb or a calf, laced with innocence and avoidant of bitterness. Johnny’s eyes wander down at you like the discovery of the Holy Grail. “You taste amazing.”
Johnny grips your arm and manhandles you to lie on your back, your arms feeble in your struggle. Johnny scans your body for more wounds, grunting in annoyance as most were muddy grazes. His legs add pressure to your sides, his hand nipping at the hem of your blouse.
“Keep still,” Johnny orders sternly, moving his knife to your shirt and cutting the thin fabric with the blade. You whine in defiance, but your top is torn off completely and tossed to one side. Johnny stares at the curvature of your bra, tucking his knife under the band and slicing it swiftly. Your breasts graze with goosebumps at your exposure. You squeeze your eyes shut from the humility. Johnny runs his knife down your left breast, the blunt end teasing your hardening nipple.
“You are a sight for sore eyes,” He breathes out, removing his glove with the pinch of his teeth. His bare, rough hand grips your breast, making you squirm. You glance up at Johnny, the maddening of his eyes, the flex of his muscles as he holds you in place. Sweat glistens on his face. You feel warmth between your legs as Johnny’s bulge presses against your stomach.
Without warning, Johnny slices a small incision on your soft breast, making you gasp from the shot of pain. Johnny immediately locks his lips on the fresh slice, his tongue collecting your new blood, letting a groan vibrate against you. He sucks your breast as he would with your nipple, except his infatuation is solely on your blood. Your fingers lace through his hair, and you attempt to yank him away, but he points his blade quickly to your throat.
“Move your hand, or I’ll cut you open,” Johnny threatens, pressing the blade hard, alerting panic within you.
“I can’t- I can’t do this, please,” You beg, “I want to go home,”
“Is this not want you want, darlin’?” Johnny teased, “Your cunt says otherwise.”
His head motions down and between your legs, sliding his fingers along the denim fabric of your shorts. Your throat hitches, and your legs tense, locking eyes with the darkening stare from Johnny.
“You want this, I know you want this,” Johnny mutters against his lips, “Let me make you feel good. I need this, darlin’, you gotta give yourself to me.”
His lips lock roughly with yours, his kiss hard - possibly laced with a lingering passion. You taste your blood on his tongue. You moan unexpectedly.
“See? You taste so good. Let me taste you more,” Johnny said as if he were asking, but you know you have no choice.
The sound of panic bubbles in your throat as you feel Johnny’s hands unbutton your shorts, yelping as he tugs the tight fabric down your legs. He crawls his fingers under your pants, catching your slick cunt with the tip of his fingers, collecting your wetness. Johnny groans, reaching his fingers to his lips and licking your juices. Just as sweet as your blood, warm and intoxicating.
Johnny grinds his hips down onto you before unbuckling his jeans, tossing his belt to your eye level. Your eyes trail to the sky, your mind dissociating at the sound of his jeans undone. Johnny preys your legs wider apart with his thighs, the tip of his cock at your entrance.
“You’re so wet for me, darlin’. Still sure you don’t want this?” Johnny’s pride swells at your defeat, pupils dilated at the sight of yours glazed and lost.
“I would rather be dead,” You said airily, almost inaudible. Johnny narrows his eyes, power swelling in his muscles. He wants you to beg for his cock or mercy; it does not matter.
Without warning, Johnny thrusts his cock inside, and pain shoots up your spine. He was big, more significant than you have ever taken, and he was stretching you out. You squeeze your eyes shut, and the tears trapped in your waterline pour down your cheeks. You silence the yelps filled with pain to adjust to the horrible feeling. But your cunt was wet, wet enough for Johnny to thrust deeper inside you and hold his length firmly inside you.
“Fuuuck,” Johnny groaned. Your walls clenched around his cock, and his hands grip the sides of your waist. “Sucha tight little pussy,” Johnny chuckled.
You shift your body back and forth to adjust to the pain, but it paralysed you, and Johnny drilled you deeper into the ground with the weight of his body. The cool earth stings your wounds and gathers in the grooves of your skin. It is disgusting. It is revolting. You wanted the ground to swallow you whole. “Fuck you,” You spit at Johnny, manifesting your cunt to grow teeth and bite his cock clean.
Johnny furrowed his brows at your revolt, burning a glare to your core. “The fuck you say to me?” Johnny smacked your face, stunning you, but you force eye contact.
“I said fuck you, you fucking-“ Your rage stopped short at the shuddering pain shooting through you. Johnny digs his knife into your side, toying with an open wound. You squirm, scream, try to pry him off you, but his other hand pins your wrists above your head, and his cock is stuffed deeper inside you.
“You really think talking to me like that is a good idea?” Johnny scoffs, watching the pain in your expression with perverted fascination. “Such a stupid ‘lil brat. I need to teach you a lesson.”
The pain melted into numbness. Your eyes drift further away from reality, and Johnny amps his stamina. It seemed neverending, his cock pumping into your cunt, the depth of his thrusts consistent. Johnny’s body towers over you, his knife tossed to the side. It proved useless as your body grew limp, the strength of Johnny’s arms pinning you in place enough to restrict your escape. No more were you retaliating to Johnny’s dominance.
“That’s it, good girl. Take it,” Johnny grunted, but he was not satisfied with your reaction. Lying there as you get fucked dumb, staring into space. He needs you to be compliant, to be grateful. Johnny tugs your hair and forces your gaze onto him, bathing in your bewildered stare.
“C’mon girl, I know you want this. Say how much you want it,” Johnny demands, continuing to rut into your pulsing cunt.
“I-” It was hard to string words together, but you had nowhere to look except deep in Johnny’s hunter eyes as he pressed his forehead against yours.
“Say it, fucking say it,” Johnny grew impatient, smacking his fingers over your cheeks, hoping that knocked sense into you.
“I want you, Johnny,” You sobbed, mesmerised by his insanity.
“Yeah, you fucking do. Start thanking me for fucking you so good,” Johnny enfolds his cock deep inside, holding it in place until you speak what he wants to hear.
“Thank you,” You swallow the lump in your throat, “You’re so good at fucking me. I want you to keep fucking me.”
Swelling with pride, Johnny exhales a deep groan and continues to drill into you, picking up the pace. He felt his climax ascending from his core, gazing at the bounce of your tits, your plump skin covered in the blood he poured from you. He bites the inside of his cheek.
“I’m so close, darlin’. Fuuuck,” Johnny wraps his callous hand around your throat, suppressing your air flow until you see stars.
Johnny rutted his cock to ride his high. You feel the strips of warmth melt from your slit as he pulls out, his pants hot and misty against your neck. Your eyes trail over to Johnny, buckling his jeans and quickly putting on your underwear and shorts.
“Sorry about your blouse,” He mutters, removing his tank top and putting it on you. There is no point in convincing yourself he did it out of the kindness of his heart, as it is to carry you back to the place you tried to escape from and not make the rest of the family suspicious.
Johnny lifts you and tosses your body over his shoulder, your mind and body too exhausted and petrified to wiggle from his grasp. “Let’s take you back home,” He says.
Home. That place was not your home. But to Johnny, he is making it your home. There goes the days of elaborate escapes, deception and retribution. He will have you wrapped around his figure. He shall convince you that no one else cares for you. Only he will protect you, care for you, and love you. 
Welcome to the family. 
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maneatrrz · 2 years
‧₊˚✩ wishing it was you / j. sully
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♡ 𓂃 ꒰ wishing it was you! ꒱˚.༄ ೃ jake sully x fem!reader. 5.2k words. ⌒(≧▽​° )
𓆩♡𓆪 synopsis: ever since you shared a heartfelt moment, jake has been constantly avoiding you. convinced he's in love with neytiri, you find out it's a lot more complicated after confronting him in the woods: your being is everything he burns for, and it terrifies him. you tempt him in a way you shouldn't, and he's doing everything he can to protect your delicate divinity. but with lips and an attitude like yours, it's becoming taxing for him to resist ditching saintly restraint for a dance with the devil.
content: biblically inaccurate and brotherly!tsu'tey, biblically inaccurate timeline (it's ok guys just go with it it's an au haha), dom!jake sully but also whimpering!jake sully, oral fixation, nipple sucking, hickeys, love bites, vaginal penetration, praising and teasing. slight angst because you both have serious abandonment issues, but an ample amount of fluff and physical affection.
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ additional notes: this is my first published writing, and also the first time i've written smut myself-i am more than willing to receive tips, just please keep that in mind and be gentle! i also am a bit rusty on the writing uptake and formatting update, and this is definitely not my best work and i hate this with a visceral anger, but i hope you like it regardless because i spent way too much time on it. mwah, thank you lovelies!
୨✩୧ ; MINORS DNI! fic under the cut!
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jake sully.
stupid, jake sully.
you observed him carefully from your seat in the plush, lush forest illuminated by the glittering night sky above you, along with the golden flames in front of you. the affectionately crowned toruk makto was chasing around neytiri, as he was wont to do-you were convinced he was vehemently enamored with her. neytiri on the other hand, was adeptly avoiding his efforts to yank her tail with a feline-like grace, and an effervescent, opaline smile exposing sharp canines. you found it hard to blame him, however. she possessed both the deft and couth you were certain you lacked. she made everything look perfect, and it didn’t help that she was beautiful, either. one look into her scintillating eyes could enrapture you, especially during this oppressive, sultry summer weather. the sweltering heat had persuaded you into thinking she was an angel one too many times. but you guessed in his world, she was.
it was stupid.
he was stupid.
“fuck,” you brought your hand up to the newfound throbbing pressure on your mouth, painting slender fingers with a rich, sanguine color: blood. you had bitten through the roast you were eating and into your poor, faultless lip. “i was thinking way too hard.”
“ponder less over jake sully, and more about how our great mother has let you live another day,” tsu’tey smacked you upside the head playfully, taking a bite out of his sturmbeast steak. you couldn’t help but smile a little-you found comfort in him as the brother you never had. when you had arrived on pandora, you were met with cynic skepticism from him, but you had proven yourself to him eventually. your friendship allowed him to lighten up and be more lively, too. “i am pleasantly surprised a skxawng like you has lived this long, y/n.”
“you literally suck,” you feigned lamentation by placing one hand on your chest, and using the other to wipe intangible tears from the unwarranted libel. it earned you a hearty laugh from tsu’tey, followed by a small fit of coughs. “you’re coughing like an old man. slow down, grandpa. easy on the chuckle.”
“now you suck,” he pushed your shoulder lightly, before panning his head over to jake and neytiri, who were now much farther away. jake’s face looked amorphous in the distance, but tsu’tey could see strong brows furrowed in the haze. he began to wonder if he needed what humans called “glasses”. neytiri clasped jake’s forearm before tugging at him to go further into the thicket, turning their backs on you. he fixed his gaze on you now, rubbing his temples.
“...shit, well, that’s fucking fantastic. your ‘fiancee’ ran away into the woods with the fucking idiot. whatever,” you waved a hand to the distance with a heavy sigh, raising the roast to your mouth. you added with a somber mumble, “this was not how it was supposed to go.”
this was seriously not how it was supposed to go.
it wasn’t-neytiri was promised to tsu’tey, and you…what were you to jake?
you were supposed to explore this world and your new bodies together, and you did, at first. attached at the hip, confused and frightened (although, jake would only say ‘slightly’ for his pride) of the wondrous expanse around you. you would lay in your shared, flimsy little cot as you watched the sable dusk melt into an ethereal aurora, talking about everything and anything. what your lives were like on earth, what you wanted to do when you came back-your own personal bucket lists, intrusive thoughts, your worst jokes, your favorite fruits-everything. you both confessed things you had never even said.
enter neytiri, stage left.
she tried to kill you both. she almost succeeded after jake pushed you out of the way to take the blow for you, but you throwing a water canteen at her alerted her that you were not a threat-you weren’t armed with anything to attack her with, and you certainly couldn’t kill her if you tried with those reflexes. she told you this later and it offended you, but the offense disappeared as you realized you were just happy that you were alive. you were happy that jake was alive. he didn’t have to try and save you.
‘of course i did. i don’t know what i’d do without you,’ was all he said in response, with a soft, darkly warm tone that made something burn low in your chest. it was a memory etched in your mind that never failed to make your limbs deliquesce, turning you into a shallow pool of ardor and elation. only for a brief moment, as your puddle would turn into hoarfrost and coat the ground of your empty heart. it seemed like after that day, that was when you truly watched him fade away.
he stopped sleeping in the cot with you, so you had no one for consolation on gelid nights. he’d take neytiri and tsu’tey on raids and hunts, getting frustrated when you’d ask to accompany them. and when neytiri had explained their rituals and the inner workings of mating that came with it, he started to ignore your entirety, without a single explanation why. it must’ve been her.
it had to be her, right?
“fuck it,” you jolted up switfly, dragging tsu’tey by his arm. “get your ass up and let’s go find them.”
“you are just going to find something you do not want to see,” he planted his feet on the ground firmly, rigid and unmoving to your touch. you turned to look at him, as he furrowed one of his brows. “are you a lecher, y/n? is that what this is?”
“first of all, ew. absolutely not. second of all, are you dumb? if they successfully get down and dirty, she’s no longer promised to you, right?” his ears flicked at your response, finally relenting to your touch. “now let’s go.”
you followed their scent, navigating the underbrush with tsu’tey, who was regretting his decision to come with you. you were supposed to be moving cautiously and quietly, yet you kept walking into leaves and suppressing meltdowns over previously uncovered bugs. he was busy thinking of ways to cover up your pursuit when you stopped suddenly, murmuring in the distance.
“...and i love…so, i don’t…” you could make out bits and pieces of a husky voice’s speech through the trees. the mention of love made your heart beat to an unspoken cadence.
“...then tell…keep waiting…unfair…” the second voice spoke with a higher pitch, but a louder tone, the words poisoned with blatant vexation. you contorted your face and looked to tsu’tey, his visage equally scrunched and perplexed. you ventured further into the thicket, until you could make a slight outline of two bodies through thick blades of green.
“she already hates me, neytiri. it’s not worth it,” the lower voice, now discernable completely as jake, slapped his hands to sides and fidgeted through the leaves. he was painfully nervous-he wasn’t the type of person who froze when he was scared. he dawdled around aimlessly. like an idiot, you added a note to your mental observations. a lying, stupid idiot.
“she is going to hate you more if you do not get it together,” a seethe, accompanied by the flattening of ears and a slap to jake’s head. “you will lose her completely. tell y/n.”
“i can’t.”
“it appears you have no choice. y/n,” neytiri swiftly moved through the grass to reveal your hiding spot, tsu’tey’s mouth pursed and yours agape. the edges of her lips curled up into a demure smile. “i had faith that you would come after us. i did not expect you, however. come with me.”
her tone was that of a mother scolding her child, leading tsu’tey back to camp by his small, tender ear. her chides in na’vi as she stomped would’ve made you giggle if it were not for the looming dread in your sternum, turning towards jake and his solemn, downturned ears.
his stupid ears.
his stupid nose.
his lying mouth.
“i know,” to your short response his eyes widened, cheeks donning an uncharacteristic tint.
“i’m so sorry. i know it’s fucked up of me, but i didn’t know how to-”
“-it’s okay. you don’t need my blessing to mate with neytiri, right? i just would’ve preferred you told me sooner. i knew you liked her, it just sucked. to be left in the dust. i really liked you, you know,” you crossed your arms and pressed them close to your chest, trying to ignore the saline tears welling in your eyes. and then, he laughed.
how could he laugh at a time like this?
he really didn’t care, did he?
jake sully.
stupid, lying jake sully.
“fuck you,” you bursted out, teardrops scalding your cheeks in their wake as you turned to leave.
“wait, i’m not laughing for the reasons you think i am-okay, wait. wait, let me explain,” his fingers brushed your wrist, reaching a little too late. “y/n! let me explain.”
“i literally cannot think of a way you can explain this without looking like a total cunt-ow! let go of me, jake! what the h-” your scorning monologue was brief, as jake pulled you off balance by your tail. you fell back first into the tall grass, head braced by jake’s hand underneath it. his hips pinned you to the ground by your own, one leg in between your own. broad shoulders loomed over you and cut out of your peripheral. you felt so…small, underneath him. it increased the growing ache in your lower abdomen, fueled by neither hurt, nor fear. you tried to squeeze your legs together to negate the pooling sensation-you shouldn’t have felt like this. this was a bad idea.
“so, uh, as i was saying…” he trailed off as you rolled your head to the side, refusing to look at him. “can you just look at me?”
“fine,” he shook his head slightly with a tsk sound, assessing your body and the way it seemed to be engulfed by his own-even as a na’vi, you were so tiny in comparison to him. just as he seemed to be lost enough in his own thoughts for you to make your escape, he shifted your position abruptly. whipping your head towards him, it felt like all of his weight was on you: his nails dug into your thighs as he pulled them apart and past his torso-now, he was directly in between your legs. jake leaned forward onto his forearms, your lips millimeters apart from one another. you had no choice but to look into rich, amber eyes. either that, or focus on the way his hips were pistoned deeper into yours, fabric unwilling to spare you the feeling of his length rubbing against your clothed sex.
“as you were saying,” you cleared your throat, scratching an itch on the top of your head. he smirked, pleased with his ability to make you yield. his smirk quickly faded, replaced by a more stoic expression.
“remember the day we almost died?”
“you mean, one of the last days you pretended that you knew me?” you scoffed, and he narrowed his eyes at you for a split moment. “yeah, i remember.”
“i didn’t care if i died, but,” he began to fidget nervously, involuntarily exacerbating the wanton throb. yet, you were too focused on his words to notice. “i cared if you died, and i cared a lot, a lot more than i was supposed to. and that started fucking with me.”
you tilted your head with a doe-eyed expression that made jake tense up with a potent, unsolicited salacity. his ensnarement tactic was working painfully against him. his loincloth was growing increasingly more soiled in a messy, debauched ring.
“so i, uh…i ran, like an idiot,” jake’s breath hiked to a dry growl, shifting weight between legs. “i didn’t want to get you hurt. because if i did let myself and i let something happen to you, not only would i lose you, i would lose myself. i would lose everything i believe in. so, i tried to stay away from you.”
“well, i mean. you did just regain the ability to walk again. i’d wanna run, too,” you snickered in attempt to lighten the mood, unable to handle the sonorous tone of his words. jake rolled his eyes, holding back a smile. he thought that shouldn’t have been as funny to him as it was. “i’m so funny.”
“yeah, whatever. anyways,” he took a deep breath, knowing damn well you were right. “as we settled into omatikayan land, neytiri told us about customs, and picking a mate. how i would eventually claim a woman. i started avoiding you right around ‘mating’ season, so it was hard.”
“...okay? what does this have to do with me?” there was too much emotional clamor inhabiting your brain to properly absorb what he was saying. “ohhh…so you claimed neytiri right after ignoring my existence, and now you want to rub salt in the wound because you’re a dickhead-i’m so smart.”
“no-you have got to be dumber than me, holy shit,” he bit his lip in discontempt. either you genuinely were painfully oblivious to the situation, or you wanted him to spell it out for you. he had a notion that it was a reasonable mixture of both. “you literally just disregarded the last few things i’ve said. if it’s time for me to claim a woman, why would i claim neytiri? why would it be hard to stop talking to you?”
“chill out bitch, damn. i’m not the one who pretended someone didn’t exist for several months, watch your mouth. i’m listening though,” you weren’t really. “you’d claim her because you fell in love with her, and then maybe, i don’t know-your conscience thought it was a little weird to completely drop person and cling onto the next? surprised you have one. we’re running in circles.”
“but i wouldn’t claim a woman i didn’t want. i don’t want neytiri.”
“cool…? i don’t know what to say to you.”
“you just want me to say it outright for you, don’t you?”
“that would be particularly helpful, yes. i think if we did this from the beginning it would’ve helped.”
“if i was around you, i would’ve gone against my better judgment and claimed you in a heartbeat. to be blunt, i wanted to fuck you really bad.”
