deusvervewrites · 2 months
Mustafa Monster x Menagerie: The plan was pretty simple: Make a Noumu with shapeshifting advanced enough to adapt to anything thrown at it, with some bonus Quirks for infitration. Then it got a bit too sentient for AFO to properly control. Anyway, Izuku has to admit that, now that he's warmed up to her, Inko is leages better than his previous humans!
lmao whoops
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thequeenofmyownscreen · 6 months
This wonderful combat illustrates why this team specifically was the perfect team to do an infitration/exfiltration. The Clean-Up Crew indeed ! They are sneaky, fast, and vicious.
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
I'm ngl, the more I think of how much q!cellbit gave up to investigate and what he waas lead to I get more upset. I mean. All he got was more questions, manipulated by cucurucho to hand almost 2 months work, a bunch of people distrusting him, a revolutionary group who just don't want anything to do with him anymore because he keeps killing their secret inside members (when they were the ones to incentivate his killing spree??!), infitrating a secret federation reunion to steal the minimes that aren't even fucking alive anymore. Like, ok that the guy need to work hard to find the big mistery and everything but at this point it just feel like all he has done (and even all he might do) won't bring him anywhere or give him any advanteges.
No wonder he felt like he had to turn to killing to protect his family, investigating wasn’t doing anything anymore. It used to be his greatest strength, and it arguably still is, but like. What’s the point of doing that?
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odusseus-xvi · 1 year
Aypierre : Mmmmh... I need to infitrate again before the end of the week and intercept the medical report...
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I don't get it
No really I don't.
I do not understand how people are actually Racist, Sexist, etc.
Like, honestly, how is it you don't like the woke, or identity politics, but you are fine blaming all women, jewish people, or black people for all of your problems or the world's problems, and not realize you are quite literally the same as the woke people you claim to hate?
You know, the feminists that go out of their way to hate men. The woke that hate all white people, most specifically white males. The people that think all Christians are rapists and pedophile adjacent becasue predators infitrated and took advantage of a churches trust.
You are quite literally no better than them. When I generalize things I KNOW I'm being general and not attributing what I'm saying to all of a group. The people (most of them I hope) that follow me know I don't mean ALL of any group I talk about. And will often go out of my way to make sure that's understood.
What's more people literally want "Death to Israel" when their world population, and hell even the global population of Jewish people is next to nothing even adding to that. And they are not allowed to have a state that has their national religion as the official one as their state? When most of the Arab world in fact does. And when the US and most of Europe did forever. "One nation under god". I imagine Muslims view Christians the same way you stupid f*cks view Jews.
How's about you stop being woke while pretending to be against it. Because I need a name for your belief system and it's going to be Neo-Wokeism. Congrats. You adopted the same identity politics they did but opposite theirs.
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delicatebluebirdruins · 8 months
every now and again i think about those who think Mia got arrested for working with the connections prior to shadows of rose and i have only this thought every single time
Why? it makes no sense the way they frame it as one and done she's in throw away the key
arrested directly after recovering from the baker house only to be set free to restart a life with Ethan in exchange for everything she knows about the connections (which if the baker incident report is anything to go by her value as a informant is not a lot)
her not being arrested at all in the immediate years following the baker incident and being arrested years afterwards (unless of course its a ploy to get the connections to trust her again so she can infitrate them and wreck their shit from the inside aka RE9 or Revelations 3 set up)
if Mia got arrested for anything its based on how little she know's about how much bullying Rose got subjected to at school (for some reason i think Chris decided to not tell her anything until he had to or downplayed it a lot) until of course if Evie is to be believed where Rose got tied to a stake (because the first two were plausible and this one is freaking long jump and Rose's reactions to each ones are... interesting)
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octarianstrength · 1 year
Yulia has caught some unlucky soldiers slacking off on their some of their more mundane duties. As boring as things like cafeteria and weapon maintenance work can be for some people, they're still important functions of the military that demand an individual's utmost attention and effort.
Those soldiers have been punished by being given a while week of patrol duty in the sewers the New Squidbeak Splatoon frequent for their infitrations.
The military isn't cruel, however, and soldiers given this task are always equipped with masks to help alleviate the smells.
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imthefailedartist · 9 days
I'm re-watching CA: Civil War and the government got a lot of nerve.
I don't remember not a damn thing that happened in these movies. I feel like I should be VERY concerned by that.
Wait, I thought this was after Winter Soldier? Speaking of Bucky, is the show canceled? Will I not get more of Bucky flirting with Sara(h)? That's really the only reason I've kept watching these movies after Endgame.
Wait?! Bucky killed King T'Chaka?
I thought Daniel Brühl was a part of Hydra.
Vision is sexy as fuck.
To be fair, everybody in Sokovia and the rest of the world would be dead if Ultron wasn't stopped. But also if Tony hadn't made Ultron in the first place. . . But also, if the government hadn't made Cap and all those other superfreaks, none of this would be happening.
And nobody talk to me about the Mutants or X-Men. I don't give a fuck. I hate them.
Superheroes need supervillains. Otherwise, what do you need superheroes for?
Damn why did they kill Pietro. He was so hot. This movie could use him.
Was they gone have Cap fuck his step niece? Ew. What man wrote this. Also, a blonde. Ugh. At least use paltino.
