#independent software testing services
testers-hub · 2 years
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sensationsolutions · 2 years
Looking to improve your software testing process in 2023? The question of whether to use automation testing or manual testing has been a hot topic in recent years, and it's no different this year. Let's dive into the debate and see which one is better for your organization. Read this blog for Automation Testing or Manual Testing
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nolijconsulting · 2 years
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Change is never easy, but with the right partner it does not have to be complicated. No matter where you are in your digital transformation journey, NolijTech can help you with every facet of your process and help you achieve your business goals and deliver incomparable value. We are a trusted federal partner and have helped clients develop digital-first business models to gain a competitive advantage with leading-edge technologies. 
Learn more about healthcare information technology: https://nolijconsulting.com/
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mariacallous · 2 months
As Russia has tested every form of attack on Ukraine's civilians over the past decade, both digital and physical, it's often used winter as one of its weapons—launching cyberattacks on electric utilities to trigger December blackouts and ruthlessly bombing heating infrastructure. Now it appears Russia-based hackers last January tried yet another approach to leave Ukrainians in the cold: a specimen of malicious software that, for the first time, allowed hackers to reach directly into a Ukrainian heating utility, switching off heat and hot water to hundreds of buildings in the midst of a winter freeze.
Industrial cybersecurity firm Dragos on Tuesday revealed a newly discovered sample of Russia-linked malware that it believes was used in a cyberattack in late January to target a heating utility in Lviv, Ukraine, disabling service to 600 buildings for around 48 hours. The attack, in which the malware altered temperature readings to trick control systems into cooling the hot water running through buildings' pipes, marks the first confirmed case in which hackers have directly sabotaged a heating utility.
Dragos' report on the malware notes that the attack occurred at a moment when Lviv was experiencing its typical January freeze, close to the coldest time of the year in the region, and that “the civilian population had to endure sub-zero [Celsius] temperatures.” As Dragos analyst Kyle O'Meara puts it more bluntly: “It's a shitty thing for someone to turn off your heat in the middle of winter.”
The malware, which Dragos is calling FrostyGoop, represents one of less than 10 specimens of code ever discovered in the wild that's designed to interact directly with industrial control-system software with the aim of having physical effects. It's also the first malware ever discovered that attempts to carry out those effects by sending commands via Modbus, a commonly used and relatively insecure protocol designed for communicating with industrial technology.
Dragos first discovered the FrostyGoop malware in April after it was uploaded in several forms to an online malware scanning service—most likely the Google-owned scanning service and malware repository VirusTotal, though Dragos declined to confirm which service—perhaps by the malware's creators, in an attempt to test whether it was detected by antivirus systems. Working with Ukraine's Cyber Security Situation Center, a part of the country's SBU cybersecurity and intelligence agency, Dragos says it then learned that the malware had been used in the cyberattack that targeted a heating utility starting on January 22 in Lviv, the largest city in western Ukraine.
Dragos declined to name the victim utility, and in fact says it hasn't independently confirmed the the utility's name, since it only became aware of the targeting from the Ukrainian government. Dragos' description of the attack, however, closely matches reports of a heating outage at the Lvivteploenergo utility around the same time, which according to local media led to a loss of heating and hot water for close to 100,000 people.
Lviv mayor Andriy Sadovyi at the time called the event a “malfunction" in a post to the messaging service Telegram, but added, “there is a suspicion of external interference in the company's work system, this information is currently being checked.” A Lvivteploenergo statement on January 23 described the outage more conclusively as the “result of a hacker attack.”
Lvivteploenergo didn't respond to WIRED's request for comment, nor did the SBU. Ukraine's cybersecurity agency, the State Services for Special Communication and Information Protection, declined to comment.
In its breakdown of the heating utility attack, Dragos says that the FrostyGoop malware was used to target ENCO control devices—Modbus-enabled industrial monitoring tools sold by the Lithuanian firm Axis Industries—and change their temperature outputs to turn off the flow of hot water. Dragos says that the hackers had actually gained access to the network months before the attack, in April 2023, by exploiting a vulnerable MikroTik router as an entry point. They then set up their own VPN connection into the network, which connected back to IP addresses in Moscow.
Despite that Russia connection, Dragos says it hasn't tied the heating utility intrusion to any known hacker group it tracks. Dragos noted in particular that it hasn't, for instance, tied the hacking to the usual suspects such as Kamacite or Electrum, Dragos' own internal names for groups more widely referred to collectively as Sandworm, a notorious unit of Russia's military intelligence agency, the GRU.
Dragos found that, while the hackers used their breach of the heating utility's network to send FrostyGoop's Modbus commands that targeted the ENCO devices and crippled the utility's service, the malware appears to have been hosted on the hackers' own computer, not on the victim's network. That means simple antivirus alone, rather than network monitoring and segmentation to protect vulnerable Modbus devices, likely won't prevent future use of the tool, warns Dragos analyst Mark “Magpie” Graham. “The fact that it can interact with devices remotely means it doesn't necessarily need to be deployed to a target environment,” Graham says. “You may potentially never see it in the environment, only its effects.”
While the ENCO devices in the Lviv heating utility were targeted from within the network, Dragos also warns that the earlier version of FrostyGoop it found was configured to target an ENCO device that was instead publicly accessible over the open internet. In its own scans, Dragos says it found at least 40 such ENCO devices that were similarly left vulnerable online. The company warns that there may in fact be tens of thousands of other Modbus-enabled devices connected to the internet that could potentially be targeted in the same way. “We think that FrostyGoop would be able to interact with a huge number of these devices, and we're in the process of conducting research to verify which devices would indeed be vulnerable,” Graham says.
While Dragos hasn't officially linked the Lviv attack to the Russian government, Graham himself doesn't shy away from describing the attack as a part of Russia's war against the country—a war that has brutally decimated Ukrainian critical infrastructure with bombs since 2022 and with cyberattacks starting far earlier, since 2014. He argues that the digital targeting of heating infrastructure in the midst of Ukraine's winter may actually be a sign that Ukrainians' increasing ability to shoot down Russian missiles has pushed Russia back to hacking-based sabotage, particularly in western Ukraine. “Cyber may actually be more efficient or likely to be successful towards a city over there, while kinetic weapons are maybe still successful at a closer range," Graham says. “They’re trying to use the full spectrum, the full gamut of available tools in the armory.”
Even as those tools evolve, though, Graham describes the hackers' goals in terms that have changed little in Russia's decade-long history of terrorizing its neighbor: psychological warfare aimed at undermining Ukraine's will to resist. “This is how you chip away at the will of the people,” says Graham. “It wasn’t aimed at disrupting the heating for all of winter. But enough to make people to think, is this the right move? Do we continue to fight?”
