#insert Mads evil laughing in the background
wreck-jroth-club · 4 years
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We are all caught in the in between (Of what's real and what's a dream?)
bellarke | angst | S7 canon-divergent | fic collab
Would you choose the end of war and suffering in your own lifetime if it meant the end of every other universe, too—including ones where you, your friends, and your family are happy and at peace?
Or, the S7 finale rewrite where Clarke experiences some of these other lifetimes and makes the ultimate choice of whether or not the end of suffering in her own reality is worth sacrificing infinite others where things might have gone differently.
Read chapter five on ao3!
Clarke stumbles upon a familiar scene in her mindspace, and her curiosity throws her into a universe where she gets to experience how things could have been different if Bellamy had asked her one simple question only a few weeks prior.
Chapter written by: @bellarkestitchdelena​; Intro written by: @stealing-jasons-job; Moodboard by: @carrieeve​
Chapters update (most) Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays @ 7 PM EST
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Harry is Louis' baby: X-factor edition
So... I watched the x-factor journey of One Direction again. Why? Well...because I'm a masochist and love suffering. Because I like watching old videos of 1d and not sleeping at reasonable hours. I was cozy in my bed, enjoying and crying about my little beans singing their hearts out. But then…
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I got to week two of the live show and noticed something I never noticed before and I watched this part like three times already. Larry being already a literal couple!!!
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Now you're probably thinking: "Aaliyah, they've been couple-goals since the day they met", no no, this is different. Let me show you how this is different, with my poor editing skills. Somebody probably made a post about this already, but I couldn’t find it, so… I’m pretending I found new information, hehe. I should be writing my fanfic, but what's our life's motto ladies? ~~PROCRASTINATION~~
First, enjoy my little beans trying their absolute best to wave on queue. My baby Zayn being a little late. (This is week 1, btw)
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So, we begin week two with nothing special, cooking stuff, eating stuff, interview stuff, blah di blah di blah. But then... it's rehearsal time! There’s a problem!! Oh no, what happened? Poor baby Harry is so nervous he's getting sick. I first thought this was just drama, but no, he's actually nervous and can't sing.
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The judge lady I don’t know the name of gives the audience an explanation why screwing up in a band is worse than screwing up alone. Like, we get it lady, let’s move on... 
So we go to the performance, Liam starts singing, Kelly Clarkson, always fun. Doing good, doing good. They do well on the chorus too. It’s all gifs, I don’t know how to edit videos. I’ll put the video down below.
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Then we go to verse 2, wait!!!! Liam is singing again, but why??? We have another very talented boy who is pushed to be the favorite of this band, not to mention four other talented kids, why isn't he singing?
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He's not singing because he can't, without throwing up at least. And I can prove it, hahaahhah ha ha *insert evil laugh*. Before we go any further, let appreciate these two adorable beans dancing together. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
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Okay, let’s move on. In the next horribly edited pic you can see where Harry was supposed to stand. He should stand in the middle, in the first and/or second verse. I think both, because Liam is singing right now. They reheared it that way, so that’s the final decision, or is it? 
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In the live show the order changed, that’s very weird. Now Liam stands in the middle, during the first verse and chorus.
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Now, Harry should move to the middle to do his solo, but no no no. Zayn moves to the middle for the rest of the song, ending it. 
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Now, why would they do that last minute? I think they wanted the spotlight away from Harry, so he wouldn’t puke on national television. They gave his solo to Liam and let him blend in the background. Of course, the camera still followed him, but at least he didn’t have to look at them. He has come so far, I’m so proud of him. 
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Now we know Harry wasn't capable of singing a solo this week, we can go to the Larry part, because that's probably why you're here. We know that Louis was all over Harry, all the time, like every single scene. But... the thing is, it wasn't like that in the beginning. Except for a few cute moments, like this one: Spot the couple.
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It's rehearsal time, Harry isn't feeling well, everyone's concerned. They form a ‘worry circle’ for the dramatic effect. Louis isn't in the ‘worry circle’, but we know he's in the area. My poor baby, I can't watch this scene a lot, it makes me cry. 
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When Harry starts explaining why he was nervous, the older laddy lad looks very fondly at him. Like everybody is looking at the camera, except…Mr sbb. It was so quick, you wouldn’t have noticed it if you didn’t look for it. 
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Believe when I say it only gets worse. When they start performing, Louis just looks like a proud father tbh, just look at this. Harry does his little dislocated shoulder dance and Louis just fonds.
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I made some cute chorus gifs that don’t add to my post, but I just saved these for myself. 
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Now we have made gifs of every second, let’s analise some stuff again. You would think after this, Harry would leave Louis’ side and do his thing. Nope, he doesn’t leave him for a second. 
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The groups breaks apart in two. Now we have Niall, Liam and Zayn as one group. HarryandLouis^tm as the other group.  The two groups go to both sides of the stage, I’m not saying that was the plan, but that’s what I’m saying.
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I know I just said the team probably put Harry there to get him out of the spotlight, but listen to me reaching for a sec. Harry needed Louis, Louis made Harry feel comfortable. What if Louis proposed to stand next to him, or Harry asked Louis? We know how close they were and how Louis was literally the most emotinal stable of the band. 
Let me explain. Niall was a ball of energy and in his own world. Zayn was super shy and nervous. Liam was too focused on the singing part. Harry… we’ve seen how nervous Harry was... I’m not saying Louis wasn’t nervous, not at all, but we know he always puts others before himself. He cares for people’s wellbeing, that’s in his nature. He is a natural leader, but in a caring way. He held them up, so the band could shine. In this case he needed to hold Harry up, so his favorite boy wouldn’t fall apart. 
You don’t believe me, fine, let me show you some more. Let’s skip to the end of the performance. 
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Cute right? You know what isn’t cute? The fact Louis doesn’t let Harry go, ever!!!
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Okay I lied, sorry. He lets him go, FOR 2 SECONDS!!! This next gif is 1.2 seconds...
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Then we go right back to being clingy boyfriends. 
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I cut the judges out, because I just don’t want to watch their ughly faces. Sorry not sorry. The lady I don’t know the name of gives them a compliment. The obvious one, “The girls will love you.” Harry becomes cheeky, but Louis doesn’t let him go.
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I skipped a lot, but Louis stays there with his hand for two and a half judges. He removes his hand for a second, but it goes back right away. This is becoming a problem mates, you’re not being laddy lads right now. 
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Okay I’m done making gifs, just watch the video please. He just keep Harry close the whole time, it’s too mushy mushy for me. Not really, I love it.
When they’re done with the interview, Harry yeets out of there. He just walks away, with a small wave, but he’s sprinting. 
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I’m not saying they were in a relationship at this point, but you can see with who Harry feels most comfortable. Harry is noticebly nervous for the whole day, but he keeps it dry, his eyes and the floor. Louis reassures Harry the whole performance and even minutes after. I just wanted to show you the importance of the beginning stages of a relationship. Harry knows he can count on Louis when he’s at his lowest, even before they were romanticly attached. Louis knows Harry trusts him and can rely on him. They supported each other from the biginning and I think that’s beautiful. 
So this was basicly just a compliation of sweet-cheeks reassuring his babycakes, and I live for it. I hope your day is a little bit better with this information. Enjoy this last gif of my cuties.
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Here’s the video btw
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nutty1005 · 4 years
Understanding an Actor’s energy using Xiao Zhan
Original Article: https://www.weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404487545764315185#_0 Original Author: 诗债累累 Editor and Image Source: 萝卜皮皮虾 
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What is the most important mission of an actor’s performance? That is crafting a role.
What is an actor’s energy? That is the ability to charm his audience with his performance and allow them to feel the emotions and meanings behind his actions, with the actor as the medium and the aim of crafting his role in mind. The clearer the emotions and meanings are in the delivery, the higher the energy.
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In terms of performance arts, the display of energy is done externally via body movements and lines, and internally via emotions. To quote Hegel – “A scene full of conflicts can show the most perfect and profound development of beauty.”
By using the keywords “body movement” and “emotions”, and inserting them into a scene full of conflicts, we can split them them into two types of scenes – “smile emotions” and “cry emotions”. The interesting part about these representative performance is that there is tragedy in the smiles and there is hope in the tears.
Smile emotions:
Character entry
Return from Burial Grounds
Nevernight City
Snowy night outside of Jing Chamber
Cry emotions:
Rescue of Jiang Cheng in Lotus Pier
Rescue of Wen Clan in Qiongqi Lane
Never Night City
Reawakening after 16 years
Let us look at these one by one.
Smile Emotions
1. Character Entry – the high spirited young man
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Besides just a good looking young man, Xiao Zhan also displayed the curiosity and the eagerness to break any rules in his performance. Based on the free spirited characterization, we can vaguely infer his parents’ character as well.
2. Return from Burial Grounds – Vengeance, major shift in personality and the blurring between good and evil
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The situation and experience in the Burial Grounds were not clearly shown in the drama or the novel. Based on the descriptions in the later episodes, the general idea is that he went through hell and back, grasped a new power and learnt how to control this power. In understanding this new power, he went through various experimentation and created the Tiger Seal in order to focus the power and control it. This smile not only meant that he was able to take revenge, it also represented his unlimited talent in the demonic path, as well as his disdain at the society, self mockery.
3. Never Night City
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The dark clouds in his background are similar to how Wei Wuxian was like then – confused as to whether he was good or evil, unable to see the light of hope. How did he get to such a state? How did get himself into trouble? He was so prideful that he would not lose control. The loss of his family caused him severe grief and indignation. For all that befell on him, there was no one he confide in, there was no one who can give him an answer. The smile/laugh spoke of all the despair he felt.
4. Snowy night outside of the Jing Chamber – Nothing matters anymore
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In Wei Wuxian’s first lifetime, he fulfilled his promise of wanting to assist the weak and never to go against his conscience. He was unrivaled during the Sun Shoot Campaign and he saved the remaining innocent Wen clan members. When he was facing off against every other person during Never Night City, he saw the false righteousness of their treachery. If not for the death of his Shijie, he would not have despaired and taken his own life. The smile at this time, was in mockery of his life, but also contained his relief of finally being at peace.
Cry Emotions
1. Rescue of Jiang Cheng from Lotus Pier
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At this moment, Wei Wuxian was at his weakest point, and he might also be looking at the last bit of kindness remaining in the world. Despite putting on a false front, his heart is weak and that is shown with that tear drop. All of his energy is sapped away, and he’s totally disheartened.
2. Rescue of Wen Clan in Qiongqi Lane
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At this time, Wei Wuxian has not really thought clearly about how he intends to protect these people. He saw the world with the naivety of a young man, and refused to let go of his principles to join the society. He cried because he thought he was just bidding farewell to a friend who he thought had the same aim, but in fact, he was putting himself into a precarious situation.
3. Never Night City
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From the confident young man at the Qiongqi Lane, who thought he could survive any traps laid by his enemies, to witnessing his brother-in-law’s death, to being encircled at Never Night City, to sinking into madness and arrogance. He had lost his faith in human values and his reason for existence the moment his Shijie had died for him. This tear, was release, was acceptance, was redemption. His tragedy could only be ended by him and him only.
4. Reawakening after 16 years – Surreal
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He chose his own death, but his revival was not of his own design, nor did he know why he was brought back. The tear was for this helplessness.
There is this ancient fable about Zhuang Zi (who is a revered Taoism scholar) who dreamed that he was a butterfly. After he woke up, he forgot that he was Zhuang Zi. He thought, did he dream of becoming a butterfly, or did a butterfly dream of becoming him? This surreal state could be applied to Wei Wuxian.
“If only that was all a dream, how great would that be?” – this tear was also realisation.
Who would not want time to stop at when everyone was at their happiest? The world remains treacherous, and he still had to make a choice between the easy path and the right path, but he would rather go on the right path alone. Therefore, even if he was given another chance to live again, he will insist on the right path – this tear was also his hope.
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xtrippingfairydustx · 5 years
Okay, I had the best Jerin/Derry Girls daydream earlier! Picture this-
-There’s a future episode dedicated to the school play, which is like, a bizarre updated Catholic/Protestant version of Romeo & Juliet. (Edit; Basically ‘Across the Barricades’)
-Despite previous school productions, in which Jenny Joyce attempted to play most of the roles on stage (because nobody else but her groupies could be arsed), she is now promoted to stage director, complete with a clipboard, headset and a disturbingly enthusiastic disposition. Sister Micheal thinks this is the lesser of two evils, because, lets be real, anything is better than listening to Jenny Joyce trying to harmonize with herself again.
-Erin is in the school’s modestly-sized drama club. She’s only there because there’s no creative writing class and the world has to hear her prose even if it means being bossed around by Jenny. As a punishment for her constant snickering during one of Jenny’s garish dazzling script readings, Erin is forced to play Juliet much to her horror. 
-Now that they actually have a boy at the school (as opposed to Jenny in a wig), James is cast as Romeo. He’s quietly chuffed and proud of himself about landing his first staring role. Michelle comments that there was literally no other competition and even though he has the testosterone level of one of Clare’s pink hair scrunchies, it’s better than dodgy wigs and lopsided mustaches.     
-Lovely wee Clare has been forced by one of their teachers to be the play’s narrator as a way to challenge her acute stage fright. She’s seriously considering fleeing over the boarder. Michelle has been banned from the next three school productions due to ‘inappropriate diversions from the script and reckless endangerment’ for catching the curtain on fire with a lit cigarette. And Orla has insisted on displaying her dramatic flair by playing the background scenery, because being a tree is a spiritually expressive role (and also their wee leaves are cracker and fun to wave around.)
-Jenny being Jenny has written the cringiest script imaginable, complete with a dramatic as f*ck kiss scene that makes Erin and James turn ashen on the spot. Erin also has never had a proper first kiss yet, so the prospect of having the whole school see her make a complete twat of herself is extra daunting...let alone the fact that it’s James. JAMES.
....You guys know where this shit is going lol
Erin invites James over for study evenings to practice their scenes. They get to the kiss scene and it’s the most AWKWARD THING EVER. They have no idea where to put their hands, keep bumping noses and giggling when they get too close. On their final attempt, James has pulled Erin into him by the waist, a hand cradling her cheek. It’s a brief moment of real romantic chemistry...before being completely undercut by the sound of Aunt Sarah and Ma Mary cooing in the kitchen, having evidently eyeballed the whole thing. The ogling (and Ma Mary’s uncomfortably knowing smile) has switched the mood back to intense awkwardness and Erin and James jump apart too mortified to continue.
Fast forward to the moment and after a few sweet words from the wee English prince™ backstage before they take the stage, ERIN JUST BLOODY GOES FOR IT, Like girl, get f*cking in there! 
And after the initial shock of Erin practically mounting him on stage, James responds in kind, clasping Erin’s face with both hands. The kissing goes on a little too long for Jenny Joyce’s liking, as James is supposed to be dying on the floor at this stage.
*Insert utter Derry Girls’ madness* The set topples down like a row of cardboard dominoes as Erin pushes James into the background scenery, and it ends with the stage inexplicably catching fire again, the sprinklers going off, Jenny cry-wailing, Michelle hysterically laughing from the audience and Aunt Sarah commenting about how much better this performance was compared to last year.   
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imacrowcawcaw · 5 years
Sweetness hot meets sweetness cold, light and airy swirls around dark and heavy for the perfect blend.OTHER LINKS: WATTPAD & ROCK FIC
@insannywestan - Sanny shipping blog
@theladylovingcrow - my writing/art blog. If you wanna skip all the other posts on my main and get straight to the good stuff, go here (or use this masterlist!)
Greta Van Fleet
SANNY (Sam Kiska x Danny Wagner)
*** The Most Beautiful Distraction - tumblr - AO3
"Wanna ride you," Sam sighed, admission joining the swirl of colors in the air around them; burgundy kisses, blue touches, bright electric flashes of pain subdued by delicate green affection and care. Danny ached for him - the fiery burn in his stomach overcoming the duller waves from his burned hands.
*** Fuck The Movie, I Wanna Fuck You - tumblr - AO3
They were taking a break from touring, just chilling back in Frankenmuth. Danny had come over to his second home, and was snuggled up on the couch with his best friend, watching a movie. Everyone else was doing their thing - cooking, playing, talking on the phone - all perfectly normal for a nice, happy family. But FUCK Sam was feeling horny, naughty, and curious as to how Danny would react if he moved his hand just a bit higher....
*** Skin on Skin, Hearts Laid Bare - tumblr p1, p2, p3  - AO3
They started off cuddling as a necessity in chilly tents and cramped car rides, but it eventually became something much, much more. Sam finds that there isn't a safer place in the world, no where else he'd rather be, than when he's wrapped up in his best friend's strong, caring arms. And Danny, he just can't get enough of the feeling of Sam's silky smooth skin spread out underneath his hands. A chronicle of Samuel Kiszka and Daniel Wagner's budding love.
*** Silk and Satin, Leather and Lace - tumblr - AO3 
Sam has a surprise for Danny. A lacy, kinky one
*** No, Sam! - tumblr - AO3
Sam and Danny keep getting interrupted.
