#indie magical world rp
chosenass · 10 months
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"you'll stay with me?" "until the very end."
independent harry potter roleplay blog, crossing over into multiple fandoms. adored fiercely by andy.
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chosenheir · 7 days
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hit the ♡ for a starter. please specify if you want the starter for either harry or draco in the comments. if you are a multimuse, please also comment with the muse you want the starter for. length will vary.
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clarafell · 1 year
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𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧.
an independent retelling of HOMURA AKEMI from the PUELLA MAGI MADOKA MAGICA franchise. written and adored by ophelia. please give this post a  ♡ and  or  ↻  ( preferred ) if  you  would like to interact!
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reiignonme · 1 year
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FANDOM: Harry Potter / Wizarding World. CROSSOVERS: possible. PRE ESTABLISHED CONNECTIONS: maybe. SHIPPING: selective / straight. MOST WANTED CONNECTIONS: Pansy Parkinson, his parents, other Slytherin students.
do not reblog my starter calls. personals do not interact.
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managedxmischief · 1 year
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Crossover friendly. ocs and all  fandoms welcome. dark themes will be present. multi-ship. this blog is  anti-jkr and doesn’t follow the c.rused c.hild canon ( willing to write with characters from it though )
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vaarulv · 1 year
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NOT THE NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS. // remus lupin roleplay blog. anti jkr.
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allaglow · 2 years
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I’m currently so fixated upon Cinderella and Charming’s relationship. Spoiled rich boy who’s apathetic to everything- all the riches around him and his father’s orders and the finest of the fine people who’ve been paraded in front of him to coax the slightest interest from him- and then here comes this mysterious girl no one’s ever met with no family, no dowry, and who- in reality- sleeps in a dilapidated attic and is treated subhuman by the only family she has and suddenly??? He wants to know her opinion about everything, her very presence makes life worth living, she effortlessly rouses sensations from him that he thought had been long gone. His heart flutters with revival. Yet, for her, in him she finds comfort, safety, a quiet sense of longing she never thought she’d achieve again. Where he never wants her to leave his side, she isn’t afraid to as his love has so instilled itself in her heart that she feels his impression- even after only one shared night- will indelibly be with her for the rest of her waking hours. Suddenly the world seems more tolerable in his wake, so that she’ll never feel alone again, ever. Whereas, he doesn’t feel he could ever spend another minute without her. Being homeless or living in the wealthiest of palaces are all the same to him without her by his side and he’ll turn his kingdom upside down for the remainder of his days if only to find another trace of her that might leave to their reunion.
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astarionsbeloved · 11 months
Oh an about me?!
Hello, Hi, Good Time Zone, welcome in.
This blog is currently on hiatus.
Name: let's use my self insert tav name: Iliana. My OG tumblr is here, and that's where the follows and likes will originate from, be warned, that blog is where ALL real-world stuff goes.
Quick about me: I'm 42, non-binary she/they, pansexual but very demi. I have a cat named Fujiko who enjoys talking. I'm from Washington, DC. I'm audhd, have hEDS, and I'm an abuse survivor.
My tags (also attached to this post!): astarion's beloved blogs about bg3, liliana speaks, liliana does a durge run, astarions beloved does a durge run, liliana's bloodweave playthrough, traumathurgy, bg3 trauma talk
Things I will not tolerate: racism, anti-LGBTQIA+ sentiment, anything hateful, any weird behavior from people unable to separate characters from their actors.
Tav Masterpost!
BG3 note: my game is modded, screen grabs will not be from a vanilla game. I'm always happy to answer questions about what mods I'm using!
What do you DO though? I'm an interior designer for my "9-5". I write urban high fantasy and magical realism and create creatures, worlds, and setting details for TTRPG creators. I do voice work (audiobooks for indie authors, including reading rules for TTRPGs) and am starting to get into asmr rps. I'm a casual photographer and videographer.
How long have you been involved in fandoms? I've been writing fic since I was 14 (I started with the neverending story!), and I think my biggest claim to fame is getting cnd'd by Anne Rice for writing a fix-it-fic about Armand and Claudia.
