#industrie 4.0
md000001 · 9 months
CIO in the know: Exploring the Impact of Remote Work and Industry 4.0 with Martin Davis
Checkout the latest post on our sister site, where Martin sits down with Tim Crawford of AVOA to discuss remote work, digital transformation, and Industry 4.0 in a 30 minute podcast. CLICK HERE: https://martindavis01.wordpress.com/2023/09/25/cio-in-the-know-podcast/ Podcast image
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arbeitswirtschaft · 1 year
Mensch im Mittelpunkt ?
Die Diskussion um den arbeitenden Menschen und daß dieser wirklich im Mittelpunkt steht in den Unternehmen, wird gerne geführt. Und meist steht auf der Unternehmens-Charta irgendwas davon in salbungsvollen Worten. Doch die Realität sieht anders aus. Bei vielen Unternehmen steht der Mensch so sehr im Mittelpunkt, daß man versucht ihn zu ersetzen. Bei immer günstigeren Investitionskosten stehen einfachere Arbeitsplätze zunehmend im Fokus. Dort steht dann der Mitarbeiter ebenfalls besonders im Mittelpunkt, was seine Leistung und Produktivität angeht. Genau diese Bedrohung des Arbeitsplatzes sollte Grund genug sein, über Produktivität und Leistung zu sprechen und alles daran zu setzen, diese zu erhöhen und hochzuhalten. Aber nicht nur die ganz einfachen Arbeitsplätze sind bedroht. Auch komplexere Systeme wie z.B. Lager und Kommissionierbereiche werden zunehmend automatisiert. Dort handelt es sich dann aber um hohe Investitionskosten, ein „einfacher“ Roboter reicht hier nicht. Trotzdem muß jedem dort Verantwortlichen klar sein: die Lösungen gibt es, menschliche Arbeitsplätze stehen auch hier zunehmend unter dem „Industrie-4.0-Druck“. Um so wichtiger ist es, genau auch an solchen „Schwellensystemen“ alles daran zu setzen, daß die „menschliche“ Arbeit dort mit hoher Produktivität vonstatten geht. Methoden wie z.B. die moderne Arbeitswirtschaft, flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle und Prämienlohnmodelle als Anreiz sind die Schlüsselelemente dazu. Und Betriebsräte sollten auch hier alles tun, um diese Arbeitsplätze zu erhalten. Und das geht eben nur, wenn auch sie die Methoden zur Produktivitätssteigerung unterstützen statt von „Leistungsverdichtung“ oder ähnlichem zu reden. Denn sonst steht bald der Mensch wieder im Mittelpunkt, allerdings im Mittelpunkt der Freisetzung.
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highlands11 · 2 years
penser la ville grâce à d'autres villes.
Temps de lecture : 5 minutesmots-clés : valencia, Charleroi, Mons, La Louvière, transports, villes créatives, intelligence, industrie 4.0 Chers lecteurs, Mon travail rédactionnel sur ce Blog vous a déjà largement parlé de la question des villes créatives : Legoland à Charleroi, bonne ou mauvaise nouvelle ?, 25 mars 2021 When an urban planner is  becoming a fortune teller, 22 avril 2019 Do…
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Ball Valve Market- Innovation, Automation, and Cost-Effective Smart Valves
In the coming decade ball valve market is anticipated to grow with a lucrative CAGR, making it an essential component in many applications. Several leading industries looking for high-quality ball valves in their regular operations.
Ball valves are essential tools in Industry 4.0 with responsibility for fluid transport and control. Safe and reliable flow is ensured by ball valves. Water purification, energy production, and oil refineries are some applications where ball valves emerged as absolutely important. These are cost-effective and easy to operate. Air-tight closures make them safe to use in case of high temperature and pressure.
The shifting global economy focused on meeting rapid changes in evolving industries. The ball valve market is driven by trends and technologies due to manufacturers who consistently keep innovating their products. Leading ball valve market players consistently focused on increasing their capacity and efficiency to meet customer demands. Considerable investment is made in R&D activities to make future ball valves cost-effective.