*** Keys To My Heart - tumblr - AO3
Danny just wants to try out Sam's new car, but the evil genius has some stipulations (like a handjob)
*** Blood Brothers - tumblr - AO3
"He leaned forward to nuzzle his face into the crook of Sam's neck, smelling the coconut oil in his hair and the rich rush of life flowing just below his skin. Danny licked at his jugular, giving it a small, almost affectionate nip before grabbing Sam's arm that was around his back and bringing it forward."
*** These Dreams - tumblr - AO3
"You're telling me that we've known each other, been near inseparable, since seventh grade, and you've never once thought about it? At all? You've had to have thought about giving guys a try at least once, everyone questions their sexuality."
Sammy gave him a shit eating grin. He scooted even closer to Danny, so that their knees touched and their noses weren't more than half a foot apart. Danny stopped laughing.
* The Sweetness of Love’s Bliss - tumblr - AO3 
Sweetness hot meets sweetness cold, light and airy swirls around dark and heavy for the perfect blend.
Don’t Go Away Mad (Please Actually Talk To Me About the Issue) - tumblr - AO3
They'd slept together so many times - but this was different. It would have been different starting last night, if a misunderstanding hadn't made Danny kick himself to the couch... but that didn't matter now.
* New Places, Friendly Faces - tumblr p1, p2, p3 - AO3
Danny was nervous; he had been building up the courage for weeks to arrange a date, and now.... He wasn't quite sure what to think of the situation he found himself in. The night certainly wasn't going as he had expected it to - and his emotions had never ridden a roller coaster this fast. Hell, the beautiful angel holding his hand wasn't even the one he had arranged to meet 2 hours ago.
*** High Sex is the Best (Just Don’t Fall Asleep) - linked under twins
Sam figures out that he's attracted to his best friend after catching Danny jerking off in the shower. Then they get high. (BTW this story focuses on Danny and Sam, though Jake and Josh are definitely in there)
*** The Lady and Her Knights  - p1 - p2 - AO3
You are seriously the luckiest girl in the world: Daniel Wagner is your boyfriend! And, yet, you can't push away the fantasy of having more. Specifically, Sam - you want his best friend, too. (THREESOME SMUT WITH HEAVY SAM/DANNY)
*** Black Panties and An Angel’s Face (continuation of ‘Silk and Satin...’) - tumblr - AO3
Sam had said that he would wear whatever Danny bought him.... would he, really? Fuck, if not them this was about to he a sucky Christmas for the both of them.
*** Grindr - AO3 
Sam gaped at him dumbly; mouth open wide, eyebrows raised, hands clinging tightly to his shoulders. Danny grinned, predatory and full of satisfaction, and thrust harder.
* Freezeframe (teasing, talking mythology, and kissing while on a quiet evening hike) - tumblr - AO3 
Then I Recognized Me (comparing appearances, short and fluffy, could be gen or slash) - tumblr - AO3
* High Sex is the Best (Just Don’t Fall Asleep) (Sanny is the main pairing but the twins are shacking up in the background)  - tumblr - AO3
*** These Dreams (hinted at the very end) - linked under Sanny 
* GVF Halloween Drabbles (6 random Halloween themed drabbles, some slashy) - tumblr - AO3
Four Cute Little Piggies In a Blanket (foursome smut ~ yes in that way) - AO3
Eyes of Juniper (Lars pisses off an ancient goddess and gets himself and Kirk turned into girls, eventuallly Jlars; on hiatus) - AO3
Guns N’ Roses
A New Addition To The Family (Stevie and Duff go adopt a dog, super fluffy and humorous) - AO3
DUZZY (Duff Mckagan x Izzy Stradlin)
*** Black Dog (Izzy blows Duff in the studio) - AO3
Baby, Let’s Get Wet (friends with benefits, Duff wants to fuck in the shower; half completed so sorry) - AO3
Young Love In The Woods (middle school AU, Izzy and Duff reminisce on how they met) - AO3
Lazy Days (a short and fluffy lazy morning in bed) - AO3
*** Curiosity Killed The Cat, But Satisfaction Brought It Back (humorous smut, Izzy comes up with a plan to seduce Duff; on hiatus in the middle of the smut woops) - AO3  
SLAXL (Slash x  Axl Rose) 
*** Curiosity Killed The Cat, But Satisfaction Brought It Back (background pairing) - AO3
Led Zeppelin
My Love, My Darling (ultra fluffy winter-themed fluff) - tumblr - AO3
The Magicians (TV)
Treasure (slow burn, binding spell gone wrong) - AO3
Other Fandoms I Could Write For
Merlin (BBC)
Elementary (tv show)
Percy Jackson Series (the first 12 books)
How To Train Your Dragon 
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Catch-22 (book) 
Hey Folks! A few reminders I would love for y'all to read 
• I WILL write straight romance/sex or reader inserts, you just have to ask for it! I know that my library is almost all gay slash, that's just because that's all that has been asked of me 
• I love feedback! Give my stories an out of ten rating, constructive criticism, a video of you screaming, I don't care - But any reactions to my work are greatly cherished and much encouraged. It helps me gauge what y'all are into and improve writing 
• My disclaimer, as copy-pasted from Rockfic:  I don't own any of these people, places, or ideas (except the ones that I do). Any coincidences are just that. If you have a problem with my subject matter (other than a factual correction - you can comment that and I'll fix it) message me privately and I may or may not respond.
A/N: If any of these links aren’t working, please let me know so I can fix them! Thank you.
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dishonoredrpg · 4 years
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Congratulations, MINNIE! You’ve been accepted for the role of THE CHARIOT with the faceclaim of LUMA GROTHE. There’s a sound, sometimes, that I think of often: the thundering of hooves against the racetrack, the repetitive thrum, the thrill of watching beasts run you by knowing that they could in theory mow someone down and do not. For me, you embodied this with Valeria. You had me hooked with by all means, Chariot was bred to rule; it runs in her blood, it rots in her veins, and the rest of your application was held up on the same pedestal. You showed me both the potential to do and the potential to do not. You hit the nail on the head with the balance between duty and the desire to see something through, and their active conflicts with each other in a world that would like to eliminate conflict altogether; I cannot wait to see how Valeria’s story plays out.
Please review the CHECKLIST and send your blog in within 24 hours.
NAME: Minnie
AGE: 24
TIMEZONE, ACTIVITY LEVEL: EST. As for activity, I aim to post one reply every day. That being said, there are certain weeks where my muse is severely lacking due to the demand of my full-time job. I do my best to prepare for that ahead of time, but I will do my very best to follow the pace of the dash.
NAME: Valeria INSERT SURNAME HERE. I imagine that Valeria took on the name of Septimus’ family, partially because I’ve headcanoned that they had to face some general distrust when they first arrived to Tyrholm. To cement their standing, they took on the royal surname — which I think would be acceptable, since their mother was the rightful ruler.
FACECLAIM: Luma Grothe, Hoyeon Jung, Paulina Singer, Ursula Corbero, Fernanda Ly. Faceclaims are listed in order of preference. I tried to include different ethnicities to match potential faceclaims of the others!
Pronouns would be she/them.
AGE: I’d like them to be a year or two younger than The Emperor, to support a headcanon that she wanted very badly to become The Emperor’s friend/chosen sibling. Also because I think it’s a deeper twist of the knife to know that your junior is more suited for the throne, hehe. The youngest faceclaim on the list is 25 and the oldest is 30, so I can range from 25-35. Sorry for keeping things somewhat vague! If you really need an exact age, I can go with 27.
DETAILS: Unbridled potential. That’s the one phrase that best sums up my attraction to Chariot. They have a talent for greatness, an uncanny knack for excelling beyond measure; it’s never meant that much to them. They do not hunger for power, and their ambition is a humble creature — a mouse, rather than a phoenix turning the night sky to an angry orange. Her power clings to her, it emits a glow from within; wherever she goes, people notice. How can they not? Self-possessed and poised, they stink of competence. Whether she wields it as a dagger to one’s throat or holds it leisurely in her hands, it always manages to catch the light.
Chariot’s power, to me, seems like a pendulum; it sways back and forth wildly. By all means, Chariot was bred to rule; it runs in her blood, it rots in her veins. But then there is the madness that tempts her to step from the light and follow it down a long and unending tunnel, into the labyrinth where everything is possible and those closest to you cannot be trusted.
I think, at the end of the day, I see a million different paths for Chariot and I’d absolutely love to follow the trail until I can unveil them in all their glory — whether it be for good or for evil.
Your first memory is of a warm egg in your hands. Your mother curls your fingers over it as if you’ve stumbled upon some great treasure. You know now that it was only an egg, but it felt magical as a child. You grow up in the farmlands, and live a quiet life. You and your father work the fields, and you learn to love the way sweat trickles down from your brow to your chin and the simple camaraderie of coaxing life from the earth. Your father teaches you the beauty of a silent moment and a fully formed thought, told in between hours hard labor and the scorching sun. He is not an overly affectionate man, but he shows you his heart in the way he lets you fail, over and over again, until you finally get it right. When he smiles at you with that look of a shared secret, you swell with pride. Your mother is enigmatic and clever, and tells the best stories. Each one is coated with mystery and ancient legends that you soak up like a sponge. She tells you a hundred stories and each one vibrates deep in your bones, as if you’ve lived it before. But if you’ve lived a hundred lives, then your mother has a thousand inside her, and she is a conqueror in each one. When the two of you venture into town, you feel a thick blanket of secrets settle over you. When you’re a child, it feels like you’re being suffocated. As you age, you learn that it’s possible to breathe and move beneath it; it just takes precision and a finesse you learn by watching your mother interact with other merchants. Your mother disappears only one year after you learn the truth of who you are. You are becoming a grown-up now, she tells you, her eyes unblinking and unashamed. It’s the most unguarded you’ve ever seen your mother; it is a terrifying and glorious thing to see her in all her power and grace. You can picture her with a crown; it does not surprise you when you learn that she abdicated the throne. Of course she did; you cannot imagine her happier anywhere else other than right here in the farmlands where the wind is crisp and the soil is sweet. You are a princess, your mother says. No I’m not, you tell her, I’m a farmer, just like Father. That makes her laugh, but you notice a tear catch in the corner of her eye. First, your father dies. He falls ill, and you learn that no amount of power or royal blood can save a loved one from death. You sit behind your mother. You do not watch, but you listen; to this day, you swear that you heard his last breath. Your mother holds you and tells you that the farm is in your hands. You are the one who inhaled and exhaled the land as he did. Your mother helps, but you can see that you are better at this than she is. So you assume the position of leadership at the tender age of nine, and you learn to push your body and mind to its very limit. You learn that, when you push hard enough, what seems like a brick wall softens and becomes pliable clay. It stretches. You grow. You learn. You excel. When you are ten, your mother disappears. You make do on your own. There is no other option, so you continue working the land. You work twice as long and twice as hard, and you are at your breaking point when Septimus arrives. Your uncle. The king, you realize after you’re already well on your way to Tyrholm. At your heart, you are a farmer. You know what it means to cut your hands in order to grow calluses. You believe that the work will get easier the harder you work, and it comes naturally to you. After a few years living in Tyrlholm, they call you lucky, a natural-born princess. You know the truth: it is the spirit of your mother living on in you, and you find yourself talking to her throughout the day. When you realize it has become something like prayer, you lean into it. This is when you begin seeing your mother in the halls. Another shared secret that will bind you to her side and her heart, forevermore. You relish it. You embrace it. You harbor it like a warm egg in your hands, a sign of life and labor and creation. The people of Tyrholm show only contempt in the beginning, and it fuels you. You dig your heels deeper, grip the handle of your sword tighter, think faster. They only speak of your glory and your skill now, but you remember. You remember the disdain that dripped like venom from their teeth as they said your name. It takes years to undo that first impression: a child with matted hair that sticks up because of the way you sleep, dirt caked beneath your fingernails that took a whole week to scrub out, the smell of fertilizer and manure clinging to you like your home is not ready to let you go. But eventually, it does. You become one of them. More importantly, you become better than them. When they notice, you pretend not to care. Part of you, though, rather enjoys it. It could make your ego swell, if not for your cousin. THe Emperor takes every chance to trim your pride — you suppose that’s a rather kind way to describe the way they sneer at your every accomplishment. As a child, you saw them as the first playmate you could have ever had. Enamored by them, awed by them, you trailed after them hoping to find a sibling — a friend. Once you begin to surpass them in every lesson and every skill, you don’t notice the way their eyes darken as you walk by, or the way your name falls from their lips like blasphemy. It takes many bitter pranks and cruel jokes for you to understand: there is no such thing as family in Tyrholm. There is only you, your power and your secrets. You learn the lesson well — as you learn every lesson. And once you learn it, the door opens to learn more of Tyrholm’s hidden tunnels. There are a million rules no one will teach you, that you must teach yourself; these are the ones you like best. You begin a delicate dance with the integrity and honor you learned from your father, and the cunning you learned from your mother. At times, it is like being pulled in different directions. Eventually, it gets easier. You’re not sure when you stumbled onto this idea that Septimus did away with your mother. All you know is that the years of deception and clever dances and wordplay with nobility have become so ingrained in you that you no longer have to think upon it; and that’s when you consider that there are others who are as practiced with power as you are. The king is no mastermind; he is not a smart man, a clever man, not even a good man. But it’s exactly that talent for foolishness that makes a man bold and arrogant enough to murder his own sister, and take her child in as his own. Once the idea is planted, it is impossible to ignore it. You check on it obsessively, and the visions of your mother become plagued with suspicion. The foundation of who you are and your place in Tyrholm has been shaken, and you are unsettled wherever you go. You can try to hide it, but you have never been able to hide your greatness; you are unable to hide the new jagged edge it’s formed now.
PLOT IDEAS: LET’S GET THE OBVIOUS ONE OUT OF THE WAY, SHALL WE??? I of course would like to see Chariot follow the trail to uncover the truth of her mother’s death — and I’m very much open to it being exactly what she suspects or very not. Valeria has been at court for more than ten years; they have learned the games of both mind and sword, and they are not so arrogant to believe they are the true masters of either. Their mother’s inexplicable disappearance/death has always been a question mark for Valeria; who is to say that it was not another game orchestrated by Tyrholm, by the king? I’d like to explore a descent into madness, whether it’s legitimate or not. Their suspicions have taken a life of its own, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. I’d like to explore the ramifications of people getting a whiff of Valeria’s unrest: Death, the Empress, etc. How will this knowledge live in the Emperor’s hands, or the World’s? I’d absolutely love, LOVE to see how public perception changes of Valeria, who is respected greatly for her competency and respected as the better option for the throne. As they spiral (and I truly hope to see them spiral), how will they contain it? This is just rambling off of the last plot (more of a sub-plot I guess), but Death is the only one who seems to have an explicit understanding of their goals, and THIS, TO ME, IS THE MOST INTERESTING PART OF THIS CONNECTION AND DEAL THEY’VE MADE??? It only serves them if Valeria has an actual change to take the throne. But what happens if she spirals so bad that there’s no WAY she’d be a fit to rule anymore? Would Death preserve their image in order to make them ruler, or would Death cast them out quickly to preserve their own skin? This is perhaps the first time in Valeria’s life that they’ve been helpless to act. It’s precisely because of their royal blood that they are unable to truly enact their quest, and I’d like to explore the implications of that for Valeria’s sense of self. Who are they, if not capable? At her heart, she is a farmer. They are measured by their output, by their productivity, by their crops and their yield. Right now, they are unable to yield anything. They can’t even truly plant seeds, relying only on Death and the Devil to work for them. How will this affect their sense of worth, and how will it influence their descent or ascent? The Empress may be one opportunity to have Valeria do something of her own accord, but it’s a risky confrontation. So what would it take for her to get there? BECAUSE I WANT TO GET HER THERE. I hint in her background this sense of not belonging — of having to fight her way in, versus being raised in Tyrholm. I’d love to explore that further, as well. I’d love to have nobility find Valeria a worthy heir but still not one of them. Or have Valeria be a more accessible figure to those who are of lower “ranking” (oh gosh is that okay to say) than them in a very different way than the World is accessible. Where the World is beloved for their kindness, Valeria is (in my head) more approachable because they don’t have the airs of someone who was born into royalty. It’d be an interesting dynamic to explore, especially to see how it relates to them being seen as a worthy heir.
CHARACTER DEATH: I’d like to see at least Valeria’s great suspicion become public before they die. I’m okay with them never getting answers because angst, but I’d like for their death to make an impact on Tyrholm — rather than just adding to the body count.
The life leaks out of them like water from a faucet. With their expression resting like a stone, Valeria watches. There is no feeling to be expressed, no thought to be had but this: death looks the same wherever you go. In foreign lands and in her home country, the last moments of a single life are universal. There is some comfort in that.
“You have the face,” they rasp, “of a ruler.” A traitor to the throne, Septimus sent Valeria to put an end to their life. A strong member of the royal family, they hum like a fat cat who caught sight of a crippled mouse, that’s the last thing I want them to see. So she goes. She ignores the scorn that graces the Emperor's face, the flash of worry in the World’s eyes. She ignores even the look of smug arrogance on her uncle’s, so pleased that the pride and joy of Tyrholm beckons to his every call.
He sees what he wants to see. More importantly, he sees what she wants him to see.
