#informed inclusionism
cannibalsmayhem · 14 days
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Pt: Beastsatanism.
Emojicode: 🥀🚩/ 🌈🫀 / 🪶🪭 / 🫎🫀
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Beastsatanism its a political movement based on Radqueer, it is a movement that seeks to dismantle all forms of harassment based on blasphemy and satanism / paganism.
It is a movement that seeks the freedom of individuals without having to be attached to a god or someone.
Beastsatanism its a Radqueer related label, its a political movement based on blasphemy, anti-government, anti-medicalism, anti-harrasment, anti-war, pro-choice/bodily autonomy and change social norms in the area of what is considered "normal". ( etc )
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- Supports all paraphilias, including the big three as long one, both or several individuals involving that act are pro-consensual, contact on necrophilia.
- Supports all transids, bodily autonomy, body modifications ( including abortion, assisted suicide, piercings, tattoos, cosmetic surgeries ( etc ) ) and non-harmful and informed transitions.
- Supports ALL queer labels, ALL types of alterhumanity, KFF and factkin. ALL plurals, no matter their origin or the way they function.
- Supports destigmatization of sexuality and nudity.
- Supports pro-ship, pro-fiction, pro-lolisho.
- Supoorts FOF (freedom of fiction) and dead dove: do not eat.
- Support only non-submissive religions.
- Self-diagnosis, MUDs, and medpunk.
- Destigmatization of drugs and their users.
- Consensual cannibalism.
- Kink at pride and other types of self-expression.
- The death penalty and torture of people who deserve it.
- Anarchy, abolition of psychiatric yards, abolition of corruption, abolition of the conventional education system.
- All types of consensual activities.
- Fults (faux cults).
- Inclusionism.
- Consensual human and animal sacrifices.
- ALL good faith identities.
- Mental Health awareness.
- Cosang.
- The exploration and expression of queer identities, relationships, and communities within the digital and irl realm.
- Bullyng/harrasment, all forms of harassment, including callout posts that are filled with personal drama or non-issues and beware posts that bury actual serious issues under non-issues.
- Ableism, bigotry, racism, LGBTQphobia and all sorts of discrimination, anti ANY Hate Groups like Racist, cisnazis, TERFS, Anti-MOGAI, Exclusionsists, ect
- Non-consensual acts.
- Pro-contact groomers and predators of all kinds.
- Safequeers.
- Submissive religions.
- Medicalism, psychiatric yards.
- War.
Neutral on:
- Non-harmful political stances.
- Buddhism.
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Pt: If you dont like us, just block! Feel free to ask for more information about the label.
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Pt: DNI: Truscum, heavy religius, dahlia/winter, antiradqueer, anti transids, anti paras, anti muds, anti mspec, anti endos, anti profic, hypoharmful, non-good faith, anti cosang, anti therian, otherkin (etc), terfs, anti xenogenders or xenoids, pro-harrasment of any type, anti kink, anti agere/petre.
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enfranchisement · 2 years
yeah no it’s kind of the same concept, i was just worried bc i’m in a relationship like that and some people on tumblr have sent me death threats for identifying as queerplatonic. also, to that other anon, you absolutely can have close friends who you do “romantic” stuff with and not be queerplatonic, it’s just that some people just choose to go by that label for personal reasons, but it’s not like a rule or anything. sorry if this came across as angry, i’m not, i’m just trying to explain how i feel. also i’m pretty neutral on like aroace inclusionism discourse or whatever, not trying to say its lgbt or anything
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death threats are over the top in this situation and i'm sorry you received them. i do think the label is stupid however so you can do with that information what you will. also you're not coming across as angry or aggressive or anything (imo) dw
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inclusivemedia · 17 days
Advertising Disability
Advertising Disability invites Cultural Disability Studies to consider how advertising, as one of the most ubiquitous forms of popular culture, shapes attitudes towards disability. 
The research presented in the book provides a much-needed examination of the ways in which disability and mental health issues are depicted in different types of advertising, including charity 'sadvertisements', direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertisements and 'pro-diversity' brand campaigns. Textual analyses of advertisements from the eighteenth century onwards reveal how advertising reinforces barriers facing disabled people, such as stigmatising attitudes, ableist beauty 'ideals', inclusionism and the unstable crutch of charity. 
As well as investigating how socio-cultural meanings associated with disability are influenced by multimodal forms of communication in advertising, insights from empirical research conducted with disabled women in the United Kingdom and the United States are provided. Moving beyond traditional textual approaches to analysing cultural representations, the book emphasises how disabled people and activists develop counternarratives informed by their personal experiences of disability, challenging ableist messages promoted by advertisements. From start to finish, activist concepts developed by the Disabled People's Movement and individuals' embodied knowledge surrounding disability, impairments and mental health issues inform critiques of advertisements.
