#insole tf
thetfer · 1 year
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Scottish Alpha comes across a group of fags on his way home from the pub...
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anon-sect · 22 days
Can you transform me into a pair of insoles for my buddy's football cleats?
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Picture source: @coachesdreams
Daison wondered why his football cleats hurt his feet after every practice and game. They were his favorite pair, but they were doing a number on his feet when he took them off. He did have them for several years prior, but just the start of this year, they weren't so comfortable on his feet. He peeled back the tongue to see that the insoles in both cleats were a mess. His feet had done a number on them over the years.
Daison saw these as his lucky cleats. His team had won the championship for the past three years. He didn't want to trash them for some new cleats. So he decided to buy some new insoles to make them comfortable again. Every new pair of insoles just weren't comfortable enough for his standard.
Kevin noticed a little frustration on his friend's face. "What's the matter?" He asked.
"It's my cleats. The insoles are badly worn out, and other insoles just aren't cutting it. My feet still hurt, but I don't want to get rid of my lucky cleats." Daison spoke, trying to come up with another solution, but about to give in to buying a new pair.
"Hmmm, there is one other solution, but it's extreme." Kevin spoke, not sure if his buddy wanted to try it.
Daison was intrigued. "What is it?" He asked since it was extreme.
"You can turn a human into your insoles. There is a rumor that human transformed objects last longer, can be durable, and are super comfortable to wear. But, honestly, thinking of making a human be your insoles you step on is sort of crazy." Kevin answered him.
Daison actually was considering it. Durable and comfortable insoles were what he wanted. Just the thought that another human being would be suffering under his feet just to make his feet comfortable was extreme, but also win for him. He could keep his lucky cleats and have a good pair of insoles. "How do you go about turning another human being into insoles, maybe?" He asked.
Kevin was surprised that Daison was actually considering it. "Well, they have to drink a durability formula first. Then, you transform them via a TF Ray device or download the TF Ray app onto your phone. Finally, you have your human transformed insoles." He paused for a moment. "But think about what you are considering. You would force another human being to support your feet. Doesn't that sound cruel?" He added.
Daison realized his buddy wasn't too fond of it. "You're right. I will replace my lucky cleats." He spoke an answer that Kevin would accept. Yet, he wasn't going to turn down such a good idea.
Kevin was sitting over at Daison's house watching tv when his buddy brought him a drink. He tasted it and it was so good. He had drunk the entire contents of the glass within seconds. He saw Daison smiling at him and noticed he had barely drunk some of his. He saw him pick up his phone and flash the camera from his phone. He lost consciousness instantly.
Daison was surprised it really worked. The TF Ray app on his phone had instantly changed his buddy into a pair of insoles. He picked them up. He was so amazed. They felt different than normal insoles you buy in a store. "I know you didn't agree to this, but you gave me a good idea. You can't blame me for wanting to try it out. I put durability formula in your drink. It should make you last a while under my feet." He paused, still examining his new insoles. "I am just going to wear you for this week's practice. I will turn you back to normal next week." He spoke as he went to his football cleats. He removed the worn-out insoles and put in his new ones. He couldn't wait till tomorrow's practice. He really was looking forward to testing out his new insoles.
Kevin woke up to hear his friend's words. He was turned into a pair of insoles. When he was shoved into his football cleats, he was bombarded with a foul foot odor that saturated all of the insides of the cleats. He was literally trapped in it totally against his will by his friend. The mention of a week long football practice gave him thoughts about what he was about to endure, not including the foul stench of the cleats.
Daison was so amazed. Everything that Kevin told him was so true. His feet felt wonderful on the football field. Practice was sometimes almost three hours every day, yet his feet came back feeling great. The insoles held up all week long. He even saw that they had molded to his feet perfectly. The insoles smelled just like the rest of the insides of the cleats at the end of the week. Human transformed objects are way better than normal objects, he concluded. It was decision time. Should he keep his new insoles or keep his word. He wasn't sure which to choose. So he decided to let fate decide Kevin's new destiny. He decided heads for keeping his word and tails for keeping his insoles. With one flip, it came up tails. He then erased Kevin's data from the app, further ensuring that his buddy could never be human again.
"You are my insoles now. I deleted your reverse information from the app. Sorry, but I need really good insoles, and normal insoles can't replace what you do for my feet. But don't worry, I will make sure you and my feet have many days together for a very long time. Thanks for your sacrifice." Daison spoke to his insoles before going to take a shower.
Kevin was slightly devastated at the news. He had endured a week of hell under his buddy's feet. All the drills and constant running had molded his insole bodies to form the perfect comfort for his feet. He no longer had that fresh smell. He smelled just like Daison's sweaty feet. Each step was pain personified that he had no words to describe. He was just used as an object under his feet without the slightest care of how he was feeling. Now to be told by his friend that this was his life permanently, shocked him, yet he shouldn't have been surprised. It was his idea in the beginning. He simply accepted that his new existence was just to be under Daison's feet forever now. Honestly, though, he thought there were worse fates than this one.
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cry-ptidd · 9 months
My sister thought Enrico was like 60+ the whole time up until we saw him in the flashback at the orphanage
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False trust
When my stepbrother caught me sniffing his sweaty gym shoes, I thought I was done for. I figured he'd tell everyone and I'd never live it down. But instead of ratting me out, he came up with a wild idea.
"You're into feet, right? Like, you really dig the smell?" he asked. "Uh, yeah, pretty much," I admitted. "How about you become my shoes?" I was floored. I knew about those transformation guns from stories, but I never knew how to get one or use it. "You have a tf gun?" I asked, shocked. "Yep, and I'm in a hurry, got to hit the gym. So, what do you say?"