Valeria says nothing. She waits for the eyes of a traitor to lose the last glimpse of light, wondering peculiarly if she is watching her own fate. A sword piercing her chest like a final embrace — perhaps Septimus will send his son to put an end to her life. They’ve been waiting for a long time to do it, she thinks, recalling every furious curl of their mouth and the unforgiving slant of their brow.
The traitor throws one final sentence out, with a great show of struggle: “But you have the hands of a servant.”
It’s then that Valeria affords them a smile. Every traitor they’ve ever killed at the king’s command has been insightful and clever, but never before has one seen Valeria for more than a noble figurehead. They see only the pride and joy of the throne, the deserving heir with no right to the crown.
To thank them, she grants them a secret. “And the heart of a traitor,” she whispers, taking some small delight in the way their eyes grow round with surprise even in their last moments. “Just like you.”
Before they have a chance to grasp the weight of her gift, Valeria pulls her blade from their chest. She waits for the life to bleed out of them. When it does, she wipes her blood clean of their blood and plucks a few weeds from the ground, resting it beside the wound she leaves behind.
“May your treason spread throughout Tyrholm.”
It’s both a prayer and a promise.
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iamconstantine · 5 years
* Okay so we are leaping RIGHT into Sun and Blake talking together * Sun actually kinda-sorta sounds like Jaune with a deeper voice tbh but I’m sure it’s not the same VA * I was going to make a joke about Blake suspiciously sipping her cup while Sun smack talks the White Fang but then she actually did it * And there it is * I just noticed that Sun’s hair is yellow and his eyes are dark while Blake’s eyes are yellow and her hair is dark. Interesting contrast. * (Insert LOST flashback woosh) * YEEEESSS Different animation style! * The White Fang originally being a sort of “peace group” is actually way more compelling than just an all-out terrorist group. It’s a repeating cycle of hate of one side against the other. The things they do are way, way overkill, of course, but it’s also a reminder that things aren’t always b-- * I just realized why this episode is called “Black and White.” * ._. * Lil kitten Blake. Baby. * “And the New Leader’s first decree was that the old symbol wasn’t edgy enough, so we gave the animal fangs and claw marks and we made it red and people took us more seriously” * The image of the signs becoming weapons was very nice * The portrayal of prejudice and response and related topics are presented pretty realistically in the show, and honestly, credit to them for not doing some weird sugary stuff with it. Usually I see this kind of stuff as like “The other group had their fewings hurt so they hurt peopwe too but that’s not okay uwu” but here it’s just like “Yeah man we started being violent instead of peaceful and people started listening which was good but they were also afraid of us which is bad” * Blake’s explanation of why she left gives newer context to her fight with Weiss. It isn’t just that she has to once again experienced hatred just because she’s a Faunus, and it isn’t just that she has to keep her mouth shut about who she is out of fear. Blake left the White Fang because she hated how violent they were becoming, but after doing the right thing, she once again has to deal with discrimination just for being...Blake * No Sun she hasn’t told anyone but I think they know * Also HOW did Sun know she was a Faunus? Did I miss something? * The way Ruby hisses “Ugh...Weiss” was so acidic like she is 110% done with Weiss’ crap * Yang is trying to hard to be peacekeeper poor thing * Penny returns and everyone is scared * I’m assuming that either A) Penny actually SAW Blake’s ears, or B) Penny saw the bow and just said “yeah there some ears under there” which would kind of explain how Sun knew but not really * I didn’t hear what Ruby said at first but then I put on subtitles and “She does like tuna a lot” almost made me WHEEZE. Ruby’s VA has a really good grasp on comedic delivery * Ruby was like “fam?” but Yang and Weiss were like “peace” * Penny noting on how windy it is is funny but honestly is no one going to comment on the tumbleweeds? * Sun and Blake immediately teaming up is kind of heartwarming; I imagine Blake hasn’t met another Faunus who she could be open with in a while * That said isn’t Sun supposed to be hiding from police? Aren’t they just wandering around? * I still don’t side with Weiss but her line about how the innocent don’t run does remind me that she believes Blake is some kind of criminal. Yes, Weiss has a definite prejudice against Faunus people, but again, I think she’s been ingrained with the lie that all of them are dangerous terrorits * “Is she a MAN?” girl what * Ruby’s outlook on the situation makes a lot of sense. She’s not mad at Blake, not at all, and she’s definitely against Weiss in the argument. That said, she doesn’t know what to make of Blake just running off. I’m sure as the team leader she expects everyone to trust each other on top of being friends, so learning that Blake doesn’t trust her enough to talk to her must her. Of course, Blake has every reason in the world to keep her secret, but I get where Ruby is coming from * I admire Blake and Sun deciding to investigate but what is there plan there’s only two of them * I was fully expecting Sun to respond to Blake with some kind of cheesy pick-up line but him just clapping back with “Weren’t you in a cult or something?” honestly surprised and pleased me * Also Blake’s pout * Oh that animation isn’t...good...not bad, just...not good... * Speaking of animation I’m noticing a kind of recurring thing where characters are technically “walking” but they’re also sliding at the same time. I really, REALLY am not trying to nitpick but it is noticeable. * Speaking off the detail of Sun’s hair, his necklace, and his abs are all pretty good. Definitely a great character design * “See I told you our new logo was cool and edgy” “man u right” * I know I just commented on the whole slide-walk think but at least a few seconds ago it was kind of hidden by the ramp just now it was all up in my face * He’s baaaaaack * So is Blake implying that Torchwick might actually be a Faunus, or is something else amiss? * On the one hand I know Blake can take on countless robots and a giant bird monster but on the other hand I’m with Sun. What is she doing? * Was Torchwick about to drop the f bomb? * Blake talking to the WF as one of them is pretty clever * Torchwick’s VA is doing a good job but he still has that teeth-talk problem * I’m sorry did this guy just blast an actual star at her? * This once again brings me to my upcoming study: “RWBY: Everything is Gun” * Sun’s attack on Torchwick was animated very well, a definite step up from last episode where he seemed too restrained * Torchwick just spoke my thoughts. I do admire everyone’s bravery but come on. The bad guys WILL have backup. * Holy CRAAAAP Sun beating all the WFs with his bo staff is AWESOME and it is animated AMAZINGLY * On top of that Blake’s...I don’t know, “teleport” effect is really cool to look at * What I appreciate mostly about the fights in this show is that even though it’s all very energetic and fast-paced you can keep up with what’s happening. It’s not just trying to look “fight-ish”, it’s real and you can follow every movement * Sun’s bo staff splitting into nunchuks are really cool I wonder if it’s also a--
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* There it is. * I also like that the fights make use of the environments * I felt like Torchwick laughing was a little too on the nose but the subtitles saying (evil laugh) just confirms it * Penny is not mad muffin * Let me guess Penny’s about to do a murder * Excuse me
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* OH YEEEEAAAAH PENNY’S OFF THE CHAIN * SHE MOWING THESE GUYS DOWN LIKE GRASS * OH * MY GOSH * How is Ruby just mildly pleased and not losing her mind right now * Is Penny about to do a Captain America? * Ruby your question is legitimate but how is that your first one? * Bout time the police showed up * Okay. Moment of truth. How is Weiss going to handle this? * Gooooood. Good girl. * At the same time I appreciate (?) that Weiss almost slipped up on calling Sun something there. She’s going to turn over a leaf to accept Blake as a teammate but that doesn’t mean she’s cured, and she’s still super suspicious of Sun because, well, he is technically a criminal * Is Penny?? A criminal too? * “Hey Ozpin what cha doing” “Oh you know stalking students again; not getting involved or helping in any way” * Oh!! Qrow!! Ruby’s uncle!! * And so the season concludes! * Overall? Not bad. Did it blow my mind? Well, not necessarily. Am I impressed? Absolutely! * I still stand by what I said before about the pacing being a bit off for this first volume. * I do like Jaune. I like his arc and his relationship with Pyrrha and his struggle to be a leader. At the same time, the fact that he gets an arc before Yang or Blake, despite both of them being two of the titular characters, doesn’t feel right. If Weiss and Blake’s storyline had been running alongside it, I think that would have paced things better. Giving Jaune focus without stealing the spotlight from the leads. * Jaune’s arc also has the side effect of bringing things to a halt. It was an enjoyable arc, but following Ruby and Weiss dealing with their feelings on their new team, it more or less feels like a sudden roadblock than anything else. The fact that it really only includes Jaune, Pyrrha, and Cardin (who I wonder will show up again, creepy little sh*t) and not Ren or Nora is something I’ll get to in a second. * Yang herself didn’t get much attention at all, which is very disappointing to me. I don’t know very much about her other than that she’s a thrillseeker, a peacekeeper, and is just nice in general (as long as she’s not angry). I feel like she kind of got robbed here. * I also still believe that the lack of background characters, though explainable and really not that big a deal, is not a “good” thing. To me, it makes Beacon feel really, really empty, not the giant of a school it really is. Cardin’s team were shown, thankfully, but even then their designs are pretty bland and suffer from “Guess Who’s the Main Character?” syndrome * The animation has some highs and some lows, and I’m going to take a guess that most focus was given to the fights, which I will say again look absolutely fantastic. I completely admire the animation team’s work and direction, while at the same time I think other animations feel a bit rough and incomplete. It’s nothing that absolutely breaks my immersion, but there are times when it seems something is supposed to have a lot of energy and instead is too rigid or even too “smooth”, i.e. no sense of gravity or weight. * The designs of every character are always very nice to see--and I would like to once again reaffirm my opinion that character designs don’t always have to be realistically practical and “grounded”. I’d much rather Ruby be wearing see Yang wearing kerchiefs and short shorts than have her be in a completely unnotable outfit with muted colors. Each design also serves the character well. Even Jaune’s very simplistic design highlights how he doesn’t quite fit in at Beacon, and is just “average” compared to everyone else. * The VAs all did very well, even if I did feel at times that they were holding back. * Ren and Nora also did not get very much attention and more or less just feel like filler on Jaune’s team for now. Not absolutely boring, but they don’t nearly play as much of a part as everyone else. I haven’t even seen Jaune interact with either of them that much, which lessens the impact of his struggle to be their leader. * The backgrounds are a bit hit-and-miss at times. Beacon itself looks amazing and grandious, a fairytale castle mixed with a bit of a futuristic edge. Other times, the backgrounds are flat and textureless and don’t feel very real. * I really do wish the first season was able to do episodes of “average episode length” (18~ minutes), as opposed to snippets that could range from 3 to 15 minutes. Even though I felt that “The Stray” ended in a very nice place and set up the next episode well, the season finale doesn’t really feel like a season finale. It just feels like the ending of a typical episode. The only thing that tipped me off that it was a finale was the longer credits. * This is on top of the fact that a few of the episodes were very short and really only progressed one or two things. * I still don’t quite get Auras or what the point of them is. This is the first season, of course, but thus far I really can’t tell how Auras change anything about fighting. I guess it does kind of explain why everyone isn’t bleeding and bruised by the end of every fight, but still. Right now, it feels that if Pyrrha’s explanation of what an Aura is was snipped out, I wouldn’t notice a difference. * Just speaking broadly, even though I think RWBY has a lot of things going for it--design, fight animations, character writing, etc--they’re kind of like a bunch of different candies all jumbled into the same bowl. On their own, they’re good and I can appreciate them. Together, stuffed into the same season in uneven episode lengths, they don’t really work all that well together. * Anyhoodle I’ll be starting season 2 soon and I look forward to it.
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The Addams Family
Everyone loves this creepy and kooky family, but now, people get to love them in a whole new way: onstage. Here’s the Full Disclosure on The Addams Family. 
Background Info
This very quickly became the most often-produced high school show. The Addams Family was of course adapted from the comic turned television series turned movies. Most everyone knows about it, so there can’t be much information to dispose on you all.
The music and lyrics were written by Andrew Lippa, also known for The Wild Party, Big Fish, and John & Jen. The book (oof) was written by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice.
Character List
GOMEZ ADDAMS (Baritone) -  An attractive man of Spanish descent, who adores his wife, takes great pride in his children, and is immensely proud to be an Addams; caught between his daughter and his wife he feels completely trapped and unable to make either happy, which is his greatest joy; must have great comedic timing, move well, and strong vocals. Fencing skills a plus.
MORTICIA ADDAMS (Alto) - Beautiful, leggy, the real head of the family and the critical and moving force behind it; easy comedic actress with a sexy, dry wit; feels her husband is hiding something from her and will use any tactic to lure the secret out; a strong dancer.
UNCLE FESTER (Tenor) -  Serves as the musical’s narrator; rotund and child-like, hugely enthusiastic and totally incorrigible; a vaudevillian, needs strong comedy and legit tenor vocals.
GRANDMA (Spoken) - Fun and quirky, but don’t mess with Grandma; comedic actress with strong character vocals.
WEDNESDAY ADDAMS (Mezzo-Soprano) - Gothic in a sexy way, witty with a terrifically dry sense of humor; just wants her family to be “normal” for one night to meet the parents of the boy she’s fallen in love with; strong pop belt vocals.
PUGSLEY ADDAMS (Treble) - A charming, funny, husky boy who loves being tortured by his sister; he wants to ensure he won’t lose his sister to her new boyfriend so he takes matters into his own hands; strong, high vocals. Voice not yet changed.
LURCH (Bass) - A man of very, very few words, often spoken at half speed; most of what he utters is long, plaintive groans, some tinged with irony or exasperation; must have true low bass vocals.
MAL BEINEKE (Baritone) - Stuffy father of 19-year-old Lucas and exasperated husband to his rhyming wife, Alice; thinks the Addams’ are beyond strange and does not want to spend time having dinner with them, much less be related.
ALICE BEINEKE (Mezzo-Soprano) - Mother of 19-year-old Lucas, seemingly mousy housewife who’s devoted to her family so she puts aside her own desires; while at the Addams’ family dinner party, she drinks a potion that causes her to let her hair down and speak her truth; very strong comedic singer/actress.
LUCAS BEINEKE (Tenor) - Fell in love with Wednesday Addams and plans to marry her; experiences the youthful pain and drama of young love and struggles with the differences between his family and the Addams family.
Who’s Singing?
Be mad at me if you wish. I will only follow along with a recording that I have a score for. *insert unnecessary evil laugh*. I have the recording that Theatrical Rights Worldwide sends out as a reference recording that goes along with the tour version of the score. Keys, songs, and some of the plot is different from the original Broadway version. Regardless, this show is fun. Here, we have Jesse Sharp as Gomez Addams, Keleen Snowgren as Morticia Addams, Shaun Rice as Uncle Fester, Amanda Bruton as Grandma Addams, Jennifer Fogarty as Wednesday Addams, Connor Barth as Pugsley Addams, Dan Olson as Lurch, Mark Poppleton as Mal Beineke, Blair Anderson as Alice Beineke, and Bryan Welnicki as Lucas Beineke.
Let’s Do This
I can’t exactly remember the moment where I realized that I loved this show. Or when I even tried listening to it all the way through. Back when I was younger, there were many mornings before school, where I’d wake up at 4:30am and watch re-runs of The Addams Family on TV Land or TBS or something. It was fun. I’m really excited to listen to this recording because I’m so used to the Broadway version. Also, I’ve seen this version of the show thrice, so why not listen to a professional recording of it? Anyway, here we go!
“When You’re an Addams” begins with that really fun Latin beat. I’m really digging Gomez’s voice. He’s not a complete character, but he’s not completely “I’m a trained singer”. Same goes for Morticia. Probably just because this entire time, we’ve been used to Bebe and Nathan, who are absolutely nothing but characters. I love Snowgren’s laugh after “you need to have a sense of humor”. I’m a really big fan of this recording so far. It’s super fun. That interlude introducing the Ancestors needs to play at my funeral. I’M IN LOVE WITH THESE TEMPOS DURING THE DANCE BREAK. It’s just the right amount of slower. They really get to settle in. Especially the line dance section. OKAY SOPRANOS ON THAT HIGH B. Go. Off.
We then have “Fester’s Manifesto” which is the first incantation of the “Let’s Not Talk About Anything Else but Love” theme. It’s cute. Ukulele is involved. So are the ancestors.
Next comes everyone’s absolute favorite audition song, “Pulled”. Wednesday go off. I love the offbeat accents in the eighth note section (”puppy dogs with droopy faces”). The part she places “Liberace’s greatest hits” in her mix is more head voice-y and I’m a #bigfan. And then of course the end is just face-melting.
“Wednesday’s Growing Up” is an added short song about Gomez lamenting her getting older.
“Trapped” is Gomez’s first solo in the show where he laments that he’s lying to both his daughter and his wife. Lots of fun examples in the lyrics about being trapped. I like it quite a bit. *Disclaimer: I’m kind of on a Lippa kick because I just closed Big Fish* The song is fun. Good character piece.
In “One Normal Night,” Wednesday explains to everyone that she wants them to act more normal for when the Beinekes come over. I’m a big fan of the oo vowel Fogarty uses on “that’s all I need from you”. Aside from that, she’s a little whiney. Welnicki has a very nice voice as Lucas. His verse is really good! Shaun Rice does an awesome job as Uncle Fester in his little area of the song. Just as quirky and strange as Kevin Chamberlain. A little less operatic (sad face) but to each his own. The ensemble is going all the way off at the end of this number. It’s absolutely ridiculous.
