#industrial ct scan
nelpretechc · 1 month
CMM Inspection Services
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Nel Pretech Corporation offers precision CMM Inspection Services, ensuring the highest accuracy in measurement for quality control. Our expert team uses advanced CMM technology to meet your specific inspection needs, providing reliable data for product validation and manufacturing processes. Trust us to deliver precise results with unparalleled attention to detail.
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snehalaig · 5 months
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tanishaaig · 5 months
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CT & MRI Revolution: Boosting Comorbidity Diagnosis Amid Market Demand!
In the ever-evolving landscape of medical diagnostics, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans stand as transformative tools, reshaping physicians' abilities to tackle complex comorbidities. This blog explores the groundbreaking advancements in these imaging technologies, the escalating market demands, and how CT and MRI scans are driving excellence in medical diagnostics.
Read Full Blog Here: https://www.grgonline.com/post/ct-mri-revolution-boosting-comorbidity-diagnosis-amid-market-demand
CT and MRI Scans: The Pillars of Medical Diagnosis
CT and MRI scans have emerged as the pillars of modern medical diagnostics. These imaging technologies provide unparalleled insights into the human body, enabling physicians to identify, diagnose, and treat various medical conditions with precision.
Escalating Market Demands: The Need for Precision
In today's healthcare landscape, precision is non-negotiable. The demands for accurate and timely diagnostics are skyrocketing as comorbidities and complex medical conditions become more prevalent. CT and MRI scans are answering this call with their ability to provide detailed, three-dimensional views of internal structures.
Advancements in Imaging Technology: Beyond the Basics
The advancements in CT and MRI technology are nothing short of revolutionary. Higher resolution, faster scanning times, and the ability to capture dynamic processes within the body have elevated these scans to new heights. These innovations ensure that physicians can make diagnoses and treatment decisions with confidence.
Enhancing Diagnostic Accuracy: Unearthing Hidden Pathologies
The power of CT and MRI scans lies in their ability to unearth hidden pathologies that may go undetected through traditional diagnostic methods. These scans excel in identifying early-stage cancers, vascular abnormalities, neurological conditions, and musculoskeletal issues, among others.
Multi-Modality Approach: Comprehensive Diagnostics
CT and MRI scans are often used with other imaging modalities, providing physicians with a comprehensive diagnostic toolkit. This multi-modality approach allows for a more holistic understanding of a patient's condition, leading to tailored treatment plans.
Market Leaders: Pioneering Excellence
Market leaders in CT and MRI technology are driving excellence in medical diagnostics. These companies are at the forefront of innovation, continuously pushing the boundaries of what is possible in imaging. Their commitment to research and development ensures that physicians have access to state-of-the-art equipment.
Case Study: Early Cancer Detection
Consider a case where a patient presents with vague symptoms, and traditional tests yield inconclusive results. CT and MRI scans are employed to provide a detailed view of the patient's internal organs. The scans reveal a small tumor that would have otherwise gone undetected. Thanks to the early diagnosis facilitated by CT and MRI scans, the patient receives timely treatment and achieves a full recovery.
Conclusion: A Diagnostic Revolution
CT and MRI scans are not just diagnostic tools; they are revolutionizing how physicians approach medical diagnoses. With their precision, accuracy, and ability to uncover hidden pathologies, these scans are empowering healthcare professionals to tackle complex comorbidities with confidence. As market demands for excellence in diagnostics continue to rise, CT and MRI scans are set to play an even more pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare.
Visit our website now: https://www.grgonline.com/
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AITA for getting snippy at somebody over how they handled their mom's death? At the beginning of 2021 ballpark, a friend's mother was having some neurological symptoms two or three weeks after getting a covid vaccine. Notable detail: the friend in question has a diagnosis that causes seizures and is genetic, so something neurological had to come from one of their parents, but we didn't know which. The mother went to the doctor who referred her to a specialist, and the specialist basically saw that she was dead broke and made getting her a CT scan or an MRI the absolute bottom of his list of priorities. She was sent home without any tests being done. She died about a day and a half later of "unexplained causes". (Amerikkkan healthcare for ya)
My friend, instead of blaming the neurologist who blew them off, decided to blame... you guess it: the covid vaccine. Claimed vaccines now give you encephalitis out of nowhere. Went on a full rant on facebook and then proceeded to act very smug about refusing any and all vaccines from that point forward.
I hadn't heard anything from them in years and was shocked to see something like that, but more to the point, I work in the healthcare industry. I know vaccines don't and CAN'T do that. It's way more likely that their family neurological thing reared up and started causing problems, and the lack of medical treatment was what killed her.
I tried to keep my response clinical and explain exactly why the vaccine definitely did not kill my friend's mom, but I can't deny that I got a little judgmental when pointing out that processing your grief like this actively puts other people in danger because now you're running around with no vaccine and are at greater risk of spreading something - because of course, the friend is also refusing flu shots. Even if my friend never spread anything, I don't want them to GET sick with covid either. Covid sucks and it'd be nice if my friends did not sustain permanent brain and vascular damage from it.
But still, I basically lectured a person after they just told me their mom died in a traumatic way, which feels very shitty. AITA?