Before I could really think it through, he grabbed the gun, a gadget with a bunch of buttons and a small screen, and started pressing away. "It's tougher to change you completely, so let's just merge you with something. Go grab my gym shoes from my room," he instructed.
I knew exactly which ones—his white Nike Air VaporMax that he wore all the time for sports. If he wasn't wearing them, they were stashed in his gym bag in a plastic bag, marinating in sweat. After he busted me sniffing them, this was kind of a full-circle moment. Excited and a bit nervous, I fetched them.
"Okay, listen up," he said as I brought them over. "I'm going to fuse you with these shoes. You'll get to enjoy all the smells up close until I turn you back tomorrow. Cool?" I nodded, still in shock. He pointed the shoes at me and zapped me with the gun. In an instant, my body melded into the sneakers.
Immediately, the stench was overwhelming, way worse than any sniff I'd taken before. That's when he dropped another bomb. "Oops, looks like I cranked up your senses. And uh, I might've goofed the timer—set it for a year instead of a day. Hope you didn't have plans," he joked, not sounding sorry at all.
He picked me up, examining his handiwork. "Your face is now the insoles, limbs are the laces, and your torso's the rest of the shoe." As he twisted a shoe, it felt like I was being wrung out. "You'll survive, I guess. It's gonna be a hot summer, and you're gonna be my go-to pair," he smirked, tossing me to the floor. The impact sent a sharp pain through me. "Oh, and I fused your, balls with the bubbles on the bottom of my soles, so every step gives me an energy boost for my workouts. Tough break, but hey, you're part of the shoe now!"
With that, he slipped me on, and every step was agony. He toyed with me for a few minutes (see the link above), shifting his weight, then grabbed his gym bag. "Don't expect much chat until I switch you back. But, you're pretty comfy, might keep you this way," he laughed, heading out to the gym.
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elliesflower · 2 years
i hate u [abby anderson]
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pairing; abby x afab!reader
word count; 3.8k how tf did that happen
cw; language, mentions of death, angst (like, so much angst), enemies to lovers, eventual smut
summary; abby has always had it out for you. the feeling was mutual.
until it wasn't.
an; hiiii, it's me, providing you with the abby content i'm devoid of. i love this buff lesbian woman so fucking much.
read pt 2 here!
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT OR I'LL CRY (and as always read it on AO3 here <3)
there were much more productive ways you could be spending your time. you could be, i don’t know—literally doing anything else other than being forced to clean these goddamned bathrooms. 
it’s not that you didn’t mind cleaning, no. in fact, under ideal circumstances, cleaning could actually be fun for you. there was just a big problem with who it forced you into a room with this time. with her stupid long french braid, and her absurdly large muscles—like seriously, what the fuck was she showing off for? we’re killing scars, not for training for the fucking rapture.
“you know, if you move the mop in a back-and-forth motion, it would actually clean the floors.” 
to put it quite plainly, abby doesn’t like you. you said left, she had to say right; you say go, she had to say stop—the mutual loathing was just routine at this point, it came almost as natural as breathing. surely it didn’t help that the two of you were typically sent on assignments that involved being together for far too many hours at a time. rarely was it made only slightly better by the presence of someone else, another body to diffuse even an ounce of the tension that hung between the two of you like a rope. 
you scoffed at her juvenile insolence, though you started mopping again nonetheless. “trust me, i don’t want to be here any longer than i have to. i have shit to do,” you jeered, making it a point to look down at the ground, watching the soapy water spread across the tile. not at the way her muscles—have you mentioned they’re absurdly large?—flexed as she wiped down the counter with bleach. 
“oh, i’m sorry, i didn’t realize i was keeping you from something!” abby exclaimed, feigning ignorance. “by all means, you run off and do whatever it is you have to do, and i’ll just finish this little punishment all by myself.” 
you had to bite back a bitter laugh, instead choosing to shake your head at the ground, your mopping becoming just a little bit more aggressive with each stroke. you chose to ignore it. you almost had her completely tuned out of your mind, until you didn’t.
“it’s not like i was the one who just let that scar go.” that stopped you dead in your tracks. 
abby has said a lot of things to you. a lot of untrue things. a lot of hurtful things, even. and again, it was entirely possible you could have even ignored that. but then you looked up—and you saw her stupid, imprudent fucking smirk, and it was over. “you know what abby?” you started, throwing your mop. you didn’t even have the energy to smile at the way she flinched when the wooden handle hit the ground with a loud bang. she played it off quickly, though, raising an eyebrow and leaning back against the counter. you didn’t expect the sudden lump in your throat. 
“fuck you.” 
the words didn’t come out exactly like you’d hoped. maybe there was a slight hesitation, the faintest crack between the syllables, a single tear threatening to spill down your cheek—but you meant it, wholeheartedly. 
fuck abigail anderson.
you couldn't bother to give her even a second thought as you turned on your heel, ignoring her calls of your name from behind you. perhaps a bit childish, but you slammed the door extra hard on your way out. 
let that scar go? is she fucking for real? 
you were so tired of having to prove your place here to her. isaac sent you both on the same assignments, he trusts you just as much as her to do his most important jobs, but it never seems to be good enough. whether it was jealousy or stubbornness, you could never be quite sure. 
time and time again you’ve tried to make nice with abby; you had actually wanted to be friends with her—the jaunty girl who never seemed to let her past slow her down, taking every opportunity to crack a sarcastic joke and practically jumping in front of bullets for the people she loved—you’d tried to spark friendly conversation, volunteered to take some of her extra assignments, even offered her a book you’d overheard her mentioning she wanted to read that you just happened to have on your bookshelf, but it was all futile. she wanted nothing to do with you, like your presence alone was a personal inconvenience. so, naturally, you stopped trying—yet, the two of you almost always somehow ended up in the same room together, whether it was a drunken night in leah and nora’s room, or cleaning bathrooms as a stupid punishment. 
but one, one little slip up and that’s all it took. you took your eyes off that scar for a split fucking second, and now she’ll never let you live it down. you were furious, angry tears clouding your vision as you stormed away, down the hallway and practically sprinting up the stairs to your room. 
she can clean that bathroom all by herself, you thought as you fumbled to get your keys out of your pocket, dropping them on the ground in your haste. “fuck!” you exclaimed, bending down to pick them up, searching for the small silver key on the ring. 
