#indian curry in japan
manta85-blog · 7 months
【Blog Update】
I found a delicious Katsu Curry restaurant in Shimokitazawa, the town of curry. Its name is "Indo," and the Katsu Curry at this Indian curry shop was exceptional!
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cruella-devegan · 11 months
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Saffron Ikebukuro / Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan
Dinner plate with dahl and mixed vegetable curry 🍛
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55madworks · 7 months
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forcebookish · 5 months
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crazybluepanda · 1 year
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Today's lunch: butter chicken curry lunch set. ¥990.
You know, I've come to realize that many of the Indian restaurants in Japan are actually Nepalese-run. I wonder what authentic Nepalese curry is like.
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frostyreturns · 2 months
I hate the way libtard white people look at other cultures foods as sacred cows even half jokingly. Like dude cultural food is just whatever food and spices happened to be in the geographic area its not deep. Most all cultural foods are also a result of cultures interacting and combining elements of their diet. For example a bahn mi is a vietnamese food that came about because white people introduced them to french bread and they combined that with their cuisine.
Believe it or not other cultures borrow from our foods pretty commonly. In Japan they have westernized/Americanized japanese foods that use stuff like burgers and hot dogs and nobody cares. But the second someone puts western ingredients into indian food libtard white people act like an act of blasphemy is being committed. They want other cultures preserved and untouched by white people but then want those people to come to white countries in droves. Sorry you can't have your curry and eat it too.
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sumiiikitty · 24 days
I’m a huge Vivi fan so I will not shut up about this.
“Arabasta was based of India and Egypt” <- this right here is the main reason for why people are okay with the casting.
So let me tell you this;
1. People only got that info off the data books which aren’t even verified with Oda, or at least there’s differing accounts on it. Some editors say he doesn’t look them over while others say in info has to go through him, so how do we know which one it is for this particular data book?
2. In the manga, (aka absolute canon) the only food mentioned associated with Arabasta was Konafa which is obviously meant to be Knafeh which originated in…Egypt. Vivi’s favorite foods also include pudding, curry (you could argue India for this, but every culture essentially has its own version of curry, how can you tell if this is specifically Indian curry she likes?), and Mulukhiyah and it originated in…ancient Egypt and mainly still eaten in Egypt today.
3. The Nefertari name comes from Queen Nefertari who ruled with her husband in…ancient Egypt. Oda himself said the he found the name in a book on Egypt but didn’t know what it meant. The name Vivi has no connection with either India or Egypt and comes from Latin. Now you could argue “Cobra’s are in India!!” But guess what, Egypt has its own variety of cobras as well! It’s known as the “Egyptian Cobra” and was used in ancient Egypt as the symbol of sovereignty (very fitting for Cobra, the last king of Arabasta).
4. “It’s not ARABasta it’s ALABasta from the word alabaster” I got news for you buddy!! Alabaster was either made with gypsum or calcite. Gypsum was used in medieval Europe while calcite was used in.. ancient Egypt because it was also known as Egyptian Alabaster. Furthermore, in Japan, the L and the R are interchangeable. Oda could very well be making a play on words, ARABasta because it’s based on an Arab country and ALABasta for the type of stone that originated from there. ‼️ Notice: Absolutely nothing to do with India.
TLDR: OPLA could have absolutely modeled Arabasta with buildings and other structures to resemble both India and Egypt, but my gripe was casting Cobra and Vivi as Indians. Everything points that they should have been cast as Arab, either Egyptian or someone from MENA because that’s where he specifically took inspiration from. Everything else (like the data book) came afterwards. Arabs already get little to no positive representation, and this could have changed that!!
(I am confident that Netflix and even Oda chose Charithra because she’s a huge name compared to other Arab actresses)
Will I still watch? Yes, because I love Vivi. Will I stop complaining then about the casting? No, because they absolutely should have been Arab and I’ll let the whole world know that. (Also because some idiot really said casting an Arab would be stealing Indian rep…like wtf??)
