pervysenpaix · 2 years
You're all for monster-fucking right?
Imagine the Fem reader accidentally moving into an apartment and it’s full of hot monster folks that would love to have a taste of their cute new human tenant.
These fuckers are so hot and feral for you, it’s insane. Not only do you smell good and sweet, but you’re also (just bear with me) a virgin!These bitches will act up to snag your v-card like thieves of the night!
We have Next door neighbor Vampire!Shouto who greets you when you head out for work, Minotaur!Mirio that lives downstairs but enjoys helping you carry groceries to your place, Bunny hybrid!Izuku that you see at the gym on weekends, Dargon!Kirishima that lives above you but loves to walk you to your room when he sees you, etc.
It’s a fucking hunger games with some of these possessive mofos who wants your attention as your mate and fill you up senselessly. Don’t get me started on how petty and scary they get when you bring a human friend over, especially a male that’s been giving you googly eyes; Across your apartment neighbor Demon!Bakugo or Downstairs neighbor Incubus!Dabi would be more than happy to fuck you how you deserved compared to this shrimp dicked mortal. Maybe put a couple of monster babies in you~?
You my friend have selected the theme for my 4K event.
Coming very soon ❤️
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26. Mirio Togata
          Theme: Incubus
          Kinks: Wet dreams, somnophilia, non-con, rough sex, breeding
Yeah. I don’t know how male orgasms work, so this will probably be inaccurate. I’m not that big into actually having sex and I’m not in a comfortable level with my male friends how orgasms feel for them. I don’t know what else to tell you.
Very OC Mirio. And you know what else? He’s canonically 18.
Spread your legs for me.
This was a dream and a damned good one at that. Laying on top of you was a young man, ripped like a Greek god. He ordered you around with a honeyed voice. It worked like magic. You opened your legs and allowed him to slip between them. His large, protruding member grazed against your slit before parting your wet folds as powerful-looking hands stood on either side of your head. You stared up from your pillow and into the ocean-blue eyes leering at your body. He snagged your lower lip between his teeth and sucked. 
Your eyes snapped back to the blue ones staring at you. You licked your lips. Your mouth was parched; you couldn't speak. 
You dared to look down at the body shifting between your legs. You gaped at the small bulge in your lower belly, where the cock was fully seated inside of you. Hips snapped into you, making you arch your back of your mattress.
You feel good, don't you, sunshine?
Don't you worry. Let me take care of everything.
Your legs trembled the next morning. It was worse between your legs, and the muscles of your inner thighs ached with every step. Your lower back screamed at you. When you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror, you hardly recognized your own reflection. You were pale with dark circles under your eyes. You struggled to remember what time you went to bed. Your mind was running on two brain cells as you tried to work out what happened the night before. You remembered going to bed, but after that, you couldn't remember anything at all. Dreams weren't supposed to be remembered, yet it felt like you had one. In the back of your mind, you saw a man, a handsome man, sharing your bed. He was…inside you. His cock was pounding your insides like nothing else mattered to him except make you come hard. But you couldn't remember if he succeeded. 
You scrubbed yourself clean in the shower and ventured back to your bed. Carefully, you peeled back the covers. Sure enough, there was a wet stain. You quickly tore the sheets off your mattress and dumped them in the hamper. No one was going to see, but you felt better with a clean set. 
At work, people were already noticing the difference. 
"Hey, Y/N, are you okay?" Momo asked. 
"Hm?" Was all that you could manage. 
"You look like you pulled an all-nighter. Late-night project?" 
You shook your head. "No, just had a bizarre dream."
You flitted away before Momo could see the faint blush coming over your cheeks. You fueled yourself with coffee all day in an attempt to stay awake. A knock at your office had you snapping upright in your chair and spinning around to face the door. Mr. Toshinori stood in your doorway.
"L/N, do you have a second?"
You tried not to rub sleep from your eyes. 
"Sure, what do you need?"
"I'd like to introduce a new colleague to you. He just transferred from a different branch, so I'm showing him around. Togata, this is L/N-san."
You couldn't tell if blood drained from your face or sped towards your face. The other man in your office doorway looked uncomfortably familiar. He was broad as he was tall with a mop of blonde hair. His ocean-blue eyes beamed when he saw you.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, L/N," said Togata. "I'm Mirio. Mirio Togata."
You slowly rose from your chair. You wondered if your skirt was long enough to hide your knocking knees. You reached out to shake his hand and instantly regret that decision. His palm was warm—no, hot. It was hot to the touch, and it took everything you had not to wrench your hand away. Mirio's fingers were giant compared to yours. He gripped your hand almost possessively, but with Mr. Toshinori in the same room, that much Mirio could do. The moment your hands touched, a shiver ran up your spine. You lurched forward and almost fell into Mirio's arms. You clamped your hand over your mouth to prevent your new co-worker and boss from hearing you moan. 
"L/N, what's wrong? You look sick," said Mr. Toshinori. 
"I think…I think I should go home. I'm not feeling so hot." You managed to stammer out. 
"By all means, L/N. If you're not feeling well, you should get some rest. I'll fill out the paperwork, and you can sign it off when you get back."
"Thank you, sir," you mumbled. 
Mr. Toshinori and Mirio left the room. You gathered up your stuff, signed out of your computer, and headed out. As you rounded the corner, you felt someone follow behind you. You turned to see Mirio a few steps at your back. 
"If you don't mind, I'd like to help you to your car. Mr. Toshinori was kind of enough to let me help you since you don't look so good," said Mirio.
Mirio stayed a few steps behind you rather than walk right at your back. Which you were grateful if anyone asked. The personal space was needed before you passed out. That all changed when you realized that you would have to take the elevator to get to the parking garage below, which meant you had to share it with Mirio standing within arm's reach of you. 
The elevator doors closed with a solemn grumble. Your heart pounded inside your chest. You glanced at Mirio from time to time, waiting for him to make a move. Although what should you be expecting? Were you that suspicious of a man you just met just because he looked similar to the one in your wet dream? Coincidence, you thought. It was all just a coincidence. You were silly, really. A niggling doubt in the back of your mind said otherwise. Mirio didn't just look similar to the man in your dream, he was too tentative, and the way his eyes followed you around should have shot up several red flags. You ignored it in favor of acting like a sensible, rational human being. 
Mirio caught you looking at him once or twice on the way down that seemed to take a century. He merely smiled and kept his hands to himself. If he indeed was the man from your dream, then he would hesitate to put his hands all over you the moment the elevator's doors closed shut. Someone like that wouldn't give a damn about the security cameras either. His smile made you melt; you were practically a puddle when you exited the elevator. Mirio followed behind as you sprinted for your car. You bit your lip. Was this such a good idea to let a strange know what kind of car you drive and what your license plate read? No, no, that couldn't be the same kind of man Mirio was. He was too polite for that creepiness. 
You made it to your car without further incident. Your heart still raced a mile a minute. Mirio stood in the periphery of your vision, never far from your sight. He remained a respectful distance away. 
"Thank you so much for your help. I hope we get to work on future projects together," you said as you fished your car keys out of your purse.
"Let me get the door for you."
Mirio moved so quickly that you didn't have time to protest. He plucked the keys from your hand, pressed the button that would unlock the car, and opened the driver-side door for you. Puzzled, you didn't think twice about the matter. You settled your stuff in the passenger seat next to you and buckled in. You bated your eyelashes without thinking anything wrong. A little flirting never hurt right. 
"Thank you," you said. 
"Not a problem." Mirio beamed. His smile could melt icecaps.
Shutting the door, Mirio leaned through the window you don't remember rolling down. 
"I'll see you tonight." His voice was velveteen. 
Your brows furrowed at his meaning. You were a deer caught in a pair of headlights when you turned to look at him. Those same ocean-blue eyes held a darker intent than merely working with you. It was the vastness of the open sea, cold and ruthless. His eyes were a void meant to suck you in and drown you in their maddening depths. Mirio's smile dimmed to a smirk, and he walked away. You watched him from your car how he turned away, walked back to the elevator, and climb inside. Before the doors closed him in, you swore that Mirio winked at you before disappearing. 
The rest of your day was a blur. You dressed in your favorite pajamas and hoped that some food and mindless channel surfing would solve all your problems. Not only were you not getting paid, but your excuse was also rather lame. As you sat on your couch and stared into your television screen, you wondered when was the last time you got a full night of sleep. You blanked. There had to be a time when you did, but you couldn't remember. Your brain was a jumbled mess, all thanks to those cursed dreams you'd been having. You couldn't even remember the last time you had an ordinary, non-sexy dream with a stranger you hadn't met until today. 
You almost loathed it when it grew dark. Night meant bedtime, and bedtime meant dreams. The longer your brain festered on those dreams, the more you grew to dread them. You looked at your reflection in the bathroom mirror as you brushed your teeth. You took a more extended look at the dark circles beneath your eyes and the sullenness taking over your face. Were your cheeks always that shallow? You spat, rinsed, and turned off the light. 
Mirio slipped through every wall and door to get inside your apartment. He would climb through every fence in the world just to get to you. Your scent was absolutely divine; it drove him insane with want. He licked his lips as he broke past the last barrier keeping you from him. The path to the bedroom was easy and one that he knew like the back of his hand. Mirio mapped out your entire apartment during his nightly trips. 
You paused at your bedside before peeling back the covers. Slowly, you got beneath your blankets and pulled them up to your neck. For the longest time, you lay there stiff as a board under your blanket and sheets. Your eyes darted around the room just to see if your new co-worker was lurking there. You set your phone face down on the nightstand after fifteen minutes of you lying in bed and staring at the ceiling. You flipped your bedside lamp off with a sigh.
You closed your eyes, still expecting Mirio to slink in. The room was silent. The only noise you could make out were the soft footsteps from the people in the apartment above you and the gust of wind against your windowpane. A prayer fell from your lips that whatever was coming for you in the night would leave you be.
