#infected Aiden
deadfileinthecabinet · 11 months
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Infected Aiden.
Good Night, Good Luck and Hello whoever was unlucky enough to walk into that.
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bunnybeandraws · 1 year
Re-watched all of Slimecicles' Dying Light 2 playthrough in order to write this-
It was getting worse everyday, like a chill that had built at the base of his spine that crept upwards with each passing moment, making every hair stand on end.
Aiden didn't know how much time he had before he turned. Hell, maybe he already had turned, and this was just his life flashing before his eyes. Hard to tell in this world.
Every so often, he remembered Veronica. He could still taste her on his tongue, see clearly in his minds' eye just how easily her flesh tore beneath his teeth, the way her blood coated the underside of his nails.
It sickened him, made him want to vomit, but he forced the bile down for fear a chunk of her was still left.
It sickened him, and what sickened him even more was the small part of him, that little piece in the back of his mind that had enjoyed it.
That little bit, that monster that padded about its mental cage, clawing and screeching to get out… It wanted to run, to climb, to hunt. It could hear the call of its kin, and it so desperately wanted to call back.
He had immunity boosters, but how much longer would they last? Another month, another week, another minute of sanity before it all came tumbling down in a mess of blood and gore with him at the center.
He'd asked Hakon to leave long ago. The first few weeks of travel had been nice, but after a while it started to feel like pity upon a dying man, like helping someone tick off a bucket list before their inevitable passing.
But the Frenchman persisted. Followed him everywhere he went even when he tried to leave in the middle of the night like a dog who couldn't bear to be without its owner, lost and confused…
…No, comparing Hakon to a dog wasn't fair… Aiden would probably do the same if fate were different and the roles were reversed.
But they weren't. And he wanted nothing more than for the one person he'd grown to care about, to love to be safe. He'd lost too many already, he couldn't bear to see the inevitable look of confusion and hurt on his face before the light faded from those eyes he loved so much…
He tried to justify it to himself. This was how Pilgrims were, they went from place to place, wherever the wind took them, never forming strong bonds with anyone.
But it still hurt every time he slipped away, watching the UV light of whatever camp they had set up for the night fade from his view. The crackle of the fire grew weaker to his ears, drunken bar tunes growing softer and softer until inaudible.
Of course, Hakon would find him. It was a knack, an instinct he says. Or maybe Aiden had gotten that predictable, hard to say.
The sunlight was starting to hurt his skin, pulling involuntarily hisses and growls from somewhere deep in his throat. The UV lights were even worse, but the pain from those he pushed through, the purple glow the only thing preventing him from completely turning and joining the horde.
He could feel Hakons' heartbeat as they traveled, the way it went up when in danger or when he joked, and the way it went down when sat by the fire. He could smell the blood flowing beneath his feeble skin, something so easily torn by teeth and claw alike…
It scared him as much as it brought him an odd comfort. Being able to tell where the Frenchman was at any given time certainly made things much easier when out and about, and simply being near him brought Aiden comfort like nothing he'd felt before.
But for every small upside, the downsides looked so much worse… His mandibles had started to split, speech was more difficult, teeth had started to itch as they grew. A Howler would shriek, and he'd want to join the chase, catch the prey and keep it all to himself.
It was getting harder and harder to maintain that shred of humanity that kept him together, like constantly trying to reapply tape to something; the more it comes undone, the less likely it'll stick.
He started begging Hakon to leave for his own safety. He can handle himself, he's a Pilgrim… But the Frenchman, stubborn as he was skilled, stood by him.
Even as the urge to sink his sharpened teeth into his neck became borderline unbearable…
Aiden was scared. Scared of himself, scared of what he might do to the person he loved.
The night it happened, he ran, ran as fast as he could. Hakon just couldn't keep up, not like it'd stop him, but Aiden didn't care, he just wanted out.
He found an old house, barricaded himself inside. Even though it hurt, burned his skin and sent him reeling as he hissed and snarled, clawing at his own skin like that'd stop the pain, he turned on the UV lamp.
