#insane how i’m smitten with this man still i’ve been having some serious heart eyes accident today about—
leibholz-moved · 1 year
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— legendary PV reference, number one princess in the whole wide world something something …
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eevee-eclair · 4 years
Smitten Like a Kitten
Written by EeveeEclair
TW: fluff, crying, (tell me if I missed one!)
Random side note: This was made possible thanks to @does-this-look-logicality-to-you’s Animal Shelter AU! Thank you!
About ten years ago when Patton and Logan were still in college, Logan told Patton about his soft spot for animals. Patton was shocked the ‘emotionless’ man (or so everyone called him) loved something as much as him. And animals no less!
“It’s just… they tend to follow me everywhere and I feel like they understand me somehow,” Logan said, looking a little sheepish. “I know it sounds illogical, but I think I want to open an animal shelter when I graduate.”
Patton gasped and squealed. “Can I help?!” He asked.
Logan looked at him for a second, then gave him one of his rare smiles. “Yeah! And we could help all kinds of animals!” He said.
Patton smiled and got comfortable at the desk he was sitting at, listening to Logan ramble about his dream shelter. He listened as Logan told him about a lamp room and how he would run the place, nodding every so often as giving his opinion here and there.
It was then he realized he might have a crush on Logan.
A few years after graduation, Logan and Patton bought what would soon be their dream animal shelter. They had asked some family for financial help, and asked their friends Virgil and Roman if they would want to work there.
“I can’t believe this is happening!” Patton squealed as he walked through the empty animal shelter. “Right, Logan?” He asked. He was met with silence, so he looked around for Logan. “Logan?” He called. It took a minute but he found Logan in the backyard where the dogs would be able to run around. Upon closer inspection, he saw his friend crying. 
Logan saw him approaching and wiped the tears away. “Hello, Patton. What do you need?” He asked, trying to hide the fact he was crying.
Patton wasn’t going to let him just forget it, though. “Why are you crying?” He asked, putting a hand on Logan’s back.
“It’s just… I never thought I would be living this dream,” he told him. He laughed a little. “It’s all thanks to you.”
Patton smiled and felt tears build up in his eyes too. “It was only because you told me it was your dream,” he said, hugging Logan.
They sat there, wrapped in each other’s arms crying happy tears for about an hour. It was sundown but the time they went back to their respective apartments.
Two months after they had bought the empty building, they had their first dog. After everyone saw how happy the dog became only a few weeks later, they got more and more animals and with it came more and more adoptions.
But every time someone came to adopt a pet, they asked how said pet became so happy so fast. Every time, they said the same thing, ‘you can thank Logan Barry’. Yet, every time, the adopter would take one look at the emotionless receptionist and laugh.
“You can’t be serious,” someone once said.
“Ma’am, I've never been more serious in my life. The animals love him,” Patton told her. 
As if on cue, a mother cat and her five kittens all jumped onto Logan’s workspace. His face immediately lit up with the biggest smile, making Patton melt. He watched as Logan put a kitten in his shirt pocket and two on his lap. Logan then set another on his head and the last one on his shoulder, leaving the mama cat, Sammy, kitten-less and given a well deserved break.
Sammy meowed at Logan before jumping off, leaving her kittens to snuggle with the kind man. “Bye Sammy,” Logan said, before turning back to work.
The lady stared at Logan in awe. She gave a small ‘oh’ before leaving with the bird she adopted. Patton smiled as she walked off, happy to have proved her wrong.
It didn’t take long for Patton and Logan to realize they would need a better way to get to work faster. Both their apartments were about an hour to thirty minutes from the shelter, so they had to get up extremely early. Not to mention the late hoodies they already worked.
“We can’t run on three hours of sleep forever, Lo,” Patton yawned.
“I know,” Logan said, rubbing his eyes. “But for both of us to move would be expensive. It would also take up a lot of time we don’t have to give.”
Patton taped his chin for a second, thinking of a solution. “We could move in together?” He suggested. “It would save us money, be more convenient, and we won’t have to waste a lot of time moving! We could even call Roman and Remus to help unpack!”
Logan nodded. “It would be beneficial for both of us,” he mused. “Okay, I like your idea. But we need to plan it out. We can’t be gone from the shelter for too long or Virgil will have a panic attack.”
Patton smiled. “Okay! I’ll start looking for houses nearby!” He said, opening his laptop to search. Logan smiled as he watched Patton search for houses. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was very excited about the idea of sharing a house with his best friend.
Patton watched with a small smile on his face as Logan walked around the shelter with at least four dogs trotting after him. He also noticed a black cat had fallen asleep on Logan's shoulders and a small bird was snoozing in his hair. Logan saw Patton watching and walked over to him, beaming.
“Ah, Patton! I’ve been looking for you,” he said.
“Oh? And what can I do for you?” Patton asked, smiling back.
“I’ve got a few more adoption papers for you!” Logan told him. “Two cats and one dog!”
Patton laughed at Logan’s enthusiasm. “Alright, let me see,” he said. Logan handed him the papers and he skimmed them quickly. “Alright! I’ll send Roman over for a house inspection tomorrow.”
Logan nodded and walked off, still smiling. Patton noticed that the amount of animals had increased in the few minutes he stood still, as he walked away.
Logan watched as Patton smiled when another animal was adopted. More specifically, how cute he looked smiling. Usually, he thought nothing of it, but today he just couldn’t shake how adorable Patton looked in the skirt he insisted on wearing even though Logan had told him it would get ruined (and at the end of the day, it was) and how well it worked with his wide smile.
Patton looked in Logan’s direction and his smile turned from customer service to one of his genuine smiles. The kind you can’t say no to.
Logan sat up a little straighter (read gayer) as Patton made his way over. 
“Hi, Lo! Did you need something?” He asked in his cheery tone.
“Oh no, I’m fine!” Logan said. “Just… umm… getting some work done! Yeah, that’s it!” He rushed in a panic.
“Okay, well I’m going to go get lunch! Roman brought sandwiches! Do you want anything?” 
Logan shook his head. “I brought my own lunch, thanks,” he told him, pointing to his lunchbox. Most days it held not only a tuna sandwich and an orange, but treats for the animals that sit around him.
“Okay! If you change your mind, let me know!” Patton smiled, walking off.
Logan waved goodbye before slumping in his chair letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Sammy meowed in protest as he laid his head on her tail.
“Sorry, Sam,” he mumbled. “He’s just too cute!”
Sammy meowed in acknowledgement before tucking her tail in and laying back down.
“Did you just call Patton cute?”
Logan jumped at Virgil’s voice, startling Sammy again and the bird who decided Logan’s hair would make a good napping spot.
“Virgil!” He cried, adjusting his tie nervously. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
“Sorry,” Virgil shrugged. “But you’re avoiding my question. Did you just call Patton cute?”
Logan sighed and covered his face. “Yes.”
“Why?” Virgil asked. Then realization dawned on him. “Oh my god, you like Patton.”
Logan’s face turned red and he quickly shushed Virgil. “Don’t say it so loud!” He hissed.
Virgil laughed. “Everyone knows, L. It’s no secret. Well, except to Patton,” he said shrugging. “Poor dude is too innocent for his own good,” Virgil mused.
“Do you have any advice for me?” Logan pleaded, snapping Virgil from his thoughts.
Virgil nodded. “Yeah.”
Logan stared at him for a second. “Well? What is it?” He asked, growing impatient.
“You don’t know?” Virgil asked, shocked. When Logan shook his head no, Virgil groaned. “You’re hopeless.”
Logan began to panic. “What does that mean?!” He cried.
Virgil laughed. “No, dude, like, you’ve never asked out a crush before?”
Logan’s face turned a light shade of pink. “You’re suggesting I ask Patton out?” He whispered. Virgil nodded. “You’re insane!” He cried.
“Who is?” Patton asked.
Logan jumped. Again. “No one!” He exclaimed, adjusting his tie. “What can I help you with, Patton?” Logan asked. 
“Roman found a kitten hiding under a car at a car dealership and I was wondering if you could help us get it to eat?” Patton asked. Logan saw Patton looked distressed and felt his chest tighten at the sight. 
Logan nods. “Absolutely, tell me where it is,” he said, standing up.
Patton smiled. Logan’s heart jumped at his new favorite sight. “Thank you Logan! They’re both in the lamp room,” he said. The lamp room was where they had all their heat lamps for snakes, lizards, and other reptiles. Sometimes they used it for baby animals (like kittens) that had no mother for warmth. 
Virgil smiled as Logan walked away with Patton. He pulled out his phone and started to text his friend, Remy. They didn’t usually hire outsiders, but Virgil introduced him to Logan and Patton and they quickly hired him. Remy was also really good with birds for some reason.
You: u and ro are gonna help me set up our bosses
Sleep King: k. when we startin?
You: lunch. imma talk to ro dont b l8
Sleep King: k see u then
Virgil put his phone up and followed the others into the lamp room to talk to Roman. They had a date to plan.
Patton smiled as Logan finally got the sick kitten to drink some formula. Normally, Logan wouldn’t have to do this, but there were no mother cats willing to provide milk. Hence, the bottle of kitten formula.
He watched as Logan smiled and pet the small cat for doing such a good job. Patton decided then and there he would do whatever he could to make Logan smile like that more often.
Roman noticed Patton’s helpless staring and nudged him. “You good, Pops?” He asked.
Patton blinked and stopped starting at Logan. “Yes? Why wouldn’t I be?”
Roman laughed a little. “You’re kinda staring at Logan,” he said.
Patton’s face burned red. “O-oh! I didn’t notice,” he mumbled.
Roman stared at him for a second before grinning. “You have a crush on Logan,” it was a statement, not a question.
“Noooo…” Patton lied, looking away. “What makes you say that?”
Roman tried to hide his giggles but he failed miserably. “Oh my god you do!” He laughed. “You have a crush o-“
Patton put a hand over Roman’s mouth before he could finish his sentence. “Okay! I do! But don’t tell him!” He pleaded.
Roman rolled his eyes but nodded nonetheless. Patton removed his hand and sighed. “Fine. But I’m telling the others.”
Patton paled. “You can’t! No one can know!” He cried.
“You can’t expect me to keep this a secret from everyone?” Roman asked, raising an eyebrow.
“A gay can dream, can’t he?” Patton said with a sad but hopeful smile.
“I’m telling Remy and Virgil,” Roman said. “And possibly Remus and Janus,” he added after some thought.
Patton lowered his head in defeat. “As long as Logan doesn’t find out, you can tell whoever,” he mumbled.
Roman took one look at his friend’s sad expression and sighed. “Fine. I’ll only tell Virgil and Remy. Deal?”
Patton nodded, smiling a little. “Deal!”
Remy sipped his iced coffee as he waited for Virgil and Roman I’m the breakroom. He had been waiting for a few minutes and was starting to get impatient. Usually Virgil didn’t keep him waiting this long.