He stood at the foot of the bed to watch you sleep. You snuggled up to your blankets like a child seeking protection. A few pieces of cloth weren't enough to protect you from him. Mirio crept a bit closer. When he was stood beside you, he peeled away the blankets and sheets. Lavender wafted up to his nose. 
"Changed your sheets after last night, eh? You humans are so peculiar about your habitats. It is a shame, though. I might have wanted you to sleep a little longer in your come. Get you used to it. Oh, well."
His hands worked the buttons of your sleep shirt, and the silken fabric fell away with no more than a gentle tug. Your long bottoms made him scowl. How dare you hide your lovely from him. That alone deserved punishment. You murmured in your sleep as Mirio tugged your pants and underwear down in one go. Tonight, he had no intention of putting you back together again. You would sleep naked after he was done with you. The only thing he wished he could do was to see your face when you woke up and found yourself naked. No matter. Good things come to those who wait. 
Mirio wasted no time dishevelling his clothes. Being a demon, he could have easily dissolved them or faded through them. He wanted this to be special and want to remember every detail. The act of stripping down made him feel a bit more compatible with you, a human. It was pretend, a show. Eventually, you would see his proper form and tremble. For now, Mirio settled for having you like this, vulnerable to his power and entirely at his mercy. 
He climbed into bed with you and reclined on his side. His tongue ran across his lips just by looking at your body. You shivered in the cold. You should have stirred and awoken to your body bare of even a sheet to protect you from his gaze. Mirio's magic made it impossible for you to open your eyes unless he desired it so. You were going to belong to him shortly enough, but why spoil it now? Mirio thought himself cruel for dragging it out like this but admitted to liking this game.
Mirio ran a finger down the column of your throat and let it trail down to your belly button and back again. He hummed with delight as he touched your smooth skin. He palmed your breast and tweaked your nipple to a stiff peak. Mirio shifted on the bed until his lips found your neck and suckled. He kissed your shoulders and licked your skin. Mirio's large hands groped your chest. 
"You fill my hands up nicely, Y/N. Your body feels like it already belongs to me," he murmured against your skin. 
Mirio placed his knee against your cunt, rubbing your clit occasionally against the hard muscle. He drew your knees upwards and settled himself firmly between your legs. Kissing your lips, his hands never left your chest. While he kissed your mouth, his hands never ceased to pinch and massage your chest. His cock grew stiff, just thinking about what it would look like sandwiched in the middle of your perfect breasts. 
"More time for that later. Let's get down to business, shall we, sunshine?" 
Mirio lined his cock against your pussy, now soppy wet from his ministrations. He smiled to himself at how easy it was to manipulate your body towards his needs. If you had been awake, he imagined that your eyes would roll into the back of your head at the stretch. His cock slipped in with only a little resistance. Your walls clenched around his intrusion before easing up. His first thrust helped him bottom out. Mirio closed his eyes at the feel of your body wet, warm, and tight for him. For him alone. 
"That's my sunshine. That's my girl. Oh, yes," Mirio grunted.
His hands bruised your hips as he dragged you up and down his cock, forced it to meet him thrust for thrust. While you slept, your walls clamped down around Mirio's cock. He snapped his hips back and forth as he felt your strength leave your body and enter him. Call it 'tit for tat.' Mirio was giving your body all the pleasure it could ever need and the seed it so desperately wanted. The only price was just a little bit of your energy. Soon, very soon, Mirio wouldn't need to take any more from you. He would be able to have you all to himself, and no force on earth could stop him. 
Mirio adored the sweet squelching sounds your pussy made as he pounded into it. You were flooding him with your juices, and you didn't even know it. He couldn't wait to see what your eyes looked like when he pleasured your consciousness. Though your mind was too far gone to realize that it wasn't merely a dream, you couldn't wake up until Mirio wanted you to. This was the way of his kind, only most were one and done. Mirio needed more and more of you to himself. He couldn't stop after one feeding. The only way for him to keep you without draining away your life was a simple spell. All he had to do was get you pregnant. 
You were close; he could feel it. Pleasured seared down his spine and threatened to burst, but he wanted to hold out a little while longer. Mirio moved faster, faster. He saw the bruises forming on your hips, the tighter he held on. He would rather crush your hips than stop when you were both so close. Your cunt squeezed around him. 
"That's it, good girl. Squeeze me. I'm going to give you everything. Better not spill a drop."
You whined in your sleep as you arched your back. Mirio watched your face as it scrunched up. In pain or ecstasy, it was hard to tell the difference. Your body convulsed around him. Your floodgates opened to him and coated Mirio's cock with your come. It was more than enough to allow Mirio to do the same. The searing tingle shot down his spine and burst like an explosion. He stopped gripping your hips to seize hold of the headboard and hold it tight. Mirio shoved his cock in as far as it would go to ensure that none of his come leaked out. He could feel himself releasing so quickly that it made his head spin. When the final drop hit, he slowly, reluctantly, pulled away from your welcoming cunt. Your insides and your inner thighs were covered in him, just the way he liked. 
Mirio dressed then looked over his shoulder at your sleeping and battered form. There were bound to be questions when you woke up, but it was a shame he couldn't see it. He satisfied himself for now by kissing your forehead and whispering, "Pleasant dreams."
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mrpenguinpants · 5 years
BNHA Monster AU aka Tamaki is a really bad incubus that doesn’t know how to do his job HC
I was gonna do Dabi but I haven’t written our “pure” boy yet so why not now. Plus I like making bnha boys bottoms. Sue me. Anyways
Incubus: A male demon imagined to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women. The word incubus comes from a late Latin form of incubo, meaning ‘nightmare’. 
In technical terms, incubuses could be bottoms. Just so long as they did the deed it didn’t matter how. But Tamaki just couldn’t bring himself to do it. Oh god, what if they woke up he would literally die. Well on the inside, he can’t really die physically. But if he didn’t do something at least once a week he’d be in big trouble. His power would weaken along with his physical body and it would make him an easy target. 
He was definitely underestimated because of his shy nature despite having a high rank in the supernatural race. Plus, an incubus that was scared to have sex was unheard of. His friend Mirio told him he could always use a sleep spell but he couldn’t stop his anxiety. But he always sucked it up (not literally) and did the absolute minimum. 
Until he got to you.
You were always a light sleeper and maybe Tamaki messed up the wording in his sleep spell (it wouldn’t be the first time). You woke up to someone touching you. Your natural reaction was to scream and deck the person on top of you but you only managed to let out a scream startling the stranger and he accidentally knocked you out. 
Oh, Jesus, Tamaki was panicking. You woke up and saw him. He would be in so much trouble with the supernatural world. You woke up. Mirio would be so upset at him. You woke up. 
So he fled into the night to go find a nice corner to cry and calm himself. You woke up a couple hours later looking around and checking yourself. Nope. Nothing. So you wrote it off as a nightmare and got ready for your day.
Meanwhile, Tamaki was freaking the fuck out. An incubus/succubus can’t exactly nope out halfway (don’t @ me on the details). Once they start they have to finish. Which means he has to find you, do his thing, and peace out before the day ended or other demons will be attracted to you and do rather unpleasant things. At least he didn’t run too far from where you lived. He took a deep breath. He wasn’t about to let you suffer because of his mistakes. He quickly changed into his human form, which is him just without the demon parts, and set out to find you.
Good news. He found you. Bad news. He couldn’t bring himself to talk to you. So he was quietly stalking you throughout your day. Today, you were out with your friends when one of them turned to you and whispered 
“So, I don’t want to alarm you. But there’s this really cute guy that’s been stalking you. But like not in a creepy way. Think of middle school crush level of stalking” 
You peered over your shoulder to see a guy with pale skin, elf ears, and messy indigo hair. He noticed you looking at him and flushed before turning around. Poor guy looked like he was having a panic attack.
“Should I talk to him? I don’t know what if he is a creepy stalker and is planning to harvest my organs.”
“Okay. First off. Gross. And second. Yes absolutely! Besides, we’re in a crowded mall what is he gonna go? Don’t worry I’ll be on the sidelines cheering you on and if he tries something I’ll blow him to kingdom come.” 
 So you shrugged and went over to your apparent stalker.
“Um, excuse me? Did you need something from me?”
Oh fuck, this pure boy couldn’t handle this. How the fuck was he suppose to tell you he was an incubus and how if you both didn’t have some form of sex, demons were going to be attracted to his claim on you and probably rip you to pieces and oh shit he just said all of this out loud
“Are you...”
Fuck, you were gonna say it
“Into roleplay or something?”
He promptly fainted 
He woke up hours later in a couch to see you playing on your phone waiting for him to wake up
“Oh, you’re awake. You scared me a bit when you passed out right there.”
“O-Oh. Sorry...”
Awkward pause
“So..about that thing you said earlier.”
“P-Please, just ignore it.”
You bleeding to death started to sound a lot better now the longer he was stuck in this conversation (goddammit Tamaki do your fucking job) 
“While I don’t think you’re mentally insane I’d like to know what you were talking about. Specifically, you being an incubus.”
He sighed, just man up Tamaki and say it. This was the perfect opportunity. 
“Yeah, what I said earlier. It’s all true. I didn’t mean to spring it upon you so soon but I was nervous. I don’t really...interact with humans. Especially not in this situation.” 
“Woah...” your eyes widen as you saw him shift into his real form. From the wings to his horns. It was kinda cool. Granted you should be scared cause what the fuck but the guy didn’t seem that harmful. He did just faint from talking to you so you doubted he could do much “Seriously, are these real?”
You reached out to hold onto his wings only for Tamaki to whimper and cave into himself with his wings as some sort of shield.
“S-Sorry! That was weird. I-It’s just my, my wings are really sensitive.” 
“Are you a virgin or something? You just seem real ‘out of touch’”
“I-I’ve never really done this with someone.”