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lemonzestywrites · 3 months
Hi zesty! I have two if that’s alright. The omega Eddie fic, and AFOLATWCS (my beloved) pleeeeeeease 💗💗
hi baz ofc!! a two for one deal! i hope you enjoy
omega!eddie fic
“How close is it?” Buck asks, turning towards Eddie. Eddie takes a shallow breath. “Close,” he mutters, shifting along the pillows. “I’ve been feeling off the last few days. When I woke up today, it was so much worse; I realized I felt the same way I did last time. I called Bobby. He gave me a week off and said I could take more if I needed to.” Buck nods to himself. “Is there anything you need specifically?”  A humorless laugh prises itself from Eddie's core. “Besides getting bred till I pass out?” he mutters dryly. Buck feels his heart skyrocket in his throat. Wait, if they’re actually doing this, does that mean-  “I’m on birth control, Buck, calm down.” Buck snaps his attention over to Eddie, who’s giving him that knowing look. One so uniquely Eddie that he recognizes immediately. One to tell him it’s okay. They’re both okay.  Buck huffs a small laugh, still never unimpressed at how well his best friend seems to know him.
a foundation of trust and love we cannot see
A sudden little voice of intrigue comes fluttering from the back of his mind in curious excitement. “What would you be doing? You know, like, what would your dream job be if firefighting wasn’t an option?” Buck asks, with a soft tilt of his head. He’s not entirely sure he’s asked Eddie this before, which honestly feels a little shocking considering how long they’ve known each other. There’s a short pause resting between the question and Eddie’s answer. “Promise you won’t laugh.” Buck furrows his brows. “Of course, I wouldn’t.” Unless it was something like super fucking hilarious cause then Buck has a contractual obligation to laugh. But if Eddie’s pensiveness about the whole thing is any indication, Buck has a decent feeling that’s not the case here. “I’d be a nurse,” Eddie says after a moment. Oh. “Why would I laugh at that?” Buck asks with a raised brow. “Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare industry.” Buck, of all people, should absolutely know that, considering he’s been hospitalized nearly Guinness World Record-breaking amount of times. They really should start giving him those little punch cards for all his trouble. (Get sent to the ER 10 times and get 1 CT Scan Free!) “I know that,” Eddie sighs. “I mean, realistically, if I didn’t go into the army, I’d probably be working for my dad, but before Shannon got pregnant, I was considering what to do, career-wise. Nursing was one of my options.”
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shivamthakrejr · 2 months
Healthcare's AI revolution: Innovations and Prospects - Sachin Dev Duggal
Innovations in Healthcare Through AI
AI has already made significant advancements in various aspects of healthcare. One notable innovation is diagnostics. These data sets assist medical professionals in making better diagnoses using artificial intelligence algorithms that examine medical data like imaging studies, laboratory results, and electronic medical records. By doing this, AI tools have improved the accuracy of CT scans and simplified work procedures, thereby hastening outcomes and improving their dependability, which is greatly needed, especially in radiology, whose timely correct diagnosis significantly impacts patients’ lives.
The healthcare sector is undergoing a transformation through artificial intelligence (AI), which is enhancing diagnosis, improving patient care, and streamlining work. With the progress of technology, AI can change how healthcare is provided, making it more efficient, personalized, and accessible. Sachin Dev Duggal has been advocating for the impact of AI in healthcare and expressing how it could reshape medicine in the future.
Additionally, there are other instances where artificial intelligence plays an important role in enabling very early disease detection. Complex machine learning systems can identify data patterns that may signal the onset of cancerous diseases at stages when they are still curable. For instance, AI systems have demonstrated high accuracy rates when predicting the probability of developing lung cancer, thereby enabling earlier interventions with better survival rates than ever before. This new orientation towards preventive intervention rather than treatment represents a big shift from the traditional approach to health care.
AI is revolutionizing healthcare, which includes improvements to diagnosis, customization of treatments, and operational efficiency. Integrating AI into healthcare, as highlighted by Sachin Dev Duggal and other thought leaders, will improve patient outcomes and make healthcare more accessible and efficient. This means that to address the challenges facing the health industry and guarantee a healthier tomorrow, we must embrace these technological advancements.
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thereasonsimbroke · 2 months
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Industrial Inspection & Consulting has introduced a new service that uses CT scanning technology to identify specific holographic cards in sealed #Pokemon #TradingCardGame booster packs.
This service costs $65 to $75 per pack and has garnered some concerns. While the CT scanning technology, typically used in medical fields, promises to reveal pack contents without opening them, critics worry that it may take away the excitement of discovering cards firsthand.
This service has sparked a debate about its implications for the trading card community. Many fear that it could disrupt traditional collecting practices and inflate market prices.
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How AR/VR Development Companies are Transforming Healthcare with Innovative Solutions
The healthcare industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by advances in technology that are improving patient care and medical practices. Among these advancements, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have emerged as powerful tools, revolutionizing how healthcare is delivered. Leading AR VR development company are at the forefront of this transformation, creating innovative solutions that address various challenges in diagnostics, treatment, and patient engagement.
These technologies are not merely enhancing existing processes but are also introducing entirely new ways to interact with medical data and provide care. By integrating AR and VR into healthcare, development companies are paving the way for more accurate diagnostics, safer treatments, and a more engaging patient experience.
1. Enhancing Diagnostics with AR/VR Solutions
Advanced Imaging and Visualization: AR/VR development companies are creating tools that allow medical professionals to overlay complex imaging data, such as MRIs and CT scans, onto real-world views. This advanced visualization helps doctors better understand the spatial relationships of internal structures, leading to more accurate diagnoses.
Interactive Diagnostic Training: VR platforms offer immersive training environments where medical students and professionals can practice diagnostic procedures and explore anatomical models in 3D. This hands-on approach enhances learning and skill development, preparing practitioners for real-world scenarios.
Real-Time Data Integration: AR applications provide real-time data overlays during diagnostic procedures, offering immediate access to relevant patient information and helping in making more informed decisions. This integration supports more precise and timely diagnostics.
2. Revolutionizing Treatment Procedures
Surgical Precision and Planning: AR/VR development companies are improving surgical outcomes by providing surgeons with augmented visualizations of the operating field. AR overlays critical information such as patient anatomy and procedural steps, which aids in performing complex surgeries with greater precision.
Pre-Surgical Simulations: VR technology enables surgeons to rehearse and plan complex procedures in a virtual environment before performing them. This simulation allows for meticulous planning, reducing the risk of complications and improving surgical efficiency.
Remote Surgical Assistance: AR/VR solutions facilitate remote assistance by enabling specialists to provide real-time guidance and support to surgeons in different locations. This collaboration enhances the quality of care and expands access to expert advice.