Why I love Baldur's Gate 3: I'm a huge ttrpg nerd, I love DND, and I played BG1+2 when I was younger. I avoided ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING about bg3 until I had it in my hands. This game is hands down the most beautiful thing I've ever touched. and truly, all the origin characters behave like player characters, down to the backgrounds and the trauma. I love that this game doesn't shy away from the darker side of healing.
Other fandoms? BTS (I've been with them since 2016), one piece, What We Do In The Shadows, LOTR, sailor moon, star trek (almost all), star wars, animal crossing, final fantasy
Things I just think are neat: whale sharks, cottagecore and dark academia, keyboards
A note: I may, occasionally, rant about how poorly fandom is behaving when it comes to treating the cast of BG3. I may also talk about my own trauma, but I'll try to keep it vague.
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klerothesnowman · 1 month
Why You Should Play A Different TTRPG, but without treating you like an idiot this time
As the anti WotC discourse continues to intensify I am once again reminded that nerds are famously really, really bad at selling people on things.
I don't blame us for it, we're all neurodivergent here, it's a safe space. But now that D&D is becoming a little "Ethically Challenging" to continue to engage with and let's be completely honest here guys, isn't inspiring much hope with its recent releases it's becoming increasingly pertinent to encourage people to reach out to other RPG games.
You've no doubt heard the refrain before, someone tries to do a political Game of Thrones-esque campaign in 5e and someone chimes up and says "5e isn't designed for this you should play a DIFFERENT game." It's a conversation we've been circling the drain around for so long. And the thing is, these people are kind of right, but with enough wrong in their argument that makes it unhelpful. Because look, you've been running your political 5e game for a while, or you've been watching a Crown of Candy, you have SEEN it work, you KNOW it can work. So when people come at you with the absolutist argument of "A campaign like this can't work in 5e" they've already lost the discussion. A campaign like that CAN work in 5e. But. It will work in 5e despite 5e. It will work, but only after the DM has invented reasons you can't use magic to solve the problem, either by preventing you from doing it in the first place or by introducing magical counters to that magic. And if it's the latter, that tilts the board a little further, because now the setting is one that has high powered mages deeply involved with the political game. Great if that's what you're angling for, but a bit of a problem if you're not.
The gameplay of a game informs how the game feels to play. D&D has a lot of mechanics for combat, and not a lot of mechanics for political RP. To bring up A Crown of Candy again, everyone playing that game is a skilled improv actor, they can rock the Political RP. But how often does things turn into a big fight? That's the game of D&D rearing itself again.
But look, you've probably heard this before right? Even this isn't a new argument. But here's what I think people miss out on. Showing examples from the other side of the fence.
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This whole post has actually been an excuse to talk about Wildsea
The Wildsea is a cool indie RPG that my group has been playing recently. It's a post apocalyptic game where flora grew at an absurdly accelerated rate, covering the entire world in rapidly growing trees and vines. Now, people live on the top of mountains or bits of earth pulled up by the trees, and sail across The Wildsea on big ships with chainsaws on the front that cut their way through the treetops. It's weird and mysterious, with a lot of character options to make weird and mysterious characters. But also, crucially, the various aspects of its design from how it handles travel, character building and conflicts reward creativity and narrative focused play in a way that 5e just doesn't. And it all comes together to invoke a very specific vibe.
In Wildsea your character is built from three options, your Bloodline, your Origin and your Post. All three of these options give you access to an equal number of potential "Aspects" for your character. As an example, one character could have the Bloodline of an Ektus, tall cactus people, the Origin of Anchored, the ghost of a deceased Wildsailor and have the Post of a Char, the ship's Cook.
These three options are all really whacky in of themselves, but what's cool is that how important they are depends on how much you invest into them. If you primarily want to play a Cactus Person, who defends themselves with their spines and filters water through their flesh, you can take more Aspects from your Bloodline. If you want to play a Ghost, floating through walls and throwing around objects like a poltergeist you take more Aspects from your Origin. If you want to be Sanji from One Piece, constantly on the look out for cool ingrediants to cook with, you take more Aspects from your Post. All options are equally viable, and available to you.
Compare that to 5e. In 5e (specifically 5e, I haven't messed with the new stuff) your character is built from three point five options (Plus Feats, but I'll get to them). Your Race, your Background, your Class and your Subclass. Your race gives you extra bonuses to your stats and some flavour abilities. Your Background gives you extra skill proficiencies and a flavour ability. Your class and subclass meanwhile give you your entire suite of gameplay options.