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seonne · 4 months
So during the canon events of My Hero Academia, during the summer camp, the students had to make their own food- and so if I remember correctly, they made curry.
Now my Desi ass is thinking, curry in Japan is most definitely different than curry in India so if we got a Desi reader in there, she would most definitely be a little more than disgruntled at the difference.
Ahem anyways - Bakugou x f!desi!reader who sees our blondie start to make curry and then not only insults his cooking but show him how it’s ACTUALLY done /lh (Lmao no offense to anyone of Japanese culture, I bet your curry is amazing too <3 I just prefer what I grew up with 🤪)
But like imagine his surprise when he tastes our Indian curry and is shocked that it’s not only spicy and full of flavor but better than his????
And then when they get together you can bet he begs reader to teach him more about Indian cuisine 🤍
Hnnnnnggggggg THE WAY EACH TIME I SEE JAPANESE CURRY I CRINGE- (no offense to Japanese people or their cuisine but the dishes with same names but vastly different flavours are very wince-inducing) so yes queen, I will deliver this.
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"What on God's ever green Earth are you doing?"
Bakugou turned around to look at you looking over your shoulder in slight disgust.
"I'm putting in the oyster sauce-"
He watched as you comically gagged.
"Oyster sauce? In chicken curry?"
His jaw ticked as you watched him with disgust, his mouth forming a scowl.
"Do you think you're better than me, you damn extra?!-"
"I am at making chicken curry, that's for sure."
Bakugou physically took a step back at the callous remark you just made. He knew you bit back to his quips but this was the first time your statement held a challenge behind it.
Bakugou stood up straighter, moving away from the stove.
"Oh yeah? Prove it then. Put your money where your mouth is."
You huff and roll up your sleeves, tying your hair up in a ponytail. You step closer to the stove and keep aside the curry that he was working on.
"Let's not touch that fishy thing lest it CONTAMINATES my chicken curry. Okay first things first, we need the good old Garam Masala."
Bakugou snorted. "We're in the middle of a forest, genius. Where are you going to get Garam Masala from?"
You grinned. "Good thing I always keep a packet on hand then!"
He watched you slack-jawed as you skipped to your bag and came back with an opened packet of garam masala. You started working on your curry, salvaging some of the chicken from the other batches of Japanese curry being made. The whole area soon filled with the aromatic fragrance of your delicious boiling chicken curry as you worked determinedly. Bakugou watched your every move, begrudgingly admiring you.
After you were somewhat done, you poured some of the curry into a small dish for Bakugou to taste. He frowned at it and sniffed it, before taking a small sip while maintaining eye contact with you.
Your smug grin widened as Bakugou's face lit up at the bomb of flavours going off on his tongue.
"Okay... woah..."
You laughed and fist bumped the air.
"Woah indeed. That's the taste of India right there. I hope my cooking skills did my ancestors some semblance of justice-"
"It's incredible."
You smiled softly at his sincere admission and soon your classmates started swarming you for a taste of your curry.
Some said it was too spicy but no one said it was bad. Everyone agreed that it was very damn good, even those who couldn't handle the spice.
"I'd pair this with puttu and my life would be complete as that as my only meal for the rest of my life."
Bakugou looked up at you as he scarfed down his helping of rice and your curry.
"Isn't that a steamed rice cake or something?"
You smiled brightly. "Yeah! It's a staple food of the south! Ooo you know what would really bang? Dosa and chicken curry! God damn if only I had some urud on hand..."
The night continued with laughter and games as dinner melted into a huge sleepover. After mostly everyone had gone to sleep, Bakugou approached you.
"Hey, dumbass. Don't get it too over your head or anything but... your curry was good, okay? And I... I liked it." He pushed out through gritted teeth. He pushed his hands into his pocket and looked away.
"So, I'd like to know how you made the damn curry."
You looked at him with a wry smile. "Are you asking me for the recipe?"