…With any luck, it'd kill him before he could turn…
He could do the deed himself, spare Hakon or whatever unlucky schmuck who happened to stumble across him the pain and difficulty of dealing with a Volatile…
…His hands were shaking too much… He'd never be able to hold the knife steady…
Why did it have to hurt? Why couldn't it be easy? Why couldn't he just fall asleep and never wake up as himself? Why did he have to feel every little part of his mind die, everything that made him a person fade away until only instinct remained?
He clung to whatever he could, but like sand in an hourglass it all fell through his fingers tips to pool around his feet like blood from his throbbing mouth…
Faces grew blurry first, and then voices, and then names, the same with places. Everything he had ever known sinking deeper and deeper into the depths of his subconscious, and then further after that…
…The one name he's more desperate to cling to then any other is Hakon… He never wanted to forget anyone, but especially not him, not after what they had been through…
Even if he lived the rest of his miserable goddamn existence as a mindless Volatile, that was the one thing he couldn't lose…
…He'd rather sink the blade into his skull now…
He clung like a drowning man to any memory of Hakon he could, from the dimples that appeared on his cheeks when he smiled, the little pauses and side glances when he was lying… The loving nicknames he'd call him in French, and the way he'd hold him at the risk of his own life…
…Little anecdotes of his life, his past and present, that he spoke of to ease the tension or pass the time or spin and weave into advice…
He clung to it all so tightly he was sure it was a physical thing, and it was only when he heard those calm words in his ear, that comforting scent filling his nose did he know it was…
…Maybe things wouldn't be so bad… Maybe he'd be okay…
...Good night and good luck, dear Pilgrim...
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fyther · 3 months
MCSM sculk white pumpkin Jesse au woohoo
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Last two doodles are just Aiden an Petra :D (who knew Aiden is so fun to draw?)
I'm finding it hard to not info dump because I want to actually write a fanfiction about it even though I am not experienced at writing fanfics (or writing for that matter, this is my first writing project I BETTER finish).
OK so basically everything is the same as the source material except, this Jesse never met WP, the events take place after deciding to hit the road with Petra, and together they find the ancient city.
They trigger and get attacked by the Warden and many sculkmobs. Jesse gets infected and flung into the city portal. Leaving him lost and desperate to get home.
I'm still in the works of fleshing out the story but the execution is mostly figured out. Along with the magic, portal, and infection system >:]
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dying-sun-light · 11 months
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and the sun loved the moon.
and the moon loved the sun.
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hozaloza · 2 months
When a crackship turned normal ship is becoming your comfort ship and it swims in your head 24/7
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I'm really considering gonna rewrite some of the infection AU just to include this dumb ship ☠️
Okay fr, it's not a big difference, so it's not like I had a drastic change
Anyways I'm pretty sure I've never shared this artwork for it here,,, here it is! Alex Laurier, caretaker of the kids, but mainly Ashlyn.
No matter what he is doing, if Ashlyn needs him or if he is tasked to do an assignment with Ashlyn, he must go, no ifs or buts.
We do not speak of his arm. No one speaks of the incident.
Infection Au lore drop here. No spoilers for the deep lore, just putting it behind a read more bc I can
In the facility, he was given access to an area where he does physical assignments with Ashlyn Banner. These are randomly assigned by the man who runs the research.
This all started when they took a field trip to Savannah, GA. The group was looking around, having fun, and overall having a great time. At some point, they remembered they had signed up for a tour in the area a week before the trip, and they decided to check if they even still had it opened. Luckily, they did, so the group walked to where the Sorrel-Weed house was and were met by a woman with piercings. She welcomed them in, checking that they were the group she was touring before beginning the tour. It was the usual biz; she gave facts, showed them rooms, and would discuss the paranormal activity of the house. While the tour guide was showing them the Francis Sorrel Library, her phone suddenly went off.
