#ingo: you're like a sister to me but NOT like that
nell0-0 · 1 year
Dunno if you ship it but what about conductorshipping (elesa/emmet) with some optional third wheel Ingo tossed in?
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Tbh, I don't know. I HC Emmet as grey-aroace and Elesa as a lesbian, so this feels a bit out there. But I could totally see them tentatively dating before figuring themselves out and staying as very good friends! They would totally joke about it and be overly dramatic just to tease Ingo.
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
30 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🌊
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😅Ah, well this is awkward-
I haven't drawn Gravity Falls in quite a while. And with this sudden fandom resurgence following the book of Bill.. I actually went back and privated a huge chunk of my Gravity falls posts. :x
My reasoning for this is that looking back, a lot of those old posts are rather embarrassing for me 💀 now I respected them all as stepping stones to where my blog is now so I didn't actually DELETE any posts!! But now with the fandom coming back people are finding them aaaannddd.. when ever I get a notification of someone liking an old cringey Gravity Falls post of mine? I just go beet red. uhhg they're sooooo embrassingggg...
SO! For my own comfort, I privated lot of those embarrassing posts. I didn't delete them in case I change my mind and want them back in the future- but they should all be hidden.
Now that that's explained, the comic you're talking about is likely one that I privated parts of out of embarrassment. But if you happen to have a link to one of the parts or can remember the what the comic was about... mayyyybe I could go back and un-pivate it.? <XD But just that comic! It depends on how beet red I turn when I see it-- :x
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I've heard of cult of the lamb, seen a lot of fanart for it- and several of my friends play it!... But I still don't know much about it <XD Isn't it like a cult simulator or something..? Idk-- the cult imagery just didn't really feel like my thing 😅
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@i-v-y67 (Hiding the image because its not my art! <:D )
Sorry man, <XD Maybe someday I will! But for now I got Welcome home, FNAF and Pokémon on the mind 💀
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DUDE I LOOOOOVE THE AMAZING WORLD OF GUMBALL!! That show has absolutely no right to be that funny XDDD
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XDD Aw, thank you! Truly the highest compliment my version of Wally could receive. 😌
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Idk how Bibi's name is actually supposed to be pronounced.. but I personally pronounce it as "bee-bee" <XD
And for his little sister Cici, its the same. "see-see"
While I'm at it, Gerald's name is pronounced "erald". The G is silent XDD
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Aw man.. Ingo couldn't cope.. 😔😔
No that's not me saying that Emmet loved Ingo less or was emotionally stronger than him- but Emmet sees Ingo as his strong and capable older brother. With some comfort from Elesa, he believed at his core that Ingo could handle what ever he was facing out there.. although his body was wracked with worry..
If the roles were reversed.. I mean.. man..
Ingo sees Emmet as his precious baby brother. Despite them being only minutes apart in age. He knows logically that Emmet is just as strong and capable as he is.. but just imaging his baby brother out there.. wounded and all alone.. he should have been there. he should have done more. He's all alone. What if he never sees him again? What if he dies alone out there?
The separation would quite possibly destroy Ingo..
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Boop!! :DDD
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I'm feeling pretty rough, but doing my best to rest! <:D and thank you!! :)))
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I don't have many clear ideas for Home yet.. I'm thinking that its pretty sentient. Home can problem solve, make assumptions and learn..
What does it think of everything... I'm not quite sure. I imagine Home to be curious though, and that's why it watches Wally sleep and why it watched Eddie at the Christmas party..
I also pictured Home to have been in an almost coma/zombie like state back when it was dilapidated.. but then I wonder if Poppy would still be spooked by it.. hmm..
It couldn't have been comfortable in that state at least. So when Wally fixed it up, maybe Home was grateful? Or maybe Home is just kind'a coming to and doesn't know how to feel about the neighborhood springing up around it.. overall I kind'a want to keep these general malicious undertones to Home... 👀
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Yeah, I didn't have them crushing on each other because I don't like writing romance stuff for characters that are not my own.. <XD
But this doesn't mean that Eddie and Frank cant have a strong platonic bond in my au! :0 One thing I imagined for their friendship is how they met/how it started.
I had this picture in my head that Frank used to butt-heads with the other neighbors a lot more than he does now. Frank had a certain way of talking and expressing himself that some of the other neighbors didn't really understand.. and since Frank can be irritable at times.. well.. I guess the best way to put it is that Frank had a hard time making friends at first..
I imagined that on a particularly bad day, where nothing seemed to be going his way.. Frank was huffing and puffing and just grumbling to himself.. attending to some chores around the house and just overall feeling down. At some point, he realized the package he ordered should be here any second now.. so he stepped outside to check the mail.
When he went outside, whaddya know! The new mailman was here right on time and putting his package in the mailbox. Well FINALLY something went right for him! That's a nice change..
I imagined Frank went out in a huff to grab the mail, not intending to chat.. but 10 minutes later and he was still stood outside talking to the new mailman.
I thought that when Frank spoke to Eddie, Eddie listened intently and waited patiently for his turn to talk without interrupting. When Eddie talked to Frank, he basically asked all the perfect questions in the perfect tone to get Frank to simmer down.
Eddie told him how beautiful his garden looked, and with his tone and bright smile, you could tell he meant it! Well that's a nice thing to say..
Frank asked how he feels about the neighborhood. And Eddies responses were relatively quick and to the point. Huh.. its nice to have no filler in this conversation considering how grumpy he was today..
Eddie makes a comment about Franks nice clothes, Frank chuckles and comments that his grumpy expression probably doesn't make them look any nicer.. Eddie is a little taken aback, "I didn't think you looked grumpy.. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down today neighbor.." Huh.. someone who doesn't just see his frown and assume he's a grump. That's a really nice change..
By the end of their conversation, Franks day had been completely flipped on its head. He had a nice chat with the new neighbor and got his mail right on time. Eddie was respectful, interested in what Frank had to say, and had plenty of genuine compliments to spare.
Since that excellent first impression on Eddie's part, their friendship would grow and grow into what it is today. Not a romantic relationship, but definitely a best friend situation for sure. :)
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A phone call? :0 Is this one I talked about happening in my at some point and forgot or was this something that happened in canon? <:0 Forgive my poor memory- today is not my day! 😅😅
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AWWWEE!! the little babeee.... 🥺🥺💞💞💞💞
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(In response to this post)
Thank you! These past few days have been pretty rough but I'm hangin in there! <:D ...
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Man I really gotta work on the story/personalities for Julies siblings <XD These ideas for them are just wonderful! Him meeting Julies brother/sisters sounds like a fun drawing idea!
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B-But.. with no return address... how am I supposed to send a thank you..? <:'(((
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It is one of my all time favorite shows.. 🥺🥺💞💞💞 I love it to bits. Stanley is my favorite character.. I watched it like twice and I would have watched it a third time but I couldn't watch it without crying so I had to quit <XDD 100/10 would recommend Gravity Falls.💞💞
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(Jangles birthday post)
Ahh don't worry, his birthday was actually on the 6th. I was late too! <XD
Also thank you! I'm glad you like the details I added! :)))))
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😔😔😔Man, it never ends. Thanks for letting me know though..
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I kind'a pictured it being similar to Sans and Papyrus. Well, if Papyrus loved puns that is- XDDD
Their personalities are kind'a opposite. Barnaby is relaxed, laid back and always cracking jokes. Howdy is always on the move (in the warmer months). Always darting from shelf, gotta stock stock stock! Gotta go go go! Got so many things to do!
Barnaby usually hangs out in the shop and chats with Howdy. They like to talk about life, their opinions on different topics. And of course exchange jokes back and fourth XDD
I imagine their friendship is strong enough that they've opened up about some darker things. About their pasts and what not..
Sorry if this wasn't super descriptive and/or didn't answer your question 😅 brain is not braining today!
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She's thought about telling someone else. The people she would trust the most would probably be Wally, Barnaby, Poppy and Sally.
Though she's afraid if she shows Wally, he'll be afraid of her. Just like all the other humans were...
She thought about telling Barnaby because he's so laid back and easy going.. perhaps he'd accept her for who she is.. but Barnaby really values honesty.. maybe he'd be upset that she lied to him about who she really is and wouldn't want to be her friend anymore..
She almost told Poppy, but backed out last second. She doesn't want to scare poor Poppy..
She's considered telling Sally.. and since Sally has a similar story to her.. maybe she'd be really understanding and accept her.. but she wasn't sure. So she never told her..
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I'd like to imagine Home does, but Wally either doesn't notice them or thinks they're just normal old house things :0
For example, the first picture in this post shows Home before Wally restored it. The peeling paint was supposed to be like rotting flesh, showing a pale red wood underneath.. bright red wood exists in their world, but its not usually that shade of red...
I thought about there occasionally being a faint blowing sound somewhere in the house. Accompanied by drawn out rise and fall in temperature though all the rooms. Wally would say the windows don't seal that well or the walls have poor insulation.. Other's would say it feels like breathing..
I've considered that when Wally tries to hang a picture, the walls leak some kind of thick fluid. Obviously meant to be blood- but I miiiight not go with that one. Since that would be a big glaring problem that would grab Wally's attention-
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Also I'm actually pretty thin on ideas for Howdy.. although I DO have these headcannons about Howdy not liking winter/the cold! :0
I imagined that Howdy can't handle the cold at all <XD In the wintertime howdy is constantly cold, hungry and sleepy. This makes him move really slowly and show up late to everything 😔Thankfully he has his good pal Barnaby to lend a hand around the shop. But it just sucks that he's so exhausted in the wintertime and can hardly get anything done..
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(In response to this post)
Thank you so much! :DD And ooooo! Yellow and black could work really well! :000
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@neo-metalscottic (Chandelure post in question)
And as for Julies sisters/brother, I actually haven't thought about them much.. BUT THIS IDEA IS SOOOO GOOD AND SPOOKY!!! U GOTTA FIND A WAY TO ADD IT TO THE AU!! :DDD
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I would like to draw that comic, but its just a huuuuuge project for me to pick up atm <XD
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Thank you so much!! :DD Although unfortunately I don't know what image you're talking about.. I don't remember seeing Eddie hurt with Wally carrying him, and I don't have any intentions for Eddie to get seriously hurt! <:0
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r0-boat · 8 months
Tarzan Ingo ramble
Please destroy me
Cw smut, breeding
When Ingo first met you, he was so curious, gently stalking closer on all fours, his eyes trained on yours. When he was close enough, he reached out his hand, delicately feeling your skin softer than his. He already knew he was not like his Sneasler brothers and sisters, but he had never seen a human up close like this before. He never knew how soft their skin was. He wanted more, to know more about you, about humans through you to explore his fingers and hands throughout your entire body, feel every nook and cranny, and memorize every reaction you make.