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itsbenedict · 1 year
okay, so- the past three days have been pretty insane, hence no to-do lists. did not know hour-to-hour what in the hell i'd have to do next.
monday morning, there was a company meeting, and it was announced that we were being sold. this was not... the most surprising thing in the world, because about a month ago there was this sudden hasty push by the top to reorganize the business into distinct independent units that didn't depend on shared services. like, what else would the point of doing that be, if not to sell off pieces of the business? sure, they said that wasn't happening, but who the hell was fooled by that?
so i used to do most of my work on these projects for this one specific business unit, building and running a bunch of middleware API integrations for our learning management system. but my boss, who used to be in charge of the dev team generally, got assigned to this totally different unit- and she liked me enough that she pushed really hard to get me reassigned to her unit.
so i was already conflicted about that:
i really like my boss- she's really understanding of my need for flexibility to work on my side projects, she only cares that i get the work done (and even with many side projects, i still consistently exceed expectations and get a full-time workload done ahead of schedule), and she was pushing hard to get me a raise against upper management who'd taken to using covid austerity as an excuse to never give anyone any raises ever. and the team assigned to this unit didn't have any senior devs who could handle a big infrastructure transition, and i'd just become AWS certified, and without someone like me, my coworkers assigned to that unit would be in some hot water. plus, after the transition, maintaining a reduced suite of products would probably be easier day-to-day.
but on the other hand, all my projects in the other business unit, with the LMS- those are pretty vital, and the nature of the contracts with those clients necessitates frequent maintenance and changes. my code for those integrations is bad, for various reasons but mainly that there is no dev environment for testing changes. it's fundamentally about managing production data in databases we don't directly control, so every change has to be done very quickly and carefully, with no room for big refactors to clean things up (and risk breaking stuff). it's a mess, and no one in the other business unit is prepared to take it over. plus- i liked working directly with clients, doing work where if i did the work someone was appreciative of the work. it was motivating!
ultimately, i decided to trust my boss and follow her to the other business unit. we weren't completely splitting from the rest of the business- i'd still be able to train up someone else to take over my projects, we'd still have the shared customer accounts management software, and- crucially- i'd still have the boss who understood my needs and had no interest in squeezing value out of me.
so i went on vacation for a couple weeks right after committing to that decision- and then i came back on monday, and that day they announce we're being sold.
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also that my boss is fired and being replaced by someone from the new company.
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also that we have two months to completely disconnect all our products from shared service infrastructure and rebuild our own.
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also no takesies-backsies, the acquisition agreement included terms that the former company not hire back any of the sold-off employees or even discuss the acquisition with them at all. no chance to react to the new information except to sign the new offer letter by close of business on Wednesday.
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i was unhappy about this! can you tell???
so my first thought was- okay, this is bullshit. i still want to work for the LMS people, the LMS people still want me to work for them, there has to be a solve here. so i go to the guy in charge of that division, who also wants me to keep working there, and he says okay i'll have our lawyers look into it.
and then... he gets back to me sounding like a robot, "i am unable to discuss this further with you at this time", which is so obviously out of character for the guy that i can tell legal's thrown the book at him. i talk to legal myself- it's a dead end. they can't- they're unable to even talk about why they can't talk about it, because obviously this deal was engineered to prevent me from doing exactly what i'm trying to do here.
so i go at it from the other angle. president of the sold company, now a wholly-owned for-profit subsidiary of a nonprofit organization (is that even allowed???), i explain to him, hey, this is a mistake, i'm only here because my old boss really wanted me to be on her team, surely you can let me go continue doing my actual job?
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so then i start playing hardball.
the salary they're offering me is, adjusted for inflation, less than the salary i was offered two years ago, which had come with the (entirely failed) non-promise that i'd be bumped up to a certain level very quickly after some formalities re: the employment structure. i explain, in detail, how upset i am with the entire state of affairs- and i threaten to walk, which i am allowed to do. i'm not required to sign their new contract- i'd need to go job-hunting, sure, but i have money in the bank, i can afford to do it, and i could definitely get a better deal somewhere else.
this is a tense situation! my old boss knew this team needed me- but they unceremoniously fired her while she was on vacation, so her opinion doesn't mean dirt to them apparently. it's unclear how vital i really am to this- they could maybe train up one of the other devs to handle the AWS stuff.
and on my side- if i walk, that's it. all that horrible messy code for the LMS stuff- i don't get two months to train someone else up and write documentation and do some housecleaning. i'm gone! my horrific dirty laundry (and hours and hours of regular maintenance work) gets handed off to some other dev who's totally unprepared for it, and that person inevitably puts a curse on my entire family line as retribution for me leaving them holding that intolerable bag. i don't actually want to walk, because then i end up the bad guy in the eyes of people i respect and care about.
(also i'd have to do a job hunt and that shit is so god damn annoying you have no idea you probably have some idea.)
so i tell the guy, look- i can do better. i'm basically starting over doing harder work at an unfamiliar company, and if i'm doing that anyway, why not do it for someone who'll pay me? if you don't give me X amount of money, i'm walking out, and now you don't have an infrastructure guy during the two-month window you have to migrate a shit-ton of infrastructure. i am a serious dude and you can't just fuck with me!
(and inside i'm like:
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because oh god i am not a serious dude i am so easily fucked with what if i'm pushing my luck too hard)
and he lets me fuckin' stew. 5:00 on wednesday i need to have either signed a contract or not signed a contract, and he hedges and goes to talk with the higher-ups and makes no promises, and i have no idea whether it's because i scared him or if he's trying to work out how to replace me or what. all this negotiation has been eating my brain for the past couple days and it's coming down to the wire-
and then a couple hours before the deadline he gets back to me with a counteroffer. it's less than i was asking, because that's how negotiations work, but it is more than i was making when i was brought on, by a good 10k.
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so now it's on to round two. i'm gonna stick around for this two-month period, make this transition work, clean up my mess and take care of things with my now ex-coworkers- and then if they haven't either proven their management is tolerable or given me a crystal-clear path to advancement, we're back to the standoff- except this time, they'll have a good idea of exactly what it is they stand to lose.
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. okay. okay. yeah. so that's dealt with for the time being. i can breathe now. we'll see how it goes. fuck.
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shinetechsoftware · 22 days
Shinetech Software achieves Cyber Essentials Plus certification
Shinetech Software is proud to announce that it has achieved Cyber Essentials Plus certification proving its dedication to cyber security and protection from cyber-attacks. Cyber Essentials Plus is an official UK Government-backed, industry-supported certification scheme to help organisations demonstrate operational security against the ever-growing threat of cyber-attacks and a commitment to cyber security.
Assessed and verified through an independent external audit it requires compliance and rigorous testing of our business security controls and processes. The certification also acknowledges our strong security management ethos and procedural framework.
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Frank Zhang, UK Managing Director at Shinetech Software says “Achieving the Cyber Essentials Plus certification underscores our commitment to ensuring our cyber security is as strong as possible to protect our customers’ data. We take these responsibilities very seriously and this certification complements our existing ISO 27001 Information Security Management System certification.”.
Andy Landsberg, Cyber Security Manager at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust says “We have worked with Shinetech Software over many years and are pleased they have achieved the Cyber Essentials Plus certification in recognition of the controls they have in place and the work they undertake to maintain data security, illustrating their adherence to best practice guidelines.”.
Frimley Health, along with other key partners including Barts Health NHS Trust, Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust and Queen Mary University of London, collaborated with Shinetech Software on the industry award winning GDPR compliant Class Attendance Tracker QR (CATQR) digital solution for employers and educational institutions to monitor staff and student attendance in real-time.
