#india independence
Independence Day: Its 10 The Most Amazing Facts About India.
Independence Day #INDIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY As India observes its 78th Independence Day on #August 15, 2024, it’s a perfect time to delve into some lesser-known facts about this incredible nation. While the world knows #India for its rich history, diverse culture, and technological advancements, there are many intriguing aspects of the country that remain relatively unknown. Here are 10…
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luc1ferian · 1 year
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aahanna · 1 month
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Colour Orange holds the essence of India
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
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feministfang · 1 month
Listen! I don’t give a fuck how these ugly brown men are treated in the west. Stop showing sympathy for them. Everybody knows what happened in india a few days ago. These are your poor "victim" brown men that some of you think are better than white men. I literally smirk whenever something bad happens to them. I feel happy when Muslim men in india get lynched by mobs. I love it when these men kill each other out of hate. They all deserve it. They deserve worse. And i hope they all burn in hell for eternity.
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thewordfortheday · 1 month
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Our Sovereign LORD, Creator of heaven and earth, who by Your word sustains the universe, we lift our great nation and its people before You.Thank You for the peace we have despite the vast diversity in culture, caste, and language. We pray for the protection and security of all the people of our nation. May Your peace that surpasses all understanding guard the hearts and minds of Your children through Christ Jesus our Lord. We pray that the church and the leaders hold fast to Jesus Christ and may their faith in You, O God, be strong and steadfast. We pray that You will grant those who are serving You, courage and strength as they face various types of persecution and threats. 
Lord, we pray for the leaders in the Centre and the States. We ask You to grant them wisdom and guidance so that they will lead the nation toward peace and justice., that they may alleviate poverty and work towards the welfare of the nation.
Forgive the sins of our nation and heal our Land.
We pray that You would make our nation a blessing to the world.
We ask all these in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen!
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vishnavishivaa · 1 month
My heart and mind are extremely disturbed.
I am not able to tolerate that a young woman was so brutally raped and murdered. I am not even able to talk about it properly, and anything I try to write as well turns into either something dark or something forced, or something entirely different from who I am.
When such incidents affect you, one wonders, what did our freedom fighters fight for? Did they not advocate women and their rights? Then why do many men never follow it? What are our ancestors who fought in the freedom fight for Indian Independence now thinking about what is going on in India right now?
Do we even have real Independence?
P.S. I know my thoughts sound entirely random, and even discontinuous, but I’m not gaining coherency to type beyond this.
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stfulara · 1 month
today when our nation celebrates its 78th independence day, a woman wonders when would she be free of the constant fright of her safety.
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lost-my-sanity1 · 1 month
the case in west bengal is getting worse every moment. the room was being reconstructed infront of the police they just sat and watched, evidences are being destroyed by the goons while police sat on their ass on some other room, the doctors are being beaten and attacked, the innocent protesters are being arrested and beaten by the police, the rapists are gaining confidence and are coming to female doctors with their dick out (literal) to rape her while she had to chase him away with a pair of scissors, the principal was victim blaming and now he's being protected, no media coverage, no politicians speaking up... it's getting worse by every second.
oh happy independence day btw
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cute-as-buttons · 1 year
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 2 months
there's a lot of racism going around this fandom rn not to mention remy's telegram nonsense
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aratrikauwu · 1 month
"I did it!" She whispers, "I am a Doctor now." She wonders. Her family is elated, "Our daughter is a doctor." They say. She donned the white coat, Took the Hippocratic oath, To serve the hypocrites. She worked in the hospital, day and night. She told her father, "Don't worry, I'm safe here." One lie, among the many that are being told. She worked, served, for 36 hours. The old, the sick, the wounded, the hurt. She cared, she loved. Only to get hurt. She yearned some rest, only to get killed. She sat in the bench, and closed her eyes, Wanting some rest. Then came the devils, they held her down. They broke her bones, hit her, hurt her, raped her. She bled, from her eyes, from her mouth, from her vagina. Her glasses were shattered, into tiny pieces, The shards entered her eyes, left her bleeding. Her screams were muffled, the CCTV broken. The evidence removed, the culprits hidden. Her family cried, over her dead body. Wondering why they let her work so late. Wondering why they allowed her to become a doctor. Her mother wanted to wipe the blood off her face. Her father wanted to kill the devils. They wanted their daughter back. Had they known, saving lives, Would cost her life. They would have never allowed such plight upon her. The worst of all, the devils who raped her, Worship the Mother Goddess, have wives and daughters at home. They hoisted the flag today, celebrated Independence. While the doctor looks at her corpse and wonders, Was the white coat so arousing? While the 2-year old wonders, Was the onesie so arousing? While the 89-year old wonders, Was the saree so arousing? Happy Independence Day, to the men only. For the women will never be free, In a world, where a "no" will end me in a concrete-box. In a world, where serving people will kill me. In a world, where going out at night will kill me. I will never be independent, I will never be free.
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aahanna · 1 month
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"The birth certificate of a nation! 1947 newspaper clippings celebrating India's independence..."
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angadgautama · 1 month
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hosh-rubaa · 1 month
If this country isn't giving a damn about you, then you shouldn't be giving a damn about this country.
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totally-india · 1 month
Your voices will be heard! BOOM! DEMOCRACY!!
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