takaraphoenix · 6 years
If it pleases the Great and Might Firefox, may I have a drabble with Nicercy and these quotes: “Are you high?” - “I’m just so fucking tired.”?
Nico frowned disturbed as he looked up. His boyfriend was giggling like crazy, curled together on his own bed and reading. Exam time was a pain in the ass and both of them had been studying their asses off, but Percy... he was really working himself into the ground.
Percy and Nico had met by becoming dorm-roommates. Nico was studying to become a doctor, while Percy was studying marine biology to become a... dolphin-doctor. Among other things. It was insanely endearing and Nico had fallen in love with Percy at the zoo, actually. Seeing Percy fawn over penguins was the single most adorable thing Nico had ever seen.
"Babe? Are you... alright?", asked Nico carefully.
"This is just... so—o funny", giggled Percy. "Penguins and their pebbles. I mean. Imagine I had given you a pebble when asking you first out! Ahahahaha!"
"...Are... Are you high?", asked Nico disturbed, getting up from his own bed to walk to Percy's.
Groaning in a drawn-out way, Percy dropped his book and collapsed forward onto the bed. "I'm just so fucking tired. I can't sleep. Every time... all the... the exams, Nick, the exams!"
Sighing, Nico sat down next to Percy and gently started caressing his boyfriend's hair. His hands slipped down from Percy's head to his shoulders and he started massaging his boyfriend. Percy groaned in a blissful way, slowly relaxing beneath Nico.
"You're too tense, amore", whispered Nico gently. "You need to stop pressuring yourself like that. I know exams are stressful. I know you are always... troubled about studying. But if you work too hard, it'll all be for nothing too, because you can't concentrate any longer. I love you. You need to take care of yourself, my love. Or... at least let me take care of you."
"I lo—ove you so—o much, Ni—ick", groaned Percy happily. "You're amazing. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. Have I ever told you how amazing you are? Because you are."
"You really are sleep-drunk, babe", muttered Nico with a frown.
He carefully picked up the books and put them aside, before stripping Percy down to his boxers. The other allowed that to happen, just laying there and watching him curiously from half-lid eyes. Smiling fondly at his boyfriend, Nico stripped down himself before he joined Percy in bed.
"Time for sleep, Perce. You can study more tomorrow", whispered Nico, voice soft.
He kissed the top of Percy's head as he pulled his boyfriend closer. Percy sighed contently and snuggled up to Nico, burying his face in Percy's neck. Within seconds, he was out cold.
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kimmycup · 6 years
P.S. I love you and thank you for the tea and the Jace Squad button/Pin. I feel like I am a part of the family, now. C: *hugs you*
Glad it reached you safely!
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jiminrolls · 7 years
*pops out from behind a curtain* Shooting Star and Night Light... *clears throat* For the Ask Thingy... *shifts weight from one side to the other* Um, yeah... *hides back behind the curtain*
shooting star: who is someone you trust to help you make the right decisions?
Hmm, I would say myself because I hate asking others for advice in general since I hate to bother anyone with my problems
night light: who/what makes you feel safe?
music! the world is turned off and you’re in your own little world ~
late night self reflective asks 🌙
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soft-yoongi-ssi · 6 years
@insomniacsnowflower --> @soft-yoongi-ssi
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
“Let’s just bury the hatchet.” - “Fuck your hatchet.” AlecxJace (I thought Jace used duel axes, but I do not know anymore. *cries* I think my life is a lie and I swear I saw it somewhere.)
Advent Calendar: Day 15
“Jace. Jace, you can’t still be angry-”, started Alec with a frown.
“No, boss, I’m not angry. I’m being completely professional, sir”, growled Jace out.
Alec swallowed the spark of arousal that being called ‘sir’ by Jace sent through his body. Now was really not the time and also not the mood, because his parabatai looked ready to stab him with the sword he was cleaning. This was entirely not going as planned.
“Jace, please. Let’s just bury the hatchet”, requested Alec.
“Fuck your hatchet”, hissed Jace and got up. “I gotta leave for a mission. See you in like… a week.”
Alec made a face and ran his fingers through his hair. He just watched his parabatai stomp off.
“Wouldn’t it have been better to tell him the truth, Alec?”, asked Isabelle, eyebrows raised.
Alec glared at the weapon’s master, who just stood there judgmentally. “No. It’s… It’s a surprise. I really didn’t expect him to react like this to the mission, but…”
“Come on, Alec”, sighed Isabelle, shaking her head a little. “After everything he’s been through this year? Christmas was the thing Jace has been looking forward to, to celebrate with us.”