“Sorry we're late!” Virgil said, stumbling through the doorway with Roman close behind. Both men looked a little rough.
Remy whistled. “Why were you two late? Wait, don’t tell me,” he said, smirking. He laughed at his friend’s red face. “Relax! I’m kidding! I know what really happened.”
“Remy!” Virgil cried. “Get your mind out of the gutter!”
Remy lowered his sunglasses, looking Virgil right in the eye. “It’s not in the gutter, babe. I never said what really happened.”
“Whatever! What’s going on?” Roman asked, changing the subject. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out the salad he had been saving. “Virgil said something about setting up some guys?”
“Yeah, Logan and Patton,” Virgil said. “Logan has this huge crush on Patton but he’s too chicken to do anything about it.”
Roman laughed. “This is perfect! Patton just told me he also had a crush on our Nerdy Wolverine!” He told them.
Remy shrugged. “Well, the answer is pretty simple. We set up two fake dinners. One between Virgil and Logan and one between Roman and Patton. Then, when they both accept, you both stand them up and watch from a different table,” Remy said it like it was obvious. 
Roman stared at him. “That is so cheesy and cliché!” He cried. Then he smirked. “I’m in.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’ve got nothing better to do anyway.”
And just like that, they had a plan.
Roman and Virgil got off the phone about the same time, setting up their fake dinner dates. Virgil felt bad about lying to his friends, but Roman assured him it was in that name of love.
“They’ll thank us later,” Roman said.
“Let's hope so,” Virgil mumbled, snuggling into his side. “Cuddle me to make me feel better?” He asked.
Roman put an arm around Virgil. “Of course,” he said.
Remy groaned. “Get up you two! You have a date to stalk!” He whined.
“Can’t you do it? They could recognize us! Plus, you’d get to see the date first hand,” Virgil said smiling.
“You got me there,” Remy mused. “Fine! You can stay. I got some gays to stalk,” he said, walking away.
Logan fiddled with his tie as he waited for Virgil to show up. Virgil was never late and he was starting to worry. What could make Virgil forty minutes late? To a reserved time no less!
He was pulled from his spiraling by the sound of crying. Looking around he noticed Patton wasn’t far from him. Not only that, he was the one in tears. It broke his heart to see him so sad, so he walked over and put a hand on his back.
“Patton? Are you okay?” Logan asked.
Patton shook his head and wiped at his tears. “N-no. Roman said we would meet up for dinner here but it’s been almost an hour and he’s still not here!” He sobbed. Patton turned to him and it broke Logan’s heart to see his friend so distraught. “Do you think he lied to me?” He whispered, sounding scared.
Logan used his thumb to wipe away a stray tear. “Or course not. He’s probably running late! Virgil was going to meet me here too, but he hasn’t showed up either,” Logan said, smiling.
Patton tilted his head in confusion. He looked like a confused puppy to be honest. “Virgil’s never late to anything,” he said.
“I know, that’s why I’m a little concerned,” Logan sighed. Then he pulled out his phone. “I’ll call him and ask if he’s okay.”
Logan pulled out his phone and dialed Virgil’s number, praying he would pick up this time. Thankfully, he did.
“Hey Logan?” It was more of a question than a greeting. “How’s it going?”
“Where are you?” Logan asked, tapping his foot in frustration. “It’s been forty minutes! And do you know where Roman is? He stood Patton up and I found him crying outside the building!” He seethed.
On the other end, Virgil sighed. “I-I’m sorry okay? It was Remy’s idea. And Roman’s sitting right next to me.”
“What’s going on?! What was Remy’s idea?!” Logan cried.
Logan heard some movement on the other side and suddenly, Roman was the one in possession of the phone.
“Okay, L, listen up! You and Patton obviously have deep romantic feelings for each other and neither of you are doing a thing about it! So me, Remy, and Virgil set you guys up on a date! You’re welcome!” Roman said smugly. “Now go enjoy your date!” He declared before hanging up.
“Roman? Roman!” Logan yelled into the phone, hoping it would bring him back. 
“Is everything okay?” Patton asked. Thankfully, his tears had dried by now and was looking a little less sad.
“Yes. They’re both fine. For now,” Logan added, stuffing his phone back into his pocket.
“What do you mean ‘for now’?” Patton asked, raising an eyebrow. When Logan didn’t answer he pressed further. “Logan, what do you mean?”
Logan sighed. “They set us up on a date by asking both of us to attend a dinner and ditching us both. Leaving us to spend the night together,” he explained.
“Oh! That’s not so bad, right?” Patton asked.
Logan shrugged, but smiled nonetheless. “Yeah, you’re right,” he said. Then he took Patton’s hand and led him to the front door and opened it. “Shall we?”
Patton giggled. “We shall.”
A few years later, the partner-owned animal shelter would become a family business, but for now they would enjoy dinner dates every Sunday and movie night almost every day after work. All thanks to their friends.
Logan was still going to tear them apart later, though.
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ultradiplr · 5 years
Stress Relief
Plot: You notice the head butler of the estate you’ve been invited to has had a rough night and offer to help him relieve his stress.
Tags: Age Difference. Size Difference. Master/servant dynamics. Oral. Fingering. Penetration. Reader is Gender Neutral but is referred to as Sir as an honorific because Idk, I didn’t feel like thinking too hard about it.
A/N: Prompt provided by the Sigma Server and voted on by my lovely followers on Twitter, head over there yourself to see art and vote in the next poll if you’d like! Twitter.
Company get togethers are always sort of awkward, but when its hosted at the founder’s estate it just adds a whole new layer of unpleasantness. Although you were technically nothing more than a file pusher at the lower levels of the company you won a lottery draw to join with the bosses and executives to said founder’s estate and you dreaded the idea the moment your name was announced.
You did not belong around those sorts of people, rich assholes that just had a knack for ordering people around or the types of people willing to kiss up enough to join them, and you felt completely isolated as you stood in the nicest thing you owned alone at the back of a large party room filled to the brim with fancy business types all wearing suits that probably costs more than your entire life savings.
You were sure no one would realize you left if you just walked out right now, no one except maybe your boss but they were off rubbing shoulders with their boss’s boss so maybe not, but you stayed anyway. One because free food was free food, and two because well… you hated to admit it, but the owner sure had some fine looking help.
Especially the head butler. An older man, insanely tall and broad, with sharp but still soft features and gorgeous grey-periwinkle eyes that dazzled as if filled with stars. It was embarrassing how quickly you became smitten from simply laying eyes on him as he greeted everyone as they came in through the door, it was more embarrassing how quickly filthy thoughts entered your brain when he held your hand in his gloved ones in a polite handshake.
You always had a thing for older or bigger men, and this guy was the complete package. God, you wanted to run your hands through his cute greying hair and hold onto his shoulders for dear life and kiss his pointed nose but alas, you did not have that sort of confidence. So you contented yourself with simply staying and taking your fill of him from afar for tonight.
Not very afar though, he was good at his job and came by to ask if things were alright quiet often, perhaps seeing you alone as a sign of a problem. You usually just answered him with a quick “I’m fine, thank you.” when he asked, and a simple “No, thank you.” when he offered you a glass of wine. You blushed hard every time he came around with something new and he spoke to you in his rich, sweet voice, and every time you made sure to thank him for his offers, especially as you noticed more and more people simply waving him off without so much as a glance.
You felt bad for him as the night slowly winded on and you noticed he started to look a little frustrated as he had to deal with increasingly rude guests. Disrespecting him, not answering him, and finally actually shouting at him, he took everything in stride but that last one really got to him, you could tell, as he apologized, turned on his heal, and walked out of the room. No one paid him any mind except the asshole who yelled at him who simply looked pleased at the abuse he inflicted before turning back to his group and chatting on like he’d done nothing wrong.
It boiled your blood but you weren’t in a position to stand up for the poor butler either, after all everyone here was technically your boss too. But you wanted to help the guy, he had been so thoughtful of you tonight, even if it was his job, so quickly you followed after him.
It took a bit to find him again, his stride so much bigger and faster than yours but when you did find him he was pacing around and looking as frustrated as ever. He didn’t seem to notice you, or any of the other help that shuffled past him quickly taking things to and from the party. He looked a bit disheveled and his hand combed through his hair as the other was gripping repeatedly into a fist. He was a lot more angry than you thought.
You stood a distance away from him, and coughed to get his attention, “Sir?” You said and he stopped in his angry pacing to look back at you, “I’m sorry for what happened back there, you didn’t deserve to get yelled at.” You said hesitantly.
He looked at you for a moment, his eyes betraying his confusion even as his face stayed placidly angry. He blinked, sighed and composed himself as best he could, smoothing his hair back with one of his gloved hands.
“Thank you, I appreciate your concern.” He half smiled at you, the tire now coming out in his features. “But I advise you to return to the party, this area is restricted to staff only.” He said calmly, shifting easily back into his service voice.
You blushed and chuckled awkwardly looking around you realized you had no idea where you were, “Oh… um, alright.” Was that it? A simple thank you? Was he alright? You didn’t want to leave him stewing in negative emotion but at the same time you didn’t want to seem like you were pushing boundaries on this complete stranger.
“So it’s a left and then right, right?” You ask pointing behind you and he looked in that direction and back at you.
He sighed again and straightened himself out, “I’ll escort you back.” He said and you instantly felt bad, had you just interrupted what little break he wanted to take?
“No, it’s fine, thank you!” You say quickly, stepping back from him but he closes the distance between you instantly and takes your hand, wrapping your arm around his and leading you briskly back in the direction you came.
“No, no, I don’t want you getting lost, it wouldn’t be the first time a guest has and the onus is on me if you do anyhow.” He sounded a bit annoyed and it stung your heart, you didn’t want him to be angry with you, you just wanted to apologize and make him feel better.
“I’m serious about being sorry for what happened.” You say as you try to keep up with his gate, “You did a really good job tonight, you really didn’t deserve that yelling, I just wanted to know if you’re alright.” You spoke fast, mind slightly distracted with not tripping over your feet and falling flat on your face.
He stopped and you jolted a bit by the sudden lack of momentum, the party could be heard slightly muffled through the thick walls, perhaps only just right outside were it was being hosted. He looked down at you, his expression amused, tired, but amused.
“I’ve done this job for many, many years, that wasn’t anything I can’t handle on my own.” He says assuredly with a soft squeeze to your hand, though that doesn’t really make you any happier.
“At least take a break, please?” You ask up at him, for the first time in your life actually pouting, “You looked awfully stressed back there, I can show you a few ways to relax if you want.” You said with a touch to his chest.
He blinked at you as all expressions dropped from his face, and you looked at him confused for a moment before blushing hard with the realization about how that sounded. He seemed frozen, like he was unsure about what you said, and in truth you were unsure too.
“I-I know some breathing exercises.” You correct quickly, withdrawing your hand slightly. You saw his expression change slightly into.. Disappointment? Wait a second, he couldn’t have actually wanted…
“But there are other things too… if you want… I wouldn’t mind.” You added quickly after that, splaying your hand on his chest again, feeling his heartbeat under the thick layers of clothing.