"Tch! I don't ask for shit! Now give me the recipe!"
Your smile turned smug as you crossed your arms.
"Only if you say please"
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Holy shit it's done!!!!! I'm so sorry for the late post but I really hope you liked it!! Thank you for the idea too.
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drstonetrivia · 11 months
Chapter 204 Trivia
What we thought may be a politics arc may in fact become a brotherly feud…
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Galileo's quote is taken from his book "The Assayer", considered to be one of the pioneering works of the scientific method. At the time, most science was done by philosophical arguments rather than observation and trying to understand the mathematics behind them.
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Math is the universal language because the symbols may change, but the meanings/axioms cannot. Because of this, the cover of the Golden Record placed on Voyager 1 (the probe leaving our solar system) has instructions written in math in the hopes some future beings can understand.
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Ryusui wasn't wearing two swords last chapter, I wonder where they came from and why he's wearing them now…
(Maybe this is why Sai was running from him haha!)
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Mathematical errors have ruined a lot of space missions: the Mariner 1 was destroyed because of a missing hyphen, and the Mars Climate Orbiter was destroyed on landing because of a failure to convert units.
Avoiding these errors was very difficult when it was all done by hand.
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This seems to be at least partially true, however the practice has lessened over the decades. Indian-educated parents and grandparents may remember, but students these days probably only need to learn up to 19x19!
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The HR industry in India is incredibly large, and are a very useful resource to have for any business looking to scale up. It's not surprising that the Nanami Corporation set up a university there!
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Sai appears to be the 554th most popular name in India and can be used for both genders, but it's generally a male name.
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The equations in the background here I haven't identified yet, but the gamma (γ) thrust here may be alluding to the thrust equation used with rocket engines in space. The gamma is the specific heat ratio of the gas.
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The day is October 1st, so the team likely left Spain sometime between September 15th-20th if it did in fact take them 10 days to travel the distance (with some delays because of the Suez situation).
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The food here may be a somewhat generic curry as the sound effect seems to indicate, or it could also be lamb gosht based on the color, region, and spices used.
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Technically we don't know that Ruri specifically called for the defensive positions, but we do know everyone in Japan is probably in them.
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I think this is the same sky image as the one Tsukasa saw in chapter 188, but with a different star pattern.
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The Fellenius method and what Senku is actually doing here is dividing the slopes into segments and calculating how stable each one is using the properties of the dirt and rock. Putting the segments together should give you how likely a rock slide is. Strata are layers of rock.
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The many-armed pose Sai is found in is a reference to Durga, a major Hindu deity. She is associated with protection, strength, motherhood, destruction and wars.
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This comment I believe is Chelsea's from the "I'm not a fan" part, with the "baaad" learnt from Chrome's habit.
The meaning of her comment is confusing, but it might be because the last pretty-boy character introduced was a villain (Stanley), however shes also a fan of Hyoga…?
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Sai's outfit is very simple and rather lacking compared to Ryusui's, however they share elements such as the collar type and addition of a belt.
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The belt buckle is very interesting, it doesn't follow Ryusui's nor Nanami Corp.'s branding and looks like a C+.
My guesses for the meaning: -C+, the programming language, based off the fact he was petrified on his laptop presumably. -C, the Roman numeral, indicating 100+ because of the million-times brainpower comment (million in Japanese is 百万, 百=100). -C, from E=mc^2, for light speed.
Sai's odd yell ("peegyaaaah!") may be a computer joke, as the sound effect "ピ" (pi) tends to be used for computer beeps, like pressing a button.
A similar sound has been used in the past for Xeno's encryption device.