“there you are,” a sudden voice from behind startles you enough that you flinch, dropping your keys again. of fucking course. 
“go away abby,” you practically snarl, wiping away the wetness on your cheeks with your palm before she could see. despite your weak protest, you could hear her heavy footsteps getting closer as you finally unlocked the door, pushing it open and slipping inside. 
“oh, come on,” abby was right on your heels, pressing a hand against the door and preventing it from fully closing behind you. your eyes felt like they might roll into the back of your head. 
“i’m sorry, what part of ‘go away’ was unclear to you?” you snapped, turning around to glower at her through the small crack in the doorway. her arm strength was incredible, she was barely leaning against the door as you pushed with an embarrassing amount of effort to try and close it on her. what you lacked in brawn, you pride yourself in making up for with brains—yet another reason it was already embarrassing enough that you fucked up, now she was practically rubbing it in your face. 
abby’s eyes held a look you couldn’t quite understand. no way she was apologetic, but her face held a certain softness to it you’d never quite seen before. usually her face was all rigid lines and sharp angles, clenched jaw and guarded eyes, especially with you. it was rare for her to smile around you, now that you thought about it.
“can we talk?” abby asked, and her voice was almost…pitiable. her eyes were low and her pink lips parted slightly. it was unnerving. she never asked you for anything, let alone to talk. your eyes flickered across her face, trying to make sense of what she was really trying to say, beneath the surface. 
but there was really nothing to say to that. no, you wanted to scream, no we can’t fucking talk, fuck you, and i never want to talk to you again. but you said nothing, instead shaking your head and turning away, letting the door swing open against the pressure of her hand. 
“why do you hate me so much?” your mouth was moving before your brain could catch up, arms crossing defensively over your chest, though you were no longer facing her. 
“why do i hate you?” she scoffed, and you heard the door closing softly. 
“yes, why?” you spun around to face her now—she still stood near the door, that same indecipherable expression painted on her face. you avoided her eyes, but noted the way her nose twitched ever so slightly. “ever since i stepped foot in this stadium you’ve had it out for me, and no matter how hard i try, i can’t understand why,” oh fuck, the anger was coming back up, rising in your throat like bile, “is it because i don’t put up with your shit anymore?” 
“no,” abby gritted out, taking a step toward you. “listen, i—”
“because i see right through your little act?” you cut her off and wow, she was fuming now, chest rising and falling heavily as she clenched her fists together. “stop it, i’m trying to—” 
but you couldn’t stop, even if you didn’t mean it, “‘ooh poor me, my dad died and now i’m stronger because of it, and everybody loves me,’” the words stung in your mouth, and in your eyes, “‘i’m isaac’s top scar killer but i have a heart of gold,’” tears falling as you stomped toward her, “well good for fucking you abby. i’ve lost a lot of people too but you don’t see me acting like i’m better than everyone.” 
you couldn’t help it, you were pushing her before you knew it, right in the chest with as much strength as you could muster, and she wasn’t expecting it because she stumbled backwards into your bookshelf, a picture frame falling and shattering on the ground before she caught her footing. 
you looked her right in the eyes for the first time since she had entered your room, uninvited, and all you saw was flames, burning through her blue irises like wildfire. you stepped back, wide-eyed and disoriented, her figure nothing more than a blurry silhouette in front of you. her heavy breathing was all that you could hear, it consumed you, made you dizzy as you staggered backwards, that ineffable sadness reaching into your chest and squeezing around your heart, fuck, how does she do this to you? 
“for fucks sake, would you just listen?” abby’s asked suddenly. her voice was rough around the edges, chipped away by your words—you couldn’t look at her, it was too much, a sob escaping your throat before you could stop it. why did you say that to her? she was reaching toward you before you could say another word, you half expected her to hit you, to strangle you, to say fuck you and never speak to you again, but then her calloused fingers were gripping your forearm. 
“abby,” your voice was pathetic, broken and whiny, god, you were completely out of control. you let your arm go limp, watching as her hand practically burned an impression into your skin as she pulled you into her chest. you were overwhelmed by her scent, that fucking pine soap she always hoarded and faintest hint of bleach that burned your nose, reminding you of what started this in the first place. 
no, this couldn’t be real life, there was no way you were crying in front of abby, your biggest vulnerabilities tumbling from your lips like an avalanche, but her arms were there, wrapping around your shoulders like a blanket as her head fell into the crook of your neck. you couldn’t tell whose heart was beating faster, her pulse pounding against your ear as your arms hung limp by your side. your brain was absolutely spinning trying to figure out what to make of this, a few loose strands of her braid hair tickling the side of your cheek as you shifted your head.
“i’m sorry,” her strained voice bled down your neck, sending a shiver down your spine, her breath hot against your shoulder as she tightened her grip. instinctively, you wrapped your arms around her waist, giving in to her touch, her apology washing over you like a humid rain in the summer—you’d waited so long just to hear those two little words, but it felt wrong somehow. “i’m sorry,” she repeated, quieter now, though you were probably the one who should be saying that.