You watched the cogs turn in his head and flush a little darker as his eyes quickly flick over you. He looks up at the entrance to the party and back at you and then he lets out a slightly shaky breath. Without a word he holds you a little tighter to him and leads you to another door in the hallway.
When he opens it he quickly ushers you inside before shutting the door and locking it behind him. You feel softness around you and are kind of freaked out before he turned on the light to reveal it’s just the coat room. You’re momentarily distracted from your handsome partner by the idea of being surrounded by so much money, but your attention is drawn back as he pulls you into him and lifts you so that he can latch onto your lips.
You moan into the kiss as he flexes his strength, holding you tightly against him with one hand firmly on your ass as the other hand threads it’s fingers in your hair. He’s frustrated and rough, devouring your moans as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and cling to him desperately.
Your make out session did not last long, or did it? It was hard to tell, time felt so fake as you felt his tongue explore your mouth, but soon enough he pulled away, chuckling at your already disheveled appearance and wiping away the little saliva that followed him.
“Did that please you sir?” He asked cheekily and you felt a weird sort of feeling roll through you at the title.
“Y-yes.” You squeaked out and he chuckled giving your ass a squeeze before letting you down.
“I believe you wanted to show me how to relax, sir?” He said, the honorific dripping with pointed lust, and you gulped.
“I.. um.. I think you’re too tall… standing.” You stutter out, hands resting on his thighs and seeing easily if you were to get down on your knees you wouldn’t actually be able to reach him.
“What would you like me to do, sir?” That word was making your head swim, even if it was a respectful title it sounded more like a pet name in his tone.
“Sit?” You say unsure and he lowers himself to the floor instantly, keeping his legs wide to allow you room.
“Is this alright?” He asks as you settle between his legs and start to run your hands along his thick legs.
You nod, “Perfect.” You say a little breathlessly, and he chuckles, watching with amusement as your small hands feel up his calves and thighs.
The fabric of his uniform felt expensive too, soft and smooth and very breathable. He was warm to the touch and so very muscular. You wondered just what this uniform was hiding, but at the same time the sight of him sitting with his legs spread before you while still wearing such an outfit was much too delicious.
You ran your hands up his thighs, feeling them quiver just the slightest as your small hands roamed over them, and slowly felt up to his already hardening bulge. He felt hot to the touch, even through his pants as you cupped him, moving the fabric over him as you gave a few light tugs at him. He moaned softly and bit his lip, his face red and his eyes dilated in lust. As you felt him up you leaned down and kissed him over his pants, earning a satisfied sigh as a white gloved hands settled on your head, petting it softly.
You unzipped him enough to free him and you gasped when you pulled him out. He chuckled darkly at your expression and you felt your face heat up even more.
“Is it to your liking, sir?” He said smugly and your face reddened even more.
You could only nod, wide eyes and open mouth as you held is beautifully thick and long cock in your hands. It was heavy and hot and just so perfect with a thick vein running along the bottom that you thumbed as you stroked him experimentally. His hand flexed on your head a little but he made no move to rush you, settling back more as he watched your hand pump him slowly, taking him all in with your eyes.
You locked eyes with him as you lowered your head and licked a long stripe from his base to his tip, smiling when it pulled a delicious groan from him that hit you straight in your loins. You liked his head, swirling your tongue around it and lightly sucking on it as you jacked him, delighted to feel his hand grip into your hair.
“Sir.” He whined as you took him deeper into your mouth.
You knew no matter how much you wanted to take all of him you simply did not have enough time or luxury to adjust to him so you compensated for the extra inches with your hand as you took him as far as you could, moaning around him as he twitched in your throat. He smoothed your hair out of your face with his extra hand and before you could do anything both hands gripped your hair and forced your head up and off of him before slamming you back down onto his shaft.
You let him, drooling around him and lazily looking up at him, tears falling from your face as your hands abandoned their stroking to simply grip onto his pants. He was rough and obviously trying to just chase his own release regardless of your comfort though you noted he didn’t force you down any further than your limit. He bucked his hips into your mouth and delighted in the awful sounds that came from him fucking brutally into your rawing throat.
“You’re a natural, sir.” He bit out, the sir adding a strange and arousing layer to the  degradation. He was mocking you and it was so fucking good.
He pulled your head off of him and pulled you to him, smiling at the way your eyes rolled and locked on him, unfocused and dilated to hell, gasping for air through your rubbed raw lips. He kissed you, tender in comparison for his rough treatment.
You straddled his hips, locking him between you as he continued your make out session from before, only this time with a lot more biting and mumbling as his hands quickly grabbed and pulled you out of your clothes, stripping you completely while he still sat fully clothed.
As he tossed your shirt deeper into the closet he pulled back to admire you, eyes taking your in as his soft gloves caressed all your sensitive areas lovingly.
“Mooi.” the word drifted out of his lips breathlessly and although you didn’t know what he said it made you blush all the more harder.
You wanted to cover up, feeling exposed under his eyes and the fact he was still clothed but he simply did not let you, lightly swatting your hands away every time you tried. His hands smoothed over your sides and down to your hips where they rested and guided you to grind onto him a little. You grabbed onto his shoulders and mewled as you felt his hard shaft under you.
He thrusts lightly up into you as he watched you glide along him, precum dripping along himself and helping you slide smoothly even more. You whimpered when he lifted you a little high and you felt his tip ever so slightly catch into you before gliding back over you. He kissed your shoulder and whispered into your ear,
“Is this what you want, sir?” He tilted his hips and you felt him push up just a little into you and you gasped loudly, gripping on his shoulders so tightly your knuckles went white.
“Y-yes.” You huff out as you feel him glide over you again.
He chuckled darkly and leaned you back onto the floor so that he loomed over you. He smiled down at you, looking awfully menacing and sexy, all done up and proper still save for his slightly crooked bow tie and ruffled hair. He braced himself with one arm beside your head and with his other hand he brought it up to his mouth and removed it in one smooth motion. He spit the glove away to the side to be lost with your own clothing and delicately began to caress you again, no barrier between you and his skin now.
You writhed a little under him as he felt you up, running his fingers over your neck and shoulders and down the middle of your chest and over your stomach, teasingly stopping just at your waistline and skipping straight to your thighs that he pet lightly.
“Please.” You sighed raising your hips as his hand traveled higher up your inner thigh, “Please.” you pant as his hand lightly ghosts over were you want him to touch, “Please.” you moan when he finally does.
He leans in to capture your lips as you pull him close when his fingers finally enter you, wasting no time in stretching you out. It was a little painful but you didn’t care as you slowly adjusted, moving your hips along with his fingering, loving how deeply they hit inside you. His chest rumbled with moans as fingered your tight entrance and you squeezed down on him, the need to shove his cock into you growing by the second.
When he felt you prepped enough he took his fingers from you and grabbed onto himself, stroking himself a few times as he lined up with you. He gave you a look, making sure you were ready and with a nod he began to push into you. His other hand had to clamp down on your mouth as you let out a long, strained and loud whine as you felt him stretch you. You couldn’t stop it, the stretch just too much. Not bad, not bad at all, but just.. So much. You went ridgid at just his tip and he had to coo you into relaxing with kisses and soft words.
As he slowly worked inch by inch into you, you felt your orgasm rapidly approaching, the mixture of the feeling of being so full and his sweet attention being a dangerous concoction, and before he could even get halfway in you jolted with a sudden orgasm. He stopped instantly and a desperate, muffled cry was pulled from his throat as he felt you squeeze around him.
“Are you alright?” He asked with a huff, touching your face and waiting for you to snap back to reality.
“Y-yes, fuck, keep going.” You asked leaning into his touch and moving your hips to encourage him, helping him slip into you even more.
He groans and continues to push forward, bottoming out with a full body shiver and holding your hips tightly with his hand to keep you from squirming, trying to calm himself down long enough to actually start moving. You meanwhile grabbed and scratched and pulled on whatever you could reach, pulling him closer to kiss his face and feel around under his suit jacket. You felt so hot and overwhelmed in the best way, stretched wider than you ever had and completely addicted to the feeling already.
You were sure you’d be ruined for any other man after this.
When he started to move you nearly came again, the long, agonizing drag out forcing you to feel every little detail of him. You mewled and muffled yourself in his shoulder, biting down on the fabric there as he snapped his hips into yours harshly. He set an agonizing pace, slow out and hard in, making you lose your mind as you were pushed quickly toward another peak.
“Fuck” He barked as he felt you cum again but this time he did not stop, continuing to thrust into you as you quivered around you, dragging it out.
His hips picked up as he began to slide into you easier and easier as you relaxed and adjusted to him and soon your whole body was wrapped around him in an attempt to hold onto him as he pounded relentlessly into you. He kept his hand firmly on your mouth as every thrust pushed a moan out of you and his head was bowed harshly into your neck, his breath hot and quick on your skin as he huffed with every brutal thrust.
You heard mumbling from him but you couldn’t tell if it was English or Dutch, mind lost in the feeling of his thick cock.
When he came he bit down hard on his arm he was using to brace himself as he emptied a thick load into you with a full body shiver, continuing to fuck into you until it finally became too much and he stopped, panting and whining quietly.
“Thank you.” He says softly, breathlessly, and it hits you how tired and relieved he sounded, how much more… lively his voice sounded like this.
“You’re very welcome.” You say so softly, nuzzling into him with a wide and tired smile, warmth radiating through you.
After you had gotten redressed and presentable he helped you out and called a private driver to take you home, seeing that you had no reason to stay any longer.
“I do hope you enjoyed your short visit.” He said as helped you into the back of a very nice car.
“Yes, very much.” You say as you settle onto the nice leather seats.
Before he could shut the door you stopped him smiled, “If you ever need to relieve some stress again I’m always free.” You flirted.
He smiled, a beautiful genuine smile and nodded, “I’ll be sure to remember that on your next visit, sir.” He said with a wink and with that he closed the door.
Damn, guess you need to get a promotion asap.
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shireness-says · 5 years
Summary: Emma may be out the night before Easter as a favor to Mary Margaret, but she didn't expect to see Killian Jones in the center of town. After midnight. In a rabbit suit. Rated T for language. ~2.5K. Also on Ao3.
A/N: Happy Easter to those who celebrate it! Yes, this is going up a little early, but I’ll be busy tomorrow and the events of the fic happen the night before anyways. It’s a good enough excuse. Loosely based on an episode of the mid-90s BBC comedy “The Vicar of Dibley”, which I watched an inexplicable amount of as a kid for someone born after it premiered in the United States. It’s still funny.
Thanks to @snidgetsafan for her beta-ing and half the puns. She’s the best.
Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
Storybrooke, Maine has always been a little too good to be true.
After all, there isn’t really a place with an annual candle-based festival, or one where an entire town takes a lonely orphan girl under their collective wing, or one with a massive town-wide Easter egg hunt. It’s absurd. That place can’t exist.