“wow! that seriously took a hard turn,” that was not the most appropriate reaction, but it was all you could utter.
was this how it was supposed to go?
your lips parted slightly, and jake immediately fixated on them. while he was noticing how roseate and plush they looked, you were having an internal dilemma at lightspeed. you thought this man hated you, and this whole time it was the stark opposite? were you the stupid one? were you the idiot? no, you couldn’t be. when you came down from your catatonic spell-well, it was more like you hit the ground violently, you minded jake’s position in between your legs. you also minded the soaked, wet state of your loincloth. “you wanted me like that?”
“yes, i did. but seeing you was a reminder that i couldn’t have you, and i wanted you so bad,” you watched jake’s adam’s apple bob as he swallowed and nodded, looking down at you with a darker stare. it was one you had never seen from him. a more predatory gaze. “i shouldn’t have wanted you, and i wanted you so bad. it’s only gotten worse.”
you assessed his gaze. it was as if he was ready to ravage you and everything that you were in that moment, right there. perhaps that gave you the courage to push his limits-how depraved was he, truly? how much restraint did he have, when it came to you?
“and all this time i’ve been sucking on a bottle of pink whitney, wishing it was you,” you ran your hands over the grooves in his arms, separating each mammoth, rigid muscle. you took one of his hands in both of yours, running his calloused finger over your inner thigh slightly-enough to pick up the sticky substance that threatened to gush out of you. “but now, we’re here. you’ve starved me as much as you’ve starved yourself. so, what are you going to do? what you should do, or what you want to?”
he growled just above a dull roar, trying to battle his ache and the dilemma of forbidden pining. god, how he wanted you. he ached for you, with such an illicit thirst-to devour you, one kiss at a time. your fingers skimmed the pressed outline of his aching tip through his loincloth, which elicited a frantic, breathy gasp from jake. “you can be gentle, or you can be rough. you don’t have to think about anything. actually, i’m pretty sure you’ve been thinking way too much.”
“you don’t know what you’re doing to me,” it came out as more of a dark, tenebrous moan that made you giggle. he stared down at your slick, tempting essence. he wanted to indulge in you, the delicacy that you were to him. yet a quick taste would never be just that-he’d want all of you. he looked back up at you, with the same predatory leer. you brought jake’s hand up to his mouth, feeling the ache worsen as he licked them clean with a groan.
“or, maybe i do.”
his hands worked their way up your thighs. your breath shortened as you let your eyes graze his hands-large, azure, and veiny. the position jake’s hands on your legs seemed natural, as if they were right where they belonged. he gripped your thighs, massaging the innermost part with his thumbs. his lips chose to travel to your collarbone and continue their conquest upwards, leaving carmine bruises, love bites, and tender kisses in their wake. he stopped when he was positioned face-to-face. your heart beat out of your chest as you felt lustrous yellow eyes linger on your own, and then your lips. he brushed them against yours.
“i’ve waited for this forever, you know,” he caressed your cheeks with his thumbs. “you’re so beautiful. as humans, or big blue people. whatever we are, and wherever we are, you’ve always stunned me. every rational thought i have blurs when i look at you, it’s like you put a spell on me. you’re enchanting, and it’s unreal.”
“you think so?” your ears perked up coyly as you felt your lips curve into a smile. that was probably the nicest thing anyone had said to you in awhile, or the history of ever, even. your honeyed reaction made his tail flick around in back of him, enamored by your visage. it continued to swish, curling prettily.
“oh, honey. i know you are. my pretty, pretty baby,” he kissed your nose, giving you a grin. his tongue ran over your bottom lip with a soft bite, before intertwining his lips with yours.
suddenly the air was thick and hot; infernal. you weren’t the worst kisser, but god, you felt like you paled in comparison to jake fucking sully. his tongue spoke to you a simple, yet tantalizing and tantric mantra that mesmerized you. veiny hands danced a viennese waltz against soft skin, retracing the path that led to your lips. he let his hands trail back down to your thighs, fingers grazing your sodden, clothed clit.
“you wanted me so bad, huh? all wet for me?” you nodded as he played with the string on your loincloth, before pulling it off and to the side.
“well, i fucking needed you, oh,” he let out a husky moan and ran his fingers over your lips, before parting them. “look at you-what a perfect pussy. i’m going to fucking ruin you.”
he thumbed your engorged, tender clit with one hand, while sliding in the middle & ring finger of the other into your warm, messy cunt. it was all so overwhelming-your faint titillated whimpers and whines, paired with the sound of fingers enveloped in slick folds. your voice was muted and low in an attempt to preserve the sanity and sleep of those in the relatively adjacent camp. but in the stillness of the night, the hot cacophony of your saccharine sweet voice and his frenetic movements that produced such wet, obscene noises, were resound upon jake’s ears. he thought it was akin to that of a siren’s beguiling melody.
“i want…w-want…mm,” you babbled, jake looking at you, yet unrelenting in his pace. the way he pumped his fingers was heavenly, but you needed more. “…you. inside me, please.”
“don’t worry. i’ll fuck that pretty pussy soon. but first…” he unclasped your chest piece with one hand, throwing it to the side while he kneaded one of your boobs. he flicked your nipple with his tongue before swirling it around the sensitive nub, latching onto it. he drove his fingers in and out of your squelching cunt with the occasional curl. two fingers alone already made you feel so full, sucking them in as you pulsed around them.
“i fucking love your tits. you’re latching onto my fingers,” it was like he could read your mind. smirking at your rampant, tiny mewls, he switched breasts, continuing the onslaught on your throbbing pussy. “let me focus on this boob, though. she needs love, too.”
“sisters, not twins, yeah? something like that,” he rasped through his teeth, lapping and sucking. your vision began to get hazy overcome by the torturous intoxication his touch brought, “you know what? doesn’t matter. your tits are gorgeous.”
he released his hold with a pop, leaning back to look at your disheveled countenance, exhaling raggedly. he placed his fingers in his mouth to relish in your sapid taste once more, while his eyes traced every inch of your body. your mouth hung in an O shape, lips plump and glossy. your eyes glossed over. your hair was frizzy and unkempt. you were nothing akin to the meticulously crafted countenance you slaved away for every day. he created a breathtaking mess out of you, which made him wretch with such a frenetic, venereal hunger.
he needed to fuck you stupid.
he needed to tear you apart.
“so pretty,” you murmured as he untied his loincloth, unsheathing his length in its entirety. the shaft same color as the rest of his body, a mixture of azure and sapphire stripes. it was unreasonably thick and lengthy, and had two veins leading to his blushing indigo tip. it throbbed as precum dripped down its side, and onto big balls. it was practically begging for solace in the form of your tongue swirling around it and hollowing your cheeks. “i want a taste.”
“you’re so sweet babydoll. but no,” his denial of your request was met with a disappointed whine and pouty lips. “i really should fuck that mouth of yours for all the shit you talk, but it can wait another day. i need to be inside you right now.”
his breath hitched as he watched his length disappear inside of you with a slicked sound.
“holy shit. you’re so fucking tight, jesus fucking christ,” jake seethed between breaths, panting. he dug his nails into your hips, writhing five hot points of pressure with his grip. his thrusts were slow but with intention, stretching your walls and hitting your core. you stared down at the way his thigh muscles tensed while he snapped his hips. you bit back a moan, your vision blurring slightly from the jolting motion, and your legs threatening to buckle. “dear god-fuck. oh, fuck. fuck, baby.”
“you feel so fucking good, and you’re taking my cock so fucking well,” he let one hand go and trailed it slow up your torso and stopped at your shoulders, quickening his strokes and making your eyes roll back. his fingers ghosted your neck with a dark laugh and a groan, “oh, fuck-what a good fucking girl. you like that, sweet thing?”
“jake,” you pleaded as he rutted into you, raking your nails across his back. you wrapped your legs around him, desperate for release. “this feels so good. oh, jake, ’m gonna…”
“oh god, i fucking love the way you say my name. go ahead and come for me, baby,” he buried his head into the crook of your neck, pumping deeper into you at an unadulterated and alacritous pace. jake pressed kisses to your neck while he felt you squirm and twitch on his length, muffling whines and moans. your glistening cunt tightened around him, like it was luring his cock further into you. he didn’t know how much further it could go. “make a mess all over my cock. it’s all yours, sweet thing. always has been. now use it like it is.”
it was hard for you to give any sort of intelligible vocalization (unlike pussydrunk jake, who seemed to be a little too loud, groaning fuck and i wanna cum over and over) while your eyelids fluttered and blood roared in your ears. you were having a sensory overload, and couldn’t help but drown in the pleasure. from the hickeys he pressed lightly over your taut collarbone with wet lips and the way his cock hit your g-spot, to all the husked whimpers jake let out while throwing his head back and the sound of skin hitting skin, you were in bliss. he was able to quell and rouse the insatiable ache that pooled low inside you, all at once. you were arched and unraveling with a splintering rapture, your own juices mixing with the warm, creamy seed that painted even the innermost corners of your walls.
“wow,” he looked down at your angelic, supine image through long eyelashes, panting. you relaxed your spine, coaxing his cock out of you gently. he was so desperate and unprincipled when it came to you that he probably would’ve stayed inside you the whole night. and you were far too exhausted for that.
“you sure as hell can have a taste of me now, holy shit,” his eyes were glued to your puffy cunt, watching his cum veneer it with a milky white. he swiped his finger in a swipe up your lips, holding his findings to your mouth. you licked it with a small mewl before contorting your face, bleating out a blegh.
“salty?” broad shoulders rose to the rhythm of a hearty laugh as you nodded, pushing the hair out of your face. “it’s cum, baby. i eat like a starved dog. don’t expect much next time.”
“that’s so tragic for me.”
“yeah, yeah. are you okay, though? do you need anything, sweet thing?”
“i need a hug,” you pulled him back towards you, and splayed your hands on his back. with a soft laugh, you traced the welts from your scratches before playing with his tousled mess of hair. the smell of sweat and a rich, earthy scent pervaded your senses as you meticulously picked out the stray blades of grass from each strand. “i’m sorry for fucking up your back.”
“what, are you kiddin’ me? don’t apologize. i’m gonna wear this shit like a medal. tell everybody my pretty girl gave ‘em to me.”
“you say that like you’re not gonna go back to your regularly scheduled ignoring y/n routine. i know you’ll leave eventually,” you huffed, slapping a hand on the newly damp grass to search for your chestpiece. he brought your hand back to his hair, kissing your forehead.
“and you say that like everything hasn’t changed. what’s the point of this if we part?”
“an extra notch under your belt, or something? i have not a clue, toruk makto. oh, congratulations on that, by the way,” you turned your head away from him to spare your tears. for some reason, it suddenly hurt to look at him. the last thing you wanted him to see was your hysterical sobs, after you just bore every other part of yourself to him. you’d have nothing else when he’d go.
he wasn’t really going to stay, was he? no one ever stayed for long. and it would be rather bold to think jake sully out of all people would stay for long, too.
you swallowed, clearing your throat. “i don't expect you to stay. i know i made a big deal about it, but...it really would make a lot more sense to marry neytiri.”
“oh, shut the fuck up," a playful eye roll. "i already told you, silly. i don’t want neytiri. i want you.”
“here-we can get up, and pretend that this didn’t happen, okay? we’ll say you got beat the fuck up by an animal, or something-”
“y/n,” he tilted you gently by your jaw, forcing you to face him. “i want you.”
“-and we can say you were brave and fought him because you’re the hero,” you choked out a sob. “you’re the hero, and i was just there as a witness. the nobody to scoff at; the outsider. i’m nothing to those people. i’m nothing compared to you.”
you were scared. truly, you did not want to see him go, but if you trusted him and loved him with your entirety, and one day he would no longer be there, it would break your heart into pieces. and your heart had already been broken quite enough. ah. so this was jake’s reasoning.
maybe you were the stupid one.
maybe you were both stupid.
yeah, definitely the latter.
“hey, hey, hey. enough of that bullshit. take a deep breath,” jake scooped you up slowly, repositioning you to cuddle in his lap. he tipped your head to lay a kiss against your lips, before pressing your head against his chest. you tried to sync your breathing to the cadence of his own chest rising and falling. he placed a caressing hand on the small of your back, rocking slowly. “i’m not scared anymore, and i’m going anywhere. i love you, y/n. you could never be nothing to me.”
you looked up at him, eyes widening. ‘i love you, y/n.’
there was something about the way he said it, paired with his fluttering, onyx eyelashes adorning gorgeously deep amber eyes. it was like a profound nocturne he sang just for you. there was something about the way he complimented you in a warm, sheltered whisper that tasted like a dulcet dream. it was a sonnet he read just for you. like a poet who lived and died for you.
just for you.
yet, foolishly-for moons, and moons, the poet restrained himself from telling you that your visage was his muse, due to his own trepidation. all he needed to do was trust in you, and let go.
maybe you did, too.
“you promise?” a gentle plead was all you could get out as he wiped your tears.
“i promise. and i’ll seal it with a kiss. or maybe a couple,” he brought your hand up to his mouth, kissing it gingerly. “you are my everything. and that is nothing to scoff at.”
home was not a city, or a state. home was not even a planet, like earth or pandora.
home was jake.
home was jake sully.
stupid, jake sully.
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all writing works are my own, do not repost or repost on platforms such as archive of our own (ao3), wattpad, fanfiction.net, and the like. — maneatrrz © 2023.
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jellied-milk · 7 months
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
• a little quiet, using the moment to catch his breath and adjust himself.
• he’d probably clean you with the closest thing to him (his bandanna, whatever clothes surround you).
• will pull you under his arm and caress your waist while enjoying the silence.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
• John probably has low self esteem because of his scars so he doesn’t really think of himself as attractive.
• ( likes his hands and fingers when teasing you during foreplay: “ Hmm, this pussy gets so tight roun’ my fingers.” ).
• Your breasts!! no matter the size, shape, or color, he will definitely grab them any chance he gets.
• Loves to lay his head between them when you two are alone!!
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
• will definitely come close to cumming inside you sometimes.
• cums on your chest because he loves seeing his spend drip down your nipples, off your breasts, on your thighs.
• (^^ especially if you’re holding your breast and his cum gets on your fingers!!).
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
• wants to cum inside because he wants to feel your pussy milk his cock while being fully wrapped in your warmth.
• LOVES when you beg and whine a little during sex. (when you say to him, “mmm, you’re so big inside me!!” , “oh John, please fuck me faster!).
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
• Yes, but I don’t think he’s very confident in his abilities.
• Learned through working girls in whatever town was closest to camp in his wild and adventurous youth. (obviously excluding Abigail from this)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
• The Pretzel Drip!!
• Fucking your leaking heat as you look in his eyes while he plays with your breasts, pinching your nipples.
• Spreads your legs wild open so he can lean over your body and nip on your nipples while fucking you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
• Probably starts with some snarky remarks that get outta hand between you two and he gets flustered then takes you somewhere more private.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
• probably average based on his hair length and stubble.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
• cautious and definitely waits for you to give him signals to keep going or stop, (especially when you guys first start sleeping together).
• focuses on you more during foreplay because he loves teasing you and gets a little pussy-drunk when inside you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
• Simple answer, no. John would probably wait until you two are alone.
• BUT… if you’re gone on a job or hunt and he’s been drinking that night??
• He’ll fantasize about you, thinking about your little noises and slick heat. Quickly snaps out of it and rushes to his tent. Palms himself before impatiently pulling out his cock.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
• Cockwarming: LOVES having you completely wrapped himself and feeling your wet pussy clenched down
• Teasing: not necessarily him making fun of you but more so YOUR reactions to him and what he says.
• Titjob: when he’s sitting down and you’re kneeling in front of him, jerking your breasts up and down his cock while lickin his tip, it will take everything in him not to bust.
• Exhibitionism: in the form of quickies in the sense that, if John sees a chance with you in an alleyway, secluded train car, or in the open woods.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
• In a real bed preferably at a hotel or cabin, so you guys can also be away from the gang for total privacy.
• (but if the opportunity presents itself, he’ll snatch it so damn fast).
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
• Honestly, attention from you turns him on, ( gets in his own head and likes when you ground him).
• if you wear a shirt/dress with a low-cut or a few top buttons undone, he can’t help but stare before noticing he’s hard.
• When you’re a little mad because then when you two fuck, you’ll be on top and he’ll be playing with your breasts, (win-win in his eyes).
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
• Causing any pain to the point where it actually harms you (would feel very guilty and somewhat reclusive about sex until you reassure him).
• Anything that would de-masculine him, (because he’s a bit self conscious) so pegging or being tied up.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
• personally receiving because he loves it when your tongue twists around his shaft (thinks your mouth feels so nice and warm, and whines a little when he hits the back of your throat).
• If he’s giving then his tongue will go down to your opening and tease it then clamps his mouth around your clit, harshly sucking on it before devouring you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
• Usually faster because he gets off to your noises and breasts bouncing up and down. He works you open with fingers while teasing your clit, making sure you’re dripping before shoving his cock inside you and setting a quick rhythm.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
• happens when there’s a safe opportunity.
• he LOVES them because he can be in any mood and feel instantly better if he gets to feel you dripping down him.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
• With both your lifestyles, you two constantly are risking your necks, so I don’t think so.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
• He can last about 3-4 rounds before needing a break.
• Usually holds himself off and waits for you to finish at least once or twice before he cums.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
• it’s 1899, so no.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
• When fingering you, he LOVES to tease since he lives for the noises you make, the feeling of your hot, slick pussy between his fingers, your hands gripping his arm and blankets.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
• He really does try to be quiet when you guys are in camp.
• But alone: the sound of grunts, raspy pants and his teasing can be heard among you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
• Whenever you whine, sometimes John teases your moans with a “yeah?” In a deep raspy voice.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
• 7 ½ inches, average thickness with prominent veins
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
• Pretty average and would get higher after you guys are together.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
• Either stays awake longer than you do, thinking about you, whatever’s happening to the gang, or himself
• Or instantly curls beside you so he can feel your warmth and softness against him.
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intimacyequalsdeath · 11 months
Bubz's Slasher Fictober Apple Crumble NSFW Alphabets Day 20: RZ Michael Myers
Day 20 is here! Only 11 more days of Fictober to go. I've decided the masterlist menu of everything on the first of November as that's obviously the first day anything non-Fictober related will go up. I do have something special planned for later in November so do keep tuned it!
Notes: Minors DNI, Smut, NSFW.
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A is for Aftercare (What they're like after sex):
Wait? You want him to do what? Um ok? He probably will need a bit to warm up to anything really fluffy since he doesn't really know what aftercare and even after you explain it he'll probably be puzzled as to why that's something you want from him so take it slow.
B is for Body Part (Favorite on them and their partner):
He like his hands. All those years locked away in the mental hospital with all the time to make his masks the way he wants them. He doesn't really know emotions but he'd like to think he's proud of them.
On you it's your neck. His hands fit perfectly around it and he can give you a little squeeze if he wants. He has no desire to hurt you but he's also literally Michael Myers so the deep down urge is still always there.
C is for Cum (Anything to do with cum):
Michael isn't really a picky guy so anywhere is fine with him. You don't really get a say in it though, he cums where he wants and if you don't like it then that's too bad.
D is for Dirty Secret:
He sometimes pictures you in his head when he's out and about killing people and gets hard. The thrill of the kill only adds to this horniness and sometimes he's forced to jerk off right then and there, an image of you riding his cock in his mind and a dead body at his feet.
E is for Experience (How experienced are they?):
He's been locked in an asylum since he was a kid so no experience when you first meet but he's a really really quick learner. After the first couple sexual encounters he's pretty much got it down pat.
F is for Favorite Position:
Again something he's not too terribly picky about. Though he does prefer ones where he's in full control of you and your body (or should I say his).
G is for Goofy (How serious are they?):
Are you kidding? I don't think he's ever cracked a smile in his life. The most you'll get out of him is an amused sounding snort but that's about it. He takes sex like killing, very seriously.
H is for Hair (How well groomed are they?):
They don't let them have razors in the asylum and that's really all I'll say. So buy him a razor and maybe at least some instructions on what he should do.
