ask-beel · 4 years
Gah!!! *blinks and rubs my eyes* ugh Beeeeeee 😢🥺 *whines and pouts frustrated*
.... huh?
*furrows his brows in even more confusion, gently gives your head a comforting pat*
what.. what is it? does your eyes hurt?
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beelz-the-glutton · 4 years
*yeets a 12 inch monster subway and a truckload of fries and onion rings at you and runs the other way* I'MINLOVEWITHYOUBUTI'MSHYANDANXIOUSPLSDON'THATEMEBYE
Nooo come back! Don't be shy! We can eat together!
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I just need a Nines losing his fucking sanity over a soft! Reader like she just fucking brings him to his knees by just smiling at him. Like I need him wanting to just physically latch on to her and hold her because she's just a Ray of sunshine and he just needs the warmth to himself.
~hey there! i hope you enjoy my rendition of soft nines~
Nines doesn’t understand it. He just simply can’t comprehend the emotions that surge through his processors whenever you merely look his way. They’re all simple gestures, but all the same they end with a short circuit and a blue tint dusting his cheeks. 
It’s humiliating in a sense. For a human to render one of the most prestigious lines of androids ever created into a blushing, bumbling mess. But considering the…inconveniences he’s forced you to endure, he supposes the punishment fits the crime. 
Nines chooses not to focus on the minute details.   
He adamantly chooses to see it as a rescue. Salvation from an ugly, cruel world that would crush you under its heel without so much as a passing glance. You were soft - delicate; Nines could handle all the cruelty and dish it back tenfold. Provide for you while you sit pretty in a beautiful home like you deserved. 
Nines just didn’t predict how coming into his deviancy would affect him; binary code devolving into a mess of numbers and letters at the thought of your smile. Thirium pump beating rapidly to the point he thought it would burst when he caught a glimpse of you biting your lip; your own arousal apparent without him even having to scan you as a confirmation.
It was nice, to put it as simply as possible. Coming home to you, even when you swore up and down you would never accept this new arrangement. How quickly that phase came and went, much to his delight. The wonders a locked, dark room can do to the proclaimed human spirit. He just wishes the control you exuded over him wasn’t so strong; he still needed to function properly outside of these four walls. 
After another long day, he finds himself once again returning to you. Investigations, interrogations, the tasks he was literally created for, mean nothing to the prospect of being at your side. What he feels when you practically purr as you nestle against him can only be comparable to the notorious high of Red Ice, and just as addicting. 
Nines calls for you with a reserved gentleness that only finds purchase within the confines of your “home”. The response is immediate, conditionally trained, and you say his name like the coo of a dove. Your voice resonates from the kitchen, the smell of a freshly cooked meal wafting through the hallways. A reward for good behavior, he had furnished the house with state of the art equipment so you could spend your free time cooking and baking at your leisure. It had proved to be a cathartic release, and he was pleasantly surprised with your increase in serotonin as a result. 
It’s a beautiful sight, finding you cooking without an ounce of apprehension plaguing you. You idly hum to yourself as you finishing preparing the last of your dinner; a single plate (as usual). Such an ordinary thing but again Nines finds his thirium pump pounding and cannot seem to quell its rapid cadence.   
“Nines!” You chirp, turning your attention to him fully as he enters the room. The warmth in your greeting envelops him whole and for a moment he feels alive. 
You approach him eagerly and stand on your toes to plant a chaste kiss to his lips. It’s a miraculous sensation in all its simplicity.   
“I decided to wait a bit before I cooked myself dinner. I wanted to wait until you got home, I hope that’s okay?” 
It’s a question poised so innocently. Of course it’s okay but the gesture’s sentimentality is insurmountable. 
You’ve effectively rendered him speechless.
“My love?” You ask gently, concern laced in your word. His LED burns red at the title, messages flashing behind his eyes speaking of software instabilities and system malfunctions. 
But who cares - Nines certainly doesn’t. Reverently, he drops to his knees in front of you and he will gladly welcome a complete shutdown if it means dying at your feet. He wraps his arms around your waist and buries his face against you. 
You have never seen such intensity in his affections before and you’re momentarily taken aback. Your hands soon finding purchase in his hair, stroking so tenderly but it sets every electrical pulse beneath his chassis aflame. Cold metal and colder demeanor melting under each burning touch. 
“I love you, Nines.” You say softly, each syllable honeyed sweet. Nines has only known facts, hard calculations. But your words are the most glorious admission of truth he’s ever heard.
“And I you, teacup.” 
-Mod Vic
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sleepyseventhborn · 4 years
Me toooooo, I'm always sleepy, all the time. My therapist says it's the depression
What’s that thing Levi said the other day? Mood?
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thegemmom · 5 years
*crashes through the ceiling* I'm so sorry to interrupt but could you point me towards the nearest Starbucks, there is a meeting in late for.
Mom Gem: Oh my! ∑(゚ロ゚〃)
Mom Gem: Well, since you’re here and already late, why don’t you stay over for dessert? I made an Angel Cake! ° ͜ʖ ͡ – ✧
Reiji, lying down on the couch: … 
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Laito: … I think our Reiji just broke.
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lostgirlyonaka · 5 years
Hello miss. I appear to have wandered into this strange realm on accident. Would you happen to know where this is?
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“Why does everyone think I know where this place is? I have no idea. It’s all nonsense and insanity... mostly with perverted idiot cats-like creatures.”
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creation-is-chaos · 5 years
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@infinitew-olf said:
☾ I feel like I bother people ✑ I’m a side blog and I’m worried you don’t know about my blog or don’t want to interact with a side blog You're so cool dude >.< I'm just a work in progress
“There is nothing to be afraid of. Only what you see when your eyes should not be open. Come. I will show you the true way. It is a blessing beyond what you believe your real gods to be.” 