“abby,” you found yourself saying again, squeezing your eyes shut as you leaned into her, feeling the tightness of her back muscles flex as you flattened your hands against her back, oh god, what the fuck is happening right now? “i didn’t mean that,” you whispered, muffled slightly against her shirt. the words i’m sorry usually came easy to you, often apologizing for things that didn’t warrant one in the first place, but the words were harder to get out somehow in this moment, pressed against the fabric of her shirt. 
her grip on you loosened, her arms sliding down your back and she was gone in an instant, turning away, clasping her fingers together and bringing them to the back of her neck. 
“i don’t hate you,” but she couldn’t face you, dropping her arms to her hips as she looked at the ground. you watched the anxious tapping of her foot and it felt like you couldn’t breathe—isn't this what you wanted? to be friends, or at the very least, for her to not hate you? maybe then, but not now. “i’m intimidated.” she was quiet, turning to face you. the orange glow of the lamp cascaded over her face, painting her in the softest form you’d ever seen her in.
“intimidated?” you were taken aback, furrowing your brow. “by me?” you shook your head, incredulous at her sudden confession. what could she possibly be intimidated by? “abby, you’re-” you gestured at her, unsure of what to say. “-you could probably snap me in half if you wanted to, i-i don’t understand-”
“oh trust me, i know,” abby cut you off, scoffing, and fuck, she just couldn’t help herself could she? you were mortified she’d caught you in a moment of weakness, you were angry, you were so fucking confused. your pity quickly soured, tears dried up in an instant, the disdain seeping back into your skin like a parasite—no matter how many times the two of you got close to reconciling, it always went wrong somehow. it had felt different this time, but maybe you were wrong. 
“abby, i swear to god i-”
“okay, okay, i’m sorry,” she softened again, taking a deep breath to steady herself. “old habits die hard, am i right?” 
you squinted at her, crossing your arms over your chest defensively. “does this really seem like the time to be making a fucking joke? because the door is right there,” you made a show of pointing at the door before turning to sit on the chair behind you, bending over to take off your boots. anything to avoid looking her in the eye. 
“fuck, i’m sorry, i don’t know how to talk to you about this,” she was walking towards you now, and you didn’t bother to look up. she sat opposite you in the mismatched chair, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees. you looked up at her through wet lashes as you pulled your boots off, tossing them haphazardly to the side. she looked just as confused as you felt, brows furrowed in frustration—nothing about this felt normal, or okay. 
“what i’m trying to say is that i’m sorry,” she started, dropping her head to look at the ground. 
“you said that already,” you noted dryly, scooting back in the chair and pulling your knees to your chest protectively. she laughed, but it didn’t sound bitter. 
“i’m sorry, for everything,” abby looked at you now, and your breath hitched. “for how i’ve acted around you. for the way i’ve treated you, the things i’ve said. all of it,” her eyes were full of sorrow, and it made her look a way you’d never seen before—vulnerable, fragile, empty. “right after you moved onto the base, leah told me about what you’ve been through, losing your parents and your brother, being forced into that military school, and still fighting to get here all the way from boston. if i’m being honest, i was jealous that you could take it all in stride.”
you could do nothing but stare at her, wide-eyed and dumbstruck. 
“from the minute you got here, you were so calm and collected, ready to help anyone who needed it. you were constantly volunteering for extra assignments, helping out in the classrooms, doing all the work that no one else wanted to do with a smile on your face…i know we all have a past but i never could’ve guessed yours,” she let her head fall again, clasping her hands together and taking a deep breath, “and god, you’re so fucking smart, like there’s no way you learned all the shit you know about history at that dumb military school.”
your mouth fell open slightly, trying to process her words. first, an apology, and then a compliment? no smart-ass comments, no snarky look, no just kidding. you’d never even talked with her about your love of history that much, let alone your family.
“abby,” you started, pulling your knees tighter to your chest. your brain and your mouth were fighting over what to say, the years of dissention between the two of you threatening to surface—but she seemed genuine. bouncing her leg up and down, abby continued to avoid your gaze as she picked at her cuticles. 
“when i first got here, i was a mess.” she cut you off.  “i could barely eat or sleep, i hid in my room whenever i wasn’t out on an assignment, and i didn’t care about anyone or anything. it took me months to get past it all and then you came along, so open and easygoing, even after everything you’ve been through…i was embarrassed.”
“everybody handles grief differently,” you said quietly, putting your feet back on the ground. she looked up at you, and her cheeks were wet. you swallowed thickly. “i wasn’t always that happy behind closed doors.”
abby frowned slightly. she was quiet now, pensive as she held your gaze. your cheeks burned under the scrutiny, and you wanted to shrink into the chair. less than an hour ago you had all the intention in the world of never speaking to abby again, and now she was sat, taking up space in your room, and your mind, fuck, how was she always on your mind?
“that still doesn’t explain why you were so mean to me,” you broke the silence after taking another second to process her words, and tears were clouding your vision again.
“yeah, if i’m still being honest, i don’t really have an explanation for that either. or, not a good one, at least,” she at least had the decency to look sheepish, leaning back and scratching her neck lightly. “i guess because i was so intimidated by the way you handled yourself, i just defaulted to…jealous rage?” she sounded unsure, and you scoffed. 
“wow,” you said. “you’re right, that is a terrible explanation,” you shook your head, leaning back to match her pose. she laughed again, looking up to the ceiling, and it sounded foreign. 
“i’m not the best with words,” she smiled weakly, a blush creeping up her neck.
“trust me, i could tell by all your elementary insults.”