“But what I’ve planned-”, started Alec.
Isabelle smiled and leaned in, resting a hand on Alec’s hand. “Is sweet and amazing, but right now, Jace doesn’t know that, so he’s just angry that his… parabatai… is sending him on a long mission over Christmas, away from everyone. Alone.”
The face Alec made was absolutely tortured. He sighed as he rubbed his face.
Jace was glaring angrily as he entered the place he was supposed to stay in. There had been ‘strange activities’ up in the Hamptons, apparently. The way Luke made it sound, it was a rouge pack of werewolves. And of all the Shadowhunters at the Institute, Jace had been sent to check it out. Due to the sneaky nature of the wolves, they expected at least a week of investigations and tracking, especially considering all the current bad weather.
It was two days before Christmas. Jace was going to miss Christmas in favor of a stupid solo mission. Solo, especially. Because it was nearly Christmas. So others got the time off, only Jace was expendable enough to be send away? What was this, some kind of… punishment?
Jace threw his bag into a corner of the admittedly spacious and cozy room at the ski resort before he sat down on the corner of the bed and buried his hands in his hair. Was Alec trying to get some time away from Jace? Was this… a mistake? Had Alec realized that fantasizing about Jace had been better than being with Jace and now he didn’t know how to break up with his parabatai so Alec just tried to put distance between them…? The thought made him tremble a little.
“Jace? Jace, what’s wrong? Are you okay? Talk to me, parabatai.”
Looking up, Jace watched how Alec knelt down in front of him, concern written all over his face as Alec gently reached out to cup Jace’s face. Jace blinked a couple of times, confused.
“What… are you doing here?”, asked Jace, eyebrows knitted.
“I…”, started Alec and sighed before he leaned in to rest his forehead against Jace’s. “Clary opened a portal for me to catch up with you. This… was supposed to be a… surprise Christmas present.”
“What? The mission?”, asked Jace, now even more confused than before.
“There is no mission, Jace”, chuckled Alec, tilting Jace’s head up enough to kiss his cheek. “This… is a week-long, romantic get-away for just you and me. A place where no one knows us and there are no Shadowhunters snooping. Where you and me can just… be a happy couple, openly.”
“…What?”, asked Jace, voice breaking just a little in surprise.
“After everything we’ve been through this year”, whispered Alec, wrapping one arm around Jace’s waist to pull him closer. “This seemed like what we deserve. To celebrate Christmas together, just you and me. Lydia is stepping in for me, Clary and Izzy will cover for us too.”
“…Oh”, mumbled Jace, his cheeks coloring softly.
“You’re cute when you blush”, mumbled Alec with a small smile, nuzzling into Jace’s face.
“I just… I thought…”, started Jace and shook his head a little.
“What?”, asked Alec with a frown, bringing some distance between them.
“I… I thought you were sending me away over Christmas and being so secretive because…”, started Jace and leaned in to hide his face in Alec’s chest out of embarrassment. “I thought you were trying to figure out how to break up with me because this whole… relationship wasn’t working for you anymore, after… everything that happened lately…”
The two of them had gotten together after the memory demon incident, after the big reveal of Alec’s feelings. But with everything that had happened afterward, Jace lying to Alec about his death and then Jace nearly killing Alec. The blonde flinched away when Alec cupped his cheek.
“I’m not breaking up with you”, stated Alec very firmly. “I love you, Jace. I’ve always loved you. And I know what happened wasn’t your fault. It was the Owl, not you.”
Jace relaxed, went nearly boneless in Alec’s arms and accepting his parabatai’s safe embrace. “By the Angel, I was so stupid. I just… I thought…”
“Not stupid. Just… wired”, offered Alec softly. “You’ve been through a lot, Jace. That’s… That’s why I wanted you all for myself. Just you and me, together.”
Sighing, Jace wrapped his arms around Alec’s shoulders, getting on his toe-tips to embrace him properly. “By the Angel, I love you so much, Alec. I’m sorry I’ve been lashing out about it…”
“No, babe, it’s okay”, murmured Alec gently, carefully guiding Jace so the two of them could sit on the bed together. “It’s okay. I know why you lashed out. I know it was… Izzy was right, I really shouldn’t have tried to make this a surprise. I should have just told you the truth.”
For a long stretch, the two of them sat in silence. “…No, it’s… it’s a nice surprise, Alec.”
Alec huffed at that, looking at Jace with a fond smile. “Yeah?”