Ingo urges you to stay in the den he knows that you're just trying to help him with his hunts in any way you could but really all he needs you to do is warm the nest until he gets back so he could snuggle up against you mew and purr brush up against your warm body.
Being raised by Sneaslers, he was practically born to Mountain climb. Even though he did not have claws like his siblings, he could still scale vertical walls of Rock with ease. His rough, calloused, and scratched hands are proof of his survival in the Coronet Heights. Ingo is not a pokemon so he does not go into heat but it has been so long since he had taken a mate he acts like as if he is in heat. His breaths are rough and heavy, and his hands Shake when he gently caresses you. He's practically drooling when he holds you close, pressing you down into the nest to take you, trying his hardest to hold back the urge to put his kits inside you, to break your poor hole, so he goes slowly at first, but his patience wears thin fast. Eyes dilated Already getting drunk on how good you smell and how good you feel.
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A Father's Resolve - Ch 9
Ingo returns after a decade - with two extra cars in tow. Years later, his kids are swallowed up by time in the same way he was. Will he be able to find them? Will they be able to make it out alive?
Word Count: ~3000
The twins wound their way through the Heartwood to hopefully find this Warden that they'd been told about. Their teams were trained up decently and they were having a grand time trying to write about Buneary. 
“Lookit her!” Akari squealed. “She's so cute!” She ruffled the soft down of the little rabbit she'd caught. It flicked its ear at her in annoyance. Rei did have to admit it was adorable, even if it had a horrible attitude. 
“I got that Silcoon we saw. I'd say let's see what this Warden wants and how to study Kleavor.” Rei tossed a ball in the air and caught it idly as his sister caught up to him on the dirt path, shaking the water from her shoes. She'd fallen in the stream trying to scramble back from a suddenly-livid Psyduck. 
Rei rounded the corner, seeing some man-made structures come up in his field of vision. A gateway appeared down the path, with some stone bowls carved from a large boulder in the middle of the arch. And in front of this stood a boy wearing soft pink and a hat that Rei could only describe as a cowboy hat. He was maybe ten with red curly hair and a stern expression on his young face, still trimmed with baby fat. 
Rei stared at the hat. He'd seen it before-
“That's Clay's hat,” Akari whispered to him in Unovan. “Remember fighting his Excadrill? That's totally it. Look at the gem.” She was right. The same green jewel set in the hat, square and sparkling, surrounded by gold trim on white leather. 
“Didn't… didn't Clay say his family was from another region? That they immigrated to Unova?” Rei murmured back. 
Akari simply nodded. 
This was getting weird. First their mother, now Clay's… grandfather? Great-grandfather? More generations? And he was younger than them! 
“I'm Lian, Warden of the Lord of the Woods, Kleavor. You're here to see the mighty Kleavor, ain't ya?” the boy called to them in greeting. Even his voice sounded like a younger version of Clay's! The boy crossed his arms, a smug look on his face. “I can see it on ya. You heard about his awesome power and now he's only become even more powerfully awesome.” He smirked into the crook of his elbow as the twins stepped up to him, finally. “That bolt of lightning charged him… maybe it was almighty Sinnoh's doing? Either way, as much as it pains me, I must turn you away.” 
“But we need to!” Akari blurted out. Lian's eyes flicked to her. He grinned slyly. 
“I must commend your passion, but unfortunately it is not safe. I have been given order by Irida to not let anyone see him right now. So back out now, lest you face the wrath of my Goomy.” 
“I accept,” Akari said before Rei could even think. 
“Back up.” She shoved him back and cleared a small space for a battle. Lian sighed and whistled. A small pokemon appeared from behind the stone bowls, a purple blob of a creature. Rei hadn't actually seen a Goomy before but he decided he needed to find one because this thing was perfect. A dopey smile graced what could be called its ‘face’  it had two small eyes and a big grin and it slowly trailed along and Rei needed to get a Goomy right now. 
“Goomy, let's try to ooze some sense into these interlopers!” Goomy gave a cry of challenge and oozed its way to the battlefield. 
Akari picked a ball carefully and tossed it out. Riptide, newly evolved, gave a small cry of its own. It stanced itself up, preparing for a long battle… 
That did not last long. 
Riptide did not take very long to tear through the small Goomy. It was clear that although the boy cared deeply for his partner, it was not very well-trained. He sagged a bit as he conceded defeat. “I still can’t let you through,” he sighed. “It is too dangerous. No one can get through to my Lord- Irida?” 
The twins turned to see the girl behind them, watching with wide, sad blue eyes. “Lord Kleavor is descended from a pokemon blessed by almighty Sinnoh itself. I did not want to have to throw up our hands and ask for help from an outsider but… every moment that he remains like this, the danger grows. If he hurts more people and pokemon, it may cause problems with the Diamond Clan and the Galaxy Team.” She paused, knitting her brows. “I hear that it was that bolt of strange lightning that changed him. Perhaps it was sent by that faulty god the Diamond Clan worships…?” Rei had to restrain himself from pointing out how stupid that sounded. “Regardless, do you both have any ideas how to help him? We care greatly for Kleavor; he means a great deal to our Clan. We do not want him to be hurt.” 
Rei glanced at his sister, who shrugged. It was obvious that they may be on their own with this one. It was hard to say what was wrong with him what they hadn’t even seen him yet. “We’ll figure something out,” was all Rei said. 
“Excellent!” Irida cut between the two and approached Lian, who still stood proud, even if Rei could now see the cracks in his small facade. He was just a boy with a big job he couldn’t handle by himself - and it tore him up on the inside. Rei could see how his eyes darted around, how they desperately scanned Irida’s face for some semblance of good news. How his small hands shook. “Lian and I will gather some of Kleavor’s favorite foods in an attempt to get close enough to make a proper offering. As for you, try to find a way to quell his frenzy, even if you must traverse every corner of Hisui!” 
The twins took that as a dismissal and nodded, turning and striding away. Once out of earshot, Rei asked Akari in Unovan, “What are we even supposed to do? I still don’t know what all this is about.” 
Akari debated as they snuck around the alpha Bibarel, staying quiet until they had passed by safely and were heading up Deertrack Heights. “Let’s ask Laventon. He’s a scientist, right? Maybe he’d have a clue.” 
Emmet shivered as he pulled his coat a little tighter around him. Why was the office so cold? He glanced up over the pile of paperwork he had in front of him, checking the face of the clock on the wall. The little train-shaped hand had a smokestack that pointed to the number five. It was already almost 6:30? Emmet leaned back in his chair, sighing to himself as his back popped. How long had it been since he’d moved? Four hours? His gaze traveled the room as he sat motionless in the cold. 
The walls had several framed photos and posters. The posters were mainly older Gear Station signs and advertisements for past events they had done, like a battle bracket one year for challengers or a holiday or New Year’s event. Emmet’s favorite was the spooky one, personally. Ingo always liked the spring decorations, the small flowers and the pastel colors. The twins had been split on the battle bracket and, for Rei, the scavenger hunt to collect every sticker hidden away on the platforms. The prize for finding them all was an authentic conductor’s hat, though he’d never cared for that. He had plenty. 
There were several photos dotting the area around the two desks, as well. Photos of himself and his team, Ingo and his teams (from Hisui and Unova, as he hadn’t had the chance to release his Hisui team before returning), the twins as they grew up, both with and without their starters, Elesa with all four of them, even a family reunion photo with Drayden and Iris and their extended family on his side. Emmet’s favorite had to be the one he kept on his desk, from when the twins were younger. Ingo’s kids were maybe eight years old, staring intently into the water under Tubeline Bridge, watching for any sort of movement. That is, until Iris had sent her Lapras into the water to prank them, having it pop its head out and making the two scramble back onto the bank with a strangled yelp, landing in a very undignified way on the muddy land on their bottoms. The photo had been taken just as the twins were yelling, Lapras’s face in a soft smile as it ‘greeted’ them. Iris was already in stitches, doubled over in laughter. Even Drayden had chuckled, his eyes shut in merriment, leaving Emmet to laugh openly. Only Ingo hadn’t truly laughed, though his eyes had twinkled as he held it in and made sure they were alright. Other than some bruised pride, they had been perfectly fine. 
He looked at the goofy photo. Emmet had pulled out his camera as soon as he’d seen Iris sneakily send her pokemon into the water someway upstream. It had been taken just downstream, so he could get everyone’s faces from afar. The kids’ eyes were wide as they leapt back - the photo still had them in mid-air, their arms blurry from reeling backwards. Emmet felt that familiar grin creeping up his face as he studied the photo. It always made him smile. Lapras had offered itself to being petted as an apology afterwards, and had even ferried the kids around on its shell for a bit on the water. 
Emmet sighed. He put the photo back and stood up, stretching. A deep sense of melancholy settled itself into his ribcage, sitting more heavy than a stone. His face drooped. It was much harder to make memories like that when the person - or rather, people, in this case - were missing. 
He checked his phone. A message from Drayden checking in, that he hadn’t heard anything yet about the missing kids, but he’d keep searching, he would always keep searching. Iris hadn’t heard anything, either. 
Keep up your hopes, Emmet. They aren’t gone for good. You told me that the first time we went through this, and I know you know it now.
Emmet typed a response as he grabbed his stuff, his day bag now slung over his shoulder. He made sure to unceremoniously dump a bit of the paperwork on Ingo’s desk and to shove some of the more urgent items into his bag. You are correct. I know that. But I am not the one who needs convincing. 
A moment passed as Emmet grabbed his personal items and opened the door to the office. He shut off the lights as he did, making sure not to waste needless power. He made his way down the hallway, checking again for a message. To his surprise, there was one. Drayden usually did not answer this quickly. I’m sure. Perhaps me and Iris can stop by sometime. Try to break him out of the horrid spell I’m sure he’s still under. It’s been how long now? This was about the time you became despondent. 