And yet, somehow, Storybrooke does.
Emma Swan even knows the person who dresses as the Easter Bunny every year (because that’s exactly the kind of town Storybrooke is) - a lovely young lady named Mary Margaret Nolan, local fifth grade teacher and daughter of the late Leo Blanchard, the former mayor who’d originated this tradition in the first place. Mary Margaret continuing her father’s legacy, rabbit costume and all, is the least shocking of all of this - something about continuity and family tradition and other sentiments that belong in a friggin’ Hallmark movie. After all, this is Storybrooke, the only town in the world where all of this seems natural.
Mary Margaret Nolan also happens to be Emma Swan’s best friend, which is how she gets pulled into this whole mess in the first place.
“I don’t know what happened, but I’ve caught some sort of stomach bug,” she’d explained to Emma over the phone. She’d certainly sounded miserable, her voice echoing around the bathroom where undoubtedly she’d still been camped. That’s probably why Emma had agreed when Mary Margaret had begged Emma to do her a huge favor.
Unfortunately, that favor had been to dress up as the goddamn Easter Bunny to hide eggs around town.
(Personally, Emma thinks insisting she wear a costume is stupid, but Mary Margaret had been insistent.
“What if one of the kids sees you?” she’d asked, like there’d actually be school kids peeking out their windows at half past midnight. Lucky for Mary Margaret, one of the few guilt trips that still works on Emma is the prospect of disappointed kids.)
She feels ridiculous, honestly. Blatantly ridiculous. If Mary Margaret has a bug, there’s no way Emma is putting on her rabbit suit, so Emma had taken things into her own hands. Rabbit footie pajamas complete with fluffy tail and some ears on a headband is close enough, right? Especially since she’s painted whiskers and teeth on her face? Mary Margaret’s very fancy and expensive rabbit suit doubtless wouldn’t have fit anyways, since Emma is a good several inches taller. Hey, if she has to do this insane thing, at least she’s going to be comfortable.
Hiding eggs is kinda fun, Emma has to admit. It’s a bit of fun she never really got as a kid, only seeing it on TV and wishing she could do that too. She’d already been 15 by the time the Nolans had taken her in, eventually for good, and Emma had already been too old and full of teenage attitude to take part in the hunt herself, even if the residents of Storybrooke - who adopted her nearly as much as Ruth and Robert and David had - doubtless would have cheered her on if she had. It’s fun, finding clever little places to stash eggs for the older kids and easier spots that will make the littler ones feel clever, all the while hearing the rattle of coins and candy inside the plastic.
Sure, there’s a few eggs in spots Emma doesn’t remember leaving anything, but it’s half past midnight. It’s easy enough to write that off as tiredness and simple forgetfulness. Since the eggs are fake, Emma doesn’t need to keep a map of where she hides things for later. She’s the only one out doing this, anyways, and the eggs don’t look like they’ve been left outside for a year; there’s no reason to think she’s not the one who hid them.
That makes it all the more shocking to look across the town square and see another figure in full rabbit costume with a wagon full of eggs.
“What the…” she mutters, squinting as if it could somehow make the sight make sense.
Meanwhile, the other rabbit takes off their head piece - one of those massive mascot-type deals. “Swan?” they call in an accented male voice, before moving closer into her clear line of sight.
Oh shit. She knows exactly who it is: Killian Jones, local bartender and object of her lust (and possible love). And the last person Emma wants to see facing her in a rabbit suit.
Emma not wanting to see Jones has nothing to do with her own feelings; she’s willing to admit, at least to herself, that she likes Jones one hell of a lot, likes his smile and his sense of humor and that delicious accent that sends shivers chasing down her spine, even if all three are usually directed at other people. There’s been an attraction, at least on her part, ever since he moved to Storybrooke almost two and a half years ago now. No, the problem is that Jones doesn’t like her, and Emma can’t figure out why.
She’d thought it was some kind of jealousy at first, what with the way she catches him glaring whenever she interacts with other men in the bar, but it’s more than that. If she leans over the bar to try and talk to him over the noise, he groans. If they see each other in public, he offers only the briefest pleasantries before heading in the opposite direction as quickly as possible. Honestly, he seems disdainful of everything about her. The heart wants what the heart wants, though, and Emma’s never been able to quash her attraction to Killian Jones, God help her.
“What are you doing here, lass?” he asks as he approaches until he’s close enough for Emma to reach out and touch his mascot suit if she wanted too. Did Storybrooke High change its team from the Knights to the… Demon Rabbits or something? She doesn’t follow high school sports close enough to remember; all she knows is that the enormous rabbit head under Killian’s arm is freaking her out with its dead eyes and cartoonish teeth.
“What do you think I’m doing out here?” Emma shoots back, probably harsher than is needed in the situation. Maybe this is why she’s still single. “I’m hiding Easter eggs. Jesus Christ, where did you get that awful costume?”
“No,” he replies slowly, gesturing towards his ridiculous wagon. “I’m the one hiding Easter eggs. And technically, Swan, it’s already Easter, it seems pretty bold to be taking the Lord’s name in vain on Easter. But, for the record, Belle lent it to me from the drama department. The high school put on a production of Harvey last year, don’t you remember?”
“Shut up,” she mumbles. The know-it-all attitude definitely isn’t helping any of this… even if Emma hadn’t remembered that play. Musical? Whatever. “Okay, well, I don’t know why you’d be hiding eggs still, because Mary Margaret asked me to take over since she’s sick.” Emma’s getting a bit defensive about this, but she can’t actually bring herself to care.
“And David asked me for the same reason. I don’t know why you’re arguing with me about this, Swan.”
“Because you’re not supposed to be here!” she all but explodes, before reigning her emotions back in. It’s just a weird misunderstanding; there’s no reason to get mad at Killian for something that’s not his fault. Probably. “Look, just… I don’t want to be in your way, just as much as you don’t want me in your way, so you take the North end and I’ll hide stuff on the South end. Everything gets covered and you won’t have to deal with me. Fine by you?”
“That seems a bit harsh,” Killian mumbles back. Notably, he doesn’t answer her question, which Emma tries not to be pissed about. God, this man some days.
“What, the divide and conquer plan? Not sure what you’d find harsh about that.”
“No, the part where you seem to think I’m bothered by you.”
“Look, you don’t have to pretend, Killian. I know you don’t like me, and it’s fine, I’m a big girl, we’ll just stay out of each other’s hair —”
“What makes you think I don’t like you?” To his credit, Killian does look genuinely confused. That almost pisses Emma off more - this who, me? act that he’s apparently decided to put on.
“Oh please. I’d have to be blind not to see the glares and hear the groans and whatever. I’m not an idiot, I can put two and two together.”
“It’s not what you think,” Killian argues - weakly, in Emma’s opinion - turning red to his very ears.
“You go out of your way to avoid me,” she deadpans.
“Yeah, but it’s not because I don’t like you, it’s because…” Killian trails off for a moment, before muttering something unintelligible.
“I didn’t understand a single word of that,” Emma comments dryly, crossing her arms. “Try again.”
Killian sighs heavily. “Look, I really like you, alright?”
“No you don’t.” It’s a stupid thing to say, considering that he literally just told her so (and turned adorably red doing it), but it’s Emma’s knee-jerk reaction. There’s no way, right?
He scratches behind his ear - a sign Emma’s learned means he’s uncomfortable or embarrassed. Could he actually be serious? “Aye, I really do. Veering rather alarmingly towards the territory of “smitten”, if I’m quite honest.”
“But you’re always so... disapproving,” she tries to reason. “If you like me so much, why all the glaring and the groaning?”
“When do I groan?”
“Usually when I’m leaning against the bar, though I can probably come up with other examples.”
Killian laughs. It’s very much unexpected. “You’d groan too, Swan, if a lady you fancied had a habit of leaning down right in front of you and perfectly displaying all her lovely undergarments. I’m just a man, love, and that lacy black number does things to me.”
Oh. Oh. Well, she supposes that makes enough sense. Still… “Well, what about everything else? You go out of your way to avoid me, don’t pretend you don’t.”
He sighs again, a frustrated sound this time. Maybe a little sad too. “I know it doesn’t make much sense. And believe me, it wasn’t at all for lack of want. But you’re my best friend’s little sister,” he shrugs. “David can be protective, not that I blame him. I’m sure I’d be the same if I had a younger sister. But the fact remains that I’m not too keen on him cutting my balls off over this, especially since it’s so one-sided.”
That gives Emma pause for a moment. “Wait, one-sided?” she demands. “Is that what you think this is?”
“Aye,” he says, hanging his head. Rejection tinges his tone - needlessly, really, but he’s not picking up one her cues in the least. “Which is fine, Swan, I’m a grown lad and my feelings are my own. I’m not asking… that is, I’d never assume you felt the same, and nothing needs to change —”
“Whoa, hold on, that’s not —” Emma cuts herself off to collect her own thoughts, running her hands along her scalp in an anxious gesture. It’s been an absolute 180 in the past few minutes where her perception of their relationship is concerned, and she feels the need to take a few moments to try and recenter herself, collect her bearings. “Fuck,” she grumbles, “this is not how I imagined this going at all.”
“How you imagined what, love?” Confusion still colors his face; that just won’t do. She’s making a total hash of this - though she’d argue that that’s kind of on him as well - but maybe there’s still a way to redeem it. It’s about the destination, not the journey, right?
(She’s pretty sure that’s not how the saying goes, but she also doesn’t care anymore.)
So she kisses him, reaches across and hauls Killian down to meet her mouth by the front of the ridiculous vest his stupid rabbit costume is wearing. It’s the only redeeming factor of the whole thing, allowing her some form of leverage.
The kiss isn’t a gentle thing. Somehow, in her mind, Emma always imagined sweeping instrumentals as her and Killian’s lips brushed, hands stealing tentatively into hair and across cheeks. This is… not that. There’s a lot of tongue and a bit of teeth (mostly on her part) and honestly, the word she’s looking for to describe this is probably closest to devour. After waiting so goddamn long there just doesn’t seem to be a point in taking it slow; instead, she’d rather try to make up for every missed second, all at once. Not that Killian seems opposed to it. Rather, he seems determined to pull Emma as close as humanly possible, like if she’s just plastered tight enough to his front he can feel her through his ridiculous bulky rabbit suit.
Eventually, the franticness starts to settle into something easier, tongues giving way to lips, nipping giving way to sucking. They’ve finally perfected the angle too, noses just barely brushing as their mouths meet. Emma’s hands have settled on his chest, faux-furred as it is, and Killian’s have begun to creep down from her hips towards her ass. After his talk about being tormented by the sightline down her shirt, Emma would have figured he was a boob man, but hey, she’s not opposed to this development either…
Until he reaches the stupid fluffball on the seat of her pants and pulls.
Emma jerks back at that. “Did you just tweak my tail?” she demands, staring at him incredulously.