I is for Intimacy (How are they during the act, romantic etc):
Doesn't know what romance is really. I mean he knows he feels at least something for you, isn't sure what it is, but he knows he feels it. So he'll try and focus on both your pleasures while he's fucking you.
J is for Jackoff (Do they masturbate and how often?):
He does it sometimes as it says under dirty secret. It was also the only form of anything sexual he could do in the asylum so when he got out he slowed down cause he had you but he never stopped doing it.
K is for Kink (Their kinks):
Big on predator and prey, he's not going to actually kill you but he likes to chase you through the woods then have his way with you on the forest floor. The thrill of the hunt really gets him going.
L is for Location (Favorite places to have sex):
Yet another thing Michael isn't going to be picky about. He can do it anywhere and everywhere he literally doesn't give a fuck. He prefers to have a bed at least for your sake since he can get...rough but if not he'll work with what he's got.
M is for Motivation (What turns them on?):
He's just kinda always turned on? Especially when he's around you. The whole thrill of the kill and all that's been mentioned also helps to get him going. Even if it's not particularly sexual it's more adrenaline then anything.
N is for No (Something they won't do):
There isn't really anything he won't do. He quite literally down for pretty much anything. If he wants to try something it's not like you really have a say it anything anyway.
He'll never actually force you into anything though, if you don't want to have sex he'll back off and go kill someone instead.
O is for Oral (Oral Preferences):
Hear me out, I can see him as someone who doesn't really enjoy getting his dick sucked. He just doesn't see the hype around it sure it feels good but he's just kinda eh about it.
P is for Pace (How fast or slow? Are they rough?):
Really really rough and medium speed. Like I'm talking your getting pinned down with your hands above his head while he bottoms out and thrusts his entire length into you at a pace he gets to set.
Q is for Quickie ( Do they like quickies?):
You have things that can be counted as quickies but Michael really is just gonna keep fucking until he's satisfied so don't expect quickies that are actually "quick".
R is for Risk (Are they down to experiment?):
Yeah he's pretty much down for just about anything. The only thing stopping him from doing something more then once is if he doesn't like it or if it doesn't do anything for him.
S if for Stamina (How long can they go for?):
Literally forever. Don't ask me how but literally forever.
T is for Toys (Do they use toys and do they like them?):
Another thing on the list of he's down for it but if he doesn't like it he's out. He does really like watching you fuck yourself with toys though, well until he starts to get jealous and throws the toy away so he can fuck you.
U if for Unfair (Do they like to tease?):
He teases but doesn't realize that's what he's doing. Like he'll get you so worked up then just toss you aside to leave for a night of murdering people and you'll just have to wait and suffer till he gets back.
V is for Volume (How loud can they get?):
Not a peep. Dead silence. The only sound that can be heard is you if you make any noise (He makes you) and the sound of skin slapping on skin.
W is for Wild Card (Random things):
Sometimes, rarely but it does happen. If he recognizes he's been just a bit too rough with you the next morning you'll wake up to a really poorly made attempt at a breakfast and no Michael in sight. He'll deny adamantly if you EVER ask him about it but he's obviously the culprit.
X is for X-Ray (What are they packing):
9 inches, and I'll be taking no further questions at this time.
Y is for Yearning (How high is their sex drive?):
As previously talked about he can really go whenever he feels like it for however long. Especially with you around, He may not be right in the head about whether or not he loves you but he knows for sure he loves fucking you.
Z is for ZZZ (How fast do they fall asleep?):
He doesn't really ever sleep to begin with? Sometimes you'll catch him dozing off after but only for a couple hours before he's up again ready to terrorize Haddonfield.
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haveyouanytime · 4 months
nsfw alphabet - tommy miller | minors + ageless blogs dni! it's my 19th birthday today (6/2) and i wanted to share this quick little thing i did for tommy both as a study and a way to get my groove back lol
౨ৎ daily click to help palestine 🍉
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) He’s sweet. He’ll just smother you in kisses, and for sure has accidentally started himself up again just from the amount of kisses he gives you. TBH he’s not the rush and clean-up guy, he’ll prefer to lay down with you and just chill with the vibes. Like, fall asleep naked type of chill. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) He takes care of his hair, I just know it. He lives by “look good, feel good,” and he knows his effort makes it look good. Extra bonus, he knows how good it feels when you run your fingers through his hair. On his partner, I feel like he loves hips. He just loves to hold and grab them. Whether they’re full or have some dips, he’s grabbing onto them. Steering you with them, both in and out of the bedroom.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) He absolutely refuses to cum before his partner does. Takes it seriously like it’s his life’s mission. You joked once saying he was edging himself when he did this, and he just chuckled it off, internally knowing it was partly true LOL! I think he prefers to cum inside of his partner, partly because of the intimacy of it all, partly because there’s no mess. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) Methinks his dirty secret is that he kinda wants to fuck you in the woods post-outbreak LOL!!!! Of course, if he knew there were no infected in the area and nobody on patrol would catch you, yeah, I think he’d be down. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) I feel like he’s moderately experienced— he hasn’t slept with a crazy bunch of people, but he definitely had a mix of short and long-term girlfriends. (maybe a few one-night stands?) BUT when he’s with you it feels like he’s a sex god, just because of the dedication he has towards you and your body. We’re talking hours of dedication to finding what scratches your itch. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) I think it depends, same with his seriousness. If the sex is for pleasure and just having a good time, I think he likes doggy style. If it’s more a serious, loving, intimate manner, I think he likes anything where he can see your face and give you some kisses. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) He can be reaaaally sweet and loving and intimate, but oh my god he is such a tease. Pre-outbreak, he’s doing anything to get a smile on your face. Maybe the same post-outbreak? Just a bit more of the serious. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) Preoutbreak, I can see a shave a little more often, but majorly trimming. Postoutbreak, I can see a trim, maybe a little shave just to keep it from going crazy. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Pre outbreak, he can be romantic, but he’s a lot more fun. Post outbreak? I think he just uses it as a time to pour all his love out, to remind you that you’re his one. Everyday is a risk when he’s out on patrol, and he uses it as a grounding tool to feel your warmth when he’s back. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) Very rare. I mean veeerrryy rare. Only if you’re apart for a while, or he’s really pent up or frustrated while you’re perioding or just not in the mood. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Breeding. He loves his niece, and he loves the idea of being a dad-- almost as much as he loves the idea of you round, carrying his child. And I don’t think he’d keep it a secret, I think he always tells you how much he loves the idea of starting a family. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) Bed, for both pre and post-outbreak. Pre-outbreak, I feel like he’d be a little adventurous and get you into the backseat of his truck as most. Post-outbreak, I think he’s a little (a lot) more cautious and prefers the confines of your house. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) YOU! Quite literally everything about his partner. From the sway of your hips, the curve of your neck, your eyes, lips, nose, hands, thighs, voice, tone, words, EVERYTHING! 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) I think he goes as far as his partner is comfortable, so anything that makes you feel uncomfortable is a no for him. Also, scorching-hot take apparently, but he would NOT share (especially with his brother tf.)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) He’s such a man so he loves to receive, right, we get that, but when he gives…? Stars. Five stars, actually. Tens across the board. Gold metal. Top of the chart. And like I mentioned before, he’s practically studying your body and your reactions to see what to do correctly, so every time it’s like he gains more and more power. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) Depends? Depends. Pre-outbreak, he’s such a killer and prefers to pick up the pace and have fun while also mixing in slow and sensual nights. Post-outbreak, like I said, I think it’s majorly slow and sensual. But, maybe if he’s stressed or frustrated with the commune, or just needing a little quickie, then he’ll pick up the pace. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) Like I said before, quickies are rare post-outbreak. Maybe pre-outbreak they were just as rare? A little more often in comparison, when he just can’t get enough of you before he has to leave for work or something like that. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) I think I’ve clarified what I think already, Tommy had to mature a lot post-outbreak. Not saying he wasn’t already mature, he was a grown man, but his want to experiment is gone. Like before, maybe he was down for a quickie in the backseat of his truck. Now, with the infected, his number one priority is keeping you safe. He can’t do that when he’s caught with his pants down, y’know? 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) He’s a military man, he’s a carpenter, he’s got some stamina. He can go a while, depending on the night. Some nights after long days of working with Joel on framing a house, he just wants to rest. Other nights, you seem like one of those Super Mario 1-Up mushrooms because he’s sprung back to life (in more than one way). 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) He’s such an ass omg— If you had any toys and he found them, he’d be so fussy and pouty saying that he can do even better than the toys do for you, and he’s right! 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Oh. My. God. If there’s one thing that stayed, it’s how much he teases. He’s so the type to be walking past you, pull you in for a kiss, and keep walking past while you’re itching for more. Once he’s got you in bed, he’s even worse me thinks. And when he sees you weak in the knees, holding onto him, he just calls it his “southern charm.”
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) He groooaaannnssss. I just know it. Source: trust me and my delusions. I feel like certain moves or flicks of tongues could drive a whimper out of him-- which he will sternly deny ever happened. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) He got painfully hard when he taught you how to shoot his guns. He took you out to the range, set up his sniper rifle, taught you the proper position, and just the sight of you made him stiffer than a board. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) Call me Goldilocks because I can’t can’t explain it other than just right. His size isn’t too big, nor too wide, but I know he can steer that ship. My source? Trust me. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) He could go on a while without any, he is a military man, after all… but why would he? LOL! But yeah, he can’t go long without it before whining but could go on a while longer without it before becoming SpongeBob thirsty. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Preoutbreak, he’ll stay awake just as long as you do. He’s not a stranger to staying up later, just watching some TV, eating some food, bathing or showering, or just talking. Post Outbreak? My old man, he’s out like a light. He’s tired, okay!
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butchyeons · 1 month
give and take
jeongmi but make mina a vampire. they have a deal where when mina needs blood, jeongyeon gets to smash. also they love each other but it’ll never get to really happen bc yknow… mina’s dead or whatever. i <3 subby vampires and i esp <3 subby vampire mina! hope y’all enjoy :3
read on ao3
warnings/tags: vampires, vampire sex, light bdsm (i think), handcuffs, strap-ons, blood, blood drinking, light angst
minors dni
Mina was dying.
At least, she certainly felt like she was. As much as an undead person possibly could, anyways.
She almost couldn’t remember the last meal she had. Her head pounded, her body was half limp. She locked herself in her dorm, holing herself up to prevent herself from jumping on the next person she saw. Her fangs angrily protruded from her gums as she laid in her bed, tossing and turning, trying to fight off the voice of her vampiric side screaming at her to feed.
She doesn’t often let this happen- but she’s been busy. It’s the end of the year, and her classes were piling up. She hadn’t had time to go hunting, instead being forced to finish her homework and study for her finals. And right now she was too scared to ask anyone for help- she messed up with Sana, and even though Sana assured her it was fine, she didn’t trust herself to reach out to the others.
But she really couldn’t ignore it any longer. She only had one option.
Hesitantly, she pulled her phone out. She opened her messages and scrolled down until she found the exact name she was looking for.
MN 🐧
Hey, are you at your apartment? It’s an emergency.
Almost immediately she received a reply.
JY 🐶
yeah. you ok?
MN 🐧
Hungry. Please, I need your help.
A moment passed before Jeongyeon replied again.
JY 🐶
alright, come over whenever you’re ready.
An hour passed and Mina found herself nearly banging on the door to Jeongyeon’s apartment. After a minute, Jeongyeon answered the door, wordlessly inviting the anxious girl inside. Mina pushed past Jeongyeon, quickly taking her shoes off, before heading directly to Jeongyeon’s bedroom. Jeongyeon couldn’t help but roll her eyes, following behind her. Mina was standing at the end of the bed, her fists balled at her sides, biting her lip between her front teeth. Her fangs were still protracted- a clear sign that the poor girl was hungry, desperate.
Jeongyeon leaned against her doorframe, looking at the vampire with pity.
“A hello would’ve been nice.”
Mina looked up, a sullen expression.
Jeongyeon finally moved into the room, walking over to Mina and cupping her cheek. Mina gulped, almost wanting to shy away from Jeongyeon’s touch. She could practically hear the blood running through the veins in older girl’s arm, could already even smell it.
“You know how this goes, Minari.” Jeongyeon said, her voice low.
“J-Just this once, Jeong… Make it easy, please.” Mina whispered, locking eyes with her friend.
Jeongyeon just tutted, slightly annoyed, running her thumb back and forth against Mina’s cold cheek.
“When’s the last time you fed?” She asked, ignoring Mina’s plea.
“Three days ago.” Mina answered.
Jeongyeon raised her eyebrows. It wasn’t like Mina to go that long without at least a snack- she often frequented the woods on the outskirts of their college, preying on any small animals she could find before she could get a real fix.
“Did something happen?” Jeongyeon asked, genuinely concerned.
Mina mashed her lips together.
“Haven’t had time. But… I fed off of Sana last week and… It got pretty messy.” She answered, looking down at the ground.
Ah. She had scared herself.
“She’s fine.” Mina quickly reassured. “Just… Needs more time to rest.”
It wasn’t the first time Mina had messed up during a feeding. The other girls tried to be gracious and understanding with her, always helped when they could. When she first got turned, they all often volunteered to feed her- until she got too excited and nearly killed Dahyun. None of them really spoke about it, but some of the others became a lot more distant. Dahyun was hardly ever around, and Tzuyu and Chaeyoung started to avoid her like the plague. It caused a rift, and it ruined Mina for months.
Jeongyeon knew how badly it ate at her friend. Mina was sweet, caring, and shy. She took things a lot harder than the others. It was unfortunate that out of everyone in their friend group, she ended up being the one to get turned.
However, Jeongyeon used the opportunity to set up a deal with her. Mina would feed, so long as Jeongyeon could have her way with her. There was a boundary set that made sure Jeongyeon was always safe. And really, she always had a soft spot for Mina- feelings that were much deeper than just platonic. Their deal was unfortunately the only way Jeongyeon could ever be with Mina like that now that she was a vampire. Jeongyeon loved her dearly, always had, but the two of them could never really be together now.
But, despite Mina feeling the same way, she only typically resorted to Jeongyeon if all else had failed because she knew the older girl was not letting her get her way so easily.
“Did you ask the others?” Jeongyeon asked as she stepped away, moving to her closet and squatting down to search for something.
Mina hummed.
“No. I… I don’t know if I can trust myself with them right now.” She replied.
Jeongyeon looked back over her shoulder as she rifled through some of the boxes on the floor, her expression curious.
“And what makes me any different?” She asked, finally grabbing the box she was looking for.
Mina stepped over towards her. She opened her mouth and closed it a few times, her fangs glistening in the light. She took a deep breath before answering.
“Because you’re the one in control.”
Jeongyeon smirked as she stood back up, holding the box in her hands. She moved back over to the bed, setting it down and taking the lid off. Inside was her collection of toys- several dildos of all different shapes and sizes, a few vibrators, a blindfold, handcuffs, and most importantly, her harness.
“Pick the one you want, and I’ll give you a taste.” Jeongyeon said bluntly.
Mina nodded reluctantly. She knew this was inevitable. Where everyone else let her freely feed, sometimes a bit too freely, Jeongyeon was different. She had to be the one in charge, the one who took and gave. Secretly, Mina loved it- Jeongyeon’s blood was to die for, sweet but not overwhelming. And Jeongyeon was… well, an amazing lover, to say the least.
But right now, at that moment, Mina was desperate- she was starving.
And still Jeongyeon seemingly couldn’t care less. If Mina took from her, she would take something right back- that’s how it always went. It kept Mina in check, prevented her from going too far. It was good, Mina told herself, to have someone else in control for once. It helped her not think so much about everything. Sure, she needed to feed- and soon. But… she really needed to be brainless and broken more than anything else. It was good to have someone take care of her for a bit, to use her.
Mina walked over to the bed, looking down at her options. She eyed the different toys before settling on one of the… tamer ones, a smaller purple dildo- around 6 inches- that only slightly curved up towards the end. Jeongyeon chuckled.
“You sure you don’t want your favorite?” She teased, eyeing the one Mina normally asked for- the thick, 8 inch realistic one that matched Jeongyeon’s skin tone a bit too perfectly.
Mina pursed her lips the best she could, her fangs digging in slightly. She shook her head.
“Not tonight…”
Jeongyeon hummed and nodded. She grabbed the toy, her harness, and, much to Mina’s dismay, the handcuffs. Mina pouted.
“Really?” She asked.
Jeongyeon smirked.
“I can’t remember the last time you’ve been this desperate, Minari.” She replied, moving to return the box to its proper home in the closet. “At least let me have some fun.”
Mina rolled her eyes as Jeongyeon walked back, trying to ignore how her body was practically screaming at her with hunger. It was taking everything in her to not jump on the older girl, to sink her fangs directly into Jeongyeon’s neck and just take it-
Jeongyeon held up her wrist to Mina.
“Go on, baby. I promised you a taste.”
Mina moves slightly closer, shakily taking Jeongyeon’s forearm in her hands. She looks up at the other girl, her expression asking if it was okay. Jeongyeon just nods, moving her wrist slightly closer to Mina’s face. Mina practically salivates as she stares at the most prominent vein on Jeongyeon’s wrist. She needed this so badly, her head nearly spun.
She kept her eyes locked on Jeongyeon’s as she pulled her wrist towards her mouth. Gently, she pressed her fangs against Jeongyeon’s skin, still hesitant. Jeongyeon only looked back and nodded, smiling softly.
“I trust you, Minari.”
No matter how rough Jeongyeon was going to be with her after this, and as much as she wanted to show she didn’t care, she was still Mina’s big softie.
Gently, Mina sunk her fangs down, breaking the skin of Jeongyeon’s wrist. Jeongyeon’s breath hitched, her eyes fluttering closed. Mina began to feed, still doing her absolute best to contain herself, as she drank Jeongyeon’s sweet blood directly from the source. Mina couldn’t help the groan that escaped her throat, her hunger finally somewhat satiated. Jeongyeon hummed, her eyes still closed.
“Do I taste good?” She asked, a smirk on her lips.
Mina rolled her eyes- of course Jeongyeon was using the opportunity to stroke her ego- but did her best to nod, not wanting to jostle her fangs too much and cause Jeongyeon any serious pain. She felt like she was in heaven, her eyes finally closing as she sucked away. Her body relaxed, and her mind started to get foggy- almost as if she was drunk on Jeongyeon’s blood.
But right as she was just starting to feel better, Jeongyeon pulled her wrist away. Mina’s eyes flew open, and she let out a whine. Quickly, Jeongyeon’s other hand met her throat, squeezing tight enough to cut off her air.
“You’ve had more than enough, Minari. It’s time for you to hold up your end of the deal.”
Mina whimpered, her head fuzzy from the lack of oxygen mixed with the euphoria of getting to feed. Jeongyeon loosened her grip, and Mina gasped for air. Jeongyeon moved her hand away, cupping her cheek. Her thumb swiped across Mina’s now blood-stained lips before dipping inside. Mina eagerly sucked, running her tongue across the tip of it. Jeongyeon huffed, amused.
“So desperate, baby. You’re so easy to work up.”
Mina just nodded weakly. Her legs felt wobbly, and her head was nearly spinning. She was still hungry, especially now that she could smell the blood that was dripping from Jeongyeon’s wrist. But a part of her dripped too- she could feel the arousal that pooled at her core, the wetness even more apparent when she shifted her weight onto her other leg. She let out a small whine, finally releasing Jeongyeon’s thumb.
“P-Please, Jeongyeon. Need you. Need all of you.” She whimpered out.
Jeongyeon smirked.
“Get on the bed.”
Quickly Mina complied. Both of them undressed, Mina haphazardly tossing her clothes to the side as she crawled onto the bed. She sat and watched as Jeongyeon took her time, deliberately prolonging Mina’s wait. Mina fidgeted as she watched Jeongyeon’s little show- her mind completely enthralled by it all. After what felt like an eternity, Jeongyeon finally pulled her shirt and sports bra over her head, leaving herself in just her underwear. But those, too, were removed as she stepped into her harness and pulled it up. She walked over to the bed and grabbed the handcuffs first. Mina whined as Jeongyeon moved to stand beside her.