“Seriously? Hm okay, I’ll try and take it slow then.”
You sat beside him on the couch. You remembered your first time and how nerve-wracking it was, so hopefully you’d be able to help the guy out. It wasn’t like this was the first attempt. 
“Wait, you’re okay with this? I mean I don’t want to drag you into something you don’t want to do.”
“I mean I don’t mind. I prefer to at least grab dinner before doing this. Just let me know when things get too uncomfortable. Just a little warning I’m not someone that can stop halfway. Once we start we’re finishing.”
The next day Mirio had rushed over when he heard his friend was panicking. He couldn’t go earlier because he had to deal with some things but he was free now. Mirio has a six sense for this kinda stuff only to see Tamaki fine and probably the most well-rested he’s ever seen him ever.
“Tamaki? Are you alright? I had a feeling that you were in trouble so I rushed right over.”
“Mirio..I think I met a succubus.”
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semisgroupie · 3 years
Heaven & Hell Collab
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✞ We’re all sinners anyway so let’s all have a little fun ✞
✞ Theme: heaven, hell and everything in between
✞ Status: OPEN
✞ Deadline: April 5th (my birthday! Also this is NOT a hard deadline)
✞ note: this is to celebrate me hitting 2.1k followers! So since I’ll be turning 21 the due date is my birthday!
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✞ You must be 18+ to join since my blog is an 18+ only space
✞ is open to any fandom
✞ Your work can be sfw, nsfw or dc but MUST be tagged appropriately
✞ There is no writing limit! So writers, write to your hearts content (anything over 400 words must have a read more)
✞ anyone can join with any form of content!
✞ your work must consist of some sort of representation of heaven or hell (demons, angels, fallen angels etc.)
✞ characters can only be repeated once but must have a different theme (demon!Kuroo can’t be repeated but fallen angel!Kuroo can be used!)
✞ once you publish your work please tag: #heavenandhellcollab and tag me or dm me the link!
✞ send an ask to join and just let me know if it’s nsfw, sfw or dc and if it’s heaven or hell or in between (if you want to change it just let me know!)
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✞ guardian angel!Kenma (sfw) — @kirakirasaku
✞ fallen angel!Sakusa — @rintah0e
✞ fallen angel!Tamaki Amajiki (nsfw + possible dc) — @kitsu-writes
✞ demigod!Gojo (nsfw) — @kemakoshume
✞ falling guardian angel!Hawks — @hopelesshawks
✞ angel!Osamu (nsfw) — @dadbodosamu
✞ fallen angel!Shindo (nsfw) — @cherry-kaydawriting
✞ fallen angel!Armin (nsfw + dc) — @izukine
✞ angel!Sukuna (possible nsfw) — @betheydocrimewrites
✞ fallen angel!Gojo (nsfw) — @fairyfuyu
✞ fallen angel!Bokuto (angst) — @mujinazaka
✞ guardian angel!Mirio — @lovekento
✞ guardian angel!Scaramouche — @glorifiedsins
✞ guardian angel!Gojo — @ambrodias
✞ fallen angel!Aizawa (mood board) — @/ravenina14
✞ guardian angel!Kuroo — @mitsuyaya
✞ angel!Yuuta — @portfolio-of-dreams
✞ angel!killua (ART) — @/ry0m3n
✞ angel of death!Toji — @spookygeto
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✞ demon!Suna — @nozomiasl
✞ incubi!Miya Twins — @beware-of-the-rogue
✞ demon!Mikey (sfw) — @rindouphiliac
✞ demon!Sakusa (nsfw) — @sakusins
✞ incubus!Izuku — @/dilfdeku
✞ demon!Bakugo x angelic!Reader — @bakugosbratx
✞ demon au!Matsukawa — @chickentendieboi
✞ demon!Shigaraki — @killsaki
✞ incubus!Bakugo (nsfw) — @myherokatsuki
✞ summoned demon!Aizawa — @redspade227
✞ demon!Gojo — @g0thmegumi
✞ ascended demon!Dabi — @tetsurousharlot
✞ demon!Oikawa (ft. the rest of Seijoh 4) — @anime-nymph
✞ devil!Ran Haitani (Salem Witch Trials AU + nsfw) — @mianavs
✞ incubus!Wakasa — @nugu-saeyo
✞ demon!Kita — @laineeey00-ontherun
✞ demon!Eren — @/ztani
✞ demon!Sukuna x Fem. Reader (nsfw + dc) — @dxrkdreamer
✞ demon!Megumi x chubby!f!reader (nsfw) — @ry0m3n
✞ incubus!true form!Sukuna (nsfw + dc) — @saccharine-darling
✞ shinigami!hanma x fem. reader — @bokuroskitten
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In Between:
✞ Izana: God Complex & Sacrilegious (nsfw + dc) — @saturnmitsuya
✞ half demon/ half angel!Atsumu (sfw) — @haikyuufairy
✞ demon/angel hybrid!Shoto — @haikyutiehoe
✞ priest!Taiju — @sofiakistein
✞ Sebastian Michaelis: Purgatory (nsfw) — @pumpkinpot
✞ priest!Bakugo x succubus!Reader (nsfw + possible dc) — @httpbakugou
✞ Demon!Sukuna x Reader x Angel!Yuuji (nsfw) — @yuujispinkhair
✞ priest!Aizawa (nsfw + dc) — ME
✞ demon!Akaza: shot at a new life (angst and implied nsfw) — @half-baked-biscuit
✞ priest!Ran Haitani (nsfw) — @beautifulblhell
✞ ghost/soul!Kita Shinsuke (sfw) — @justanawolf
✞ priest!Chisaki — hellvillah
✞ Warrior Inui x Priestess-afab reader — @blueparadis
✞ devil!Taiju x nun!reader — ME!
✞ angel!Armin: a demon in disguise (nsfw) — @k-ryuuguji
✞ stepbro!Sanzu x church girl!reader — @bxnten
✞ demon!Sukuna x black priestess f!reader — @/loyenne
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hanji-is-life · 3 years
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Calling All The Monster Fuckers! Open to BNHA, AoT, HQ & JJK!
minors dni
banner by @miggiisdumb
Rules and Guidelines:
As it goes without saying, the character you write for must be some semblance of a monster. Be it demon, dragon, sea monster, naga, alien, ghost, vampire, werewolf, etc!
You have to be 18+ to participate, and you need an age in your bio. Simply putting “18+” will not suffice if you do not have any indication of your own age!
Each character must be of age.
Dark Content is welcomed, as long it is tagged appropriately.
The minimum word count is 300 words, so a drabble or head canons are welcomed.
Art is also welcomed and encouraged!
There will be 12 slots per character, but I am only allowing 4 of the same type of monster (ie: 4 dragon Kiri’s, 4 octopus Sero’s, etc)
Female, male, and gender neutral reader-inserts are welcomed!
Please do not use small texts for writings over 300 words, as it is hard to read at times!
Please tag me and hashtag “Only Monster Fans Collab” after you finish your piece!
The due date will be August 1, but will definitely be adjusted if you need more time!
You are all allowed to submit works up until the deadline!
Masterlist beneath the cut, second one found here
@hanji-is-life (me!)