“Couldn’t help myself, love,” he teases, dropping a little kiss on her nose. “You make a bloody cute Easter Bunny.”
“Oh my God, file that under ‘things I never want to hear again’,” Emma groans, but she’s smiling too. It’s hard not to, now that she gets to enjoy his playful side. “C’mon, we’ve got to finish hiding these eggs… but maybe you can come back to my burrow afterwards.” She even throws in a wink for good measure, now that there’s no reason they can’t have a little fun.
“I’m holding you to that, love,” he says, crossing back to his wagon as Emma collects her own fabric grocery sack full of eggs. Once they’re both collected again, his terrifying rabbit head perched in the wagon’s bucket, Killian offers his free pawto her. “Shall we?”
“Yeah, alright.”
They’ve barely started walking again before the realization hits Emma, making her groan.
“What is it, love?” Killian asks, his voice full of concern.
“Nothing to worry about, not really,” she quickly clarified. “I just realized… if this is Mary Margaret and David’s idea of a set up, I’m going to kill them.”
Killian laughs uproariously at that, slinging an arm around her shoulders. “Ah, well, all’s well that ends well, right?”
(As it turns out, no one really believes Mary Margaret when she tries to claim that this is exactly what she had planned all along. Distraction induced by morning sickness is much more believable, after all, than setting up two people to fall in love as the Easter Bunnies.)
(Emma and Killian are a little too busy doing some other things like rabbits to care too much.)
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kates-sweet-escape · 6 years
For the longest time  [ HW | F ]
Tumblr media
pairing: Hyungwon X Reader (Gender neutral)
genre: Fluff
word count: 3.8k
summary: You and Hyungwon have been friends for the longest time. But a night out in Seoul might change that forever. 
cover: Made by me. Picture credit to Naver Dispatch.
song: “Jealousy” by Monsta X
lyrics:  “There is nothing between us. So what is this? Why do you keep getting on my nerves?”
“You’re aware of the fact that you’re being extremely petty right now?” You almost had to scream at the top of your lungs to make your voice heard over the loud music that was blasting from the huge high-end speakers. You were in one of Seoul’s hottest nightclubs to party. Because you had something to celebrate. Your best friend’s first gig as a DJ. But instead of dancing the night away to the songs that Hyungwon was mixing so perfectly, you’d somehow gotten yourself caught up in this mess.  
You looked at Minhyuk who was standing right in front of you being way too close for comfort. You’d been friends with Minhyuk for a while now, but this… You could clearly see the barely visible pink highlights in his grey contact lenses. Even in the dimmed lights that were illuminating the bar right next to the dance floor. That’s how close he was. And if you hadn’t been that used to Minhyuk completely ignoring your personal space, you might have really felt uncomfortable.
He looked at you with a stern expression on his face before he nodded. “Yes. 100%.”
So he was serious. Great. “Then why do you-”
“Because that’s the only way Jihye will realize that she has done something wrong.” Minhyuk looked over his shoulder and towards the VIP booth across from the dancefloor where you had been seated upon entering the club with Hyungwon. Jihye was sitting at the table surrounded by Hoseok, Hyunwoo and Kihyun. Usually she loved all the attention. But today she didn’t seem too happy about it. Her big brown eyes were transfixed on Minhyuk, not minding Kihyun at all who seemed to be talking to her. Her expression had hardened, making her look almost angry as she was watching Minhyuk very closely. You shouldn’t take part in any of it. You weren’t on good terms with Jihye to begin with. You should just pull out of this whole show that Minhyuk was putting on for her to see. And not only because this was childish and stupid. But also because you knew what it felt like to be eaten alive by jealousy.
Minhyuk smiled a little before he leaned in a little further towards you, making you able to clearly smell the cologne he was wearing. “She’s looking this way. Laugh. Like I said something funny.”
You scoffed as you saw Jihye clenching her jaw. This was just ridiculous. “I don’t think you’re very funny.”
“Well, that’s because you have a rotten sense of humor.” Minhyuk pouted a little, fully aware of the fact that you were weak to him playing cute. “Come on Y/N. Please!”
“Minhyuk, this is insane.” Yet you still faked a laugh, even placing your hand on his shoulder just to really help him with his little charade. You were definitely way too smitten with that guy. “You're both grown-ups. Just talk it out for Christ’s sake.”
“Don’t you think I’ve tried that already?” Minhyuk, who was known for being a tease, took your hand from his shoulder and held it for a lot longer than he should have. “I did. Countless times. But this is the only way she’ll even notice that I am angry about something. You know how she is.”
Yeah, you knew. That’s why you shouldn’t get involved in this. Because that woman was borderline crazy. You sneaked a peak towards the booth. Jihye looked really angry, her plush lips pressed together into a small line. You let go of Minhyuk's hand and took a small step back. That should do the trick.
Jihye and Minhyuk where the kind of couple that you’d seen in countless movies. They were always fighting. And if they weren’t fighting, they were in the process of making up. At first, you’d thought that it was kind of funny. But after two years with front row seats to all their drama, you were just tired of it all.
“Gosh. How are the two of you even still together?”
Minhyuk smirked a little, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Dedication. Loyalty. And lots of-”
“If you want me to play along, you better not finish that sentence.”
“Love.” He giggled a little. “And lots of love, Y/N.”
You clicked your tongue in annoyance. You knew what he’d really meant to say. You’d been friends with him for long enough to know what was going on in that funny little brain of his. “You’re the worst.”
You were looking for the bartender who’d taken your order a while ago, but since this place was packed, it seemed like you’d still have to wait for a little longer to get your drinks. You’d wanted to go alone, but Minhyuk had tagged along. And now you knew exactly why. Gosh, you wished that Jooheon hadn’t been busy tonight. Then you wouldn’t have to play the decoy. Those two were usually flirting with each other anyway. But since he was caught up at work, you’d just have to play Minhyuk’s flirt of choice.
Great. Just great.
Minhyuk let out a deep and drawn out sigh. “Don’t you think I feel pathetic for doing this? Because trust me, I do. And I know that you don’t like her an-”
“What are you two talking about?”
You were glad that the loud music completely swallowed up the loud yelp of surprise you’d let out. “Changkyun!” You pressed your hand against your heart that was beating rapidly inside your chest as you looked towards the youngest of the group. He was rocking a pair of round glasses, black nail polish and a man bun. “Hell, don’t ever do that again!”
“Do what again?” You were met with Changkyun’s usual expression of faked innocence that just gave away the fact that he’d done this on purpose just to annoy you.
“Creeping up on me like that!” You hated being surprised. Which was exactly why Changkyun had done it in the first place. That little bastard. Why were you friends with him again? Oh yeah, right. Because you adored all of Hyungwon’s friends. “Make a noise if you move, would you? You’re not a friggin’ cat.”
“I make plenty of noise. You just can’t hear it because of the loud music.” Changkyun smiled at you smugly before pointing towards the DJ booth where Hyungwon was playing one amazing set after the other. “By the way, is it just me, or is Hyungwon on fire tonight?”
“You bet your ass he is.” Minhyuk let out an impressed whistle and you couldn’t help to feel an immense amount of pride as you watched the crowd cry out in approval upon the smooth song transition that you knew Hyungwon pulled off effortlessly. “Those beat drops and song transitions? The crowd is going nuts over them.”
You looked at Hyungwon who was staring down towards his DJ gear. He seemed to be lost in his own little world again, with those giant headphones dangling from his neck. He was wearing a black T-Shirt and his hair had this surreal silver color you’d helped him apply in the bathroom only a few hours ago. He looked up at the crowd again before he initiated another beat drop, jumping up and down with them as it kicked in.
Seeing him like this, at the DJ booth, working diligently while the crowd went wild over what he did, was still foreign to you.
It was like he wasn’t Hyungwon anymore. It was like he’d completely transformed into H.One. And even though you hated to admit it, you kind of liked it. Because you knew how much he loved this. How much his music meant to him. You’d talked about it with him countless times whenever he came over to your apartment to show you a new song. You would both lie on the floor, right next to one another, and just listen to it in the silence of your apartment.
And those moments were some of your most treasured memories.
You smiled as Hyungwon suddenly looked up and your eyes met for a few seconds over the large crowd that was separating you from him.
He was looking right into your eyes. You still needed to get used to this new look with the blue eyes and the silver hair. But no matter which colored lenses he wore or what hairstyle he was having you’d always be able to recognize him straight away. Because he would always be your best friend Hyungwon. And nothing would ever change that.
You really shouldn’t stare at him for this long. People would misunderstand. So you nodded at Hyungwon one final time before you refocused on your conversation with Minhyuk and Changkyun. “I told you guys that he’s that good.”
“How were we supposed to know?” Minhyuk sounded a little offended. “He never talks about his music.”
Changkyun cocked up his eyebrow before looking at you intensely, which you chose to ignore. “Well with us he doesn’t”
“And we are his roommates.” Minhyuk narrowed his eyes but his lips were still showing a hint of that proud smile he’d had on his lips ever since Hyungwon had told them about this gig. “That little traitor.”
Okay, that was enough. You turned towards Minhyuk. “First of all, he’s taller than you, Minhyuk. So you shouldn’t call him little.”
“And second of all, are you really surprised that he doesn’t want to talk about his music with any of you?” Because you sure as hell weren’t. You loved these idiots to bits, but they could be a real pain in the ass. “You always tease him for being a DJ.”
“No, we don’t.”
“You do.” You’d seen it for yourself on multiple occasions. And you were so over it by now. Hyungwon wasn’t like all those countless college kids that thought of themselves as the next David Guetta just because they had seen some DJ Youtube tutorial once. No, Hyungwon had actual skill. “And I swear to God if I ever hear any of you call him H. Aoki ever again, I’m gonna start throwing punches.”
“You know, Y/N” Changkyun was looking towards the DJ booth before suddenly leaning into you, his lips brushing over your earlobe as he started speaking again. “You’re kinda hot when you get angry about something.”
You rolled your eyes, completely unfazed by any of it. Changkyun was as much of a tease as Minhyuk was, flirting left and right wherever he went. You’d seen him have countless flings in the past. With men and women. So you knew he was only playing around to annoy you. Because if Changkyun had really wanted to flirt with you, he’d be a lot smoother about it.
You shoved him and Changkyun let out a dry laugh as he stumbled backwards, only missing some poor fella by a mere inch.
“Shut up, Kyun. Seriously.” You felt a light tap on your shoulder and turned around towards the bartender who’d finally gotten your order ready. You reached for your money, but Minhyuk was a lot faster, handing the guy a 50.000 Won bill before picking up Jihye’s martini and Hoseok's coke and his own vodka-energy and heading towards your booth.
In the corner of your eye you could already see how Changkyun tried to escape, but you grabbed him by the ear and dragged him towards the bar. “You aren’t going anywhere.” You nodded in Hyungwon’s direction before handing Changkyun the water you’d ordered for him. “Bring him his water.”