“hey, didn’t i just say i was sorry?” 
you smiled back at her now, against your better judgment. the two of you had spent the past three years practically at each other’s throats, and a simple i’m sorry i was mean to you because i don’t know how to handle my emotions was supposed to fix it all?
“i meant it though,” abby said softly now, eyes boring into yours. “i’m sorry. for everything.” 
you held her gaze a moment longer, but had to look away. you had to, before she could see that you were caving, that all you’ve ever wanted to hear was that—that you wanted to just talk to her without always being on guard, that you wanted to know her favorite music and what she really thought about all of manny’s sexcapades and if she ever took her hair down from that goddamn french braid and— “you don’t have to forgive me. not right now, anyways. i just hope that one day you can.”
and then she was standing up, your eyes followed up her torso as she stood, smoothing her shirt down before giving you another weak smile and heading for the door. oh god, fuck, fuck all of this, “abby, wait,” you were up and after her in a heartbeat, grabbing her forearm just as she had yours earlier, forcing her to turn around. she looked surprisedly, first at your face, then down at your grip on her forearm, which you quickly dropped when you felt your heart skipping a beat. her eyes were wild, tired and full of anguish. 
before you could talk yourself out of it, you were practically throwing yourself at her, arms wrapping around her torso as you pressed your cheek into her chest. she stumbled only briefly, before you felt her arms envelope your shoulders once more. this time, it didn’t feel wrong. 
it felt like coming home. 
“i really shouldn’t have said that thing about your dad,” you said, but it was muffled in her shirt. 
you felt her laugh rumble in her chest before she squeezed you tighter, her head lowering into your neck so that you felt her lips on your shoulder as she spoke. “yeah, that was pretty fucked up.” 
you smiled into her, and god, this was all fucked up. the world was fucked up, and out of it was born you and abby—two fucked up people making fucked up choices that lead to some pretty fucked up consequences. 
she pulled back from you, but kept her hands on your shoulders. you took a fistful of her shirt, looking down to avoid her eyes. your stomach was flipping, the heat radiating from her body overwhelming you and making you feel dizzy. “can you forgive me?” 
and yeah, that was maybe your fucked up, roundabout way of telling abby, i do forgive you, but she seemed to understand. when you dared to look back up, she dropped a hand, and the other came to softly caress your cheek. she looked at you tenderly, the rough pad of her thumb wiping away a tear you hadn’t even noticed. 
“of course i can.”
and then there was only the sound of your heart thrumming in your ears, her quickened breath as she looked at you in a way you’d never seen before. you gripped her shirt tighter, lips parting slightly as you felt the weight of her hand against your cheek. you leaned into it, eyes slipping closed for a moment. 
“abby,” you whispered, your free hand coming up to hold hers in place against your cheek. 
“shh,” she shushed you softly, and you could sense her getting closer. you didn’t dare open your eyes, heat pooling in your stomach as you felt her breath fanning across your face. 
“don’t speak.”
her lips pressed against yours so softly that for a moment, you wondered if you were dreaming.
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tf-kinky · 1 month
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Hudson laughed looking at the two guys who thought they were meeting up for a good shoe sniff and lick session. But it wasn't long after they met up with Hudson that they realised what was gonna happen.
"You boys gonna be the newest addition to my trainer collection"
And just like that he zapped them both with his TF phone app and BAM! Both were turned into a pair of trainers each.
Hudson made sure to wear them both throughly. Taking turns using them each day, really imprinting his foot on their face insoles, constantly getting damp, sweaty and their insoles molding round his big sweaty feet.
It was about a year later when Hudson sold both pairs off to a fan on Instagram, and damn the fan really used them, even blasted many loads in the insoles and wore them regularly.
I would tell you the names of the two guys but if Hudson can't remember, neither can I! 😈😈😈😈
Search hudson.sbr on Instagram for some hot trainers/socks content!
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bigification · 9 months
Forced Popping - Male TF
Nick wasn't planning on actually popping Pulaski, it was just a bluff. Why would Nick ever plan around him wanting to be popped. Well of course he had to turn into a massive monster that could easily escape. Regardless, there was no reason to dwell on the past. Nick and his crew quickly pursued. They chased Pulaski as he jumped from building to building using his newfound strength. You'd think the fat would slow him down, but he's moving like no human should be able to.
With Pulaski's speed and agility, it didn't take long for him to escape. Nick felt guilty about his misstep, accidentally popping Pulaski and letting him escape. He decided to head home after a rough day and relax. He changed into a loose shirt and camo shorts before sitting on his couch. He forgot his sorrows while watching tv. He got so engrossed in it that he failed to notice the loud thumping coming from outside his home. The thumping became louder and louder until a loud crash shocked Nick off the couch. Something had crashed through his wall. Dust and insolation filled the air around Nick and clouded his vision. Suddenly, a large mass rammed into him. It was Pulaski. Nick felt his body sink into soft fat before it bounced back like an elastic, sending him flying across the room. He slowly managed to pick himself up off the ground, his head ringing.
"We've got some unfinished business, my friend." A voice in a southern accent rung out from the thick dust filled air.
Pulaski appeared in front of Nick. He held up that same box of powder that popped him. "It seems ya forgot this. Let me do ya a favor and return for ya."
Nick realized he left the box in the freezer, he must have gone back for it afterwards. He tries to think of a way to escape, but before he could make a move, Pulaski shoved him against the wall.
"Open up!" He said with a devilish chuckle as he forced a handful of the powder into Nick's face. Nick tried to hold his breath, but it was only delaying the inevitable. Pulaski used one hand to cover Nick's mouth and the other to push the powder up his nose. And with his large body pressing Nick into the wall, there was no escape. Nick held his breath for as long as he could, the thought of ending up like Pulaski scared him enough to hold it longer. But the time eventually came that he took a deep breath in through his nose. All the powder that was in Pulaski's hand was now in Nick's system. He coughed violently, sending fumes of white powder out of his mouth.