Alien Izuku x reader
Incubus Kirishima x reader
Warnings: somnophilia, dub con, cervix/womb fucking, breeding kink
Demon King Bakugou x reader
Deity Tamaki x acolyte reader
Incubus Bakugou x reader
Octopus Sero x reader
Incubus Kaminari x reader
Vampire Todoroki x reader
Demon Sero x reader
Dragon Kirishima x reader
Siren Mirio x reader (includes art)
Dragon Kirishima x reader
Demon Bakugou x female reader
Chimera Bakugou x reader
Warnings: knotting, breeding kink, tummy bulge, slight degradation, dumbification
Dragon Kirishima (art)
Octopus Sero (art)
Werewolf Izuku (art)
Vampire Todoroki (art)
Demon King Bakugou (art)
Pooka Hitoshi x reader
Demon Denki x reader
Warnings: noncon fantasies and noncon voyeurism, dubcon, monsterfucking/teratophilia.  anal, autassassinophilia (death kink), begging, blood kink, blood play, breath play, breeding kink, cum inflation, dacryphilia, deepthroating, electrostimulation, face-fucking, facesitting, fear play, gaping, gore (slight), jealous + possessive behavior, knotting, mating press, oral (m & f receiving), overstim, pain play, rimming, rough/painful sex, sadism + masochism, scent kink, shocking/sparking, size kink, spit kink (slight), solo (m & f), standing 69, stomach bulge, toxic behavior, violence, wall sex, yandere
Dragon Izuku x reader
Minotaur Shinsou x reader
Incubus Aizawa x reader
Merman Dabi x reader (art)
Demon Shoto x reader
Naga Bakugou x reader
Werewolf Izuku x reader
Zombie Dabi x reader
Deer Dabi x reader
Mummy Bakugou x reader
Dragon Kirishima x reader
Warnings: Size difference, no smut
Dragon Kirishima x reader
Incubus Izuku x reader
Dragon Bakugou x reader (includes art)
Warnings: 𝑺𝒎𝒖𝒕 , 𝒆𝒙𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒎 , 𝑺𝒐𝒇𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒙 , 𝒄𝒓𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒆𝒙 , 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 , 𝒓𝒂𝒘/𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒆𝒙 , 𝑶𝑪𝑪 𝑩𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒈𝒐𝒖 (?-) , 𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 × 𝑵𝒐𝒏-𝒉𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏 , 𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑔𝒆 , 𝒄𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒊𝒙
Shapeshifter Tamaki x reader
Demon Izuku x reader x Priest Bakugou
Vampire Aizawa x reader
Werewolf Iida x reader
Satyr Enji x reader
Siren Shinsou x reader
Demon Aizawa x reader
Demon Natsuo x reader x Endeavor
Alien Kaminari x reader
Warnings: smut, mention of falling off a cliff, electro stimulation, nipple play, oral sex (f. receiving), unprotected sex
Yukionna Todoroki x reader
Zombie Izuku x reader
Werewolf Kirishima x reader
Shark Kirishima x reader
Spider Eren x reader
Warnings: reader is afab but otherwise gn, monster fucking, eren has eight (8) arms, mentions of illness, blood/blood play, fear mongering, dubcon (kinda), size kink if you squint, breeding kink but not oviposition, use of venom as lube, lots of manhandling, unprotected sex, creampie, eren is a sadist but not extreme, dacryphilia, eren calls reader 'little one' and 'love bug'
Mothman Bertolt x reader
Curse Sukuna x reader
Wendigo Nanami x reader
Four Armed Sukuna x reader
Incubus Toji x reader
Vampire Gojo x reader
Werewolf Sukuna x reader
Kraken Matsukawa
Venom Tendou x reader
Demon Oikawa x reader
Naga Sakusa x reader
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starsaver94 · 2 years
My Hero Academia:
I’m Here (Shoji x Female!Reader)
Fluster With Flirting (Midoriya x Reader)
Thunder (Bakugou x Reader)
Love Bites… (Werewolf!Bakugou x Female!Nurse!Reader)
Sero Comfort Headcanons
Protective Iida Headcanons
Tamaki, Kirishima, Jiro, Present Mic, and Mirio with a plus-sized s/o
Short Stories: 
Just Denki (MHA/DDLC #1)
Todoroki’s Confession (MHA/DDLC #2)
Train With Me (MHA/DDLC #3)
New Uniform (Bakugou)
SFW/NSWF Alphabets:
Dabi NSFW Alphabet
Pretty Boy (Oikawa x Reader)
Rainy Day Headcanons for Asahi, Kenma, and Akaashi
Short Stories:
SFW/NSFW Alphabets:
Bokuto Fluff Alphabet
Short Stories:
SFW/NSFW Alphabets:
Short Stories:
SFW/NSFW Alphabets:
Mystic Messenger:
Short Stories:
SFW/NSFW Alphabets:
Obey Me:
Cuddle Bug (Belphegor x Reader)
Levi with a chubby s/o
Short Stories:
SFW/NSFW Alphabets:
The Arcana:
Short Stories:
SFW/NSFW Alphabets:
Food Wars:
General Isshiki Dating Headcanons
Short Stories:
SFW/NSFW Alphabets:
Relaxation (Kiyotaka x Female!Reader)
Birthday Stress Relief (Kiyotaka x Rose (OC)) (NSFW)
Welcome to the World (Kiyotaka x Rose)
Flower Of The Sea (Taka x Rose) (Mermaid Au) (Part 1)
Flower Of The Sea (Taka x Rose) (Mermaid Au) (Part 2)
Flower Of The Sea (Taka x Rose) (Mermaid Au) (Part 3)
Desire (Incubus!Nagito x Reader) (NSFW)
Drawn To You (Nagito x Female!Reader)
I Would Never... (Kagehara x Female!Reader)
Angel, It’s Cold Outside (Kagehara x Female!Reader)
Breathe In, Breathe Out… (Kagehara x Female!Reader)
#1 Assistant (Miu x Male!Reader)
Exotic Spice (Rantaro x Reader) (NSFW)
Makoto, Kiyotaka, and Byakuya with a crybaby s/o
General Nagito Dating Headcanons
Domestic Hajime Headcanons
Nagito, Kokichi, Gundham, and Fuyuhiko with the Ultimate Snake Tamer s/o
Kokichi with a prankster s/o
Pregame!Kokichi Headcanons
Nagito with an artist s/o
Kiyotaka Panic Attack Comfort Headcanons
Kaito and Rantaro Stress Comfort Headcanons
Short Stories:
A Reason To Lie... (Pregame!Kokichi)
Freak Show (Kagehara)
SFW/NSFW Alphabets:
Kiyotaka x Rose Fluff Alphabet
Nagito Fluff Alphabet
Original Characters:
Birthday Stress Relief (Kiyotaka x Rose)(NSFW)
Welcome to the World (Kiyotaka x Rose)
Flower Of The Sea (Taka x Rose) (Mermaid Au) (Part 1)
Flower Of The Sea (Taka x Rose) (Mermaid Au) (Part 2)
Flower Of The Sea (Taka x Rose) (Mermaid Au) (Part 3)
Short Stories:
Every Scar Tells a Story (Silver) (OC)
SFW/NSFW Alphabets:
Kiyotaka x Rose Fluff Alphabet
Rose NSFW Alphabet
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“What Goes Bump In The Night...”
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Like in my other account; This list will be a general take on what I’ll be working on this coming month [except with monsters], so I’ll be finishing up asks as fast as I can so please don’t send any for the time being. My job kept me too busy these past months and writer’s block has been a pain in the ass to deal with. None of these are in any particular order, I listed them randomly tbh. I honestly hope I can keep up with this list though...
Day 1- Demon [Asta/Liebe|Black Clover]
Day 2- Werewolf [Yukio Kasamatsu|Kuroko No Basuke]
Day 3- Fae [Seishiro Nagi|Blue Lock]
Day 4- Vampire [Denki Kaminari|My Hero Academia]
Day 5- Witch [Meguru Bachira|Blue Lock]
Day 6- Naga [Tamaki Amajiki|My Hero Academia]
Day 7- Ghoul [Kagami Taiga|Kuroko No Basuke]
Day 8- Dullahan / Headless Horseman [Nacht|Black Clover] 
Day 9- Kitsune [Ryota Kise|Kuroko No Basuke]
Day 10- Ghost [Tadashi Yamaguchi|Haikyuu!]
Day 11- Incubus [Daiki Aomine|Kuroko No Basuke]
Day 12- Harpy [Izuku Midoriya|My Hero Academia]
Day 13- Serial Killer [Ryusei Shindou|Blue Lock]
Day 14- Shapeshifter [Shouto Todoroki|My Hero Academia]
Day 15- Oni [Rensuke Kunigami|Blue Lock]
Day 16- Alien [Tooru Oikawa|Haikyuu]
Day 17- Chimera [Sousuke Yamazaki|Free!]
Day 18- Boogieman [Tobio Kageyama|Haikyuu!]
Day 19- Gargoyle [Ikuya Kirishima|Free!]
Day 20- Golem [Atsushi Murasakibara|Kuroko No Basuke]
Day 21- Grim Reaper [Rin Itoshi|Blue Lock]
Day 22- Faun [Makoto Tachibana|Free!]
Day 23- Dargon [Zora Ideale|Black Clover] 
Day 24- Pheonix [Yu Nishinoya|Haikyuu!]
Day 25- Kelpie [Hyori Tono|Free!]
Day 26- Leshy [William Vangence|Black CLover] 
Day 27- Mothman [Rei Ryugazaki|Free!]
Day 28- Sylph [Yuno|Black Clover] 
Day 29- Drider [Keiji Akashi|Haikyuu!]
Day 30- Deity [Mirio Togata|My Hero Academia]
Day 31- ??? [???|???]
134 notes · View notes
ichor-and-symbiosis · 4 years
Masterlist. (updated 8/13/20)
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Shigaraki Tomura
- Smile For Me. (NSFWish) || You always did love his smile.
- Mine. (NSFW) || You let your jealousy get the better of you, and what better way to stake your claim on your leader than to pleasure him at his own throne?
- Piggyback Ride. (NSFWish) || Tomura is injured, and you convince him to let you give him a piggyback ride.
- Shameless. (NSFW) || Tomura steals your underwear for some private fun.
- Betray. (SFW) || AfO attempts to turn Tomura against you.
- Panic. (SFW) || Tomura calms you down from a panic attack.
- Hero. (SFW) || Tomura plays with his young daughter.
- Anata. (NSFW) || Tomura comes home to you dressed in an apron and heels.
- Distraction. (NSFW) || Tomura has better things to do than to attend a meeting with the PLF. Namely, he’s too busy doing you.
- Meeting. (NSFW) || Tomura makes you go to a meeting without underwear.
- Rest. (NSFWish) || You take care of Tomura after his injuries from Deika flare up.
- Destroy. (SFW) || Tomura murders your abusive ex-lover.
- Interruption. (NSFWish) || AFO summons Tomura when he is being intimate with you.
- Duty. (NSFW) || You help Tomura relieve some tension.
- Date. (SFW) || Tomura accidentally stands you up.
- Good Boy. (NSFW) || Tomura finds you in a state of undress while you sleep.
- New Year. (SFW) || You visit Tomura on New Years while he undergoes Ujiko’s treatment.
- Celebrate. (NSFW) || You want to spend Christmas with Tomura for the first time.
- Disintegrate. (NSFW) || Tomura cannot come to terms with his vision for the future and your willpower to keep him alive.
- Cat and Mouse. (NSFWish) || The tension between your heroic duty and lust cause you to slip up when you fight Tomura.
- Miscommunication. (NSFW; Tomura x Reader, not Hawks x Reader) || Hawks stumbles upon some indecent doodles on important documents during a PLF meeting. 
- Only You. (SFW) || Tomura does not understand why you only let him touch you. 
- Breakfast Blues. (NSFWish) || Why were you so upset that Tomura refused to have breakfast with you? 
- Truth. (NSFW) || As Izuku’s older sister, you could never have imagined that the man you are dating was a villain.
- All I Wanted. (NSFW) || Tomura has finally gone into heat. As his alpha mate, you can only hold out for so long before the temptation to have him breed you becomes too much to bear.
- All For Us. (Part 1) (NSFW) || Moth!Tomura prepares for mating.
- Touch. (SFW) || Moth!Tomura attempts to get used to human touch.
- Subject of Sin. (NSFW) Part 1 | Part 2 || Your innocent forays into temptation and sin catch the attention of a demon.
