karineverse · 4 months
killer x ink, mayhaps?
oh crap I know what their ship name would be
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Caos! That's the name you were thinking about, right?
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suisui666 · 3 days
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Mwa killer 😌💥💥
and ofc Inkiller 👀👉👈
Killer -Rahafwabas
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Ink - Myebi/comyet
Knid - MINE
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rarepair-haven · 3 months
I think that ink and killer is an awesome ship. They start hanging with each other either post-truce or in secret for shits and giggles, and then they actually start to enjoy each other’s chaotic personalities. Soon killer falls in love and they get together as a chaos duo couple and have fun pulling pranks on people
i mostly enjoy ink ships as queerplatonic, and aro killer is one of my favorite hcs for him, but no matter which way they go, im such a sucker for ink ships in which they're just both chaotic <333
these two idiots absolutely make their chaos everyone else's problem too. its inescapable. theyre inseparable. double the chaos and they revel in it together. the entire truce gang is perpetually suffering
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hoaxghost · 1 year
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the stinky allegations never cease not even in the holiday season
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the-glich-devil · 1 year
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I got a little carried away from the comic, so here is part 3! (Btw thats Cuphead screaming)
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clubkidandcollectives · 4 months
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virgoz · 8 months
trying not to cry in my uber home
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lolliudo · 1 year
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couple of sploons
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inkill22 · 1 year
Whether you're looking to enter the job market for the first time, upskill in your current field, or explore a new career path, Inskill has something for you. Discover the endless possibilities with us and take control of your future today.
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Jaune looked over the flooded remains of the Paper Pleasers village.
Anger, fear, regret, and so many other bitter instances of these feelings tore through his chest, and all pointed at one person.
Ruby: ... Crying over Jaune's imaginary Friends!
Jaune: Ruby ... What Happened.
Ruby: I Fucked up! That's what happned! We all fucked up and Now Penny's Gone again!
Jaune: Her NAME is PENELOPE!
Ruby: Oh! I'm Sorry! Didn't Realize you would care, Considering you're the one THAT KILLED PENNY!
Ruby: WHEN WE GET HOME? IS THERE EVEN GONNA BE A HOME? Maybe we should just Stay Here! No one ever dies here! We'd never lose Anyone again!
Ruby: Home, where an immortal, inkillable WITCH is destoying everyone we care about AND I'M THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN DO ANYTHING!
Yang: RUBY!
Ruby: I'm ... I'm done! *Petals Bursts away*
Jaune: ...
The Doll shook. She was scared, she hurt, conflicted between what she was, who she was, and Where she was from.
It felt familiar, awfully familiar.
A small voice Whispered from within her casings
Little: Psst! Hey! I'm here for you! just let me know if you need to talk! Okay?
???: ... thanks ...
There was the clicking of heels against the hard floor as her captor walked up to her.
Neo: ...
Penny: Hm. So this is what I became.
Penny: How Pathetic.
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sirbasil · 7 months
Not gonna lie when the splatoween themes first got revealed I was scared for a second that they may be giving bones to the inklings/octolings
And then I was so relieved when the dialog came out and Frye+Big Man implied inkilings still do not have bones
Good. Keep them that way. Please.
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suisui666 · 2 years
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Some ship I like 😩
Classic belongs to Toby Fox
Fell belongs to Vic The Underfella
Reaper belongs to Renrink
Geno belongs to LoverofPiggies
Ink belongs to Myebi/comyet
Killer belongs to Rahafwabas
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saunne · 7 months
WIP - It's Vampire Time (1)
I saw many things about vampires lately on my dash thanks to @hikarinokusari, got Youtube recommendations about writing immortality, there was a vampire-themed conference at the Utopiales, I found some nice books about immortality while browsing my library catalogue...
Well, It's Vampire Time ? I guess ??? I admit that vampires themselves weren't really my thing. I like things related to Fair Folk, Gods (and the god/man limit), immortality/unkillability and things like that. Interest for vampires is relatively fresh and new. If you have any recommendations for related content, please don't hesitate.
Since this post is going to be a dump/draft thing to store the ideas I have, I'll put everything under the cut cause I think it'll become quite long. And I'll probably reblog it with new addition too, so...