“Do we really have to do this?” She asked, her voice meek.
Jeongyeon reached her hand out for Mina’s wrist. Mina complied, pouting as Jeongyeon attached one of the cuffs to her hand and the other to one of the metal poles of the headboard. Jeongyeon leaned down, her mouth close to Mina’s ear.
“I can tell that the moment I let my guard down, you’d devour me.” She whispered, her voice low. “I know that once we get started, you’ll get more frenzied. And although I trust you, it’s just a precaution.”
Jeongyeon grinned.
“Plus you look hot like this.”
Mina blushed and pouted, feeling a little embarrassed as she looked down.
Jeongyeon leaned in and pressed a kiss to the side of Mina’s head.
“You can have as much as you need once I finish, I promise.” She whispered.
Mina nodded, smiling weakly.
“Usually I’m too tired after you’re done with me, anyways…”
Jeongyeon chuckled.
“That’s kinda the whole point, Minari.”
Jeongyeon gave Mina another kiss before she leaned back up. She gave her wrist to Mina again, letting the vampire have a last few licks- Jeongyeon was mean but not mean enough to make Mina pass out from hunger- before she moved to settle between Mina’s legs. Mina parted them immediately, a blush creeping up on her pale cheeks as Jeongyeon examined her. The human propped herself up on one arm, using her other hand to gently run her fingers through Mina’s slick folds. The vampire couldn’t help but let out a whimper as she felt Jeongyeon’s index finger circling her clit.
“So wet for me already.” Jeongyeon cooed. She moved to lay down, her face hovering right above Mina’s core. “I need a taste.”
Mina whimpered but nodded eagerly, her eyes squeezed shut. Jeongyeon pressed a kiss to her mound before moving down, licking a broad stripe before sucking Mina’s clit into her mouth. The vampire moaned, her head rolling onto her shoulder. She nearly bit at her own skin, unable to hold back the sounds she made as Jeongyeon worked at her.
If Mina’s head wasn’t swimming before, it certainly was now. Between the sensation of Jeongyeon between her legs, her hunger, and the smell of Jeongyeon’s blood, she felt absolutely ravenous. It was torture in the best way possible.
“Jeongyeonie…” Mina groaned out. “Need you… Please…”
Jeongyeon looked up, her lips still attached to Mina’s clit. She pulled away for a moment, replacing her lips with a finger, lightly rubbing over the bundle of nerves- the pressure was too light for Mina to get off, but enough to tease her. Mina hissed, which made Jeongyeon chuckle.
“Need me to do what?” She asked coyly. “Use your words, baby.”
Mina whimpered, baring her fangs.
“Need to drink…”
Jeongyeon hummed, taking her fingers away. Mina let out a whine, but Jeongyeon shifted up onto her knees. Mina looked at her frustratedly, but something darker flashed across Jeongyeon’s face. Without a word, she held up the wrist that Mina had bitten, right in front of Mina’s face but just out of reach.
Mina’s breath hitched. She began to salivate instinctively, her pupils blown wide. She pulled at her restraint- her body was too weak to break free, and Jeongyeon knew that. Jeongyeon was toying with her.
“Need this?” Jeongyeon asked, smirking.
Mina hissed, unable to reply as her instincts fully took over. Jeongyeon leaned back, taking her arm away. Mina grunted.
The older girl clicked her tongue, moving away. She got up and grabbed the dildo that Mina had picked out earlier and fastened it to her harness, giving it a few pumps to make sure it would stay. She crawled back onto the bed, pushing Mina’s legs apart with a smirk.
“You can have all of that and more once I’m finished playing with you.”
Mina gritted her teeth and nodded. She knew this was coming, but it didn’t make it any easier. But now on top of being hungry, she was turned on- painfully so. Jeongyeon gently adjusted Mina onto her back, her arm still being held to the headboard by the cuff.
“Is that okay? It doesn’t hurt much, does it?” She asked from above Mina, a worried expression.
Mina rolled her eyes and smiled. Jeongyeon really couldn’t keep up the tough act for very long.
“It’s fine, Jeong. Just fuck me so I can eat already.”
Jeongyeon nodded, moving to position herself between Mina’s legs. She rubbed the tip of her strap through Mina’s soaked core, earning a moan from the vampire. After teasing her a bit more, Jeongyeon gave in, finally sliding into Mina’s dripping hole. Mina let out a breathy moan, her jaw hanging slack. Jeongyeon plants her hands on either side of Mina’s shoulders before she bucks her hips, earning another moan.
“So fucking tight, Minari.” Jeongyeon whispers from above her. “Such a good girl for me.”
Mina bites her lip hard enough for her fangs to nearly break the skin. Her eyes have squeezed shut, her body trembling. She nods eagerly.
“J-Just for you, only you, Jeongyeon.”
The older girl lets out an amused huff, smiling down at the vampire.
“And so easy to break.”
She finally begins to thrust, moving at a pace she knows is agonizing for Mina- it’s pleasurable but it’s just not enough, and Mina needs more. She bends down and takes one of Mina’s nipples into her mouth, swirling her tongue around before biting gently.
Mina is truly beside herself at this point, all sense of shame out the window. She writhed around, the pleasure too much but not enough at the same time. Her hunger was insatiable- she could still smell Jeongyeon’s blood. Her fingers dug into the bedsheets as Jeongyeon switches to her other breast, repeating her actions, causing a hiss to rip itself from Mina’s throat. Her mind is practically gone, her vampiric instincts fighting to take over, screaming at her to just take it- to absolutely ravage Jeongyeon. She pulls against her handcuff again, but it’s useless- she’s trapped.
She’s brought back down to earth at a particularly rough thrust. Jeongyeon had propped herself back up on her hands, giving herself a better angle to work with. She rolled her hips roughly, causing Mina to moan out. She could feel Jeongyeon everywhere- her strap pressing directly against her most sensitive spot over and over. She gripped at the handcuff around her wrist, a tight coil in her stomach.
“Jeongyeon… I’m gonna-“
She couldn’t even finish her sentence before one last thrust directly against her g-spot sent her over the edge. But even though Mina wasn’t finished, Jeongyeon didn’t slow down.
“W-Wait-“ Mina tried to warn, her body trembling from overstimulation.
Jeongyeon clicked her tongue.
“I want two more.”
Mina whimpered, her body going limp as Jeongyeon continued to fuck her- to use her. Mina really couldn’t complain- after all, she wanted it just as bad as she wanted Jeongyeon’s blood. The system worked for a reason.
Jeongyeon repositioned herself so that Mina’s legs were over her shoulders, letting her thrusts get even harder, reaching impossibly deeper. Mina let herself go completely limp, the pleasure of it all overshadowing everything else.
Mina loved their deal. That’s the only thought she had in her now brainless mind.
“Come on baby, I know you can give me another.” Jeongyeon teased as she moved her hand down to rub at Mina’s clit.
Mina whimpered out, her hole clenching tightly around Jeongyeon’s strap. Her instincts kicked back in for a moment, and she tugged harshly at the handcuffs, hissing and baring her fangs. She was just so desperate- to finish and to feed. Jeongyeon didn’t care, continuing to pound into her at an animalistic pace, nearly pinching Mina’s clit between her knuckles. The vampire’s eyes screwed shut, and she moaned brokenly.
After a bit more, Mina’s second orgasm hit, and she writhed under Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon finally let her have a break, slowing down to a halt, her strap still buried deep inside the vampire. Jeongyeon adjusted Mina again, letting Mina’s legs fall back down and wrap around her waist, before leaning down so her face was above Mina’s.
“You look so pretty when you’re all fucked out, Minari.”
Mina finally opened her eyes, looking up at the smiling girl above her. Although Jeongyeon was sadistic, to say the least, she was still so… Jeongyeon. She was still so sweet despite what she wanted everyone else to think. Mina weakly reached her hand up to cup Jeongyeon’s cheek.
“Only for you.” She whispered. “No one else gets to do this to me. Just you, Jeongyeonie.”
This was the only real way the two of them could ever be together. They both knew it, accepted it a long time ago. But even in the middle of their roughest scenes, both of them couldn’t help but indulge in some of the softer things they both craved.
Jeongyeon leaned down and gently pressed her lips against Mina’s. Mina did her best to kiss back with her fangs getting in the way, but the kiss was soft, gentle. Both of them were savoring it. After a bit longer, Jeongyeon pulled away, breathless. Her cheeks were bright red, and Mina giggled softly at the sight.
“So cute.” She teased.
“Stop it…” Jeongyeon said, looking away with a pout.
“Can’t help it.” Mina took Jeongyeon’s chin in her hand and pulled her back to make eye contact. “The cutest girl I’ve never seen.”
Jeongyeon’s pout melted.
“I love you, Mina.” She whispered.
Mina smiled.
“I love you too, Jeongyeonie.”
Jeongyeon moved back down for another brief kiss. She shifted herself back up, pressing her hips firmly against Mina, reminding the vampire of the strap that was still nestled so deeply inside her. Mina let out a breathless whimper.
“One more.” Jeongyeon reminded. “For me, baby.”
Mina nodded eagerly. Jeongyeon took off again, fucking her deeply. Mina couldn’t help but bring her hand to the back of Jeongyeon’s neck, pulling the older girl in for a kiss. It was rough, and sloppy, Mina’s fangs nearly ripping Jeongyeon’s lips open- but it was perfect.
Shortly afterwards, Mina came one final time with Jeongyeon gently fucking her through it. After she relaxed, Jeongyeon pulled out, ridding herself of her harness before finally taking the handcuffs off Mina. Jeongyeon adjusted both of them so that Mina laid on her chest. They laid there together for a bit, just enjoying the moment with each other.
Mina was satiated by then. Her frenzy had gone away, but she still needed something. Her body was weak, but not in a good way. She slowly rose to look up at Jeongyeon.
“Jeong… Please…” She whimpered.
Jeongyeon reached up to swipe her thumb across Mina’s bottom lip.
“I know. Let me help.”
The two of them shifted around so that Mina was lying against the headboard among the pillows. She pulled Jeongyeon’s back against her front, wrapping her arms around the older girl’s waist. She pressed her nose into Jeongyeon’s neck, inhaling deeply- Jeongyeon’s blood smelled just as good as it tasted. She ran her tongue along the skin, causing Jeongyeon to shudder.
“Mina...” Jeongyeon whimpered.
Mina only nuzzled into Jeongyeon’s neck further.
“Shhh… Let me have this.” Mina spoke softly. “I never get to be with you like this anymore…”
Jeongyeon moved her head to the side, baring her neck to Mina. She closed her eyes and frowned, although Mina couldn’t see, her brows furrowed.
“I’m sorry, Mina. I wish things were different.”
Mina frowned too. She accepted a long time ago that her and Jeongyeon just weren’t meant to be.
“It’s okay. I’m happy I still get to have you sometimes, even if it’s just… Temporary.”
She grazed her fangs against Jeongyeon’s neck, earning another shudder. She paused, ready to sink them in, and looked up. Jeongyeon’s eyes were closed, but she nodded, giving Mina permission. At that, Mina sunk her fangs in, breaking the skin.
Jeongyeon nearly moaned, biting her bottom lip to hold the sound in. She could feel her body heating up at the sensation of Mina feeding from her- the feeling of the vampire’s lips and tongue on her sending a wave of pleasure straight to her core. Jeongyeon grabbed at the sheets, trying to ground herself, but it was no use. It felt so good when Mina drank from her. She couldn’t focus on anything other than the need between her thighs, how she was practically dripping onto the sheets.
Jeongyeon pressed her thighs together, letting out a tiny sound as her head got fuzzy- both from the blood loss and from just how turned on she was. The feeling, she guessed, was like being high. She almost never wanted it to end.
Mina continued to drink blissfully- her body had already long calmed down, and at this point she was just hungry. Jeongyeon’s blood was so delicious to her, and she nearly got lost in the moment when she registered a whimper from the older girl. Mina looked up, noticing the way Jeongyeon bit her lower lip. She could feel Jeongyeon’s body tensing, and her eyes trailed downwards- Jeongyeon was touching herself.
Mina couldn’t help but smirk. She moved one of her hands down from Jeongyeon’s waist, swatting away the other girl’s hand and replacing it with her own. Jeongyeon groaned, her head rolling back as Mina began to rub tight circles into her clit.
“Mina…” Jeongyeon groaned out, her voice deep.
Mina couldn’t really reply with her fangs still in Jeongyeon’s neck. She just hummed, applying more pressure to her movements as she drank. She knew Jeongyeon was already close based on how her body twitched, how warm she had gotten. Her jaw was locked tightly, her teeth gritted together as she made tiny noises of pleasure.
Mina loved it- she loved being able to have Jeongyeon just as needy as she was earlier. As much as Jeongyeon got to take from her, she could take right back. She knew she was the only one who got to do this to her- no one else got to see Jeongyeon a whimpering, needy mess but her. A major perk of their system, indeed.
After a bit longer, Mina finally finished and pulled off, feeling significantly better. She laved her tongue over the wounds on Jeongyeon’s neck, sealing them up. Jeongyeon whimpered brokenly beside her.
“Mina- Please… Harder…”
Mina wordlessly obliged, adding more pressure against Jeongyeon’s clit. And with a few more passes of her fingers across it, Jeongyeon came undone, whimpering as her orgasm washed through her. Mina pressed a few kisses to Jeongyeon’s jaw as she helped her through it, gently rubbing until Jeongyeon pushed her hand away. Mina helped Jeongyeon lay down on her back, the older girl nearly panting.
“Do you feel okay? Did I take too much?” Mina asked, worried.
Jeongyeon’s eyes were closed, her face scrunched up.
“Jus’ dizzy…” She replied. “Feels good, though…”
Mina leaned down to kiss her cheek, forgetting that her mouth was covered in blood. She accidentally smeared some on Jeongyeon’s cheek, and moved to rub it off with her finger. Jeongyeon whined.
“Did it get on me?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay…”
Jeongyeon was half asleep at this point. Mina took that as her queue to leave. She gently got up from the bed and went to gather her clothes.
“What are you doing?” Jeongyeon asked.
Mina turned to look over at Jeongyeon, who was now propped up on one arm, a frown on her face.
“I…” Mina answered, her voice trailing off. “I’ll be going.”
Jeongyeon’s frown deepened.
“Stay…” She pleaded. “Please.”
Mina smiled softly. She just couldn’t resist her Jeongyeonie. She dropped her clothes and crawled into the bed with Jeongyeon, pulling the other girl on top of her. Jeongyeon latched onto her side, throwing her arm and leg across Mina, pinning the vampire down. Mina couldn’t help but laugh.
“Somebody’s needy…”
Jeongyeon whined.
“I missed you.”
Mina pressed a kiss to the top of Jeongyeon’s head.
“I missed you too. I think I always do.”
Both of them laid in silence. After a bit, Jeongyeon drifted off. Mina didn’t need to sleep anymore, so she stared at the ceiling, letting her mind wander. She can’t help but wonder what her and Jeongyeon could have been if she wasn’t turned. Even though they weren’t as close anymore, she still had so much love for her. Jeongyeon was always the sweetest to her, always took care of her. They could go for weeks without speaking but go back like nothing happened. She couldn’t remember the last time they got to see each other before then, but here they were, cuddled close as if they really were partners.
Deep down, a greedy part of her wanted to turn Jeongyeon. To have Jeongyeon to herself completely. But she really wouldn’t wish this on her worst enemy- she could never do that to Jeongyeon.
For now, she decides, this is enough. Their system is enough. Jeongyeon clinging to her for dear life while she sleeps after they both ruined each other is enough. Getting to hold her and taste her every once in a while is enough.
She wonders if Jeongyeon felt the same.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Jeongyeon shifting slightly. Mina could get a clear view of the sleeping girl’s face, all relaxed. She couldn’t help but smile.
“I love you, Jeongyeonie.” She whispered.
There was a moment of silence. Mina closed her eyes.
“Love you too, Minari.” Jeongyeon answered.
That would always be enough.
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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[ 𝐑𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐚 𝐙𝐨𝐫𝐨 ✦ +𝟏𝟖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 ]
✦ requested by Anonymous for the free requests ➜ SASHII WE NEED ZORO, ANY TYPE OF NSF.W HEADCANON PLEASEEE! ➜ and I totally agree with you. Please enjoy the alphabet since more people requested for this after I posted Law's version. ✦ alphabet template by @the-coldest-goodbye ✦ tw: mentions of kinks. toys. masturbation. minors dni. some ZoSan implied (it's up to you to indulge or not in the fantasy :P) ✦ masterlist
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Zoro will share some sake with you, while both rest completely naked on a -almost broken- bed or any surface in which he demonically just fucked you. I think both would indulge in more primal type of sex so no fancy after care might be needed. I think our marimo would go for something more feral, specially if your session took place somewhere outside the bedroom; such as the woods, the beach, or something in the wild. He will swim with you if there is any type of pond or water nearby. Kisses, grunts, and the start of a new round until both fall asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) YOUR ASS. Imagine his veiny strong calloused hands gripping tightly to your glutes while he fucks you. PLEASE, AND THANK YOU. Him? I believe is either his arms or back. He loves to flex his muscles (perhaps not intentionally) while topping you before burying raw and deep into you. Bonus point if you happen to have a mirror over your head to see such huge back about to crush you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) Inside you. Stuffed. Dripping. His cum is meant to be inside you. Even if sometimes he likes the view of those milky drops drizzled on the small of your back and ass cheeks.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) Sanji. Sanji is his dirty secret.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) None, he is just feral and follows his instincts. He founds himself hard for you, he knows how to relieve that pressure. He is not an expert, and yet, he knows exactly where and how to touch. Zoro might be a stray moss but not exactly when it comes to find your clit/erogenous zones.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) Him on top of you. You against any type of surface where he can make you bend and leave your legs trembling. You on top -sometimes if he is the one helping you jump on his dick. If sleepy sex, from behind lifting your leg up to go even deeper, breathing on your neck and sometimes biting cause why not, sweetheart?
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) No goofy at all. No time to. He is too serious, and it won’t change during sex. But some smirks when you are shaking from pleasure underneath him could be seen on his face.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) He is actually a pretty hairless dude. He has some type of tiny green bush but not very prominent (or maybe is the size of his dick what makes it look tiny ha). He has been told how to groom while in the boys bathroom “MARIMO YOU ARE GONNA SCARE THAT POOR ---- AWAY!”
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Maybe you might think he isn’t very romantic while being as feral as he is, however he has his moments; You will notice, specially when he is about to come his steel eye fixes on yours, and the way his lips part… he is completely in heaven and it’s all because of the person he is sharing something so very personal with. Is difficult for Zoro to trust others to such extent, in fact, he usually never communicates how he feels, so by him having this alone time with you it shows how much he trusts and loves you. Sometimes love isn’t in sweet nothings whispered, but eyes that burn for the other.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) Been doing it since he felt that little tingling sensation in his guts. He used to feel a little guilty, the bushido says to be totally focused in your goal and succumbing to lust should be left aside… but there is something demonic inside him eating his guts, some type of strength he can’t fully unleash yet… it has to be a way to tame it, right?
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) - Drinking sake from you. Obviously. - Anal. He craves for it, he wants to try. - PAIN, blood, dripping blood he could lick off you or you off him. He likes the acrid taste, what can I say. - A sword fight completely naked. He wants that and there is nothing you could say to change his mind. He is a simple man, give him sake, a hole -or two-, some violent murderous fighting and he’ll be pleased to try anything you want.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) Anywhere, anytime. There is a special spot he REALLY likes; SANJI’S KITCHEN. Either because he likes to mess with his stuff or mess his stuff. You get it, right?