Ball valve companies are rethinking safety measures for greater leak protection and longevity. The introduction of artificial intelligence and robotics has led to a lift-up precision factor in ball valves. Smart valves are more efficient and cost-effective for Industry 4.0.
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Revolutionizing Manufacturing: Top Trends to Watch in 2023
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The manufacturing industry faced several challenges in 2022, including disruptions in the supply chain, transportation difficulties, worker shortages, and inflation. As a manufacturing company, it is essential to stay informed about the emerging industrial developments to prevent the issues that plagued the industry last year.
However, one thing we can tell you for sure is, having the right technology in place can bring you closer to gaining a competitive edge and adapting to the changing industry dynamics. To help manufacturing businesses gain this edge, we offer next generation SAP ERP solution.
What are some technological trends the manufacturing industry can expect in 2023?
Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation
Industry 4.0 and digital transformation will continue to be major drivers of innovation in the manufacturing industry in 2023. With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and other advanced technologies, manufacturers will have unprecedented access to real-time data, which will enable them to optimize their operations and improve efficiency. By integrating digital technologies across the entire supply chain, manufacturers will be able to achieve greater flexibility, agility, and responsiveness to changing market demands.
Advanced Robotics and Automation
As the cost of robotics and automation technology continues to decrease, we can expect to see an increased adoption of these technologies in the manufacturing industry. Robotics and automation can help manufacturers reduce labor costs, improve quality and consistency, and increase productivity. With the advent of more advanced robotics and automation systems, we can expect to see greater levels of collaboration between human workers and robots, as well as the development of more complex and sophisticated automation systems.
Sustainability and Green Manufacturing
As the world becomes increasingly aware of the impact of climate change, sustainability and green manufacturing will become more important in 2023. Manufacturers will need to find ways to reduce their environmental impact, including the use of renewable energy sources, the reduction of waste and emissions, and the adoption of sustainable materials and processes. Customers are also becoming more conscious of their environmental impact, which means that manufacturers who prioritize sustainability will be more competitive in the marketplace.
Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is a rapidly growing technology that is changing the way manufacturers design, prototype, and produce products. In 2023, we can expect to see an increased adoption of additive manufacturing technologies, particularly in industries such as aerospace, healthcare, and automotive. With the ability to produce highly complex parts and components on-demand, additive manufacturing will enable manufacturers to achieve greater levels of customization and flexibility.
Reshoring and Nearshoring
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the risks of global supply chains and the importance of resilience and agility in manufacturing. In 2023, we can expect to see more manufacturers exploring reshoring and nearshoring strategies to reduce their reliance on overseas suppliers and improve their ability to respond to changing market conditions. By bringing production closer to home, manufacturers can reduce lead times, improve quality control, and reduce transportation costs.
In conclusion, the manufacturing industry is set to undergo significant changes in 2023, driven by digital transformation, advanced robotics and automation, sustainability, additive manufacturing, and reshoring and nearshoring. Manufacturers who stay ahead of these trends will be better equipped to compete in an increasingly complex and competitive global marketplace.
If you want to transform your business by implementing latest solutions, get in touch with the team of Techscope Technologies.
Source: https://techscope.co.in/revolutionizing-manufacturing-top-trends-to-watch-in-2023/
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nitor-infotech · 2 years
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Technologies driving Industry 4.0
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sandesh1101 · 2 years
What does the Modern World of Manufacturing Automation mean?
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Evolving ways of life from generation to generation has caused the world to be dynamic. Technology has impacted this dynamic world significantly. Development in technology has served to become the foundation of adapting automation and virtual engagements over the years. Manufacturing is one of the major sectors that is continuing to benefit from advanced technology to meet the needs of global markets. 
It is crucial to define and learn about the Modern World and Manufacturing Automation to understand the relation between the two domains. Therefore, two questions are to be briefly answered. 
How is the Modern World perceived? 
What is Manufacturing Automation? 
How is the Modern World perceived? 