There are a couple reprises of the “But Love” theme that are nice.
“Secrets” is a number for Morticia, Alice, and the rest of the female Ancestors. Morticia explains to Alice that she doesn’t keep any secrets from Gomez and it keeps their marriage alive. Alice tries to explain to Morticia that she does keep secrets from Mal and it makes their marriage nice, too. Nice little Latin groove for the beginning rotating between F# minor and Gb major. The dance break happens with a big Jazz shout section, and then the ensemble comes back in to close out the number.
Pugsley then has a nice little moment with “What If?” in which he questions Wednesday’s love (though of torturing) for himself. Cute little song.
Next is a fun ensemble number called “Full Disclosure”. It’s split into two parts, led by Gomez, and performed by the family, the Beinekes, and the ensemble of ancestors. They play a wicked game where you all take turns drinking out of a sacred chalice where when you drink, you must tell the truth. During “What If?” Pugsley grabs one of Grandma’s potions and puts it in the chalice right before it’s Wednesday’s turn. Much to his dismay, it actually gets to Alice, who drinks.
She turns into a woman unleashed in the number, “Waiting”, filled to the brim with high belting. Alice spills to EVERYONE about the demise of her and Mal’s “relationship.”
After Alice states her peace, Gomez revs back up and the second part of “Full Disclosure” begins, commenting on Alice’s insanity. Alice also has one of the most interesting vocal moments (one of which out of three productions I’ve seen live, only one of the actresses has done it correctly.) Alice outlines an E major triad, arpeggiating up to a G#5. It’s hard to hear unless you’re really listening to the accompaniment. The ensemble ends on a crazy huge G major triad with the highest of the high sopranos in the ancestors wailing on a B5.
Act II opens with Morticia’s charming Chicago-esque number about her love of the macabre, “Just Around the Corner”. This is tailored to the crotch hem of Bebe Neuwirth’s strengths: a vocal range of exactly one octave and saying “hotcha” at the beginning of the number. Can we give up the pastiche and cast good people? That’s the most controversial I’m going to get during this post. (or is it?)
(It’s not.)
“The Moon and Me” is Uncle Fester’s little ditty to his true love, the Moon. In lieu of the original cast, the actor playing Fester accompanies himself on the ukulele. It is a bit stagnant for a while musically, but ends on a legit Tenor High C (!) which is just loverly.
“Happy/Sad” is a beautiful song from Gomez to Wednesday, describing his feelings of her growing up. I’ve always seen this song as a parallel to the Tevye-Hodel moment at the train station to Siberia, but if Tevye’s thoughts could’ve been voiced. The relationship between a father and his only girl is very special. This song is sure to tug at heart strings of anyone with parents or children. And everyone has one of those things.
“Crazier Than You” is a duet between Wednesday and Lucas. Wednesday tries convincing Lucas that she’s crazier than him by the William Tell apple and arrow test with a twist. Wednesday blindfolds herSELF.
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There’s fun belting and all that stuff. Really fun and rhythmic accompaniment.
“Not Today” is a solo Gomez sings after he finds out Morticia leaves him (WHICH IS STUPID. I don’t get the plot point, let’s be honest. Is she like noticing things about her own marriage when Wednesday has her problems with Lucas? Did the scriptwriters spill grape juice on their original drafts and they had to piece together a new story at the last second? I couldn’t tell you.) Anyway, it’s a nice song. Check it out.
Then Gomez and Morticia make up during “Live Before We Die/Tango de Amor” and there’s a lot of 5/4. Amen. Praise God. Let’s wrap this up.
Honestly, “Move Toward the Darkness” is a really sweet closing number. Everyone comes together at the end and the Addams build each other up in their own special ways. Beautiful descending chords at the very end commencing after Lurch’s Eb2. It’s truly hauntingly gorgeous. I love Morticia and Wednesday’s duet in the second verse in particular.
Audition Songs
These are actually really good audition songs. However, a lot of the situations are incredibly specific, so be wary of that.
“Pulled” - Wednesday Addams, B3-Eb5
I can confidently say that there are too many girls singing this song. It’s good - don’t get me wrong, but like, chill, ladies. However, if you sing something well, sing it. Just make sure you can sing it well. All I’m saying is, the amount of times I’ve had to play this at auditions for people who shouldn’t be singing the song because it’s too high, patter, requires acting, you know any of those stipulations. It’s a good song though, I like it.
"Trapped” - Gomez Addams, C3-F4
This is a fun character song with two key changes that are sufficiently long for a cut in any of the keys you’d like to sing it in.
“What If?” - Pugsley Addams, A3-Eb5
Cute little song for a treble kid. Adorable.
“Waiting” - Alice Beineke, A3-E5
This song is NOT for the light of heart. Lots of sustained high belting and lungs of steel. Maybe a possible audition song for Diana Goodman or Lilli Vanessi? Or Margaret White? (Any Marin Mazzie role; like it’s perfect.) (RIP)
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“The Moon and Me” - Uncle Fester, C3-C5
This song is WHACK range-wise. Get your life on it, character tenors.
“Happy/Sad” - Gomez Addams, Eb3-Eb4
This song will never fail to make me tear up. It’s so beautiful, and I just love it. Good song for auditions, in my opinion. Never seen anyone bring it in or even have it in their book. It’s beautiful and simple, and would be really good to bring in for a show like Fiddler.
“Not Today” - Gomez Addams, D3-G4
This is a fun song, and honestly a better choice than Trapped. It’s Latin-influenced and has a really fun melody built off of the melodic minor scale. Fun high notes at the end for a Baritone to really let it rip.
To Wrap It Up
This show is, to quote one of my close friends when referring to poorly written shows, “deeply flawed”. The book is strange and the plot waries in many spots, but Andrew Lippa really did us in with that score. The score is truly magnificent. There are so many spots, especially provided for us by that AMAZING ensemble on the Original Broadway Cast Recording that send shivers up and down my spine every time I listen to it.
I’d truly love to do Addams someday; whether that would be me Music Directing it, playing Fester, or maybe even Rehearsal Accompanying; it would be a true joy and something I would love to encounter sometime in my career. Eh, I’ll do it someday. Every high school wants to do it. It’s fun, it’s accessible, there are a lot of principles, it’s based on iconic characters in the American television, film, and comic canons, so why not turn it into a musical?
Get it.
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mewmewchann · 6 years
RWBY V6 Chapter 9 liveblog thing
Oh yeah, there’s a new RWBY episode today. GUESS WE’RE DOING THIS AGAIN! Also, without spoiling anything, this is one of the episodes I legitimately cried at. You’ll see why when you read this.
Apparently, there will never be an episode where I don’t make a comment on how awesome the opening is.
Okay, quick recap before the episode begins: Salem was only evil because the gods made a massive dick move, Ozma is a dick, They went to a murder house, Maria is a badass, Ozma is a dick, They’re at Argus with Jaune’s sister, Jaune is understandably pissed, Ozma is a dick, Ruby’s finally learning about her silver eye powers, And Oscar is missing. Oh, and before I forget, Ozma is a dick.
Oh, neat! We’re getting more Emerald and Mercury! *crosses fingers* EMERCURY PLEASE EMERCURY PLEASE EMERCURY PLEASE-
Emerald: I hate being kept in the dark like this? Me: Figuratively or literally?
It’s interesting what Mercury says about Cinder here. Was she not really that good with them either?
So he feels the only reason he joined Cinder’s posse was because it felt right? Yeah, I’m with Emerald here, that can’t be the only reason.
Mercury. Do you SERIOUSLY think Salem is going to give you two what you want? She’s gonna betray you as soon as she creates this “new world”, calling it now.
Ooh, Emerald exposition. ...Aw, now I’m starting to feel sorry for her.
Okay, siding with Mercury now. Cinder obviously didn’t care about either of them, and Emerald is either in denial and has some really strange form of Stockholm Syndro- HOLY SHIT NOW WE HAVE A FIGHT SCENE.
TYRIAN STAY OUT OF THI- Holy shit, new tail.
Mercury: HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE!? [insert that one scene from Infinity War here]
*as Mercury walks up to Tyrian* *chanting* Punch him, punch him, punch him, punch him, punch him...! *Mercury kicks him* Oh yeah forgot his fighting sty- *Tyrian knocks him down* AAAH THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!
...Wait...Did they use that one Tyrian laugh clip from Volume 4 or is it just me?
Mercury: Then what DID you come here for? Me: To laugh at your misery? This IS Tyrian we’re talking about...
And of course Watts ex-machinas in before Tyrian can explain anything. What a dick.
I think Tyrian has out creepy-d himself this volume. Like, holy shit.
Oh yeah, we’re back in Argus now. And Oscar is still missing. QUICK! WE MUST LOCATE THE CINNAMON ROLL!!!!
Jaune: Oscaaaaar! Nora: OSCAAAAAR!!! Ren:...Holy shit, this city’s big.
Jaune, you didn’t overreact. I feel your reaction was pretty justified in a way. Pinning Oscar against the wall wasn’t, but getting mad definitely was. I mean, Ozma is a massive dick!
Saphron makes a good point here. I mean, the mains are the only people who know about the Ozma thing, but they’re far from the only people who can do it. And besides, judging from Jaune’s outburst last episode, they DO need a break.
Also, are they finally going to address Jaune’s possible depression or anxiety? I really hope they finally address that.
Also also, I love the subtle implications that Nora and Ren are a couple now. They’re so cute, I ship it so hard! XD
*the leaf lands in front of Jaune and blows away while they start playing the Pyrrha motif in the background* OH, NO! PLEASE NO! NOT THE FEELSY ARKOS CALLBACKS! PLEASE NOT THE FEELSY ARKOS CALLBACKS!
Wait, Jaune, where are you goi- *the Pyrrha statue appears while the motif turns into a full blown song* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH-!!!!!!!! *becomes a sobbing mess on the floor*
Also, I know this is a feelsy moment here, but just because of that one line in Volume 1 about Pyrrha training at Sanctum, could this be nearby where Sanctum is or am I overthinking this?
Also also, is this a really obscure callback to that one shot in the Volume 1 opening or am I still overthinking this?
And of course, they bring up the theme of choice. Or the fact that there really isn’t one.
...Wait, where did totally-not-Pyrrha’s-mom-or-at-least-older-sister go?
Jaune:...Thank you. Me: *falls of my chair sobbing*
Qrow, now is not the time to be passed out drunk. Team JNPR were having a moment.
Oh hey, a little more of Saphron and Terra’s adorable dynamic. Nice.
OSCAR! YOU’VE BEEN HERE THIS WHOLE TI- *sees the new outfit* HOLY SHIIIIIIIII-!!!! [AmazingMewtwo.exe has stopped working]
And of course Nora tackle-hugs him. Nora, please never change.
Wait, is the new outfit symbolic of something? Because I have a feeling it’s symbolic of something. I’m hoping that it’s symbolic of him abandoning Ozma. Because Ozma’s a dick.
Wait, Oscar doesn’t know how long he’s gonna be himself for? Is this implying that Ozma will potentially take over him completely!? NO! PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NO!!!!!!
Please have them go along with Jaune’s plan. It will be amazing.
And now they’re playing the Rising motif! Reminder that I love this song.
Ruby: And if you feel you can keep up with us kids...We’d be happy to have you. Me: Even though you’ll likely bring Maria too.
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simplyselicia · 6 years
BTS Analysis Part 4: Fake Love
Hey! I’m so in love with the new album. Heavy rotation 24/7. As you can tell, this is the fourth installment of my analysis series. I’ve stated in the past to keep in mind I’m not much of a theorist, I’m just really talking about things I noticed and what certain symbolism might mean. I will link the Part 3 about Singularity post here since I’ll probably reference back to it: 
BTS Analysis Part 3: Singularity
This is my first comeback as an ARMY, so when I tell you I was so hype that it hurt I am telling the truth. I am so beyond blown away, I’m not sure if any of this is about to make sense. This gif explains what was going on in my mind while watching Fake Love. 
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First, I’ll talk about Fake Love Teaser 1. In the teaser we got call backs to Wings and the Love Yourself Highlight Reels. The boys come in to exchange their fears for a positive so to say. If I had to take an educated guess, based on album notes I’d say Yoongi handed in a piano key. That would leave our intertwined characters. We don’t what Jin was given, if anything. We don’t know what V exchanged. Jungkook never gave over anything, but received a key in return.
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When I went back to the highlight reels to research part of the narration really stuck out to me: “Looking back, I had known all along that underneath the glittering world before my eyes lay my deception, that everything was to collapse with a breath of wind. I turned away, I’d side stepped, simply closed my eyes. Afraid I was, afraid to be loved for who I am.”
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Fake Love opens with our Smeraldo flower being protected. Very Beauty and the Beast. This is the untold truth that Jin has been asked about. Jin is alone in the room with this untold truth, looking through the window. We see him closing the curtain, and this is followed with doors being shut on Jungkook, leaving him in darkness. Could Jin trying to be shut him out of the truth? Is Jungkook sacrificing himself to be like the child of Omelas? I personally don’t think that Jin knows that Jungkook is looking into his window. 
I’m not sure what else we’ll see, but I think it’s safe to say that Jungkook has entered Jin and V’s tangled web. 
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I love the background of this scene. It reflects the choreography, it brings me back to BS&T, AND kind of looks like a variant of “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil”. They consistently cover their eyes, mouth, or ears during the choreography in the music video. It’s a quick and easy way to convey the mental anguish and struggle within the song. There are a couple other choreography cues that I will refer to later. 
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I’d like to get the color theory part of my explanation out of the way here. If you look at the scenes, they range from a plain almost sepia look to a psychedelic technicolor adjacent style. I think this is because we are passing the euphoric fated love of DNA and into the breaking point in Fake Love. The vibrant colors evoke a feeling of being in a dreamlike wonderland while the faded pastels/sepia tones give specific points of focus. We are being guided into their inner darkness. There is a lot to say for muted tones reflecting the mental state of the characters in a film. What comes to mind for me are films like: “Girl, Interrupted”, “Taxi Driver”, and “Fight Club”. Please note, all these examples have a plot that revolve around psychological themes.  
Going back to the first teaser, I’ll explain why I don’t think Jin is aware that Jungkook was watching him through one of his windows. When Jungkook got to the magic shop (styled as a confessional if you noticed) it wasn’t by his choice. He is the only member that really seems to be pushed in. He also doesn’t have anything to exchange on him, but he is given a key. Keys are a symbol of of opening and closing things of course. It can be used to lock something away or set something free. Keys also give us a feeling of security. 
However, looking past the keys for a second I wanted to pose the question of if this seems a little like a nod to Pandora’s box to anyone else? Pandora’s box is a Greek myth that essentially has grown to mean getting into a situation that involves big and unexpected troubles. Older more detailed texts explain it as Pandora opening a jar that released sickness, death, and many other evils into the world. Pandora tried to quickly close the jar, but when she did so the only thing she kept in the jar was a flicker of hope. It was meant to be a way to explain why bad things happen in the world.  Jungkook had no idea what troubles he is going to see moving forward. Is the key the last bit of hope to uncovering the truth and setting everyone free? Since he came empty handed will he be the traded object for everyone else to gain peace?
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Alright, from here we start diving deeper into the member’s individual fears. We’ve seen Jin trying to change the outcome of member’s story lines in Euphoria by looking through windows. I think this scene reflects Jin’s fear that some of these things might remain out of his control. There is only so much tampering that can be done, and not only is it stressful to not know if what you’ve changed is right, it’s hard to predict if your moves will make everything fall apart. In the center of it all, is the untold truth. Would it have been easier to face this truth if it was going to come to this anyway?
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RM’s scene contains rings and a mirror. The mirror comes from his song Reflection and writing “you need to survive” on the glass. The rings clearly resemble the hand grips that you would see passengers holding onto when standing on a bus. He is still caught between his old self, and the attraction to the girl on the bus in the Love Yourself Highlight Reel. It doesn’t matter how much he likes her. If he can’t accept himself, then it won’t last. The cinematography of Fake Love also flips between of nice parallel lines and then “dutch angles”. A dutch angle is a technique of tilting the camera so none of the angles in the scene are parallel with the bottom of the screen and is used to show psychological unrest/heavy tension in a scene. 
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J-Hope is locked in a room full of childish carnival themed props. If you go back in his story line you will find that his mother abandoned him as a child, only leaving him with a Snickers bar. As the music video goes on, we see Snickers bars falling coming through around where the key hole would be and eventually filling up most of the room. That is a very traumatic experience and of course it would result in some type of fear of abandonment. I’ve seen most people saying that the fake love for J-Hope is from his mother, and I think that’s very interesting. Side note that doesn’t really have much to do with anything in particular, but we’ve really entered a time where carnival gear like this is really haunting. Part of that for me is because I always relate carnivals to “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe. Although maybe I actually have something there. As with Poe’s short story, there’s no way to know if Jungkook isn’t leading himself to his own doom. Our setting certainly is one of a type of madness after all. Okay, off this tangent, I’m just a Poe fan.