3. Enhancing Patient Engagement and Education
Immersive Patient Education: AR and VR applications are transforming patient education by offering interactive and immersive experiences. Patients can explore 3D models of their conditions and treatments, gaining a clearer understanding of their medical situations and options.
Interactive Rehabilitation Programs: AR/VR development companies are creating engaging rehabilitation programs that use virtual environments to motivate and guide patients through their recovery processes. These programs provide real-time feedback and make rehabilitation exercises more enjoyable and effective.
Emotional and Psychological Support: VR applications offer therapeutic environments to help patients manage anxiety, stress, and pain. Virtual reality can create calming experiences and provide emotional support, improving overall patient well-being.
4. Streamlining Administrative and Clinical Workflows
Enhanced Medical Training: AR/VR development companies are developing solutions that streamline medical training processes, reducing the need for physical models and cadavers. These digital tools make training more flexible and accessible, allowing for scalable and repeatable learning.
Improved Patient Monitoring: AR applications are aiding in real-time patient monitoring by overlaying data on patient dashboards and alerts. This feature helps healthcare providers track patient metrics more efficiently and respond promptly to any changes.
Efficient Data Management: AR/VR tools facilitate better data management by integrating medical records and visualizations into a unified interface. This integration improves data accessibility and reduces the time spent on administrative tasks.
AR/VR development companies are significantly transforming healthcare by introducing innovative solutions that enhance diagnostics, treatment, and patient engagement. From advanced imaging and surgical precision to immersive patient education and streamlined workflows, these technologies are reshaping how medical care is delivered and experienced. As AR and VR technologies continue to evolve, their potential to further revolutionize healthcare practices and improve patient outcomes remains vast, promising a future of more effective and personalized medical care.
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vlad-theimplier · 2 months
WIP Wednesday: Custos Custodium
Still getting into the habit--have a WIP snapshot! Jensen must have had a first visit to the Time Machine, and I have to imagine that he and Koller made quite the impression on one another. Check out the whole fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55686901/chapters/141357007
"After me now, please,” and Koller tugged his shoulder with ginger metal fingers. He walked through what was obviously a secret doorway and heard it close behind him, waiting politely to open his eyes until they entered an elevator that dinged and descended with a grinding lurch.
They stepped out into a charnel house in blood and iron, and he feared he’d come to entirely the wrong sort of place after all. A set of modern dentist’s lights on articulated arms spotlit a vintage dentist’s chair, all cracked leather and chrome: clean, but surrounded by red streaks leading to a floor drain in the concrete nearby. Screens holding CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds, and other imaging Jensen didn’t recognize stood around the disconcerting centerpiece. Five monitors sat edge-to-edge on the desk along one wall, backstopping a graveyard of takeout containers and soda cans that made Jensen’s old apartment look neat and Pritchard’s desk at Sarif Industries look neurotically tidy. Skeletal chicken feet jutted from several of the boxes, their bony toes held together by scraps of cartilage and tendon that had curled them as they dried.
From the ceiling hung sealed bags in droves, clearly opened and reused, each one holding an augmentation of some kind. Arms, legs, feet, eyeballs alone and in pairs, neural hubs… the array was dizzying. More augs stood in glass cases dotting the floor. Vials of Neuropozyne and a score of other substances stood in glass-fronted cabinets, a few refrigerated. A pair of wheeled carts sat haphazardly near them, stacked with gauze and bandages, needle and thread, soldering iron and cutting torch.
Sticky notes wallpapered the support pillars and posters for augmentation firms looked down from over the computer screens, all curling from their bottom corners. Water trickled somewhere nearby. Jensen smelled rust and damp and realized they were near the sewers, although fortunately not a malodorous section of them. He clenched his jaw in dismay.
“Well, let me have a look!” Koller said. “Into the Chair, come on, come on, I want to see what’s under your hood!”
Jensen held up a quelling hand. “I didn’t come here to get opened up like a can of beans. I need a… a system reset, or something. I had a bad injury, was in a coma for a while, and when I came out, I couldn’t use half my augs.”
Koller looked like a kicked puppy. Jensen watched him wring his metal hands and thought he might burst into tears. But he only heaved a gusty sigh and said, “Okay, okay, not today. But someday!” He raised a dramatic finger. “Someday you will need the Chair, and the Chair will be waiting for you. And I’ll give you a hand. Or two, or three.”
Koller’s gaze flicked to a rack that Jensen realized held replacement hands and arms for detailed aug work. Saws and drills and drivers and probes and laser scalpels… He shuddered, as much at the thought of hot-swapping entire limbs as at the armamentarium of terrifying devices on display.
They each sank into a much more normal office chair. “So, show me what’s on your mind,” Koller said, pulling out a neural interface cable. Jensen groaned and thumbed open the port on his temple, the hexagonal divot sliding sideways and bunching up the skin. “Aha, ha, I’m sorry,” said Koller as he leaned forward and plugged in the jack, patently nothing of the sort. “It helps me keep my English skills in good shape. Puns are hard, you know? It is like an exercise, a workout. Pun-ishing, yes? Yes?”
Jensen groaned again. “Just reboot my hub or whatever you need to do.”
But Koller was not listening. “Oh… that’s interesting. That’s very interesting now indeed. Hmmm. Ooh, so fancy, Mister Sarif. Someday I will shake your hand. Maybe open it up and look inside, too… hmmmmm…”
He broke into a tuneless whistle as he hammered at his computer, diagrams flashing across the monitors. Jensen recognized several from the manual Dr. Markovic had given him when he woke up in Detroit. “Icarus, very cool, very cool, yes. I bet it is dramatic when you use it. You’ll let me see sometime. Energy converter is most efficient, good, for all your power needs. And big biocells, too—who needs two kidneys anyway? Redundant. Sentinel, okay, nice, we do not need to waste anesthesia on you—”
“Excuse me?”