Apple and Google recently approved the release of the new CATQR mobile app which is compliant with the latest Apple iOS and Google Android mobile app policy and security guidelines.
Shinetech Software is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and Gartner Cool Vendor with delivery centres in London, New York and Sydney supported by over 20 software engineering development centres throughout Asia.
Find out more about Shinetech Software bespoke software engineering services on https://www.shinetechsoftware.co.uk and watch the Frimley Health CATQR video on https://www.catqr.com or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONq55EgAA5I
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reedsofintimacy · 18 days
How smart are you? You’ve given some hints before but how many degrees do you have? What are you studying? What do you want to do in live professionally and passionately? What’s your purpose career wise?
Also hypothetically would you be open to being your wives employee if she had a really successful company?
I actually don't have any degrees! I'm a nerd and smart but also certainly have my flaws.
For context, I was an honors student all growing up. Always tested in the 99th percentile for state aptitude assessments. I got a 33 on my ACT, did well on a bunch of AP tests and went to a non-ivy-league but prestiguous state school in the top 25% of the incoming class and as a university scholar, in an accelerated chemistry PhD program, and lived in an honors community on campus.
I learned to speak some Chinese, became an instructor for a traditional Korean percussion group, led a bible study, tutored students in organic chemistry, and did excellent in my humanities courses writing on topics like a linguistic study of gender conception in viking-era icelandic society and designing an interventional plan to address youth homelessness in the community.
College was the best 2 years of my life, I adored everything about it but I also completely overloaded myself. Turns out you need more than raw brains for success. I was conflicted between prioritizing my studies vs my faith, and had unadressed adhd and anxiety i wasnt ever aware of and didnt know how to cope with. When my 19 credit hours were drowning me, I couldnt own up to the shame of overwhelm and failure, couldnt look my teachers in the eye and ultimately stopped showing up to class and dropped out.
I'm now back in school with a better understanding of myself, an absense of competing priorities and a lot of experience. Im pursuing working in Radiology doing either CT or MRI. A lot of my friends growing up are finishing their PhD theses and I love discussing them with them, but I myself don't have even an associate's to my name.
Career wise, I originally wanted to be a professor of either Chemistry or Materials Science. I debated majoring in Linguistics or teaching English as a second language but i don't speak anything fluent enough to really do that yet. I've since considered pursuing a career in comedy, as a science communicator and journalist or PIO, as a university student advisor, and taught myself to code to maybe pursue programming.
I love learning. Currently I'm putting the most effort into Chinese classical literature. I've done personal units on nutrition, skincare, fitness, urban planning, economics, and some software like adobe illustrator and game dev with Unity and Godot.
For my professional future, I think I'm for now planning on being a travelling technician in healthcare. It'd give me an opportunity to see lots of different places which is a goal of mine and shouldn't have too many commitments keeping me held in place. Maybe I'll finally get over my fear of casual hookups and become a traveling nurse by day and city-to-city clit servicer by night sampling all sorts of delicious lady bits. Idk. For now I'm just focused on what I'm doing in the moment.
In terms of passions I want time and independence to pursue learning as an autodidact. I'd love to maintain access to university libraries and attend lots of public lectures and symposiums if i could live near enough a big university. I want to read about the things that interest me and someday get over my social anxiety and travel to make friends all over the world with fellow nerds.
In terms of working for my wife of course that would be really sexy I'd love to be my partners doting but slutty assistant 💕 depending on the industry i guess. I think something like insurance or real estate is kind of predatory tbh and wouldnt want to be associated with it. But if I didn't have an issue with it I'd adore being my partners employee. Or even just a supportive house husband or trusted personal assistant ❤️❤️ a role i've always thought I have the potential to be quite good at
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govindhtech · 2 months
CrowdStrike Outage: Customers Independent Cybersecurity Firm
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Supporting customers during the CrowdStrike outage Independent cybersecurity firm. CrowdStrike launched a software upgrade that started affecting IT systems all across the world. They would like to provide an update on the efforts that were made with CrowdStrike and others to remedy and help consumers, even though this was not a Microsoft issue and it affects the entire ecosystem.
CrowdStrike outage
Everyone have been in constant contact with customers, CrowdStrike outage, and outside developers since the start of this incident in order to gather data and hasten resolutions. It are aware of the impact this issue has brought to many people’s everyday routines as well as companies. The primary objective is to help customers safely restore interrupted systems back online by offering technical advice and support. Among the actions made are:
Using CrowdStrike to automate their solution development process.
In addition to providing a workaround recommendation, CrowdStrike has made a public statement on this vulnerability.
The Windows Message Centre contained instructions on how to fix the issue on Windows endpoints.
Deploying hundreds of engineers and specialists from Microsoft to collaborate directly with clients in order to restore services.
In order to inform ongoing discussions with CrowdStrike and customers, us are working together with other cloud providers and stakeholders, such as Google  Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS), to share awareness on the state of effect they are each witnessing throughout the sector.
publishing the scripts and documentation for manual cleanup as soon as possible.
Customers will be updated on the incident’s status via the Azure Status Dashboard, available here.
They are constantly updating and supporting customers while working around the clock.
CrowdStrike has also assisted us in creating a scalable solution that would speed up Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure’s correction of CrowdStrike’s flawed update.
They have also collaborated on the most efficient methods with AWS and GCP.
CrowdStrike update
Software changes might occasionally create disruptions, but major events like the CrowdStrike event don’t happen often. As of right now, researchers calculate that 8.5 million Windows devices less than 1% of all Windows computers were impacted by CrowdStrike’s update. Even though the percentage was low, the usage of CrowdStrike by businesses that manage numerous vital services has a significant influence on the economy and society.
This event highlights how intertwined the large ecosystem consisting of consumers, software platforms, security and other software vendors, and worldwide cloud providers is. It serves as a reminder of how critical it is that everyone in the tech ecosystem prioritizes disaster recovery utilising existing channels and safe deployment practices.
As the past two days have demonstrated, cooperation and teamwork are the keys to learning, healing, and forward motion. They value the cooperation and teamwork of everyone in this sector, and will continue to keep you informed about the results and future plans.
An CrowdStrike outage can be a difficult occurrence for any organisation in the ever-changing field cybersecurity . Their resilience and readiness were put to the test recently when a significant CrowdStrike outage affected customers. This post seeks to give a thorough explanation of how they supported the clients at this crucial time, making sure their cybersecurity requirements were satisfied with the highest effectiveness and consideration.
Comprehending the CrowdStrike Incident
One of the top cybersecurity companies’ services experienced problems due to the unanticipated CrowdStrike outage. Many organizations were affected by the outage, which made them susceptible to possible cyberattacks. The primary objective was to minimize the effects of this outage on customers while maintaining security services for them.
Quick Reaction to the Outage
Upon detecting the outage, the dedicated employees moved quickly to resolve it. They prioritized communicating with clients due to recognized the seriousness of the matter. Below is a thorough explanation of the prompt response:
Notification and Communication: Everyone immediately sent out a notification of the outage by email, phone calls, and through own support portal to all impacted clients. Having open and honest communication was essential to reassuring and informing those who hired us.