Stepsibling AU
- Lesson. (NSFW) || Tomura makes you sit in his lap while he plays his games.
- No Return. (NSFW) || Tomura asks if he can just slip the tip in.
- Not Yours. (NSFW) || As AFO's daughter, you have been promised to another man. You ask Tomura to break you in so you are prepared for your future lover.
- Shower Shenanigans. (NSFW) || You take a shower with your stepbrothers Tomura and Natsuo.
- Kotatsu Table. (NSFW) || Tomura punishes you for ignoring him. 
Shirakumo Oboro
- Breath. (NSFW) || Breathplay with Shirakumo.
- Keep Quiet. (NSFW) || Shirakumo fingers you while Aizawa and Yamada are sleeping nearby.
- Teach Me. (NSFW) || You ask Shirakumo to show you how to give a blowjob.
- No Below. (NSFW) || Sunbathing with Shirakumo on his clouds.
- Confession. (NSFWish) || Shirakumo decides he will finally confess his feelings to you after being friends with benefits for a while.
- Afterimage. (SFW) || Kurogiri allows you to use touch to perceive his appearance.
Shirakumo / Reader / Aizawa 
- Teach Him. (NSFW) || Shirakumo shows Aizawa how to pleasure you.
- Rooftop. (NSFW) || You join Shirakumo in his schemes to fluster Aizawa. 
Aizawa Shouta
- Past and Future. Part 1. / Part 2. || You and Aizawa come face to face with Kurogiri. He was your lover as Shirakumo, and Aizawa’s best friend.
Shinsou Hitoshi
- Heartbeat. (NSFW) || You ask Shinsou to use his quirk on you for the first time, and he wants to make sure you are comfortable.
Todoroki Shouto
- Mornings. (SFW) || You share a lazy morning with Shouto.
- Hot and Cold. (SFW) || You seek out Dabi for body heat whiles uffering from the effects of your ice quirk.
- Punishment. (NSFW) || You try to please AFO, but he is not satisfied by your efforts.
Bubaigawara Jin
- Aftercare. (NSFW) || Lazy morning with Twice.
- Smoke. (SFW) || You are enticed by Twice’s vice.
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Shigaraki Tomura
- General Tomura/Reader headcanons: (SFW) x || x || x|| x  
- Tomura gets drunk: (NSFWish) x
- Papa Tomura: (SFW) x || x || x
- Tomura/Reader first time: (NSFW) x
- Tomura spoils his lover: (SFW) x
- Tomura/Reader marriage: (SFW) x
- Tomura’s kinks: (NSFW) x
- Reaction to Reader being close to their family: (SFW) x
- Reader wanting to break up: (SFW) x
- Hero s/o: (SFW) x
- Tenko Shimura: (SFW) x 
- Tenko and hero s/o: (SFW) x || x
- What a relationship with Tenko would be like: (SFW) x || x || x  
- Tomura’s reaction to Reader befriending LoV: (SFW) x
- Biting kink: (NSFW) x
- Cuddling with Tomura: (SFW) x
- Tomura apologizes after fight with Reader: (SFW) x
- Nicknames: (SFW) x
- AfO’s approval of Reader: (SFW) x
- What Tomura looks for in a partner || His turn-offs: (SFW) x
- Tomura and dogs scenarios: (SFW) x || x || x
- Possessive and/or jealous s/o: (SFW) x
- Tomura’s s/o gets Hanahaki disease: (SFW) x
- What would make Tomura break up with s/o: (NSFW) x
- Tomura handling being broken up with: (NSFW) x
- If s/o wants to keep relationship secret: (SFW) x
- Tomura’s s/o immune to his quirk: (NSFWish) x
- Clingy long-distance texting/facetiming: (NSFW) x
- Makeup sex: (NSFW) x
- Tomura leaves s/o with child and passes away: (NSFWish) x || x
- Tomura’s favorite positions: (NSFW) x
- Tomura having an egirl lover: (NSFW) x
- Tomura and Spinner poly relationship with f!reader: (NSFW) x || (SFW) x
- Tomura with a shy s/o: (SFW) x || x
- Tomura’s reaction to s/o thirsting for his creepy behavior: (NSFW) x
- Tomura vs Tenko as fathers and husbands: (SFW) x
- Leaving Chisaki for Tomura: (NSFWish) x
- Tomura gifted a wife by AfO: (NSFW) x
- AfO teaching Tomura how to pleasure his lover: (NSFW) x
- Tomura fingering s/o at the bar: (NSFW) x
- Tomura’ fingering s/o at the bar’s love language: (SFW) x
- Touch starved Tomura: (SFW) x
- Tomura missing your affection after a fight: (NSFW) x
- Tomura letting his s/o be independent: (SFW) x
- Tomura stealing his s/o’s stuff: (NSFW) x
- Tomura jerking off while you make out with him: (NSFW) x
- Fluff alphabet: (NSFWish) x
- Touch-starved s/o: (SFW) x
- Female Tomura with f!s/o: (NSFW) x | x
- Pillow princess s/o: (NSFW) x
- Cuddling with Tomura: (SFW) x
- Tomura plays hard to get: (NSFW) x
- Prepping for anal: (NSFW) x
- Tomura reacts to s/o that wants to kill Ujiko: (SFW) x
- Tomura and the concept of love: (SFW) x
- Tomura being a clingy lover: (SFW) x
- Tomura having the flu: (SFW) x
- Tomura sleeping with s/o: (SFW) x
- What Tomura's kisses are like and how he proposes to s/o: (SFW) x
- Tomura and jealousy, mornings with Tomura, and what gets him excited: (SFW) x
- Coming to Tomura for support: (SFW) x
- Tomura and aftercare: (SFW) x
- Hero confesses to Tomura mid-battle: (SFW) x
- Civilian lover: (SFW) x 
- How Tomura would react to ending up in our world and falling for you: (SFW) x 
- Meeting Moth!Tomura and falling for each other headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Taking care of pregnant s/o headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Moth children headcanons: (SFW) x
- Another mothman invading your nest when Tomura is gone: (SFW) x
Stepsibling AU
- General headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Kotatsu table shenanigans: (NSFW) x || x
- Corrupting his stepsister’s innocent room: (NSFW) x
- Jealousy: (NSFW) x
Shirakumo Oboro
- Shirakumo relationship headcanons: (SFWish) x || x || x || x 
- Shirakumo and Kurogiri during their bachelor party: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo’s kinks: (NSFW) x
- Shirakumo as a lover: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo general headcanons: (SFW) x || x 
- Shirakumo wanting a family: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo courting his s/o: (SFW) x
- Shirakumo and Tomura listen to you sing Deepthroat by Cupcakke: (NSFW) x
- Shirakumo catches you alone in your room singing/being naughty: (NSFW) x
- Being Shirakumo’s friend with benefits: (SFW) x 
- Villain!Shirakumo headcanons: (SFW) x 
- Kurogiri using portal power on f!reader when she is at work: (NSFW) x
- Kurogiri’s reaction to Tomura’s s/o: (SFW) x
- Kurogiri with an s/o that underwent the same nomu treatment as him and they were past lovers: (SFW) x
- AFO’s dutiful wife ends up with Kurogiri after Kamino Arc: (NSFW) x
- Reformed!Kurogiri needing reassurance: (SFW) x
- Several nsfw scenarios: (NSFW) x 
Shirakumo / Reader / Aizawa
- Threeway with Shirakumo and Aizawa: (NSFW) x
- Aizawa catches you and Shirakumo fooling around without his permission: (NSFW) x
- Shirakumo and Aizawa threesome scenario: (NSFW) x
- Reformed!Kurogiri and Aizawa poly relationship headcanons: (SFW) x
- Relationship with Aizawa dissolves after Shirakumo’s death: (SFW) x 
- Morning cuddles: x 
Aizawa Shouta
- Aizawa and surprise head: (NSFW) x
- Camping trip with Aizawa: (SFW) x
- Yandere Aizawa: (NSFW) x
- Aizawa with a sensei kink: (NSFW) x
- Aizawa losing his virginity: (NSFW) x
Bakugo Katsuki
- Bakugo proposes to s/o: (SFW) x
- Mornings with Bakugo: (NSFW) x
- Bakugo as a father: (SFW) x
Todoroki Shouto
- What Shoto looks for in a lover: (SFW) x
Todoroki Natsuo
- Natsuo in love with his stepsister: (NSFW) x || x
- Dabi taking his s/o to bars: (NSFW) x
- Dabi having twins: (SFW) x
- Dabi and vulnerability: (SFW) x
- Dabi and bathtime: (SFW) x
- Dabi and high sex: (NSFW) x
- Dabi and soft sex: (NSFW) x
- Dabi with a shy s/o: (SFW) x
- Dabi imagining future with s/o and nicknames: (SFW) x
- Dabi and Hawks sharing s/o: (NSFW) x
Toshinori Yagi
- Toshinori's kinks: (NSFW) x
Mirio Togata
- Yandere Mirio: (NSFW) x
Shinsou Hitoshi
- Shinsou scenario where you train together under Aizawa: (SFW) x
- Shinsou fluff alphabet: (SFW) x
- Shinsou NSFW alphabet: (NSFW) x
- LoV reactions to getting a hug: (SFW) x
- LoV pocky game: (SFW) x
- Nomu having its way with you: (NSFW) x
- Giran as a lover: (SFW) x
Bubaigawara Jin
- Twice general headcanons: (NSFW) x || x
- Twice and his kids: (SFW) x
- Twice wanting kids: (SFW) x
- Twice recieving neck kisses: (SFW) x
- Twice waking you up with oral: (NSFW) x
- Twice taking a civilian hostage: (SFW) x
- Twice with a hero s/o who dates his unmasked self: (SFW) x
- Twice caring for depressed s/o: (SFW) x
- Twice and cockwarming: (NSFW) x
- Twice with his s/o and her clones: (NSFW) x
- Twice and his s/o having a lazy day: (NSFWish) x
- Twice being a voyeur and you being an exhibitionist neighbor au: (NSFW) x
- Twice nursing on pregnant s/o: (NSFW) x
- Yandere Twice: (NSFW) x
- Twice as a househusband: (SFW) x
- Twice missing his lover: (SFW) x
- Passing away with Twice: (SFW) x
- Twice with a plus-sized lover: (SFW) x
- Twice spanking his s/o: (NSFW) x
MISC. and polyamory
- Tamaki and Hawks headcanons: (NSFW) x
- Smoking weed with All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Aizawa, and Fatgum: (NSFW) x
- Poly relationship with Shirakumo, Yamada, Kayama, and Aizawa: (NSFW) x
- Poly s/o with Twice, Dabi, and Tomura : (NSFW) x
- Poly s/o with Twice and Kurogiri: (SFW) x
- Tomura and Dabi toxic traits in a relationship: (SFW) x
-Twice, Dabi, and Tomura saying I love you for the first time: (SFW) x
-Tomura, AFO, Twice, Dabi, and Kurogiri oral headcanons: (NSFW) x
-Tomura, Twice, Dabi, and Kurogiri love language: (SFW) x
-Tomura's, Dabi's, and Overhaul's reaction to s/o with amnesia: (SFW) x
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monst · 4 years
Masterlist (U.A Kiddos)
O.O - Means there is ‘sexy times’ (Nsfw)
Bold- sfw (Fluff, angst, mystery, miscellaneous etc.) 