As an example, one character could have the Race of Dhampir, a half vampire, the Background of Noble and the Class of.... Let's say, Rogue with the Subclass Swashbuckler. I'm trying to make something like Alucard here, from Castlevania. The son of Dracula, using his vampiric powers for the good of humanity.
Baseline, this is pretty good. But... What if I wanted to lean into the Vampire aspect really hard? As a Dhampir I gain access to the ability to walk on walls and a bite that deals 1d4 damage and restores health/boosts my next roll. And that's kind of it. It's not something I can build my entire character around, that 1d4 damage gets out classed very quickly. What if I wanted to go all in on being a noble? Well my options are even bleaker there, as your Background only gives you a single hyper specific ability that wont be applicable to anything else.
My character is my Class, and my Class is a linear path that's decided for me in the first three levels. I've chosen Swashbuckler, but what if the reason I wanted to play a Swashbuckler was so that I could use my charms and Panache to bedazzle and beguile my opponents? Well... Panache is a skill that you don't get access to until level 9. If I chose this class for this character fantasy, I'm not going to be able to achieve it until half way into my character build, meaning a very large chunk of the campaign is going to involve me not doing what I wanted this character to do.
What's more, if someone else is playing a Swashbuckler our characters are effectively going to be played exactly the same. The Vampiric Noble Swashbuckler will be indistinguishable from the Renegade Drow Street Urchin Swashbuckler during play.
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The image of a party of adventurers sitting around the campfire is pretty iconic to D&D. The downtime is very important to players roleplaying, it gives everyone a moment to stop, have their character relax, and provide an environment to discuss things with other players. There's a reason there are so many commissioned art pieces of PCs interacting around a fire. There's a reason Baldur's Gate 3 made it the place you primarily interact with your party members.
The thing is though... Are you actually encouraged to? Mechanically, this is a Long Rest. It's how the majority of classes restore their abilities and that's basically it. The opportunity is there to do more through RP, but the encouragement and reward to do so is entirely on the player. How many times has your D&D party gone. "Okay we camp and do a long rest"? Be honest with me here. You're not thinking too deep about it. It's a moment to stop because you need to stop for the next combat encounter. There is nothing encouraging you to do more than that than your own desire for it. For some groups that's enough, but not every group can do that, sometimes a group really needs a little push in the right direction.
It's the same with traveling. The D&D party traveling from location to location is equally as iconic. But in practice what does that actually look like? Same with when I asked how often your D&D party brushed over the rest, how often do they brush over the travel? How often do you just have one or two "Who goes on watch tonight?" rolls and call it a day?
In Wildsea, traveling across the treetops on your chainsaw boat is the game. It's what it's all about. There's a whole ass character sheet for your vehicle for when you need to get gnitty gritty with it, but typically your travel journey will be handled by a montage of actions. Instead of just having a single PC making an obligatory "On Watch" roll, characters can take a variety of tasks like watching the weather, tending the engines, cartographizing, working the helm. Your characters are encouraged, required, to take a position on the ship and work.
What's more, "resting" isn't really a thing like in D&D. Much of the itemization of Wildsea revolves around managing specific resources, Salvage, Specimens and Whispers (which is magic stuff that I wont really be touching on.). Instead of health points your skills and equipment can take damage, which you can recover during these montages. You can use Specimens to cook meals which heal your wounds, you can use Salvage to repair your broken equipment or make new things. Specimens and Salvage can also come with extra tags, providing bonus effects when used. You can also gain Aspects for yourself and your ship that provide recurring access to these resources, or ways to improve them and add tags.
What this translates to in gameplay is that traveling in Wildsea becomes a combination of doing your job on the ship, your chores and your personal projects. You might find it weird that I'm describing a task as a "Chore" positively, but I think it's the perfect description because it sells an aspect of the game world, and the game itself.
The Wildsea is a post apocalypse setting. A major aspect of this game's world is all the different ways that people have adjusted to living in this environment. Having a series of menial tasks like tending to your night garden and hauling up the fishing trawlers that attract bugs to eat puts you, the player, in this environment. By making meals your method for healing it puts you, the player, into a position where a well cooked meal is something immediately desirable from a practical position. It makes getting your group together for a big dinner impactful, not just from a roleplay position but from a mechanical one too. It makes roleplaying a person just trying to get by in this world the gameplay. It encourages you to care about meals and salvage.