Activation of the Incident Response Team: They promptly activated the incident response team, which is made up of support engineers and cybersecurity specialists. To evaluate the effects of the outage and create a tactical reaction strategy, this team worked nonstop.
Providing Differential Approaches to Security
Ensuring customers have strong security was the initial focus during the downtime. To guarantee ongoing protection, having put in place a number of other security measures, including:
Temporary Security Solutions: In order to cover for the CrowdStrike outage, they implemented temporary security solutions. Advanced threat intelligence tools, more intrusion detection systems, and improved firewall setups were some of these answers.
Alerts and Manual Monitoring: They increased the manual monitoring efforts at its Security Operations Centre (SOC). In order to ensure prompt action in the event of an incident, having installed extra alarm mechanisms to identify any unusual activity that would point to possible cyber attacks.
Improving Customer Service
It strengthened the support infrastructure in order to reply to the worries and questions of the clients:
24/7 Support Availability: They have extended support service hours to offer assistance whenever you need it. Clients could get in touch with the support team whenever they needed assistance, so they could get it quickly.
Specialised Support Channels: Everyone set up special support channels for problems relating to outages. This made it possible for us to concentrate on helping the impacted clients and to expedite the support process.
Constant Observation and Updates
They continued to provide updates throughout the interruption due to the were committed to being open and satisfying those who trust us:
Regular Status Updates: Having kept you informed on the status of the issue resolution process on a regular basis. The actions being taken to resume regular services and the anticipated time frames for resolution were noted in these updates.
Integration of Customer comments: In order to better understand the client’s unique wants and concerns, and actively sought out their comments. This input was really helpful to us because it adjusted the way to replied and enhanced the assistance offerings.
Acquiring Knowledge and Developing from Experience
They carried out a comprehensive investigation following the CrowdStrike outage in order to pinpoint problem areas and guarantee enhanced readiness for upcoming incidents:
Root Cause Analysis: To identify the causes of the CrowdStrike outage, their team conducted a thorough root cause analysis. They were able to pinpoint areas that required improvement and weaknesses thanks to their investigation.
Process Improvements: Having carried out a number of process enhancements in light of the new information. These included modernizing the security architecture, strengthening communication tactics, and refining the incident response procedures.
Enhancing Their Collaboration with CrowdStrike
Nous collaborated closely with CrowdStrike outage to quickly resolve the issue due to recognized their crucial position in the cybersecurity ecosystem:
Cooperation and Support: In order to guarantee a prompt resolution, they worked in tandem with CrowdStrike’s engineering and technical support teams. They were able to efficiently utilize CrowdStrike’s resources and experience thanks to working together with them.
Post-Outage Review: To assess the CrowdStrike outage and its effects, they jointly reviewed with CrowdStrike once services had fully recovered. This review was crucial to strengthening cooperation and improving the capacity to respond as a team.
In summary
Although the CrowdStrike outage was a difficult occurrence, all proactive and customer-focused strategy made sure that customers got the assistance and security they required. It lies in the unwavering commitment to enhancing its infrastructure and services to deliver the best possible cybersecurity. The desire to remain a dependable and trustworthy partner for their clients, protecting their digital assets from any danger, has been reinforced by what happened during this CrowdStrike outage
Read more on govindhtech.com
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techsmarts · 9 months
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ByteByteGo nails another "a picture is worth a thousand words" infographic. This one highlights some key differences between traditional SDLC, DevOps and emerging NoOps.
In a traditional software development, code, build, test, release and monitoring are siloed functions. Each stage works independently and hands over to the next stage.
DevOps, on the other hand, encourages continuous development and collaboration between developers and operations. This shortens the overall life cycle and provides continuous software delivery.
NoOps is a newer concept with the development of serverless computing. Since we can architect the system using FaaS (Function-as-a-Service) and BaaS (Backend-as-a-Service), the cloud service providers can take care of most operations tasks. The developers can focus on feature development and automate operations tasks.
NoOps is a pragmatic and effective methodology for startups or smaller-scale applications, which moves shortens the SDLC even more than DevOps.
(via EP90: How do SQL Joins Work? - ByteByteGo Newsletter)
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razieltwelve · 1 year
What Happens To Old War Gear? (Final Effect)
When military-grade weaponry becomes obsolete or is replaced, it is not uncommon to sell it to civilians at a reduced price for defensive purposes. For example, it is not at all unusual to see old war mechs on the frontier being piloted by minors and settlers in outlying colonies. You can even find war mechs whose piloting systems have been replaced by simple AI.
Due to the ever-present threat of the Grimm, and the myriad natural dangers that can be found on planets and in star systems all over the galaxy, civilians need ways to defend themselves. Old war gear offers an affordable solution to that problem since even centuries-old weaponry is still highly effective against most threats.
For example, there are mining colonies where the same war mechs have served as guardians for almost a thousand years. It turns out that being huge, heavily armoured, and armed to the absolute teeth prevents them from becoming completely obsolete despite their age.
One of the oldest such war mechs, an ancient LR-21 model has been in service for roughly fifteen hundred years. Originally designed to offer mobile heavy fire support on the field, the LR-21 is operated by a simple AI. Upgrades to its software and its hardware over the years mean that it has greatly changed from its original load out, but it has also remained an imposing and deadly presence on the battlefield.
For civilians, old war gear is an affordable way of acquiring equipment that is battle tested and ready for use. It's true that there are ample standard options for weaponry and war gear for civilians, but the law places strict limits on what can and cannot be purchased freely. These laws are relaxed somewhat for old war gear although the process of acquiring it does mean more background checks and the like.
You can also find old war gear in the service of the various smaller nations that exist in the galaxy. For instance, many older starships are sold to independent star systems or small factions rather than simply destroyed. These ships are, of course, inferior to those in service with the Empire or the Alliance, but they are nevertheless usually greatly superior to what these other factions could create on their own. They are also cheaper to buy than to construct.
As an aside, this makes coordination with these independent factions easier when Grimm incursions occur since the Empire and Alliance are also familiar with their vessels. This has led to some amusing incidents like two thousand year old ships still seeing combat after a bit of upgrading.
Due to the constant warfare against the Grimm, equipment is generally built to last and to be used as many times as possible before being replaced. At which point, it can then be used as reserve weaponry. Although disposable weapons certainly do exist, the sheer scale of the conflict against the Grimm means that efficient use of resources is key.
The regular sales of old war gear held by the Empire are often likened to yard sales with the Dia-Farron presiding and hawking their wares.
"Hey, you there! You look like you could use an old frigate! It might be three generations old, but it can still dump a thousand missiles on target in less than a minute! I'll even throw in a couple of old war mechs. Anything manages to get past the frigate and make landfall, the war mechs will turn it to ash! Don't think too hard about it. I've got plenty of other people interested, and I've only got four more of these frigates left!"
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computeronrent · 2 years
Advantages and disadvantages of 5G
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5G technology or fifth generation technology offers many features for mobile networks. It is useful for government, students, businesses and professionals. It is a new mobile network designed to connect everyone and everything. It is the new standard in global wireless networks after 1G to 4G. It offers high multi-Gbps data speeds, low latency, large network capacity, and a flexible user experience. As this new technology is deployed, 5G technology should create many new applications.