// Corvus does know how to sell his devilry. However, please don’t think you’re bothersome. I will wholeheartedly interact with side blogs. All I ask is you are 21+ since there is some very heavy dark content here. 
And thank you love. This is nice. You are welcome to send the mystery devil man more asks if you like. He will try to answer but he is secretive. 
Also everyone starts somewhere in rp and beyond. Never give up on it. You’ll do fine. 
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[@finallydoingthiswow] Ace tilted her head to one side and smirked at her realisation, "You know you remind me of the villains in some of my favourite bollywood films. Monologing suits you."
Random Asks / Selective
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Squinting eyes at her he cannot help but find this comment ludicrous. Monologuing suits him? Frankly he is unsure if that is meant to be a compliment or an insult. Considering she mentions her preferred type of villain in her equally preferred Bollywood films it leans towards a compliment. 
The idea that he resembles a villain spewing a vile soliloquy pushes a snort through his nose. Ironic considering he is a villain by all sense of the word. At least in the eyes of the many who recall his stellar entrance. 
“As much as I wish to berate you for this inane comment,” the android begrudgingly allows this. “Yes, Ace. I am one of poetic words far beyond many of these peasant human’s vocabulary. Impressive you take such notice my dear.” A sly grin ends in appropriate self-aggrandizing.
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deviated-detective · 5 years
[@finallydoingthiswow] Ace giggled randomly as her impulses over took her brain. Reaching out to gently poke the android's cheek, "Did you know you're a pretty boi?" she cooed adoringly.
Random Asks / Selective
Narrowing eyes at her action leaves him slightly confused. Poking at his cheek hardly does much to move him. He remains seated there at his desk. In fact his attention strays all over the place lately. Dealing with a new threat in his line of work leaves little room for socializing. It never fails to stop her poking around not just at his sharp cheekbone. 
“I believe the phrase pretty boy is a derogatory assumption about a male considered effeminately attractive and vain. Standard definition dictates this is a slang term.” 
Connor responds to her comment with an arched eyebrow. Honestly, he never cataloged himself as ‘pretty’ but humans appear to think otherwise. The detective is hardly sure whether he is offended or flattered. 
“I - thank you?” He adds, tilting his head up at her. “Though I think handsome would suit as a better adjective.” A tiny quirk of lips shows his cocky side is still ruminating underneath the collected surface. 
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◇ - Other/idk just wanted to say hi My rp blog is still in the works and I'm very new at this ◆ - I’m really shy so please don’t hurt me …
// Please don't be shy! I'm understanding, and I love new people ❤ This is a little old, but welcome to the rpc!
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viktorthepsychic · 5 years
Vanya and (y/n) meeting and bonding at group therapy sessions. Going out for drinks and coffee. Working through their trauma together. Finding stability and happiness. Adopting all the dogs and kitties!!!!! 😍😭❤️💜
My heart has a boner.
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ask-beel · 4 years
We have to celebrate!!!! Look! Endless sushi passes! I'm a platinum member so bring along anyone you want 😄
Endless. Sushi. Passes?!
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Do these passes last a lifetime?
I'm going to see if Belphie is awake enough to come with us. And I'll go and give the others a message in the chat then we'll go and get those sushis.
Thank you Azure. (I looked in your profile and that's the name I see. Please correct me if I'm wrong.) Tell me which sushis you like best and I'll make sure to try them. 🍣
I'll treat you to dessert after the endless sushi. 🍰
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rk800isalive · 5 years
send 🤞 if you’d like to interact with me but don’t know how to approach it, and i’ll do my best provide a few ideas.
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So I’m mostly a bit semi selective but I might be opening to new followers soon. It’s not that I don’t want to interact or rp. I just has a lot of anxiety. ;w; 
jnfksdjnf I hope I’m not coming as mean or anything. ;w;
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repmet · 5 years
eight people i’d like to know better
I was tagged by @infinitew-olf. Thanks for the tag!
ONE / name / alias: Grace
TWO / birthday: August 13th
THREE / zodiac sign: Leo
FOUR / height: 6’
FIVE / hobbies: gaming, acting, bitching
SIX / favourite colors: Purple
SEVEN / favourite books: 
EIGHT / last song listened to: Cadillac Ranch by Bruce Springsteen 
NINE / last film watched: True Bloodthirst (would not recommend though the acting isn’t bad)
TEN / inspiration for muse: I feel like this is an rp thing? But I don’t rp so...
ELEVEN / dream job: I just wanna have money and do nothing, where are all the sugar daddies you don’t have to see or talk to who just pay you
TWELVE / meaning behind your url: it’s ‘temper’ backwards there’s a story but at this point it’s irrelevant lol
THIRTEEN / top 3 ships: Sybil/Tom, Lois/Clark, Prompto/Noctis
FOURTEEN / lipstick or chapstick: lip balm for my dry cracked lips
FIFTEEN / currently reading: fanfic I guess lol
Okay, not sure what’s going on but tumblr is being super annoying and not letting me actually tag people. Sorry, feel free to do this if you like.
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sleepyseventhborn · 4 years
Hey, you doin alright??
I’m tired, but that’s pretty normal. 😴
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thegemmom · 5 years
Ugh you're such a stick in the mud. Where are Gem and Yui?? I'd prefer more decent company anyway...
Yui: We’re in the kitchen, making pancakes and pumpkin spice latte!
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Mom Gem: Let Ruki sulk in a corner and come help us out! 〔´∇`〕
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