That got Koller’s attention. “Ah, yes, well, it is only… I don’t have very much. Painkillers, sure, but to put someone underneath?”
“Under, thank you—this is something I do only when I have to.”
His sources had been clear. Koller was the best there was in Prague, probably in the Czech Republic. He had only a few competitors in all of continental Europe. Jensen gritted his teeth. “The Icarus is glitchy. My smart vision and my cloak aren’t working at all.”
Koller’s eyes lit up, surprisingly still organic. “Cloak? Cloak! GlassShield is the Sarif one, yes? Ah, so cool… yes, yes, I’m looking. Eyes first. Should be easy. Blind for thirty seconds, okay?”
Despite Koller’s erratic, frenetic energy and bloodstained floor, that was more informed consent than he’d ever gotten from Dr. Markovic or Sarif. “Yeah. Go ahead.”
“Tři, dva, jeden…” Darkness. He suppressed a flinch and counted breaths. In, out, in, out. It was like staring down the pit of Panchaea, underwater, before he’d looked desperately upwards and seen the sky, that tiny, distant, hopeless hope—nope. Just breathe. In, out. In, out. His eyes turned back on like a thrown switch. In and out and he was okay.
“Try now!” Koller said, oblivious to his brush with panic. He clenched his eyeballs in the way that made smart vision activate, and there indeed it was.
“Nice. Good work.”
Koller preened visibly, then ducked his head, abashed. “No problem. I turn it off and on again, it’s all. Now Icarus… Hmmm. Okay, I see him. Mister Sarif is maybe not so smart as I thought. This one is tricky because reboot will require immediate activation. I will use laptop—we can go to the roof.”
“Activation… Christ. You’re joking.”
“I never joke!” said Koller, hand to his heart. “Okay, sometimes I joke. A lot. But not about patients. It’s seven or eight meters—those legs will be fine if anything goes wrong. Not that it will!”
“Save it for last, I guess. The cloak?”
Koller’s fingers hammered his keyboard again. “Running diagnostic… and… oh. Needs recalibration. Augmentation has forgotten shape of user and creates conflict with shape of cloak field. I will provide manual override, if you want, but calibration is easy.”
“Manual override?”
“Takes more energy but lets you expand or contract the cloak field. Physics means only some changes are possible. Meanwhile, I hit calibrate, you stand in the middle of empty space, and the field detects its own interference with you. No problem.”
“Sure. Give it to me.”
A new icon appeared in his HUD before shrinking away to nothing. “Play with it when you like. Now, I set for thirty-second delay, and… go.” Koller unplugged the cable and ushered him past a cluttered little bedroom to a flat, uncluttered patch of concrete near the sewer. He stood and waited, still as a statue. His cloak activated, but rather than hiding him, it picked out the surface of his body and clothes in golden tessellations. They rippled over him, a geometric wave of light, before fading away.
“Will it still hide my guns?” he asked.
“Yes, profiles for most weapons are built-in, or the cloak will read them from the smart link. This is for baseline. You should be okay now! Try it! I want to see. Or, see not seeing? Is like Cheshire man, I think. Smile!”
He did not smile, let alone match Koller’s manic grin, but he triggered the cloak. It worked, all right, and he became smoothly invisible to himself—although the damn thing still chewed through his energy reserves. He turned it off promptly. Koller was hopping up and down with delight, clapping his hands with a metallic clangor.
“So coooooool… okay! Now you jump off the roof, yes? Yes!”
Jensen buried his face in his palms. “Yeah. Fine. Let’s go.”
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nelpretechc · 2 months
The Role of First Article Inspection in Chicago
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In Chicago's diverse manufacturing landscape, maintaining stringent quality standards is paramount to success. First Article Inspection (FAI) services play a crucial role in this process, ensuring that the initial products off the production line meet all specified requirements. Let's delve into how FAI supports quality assurance and compliance in Chicago, alongside the integration of advanced technologies such as 3D scanning Chicago and industrial CT scanning.At the heart of ensuring these standards are met lies the crucial process of First Article Inspection (FAI). This comprehensive quality control procedure plays a pivotal role in verifying that the initial products off the production line meet all specified requirements and standards. Moreover, the integration of advanced technologies such as 3D scanning and industrial CT scanning further enhances the accuracy, efficiency, and reliability of FAI processes, thereby bolstering quality assurance and compliance across various industries.
Understanding First Article Inspection (FAI)
First Article Inspection involves a comprehensive quality control procedure applied to the very first product manufactured according to finalized design specifications. This initial inspection verifies that the design, engineering, and manufacturing processes align seamlessly, guaranteeing that the product meets all necessary criteria before full-scale production begins. In industries where safety, reliability, and precision are critical—such as aerospace, defense, and medical device manufacturing—FAI ensures that stringent quality standards are upheld from the outset.First Article Inspection is a meticulous quality control process applied to the very first product manufactured according to finalized design specifications. It serves as a critical checkpoint to ensure that the design, engineering, and manufacturing processes align seamlessly, thereby guaranteeing that the product meets all necessary criteria before full-scale production commences. Industries where safety, reliability, and precision are paramount, such as aerospace, defense, and medical device manufacturing, heavily rely on FAI to uphold stringent quality standards from the outset.
Benefits of First Article Inspection
Quality Assurance: FAI ensures that the manufactured product meets customer and industry standards right from the start. By inspecting the first article, manufacturers can identify and rectify any deviations or issues early in the production cycle, minimizing the risk of non-conformities and ensuring consistent quality throughout subsequent production runs.
Cost Savings: Identifying and addressing manufacturing flaws or compliance issues early through FAI prevents costly rework, scrap, and potential product recalls. This proactive approach not only saves time and resources but also enhances overall production efficiency and profitability.
Baseline for Quality Testing: The first article serves as a benchmark for all subsequent quality testing and validation processes. By meticulously examining dimensions, materials, and functional features, FAI provides a thorough assessment that validates the product's ability to meet performance expectations and regulatory requirements.