He entered the control room. Two or three Agents milled about, checking in on the monitors and speaking in low tones. They looked up as Emmet entered and waved to him. “Everything steady?” Emmet asked them. 
“Sure is, Boss. Just passengers and us left for the night shift. Only engine Orange being ran for the overnight shift. All others are already in the warehouse being assessed and cleaned.” The olive-skinned woman pulled up a camera feed, making it larger on the biggest screen in the center. It showed several large engines being serviced by night crew.
“Perfect.” Emmet put a cup in the coffee maker by the door and pressed what flavor he wanted. Mostly black, just a bit of cream. “Need anything else from me? I know I disappeared today. Lots of paperwork to catch up on.” 
“I don’t think so, Boss.” A pale man with glasses swiveled in his chair to face him. “Have a good night. We’ll see ya back here tomorrow morning. Wish Boss Ingo our best.” The other Depot Agents nodded solemnly. Though it had never been formally announced that the kids were missing, they all certainly knew. It was taboo to talk about it in the station, but the Agents were always sure to leave kind regards and if Ingo didn’t come in for a few days, it was never mentioned. 
“You as well. All aboard,” Emmet responded, more out of habit than anything. He snagged his cup and placed a lid on top as he snuck out of the station. He checked his phone again, typing out a response to his uncle. If you want to see him acting more like a stale piece of bread than a human, consider yourself invited. It’s hard to get him to do anything these days. I’ve been holding down the Station more often than not. Even if he does go in, he just stares at the wall. I’ve never seen him so invested in a book in my entire life than the history books he reads. 
He waved to the Agent by the door as he swung open the glass doors to the station and swept out into the warm night. Emmet sighed in contentment as he clutched his coffee. The sky was that ethereal orange seen across Unova. Light pollution had its large claws sunk deep into the region, and unfortunately, no night was truly the inky black he remembered on his trip to Alola with Ingo all those years ago. Street lights threw that ugly yellow undertone to everything that they always did. Quite a few people were out tonight, though Emmet supposed that was normal for seven at night on a Thursday in the summer. He wondered if there were any events, musical or battle-oriented or otherwise, that were going on soon in Nimbasa. There was almost always something. He passed under the one that flickered as he walked, checking his device yet again. A certain someone else I can think of was much the same. We will come by this weekend. Don’t worry about making the house too clean, we’ve definitely seen worse. Emmet could almost hear his uncle’s soft chuckle that accompanied it. Is there anything we should bring as well? Food, pokemon treats, anything of that sort? 
I don’t think so, Emmet typed, walking under another street light. He could see the bus stop in the distance. A few others were already at the stop, waiting for the next bus to arrive. He stood just outside the covered bench, leaning on a lamp post as he typed. I need to do some grocery shopping soon, so let me know if you want anything specific to snack on. It’s mostly just me doing things in the house these days. The Joltik aren’t as rowdy, either. The next clutch hasn’t hatched just yet and most of last year’s have already relocated to Chargestone and the tunnels.
This will be your eighteenth clutch, correct? 
Emmet glanced up as he thought about when he had first started officially breeding them. It would have been toward the tail end of Ingo’s absence. Elesa had convinced him that he needed some hobby other than going to work all the time, and she had remembered him talking about getting into breeding when he was younger, so she had bought him a book about the basics of pokemon breeding. That must have been during the eighth year of Ingo’s disappearance, and if he’s having one clutch a year and its been about ten years since he reappeared-
“Subway Boss Emmet?” Emmet blinked himself from his thoughts and glanced around. The person who had spoken was an older woman sitting on the bench. No one else around paid them any mind, some with earbuds in, some engrossed in something on their Xtrans. 
“Hm?” Emmet hummed to the woman, alerting her that he’d heard what she’d said. He let his hand with the phone screen fall somewhat, turning his attention to her. 
The woman had very light hair, almost white, long and very wispy, held up in a dark hat. She also had a dark dress. It almost looked like she was dressed for a funeral. She smiled up at him, the wrinkles around her eyes deepening in the glow of the orange street lamp above them. “I heard about what happened recently. Things will become right again for you.” 
He blinked. Honestly, this left him at a loss for words. “I- uh. T-Thank you? Thank you.” He regained his composure. “It will take some time, but I know the tracks will be rideable once more.” 
She chuckled as she looked up. Emmet could see the bus in the distance. “It will indeed. My great-great niece would love you. She is very into history, you see, much like my nephew was… oh, what a strong-willed man, he was. Is! That never left him.” 
As she rambled, Emmet’s mind was reeling. Who was this woman? He didn’t think she’d ever seen him before. The fact that she recognized him by sight alone was nothing odd, he was something of a local celebrity, especially in uniform. He was about to ask what she meant when she glanced around again and shook her head. “It seems my stop is coming. I wish you could meet my lovely niece. She would want to talk to you for days about Hisui and the heroes-” 
“You know about Hisui?” Emmet asked incredulously. He needed to know more. He needed-
“Good luck, Emmet. Keep your brother strong. The children are looking for him.” The bus’s headlights engulfed his vision for a moment, making him blink. As soon as he opened his eyes to ask her what she meant, the bench was empty. Emmet whirled around, looking for the old woman, but she was nowhere to be seen. The door to the bus opened with a mechanical hiss. Other passengers began to climb aboard. Emmet gave one last glance around as he climbed aboard next, shivering under his coat, trying to shake the feeling of being watched. 
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cuz-reasons · 11 months
So, I may have made a couple of parent ocs for the twins. I've never, like, done anything like this before since ocs never really interested me, but seeing all of the different takes other people have had for their parents and my own enjoyment of repetitivly "small town-ifying" them made me wanna try it out.
Now I'm left with parent ocs that I love.
They're names are Mel and Nico and there's a bunch of more info about them under the cut if you're interested! Also, feel free to ask about them!
Short for Mellisa, but only her family (and sometimes Nico) calls her that
The twins get most of their looks from her (grey eyes, tall, bit of a toothpick), although she's kinda built so the toothpick genes aren't that visible in her
Worked as a car/other vehicle mechanic, retired now but still pops into the shop a couple times a week to help out but mostly for fun now
Drives a motorcycle, didn't let the boys on it when they were small so only really uses it if it's just her/only with Nico
Was never really that interested in battling, has an old Scolipede from when she was young and took in a Scrafty that was abandoned at the shop as a Scraggy a couple years after the boys moved out.
Had a sister (idk her name yet) that she was close to, but she died when the boys were around 12 or so
Bisexual and will make it your problem
Didn't really care if the boys swore when they were kids, swore in front of them
Short for Nicandro, only parents call him that
Much shorter than his wife and sons, is lovingly made fun of for this
Emmet, and occasionally Ingo, like to tease him for being old
Boys get their grey hair from him
Paldean, moved to Unova when he was around 10
Has a few siblings, no one is really close with each other. Not due to anything bad, just from drifting apart and not really contacting each other anymore.
Has a Wugtrio he had since he was a kid and an Orthworm he caught during a trip back to Paldea in his early 20s
Also not much of a battler, prefers to fish
Man, he loves fishing
"Hmm, my son is upset? I'll take him fishing."
Not the best with words, would rather give people things or take them places to show he cares
"I love my tall wife." Kinda guy
Also bisexual, but no one expects it and thinks it's funny to surprise people with it
Would rather the boys didn't swear as kids
Uh, that's the sort of basics I got for them so far. I'm trying to flesh them out more with some of the prompts for that November prompt list I'm following. I'll mention when a fic is about them or features them!
Again, feel free to ask any questions you have!
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applesjuice · 7 months
How will the reunion between Akari and Juliana go? Or Carmine?
So this is like, two years post Indigo Disk at this point. Carmine is about 19 here, and Juliana/Florian as being 17 and Kieran as 16 here.
Carmine travels for her job, she works with researchers as a sort if body guard against wild pokemon in dangerous areas they're studying. Pretty much what she did with Briar as a student. So she is out of the region when Akari gets reverse eebied back. They're staying with Drayden in Opelucid City, since Ingo is staying there too (and Emmet he's not going anywhere). After Carmine finally finds out what's up from Drayton she demands to facetime immediately to see Kieran.
Akari vaguely remembers her, their memories are sort of coming back. They just feel kind of seperared from them. Staring at the face of god kind of scrambles your brain.
So they initially reunite over facetime but it's not exactly a coherant conversation on Carmine's end. She's too busy bawling so Drayton winds up having to have a private conversation with her about the situation. After that she drops everything calls her grandparents to tell them whats up and then THAT'S it's own situation becauase poor grandma thought she was having a stroke when they heard the news.
When she gets back to Unova and finally sees Kieran in person she's bawling again and appologizing to them like Drayton did so Akari is finally like why does everyone keep apologizing to me? I dont get it. So then she's even more upset lol. But Akari really matured in Hisui and does kind of remember a big sister so there super happy someone they're related to actually wants them. (Akari went through a phase where their memories of indigo disk era had them thinking they were a terrible person and everyone back home was better off without them)
She also has a few of Kieran's pokemon on her like Furret and Hydrapple and they are very emotional seeing Kieran again. It takes her a few days because she's so overwhelmed but she eventually reaches out to Briar and the Protagonist to let them know Kieran's alive.
Im just gonna use Juliana in this to make it easier, but Juliana is shook. Like she's moved on with her life, mourned Kieran, still has nightmares about the incident. Kieran is the ghost that haunts her. So she's beside herself too and Carmine gives her time. She tells her friends who like, all vaguely know Kieran through osmosis since the whole thing kind of broke her, and they help her work through what she's feeling. Same with her mom, her mom keeps a picture of Kieran in their house even though she never knew them. But like the fact that this kid died and her own kid almost did too is pretty devastating to think about.
So Juliana facetimes Carmine and Carmine shows her Kieran (they don't talk yet, the whole situation is a lot for these two) and she starts crying too lol. She's like "do you think he'd want to talk to me?" And carmine is like "well, they've changed a lot but its more like. Theyre back to their old self just, more sure seeming? Also i honestly dont know if they remember you"
So its a whole shitshow essentially. Just a bunch of people navigating a difficult situation. Akari is kind of facinated by Juliana like "wowzers i was friends with someone so cool? I cant believe i was so mean to her i should appologize" and theyre like kieran i think sort of dying kind of negates that you're fine.