“Yeah”, confirmed Jace, hugging Alec a little tighter. “I get… to have you all to myself for a whole week. We can… do all the cheesy stuff like holding hands and kissing in public. It sounds… nice.”
“It… It really does”, agreed Alec with the softest look on his face.
And oh, it really did. Skiing, ice-skating, just going out to dinner together, being able to be affectionate with each other. Alec smiled as Jace snuggled up to him.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
“You have a cute nose, don’t make me break it.” ShrioxKeithxLance (I am not even going to try to get that ship name right.)
Lance was glowering to himself as he fed Kaltenecker and patted her head. His eyes however were focused on something outside of the stables. Something, namely one of his boyfriends. Keith was fighting with Griffin again. They had been at each other's throats back at the Garrison and since the Paladins of Voltron had landed back on Earth it went back to status quo.
"Why the long face, Lance?", asked Hunk confused.
Blinking, Lance turned to look at his best friend. Hunk was so much more carefree and happy ever since they had won. Ever since he had been reunited with his family. Lance had been so happy for his friend – the fact that Lance had gotten to hug his family, that all of them had survived, had survived inside the Garrison, it was a downright miracle and to see his best friend suffer by worrying about his family... Sighing, Lance leaned back.
"Keith and Griffin", grumbled Lance, motioning at them.
Kaltenecker mooed displeased at that, nudging her human. Hunk huffed and collapsed next to Lance, watching in utter confusion. Keith was shoving Griffin against a wall, looking two seconds from hitting the guy. Honestly, Hunk didn't really like Griffin either – too arrogant – but Keith and Griffin? They were like oil and water. Still, Hunk had no idea what Lance was talking about.
"They're flirting", hissed Lance, pouting.
"...They... what now?", asked Hunk stunned, turning back to Keith and Griffin.
"Yeah! Look at them! Exactly like me and Keith before we got together", replied Lance.
Hunk wanted to protest because whatever was going on with Keith and Griffin was most definitely not flirting, but then again, whatever Keith and Lance had been doing prior to getting together had actually also not looked like flirting to Hunk...
"So, are you going to... talk to Keith?", suggested Hunk with a frown.
"You're right", huffed Lance and walked up to them.
Not having the best feeling about this, Hunk also got up to follow them. Keith and Griffin had each other backed into a corner when Lance stepped in, glowering and grabbing Griffin's shoulder.
"You have a cute nose, don't make me break it."
Griffin and Keith both looked startled and Hunk had the feeling that this was going to go South fast, so he headed away, trying to find the reasonable party of that threesome. Shiro. Sure, he had been rather busy with his new position in the Garrison, but he still had two boyfriends and the team to take care of and spend time with. Hunk yelped as he nearly stumbled over Cosmo. The wolf tilted his head and nudged Hunk. The next second, they were in Shiro's office, startling the man.
"Hunk? Cosmo?", asked Shiro surprised. "What's going on?"
"I'm pretty sure Lance is going to break Griffin's nose over Keith", offered Hunk with a frown.
"Lance? Over Keith? Not the other way around?", asked Shiro, now very confused.
"Huh?", grunted Hunk, frown deepening. "What does that mean?"
"Ever since we returned to the Garrison, Griffin has taken a shining to Lance. And Keith, who is not on the best terms with Griffin anyway, explodes whenever Griffin as much as looks at Lance", sighed Shiro. "I know Griffin knows better than to act on it, since everyone knows that the three of us are together. But Keith has always been the jealous type."
"Oh. Huh. Uhm. Well, Lance is reading the situation a little differently?", mused Hunk. "He thinks what Keith and Griffin are doing is... flirting...?"
To his surprise, Shiro started laughing. "Oh, those beautiful morons. I do have a type, don't I...? Fine. Where are they? I'll go and take care of them."
Cosmo whined in agreement and tackled Shiro. Within the blink of an eye, Shiro found himself outside, with Griffin, Keith and Lance at what looked like a stand-off. Patting the trusty space wolf on the head, Shiro went to get between the three young men.
"Griffin. I believe you're running late for your training session", stated Shiro firmly and as Griffin left while grumbling under his breath, Shiro turned to look at his boyfriends. "And you two. We're gonna have a conversation. No broken noses. Use your words."
He grabbed them both by the neck and pulled them closer, smiling a little. Keith glowered and Lance blushed, ducking his head. Sighing at them, Shiro leaned down to kiss first Lance's cheek and then Keith's cheek, gaining both their attention.
"Come on. Lance. Why are you angry?", asked Shiro seriously.