"Ah...I'm so sorry, this is my emergency phone. I have to get it." She picked up while walking out of the room. "Please stay here while I get this. Don't touch any of the items while I'm gone, I'll be right back!"
With that, the tour lady leaves.
She leaves the room to actually discuss an actual emergency (something was going on at the facility she worked at).
And while she was gone, Aiden decided to peak out the door to see where she went off to.
"Um, Aiden? What are you doing?" Logan asked. "Checking to make sure the coast is clear, duh" Aiden replied, walking out the door.
So, he forces the group to follow him so they could explore. Tay was all over for this idea, just wanting to look around.
While they looked around, Ashlyn got a strange feeling in her stomach. She felt as though they should head back to the room before the tour guide came back. But she didn't speak up. Eventually they make it to the basement (I'm assuming, idk I've never been to the Sorrel-Weed house), and Ashlyn senses a strange presence in the room. She looks over to where the phantom was in the canon, but nothing is there. "Whatcha looking at?" Aiden asked, scaring Ashlyn. "Ah! Stop sneaking up on me like that!" She yelled. Aiden turned to where she was looking at and started walking towards the room. "What are--" "Oooh, what's this?" Aiden interrupted. The others followed behind, and Ashlyn had no choice but to follow.
They saw a small plant like material in the corner, it's pattern sort of resembling a smile if you really squinted your eyes.
"Say, didn't Logan tell us his grandparents run a plant shop?" Aiden asked, "Um…it's flowers actu--" "Same thing! So, what kind of plant is it?" Aiden asked curiously. Logan took a closer look, but he scrunched his brows, stepping back. "I'm… I'm not sure. Looks nothing like what I've studied." "Maybe we can ask the tour guide when she finds us? She's bound to know--" Before Taylor finished her sentence, Aiden threw a book at the plant, which caused it to release a cloud of smoke. COUGH COUGH "AIDEN!! What the hell was that for?!" Tyler yelled out, gagging as he was unfortunately close to it. Aiden coughed harder than him, having been the one who got the most in his lungs. "I'm sorry! I got curious if it would do something when I threw a book at it!" "What did you think the plant was going to do?? Read us a bedtime story?" Ashlyn wheezed as she wiped the dust off her face. She observed it closely, wondering what the particles even were. 'This…. this doesn't look normal…' Ashlyn thought. "Excuse me?? What are you kids doing down here?? I told y'all to stay in the room!" The tour guide stated. The kids turned around, Whoops, they've been caught. Sigh "Never mind, y'all are young, I can't blame anybody. Let's head back to continue the tour…" She stated, rubbing her eyes.
Ashlyn felt wary of the plant, but it didn't really matter to her. 'It's not our problem anymore.' she thought.
The dust never left.
(woah Hoza actually wrote the beginning??) Anyways, that's all I'm sharing, ty for reading my Infection AU snip-shots.
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bagheerita · 4 months
In my SGA watch-through I finished "The Intruder" and then jumped ahead to season 4 (bc i missed Carter and Todd) so I'm back to continue season 2 now. I picked up with "Runner" and WOW this is a really good episode!?
First of all, I always forget that Lorne is such a sassy bitch. Right out of the gate he has NO patience for science of any flavor (a position he theoretically holds constant on through "Remnants"). (There's also a scene at about 5 min, where Sheppard runs up a few steps before turning to talk to Caldwell, just so he can have the high ground on their confrontation and I love it.)