"Now you'll be just like me." Pulaski whispered in Nick's ear, letting out another chuckle.
It didn't take long for Nick's body to start growing. His shirt became more of a crop top and his shorts seemed to shorten as he grew taller. He must have already been two feet taller than before. Fat piled into his stomach, riding up his shirt even more. His once flat stomach quickly became a beer belly, then a large ball belly, then an obese paunch. His massive gut sagged under its own weight, hanging well over his waist line. His love handles also spilled over the waist of his shorts, spreading all the way to his back. His shirt continued to ride up his chest as his pecs began to grow as well. They softened into tits bigger than any woman he knew, and continued to grow past that. They grew to the point of resting on his belly, becoming so large that they sagged under his arms. His arms and legs got covered in a thick layer of pudge, but Nick could also feel the power rushing through them. He felt his legs thicken to hold his immense weight, and his arms grow strong enough to lift a car. He could even feel his hands and feet growing to match his obese body. Finally his face began to change. His pretty face became almost unrecognizable as fat piled into it. His jawline disappeared into soft rolls of fat and he grew a double chin that drooped down to his chest. His nose widened a bit and his cheeks puffed out. Light stubble grew over his fattened face, finalising his popping.
Nick stood there for a moment, in shock. He grabbed his massive gut as his drooped under its own weight. He rubbed his massive nipple and cupped his soft moobs. He tried reaching his crotch, but he would never be able to again. He grabbed the sagging fat on his ass, only being held up by his tight shorts.
Pulaski let out a loud laugh. "You turned out nicely." He gave Nick's belly a firm slap. "Your partner is next. What was his name? Roy I believe. Can't wait to see how he turns out." Pulaski continues laughing as he runs out through the hole in the wall.
Nick makes his way to his bedroom, making sure to duck through the door ways. He sits on his bed and looks at himself in the mirror. He wants to think it's really bad, but he can feel his dick start to poke into the underside of his belly. Maybe it's not so bad after all.
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zweetpea · 11 months
Chapter 1: Prologue the stardust family
This is somewhat a mix of Sagau and genshin Cult AU with some isekai elements thrown in for fun. Key - { } translations and pick is time skip/scene transition.
The broke college student started up their third genshin account. “Hmm, who should I choose this time? Ugh, I wish there was a way to choose both! Hmm, maybe I could hack the code in the game and try to glitch it.” They pulled up the source code and started to mess around “Kate Kaslana? I’ve never heard of her.” Trying to click on the code just brought them back to the game it started to glitch and their screen started to warm outward and inward. 
They reached toward the screen to see what happened and their hand warped straight through. As they tried to pull out their hand got stuck something, or maybe someone, was trying to pull them inside. “No no no no no! Shit!” They fell through and struck the sustainer of heavenly principles. “I’ll deal with you two later!”  She seals the twins and throws them out.
“Now who do you think you are?” 
“Please don’t hurt me! I’m sorry! I was just messing around, I didn’t mean to come here!” 
“You insolent little vermin! I should- I should… I can’t even touch you. Fine, I’ll leave you with this then if you want so badly to experience the world then you’ll have to see it through to the end. I can’t have you dying through, there would be no resets for you. So i bestow my immortality upon you. Rest now, for when you wake you’ll have the glory and debauchery which you desire. You’re also getting a makeover, I’ll match you with the stardust twin.” 
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Meanwhile in Tevat the twins woke up 500 years after the fall of Khaenri’ah. 
“Lu? Surge. Age! Surge!”  {Lu? Wake up. Come on! Wake up!} 
(This is Latin, Author-Senpai has made the executive decision that the twins originally spoke Latin [we’ve also decided to be a weeaboo cause this story’s already crack enough why TF not!]<3 as the queen Casey Aonso once said “this is for the Netflix charts, not the art.”) 
{What in the dark realms are you doing} 🤍 
{Thank goodness you’re okay!} 🖤 
{Yeah now get off me stupid!} 🤍 
{Okay, wow screw you too. We should find something to eat.} 🖤 
{No shit, I’ll look for berries and meat. You try to catch some food.} 🤍 
{Alright, I’ll see if I can set up a campfire as well.} 🖤 
{Sounds good.} 🤍 
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Our hero (you) watches in an almost lucid dream state as the twins meet paimon and they learn the language of the world. Happy tears fall from their eyes as they see the twins laughing and teasing each other and Paimon. “These two are going to be alright. No matter what happens I did it, they can travel together. I just… wish I could go home, back to my friends and family.” They thought. 
Over time our hero woke up and looked upon themself in the reflection of the ocean. The sustainer of heavenly principles had given them baggy black pants, a white dress shirt with a black tie, a white zipper hoodie that resembles a dragon with gold sparkles around the top and wrists, black combat boots and fingerless gloves bedazzled with stars. They muse to themself, “This is pretty cute.” 
And with that they run after the travelers.
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archduke-enver-gortash · 10 months
the reddit aita thing. imagining that gort’s would start off semi-normal but descend into madness as he’s seething while writing lol.