"Because Keith keeps flirting with Griffin!", exclaimed Lance angrily.
"W—What?", sputtered Keith, turning a little green. "I'm not flirting with Griffin! That's just gross! Why would you think that?! I hate the guy. Even more since he started leering at you!"
"Leering at me?", squeaked Lance, cheeks turning red. "He's not—You keep flirting with him. Screaming and pushing him around! It's like you and me in the beginning!"
"...Oh", grunted Keith, a frown creasing his eyebrows. "I... can see why you'd think that. But no! I'd never flirt with that jackass. But he's been... looking at you. Hitting on you. Not that you'd notice. For as big a flirt as you are, you are insanely dense to people flirting with you. I've been at his throat because he's been after my boyfriend."
"Oh. I was thinking... oh", grunted Lance embarrassed, cheeks red.
"Now that we've solved that problem... Do you think you can kiss and stop it?", asked Shiro.
Grinning and ducking his head, Lance leaned up to kiss Keith. "Sorry I was jealous."
"...Sorry I was being jealous", sighed Keith. "I mean, I know you wouldn't cheat and you're not interested in him. But it just... it agitates me so much that he thinks he stands a chance."
"I'm glad we have Shiro, who is reasonable and not jealous", sighed Lance.
Grinning, Shiro captured Lance's lips in a proper kiss. "Babe, one of us has to be reasonable and level-headed, if the two of you can't be."
"I can be reasonable and level-headed", grumbled Keith, stealing a kiss of his own from Shiro.
"Not when it comes to Lance you're not", smirked Shiro knowingly, pulling his boyfriends closer.
"That's Lance's fault", grumbled Keith with a glare.
"Hey!", exclaimed Lance. "I take offense to that, mullet-head!"
Shiro smiled fondly to himself as he watched his boyfriends bicker. There, that was much better.
 ~*~ The End ~*~
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
“Did you just hiss at me?” - “Are you judging me?” OctavianxPercy
“Sedanur Aykan, daughter of Apollo with the gift of augury. Her mother Malaike Aykan was a Turkish German and recently passed away, no living relatives left”, read Reyna off the file as she walked with Percy.
“Poor girl. But… why are you telling me this?”, asked Percy confused.
Reyna sighed and closed the folder, turning fully toward Percy with a serious expression on her face. “Because you are dating the current augur and you are living with him too. Sedanur has the gift of augury and she has no living relatives. Tradition has it that the current augur takes in the future augur as their apprentice, raising them. This… affects you too.”
“…You want me to adopt a kid?! I’m nineteen a half! I’m a kid myself, heck I literally just said ‘a half’!”, blurted Percy out with a panicky expression. “And Tavy and I have only been dating for two years. We can’t adopt a child, Reyna. The poor kid!”
Reyna sighed and rested a hand on Percy’s upper arm. “I know. That’s why I’m here talking to you. Your boyfriend however, he’s twenty-four and the augur of New Rome. Octavian knows. He knows his duty. But his duty will affect you too now. And… to be quite honest, you’re the reason most of the senate agreed to send Sedanur to Octavian, because… while he has been working hard to make up for the mistakes made during the Giant War, we all have known Octavian long enough to be doubtful of what kind of influence he would be on a child. You however, you have the right heart and head to raise a kid. But in the end… it’s your decision how much you’ll get involved.”
Percy was still wide-eyed and a bit slack-jawed as they reached the temple of Apollo. Octavian was standing in front of a young girl with dark hair and bright eyes and almond skin. She was so small.
“Hello”, whispered Percy gently as he approached them.
Sedanur didn’t reply, she was just clutching her teddy bear close.
“I’m Percy”, said Percy with a smile. “How old are you?”
“Das ist Percy. Er will wissen, wie alt du bist”, supplied Octavian after a moment.
“Fast vier”, replied Sedanur with a small smile.
“She said she’s nearly four. She talks like you”, drawled Octavian. “She’s only three, she doesn’t speak English. Our glorious praetor did tell you she’s from Germany, right?”
“So… you speak German, huh?”, asked Percy curiously.
“Your observation skills are astonishing”, drawled Octavian and rolled his eyes. “I’m fluent in seven languages, German among them, yes. I trust it that you’ve also been informed about…”
“That the little princess is going to live with us, yeah”, replied Percy, looking at the scared little orphan girl. “Ye—eah. We’re definitely going to keep her.”