There's no guidance for this stuff in 5e. In fact, 5e discourages it. If you want your character to be a chef in 5e there are two options to you. Proficiency with Cook's Utensils and the Chef feat. The Cook's Utensils provide you with the ability to cook meals. If you roll above a 15 the meal is "Gourmet". This doesn't really mean anything. It also allows you to "Prepare Meals" that give a whole single hitpoint more when you rest. It's not very impactful. Meanwhile the Chef Feat allows you to also cook meals, "provided you have ingredients". There's no reason to seek certain ingredients of a higher grade or anything, and in my experience it's more likely for the DM to turn around and say you don't have access to ingredients to try and make narrative tension rather than reward the player for keeping track of them. These meals you can cook restore a little bit more HP, and can provide temporary HP too.
The thing is, Feats in D&D are something you have a very limited amount of, and they're not created equally. Chef is more useful than some, but taking Chef still means your combat ability is diminished. Taking Chef means you can't take feats that are more versatile and impactful.
This is why people encourage you to play games tailor made to deliver on certain vibes and themes rather than playing everything in 5e. Because they can more effectively deliver the experience that you're looking for, without needing to struggle against the system in the first place. It guides people toward certain behaviors and rewards choices that suit the vibe. Even the best roleplayers can do even better with a bit of guidance.
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il-mostrc · 2 months
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il-mostrc : is an indie, selective &. private rp blog for Hannibal Lecter and the media that follows it. Gore and adult themes will be present. 21+ only. Dash only.
"The Devil is in the details."
highly intelligent and cultured, with refined tastes and impeccable manners. he prefers to 'eat the rude' when it comes to cannibalistic qualities. he is a highly acclaimed former surgeon and psychiatrist who is a FBI consultant for serial killers.
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Drafts: 5 | Inbox: 7 | Starters: 0
bonsoir, i'm james. the general rule of don't be an ass. i don't have any triggers and are willing to tag things if needing. i've been a fan of the hopkins version of hannibal + books since the early 00's. took a stab at the television. fell in love. memes never expire. shipping is always on the table (he's pansexual), though hannibal gets quite bored of people if they don't tantalize his palate. para/multi with the craving of long plotted stories.
Apéritif (main)
Hannibal finds himself being contracted from the FBI, performing in various cases where his expertise in the criminal minds are requested. Aside from the occasional cases he's called upon, he continues his career of being a psychiatrist and serving dinner parties to help his networking.
Folie à deux (post S3)
Hannibal survived the fall and lives a discreet life in Cuba often posing as an art dealer and curator. He is often known to seek artists who harbor the aptitude for semi-popularity, though his interests lie in private viewing galleries. He's keen on graphite subjects.
FFVII - Mako Infused
ShinRa's power is on the rise, and with it, the growing candidates of Mako infusions. SOLDIER is promoting the lifestyle that every young person desires: pride, leadership, and the ability to be violent against those who wrong the company. Deep in these conflicts, nestled is the possibility of war-torn heroes and scars to match. Hannibal finds his niche in highlighting the therapy of these men and women who seek solace and guidance in the paths of a chemically alternated brain. Here, he can exhibit his curious and often amusing cases of these patients as they navigate the corridors of their murderer's side. Hojo often signs his patients over to the good doctor, not out of concern for the victims, but curious research that Hannibal is willing to conduct. He holds no allegiance to the Company and often encourages rebellious actions. Though most of his patients are from ShinRa, they are not strictly based on the SOLDIER program. There's plenty within the walls of the company that needs the doctor's guiding hand.