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Sai's character could go a lot of directions since he's unlikely to be one of the traditional nerds they described, nor one like Joel since Joel exists. What Ryusui did to scare off his older brother though, I'm very curious about…
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lets-take-a-break · 1 year
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ほんとのインド料理とカレーの店 Indian food and curry restaurant
埼玉県秩父市 Chichibu-shi, Saitama, Japan
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thatanimewriter · 2 years
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➳ request: Hellooo! I’ve come to request once again! May I request a scenario in which the reader serves Souma, Akira, Ryo, Takumi and Satoshi (seperatly) ordered food but says they cooked it themself as a prank?Would they know? Would they be honest or would they lie bc they don’t wanna hurt the reader? ~💠
➳ character/s: yukihira soma, hayama akira, kurokiba ryou, aldini takumi, isshiki satoshi
➳ warnings: swearing, hinted australian!reader (soma), lack of knowledge of takeout food chains in japan
➳ notes: omgggg 💠 anon, hellooo ;v; this request is great, i love you. giving me the best fuel for food wars content. you’re welcome back any timeee and sorry for the wait, i’ve been LAZY.
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  
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i’d like to think he’d be nice about it
and i’m sure he’d try
but uhhh
he’s not the best ay lying.
so he might as well not have
“hey babe! i’m back,” soma calls out, dumping his paper bag of miscellaneous goods on the table in your dorm.
“hello,” you responded, using a spoon to decorate the plate with the sauce you’d ordered as a side to compliment the steak and vegetables.
“whatcha makin’?” he asked, leaning on the kitchen island as he watched you plate up. you smiled at his curiosity, pushing forward the plate and holding out cutlery.
“why don’t you try and see?”
taking the cutlery from you, he took a bite out of the food you’d laid out for him, he raised the steak to his mouth, chewing thoughtfully. a small frown decorated his features as he looked back and forth between you, who was beaming at him - little did he know it was out of amusement rather than pride - and the steak that took up at least half of the plate.
“yeah, it’s... good,” he said finally, but not particularly excited to take another bite.
“no it’s not, you fucking dumbass.”
“i didn’t cook it, soma, it’s from fucking outback steakhouse,” you explained, your smile twisting into a smirk. “and for the record, australia does do it better and i do not accept whatever the hell this is as an aussie steak.”
“...make one for me please-”
you ruffled his hair lightly as you took a bite of the steak yourself. “like, now?”
“yes. now.”
sighing, you pushed the steak to the side and fixed your outfit before turning to the fridge, silently thanking fumio for restocking as you laid your eyes upon a nice cut of steak. “alright then. wanna compete?”
“yeah, i don’t think so,” soma responded immediately. “i don’t think i can compete.”
“right answer.”
he probably considered ignoring it
but you got takeout indian
that was your first mistake
and he can’t allow this by any means
hayama stuck his head through the door at the familiar aroma of curry. he smiled gently as he saw you standing over the stove, lamb rogan josh simmering in a pan.
“mind if i have a taste?” he asked, wrapping his arms around your waist and peering into the pan.
internally, you were giggling with your feet kicking in the air because he’s fallen for the trap! but instead you hummed in consideration, avoiding eye contact with him to feign shyness.
“i don’t know...”
“i won’t judge if that’s what you’re worried about,” hayama said, but you arched an eyebrow at him, an amused smile beginning to play on your lips. “ok, maybe i will, but i’m more than qualified to help you,” he added.
“ok then, if you’re sure.”
as he took a clean spoon and fork from the drawer, he tried the sauce first, an intense silence overtaking the room as he tried to register the flavours. he opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it as he reached for a sizeable chunk of lamb.
“how does it smell so nice but taste so off? what the hell did you do?” he demanded, inspecting the curry further as he used the wooden spoon nearby to push the curry around the pan. “you’ve used the right spices but cooked it wrong.”
snickering to yourself, you pat him on the shoulder as you pulled the ubereats receipt from your pocket. “that’s because it’s from the place down the road.”
“they’re white, aren’t they?”
“i don’t know what ethnicity they are, i got it delivered.”
mean pt 2.
you, too, made the mistake of getting takeout
but not just takeout, no no
he. was. D I S G R A C E D.
turning around, you smiled as you say your boyfriend standing by the doorway. walking around the kitchen island, you pulled the bar stool back and pat the seat, beckoning him to sit with you.