The modern world is often identified with sophistication in accomplishing tasks/jobs/projects / assignments or any work in general. Additionally, the Modern world is characterized by an era defining event/invention that has marked the sturdy transformation from the legendary to the new. Emerging technology and the progress in innovation occupies the position of an era defining event / invention. Therefore, the modern world can be perceived as a phase that has witnessed and benefitted from technological advancements. 
What is Manufacturing Automation? 
The use of equipment to automate production processes or systems is identified as manufacturing automation. The end goal of manufacturing automation is to enhance industry operations efficiency by increasing production capacity, reducing cost and achieving orderly factory maintenance with decreased unplanned downtime. 
Manufacturing automation has become more associated with the use of machines to reduce manual work. Electromechanical systems programmed to perform manufacturing processes are recognized to serve automation in manufacturing.   
Read More at : https://www.fogwing.io/blog/modern-world-of-manufacturing-automation/
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griffonatrix · 10 days
Stock photos in business publications are the best.
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Industry 4.0 !
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md000001 · 1 year
Cognitive Planning and #AI driven predictive analytics in #Manufacturing | IIoT World
IIOT World Manufacturing & Supply Chain Days, Dec 2022 It was a pleasure to be invited to join this distinguished panel at the IIOT World Manufacturing Day. A couple of the highlights of the discussion were: Predictive Analytics to predict manufacturing equipment failures Benefits of Predictive Maintenance How AI/ML can improve Manufacturing results Why a CEO should care about Manufacturing…
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arbeitswirtschaft · 2 years
Brauchen wir noch Vorgabezeiten?
Nein, war die Antwort auf diese Frage in den 80-er Jahren. „Humanisierung der Arbeit“ war das Programm in aller Munde. Der Gedanke vom aufrichtigen, ehrlichen und immer fleißigen Mitarbeiter war vorherrschend und ging soweit, daß man glaubte die moderne Produktion brauche dieses Mittel nicht mehr. Weit gefehlt. Denn die Leistungen wurden auch ohne Vorgaben nicht viel besser, Gruppenarbeit und „Demokratisierung“ zum Trotz. Im Gegenteil. Und mit zunehmender Einführung von ERP und PPS-Systemen wuchs die Erkenntnis, daß eine Kapazitäts- und Terminplanung eben doch Rechenwerte braucht. Und so erfuhren schon bald die Zeitaufnahmen eine Renaissance, zu Recht. Denn die Devise war und ist: miß es oder vergiß es. Leider kamen auch die ganzen unnötigen Dinge wieder mit, wie z.B. „Normalleistung“, „Leistungsgrad“ bzw. dessen Beurteilung. Und damit der Streit, ob man die Leistung des Mitarbeiters beeinflussen sollte oder gar dürfte. Ob man es überhaupt kann, war wieder ein anderes Thema. Sicher ist aber: mit der Vorgabezeit geht das nicht. Die Vorgabezeit ist kein Anreiz sondern nur ein Kalkulationswert. Und dieser Kalkulationswert wird auch in Zukunft benötigt werden. Der Leistungsgrad, der nicht gemessen sondern beurteilt (ich sage ganz klar: geschätzt!) wird, soll dann der Anreiz sein, aber nur wenn er gering ist. So wird man aber nicht besser, denn es wird nur die körperliche Leistung des Mitarbeiters geschätzt oder für gut befunden. Und bei „Gut“ gibt es dann nichts zu verbessern mehr. Und so führt das „Gut“ dazu, daß Verbesserungen dann plötzlich als negativ angesehen werden. Ja, Vorgaben werden benötigt für Analysen und Kalkulationen, es sind dann aber eben keinen „Vorgaben“ mehr sondern wertfreie Zeitwerte, Kalkulationswerte bzw. Kalkulationszeiten. Für eine Prämie jedoch oder als Anreiz taugen weder diese noch Vorgabezeiten mit eingebauten und teils willkürlichen Schätzungen.
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pingale · 13 days
Industry 4.0 marks a transformative era in the business landscape, reshaping how products are created, refined, and distributed. This paradigm shift involves the integration of cutting-edge technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning into manufacturing processes.