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) Violence. The smell of blood, he loves LOVES blood; If you have periods, he won’t have any type of problem with it). Being woken up with some kisses around his belly button (yes, the only one he would forgive for waking him up is you)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) There aren't many things that could turn him off. Perhaps he wouldn’t want to be turned on while training hard after a fight in which he believes he wasn’t as strong as expected. Whenever he is focused in his ultimate goal he won’t be needed further distractions.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Giving and receiving he loves it equally. When he gives, he goes hard. He can eat you out in the most violent way possible, lifting your legs up so them rest on his wide shoulders. He won’t be ever kneeling, you will be lifted up for the king of hell. Same if you happen to be on all fours, HE LOVES TO EAT YOU OUT FROM BEHIND. Oh, and if your lips surround his hardness… prepare to listen the most unholy symphony of grunts coming from his throat as his huge heavy hand pushes your head against him. Choke on it, make his sun kissed skin bumpy when he hears you gag. And drink for the King of Hell, there is nothing he enjoys the most.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) R o u g h. But he can go slow, painfully slow, deep until you feel like breaking in two. And while he does, he usually likes to carve his strong fingers around your neck or face. Specially if you two are fucking in the Sunny, he will like to cover your mouth… “shhh or do you want them to hear us?”
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) Not a very quickie type of man, when he fucks you he can’t only go with just one round.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) Please, if you happen to be a swordsman/woman like him or someone with a reasonable strength that could match his, he WILL LOVE to fuck with a blade lingering on his neck. We could add knife play to his kinks, maybe.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) HA! IT’S ZORO. How much you want him to last? His mind could go in sleep mode, but that muscle mass could move on its own all night long.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) The more raw and natural the better. However, we can’t rule out the hilt of your sword used in uh… some… holes. That is, of course, if you use a sword. His are sacred, not for fucking, or at least not to be inserted anywhere. Probably the edge against your neck, yes.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
King of hell and teasing. But he isn’t conscious of it. He exists, he trains, drinks and sleeps. And during all of those activities, he usually goes shirtless. And oh hell, do I have to explain? The little drops of sweat pooling on his prominent collar bones or in between the indentations of his abs… the grunts when he lifts weight, the “ugh... more, I need to train more”s he repeats while stretching that testosterone container that’s his body… oh lord.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) Panting, grunting, growling. Little fucks and even sometimes some whimpers here and there. Zoro is exceptionally vocal but not in terms of words. However, he likes to give you swift directions like “spread”, “crawl on top”, “turn around” with breathy tone too. He, as much feral as he is, makes sure you are ok asking you too. And ultimately when he is ready to fill you up he makes sure you are ok with it (he knows where babies come from if it’s the case) by telling you “ready to be filled with cum? Or “Get ready to be my cum dump sweet bitch” -very romantic, marimo-
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) Hickies. Such a silly swordsman. But he loves hickies since a very young age (around 19 y/o after the Baratie). Giving or receiving. He won’t tell you, but he has always loved them, just don’t leave them on his back.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) You could go with the usual med scale of 9% of the body is approximately the size of the genitalia area. It’s not really accurate, since it takes in consideration the whole surface. But approximately, 9% of 181cm is 16.29cm. Now, for most accuracy in terms of length, using my mathematical equation. Let me see… Sashi’s Method for Dick Estimated Length: So,I will use my BWFC Super Master Stars Piece “The Roronoa Zoro” for the calculation. Zoro is 181cm tall, and the figure is 28cm in total length. So:  if 1/1 – 181cm, then 1/14 – 28cm,. Approximately Zoro’s crotch in the figure is about 3 cm. So if: (1/14 scale) 28cm – 3 cm (1/1 scale) 181cm —x = 19,39cm Then, Zoro’s dick is about ± 19cm Not surprised, honestly. Not surprised and hungry, too.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) Healthy, as they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away.. well, in his case a fuck per day keeps the demon tamed. However, if he is in that focus/training mood, he won’t care much for sex.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Almost instantly. He isn’t really tired, but it’s Zoro. He loves to sleep. It’s part of the pleasure of being with you sleeping over his huge tits after a good fuck.
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Promise (1) – J. Kiszka
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Warnings: Explicit sexual content, mature themes, virgin reader, teary-eyed Josh, fluff, unprotected sex (almost), oral sex (fem receiving) (almost), language, MINORS DNI
A/N: All these posts circulating about Josh leaning into people’s hands while they held him in Detroit inspired this fic. It’s gonna be some softie, first-time-ever smut with Josh, the V-card thief. 🥹
“Is that thunder?” you asked, pausing to listen for the faint grumbling in the distance.
Josh paused to listen as well, his deep brown eyes fixed on the ever-darkening clouds above you. “I think so, but I didn’t see any lightning.”
The wind had started to pick up along the river where you and Josh had been kayaking with Jake, Sam, and Danny. You watched Josh as he paddled over to a big rock that was close to the bank, taking hold of it to still himself against the tugging current of the river. He looked up at the sky again, his brows furrowed in concentration.
After a moment, he paddled back out to you and the rest of the boys. “Looks like whatever this is is moving this way toward us. We should probably head out.”
The boys all muttered in agreement, and you all began to paddle downstream to look for a place to get out of the water. You’d been out on the river for at least half the day, but you were still bummed to have to go. Being with Josh and his brothers always lightened your mood.
You’d been seeing Josh for a few months now, and things seemed to be moving in a good direction. You spent a lot of time with him doing mundane things; going shopping at more farmer’s markets than you’d ever been to, visiting more record shops than you knew existed, and just keeping each other company when you had nothing else to do.
Josh was also a huge film enthusiast, so the two of you spent an abundant amount of time curled up on his couch watching movies of so many genres while Josh shared his thoughts on each one in real-time. You loved hearing him share how his mind worked, and you felt lucky to be able to have a peek at how he processed information. He was the most intelligent man you’d ever met, but it never felt intimidating to you. His brain and his heart ran on the same track, and everything he did and said was coming from a place filled with love.
Josh was tentative and understanding. He was soft. He had moments where you definitely questioned his thought processes, and he could be extremely impulsive and wild, but if the situation ever called for maturity, all of his antics disappeared in the blink of an eye.
“Y/N,” Josh called, “you okay?”
Your brain caught up to your surroundings, and you never realized how far behind you’d fallen. You looked around you, and all the boys were a solid ten yards ahead of you.
“Yep, I’m- I’m good,” you called back, hastening the pace of your strides until you made up a little ground. Danny and Sam shared a tandem kayak, while you and the twins each had your own sit-ons, freeing up a set of hands to carry Josh’s kayak while he carried yours. You watched him as he shifted the weight of it over his head as he walked, watching the taut muscles of his arms as he did so.
Once you had all made it to where the cars were parked, the boys began securing everyone’s kayaks and paddles for the trip back home. Just as soon as they started on the first one though, you heard a monotonous rustling of the leaves in the woods around you. As the sound grew louder, you realized that it was rain, and that it was moving in a lot quicker than any of you had anticipated.
When it reached the lot of you, it was falling from the sky in a steady, but extremely heavy downpour. They boys made quick work of the rest of the kayaks, and before you knew it, you were all in your cars waving goodbye to each other behind tinted glass.
You were in Josh’s Jeep truck, shivering in the passenger seat as his hands moved swiftly over the temperature controls, doing his best to warm you up as quickly as he could.
As the shock of the cold rain wore off, you looked over at him and had to fight to keep your jaw from hanging slack. The usually puffy curls of his mullet sat closer to his head now in dripping ringlets. The water from his hair dripped onto his forehead and you watched the droplets make paths down the bridge of his nose to its tip before collecting together and dropping off, only to be caught by the pointed crests of his lips. The rest of his face glistened from being directly hit by the rain outside. You let your eyes travel down his neck which also glistened in what was left of the dim daylight to his shirt that was completely soaked through. You’d never thought anything of the fact that he practically lived in white shirts until now, and you couldn’t say you were disappointed in his color choice. You could see the curves of the muscles in his chest, more prominent now because of the cotton fabric that clung to his chilled skin. You wanted nothing more than to peel off his shirt and run your hands over his body; just to bask in him.
The thoughts running through your mind sent pangs of anxiety straight to your stomach. You’d never felt a yearning this strong for anyone you’d been with, but the fear of what he would say or how he would react to the fact that you were still a virgin overpowered your need for him.
You sat in the passenger side of his truck fighting an internal battle between reality and what you wanted with every fiber of your being. Your mind talked itself in circles the majority of the way back to his house. As he pulled into the driveway, you wondered what sort of thoughts were running through his mind.
At some point on the drive to his house, the rain had stopped, but you didn’t notice until the truck was shifted into park. Josh got out and came around to open your door for you. After he opened it, he paused, a grin spreading across his still-shiny face; his teeth shining in the light of the moon while the darkness hid most of the rest of his features.
“Come on, mama. Let’s get you warm and dry, huh?”
He offered his hand to you, and you took it, following him up the front steps to the door. As soon as the two of you were inside, Josh went on a hunt for towels and washcloths. He emerged from the hall with bath linens in one arm and a sweatshirt and a pair of boxer shorts in the other. His hair had started to dry, but the same couldn’t be said for his clothes.
“Here. I thought you might wanna take a hot shower to warm up, and I can dry your clothes for you if you want.” His brown eyes were sap-sweet and sparkling at you, his lips tilting up and a small smile.
“I’d love that so much,” you said quietly. “You’re the sweetest.” He handed you the towels and clothes, and you padded off to the bathroom.
Once you’d stripped off your wet clothes, you turned the water as hot as it would go, and you stepped inside. The air immediately felt thick from the dense moisture of the scalding water, and you welcomed it into your lungs, letting the water consume you entirely.
You heard the door of the bathroom creak, and you froze, naked and hot, under the shower head. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched Josh’s shadow through the thick plastic and second decorative shower curtains. His figure paused for a moment before picking up your pile of wet clothes and leaving the bathroom to toss them in the dryer.
Your heart beat faster the more you thought about the way he paused a moment before. You let your mind drift into what could have happened. He could have waited there. Waiting for you. You could have opened the shower curtain, wordlessly inviting him in. You could have had him right there if you had just done it. Just ripped off the band aid and opened that shower curtain. But you couldn’t. You were scared. Of what, you had no idea.
After your shower, you towel-dried your hair and ran your fingers through it to get out the tangles. You slipped on the sweatshirt and boxer shorts he gave you, feeling apprehensive about not having any underwear while they tumbled in the dryer with the rest of your clothes. A heavy scent of sandalwood and patchouli wafted into your nose and made your chest feel warm. You took a deep breath, pushing your nerves as far down as possible before exiting the bathroom and walking up the hall to find Josh flipping through movies on TV.
“How do you feel?” he asked, “Warmer?”
You nodded, giving him a small smile before plopping yourself down beside him on the couch. He leaned back, one hand resting on the top of your thigh while he looked at you.
You watched his fingertips gently draw circles on your freshly warmed skin while his eyes trailed over your entire body, his lips turning up into another soft grin.
“What?” you asked, a smile spreading across your own lips in return.
His dark eyes flicked up to your face and he huffed a bit of air through his nose before he spoke, “I just really like the way you look in my underwear.”
You both giggled and you replied, “Well I didn’t have much of a choice, did I?”
He gave your thigh a little squeeze before moving his hand further up your leg. “I mean, there’s always another option,” he said, giving you an exaggerated look.
You rolled your eyes and grinned as he shifted next to you.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” he asked, focusing back on your leg.
“What were you thinking about on the way home?”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, you’re usually never quiet like that. I figured something was going on. Just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
You paused, wanting to tell him that your were fine, but the images of him sitting soaking wet beside you in the truck and standing in the bathroom, coupled with figmented images of him between your legs and pressed against your chest flashed through your mind, and you found yourself speaking without realizing what you were saying.
You noticed that your breath felt heavy as you tried to stop the river of words that flowed from your mouth.
“I just want- I- I don’t know how to-.” You stumbled and tripped through fragments of thoughts.
You immediately felt his hands gently holding the sides of your face, his eyes warm and welcoming to you as he spoke, coaxing you to speak through your fear. “Tell me, sweet baby,” he purred, “What do you want?”
You swallowed hard. “You.”
His thumbs swept across the crests of your cheekbones. “You’ve already got me, baby.”
“No. Not- not like that,” you said, your voice moving into a whisper.
His lips sat parted as he processed what you were telling him. After a moment, he spoke. “How come you didn’t say anything before?”
“Because I’m fucking scared,” you said, an unintentional chuckle escaping mid-word.
“Of me?”
“No,” you started, the word a little more exaggerated than you meant for it to be, “not like you’d do something to me, I was just nervous to tell you that-.” You watched his brow furrow as he tilted his head, anxiously waiting for you to finish your sentence. “That I’ve never- I’m-.”
Every single feature of his face softened and you could have sworn you could see a tear or two in his eyes. His hands slid up your cheeks as he rested his thumbs against your temples with his other fingers in your hair, and he pulled you to his mouth in a needy kiss. He completely enveloped your bottom lip, lightly sucking it further into his mouth before he ran his tongue along its edge. His hands slightly tightened in your hair, gently pulling on the roots, making you shift against him, wanting more.
You slipped your arms around his neck and moved to sit in his lap, a knee on either side of his hips. He pulled you closer, taking a hand from your hair and smoothing it over your back as he artfully slipped his tongue between your parted lips. He continued with his tongue until you broke the kiss, pulling back from his mouth and taking a big breath.
His eyes stayed trained on you the entire time as you heaved against him. He leaned back up into you and touched the tip of his nose to yours.
“You’re sure you want this?” he panted, his voice thick and raspy.
“Yes,” you breathed back, your hands resting on the waistband of his sweatpants.
You felt his arms wrap around you and scoop you up, walking you down the hall to the master bedroom.
He carefully sat you on the end of the bed, and you quickly found his waistband again. You could see the bulge in his sweatpants from where his cock was pressed against the thick fabric. You swallowed hard as you hooked your fingers around the band and pulled down, watching the tip of his solid cock hit his lower stomach.
You felt a warm sensation spread between your legs as you marveled at him, noting the pronounced indentations of his hips and the length and girth of his cock. You squeezed your legs together as thoughts of how deep inside you he would be able to reach filled your head, making your pussy throb just by the sight of him. “Fuck,” you muttered, barely audible.
He gingerly tilted your head up to look at him. “What’s wrong, mama?”
“Nothing,” you said, swallowing hard again, “you’re j-just really f-fucking big. What- what do we do if it doesn’t fit?”
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and but down on it softly, unsuccessfully hiding a smug grin. “It’ll fit. I promise.”
You raised your eyebrows at him, dramatically glancing from his face, down to his cock, and back up again.
His hands reached down and held your hips, swiftly lifting them up, laying you out on your back. You yelped at the quick movement and propped yourself up on your elbows. Josh hooked his fingers into the waistband of the boxer shorts you were wearing, his eyes trained on yours, waiting.
Your eyes widened, not sure of what was happening. He bent down and placed an open-mouthed kiss on your lower stomach before lifting his head just enough to be able to look up at you. You moaned at the sight of his soft brown eyes looking at you from between your legs; a sight that had been plaguing your mind for some time. He looked even more beautiful doing it in real life than you could have ever imagined.
“Lemme get you ready, mama. Let you cum in my mouth so you can get a taste for it? Hm? Lemme get a taste for you at the same time?” He punctuated his last question with a series of sloppy kisses to the insides of your thighs.
“Oh my God, Josh,” you breathed.
“Can I take that as a ‘yes?’”
He immediately tugged the boxers down your legs and tossed them into the floor. He stooped down to stand on his knees in front of you, pulling you closer to the edge of the bed again. He gently laid your legs over his shoulders and leaned in close enough for you to feel his breath on your heat. He paused there, his big brown eyes locking with yours again. “Listen close,” he started, “You want me to stop at any time, you stop me, okay?”
You nodded, your eyes wide again.
“Promise me, mama.”
“I promise.”
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the-solver-system · 4 months
Hello! Hello! We're the Solver System! Also known as Solver, Sol, Solv, or Absolute Solver! We're a system of Murder Drones fictives! We go by They/Them/Themself and It/Its/Itself pronouns!
While this is mainly for The Solver System, alters from other systems may post here too!
We have a Murder Drones AU known as the Code and Bones AU - which will be tagged as #code and bones
We have a sorting system for all alter posting, each alter has their own sign off. (Too lazy to make a list for it though!)
Here is our carrd!! and our pronouns page!!
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Here are everybody's blogs!
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The DNI is;
MAPs, Zoophiles, LGBTQ+ phobes, racists, ableists, endo/non trauma sys + endo/non trauma sys supporters (endo/non trauma sys neutrals are fine :]), trolls, anti-agere/agedre/petre, and just anybody who is hateful for no reason
BYI/Extra Info; We will most likely not do any chain things sent our way, so dont feel bad if we dont respond! This includes but is not limited to picrew chains, "do (insert thing here) and then send to (insert number here) people" and similar, and basically just anything that's chain ^^
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We own a few roleplay blogs aswell, listed below
@sadism-in-science - Cantor
@timid-fluttering - SD-R
@bee-a-giant-woman - SD-B
@cryp-in-the-woods - Cryp
@the-door-drone - Khan Doorman
@rad-thad - Thad
@lightxlion71 - N
@ask-code-and-bones - Code and Bones ask blog
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You can find the masterpost for our Alter Introductions here!
(please note not all alters will make an alter introduction)
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I Hope you enjoy our blog! :D
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royaldaycare · 23 days
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Hello !! I'm Logan (or Johnny!) and welcome to my daycare! you can call me Logan, Lo, Johnny, big brother or dada! I also occasionally go by saint or my OC's callsign, Sparrow!
A little about me ! :
I use he/they/it pronouns as well as some neo's and xeno's too!
I'm trans, gay and asexual! I'm also questioning whether I am poly or not!
I am an age regressor and a caregiver! (my agere blog is @gh0stlyb34r !)
I'm 19 and my birthday is June 3rd!
I'm from the uk!
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my anons! ;
💚 ,
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I am a 100% sfw caregiver! any nsfw accounts will be blocked!
This blog is a safe space for regressors and caregivers alike! anyone that makes this blog an unsafe place will be blocked immediately
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My rules!
dni ; nsfw, edsh, zionist, racist, homophobic, against Palestine, transphobic, ableist, trump supporters, anti agere, ddlg/abdl accounts, anti petre
boundaries ; keep all terms used for me either masc or gender neutral, do not flirt with me (even if it is as a joke or friendly), please keep all asks sfw.
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My interests!
games ; call of duty, overwatch, resident evil 4, forza horizon, roblox (royale high, dress to impress, obby's and tycoons!), fnaf, poppy playtime, indigo park, red dead redemption 2, animal crossing new horizons, good pizza great pizza, hogwarts legacy, valorant, a little to the left, unpacking, mario kart 8, mario kart wii, just dance, the last of us
movies/shows ; deadpool & wolverine, deadpool, x-men, harry potter, fantastic beasts, atsv/itsv, marvel, star wars, the umbrella academy, stranger things, the batman, titains, heartstopper, young royals, criminal minds, fnaf, arcane, ghostbusters, barbie, oppenheimer, nimona, christopher robin
musicals ; les miserables, hamilton, waitress, the greatest showman, la la land, hairspray, dear even hansen, heathers, high school musical, lemonaid mouth, annie, descendants, beetlejuice, mama mia, tick tick boom, into the woods, mean girls, in the heights, little shop of horrors
youtubers ; pezzy, elasticdroid, puffer, grizzy, smii7y, gtlive, game theory, warn, frogger, aspen, beaplays, dawko, ethan nestor, blarg, thedooo, coleydoesthings, film cooper, dechart games, hthaze, james marriott
musicians ; james marriott, taylor swift, mcr, twenty one pilots, billie eilish, hozier, noah kahan, sleeping at last, the smiths, laufey, chappell roan, bruno major, paramore, novo amor, depeche mode, p!atd, daughter, djo, feels like july, florence the machine, frank sinatra, gerard way, ghost, lady gaga, lemon demon, lily allen, maya hawke, 1d, 5sos, mitski, micheal jackson, sleep token, taylor austen dye
misc ; books, dolls (monster high, lol, rh), pop figures, lego, posters, flowers, pin badges, jewellery, halloween, fall/autumn, deco pacis, colouring
DISCLAIMER ; I hold all of my faves accountable! I do not support jkr, noah schnapp ect!