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Jungkook has moved on from J-Hope’s scene to Jimin. We can see that he’s in the studio from the Love Yourself Highlight Reel. If you look even closer, the wall he’s in front of is his paradise picture of the trees. I also thought it was interesting that Jimin is interacting with a sink here. I looked up the symbolism for this one, and in dreams it is said that sinks show how our feelings are retained and turned on and off. A bathroom sink in particular signifies a personal desire to be more intimate and revealing of yourself. I spoke about the symbolism of water in Part 3 for Singularity. If we pair those ideas with the sink symbolism, essentially his emotions have been pent up for too long and will come rushing forward in an overwhelming way. I also recognize that this nods back to the time where Jimin was by himself in the bathtub or in the fish tank in the case of the Japanese version of songs. I also talked about in my Part 2 for Euphoria how he’s been left on his own in the hospital. Jimin has no feeling of freedom there, and the person he was closest to (J-Hope) has also left now. 
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Jungkook rises from this scene, and once again he and Jin’s movements mirror each other like they did in Euphoria. We also get a glimpse of the object Jin was protecting that held the Smeraldo flower. The flower has turned to sand. Sand is often a symbol meaning the passage of time, but it can also mean eventual destruction or elude to moments that are easily wiped away. Have we already seen the untold truth? Does it mean that everything is already falling apart? Maybe it’s a reference to Jin’s ability to alter things and that this too is just a moment that will be wiped away and changed?
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I’d also like to note that the closer Jungkook gets to his destination, the harder it is for him. This is a case of dutch angles being used to build tension in a scene. I also want to take a moment to note the pattern on the floor. This pattern is definitely from the DNA MV just based on the color choices and style. We see it in the hallway Jungkook runs down, and on the floor in Jimin and J-Hope’s sections of Fake Love.    
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From there we are brought into V’s scene. He is in this sort of tunnel hallway that is full of phones and empty pictures frames on the walls, but the back wall says “save me”. I saw somewhere that black picture frames symbolize an obsession of being perfect or a fear of not being perfect. I just think that’s an interesting tidbit of info, not sure it really sways the story line in any direction nor gives us much we didn’t already expect. 
V is holding a phone, which calls back (pun intended, please insert a windshield wiper laugh here) to the moment that he was trying to get a hold of RM who couldn’t answer the phone. The hallway is then lit up by the phones twinkling all around him. I’m guessing this is just exaggerating his fear of the call not going through by showing all the phones malfunctioning. 
It might be a reach, but I want to point out that these types of archways remind me of trains, as does the railing to the sides. In Spring Day, V was shown first at the train station.
I want to bring up Jimin a little here as well. Since the boys are exchanging their fears for something positive in the magic shop, I didn’t quite understand why Jimin got the umbrella. I know it shows up in the Highlight Reels, but that didn’t feel to me like a hopeful moment. No matter what Jimin does, he is always getting wet, and the umbrella has never protected him from water/his emotions. I honestly expected him to get a phone because that’s what he used to record J-Hope and the other girl’s practices to recreate the dances. It’s even mentioned in his album notes. Does it mean that no matter the outcome, Jimin is always at a disadvantage? Let me know what you think. 
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There is a moment where we cut back to RM, and Jungkook is on the other side of the mirror mimicking his movements. This isn’t the first time Jungkook acted as a mirror, in the choreography he also follows J-Hope’s movements during his segment.  This will eventually bring us to Suga. In his scene, he has a piano and a guitar in the room. The piano dates back through Wings, and the guitar has to do with the girl that gave him the lollipop. There is a lot about piano between Jungkook and Suga’s notes, and of course their story lines are intertwined throughout the music videos. There comes a point where Suga sets fire to his hotel room, but in Euphoria Jin sent Jungkook to save him. 
Fire is often linked to power and passion. Fire has the ability to cause both destruction and transformation. Much like water, it’s symbolism is pretty straight forward. 
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Now we’re at the part I wanted to bring up the choreography again. I talked about this for the Singularity analysis, and I see it here as well. The movements they are making are very much like puppetry. The arm movements when they step out side to side with their hands down is certainly like they are being controlled by string. I think it’s interesting that Jin is in the center here and they move according to his hand movements on either side of him as well. 
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Jungkook is almost at his destination now, this room is very peaceful despite the events that have been going on. I’ll bring up here that the only members that have had contact/reference with sand in this MV are Jin, V, and Jungkook. I’d like to expand the idea that sand is also a symbol that might mean the foundation you stand on is unstable. The basis of the way you think etc might not be set in reality, and something that you have buried in your subconscious is moving forward. The smeraldo has already turned to sand, but when Jungkook lets it spill from his hand there are remnants of the petals in the shadows on the wall. 
I call this part opening The Chamber of Secrets (I mean he probably knows parseltongue, he is the golden maknae). This is the point where everything begins to come foward: water, fire, snickers (lol). 
He enters the room with the hooded figure, who is standing in front of 6 coat racks (a nod to Singularity I’m sure). From there, we’re left unknowing what decisions will be made.
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I think it’s clear enough to see that a tie of some kind has been broken. We’ve certainly gone from the members lacing all of their hands together in DNA to perform a wave to falling apart. I can’t wait to see what comes next. 
BTS Analysis Part 1: Spring Day
BTS Analysis Part 2: Euphoria
BTS Analysis Part 3: Singularity
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blackvelvetstories · 5 years
Adrenaline Twins
The sound of the alarm in either room, does not affect the twins in the slightest, as they continue to heavily snore. “Wake up you two, it’s time for school!” Mrs Leen shouts as she throws one slipper each at them. Adrian’s lanky body is the first to make his descent out of his bed, wriggling down like a snail until he drops to the floor. Adriana looks over from her room, to see his face caressing the ground, still half asleep. Adriana quickly springs to action knowing that this is her chance to get to the bathroom first, whilst Adrian is still in his sleepy faze. At the sound of Adriana’s heavy feet stomping on the ground, Adrian jumps to attention like he has just been hit with a defibrillator. The race is on. They meet in the hallway, pushing and shoving each other, fighting to get into the bathroom first. “You got in the bathroom first yesterday!” Adrian screams as tries to squeeze past. “That isn’t the rule. It’s whoever gets there first, ya loser” Adriana replies with a face full of his palm. Stuck by the width of the door, both are unable to take that winning step into the bathroom. “Stop playing and get ready” Mrs Leen says as she sends Adrian flying into the bathroom and grabs Adriana by the hair, sending her downstairs to eat her breakfast. “You two always have to compete for everything, everything does not have to be a competition” Mrs Leen continues, whilst instructing them accordingly.  
At school, the twins have a knack for standing out, continuing their competitive nature they persistently show at home. To the annoyance of their head teacher Mrs Jupiter, running through the corridors, side stepping the students trying to get to the lessons they shared first. Even in tests they competed like their lives depended on it. Celebrating around the classroom as if have won the world cup, after finding out they have both got the joint top score in the class. 
In the playground, the twins are walking around with their friends “I am sure the year 7 bags get bigger every year and they get smaller” Adrian laughs. “Let’s go get there ball” Calvin jests as he runs over to the younger kids playing. The rest of them make over following Calvin and the kids playing. “Hey, lemme have a touch?” Calvin asks politely. The younger kids stop for a second not knowing if it is a good idea or not. Calvin smiles to try and show his friendly side, as the young boy kicks the ball over, Calvin gives off an evil smile as he does a couple kick ups and then slowly turns around to kick the ball towards his friends. “C’mon pass it back. We were playing with that” a kid shouts out. “You better, come on and get it then!” Calvin laughs. Calvin and the rest continue to pass the ball around, skilling any one who tries to take the ball back. Adrian and Adriana pass the ball back and forth with ease as if they have magnets with one another, the fluid skills hypnotise the opposing kids, amazed at what they can do. The school bell rings for the end of the break and they pass back the ball to the last remaining kids who stayed and chased the whole time. “You lot are getting better at chasing, soon you man even get the ball back earlier” Calvin laughs.
At the end of school everyone is rushing out the gates, Adrian and Adriana’s friends discuss the plans for the evening. Seeing who’s house they will be going round to play Fifa tonight. As always, Calvin is the chosen one with the biggest house. The twins set off back home, on their way they see four blacked out Landroval Mercedes speed passed them on the street down some back alley’s. With the twins love of cars and especially the Landroval, they chase after them to get a better look “last one there, asks if we can look inside?” The twins agree as they do their twin handshake, before racing off, through shortcuts and buildings to try and catch up with the cars. After a intense race for the cars, they lose sight of the cars coming and come across an abandoned warehouse. “I know the cars are quick, but how can we lose them like that?” Adriana says, looking around. “Bang” a loud sound is heard from the warehouse, making the twins jump. “You won the race, so you got to check whatever that was” Adriana says. “No you won, you go and check” Adrian replies. After jostling a little, they both decide to go investigate together. Pointing towards a ladder on the side of the building, they climb up to get a better look inside. “I hope we stumble upon a boatload of skittles, mum hasn’t let us have them in the house in a while. Starting to get the shakes” Adrian says. “This warehouse could have anything in the world inside, like cars, clothes, money, phones and you want there to be a load of skittles?” Adriana laughs. As they get to the top, they go towards the glass ceiling enabling them to see down. 
“Well we were both wrong, looks like a science lab for a movie. Wait, what movie you think they are filming here?” Adrian asks. “Well I hope it is a movie, can you see those those security guards holding the Ak-47’s?” Adriana says leaning up against the glass as she points down. “Don’t point on the glass like that, you will br…” the glass begins to crack, the twins eyes explode open scared, as they try not to move to make any more cracks. “I think we are fine, but just make any sudden mov-” Adrian says, before being cut off by the shattered glass as they fall straight through. “Ouch, lucky we landed on these boxes” Adriana says as she rubs her head and puts out her hand to lift Adrian up. “Sorry about all that, didn’t mean to interrupt your movie. Would be more than happy to repay you, by being an extra in the film. We are pretty good actors! I am a young Denzel and my sis is a young Viola Davis” Adrian confidently says. The entire warehouse goes silent, as all eyes are now on the twins. The guards take a tighter grip on their weapons as they all take one step closer. “...Or just freestyling here, but we can just leave no hassle” Adriana jumps in sensing the tension in the room. The guards point the guns at the twins simultaneously “I don’t think this is for a movie sis” Adrian says slowly backing up. “Put those down, they are only children” A voice says in the background. A man appears from behind the guards, his purple lab coat touching the floor, as he gently touches his permed afro. “Don’t be scared, you can be in my ‘movie’. LEEEEMMOOOONNSS, go get my new lab rats!” the mad looking scientist calls out. Four guards march over to the twins, grabbing them before they can make any chance of escape. “Get off us you freaks, you are lucky you have a hold of my arms or I would’ve used some of my Jitsu skills on you fools” Adrian says as he struggles within their grasp. The guards take them over to the side of the warehouse, where they see the makeshift lab. Filled with test tubes of fizzy green liquid, bunsen burners and two tables with restrainers on them. “OK, you got us. Where is Ashton Kutcher and dem man dere?” Adriana says as they are strapped to the table. The mad looking scientist, makes his way to test tubes pouring certain containers into another creating a purple smoke to float out. “Oh yeah, this is the ticket” the scientist says as he then fills two syringes with the newly created purple concoction. “Raise your hand if you don’t want to my lab rat?” The scientist says. The twins strain to try and raise their hand out of the straps, but it is no use. “What is in those? As you can see we don’t need any roids. So, you may as well just let us out now and we will get on with our day. I am sure our mum has sent a search party for us by now, you wouldn’t her to come after you with her slippers!” Adrian says. “If I told you it would ruin the surprise...meh...I don’t really like surprises. LEEEEMOOONNNS cue the heartfelt music. I have been scouring the jungle to find the right ingredients that can create a serum stronger than your regular adrenaline, my child was born with rare condition of ‘granti’ no stupid doctor or scientist has been able to help. So, I had to take it into my own hands and create something much stronger to help repel his condition. My numerous lab rats before you didn’t go so well...cough...they died...after I gave them the serum. I must find the right mixture that will cure my child. With you two kindly volunteering, I hope you don’t turn out like the rest!” The scientist says injecting them with the serum. “Muhahaha. Ahem…I hope this works” The scientist says as he turns his back to them. 
“Wake up you two, it’s time for school! How do you two not here that alarm every time?” Mrs Leen shouts. The twins struggle to roll out of bed, as they meet each other in the hallway, they stand and stare at one another for a second. “Did you have a crazy dream about a scientist last night?” the twins say in unison. “I hope it was a dream, ‘cos that was boy...” Adrian says. “Well we are alive, so let's take it as a shared vivid dream. That causes real life marks on your arm WHERE A SYRINGE HAS BEEN INSERTED!” Adrian says as she begins to panic. Adrian tries to calm her down. “Like did it work? Where did the scientist go? How did we get back home? Are we going to survive it being in our veins?” Adriana says. “You do know that I have none of these answers right. You want me to try the scientist on speed dial to ask?” Adrian says. “You two are going to late for school again, if you don’t stop chatting all this foolishness and get going” Mrs Leen says walking through to the kitchen where they have congregated. The twins quickly grab their belongings and rush out the door, from Mrs Leen’s helpful hands. 
The twins are warming up with the class, as they prepare for the 400m races in athletics. “hey, how come you two didn’t come join us at Calvin’s for the FIFA sesh?” Ryan asks. “I bet they were scared I was going to embarrass them on that, just like I am going to do on the track!” Calvin laughs. ”On your mark, get set. Go!” the teacher calls out. The first set of kids set off sprinting round the grass track, the twins are relatively slower off the mark than they usually are. As the rest of the runners have now paced several yards ahead, they continue to fall behind. The twins are unsurprisingly 200 meters behind the group, “What is going on. We are not coming last!” Adrian shouts as he runs. “Damn right, can’t have the rest of them gloat the rest of the term that they beat us” Adriana says. As the pressure builds, a red glow pulses in their veins. As the red glow pulses faster, their arms and legs begin to move at an incredible speed. The 200m gap has now been cut down in seconds, astonishing the rest of the kids watching from the sides. Coming up to the last 50m of the race, the twin’s breeze past the other runners, with an Usain Bolt finish. The remaining runners cross the line dropping to the ground, completely out of breath. The twins have hardly broken a sweat, laughing and joking at how quick they just were. “Did you see that, woah. Teach, can we go in the next race also?” Adrian says. With a few students already dropping out, the teacher lets them join into the following race. The twin’s veins continue to pulse with the red glow before the race has started. When the teacher calls out “Go”, they are off like a rocket, leaving everyone else behind them with no chance at all. The twins do a victory dance, celebrating their incredible speed. “Rah, what just happened? You two never beat Calvin in a race. He hasn’t even got up since the first race” Ryan says astounded by what he has just seen. “It looks like you two will be leading the school at the county event this year. Very impressed with you two.” The teacher says. Calvin angrily gets up after a moment on the floor, storming off the field he heads straight to the changing rooms before the lesson has even finished. “How did they beat me up. I am the champ. Not these two dweebs” Calvin mumbles under his breath as he makes his way back.
On the way back home, the twins are walking on their own, with Calvin instructing the rest of the group to walk with him. Calvin is still steaming from being made to look like a snail earlier and losing. “I am not sure if it was just that really good sleep or we actually did get injected with some super serum, but we were crazy quick out there” Adriana says. “I know, the look on Calvin’s face. That guy cannot handle losing, he needs to go to fridge and grab an oran…” Adrian says. “Look out” Adriana shouts as she leaps into action, as a wardrobe falls out of a window. The twins somehow hold up the large wardrobe without any real struggle, putting it down to the side of them. “I am not sure which part I need to be more worried about, our super strength and reflexes or the fact that SOME IDIOT IS THROWING A WARDROBE OUT THE WINDOW!” Adriana says amazed and angered at the same time. “Sorry, I thought no one was down there” a lady says from the window. “That doesn’t excuse, throwing a wardrobe out the window anyway. Think next time. You’re lucky, it was us down here and not anyone else could’ve been a different story” Adrian says flexing his muscles. As he continues to flex, the red glow is even more dominant than before. “You seeing this sis?” Adrian says. They both marvel at the glow flowing through their veins. Without worrying about the lady in the window anymore, they make their way to the park, excited to see how far they can push their new formed powers. “you reckon we have like a super jump or something?” Adriana says as she jumps up and down trying to reach the top of the basketball board. “Did we lose these powers already?” Adrian says as he walks over and tries for himself, but to no joy. “Well that was weird, I was already thinking of putting on a cape for some superhero activities” Adriana says disheartened. “Yeah, we could’ve dressed up as the cramp twins. You as the purple one” Adrian jokes. “I was thinking more of the wonder twins. But OK. Anyway, we better get back before mums cusses us down for being late.” Adriana says. “Last one home has to wash the dishes!” Adrian calls out. Like usual, the competitive side comes out of the two. Pushing and shoving each other, to try and get ahead. The race continues through a busy road, just as the light is about to turn green Adriana manages to get across before any car comes past. Adriana begins dancing at the other side of the road knowing that she has the lead she needs with Adrian stopped at the other side. With the thought of losing in his mind, Adrian bites the bullet and runs across dodging and darting the oncoming cars. After hearing the horns of the cars, Adriana turns around to see what the commotion is. Shocked by what she is seeing she stops, mouth wide open at how easily Adrian is getting through with his agility almost catlike. “How?” Adriana says, gob smacked by it all. “Keep up ‘Wayne’” Adrian says running past Adriana as he does. The next road that they come across it is role reversal with Adrian in front, this time able to make it before the light turns green. “Right, I can do this. If Adrian can make it look easy, I will be able to this without any worry” Adriana says as she takes a deep breath in and begins to run through the traffic. She manages to get dodge the first car effortlessly, putting a smile on her face. The next oncoming car speeds up and beeps their horn angered at her in the road, she jumps out of the way just in time. Adrian turns around to see the angered driver, but as he turns he spots another car creeping up. “Adrianaaaaa” Adrian calls out. This throws Adriana off, instead of looking at the road, her eyes are focused to his. The blue fiat 500, slams right into her side, throwing her across onto the pavement. Adrian comes rushing over, expecting the worst. Getting closer he can’t see her moving. “Hey, sis. Sis?” Adrian worryingly says. “You, snooze you lose” Adriana says as she springs back to her feet and sprints on ahead. Adrian baffled by the lack of injury, compared to the cracked screen of the fiat 500. He turns to the tall lady shaking by the incident staring at her car. “Yikes. This is like a opposite version of a hit and run.” Adrian says, as he quickly and runs off before being spotted. “Fiat 500 twitter is going to hear all about this later you know sis” Adrian shouts as he tries to catch up.