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drone9futuristic · 19 days
5G-Powered Drones: Ericsson, Qualcomm And Dronus Collaboration In Developing Autonomous Drone Solutions
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5G mmWave technology for industrial use. Ericsson, Qualcomm, and Dronus Collaboration in developing autonomous drone solutions. The world of industrial automation is on the cusp of a revolution, and at the forefront is a powerful combination, of 5G technology and autonomous drones.  A recent collaboration between Ericsson, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., and Dronus provides a glimpse into this exciting future.
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muenchkevin · 1 year
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trendingreportz · 21 days
Brazil Industry 4.0 Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Overview
Brazil Industry 4.0 Market size is forecasted to reach $6230.29 million by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 10.91% during the forecast period from 2022-2027. Industry 4. has become vital for all organizations owing to paradigm shift towards real time or near real-time process monitoring in the industrial sector. The growing emphasis towards high-speed machine-to-machine (M2M) communication on the factory floor coupled with the increasing investment in plant digitalization is set to drive the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market growth during the forecast period. In addition to this, adoption of various advanced technologies including augmented reality, cloud computing, enterprise resource planning, internet of things, robotics and others; across industry verticals such as oil and gas, transportation, energy, mining, utilities and so on, is set to drive system integration service market growth. Increasing penetration of industry 4.0 across the globe combining artificial intelligence, big data and analytics, 4G, 5G with operational technology as a part of addressing worker safety, optimizing field operations, and boosting maintenance productivity along with process efficiency in industrial environments is considered vital in driving the growth of Brazil industry 4.0 industry.
Report Coverage
The report: “Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Report– Forecast (2022-2027)” by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments in the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market.
By Offerings: Hardware, Software and Services (System Integration Services, Testing & Certification, Maintenance and Operational Services, Consulting and Others).
By Technology: Artificial Intelligence, Machine-to-Machine, Big Data and Analytics, Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, Autonomous Robots, SCADA, Simulation, Horizontal and vertical System Integration, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Internet of Things (IoT), Digital Twin, Advanced human-machine interfaces (HMI), Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) and Others.
By End-User: General Manufacturing, Transportations & Logistics, Medical & Pharmaceutical, Metal & Mining, Oil & Gas (Upstream, Midstream and Downstream), Automotive & Tire, Aerospace & Defence, Food & Beverage, Electronics & Semiconductors, Power (Power Generation, Power Distribution and Power Transmission), Construction, Agriculture (Seeding and Weeding, Monitoring, Fertilizer Application, Harvesting, Pruning, and Others), Water & Wastewater Treatment, Paper & Pulp, Chemical and Others.
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Key Takeaways
Big Data & Analytics held a significant market share in 2021 and is estimated to be the fastest segment during 2022-2027, owing to the shift of Brazil towards Industry 4.0, with industries such as oil, gas, minerals, and agriculture through the adoption of big data & analytics.
The market of Brazil Industry 4.0 is estimated to witness a significant upsurge during the forecast period, owing to the increasing adoption of advanced technologies such as predictive maintenance, data analytics, digital twins, artificial intelligence and others in the Oil & Gas sector.
This industry is consolidated with top market players including Iastech Automação De Sistemas Ltda, Simatec Tecnologia em Automacao Ltda, Techplus Automacao, Automind Automação, Greylogix Brasil among others.
Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Segment Analysis - by Offerings
Brazil's Industry 4.0 market is segmented into Hardware, Software and Services, based on offerings. According to the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market report of IndustyrARC, the Hardware segment held the major market share in 2021 of $1659.71 million and is estimated to reach $2978.08 million in 2027, with a CAGR of around 10.19% during the forecast period 2022-2027. The growth of this segment is mainly driven by the increasing adoption of industry 4.0 across industries and a growing inclination toward digitalization along with increasing investment. Furthermore, Industry standards that achieve higher levels of security to enable connected solutions in the factory are driving the need for hardware security. This is expected to boost market growth. The increasing popularity and high penetration rate among the end-user industries play a major role in offering incentives to the market players to take various strategic steps. For instance, in February 2021, ABB introduced the SWIFTI cobot, which combines a payload of 4 kg and a reach of up to 580 mm with the advantages of safe collaborative operation and convenience of use. This will offer up new opportunities for increased efficiency in a variety of sectors ranging from manufacturing to logistics and beyond, allowing more organizations to embrace automation. Such developments fuel the growth rate Brazil Industry 4.0 Market in the forecast period 2022-2027.