Its critically informed approach to analysing portrayals of disability is relevant to advertisers, scholars and students in advertising studies and media studies who are interested in portraying diversity in marketing and promotional materials as well as scholars and students of disability studies and sociology more broadly.
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fitnessitaliano · 9 months
Inclusione Economica - Educazione Finanziaria Globale
L’educazione finanziaria non è semplicemente la comprensione di concetti complessi come investimenti e risparmi, ma rappresenta un veicolo per l’autonomia economica e la presa di decisioni informate. Dal villaggio più remoto alle metropoli affollate, la consapevolezza finanziaria agisce come un faro che illumina il cammino verso una gestione consapevole delle risorse economiche personali e…
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Unicef, in un anno raggiunti 15 mila rifugiati in Italia
(ANSA) – ROMA, 24 FEB – A un anno dalla guerra in Ucraina, l’Unicef ha raggiunto oltre 100 mila rifugiati ucraini in Italia: oltre 15 mila attraverso interventi diretti di protezione, prevenzione e risposta alla violenza di genere, supporto psicosociale e ai percorsi di formazione e inclusione, oltre 95 mila con informative online. Dall’inizio dell’emergenza a oggi l’Italia ha ospitato oltre 173…
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larojamx · 2 years
Cómo los diarios tradicionales están siendo sustituidos por los portales de noticias en línea
En los tiempos que corren, los periódicos han perdido su anterior grandeza. En la actualidad, leer periódicos se ha convertido en algo anticuado. En igualdad de condiciones, las nuevas entradas en línea han ocupado el lugar de los periódicos y se han convertido en una fuente sólida de noticias e informes periódicos.
 Las personas como nosotros estábamos sujetos a los periódicos de la mañana todos los días para obtener una amplia gama de informes. Sin embargo, en la actualidad el lugar ha sido ocupado por los sitios de noticias en línea que están abiertos a todo el mundo en todas partes. Además, estos son, además, libre. ¿Buscas periódicos en San Luis Potosí? En Laroja.com.mx te ofrecemos toda la información y noticias del momento.
 ¿Por qué los Portales de Noticias en la Web le están ganando a los Periódicos?
 Los periódicos o portales en línea pueden dar muchas ventajas a los lectores de noticias. Permítanos realmente echar un vistazo a algunos de ellos aquí.
 Apertura sencilla
 Los portales de noticias en línea son más difíciles de acceder que la distribución de informes en papel. Los individuos simplemente necesitan un gadget (PC, Tablet), y un navegador web que funcione. Además, con estos recursos, las personas pueden acceder a cualquier tipo de informe que necesiten consultar.
 Para consultar noticias en tu lengua sólo tienes que buscar "noticias más recientes en “español” o "noticias actuales en español" en Google y obtendrás muchas listas indexadas. Allí puedo consultar una amplia gama de transmisiones que me interesen.
 Prácticamente liberado de costes
 Podemos acceder a portales en línea prácticamente liberados de costes. Para examinar los periódicos día a día, realmente queremos pagar por membresías mensuales o anuales. Sin embargo, los informes en línea se permiten y hay muchas aplicaciones gratuitas accesibles por esa razón. Además, estos gastos son apenas nada en el caso de que deducimos el gasto de acceso a la web y el gadget astuto.
 Acceso rápido
 Queremos confiar en que el chico de las transmisiones en papel las entenderá. Sin embargo, las personas pueden obtener transmisiones en línea de forma rápida y sencilla. Simplemente tenemos que escribir la URL del sitio del informe e introducirla. De esta forma podemos consultar cualquier tipo de inclusión.
 Uno de los beneficios más asombrosos de la distribución de noticias en línea es que no necesita papel, tinta, disposición, hardware y muchos otros. Consecuentemente, el gasto de distribuir informes de inclusión online es inmaterial asumiendo que lo contrastamos con la distribución de informes en papel. Entérate de las últimas noticias en San Luis Potosí, México. Laroja.com.mx ya que es un sitio web de noticias locales en San Luis Potosí, México. Cuenta con noticias, clima, deportes y clasificados.
 Simple Anuncio
 Aquellos días se han ido cuando los corresponsales y escritores necesitan reunir informes utilizando cámaras costosas y llegar al lugar de trabajo, presentar sus informes de inclusión y colgar apretado para su distribución. Sin embargo, actualmente las personas simplemente reúnen sus noticias y transfieren su sustancia con la ayuda de la web a la oficina fundamental. A partir de ese momento, se distribuye una amplia gama de inclusiones.
 Importancia de las noticias de locales
 El desarrollo de los portales de noticias en línea ha disminuido los requisitos previos de las asignaciones de noticias en papel. En consecuencia, un gran número de organizaciones de noticias luchan por mantenerlas en la carrera. Sin embargo, a los particulares no se les niegan las noticias locales. Todo gracias a las entradas electrónicas de noticias vecinales que nos distribuyen continuamente episodios y asuntos cercanos, haciéndonos conscientes de esas cosas.