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My faves !
celebs/authors ; pedro pascal, hugh jackman, ryan reynolds, ali hazelwood, kit connor, oscar isaac, hayden christensen, ewan mcgregor, tom hiddleston, andrew garfield, tom holland, aiden gallagher, eddie redmane, aaron tveit, erik j brown, david tennant, josh hutcherson, david harbour, wynina ryder, natalia dyer, maya hawke, matthew gray gubler, thomas gibson, aj cook, barry sloane, neli ellice
characters ; John 'Soap' MacTavish, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Captain John Price, Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, Robin Buckley, Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Penelope Garcia, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Loki, Logan Howlett, Scott Summers, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Ben Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves, Newt Scamander, Din Djarin, Deadpool, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Danny Zuko, Jean Valjean, Ben Florian, Flynn Rider, Aziraphale, Crowley, Nick Nelson, Charlie Spring, Diego Hargreeves
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dividers and Lydia banner by @kodaswrld <3 bj banner
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asclexe · 4 months
⭐️ government-forced blog intro post ⭐️
(new and improved!)
welcome to marvin’s marvelous mechanical museum!
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^ me if you even care..
art above by the one and only @pingunaa
remember 2 to do ur daily clicks for palestine
free everyone!! help some people in need!!!
fun websites masterlist
suicide hotlines
this could save your life!
kys /j <3 (KEEP YOURSELF SAFE /srs.)
hai!! hello!! hey!! what’s up!! basic info/fun stuff below the cut (very long intro soo sorry)
*flash/blink warning for the blinkies
name: asclexe formally? cameron causally, but call me whatever! no, seriously! idc! nicknames (ex: cam, ronnie, cammy, etc) are welcome! feel free to call me your pookie or your son or child or something, be creative!
⭐️gender and pronouns: i am uhhh. nonbinary i think. they/them preferred, but it/its or he/him are also fine!! i prefer gender neutral terms, but i also am more masc leaning. like im a man. but also just a person.
⭐️not specifying my age but im a minor. B cool!! internet safety!!
⭐️sexuality: aromantic asexual aplatonic lesbian dumbfuck
⭐️nationality/country: american fuck my stupid baka life (EST timezone)
⭐️ i am also white :/
⭐️star sign: leo :3
⭐️personality type: intj (also houses mtbi if u care)
⭐️religious alignment: atheist cause im god /j 💪💪
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bigots and pedos/zoos are lame and not welcome. i bite scammers. exclusively nsfw/kink blogs not welcome. im a kid. ed blogs please do not follow me because im uncomfortable with that. also don’t expect a follow back if youre over 24 cus thats weirdd
also if ur a diehard stan of anything pls think :3
dni if you’re from earth or human. aliens only blog. /j
and everyone else is welcome :3
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⭐️fandoms im most active in:
house md
doctor who (only on season 2!!)
good omens
warrior cats (on arc 5 but i don’t plan on reading them)
dungeon meshi
movies in general
+ any other fandoms i consume in the future!!
⭐️fandoms i rarely post abt but still enjoy
tbosas/the hunger games
dead poets society
six feet under
a series of unfortunate events
she-ra/the owl house/steven universe/gravity falls/etc
barbie/monster high
doogie howser md
scott pilgrim
the amazing digital circus
the middle
stardew valley
the spiderverse
abbott elementary
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i will post abt my sims occasionally :3 most posts are text posts bc im untalented
*i’m looking to get into evangelion, supernatural, hannibal, saw, and dexter 👍
i write fanfiction and poetry (i take requests feel free to hmu), i do local theater, i make pride icons (also requests hmu) i drabble in the occasional doodle, and i like baking and watching youtube and scrolling through tumblr and walking through the forest and my neighborhood and making bracelets and spending money and laying on the floor and singing and dancing and being silly and reading medical textbooks and cool novels and hanging with my irls and idk, yeah! life! carpe diem!
*also i’m trying to get into reality shifting! (im not a freak i swear)
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⭐️my fav music artists (a little all over the place:3) jack stauber, will wood, lemon demon, tally hall/miracle musical, dazey and the scouts, mommy long legs, the oozes, bear ghost, mitski, chappell roan, weezer, the smashing pumpkins, my chemical romance, laufey, liana flores, faye webster, MARINA, pearl & the oysters, queen, no doubt, slipknot, korn, mindless self indulgence, hole, some olivia rodrigo, charli xcx, some vocaloids,
i love pretty much all kinds of jazz, rock, and showtunes (except ballads. i dislike ballads)
my music taste can be described as like. neurodivergent weird kid alt rock and hot girl summer pop.
(music recs are very much welcome <33)
*taylor swift enjoyers follow at your own risk (i hate on her occasionally. i really dislike her music and she’s also not that great of a person)
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random facts about me :3
⭐️i’m left-handed (bully me for it ik im a freak)
⭐️unfortunately a theater kid :/
⭐️tall for this website
⭐️the most insufferable and annoying person ever
⭐️DOESNT BITE!! (i swear)
⭐️ i’m genetically pitch perfect but i’m awful with rhythm
⭐️favorite planet is ur mom (i ❤️ venus)
⭐️honors roll baby 🔥🔥
⭐️im most likely neurodiverse?? undiagnosed but speculated
⭐️perpetually alone only child 😔 please talk to me i love chatting with people, asks and replies preferred, dms okay <33
⭐️favorite color green. all of the shades.
⭐️i haven’t cried properly in like a year and i am not breaking my mewing streak
⭐️minorly touch/attention starved :3
⭐️single & ready to mingle!! (please don’t fucking talk to me like that im aroace and a minor )
⭐️i’ve never seen an episode of spongebob but saw the musical
⭐️im nicer than i seem (i’m also a very negative person in general but i keep my thoughts to myself!)
⭐️i have a massive sweet tooth :3
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⭐️(new) tags guide!⭐️
*note this is a new system i’m trying out, some older posts do not apply
#asclexeposting - all original content
#camyyaps - unhinged text posts/late night eepy time posts/yapping in the tags
#cam touches grass - the rare times i go outside and touch grass and do stuff
#ask the fellows - relating to my ask blog (go follow it go do it its @ask-the-ducklings go ask stuff)
#me ask :3 - reblog of something i asked another blog
#mootie :3 - if we’re mutuals and you send me an ask i tag it with this :3
*you also get your own individual tag for asks, for example @pingunaa is ping :3 and @rubeslovesthesmiths is rubes :3, etc
#cammy’s 4 later tag :3 - stuff for later!!
#cam plays the sims :3 - my simming tag
old man doctor yaoi prompt list :3
my house md oc :3
⭐️side blogs!⭐️
@ask-the-ducklings - ask/roleplay blog 4 the house md duckligns
1/2 of @meanwhile-on-the-road, the other half is pookie @sillyhyperfixator
@house-md-referrer - house md references
@theindierockcafe - writing blog
this will be mostly reblogs of my silly mutuals/my fyp, i try to make original content often! I ❤️ REBLOGGING ART YOU SHOULD DO IT TOO!!!! hope we can get along! ask me whatever! i don’t know! be nice and respectful cause i’m a minor!
SPAM MY ASK BOX :3 create lore, send me images, ask for comfort, WHATEVER!!!! im friendly and ill answer your ask eventually.
disclaimer; i live in the us and a snowflake so im occasionally political, nothing too extreme im just scared 👍 i also don’t spoiler tag!! sorry!
if you want me to share your fundraiser; give me some time to verify you!!!! i promise im not ignoring you!!
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blinkies made in the blinkie cafe :3
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laracrofted · 2 years
we'd run inside out from the cold
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synopsis: jake takes his girlfriend home for christmas. (or i realized jake seresin will never chop down a christmas tree for me and had to soothe the ache somehow.)
pairings: jake seresin x fem!reader (no y/n, a few uses of a call sign)
warnings: all fluff all the time, swearing, just kissing, smut is implied only but jake has some impure thoughts so... 18+, minors dni
note: inspired by this mood board i made. it was supposed to be short and sweet and instead, it's 2000+ words and suggestive. happy december, babes!
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tagging a few people who might like this one @theharddeck @double-j @bioodforbiood @t-nd-rfoot @bradshawsbitch (who wrote a winter-themed bob fic that was so cute and cozy, it sent me into a downward spiral. read it here!)
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You are nowhere to be found when Jake patters down the stairs, freshly changed from his stiff denim jeans into flannel pajama pants that’d probably fit him back in his Academy days. They’re a little too short now, exposing a stretch of bare ankle between the hem and his wool socks. 
He shivers in the cold stillness of the living room, tugging the sleeves of his sweater down to cover his palms. 
You are the last ones up, and Jake hasn’t unplugged the tree yet, expecting you to stay up a little longer.
You want to put the Christmas cookies in the oven and watch Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman find love in While You Were Sleeping.
He just wants to wrap his arms around his girl and drift in and out of sleep with you pulled tight against his chest, warm and cozy under a pile of blankets. 
He wants to sneak some raw cookie dough, and when you inevitably scold him for it, lecturing him about salmonella and the like, Jake wants to shut you up with a kiss that tastes like gingerbread and molasses; wants to feel you melt into him like the sugary frosting on his tongue. 
In the soft multicolor glow of the Christmas lights, Jake looks for the familiar shape of you buried under the handmade quilt that Grandma Seresin gave him for Christmas last year. Never mind that Jake has enough quilts to carpet his apartment back in San Diego. Ma has to hold onto the others, keeping them folded upstairs in the closet of his childhood bedroom. 
Still, Jake accepts each new one with a dashing smile and a kiss on her wrinkled cheek.
No one is hidden beneath the quilt.
He folds it over his arm, still warm with her body heat, and Christmas lights gleam off the black iPhone screen on the coffee table. He picks that up too, smiling at the case, clear and covered in little illustrated butterflies that match your call sign. Sets it back down and looks around the room. 
Not in here, Jake thinks. 
He was gone for all of the five minutes and definitely would’ve heard you come upstairs. Ma still hadn’t gotten anyone in to fix the creak in the third and second-to-last stairs. Sounds like a damn cat in heat.
Or… Jake remembers with a slight smirk, like the strangled sound Rooster had let out when Phoenix accidentally nailed him the balls during a round of football one time. They’d never known Rooster’s crows could reach that pitch. 
That reminds him… 
Jake owes Rooster a Christmas Eve text.
He’d gone to the mountains with Maverick for Christmas. Penny Benjamin rented some picturesque cabin in the woods, in an area that was known for good skiing and snowboarding, so Rooster was probably having the time of his life. Still, Jake wants to check in, just in case joining the Mitchell and Benjamin family unit hadn’t gone well. 
He punches out the text. 
A casual, non-invasive How’s it going with Mav? that Rooster immediately responds to with a string of emojis that’d be unintelligible to anyone who doesn’t spend 40+ hours a week with the dude. He seems to be having a good enough time, so Jake slides his phone back into his pocket, looks down at the abandoned phone again.
“Now,” Jake says out loud. “Where did you sneak off to, sweetheart?” 
His voice is almost too loud in the near silent room, and Jake cocks his head to listen more closely for any signs of his girl. He is met with the low buzz of the baseboard heaters and the occasional whoosh of the wind blowing snow against the windows. 
He shivers again, and Jake has an epiphany. 
It shouldn’t be so cold in here with the heat on, which means…
He pokes his head into the kitchen and sees the back door is open. Not enough to let the weather in, just a precaution someone might take to keep themselves from getting locked out. Someone smart, like Jake’s girlfriend. 
He grabs his snow boots, pulls them on over his socks, and quilt in hand, slips out into the bitter night. 
Snow crunches softly under his boots, and Jake will need to sweep the snow from the deck in the morning. He already did it this afternoon, after getting back from the Christmas Tree Farm, but Texas is facing a historically cold winter with record snowfall this week.
Snow paints a pretty picture for a white Christmas, making everything glitter and gleam in the pale moonlight. 
Nothing could ever paint as pretty a picture as the one Jake finds outside.
You’re bundled in one of his old coats, a nice one with a fur-lined hood, and a familiar knit hat. Ma made that one, and after you forgot your beanie in your suitcase, Jake made a big show of setting it on your head during their search for the perfect Christmas tree this afternoon.
He purposely pulled it down too far, covering your eyes too. You scrunched your nose at him and acted all annoyed, but Jake could see the pleased glow to your cheeks, already flushed from the cold. 
It made him feel the same way that Jake feels right now, like your visible happiness is a hot lance through his heart. You’re seated on the brick stairs that lead down to the yard and the stables, but Jake holds back and watches his girl for a moment, unobserved. 
How in the world did Jake Seresin become to the luckiest man alive?
He was always the insensitive one, always the asshole, always second-best even after giving every part of himself over to the pursuit of ice-cold perfection. Him. 
He presses his hand to the soft material of his woolen sweater, right over that aching spot in his chest, and lets out a deep breath. 
“There you are,” Jake says, calling your name. You half-turn.
Snowflakes catch in the hair that escapes from the hat, shining in the dim light from the kitchen windows, and Jake brushes it from the jacket, dropping onto the step beside his girl. He can feel the wet snow seeping into the flannel pants, making them damp. He doesn’t mind much.
You smile at him, bright as the Christmas lights on the tree inside, glittering as the fresh snow on the ground in the blue beams of moonlight. Lean your head on his shoulder.
He wraps an arm around your waist, tugging you against the line of his side, wanting you as close as possible. Not even an inch of space between you. 
He always wants you there. 
Ma was the first of his family members to notice, though Jake’s sisters didn’t take long to catch on too. Damn Seresin women…
“She’s not gonna disappear while I’ve got you washing the salad forks,” Ma joked, smacking him lightly on the shoulder with a plaid hand towel. 
He probably deserved that, missing her prompt to pass the pile of utensils yet again because Jake was too busy looking over his shoulder, tracking you from across the room. 
He whipped his head back around, face warm. 
Ma didn’t miss that either.
“Look at that…” Ma commented, taking the bundle of spoons that Jake handed her and dunking them into the soapy water. “You two gonna okay sleeping in separate rooms? Wouldn’t want you to come down with separation anxiety.” 
“Give it a rest, Ma,” Jake grumbled, embarrassed. He blamed the heat of the still-warm over for the blush that crept down his neck. He waited until Ma was preoccupied looking down at the sink before Jake cast another quick look over his shoulder. 
You might not be sharing a room, but Jake sneaks across the hall into the guest bedroom every night to slip beneath the comforter for a few blissful hours, one arm underneath the pillow, the other wrapped around your torso, cradling you against him. Legs so intertwined that when Jake has to untangle himself to lean over and kiss you in the early morning, slithering his hand across your collarbone, coaxing your head back with a gentle press of his fingers. 
It is hard to leave you there, softly moaning into his mouth in the pre-dawn blue, but Jake has to be back in his own bed before Ma gets up to feed the horses. He’s starting to get dark circles under his eyes from doing it every morning. It’s well worth it. 
“Didn’t meant to disappear, babe. Just wanted to see the snow at night.” Your words are barely louder than a whisper, brushing against the side of Jake’s neck, as if you’re matching the muffled tone of the snowfall. “So quiet out here.” 
“It is,” Jake agrees. “Far cry from San Diego.” 
He notices your knee bouncing and unfolds the quilt over your legs, cocooning you both in a pocket of warmth. It’s cold enough out to fog the windows and cover them in a thin sheet of frost, and Jake can see the puff of your breaths. 
You are warm against his side. 
Soft again, quiet as snow. “Thank you for bringing me here.” 
He swings his gaze to look at you, pitching your chin up with two fingers and looking into your sparkling eyes. It hits him again. Adoration pierces through him, right through the heart, and Jake strokes the side of your face with the pad of his thumb.
You sneak your hand from under the blanket, reaching up to cup the side of his face in turn. Run your palm across the prickled scruff that’s grown on his jaw over the past few days. 
He leans into your hold, closing his eyes for a hushed moment.  
And then Jake pulls back, catching your hand in his and kissing the center of your palm, then interlacing your fingers. 
“Thanks for comin’ with me, Butterfly,” Jake murmurs, leaning down to press an affectionate kiss to your cheek. You happen to turn at the same time, eyes bright, and Jake catches your mouth. 
Your lips are cold, but Jake makes quick work of warming them, coaxing them open, licking into your mouth. You taste honey sweet. Like the white wine from dinner and peaches from the after-dinner cobbler, and Jake drinks in every bit of sweetness, every soft sigh that spills from your lips. 
Hands itching to pull apart the buttons of the coat, to tug the loose sweater away from your neck and press open-mouthed kisses all the way down the line of your throat… 
Jake breaks the kiss. 
Leans his forehead against yours to catch his breath, calming the heart that’s threatening to beat out of his chest, racing like a wild horse.  
“You okay there?” 
He can hear the amusement in your voice. 
A smile tugs at his lips. “Just… Give me a second while I hold back the urge to lay you down in the snow and…” He lets the sentence die. All in the name of holding back the urge. 
You laugh. It echoes like the jingle of bells around the snowy woods.
Wind whooshes through the frosted trees, carrying your laugh back to you, and Jake notices more and more snowflakes gathering on their sleeves, frosting your delicate eyelashes. It’s starting to come down harder. 
“We should head inside,” Jake says, pushing up to his feet. He shakes the snow from the quilt, making a mental note to hang it over the staircase railing to dry overnight. 
You look up at him, and Jake holds out a hand. 
Your eyes sparkle with mischief. “Head inside to watch the movie and make cookies, right?” 
He shakes his head, smirking. “No. I’ve got to get out of these wet pants before I get hypothermia. Thanks to you.” 
Hand slipping into his, Jake watches your mouth drop open, biting down on his lip. He tugs you to your feet, fast enough to send you crashing into his chest, just to hear that familiar surprised exhale shoot from your parted lips.
You look at him with narrowed eyes. “Watch it, Lieutenant. I’m cold too.” 
“Really?” He walks you back under the shelter of the doorway, shield you from the snow with his torso. Icicles glean from the edge of the roof. “Don’t want you getting hypothermia either then, darling. Think I might need to run a midnight shower for the both of us. How’s that sound?” 
Home makes his accent thicker, and Jake plays it up even more, watching the way your lashes flutter against your cheeks. He’s got you, hook, line, and sinker. 
“What about the cookie dough?” is the only protest that falls from your lips. 
“Put ‘em back in the fridge,” Jake instructs, leading you back inside and closing the door behind you both.
 “And don’t you worry, sweetheart…” He presses the next words into the hollow right below your ear, planting a wet kiss there, skating his tongue out to lick the delicate skin. “I’ll go easy on you. You’ve got to be able to get on a horse tomorrow.” 
A wonderful gasp graces his ears, and Jake can’t help his grin. 
You scowl at him, but Jake feels you shiver against him. His grin widens, sharp and intent. He heads back into the living room to unplug the Christmas lights.
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Ma sees you headed back from the horseback ride early on Christmas morning before the rest of the Seresin clan will come around to exchange well wishes and open presents.
Frowning slightly, Ma pulls him aside and asks, “Where’d you take that girl this morning?” 
Brows furrowed, Jake recounts the route, taking you around a local trail that ran the length of a frozen stream and gave you a good view of the stables, dusted in white like a gingerbread house. You’d been giddy at the picturesque view, wearing an old film camera around your neck to snap a few shots. You’d pressed your gratitude against the line of his neck, and Jake probably needed a cold shower before changing into his Christmas attire.
“It was an easy one,” Jake asks, confused. “Why?” 
“Wasn’t a rough ride with the snow, was it? She’s limpin’ a little bit.” 
And Jake buries his grin behind a cough. 
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end note: butterfly comes from me listening to phoebe bridgers's so much wine cover on repeat while writing this. hope you liked it, but i'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings!
part two with the shower smut, lmk? now posted here!