Accreditation and Regulatory Compliance
In Chicago, reputable FAI service providers adhere to rigorous accreditation standards, such as those set by organizations like A2LA (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation). These accreditations ensure that inspection bodies maintain competence, operational integrity, and adherence to international standards such as ISO/IEC 17025. This commitment to accreditation underscores the reliability and credibility of FAI services, providing manufacturers with confidence in the accuracy and impartiality of inspection results.Accreditation ensures that inspection bodies demonstrate competence, maintain operational integrity, and adhere to stringent quality management practices. This commitment to accreditation underscores the reliability and credibility of FAI results, instilling confidence in manufacturers regarding the accuracy and impartiality of inspection outcomes.
Integration with Advanced Technologies
Alongside traditional inspection methods, FAI services in Chicago leverage advanced technologies to enhance accuracy and efficiency. Integration with 3D scanning and industrial CT scanning capabilities allows for more comprehensive dimensional analysis, detection of internal defects, and verification of complex geometries. These technologies not only augment FAI processes but also enable deeper insights into product quality and performance, supporting informed decision-making and continuous improvement initiatives.
3D Scanning
At the forefront of modern quality control lies 3D scanning technology, which enables manufacturers to capture precise, detailed digital representations of physical objects with exceptional accuracy. In Chicago, numerous specialized 3D scanning companies offer services tailored to the unique needs of different sectors. These companies utilize state-of-the-art equipment and software to conduct comprehensive scans of components, prototypes, and assemblies, thereby ensuring that every aspect of the product meets stringent quality standards.
Industrial CT Scan
In addition to surface scanning, industrial CT scanning has emerged as a pivotal tool for non-destructive testing and inspection. This technology allows for the internal examination of objects in 3D, revealing internal structures and detecting potential defects such as voids, cracks, or inclusions. Manufacturers in Chicago leverage industrial CT scans to ensure the integrity of complex components, particularly those used in critical applications where reliability is paramount.
Advancing Quality Assurance Through Integration
The integration of advanced inspection technologies—3D scanning, dimensional inspection, and industrial CT scanning—enables comprehensive FAI. FAI plays a crucial role in validating the initial production units against design specifications. It helps identify early-stage manufacturing issues, ensuring that products meet rigorous quality standards from the outset. This proactive approach not only minimizes the risk of costly rework and recalls but also enhances overall production efficiency and customer satisfaction.
In conclusion, First Article Inspection is integral to ensuring quality compliance and operational excellence in Chicago's manufacturing sector. By combining meticulous inspection protocols with advanced technological capabilities, FAI services empower manufacturers to deliver products that meet the highest standards of reliability, safety, and precision. As the manufacturing landscape continues to evolve, the integration of FAI alongside 3D scanning, dimensional inspection, and industrial CT scan positions Chicago at the forefront of innovation and quality assurance in global markets.First Article Inspection is integral to ensuring quality compliance and operational excellence in Chicago's manufacturing sector. By combining meticulous inspection protocols with advanced technological capabilities, FAI services empower manufacturers to deliver products that meet the highest standards of reliability, safety, and precision. As the manufacturing landscape continues to evolve, the integration of FAI alongside 3D scanning, dimensional inspection, and industrial CT scanning positions Chicago at the forefront of innovation and quality assurance in global markets.
By embracing these cutting-edge tools and methodologies, companies in Chicago not only uphold their commitment to quality but also strengthen their competitive edge in the global marketplace. The future of manufacturing excellence lies in leveraging advanced technologies to drive continuous improvement and meet the evolving demands of industry and consumers alike.
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14 Common Lung Diseases
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Lung diseases represent some of the most severe health threats globally. The rise of industrialization, environmental pollution, and tobacco usage significantly contribute to the prevalence of these diseases. This article, outlines the most common lung diseases, their symptoms, causes, and treatments.
1. Pneumonia
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Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung parenchyma caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or other pathogens. It poses a significant risk to the elderly, immunocompromised individuals, and those with chronic conditions but can also affect healthy individuals. Pneumonia can be classified based on the causative agent, such as bacterial pneumonia (e.g., Streptococcus pneumoniae), viral pneumonia (e.g., influenza virus), or fungal pneumonia (e.g., Pneumocystis jirovecii).
Cough with sputum
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Sweating and shaking chills
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea (less common)
Diagnosis Diagnosis of pneumonia typically involves a combination of patient history, physical examination, chest X-rays, and sputum cultures. Blood tests may also be conducted to identify the causative agent.
Treatment Depending on the cause, treatments may include:
Antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia.
Antiviral medications for viral pneumonia.
Antifungal therapies for fungal pneumonia. Supportive care such as rest, fluids, and over-the-counter medications to reduce fever and manage pain can also alleviate symptoms. In severe cases, hospitalization may be required to provide intravenous antibiotics, oxygen therapy, or mechanical ventilation.
2. Bronchitis
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Bronchitis involves the inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs. It can be acute, often following colds or the flu, or chronic, usually resulting from smoking or long-term exposure to irritants like pollution or dust.
Persistent cough (productive or dry)
Sputum production (clear, white, yellowish-gray, or green)
Shortness of breath
Slight fever and chills
Chest discomfort
Diagnosis Diagnosis typically involves a physical examination, where a doctor listens to the patient’s lungs with a stethoscope. Additional tests, such as a chest X-ray, sputum tests, or pulmonary function tests, may be conducted to rule out other conditions like pneumonia or asthma.
Acute bronchitis: Symptomatic treatment includes rest, fluids, and over-the-counter pain relievers and cough medications. Inhalers or nebulizers may be prescribed to ease breathing.
Chronic bronchitis: Management may involve bronchodilators, steroids, and pulmonary rehabilitation. Smoking cessation and avoiding lung irritants are crucial for treatment.
3. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
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COPD is a progressive, irreversible disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the airways, primarily due to smoking, environmental pollutants, or long-term exposure to respiratory irritants. COPD includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema, conditions that often coexist and lead to airflow obstruction.
Chronic cough
Sputum production
Shortness of breath, especially during physical activities
Chest tightness
Frequent respiratory infections
Unintended weight loss (in advanced stages)
Diagnosis COPD is diagnosed through a combination of patient history, physical examination, and spirometry, a test that measures the amount of air a person can exhale and how quickly they can do so. Chest X-rays, CT scans, and arterial blood gas analysis may also be used.
Prevention and Treatment Preventive measures include:
Smoking cessation
Vaccinations (influenza and pneumococcal vaccines)
Reducing exposure to lung irritants
Treatments involves;
Bronchodilators to relax the muscles around the airways
Inhaled steroids to reduce airway inflammation
Pulmonary rehabilitation programs
Oxygen therapy for severe cases
Surgery (e.g., lung volume reduction surgery or lung transplant) in advanced cases
4. Lung Cancer
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Lung cancer involves the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells in the lung tissues. Major risk factors include smoking, exposure to secondhand smoke, exposure to carcinogens (e.g., asbestos, radon), and genetic predisposition.
Small cell lung cancer (SCLC): Often linked to heavy smoking, SCLC is aggressive and spreads quickly.
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): More common and includes subtypes such as adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma.
Persistent cough
Chest pain
Weight loss
Hemoptysis (coughing up blood)
Shortness of breath
Bone pain (in advanced stages)
Headache (if cancer spreads to the brain)
Diagnosis Diagnosis involves imaging tests (chest X-rays, CT scans, PET scans), sputum cytology, and tissue biopsy. Molecular testing may be done to identify specific genetic mutations that can be targeted with specific treatments.
Surgery to remove the tumor or part of the lung
Chemotherapy to kill cancer cells
Radiation therapy to destroy cancer cells or shrink tumors
Targeted drug therapies to attack specific genetic changes in cancer cells
Immunotherapy to help the immune system fight cancer
5. Pleurisy
Pleurisy, or pleuritis, is the inflammation of the pleura, the tissue lining the lungs and chest cavity. It can be caused by infections (viral, bacterial, or fungal), injuries, autoimmune diseases (e.g., lupus, rheumatoid arthritis), or other underlying conditions.
Sharp, stabbing chest pain that worsens with breathing, coughing, or sneezing
Shortness of breath
Fever (if infection is present)
Diagnosis Diagnosis involves a physical examination, chest X-rays, ultrasound, CT scans, and blood tests to identify the underlying cause. Thoracentesis, a procedure to remove and analyze pleural fluid, may be performed.
Treatment Treatment depends on the underlying cause and may include:
Antibiotics for bacterial infections
Antiviral medications for viral infections
Anti-inflammatory medications (e.g., NSAIDs) to reduce pain and inflammation
Pain management with medications
Thoracentesis to drain excess fluid from the pleural space
6. Pulmonary Embolism
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A pulmonary embolism (PE) occurs when a blood clot, usually originating in the legs (deep vein thrombosis), travels to the lungs, blocking blood flow and causing tissue damage. Risk factors include prolonged immobility, surgery, cancer, and certain genetic conditions.
Sudden shortness of breath
Chest pain (may be sharp and worsen with deep breathing or coughing)
Cough (sometimes with bloody sputum)
Rapid or irregular heartbeat
Lightheadedness or dizziness
Leg pain or swelling (if DVT is present)
Diagnosis: Diagnosis involves imaging tests such as chest X-rays, CT pulmonary angiography, and ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scans. D-dimer blood tests and ultrasound of the legs may also be conducted.
Treatment Immediate treatment includes:
Anticoagulants (blood thinners) to prevent further clotting
Thrombolytics (clot-dissolving medications) for severe cases
Surgical or catheter-based procedures to remove the clot
Long-term anticoagulation therapy to prevent recurrence
7. Pulmonary Edema
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Pulmonary edema is the accumulation of fluid in the lung alveoli, making breathing difficult. It can result from heart failure (cardiogenic pulmonary edema), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), or exposure to high altitudes (non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema).
Difficulty breathing (dyspnea), especially when lying down
Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
Wheezing or gasping for breath
Coughing up frothy, pink-tinged sputum
Excessive sweating
Cyanosis (bluish skin or lips)
Diagnosis Diagnosis involves physical examination, chest X-rays, and blood tests. Echocardiography and pulmonary artery catheterization may be used to determine the underlying cause and severity.
Treatment Treatment involves addressing the underlying cause and may include:
Diuretics to remove excess fluid
Medications to improve heart function (for cardiogenic pulmonary edema)
Supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation
Treating underlying conditions such as infections or high altitude exposure
8. Pulmonary Fibrosis
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Pulmonary fibrosis is the thickening and scarring of lung tissue, leading to reduced oxygen absorption. Causes include chronic exposure to environmental pollutants, infections, genetic factors, and autoimmune diseases (e.g., scleroderma).
Shortness of breath (dyspnea)
Persistent dry cough
Unexplained weight loss
Aching muscles and joints
Clubbing (widening and rounding) of the fingertips or toes
Diagnosis Diagnosis involves a combination of patient history, physical examination, imaging tests (chest X-rays, high-resolution CT scans), pulmonary function tests, and sometimes lung biopsy. Blood tests may be used to identify underlying autoimmune diseases.
Treatment While there is no cure for pulmonary fibrosis, treatments focus on symptom management and slowing progression:
Medications such as pirfenidone and nintedanib to slow disease progression
Oxygen therapy
Pulmonary rehabilitation
Lung transplant in severe cases
9. Pneumoconiosis
Pneumoconiosis is a lung disease caused by inhaling dust particles, such as asbestos, silica, or coal dust, leading to lung scarring. It is a type of occupational lung disease commonly seen in miners, construction workers, and industrial workers.