But there is so much in here I never really paid attention to before that sets up Ford and Ronon as narrative foils. Ford is fleeing his friends in search of Wraith. Ronon is fleeing the Wraith in search of friends. Ford is alone to protect himself; Ronon forgoes the company of others to protect them. Ford is so utterly convinced of his own correctness in his theory of persecution he doesn't actually hear a thing McKay says to him, while Ronon (who has actually been persecuted) is so eager to believe everything Sheppard and Teyla tell him that he actually gives them a chance. Ford is obsessed with the shortcut advantage of the enzyme giving him increased strength and wants to use it to "create a whole army of supermen"; Ronon has fantastic strength and combat abilities he got the hard way. Ford says getting the enzyme is "the best thing that ever happened to me"; the next scene is Ronon having a flashback to when not-quite-dying of Wraith was the worst day of his life. Ford accuses McKay of giving up on his friends when it seems rather obvious that Ford is the one who has given up on letting his friends help him; and then Ronon, having just undergone surgery without anesthesia where he allowed someone to help him, tackles Ford to the ground because he's not going to give up on these people he just met.
In the end of the episode though, both Ford and Ronon are unable to return home.
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100skyforge001 · 2 years
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I’m in a Dying Light mood for my dude Aiden and his volatile troubles.
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roweidens · 9 months
(d) Is it a queue for hotdogs hot pilgrims? Excuse me, who's the last one? Mister, I took a place in the queue an hour ago! His leg is mine!
(v) The slogan of the pilgrims: helping infected to observe interval fasting
☆ ☆ ☆
(д) Что за очередь за горячими пилигримами? Простите, а кто последний? Мужчина, я тут час назад занимала! Чур мне ножку!
(в) Слоган пилигримов: помогаем зараженным придерживаться интервального голодания
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Credit to DyingLightGame
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ella-the-fella · 3 months
more trylax stuff
Warning: some characters may be spoopy.
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There will be more infecteds and scientists heheh.
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This is some found family bullshit if I've ever seen it, Aiden and turned DL2!Lee and their father son bond god damn-
Title: "Clean Up.".
Category: Fluff.
Warnings: Brief gore mention.
Summary: With Hakon and Lawan off on the road, Aiden thinks their guest should be allowed a break from the storm.
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The heavy rain pouring outside almost muffled the awkward shuffling on the porch, Aiden breathed out slowly and made his way down the stairs and into the dusty front room, opening the door to the ice cold air outside and facing the monster on his doorstep, "You can come in, if you'd like." he offered a wide smile, the infected boy only shifted from foot to foot in response, hair clinging to his pale face and shirt sodden, "Lawan and Hakon are gone- Nobody's gonna snitch on you." Aiden playfully teased, opening the door wider; that was his cue, the boy stumbled forward and landed flat on his face on the wooden floorboards inside.
Aiden held back a laugh and shut the door behind him, stepping around the biter to flick off the closest UV lamp, he needed the other ones on for obvious reasons, himself mainly, however this one could be turned off, providing the turned man in his home some slight respite, the boy clumsily rose to his feet with a heavy groan, bones crunching under his weight, "I'm sorry you couldn't come inside yesterday- The storms have been coming in strong! But, you know how it is!" Aiden chuckled softly, reaching out to wipe the wet hair from the monsters face, those yellow eyes widened slightly before softening and allowing Aiden to touch him.
"We should dry you off. Get you clean while they're gone!", the boy peered at Aiden with what seemed to be suspicion, Aiden raised his eyebrows and grinned widely, "That means you need to sit still and mind your manners." he added, slowly stepping away and into the cold kitchen to retrieve the nearest towel, the biter wouldn't be going anywhere, not without making a shit ton of noise, Aiden returned with a skip to find the monster stood in the same spot he was last, eyes fixated on the floor, "Lee!", he jerked up and scanned Aiden curiously, "Sit down, would you?" the Pilgrim stepped forward and carefully pressed on the biters shoulders, he slumped to the floor like a sack of potatoes, followed by an aggressive snarl, "It didn't hurt that badly." Aiden teased, stepping behind the boy to examine his hair, "Okay. No moving, no jerking, no swift movements and certainly no biting.", Aiden found himself cringing at the way he sounded like a parent.