 La mayoría de las veces, las noticias del nivel cercano suelen pasarse por alto, ya que los columnistas y periodistas dan más importancia a las noticias del nivel público y mundial. Algunos espacios televisivos de noticias provinciales cubren un par de reportajes, sin embargo, éstos no lo son suficientemente. Hay muchas cuestiones y problemas a los que se enfrentan las personas en su región específica. En el caso de que esas cosas se pasen por alto, otros, en particular los especialistas, no tendrían la opción de ser conscientes de ellos. En consecuencia, no se abordarían estos problemas a nivel local.
 Fin de
 La desaparición de los periódicos tradicionales ha hecho un vacío en nuestra vida. Nos ha afectado estratégica, social, financiera y justamente, además. En un país basado en el voto, nadie puede evitar la importancia de recibir las noticias y los informes de último minuto.
La prensa es conocida como el cuarto pilar del sistema de mayorías. Sin embargo, hoy en día la prensa puede haberse quedado anticuada o ser una reliquia de tiempos pasados. En la actualidad, la posición ha sido tomada por distribuidores de noticias basados en la web que dan informes de noticias tanto a nivel cercano como mundial. Para ello, son importantes.
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 periodicos en san luis potosi
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URL de origen: - https://larojamx.wordpress.com/2022/12/26/como-los-diarios-tradicionales-estan-siendo-sustituidos-por-los-portales-de-noticias-en-linea/
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exclamaquest · 2 years
what are ur thoughts on why radical inclusionism is harmful and/or do u have any resources on the subject? im interested in learning more about the pov
sorry for this taking so long! school has been taking a lot out of me. thank you for your patience! i've put my full response under a cut as to not clog dashes.
first off, i want to very clearly establish that i am not in any way talking about inclusion itself as a concept. being against radical inclusionism does not mean i'm for exclusionism as a blanket statement--again, i'm not against inclusionism itself, i'm against the very specific radinclus movement.
honestly, I totally understand why radinclus people think the way they do. it's a very easy rabbit hole to go down, and on a surface level, the concept of "including all good-faith identities" sounds fantastic. the problem comes when you look into what a lot of that really means.
defining it as "good-faith identities" means that if someone says they are identifying as something in good faith, you have no right to criticize them. i've seen it play out more than a few times--take people who are transabled or transrace, or identities that are inherently bigoted ("afab trans woman", for example). the very basic premise of radical inclusionism removes the suggestion of critical thought ("who is affected by this? is there harm coming from someone saying this?") and makes a person's inclusion in the community hinge on accepting everything told to them at face value.
this is not coming out of nowhere. i'm not going to block evade to get a few examples i'd like to because i'm not an asshole but the gist of it is "what right do we have to dictate anyone else's experience, just trust what people say they are". again, on the surface this sounds fine, but if you look a little deeper into some of the things that people who say this support, it becomes evident that there's a nasty correlation going on.
most evidently, it leaks into ableism. the venn diagram between radical inclusionists and people who treat mental illness like a fun game (aka endos, which is a whole other thing i'm not going to get into rn, and """transabled""" people*) is pretty much a circle, and it all connects (from what i've seen) to the single biggest problem with radinclusionism: it actively discourages critical thought. like i said above, radical inclusionism punishes those who dare to be "exclusionists" (criticize any part of any "good faith identity") with ostracization from their peers.
it also discourages looking at actual queer history or talking to people with experience to make your decisions. instead of asking for unbiased sources and talking to those around you, radical inclusionism shoves the idea of criticizing "good faith identities" being evil down your throat. if you ask for hard medical scientific sources when someone claims that they're a system without trauma so that you can review the evidence and make your own independent decision, you're discounting people's lived experiences. same goes for if you talk to someone affected outside of the group and ask how they feel about mspec lesbians or afab trans women and learn their opinion and then go back to the group and ask them to account for or respond to it.
they push the narrative that you're not using your resources and learning about science and history and figuring out your own stances through critical thought, you're perpetrating an exclusionist mindset and discounting "good faith identities".
not that you'd be able to see opinions outside the group's--it's a very, very tight echo chamber, with almost no chance of a dissuading opinion getting through in a way that isn't in the tone of a "get a load of this guy cam". who would want to interact with a nasty exclusionist, after all?
instead, i propose informed inclusionism. inclusionism that encourages critical thinking and discussion. inclusionism that advocates for talking to those around you as well as looking at historical and scientific sources as appropriate to make decisions. inclusionism that lets you take stock of the harm that some so-called "good faith identities" can cause, and that discourages you from turning a blind eye in the name of inclusionism when someone says how they are affected by said identities.