I (M, 52) spent hours of my free time to work on a drawing to gift my colleague (M, 25). I had even told him about this and yet—his reaction was to rip it apart right in front of my eyes. Of course, I punished him for being an insolent little wretch at once and he will still not see reason! So, am I the asshole for giving my colleague this heartfelt gift and reacting in an understandably upset way when he refuses it?
fartsuccer69: damn. well what did you draw
e.g.luminance: It was a depiction of our nature.
fartsuccer69: what the fuck does that mean
e.g.luminance: You wouldn’t get it. *blocks and reports*
mothmansusedcumrag: you ‘punished’ him??? tf?????
e.g.luminance: You wouldn’t get it. *blocks and reports*
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
More eggie stuff! Maybe they like spot a crack on their egg and start freaking tf out then suddenly a little hand pops out and their like “Oooooh oh okay yea tiem to panic for a different reason”
I'm going with Phobos on this one~ -- "WHO DID THIS?!" The shout that resounded through the directors office startled all who were present as Phobos stands at the top of the stairs, holding the precious egg that he and his Player were gifted after they paired up in his arms. His single eye glowing with fury. At first, the rest of the staff were confused at why the Director seemed to be so furious. But once Phobos holds out the egg, it all becomes clear. There was a large crack in the egg near the top. "WHICH ONE OF YOU LESSER BASTARDS FRACTURED THE EGG?!" Phobos yells out in a fury as all of the staff members worriedly look towards one another. "So....nobody knows." Phobos growls as he descends the stairs. "I leave the room for a single MINUTE and come back to find my precious offspring harmed and not ONE of you insolent underlings SAW ANYTHING?" Phobos snarls at the nearest scientists, causing them to back off and flinch in response to his aggressive approach. Phobos idly rubs the egg as his gloved fingers trace over the crack tenderly. "This is a MAJOR emergency! The Player's egg has been brought to harm by an unknown assailant that is probably STILL lurking around in this room! Who knows what bacteria and other FILTH is threatening the health of our shared holy offspring now that their protective casing is breached!?" Phobos growls, holding the egg tenderly in his arm as the scientist around him tremble. Then, the main door opens as Jeb begins to make his way into the foyer, his arms filled with papers. Phobos instantly locks onto him, his paranoia riding high.
"YOU." Jeb only has a moment to react when he's suddenly rushed and picked up by the director, startling him and causing all the papers to fall out of his arms. "YOU DID THIS." "I--WHAT? I just walked in!? What did I do--" "Don't play innocent with me, Christoff! YOU FRACTURED MY EGG!" "I--WHAT??!" Jeb takes a moment to look at the egg in the Director's protective embrace, finding the crack on top of the egg, finally understanding what he's being accused of. He grunts and struggles a bit as the larger grunt picks him up off the ground, single eye glinting in malice. "YOU HAVE BEEN CONSPIRING AGAINST ME! BUT TARGETING MY UNBORN YOUNG IS A NEW LOW FOR YOU." "I JUST WALKED IN TO GIVE YOU REPORTS--" "IRRELEVANT! You were just waiting for the opportunity to sneak in and harm my precious egg! I SHOULD KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND, YOU LYING USURPING--" Then, Jeb lets out a loud shout through the grip on his shirt. "I CAME TO GIVE YOU REPORTS ON YOUR EGG!" Jeb yells out through bared teeth as the Director finally pauses. Jeb continues as he has an opening to hurriedly explain himself. "YOUR EGG IS DUE TO HATCH! THAT'S WHY I'M HERE!!" The air in the office suddenly goes silent and still before a little known sound suddenly makes itself known to everyone in the room. Crack! Phobos drops Jeb like a hot stone as he turns towards his egg, eye now widened with realization as the crack on the egg suddenly gets bigger. Jeb coughs on the ground as the other employees of the office look on as Phobos is suddenly fixated on his egg that begins to move and more and more cracks develop on the shell. "It...It is hatching..." Phobos mutters in an awestruck manner as the little egg can be felt wiggling in his hands as more splinters and fractures appear. Then, the top of the egg is suddenly broken apart and a little glittering grey face appears. Poking out from the shell, it begins to make little squeaks and whimpers, making Phobos's eye glitter and sparkle with mirth. It was a sparkling pudgy infant with a red-like circlet designed into their very skin around their head. Their skin shimmered like the Player's iridescent strings and they were happily vocalizing to signify a healthy hatching. "My heir!! My heir to my empire has been born!!" Phobos cheers as he holds the infant close to his body while the surrounding staff clap and cheer. The tense atmosphere disappearing in an instant. Jeb merely stands up and brushes himself off, just happy that the hatching of Phobo's child seemed to pacify the Director. At least...for now. He begins to pick up all of his papers as Phobos nuzzles and coddles the new arrival lovingly as the staff congratulate the Director. Jeb leaves after picking up the papers and even takes it upon himself to spread the news to other members as he passes by. Once the Player returns, they are gifted the sight of their lover holding onto a new arrival and the three officially unite together as you greet your new little one. You didn't know much about the utter meltdown that Phobos went through earlier that day, but you would be getting the full story from Jeb once you both meet up for your usual check up of your little one.
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thetfer · 8 months
I would like to convert you in my insoles.Can I do it and you would like?
If you want to turn me into your insoles, then I don't have a choice in the matter...I will become your insoles. As for liking it...I'm sure I'll get use to the smell of your feet eventually...right?
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anon-sect · 3 months
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Taylor loved the way his new insoles brought life back to his shoes he had for the past five years. He didn't want to get rid of them, but the insoles had worn out over time. It made the shoes hard to walk in. But he found a website that offers human transformed objects at a descent price. He purchased a pair of insoles to try out in one of his favorite pair of shoes.
When he received the package about a week later, he was amazed. It was truly hard to believe that both were former humans who gave up their life to be comfort for his feet. He almost felt bad for them as their life would be nothing but him stepping on them. But then he did pay for them, so technically they were his property to do with as he pleased. It shouldn't be any consequence on his consciousness on what his feet will do to them. They gave up their humanity a while ago. All they are nothing but insoles for him to make his feet comfortable.