Changkyun let out a deep sigh, but he took the glass of water off the counter before grabbing his beer. “You know that I’m not your slave, right?”
“You're the youngest,” you said with a smirk on your face as you picked up the rest of the drinks, including your own. “That’s basically the same as being a slave.”
“Can’t you give him his water?” Changkyun glanced nervously towards the DJ booth. “I don’t wanna get close to him right now.”
“What?” Something was seriously wrong with this kid.
Changkyun bit down on his lower lip, looking a lot less tough even though the tattoos on the side of his neck usually made him seem like a total badass. But when it came to his hyungs he was really just a nervous mess sometimes. “He might kill me.”
“Why?” You laughed a little. It was always fun to watch the guys putting Changkyun in his place. God knew that cocky kid desperately needed it. “Did you tease him again?”
Changkyun looked at you in utter disbelief before he started giggling like a preschooler. “Wow. You’re so dense.”
Changkyun took a huge step forward. “See you later, Y/N!”
“No! Hey, Kyun! What are you talking about?” You stretched out your hand to grab him by the collar, but Changkyun was already out of reach, sticking out his tongue as he disappeared within the crowd.
“The show tonight was really great. The crowd loved you.”
“Mh.” Hyungwon seemed to be completely lost in thought as he was walking right beside you. He’d been oddly quiet ever since you’d said goodbye to the others at the club. They’d stayed behind because they’d still wanted to keep on partying but you’d been tired. Work had been tough lately. So you’d been grateful when Hyungwon had suddenly shown up at the booth, telling you that he wanted to leave because his gig had just ended. And since it had kind of become a tradition that he’d walk you home after a night out, usually taking you on a little stroll around town to sober up a bit while talking to you, you’d left with him immediately without thinking twice.
But now you were kind of second-guessing that decision. Maybe you should have gotten a cab instead. It would have been a lot less frustrating. And a lot less awkward.
“What did the manager say?” You tried your best to keep the conversation going. If you could even call it that. Because it was mainly just you babbling on and on while Hyungwon kept his mouth shut. “Will you be able to have a gig there again?”
Slowly you were starting to get angry. At least you’d be home in a matter of minutes. “I bet he’s gonna make you a regular in no time. He’d be a bloody idiot if he didn’t.”
Your apartment door finally came in sight and you let out an annoyed sigh. You’ve been friends with Hyungwon for over 6 years now, meeting him in your first year of college and becoming best friends in a matter of months. And in all those years, you’d never felt uncomfortable around him. Until tonight.
There had never been that much awkward silence between the two of you. And you hated it. But there was nothing you could do about it. Because apparently, Hyungwon had just chosen to act like an utter idiot tonight. Maybe his first big gig had already gotten to his head. Or maybe he just didn’t feel like talking to you. But whatever was going on with him tonight, you sure as hell weren’t having any of it.
“You know if you don’t feel like talking just say so, instead of acting like a complete prick.” You came to a halt in front of your apartment, eyeing Hyungwon who finally seemed to actually look at you for the first time ever since you’d left the club. “Newsflash: I don’t need you to walk me home. I’m a grown up and more than capable of protecting myself.” You could see him clenching his jaw in anger, but you didn’t care. You were just as angry as him. Maybe even a little angrier. You’d looked forward to him taking you home. You liked those little late night strolls you shared because that was the only time you actually had him all to yourself. Where you could openly and freely talk to him. But he’d taken that away from you by acting this way. Which made you furious. “So next time you don’t have to force yourself to come along.”
“Oh give me a break.” Hyungwon narrowed his large eyes, the cold and angry stare sending shivers down your spine. But you weren’t backing down. Not this time. “I didn’t force myself to come along and you know it.”
“Do I? Because you’ve given me the silent treatment for the past thirty minutes and I don’t even know why.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Care to explain now?”
Hyungwon opened his mouth, almost as if he wanted to start talking, but after a few seconds, he shut it again, staying as silent as he had been for the past thirty minutes.
You’ve seriously had enough of this. “Goodnight, Hyungwon.”
You turned his back on him, punching in the code to your apartment with so much force that you feared you might break the number pad. But you just couldn’t get yourself to care. You were still way too angry to focus on anything else.
You opened your door as soon as it was unlocked but just as you wanted to step inside your dark little hallway, you were shoved forwards, struggling to stay on your feet as you stumbled inside.
“What the hell?” You looked back at Hyungwon who was coming in right behind you before he closed the door with a loud thud. “I don’t remember inviting you in.”
He didn’t seem to care much for your words because he didn’t make any move to leave. He even had the nerve to take off his leather jacket. “This isn’t over.”
“Oh, I beg to differ.” You pointed towards the door while taking off your shoes. Right now you really didn’t want to see his face any longer than absolutely necessary. “I have nothing more to say to you.”
Hyungwon grabbed a hold of your wrist as you tried to get away from him. “But I do.”
“Well, you could have said it on the way here.” You scoffed. “It’s four in the morning. Just-”
“Why the f*ck was he standing so close to you?”
Hyungwon’s sudden outburst of anger left you speechless. You’d never heard him raise his voice. At least not towards you. But now he was looking at you, with a fire in his eyes that you feared could be used for mass destruction. He was obviously really angry. And you had no idea why.
“What? Hyungwon, you aren’t making any sense right now.”
“Minhyuk.” Hyungwon suddenly took a huge step towards you, his chest almost touching yours as he looked down at you, his eyes not leaving yours. “He was this close to you, wasn’t he?”
Suddenly you had trouble breathing. Since when was it that hot in your apartment? Was the AC broken?
“I…” You stopped, unable to focus on anything but the distinctive smell of his cologne and the warmth of his body. “Could you take a step back?”
“Why? You seemed to be pretty comfortable with the other guys coming that close to you. Changkyun too.” Hyungwon snarled. You’d never seen him like this before. “He was even closer to you, right?” He took another step towards you, his hand grabbing you by the waist as you tried to take a step back. “Like this.” He leaned in even further, making your head spin with the feeling of his lips touching your ear. You could feel his breath on your skin. “I could see his lips touching your ear.”
“Hyungwon, stop.” You placed your hands on his chest, pushing him back a little. You had a hard time forming coherent sentences. You’d had a crush on him since day one, but since you’d become friends you’d always suppressed it. But having him this close to you wasn’t really helping. Quite the contrary. It was dragging all your pent-up feeling right back to the surface. Which was very, very dangerous to say the least. “What’s gotten into you? They were just messing around and you know it.”
Hyungwon shook his head, his fingers digging into your clothes even harder. “No, I don’t. And you shouldn’t just assume that either.”
“Minhyuk is in a relationship.”
“But Changkyun isn’t. So you shouldn’t let him this close to you.” You couldn't believe your ears. Did he really just say that? “That kid might misunderstand.”
Your brain didn’t seem to be able to focus on anything Hyungwon said, so you just blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “That kid is only two years younger than you.”
By the way Hyungwon’s expression hardened, you knew that you’d said something terribly wrong.
Hyungwon’s voice sounded more like an angry growl than anything else. “You really shouldn’t take his side right now.”
“Seriously, what has gotten into you?” You tried to push him away but he just wouldn’t budge. He used to be a paper doll! What the hell was going on right now? “You’re acting really weird right now. If I didn’t knew any better, I’d say you’re jealous.”
Your words were followed by a heavy silence. You couldn’t possibly be right about this. That would be just ridiculous. Hyungwon wasn’t-
Hyungwon suddenly started speaking again. “What if I were?”
You could feel your heart sink in your chest. Was this some sick joke? Some prank that he pulled on you? “This isn’t funny.”
“Do you see me laughing?” He sounded dead serious. And just by your heart rate suddenly increasing, you knew you were in serious trouble.
Okay. Time to reason with him. And with that stupid heart of yours. “Hyungwon, we’re friends.”
“What if I don’t want to be just friends anymore? What if I want to be more than that?” Hyungwon suddenly lowered his voice. Now he was almost whispering. “What if I want to be able to be this close to you whenever I damn well please?” He came closer again, his nose brushing against yours as he was staring straight into your eyes, not even budging an inch. “What if I want to have the right to tell those two idiots off, when they’re too close to you again?”
Your brain had a hard time processing his words. “Why would you want that?”
“Because I like you, Y/N.” Hyungwon didn’t even flinch as he said those words that you’d secretly wanted to hear since the first day you’d met him. “And I have liked you for a very long time.” His lips brushed over your cheek ever so slightly, making your head spin and your stomach clench with anticipation. His next words shattered your friendship into a million little pieces while at the same time they opened the door to a whole new world of possibilities you’d always thought of as being tightly shut.
“So what do you say? Should we stop this little game now? Because I’ve been waiting for you to be mine for the longest time.”
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Canadian Girl
Chapter Four
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Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC  |  Word Count: 2550 Warnings: Fluff, stereotyping of Canadians (It's ok, I am one)
“I’d kill for a chocolate bar,” Kennedy sighed, leaning her head against the wall.
“Then you’d be in serious trouble, doll face.”
Jerking away from the wall, she spun around and groaned, grabbing for her temple. “Do you have to keep doing that?”
Frowning, Steve took her by the shoulders. “Doc? You okay?”
It had been a week since her Thanksgiving, and he’d taken to wandering down to her floor every day. Friday was casually keeping him informed of her location. The AI was also doing him a favour by keeping his late night activity and daytime disappearances from the others.
He’d know Kennedy for a few weeks now and was smitten. Maybe a bit more than smitten, truth be told. She was so… adorable. The last thing he needed was his friends messing things up. If she could get to know him without his background getting in the way, hopefully, when she did figure it out, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.
“A headache. I’ll be fine.” She blinked up at him. “Spent too long bent over my microscope.”
He could see the pain behind her eyes in the way they squinted slightly, and the furrow between her brows.
The floor was still and silent, dark except for the glow from her lab. He stood with her in the shadows, all alone. He’d gotten good at seeing her with no one to witness the exchange, just the way he liked it. Shifting his hands to the back of her neck, Steve slowly worked his fingers up her nape. The muscles were tight and knotted, and he gently rubbed the strained cords. “Damn, Doc. No wonder you have a headache.”
Her eyes fluttered closed, pleasure apparent in the soft moan which passed her pink lips. “Ooh…”
The quiet little sound nearly made him growl.
She was so damn precious. So pretty. So sweet.
He wanted to kiss her pouty lower lip.
Restraining himself, Steve closed his palm at the base of her skull and squeezed. “You should go home, Doc. Get some sleep.”
“Later. I’ve got more work.”
“It will keep, doll. Go home,” he urged her.
She shook her head. “I’m on the verge of something here. I can’t just walk away. What I needed was a coffee crisp and a handful of Advil. I would have been fine.”
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“Well, I hope you don’t take a handful, Doc, I think two would probably do, but… what’s a coffee crisp?” He moved his hands from her neck to her temples.
Her eyes fluttered back open. He bit back a groan, wondering if this was the look which would come to her face if he were to kiss her.