/Six Months Later\
Sedanur was a quick study – both, for the English language and the augury. Octavian found himself very proud of his young apprentice. The girl was also taking very well to New Rome and even better so to… Percy. Octavian frowned as he leaned against the doorway of their living room, watching them. Percy’s solution to teaching Sedanur English was to watch Disney movies with her. Which, actually seemed to help a lot, because Danny knew the movies they were watching by heart in German, so she mentally linked the words she knew with the unfamiliar ones she heard now.
It made Octavian feel strange though, seeing Percy and Sedanur curled together on the couch, munching cookies and singing along to the movie’s songs.
“Papa, wanst you watch with us?”, asked Sedanur with large, hopeful eyes.
“Papa, do you want to watch with us”, corrected Octavian as he heaved a sigh and approached.
She had started calling them papa and daddy a few weeks ago and Percy glared rather viciously every time Octavian attempted to correct her, so he had simply given up and submitted to his fate. Percy smiled pleased as he made room for Octavian and then snuggled up to him, kissing his cheek.
“Aristocats. Of course my kitten is making my apprentice watch the cat movie”, muttered Octavian, just to have Percy hiss at him, prompting Octavian to raise an eyebrow. “Did you just hiss at me?”
“Are you judging me?”, asked Percy, one eyebrow raised pointedly.
“Daddy, can we have a Kätzchen?”, asked Sedanur instantly hopeful.
Percy blinked and grinned before turning toward Octavian, with Seanur, both of them looking at Octavian with the large, hopeful eyes (Percy taught the girl that look and it infuriated Octavian beyond belief). “I dunno, Danny. We gotta ask papa. For that. What do you say, Tavy? Do we?”
“Don’t do that”, growled Octavian irritated. “Don’t…”
“Please?”, asked Sedanur and her eyes, if possible, went even wider. “Papa?”
There was this odd feeling in Octavian’s chest, heavy yet light and it made it downright impossible to deny this look. Which was strange, because the only one who had ever managed to manipulate him like that was Perseus Jackson. And usually, he did it with promises in the bedroom. Though rather early into their relationship, Perseus had managed to also manipulate Octavian outside the bedroom, using the very unfair advantage of his impossible eyes.
“Very well. But I am not cleaning any cat toilets, Perseus”, warned Octavian irritated.
Both Sedanur and Perseus high-fived at that and then jumped him, each kissing him on the cheek. Honestly, this was not what Octavian had pictured his life to be when he had first bedded Perseus during the Giant War. That the boy, when coming to New Rome to attend college, would actually pursue a relationship with Octavian? Beyond sex? That Octavian would allow the Graeco to move in with him, to share his bed and his home. That… That Octavian would enjoy being curled together with his Graeco to enjoy Game of Thrones, that he’d look forward to coming home to Perseus and his home-cooked meals (or take-out, whenever Percy’s classes were running late too).
Least of all, that Octavian and Percy Jackson – of all people – would be raising a child together. A gifted, brilliant child, the future augur of New Rome who would bring great honor not just to New Rome but to Octavian personally, because this apprentice was more than talented. This child was more than promising. This… daughter… was more than endearing.
Octavian sighed softly as he pressed a kiss against the top of Sedanur’s head and then turned to also press a kiss to the top of Percy’s head, making the Greek grin smugly.
~*~ The End ~*~
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
*hides behind hands* ...Have you ever seen True Blood?
...You’d have to make a case for this one because that is one of the shows I didn‘t even give a chance. Pretty blonde with super-special powers screamed Mary-Sue way too hard, while the extra-broody vampire screamed Twilight way too hard for me. My mom watched that, but I passed on it.
Sooo, I got an open ear. Sell me on it and convince me she ain’t just a doe-eyed Mary-Sue and he ain’t just an Angel-Edward-rip-off, because that is what it looks like, I just rewatched the trailer and got haaard flashbacks.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
“Here, take me blanket/jacket.” - “I told you, I’m not cold.” *shivering* HiJack (Because why not.)
Jack grinned as he sat down with his two best friends. They were at a small café that they frequented because it was so close to campus. Perfect for breaks and for an early morning coffee. Flynn Rider was Jack’s roommate and Moana Waialiki was essentially Jack’s best friend.
“Say”, started Moana as she shed her jacket. “You’re wearing that hoodie again.”
“Mh?”, grunted Jack, blinking slowly as the three of them got comfortable.
“Last week, you leave me hanging when I ask you if you want to go shopping with me and now you’ve magically acquired a new piece of clothing”, elaborated Flynn, motioning at the dark-blue hoodie that Jack was wearing. “I mean, it suits you. Heaven knows you need more color in your wardrobe. But where did that hoodie come from? Because I tell you now, if you ditched me to go shopping alone, I will be forced to pout.”