5G technology features in brief. Speed ​​up to 10 Gbits.
Great app
100 times more device connections
Fast response time
Waste of time
Another software option to upgrade. Great potential
With the proliferation of digital around the world, when live streaming and games, sports, news, movie reviews, social media, etc., the transfer of large amounts of data from one host to another and the Internet of Things (IoT) spurred the development of mobile phone standards. .
However, the 5G technology network has not yet reached its potential because the existing devices and infrastructure are not yet ready to support the 5G technology network. Those who have tested the 5G technology network using it with built-in 4G devices in this application are also called non-stationary 5G technology networks. The full potential of 5G technology will only be realized when independent networks, compatible devices and better communication tower technologies become available.
Advantages of 5G technology
Transfer data faster
The previous generation 4G LTE technology used bands below 3 GHz but in comparison, 5G technology uses bandwidth from 6 GHz in length to 24 GHz. However, it is important to note that 5G technology coverage also requires a base station and a broadcast tower compared to a 4G data network.
Improved network
5G networks are more flexible as they work with different customers, services and market segments. It divides its network in such a way that it will adapt to the needs of the users. It is based on Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN). It is also called a "network fragment". This provides high data rates, low power consumption, and reliable low latency.
Moving Beamforming
Moving Beamforming refers to a radio signal processing technique that allows for the transmission or reception of a directional network, unlike a passive antenna that beams the signal randomly in all directions. 4G networks also use beamforming to some capacity, but in a growing sense.
Benefits for companies and businesses
It provides improved machine-to-machine communication for automation, real-time communication and guaranteed network availability, digitization of healthcare and agricultural industries.
Benefits for consumers
It provides fast download and download times when you are streaming users. Stable connection to mobile communications, low response time for online or cloud gaming, virtual reality, high quality live TV and 4K video telephony.
A more secure network
5G technology networks offer more security than previous generation networks. It supports protection against data loss, data corruption and theft. The exchange of sensitive and private customer data, such as hospital patient reports, customer data and student information at universities, is more secure in the 5G technology network.
Disadvantages of 5G
Limit coverage
The 5G technology network is a new technology, it requires a large network of ports and transmission towers worldwide, which requires a lot of time, testing, testing and setting up 5G technology towers.
Reduces durability
If the experts are to be believed, the non-standard 5G technology network undermines the performance of 4G network devices. Although a few manufacturers have started to produce 5G technology network devices, R & D believes that due to high data transmission in the largest network, the longevity or service life of mobile phones and other devices will be compromised.
Involvement in aviation
In January, Air India cancled several flights to the United States because they were rolling out 5G technology services in the country. This is a major setback of 5G technology in India as airlines have suffered losses due to ongoing 5G technology deployment projects. It can also be a hindrance in the future if not dealt with quickly. Internet Security Threats
Although the 5G technology network is said to help improve cybersecurity, it also has its limitations as it encourages cloud computing and exposes more data to risk. of hacking due to its lack of privacy and ease of access to network networks. on the other hand. hands
5G technologyin India
India officially launched its 5G technology network in October this year at an event held in New Delhi. Airtel and Jio have started rolling out 5G technology data plans in select state. However, Vodafone Idea is not planning to launch it in the near future.
In case of Airtel, they are currently placed in Tier I to Tier 8 countries. Jio has launched 5G technology services in limited areas. Many telecom operators are also of the opinion that pan-India 5G technology network coverage will take a few years. Jio recently announced after the 5G technology beta test that no SIM card is required to operate Jio's 5G technology network. However, Vodafone Idea has not yet announced its 5G technology network.
The health risks of 5G technology and the disadvantages of 5G technology for the environment
The International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has stated that increasing radio frequencies above 6 GHz may have biological and health effects. The 5G technology network will increase the amount of electromagnetic radiation in the environment, causing a greater risk of cancer. With the lack of power of 5G technology network devices, there will also be an increase in the collection of electronic waste. The electric current from the cell tower exposed sparrows and other birds to increased egg production and nesting behavior. High rates of energy consumption have also contributed to global warming.
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superiorcodelabs · 1 year
Top IT Companies In Bangalore
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Here is a list of some of the major Indian IT companies and a brief description about each of them:
Infosys is a global IT consulting and services company headquartered in Bangalore. It provides software development, maintenance, and independent validation services to companies in various industries.
Wipro is an IT services, consulting, and business solutions company based in Bangalore. It offers a range of services including application development, cloud computing, analytics, and business process services.
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
TCS is a multinational IT services, consulting, and business solutions company based in Mumbai with a large presence in Bangalore. It offers services such as application development, infrastructure management, and digital transformation.
HCL Technologies
HCL Technologies is a global IT services company headquartered in Noida, with a large presence in Bangalore. It provides services such as IT consulting, engineering, and application development.
Mindtree is a multinational digital transformation and technology consulting company headquartered in Bangalore. It offers services such as application development, testing, and digital transformation.
Tech Mahindra
Tech Mahindra is a multinational IT services company headquartered in Pune, with a large presence in Bangalore. It provides services such as digital transformation, network services, and business process outsourcing.
Mphasis is an IT services company headquartered in Bangalore. It provides services such as application development, integration, and maintenance.
Capgemini is a global consulting and IT services company headquartered in Paris with a large presence in Bangalore. It offers services such as digital transformation, application development, and cloud computing.
IBM India
IBM India is a subsidiary of IBM Corporation based in Bangalore. It provides services such as IT consulting, application development, and cloud computing.
Dell Technologies
Dell Technologies is a multinational technology company headquartered in Texas with a large presence in Bangalore. It provides services such as IT infrastructure, cloud computing, and data analytics.
Superior Codelabs
Provides IT services and solutions to businesses of all sizes, including mobile app development, e-commerce applications, cloud hosting and consulting, UI/UX designing, branding websites, ERP/CRM, digital branding and marketing, and technology consulting.
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skywindssolutions · 2 years
Scaling Your SaaS Software in 2023: The Ultimate Guide
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Building scalable software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a challenging task for any developer or business. The key to success lies in the ability to handle an increasing number of users and requests, without compromising on performance or stability. However, achieving scalability is not a one-time achievement, but rather an ongoing process that requires careful planning and smart technology choices. In this article, we will provide you with 10 tips to help you build scalable SaaS software. From optimizing your architecture, to leveraging the power of cloud-based infrastructure, to automating your deployment process, these tips will help you create software that can handle the changing needs of your customers. Whether you are a developer or a business owner, these tips will give you a solid foundation for building software that can stand the test of time. So, let's dive in and take a closer look at how you can build scalable SaaS software that meets the needs of your growing user base.
The Importance of a Solid Architecture for Scalable SaaS
A solid architecture is the foundation of any scalable software. It determines how the different components of the software interact with each other and how they handle the increasing number of users and requests. A well-designed architecture can make it easy to add new features and functionality, while a poorly designed one can make it difficult to scale and maintain the software.
One of the best ways to ensure a solid architecture is to use microservices. Microservices are a way of breaking down an application into smaller, more manageable components. This allows you to develop, test, and deploy each component independently, making it easy to scale and maintain the software. Microservices also provide a level of flexibility that monolithic architecture can't match.