“you’re back earlier than expected,” you commented, taking your rightful place on his lap when he sat down. ryou made no move to shove you off, but he didn’t try to get any closer to you either.
“what’s in the oven?”
“decided to try make some scandinavian cinnamon rolls,” you answered, readjusting your position on his lap.
“why scandinavian?” ryou asked, interest slightly piqued since, y’know. it’s his culture, which turned out to be the reason you ‘made’ them.
“because it’s you!”
“i’m not a cinnamon roll.”
“respectfully disagreed,” you said, booping his nose and hopping off of his lap as the timer went off. using some oven mitts, you took the tray out and left it on top of the stove to cool, but not before taking a shaker filled with pearl sugar to decorate.
“they don’t look right.”
“they look weird,” ryou repeated, scowling at the cinnamon rolls on the baking tray.
“i’m sorry, babe. i can’t control how bread rises.”
cautiously, ryou poked the treats before just taking a bite from one, ignoring the burning feeling on his tongue. “these are fucking disgusting. not sorry. i’ll make some to show you how it’s supposed to be done. watch me destroy your cinnamon rolls.”
“wowwww. dissing ikea so casually.”
“well, that’s why they fucking suck.”
he’d lie
he can’t hurt your feelings like that
it wasn’t inherently bad
he could just... do better
and he would if you just asked him
listen. he physically can’t handle italian food cooked by anyone who isn’t italian themselves, or at least has trained in italian cuisine (preferably in italy). but he’s also the fattest doormat ever. he lets people step all over him if it prevents conflict or him hurting feelings. tonight is a prime example.
you just threw in some spaghetti bolognese from, like, fasta pasta into a pan to heat it up again because by the time it got to you, it was lukewarm. not great. and takumi, like most of the other boys in this post, can recognise the smell of his cuisine anywhere.
when he came in, he paused for a moment because that’s not how he makes it and he’s confused by your methods.
“darling, what are you doing?” he asked, standing beside you as you stirred the food you’d ordered, but expertly set up as if you’d made it.
“making spaghetti bolognese, wanna try a bit?”
“sure.” taking the fork from you, he tasted whatever the fuck you had done, raising his eyebrows as if he was surprised by the taste, but he really did have to fight the urge to become the kombucha girl from tiktok.
“how is it?”
“yeah, it’s good,” he said, forcing another bite. he felt bad at the disappointed look on your face. 
“it’s probably not as good as yours though...” you mumbled. takumi pouted slightly, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead and caressing your cheek gently.
“i can teach you if you want.” he was taken aback at your sudden jump in mood, blinking obliviously at your smiling face.
“yeah! we’ll see how you go against fasta pasta!”
“wait, what?”
also lies
except he knows it’s takeout
he just wants to play along
also, he recognises where the food is from
it’s his guilty pleasure food chain-
he heard the crunch of fried chicken and he came RUNNING. pretty much bursting through the doors, he pointed at you, who was just sitting with a plate of fried chicken and chips. nothing incredibly special. but as isshiki demanded to eat some, you had the idea to pretend you’d made it yourself.
“ok, but i cooked it a little while ago,” you said, holding out some for him to take. “might not be as hot.”
“that’s entirely ok, babe, i will have anything you cook.”
you would be mistaken if you thought isshiki wasn’t going to full send the piece of fried chicken. on the first bite, he knew it came from kyochon chicken, because he’s addicted to their korean fried chicken. BUT, he was gonna play along with the concept that you cooked it yourself.
“i’m in heaven,” he stated, mouth still full of food.
“yeah, ok, talk when you’ve finished eating, please,” you said, handing him a napkin.
“make more,” he requested once he’d finished his mouthful. “i need more.”
chuckling to yourself, you shook your head. “as much as we both enjoy kyochon chicken, we don’t need to soak up my money when you know you can make it easily as good.”