Chronic cough
Shortness of breath
Chest tightness
Progressive loss of lung function
Diagnosis: Diagnosis involves a detailed occupational history, physical examination, chest X-rays, and CT scans. Pulmonary function tests may also be conducted to assess the extent of lung damage.
Treatment Treatment includes:
Avoiding further exposure to dust
Medications to manage symptoms, such as bronchodilators and corticosteroids
Respiratory therapies
Pulmonary rehabilitation
10. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)
PAH is a form of high blood pressure affecting the arteries in the lungs and the right side of the heart. It can be idiopathic, familial, or associated with other conditions such as connective tissue diseases, congenital heart disease, or chronic liver disease.
Breathing difficulties (dyspnea), especially during physical activities
Dizziness or fainting (syncope)
Chest pain
Swelling in the ankles, legs, and abdomen (edema)
Cyanosis (bluish lips and skin)
Diagnosis Diagnosis involves echocardiography, right heart catheterization, chest X-rays, and CT scans. Blood tests and pulmonary function tests may also be conducted to assess lung and heart function.
Treatment Treatment strategies include:
Medications to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow, such as endothelin receptor antagonists, phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, and prostacyclin analogs
Diuretics to reduce fluid retention
Oxygen therapy
Anticoagulants to prevent blood clots
In severe cases, surgical procedures such as atrial septostomy or lung transplant
11. Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in the CFTR gene, leading to thick, sticky mucus buildup in the lungs and other organs. This results in frequent infections, respiratory issues, and digestive problems.
Persistent cough with thick mucus
Recurrent lung infections
Wheezing or shortness of breath
Poor growth and weight gain in children
Salty-tasting skin
Severe constipation
Frequent greasy, bulky stools
Diagnosis Diagnosis involves genetic testing, sweat chloride tests, and newborn screening. Pulmonary function tests, chest X-rays, and sputum cultures may also be conducted to assess lung health.
Treatment Management includes:
Medications to thin mucus, antibiotics to treat infections, and bronchodilators to open airways
Chest physiotherapy to clear mucus
Enzyme supplements and high-calorie diets to manage digestive issues
Newer therapies targeting the underlying genetic defect, such as CFTR modulators
12. Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
RDS primarily affects premature infants due to a lack of surfactant, a substance necessary to keep the lungs open and facilitate gas exchange. Risk factors include premature birth, maternal diabetes, and multiple births.
Rapid, shallow breathing
Grunting sounds while breathing
Nasal flaring
Chest retractions (pulling in of the chest muscles)
Cyanosis (bluish color of the skin and mucous membranes)
Diagnosis Diagnosis involves clinical assessment, chest X-rays, and blood gas analysis to measure oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. Prenatal tests can also help identify at-risk pregnancies.
Treatment Treatment includes:
Surfactant replacement therapy to improve lung function
Mechanical ventilation or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to support breathing
Oxygen therapy
Supportive care such as fluids and nutrition
13. Sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis is characterized by the growth of granulomas (small clusters of inflammatory cells) in the lungs and other organs, likely as an immune response to unknown triggers. The exact cause remains unclear, but genetic and environmental factors are believed to play a role.
Dry cough
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Swollen lymph nodes
Skin lesions (e.g., erythema nodosum)
Diagnosis Diagnosis involves a combination of patient history, physical examination, chest X-rays, CT scans, and pulmonary function tests. Biopsy of affected tissues may be performed to confirm the presence of granulomas.
Treatment While sarcoidosis is often self-limiting and may resolve without treatment, severe cases may require:
Corticosteroids to reduce inflammation
Immunosuppressive medications (e.g., methotrexate, azathioprine)
Antimalarial drugs (e.g., hydroxychloroquine) for skin lesions
Regular monitoring and follow-up care to manage chronic cases
14. Asthma
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Definition and Causes: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition of the airways, causing episodes of wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness, often triggered by allergens, exercise, cold air, or respiratory infections. Genetic and environmental factors contribute to its development.
Shortness of breath
Chest tightness
Coughing, especially at night or early morning
Increased mucus production
Diagnosis: Diagnosis involves a detailed medical history, physical examination, and lung function tests (spirometry, peak flow measurement). Allergy testing and chest X-rays may also be conducted to identify triggers and rule out other conditions.
Treatment Management includes:
Avoiding known triggers
Inhalers (bronchodilators for quick relief, corticosteroids for long-term control)
Long-term control medications (e.g., leukotriene modifiers, long-acting beta agonists)
Immunotherapy (allergy shots) for severe allergies
Asthma action plans to manage symptoms and prevent attacks
Lung diseases encompass a wide range of conditions, each with distinct causes, symptoms, and treatments. Preventive measures such as avoiding smoking, reducing exposure to environmental pollutants, and timely vaccinations can significantly reduce the risk of developing many of these diseases. Early diagnosis and appropriate management are crucial in improving outcomes and quality of life for individuals affected by lung diseases. For personalized medical advice and treatment, consult with healthcare professionals.
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nuadox · 7 months
oVert: Thousands of natural history specimens have undergone CT scanning by scientists, and these scans are available for free
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- By Nuadox Crew -
The openVertebrate (oVert) project, a six-year collaboration among 18 institutions, has completed the CT scanning of over 13,000 vertebrate specimens, making 3D reconstructions freely accessible online.
Video: "Scientists CT scanned thousands of natural history specimens, which you can access for free" by Florida Museum, YouTube.
These scans offer unprecedented access to natural history specimens, enabling researchers, educators, artists, and the public to explore biodiversity and conduct scientific inquiries remotely.
The project, funded primarily by the National Science Foundation, aims to democratize access to museum collections, reducing wear on physical specimens while increasing their utility.
Through such CT scans, surprising discoveries have been made, such as the presence of bony plates on the tails of spiny mice, previously thought to be unique to armadillos. The data has also revealed insights into evolutionary history and the biology of various species, including the discovery of dental patterns in frogs and insights into the behavior of Spinosaurus dinosaurs.