in order to become truly tolerant, you must be intolerant of intolerance. and, most importantly, you must know how to spot intolerance when it is disguised as tolerance. this requires critical thought that radinclus philosophy not only goes against, but actively punishes.
i hope this has helped you understand where i'm coming from better! again, thank you for your patience, this took a while to type out and edit and i've been very busy lately. if you have any questions, feel free to ask! i'll get to them as soon as i can.
note: this really doesn't seem to be an issue that a lot of people are talking about, which is interesting, and a reason there aren't more resources on this. i searched and searched, but couldn't really find much if anything that expressed this viewpoint. i honestly would have thought that there'd be more of a pushback against radinclus philosophy especially with how much tumblr tends to emphasize the need for critical thought, but i guess not. hopefully this can help create a space for dialogue + discussion in an area that sorely needs it! ^^ *i'm fully aware that biid is in and of itself a disability. someone being disabled in one form does not stop them from being ableist to those with another disability. if someone with biid identifies as transabled to being an amputee, that is ableist towards amputees. you cannot identify into a disability.
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aropinions · 3 years
So What Is Exclusionism, Anyway?
As I've looked through inclusionist circles, I've come to a startling realization that most of them have an extremely skewed understanding of what exclusionism is (along with its various offshoots, subtypes, and related beliefs). They equate it to hatred of whatever group is being excluded, and they don't think people part of the excluded group could ever support exclusionism.
So, I've decided to write a long post to clear up some of those misconceptions. This post is mainly targeted to inclusionists and people wondering where they stand on the inclus/exclus sides of various types of discourse, but if you're exclusionist already, please feel free to reblog or boost it. <3 Thanks in advance for reading!
I'll start by introducing myself. Hi, I'm Ivy, or at least that's what I go by on here. I am a heterosexual, aromantic female. I am neurodivergent (ADHD, so forgive me if I ramble or write in a scatterbrained way) and have several other mental illnesses that I don't wish to talk about online. I do not have gender dysphoria, but I do not "feel feminine," and my personality has been described as rather masculine. In fact, many people in the inclusionist trans community have tried to convince me that I'm nonbinary because I don't feel a strong connection to a female gender, and I'll talk about that more later in this post.
I'm going to put all my relevant discourse opinions on the table right now. (In the next paragraph, I'm going to explain what all these labels actually mean and why they don't automatically make someone a horrible person.) Contrary to popular belief, I am not a trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF), an aphobe, a transphobe, or a bigot. I am ace-exclusionist, aro-exclusionist, trans-exclusionist, transmedicalist, pro-LGB, and gender-critical.
Now here's the fun part. Bear with me -- we're about to debunk the myths about these opinions, explain each term's real definition, and talk about some of the reasoning behind the beliefs.
Exclusionism, as a blanket term, is the belief that gatekeeping is necessary to make any group or community meaningful and safe. Various types of exclusionists fight against the lumping together of various marginalized identities or groups, because they believe that letting different types of people into spaces meant for more specific groups will detract from the safety and functionality of those spaces. They do not hate the groups they are excluding, and they typically want to exclude both ways. For example, ace exclusionists don't want allosexual LGBT let into ace spaces any more than they want asexuals let into LGBT spaces. Many exclusionists in LGBT discourse support the exclusion of groups that they themselves are part of, because in addition to the idea that it's harmful to the main LGBT community to lump them into it, they also think their group deserves its own recognition as a separate thing from the LGBT community. Exclusionism is not hatred.
Time to get into more specific terms. Let's start pretty simple, with truscum and transmeds. Someone who is truscum believes that people must have dysphoria to be trans. Someone who is transmedicalist believes that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, and that transness is a medical condition synonymous with gender dysphoria. All transmeds are truscum, but not all truscum are transmeds. Most truscums and transmeds are against MOGAI, neopronouns, gender microlabels (e.g. genderflux or demiboy), and xenogenders. Most truscums believe in nonbinary people. There are some transmeds who don't believe nonbinary dysphoria is real, but they're not the majority.
The direct opposite of truscum and transmed is "tucute," which denotes a belief that dysphoria is not required to be transgender and gender identity is completely unrelated to biological sex or medical disorders/conditions. Tucutes also generally support MOGAI, xenogenders, neurogenders, microlabels, and neopronouns.
Next, we have bio-essentialism. Bio-essentialism is the belief that oppression is based on biological sex, not gender identity, and that identifying as a different gender than your birth sex doesn't automatically mean you are oppressed. This doesn't necessarily mean bio-essentialists believe that gender doesn't exist or that you can't identify as whatever you want, just that your social oppression is based off your biological sex. Not all bio-essentialists are truscum or transmeds, but most are. Bio-essentialists prominently use the terms "male" and "female" to describe biological sex rather than gender identity, and non-radical ones will use "man" and "woman" as blanket terms that include transmen and transwomen while maintaining "male" and "female" as words for biological sex only.