It was true that Jack had only ever worn browns and beige. He was used to being a bit of a wallflower. Even though he had set out for an image change at college – he had bleached his hair snow-white and he loved how it looked, but change was a gradual thing and so far, he hadn’t really had the money to change his wardrobe. So it were still the brown, skin-tight leather pants and white shirts and such. So the dark-blue hoodie did stand out a little.
Flynn was out on a date with his girlfriend Rapunzel and Moana was showing her cousin Maui, who had come for a visit, around the city, leaving Jack all alone to study. He had thought that going out to their favorite café – the Lucky Cat Café – to eat cake and study would be a good idea, but then it had started snowing half way there and now he was sitting at a table by himself, shivering.
“Hello, Jack. Today without your friends?”, greeted the cute waiter with a smile.
Jack had the tiniest crush on Hiccup. He was studying at the San Fransokyo science-y school, Jack had seen him leave the campus often enough, and he was the step-son of the café’s owner. He had cute freckles, large dark-green eyes and messy, dark-brown eyes. And he was quite fairly built, all the heavy lifting and metal work he apparently did for his inventing were really paying off. There was a kind smile on his lips at all times and the kittens at the café – which was where its name name from, because it was one of those cat cafés where you got free kitten-cuddles along with your coffee – all loved to flock to him. Hiccup was some kind of cat-whisperer, especially a black one with large, green eyes liked to sit on Hiccup’s shoulder, or in the hood of his hoodie.
“Yeah. They had no time for me today”, sighed Jack, shuddering again a little.
“You look cold”, noted Hiccup concerned.
“Got into the snow”, shrugged Jack with a sigh. “It’s fine though.”
“Here, take my jacket”, offered Hiccup, not minding Jack.
“I told you, I’m not cold”, countered Jack, rubbing his arms as he shivered a little.
But by the time he had finished his sentence, Hiccup had already grabbed the blue hoodie off the rack behind the counter and handed it to Jack with a friendly smile.
“Can’t have my favorite customer freezing”, declared Hiccup with a wink.
Jack blushed and got dressed in the very soft, comfortable and too-large blue hoodie. “Thanks.”
“It’s nice to see that you seem to like my hoodie.”
Jack blinked and turned toward the sound of the voice. His cheeks lit up when he saw Hiccup standing in front of their table, an amused smile on his lips as he regarded Jack in the hoodie.
“Right. Yeah. I… meant to give it back to you, but… uh… you weren’t working when I was here and I figured it’d be weird if I’d give your mother your hoodie and said you lend it to me”, muttered Jack awkwardly, grabbing the hem of the hoodie to pull it off.
Flynn and Moana exchanged a surprised look at that, both having their eyebrows raised high at that. Jack paused when Hiccup caught his wrist and stopped him. The smile on Hiccup’s lips made Jack’s heart flutter a little, especially when Hiccup shook his head casually.
“It… looks good on you. Better than on me anyway. I don’t know, I’ve been mainly wearing red lately. So, if you like it, you can just keep it”, offered Hiccup, cheeks slightly red.
“How about you ask our boy Jack out on a proper date first before you make him wear your clothes? Really, who taught you about relationships, because they failed”, huffed Flynn.
Both Hiccup and Jack stared at Flynn with large, surprised eyes and dark-red cheeks. Moana laughed at that and leaned over to high-five Flynn with a grin to match his.
“True that. First the dates, then the clothes sharing”, agreed Moana.
“I’m sorry, please don’t mind my friends. They’re awful people”, groaned Jack.
“No, it’s alright”, laughed Hiccup and shook his head, though his blush didn’t lessen. “I mean, my best friend Merida’s been on my case for weeks now, telling me to just… ask you out. But… I’m not very good at this kind of stuff. So… uhm… would… you maybe like to go on a date with me?”
“Maybe? Definitely”, nodded Jack wide-eyed.
“Great!”, exclaimed Hiccup, smiling broadly at Jack.
Moana and Flynn watched for a few moments how Hiccup and Jack just stared at each other, before Moana cleared her throat. “So, do you want to take Jack out for a coffee or something?”
“Oh. Uhm, not coffee, please, because I get enough of that around here?”, asked Hiccup, looking from Flynn over to Jack. “So… maybe… do you want to go and see a movie or something?”
“That… sounds great”, agreed Jack, biting his lower-lip.