Then comes the big bomb that Akari has a SMART PHONE. That is the biggest change of all. Cannot believe you went to the past and came back with knowledge of memes.
Eventually the two talk and they're like pen pals for a while (through texting) while Kieran is healing and doing rehab for some injuries in Opelucid. Carmine is staying in an air bnb there to help out. Eventually Juliana gets the courage to come visit and when they meet she's half crying in joy half having a bi panic because Akari is very pretty.
The end
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leggerefiore · 2 years
You giggled as Erin moved around excitedly in the long coat. The cute costume was a special request, as not many people wanted to dress up as what he had. He readjusted his cap and struck a pose much like his father would. You smiled even brighter at his giddy expression. Not quite his father's stoicism, but being as he was barely eight, you supposed it was excusable. You smiled at him as he did yet another pose, but this time, his Skitty wandered over and yowled at him in her own imitation of Ingo's clothes.
He quickly knelt down to pet and cuddle with Taffy. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you turned around to see Inka and Emma standing quietly in the doorway. They were wearing demon and angel costumes, having been dressed by Emmet, you knew. Emma rushed over to Erin to squeeze him in a hug. He whined a bit, but ultimately gave in to his older sister's affection. Inka sighed as she readjusted the horned headband. They were already thirteen, which left thoroughly astounded at times.
All of you left Erin's bedroom to meet the twins in the living room. Ingo awkwardly shifted in his interesting attempt at combining his work clothes with Zekrom features. Emmet managed a better job, but overall looked quite odd. It fit them perfectly, but you found it disturbing all the same. Sometimes, you wondered if they had a connection to the legendary dragons.
Ingo dropped to his knees and hugged Erin tightly, which left you a bit stunned. “Oh, you look adorable,” he spoke softly before pecking a kiss to his cheek, “A Subway Boss in training, most definitely.” Emmet cooed over his girls as Inka tried to escape from his hug. Emma was contented to have her father's affections, however. You smiled at their love for their children.
“Trick or treat,” Erin smiled and held out his bag to the stranger, who gazed at him for a moment. In turning his head up, the man grew more confused. Clones stood on his doorsteps demanding candy (which was normal for the holiday). He dropped a few into the boy's bag before receiving a polite nod from Ingo, who was soon to follow after his son. It was popular gossip that Ingo had a child who looked just like him, and it seemed that it was true. Before he could shut the door, two more clones emerged. They were followed by a clone of the original two.
“Trick or treat,” the girls spoke in exact sync. He quickly tossed out more candy in order to get the creatures away as soon as possible.
Emmet tilted his head at the clearly stressed man as he stood behind his daughters, who had decided to trail fashionably behind Erin in order not appear as if they were related to him. This fact was blatantly obvious, though.
“That was weird,” Emmet spoke to you as his jacket caught cold wind. Inka shuddered, regretting the sleeveless top that was chosen. Emma stayed close to her, trying to give her some excess warmth.
“He saw two pairs of identical twins in a short period of time, and Erin attempting to be his dad, who he resembles greatly,” you stated bluntly as you handed off your jacket to your shivering daughter. Inka tried to act like she didn't need it, but you weren't taking no for an answer. Her catching a cold would be painful, especially with how she gets.
“Oh! True!” Emmet giggled. You watched in envy as Ingo's Chandelure and Erin's Litwick kept them warm as they kept Trick-or-treating.
“Are we that weird?” Emma asked while fixing her wings.
“Between those two and you two, yes,” you admitted, “Why do you all talk in sync?”
“Because it's funny,” all three of the said at the same time.
You shifted groups to Erin and Ingo after that.
“Give me some,” Emmet begged his girls, who had some of his favourite chocolate. He loved Halloween as a child. Free sweets was heaven to him, no matter his age. Emma pushed a few his way, but Inka denied him.
“She's verrrry mean now!” he whined to you, while getting ready for bed, “My sweet little girl has become a monster!”
Ingo sighed, “You're overbearing, and she's a teenager now. You're now water and oil.”
You laughed a bit until he suddenly pinned you to the bed. “Brother, leave. I'm creating a new daughter,” Emmet demanded of his twin.
Now it was your turn to sigh.
“Erin!” You called out. Footsteps were suddenly on the approach. Emmet gasped at your betrayal but gave up, especially when the boy peered in.
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waywardstation · 2 years
A good friend of mine recommended HFBE to me. I don't really have the vocabulary to express how it makes me feel but I'm going to try.
My parents regularly skip meals to make sure my sister and I have enough to eat and even then I usually put half of what's supposed to be on my plate on hers when she isn't looking. The thought of her going without is worse than going hungry myself could ever be.
When I read Akari and Ingo's interactions, it reminds me of my parents and my sister. The guilt of knowing somebody's getting less to make sure you're getting enough but also the willingness to give up anything, everything you possibly can to make sure those you care about are okay. How either way you feel emptier when you go to bed and you can't tell if it's the hunger or the understanding of the situation's escalating severity that's making you feel sick and shaky.
I almost never see anyone acknowledge those feelings, much less acknowledge that it's not about the amount of food that exists, it's about the access to it. But even on an empty stomach and with hope wavering, there's still hope, and that's what makes me want to stick around to read future updates.
You don't have to post this because I'm sure you've gotten it a lot but thank you for this story, truly. I want to show it to my sister someday.
In regards to my fic, Heart Full, Bowl Empty
Anon, I really appreciate you sending this to me. I know HFBE deals with subjects that makes it a difficult or impossible read for some people. It can hit close to home for some, with personal experiences like this.
I try very hard to focus on the fact that everything being done, and every choice being made in the situation is done out of love and care for others in times of hardship (It's why I loved the name of the fic so much when 'Heart Full, Bowl Empty' was suggested to me by an anon - there may not be much on the plate, but that doesn't diminish how full everyone's' hearts are with compassion and empathy) and it's ultimately what keeps them going.
Things may get rough, but there is hope and love, those things are going to be the key to help that will ensure better days ahead.
Thank you again so much for the ask anon. I appreciate this ask so very much, and it makes me happy to know you appreciate this fic and how it handles things.
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lackuraphi · 1 year
Angel wings au)Chapter 9:Lingering
They had lingering.
I used a translator
This is the Fan fiction
It’s different from the original
Pokemon doesn’t appear(Except for one)
All Trainers have angel wings
This AU includes discrimination
Hisui is modern in this au
Content Warning:character gets a little mentally unstable, some violent and brainwashed
I am not really satisfied. I've punished the angels who hate me, But I am not really satisfied.
Why? Why am I not really satisfied? I hit the worst hypocrite with a sign, But Why am I not really satisfied? —————————————
Ingo's eyes stood a young black angel in shabby clothes that resembled his childhood.
“Ingo is a teacher! Ingo knows everything!”
The young black angel quickly grew into a teenager. He looked like Ingo as a teenager.
“Ingo is my teacher!”
The black angel, who grew up to be an adult, wore a white coat opposite to the black coat that Ingo was wearing.
“If Ingo is so happy, I’m so happy, too!”
But suddenly, the black angel sat down on the spot, bowed his head, and trembled in tears. Ingo sat down and held the crying black angel in his arms.
And the trembling black angel became Team Plasma Grunt, who toppled Ingo. The black angel smiled and said to Ingo.
“Yup. As expected, Ingo is a hypocrite. The verrrrry worst hypocrite ever.”
And he hit Ingo with a sign.
Ingo opened his eyes to a small hospital in Hisui Jubilife Village. (The size of the hospital was a community health center.)
"This is……" "Ingo! I'm glad you woke up!" "…Akari….and Melli..?" "The great Melli took you personally to the hospital! Do you know how hard it was for me to carry you down here?" ""Is this..a hospital..? Ugh..!" "Ingo!!" "Ingo!"
Ingo grabbed his sore head with both hands. And Ingo's head was bandaged.
"Ah… I was fighting with the Black Angel… …Melli! Are the Black Angels still attacking?" "The attack ended 4 days ago." "4 days ago..?"
Melli said the Black Angels attacked Ingo four days ago, and then Melli rushed back with the fainted Ingo, and the Black Angels also stopped attacking and flew somewhere. In other words, Ingo was attacked and fainted for four days.
"Melli came to this hospital in a hurry with Ingo in his arms. And you'd been badly hurt in your head…" "If I wasn't there then, you'd already be ingoing to the afterlife by now." "I see.."
Ingo once again recalled what happened 4 days ago.
"Ingo, What are you thinking so deeply about?" "Well.. among the black angels I've fought with, there was a black angel who looked like me.." "Oh, that's right. The black angel with the creepy smile! His name is, um…Was it Emmet…?" "Emmet…?" "He whispered to me in a creepy voice! Even now, when I think about that moment.. Ugh! I still get goosebumps!" "Emmet…Emmet……"
Ingo was very familiar with the word "Emmet"(down-train), but he did not know where he usually heard it. Before becoming a guardian angel, he only assumed that he would have heard it as a sign of the direction of the train's progress while staying as Subway boss. (Sorry. This part didn’t have the original meaning. It was a difficult part.)
"Emmet..Emmet…Ugh…!" "Ingo! You must have a headache. Get some rest first!" "Akari..Thank you for worrying about me.. But the thought doesn't leave my head "Hmm? What are you thinking?" "The black angel named Emmet who attacked me… He's like…My family..Especially like my brother…" "What?! family?! The black angel and you?" "You can't necessarily conclude that he's your family." "Melli, What do you mean?"
Melli explained to Ingo and Akari what Diamonds Mai went through.
"Mai told us that she saved an angel named Marley from a cave in Sinnoh." "You're right. It was longer and more complicated than Wayward Cave, and an angel girl named Marley was lost!" "But the angel and Mai were mistaken for twin sisters, and their faces looked so much like looking in the mirror! Even though it was their first time seeing each other that day!" "Come to think of it, I think I've heard of it.. The story of Marley, who looks similar to Mai…" "I mean, in other words, the eerie black angel is just a doppelganger with a similar name! That's it!" "Are you saying he's just my doppelganger?" "Of course! So forget about the black angel!" "….I'll try." "Oh! Come to think of it, there was something like this around you?"