Guérison Cerveau - Healer/Mind Healer (HP)
Born from a pure-blood family, Hannibal excelled in the magical world's potions, dark arts, and healing magicks. Much of his family lineage was held within the bounds of the higher elites, a close-knit society where pure blood gravitated and stayed within their circles. The exemplary marks allowed him to train at St. Mungo's after attending Beauxbatons Academy for his beginning years of wizardry (Ombrelune); his aptitude in drawing and the magic arts (Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, Herbology, and Defense Against the Dark Arts) granted him to be head healer at St. Mungo's and amplified his skills in healing. Later, he found his niche in becoming a mind healer (psychiatrist) and helping those often forgotten in society, using his healing magicks of the past to enhance his mending. It is questionable if he allows for healing of the mind or exacerbates the conditions. He does his own private practice now and tends to cook as an extra affair, dabbling in the higher social elite.
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ofdemonessence · 1 year
enigmatic succubus with a peaceful façade and hidden darkness
Selective, Indie RP blog writing/roleplaying since 2010 Mun and Muses are 25+ Multiship and Multiverse friendly, plot in IMs, no discord Please read rules before interacting || Tracking: ofdemonessence [previously iincantatorum]
Triggers: Blood, Gore, Violence, Manipulation, Gaslighting, all trigger warnings will be tagged
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Rules || Wishlist || Verses || Ask Memes || Opens Letters || Likes || Demonic Side || Headcanons & Lore
exploring: duality, temptation and desire, shadows and secrets, moral ambiguity, transformation and identity, emotional confusion, gothic romance, power and manipulation, redemption and sympathy, and beauty as deception
fc: c/indy kimber/ly
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Delia Grimhilde's Backstory:
Delia Grimhilde's backstory is shrouded in darkness and mystery. She was born to a lineage of powerful demons, carrying the blood of both succubi and demonic overlords. Her mother, Regina Grimhilde, was a woman of unparalleled beauty, known for her vanity and cunning nature. Through manipulation and deceit, Regina managed to secure a marriage to the Horned King, a fearsome demonic overlord and ruler.
Delia's early years were spent in the depths of the demonic realm, where she was raised in a dark mansion hidden deep within the woods. Surrounded by shadows and secrets, she grew up observing her mother's conniving ways and learned to navigate the treacherous dynamics of the demon hierarchy.
Despite her demonic heritage, Delia possessed a unique quality—a serene and ethereal beauty that masked her true nature. With big, dreamy doe eyes and long, dark hair, she exuded an aura of tranquility that captivated those around her. However, beneath her peaceful facade lay a tempestuous soul, struggling to keep her inner darkness in check.
Delia's journey through the mortal realm was marked by encounters with humans, whose emotions and complexities often perplexed her. She wrestled with her own conflicting desires and found herself unbound by traditional moral codes. While she could be volatile and unpredictable, she also possessed the capacity for empathy and sympathy, albeit in her own unconventional way.
As Delia matured, she honed her powers of seduction and manipulation, fully embracing her succubus nature. She became a master of weaving illusions and manipulating desires to serve her own ends. Her methods were unorthodox, often straying into morally grey territory, as she sought to carve her own path in the world.
In her secluded mansion in the woods, Delia delved deep into the arcane arts, exploring the realms of shadow magic and enchantments. Alongside her dark pursuits, she discovered a fascination with dreams and the human psyche. This led her to train as a dream therapist, utilizing her unique abilities to delve into the subconscious realms of others and help them navigate their inner turmoil.
In addition to her work as a dream therapist, Delia channeled her intricate understanding of human desires and emotions into her writing. She became a celebrated novelist, crafting dark and captivating tales that explored the depths of the human soul. Her novels often mirrored the complexities of her own experiences, resonating with readers who were drawn to the enigmatic allure of her stories.
Delia Grimhilde possesses an enigmatic personality that blends allure, complexity, and a touch of darkness. Behind her serene and ethereal exterior lies a tempestuous soul, driven by conflicting desires and a thirst for power. She is a master of manipulation, weaving illusions and seducing others with her captivating charm.
Delia's moral compass is unconventional, navigating the grey areas between right and wrong, and she grapples with her own identity as she explores the depths of her demonic heritage.
Despite her volatile nature, she possesses a capacity for empathy and sympathy, albeit in her own unique way. Delia's journey is one of self-discovery, temptation, and the constant struggle to balance her inner darkness with her outward facade.
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townofcadence · 5 months
✨ What was your inspiration in making your muse?
Munday Meme ✨ What was your inspiration in making your muse?