“Coffee flavoured chocolate bar. I had one stashed in the kitchen. Some dirty rat ate it,” she said, pouting slightly.
“Is this another Canadian thing?” Steve chuckled, rubbing his thumbs over her temples.
“Mmm,” she hummed appreciatively. “Jesse has a thing about sending me care packages. Coffee crisps, pin cherry jam, and all dressed potato chips.”
“What’s an all dressed potato chip?”
“It’s like an everything bagel. Only all potato chip flavours.” Her hand landed lightly on his hip.
Steve felt it all the way to the bones. “And pin cherry jam?”
“Grandmother’s recipe. Jesse’s wife makes jam. It’s delicious.”
“And Jesse is?” He threaded his fingers into her hair causing her to whimpered softly.
Her other hand landed on his ribs, and he leaned closer, gently working his fingers over her scalp.
“Middle brother.”
“I see.” Stroking his fingers through her hair, he smoothed it out, brushing his fingers over her cheek. “Don’t stay too long, Doc. You’ve got to sleep sometime.”
Sighing, Kennedy nodded as he stepped back. “I will.”
He didn’t want to leave, but figured the sooner she got back to it, the sooner she’d go home. It wasn’t like he could order her to go. Well, he could, but then he’d have to explain on whose authority. He wasn’t ready for that yet. “See you around, Doc.”
“Yeah. Bye,” she said, before disappearing back into her lab.
When he walked away, he noted, it appeared the pain was at least gone from behind her eyes.
Another late night, after everyone else on her floor had left, Kennedy was, again, standing in the kitchen. It was fully stocked with the favourite brain foods of all the scientists which worked there.
They each had their own projects, some overlapping, some with teams, some working on individual problems like she was, but each of them was willing to assist or be a sounding board when needed. This, at times, created long days and nights where they hardly left the lab. Hence the reason behind the kitchen. They needed to eat but often forgot.
Kennedy, however, liked food too much to ever forget to eat unless she was neck deep in a discovery like tonight. She’d had a breakthrough. One which had looked promising weeks ago had finally come to fruition. Coming up for air long enough to discover she was starving, she’d made her way to her present location, in the kitchen pulling fries from the oven.
The others all gave her a hard time over her snack choice. They didn’t get it. They weren’t Canadian. This was like gold to her people.
The fries went in a wide bowl, followed by the cheese curd she pulled from the fridge. Just as she was turning to go to the stove, she caught movement in the doorway and swung around, heart pounding in her throat.
“Oh! For Pete's sake! Do I need to get you a dang bell?”
“Sorry, Doc. What you still doing here?” The big blond grinned at her from the doorway.
“Working,” she huffed, heading for the pot on the stove.
“How are fries, cheese and,” he sniffed, “Is that gravy? Work?”
Standing beside the bowl, she glared at him. “Do not disparage my snack. This is edible gold to my people. You will draw the wrath of the poutine gods down on your head!” She proceeded to upend the pot of gravy over the top of the bowl.
It appeared to make him queasy if his face was anything to go by.
“Doll, I ain’t never met no poo teen gods,” he said, leaning against the doorframe.
Rolling her eyes, Kennedy dumped water in the pot, leaving it to soak in the sink. Returning to the table, she plopped herself down and shoved out another chair with her foot.
“All you American’s are so sadly uneducated when it comes to the glory that is poutine. Plant your butt, big man.” He did so, and she held out a fork. Pulling it back right before he could grab it she said, “Now, here’s the thing. You can eat this like a civilized human being, with a fork, or, you can join the ranks of many a Canadian who have burned their fingers for our country’s unofficial national dish.”
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He bypassed the fork to snag a fry and lifted it up, dripping with gravy and strings of cheese. “You seriously eat this?”
“Says the man from the country that eats grits.” Even the word made her shudder in distaste.
“Touché,” he muttered, eyeing the concoction.
Reaching for her own fry, Kennedy popped it in her mouth without hesitation and moaned. “Not as good as New York Fries back home, as ironic as that sounds, but still heaven.”
He continued to only stare at the fry between his fingers.
“I swear if you eat that and call it disgusting you and I can’t be friends anymore.”
“Are we?” he asked. “Friends, I mean.”
She blinked, surprised by the question. “Well, yeah. I mean, considering I don’t know your name, or what you do here. You scare the Dickens out of me on a regular basis, and now you’re trying to decide whether I’m quirky or just plain gross for my food choices, I’d like to think we’re friends. I may know nothing about you besides your taste in books and music, and you have an insane desire to run places, but you keep turning up like a bad penny. I enjoy your company.” She shrugged, eating another fry.
His eyes softened in a way that made her want to blush. There was no possible way he was interested in her. He simply liked her company.
She couldn’t read more into it than that.
He took a deep breath, brought the fry to his mouth, and popped it between his lips.
Kennedy snickered when his eyes widened in surprise. “And you doubted me.”
“Only for a second, doll,” he chuckled, eyeing her bowl. When she shoved it closer, he dug in. “And I was born Steven, though most people call me Steve.”
“Kennedy. Though, considering you keep calling me Doc, I’m going to assume you already knew that.” She eyed him through narrow lids.
He gave a sheepish shrug. “I may have asked a few questions. You nearly ran me down six times in three weeks before I followed you to your lab that day. I was intrigued.”
Her hand paused midway to her mouth. “Six! Well… that’s a new record. Shoot! Now I’m going to owe Danny money.” Sighing heavily, Kennedy stuffed another fry in her mouth and pouted.
“Big family,” Steve said. Sadness seemed to coat him like a shadow.
Kennedy just had to reach out, touch his hand, offer what comfort she could. “Some of us come from big families. Others acquire them over time.”
He looked up, and his blue eyes were so vivid, she had her breath catch.
“You’re right.” He turned his hand to take hold of her fingers, but she drew them back swiftly.
“So, Steven, what fantastic role are you playing in the ever-expanding Stark Empire?” she asked, picking a piece of cheese up between her nails and popping it in her mouth.
“Not a fan of Tony?” he asked.
“Not a fan of what he used to do. The weapons and all. Not a fan of what happened with Ultron. And I sure wasn’t a fan when he turned on Captain Rogers and his friends.” Getting up, she went to the fridge to grab a can of coke and held up a second.
He nodded, looking slightly odd, causing her to frown when she sat back down.
“You okay?” she asked, sipping on her drink.
“Yeah,” Steve cleared his voice. “Yeah, go on.”
“He’s done some stuff I really don’t agree with, but he’s done a lot of good, too. He’s creating clean energy and working on disarmament. The opportunity I have to try and decipher the serum, use what I’ve learned from it to help other people, is really important. There are parts of it which could do so much good. I mean, I don’t want to create more soldiers, nor allow the formula to fall into the hands of others who would. And I was pissed when I found out Stark brought me in under false pretenses, but I also believe if anyone will protect the secret, keep it from falling into Hydra’s hands again, it would be Mr. Stark.”
Nodding slowly, Steve appeared impressed.
Kennedy couldn’t help but blush a little, embarrassed by how she’d gone on. She was very passionate about her work.
“And once you finish? What then?”
“There’s always more research to be done. More things to discover,” Kennedy said, turning her face away. “And, someday, I’d like to have a family. Kids and a dog and a husband who thinks the world of me.” She shook her head at her foolishness. “Maybe.”
“Why maybe?” he asked softly.
“You don’t meet many people when you spend your life looking through a microscope.” She sighed. Collecting the now empty dish to take to the sink, she stood to her feet.
His chair scraped back, and she looked up at him.
“You don’t read the papers, do you, doll?”
She shook her head.
“I don’t have one,” Kennedy admitted, confused about why he was asking.
“What’s your opinion on the Avengers?”
“I… don’t really have one. They do good things for the world, and we need them, but, I wasn’t too keen on working here because this building has a very large target on it. I’m not a fan of guns, and it gets blown up… kind of often.” Though it hadn’t happened in recent years. “It’s definitely gotten me cool points with my nephews. Aunt Kenny who works with the Avengers. I haven’t the heart to tell them I’ve never even met one.”
“Would you want to?” Lifting his hand, he gently tucked her hair behind her ear.
“I think…” Her mouth went dry. The last time he’d touched her, her head hurt so much it had distracted her from the feeling until much later. The discovery that he’d fixed her headache with his gentle hands had been startling. This time was much more blatant. There was a different tone to it which she couldn’t possibly be reading right. “I would be very intimidated,” she whispered. “They’re them, and I’m… just me.”
Fingers wrapping at her nape, Steve stroked his thumb on the skin of her jaw. “I like just you, Kennedy, just fine.” He smiled when she gaped at him.
“My mother used to call me Steven,” he said. Leaning down, he placed his lips lightly on hers.
She froze, stunned, but soft lips slanted and Kennedy gave a small whimper of pleasure. Her eyelids fluttered closed. This couldn’t be happening. She’d only just learned his name, and now he was kissing her? But the kiss was sweet, like something out of an old movie.
He didn’t grope her or try to take it past this simple brush of lips. Just kissed her gently, lips moving with hers. His hand softly cupping her face. It sent delicious shivers of desire through her body.
Then, his phone went off, and he pulled slowly away.
Heart pounding in her throat, Kennedy stared up at desire darkened blue eyes. “Steven?”
“In case I wasn’t clear, I’d like to be more than just your friend, Kennedy,” he said, stroking his fingers along her cheek. Stepping back, he dug for his phone. Frowning at it, he sighed. “Duty calls.”
She nodded, unable to find her voice. She needed to get back to work as well. Turning away, she went to clean up her dishes. All the thoughts in her head fled when his hands landed on her hips, and his lips bussed her cheek.
“You alright there, doll face?”
Clearing her throat, Kennedy nodded. “Yes. Sorry. Just… surprised.”
“Why?” he asked. His phone went off again, and he glared at it. “I really got to go, but I’ll be back when I can. We’ll talk.”
“Yeah, sure. No worries.” She threw a half a smile over her shoulder.
“I could be gone a while so don’t think I kissed you and didn’t mean anything by it, okay?”
“Of course. Go. I’ll see you later.”
He frowned, but when his phone pinged a third time he nodded. “Alright, Kennedy.”
With that, he jogged from the room, and she gripped the sink tightly to stay upright.
What in the heck just happened? 
Next Chapter
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isolavirtuosa · 7 years
Unlikely Office Romances 25
[fanfiction] Gundam Wing, 1x2x1
It’s the last part!  Thanks for reading <3
Previous Parts
25 under the cut
- 25 -
             “What are you doing here?!” Mariemaia demanded, and not in a happy way.
           “We came to visit,” I said cheerfully.
           “I thought you were on earth,” Quatre said. He scratched his chin, studying us both.
           “What kind of loser comes to work during his vacation?” Mari tsked.  She went back to examining her dead body.
           “Wow, I’m so glad we flew all the way here to see you ungrateful jerks,” I said.  “Let’s just go, Heero.”
           Heero ignored me and started peering at the body. “Did you examine the fracturing on the right humerus?”