Melli held out an old little toy train to Ingo. The toy train was a favorite item of Ingo's childhood.
"This is… a toy train that I lost when I was young!? I loved it so much, but I was sad that I lost it!" "Oh, this is your item." "Melli! Where did you find this?" "Four days ago, the Black Angel knocked you down with a sign, and then he took it out of his pocket, threw it next to you, and he left, so I took it just in case." "Really..? Melli..Thank you so much!!! You saved me and found the things I loved!" "Don't be mistaken! I'm just helping you as your partner! We're just partners! We're not best friends! so never mind!" "Melli…."
Melli grabbed Akari's hand with a little red face and said he was going to deal with Akari's practice matche, then he hurried out of Ingo's hospital room with Akari.
"Then take a good rest Ingo~!"
Ingo stared silently at the toy train, lost in thought.
"I guess…Is he just my doppelganger..?"
In one of the numerous rooms where Grunts were staying, Emmet continued to mumble and punch the wall.
not satisfied. not satisfied. not satisfied. not really satisfied. I am not really satisfied. Why? Why? Why? Why am I not really satisfied? I definitely punished the worst hypocrite, But Why am I not really satisfied?"
Team Plasma Grunts, who share a room with Emmet, looked at Emmet with anxiety.
"Emmet…." "If you keep hitting the wall like that, only your hand will hurt…" "Should I have hit the old trash on the floor and smashed it to pieces?" "Hey.. Emmet..?"
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"Why do you keep talking to me? It's annoying."
Emmet smiled wryly at Grunts. His expression was smiling, but his voice was an angry voice with anger without laughter. Grunts were frightened by Emmet.
"That's… that's…" "Why." "You seem to have a concerns. Why don't you go to Lord N..?" "…Lord N?" "If you tell Lord N about your concerns, he will give you advice! We sometimes go to Lord N for advice, too..!" "Will Lord N make me really satisfied? "Of course! Lord N is our king!"
Emmet went to N, as advised by Grunts.
First, Emmet went into the audience room. But there was no one on the throne high up.
"If there's no king in the audience room, is there only one place left?"
Emmet, who came out of the audience room, entered the so-called "N's Room," which is called the room where N stays when he is not in the audience room.
The room was littered with toys and, as Emmet predicted, N was in the room. N was silently staring at a train toy that could not move because the track was cut off. And Emmet approached N carefully.
"Hey. Lord N.. Ah! Excuse me. My Lord.." "You don't mind telling me as usual. There's no need to be formal in this room."
N spoke to Emmet, who was too rigid for him, with a kind smile and a soft voice.
"I am Emmet. I came to you. because I had a concern." "Why did you come here?" "My concern is..is.." "Ah, you may play with this train toy." "….!" "You went around telling everyone in this castle that you like trains, right?" "……Thanks. Lord N."
Emmet began to confide his concerns to N as he connected the tracks of the toy train that had been cut off.
"Four days ago, I swung a train sign to punish angels who hated me. But somehow,But somehow I didn't really satisfied. I even knocked down the worst hypocrite I hated, But. I didn't really satisfied." "I see." "Lord N. Why am I not really satisfied?" "……" "My Lord..!?"
Hearing Emmet's concerns, N gave Emmet a silent hug. And while covering Emmet with his black wings, he spoke quietly to Emmet in a soft voice.
"Poor Emmet… You still have lingering feelings…" "lingering..?" "Happy memories of angels remain lingering, and even if you attack them, you are not really satisfied at all." "Happy memories remain as lingering?" "And that lingering feeling may become a guilt that you attacked the angels, which may constantly distress you." "…So I knocked down the worst hypocrite, but not really satisfied, because of those happy memories?" "You told us that the guardian angel you call the worst hypocrite is your twin brother…" "……." "But don't worry. If you give up your lingering feelings, you will no longer suffer from guilt…" "…….." "Oh… You must have had a hard time…"
N stroked Emmet's head, which had fallen asleep in his arms, with a soft touch so that Emmet would not wake up.
Emmet woke up in the Grunt room where he was staying.
"yawn..! I feel like I slept well without worrying for the first time in a while! Huh? Is this the Grunt room I'm staying in? …Then was it just a dream for me to meet Lord N?"
The Grunts, who were waiting for Emmet to wake up, told Emmet that N held the sleeping Emmet and entered the Grunt room where Emmet was staying and spilled it on Emmet's bed. Emmet was very embarrassed when he heard it.
"Gaaah! I slept in front of Lord N?! And in N's room??? Oh No! What should I do? "I acted so rudely to Lord N, is it okay???" "Don't worry Emmet, Lord N is merciful to our black angels. Because Lord N is the king of our black angels." "So don't worry, Emmet, Lord N will forgive you all!" "Oh Really..?"
Emmet put on his undressed Grunt hat again and picked up a train sign that had been standing on one wall.
"Then I go to swing with this momentum! I'll go hit the sandbag hard in the training room!"
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Because I think that genres are fine it just it doesn't have to fit completely into them because you're learning this through osmosis (I want them to be antiheroes man)
practically all magical girl animes they have a life outside of each other and I can't see that for The Misfortune sisters.
You can make it up but I just think they're going to like ditch their civilian life because they live in completely different factions except for for charm and card unless you are going to make the survey Corp its own thing then again they're still together all the time.
And just completely fail The Balancing Act I can't see them succeeding I genuinely can't see them succeeding it.
[ Anonymous: If you really want to make civilian identities that are completely separate from each other AKA making them functional members of society already before Ingo has to teach them how to do it.
Then go off I just don't think that it fits their character but fine.
They tried to steal things hold up
Are they homeless?!?!
I would watch the shit out of homeless run away found family magical girls I don't care if it's unconventional
Anonymous: Speaking of genres if you don't do something or do something else it becomes subversive it doesn't take you out of the genre. if you play two by the book if it maybe becomes generic or formulaic especially with something so restrictive as a magical girl show. it seems like you're attaching yourself to the 'rules' to thoroughly.
I care less about a hearing to a genre and more about making a good story. Not that those stories can't be good stories it's just really hard to picture The Misfortune girls being able to fit in this box without seriously tweaking their character.
My definition of a magical girl show is girls fighting monsters with magic and friendship. Everything else is just vague guidelines.
I include My Little Pony friendship is Magic on this list. don't you test me.
Anonymous: Are you going to put them in a school? Make them have little romantic love interest? Will they be recognizable as gremlins?
Anonymous: .... did I go too hard? Whoops.]
hey WHO'S DRIVING THIS FUCKING THING, YOU OR ME? like at the end of the day this is. my blog. and my au. and if you really want to do something different with it you can go make your own posts and i feel like you maybe have Forgotten that.
this is still a very vague concept and i'd love to talk more about Plot Ideas but i dislike having to do that on the defensive yknow. trying to like, idk prove i'm not just following tropes. is not conducive to a fun writing environment. it kind of kills the vibe, even, if i may be so bold as to say. because anything i write as a response to this now FEELS defensive to me, even if i don't actually intend it to be, so.
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autismsubway-remade · 2 years
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247 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
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345 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
669 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
what would happen if you took both testosterone and estrogen at the same time?
792 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
domestic ingo fic because im insane (EVERY INTERACTION IS PLATONIC)
(inspired by a comic from @hoofpeet ^_^)
In Hisui, Ingo had to do many things himself. Cooking and cleaning were a given, because Lady Sneasler was a pokemon and unfortunately lacked opposable thumbs (and also had knife claws.) As a warden, he was to help his noble with every one of her new litters and was to watch them once she was recovered enough from birth to hunt again. He did not mind, finding the routine comforting in an otherwise unpredictable place.
Lady Sneaslers newest litter had brought upon a predicament.
A sneasel had arrived too early, and was much too small. Ingo feared he would have to bury yet another child of Lady Sneaslers, an unfortunate occurrence that was becoming far too frequent for his liking. The tiny sneasel squeaked in his arms, small enough to be held with only one hand. Lady sneaslers other eggs weren't set to hatch for quite some time yet, so he focused his attention on the kit. She was a girl, feather so small that it was nearly nonexistent.
By the time Lady Sneaslers other kits were hatched, the tiny sneasel (affectionately dubbed little lady) had grown much stronger.
The only issue was that she refused to see Lady Sneasler as her mother, opting instead to follow Ingo wherever he went, strutting behind him like a ducklett and constantly pleading to be held. Eventually, he crafted a small sling from a soft blanket he had sewn.
Nobody batted an eye when he appeared in the settlement with a very affectionate sneasel on his chest, swaddled in a makeshift baby sling.
Even when little lady was old enough to leave the den, she refused to, and when Ingo was returned back to Unova she came along.
Ingo quickly fell back into his routines, waking up with the sun to clean his and Emmet's apartment, and making breakfast with little lady still fastened onto his chest.
She purred and swatted at his beard with her poisonous knife claws. He was wholly unaffected.
Emmet however, was not.
"Ingo? What are you doing? It is 6am." Ingo looked back at his brother, who was still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Oh, did I wake you? I apologize."
Emmet stared at him.
"Ingo. Why do you have your sneasel in a baby sling."
He looked down. Little lady stared back up at him, and continued to tug at his hair. The menace.
"She does not like being away from me, or on the ground for that matter. I have no idea as to why that is, however." He mumbled, focusing on cracking eggs into a bowl.
"You said you raised her because she hatched early, right? Maybe she thinks you're her mother!"
He stopped.
Emmet was silent for a total of 3 seconds before doubling over in laughter.
"Did you seriously never notice??"
Ingo did not. Most of his time in Hisui was a blur of disassociation and mild poisoning (before his immunity, that is) so he truly never noticed. It was simply more convenient to carry little lady around, and nobody in the pearl clan even batted an eye.
"I...Was not entirely present for most of my time in Hisui. I guess I just assumed she was simply more affectionate than the other kits." He scrambled the eggs, and lightly batted little ladies hand away from the raw bacon.
Emmet sat down on the floor. "I kinda figured, you kinda had a thousand mile stare in the photos I found." Ingo hummed in response, the smell of bacon filling the apartment as he cooked.