When building scalable SaaS, it's also important to use a modular design. This allows you to add and remove components as needed, without having to redesign the entire system. This approach also allows you to reuse code, which can save a lot of time and effort.
Additionally, it's essential to implement a good communication mechanism between the different components, whether it's through RESTful API or messaging queue. This allows different components to share data and perform actions without having to tightly couple them.
In summary, a solid architecture is essential for building scalable SaaS software. By using microservices and a modular design, you can ensure that your software is easy to scale and maintain. Additionally, implementing good communication mechanism between the different components can help improve the overall performance and scalability of the software.
Optimizing Performance for Scalable SaaS
Performance is key when it comes to scalable software. As the number of users and requests increases, the software needs to be able to handle the load without compromising on performance. Slow or unresponsive software can lead to a poor user experience, which can ultimately result in lost customers.
One of the best ways to optimize performance is to use caching. Caching allows you to store frequently used data in memory, so that it can be quickly accessed without having to go to the database. This can significantly reduce the load on the database, which can improve performance.
Another way to optimize performance is to use compression. Compression reduces the size of data that needs to be transferred between the server and the client, which can make the software more responsive.
Additionally, it's important to use techniques like load balancing and auto-scaling to ensure that the software can handle an increasing number of users and requests. Load balancing allows you to distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers, reducing the risk of overload and downtime. Auto-scaling, on the other hand, allows you to automatically add or remove servers as needed, depending on the load.
In summary, optimizing performance is essential for building scalable SaaS software. By using caching, compression, and techniques like load balancing and auto-scaling, you can ensure that your software can handle an increasing number of users and requests without compromising on performance. This will ultimately result in a better user experience, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and retention.
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Utilizing Cloud-based Infrastructure for Scalability
One of the most effective ways to build scalable SaaS software is to use cloud-based infrastructure. Cloud-based infrastructure allows you to easily scale your application as needed, without having to invest in expensive hardware and maintenance costs. Additionally, it allows you to take advantage of a wide range of tools and services that can help you build, test, and deploy your software quickly and efficiently.
There are several popular cloud providers like AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform, that offer a wide range of services that can help you build scalable SaaS software. These services include virtual servers, databases, storage, and networking, as well as services like Lambda, Functions and Cloud Functions that allow you to add functionality to your application without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.
Another key advantage of using cloud-based infrastructure is that it allows you to take advantage of a pay-as-you-go pricing model. This means that you only pay for the resources that you use, which can help reduce costs and increase efficiency. Additionally, most of the cloud providers offer automatic scaling, which means that your application will automatically scale up or down depending on the load, which will help you to save money and avoid outages.
In summary, utilizing cloud-based infrastructure is an effective way to build scalable SaaS software. With the help of cloud providers like AWS, Azure and GCP, you can easily scale your application as needed, take advantage of a wide range of tools and services, and pay only for the resources that you use. This will help you to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and ensure that your software can handle the changing needs of your customers.
Automating the Deployment Process for Scalable SaaS
Automation is a crucial aspect of building scalable SaaS software. It can save you a lot of time and hassle when it comes to deploying your software. Automation also allows you to deploy your software quickly and efficiently, which can help you to meet the needs of your customers in a timely manner.
There are several popular tools that can help you automate the deployment process, such as Jenkins, Ansible, and Puppet. These tools can help you automate repetitive tasks such as building, testing, and deploying your software. This can save you a lot of time and effort and help you to focus on more important tasks.
Additionally, automating the deployment process can help you to ensure that your software is deployed in a consistent and predictable manner. This can help you to avoid errors and reduce the risk of downtime.
Another key benefit of automating the deployment process is that it allows you to deploy your software more frequently. This can help you to deliver new features and functionality to your customers more quickly, which can help you to stay competitive in the market.
In summary, automating the deployment process is essential for building scalable SaaS software. With the help of tools like Jenkins, Ansible, and Puppet, you can automate repetitive tasks, ensure consistent and predictable deployments, and deploy your software more frequently. This will help you to save time and effort, reduce the risk of errors, and deliver new features and functionality to your customers more quickly.
Monitoring and Optimizing for Continuous Scalability
Monitoring is an essential aspect of building scalable SaaS software. It allows you to identify and address performance issues, so that you can ensure that your software can handle the increasing number of users and requests. Additionally, monitoring can help you to detect and resolve issues before they become critical, which can help you to reduce the risk of downtime.
There are several popular tools that can help you monitor your SaaS software, such as New Relic, Datadog, and Prometheus. These tools can help you to monitor various aspects of your software, including performance, uptime, and error rates. This can help you to identify and resolve issues more quickly and efficiently.
Once you have identified an issue, it's important to optimize it. Optimizing your software can help you to improve performance, reduce the risk of downtime, and ensure that your software can handle the increasing number of users and requests. Some of the ways you can optimize your software include:
Optimizing your database: By using techniques like indexing, partitioning, and denormalization, you can improve the performance of your database, which can help improve the overall performance of your software.
Leveraging the power of the cloud: The cloud offers a lot of powerful tools and services that can help you optimize your software. Consider using services like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, or Google Cloud Functions to add functionality to your application without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.
Optimizing your code: By optimizing your code, you can reduce the number of resources your software uses, which can help improve performance.
Monitoring and optimizing are crucial for building scalable SaaS software. By using tools like New Relic, Datadog, and Prometheus to monitor your software and identifying and resolving issues, you can ensure that your software can handle the increasing number of users and requests. Additionally, by optimizing your software, you can improve performance, reduce the risk of downtime, and ensure that your software can handle the changing needs of your customers.
In conclusion, building scalable SaaS software requires a combination of careful planning, smart technology choices, and ongoing monitoring and optimization. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your software can handle an increasing number of users and requests without compromising on performance or stability. From optimizing your architecture, to leveraging the power of cloud-based infrastructure, to automating your deployment process, to monitoring and optimizing for continuous scalability, there are many ways to make your software more scalable. Remember that scalability is not a one-time achievement, but rather an ongoing process, so you will need to continuously monitor and optimize your software to ensure that it can handle the changing needs of your customers.
We encourage you to implement these tips in your software development process, and to keep in mind that scalability should be a constant consideration throughout the development process. Also, consider taking these tips as a starting point and always look for ways to improve your software and the process to achieve scalability. With the right approach, you can build a software that will stand the test of time and meet the needs of your growing user base.
I hope you find the information which you have been looking for. For more information or queries regarding any software development services, you can contact us.
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anidealvenue · 2 years
A list of Automotive Engineering Service Companies in Germany
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Bertrandt AG, https://www.bertrandt.com/. Bertrandt operates in digital engineering, physical engineering, and electrical systems/electronics segments. Its Designing function includes designing of all the elements of the automotive.
Alten Group, https://www.alten.com/. ALTEN Group supports the development strategy of its customers in the fields of innovation, R&D and technological information systems. Created 30 years ago, the Group has become a world leader in Engineering and Technology consulting. 24 700 highly qualified engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the Technical and Information Systems Divisions of major customers in the industrial, telecommunications and Service sectors.