o.O- Half and half 
All characters have been aged up 
                        ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                          -Mineta Minoru-
                       ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
Hating on Mineta
O.O   Smut theory? (Aka How Corey broke their phone)
 Random Hc’s plus 2 other cursed Hc….
A diamond Necklace (Bnharem collab- Seven Minutes in heaven Rvamp)
                                  ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                    -Bakugou Katsuki-
                      ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
Sex appeal (ft Todoroki) 
Sex Appeal 11/2 (Ft 1a)
Sex appeal 2 -Teaser.
 Peacocking ft Todoroki
O.O Liar Liar (Dilf Baku)
O.O Lousy Wi-Fi (KiriBakuyou)
 Encounter (Monster/Yokai Au)
O.O Spicy Appreciation
 Domestic Life (Super short)
O.O  Ass and Tiddies (Starring Bakugou) 
Poly relationship with s/o ft. Kirishima
Love yourself
O.O  Walking in on reader who sleeps nude.
O.O Semi ask answer 
O.O The Silence after sex
Comfort (Comforting s/o after a betrayal)
Join (Quirkless Biker Au)
O.O Initiation (Quirless biker Au collab)
O.O I will not bow 
O.O Loser
O.O Man of his word pt2
O.O Observe (ft Yandere Deku) pt3
O.O Beg
O.O Untouched
 Kacchan ft Concerned Pro hero- Midoriya 
 Gift (A small present to help Bakugou care for his ears)
o.O   All booties are good booties- s/o w/small butt 
O.O   All tiddies are good tiddies- s/o with tubular breasts
 Love your gorgeous hair!- s/o w/curly frizzy hair who straightens it to avoid teasing.
Bakugou’s Chocolates    (Bnharem Collab/ Valentines day!)
These are my confessions (Cute confessions ^.^)
O.O Meatiness (Meatball kiri x reader x Bakugou)
O.O That expression makes me hate you less
                                              ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                    -Todoroki Shouto-
                     ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
Colors (Yandere! Todo Artist! reader) 
Enchanting (Yandere! Fae)
O.O Next time (Villain Deku & Villain Shouto)
O.O Coldplay 
O.O Talk Dirty to me (TD2M) Starring Shouto!
Peacocking (ft Bakugou)
Sex appeal 2 -Teaser
Sex Appeal  (ft Bakugou)
Sex Appeal 11/2 (ft 1a)
Encounter (Monster/Yokai Au) 
 Nicknames for s/o
Its in the past (Mystery part 1 of 3)
O.O Consequences (Vampire au) (Extra explanation pt2 teaser!)
O.O Walking in on reader who sleeps nude.
O.O Ass and Tiddies (Starring Todoroki)
O.O Mommy
Making Enji pay for his crimes (Pure Tomfoolery)
O.O Prostitute Shoto (S.S Challenges) Part1/Part2/Part3/Part4
O.O The perfect gift
O.O Meat (Meatball…)
O.O Yummy (Eating off Todo)
Comfort (Comforting s/o after a betrayal)
O.O   Itty bitty titty- s/o self-conscious of their small tiddies   
O.O   All tiddies are good tiddies- s/o with tubular breasts
Rule by my side (Prince Shouto!)
Waiting  (Yandere Shouto) 
                                                   ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                              -Midoriya ‘Deku’ Izuku-
                    ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O A book ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’  (Bnharem collab- Seven Minutes in heaven Rvamp)
O.O  Next time (Villain Deku & Villain Shouto)
O.O Bitemarks 
O.O Midoriya Wins     (Bnharem collab- face riding)
Idol- Midoriya Izuku (Young fan reader) 
My father Deku…  Father! Midoriya Izuku x Daughter! Reader
O.O When so finds out he’s more than cute (Warning: 1st ever hc super shitty)
O.O Worship: Soft Yandere! 
 Encounter (Monster/Yokai Au)
O.O Ass and Tiddies (Starring Midoriya)
O.O - Sensitive 
O.O Walking in on reader who sleeps nude. 
Gps Soft yan teaser
O.O Present 
Run Villain Deku & Villain Shinsou ft Reader
O.O Pleasure (Yandere Villain & Yandere Hero Deku)
These are my confessions (Cute confessions ^.^)
O.O Villain Deku Gun play XD
O.O Times four (Villain Deku)
                                                                                     ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                          -Iida Tenya-
                   ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O Talk Dirty to me (TD2M) Starring Tenya!
O.O Walking in on reader who sleeps nude.
O.O Poly TenMei x reader
O.O Sc Villain! TenMei 
 Comfort (Comforting s/o after a betrayal)
                       ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                         -Shinsou Hitoshi-
                        ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O   How it feels to be you (Body swap)  
Nicknames for s/o
Poly relationship with s/o ft. Monoma
O.O Poly relationship with Kamishin ft. you 
O.O Reunion (Villain! Kamishin ft. you)
O.O The Silence after sex
Name’s letter to Shinsou (TDS day 16 continuation)
Therapeutic (Male friend reader) 
Yandere Shinsou x Specific? Reader
O.O Small Break
Trust Pt2 to the Tp above (Yandere Shinsou)
Food for thought (Not fic but an interesting theory)
O.O Walking in on reader who sleeps in the nude
Sleep well Love (x Sick gn reader)
These are my confessions (Cute confessions ^.^)
O.O Explore (Zombie Shinsou)
O.O Nothing could stop him (Yandere Shinsou)
O.O Pet play theory (Not fic just musings of a sub Toshi)
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                                      -Monoma Neito-
                      ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O Monoma Wins     (Bnharem collab- Face riding)
Poly relationship with s/o ft. Shinsou
O.O Smell (Small comments on scent that turn them on)
O.O Eat out? (Small comments on oral)
                                                  ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                       -Amajiki Tamaki-
                       ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
Tamaki’s Valentine     (Bnharem Collab/ Valentines day!)
O.O The silence after sex
Amazing Defense
I put a spell on you (Supernatural au)
O.O Cosplay Goals (Gamer au)
O.O Itty Bitty Titty Love (Tamaki with a small chested s/o)
O.O Canvas   (In which he can change his willy to meet your terato needs)
O.O   All tiddies are good tiddies- s/o with tubular breasts
                   ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                         -Kirishima ‘Red Riot’ Eijirou-
                    ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O Hidden in the sun     /Short story/18k+ words
An excerpt from Hidden in the sun (Read this if your not sure if you want to read the whole thing, You can decide based on this sfw chapter)
O.O What Kiri find’s hot 
Catch these hands 
O.O Lousy Wi-Fi (KiriBakuyou) 
The oblivious goddess
O.O Is this okay? (Omegaverse/ABO) 
O.O Bad boys (Small thirst post gift for Jo) -Might become a full fic. 
O.O Walking in on reader who sleeps nude.
O.O Cam Boy Kiri
O.O The Silence after sex
O.O Itty Bitty Titty Love (Kirishima with a small chested s/o)
O.O Smell (Small comments on scent that turn them on)
 o.O All booties are good booties- s/o w/small butt
O.O   All tiddies are good tiddies- s/o with tubular breasts 
Love your gorgeous hair!- s/o w/curly frizzy hair who straightens it to avoid teasing.
O.O Autograph gone wrong (Longish) 
O.O Meatiness (Meatball kiri x reader x Bakugou)
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                                     -Kaminari Denki-
                  ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O Unwilling sacrifice (Incubus! Denki) 
O.O Poly relationship with Kamishin ft. you
O.O Reunion (Villain! Kamishin ft. you)
O.O Friends with benefits (Long ass Sc, I have no control..)
O.O Nasty Naga Eel Fic Not up yet but here are the warnings
  ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                    -Sero Hanta -
              ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O The silence after sex 
O.O Poly seromina x reader
O.O Villain seromina x reader
Love your gorgeous hair!- s/o w/curly frizzy hair who straightens it to avoid teasing.
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                                  -Ashido Mina-
             ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O Poly seromina x reader
O.O Villain seromina x reader
O.O Smell (Small comments on scent that turn them on)
                                                               ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                -Hatsume Mei-
                  ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O Poly TenMei x reader
O.O Sc Villain! TenMei
                                                                            ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                         -Yaoyororzu Momo (yaomomo)-
                        ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
Comfort (Comforting s/o after a betrayal) 
                     ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                     -Tokoyami Fumikage-
                      ━━━━━━━��┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O The cuddles after sex (How they behave after sexy times. Sorta nsfw)
Your the Morticia to my Gomez (Tokoyami x Goth! Reader Hc’s)
O.O Join the party (Nsfw, Your going down on Tokoyami while Dark Shadow goes to town on you) 
O.O   Switch? (Nsfw, Does Tokoyami like being tied up? I dunno read to find out?)