"By the way, Elesa said she's coming over since we're awake. I don't know how she figured that out though."
"Maybe she has telepathy?"
"Verrry unlikely. She probably just has our routine memorized."
Ingo placed the bacon and eggs on a plate, and placed little lady on the floor.
See the full post
1,120 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
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r0-boat · 2 years
Hear me out!
Tarzan Ingo but he’s hit with an aphrodisiac, when fighting a Pokémon. And you are all concerned, until he fucks you right then and there, uncaring about being in the open like this 👀
Y'all I'm going feral I can't stop thinking about this one.
Cw: exhibitionism, blood play
You sat alone among the pile of old blankets and animal skins with nothing but the crackling fire pit and the howling wind of the mountain keeping you company.
Scraping at the stone floor with your stick, waiting for your boyfriend to return with a fresh kill and some berries for dinner. His hunts are usually quick, not bearing the thought of leaving you unprotected.
It's not like you didn't do your own fair share of exploration going against Pokemon much larger than yourself before meeting him. It didn't matter to Ingo. No matter how bloody battered and bruised he would be from fending off an Ursaring. He would always fret over the smallest scratches on you.
His eyes going soft, his voice soft yet rough trying to tell you over and over to not move as best he can in your language as he checks your body for any more scratches. He may be the strongest man in the mountainous Forest but he is no Pokemon.
As the hours go by you worry. What if he was in trouble? his weekend body tumbling to the ground as his blood taints the fresh snow was a sight you could not bear. No matter how mad he would be disobeying his safety precautions.
You put on your old Galaxy Gear leaving the safety of his den. Wondering around Coronet Heights in search for Ingo. The wind trembled the trees as it howled the only thing you've been hearing besides the crunch of the snow beneath your shoe. Occasionally climbing or sliding down ledges when you would find even the slightest trace of him. It wasn't until you neared the top of Coronet the snow seemed to finally stop and the wind finally quieted down. Following a small path until you reached a small clearing mostly surrounded by cliff the light green grass dusted with the white snow.
You only took two steps into the clearing before feeling a shiver running down your spine.
Something was watching you, drooling over your seemingly vulnerable state. You didn't seem to notice his hiding spot in the taller part of the grass carefully placing his fingers and sole forward as he stalks closer. A hunting tactic he picked up from Luxury that used to hunt his brothers and sisters.
Before you noticed silver eyes on you he pounced, his frowning face twisted with anger. he grabbed your arms and pinned your legs to the ground.
Ingo let out an Hiss from his throat perfectly mimicking a sneasler before growing the rest of his words.
" Why are you here?!" his English wasn't perfect, but you understood him completely. He stitched fur coat that was tattered. His chest was bruised with claw marks buried into his sides with what it looks to be faint pink dust all over him.
" You were gone for a while I got worried so I looked for you."
You couldn't move the rest of your body brushing your fingers against the back of his hand. Ingo practically flinched feeling heat to rush to his face. Knowing that his mate worried for him made his heart flutter.
His anger almost disappears noticing that you were not in injury. However he couldn't leave you unpunished... He had been dealing with his unbearable Heat for a while, and now that you're here he could hardly hold back his desires.
"Ingo?" his name left your lips which his body reacted, arousal going straight to his loins. Even the cold breeze of Coronet Heights could not quell this rising heat inside of him. He lowered his head into your chest taking in your scent. Your scent clouded his mind he felt like he was going into heat he wasn't sure if this was from the attack or something that a human is supposed to feel.
His tongue ran across your collarbone up your neck gasping, his teeth sinking into your sensitive flesh.
"ingo?!" his name again, making his whole body shudder, "Mate," Ingo growled back. His hand's ice cold roamed your body, grabbing at your plush hips and legs, breath getting heavier as he felt them, arching your back when his rough hand opened up and slid into your uniform. He picks you up with one hand as he supports you. Instinctively you wrap your legs around him. He doesn't go very far just moves you to some softer grass. As soon as he places you down, his lips are on yours, giving you messy yet passionate kisses. His cock is still covered by his tattered loincloth, hot and twitching as he grinds into you. "Mate," he says again, this time in a softer tone. That word... so animalistic and primal. Every time he calls you that, it fills you with excitement.
"Ingo please, we can't, not here, not now your hurt."
He snarls when you try to push away from him. The pain was nothing compared to the burning sensation inside his core. The blood from his wounds stains your Galaxy uniform. It didn't matter, not like you would need it for much longer as Ingo would contemplate on tearing it apart.
Only to decide against it knowing that you wouldn't be too happy. Instead, simply undressing you and using it as sort of a blanket on the cold grass. He didn't wait for another second to take off his cloth. His cock sprang to life, twitching and leaking; it looked red and painful. Despite being naked in the cold his body was on fire. The only way to quell this heat was to be inside of you.
Grinding his shaft against your entrance he couldn't wait any longer. Every second he wasn't inside of you was agony. Only leaving you for a minute to watch his fingers play with the entrance of your hole.
The pink dust from the tattered remains of his fur coat flake off, giving off a faint sweet smell. it wasn't much but it was still enough to give you a buzz the heat in your core getting stronger.
Saliva dangled from Ingo's mouth, landing directly on your clenching hole. The sudden feeling of cold hitting something so sensitive made you whimper.
He crawled back over you, wrapping his strong arms around you, your legs wrapping around him as he pushed his pulsating cock inside you. His moan of relief was loud making you realize you were out in the open you seemed far enough from any Galaxy camps, but who's to say that anyone couldn't just walk and see you being taken by a naked man?
Oh it would be a disaster. Ingo holding you close, preventing anyone else from getting closer to his mate, cradling you against his chest, not wanting anyone else to see your naked body, all the while caring little for his modesty as he climbs and scales the ice-cold walls with ease with your Galaxy uniform over his shoulder only for him to pin you to a wall of a nearby cave not bearing to be apart from your warm wetlands hole for a second.
His movement snaps you out of your thoughts, his hips slamming down onto you. His Pace is brutal. His pupils are blown, and his eyes roll back as he lets his instincts take over. The heat of your bodys keeping the two of you warm.
His moans get louder, becoming roars and howls as your walls clench around him. Ingo's hands firmly holding you in place as if you were going to run from him like prey.
"Mate, mate! Mate! Mate! Fuck! Mate!" he babbled, the burn inside of him continued threatening to consume him if he dared stop.
Even if he wanted to, he couldn't stop his hips from slamming against yours. With the overwhelming urge to bite and claim you, his teeth dig into your shoulder, hushing his howls into silent growls. The blood from his wounds gets onto your body, and his rough hands smear the blood on your stomach and chest. His orgasm hits him hard when he sees it, his own blood marking your skin—grinding hard against you as he spurts thick load after load deep inside of you as you milk his cock cumming as well; your screams echo through the clearing when Ingo starts picking back up his pace. You whined his name in embarrassment when you felt his cold, rough hand smear his blood on your chest and stomach.
He was just about to reach his peak once again until-
" over here! I heard it this way!"
Your blood ran cold as Ingo stops completely, Snarling in frustration his orgasm ruined, before you could react Ingo pulls out of you throwing you over his shoulder his eyes start around, looking for an easy way out. Until he spotted a large tree above. Its roots dried and sturdy, weaving in and out of the rock until they reached the clearing floor. you held on to whatever clothing he had left on him as he grabs each root making his way up the wall.
As soon as he came back to his den he threw you into the nest of blankets and furs before continuing where he left off. This time no more interruptions.
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A Father's Resolve - Ch 14
Ingo returns after a decade - with two extra cars in tow. Years later, his kids are swallowed up by time in the same way he was. Will he be able to find them? Will they be able to make it out alive?
Word Count: 2300
After gallivanting around the Fieldlands for another week, earning two more stars in the Survey Corps ranks, and Akari finally being released from bedrest after a week and a half, there were over sixty pokemon in their pokedex. That wasn't half-bad! There were a lot more pages to fill, but at least they had a good start! 
Rei tramped up the stairs with his sister to their next assignment. They'd met a new Diamond Clan Warden just a few minutes before, and she seemed in a hurry. Of course, Rei expected they'd go clean up whatever mess she was experiencing. 
They came to Kamado’s office and stood at attention. Arezu was talking to Kamado. 
“Hmm… So it seems pokemon that aren't nobles can be frenzied,” Kamado muttered, stroking his mustache. “Thank you for coming forward with this, Warden. If it has truly come for Ursaluna, this has certain implications for how to proceed.”
Arezu twirled her hair in her hand. “Adaman has his hands full running the Clan and Ursaluna's Warden wouldn't even give me the time of day, so this is the only place I could go.” 
“Warden Calaba,” Kamado confirmed, “the most narrow-minded - ahem! - ‘bound by tradition,” he quickly amended. Rei met eyes with Akari. They distantly remembered the old woman. She’d been the one to force them to take their medicines and would make stern comments to their father. Rei had always gotten the feeling that she didn't like the other Warden. 
Kamado noticed them standing in the doorway. “Ah! Rei and Akari, I have a new mission for you.” He turned to face them, raising his voice slightly. “I order you to study Ursaluna in the Crimson Mirelands! I permit you to show your strength if necessary!” Both twins nodded as Kamado curtly jerked his chin at them in dismissal. 
As they made their way down the second flight of stairs, Akari whispered to Rei in Unovan, “That had to be the shortest meeting we've ever had with Kamado.” Rei snorted. 
They crossed into Cyllene's office. She glanced up at them as they entered. “The next area you will be sent to survey is the Crimson Mirelands,” she said curtly. “The pokemon will be more fearsome and the landscape itself will be less welcoming. At your current rank, you should be able to handle it by yourselves.” She shuffled some papers on her desk. “The destination is a spot called the Solaceon Ruins. This is where you will find Ursaluna's Warden. Find her and convince her to allow you to help, by whatever means necessary.” 
The twins nodded politely at her as she ordered an escort for them. Laventon caught up with them as they left the building, smiling jovially at them. “It's hard to believe you both have scarcely been here two weeks and you're already allowed into the Mirelands by yourselves! Lovely job, lads!” 
“Thanks, Professor,” Akari grinned. 