Lee gargled something back, a low growl mixed with a hum, Aiden took this as some form of confirmation that he'd behave, he began to carefully pick through the biters hair, towel in one hand and the other skittering around the infecteds scalp, so much dirt and blood, a leaf, oh, another leaf, Aiden bit back a gag when he slowly pulled what looked like days old flesh from the matted hair, "Is there anything else you have- Hiding in here?" he asked softly, a giggle erupting from his chest, the biter grumbled and Aiden slowly raised the towel, swinging his hand down and trapping the boy's hair under it; beginning to furiously scrub at his scalp and try to dry the matted curls.
The monster snarled and yelped, fingers clawing at the floorboards as Aiden continued, "Just a minute!" he assured, Lee growled and tried to pull his head free, snapping and hissing, "Lee-" Aiden muttered, grabbing the biter back into place to keep scrubbing the water away, the towel was a disgusting brown-red colour when Aiden was finally finished, tossing it aside with a gross noise and carefully stroking the creatures hair, Lee had finally gone quiet after a while of the snarling and screaming, shoulders hunched and breathing laboured, "All done. I won't torture you with brushing it, okay-" Aiden was cut off when the biter clumsily turned to wrap his arms around his legs, the Pilgrim felt his fight or flight kick in, waiting for any sign that he should swing his leg forward and decapitate the creature, yet the boy held on gently, peering up with wide, yellow eyes.
"Do you...Want me to brush your hair?", a slow blink, almost cat like, Aiden hesitantly stroked the monsters hair back from his forehead with a gentle sigh, "Okay- I can do that! I can do that for you, Kid. Your clothes will be all dry by the time I'm done too.", yellow eyes blinking slowly and arms unraveling from his legs with a low grumble, Aiden stumbled upstairs and darted into his bedroom, shared with Lawan and Hakon, almost tripping over his laundry and scooping Lawan's brush from the bedside cabinet, jogging down the steps to see the biter still sat in place, "I'm gonna have to sit down to do this for you- You...Can't bite me- Okay?" Aiden whispered, a nervous affection in his tone as he stepped behind the creature once more and knelt down to begin brushing.
His hair was still scraggly, matted and unkempt, however at least it was dry, Aiden gently brushed through the messy curls, one hand squeezing Lee's shoulder as he went along, there was a soft mumbling noise from the creature as he went along, dragging the bristles through those gross curls and tugging the remaining dirt from his scalp, "You like this, don't you?" Aiden chuckled, smiling fondly as memories of brushing Mia's hair as a child flooded his mind, "Nice and soft. Nice and gentle." he whispered, there was a gargle in response, almost human...Almost english, "G- Nt- Leh.", Aiden smiled and continued to brush, the curls slowly becoming fluffier and softer as he went along, "Y'know. I'd think of something to sing to you while I do this but- I don't know many so- NGHS!" the Pilgrim inhaled sharply as Lee leaned back against his chest, his full body weight against him.
Aiden struggled to fight back the panic and peered to see the creatures face, eyebrows raising as he saw his eyes were closed, expression seemingly relaxed under that bandana, he carefully ran a hand through the boys hair and set the hairbrush aside, "Okay, Kiddo." he whispered, still watching with caution, "This is okay. This is safe.", another gentle stroke to the biters hair, so soft now, if a little gritty, it's a shame he'd have to throw him out before Lawan and Hakon return, all that work gone to waste, Lee shifted slightly and breathed out slowly, peacefully, "It's all okay." Aiden murmured under his breath, "It's all okay.".
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crane-on-a-crane · 2 years
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(Skullface ^)
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I thought about this too! I feel like Techland would hint at it more, but there’s no harm in having hope.
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Volatile Aiden and Hakon in an abandoned PK metro station. Hakon looks resigned/afraid sort of? I don’t know. He kinda wants it but he also wants to pull Aiden away because he looks unstable with his infection raging. I mean, he l already drew blood with the scratch on Hakon’s face.