“so, i’m gonna take the rest of this chicken while you make your own,” you added, taking another piece and relishing in isshiki’s betrayed look.
“what?! but i want some tooooooo.”
“babe, i told you, make it yourself, unless you want to pay for some yourself,” you teased, shielding your chicken from the hungry man.
“a worthy investment.”
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emimayooo · 4 months
Emi in Japan (2024) – Day 1
Yesterday, I arrived at my grandpa’s place after much travel! It was so nice to settle in, cause boy, was I exhausted.
On the flight, I did sleep, but not very well. Economy will never be comfortable. One highlight though was my neighbouring seat-mate. She watched The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and she was adorable throughout it lol. She gasped so many times during the movie (once, so loudly I jumped in my seat) and would cover the screen with her hands when it got violent in the arena. It was lovely witnessing someone’s first time reaction.
When I reunited with my grandpa, I gave him a big old hug. He always gets so bashful and happy when I do lol it's so cute. He's doing well, post-cancer treatment, even working in the field. But he told me he's feeling a lot weaker than before, which was sad to hear :(
Last night, we celebrated my cousin's birthday with some Indian curry and an assortment of cakes. I wish I took photos, alas, I forgot. Expect me to say that a lot LOL.
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55madworks · 1 year
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najia-cooks · 1 year
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[ID: A bowl full of whole and ground spices in various shades of red, orange, and green. End ID]
カレー粉 / Kare ko (Japanese curry powder)
Kare ko is a spice blend that spread to Japan in the late Meiji era as a result of British imperialism. The blend (like curry powder in general) originates from a British approximation of a range of South Asian spice profiles. Domestic manufacture and sale of kare ko began in 1905 with Hachi; S&B, who began production in 1923, currently hold the major market share.
Kare ko is adapted to Japanese tastes, and is usually not very spicy. It is dominated by coriander, turmeric, and cumin, but also contains spices such as fenugreek, cardamom, clove, and star anise, as well as dried herbs including sage and dill. Popular comfort dish kare raisu ("curry rice," a pairing of rice and a curried stew featuring carrots and potatoes), uses kare ko as its primary source of flavor; kare ko is also used to make curry ramen and curry udon.
The benefit of making this spice blend at home is in its freshness and its customizability—play around with the proportions of different spices until you get something you like!
Recipe under the cut.
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1 Tbsp (3.5g) coriander seeds
1 tsp (2.6g) turmeric
1 tsp (2.5g) cumin seeds
5-6 pods (1/2 tsp; 1g) green cardamom
1 tsp freshly ground nutmeg, or 1/2 tsp pre-ground (.6g)
1/2 tsp (2g) fenugreek seeds
1/2 tsp (.7g) ground ginger
1/2 tsp (1.3g) ground garlic
1/2 tsp (1.5g) yellow mustard seeds
1/2 tsp (1g) fennel seeds
1 cm piece (1/4 tsp; .7g) cassia cinnamon
1/2 tsp (1.3g) black pepper
1/2 tsp (1.2g) paprika
1/2 tsp (1.2g) cayenne pepper (optional)
4-5 (1/4 tsp; .5g) whole cloves
2-3 (1/4 tsp; .5g) allspice berries
2 Mediterranean bay leaves (laurel)
1 star anise pod (2g)
1 tsp chen pi (dried tangerine or mandarin orange peel) (1.2g)
1/4 tsp (.2g) dried thyme
1/4 tsp (.2g) dried sage
1/4 tsp (.2g) dried dill
Pinch MSG (optional)
Pinch asafoetida (hing; optional)
Chen pi is commonly used in Chinese and Japanese cooking and can be purchased at an East Asian grocery store.
Though Japanese curry powder is ultimately drawing from South Asian cuisine, recipes for it tend to call for Mediterranean bay leaves rather than Indian bay leaves (tej patta; really a type of cinnamon leaf).