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Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Segment Analysis - by Technology
By Technology, the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market is segmented into Artificial Intelligence, Machine-to-Machine, Big Data and Analytics, Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, Autonomous Robots, SCADA, Simulation, Horizontal and vertical System Integration, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Internet of Things (IoT), Digital Twin, Advanced human-machine interfaces (HMI), Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) and Others. Big Data and Analytics segment held the major market share in 2021 of $474.28 million and is estimated to reach $834.86 million in 2027, with a CAGR of around 9.84% during the forecast period. Brazil is gradually moving toward Industry 4.0, with industries such as oil, gas, minerals, and agriculture expected to be early adopters of Big Data services. According to Software.org, 21 to 24 percent of Brazilian small and medium-sized businesses believe digitization will aid in the development of more personalized products and services. Such high penetration of advanced technologies and inclination towards digitalization will give incentives to the market players to take various steps to expand their business. Hence, the above-mentioned factors will drive the growth of this market during 2022-2027.
Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Segment Analysis – by End-user
Based on end-user, the market is segmented into General Manufacturing, Transportations & Logistics, Medical & Pharmaceutical, Metal & Mining, Oil & Gas, Automotive & Tire, Aerospace & Defence, Food & Beverage, Electronics & Semiconductors, Power, Construction, Agriculture, Water & Wastewater Treatment, Paper & Pulp, Chemical and Others. The metal and Mining segment held the major Brazil Industry 4.0 Market share in 2021 of $434.20 million and is estimated to reach $831.47 million in 2027, with a CAGR of around 11.40% during the forecast period. The value of digital technology in the mining industry is growing as companies look for ways to reduce geological uncertainty, market volatility, and operational hazards. Big data analytics and the internet of things (IoT) offer a unique opportunity to rethink existing processes and create new value. The metal and mining industry is now involved in connecting previously unconnected operational technology (OT), devices and systems, and information technology (IT) for data exchange and operational efficiency via IT/OT convergence, integrated sales and operational planning, agile supply chain, digital EHS monitoring, and performance parameters. According to the Ibram association, the mining industry in Brazil will invest $40.4 billion by 2026. This will help to improve the mining business in Brazil and, eventually, the Industry 4.0 market in Brazil. Such factors will drive the growth of this market.
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Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Drivers
Increasing proliferation of technologies like predictive maintenance, data analytics, digital twins, artificial intelligence and others in Oil & Gas sector fuels the growth:
Over the last few years, the oil & gas sector is undergoing a transition as leading players in this industry are adopting advanced technology to reshape their operating landscape and reap the benefits of improved productivity, higher efficiency, and increased cost savings. In order to decarbonize and optimize operations, the Brazilian O&G industry has started to take advantage of advanced technologies including cloud services, digital twins Internet of things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), among other digital services. Apart from that, the adoption of video surveillance complemented by advanced analytics and machine learning to improve operational efficiency as well as health and safety in the O&G sector can be considered vital in driving the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market growth forward. For instance, in November 2021, Brazil’s Petrobras, the leading oil, natural gas and derivatives exploration, production and distribution company, announced the plan of investing $68 Bn from 2022-2026 to boost oil production in the subsea pre-salt area by leveraging the advanced technologies to fulfill the demand of the customers. Such steps create a positive impact on the growth of this market.