L&T Technology Services Limited, https://www.ltts.com/. LTTS’ expertise in engineering design, product development, smart manufacturing, and digitalization touches every area of our lives — from the moment we wake up to when we go to bed. With 90 Innovation and R&D design centers globally, we specialize in disruptive technology spaces such as EACV, Med Tech, 5G, AI and Digital Products, Digital Manufacturing, and Sustainability.
FEV Group GmbH, https://www.fev.com/. FEV is into the design and development of internal combustion engines, conventional, electric, and alternative vehicle drive systems, energy technology, and a major supplier of advanced testing and instrumentation products and services to some of the world’s largest powertrain OEMs. Founded in 1978 by Prof. Franz Pischinger, today the company employs worldwide highly skilled research and development specialists on several continents.
Harman International, https://www.harman.com/. HARMAN designs and engineers connected products and solutions for automakers, consumers, and enterprises worldwide, including connected car systems, audio and visual products, enterprise automation solutions; and services supporting the Internet of Things.
EDAG Engineering GmbH, https://www.edag.com/de/. EDAG is into vehicle development, plant planning and construction, and process optimization.
HCL Technologies Limited, http://www.hcltech.com/. HCL Technologies Limited is an Indian multinational information technology services and consulting company headquartered in Noida. It emerged as an independent company in 1991 when HCL entered into the software services business. The company has offices in 52 countries and over 210,966 employees.
Cientra GmbH, https://www.cientra.com/. Cientra expertise across VLSI, ASIC, FPGA, SoC engineering, and IoT accelerate our delivery of customized solutions to the Consumer, Aviation, Semiconductors, Telecom, Wireless, and Automotive industries across their product lifecycle.
Akka Technologies, https://www.akka-technologies.com/. AKKA supports the world’s leading industry players in their digital transformation and throughout their entire product life cycle.
IAV GmbHb, https://www.iav.com/en/. IAV develops the mobility of the future. Regardless of the specific manufacturer, our engineering proves itself in vehicles and technologies all over the world.
Altran Technologies, https://www.altran.com/in/en/. Altran expertise from strategy and design to managing operations in the fields of cloud, data artificial intelligence, connectivity, software, digital engineering, and platforms.
Capgemini Engineering, https://capgemini-engineering.com/de/de/. Capgemini Engineering is a technology and innovation consultancy across sectors including Aeronautics, Space, Defense, Naval, Automotive, Rail, Infrastructure & Transportation, Energy, Utilities & Chemicals, Life Sciences, Communications, Semiconductor & Electronics, Industrial & Consumer, Software & Internet.
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techtired · 10 hours
Cloudzy: The Best Unmanaged VPS Hosting Provider
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Businesses and developers increasingly require reliable and flexible hosting solutions in today's digital landscape. Among the various options available, Virtual Private Servers (VPS) stand out for their balance of performance, control, and cost-effectiveness. Cloudzy has emerged as a leading name in the secure unmanaged VPS hosting market, offering a range of features that cater to the needs of users seeking a powerful and customizable hosting experience. What is Unmanaged VPS Hosting? Unmanaged VPS hosting provides users a virtual server to configure and manage independently. Unlike managed services, where the hosting provider handles maintenance tasks, unmanaged VPS puts the responsibility in the hands of the user. This setup is ideal for those with technical expertise or businesses needing complete control over their server environment. Why Choose Cloudzy? 1. Performance and Reliability Cloudzy offers high-performance VPS hosting with powerful hardware resources. Their servers are built on cutting-edge technology, ensuring fast load times and minimal downtime. This reliability is crucial for businesses that depend on their online presence to drive revenue and engage customers. 2. Flexible Pricing Plans Cloudzy offers hourly VPS hosting plans, allowing you to pay only when your server instances are active. Once you delete an instance, you incur no additional costs. This pay-as-you-go (PAYG) model is cost-effective compared to subscription-based plans, where you pay a fixed fee for a set period—regardless of how much you use the service. With Cloudzy, you gain flexibility and significant savings, making it an excellent choice for users seeking a budget-friendly hosting solution. 3. Robust Security Features Security is a top priority for Cloudzy. They implement advanced security measures, including firewalls, DDoS protection, and regular backups. These features provide peace of mind to users, knowing that their data and applications are safeguarded against potential threats. 4. Full Root Access One of the primary advantages of unmanaged VPS hosting is the level of control it offers. Cloudzy provides full root access to its servers, allowing users to install custom software, configure settings, and optimize their environment according to specific needs. This level of control is invaluable for developers and IT professionals. 5. Global Data Centers Cloudzy operates multiple data centres worldwide, enabling users to choose a location that best serves their audience. This geographical diversity enhances performance by reducing latency, ensuring end-users a faster and more responsive experience. 6. User-friendly dashboard While Cloudzy is an unmanaged hosting provider, they offer an intuitive control panel that simplifies server management tasks. Users can easily monitor resource usage, manage domains, and configure settings without extensive technical knowledge. 7. Excellent Customer Support Even though Cloudzy focuses on unmanaged services, it still provides comprehensive customer support. Their support team is available 24/7 to assist with any issues, answer questions, and provide guidance on server management. This level of support ensures that users can troubleshoot problems when they arise. Use Cases for Cloudzy VPS Hosting 1. Web Development and Testing Developers can utilize Cloudzy's VPS hosting to build and test applications in a controlled environment. Customizing server configurations allows for optimal testing of various software stacks. 2. E-commerce Platforms For e-commerce websites, performance and uptime are crucial. Cloudzy’s reliable hosting ensures that online stores remain accessible, providing customers a seamless shopping experience. 3. Gaming Servers Cloudzy’s powerful VPS can host game servers, offering gamers low latency and high performance. The flexibility in server configurations allows for tailored gaming experiences. 4. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) Users can set up their VPNs on Cloudzy servers, enhancing privacy and security for online activities. The control over server settings allows for creating a customized VPN solution. Conclusion Cloudzy is a leading unmanaged VPS hosting provider that offers performance, flexibility, and security. With its diverse range of plans, global data centres, and robust support, Cloudzy meets the needs of businesses and developers looking for reliable hosting solutions. Whether you’re a startup, an established company or a developer needing a testing environment, Cloudzy provides the tools necessary for success in today’s competitive online landscape. Choosing Cloudzy means investing in a hosting solution that fully empowers users to control their digital presence. Read the full article
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prabhatdavian-blog · 19 hours
Master Microservices : From Learner to Lead Architect
The Microservices architectural style is a popular approach to building modern software where an individual application is built as a distributed collection of loosely coupled, independently deployable services. Each service runs in a separate process, communicates via a well-defined lightweight mechanism such as an HTTP resource API, and is responsible for a specific business function.
Microservices architecture is a structured manner for deploying a collection of self-contained and independent services in an organization. They are game changing compared to some past application development methodologies, allowing development teams to work independently and at cloud native scale.
Let’s dive into the history of application development, characteristics of microservices and what that means for cloud native observability.
Microservices Architecture vs. Monolithic Architecture
The easiest way to understand what microservices architecture does is to compare it to monolithic architecture.
