#injured ankle
darlinhutchence · 1 month
michael hutchence looking perfect, even with an injured ankle (dirty honeymoon tour, january 1994)
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faofinn · 1 year
Swing Life Away
As promised, here it is! Sorry for the delay, life got whumpy lol
"You're kinda cute, you know?"
"Yeah? Thanks." Harrison shook his head with a smile as he returned to his notes. "Have a few days rest, keep off that ankle and you should be back to normal in a few weeks.”
“I’m serious.”  
“Who have you got to pick you up, Taidgh?”
“How about you?” He joked, and then at Harrison’s look, sighed. “My roommate drove me in.”
“Great. Do you want me to go get them?”
Glad to be away from his flirting for a few moments, Harrison headed into the waiting room to find Taidgh's friend. He was easy enough to find and Harrison brought him back through to where Taidgh was waiting.
“He’s had a bit of morphine, and he’ll need someone to keep an eye on him for a few hours.” Harrison told him. “Try and make sure he stays off the ankle as much as possible to let it heal. Ice it regularly and use painkillers as needed.”
“Alright, thank you. Tai, you ready?”
He nodded. “Yeah. Can I get your number before I go?” Harrison laughed. “Maybe wait until you’re not hopped up on painkillers before you ask things like that.”
“Oh, I’m serious.” 
“Yeah? Alright then. I’ll see you later.”
His friend laughed, leading him away. “Come on, you. Let’s keep it in your pants. Thanks again, and sorry.”
“It’s no problem. Take care.” He called as they left, returning to the nurses station with a smile. It always amused him dealing with patients like that, and he’d much prefer flirting over fighting. He joked with the nurses as he finished the paperwork, and then headed onto the next patient, a smile on his face.
It was the start of his next run of shifts, thankfully days, but it was slow going. The patients he had were quickly sorted, either sent home or admitted. For once, there were beds available, and they didn’t stay long in the ED. He had a run of patients just before his lunch, and was just about to disappear when one of the nurses called him over.
“Hars? One of the physios called earlier, wanted a call back.”
“Finn’s around, isn’t he? Can you get him to do it? I’m going on my lunch, I’m starved.”
“Finn answered the bleep to start with. They asked for you.”
He groaned. “For fuck’s sake. Right, I’ll do this and get this over with. I don’t get why they call us. They don’t need us, they’ve got plenty of toys up there to play with without disturbing us.”
The phone rang several times before there was an answer. “Physio department.”
“Yeah, hi. It’s Dr Cunningham from the ED. I was asked to phone you back? Apparently you couldn’t annoy my colleague instead.”
“Oh, yeah, great, give me two seconds and I’ll pass you over.”
“Sure, okay.” More waiting. He rolled his eyes, tapping his pen on the desk in front of him.
“Hey, you said to wait until I wasn’t hopped up on pain meds.”
Harrison was silent. It had been a joke, he’d been his patient, but he couldn’t help the flip in his stomach. “Uh, hi.”
“Sorry, this is really weird, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, a bit.” 
“Sorry, sorry. I just… you were cute and I thought I’d shoot my shot.” He paused. “I’m going to go and die of embarrassment.”
“Hey, no, no. Don’t go.” He spoke before his brain caught up. “Why don’t you give me your number and I’ll text you?”
“I’m about to go on lunch, I could come down and say hi?” He hesitated. “I was about to have mine, too. We could meet in the caf?”
“Great, it’s a date!” 
“Uh, yeah. Sure.” Harrison said, the phone already dead. What had he just agreed to?
He was ridiculously nervous as he waited, standing at the door of the cafeteria. He wasn't normally nervous, and he had no reason to be. They were just having lunch, it was a one off, nothing serious.
"Hey, Dr Harrison, right?" 
He turned. "Uh, hi. It's just Harrison."
"What, no first name?" He teased.
"No, Harrison is my name. Just Harrison."
"Alright. Don't think I can really say anything, can I? A name like Taidgh? Nobody normally gets it right the first time."
"I've got - one of the surgeons here, he's called Faolan. That's a mouthful too."
"Another Irish too? We'll take over the hospital eventually." 
Harrison laughed. "I'm sure you will. So, lunch? I'm starving."
"God, me too. Come on."
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benjitoum · 1 month
Plaster is always vastly preferable!! The photo is from 2013.
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dariusaurs · 2 days
is yas injured again????
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stealingyourbones · 15 days
I tried to bike yesterday and came back with less skin than before I biked :(
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plasmodiumpyrexia · 24 days
"Stop - you're clearly in pain. Just stop before you make things worse."
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beggingdisagreeswme · 1 month
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Omori blanket going strong!!!
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fishandshesmygills · 3 months
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my beautiful bog adventure a few days ago
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phayte-kins · 11 months
The whiplash I am about to get going from Brennan Lee Mulligan as Protective Mom Stoat Tula in Burrow's End, to Brennan Lee Mulligan as PTSD-Ridden Possibly Dead Soldier Sean Finnerty in Candela Obscura
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daemon-in-my-head · 5 months
Just a random, very gruesome thought, but the game says that Durge went as far as flaying themselves. The game is also very clear that Durge is cool with cannibalism.
A normal brain (this all happened pre tadpole after all) wouldn't really consider cannibalism cuz yay survival and kinda gross and unhealthy. If you do go long enough without proper sustenance, however, it's not only the flesh of others that starts to look real tasty but also your own (disgust and these sensations r switched off for the sake of survival in that state + brain fog impeding decision making yay).
So. Knowing that. You see where I'm getting at? Do you feel disturbed yet?
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lutzgocelly · 2 years
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Made a lockscreen with Bitty in mind :>
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ilovemarkhamill · 7 months
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✨Corvette Summer✨
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yuckydraws · 10 months
if you're looking for requests, can i req general fluff of undertale sans, underfell sans, and/or underswap papyrus looking after a reader (he/they? either or?) who stupidly broke their knee and are now in recovery >w>;; (i am a fool. the coffee table totally attacked me unprovoked >:C i swear it)
Sans: ... he will be making lots of knee-breaking-related puns. Sure he's getting you food, fluffing your pillows, making sure you're all nice and cozy, but you might be kicking him out soon enough with all his bad jokes and teasing.
Bee: He'll be your cuddle bug when you're resting your injury. Good luck even attempting to get out of resting before you should, because he's not letting go. He'll also be sure to flip off or glare dramatically at the coffee table whenever he walks by it. If that gets a laugh or a smile from you, he'll really play into it. Squaring up with it, talking shit to it, lecturing it - it's dorky, but so is he.
Red: He's actually quite the worry-wart. He's going to be right by your side through your recovery, anxious about you accidentally hurting yourself even more, or worse, getting taken advantage of when you're vulnerable like this.
... yeah he may or may not be projecting a bit, but he's a great presence while you're healing. He'll take good care of you.
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benjitoum · 2 months
Sprained ankle of Los Angeles musician
His doc had the good sense to cast the sprain!! They all need to do that! How'd that happen? He's a musician and slipped on stage. The same thing happened to Justin Bieber one time, and Justin got a boot. This guy had a better doctor who put him on crutches and casted the sprain with what looks like a rigid wrap.
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keltherealone · 2 months
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weaselle · 7 months
sometimes something is so overwhelming you have to make a choice to let all go, to exist at whatever two dimensional slice of a state of being that you can maintain and just live in that moment and let the tempest takes you outside of time, while you merge with the infinite and become only the experience you are having
anyway i'm eating a poke bowl kinda fast and i wasn't paying attention and took a big bite that turned out to mostly be the incredibly large blob of wasabi in there
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