“I am still not washing up tonight, you cheated. You can’t be bouncing off cars like dodgems and expecting me to continue like that” Adrian says as Adriana puts the key into the front door. “I think I have cracked it now. That scientist put some next level adrenaline into us. Whenever we get into a high-pressured situation, the red glow comes up and our bodies go into overdrive. Giving it an insane amount of energy, allowing us to do all those insane things today.” Adriana says. “Ooo check you out, have you and the scientist been talking behind my back?” Adrian scoffs. “Shut up. Your pea size brain just can’t comprehend what is happening!” Adriana says, using her fingers to show how small. “Comprehend, ooo check you using big words?” Adrian sarcastically says.
“Hurry up, we are going to be late for the party if you don’t keep changing your outfit. No one is going to be checking you out, with that musty scent you just put on anyways” Adrian says as he awaits Adriana downstairs. After Adriana finally is changed and ready, Mrs Leen drives them to the house party at Calvin’s house. “Is Calvin’s parents going to be at home…in fact don’t even answer that I don’t want to hear your lies. Just remember, come home together. No cannabis and home before midnight! Now hurry up and get out the car so I can get to my salsa class in time” Mrs Leen says. 
The house is heaving with students from school and music blasting from the main living room. The twins are welcomed like royalty as the enter the house, high-fiving everyone as they pass. As they make their way to the kitchen they are instantly handed a shot and drink to chase. “What time do you two call this, me and Ingrid have been waiting to whoop you two at beer pong for a while now” Ryan says welcoming them in. The four of them, begin the game of beer pong. As usual never wanting to lose anything, the game faces come into action. Ryan and Ingrid have hardly got any shots in compared to the twins, who do a dance to celebrate after every shot. On the last shot, Adrian closes his eyes and throws the ping bong right into the cup. All the people around, erupt in cheers. Ryan and Ingrid look a bit worse for wear, after having to drink majority of the drinks on the table. “Now that you have had your little warm up, you two think you are ready for a proper game? I can take you both on my own.” Calvin says pushing everyone out the way to get to the front. This match is more even than the last, as it whittles down to the last 2 cups each. “How about we make this a bit more interesting?” Adrian says as he pulls out a £20 note and puts it to the side. “If you wanted to lose money, all you had to do was ask, winner takes all” Calvin replies, putting down £50.“ Adrian coughs up the rest of the money. The intensity of the room has now reached an all time high. It is like a game of golf, prior the throw being made, silence covers the once heavy pumping bass. Calvin pots one cup but misses the second one as it rolls off the rim. The stress level causes the twins to feel the pressure, this is their chance to win it. Adrian’s arm begins to glow with the red pulsing rapidly, he takes a deep breath and throws. It is if the ball was thrown in slow motion as the it floats over to the table and goes straight into the cup. Adriana steps up for her go, the pressure is on. If she makes this shot, they win the money and bragging rights for the night. The room goes so silent, you can hear her heartbeat from across the kitchen. Adrian smiles as he sees the red glow in full force as she throws the ball.  Without any doubt, it sinks in. Calvin’s face drops as he swipes the cup off the table and storms off “Beaten twice by these twins. TWICE!” Calvin says as he pushes past everyone, as he makes his way out the kitchen. “You forgot to drink the losing cup bro” Adrian shouts out. Everyone burst out laughing as they continue to party on, serving each other the different concoction of drinks available to them. 
“Hey, who are you guys? Did Calvin invite you oldies?” Fran says as a group of people all dressed in dungarees barge through the front door. “Look at this place, boss was right, this is going to be an early Christmas for the ‘Renegades” a member of the team says as they rub their hands, marvelling at the swanky items in the house. “Your team name is the Renegades…Lame” Tyrone laughs. Soon as Tyrone turns and taps his friend in laughter, his arm drops to the floor, cleanly out of it’s socket. The renegade chuckles as they slowly walk away. “If you all want your lives…or limbs. I suggest you all don’t make a sound and hand over anything valuable you have on you” the machete-wielding renegade says. Everybody close takes out their phones and wallets as further members walk through with guns and knives. The renegades split into two, searching each room for more things to steal. Making their way into the kitchen. “Wait, everyone has like a gun or a machete. And you have two spoons. Are you apart of the Mystery men?” Adrian laughs. “Shut up Adrian” Adriana says as she nudges him. “Looks like we have a wise guy” the renegade says menacingly walking towards him. As he gets closer he throws one of the spoons directly at a boy standing to the side of Adrian, going straight through his shoulder, pinning him up against the fridge. The boy screams out in pain whilst everyone jumps back amazed how it went through both his body and the fridge. “Don’t worry, I’m saving my favourite spoon for you, boy” the renegade says as he rips the spoon out the boy’s shoulder. The twins hold onto each other, as their veins begin to pulse the red glow to an insane level. They turn to look at each other and nod their head in an unspoken confirmation. The twins jump into action, fighting out of instinct. Punching, kicking with all their might. The cowering people in the kitchen have no idea what is going on and how the twins are holding their own against these villains. One of the renegades takes hold of a girl, trying to stop the barrage of hits they have taken from the twins. “What is with you two, boss told us this would be an easy heist from some spotty school kids. Did an American TV show cast you twins and you are really like 38 years old with ninja training or something?” the renegade says, as he holds the hostage backing away. “You got this bro, I know you like Amelia” Adriana says as she elbows the other renegade to the ground. “Shut up, you don’t have the choice in saving her!” the renegade says pulling out a gun from his waist. At the sight of the gun, Adrian flies across the room smashing his fist into his face before the gun has even been fully pulled out. The renegade drops to the ground unconscious, letting Amelia go from his arms, she falls into Adrian’s grasp. “Thank you, Adrian so much, I cannot thank you enough!” Amelia says squeezing tighter in the embrace. “Maybe, we can go for a drink sometime?” Adrian says shyly. “Err, oh. No, thank you…I have a man” Amelia awkwardly says as she backs away from the hug. Adriana is laughing her head off, after watching that whole scenario. “Woops yeah I forgot to say, she got back with Tyrone, ha-ha” Adriana says. The remaining renegades take off, after getting all the loot they can steal in the other rooms. Not knowing that the twins, who end up kicking them out of the back door to run off, injured, have thwarted two of their team. The police turn up shortly after the renegades leave, they go around each room investigating each person to see what went on. Everyone tells the police about the haunting experience. “And the bad guy flung his arm like this, then this. But that didn’t stop Adrian who ducked, then jived and ducked again, before doing a karate chop to his neck. I was getting a boost of adrenaline just from watching the exhilarating fight. They saved us in their big time.” Gunther says. “All I asked was for your name and what you were doing here sir” the police officer says. 
The following day, Calvin picks up the local newspaper, front page is the story on the twins saving the day from ‘The renegades’, the page reads “Adrenaline twins risk their lives to stop home invaders”. Calvin throws the paper down in anger, knowing that he was useless during the attack in his own home “If they were so good, why didn’t they stop the rest from stealing all of my parents priceless items. Useless twins” Calvin says.
“My plan seems to be working perfectly, these twins are great test subjects. I am surprised they have lasted this long compared to my other experiments. Surviving racing through traffic and defeating my minions ‘The Renegades’ without a scratch. I think it’s time to extract their DNA, the serum must be fully integrated into their bloodstream by now. My child will be healed before we know it.” The scientist says, staring at the monitors that he has following their movements. 
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anneedmonds · 5 years
My Bifocals Are Trying To Kill Me
I’m pretty sure that my bifocals are trying to kill me. To give you a little background, I now have to have bifocal lenses in my glasses because I work too much on the computer and look at my iPhone too often (getting the “smartphone chins” to top it all off) and my eyes, which were a bit on the weak side anyway, have started to complain. I actually get an instant headache if I try to use my laptop without finding my glasses and sometimes my iPhone screen, viewed with naked ‘balls, makes me feel dizzy and physically sick.
(I just have to revisit that last sentence, because I’ve never actually seen eyeballs shortened to ‘balls before, but I quite like it. Especially coupled with the naked part. I mean, viewing the iPhone with naked balls is something quite different, it’s critical you use the appropriate apostrophe. But it’s obvious that I mean sans-spectacles – I’m not sitting there with my ‘nads out. I don’t even have balls.)
So anyway, my glasses are bifocals which basically means that they have a big area of normal lens, call it the “pedestrian” strength part, and then a section at the bottom of the lense that gives me what could only be described as superhuman vision. Looking through the lower portion of my glasses I can spy on small insects that are crawling around in the Australian outback, I can see individual DNA spirals in a petri dish, I can even – and this is the most startling ability of all – read the ingredients lists on beauty products. Which we all know are written by elves, for elves.
But there’s a downside to all of this superhuman vision business; if I’m wearing my bifocals I can’t actually move anywhere. To move in my glasses, whether it’s running for a bus (inadvisable) or boarding a plane (especially when ascending via the outside metal steps) is to risk life and limb. My bifocals, dear readers, are trying to kill me.
I’m ok to move in my glasses if I look straight ahead, my neck perfectly upright, as though I’ve had a broom handle inserted somewhere unfortunate; but if I look downwards then it’s as though I’ve been hurled into another dimension. The floors bend, the walls swell outwards as though they’re closing me in. Steps distort, ants the size of small dogs loom up at me, the numerals on discarded receipts imprint upon my mind as though I’ve become this mad, hyper-aware bionic genius.
And it’s impossible to move in my glasses and look only straight ahead – at some point one always has to look down! Naturally we look all over the place, unless we’re an android or wearing a neck brace – we look down at the ground to check that we’re not going to fly over the top of someone’s unattended luggage, we keep small dogs and kerbs and flower borders in our peripheral vision so that we don’t break our necks, all of the time seeing straight head of us so that we don’t collide into people and walls and cars.
Bifocals, the murdering bastards, throw you between two different worlds, two realities, suddenly chucking you from normal life into something resembling the abstract bit from The Matrix with not a second’s warning. Giving you such intense boosts to your vision that you feel physically and emotionally exhausted, so that you want nothing more than to sink to the ground and clutch your head in despair. Like a fledgling superhero not yet used to their newly-adopted superpowers.
“Nooooooo! I didn’t ask for this supersight! I’m seeing things I can never unsee! Why are you doooooooiiiinnnnggg this to meeeeeee?”
Bifocals mess up all of my normal-day activities. Descending the stairs becomes a mission that requires the utmost levels of concentration – I lurch from side to side as though I’m on a doomed cross-Atlantic cargo ship, I miss steps like I’ve drunk three pints of Scotch on an empty stomach.
Why not just take the glasses off? I hear you ask. For the love of God woman, it’s as easy as reaching up and plucking the blasted things from your face! Not so: it takes my eyes precisely three and a half minutes to readjust to their nakedness. A lot can happen in that time, when you’re standing their with impaired, confused vision, your ‘balls naked and vulnerable. (Those naked ‘balls again.)
Granted, if you’re in the countryside then not much will befall you in three and a half minutes, unless you’re standing in a cow field and they’ve just calved, or you’re in control of a tractor. But in the city, in certain parts of London for example, three and a half minutes is enough time to be stripped of every possession, as though you’ve been run over by a plague of locusts. It’s enough time for the whole thing to have been recorded on a disenchanted youth’s iPhone and uploaded to Youtube.
The mortification.
And I realise I’m personifying my glasses, here – that I’m writing this on the assumption that my bifocals have some sort of evil intent. They have. Don’t be fooled by those snazzy frames. Last night I took them off in the bathroom and woke up with them perched on my head, the nose-rests tangled in my hair so severely that I almost had to cut the blasted things out.
My bifocals are trying to kill me and they’re also trying to make me bald. Yet I can’t do without them – it’s an incredibly depressing sort of relationship. So if you see me stumbling and swaying about in the outside world please don’t laugh; it’s because my lenses are, at the same time, showing me both the things that are close to my face and the things that are approximately eight thousand miles in the distance. I’m both normal person and fortune teller.
Tell me: have you bifocals in your spectacles? Varifocals? Or is it just me with the eyes of a seventy year-old Tudor cross-stitch champion?
The post My Bifocals Are Trying To Kill Me appeared first on A Model Recommends.