The burgeoning demand for establishing a digital infrastructure in the mining sector is accelerating the growth of this market:
The Brazilian mining industry is opting for technological innovation to remain competitive while driving safety and transparency standards. Mining is of major importance to the Brazilian economy, having more than 3,000 mines spread across the national territory. The Brazilian mining industry is facing significant challenges due to plummeting commodity prices, lessening global demand and increasing safety and security risks. To reduce the effect of such challenges, miners need to improve safety, scale operations, improve operational processes, and enhance production, thereby driving the need for new business models and operating models. Leading mining companies in Brazil are harnessing the high computing power of digital technologies, including cloud-enabled mobility, big data-powered analytics and the industrial Internet of Things (IoT). This in turn drives the growth of this market. Furthermore, the increasing usage of robotics and penetration of automation with assisted and remote-control equipment and autonomous drilling and related process in the mining industry, to deliver safer and more effective mining performance, is fueling the growth of this market. In June 2021, Japan’s ITOCHU Corporation announced signing an MoU with the Brazilian CSN Group with the aim of promoting decarbonization and digital transformation (DX) for Casa de Pedra iron ore mines in Brazil. Such events trigger the growth of this market.
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Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Challenge
The lack of investments in digital infrastructure in Brazil is creating hurdles for the market growth
Even though the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market is growing rapidly, but the lack of investment for developing digital infrastructure in Brazil creates challenges for the growth of this market. The implementation of Industry 4.0 in Brazil is still a challenge owing to the lack of investment in IT infrastructure in the country. IT readiness and appropriate telecommunications infrastructure are necessary for Industry 4.0 to thrive across Brazil. The research conducted by CNI shows that the alarming point is that only 33% of companies in Brazil claim that no new investment is needed. Another survey report of CNI states that innovation benefits the production chain and the country, demonstrating impacting results for the companies involved and for the country's economy, but the reality in Brazil is approximately half of the companies are still considered industry 2.0. To shift it from industry 2.0 to industry 4.0, a huge amount of investment is required. Hence, the lack of investment creates challenges for this market.
Brazil Industry 4.0 Industry Outlook
Technology launches, acquisitions, Partnerships and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market. In 2021, the market of Brazil Industry 4.0 industry outlook has been fragmented by several companies. The top 10 companies in the Brazil Industry 4.0 include
Iastech Automacao De Sistemas Ltda
Simatec Tecnologia em Automacao Ltda
Techplus Automacao
Automind Automacao
Greylogix Brasil
Icone Tecnologia e Automacao
Automaton Automacao
Company 8
Company 9
Company 10
Recent Developments
In June 2021, Schneider Electric, a global leader in digital transformation and energy management and automation, inaugurated a new industrial automation laboratory in Brooklyn, south of São Paulo which was made in partnership with Westcon Instrumentation Industrial to simulate the industrial internet of things (IIoT) and industry 4.0 applications with augmented reality demonstrations.
In May 2020, Siemens announced its partnership with GreyLogix to produce respirators in-house for use in healthcare facilities in Brazil to help fight the coronavirus. The equipment featured Siemens solutions, with emphasis on the controllers and HMIs of the SIMATIC line and the power supplies of the SITOP line, and at the same time, GreyLogix ensured that the equipment produced followed the necessary medical requirements.
In March 2020, Schneider Electric announced to invest in the Titled High-Performance Machine journey based on Industry 4.0, by providing a series of training and workshops to support machine manufacturers and end users who want to improve performance and productivity and reduce costs in production processes in Brazil.
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sagorika · 24 days
What are the factors to consider when securing an industrial IoT network?
Let’s dive into the functionality, importance, conceptions and factors to secure an IIoT network. Why exactly did the IIoT become so important? How is it most needed for combating secrecy?  According to an article published in itransition, “Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) refers to integrating IoT technology (sensors, actuators, internet-connected devices) with manufacturing equipment to…
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saptutorials · 29 days
Navigating Industry 4.0 with SAP: A Journey Through Evolution and Innovation
Industry 4.0 with SAP is a dynamic phenomenon that is transforming modern business and manufacturing by indicating the convergence of digital technology, automated procedures, and data-driven practices. One of the leading suppliers of corporate software solutions, SAP (Systems, Applications and Products), is at the core of it. Over this revolutionary time of Industry 4.0, its progress has been…
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