Monolithic Architecture
Monolithic architecture, as the prefix “mono” implies, is software that is written with all components combined into a single executable. There are typically three advantages to this architecture:
Master Microservices: From Learner to Lead Architect
Microservices architecture is quickly becoming the standard for building scalable, flexible, and maintainable software systems. As businesses transition from monolithic architectures to microservices, there is an increasing demand for architects who can guide these transformations. If you're looking to transition from a learner to a lead architect in the world of microservices, this guide is designed for you.
In this article, we will explore what microservices are, the key skills you need to master, and a step-by-step guide on how to evolve from a beginner to a microservices lead architect.
What Are Microservices?
Microservices are a software architecture style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled, independently deployable services. Unlike monolithic architectures, where the entire system is tightly integrated, microservices allow for the separation of concerns, providing greater flexibility and scalability.
Each microservice in a system is designed to handle a specific business function. These services communicate with each other through APIs, allowing for modular development, testing, and deployment.
Why Are Microservices Important?
The demand for microservices is growing due to the limitations of traditional monolithic architectures. In a monolith, scaling is challenging, updates can be risky, and there is less flexibility in terms of technology choices. Microservices solve these issues by enabling:
Scalability: Services can be scaled independently based on demand.
Flexibility: Different teams can work on different services using their preferred technology stacks.
Resilience: If one service fails, the others can continue to operate.
Speed of Deployment: Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines become more efficient as services can be deployed independently.
Key Concepts in Microservices Architecture
Before you dive into becoming a microservices architect, it's important to familiarize yourself with some of the core concepts that define microservices.
Service Discovery
In a microservices architecture, services need to be able to locate each other. This is achieved through a service registry, which stores information about service instances and allows for automatic discovery.
API Gateway
An API Gateway acts as an entry point for clients accessing the microservices. It handles routing, authentication, rate-limiting, and other cross-cutting concerns.
Inter-Service Communication
Microservices need to communicate with each other. This can be done through synchronous communication (e.g., REST, gRPC) or asynchronous communication (e.g., message queues, event-driven systems).
Database per Service
Each microservice should have its own database, avoiding direct sharing of data between services. This ensures that each service can evolve independently without affecting others.
Event-Driven Architecture
In an event-driven architecture, microservices publish events whenever significant actions occur. Other services that are interested in these events can consume them, creating a decoupled system.
Step 1: Master the Basics of Microservices
As a learner, your first step is to understand the fundamentals of microservices. Here's how you can get started:
Learn the Core Concepts
Begin by familiarizing yourself with the concepts mentioned above, such as service discovery, inter-service communication, and event-driven architecture. Books like Building Microservices by Sam Newman can provide a deep dive into these principles.
Understand the Role of Docker and Kubernetes
Containers play a crucial role in the microservices ecosystem. Docker allows you to package your services into containers, making them easy to deploy and manage. Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
Start by getting hands-on experience with Docker by creating simple containerized applications, and then move on to Kubernetes for deploying, scaling, and managing these containers.
Familiarize Yourself with DevOps Practices
Microservices thrive in environments where DevOps practices like CI/CD pipelines are implemented. Learn tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, or GitLab CI to understand how to automate testing and deployment of microservices.
Step 2: Dive Deeper into Microservices Design Patterns
Once you have a solid grasp of the basics, it's time to explore advanced design patterns that will help you solve complex problems in microservices architecture. Some important patterns to master include:
Circuit Breaker Pattern
This pattern is used to prevent cascading failures in distributed systems. If a microservice is unavailable or slow to respond, the circuit breaker trips, preventing further requests to that service until it recovers.
Bulkhead Pattern
The bulkhead pattern isolates different parts of the system to prevent a failure in one service from affecting the entire system. Think of it like a ship with multiple compartments—if one compartment floods, the others remain unaffected.
Event Sourcing
Event sourcing is a way to capture changes to an application's state as a sequence of events. This allows for easy auditing, recovery of past states, and replaying of events to recreate the current state.
Saga Pattern
The saga pattern is used for managing distributed transactions. In microservices, where each service might manage its own database, coordinating a single transaction across services can be difficult. Sagas help manage this by breaking the transaction into smaller steps, each handled by a separate service.
Step 3: Build and Architect a Microservices-Based Application
To really solidify your understanding, nothing beats hands-on experience. Build a microservices-based application from scratch or refactor a monolithic application into microservices.
Here’s a simple roadmap:
Choose a Simple Use Case: Start with a basic business function, such as an e-commerce system, where each microservice handles a specific domain (e.g., inventory, payments, order processing).
Break Down the Monolith: If you’re working with an existing monolithic app, identify logical boundaries and break it down into smaller services.
Use Docker for Containerization: Package each microservice in its own Docker container for easy deployment and management.
Deploy on Kubernetes: Use Kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment of your microservices, ensuring that they are scalable and resilient.
Implement a CI/CD Pipeline: Automate the building, testing, and deployment of your services using a CI/CD tool.
Step 4: Transition from Learner to Lead Architect
Once you’re comfortable with building microservices, you can start thinking like a lead architect. This involves understanding not just how to build microservices, but also how to manage teams, scale architectures, and address challenges like security and observability.
1. Focus on Scalability and Resilience
As a lead architect, you’ll need to ensure that your architecture can scale efficiently as demand increases. This means implementing best practices for horizontal scaling, load balancing, and ensuring that services can recover from failures gracefully.
2. Improve Security
Microservices introduce new security challenges, as each service has its own set of vulnerabilities. Mastering security in a microservices architecture involves understanding concepts like service authentication (OAuth2, JWT), encryption of data at rest and in transit, and API security.
3. Monitoring and Observability
In a distributed system, it’s crucial to have visibility into how each microservice is performing. Learn how to implement logging, monitoring, and tracing using tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and Jaeger. This will help you track down performance bottlenecks and identify issues before they become critical.
4. Team Leadership and Collaboration
As a lead architect, you’ll be responsible for guiding a team of developers. This involves collaborating with other stakeholders, defining a clear vision for the architecture, and ensuring that your team is aligned with business goals.
5. Continuous Learning and Adaptation
Microservices is a rapidly evolving field. As a lead architect, it’s essential to stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies. Engage in continuous learning through blogs, conferences, and online courses.
Challenges in Microservices Architecture
Microservices are not a silver bullet, and there are challenges that come with this architecture. As a lead architect, you'll need to navigate these effectively.
Increased Complexity: Managing many services is far more complex than managing a monolith. Service discovery, fault tolerance, and inter-service communication all add to this complexity.
Data Management: With each microservice having its own database, ensuring data consistency and managing distributed transactions become challenging.
Latency: Calls between microservices introduce latency, especially if there are multiple dependencies between services.
Addressing these challenges requires a deep understanding of the trade-offs involved and an ability to design solutions that are both flexible and scalable.
Mastering microservices is not just about understanding the technology—it's about learning how to apply the right principles to solve real-world problems. By focusing on the fundamentals, diving deep into design patterns, gaining hands-on experience, and developing your leadership skills, you can successfully transition from a learner to a lead architect.
In a world where microservices are becoming the architecture of choice for modern software systems, mastering this field will position you as a key player in the future of software development.
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