1. In a dry skillet on medium, toast large whole spices (cinnamon, star anise, green cardamom, cloves, allspice) for a few minutes until fragrant and set aside. Repeat with smaller seeds (coriander, cumin, fenugreek, mustard, and fennel) and bay leaf. Set aside and allow to cool.
2. Remove skillet from heat. Toast ground spices and dried herbs, stirring constantly, for about 30 seconds until fragrant. Remove from skillet.
3. Grind all spices and herbs in a spice mill or mortar and pestle and strain through a fine mesh sieve. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.
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pix4japan · 8 months
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Relaxed and easy-going atmosphere at Pii.
Location: Yokohamabashi, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Japan Timestamp: 18:48 on December 19, 2023
Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter ISO 160 for 1.0 sec. at ƒ/5.6 Astia/Soft film simulation
Right across the alleyway from a Japanese tavern called 'Wa' is a small Thai restaurant named 'Pii.'"
Right across the alleyway from a Japanese tavern called “Wa” is a small Thai restaurant named "Pii.” Although the green signboard says it’s a curry restaurant, it's actually a Thai restaurant.
The restaurant seems to be well known among the locals for its authentic flavors and popular 600-yen lunch, which is less than $5.00 USD.
Upon peeking inside, it transported me to the late Showa era, reminiscent of old tea houses or coffee shops from the 1970s to 1989.
Unlike a typical Japanese restaurant where the staff yell out a healthy “Iraishamasse” (Welcome!), and quickly take you to your seat with a menu, the husband running this shop barely noticed my presence as he focused on a sports game on the TV while his wife was busy in the open kitchen.
Perhaps Thai culture promotes a more relaxed and easy-going atmosphere compared to the typical Japanese setting. I felt like I was popping in for a meal at an old friend’s or relative’s house! LOL!
The Yokohamabashi shotengai shopping street and the small narrow dark alleys leading off from the main drag have a visible presence of Koreans, Chinese, Thai, Filipino, Indians, and a few other foreigners whose language I wasn’t able to identify.
The small groups of other foreigners creates a multicultural ambiance in the local neighborhood where various Asians seem to work in harmony with each other to meet the needs of the local community.
Explore other shops near Yokohamabashi Shotengai, and find references to related articles for further reading on my blog post: https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20231219-yokohamabashi
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tagged by @lemonmoonlimestar  thankuu *^o^* <3
Relationship status: trying to learn 2 luv myself Lol....neways we dnt talk about that stuff on here
Favourite colour: pink purple n yellow🎀💟⭐️
Song stuck in my head: a&w by lana del rey lol my friend who i hadnt talked to in forever came to me last week to tell me to listen to it (been years since i investigated any of lana’s new music) and im obsesed w this song noww
Last song I listened to: silent hill playlist before i went to sleep ln
Three fav foods:  meat specifically chicken wings (hotsauce type) cus i love the feeling of being like a feral animal eating off the bone. and like a rare ass bloody steak OMGGGG my mouth is watering LOL i go blood fiend mode when i start thinking about meat. curry especially indian food.. oh i really love potato in all forms too. my fav type of treat food is donut, just plain sugar donut and coffee
Last thing I googled: "C minor”
Dream trip: well ofc i rly wanna go to japan but my life would have to change SO much for that to even begin to resemble a possibility xD id love to go in winter/early spring.. honestly wish i cld go to the UK to try and reconnect w some of my family well mostly just my older brothers i rly miss them and feel emptiness in my heart about it. o & im dying to go to some places along the east coast usa cus i love it over there n have many friends i cld see !! thats the most realistic idea
Anything I want right now: hmmm....i want to feel calm, and secure in reality,, basically i just want  like $10,000 and ill b good. i want to be a good friend n help people in watever ways i can.
idk who to tag cus i could keep listing off ppl forever so if u want to do this u can just say i tagged u ^_^ #<3.
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