Tavon was offered money to be part of an experiment, but he didn't know then it would be permanent. He now found himself shoved into a stranger's stinky shoe. He felt the stranger's feet press down on him. He could feel himself completely conform to the stranger's feet completely against his will. Each step was a crushing blow after the other. The fact the stranger knew he was a former person, yet still decided to put him in his shoe made the situation even more humiliating. He didn't want to be his insole for the rest of his life, he wish he could tell the stranger that. The stranger seemed to think he wanted this life.
Tain was in heaven as he felt his new form take the shape of his owner's foot. He wanted a new life, and that company was offering him just that. Even though the stranger didn't know his name, it didn't matter. He was serving the very purpose he was reformed into. He was just an insole to serve under his owner's feet. The fact that he was loving it made it even better. Even though it was painful being walked on and stood on, he had a life purpose at last. He just hoped he could spend the rest of his life with the stranger's feet and not be thrown away like common trash one day. The stranger's foot gave him a new lease on a life that he was loving despite the pain of comforting his feet.
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pegasus-omega · 9 months
I love being at the bottom of a mans socked feet, sir
A good friend of yours has a TF Shrink Ray. He has been wanting to use it for a while. You are curious about what it would be like to be small. So your friend uses it on you. He shrinks you down to six inches tall and reformats you into material that can be reshaped. He used his foot to expand you into an insole that is the full length of his foot. He places you in his gym shoe as an extra insole. He puts his shoe on and discovers how well of an insole you are. He decides to go workout. He decides to see how durable of an insole you are. Prepare to enjoy an intense 1 hour and 30 minutes of being crushed for his comfort.
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Why tf are normal insoles $8 but insoles for high arches are $25 fuck you i can't help i have freak feet
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darklordofthesimp · 2 years
I feel like sunshine doesn't have the right mentality for the 141. They want to be better than them(the 141) like learning from birdy to be better than them. Ghost, Soap, and Gaz have their strengths and don't try to one up each other and they focus on what they are good at and contribute to the 141 instead of trying to outshine. Like isn't Soap have the highest marks on the final SAS test ( or is it gaz) but like acknowledges Ghost strengths are vastly superior/differently honed. Sunshine gives me shadow mentality no cap. Your gonna hate me but graves x sunshine even though sunshine would eat him alive
Actually, hold on imma disagree here (not just because you mentioned the unmentionable one)
Sunshine is ambitious, but it doesn't make her a shadow or not right for the 141. Ambition in the army is how the ranks get to where they are.
Sunshine is fucking insane at their job and severely ambitious, it's not that they don't acknowledge that others are better it's that THEY want to be better.
Sunshine KNOWS Birdy is the best, that's why they want to learn from Birdy. They want birdy to teach them so that they can be the best that they can be and move on.
Sunshine isn't using the 141 as a forever home, it's just a TF where they can serve their time, help people, create a network and friends and build their skill to be the absolute best from what the 141 teaches them and then move on.
Sunshine wants to change EVERYTHING. Sunshine doesn't settle. Sunshine wants to grip corruption by throat and by being big and high enough to walk into general shephards office and give HIM orders to lie on his back and take a bullet for his treason and insolence and the deaths that he caused (they'd send him to prison not kill him relax people)
I don't think that makes them a shadow it just means that they're never willing to settle and never willing to be less than they ever could be
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tiffcore · 1 year
an: 'you' is my pc, princess. i don't think this is canon to how she'd act but shrug i wanted to write it anyway. pc has demon tf.
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it's not fair.
even though she's the new girl, even though her titties aren't as big as yours, ass isn't as fat as yours, (and her hips! good grief), it's like she's all Whitney talks about. you're an honest to god succubus and your own boyfriend (boytoy, admittedly,) can't even stand to give you the time of day.
Ramona. He yells it from the top of his lungs, and like an obedient bitch, she responds in kind. She might as well scamper over on all fours. She's not an ugly girl - a bit on the smaller side, with little triangle tits that have the puffy areolas, the cutest little buds that Whitney keeps going on and on about peircing. You've seen her pussy more than her face because Whitney makes you get off to her streams. It's a little ... disorienting.
Seeing a girl so unlike how you are now.
In your complicated, meandering relationship with depravity, there is Whitney, who encourages you. Who smiles with teeth everytime you crawl beneath the desk as Leighton reprimands away, too loud and angry to hear the sound of sucking beneath the table. Whitney, who likes getting you drunk because you'll say anything, do anything.
And then there's Ramona. She's new here. She's got her own problems, because this town loves fresh meat. She doesn't know the things you do. That Whitney is merely the beginning of the Inferno. But you smile, because unlike Ramona, you're used to the cigarette burns. Okay with it, because having Whitney in your corner is better than the world at your back.
It's hard not to see yourself in her. How you used to be all meek eyed and knock kneed. peach skinned and pathetically soft. That version of you couldn't last, so it died,
and those purple horns sprouted in its place.
"But Whitney..." You're cut off when he presses a kiss to the corner of your lips and groans, your protest undercut by the lewd squelch of slurping coming from between his legs. "You said it'd be my turn-"
Whitney is quick to curb your insolence, biting your lips and laughing when you moan, his hand coming up to your horn and pulling-
"It can be both of your turns." He pushes your head down until it knocks into Ramona's. She's smart, and just flinches, doesn't bite.
"Go ahead." Ramona's frightened eyes look towards yours, your pupils constricting in begrudging acknowledgement.
Your tongue begins to slither out your mouth. You wait until you hear the words.
"Lick it."
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