“Have you both been hearing about the strange new phenomenon happening around Hisui? The space-time distortions that have been popping up?” 
“Huh?” Rei knit his brow as they walked out of camp. “Like the one over Mount Coronet?” 
“Similar for sure,” Laventon said, glancing up at the rift. “However, these are smaller and temporary. The longest they've been recorded is half an hour. They're more contained and will pop up randomly around the region. And the pokemon inside! Things we've never seen before!” Laventon shook his head. “Quite frightening. But nothing you both can't handle I'm sure!” he added as he walked a pace ahead of them, leaving the two to look at each other in worry. 
Finally, the landscape turned a monotonous brownish gray. Mud coated the land as far as the eye could see. A large mountainous protrusion erupted from the land on the other side of a stream. The air was humid here, and rather warm. It was almost sticky just standing here on dry ground. Rei had a feeling he was going to miss showers even more than he already did. 
“Welcome to the Mirelands!” Laventon announced as they came up on the camp. “Here are lots of poison-types in abundance, and plenty of others! I do believe I heard the Solaceon Ruins are not far from here.” He looked toward the mountain nearby. “We'll keep an eye out for those space-time distortions as you survey the area. Best of luck to you both!” he called behind them as they scampered off. 
Rei had been hard at work training up his team. Now most of his team members fare well around most of the Fieldlands. He was worried about those poison types that Laventon had mentioned; Blitz had evolved into a Sylveon just the other day before his eyes. Rei would need to be careful what he sent him out against. 
The twins crossed over the bridge towards the mountainside that Laventon had pointed out. Along the way, Akari snagged a particularly nasty Carnivine. For some reason, it seemed insanely angry at nothing, like the Paras. Was it just a grass-type thing? It couldn't be, the Budew he'd seen at the Golden Lowlands were so docile and cute. 
A tunnel was carved into the mountainside, a semi-ornate doorway made of stone leading deep inside the landscape. A Guard member from Jubilife nodded at them as they entered. It took a moment for their eyes to adjust to the light as they moved deeper and deeper inside the tunnel. 
Finally, the tunnel widened into a large room with torches in sconces along the walls. Their footsteps echoed against the cold stone walls. In the middle of the room stood two short figures, a human and a pokemon. They both turned to the twins at the sight of them. The human - an elderly woman - was very short, with a Sootfoot root over her head as a makeshift umbrella. Her pack sat heavy on her shoulders, seemingly pulling her down. Her back was slightly hunched. Her eyes were sunken, long wrinkles along her face. Her hair was gray and thin. Her Bibarel stood by her side, as he always had, seemingly before time began. Tiny Rei had imagined Arceus creating the world, and the first beings upon it were Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Calaba and this particular Bibarel.
Rei remembered once asking Calaba how old she was when he was little. She'd just frowned at him and reminded him that not every question is a good one to ask. 
“I'm Calaba of the Pearl Clan. Warden Calaba to you.” Her voice was exactly as Rei remembered. Raspy, stern, aged. But now, she did not have that glimmer of warmth he remembered, but instead, it was rather cold. Of course, there was no reason for her to be kind towards him, but it still stung for a woman he had considered a grandmother to be so icy towards him. He remembered her giving him a bandage on his scraped knee after falling from a tree once, and now they were complete strangers to her.
She blinked at them slowly. “Hm. You seem to have Celestica Flutes. You must be the ones who fell from the space-time rift.” Akari nodded beside him. Rei quickly nodded as well. Calaba rubbed her chin. “I see.” She looked back up at them, her hands dangling by her sides. “I've heard about you. You quelled Kleavor in his frenzy.” Akari again nodded, prompting Rei to follow, mumbling, “Yes, ma’am.”
Calaba glowered. “I'm sure people were saved by your actions, but I wonder if there wasn't a better way to handle the situation.” Her lips tightened into a frown. “What you did was hardly different than bullying a pokemon into submission. And then you run about catching them in those balls you carry…” Rei could tangibly feel her aloofness. “I don't need help from your sort. Or the Diamond Clan, either. That Arezu offered to help, but associating with the Diamond Clan… it just won't do.” She crossed her arms. “Be on your way. I must not be distracted anymore.” And with that, she turned away to study something on the wall. 
Rei looked at his sister and saw the hint of melancholy he felt reflected in her eyes. The urge to say something, anything, bubbled up in him, to try to remind this woman of the two toddlers she'd watched grow… but it was fruitless. Even more, it was foolish. She’d probably just tell them they were crazy or dislike them even more for ‘lying’ to her. Especially considering that he also dimly remembered her funeral. How his father had mourned the woman in death.
“Hello, you two! Mind showing me the strength that quelled the frenzied lord?” The twins looked up to see the Ginkgo Guild member from before. Volo. 
“Sure.” Akari responded flatly, pulling out a ball as she prepared. Rei could tell exactly what she was doing. Avoiding the feelings at all costs. 
Volo grinned as he readied himself on the other side of the room. Rei couldn't find himself invested in the battle. His mind kept wandering back to his earliest memories of himself with his father and sister and the Pearl Clan. Who else would act so cold towards him? How much would he have to pretend? He hadn't expected that it would affect him so much that people didn't recognize him. Or that he, in his mind, was in the room with a ghost. Zisu was one thing because he didn't have a relationship with her at all but Irida? Calaba, who he remembered being dead? Dad? Oh Arceus, what would happen when they eventually met Dad here? Or Sneasler? 
A tap on his shoulder made him jump. “Rei, come on. We have a side quest.” 
“What?” Rei stood up and brushed off his pants as he followed his sister and Volo. 
“Volo said that there's a piece of a wall engraving missing and that it could make Miss Calaba listen to us,” Akari told him in Unovan, not even trying to hide it from Volo.
Rei followed them as they crossed the bridge again. “I don't see why not-” 
A massive boom reverberated across the land, like an earthquake. It nearly knocked Rei off his feet as he slammed his hands over his ears, searching wildly for the source of the noise. Akari and Volo were doing much of the same. 
On the other side of the Lowlands, Rei noticed a bubble of iridescence blotting out the sun, lightning crackling inside the bubble. Rei looked to his sister. Her eyes were bright and wide, watching the bubble in pure excitement. 
“I think that's a space-time distortion,” Rei said quickly in Unovan. 
Akari nodded. She turned to Volo, “We'll be back in an hour. We need to check what this is about.” Before he could even respond, the twins had already called for Wyrdeer and took off running. 
“Ready to head back, brother?” Emmet tapped on Ingo's desk with a gloved hand. “It is now 7:28.” 
“Ah! Yes, allow me to gather my things.” Ingo stood, grabbing his laptop, keys, water bottle, and lunch box and shoving them into his day bag. Emmet stood by the door, his matching bag over his shoulder, hand on the doorknob as he watched Ingo. His twin followed him soon after as he opened the door and stepped out into the main platform. They nodded to one of the night shift agents as they boarded a pedestrian line set for Anville Town. 
Emmet was quiet for awhile as they rode their train to their stop. Not many people were aboard, just a handful of passengers that also seemed to be on their way home from work. An older woman sat at a chair with a book in hand. A man stood with his phone out and a bookbag on his shoulder. Two teen girls, likely on their pokemon journey, giggled as they watched something on a Xtrans. 
It wasn't long before the train slid to a stop and announced their exit. The twins left the train and stepped onto the platform. They climbed the short set of stairs and exited out of the station into the evening air. Fall was approaching rapidly, as seen by the Deerling down and Sawsbuck antlers that dotted the forests nearby. A chill was in the air. Emmet and Ingo walked in-step as they made their way out of the town and towards the outskirts. Towards home. 
“Oh, yes, Emmet, there was something you told me about earlier? That Drayden told you?” Ingo's voice broke the blanket of silence over them, breaking Emmet from his thoughts. 
“Ah, yes. He said there was someone who wanted to speak with us.” 
“I thought you mentioned a Trainer?” Ingo swung his head over to look at him with a raised brow. 
“That was, in fact, something else he mentioned earlier, but there was also someone who wanted to contact us. I told him we could around eight o'clock.” 
“Who is it?” Ingo turned to watch the path again. Their street was coming up. 
“I'm not entirely sure,” Emmet admitted. “Just that she is from Sinnoh and is quite keen on speaking to us as soon as possible.” 
“Sinnoh?” Ingo's frown deepened. “Is it about the children?” 
“I believe it may be.” Their house was not far off now. 
“I do hope it isn't to talk about the heroes again,” Ingo sighed. “I don't know how many more times I can explain that it's not them.” 
“Only one way to find out.” Emmet threw the key into the lock and turned, walking into the home first. “I will talk with Uncle. Grab your laptop.”
[First] - [Previous] - [Next]
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
eliza, squinting suspiciously at kuroaku: why did you bring me and emil here. and why is there a poster of my dad's face with an X on it on the door.
kuroaku, drawing himself up to try to look taller than his lanky preteen frame: i have deemed you and your brother worthy of joining a special organization - a team unlike any other, which will fight the evil in the world and strike fear into the hearts of villains!
emil, tugging on his sister's sleeve from his position half-hiding behind eliza and whispering: eliza, almost everyone here is a kid with some resemblance to dad... i think...
nobori, instincts from fighting team flare and dealing w team plasma when he was ingo ringing: is this an evil team?
kuroaku: what? NO! we're FIGHTING EVIL, in a team-like format! i just thought... since we're all dad's kids in some way or another...
akari (red-haired), knowing about her brother's hidden squishy side: sibling bonding? lmao
akari (esper), reading kuroaku's mind: you're trying to rebel against dad by creating a not-evil team while at the same time making more friends? why didn't you just say that?
kuroaku, sinking to the ground and covering his face with his hands and also golbat's wingspan: fdiojdfsjiondnailnaiadi
also lmao. Nobori sweating bc he's not technically Ingo's kid. He IS Ingo, but at this point it's just too complicated to explain and he dug this hole himself!!! but he does sort of. unconsciously end up being the Team Dad anyways, since you know... in every other universe, he is their father.
but lmao... yeah, Kuro wouldn't be honest about wanting to make friend with his alternate dimension siblings. He doesn't need friends after all. He's a cool and mysterious loner, a lone wolf who doesn't need a pack. And his Akari just huffs and rolls her eyes, because she doesn't need to be able to read his mind to know he's actually just an aloof nerd who doesn't know how to make friends.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
hi, I'm the same anon that requested Russingon angst! Oh my, I definitely picking the happy ending because the other was too heartbreaking! My beloved gay elves stay together and love each other!