Then, we have the big bad term, TERF. I've seen a lot of people misuse the TERF label, so I'm going to try to clarify its actual meaning. The acronym stands for "trans-exclusionary radical feminist." It's important to break that down into two main parts -- TE and RF -- because trans-exclusionists are often called TERFs when most of them don't fit the "RF" part of the acronym at all.
Trans-exclusionism (TE) means that you believe transgender issues/discourse/activism should be separated from LGB issues/discourse/activism because they are fundamentally different. L, G and B all have one thing in common: being attracted to people of the same sex as you. T is about someone's gender, not their sexual orientation, so trans-exclusionists believe that the LGB and the T should not be lumped into the same community. It doesn't mean they think trans people deserve less respect or are not real. Most trans-exclusionists are also truscum or transmedicalist, but not all are. Many trans-exclusionists who are also feminists are gender-critical, but not all are. Pro-LGB is a synonym of trans-exclusionist, but in my experience, people who describe themselves as "pro-LGB" are more likely to also be gender-critical than those who identify themselves as "trans-exclusionist."
Radical feminism (RF) is a subset of feminism that -- in addition to general feminist beliefs -- is anti-porn, anti-kink, against the makeup industry, and very often openly misandrist. Radical feminists are not always trans-exclusionist, and trans-exclusionists are not always radical feminists (in fact, most aren't). Most radfems are anti-capitalist, and all are against pink capitalism and rainbow capitalism (the commercialization of feminist ideas, gay rights, etc.) Most radfems are truscum or transmedicalist, but not all are.
All TERFs are also gender-critical. "Gender-critical" people are bio-essentialist, but they go a step further to say that gender identity is a meaningless term, and that biological sex is the sole basis of oppression. However, one can be gender-critical and still support trans people if one is a transmedicalist. GC transmeds believe that trans people are still oppressed in society according to their biological sex, not their gender identity, but that social/physical transitioning is acceptable as a treatment for the mental disorder known as gender dysphoria.
Neither trans-exclusionism nor radical feminism is inherently transphobic or hateful toward transgender people. To differentiate a regular trans-exclusionist from a TERF, ask yourself if the person fits the radfem beliefs outlined above. If not, they aren't a TERF.
Now that all of that is covered, we can talk about the last couple types of exclusionism I want to touch on -- asexual exclusionism and aromantic exclusionism. These almost always come together as a package called aro/ace-exclusionism or aspec-exclusionism, but it is technically possible to be ace-exclusionist and not aro-exclusionist (or vice versa), though I've never personally met someone with such beliefs. Aspec-exclusionists believe that aspec people should not be included in the LGBT community because the lack of sexual or romantic attraction is a completely separate struggle and involves separate experiences than having attractions that exist, but are not heterosexual. Some more extreme aro/ace exclusionists strongly gatekeep aromanticism and asexuality. These ones don't believe in microlabels on the "aro spectrum" or "ace spectrum" such as demisexual or grayromantic. They maintain the belief that if someone has sexual attraction (regardless of whether they actually pursue people sexually) then they are not asexual, and if someone feels romantic attraction at all (even if they don't pursue romantic relationships) they are not aromantic.
Aro/ace-exclusionists, regardless of their beliefs on aromantic and asexual spectrums or microlabels, are not inherently aphobic. They only want aromanticism and asexuality to be separated from the rest of the LGB or LGBT community, and treated as their own distinct identities.
I hope this post was informative, and if anyone has feedback on anything I should edit, they should let me know in replies. Regardless of your beliefs, if you actually read this whole post or even just scrolled to the bottom, I'd like to offer a sincere thanks for bearing with me thus far. If you are an inclusionist or otherwise disagree with the things in the post, but you read it anyway, I have a lot of respect for your willingness to hear opinions other than yours rather than blindly blocking out everything you disagree with.
No matter who you are, I hope you have a great day. <3
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shrimpmandan · 4 years
Alright I’ve had this on my mind for a little while and I just need to type it out.
Acecourse absolutely fucking eludes me. Both sides of it. I do consider myself an exclusionist but holy shit both sides of this discourse are completely fuckin’ wild. (Quick TW for the uncensored q slur just being used in a general context)
For context, I am not asexual or aromantic. I’m doing my best to understand the perspective of ace inclusionism, and I apologize for any inaccuracies.
Just to outline the main points:
- What IS the LGBT community?
- Why would an asexual/aromantic person want to be included in the LGBT community?
- Why would the broader ace community want to merge with the LGBT community?
- Can cis asexuals/aromantics reclaim “queer”?
{What IS the LGBT community?}
As most people probably know, LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender/Transsexual. It exists as a civil rights movement to combat centuries of both social issues and systemic oppression. The main activism seen in the LGBT community is the rights to marry, adopt... exist, really, and has had close ties with the leather/kink community, especially during the height of LGBT protests. I’m not gonna get into every bit of history, but this is the base I’m working off of. 