“Wonderful. Here’s our address. Come and pick Jack up after your shift today and I’ll make sure he’s ready by then. You get off at five, right?”, grinned Flynn, scribbling something on a napkin.
Hiccup blinked as he accepted the napkin from Flynn. He had been watching the gorgeous white-haired boy with his friends for weeks now. Admiring the free way in which Jack laughed, how his ice-blue eyes sparkled at every mischievous grin and just generally how utterly adorable Jack was. But Jack in his hoodie? That really pushed Hiccup over the edge with cuteness.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
snow (because I reblogged and I follow rules. XD)
Okay. Snow and I, we have a rather complicated relationship, actually.
I mean, on the one hand, I love it. It is so fucking beautiful and dreamy and ESPECIALLY during December it just... it belongs there.
And living where I live, in a valley surrounded by mountains, we went up the mountains with the sleigh every winter and it was always a total highlight.
Building snowmen with my grandpa and all.
But I also kinda hate snow? It’s just so... slippery. I am super clumsy and I stumble and fall on my ass even without a frozen-over ground.
It’s beautiful the first day, freshly fallen and untouched. But once it’s tainted, grey from car-exhaust and brown and muddy and mushy... eh.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
Help! There is a National Spider Man Day. How do I prepare for such a holiday? *cries in corner*
...it’s what now? *deadpan* Seriously? Is there a national day for fucking everything? Even superheroes now? *throws hands up in the air*
I dunno. Binge-watch Ultimate Spider-Man or something I guess. Catch flies and feed the radioactive spiders under your bed. ô__Ô
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
May I ask if the mystery ship is a OTP, OT3, or OT4, or would that be cheating? *tilts head*
I usually say OT3 if I mean an OT3. So, when I say ship I generally speak of a two-person deal. It’s two guys. *nods amused*
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
Tony and Bucky
Tony rating Bucky:
Looks: should be a literal sex god | too gorgeous to be true | gorgeous | handsome/beautiful | cutie | nice | not my type
Tony: *leering at Bucky, winking*
Bucky: ...Did you just wink at my arm?
Tony: It’s gorgeous?
Bucky: ...You built it.
Tony: Like I said. It’s gorgeous.
Tony: The guy attached to it is just as gorgeous though.
Personality: SWEET CINNAMON ROLL TOO PURE FOR THIS WORD | I love them | I like them | they’re okay | they’re an asshole | I hate them | despicable being | has no personality
Tony: I mean. It took quite some therapy and the time to digest what happened to my parents - you know, the time He Who Shall Not Be Named didn’t give me - but I know that Bucks Bunny didn’t kill my parents, that he was used.
Steve: *from the backroom* Am I still in the doghouse?
Bucky: *calling back* Yes. Don’t worry, we’ll get you back on his good side by the time to be my best man at the wedding.
Steve & Tony: WEDDING?!
Clint: *falling out of a vent* WEDDING?! *texting Natasha right away*
Relationship: we’re lovers | we’re soulmates | we’re platonic soulmates | we’re best friends | we’re friends | we’re allies | we’re family | we’re enemies
Bucky: *shy, cute smile*
Tony: *rolling his eyes and kissing Bucky*
Bucky rating Tony:
Looks: should be a literal sex god | too gorgeous to be true | gorgeous | handsome/beautiful | cutie | nice | not my type
Bucky: *grinning broadly at Tony*
Personality: SWEET CINNAMON ROLL TOO PURE FOR THIS WORD | I love them | I like them | they’re okay | they’re an asshole | I hate them | despicable being | has no personality
Tony: *squeaky noise*
Bucky: *points at the bots* No. Arguments. Allowed. Someone who builds cute robots and treats them like his children is a cinnamon roll.
Relationship: we’re lovers | we’re soulmates | we’re platonic soulmates | we’re best friends | we’re friends | we’re allies | we’re family | we’re enemies
Tony: *kissing Bucky softly*
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
I feel like Ares/Percy would be fun to right because of their fight in the first book. I do not know how it would go but Atlas/Percy? Maybe?? Cerus/Percy, though I think that maybe be infringing on the Minotaur. Are any of these good??? I will send more if I need too...?
Ares/Percy is one I excluded on purpose. It’s another ship I used to ship but have kinda lost interest in. That’s why I only included Ares in combination with Aphrodite. *shrugs*
Atlas is a hard pass.