I ended up getting on a roll, apologies, so I put this under a read-more ^^;;;
It depends on the character for sure! I usually end up really vibing with a concept i want to build around, like a personality archetype or a story element. Usually this is a pretty generic concept, and then I build out the rest of the OC, trying to understand their place in the world and how the life they've lived has affected who they are, and make it more personal to me so I get attached.
Caelan for example, is a fae prince who was raised as a weapon by his family during a war, due to his abilities and how intense his magic is-- he was hunting the enemy prince down, had him cornered in a fight, when the ground falls apart beneath them and they're pulled underground-- deep into webbed catacombs, where they're hunted by a monster over and over again. His whole concept was basically born from the desire to play with the idea 'character trapped in a maze being hunted by a creature'. Which--- was initially a concept i started playing with because of a song about the ghosts in pacman being trapped in the game and eaten by pacman xD
I think the main exception to this style of creation for me is Artair, which I'm sure you were asking about! So I apologize ahead of time for the tangent incoming xD
My very first character I ever rped online was Arthur from Mystery Skulls Animated, which was a collection of music videos following a plot revolving around four main characters dealing with the supernatural, set to indie artist Mystery Skulls' songs. But the thing was, MSA only gave us the vaguest details about the characters when the first video came out, which is when I started writing him. The most we knew about Arthur was that he had been possessed and forced to kill a teammate, and that he lost his arm to an animal teammate that seemed to stop the possession. Also that he was kinda like-- a fraidy cat? MSA was basically a parody of Scooby Doo with a twist, so he was a little like a yellow shaggy lol.
But yeah, it was actually really cool because every version of the same character was so wildly different, because it was so vague that there was so much room for interpretation! We weren't sure how well the group knew each other except that they were on the same team, we were only given blood types to determine personality, we didn't even know if the animal teammate spoke to the team-- even things like how they grew up or where they were or family dynamics were up in the air at the time. When his uncle was revealed soon after the video, I wrote Arthur as growing up with him after his own parents passed, but there were dozens of interpretations-- some where Arthur only came to live with him as an adult, or an older kid, with details ranging from his family was bad news, passed, or just too busy to look after him. One of the characters didn't have a last name for years. It was all kinda just--- free real estate lol.
So over the course of a decade I wrote him, i built out every detail about Arthur, including stuff like his history/backstory, his relationships, his abilities, his personality beyond the fearfulness-- even some details about the events that were canon. Over time as I was writing him, he changed personalities in a lot of major ways too, as storylines from rps and events happened while writing him. He changed, for better and worse, and the things I focused on more were less and less aligned with canon. I started experimenting with ideas and concepts i really liked too, especially ones like him being a medium, which then further deviated into eldritch/celestial/fae stuff, since I always had a deep interest in those kinds of beings. But that only continued to take him further and further from anything resembling MSA lol.
And I guess at some point a few years ago, i realized he was basically an OC, but with a canon coat of paint?
Soooo I basically took him and gave him a redesign and overhaul to make him an OC. I kept some elements i loved of Arthur that drew me to him in the first place, but I tried to get away from his original design as much as I could without making him feel too different to my brain. I kept a version of events similar to the first video, due to how formative they were, but everything else pretty much got chucked out. The rest I kept was heavily altered if it wasn't reliant on my own headcanons already.
The only other thing I kept was kind of keeping his name similar. I kept Arthur as a name he used for a while growing up due to kids being mean about 'weird' names, which he still uses as a safety precaution with people/fae, since so much of his history he was known by it. Then I gave him a scots version as his official legal name, since I had headcanoned Arthur was directly scottish anyways and would likely pick it, with the headcanon that as Artair got older he stopped caring what people thought of his name and started going by the one he chose. It was different enough to feel i was separating him from MSA, but close enough that it didn't feel wrong when I was so attached to 'Arthur' as his name for a decade (part of my initial attachment to him was connection to Arthur as a name and him being the color yellow, whoops)
But yeah! Overall for me, it's just about interesting or fun narrative concepts. And then there's Artair being the one canon guy who got hit with extreme OC-ification beams over time xD
Also, here's an old and silly spider-man meme doodle of Arthur and Artair if you made it this far xD
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lavender-nightlxght · 6 months
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"Hello there, lovely souls! 🌟 Please, come on in and cozy up! 🐾✨"
This little corner of the internet is where you'll find an adorable Indie RP adventure with a twist! We're diving into the whimsical world of Catnap from Poppy Playtime Chapter Three, blending Canon and Non-Canon tales with a sprinkle of our own creative magic. Oh, and keep an eye out for our lovable SI companion too!