{Why would an asexual/aromantic person want to be included in the LGBT community?} If I had to guess, especially for adolescents who identify themselves as asexual or aromantic, the sense of isolation that inherently comes with any “atypical” sexual experience makes the idea of a community very appealing. The LGBT community is very widespread at this point and generally accepted in the mainstream online world, making it appear extremely welcoming to any person who feels lost and isolated from their peers for their orientation. 
My counterargument to this is -- asexual communities and groups do exist. I’ve heard the argument before that “exclusionists invaded and ruined ace communities”, but I have not seen any proof of such a claim, nor is it like that communities exclusively for asexual/aromantic people don’t exist. For starters, there’s AVEN, which I would think is a great place for a young person who’s questioning if they’re ace/aro to turn to for information and support. Additionally, doing a quick search, there’s quite a few Discord servers specifically for asexual/aromantic people (most notably Acecord and The Aro & Ace Cafe, which both have 500+ members), as well as Twitter pages (such as AsexualOutreach). There IS a decently sizeable ace/aro community, and this is just surface-level resources I’ve found. 
{Why would the broader ace community want to merge with the LGBT community?}
Activism, I guess. The LGBT community is already sizeable and pretty well-known, with a strong presence both online and in the real world. From pride parades to campaigns and media representation, more people are generally aware of LGBT than they are of asexuality/aromanticism. It does initially seem like a good idea from the ace/aro community’s perspective to combine forces with a larger community in order to get a boost on their own activism. The issue comes with what I can only describe as a conflict of interest.
As I stated towards the beginning, LGBT is a civil rights movement. The community exists to fight oppression and civil injustice first and foremost. In many places, it is illegal to just be openly gay or transgender. It is illegal in many places to get married or adopt if you’re LGBT. Many LGBT people are still imprisoned, murdered, or demonized as predatory simply for expressing their sexuality, love, and/or gender. From what I can tell, this has not been an issue prevalent within the ace/aro community.
I’m not gonna claim that asexuals/aromantics don’t face social issues. That would be ignorant of me to say. However, they do not face civil rights issues, or at the very least nowhere near on the same scale as LGBT. I can’t really think of any places where it is illegal to express being ace/aro, or where being ace/aro would deny you basic civil freedoms such as marriage, adoption, a job, or your life. Some people have made the argument that the LGBT community shouldn’t or isn’t about oppression, except... it is. Again, that’s why it was formed at all. If you are not oppressed, what do you have to gain by being in the LGBT community and being involved in our activism -- most of which has to do with fighting oppression? I can certainly see the overlap in social issues, don’t get me wrong, but when it comes to the rest of it? I genuinely don’t see what the ace/aro community would have to gain from a majority of LGBT activism without oversimplifying it to “accept other people for their orientation”.
Additionally, the LGBT community has been historically VERY sex-positive and expressive. Many pride parades involve kink and shameless sexual expression, which makes sense after centuries of being denied even the most basic of sexual expression. Also as stated before, the LGBT community has/had close ties with the leather community. Personally, I don’t see why an ace/aro person would want to be involved in that. Obviously not every ace/aro person is sex/romance-repulsed, but even allos tend to be uncomfortable with some of the shit that goes down at pride events, for example. It also creates a bit of a dilemma. Should LGBT people curb their sexual or romantic expression for the comfort of aces/aros, or should aces/aros curb their discomfort for the sake of LGBT people’s sexual/romantic expression? It’s a win/lose on either side, generally speaking. 
{Can cis asexuals/aromantics reclaim “queer”?}
Aaaand here’s the dreaded queer discourse. I’m gonna put this as bluntly as possible: if you do not experience same-gender attraction or are transgender, you do not get to reclaim a violent anti-LGBT slur. You have nothing to reclaim if you or your community have not been the target of the word. I’m just gonna leave it at that. “Queer” has always been used against people who are attracted to the same gender as their own, or transgender people. It isn’t a fun word to describe an atypical sexual experience, and it should not be treated as such. Just in general. I can’t even play the devil’s advocate on this one, it’s just completely beyond me.
Please, if anyone wants to add onto this, feel free to do so. I’m just spewing my brain out on how I feel about this whole discourse. Ultimately, I don’t care that much if aces/aros are included within the LGBT community. Like, that doesn’t directly harm me. I just don’t understand why they want to be/should be.
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librarycards · 3 years
Within neoliberalism nearly all bodies are referenced as debilitated and in need of market commodities to shore up their beleaguered cognitive, physical, affective, and aesthetic shortcomings. Neoliberal bodies, in this sense, provide opportunities for treating the individual topos of biology as, in-and-of-itself, a site of perpetual improvement for market- based exploitations and informational/affective resource extraction.