...Okay. You caught me with a Graeco-Roman figure I’m not familiar with at all. I have no idea who or what Cerus is. And Google wasn’t helpful either. ôÔ
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
Leave Your Sneakers At The Shore
“Leave Your Sneakers At The Shore”,
a Percy Jackson fanfiction,
main pairing: Nico/Percy.
Nico di Angelo has lived all his life in Venice. He loves his home, even though it holds much pain for him. His mother has passed, his sister has passed. He is all alone. Sometimes, he feels like he has nothing left in life. No friends, no family anymore, no love. When he loses his job, he doesn’t think there is anything left.
He puts his shoes neatly side-by-side and sticks a note into them before he goes into the water.
Turns out that drowned souls whose bodies are never recovered are lost to the sea. As merpeople. Nico comes to it in Atlantis,
with a fish-tale
. That much for his suicide. Just great, now he had to go on but as a half-fish.He meets Percy, who is responsible of showing him around and teaching him how things work. Suddenly, he finds a purpose in his life. He makes friends, loves his new job in Atlantis and… he falls in love with Percy.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
“Move!” - “Why would I move if I’m so comfy where I am?” BatxAlec
“Move!”, demanded Alec irritated and impatient.
His boyfriend didn’t even look at him, just stretch out more. “Why would I move if I’m so comfy where I am?”
Alec looked utterly not impressed. “You’re sprawled out on my desk.”
“So…?”, drawled his boyfriend rolling over once.
Rubbing his temples, Alec shook his head. “This is endearing when you’re a wolf. But you’re human. You’re human and laying on my desk. Bat, stop being ridiculous.”
Bat huffed, a pout on his lips as he sat up. “That’s an unfair double-standard. When I’m a wolf, I’m allowed to lay on your desk, but when I’m human, I’m not?”
“You’re not allowed to lay on my desk when you’re a wolf either, Bat!”, snorted Alec and leaned back. “But I can hardly kick you off when you’re a giant 400 pound wolf.”
“I’m too exhausted to shift”, complained Bat and sighed.
He was dangling his legs over the edge of Alec’s desk, looking very much like a pouty child. Shaking his head, Alec got up and leaned over. He rested his hands on either side of Bat’s tighs and leaned in, resting between Bat’s legs. Slowly, he tilted his head and then stole a kiss from his boyfriend.
“Come on, let’s get you too bed, my exhausted wolf”, whispered Alec gently.
Bat hummed in agreement and wrapped his arms around Alec’s neck, heavily leaning onto the Shadowhunter. Raising one curious eyebrow, Alec waited a beat.
“…Do you… want me to carry you to bed?”, grunted Alec.
“Mhmh…”, hummed Bat pleased. “What a considerate boyfriend you are…”
Alec snorted amused when Bat hooked his legs around Alec’s waist and clung onto him like a koala. Sighing in defeat, Alec grabbed Bat by the underside of his thighs and lifted him up. It was only mildly distracting as Bat started nibbling his neck hungrily.
“For an exhausted man, you arevery… hungry”, remarked Alec dryly.
“Mh, didn’t have dinner and you’redelicious”, grinned Bat mischievously.
Thankfully enough, their bedroom wasvery close to his office. Bat grunted as he was dumped on their bed.Sprawling out, Bat let his boyfriend remove his pants and shoes. Asthat was done, Bat rolled onto his side to enjoy the show as Alecstripped down to his boxers. Of course did Bat place whistling at theappropriate moments – particularly when Alec bent over.
“You’re ridiculous”, grunted Alecwith flushed cheeks.
“And you’re gorgeous”, shrugged Batcasually. “Come here. I demand your full attention.”
It was strange how the both of them hadgrown so accustomed to falling asleep arm in arm that they couldn’treally fall asleep when being alone anymore. Which, according to Jaceand Izzy, was very good for Alec’s sleep-schedule, because sincebecoming head of the Institute, Alec had pulled quite a number ofall-nighters and over-hours. Something that Bat wouldn’t allow.Instead, he usually sprawled out on Alec’s desk in wolf-form to stopAlec from working.
“I love you”, murmured Alec gentlyas he curled up against Bat.
“Love you too, babe”, hummed Batcontently, nuzzling into Alec’s chest.
This was Alec’s favorite time of day,really. The phase between work and sleep, when it was just Alec andBat in bed, cuddled up to each other, holding each other. Sometimes,in his position, Alec felt like he was alone against everyone –yes, he had Izzy and Jace, but they were out on missions most of theday and Alec had to deal with everyone else. But whenever he wassnuggled up to Bat, he felt all the support, strength and love Bathad to offer for him.
Read here on FFNet & here on AO3
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