O.O Fumi’s Sex Dungeon (Nsfw, Tokoyami’s kinks)
                    ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                                   -Eri -
                     ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
                        ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                         -Mirio Togata-
                     ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
Cry-  :’)
O.O The silence after sex
                   ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                       -Kendou Itsuka-
                   ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O Smell (Small comments on scent that turn them on)
O.O Eat out? (Small comments on oral)
                   ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                      -Jirou Kyouka-
                  ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O Walking in on reader who sleeps nude.
                   ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                      -Uraraka Ochako-
                  ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O Walking in on reader who sleeps nude.
               ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━
                                   -Awase Yosetsu-
               ━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
O.O Friends (Yandere Awase)
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Here’s a list of all (mostly) the things I’ve written so far. Granted these are all BNHA characters and will be listed by names as categories.
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Shouta Aizawa
Training Secession 
Like Father, Like Son ft Hitoshi Shinsou 
Kinktober Special--Fox Gods ft Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic
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Moth to the Flame
Kinktober Special--Frankenstein’s Monster
Nightclub, Villain’s Edition ft Shigaraki 
Hot and Bothered 1 & 2 ft Hawks
Stress Relief ft Hawks
Yandere Asks ft. Deku, Bakugo, and Endeavor
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Gilded Cage part 1, 2, and 3
Sweet Revenge 
Kinktober Special--Warlock
Hot and Bothered 1 & 2 ft Dabi
Stress Relief ft Dabi
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Katsuki Bakugou
Nightclub, Hero Edition ft Hitoshi Shinsou
Kinktober Special--Werewolf
Yandere Asks ft. Deku, Dabi, and Endeavor
Yandere Prompt #18
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Tomura Shigaraki 
Nightclub, Villain Edition ft Dabi
Kinktober Special--Graveyard (incomplete until further notice. Sorry.🙁)
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Hitoshi Shinsou
Like Father, Like Son ft. Shouta Aizawa
Nightclub, Hero Edition ft. Katsuki Bakugou
Kinktober Special--Mirror Demon
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Hanta Sero
Kinktober Special--Spider Demon
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Tenya Iida 
Kinktober Special--Southern Gothic Vampire
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Denki Kaminari 
Kinktober Special--Haunted House
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Izuku Midoriya
Kinktober Special--Yandere Villain
Yandere Asks ft. Katsuki Bakugou, Dabi, and Endeavor
Twisted Dream
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Yandere Asks ft. Bakugo, Deku, and Dabi
Kinktober Special--Monster Hunter
Slow Burn
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Mirio Togata 
Kinktober Special--Incubus 
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Tamaki Amajiki
Kinktober Special--Lake Monster
That One Coffee Shop AU
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Hizashi Yamada 
Kinktober Special--Fox Gods ft. Shouta Aizawa
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ho4bakugou · 4 years
Monstertober 2020 prompts
Each day also has cover art drawn by my wonderful amazing talented best friend @thatonespidermonkey go give her love pls
October 1st- Werewolf Shindo Yo
October 3rd- Demon Overhaul
October 5th- Vampiree Todoroki Shoto
October 7th- Mermaid Amajiki Tamaki
October 9th- Siren Shinsou Hitoshi
October 11th- Android Iida Tenya
October 13th- Dragon Bakugou Katsuki
October 15th- Phoenix Dabi
October 17th- Shadow Monster Aizawa
October 19th- Troll Shigaraki
October 21st- Kitsune Kaminari Denki
October 23rd- Hell Hound Monoma Neito
October 25th- Nephilium Midoriya Izuku
October 27th- Incubus Hawks
October 29th- Nymph Mirio
October 31st- Naga Kirishima Eijiro
also ik its only bnha shhhh something for haikyuu is coming 👁👁👁
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savnofilter · 5 years
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day 1 - voyeurism, ghost!midoriya. (kinktober, kinkuary)
day 2 - bloodplay/sucking, vampire!todoroki. (kinktober, kinkuary)
day 3 - breeding, werewolf!bakgou. (kinktober, kinkuary)
day 4 - bondage, mummy!aizawa. (kinktober, kinkuary)
day 5 - size play, dragon!endeavor. (kinktober, kinkuary)
day 6 - anal, satyr!all might. (kinktober, kinkuary)
day 7 - pet play, neko!ashido. (kinktober, kinkuary)
day 8 - cock warming, beast!iida. (kinktober, kinkuary)
day 9 - branding, kitsune!mirio. (kinktober, kinkuary)
day 10 - aphrodisiac, dark elf!monoma (kinkuary)
day 11 - knife play, demon!kaminari. (kinkuary)
day 12 - creampie, ghoul!sero. (kinkuary)
day 13 - hot candle wax, witch!uraraka. (kinkuary)
day 14 - thigh riding, angel!momo. (kinkuary)
day 15 - autassassinophilia, siren!shinsou. (kinkuary)
day 16 - gun play, yandere!shigaraki. (kinkuary)
day 17 - aquaphilia, fish!camie. (kinkuary)
day 18 - asphyxiation, selkie!toga. (kinkuary)
day 19 - massage, shape shifter!aoyama. (kinkuary)
day 20 - begging, grim reaper!overhaul. (kinkuary)
day 21 - blind folds, zombie!stain. (kinkuary) 
day 22 - tentacles, octopus hybrid!tamaki. (kinkuary)
day 23 - breath play, goddess!miruko. (kinkuary)
day 24 - cock worship, chimera!natsuo. (kinkuary)
day 25 - collaring, gargoyle!fatgum. (kinkuary)
day 26 - cunninglingus, harpey!inasa. (kinkuary)
day 27 - degradation, assassin!shindo. (kinkuary)
day 28 - double penetration, naga!kirishima. (kinkuary)
day 29 - gangbang, clones!twice. (kinkuary)
day 30 - lactation, phoenix!hawks. (kinkuary)
day 31 - overstimulation/cream pies/degradation/anal/rough sex/double penetration, incubus!dabi. (kinkuary) 🎃💓
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kenzumekodma · 3 years
can’t hecking wait till i’m off tomorrow and the next day because i finally have writing energy! gonna make myself a lil nest and finally get out the smut i can’t write on my lunch breaks
i’ve definitely got the sugawara drabble from the smut prompts coming out tomorrow, then i’m aiming for the natsuo collab piece by friday. which frees up time for the draken collab piece and brain power for the tanaka and mirio drabbles. then somehow i’ve gotta get past the writer’s block and finish up once from the cherry tree
idk if i’ll get the multiple endings for once from the cherry tree done in time for the end of october but they’ll be out for sure in november
oh and then there’s actually writing out the kinktober pieces. i’m aiming for between 500 and 2500 words at most for them, around 1000-1500 on average. so not super long in order to get them all out. currently my brain’s super occupied with incubus!eren for october 31st and it won’t let me focus on anything else oop
alright that’s enough rambling for now. if you read all the way through this, i’m sorry and i love u
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queenofallimagines · 4 years
Hello, I was wondering if you do sex demon Mirio with a S/O how is done with this and is their mental process is like ‘wtf do I do’
- okay so based off of the asmr above
- He’s not super horny
- Berry affectionate tho
- Always wants kisses
- “My love”
- However when he does get into a mood
- It’s over for you
- Can go literally all day
- Will definitely tire your ass out
- You’re sore
- If it’s overwhelming he will apologize
- Makes no mive to fix it lmao
- Google has nothing either
- You can try to dom him but he’s a total power bottom
- He’s down for anything you want to do
- You’re probably stumped and he will take control half way through
- Even if your really rough he’ll love it
- How does one even tame an incubus???
- He’s like a dog
- Tail always wagging
- He’s always happy to see you
- You might just have to train your endurance
- Like that’s the only way you’ll survive
- If he goes into heat run
- He will have you in bed for the whole week
- Only letting you up to eat and shower
- He will mostly cuddle you during the day
- But I’m the afternoon or night it’s on
- Had a competition with himself to see how loud he can make you
- Overstimulates you without meaning to
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yandereeternity · 5 years
Here’s the master list under the cut! Do whatever you want with these, have a binge read or use them as inspo for your own headcanons (just credit me haha).