My Bifocals Are Trying To Kill Me was first posted on April 12, 2019 at 11:19 pm. ©2018 "A Model Recommends". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] My Bifocals Are Trying To Kill Me published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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kayawagner · 6 years
Rats in the Rain [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Rats in the Rain
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Times of Peril Regular price: $6.00 Bundle price: $2.35 Format: Watermarked PDF The 5E core rules make passing reference to other technology levels, which is fascinating, but difficult to implement without a lot of planning. This volume gives a guide to some options for games set during Renaissance, Victorian times or the ever popular Steam-Punk era. This is by no means a complete set of rules, but a starting point that you can use for your own adventures. In Times of Peril you will find: Three new races Four new classes Variations on existing classes New equipment Feats, magic, monsters… Imagine a world whose technological advancement from the renaissance onwards is fuelled not by the imagination and brilliance of great thinkers, but by the influence of a great intelligence from the future. An almost unfathomable mind that reaches back in t... Afraid of the Duck Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.39 Format: Watermarked PDF A Holloween story in a world where the ducks have gone mad. Visit a small village where the citizens huddle in fear, where the night time is dangerous, where swarms of ducks become deadly! Seriously, this is a short adventure for 5E. It will take one to two hours to play and will either send chills down your spine or leave you laughing. There are ducks and zombies to fight, a mystery to solve and some fun to have along the way. There is blood, gore and time travel. We're releasing this early to give DMs time to prepare the module for a special Halloween session. ... When the Moon Shines Red Regular price: $7.50 Bundle price: $2.94 Format: Watermarked PDF The epic finale to the Panonian Gambit. Who or what is behind the outbreak of aberations?<o:p></o:p> Find out and face the greatest enemy…<o:p></o:p> …when the moon shines red. <o:p></o:p> This is a 6 hour adventure for 9th level characters. When the Moon Shines Red is a 9th level module from the second season of Rats in the Rain modules. It is a 5E module intended for mid level characters. These modules are set in and around the Golden Kingdoms cities of Boodar and Pesht. During the season, creatures and classes from Rats in the Rain expansions will be found along with the introduction of Rat Packs. References to Rat Packs are not critical to the game and can be found in the League of Rats Rules. During thi... The Compendium Regular price: $20.00 Bundle price: $7.87 Format: Watermarked PDF The Compendium is a hundred page compilation of all the races, classes, sub-classes, feats, spells and other options published by Rats in the Rain. It is a compendium. Everything in one place with revised rules for versatile play. Never be stuck with boring class options as there are dozens of new ideas here for you to work with. Maybe you have the other books and just want it all in one place. This is the book you'll need. Even better is that this will be bundled with the rest to save you some money.... Wolves Against the World Regular price: $4.00 Bundle price: $1.57 Format: Watermarked PDF When werewolves need help, things must really be bad.<o:p></o:p> What threatens the pack?<o:p></o:p> What else do they threaten? <o:p></o:p> This is a 4 hour adventure for 7th level characters. Wolves Against the World is a 7th level module from the second season of Rats in the Rain modules. It is a 5E module intended for mid level characters. These modules are set in and around the Golden Kingdoms cities of Boodar and Pesht. During the season, creatures and classes from Rats in the Rain expansions will be found along with the introduction of Rat Packs. References to Rat Packs are not critical to the game and can be found in the League of Rats Rules. During this season, expect to see stories featuring ancient secrets and aberrations. Wolve... A Nest of Librarians Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.39 Format: Watermarked PDF Journey beneath a thriving metropolis on a quest for a secretive enclave of librarians. This is a 3 hour adventure of love and pain for 1st and 2nd level characters. A Nest of Librarians is a starting module to begin the second season of Rats in the Rain modules. It is a 5E module intended for low level characters. These modules are set in and around the Golden Kingdoms cities of Boodar and Pesht. During the season, creatures and classes from Rats in the Rain expansions will be found along with the introduction of Rat Packs. References to Rat Packs are not critical to the game and can be found in the League of Rats Rules.<o:p></o:p> During this season, expect to see stories featuring ancient secrets and aberrations. A Nest of Librarians is a short dungeo... Golden Kingdoms Campaign Setting Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.39 Format: PDF Sooner or later every GM needs a detailed world for their game, but it’s hard work to build your own. You can use a published world, but those are expensive and players often know more about them than the DM. This manual gives clear and simple guidelines for building a world by adapting one you already know intimately well, after all you live on it! Demonstrating by example, this manual takes the nations, maps and histories of the Earth and quickly adapts them into a role playing world that players and GMs can easily get in to. This is a "Pay what you want" title as all I really want to do is put an idea out there. If you can use the idea, I will happily accept payment, but if not, no worries.... 5E printer friendly Table tent Regular price: $0.50 Bundle price: $0.20 Format: Watermarked PDF There is a freely available official table tent design for Adventurers League, but sadly it isn't very printer friendly and doesn't have much useful data on it, so I have put together one that is easier to print and more useful to use. Based on my experience as both player and DM, I see that it is useful having player and character names, but I would also want AC and passive perception on the front with a few useful charactertistics on the back. This set comes with a few templates in word, so you can modify and print as you wish.  By all means take it for free, or even better just make your own in word: Start with a blank document Put it in Landscape Change margins so left and right are about 5-7cm Insert a 2 cell table Size it so that the cells are even across the page ... Here come the Vultures Regular price: $4.00 Bundle price: $1.57 Format: Watermarked PDF Follow the trail of adventurers of the past<o:p></o:p> Learn the secret that was lost.<o:p></o:p> Face the evil…<o:p></o:p> This is a 4 hour adventure for 5th level characters. Here come the Vultures is a 5th level module from the second season of Rats in the Rain modules. It is a 5E module intended for mid level characters. These modules are set in and around the Golden Kingdoms cities of Boodar and Pesht. During the season, creatures and classes from Rats in the Rain expansions will be found along with the introduction of Rat Packs. References to Rat Packs are not critical to the game and can be found in the League of Rats Rules. During this season, expect to see stories featuring ancient secrets and aberrations. Here come the vultures... Characters of Class Regular price: $5.00 Bundle price: $1.96 Format: Watermarked PDF Characters of Class a is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: 3 new subraces: Half-Orog Sea-Elf Winter-Elf 3 new races: Ratkin Willow Vulgorn 2 new base classes: Holy Stalker: A holy warrior that uses stealth. Ooze-Adept: A student of oozes and slimes that gains unfathomable abilities from them. New options for existing classes: Ocean Druid Sewer Druid Toad and Shark totems for Barbarians A new Warlock patron "The Light" A whole new wizard sub-class for dwarven casters: The Rune Hammer New feats and new spells. All of which are completely unrelated and not necessarily printed in that order. In my exper... Falling of the Rain Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.39 Format: Watermarked PDF Rain has been falling heavily for several days, tempers are on edge, gutters are overflowing and a tangled web is forming between different factions in the city sewers. It’s an opportunity for new adventurers to get started and make their mark. This is a 2 hour adventure for 1st level characters. Falling of the Rain is part 1 of the [self titled] Rats in the Rain trilogy. It is a 5E module intended for first level characters on their first adventure. This is a standalone module, but it is also the first part of a simple trilogy. This can be used to open any campaign, but is written to be part of the League of Rats. The module makes use of rules from other Rats in the Rain handbooks (Heroes of the Dawn), but these are not needed to play. This module can fit i... The Sound of Drums Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.39 Format: Watermarked PDF There are rumblings in the background. A slow build of events spaced out as random happenings and a minor story that evolves over time into the coming of war. A series of mini-adventures for 1st through to 7th level characters for the fifth edition of our favorite role playing game. The Sound of Drums is a series of mini-adventures that if spaced out and placed strategically through your campaign to allow the building of a plot across time: from the earliest rumblings of an invasion to the actual beginnings of war. Players should feel the tensions slowly build rather than simply be informed that war is coming. These adventures are not about the war, but the sound of drums that preceed it. This is also a tutorial of game mastering experience with useful hints, tips and id... Options of Heroism Regular price: $4.00 Bundle price: $1.57 Format: Watermarked PDF Options of Heroism a is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: 6 new Races: Hobgoblin Goblin Bugbear Flumpf Centaur Gnoll 2 new base classes: Troubadour: A musical knight Ragepact: A broken soul who combines their own rage with the powers of a pact. New options for existing classes: Beast Rider: A halfling or gnome with trick riding skills Eldritch Cleric: A tiefling who is a servant of two masters both a cleric and having a pact with some other entity. New feats and introducing Feat Synergies. All of which are completely unrelated and not necessarily printed in that order. In my experience when new character options are g... The Right Stuff Regular price: $7.50 Bundle price: $2.94 Format: Watermarked PDF Airships can take men and gnomes into the sky, but what can reach further? What adventures wait in the upper limits and beyond? A kidnapped engineer leads the party on an adventure unlike any other… This is an adventure arc for 3rd to 5th level characters to be played using the fifth edition of the leading roleplaying game in the world. The Right Stuff takes third level characters on an adventure during which they will progress to fifth level. This module can fit in any city of any game world, but is written to be located in the Golden Kingdoms. This is not just a module, it is also a tutorial as notes through the pages explain why certain design decisions were made and also give tips to both novice and experienced Games Masters along the way. If you have never... Seekers of Fortune Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: Watermarked PDF Seekers of Fortune a is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: The Master Thrower:  A fighter specialising in strength based ranged attacks. One thing I usually find missing from a role playing system, is a a good system for thrown weapons. Dwarves throwing axes and hammers should be better covered and options should be there for halflings who love to throw daggers. This class fixes that gap. The Harlequin: Not a Jester, not a fool (maybe a fool) This is a full class for adventurers who want to dress in outlandish clothes and totally surprise their enemies with some really great dexteritty and charisma based abilities. The Mountain Defender: A... Masters of Fate Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: Watermarked PDF Masters of Fate a is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: The Magehand Pilferer:  A sorcerous origin with a specialisation in the magehand spell. This is a totally underutilised spell that has nowhere near the use of other cantrips such as firebolt, which gets used every round. The Magehand pilferer has more uses for the hand and new uses for their sorcery points. Jack of the Trades: Not a specialist of any kind. A Jack of the trades is a generalist, a backup character, someone who can spicialise in a different trait every day. They can change who they are and what they can do. A whole new class, and only the second class that makes use of int... Nature of Dragons Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: Watermarked PDF Nature of Dragons is a handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: New subaces for Dragonborn: Shadow Dragonborn Dreaming Dragonborn 1 new base class: Dragonsoul New options for existing classes: Draconic Druid Dragon Totem Dragonblood New feats and new cantrips. All of which are based on allowing characters to draw more and more on the nature of dragons. If you have felt stifled by the small range of 5E options, then Rats in the Rain are giving you more options, choices and ideas than you will find anywhere else.... A Mime Standing on Cheese Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $0.78 Format: Watermarked PDF There is a whisper in the wind as workers rise up against their masters, but who is behind this revolution and where will it end? This is a 2 hour adventure of social uprising for 3rd level characters. A mime standing on cheese is a 3rd level module from the second season of Rats in the Rain modules. It is a 5E module intended for low level characters. These modules are set in and around the Golden Kingdoms cities of Boodar and Pesht. During the season, creatures and classes from Rats in the Rain expansions will be found along with the introduction of Rat Packs. References to Rat Packs are not critical to the game and can be found in the League of Rats Rules. During this season, expect to see stories featuring ancient secrets and aberrations. A mime standi... Beneath the Storm Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $0.78 Format: Watermarked PDF As the rain continues to fall, the sewers have become a haven for undesirables, but moving them on will be difficult as certain parties seek out a dark and ancient secret. This is a 3 hour adventure for 3rd level characters. Beneath the Storm is part 2 of the [self titled] Rats in the Rain trilogy. It is a 5E module intended for third level characters early in their careers. This is a standalone module, but it is also part of a simple trilogy. This can be used in any campaign, but is written to be part of the League of Rats. This module also includes part two of "The Sound of Drums" but the rest of that story arc is not needed to play. The module makes use of rules from other Rats in the Rain handbooks (Heroes of the Dawn), but these are not nee... Black of the Rainbow Regular price: $5.00 Bundle price: $1.96 Format: Watermarked PDF There is trouble afoot as an old friend calls for help. The cult of the black Rainbow are ready to make their move. An ancient legend is coming to life and the sewers of Vollenchia will never be the same This is a 5 hour adventure for 6th level characters. lack of the Rainbow is part 3 of the [self titled] Rats in the Rain trilogy. It is a 5E module intended for third level characters early in their careers. This is a standalone module, but it is also part of a simple trilogy. This can be used in any campaign, but is written to be part of the League of Rats. The module makes use of rules from other Rats in the Rain handbooks (Heroes of the Dawn), but these are not needed to play. This module can fit in any city of any gam... Clouds of Steam Regular price: $1.50 Bundle price: $0.59 Format: Watermarked PDF Visit a world high on the sky where dwarves run a floating mine; where elves and gnools do battle on air ships. This is a 2 hour adventure in a fantasy renaisance era for 6th level characters. Clouds of Steam is an introductory module for the Rats in the Rain 5E expansion: Times of Peril. The story is set in the fantasy renaisance where technology is starting to spring forth: Airships are common and dwarves mine the clouds. It begins as a simple security job, but ends with a battle against sky pirates. It is a 5E module intended for sixth level characters, though can easily be adapted for lower level. This is a standalone module, but can lead into othe Times of Peril modules This can be used in any campaign, but is written to be part of the League of Rats. The m... Heroes of the Dawn Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: Watermarked PDF Heroes of the Dawn a is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: The Blade shaper:  A rogue that has gained shapeshifting abilities. The body of an animal is ideal for stealth and grants bonuses in combat. This is a new roguish archetype for the player that wants something exotic and unexpected. The Wilderness Runner: A character whose strength lies in speed. They are skilled in the wilderness, but in combat prefer hit and run charging tactics. As they gain levels they gain extra damage dice if they attack after moving. A full new class with a different flavour to the existing ranger and barbarian classes. The War Chanter: A fighter who loves to... League of Rats Regular price: $0.50 Bundle price: $0.20 Format: Watermarked PDF The League of Rats is a adventure league framework for Rats in the Rain modules allowing players to log their progress as they move from module to module. This could be adapted for any 5E campaign or it could be ignored completely. Included are character creation and advancement rules and a log sheet.... Old Frog and Toad Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $0.78 Format: Watermarked PDF Trade caravans are being attacked on the main road. Usually this just means more guards are needed, and that is a call any young band of adventurers will respond to. Keep an eye out as there is more than one band of trouble-makers out there. This is a 2 hour adventure for 2nd level characters for the 5th edition of the world's most played role playing game. Old Frog and Toad is a 5E module intended for second level characters early in their careers. This can be used in any campaign, but is written to be part of the League of Rats. This module also includes part one of "The Sound of Drums" but the rest of that story arc is not needed to play. The module makes use of rules from other Rats in the Rain handbooks (Heroes of the Dawn), but these are not nee... Revisions of Origins Regular price: $3.50 Bundle price: $1.37 Format: Watermarked PDF Revisions of Origins a is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: 3 new Races: Mantiss Warrior Half Ogre Lizardfolk 2 new base classes: Eldritch Assassin: An assassin who gains abilities from a dark pact. Bladeheart: A spellcasting swashbuckler that chanells magic with swords. New options for existing classes: Cavalier: A specialist mounted warrior Cloud Walker: A monk tradition with movement powers that belongs in the clouds. Hidden Blade: A rogue specialising in twin dagger fighting. New feats and introducing Feat Synergies. All of which are completely unrelated and not necessarily printed in that order. In my experience ... Sylvan Blood Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.39 Format: Watermarked PDF Within an ancient sanctuary grove where fey and druids once lived in peace, blood now soaks the ground… It started with love, turned to hate and now is driven by madness. This is a 3 hour adventure of love and pain for 7th level characters. Sylvan Blood is a module over a decade in the making. It tells the story of eternal love between druid and assassin. It introduces two clans of assassin: The Sylvan Blood, an ancient order of fey and elf dwelling with a community of druids. Then there is the Grey Mist, a clan of duergar working for dwarven miners. What unfolds is an investigation into the past, of a time when druids fought dwarves over forests and mines, where love and hate and trust turned into madness and revenge. It is a 5E module intended for seventh level ... The Leaning Towers Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $0.78 Format: Watermarked PDF Investigate the secret beneath the streets that makes the towers lean. Journey to see clockwork wonders and face creations out of control! This is a 2 hour adventure in a fantasy renaisance era for 4th level characters. The Leaning Towers is an introductory module for the Rats in the Rain 5E expansion: Times of Peril. The story is set in the fantasy renaisance where technology is starting to spring forth: Clockwork wonders are being developed and with them is danger. It begins with an investigation into the cause of towers leaning and then rolls into the world of a mad mechanical turk. It is a 5E module intended for fourth level characters. This is a standalone module, but can lead into othe Times of Peril modules This can be used in any campaign, but is writte... Things Worth Finding Regular price: $4.00 Bundle price: $1.57 Format: Watermarked PDF Things Worth Finding is a handbook of equipment and magic item options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: New weapons and armour: Oriental weapons Special weapons Beast-Scale armour New riding animals: Axebeak Giant Badger Riding Lizard A swag of magic items: Weapons Armour Masks Wondrous Items Magic Item Families If you have felt stifled by the small range of 5E options, then Rats in the Rain are giving you more options, choices and ideas than you will find anywhere else.... Vollenchia Guidebook Regular price: $0.50 Bundle price: $0.20 Format: Watermarked PDF This guidebook is an appendix to the Golden Kingdoms Campaign Setting giving some quick details on the city of Vollenchia and the surrounding region. Particularly useful for players of Rats in the Rain modules R101-R108. Not much use to anyone else I'm afraid.... Warriors of Destiny Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: Watermarked PDF Warriors of Destiny is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: The Druidic Lyrist:  A highly skilled agent for good combining their people skills with a sound knowledge of nature. An ally of druids, rangers and bards, the druidic lyrist is a champion of the common man and a force for good. The Ninja: Needing no introduction, this warrior of the shadows is included here so that certain players keen to create their own ninja do not go overboard and create an unbalanced class. By combining the abilities of rogue and monk in a balanced manner the ninja can now fit into any group. The Eldritch Archer: A talented elf or half elf that is able to focus... What to do with prisoners Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $0.78 Format: Watermarked PDF It’s a simple mission: collect and transport prisoners. Then why does it seem so hard, and what do these prisoners know? This is a 3 hour adventure for 4th level characters for the fifth edition of the world's most ubiquitous role playing game. What to do with prisoners is a simple adventure that takes time to explore one of the often neglected questions: What should PCs do with prisoners. It is a 5E module intended for forth level characters early in their careers. This can be used in any campaign, but is written to be part of the League of Rats. This module also includes part two of "The Sound of Drums" but the rest of that story arc is not needed to play. The module makes use of rules from other Rats in the Rain handbooks (Heroes of the Dawn), but these are...