Additionally, the project has educational and artistic applications, with teachers using the data in classrooms and artists creating replicas based on the 3D models.
Moving forward, the challenge lies in developing sophisticated tools to analyze the vast amount of data generated by the project, with initiatives like NoCTURN aimed at maximizing the use of CT scan data for research, education, and industry.
Header image: The openVertebrate project, a five-year initiative supported by the National Science Foundation, aimed to provide scientists, students, teachers, and the public with free access to 3D models of museum specimens. Credit: openVertebrate.
Source: Florida Museum of Natural History
Full study: David Blackburn et al, Increasing the impact of vertebrate scientific collections through 3D-imaging: the openVertebrate (oVert) Thematic Collections Network, BioScience (2023). DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biad120
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yumeka-sxf · 1 year
Off to Anime Expo 2023!
My ITA backpack is ready!
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And in case my favorite anime wasn't obvious enough already, I also put some pins on my badge lanyard!
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So yeah, later today I'll be heading to Anime Expo (also known as AX), which is arguably the biggest anime convention in North America. Since I live near Los Angeles, I've been to the expo many times...this will be my thirteenth year attending! I've even saved all of my AX badges over the years ;)
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(if you're wondering why I had to blur out parts of the badges, it's because they used to be personalized with every attendee's full name and city/state. They stopped doing that in 2015).
Even though I've been to AX many times, this will be my first convention since the pandemic, so I'm especially looking forward to it.
These are the events I'm planning to attend (emphasis on SxF related events of course):
Day 1, July 1st
-Spy x Family Panel featuring Takuya Eguchi
Start: 5:00PM End: 5:50PM
Day 2, July 2nd
-Production I.G x WIT
Start: 12:00PM End: 12:50PM
Day 3, July 3rd
-Bushiroad Panel
Start: 11:30AM End: 12:20PM
-Crunchyroll Industry Panel
Start: 3:30PM End: 4:50PM
Any time I have in between panels will be spent in the Exhibit Hall, where 100+ vendors will be selling all manner of anime goods, or Artist Alley, where 100+ artists will be selling their works. And when those places close in the evenings, I'll probably hang out in the Tabletop Gaming room playing Weiss Schwarz and Osica.
Obviously the SxF panel on Day 1 is my top priority. That would still be the case even if Eguchi wasn't part of it, but the fact that he will be there makes me even more excited! But anyone who's been to big fan conventions knows how crazy crowds can be, and unless an event has reservation tickets or something (which this one doesn't) it's all first come first serve. I know I'll have to get there at least a few hours early to ensure I can get a seat. This year AX will not be clearing rooms before or after most events, so that could help. Fingers crossed I can get in! The other events I want to attend will be crowded too, but not as bad as this one. I'm hopeful we'll get a sneak peek of SxF season 2...we've already gotten a movie trailer, and the movie comes out months after season 2, so maybe they're saving the season 2 teaser for AX!
Unfortunately I've been dealing with a health issue for the past month that has yet to be resolved. After weeks of pain in my gut and battling ongoing fatigue, I finally got a CT scan today and found out I have inflammation in my colon. I just started taking antibiotics that will hopefully get rid of it, but if not I'll have to get a colonscopy for further inspection. I wish I felt better so I could enjoy myself more, but I know I'll feel at least a little better once the adrenaline and excitement kicks in. Just keeping my fingers crossed that I don't get worse during the trip...I've been looking forward to this all year and would be devastated if it was ruined!
Anyway, I definitely plan to blog about my time at AX. Unfortunately most of the big events, especially ones with exclusive content, don't usually allow photos or video. But I'll do the best I can even if I can only recount my experiences in text! I'll try to make posts while I'm actually at the expo, but depending on how things go, I might not be able to do the bulk of my posting until after I return. However, I do plan to make more sporadic, real-time posts on my Twitter, so follow me there if you're interested!
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oldcoyote · 1 year
Have you managed to book an MRI scan after all? Are you feeling better?
i did manage to get an MRI! they had to send me to another location with a different machine, but i did get it in the end. turns out i have a bad disc in my c4 c-spine causing the problem and needed a guided CT steroid injection to reduce the inflammation which should remove the numbness and the buzzing in my hand. the place that does the injection couldn't fit me in for ages, and when my appointment finally did come up i was too sick with a bad headcold to go in, so it's all still up in the air. hopefully eventually i can get in.
i also managed to find a place to do my scope, so it's all working out, but i still hate that i had to go through what i did go through to get here. fatphobia in the medical industry is horrific, and i just need to brace myself better for that going ahead
thank you so much for caring, love <3
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steampunkforever · 10 months
As someone simply not a fan of socialist healthcare (bad experiences overall) I gotta say that the insurance companies in American healthcare really should step up their game if they want to keep making claims about quality of care.
It's easy to say "tough cookies to those rubes who can't afford it, I'm not giving up my quality of care." Most arguments about healthcare as a human right are about having empathy, therefore rendering themselves ineffectual because, outside of people who should probably join a monastic order, the American public is not going to degrade the quality of their healthcare in order to help out the faceless "underprivileged." They hardly help out the underprivileged whose faces they can see.
The thing is that the healthcare sucks! I'd take a bargain brand Italian medical system CT scan that takes forever to get scheduled for over the American option simply because American healthcare simply is not that much better. I have good insurance and it still sucks. There's basically nothing to lose, and significant money to save. Obamacare was a disaster because it didn't privatize the insurance you did get. Do it right this time.
At this point higher taxes aren't gonna magically dwarf what I'm already paying, and frankly it's gotten bad enough that Trump-voting Republican veteran friends of mine have told me they'd rather have the sub-par VA government healthcare expanded nationally rather than deal with the private health insurance industry. Private insurance companies can talk to me when they put out a product worth the price.
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