My Hero Academia
NSFW - Setsuno Toya forced to watch Overhaul take his darling
Todoroki Shouto with a darling who moves on from him
NSFW - Bakugou Katsuki
Eijiro Kirishima with a darling who's in 1A
Centaur Bakugour Katsuki
NSFW - Centaur Bakugou Katsuki part 2
Aizawa Shouta marriage headcanons
Naga Midoriya Izuku
Oni Kirishima Eijiro
Oni Kirishima Eijiro part 2
Emoji ask game - All Might, Eraserhead, Present Mic
Yandere mini headcanons - Izuku Midoriya
Yandere mini headcanons - Katsuki Bakugou
NSFW - Inko Midoriya
NSFW and general Yo Shindo and Inasa Yoarashi headcanons
Iida Tenya controlling his darling
Ojiro Mashirao
Shigaraki Tomura with natsuo Todoroki as his darling
NSFW and general headcanons for Mirio Togata
Iida tenya falling for a trouble maker
Ibara Shiozaki, Shinso Hitoshi and Natsuo Todoroki headcanons
Izuku Midoriya with an easily hurt darling
Kingdom Hearts
Vanitas with an escaped darling
NSFW - Vanitas with a female darling
Xigbar reuniting with a darling after KH2
Vanitas general headcanons
Vanitas general headcanons part 2
Soft Lexaeus with a lonely darling
Vanitas who's darling is afraid of the dark
Vanitas punishing his darling
Vanitas manipulating a bratty darling
Vanitas' rules for his 'little light' darling
Naga Vanitas part 1
Naga Vanitas part 2
Xigbar the Alp
Demyx the merman
Demyx general headcanons
Marluxia the Vampire
Vanitas with a darling who helps him cope with the unversed
Xigbar stalking headcanons
Zexion the Ghost
Xigbar with a strong willed darling
NSFW and general - Roxas and Ventus with a female darling
NSFW - Marluxia with a female darling
Yandere mini headcanons - Axel
Yandere mini headcanons - Vanitas
Ghost Zexion part 2
Marcus Damon general headcanons
Ken Ichijouji/The Digimon Emperor with a Digidestined darling
Lucemon with a digidestined darling
Myotismon with a digidestined darling
Emoji ask game with the Digimon Emperor, Myotismon and Lucemon
Lucemon after kidnapping his darling
Lucemon with a male darling
Myotismon with a darling who already has a partner
Lucemon manipulating his darling
Ken Ichijouji after his digimon emperor phase
Lucemon with a darling who tries to escape
Lucemon with a Wizardmon darling
Touch starved Apocalymon
Evil Cherubimon
Koichi Kimura spending christmas with his darling
Shaman king
Hao Asakura general headcanons
Tao Ren whos darling tries to leave
Hao Asakura with a chubby, human darling
hao Asakura with a chubby, human darling part 2
Tao Ren with Iron Maiden Jeanne as his darling
Horohoro Usui jealousy headcanons
Hao Asakura with an older darling
Hao Asakura with an escaped darling
Horohoro Usui with Tao Ren as his darling
Yoh Asakura with a human darling
NSFW and general - Yoh Asakura with a reciprocating darling
NSFW - Hao Asakura gets his darling pregnant
Hao Asakura with a scientist darling
Dragon Hao Asakura saving his dragon darling
Demon Hao Asakura
Hao Asakura's favourite things to do with his darling
Hao Asakura who has a ticklish spot
Black Butler
NSFW - Paula with a male darling
Elizabeth Midford the Guardian Angel
Vincent Phantomhive the Elf
Grell Sutcliff the siren
Undertaker the Ghost
Ciel Phantomhive with a time traveller darling
Sebastian Michaelis with a darling who has cat-like abilities
Ouran Highschool Hostclub
NSFW - Kasanoda Ritsu with a male darling
Platonic yanderes Ichigo Kurosaki, Toshiro Hitsugaya and Hinamori Momo
Ulquiorra with a human darling
Fruits Basket
Momoji and Ayame Sohma with a girlfriend darling
Hatori Sohma with a sick darling
Emoji ask game with Hatori, Akito and Ayame
Hunter x Hunter
NSFW and general - Shaiapouf and Kurapika with a female darling
Seven Deadly Sins
Ban with a darling already in love
Yandere mini headcanons - Ban
Ban with a male thief darling
Ban with a morally inclined darling
Emoji ask game with Ban and Meliodas
Ban with a morally inclined darling part 2
Ban taking his darling on a date
Emoji ask game with Ban and King
Emoji ask game with Zeldris
King and a male darling
Ban and his darling if Elaine came back from the dead
ban and Meliodas sharing a darling
King's ideal date
Ban's darling teasing him back
The worst yandere of the seven deadly sins
Ban reacting to his darling breaking him out of prison
King supporting his darling
Rantaro Amami after he kidnaps his darling
NSFW - Gundham Tanaka with a female darling
Gundham Tanaka with a darling who hates his guts
Kiibo general headcanons
Miu Iruma general headcanons
Gundham tanaka with an escaped darling
Angie Yonaga general headcanons
Kirumi Tojo with a dependent darling
Kaito Momota general headcanons
Shuichi Saihara as the ultimate delusional yandere
Kaede Akamatsu with a female darling
Kokichi Ouma with the ultimate unlucky student
Tenko Chabashira with a female darling
NSFW and general - Kokichi Ouma with the ultimate lucky student darling
NSFW - Miu Iruma with a female darling
NSFW and general - Junko Enoshima with a female ultimate Dungeon Master
Junko Enoshima and Mikan Tsumiki general headcanons
NSFW and general - Kokichi Ouma with a submissive darling
Shuichi Saihara with a darling who tries to escape
Pregame Kokichi Ouma general headcanons
Kokichi Ouma with a darling who has self esteem issues
Kokichi Ouma with a darling who tries to escape
Kazuichi Souda with an innocent darling
NSFW and general - Nagito Komaeda
Byakuya Togami, Nagito Komaeda and Kokichi Ouma with a darling who loves someone else
Korekiyo the Naga
NSFW and general - Kokichi Ouma the Incubus
Nagito Komaeda the guardian angel
Mikan Tsumiki the Trickster
Nagito Komaeda with a dominant darling
Kokichi Ouma being possessive
Emoji ask game - Nagito Komaeda
Shuichi Saihara the giant
Emoji ask game with Chihiro, Kiibo and Chiaki
Shuichi Saihara the Giant part 2
NSFW and general Korekiyo Shinguji headcanons
Shuichi Saihara the giant part 3
Emoji ask game with Junko Enoshima
Emoji ask game with Kokichi
NSFW and general headcanons for pregame Kokichi Ouma with a submissive darling
Gundham Tanaka with an autistic darling
Maki Harukawa with Kaede as her darling
Kokichi's favourite things to do with his darling
Mastermind Kokichi Ouma and Shuichi Saihara
NSFW headcanons for Rantarou, Kokichi and Shuichi before they kidnap their darlings
Kaede Akamatsu with a male darling who teases her
Emoji ask game with Byakuya, Hajime and Tsumugi
Izuru Kamakura with a reserve course darling
Nagito Komaeda with a talentless darling
Pre-game Shuichi Saihara headcanons
Kokichi with an incredibly innocent darling
Emoji ask game with Fuyuhiko, Souda and Gundham
Pre-game Shuichi with pre-game Kokichi as his darling
Pre-game Kaito with Pre-game Kokichi as his darling
Kiibo with a FtM darlling
NSFW headcanons for Kaito with a male darling
Human Kiibo headcanons
Every Danganronpa protagonist falling for the same person
General headcanons for Ryota Mitarai
NSFW and general headcanons for Hajime Hinata
Nagito Komaeda with a yandere darling
Kokichi with a neglected darling
Kokichi with a reciprocating darling
Yandere mini headcanons - America
NSFW and general - Russia with a submissive darling
Emoji ask game with Australia, Romania and Seborga
Blood +
NSFW headcanons for the Blood + boys
Yandere Kelpie headcanons
Yandere Unicorn Headcanons
Yandere mgs Raiden headcanons
Xemnas and Gundham Tanaka with a darling who escapes
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Will you make a list of the stuff thats been requested once its closed again? I wanna see the gross shit
Sure! Here is a list of all the requests I have. I’ll put these in categories from ‘Fluff’ to ‘Honestly fucked up’ in case some of you guys don’t want to read them! Also, please let me know what trigger warning tags you guys want me to put in the more extreme requests so that you guys don’t see it if it makes you uncomfortable! 
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Fluff Requests:
Tamaki, Shinsou and Monoma with an s/o with Hispanic heritage.
Yo yo how bout some fem dom with Bakugo, Present Mic, or Todoroki????? Or Some fluff with a chubby reader whatever you’re down for
Fluff alphabet for Himiko Toga
Todoroki confessing to chubby love 
Toshinori, Aizawa, and Hizashi with a quirkless S/O
Todoroki finding out his childhood friend is a vaillain 
Enji and his baby~!
Kirishima, Monoma, Inasa, and Mirio find out their crush is afraid to be with a hero 
 Limes and Lemons
Mirio throat fucking his girlfriend 
S/O riding Kirishima’s face 
Bakugo with a fem!dom reader [anal and begging~!]
Aizawa pet play
Aizawa period kink
Hitoshi and Aizawa period sex 
Iida, Inasa, and Shouji with a S/O that’s double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon
Fem!Dom pegging Tamaki
All Might and Enji smut with villain reader 
Fem!Dom with Enji 
Sin scenario for iida tenya
Shouto, Izuku, and Bakugou going in raw for the first time 
S/o safewording on Bakugou and Kirishima 
Enji lactation and daddy kink 
Werewolf Aizawa 
Werewolf Shinsou, Monoma, and Tamaki
Incubus Todoroki 
Naga Todoroki and Izuku
Todoroki and Midoriya dry humping 
King Katsuki and his plain Jane 
Izuku Detroit Smashing his S/O
Bakugou’s special blowjob surprise 
Teacher Orgy~!
Ojiro, Shoji, Tokoyami and Shinso catching their S/O flicking the bean 
Koda headcanons 
Enji taking his woman raw
Ojiro Tail riding 
Mating season for Hawks 
Awase throat fucking and anal 
Sub Todoroki in bunny ears 
Midoriya finding out his s/o is a camgirl [?]
Kinky Shouji headcanons 
Pants wetting with Midoriya and Iida 
Breastfeeding kink with Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki
Chubby Fem!Dom for Bakugo, Present Mic, or Todoroki
Kinky Enji with Villain reader 
NSFW Present Mic headcanons 
Being All Might and Endeavor’s cumdump
Dry humping with Inasa 
Fucked up & Nasty:
S/O being Present Mic, Aizawa, and Endeavor’s personal sex toy [mega nasty]
Aizawa kidnapping student 
Incubus! Dabi/Tomura
League of Villains gangbang [noncon]
Aizawa noncon and humiliation with student reader
Dabi and Shigaraki noncon with Bakugou’s girlfriend 
Noncon with Shigaraki
Poly Werewolf Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki 
Yandere Shigaraki and Muscular
Izuku being forced to watch Bakugo fuck his girlfriend
Chisaki and his little whore 
Alpha Dabi taking advantage of sweet reader 
League of Villains and their captured hero 
More Shigaraki noncon 
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