Curious to learn more? Dive into the character bios for Catnap and HoneyToast!
If this sounds like your cup of tea (or should I say, bowl of milk?), give us a little love with a like or a reblog! We can't wait to share some enchanting adventures with you!
Warm purrs and twinkling dreams, ~~Nightlight~! 🌙"
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reiignonme · 1 year
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FANDOM: Harry Potter. CROSSOVERS: possible. PRE ESTABLISHED CONNECTIONS: selective. SHIPPING: open / bisexual. MOST WANTED CONNECTIONS: Fleur Delacour, his children, the extended Weasley family.
do not reblog my starter calls. personals do not interact.
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darkhearthorns · 1 year
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Maverick Draven Dark Prince of the fae forests, follows the legacy of the Mistress of Evil.
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Selective, Indie RP blog writing/roleplaying since 2010 Mun and Muses are 21+ Multiship and Multiverse friendly, plot in IMs, no discord Please read rules before interacting ||
Tracking: darkhearthorns
About Muse
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Maverick's story begins in the enchanted realm known as the Moors, ruled by the powerful and feared sorceress, Maleficent. Born out of forbidden love between Maleficent and a human prince, Maverick's existence was considered an abomination by those who held prejudice against the union of fae and humans.
As a child, Maverick inherited the striking physical features of his mother, with raven black hair, piercing green eyes, and an air of undeniable magic. However, he also carried within him the compassionate nature inherited from his human lineage. This duality within him became a source of internal conflict, as he struggled to reconcile the dark reputation associated with his mother and the inherently good-natured spirit he possessed.
Growing up, Maverick witnessed firsthand the animosity and hostility between humans and fae, fueled by the deep-rooted grudges and history of warfare. These experiences left a profound impact on him, instilling a desire for change and a longing to bridge the divide between the two worlds.
Despite the strained relationship between Maverick and Maleficent, he yearned for his mother's acceptance and guidance. However, Maleficent's own inner turmoil and her past experiences made it challenging for her to fully embrace her son. Maverick's quest for his place in the world, torn between the darkness associated with his lineage and his own innate compassion, became a personal journey fraught with self-discovery and growth.
Throughout his life, Maverick sought to understand the complexities of his heritage and the true nature of the fae. He delved into ancient texts, seeking knowledge about the history and traditions of his kind, hoping to uncover a path towards reconciliation and harmony. Along the way, he encountered both resistance and support from various factions within the fae realm, each with their own motivations and beliefs.
Driven by a deep sense of purpose, Maverick dedicated himself to bridging the gap between humans and fae, believing that understanding, empathy, and shared experiences could heal the wounds of the past. He yearned for a future where the two worlds could coexist in peace, free from the shackles of prejudice and fear.
Maverick's journey, marked by personal struggles, conflicting loyalties, and a relentless pursuit of unity, would ultimately define his legacy as the son of Maleficent, a catalyst for change in a world torn by ancient enmities.
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redemptioninchaos · 1 year
Abandoned Mask + Mask’s Calling
A character I no longer roleplay
I can't think of any character who 100 percent fits this question, so I'll give you two characters who sort of do for half credit each
The first one who comes to mind is one you know very well: Geronimo Sang, basically an Indy/Nathan Drake expy from Miami. Born in Britain, moved to the States with his wealthy family, and became an investor as part of his family's firm, Hughes and Son. Had a brother named Rafael with whom he shared a bit of a rivalry. When he's not doing investment work, he's adventuring for the heck of it, and he had a proficiency with both shotguns and rifles. His longtime enemies were the Masons, a secret society who controlled many things behind the scenes and were always one step behind Geronimo as he collected the McGuffin for the week.