Consequently, “incapacity” has become an increasingly fluid, shorthand term for individual citizens’ responsibilities within biopolitics for their own body management. Jasbir Puar refers to this tactical expansion of impairment as a central feature of “debility” in her essay “Prognosis Time” (163). Neoliberalism comes replete with an expansive sense that we are all living in relation to the arrival of a prognosis of the pathology-to-come. Second, despite this neoliberal expansion of debility as an emergent characteristic of all bodies, its overdetermined application to an insufficient every-body surrenders the lived alternatives developed by disabled people navigating a world organized around narrowly devised norms of capacity, functionality, and bodily aesthetic. In the chapters to come we will refer to those disabled people who by paradoxical means gain entrance into late capitalist cultures as “the able-disabled”—those who exceed their disability limitations through forms of administrative “creaming” or hyper-prostheticization but leave the vast majority of disabled people behind. Likewise, we also discuss the utility of this new formation of tolerance (i.e., inclusionism) being advertised globally as an exceptional constituent property of extra-national diversity narrated as prematurely accomplished in neoliberal postindustrial nations as “ablenationalism.” Both “the able-disabled” and “ablenationalism” develop as late twentieth-century neoliberal strategies for the tightly regulated entrance of people with disabilities into neoliberal economies through what Michel Foucault refers to as “biopolitics” (History of Sexuality 141).
David T Mitchell & Sharon L Snyder, The Biopolitics of Disability: Neoliberalism, Ablenationalism, and Peripheral Embodiment.
[emphasis mine]
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fin-dug · 3 years
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ANTHROPOCENE S/S 2020 ‘The Anthropocene, the concept that the Earth has moved into a novel geological epoch characterized by human domination of the planetary system’ Focusing on posthumanism and radical inclusionism, as outlined and informed by Donna Harraway’s ‘A Cyborg Manifesto’, Anthropolocene suggests a deviation from accustomed physicality and seperative norms. Light jersey draped jackets, dresses and panels sit under towering shoulders, exotic leathers and faux-subdermal implant piping. Large draped double waistband nylon chaps and trousers rest on acrylic soled platform heels, and stretch leather variations form over exposed legs. Contrast suede and boiled wool fuschia sleeves speak to Pierre Huyghe’s dog ‘Human’ who is a consistent subject throughout his body of work.
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camp-counselor-life · 3 years
The truth is, you cannot transform institutions, systems, and practices unless you are transformed. While change can be forced and can happen under duress, real transformation can only occur through choice. Inclusivity has to become who we are instead of what we do.
“Reimagining Camp through a Pro-Inclusional Lens,” Niambi Jaha-Echols, Camping Magazine, American Camp Association, September 2021
“All of the inclusion, diversity, social justice, and equity work that many are doing in the field right now — all of it is to get us on level ground... Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes or easy steps. It will require us to change not only our minds, but also our hearts. It will need us not to be defensive, dismissive, or condescending. It will require us to hear a perspective that may not always be easy to receive. To truly understand and see white culture and camp through a different lens. Uncomfortable conversations create change. Just know that each time we open up our hearts and minds to someone who doesn’t mimic our perspective, our heart expands.
Following are eight Cs of Pro-Inclusional Leadership™ that will help us to embody the transformations we want to see in our camps and our society at large as we reimagine our world.”
1. Core: Soul-Awareness - Who are we beyond our socially prescribed identities? Who would we be if we were to remove the label of our racial identity? 
2. Conscious Agility: Nimbleness of Mind - We have to create space for new perspectives, ideas, and information. 
3. Curiosity: External Awareness - Curiosity is essential when fostering cross-cultural competence, because it allows us to think rationally and innovatively when facing challenges and developing solutions. 
4. Courage: Influencing and Negotiating - When there is more courage and less fear in cross-cultural relations, we are more likely to work harder toward positive resolution, deal better with change, and speak up more willingly about important issues — activating our power, passion, and purpose with potency.
5. Connection: Interpersonal Skills - More than just getting along with others, our human nature craves authentic connections with others — an ability to objectively see, compassionately feel, and accurately hear others. 
6. Clarity: Emotional Literacy - To lead and respond with clarity is imperative when one believes in the intrinsic value of diversity and inclusion at camp.
7. Creativity: Innovation - Camp communities often struggle with true innovation, settling for adaptation instead. 
8. Compassionate Advocacy: Equitable Agency for Self and Others - Having empathy and compassion requires people to know each other from a heart-centered perspective.