Am I able to request fluff this time around? I really loved how you wrote Caranthir, oh that baby! Could you write something with his drunk wife based on this prompt please by @doodle-pops ?
The ones that get stuck with the drunken confession as they're drinking the night away with you. "I think, I'm in love with you and...and you're cute butt." You still haven't grasped that they're your lover already, but they're just laughing and encouraging you to continue because it's clearly humorous.
Dearest anon...It was a pleasure to write this for you!!!
So...Caranthir babysitting his own wife...and some more Moryo-love, because dude deserves to be adored!
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Words: 1,3k
Warnings: Alcohol abuse, inebriation
Characters: Caranthir x wife
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Caranthir watched his beloved wife flinch as if something had flown past her head at high velocity when – actually – she had merely turned her head a fraction.
He should have known that she would not be up to drinking with – or against – his family; Tyelko was too competitive in nature to let the opportunity to win any contest pass him by and his other brothers knew better than to indulge him in this.
Even their cousins had bowed out with a mocking grin; Írissë had to admit defeat – and paid dearly for her inferiority – too many times to accept the challenge out out-drinking Tyelko willingly.
“Moryo,” his oldest brother whispered, “you better get your wife before she topples off the chair. She’s had quite enough.” He sighed heavily, “I’ll go and drag your brother to his room by the scruff of his neck.”
“He’s your brother too,” Caranthir replied smoothly despite the worry bubbling up in his chest, “actually, he’s been yours longer than he’s been mine.” They exchanged a single look and then called for Curufin unisono; Celegorm was his problem as far as they were concerned.
“You might have to carry her to bed,” Maedhros then smirked when he saw his sister-in-law sway softly side-to-side, “let me know if you need help.”
“Why don’t you mind cousin Finno? He’s about to lose in a card game to cousin Ingo?” Caranthir shot back sweetly; they both knew that Finrod’s games usually ended in one or more of the players compelled – or seduced – into disrobing in public.
Ambling over – careful not to startle his wife by moving too quickly in her vicinity – Caranthir sat down by her side and waited for her fuzzy mind to catch on to his presence; when she finally had turned all the way around to him, he gave her a cautious smile, guarded and thin as they usually were.
“Hi,” she slurred, slumping suspiciously, “you’re a pretty one.”
She frowned at the words she had spoken and tried to wipe them away by passing an erratic hand over her numb lips.
“Well thank you, my Lady,” he replied suavely, leaning back in his chair relaxedly; this promised to be fun. Waving at a servant to bring them a flask of water, he emptied the dredges of stale wine onto the floor without much ceremony and handed the exquisitely made goblet over to the unsteady lady.
“Ah, and kind,” she commented blurrily, “I think I might be a little in love with you already.” She hiccupped and cleared her throat a few times.
“You’re really cute too,” she then went on with a conviction that made Caranthir’s smile open like a new blossom in the sunshine.
“Is that so?” he grinned, “Methinks, my Lady, that your perception of my charm is redoubled by the fact that you see me twice.”
“No,” she exclaimed a tad too loudly, “you are truly handsome and courteous, Sir.”
Her fingers waved indecisively in front of his face – flush with mirth rather than annoyance at this innocent show of admiration – but never settled on his skin.
“I should refrain from gazing upon you any further,” she then declared with new-found vigour as she pulled herself up in a wonky, wobbling movement, “for I am a married woman; at least, I think I am. And – no matter how delightfully gorgeous you may be – you can never live up to the excellence of my Lord husband.”
“Indeed? Tell me about that one then,” Caranthir prompted, feigning bitter disappointment, and trying to replicate the doe-eyed look the twins had weaponised over time; to his surprise, his charade seemed to have the intended effect as she patted his cheek rather roughly now.
“Do not be aggrieved, my Lord,” she susurrated, “nobody compares to my husband. He has the complexion of a late summer sunset, crimson bleeding into the endless white of a perfect sky, and the eyes of a mid-autumn thunderstorm; moreover, my husband’s mind is sharper than the king’s blade and quicker than the winds sweeping the burned plains.”
She took a deep breath and gave a longing sigh.
“I remember now,” she whispered confidentially, “and so I know that all the promise of your resplendent appearance could never measure up to the hard truth of my husband’s tenderness. Oh, how he makes me tremble and sigh; he wields me like Lord Maedhros wields his sword, plays me like Lord Maglor plays his harp, and commands me like Lord Celegorm commands that hound at his side. You must see then that – even in my deplorable state of wine-poisoned oblivion – I cannot be untrue to the most exquisite of creatures.”
“He sounds like a very lucky man,” Caranthir laughed, the joyful abandon making him look centuries younger than he was, as he made to lift her from the chair, “to be loved with such ferocious intensity.”
“Touch me not,” she griped but nuzzled her face against his chest as if her body remembered what her mind could not decipher in her haze, “I told you and I mean it: I shall not be unfaithful to the one I love more than the world itself. All creation becomes meaningless without his steadfast love; he is loved fiercely for there is no other way to love him; if you disbelieve me, just ask any of his kin!”
Again, he couldn’t help but chuckle as he pressed his lips – stretched wide in a fond grin – against her feverish brow; he sincerely doubted that any of his brothers or cousins would confess to loving him with a burning passion, but it felt surprisingly comforting to learn that his wife seemed to see what had escaped his distrustful and cynical mind.
Humming a lullaby to her as he carried her to their chambers, Caranthir felt light-headed with joy and pride himself; he had not meant to dupe his own wife, but the opportunity had been too seductive not to give in to a bit of innocent fun.
“Do you know me not then, wife?” he asked quietly when he laid her down on their bed, prying off the uncomfortable shoes she insisted on wearing for effect.
“Hmmmm?” Her head rose drowsily from the pristine pillows and her eyes lit up when they found his gently smiling face that – beckoned by her longing stare – was moving towards her steadily as he crawled up to where she lay.
“I love you, you little fool,” he murmured and smoothed down her wild hair with a tender hand, “and I feel honoured to see your devotion and loyalty to me reaffirmed thus.”
His plans to skin his brother alive for putting his beloved in a state of near-unconsciousness faded as he was dragged by the collar into her warm arms, loving even if slightly haphazardly-aimed kisses raining down on his own impeccably braided hair, and held there like a treasure she was unwilling to part with.
“Moryo?” she asked, sleep already mellowing her inflection, “Is that you, dearest of souls?”
“It is I, heart of hearts,” he replied, wondering when he had last smiled so much in a single evening, “I am right here.”
“I had the most incredible dream,” she said between hearty yawns, “I met a gorgeous man who was charming and sweet. Worry not though, my darling husband, your honest though prickly affection will always prevail over factitious, treacly flattery.”
With a loud guffaw, stifled by her bosom against which he was still clutched tightly, Caranthir closed his eyes, happy beyond description to know that his wife loved every iteration of him but still preferred his truest self to any persona or mask he might don to appease and please others.
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So, dear anon, here's the short scene about Carnistir getting his wife to bed, learning that he's truly loved, and certainly not hitting his brother!
I hope you liked this 💖💖💖
As always, an honour and a pleasure to get requests!
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
i started writing a fic a lil while back I jokingly called the "Arceus sneezed" fic in my docs, in which Arceus sends Ingo and Akari back to the present but sneezes as they do, accidentally separating them. Ingo gets found in Unova by Emmet and Elesa, still sans memories, while Akari accidentally got dropped in Sinnoh. Right time, wrong place. In Arceus' defense, they had a direct spot to put Ingo that needed him returned. Akari technically doesn't belong here and moving her through time and space gve them a cosmic tickle.
Was just thinking after seeing a post about seeing tents & such and not reporting people living as best they can to the authorities and started thinking about Akari seeing the big cities and trying to get by, to wait for her dad to find her, but he doesn't. She starts living in the streets and in the forests of Sinnoh, using her team and what she learned in Hisui to keep alive. The first time she went into public she was dirty and a bit beat up so nobody noticed how similar she looked to Dawn.
Ingo, meanwhile, is reunited with his brother and bestie who are tryin to help him remember things and are confused and mildly concerned when he starts talking about having a daughter, and that said daughter apparently appears to be the Sinnoh champion? Who's too young to be his daughter. As he remembers more of his past before Hisui and Akari doesn't turn up, he starts thinking maybe she didn't actually come to the future. Or maybe he had gotten lost in the Unova wilderness and that Hisui had been a long-term delusion. Or maybe he'd been kidnapped by a group of people with some new goal and Hisui was a way to get himself through. There's no historical evidence of warden Ingo (who hated cameras, repaired his own clothes, and took them when he left) besides a couple of notes about how he was an outsider and how he'd cared for lady Sneasler before someone else took over. It's easy enough to write it off as 'weird, shared a name'. The only mention of Akari is talk of her survey efforts, not of how she saved Hisui or fell from the sky.
A year or so goes by with Ingo gradually accepting that Akari no longer exists, maybe never existed, and he returns to his job as subway boss maybe a little quieter, a little less enthusiastic than before, but life goes back to normal. And then something happens and Akari makes international news. Maybe someone tried to abduct her, thinking she was Dawn, and she sent them packing. Maybe someone DID abduct Dawn and Akari ran into them and sent them packing. One way or another, the two run into each other and Dawn brings her in, cleans her up, and starts saying Akari is her new sister or friend or savior. Makes her famous mostly on accident.
And Ingo sees this, maybe Emmet sees the news first, and they're both like "holy shit, she does exist"
Except Ingo is realizing that in the last however long, while he tried to move on with his life thinking Akari wasn't a part of it anymore, she'd actually been roughing it in Sinnoh and he had effectively abandoned her. Which leads to him calling Dawn's claiming Akari is his daughter, except Dawn thinks it's Emmet playing a joke so she ignores it and tells Akari (who asked about who was in the phone) that it was just some dude from another region looking for their fifteen minutes of fame, now tell me about the dad you're looking for again?
hijinks ensue
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