Total value:$102.00Special bundle price:$40.00Savings of:$62.00 (61%)
Price: $102.00 Rats in the Rain [BUNDLE] published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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kayawagner · 6 years
Rats in the Rain [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Rats in the Rain
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Times of Peril Regular price: $6.00 Bundle price: $2.35 Format: Watermarked PDF The 5E core rules make passing reference to other technology levels, which is fascinating, but difficult to implement without a lot of planning. This volume gives a guide to some options for games set during Renaissance, Victorian times or the ever popular Steam-Punk era. This is by no means a complete set of rules, but a starting point that you can use for your own adventures. In Times of Peril you will find: Three new races Four new classes Variations on existing classes New equipment Feats, magic, monsters… Imagine a world whose technological advancement from the renaissance onwards is fuelled not by the imagination and brilliance of great thinkers, but by the influence of a great intelligence from the future. An almost unfathomable mind that reaches back in t... Afraid of the Duck Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.39 Format: Watermarked PDF A Holloween story in a world where the ducks have gone mad. Visit a small village where the citizens huddle in fear, where the night time is dangerous, where swarms of ducks become deadly! Seriously, this is a short adventure for 5E. It will take one to two hours to play and will either send chills down your spine or leave you laughing. There are ducks and zombies to fight, a mystery to solve and some fun to have along the way. There is blood, gore and time travel. We're releasing this early to give DMs time to prepare the module for a special Halloween session. ... When the Moon Shines Red Regular price: $7.50 Bundle price: $2.94 Format: Watermarked PDF The epic finale to the Panonian Gambit. Who or what is behind the outbreak of aberations?<o:p></o:p> Find out and face the greatest enemy…<o:p></o:p> …when the moon shines red. <o:p></o:p> This is a 6 hour adventure for 9th level characters. When the Moon Shines Red is a 9th level module from the second season of Rats in the Rain modules. It is a 5E module intended for mid level characters. These modules are set in and around the Golden Kingdoms cities of Boodar and Pesht. During the season, creatures and classes from Rats in the Rain expansions will be found along with the introduction of Rat Packs. References to Rat Packs are not critical to the game and can be found in the League of Rats Rules. During thi... The Compendium Regular price: $20.00 Bundle price: $7.87 Format: Watermarked PDF The Compendium is a hundred page compilation of all the races, classes, sub-classes, feats, spells and other options published by Rats in the Rain. It is a compendium. Everything in one place with revised rules for versatile play. Never be stuck with boring class options as there are dozens of new ideas here for you to work with. Maybe you have the other books and just want it all in one place. This is the book you'll need. Even better is that this will be bundled with the rest to save you some money.... Wolves Against the World Regular price: $4.00 Bundle price: $1.57 Format: Watermarked PDF When werewolves need help, things must really be bad.<o:p></o:p> What threatens the pack?<o:p></o:p> What else do they threaten? <o:p></o:p> This is a 4 hour adventure for 7th level characters. Wolves Against the World is a 7th level module from the second season of Rats in the Rain modules. It is a 5E module intended for mid level characters. These modules are set in and around the Golden Kingdoms cities of Boodar and Pesht. During the season, creatures and classes from Rats in the Rain expansions will be found along with the introduction of Rat Packs. References to Rat Packs are not critical to the game and can be found in the League of Rats Rules. During this season, expect to see stories featuring ancient secrets and aberrations. Wolve... A Nest of Librarians Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.39 Format: Watermarked PDF Journey beneath a thriving metropolis on a quest for a secretive enclave of librarians. This is a 3 hour adventure of love and pain for 1st and 2nd level characters. A Nest of Librarians is a starting module to begin the second season of Rats in the Rain modules. It is a 5E module intended for low level characters. These modules are set in and around the Golden Kingdoms cities of Boodar and Pesht. During the season, creatures and classes from Rats in the Rain expansions will be found along with the introduction of Rat Packs. References to Rat Packs are not critical to the game and can be found in the League of Rats Rules.<o:p></o:p> During this season, expect to see stories featuring ancient secrets and aberrations. A Nest of Librarians is a short dungeo... Golden Kingdoms Campaign Setting Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.39 Format: PDF Sooner or later every GM needs a detailed world for their game, but it’s hard work to build your own. You can use a published world, but those are expensive and players often know more about them than the DM. This manual gives clear and simple guidelines for building a world by adapting one you already know intimately well, after all you live on it! Demonstrating by example, this manual takes the nations, maps and histories of the Earth and quickly adapts them into a role playing world that players and GMs can easily get in to. This is a "Pay what you want" title as all I really want to do is put an idea out there. If you can use the idea, I will happily accept payment, but if not, no worries.... 5E printer friendly Table tent Regular price: $0.50 Bundle price: $0.20 Format: Watermarked PDF There is a freely available official table tent design for Adventurers League, but sadly it isn't very printer friendly and doesn't have much useful data on it, so I have put together one that is easier to print and more useful to use. Based on my experience as both player and DM, I see that it is useful having player and character names, but I would also want AC and passive perception on the front with a few useful charactertistics on the back. This set comes with a few templates in word, so you can modify and print as you wish.  By all means take it for free, or even better just make your own in word: Start with a blank document Put it in Landscape Change margins so left and right are about 5-7cm Insert a 2 cell table Size it so that the cells are even across the page ... Here come the Vultures Regular price: $4.00 Bundle price: $1.57 Format: Watermarked PDF Follow the trail of adventurers of the past<o:p></o:p> Learn the secret that was lost.<o:p></o:p> Face the evil…<o:p></o:p> This is a 4 hour adventure for 5th level characters. Here come the Vultures is a 5th level module from the second season of Rats in the Rain modules. It is a 5E module intended for mid level characters. These modules are set in and around the Golden Kingdoms cities of Boodar and Pesht. During the season, creatures and classes from Rats in the Rain expansions will be found along with the introduction of Rat Packs. References to Rat Packs are not critical to the game and can be found in the League of Rats Rules. During this season, expect to see stories featuring ancient secrets and aberrations. Here come the vultures... Characters of Class Regular price: $5.00 Bundle price: $1.96 Format: Watermarked PDF Characters of Class a is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: 3 new subraces: Half-Orog Sea-Elf Winter-Elf 3 new races: Ratkin Willow Vulgorn 2 new base classes: Holy Stalker: A holy warrior that uses stealth. Ooze-Adept: A student of oozes and slimes that gains unfathomable abilities from them. New options for existing classes: Ocean Druid Sewer Druid Toad and Shark totems for Barbarians A new Warlock patron "The Light" A whole new wizard sub-class for dwarven casters: The Rune Hammer New feats and new spells. All of which are completely unrelated and not necessarily printed in that order. In my exper... Falling of the Rain Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.39 Format: Watermarked PDF Rain has been falling heavily for several days, tempers are on edge, gutters are overflowing and a tangled web is forming between different factions in the city sewers. It’s an opportunity for new adventurers to get started and make their mark. This is a 2 hour adventure for 1st level characters. Falling of the Rain is part 1 of the [self titled] Rats in the Rain trilogy. It is a 5E module intended for first level characters on their first adventure. This is a standalone module, but it is also the first part of a simple trilogy. This can be used to open any campaign, but is written to be part of the League of Rats. The module makes use of rules from other Rats in the Rain handbooks (Heroes of the Dawn), but these are not needed to play. This module can fit i... The Sound of Drums Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.39 Format: Watermarked PDF There are rumblings in the background. A slow build of events spaced out as random happenings and a minor story that evolves over time into the coming of war. A series of mini-adventures for 1st through to 7th level characters for the fifth edition of our favorite role playing game. The Sound of Drums is a series of mini-adventures that if spaced out and placed strategically through your campaign to allow the building of a plot across time: from the earliest rumblings of an invasion to the actual beginnings of war. Players should feel the tensions slowly build rather than simply be informed that war is coming. These adventures are not about the war, but the sound of drums that preceed it. This is also a tutorial of game mastering experience with useful hints, tips and id... Options of Heroism Regular price: $4.00 Bundle price: $1.57 Format: Watermarked PDF Options of Heroism a is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: 6 new Races: Hobgoblin Goblin Bugbear Flumpf Centaur Gnoll 2 new base classes: Troubadour: A musical knight Ragepact: A broken soul who combines their own rage with the powers of a pact. New options for existing classes: Beast Rider: A halfling or gnome with trick riding skills Eldritch Cleric: A tiefling who is a servant of two masters both a cleric and having a pact with some other entity. New feats and introducing Feat Synergies. All of which are completely unrelated and not necessarily printed in that order. In my experience when new character options are g... The Right Stuff Regular price: $7.50 Bundle price: $2.94 Format: Watermarked PDF Airships can take men and gnomes into the sky, but what can reach further? What adventures wait in the upper limits and beyond? A kidnapped engineer leads the party on an adventure unlike any other… This is an adventure arc for 3rd to 5th level characters to be played using the fifth edition of the leading roleplaying game in the world. The Right Stuff takes third level characters on an adventure during which they will progress to fifth level. This module can fit in any city of any game world, but is written to be located in the Golden Kingdoms. This is not just a module, it is also a tutorial as notes through the pages explain why certain design decisions were made and also give tips to both novice and experienced Games Masters along the way. If you have never... Seekers of Fortune Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: Watermarked PDF Seekers of Fortune a is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: The Master Thrower:  A fighter specialising in strength based ranged attacks. One thing I usually find missing from a role playing system, is a a good system for thrown weapons. Dwarves throwing axes and hammers should be better covered and options should be there for halflings who love to throw daggers. This class fixes that gap. The Harlequin: Not a Jester, not a fool (maybe a fool) This is a full class for adventurers who want to dress in outlandish clothes and totally surprise their enemies with some really great dexteritty and charisma based abilities. The Mountain Defender: A... Masters of Fate Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: Watermarked PDF Masters of Fate a is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: The Magehand Pilferer:  A sorcerous origin with a specialisation in the magehand spell. This is a totally underutilised spell that has nowhere near the use of other cantrips such as firebolt, which gets used every round. The Magehand pilferer has more uses for the hand and new uses for their sorcery points. Jack of the Trades: Not a specialist of any kind. A Jack of the trades is a generalist, a backup character, someone who can spicialise in a different trait every day. They can change who they are and what they can do. A whole new class, and only the second class that makes use of int... Nature of Dragons Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: Watermarked PDF Nature of Dragons is a handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: New subaces for Dragonborn: Shadow Dragonborn Dreaming Dragonborn 1 new base class: Dragonsoul New options for existing classes: Draconic Druid Dragon Totem Dragonblood New feats and new cantrips. All of which are based on allowing characters to draw more and more on the nature of dragons. If you have felt stifled by the small range of 5E options, then Rats in the Rain are giving you more options, choices and ideas than you will find anywhere else.... A Mime Standing on Cheese Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $0.78 Format: Watermarked PDF There is a whisper in the wind as workers rise up against their masters, but who is behind this revolution and where will it end? This is a 2 hour adventure of social uprising for 3rd level characters. A mime standing on cheese is a 3rd level module from the second season of Rats in the Rain modules. It is a 5E module intended for low level characters. These modules are set in and around the Golden Kingdoms cities of Boodar and Pesht. During the season, creatures and classes from Rats in the Rain expansions will be found along with the introduction of Rat Packs. References to Rat Packs are not critical to the game and can be found in the League of Rats Rules. During this season, expect to see stories featuring ancient secrets and aberrations. A mime standi... Beneath the Storm Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $0.78 Format: Watermarked PDF As the rain continues to fall, the sewers have become a haven for undesirables, but moving them on will be difficult as certain parties seek out a dark and ancient secret. This is a 3 hour adventure for 3rd level characters. Beneath the Storm is part 2 of the [self titled] Rats in the Rain trilogy. It is a 5E module intended for third level characters early in their careers. This is a standalone module, but it is also part of a simple trilogy. This can be used in any campaign, but is written to be part of the League of Rats. This module also includes part two of "The Sound of Drums" but the rest of that story arc is not needed to play. The module makes use of rules from other Rats in the Rain handbooks (Heroes of the Dawn), but these are not nee... Black of the Rainbow Regular price: $5.00 Bundle price: $1.96 Format: Watermarked PDF There is trouble afoot as an old friend calls for help. The cult of the black Rainbow are ready to make their move. An ancient legend is coming to life and the sewers of Vollenchia will never be the same This is a 5 hour adventure for 6th level characters. lack of the Rainbow is part 3 of the [self titled] Rats in the Rain trilogy. It is a 5E module intended for third level characters early in their careers. This is a standalone module, but it is also part of a simple trilogy. This can be used in any campaign, but is written to be part of the League of Rats. The module makes use of rules from other Rats in the Rain handbooks (Heroes of the Dawn), but these are not needed to play. This module can fit in any city of any gam... Clouds of Steam Regular price: $1.50 Bundle price: $0.59 Format: Watermarked PDF Visit a world high on the sky where dwarves run a floating mine; where elves and gnools do battle on air ships. This is a 2 hour adventure in a fantasy renaisance era for 6th level characters. Clouds of Steam is an introductory module for the Rats in the Rain 5E expansion: Times of Peril. The story is set in the fantasy renaisance where technology is starting to spring forth: Airships are common and dwarves mine the clouds. It begins as a simple security job, but ends with a battle against sky pirates. It is a 5E module intended for sixth level characters, though can easily be adapted for lower level. This is a standalone module, but can lead into othe Times of Peril modules This can be used in any campaign, but is written to be part of the League of Rats. The m... Heroes of the Dawn Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: Watermarked PDF Heroes of the Dawn a is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: The Blade shaper:  A rogue that has gained shapeshifting abilities. The body of an animal is ideal for stealth and grants bonuses in combat. This is a new roguish archetype for the player that wants something exotic and unexpected. The Wilderness Runner: A character whose strength lies in speed. They are skilled in the wilderness, but in combat prefer hit and run charging tactics. As they gain levels they gain extra damage dice if they attack after moving. A full new class with a different flavour to the existing ranger and barbarian classes. The War Chanter: A fighter who loves to... League of Rats Regular price: $0.50 Bundle price: $0.20 Format: Watermarked PDF The League of Rats is a adventure league framework for Rats in the Rain modules allowing players to log their progress as they move from module to module. This could be adapted for any 5E campaign or it could be ignored completely. Included are character creation and advancement rules and a log sheet.... Old Frog and Toad Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $0.78 Format: Watermarked PDF Trade caravans are being attacked on the main road. Usually this just means more guards are needed, and that is a call any young band of adventurers will respond to. Keep an eye out as there is more than one band of trouble-makers out there. This is a 2 hour adventure for 2nd level characters for the 5th edition of the world's most played role playing game. Old Frog and Toad is a 5E module intended for second level characters early in their careers. This can be used in any campaign, but is written to be part of the League of Rats. This module also includes part one of "The Sound of Drums" but the rest of that story arc is not needed to play. The module makes use of rules from other Rats in the Rain handbooks (Heroes of the Dawn), but these are not nee... Revisions of Origins Regular price: $3.50 Bundle price: $1.37 Format: Watermarked PDF Revisions of Origins a is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: 3 new Races: Mantiss Warrior Half Ogre Lizardfolk 2 new base classes: Eldritch Assassin: An assassin who gains abilities from a dark pact. Bladeheart: A spellcasting swashbuckler that chanells magic with swords. New options for existing classes: Cavalier: A specialist mounted warrior Cloud Walker: A monk tradition with movement powers that belongs in the clouds. Hidden Blade: A rogue specialising in twin dagger fighting. New feats and introducing Feat Synergies. All of which are completely unrelated and not necessarily printed in that order. In my experience ... Sylvan Blood Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.39 Format: Watermarked PDF Within an ancient sanctuary grove where fey and druids once lived in peace, blood now soaks the ground… It started with love, turned to hate and now is driven by madness. This is a 3 hour adventure of love and pain for 7th level characters. Sylvan Blood is a module over a decade in the making. It tells the story of eternal love between druid and assassin. It introduces two clans of assassin: The Sylvan Blood, an ancient order of fey and elf dwelling with a community of druids. Then there is the Grey Mist, a clan of duergar working for dwarven miners. What unfolds is an investigation into the past, of a time when druids fought dwarves over forests and mines, where love and hate and trust turned into madness and revenge. It is a 5E module intended for seventh level ... The Leaning Towers Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $0.78 Format: Watermarked PDF Investigate the secret beneath the streets that makes the towers lean. Journey to see clockwork wonders and face creations out of control! This is a 2 hour adventure in a fantasy renaisance era for 4th level characters. The Leaning Towers is an introductory module for the Rats in the Rain 5E expansion: Times of Peril. The story is set in the fantasy renaisance where technology is starting to spring forth: Clockwork wonders are being developed and with them is danger. It begins with an investigation into the cause of towers leaning and then rolls into the world of a mad mechanical turk. It is a 5E module intended for fourth level characters. This is a standalone module, but can lead into othe Times of Peril modules This can be used in any campaign, but is writte... Things Worth Finding Regular price: $4.00 Bundle price: $1.57 Format: Watermarked PDF Things Worth Finding is a handbook of equipment and magic item options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: New weapons and armour: Oriental weapons Special weapons Beast-Scale armour New riding animals: Axebeak Giant Badger Riding Lizard A swag of magic items: Weapons Armour Masks Wondrous Items Magic Item Families If you have felt stifled by the small range of 5E options, then Rats in the Rain are giving you more options, choices and ideas than you will find anywhere else.... Vollenchia Guidebook Regular price: $0.50 Bundle price: $0.20 Format: Watermarked PDF This guidebook is an appendix to the Golden Kingdoms Campaign Setting giving some quick details on the city of Vollenchia and the surrounding region. Particularly useful for players of Rats in the Rain modules R101-R108. Not much use to anyone else I'm afraid.... Warriors of Destiny Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: Watermarked PDF Warriors of Destiny is handbook of character options for 5E This can be used by any group looking for a little more variety in their characters and a few new ideas. In this volume you will find: The Druidic Lyrist:  A highly skilled agent for good combining their people skills with a sound knowledge of nature. An ally of druids, rangers and bards, the druidic lyrist is a champion of the common man and a force for good. The Ninja: Needing no introduction, this warrior of the shadows is included here so that certain players keen to create their own ninja do not go overboard and create an unbalanced class. By combining the abilities of rogue and monk in a balanced manner the ninja can now fit into any group. The Eldritch Archer: A talented elf or half elf that is able to focus... What to do with prisoners Regular price: $2.00 Bundle price: $0.78 Format: Watermarked PDF It’s a simple mission: collect and transport prisoners. Then why does it seem so hard, and what do these prisoners know? This is a 3 hour adventure for 4th level characters for the fifth edition of the world's most ubiquitous role playing game. What to do with prisoners is a simple adventure that takes time to explore one of the often neglected questions: What should PCs do with prisoners. It is a 5E module intended for forth level characters early in their careers. This can be used in any campaign, but is written to be part of the League of Rats. This module also includes part two of "The Sound of Drums" but the rest of that story arc is not needed to play. The module makes use of rules from other Rats in the Rain handbooks (Heroes of the Dawn), but these are...
Total value:$102.00Special bundle price:$40.00Savings of:$62.00 (61%)
Price: $102.00 Rats in the Rain [BUNDLE] published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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