The craziest part of this "Civil Warc. Is that the solution is that the countries need their own superheroes. But of course, American imperialism wouldn't allow that. So, of course, they are going to send Americans to fight because that way, they can spy and infitrate and weave they xenophobic ass fingers in others' way of life to try and homogenize the world.
I forget T'Challa is in this. I'm crying.
Oh, I got my answer, burnt up Frank Grillo does comeback into play. Was he supposed to be a bigger character?
How invincible is Cap? I assume it had limits. Take his head off he's dead dead. Drown him, he's dead, but he comes back no matter how long after you pull him out the water. Maybe it's like Stefan in the safe on The Vampire Diaries drown and drown and drown and drown again.
Maybe he's invincible to decapitation so long as the parts are close enough together, they'll reattach.
Aunt May should've smashed Tony.
Not enough people hand things to Tony in this movie. It's my favorite quirk.
They just kissed. Eh-yuckh!
They keep showing ads for Jersey Mike's and now I want one.
Tom Holland is my favorite non-animated Spider-man. His movies finally get the tone right.
Wanda, girl I get it, I too, would fuck the computer man. I know Vision can Google new ways to make you see the fifty states and make you see em at the same time.
They fought in that tunnel for thirty miles, and Warhammer shows up at the last minute like he's stopping something?
Paul Rudd is a handsome man. Even more than Cap in this movie.
Cap looks like generic white man #5 in this. He needs the beard.
Hawkeye and Black Widow on opposite teams?
I need more Sam and Bucky banter.
I hate the black hand on the silver arm.
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cartoon-hell · 5 years
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I feel like Jesse would try really hard to make it possible for Lake to go swimming with him. In some capacity at least.
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Protect these kids
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anonymous-dentist · 9 months
I will take a guess the idea is: two vampires infitrate a masked ball of a vampire hunter association with the intention of making them fight each order just because.
but them there is a double murder and both of them try to find out who the other killer is.
Oh, that’s fun
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So, hello Infinity Train fans, last week the cartoon network youtube channel uploaded a video with Owen Dennis, where they told us 12 facts about the series, plus an extra little secret bonus hint.the video can be found here. Factoid number 5 told us that the first number to appear on Tulip’s hand will be ‘115’, which I of course started google-ing to find any significant, and/or symbolic meanings to (also this confirms you should very much not use the pilot as canonic material and evidence/whatever). I didn’t find anything like that besides some maths talk about having a square sum of divisors and what have you. But I did find some other interesting stuff, but first the video’s ‘hidden’ message
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The secret message is MINNESOTA, now I'm by no means an expert in American geography or history, but when bumming around on Wikipedia I saw this:
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And I checked if Minnesota has a highway numbered 115, and indeed it has. this is an image of said highway from google maps (sorry for the text being in Dutch)
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anyway some of the area’s more interesting features are
The Mississippi river
a lake, some fields
and a military base from the national guard
Now, I don’t have any specific theories on any of this and I know I'm probably 100% of-base (pun intended) with all of this. But I wanted to throw the info out there into the void. Maybe any of you have some more ideas about this, or maybe this inspires you to do some research and theory crafting of your own.
but remember, don’t get your expectations up and don’t go too crazy with your theories without enough content/evidence to back any of it up. And most importantly of all, keep it fun, oh and also this:
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delicatebluebirdruins · 9 months
thoughts whilst watching random episodes of Violet Evergarden
by random i mean random i have not watched the show apart from some random scenes and episodes with sister
Gilbert should have done better no wonder the jackass let his family (brother and adopted daughter) think he was fucking dead. he could have fought for Violets humanity more like not let others refer to her as a weapon- if that part was presented as enemies infitrated the camp and want her for their own (i would like to see them try) then fine keep the identity secret but they didn't fuck off Gilbert (i have a list but i didn't right it down so yeah)
Violet being romantically involved with him gives me the squick (not because of the age gap but also not really as she looks 10 - 14 to me and he looks like an idiot who was anywhere between 22- 26 for me) but because Gilbert let her think he was dead he harmed more than he ever helped her and he was also kinda annoying. didn't see him enough to come to a solid ranking on the annoyance spectrum but he's there
also sister told me about how many people were made at the great romance the veritable marriage proposal/ outright marriage whatever of them sitting together on a bed was... a pinky promise (fandom grow up)
and I think that guy with Violets pin at the end is one of the kids grown up and not any relation to Violet
anyways imagine if they decided to make Gilbert lose his memory which would have made many things different but also kinda better like we'd get Violet looking after him the way he did with her when she was younger (aka taking all she's learned as a Doll and applying it to himself), the obvious he wouldn't have abandoned his brother and Violet (as i was typing this i thought wouldn't Gilbert be a deserter technically) also the extent of injuries Gilbert sustained in battle will it mess with the timeline yes don't care the potential angst is really excellent angst because Violet took the news of his death hard and healed from it somewhat so she hears he might be alive because xyz and goes running basically what happens in the film
eta and she doesn't quit her job at the postal company she didn't up and quit to be with the major they spend more time apart then together and Gilbert gets hit by a bird every two weeks and Violet continues to grow. and everyone who truly loves Violet are super proud and stay with her when she does leave the postal company for greener pastures (become a therapist/ go to therapy? both? etc)
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We all could be passangers
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chiisana-lion · 2 years
never forgiving CN/HBO execs for robbing us of the book 5 infitr movie ms amelia hughes i miss you every damn day
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yaelol1 · 7 years
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