In terms of genre, I think urban fantasy ? I have vague ideas of a society where vampirism is a known fact, more or less recognized, more or less accepted. There would be less of the "supernatural creeps at the edges of society, underground and nightlife and secret only" vibes and more "this is a special minority, with special needs, who faces special challenges...for mingle with the rest of the population, but they are there and everyone knows it.”
Social novel with supernatural flavor !
French setting, or at best European. Relate vampire myths around the cross with a setting extremely marked by Christianity (Find back this sentence about vampires and that the "fear" of the cross was more the fear of divine disappointment due to having become "monsters " and the sadness of no longer being able to turn to God).
Lots of fun worldbuilding. In terms of crimes and misdemeanors, vampirism can be an aggravating cause. There will be laws that specifically target vampires, but also laws made to protect vampires. There have surely been debates like the Valladolid Controversy to rule on the "status" of vampires in relation to humans.
A possible and interesting aside on everything related to blood donation, surely becoming something that we can be paid to do given the explosion in demand (between injuries and feeding) ? Or pharmaceutical advances that allowed synthetic blood/blood-replacing food supplements for vampires?
A big worldbuilding for everything related to medical, if we start with immortal/quasi-inkillable vampire and the race for human immortality (transhumanism). This can lead to some really ugly stories of experimentation and good old capitalism getting involved : is it possible to buy immortality ?
The fact that one can become a vampire/be turned into a vampire is a point to explore: How ? For what ? What are the chances of success ? Failure ? How is this regulated depending on the country and within the vampire community itself ? What are the hierarchical links between vampires ? Could be interesting to see internal racism, between "real" vampires, turned vampires, dhampirs, which come with a host of insults and stereotypes. There would also obviously be “allies” and “antis”, as with any community/minority.
How would the image of vampires in the pop culture of this altered world have changed by the fact that there are real vampires ?
How would the vampires be organized as a "whole" ? Subject to the authority of their country for sure, but do they also exist as a global political/legal entity ? Idea of intro-country covens, or even continental networks of covens ? International conferences ?
I already have 3-4 shadows/ersatz of characters, probably more to come.
An “Ancient” / “True” / “Original” / "Old As Dirt" vampire. Very good for my favorite exploration of the themes of immortality and the human/inhuman difference. What is it to be human when you've never been one ? Seeking to understand human emotions perhaps ? Seek to experience more than feel, to live rather than survive ?
A dhampir, feet in both worlds without belonging to either. Exploration of the difference in culture, the difference in needs, the loneliness of being different in an even more “other” way.
A human turned vampire. For what ? How ? Accidental, intentional, criminal or well-intentioned? The possibilities are endless. Surely the protagonist. Discovery of the vampire community, its codes and its specificities through the eyes of a newcomer who must adapt to his new existence? Between benevolent humans, malevolent humans, benevolent vampires, malevolent vampires, there is plenty to do. Reflection on humanity/inhumanity, what is it to be human, can we stop being human, where is the limit ? Self-discovery and exploration ?
Other Thoughts
We often associate the vampire with a very erotic figure, so I will surely (without a doubt, let's not lie) explore themes around sexuality, asexuality, aromantism, transidentity. Either in representation in the characters or in metaphor (in particular the transformation from human to vampire could be seen as a form of "gender transition"). I'll probably make it queer as fuck, to no one's astonishment.
Find back the vampire bite necklaces that went through my dash recently. It was pretty, could make a great worldbuilding piece.
An entire coding of politeness and mannerisms and meaning around the act of biting, the consumption of blood for food and/or for pleasure. Do vampires discuss blood types the way rich people discuss what makes good wine ?
Avoid shiny vampires a la Twillight, but think about which tropes related to vampirism to integrate and not to integrate and why. Also, find a logical and plausible explanation for the continued existence of vampires throughout the ages, why they are not ruling the world or being hunted to extinction, why the population is stable or not.
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neonishe · 1 year
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I rarely post anything that is not my art in here…but look! I finally got plushie of my inkiling created by TrueHeartCraft! She is really really cute(and soft)!
I also got a bit inspired and drew her in acrylic paints, hehe🦑
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vio-demon · 10 months
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Dibujo diario (por fin), hoy 15 de agosto inkiling chico/chica. Este ha sido dificil de hacer porque queria ponerle perspectiva pero creo que lo logre 👍.
¡Espero que les guste! 🤗
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clubkidandcollectives · 4 months
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