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posi-pan · 4 years
So there's this thing going around that certain blog that was supposedly about Inclusionism was being racist or something? I don't know a lot about what they did exactly but apparently their blog focused on “fighting” panphobia, but because of this now there's a wave of panphobes coming out of their holes and using this as an excuse to literally tell pansexuals to kill themselves. I ended up entering someone's blog from the replies from op's post (op= the problematic Inclusionist) and saw them reblogging a bunch of blogs from op including a call out post where they outed panphobes and all the replies were like “add me too <3” (Including the person of said blog) and I just felt like crying at that point to be honest. It's just not only the big amount of people thinking being an asshole online is somehow a personality and a good thing, it's that every time someone who claims to be in favor of pansexuality does something shitty people suddenly stop using their brains and immediately go “this is why pansexuals are all disgusting” and it makes me so frustrated and angry at everything. I honestly would give up tumblr's existence if it meant people like this didn't have a platform to pretend their bigotry is cool and quirky. And the way I found out about this is because a big user here on tumblr reblogged the panphobe's version of the post which just makes me angrier because people will claim to not be panphobic yet they won't do anything (in fact, encourage it) to stop spreading hate and vigor's platforms, it makes me sick. I ddon't even know where I'm going with this, I know it's a lot of information for one ask but I'm just really sad after reading all that. I hate tumblr so much.
i really wish people would stop using the actions of one person as an excuse to hate an entire group and be bigoted. i really only see this with pan and ace, tbh. or the identities it’s “acceptable” to hate. and i’m just so tired i don’t even have the energy to be mad. it’s just like......what is this doing for anyone? who exactly in the community is benefiting from any of this?
also, i wonder if the problematic account was one i came across yesterday. i just checked the account and it seems all their posts have been deleted and their url changed? it used to be something like exposing exclusionists or something. idk. but if it was that account, there was a post about it being run by a bunch of people and only two were pan. i remember that because i was annoyed they kept saying “yeah pan was created as a criticism of bi but it’s evolved!!” so i checked if the person running the account was even pan lmao
but yeah, regardless. panphobes will use anything as an excuse to hate all pan people. it’s pathetic. it’s literally what non-queer people do. it’s why some queer people are so worried about ever misspeaking or making a mistake or even “fitting” a stereotype, because it “reflects on the whole community” but like...we’re all our own people. one person’s actions don’t actually say anything about anyone other than that one person. queerphobes in the community conveniently forget that when they’re the ones making the generalizations.
i’m sorry this upset you so much. i know it’s easy to sort of fall down the rabbit hole of panphobic posts and accounts, i do it all the time but i’m trying to just stop myself from reading long panphobic posts in our tags or going on a panphobe’s account to see what else they’re saying. i’m trying to just block when i come across a panphobe and quickly move onto something else so i don’t end up dwelling on it. it doesn’t always work, but it is helpful. it’s better for my wellbeing than the alternative. maybe you should try it, too. there’s sadly nothing to do to make it so you never see panphobia, but actively trying to not give it your time and energy might help.
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years
Hi, Im a black reader of urs and wanted to talk to u abt urs and reader inserts in general. Its hard to read a lot of them because I cant put myself in the readers place. Things like the reader blushing or hair being brought up can do that. I have a darker complexion so I dont blush much. My hair isnt like everyone elses in obvious ways. Blogs like “writingwithcolor” & “fandomshatepeopleofcolor” can help if u have questions about BIPOC. I wanted to tell u this so people like me can feel included
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Heya, dear!
Thank you for your Feedback, I really appreciate it! 💟
Don't worry, I didn't think it was hate at all. You expressed yourself very well and I am glad you told me that!
I'm so sorry to hear that you couldn't enjoy my stories the way you wanted due to my shortcomings, and I'm willing to change that!
Everyone of my Followers is loved and appreciated and I want you all to have a place to feel welcomed here!
Just wanted you to know that many of my Fics are several years old, and I only started writing again a few months ago. Back then I didn't really think about inclusional writing style, just as you said.
(As stupid as it sounds, but I once stumbled across this meme and it somehow opened my eyes about needing to change my writing style:)
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Especially things like writing about hair or blushing are really bad habits I am trying to avoid in my latest works. I actually try to describe the readers appearance as neutral as possible, so everyone can enjoy reading my stories.
But I can imagine I sometimes fail to do it properly. So feel free to tell me whenever you felt excluded, and I'll edit it immediately!
Thank you for taking the time to tell me that important information, and I hope to hear from you again!
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exclamaquest · 2 years
Whyyyyy can't ppl be normal abt aspec ppl when talking abt radical inclusionism istg. Acearo ppl aren't a part of the community because of blind acceptance, there are reasons and to act like thinking critically abt which labels and identities should be considered valid parts of this community means being aphobic rly says smth abt how these ppl think (apologies for the little rant, that anon randomly activated a primordial rage in me)
no it's okay you're absolutely right with everything you're saying. that's why i wish critical inclusionism wasn't taken by a lesbophobe there needs to be a word for being an inclusionist after hearing all the data and making an informed conclusion about what is and is not harmful and what you want to support
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