           “Of course,” Mariemaia said, shaking her head.
           “Are you that starved to be looking at dead bodies?” I muttered.  “It’s been what?  A whole three months?”
           “I like dead bodies,” Heero protested.
           I gawked at him.
           He didn’t notice, because he was too busy looking at the dead body.
           “You look… tan,” Quatre observed.
           “We receive a lot of direct sunlight on earth,” Heero offered, despite being completely engrossed in what he was doing.
           “We learned how to surf,” I put in.
           Quatre smiled at that.  “Really?”
           “Yeah, we spent a lot of time in Australia.”
           “Well, I gathered that from the pictures you were sending,” he said.  “Heero was too cute with all those animals.”
           “I know, right?” I gushed.  Heero really was too cute.
           “I’m not cute,” the man himself growled, then went back to arguing with Mariemaia about science crap.
           “So you’re really just here to visit?”
           I glanced at Heero.  “Weirdly, yeah.”  I left out the bit about Heero being homesick to see Mariemaia and his stupid hamsters. Quatre probably understood with his creepy space heart.
           “Decided what you’re going to do with the rest of your life yet?”
           “Right now, I’m leaning towards beach bum slash cargo pilot.”
           “I can see that.”
           My eyes fixed on Heero.  He looked completely at ease.
           “That’s not going to work for him, though, is it?” Quatre said, giving me a knowing look.
           “His home is here,” I said with a little shrug.
           “And your home is with him.”
           I was physically repelled by that statement. “Why do you have to say things like that?!”
           “Because they’re true?”
           “Ughhh,” I groaned.
           “I’ve been saying it since the war,” he said, looking pleased with himself.
           “You have not,” I protested.
           “There was always something inevitable about you two.”
           “Uh, more like we are the most unlikely office romance ever.”
           “Can you two girl-talk more quietly?” Heero complained, glaring at us over the top of his glasses.
           I flipped him off, which Heero just sniffed at before turning his attention back to Mariemaia.
           “Why don’t we go upstairs and get some coffee, since I am clearly not needed here anymore,” Quatre suggested, watching as Heero completely took over his job.
           “Yeah, why wouldn’t I rather drink terrible coffee than be here,” I agreed.
           We headed up the elevator.
           “Are you two okay?” Quatre asked, but he didn’t sound worried.
           “Yeah, we’re good,” I said.  “We have a lot of… communication issues, but… we’re happy.”
           “You look happy,” he agreed.
           “Is it my gorgeous sun-kissed skin?”
           “Well, that just looks cancerous to me.”
           “God, you sound like Heero sometimes.”
           “Do I?” Quatre asked, sounding oddly pleased.
           “I’m going to start calling you Instructor Q,” I muttered.
           “I like doctor better.”
           “Dr. Q it is.”
           Wufei looked so annoyed to see me that I wrapped him in a hug.
           Everyone else was out of the office, so it was kind of lonely.  I almost wanted to alphabetize the storage room for old time’s sake.  I was incredibly bored waiting for Heero, who decided to stay until the end of the working day despite being not an employee.
           We headed to Mariemaia’s place after that, which was really Heero’s place.  She was housesitting for him while we were gone.  The hamsters wriggled their noses at us, and Heero seemed to take some kind of freakish delight in handing them sunflower seeds.
           Okay, they were cute.  But it was mostly cuteness by proximity to Heero.
           “You’re not tired of him yet?” Mariemaia asked me while Heero washed the dishes.  She made it sound like a joke, but it wasn’t.
           “He drives me insane,” I answered honestly.
           She eyed me.
           “I like being driven insane?”
           She cracked a smile.
           “I can hear you,” Heero growled over the sound of running water.
           “Of course you can, you mutant freak,” I muttered.
           He raised up his middle finger without turning to look at me.
           I cracked up.
           Mariemaia just stared at his back incredulously. “You are a bad influence, Duo,” she finally concluded.
           “He needs to express his aggression instead of bottling it up all the time,” I said, waving away her worries.
           “I guess so…” Mariemaia said.  She wrinkled her nose.  “I feel like I’m looking at a stranger.”
           Heero turned around sharply at that, a slight crease in his brow.
            “I love ya, big bro,” she said, blowing him a kiss.
           Heero looked disgruntled but appeased when he went back to washing the dishes.
           “Hey, so he started doing mixed martial arts fighting!” I announced.
           Mari went back to looking incredulous.
           Heero and I walked back to the ship with our fingers twined.
           He almost didn’t mind PDAs at all anymore. I still had to respect his ‘stop kissing me in public or I will knock you unconscious’ request, though.
           I couldn’t help that I liked kissing Heero Yuy. I just needed to learn some self-control.
           Kissing in the ship was fine, though.
           “Do you really want to stay here for a whole two weeks?” I said, suddenly pulling away from him.
           “Yes?” he said, his eyes asking me why we weren’t kissing anymore.
           I gave him a peck, which quickly turned into a French, which quickly led to the bed.  “Hey, wait, but seriously.”
           Heero stared at me.
           “What the hell am I supposed to do while you’re playing scientist in your lab?” I complained.
           “Get a life?” Heero suggested.  He got so much sassier when I was keeping him from what he wanted.
           “Well, I’d love to, but Tro and Hil are on L3, so…”
           “You only have two friends?”
           “I only have two friends that I want to spend time with.”
           Heero studied my face, sorting through the teasing and the joking to find the truth.  “Why don’t you take the ship and stay on L3 until I’m finished?”
           We’d been together so much lately that I’d forgotten that we could actually be in separate places at separate times. “Yeah?”
           Heero nodded, playing with the hem of my t-shirt.
           “Yeah?” I repeated, getting him to meet my gaze.
           “I’ll miss you,” he said in a clipped monotone.
           “I’ll miss you too, robot boyfriend,” I said, nipping his nose.
           Heero scrunched his nose up, trying to protect it from my assault.  The corners of his eyes crinkled in the faintest smile.
           He still had a terrible smile, but I loved it.
           “Okay, I’ll head over to L3,” I said, letting him pull my shirt over my head.  “Give me something to remember you by.”
           He stared at me like I was an idiot.
           I took that as an open invitation to take off his pants.
           For all our bickering, I thought we were very compatible in the bedroom.
           Heero was still figuring things out, but he approached every sexual act like doctorate coursework that needed to be studied constantly and practiced thoroughly.  I didn’t mind being his test subject.
           “That is very nice,” I encouraged him, running my fingers through his hair while his head moved between my legs.  “Very, very nice, top of the class.”
           He glared at me.
           I pulled his hair a little.
           He growled.
           I dropped my head back, deciding that my life was pretty great at the moment.
           “Mm?” I murmured, feeling very sated and relaxed.
           Heero wiped his mouth with the back of his arm and came up off of the floor, settling his knees around my legs.  “I would like to penetrate you.”
           I couldn’t help but laugh at his serious expression.
           He frowned.
           “I would enjoy being penetrated by you very much,” I offered.
           He studied my face, and when I had gotten my amusement under control, he nodded.  He was starting to understand that I didn’t mean to make fun of him, that I laughed when I was happy.
           And he made me very happy.
           He was such a cutie pie when he topped, with his serious blue eyes focused completely on mine, trying to read my every need to know how to better give me pleasure.
           “Mm, like that,” I encouraged, directing him where to go.
           He was like a very serious puppy sometimes. It made my heart ache, made me want to make stupid declarations that I couldn’t take back.
           Instead I just held onto his hips very tightly and showed him what to do to make me unravel.
           Big things come in small packages.
           We cleaned up and got ready for bed, standing in front of the tiny bathroom mirror together while we brushed our teeth.
           “We haven’t been away from one another for more than a few hours in months,” I observed through my toothpaste-filled mouth. “Are you sure you can survive being separated from me, your one true love?”
           “I’ll try,” Heero said, spitting into the sink.
           “You sound real broken up about it.”
           “It will be an adjustment.”
           “An adjustment…”
           “But we’re separate people, living separate lives.”
           “I see.”
           His eyes caught mine in the mirror.  “It’s strange how… you’ve become so much a part of me, and yet… just last year we barely spoke.”
           “Pretty crazy,” I agreed, pressing my cheek to his as I hugged him from behind.
           We looked at our reflections together.
           “Two weeks is a long time,” I hummed.
           “It’s actually a significantly short period of time in the scheme of a human being’s life.”
           I groaned.
           Heero smiled his threatening, terrifying smile.
           I kissed his cute cheek.  I was so smitten with this bizarre man.
           “Mariemaia said that I’d… changed since we left.”
           “Yeah, kinda,” I agreed.
           “She said you changed, too.”
           Heero shook his head at me.
           “I’m always the same old me,” I protested. “Speaking of which, how about we have one more little sendoff before bed?” I suggested, rolling my hips into his very cute butt.
           “We just got washed up,” Heero said.  He wasn’t protesting so much as stating a fact.
           “We can get washed up again,” I said cheerfully. “Whaddya say?  A little in-n-out for the road?”
           “You’re ridiculous,” he informed me, already moving back towards the bed.
           “That’s my middle name!” I declared, throwing my boxers on the floor.
           “You don’t have a middle name,” Heero responded automatically, already stripped naked with his clothes neatly folded on the dresser.
           I admired his efficiency.
           As much of a cutie pie as Heero was when he topped, he was downright adorable when he bottomed.
           Heero Yuy was versatile.
           “Duo…” he murmured, touching my face, holding my hand, kissing me anywhere he could.
           Goddamn if I didn’t always come first.
           I held onto him for as long as I could before he rolled over to his side of the bed.
           The next morning we had an anticlimactic goodbye.
           “Bye,” Heero said, swinging his bag over his shoulder and leaving.
           “Hey!” I protested, chasing him into the shipyard in just my boxers.
           “Is something the matter?”
           I stared at him.
           He stared back.  Then he turned abruptly on his heel and continued leaving.
           I caught his arm, and I felt the tension in it, knew that he had let me do it but hadn’t wanted to.  “Give me a proper goodbye, Yuy!” I demanded, whirling him around.
           He looked sad.
           Of course, he wouldn’t look sad to a normal person.  There was just this slight extra frowniness to his frown.
           “See you soon,” I said, giving him a smooch.
           “Soon,” he agreed, squeezing my hand and quickly walking away.
           We didn’t know what we were going to do.  We talked about opening a bounty hunting office. We talked about Heero becoming an agent. We talked about me being a housewife. We even talked about working for the Preventers part-time while running a bakery on the side.  I don’t know why, because neither of us baked.  We talked about just being together, sitting in my ship and looking at all the stars in the distance, and that was all we needed.
           I had no idea what the fuck I was doing with my life, and that was okay.
           Now I was going to visit my two best friends while they hunted down illegal aircraft operators on L3.  Then I would go back to L1 and pick up my robot boyfriend, and we’d blast off into space together on our next probably pretty dull adventure.
           Someone should write a book about it.
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