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lulu24784 · 8 months
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🖸 ──» south park nsfw alphabet :
kenny mccormick minors dni
warnings: sexual content, swearing
All characters are 18+.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s attentive and sweet. Will gently clean you up and bring you water if you need it. Loves to just lay in bed afterwards and have pillow talk while cuddling you and caressing your hair. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Kenny loves boobs. (Wow who woulda guessed?) He’s always loved boobs. How they look, how they feel under his hands, the noises you make when he sucks on them. He literally dreams of boobs. He’s fond of his eyes. They’re really the only thing he doesn’t cover up when he’s wearing his parka. He doesn’t like them in a… Vain way I guess? More like, he’s grateful that his eyes allow him to see the world and the beautiful things in it. They allow him to see what an out-of-breath mess you are underneath him and he fucking loves it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Depending on how pent up he is, he might cum pretty quickly once things get going. Thankfully his refractory period isn’t too long and he’s usually ready to go again after 10 or so minutes. He definitely prefers to cum inside if you’ll let him, but if not he’s just as happy to cum on your thighs or tits. He’s surprisingly not a big fan of facials.. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
There isn’t much! Kenny is very much an open book and he enjoys talking about sex and his sexual experiences. Dude even gives porn recommendations to his friends. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s quite experienced. He’s hooked up with a number of people so he definitely knows what he’s doing now. If you’re nervous he’ll take good care of you <3
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Cowgirl for sure. He loves most sex positions but cowgirl is his absolute favourite. He loves watching you grind on him and seeing your tits bounce. He is in HEAVEN. You make the cutest expressions when you start getting tired and he can’t help but grab your hips and fuck himself up into you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Kenny is pretty goofy. He likes to keep things light-hearted and comfortable for you! He likes sex to be fun.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He trims every once and awhile, but it’s usually not something he’s concerned about. He did go in and get waxed one time and he HATED it. The pain was not worth it lmao
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Kenny is a goddamn sweetie pie. During your first time together he was so incredibly gentle and sweet, holding your hand and caressing your cheek. If it’s a date night, he’ll light candles or play music. During previous hookups with other people, he didn’t care too much, mostly just wanting to get off and leave.. But with you.. He wants to impress you and show how much he loves you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Kenny masturbates A LOT. LIKE A LOT A LOT. Mans is insatiable, especially after meeting you. Depending on his mood and if he has plans or not, he’ll sometimes spend an entire day just edging himself. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Kenny is into quite a few different kinks. He enjoys being praised and occasionally degraded. He likes to have sneaky, hidden public sex. He enjoys posting nudes of himself online and gets off from the thrill of it. He’s probably a little bit of an exhibitionist.. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In nature. He likes going out to the woods, finding a secluded area for you to both just indulge in each other. It’s not the most comfortable, but it’s a lot of fun. Second to that would be your place, either on the bed or the couch. He doesn’t like having sex at his place as he doesn’t want to potentially expose his little sister to anything.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Literally anything. A stiff breeze could make him hard lmfao. Of course though, cleavage or nipples poking through your shirt gets him going pretty fast. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything to do with pain or anything kind of dangerous, like choking. He used to be into choking, but accidentally dying during sex is such a massive turn off lmao. He dislikes pain because he constantly deals with it, and he just wants to have some fun during sex.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Definitely a preference for receiving, who doesn’t like blowjobs?! But he’s not a selfish lover so of course he’s going to readily return the favour. He’s fairly experienced as well and won’t let up until you’re cumming on his tongue. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends. Hookups, he’s fast and rough. With you? He could be slow and sensual one night, wanting to cherish you and make love.. Another night he could be fast and rough.. Especially if you’ve been teasing him. Kenny is a man of variety lol
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
LOVES EM. Not as much as having regular sex.. But damn, the man will never say no to a quickie. This might be his dirty secret.. But he loves having quickies when he’s supposed to be doing patrol work as Mysterion, as long as everyone is safe first, of course.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s risky. He loves the thrill of potentially being caught and gets off to it quite frequently. He’s pretty good at keeping it under wraps though since he has yet to actually be caught doing anything.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Kenny tries his absolute hardest to last as long as he can. If he gets too worked up he doesn’t last very long, but he makes up for it by paying special attention to you while he waits to go again. He’ll try and go as many times as you want, even if he’s dead tired.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Kenny only owns a cheap fleshlight that he probably bought(stole) from Spencer’s. He wants to get more toys to experiment with and use on you though.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can be a little bit of a tease! He likes to flirt and make you blush but he gives in a little too easily.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Kenny is very vocal. He loves leaning down to moan and whine in your ear while he fucks you. Sometimes he’ll talk dirty but it depends on what kind of mood he’s in.. You can also expect lots of praise.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
It took him a while to finally have sex with you. He had never really fallen in love this hard before so he wanted to be absolutely sure of his feelings before taking you to bed. With his reputation he also didn’t want you to think he only liked you for sex.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s pretty average, 6 inches, cut. He’s got a lot of scars on his body from near-death accidents. He’s also got a little beauty mark on his v-line.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s high! Insanely high! He’s always horny and raring to go.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If you make him go round after round, he’ll definitely just pass out after cleaning up. Typically, he’ll cuddle you and wait for you to fall asleep in his arms before he lets himself sleep.
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42 notes · View notes
prolix-yuy · 1 year
So if you’re feeling it, i would love a fic about Frankie’s first time as an escort…Thank you and love you lots💕
Mari my darling, this ask is sooooooo delicious! Especially because as much as we've alluded to Frankie's work, we haven't actually seen any of it yet. Though I'm gonna pull a little bit of a fast one on you in regards to the wording here, but I think you'll enjoy where it takes us.
Frankie's First Time
Pairing: Francisco "Catfish" Morales x F!OC "Lily"
Summary: What was Frankie's first time like?
Word Count: 6.9k
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, descriptions of male and female bodies, grinding, oral sex (f receiving), we are dedicating another 2k words to Frankie's kitty king skills, fingering (f receiving), safe PiV sex, a whisper of ass play, Frankie AND Lily's filthy mouths, watch me make up shit about sex work.
Notes: This was a blast to explore how Frankie "auditioned" for Pope's, and how he got the reputation we all know and love. I also got to explore things from Frankie's POV, so we get some insight into exactly why he's so competent in places. Even though Ms. J is sitting out this story, we know she's thanking Lily for her service well into the future.
Cross-posted on AO3
Sex Worker!Frankie AU Series Masterlist
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He’s not sure if he’s supposed to knock on the chipped blue door or let himself in. The whole situation feels weird, like an audition for a play he never learned the lines for.
Well, at least the metaphor’s pretty accurate.
“Come in,” floats through the wood, answering his question, and with a deep breath and a turn of the knob Frankie steps into a whole new world.
She’s walking to greet him when he steps over the threshold, a bright smile on her face.
“Pope said you’d be punctual,” she says, one hand on her hip as she surveys him. Now that he’s here and actually doing this - really considering sex work - his jaw locks up and hands wipe nervously back and forth against his jeans. He nods quickly, grimaces a smile, and scuffles his feet on her doormat. 
“Oh, you are a cutie, you don’t need to be this worked up around me. I don’t bite,” she says, taking the last steps to rub her arms firmly up and down his biceps. Her touch is comforting, the raise of her eyebrows and nod a well-earned reward. “Let’s sit down and chat. Do you want water, coffee, iced tea?” She coaxes Frankie further into her apartment, waiting for him to toe off his boots with a mumbled apology before sitting him on her maroon couch. Leaving briefly, she returns with two iced teas. Frankie gulps his down fast enough to make her smirk.
“So you’re friends with Ironhead and Golden Boy? And Pope too, of course.” Frankie’s eyebrows knit together in confusion until he makes the connection.
“Will and Benny, yeah. Pope sent them to you too?” he asks, twisting the cup in his hands to give them something to do. 
“What can I say, I’ve got a lot of experience vetting the talent,” she quips back, turning to tuck her knees onto the couch and face Frankie more fully. He takes a moment to actually look at her more than quick glances. She’s pretty but in a way that’s disarming, a way of watching him that makes him feel like she knows his secrets but won’t share. Her chestnut hair flows over her shoulders in silky waves, complimenting her warm skin and umber eyes. He thought she’d be in some tight little tube dress but the lightweight tank top and shorts compliment her natural beauty with a realness Frankie didn’t know he craved. Her toes are painted baby pink.
“You’re making me nervous you swallowed your tongue, honey, can you tell me how you’re feeling right now?” she says, and Frankie coughs out a laugh. 
“Sorry, I’m feeling…shit, way out of my depth,” Frankie says, leaning forward to put down the glass. He remains hunched, head in his hands as he takes a deep breath.
“One step at a time, baby, let’s start off easy, okay?” she says, and that firm hand on his arm directs his attention back. “They call me Lily. Not my real name, you know. Will and Benny picked their own, you have one in mind?”
Frankie leans back and slaps his thighs.
“No idea, my call sign was Catfish but…nothing much else.” Lily laughs, and the noise is soothing to his frazzled nerves.
“Catfish it is. Was it the whiskers?” she asks, reaching over to scritch her fingers lightly into Frankie’s scruff. The touch is surprisingly welcome, her demeanor calming. He didn’t think he’d be ready to be touched yet.
“Long story. You don’t think that would weird out…uh, clients?” 
“Might make them more intrigued.”
Her hand moves to settle on his thigh, and the familiar stirrings of intimacy through touch rumble under Frankie’s skin. But it’s too fast, brings too much of the artifice of this situation to the forefront, and Frankie balks.
“So where are you from?” he says, voice booming in the small room. He winces at the volume, but Lily doesn’t move her hand.
“Colombia. Came over with a bunch of other girls.”
Frankie remembers this part of the story.
“One of Peña’s informants?”
“More or less.”
“But you’re still…?”
Lily scoots closer to him, and Frankie tries to relax into her proximity. She is pretty, long limbed and smooth skinned and smelling of sweet soap. 
“I get to do something I enjoy and I make money. And this is the nicest place I’ve ever worked, though much quieter than I’m used to.” She taps Frankie’s thigh to turn his attention back to her. “If you don’t think you’ll enjoy it, I would recommend you not start. It’s not easy. If you’re not looking forward to the good parts, the not-so-great ones will make you miserable.” 
Frankie nods, thumb worrying at the denim stretching across his thighs. 
“What are you afraid of happening?” Lily asks, and now her knee is pressed against his thigh. The tension starts to bleed out of his shoulders. She’s good, no wonder why she’s Santi’s best girl.
“It’s, ah…it’s a lot of things,” Frankie starts. She waits, her hand moving to stroke soothing circles. “What if someone finds out that I don’t want to know? And what do I do with the…clients? Like how do I plan out what they want or figure it out and what if they don’t like it? Or don’t like…me. Am I…” Frankie pauses and looks, really looks at Lily. “Would anyone actually want me? I get Will, and Benny. But I’m not…” 
The rest of Frankie’s concerns slide back down his throat as he sighs and rubs the heels of his hands into his eyes. Lily lets the silence stretch for a moment longer.
“I’d recommend keeping the work between you and as few people as possible if you’re afraid of being found out, but it’s a risk you’re taking no matter what. A client could out you as much as a stranger.” Frankie hums and nods as she continues.
“As for what you do, Pope will give you some background. You’re not going in blind, which is a big plus to this setup. Are you taking all clients, or being selective?”
“I, uh…hadn’t thought about that. Probably women to start, and then…I’ll see.”
Lily’s lips curl at the corners.
“Full of surprises. Women can be hard if they don’t know what they want. Part of what we’ll do today is find your boundaries so Pope knows how to schedule your clients. If you don’t do men, he won’t give you any. If you might do something out of the ordinary if you have clear direction, he’ll talk it through with you. And if there’s something you’re very good at, you’ll be his go-to guy.” Lily’s fingers tap up his forearm thoughtfully. “We’ll find those things too. I’m a discerning lady, and if you’re good I’ll know.”
Frankie sighs and finally lets go of that last bit of tension holding him hostage.
“As for your last question…” Lily says, lifting up on her knees. “Can I sit on your lap, honey?”
Frankie’s eyes go wide, but he nods slowly at the request. Lily swings a leg over and settles on his lap, big hands going to her hips immediately. She smiles down at him and lets her fingers wander through his hair, tugging the Standard Oil cap off to free his curls.
“You’re worried they won’t want you, or like what you bring. But from my perspective, a broad-shouldered man with huge hands and the most kissable lips I’ve ever seen is underneath me, and if those big brown eyes are anything to go by, you’re a thorough, and attentive lover.” She swipes her thumb over his lips as he parts them. “When they open the door and see you standing there, big boy with soft eyes, their pussies are gonna throb.”
“Fuck,” Frankie breathes out, shuddering against her touch. 
“Soon enough,” she quips back. “First, ground rules. You never jump right into fucking. Always make sure you’re both clear on what she wants and how she wants it. Check in, make sure she’s not feeling pressured.”
“Of course,” Frankie says, confusion flitting across his face. “I thought everyone did that.”
“Oh sweetie, you are a slice of perfection,” Lily giggles, and Frankie’s hands tighten on her hips. 
“Take your time. Don’t rush it. You know how long she’s paid for, so give her every last moment. You might be the first person to ever give her undivided attention, and that will keep her coming back.”
“You ever get attached?” Frankie asks, his cock filling at her hot body pressing into his lap. Maybe this wouldn’t be so difficult. He’s certainly having a good time with her now.
“Yes, once or twice. You redirect those emotions into something useful. Channel those feelings into care for the person. You love how happy you get to make them feel. You’re attracted to how they open up and trust you. You’re giving them a valuable service and you enjoy that.” 
Frankie rolls his hips below her, and she tugs his hair with a cheeky smile.
“Lastly, before I see what you bring to the table, always be safe. Condoms always. If she wants something risky, for herself or you, that hasn’t been discussed, you respect your boundaries. And you walk away if it’s getting out of hand. Pope will always have your back.”
“Okay,” Frankie murmurs, his eyes hooding as his gaze licks over her body.
“Now,” Lily says, her voice dropping into a sultrier register. “I’d like to kiss you, Frankie.”
“Yes, please,” he murmurs back, tilting his head back for her descending lips.
She’s perfectly soft against his mouth, but firm as she cradles Frankie’s head. He moves his lips against hers, the gentle presses he usually starts out with before he deepens the kiss. She sighs into his mouth, hips rolling slightly as he strokes his fingertips up her spine. The pebbling of her flesh swells pride in his chest. 
“Mmm, feels good, Frankie,” she hums, backing off just enough to signal Frankie it’s his turn to show her what he can do. Splaying his large hands on her back, he leans up to meet her lips again, another chaste press before he slips the tip of his tongue along her bottom lip. She opens for him, and he thanks her with soft little laps, barely touching as his hands roam her back, the strong muscles of her thighs, weave through her hair. They’re rocking together in a rhythm neither consciously chose, Frankie’s cock starting to ache at the lack of pressure. 
Her nails scratch across his scalp, tugging his curls just shy of painful, and he delves his tongue deeper into her waiting mouth. She groans, sliding down his thighs to finally fit her core against his straining length. The welcome friction drives his kiss deeper, her teeth sinking into his bottom lip, tongues sliding more fervently. She finally breaks away, lips shiny and eyes bright.
“Mmmm, you’re a very good kisser. Let’s take this to the bedroom,” she says, lifting off Frankie’s lap. A small noise of protest leaves his lips at the loss, but he obediently follows through a plain hallway to a sparsely decorated bedroom. The nightstands are simple honeyed wood, a matching headboard behind the king-sized bed. The bedspread is an inoffensive dark gray, crisp white sheets folded primly at the head. Lily turns around and stands at the foot expectantly.
“I, uh…do you want me to just…” Frankie stammers, the confidence waning. 
“How about we do what you normally do, and I’ll chime in as needed. Show me your moves, handsome.” Her coquettish smile entices him to step forward and cup her face in his hands, brushing their noses together again before he parts her lips with his own and drinks from her. She melts against his front, fisting his t-shirt as he gathers the hem of her tank top in his bigger hands.
“Can I take this off you?” he asks, tracing his nose along her cheek as she nods. Pulling the thin fabric over her head, he takes in a sharp little breath that she’s not wearing anything underneath it. His hands travel up just below her pert little breasts, dark nipples tightening at his touch.
“I’d like to put my mouth on you,” he pants into her ear, waiting patiently for her breathy, “yes, Frankie,” before he guides her back, banding an arm around her waist before laying her down. On his knees between her spread legs he drinks her in, parted lips and hazy eyes and a body he wants to take apart until she’s a shuddering mess.
“Frankie,” Lily calls lightly, a smile brightening her face.
“Sorry, you’re just…beautiful,” Frankie says, allowing a little of the awe to creep in as he hovers over her prone body.
“I like it when you say what you’re thinking,” she replies, fingers back in his increasingly messy hair. He makes a note to keep it a little longer if this is the treatment he’ll get.
“I think there’s a lot more I want to taste than just these,” he purrs, lowering his mouth to wrap around her nipple and softly suck. Her back arches, legs caging in his narrow hips as she sighs at the clever licks of his tongue and drags of his lips over the supple flesh. Frankie loves breasts of all shapes and sizes, and her small handfuls are no different. He loves how his whole hand can dwarf their size, how large his thumb looks swiping over her puckered nipple. He switches to the neglected one, his thumb and forefinger rolling the wet bud in the absence of his mouth.
“Yes, Frankie, that’s so good,” she mumbles, thighs tightening around him. He drops his hips into the cradle of her sex, a shallow grind relieving some pressure while driving her pleasure higher. With a satisfied hum he lifts to capture her mouth again, lips plumper and reddened from his thorough work. She accepts with fervor, nipping and sucking at him until his hands find hers and he presses them into the mattress.
“You taste so fucking good,” he groans, dipping to lave his tongue along her neck. She squirms underneath him, reedy moans making his head spin. “Not faking any of this, are you?” he huffs, breaking the heady tension. Lily fists his hair again and pulls him to eye level, a sardonic smile on her swollen lips.
“Not a chance in hell, honey,” she rasps, and Frankie can practically feel his dimple pop out at her breathless admission. 
“Want to taste you here too,” he admits, rolling his hips against her hot core. “Want to make you cum on my tongue. Would you like that?” he asks, bolder in his question now that he’s coming into his wheelhouse.
“Yes, Frankie, fuck, definitely yes,” she pants, hands coming to tug at his offending clothing. He shucks his flannel and t-shirt, a brief moment of self-consciousness following. He knows he’s got a little bit of a softer stomach, no six-pack like Benny, and his hairless chest might be a little less manly than he wished, but when her eyes widen and her tongue comes out to lick her lips the thrill returns.
“Knew there was a tasty fucking body under there,” she teases, fingers tapping against his belt buckle. “I bet when you’re on top you make all the girls feel small under you. Those broad fucking shoulders. Can’t wait to get my legs over them.” Frankie’s cock slams to attention at her filthy mouth, taking a moment to palm himself while he settles on his knees at the foot of the bed. If he does this often enough, he’s going to have to bring a pillow with him. Or a chair.
“I’d never keep you waiting,” he shoots back, testing the banter. To his delight her eyes darken, lifting her hips as he eases her shorts and panties down her legs. Her glistening folds make his mouth water, and when he pulls her down the bed to his waiting face her thighs shake under his capable hands.
“Relax, sweetheart. You said you were gonna keep an eye out for what I’m good at?” he says, innocence written across his face. She quirks a brow and nods. “Perfect, because I am very good at this.”
She might have been preparing for a scoff, or a witty comeback, but when he lowers his mouth to her pussy and licks a wide stripe over her throbbing clit all he can hear is her garbled groan as he begins learning her cunt in earnest. Circling her clit with the tip of his tongue makes her hips rock. Sliding down to her entrance with slow-steady strokes arches her back generously. Teasing just at her hole eases her back into steadier breathing, but breaching it makes her whole body shudder. Every movement, every reaction he gets from his oral onslaught he files away, content with taking his time to map out everything that makes her thrash and sigh.