Since then, I evolved him into another character, Augustus Hughes, who was involved in Colette's original big project I did with @canuck-sweets33 over half a decade ago. He was still the son of a wealthy business magnate, but this time he was a necromancer who could speak with the dead and possessed light and dark magic capabilities. Like Geronimo, he was still an anthro wolf, but I made him American. Instead of the adventurous spirit his original incarnation was, he was nervous, mild-mannered, and generally wanted to remain uninvolved with anything troublesome. However, trouble found him anyway when he married the love of his life, Annette Wise. On the day of his wedding, malevolent spirits terrorized the Stockholm church, killing three and injuring dozens. Augustus, along with his just-married wife, brother-in-law, and Colette, defeated the spirits and the source of them all, but it was a pyrrhic victory in what would become later known as the Black Wedding.
From that point, I've since evolved him again in the project you and I are working on collaboratively, Blazing Tails. Both of us know what we intend to do with him, but for everyone else...imagine if Saul Goodman were a necromancer on the side.
The second is Reagan Masters, werewolf library worker. He disagreed with his local werewolf pack regarding relations between werewolves and everyone else. He opposed the current werewolf leader in a sort of election, voicing his concerns that antagonizing everyone else wouldn't do much to help anyone. His opponent had a more "pro-werewolf" outlook and claimed that the pack needed to focus on protecting itself, even at the cost of non-lycan lives. This Reagan left the werewolf clan, drove a Prius to work every day, and largely kept to himself, "lone-wolfing" it, as it were. I hadn't seen Underworld, but I thought it was the coolest thing ever to have a werewolf fall in love with some vampire chick, and I thought it'd never been done before.
Man, I was stupid in high school.
Not much happened with Reagan on Tumblr (I remember some guy on here saying "I really don't give a shit about Masters" straight to me, so there's that), but what was really popping off was the RPs that astronaut-max and I did on Facebook, back when I still used it. Reagan fell in with two druids, a germaphobic academic and a lanky stoner, and got into some wacky adventures, including one where Reagan twerked and performed "My Bubble Gum" by Rasheeda to distract an eldritch abomination long enough to ensure he and his friends could escape with their lives.
The RP was named "Claw and Order," and while I may cringe at the ideas I thought were fire back then, I figure it was good I had those experiences. It goes to show how far I've come as a writer. Max made a character who's still referenced to this day. ("Dylan! You son of a bitch!") There was even an AU where our characters were put in the world of Bullworth Academy, where Gary was a self-proclaimed "alpha" werewolf. The original verse of Claw and Order saw Reagan in his early 20s. I've since then stopped RPing this version of Reagan, but I kept a few ideas for his current evolution. Now, Reagan is in his 40s and is a supervisor in a subdivision of the FBI called the Supernatural Investigation Network, or SIN. Colette and others work for a private society unconnected to the federal government that straight up dispatches magical threats. The feds didn't like the idea of such a secretive society dealing with everything magical, so they made their own society that focuses on investigation instead of assassination.
Reagan deals with magical occurrences around the East Coast, primarily in Philadelphia. For roughly a week every month, he shifts into his werewolf form at night involuntarily, but investigations still need to be done and bills still need to be paid. He'd put on a few pounds since his younger days, but he's still a formidable hand-to-hand fighter when it comes down to it. The keyboard in his office, as well as the laptop he carries, has myriad scratch marks on it, but at least his computers can recognize the tone of his growls whenever he has to work when he's shifted.
Typically, I only play him in human verses instead of anthro verses, especially in verses where Sergio is a vampire hunter.
A character I'm on the fence about RPing
I have several characters I'm on the fence about RPing in an official capacity. Reagan is actually one of them. I'll need to do some tweaking for him before rolling out the red carpet for him, but I get the feeling a werewolf DILF shouldn't be too hard to garner attention for.
I've already RPed as Grollor's father Grollark a few times, but I haven't made a page for him yet. If enough people want to interact with a 50-something orc pirate who loves his wife, kid, and pet a whole lot, that could be a possibility.
And even though I have a page for her, I'm still on the fence about Qisalor. Considering how she's the main villain in the first DND campaign, you'd think I'd want to use her more, but for whatever reason I've just not had any muse for her. She just doesn't feel interesting at the moment, and canonically she wouldn't talk to so many people's muses since they're humans. Heck, she'd probably just try to kill them on sight if they approached her. Because of that, I could see how Qisalor might not be anyone's first pick. So, I'll put her on hiatus for the moment until I come up with some more Qisa-lore.
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