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mossnrocksnbogwater · 10 months
i have two different infections on the same arm. girl what
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cranes-kid · 2 years
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ahhh villedor, your infected are very... unique
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Now he wants to know why all the trans girls in Seattle are so angry, act so traumatized. “It’s not like you’re a bunch of child soldiers. Your parents weren’t killed in front of you.” He asserts that even when something nice happens, like a free drink, trans girls get triggered. Like everything is a wound, everything is trauma. He starts talking about this trans girl he met a few months ago; how all she did was bitch about AFABS and encourage cis scum to die. He wanted to be her friend, but she called trans guys Aidens, and did things like pick up all her meals drive-through, because she was convinced people inside would stare at her or misgender her. He describes the house this girl lives in—a coven of trans women polyamorously fucking each other to biblical levels of drama over the soundtrack of Skyrim on PS3, all the while telling each other how shitty the world was away from each other, until they so confused micro-aggressions for deep violence that they walked around with knives in their boots and canisters of mace dangling from their purses[...]
Most of the cruelty I’ve experienced has been inadvertant, the kind that comes from getting trampled so often that inevitablely someone steps somewhere sensitive[...]
The more I try to explain, to list the tiny grievances that added up to an intolerable day in my life, the more I sound unhinged. A man hissed at me on the bus. A bunch of teenagers loudly discussed whether I was really a guy. A girl I only knew on the Internet left a suicide note. The cashier at Whole Foods smirkingly called me “bro.” The TV at the nail salon, playing soundlessly, featured some nonsensical ghoul that I realized, with a shock, was someone’s idea of a trans woman, someone’s idea of me. The guy at the local corner store revealed that he knew where I lived and shrugged when I asked how: everyone around here knows about you. And now, I get irritated at one thing: a free drink, and I sound crazy complaining about that, right? Some total loony acting traumatized ‘cause a bartender tried to be kind.
My crush sighs and pulls out an ace. He knows people that have actually been raped, have actually been beaten—hell, half of the trans dudes he knows have been, and they aren’t paralyzed with anger, convinced they’re constantly persecuted. We’re talking real trauma, not someone whispering about them on the bus, much less the burden of free drinks. To which I know I can probably come up with some of my own friends’ real Trauma, but I’m too affronted, so I just shriek: THE WHOLE WORLD MONITORS AND MOCKS MY EVERY WAKING MOMENT!
- Torrey Peters, Infect Your Friends and Loved Ones
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hozaloza · 2 months
I made some infection au sketches while streaming (These are very messy and just the sketch/idea) I'll make them neater another day
TW!! Body type horror
Also spoilers for my INFECTION AU, Don't look if you want to keep the story unknown/ a surprise!!
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He has a long, flexible neck and a constantly bleeding head. Out of the three main infected, he's the largest in size. Despite this large size, he's still able to fit through extremely tight spaces (really flexable). His arms are pretty long, able to reach far distances, and he can maul tons of people. The long arms give him the ability to climb tall areas with ease, and help him reach further if he gets stuck. Legs are long as well, but not as useful, he opts to using his heads to getting around.
Tyler is the second largest of the three, not being as tall with his limbs, however his legs are shaped like cheetah legs, meaning he is able to run extremely fast. He can also distort his arms to run on all fours if necessary. His guts hang out of his body, which somehow makes it easier for him to be quick and speedy. His hands aren't as sharp as Aiden's, so they're not as effective.
He's the smallest of the three, and the slowest because of his large hanging guts. Because of this disadvantage, he opts to using the fluids that had built up in his stomach to puke it far distances, mind you this blue fluid is acidic, so it's pretty deadly. When he pukes, his throat locks in near the exit and it builds up, making his neck bulge. When he's ready to shoot, he relaxes the exit, making the puke fly far distances. The acid had gotten rid of his lower stomach area, leaving the guts remaining, but that doesn't make him any quicker. His limbs are pretty much smaller than the others, also adding to why he's so slow. But these disadvantages only make him more deadly since his puke evolves to be shot out further and further.
That's all, lmk what you think of these sketches 🫶🫶
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