“You are good at this,” she gasps out, locking eyes as he looks up at her from where his face is buried in her folds. “Holy shit, you look so fucking hot like that,” she stutters out, his smile pressing into her cunt. 
“Love doing this, s’my favorite part,” he garbles into her flesh, wrapping his lips delicately around her clit and pulling soft suction into his mouth. She cries out, fingers tightening in his hair as a chanted, “Oh god, oh fuck, fuck Frankie, I’m gonna, holy shit I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that,” tumbles from her lips. He keeps it up for a moment more before releasing, her breaths coming out in ragged sobs.
“Would you like to come, beautiful girl?” Frankie murmurs, hands stroking soothingly along her bare thighs. She laughs briefly before reaching down to stroke his sticky lower lip.
“Show me what you can do, big boy,” she challenges, and the glint in his eye is her final warning before he sets to his task. Long, firm strokes from her hole to just below her clit work her up, her hips rocking in time with his pace. He pulls her closer, legs draped over his shoulders as he bobs his head, eyes flashing up to catch her blissed-out face before she tips back into the pillows. When a whine grows in her throat he switches to tight circles on her clit, alternating directions and interrupting with quick flicks to keep her keening and arching into his mouth. 
“Frankie, please,” she begs hoarsely. He was never good at edging, always wanting his partners to cum now and cum over and over again. So with his mouth sealed around her clit he sucks and works his tongue over her tight little bud as her hands scrabble for purchase on the bed, his tousled head, the sheet he hears creak in her fists. When her body feels as tight as a bowstring he releases the pressure just enough that when he flicks over her clit she’s helpless to stop it. Her orgasm rushes through, thighs clenching hard around his ears, hips bucking hard enough he has to pin them down, and breathy shouts shooting right to his throbbing cock. If he could cum from this he would. If he had a hand down his pants right now he definitely would. But instead he slows his strokes, enveloping her slick folds with his hot mouth as she weakly releases his head and flops back to the mattress.
“Holy shit, Frankie, that was…yeah, I’d fucking pay for that,’” she gasps, his chuckle dark and deep against her core.
“Nah, that’s standard good fucking. What you’ll pay for is that I’m going to do it again,” Frankie says, and he almost can’t recognize the confidence in his voice. It’s making his skin crackle with excitement as he strokes a finger through her sopping cunt, savoring her scent in his mustache.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, handsome,” Lily says, propping up on her elbows to look at him between her thighs. “Sometimes less is…way fucking more than most girls are used to.”
Frankie lets a lopsided grin dance onto his face, enjoying how her own expression falters.
“You don’t think I can do it?” he purrs, shallowly breaching her with his fingertip. “Haven’t even tried to get your g-spot yet. Give me a chance to make you cum on my face again, and I’ll fuck you in any position you like. Even the challenging ones.” Lily contemplates his offer, carding his curls back from his face. He likes the way she plays with his hair. He’ll have to encourage that.
“Even the positions where I fuck you, big boy? I’ve got loads of toys for that.” 
Frankie flushes deeply at that, face blazing hot as she laughs at his sudden turn.
“Teasing, only teasing. Though you shouldn’t knock it. I could make you see stars, baby.”
Frankie coughs and tries to get back into the moment, shaking his head.
“Maybe when I’m a little more experienced,” he acquiesces. It’s a little white lie. He wouldn’t be able to let someone make him that vulnerable for a handful of dollars. That’s something he’d only consider with someone he trusted deeply, and cared for just as much.
“Fair enough. Let’s see what you got,” she says, leaning back and propping some pillows behind her back. A wicked smile crawls onto Frankie’s face.
“I’ll give you my best, sweetheart.”
Frankie’s specialty is the second orgasm. The first is long, languid, learning. The second one has a pace all its own, both in the buildup and the payoff. He can’t go right back to torturing her overstimulated clit, or pumping his fingers into her, no matter how hard the idea makes him. Instead he drapes his arm over her waist, spreads one of his hands over her thigh, and lays heady kisses along her stomach. Her muscles twitch at the scratch of his beard, the teasing nips of his teeth, the self-conscious giggles he earns when he tongues a particularly sensitive spot. He lets his hands roam, kneading at her thighs, skimming his fingers up to splay across her chest. Their span is exciting to most, eyes widening when they see how far his thumb and pinky can reach. He basks in the relaxation of this moment, bringing her down from her height onto the pillowy comfort of his touch. 
“Frankie,” Lily murmurs, sliding her calf along his back. He slides up to kiss the inside of her knee, trailing his mouth down her thigh. “Frankie!” she giggles more urgently, wiggling her hips when he doesn’t speed up his movements.
“Impatient?” he hums into her skin, but he lets his fingertips dance closer to her core. “Thought you were going to let me try.”
“Didn’t realize you were going to take all afternoon for the second one,” she quips back. Mischief flashes in Frankie’s eyes, and he crawls up her body to ghost his lips over her earlobe.
“Are you turned on yet?” he whispers, testing a deeper bedroom voice. To his delight she writhes under him, fingernails lightly scraping up his back. He slides a hand down to cup her pussy, sliding one finger through her folds. “Mmm, yes you are,” he sighs, scraping his teeth behind her ear to elicit a shaky breath. Coating his finger in her slick, he slides inside as she takes in a shaky breath.
“Good?” he asks, holding still with his middle finger buried inside her slick heat.
“Yeah, fuck, Frankie, please,” she gasps, rocking her hips against his hand. A triumphant smile hides against her neck as he drags his finger out, then buries it back inside her. After a few careful strokes he finds a spot that arches her back, a quiet “fuck” escaping her lips.
“Oh yeah, there it is,” he coos, swirling the tip of his finger over it. Her nails bite into his shoulderblades, the pressure of his jeans against his cock almost unbearable but he’s so focused he pushes it to the side. “Can you take another one?” Lily nods quickly before he slicks his ring finger and slides both inside.
“Shit, Frankie, I don’t even really like fingering but this…” she says, pulling him down to settle more of his bulk on her. He draws one knee up to plant under her thigh, but lets his broad frame press her deeper into the mattress. His unoccupied hand slides under her neck, holding her while he dives in to kiss her deeply, sensually, in time with his methodical strokes. When her hips start moving in time he breaks the kiss, shuffling back down the bed.
“Gonna cum again?” he asks, only allowing a hint of smugness into his voice. Lily laughs breathlessly.
“Yeah, if you put your mouth on me I just might,” she teases.
“Yes ma’am,” Frankie says back before lapping fervently at her neglected clit. The warm passes of his tongue stiffen her back, thin moans growing into cries as he finds the pattern that drives all thought from her mind. Slick with sweat, her body roils under Frankie’s careful ministrations. When his knuckles pull too much at her sucking grip he spits on where they’re joined, licking where she’s stretched around him.
“Frankie, holy fuck, don’t…don’t stop…” she stammers, hands back in his hair as he rubs roughly against her g-spot and messily tongues her, audibly moaning to vibrate her clit and tighten her nipples. He wants to palm one pretty tit while he’s eating her out but she’s so close he can’t help himself. He clamps his hand down on his protesting cock as he swipes his tongue hard and fast, thrusting his fingers deep and devastating. Pride surges in his chest when her hips lock hard, bowing her off the bed as she wails. His hands fly to support her, holding her firmly against his mouth as he plunges his tongue into her spasming cunt and circles his nose on her clit. She thrashes against him but he holds steady, eyes burning up her body so when she finally opens her own she can see the raw need heating his face. His cock jumps again when her eyes roll back and another, softer pattern of pulses wrap around his tongue. 
Again, he thinks with wonder, she came again just looking at me.
When her body unlocks, trembling instead, he lowers her down to the bed, soothing his hands along her skin as he swallows down her second release. Her breaths are ragged, sending him to search for a glass of water for both their parched throats.
When he returns she’s positively wrecked, limbs weakly spread on the bed. Her head lifts and she blearily takes the water, letting Frankie hover at her side until she places the glass down on the bedside table. The silence stretches until she finally speaks.
“Holy fuck, Frankie, not only are women gonna pay for that, they’re gonna pay double,” she says, making Frankie’s shoulders shake with quiet laughter. “I’m serious, I don’t think I’ve ever had my pussy eaten that good. Who the hell taught you that?”
Frankie’s eyes go soft in memory.
“I had a girlfriend when I was a lot younger. It was both of our first times, and she’d never…she was all stressed out about cumming. Repressed upbringing, you know. I didn’t want to pressure her to do anything if she didn’t know what felt good. I’d been jacking it for a while before that, I knew what I liked, but she was so nervous. I told her we wouldn’t have sex until I made her cum first.” He strokes a hand absently on Lily’s forearm, her smile soft and kind. “Fingering was too intense, so I tried to eat her out. I was…ah, not good at it. And she wasn’t sure if it felt good, and was self-conscious about how long it took, if I liked it too. It stressed us both out for a while. I finally asked her if I could just try for as long as it takes.” 
“And how long was that?” Lily asked, turning on her side so Frankie’s wandering hand could stroke along her hip.
“About an hour. Took my time watching her body, seeing what she liked. Combining things, doing some things longer, more intensely. When she came I almost fucking passed out, I got so turned. And then, when she calmed down a little bit…I did it again. And again.”
“And now you’re a fucking god at it,” Lily concludes, wiggling her hips when Frankie takes a careful handful.
“I like doing it. Like the taste, how you smell, how responsive you are. It’s intimate, special. If someone puts their mouth, they want you to feel good. I like the intensity of that.” 
“Well I’ll definitely put that in your recommendation. But we should also take care of the final bit of business before we call our session complete.” Frankie’s eyebrows shoot up when Lily’s hand grazes his thigh, palming his neglected erection. “Hiding something big in here, are we Frankie?”
The confidence radiating off of Frankie dissipates a fraction, the earlier apprehension creeping back on his face.
“I- I know it can be a lot. I’ll go slow, we can take our time,” he stammers, backing off a bit to give Lily room. She smirks at him, sitting up and swinging her leg over Frankie’s lap to cage him in.
“Well, we’ll have to work on your delivery there. You say it like it’s a death sentence,” she giggles, and the tension eases enough for Frankie’s shoulders to lower. Her fingers glide along Frankie’s skin, skimming across his plush chest. “Say it like it’s the sexiest thing,” she challenges, leaning back to see what Frankie does. He ponders for a moment, then unbuttons and unzips his jeans to hang loosely around his hips. The dark boxers he’s got on underneath stretch across the soft V of his hips. 
When Frankie looks back up at her, his eyes are dark as sin with a smile to match. Crawling up her body, he gently takes her wrist and guides her inside his pants. Urging her fingers to  wrap around his girthy cock, he whispers in her ear.
“I know it can be a lot,” he purrs, apprehension swapped for smooth confidence. “I’ll go slow. Take my time.” With each new suggestion he rolls his hips into her grip, hot breath ghosting down her cheek. 
“That’s more like it,” she replies, an appreciative hum rumbling out of Frankie’s chest. Covering her with his body, he slides his jeans the rest of the way off, fitted boxer briefs generously tented. 
“Condoms?” he asks, her hand stretching out to tap at the bedside table. He shuffles in the drawer before pulling one out along with a bottle of lube.
“Probably a good idea to bring one of these with me?” he asks, half to himself. Lily plucks it from his hand and places it back on the nightstand.
“I’m plenty wet enough for you, big boy. But yes, always condoms and lube wouldn’t hurt. Better to be prepared,” she says, spreading her thighs to invite Frankie in. Rolling on the condom, he returns to the cradle of her hips, fisting his aching cock to tap against her clit. She arches, a delightful smile painting her face.
“Can’t wait to feel you stretch me,” she whispers.
“Fuck,” he gasps back, dragging the underside of his cock through her folds. “Shit, you feel good. How…how do you want me?”
“Any way you want, baby,” she purrs back, the plump head of his cock pressing at her entrance. 
Frankie enters her slowly, inch by blissful inch. Some of it is care; he’s watched the pinched expressions of women not used to taking a cock as thick and hefty as his, and he’s highly attuned to discomfort. If he catches it he drags back out, slow as syrup before pushing forward again into her blinding heat. Lily takes him so well he has to slow himself down, his mounting arousal pulling him too close to the edge. She’s moaning softly below him, fingers digging into his hips as he presses flush against her.
“Fuck, Frankie, you’re filling me up so good,” Lily moans, lifting her hips to grind on his buried cock. 
“You feel amazing. Fuck, yes, so goddamn good. I want to fuck you like this first, then make you cum on me again. Shiiiiit.” Frankie’s groans are positively filthy as he takes his first slick stroke into her cunt, the flutters of her walls around him pooling liquid metal in the base of his spine. Firming up his stance, he rolls his hips into hers, long languid strokes that speak to his stamina and patience. If her moans were filthy before, they’re downright crude now.
“Fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuckFrankieeeee,” she whines, hands scrabbling along his shoulders and hair as he mouths at her pebbled nipples and palms her overheated flesh. When he’s wet with her slick, sweat sliding down his smooth skin, he slips two fingers between them to circle her clit, fast slippery circles making her quake around him.
“Oh please keep doing that, Frankie, fuck…” she whines, and Frankie’s teeth find the sensitive spot under her ear that makes her hair stand on end.
“Gonna fuck you so good you’ll be gushing around my cock, then I’m gonna pound you from behind until you strangle me again. Gonna be so deep inside you you won’t be able to think about anything else but cumming. C’mon, gorgeous, cum on my fat cock.” Frankie can barely register where the words spilling from his gasping lips are coming from, but they certainly land like sizzling oil on her skin. Eyes screwed shut, lips parted in a silent cry, her rhythm gets messier as Frankie brushes his cock over and over her g-spot, deadly accuracy in every thrust. With a few more targeted circles over her clit she bursts, legs clamped viciously around his waist as he grinds into her spasming cunt. The pressure rockets his orgasm close to the surface, his balls tightening up as wetness coats them further, but he thinks about baseball and those smoking commercials he hates and the crest ebbs back to a manageable pace. 
Once her legs unlock Frankie kisses her again, firm and exacting while she’s still on cloud nine. Humming into his mouth she strokes his scruffy cheeks, the sensation tingling up his spine. 
“Want you to cum, Frankie,” Lily whispers against his mouth, and the desire roars up inside his chest. With efficient strength he flips her, lifting her hips to meet his own, and slides back into her sopping cunt. “Oh fuck, Frankie, you feel ever bigger like this,” she chokes out, back arching as he takes one experimental thrust into her. She keens under his large hands, shuddering at the press of his mouth on her spine when he folds over to kiss her again.
“Gonna fuck you good and hard now, pretty girl. You’re gonna make me bust with this sweet fucking pussy,” he pants, admiring her round ass and sweet little hole. He presses his thumb lightly against it, earning a garbled sound of pleasure. 
“Please, Frankie,” she moans, and he could never deny her the pleasure he’s brimming to give. 
The first snap of his hips drive her face-down into the mattress, and the subsequent pounding buries her fingers in the sheets. Every snap of his hips to her thighs, his balls slapping against her clit, drives him even more wild, babbling to her about how fucking good her pussy is, how he’s gonna maker her cum on his big cock over and over again. She throatily agrees, backing up against his thrusts to drive him deeper, harder into the spot that will make her cum again. Frankie’s lips peel back from his teeth, throwing back his head to growl and gasp as he rails her into the bed, his orgasm just moments from toppling him over into his denied bliss.
“Cum with me, baby,” he orders, wrapping his arm around her waist to palm her dripping cunt. The heel of his hand combined with the smack of his hips rocks her clit over his palm, and that stimulation throws her off into the deep end of her fourth orgasm. This time her cunt is too tight, too fucking good to stop him from cumming, shouts devolving into ragged whimpers and sweet reassurances as they both come down from their highs.
Frankie eases Lily to the bed, stroking her sweaty hair out of her face and placing a chaste kiss on her temple. He disposes of the condom in the bathroom, taking a moment to check himself in the mirror. He’s flushed and rumpled, his hair an absolute mess, but damn if he’s not glowing as well. He runs the tap and slicks damp fingers through his hair, returning just in time to catch Lily downing the rest of her water.
“Frankie, baby, you are going to have a great career if you can pull that routine even once a week.” His scoff brings her hands up to scold. “I’m serious! You like making people feel good. I can definitely see this working out for you.” 
Frankie’s blush radiates from his cheeks to his chest, coming to sit beside Lily on the bed.
“I’m glad you had a good time,” he says. His fingers come to rest on her forearm. “What should I do for aftercare? I normally get some water, cuddle, help clean them up. Should I be doing something different?”
Lily gives him an approving smile.
“It’ll probably be a bit shorter than what you’re used to, but yes to all. Some girls may not want it, others may want more. So keep your eye on the clock and give them as much as you can. Believe me, they’ll get more out of that than the sex itself.”
Frankie nods, deep brown eyes coming to hers again.
“Which one are you? Aftercare or no?”
Lily leans back, settling into the pillows again.
“I could take a little cuddle before you go.”
Frankie ducks his head to hide his shy smile, tucking her into his side so he can stroke soothing paths up her side, weaving his hands into her hair and kneading at the back of her neck. 
“I had fun,” Frankie finally says, staring at the ceiling and chewing the inside of his cheek. “I wasn’t sure what I was walking into, but it was a lot of fun.” 
“It should be if you’re doing it right,” Lily quips, running her hand over his chest and twirling her fingers into his loose curls splayed against the pillow. 
“I can last longer than that, you know,” he murmurs, nosing into her hair when she lets out a breathy giggle.
“You lasted plenty long enough, big boy.”
“Well, I have my ways just in case,” he says mysteriously. Lily’s hand slows on his chest, her body hovering on a question, but it passes. Instead she lifts up to press a sweet kiss to Frankie’s lips.
“Now I’ll show you how to leave graciously.”
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“So how did he do?”
Lily lounges on her couch, phone to her ear as Pope’s voice filters through.
“I gotta hand it to you, Santi, you only fraternize with men who are very competent at fucking.”
“Ha ha, Lils, but really? Frankie’s cut out for it?”
Lily pauses, the itch under her fingernails growing louder.
“Definitely has the right temperament, the right attitude. His confidence could use a little work, but he got into the swing of things. Eats pussy like a fucking god, and knows how to use that big cock of his…”
“Jesus Lil, a yes or know would have sufficed.”
Lily laughs into the phone. Riling up Santi is a rare treat.
“He’s a boyfriend experience guy, so I’d steer him to clients looking for that. He’ll make them feel like they’re his whole world for the hour. And he’ll make bank doing it.”
“Any concerns?”
Lily’s hands flex briefly.
“Has he ever had an issue with substances?”
The silence on the other end answers her question, but she still waits for Santi.
“Not in a while. So he’s told me.”
“What was it?”
Another pause, then a sigh.
The word sinks deep into her stomach.
“You know I don’t fuck with that shit, Santi. Not after Colombia.”
“He’s not using.”
“Maybe not, or maybe not a lot. But if he’s got a proclivity to it…keep an eye on him, Santi.”
“I will. Thanks Lils.”
She lets her breath out, lightening the conversation.
“You gonna call him Catfish?”
“He told you that?”
“Could be a good play on words.”
“Swimming in pussy?”
“That’s awful.”
“Doesn’t need to breathe. Certainly didn’t feel like it after the second one.”
“I’m hanging up now.”
“Bye Santi, te amo.”
Santi chuckles at the saccharine endearment as he hangs up. With approval from Lily he’ll start giving Frankie work. Her warning echoes in his ears, his own apprehensions mixing with it. They all had their demons to face, but Frankie chose a path that worried his friends. Santi would have to keep an eye on him, keep Frankie safe and watch out for his clientele. But he trusted his friend, and wanted him not to worry so much when his rent came due.
“Seems like Catfish is on the menu,” he murmurs to himself, snorting at the unfortunate innuendo. He’d have to share it with Frankie next time he sees him.
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