#inspect rather
toxiccaves · 8 months
i think something about ppl reblogging ai art without noticing it also comes down to how we should already be making sure its not reposted or stolen art. i know thats how a LOT of aesthetic blogs are run, but with photos too, i get not glancing twice if it seems to be official/stock/brand imagery or some old timey painting, but you should always in the first place be making sure any art you rb is uploaded by the creator, or if not, sourced properly
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guinevereslancelot · 6 days
so proud of myself for putting a big part of my last paycheck in my savings like an adult but now im gonna spend all my savings like an idiot 😵‍💫
#i mean i am paying cash for my first vehicle which is like...adulting pro level but....at what cost (the price) 😭#also its a very cheap rusty old car tbh but i need a truck for the farm basically#so even tho i could keep driving my dad's car to work since he works from home it makes sense#especially bc its three people sharing that car with me and my brother#and my little brother is a full time student w no job so im the full time employed one so i should be the one to get a car#but i was determined to not take out a loan so its not a super nice car#but i'm buying it from a friend of my mom at a steal basically#like who sells a decent working car for 1500 anymore#but thats literally my entire savings so.... 😬#no car payment tho which will be nice but aaaaaaaaa#and im worried its kind of a junky car and will need tons of repaira all the time and not be reliable#but my commute is really short and i never drive anywhere besides work which is good for an unreliable car#im not convinced its a great investment to put all my savings into an unreliable vehicle but my parents told me its a good investment so#😬👍#adulting yayyyyy#i am getting paid this friday tho so my savings wont be so alarmingly empty for long#but i have other big expenses so im stressed#however it is a nice christmassy red pickup truck which is good for a christmas tree farm#but last payday i was like why do i have so little money in my savings thats dumb and not very grown up im gonna put as much as i can spare#then a week later withdrew almost all of it for the car 🤡#possibly a stupid decision#but maybe a great one idk#and it saves my parents having to buy a trailer for my mom's car for farm stuff so they're gifting me $300 towards it#and it will be satisfying to buy it outright and have no debt on it#but oof it hurts so much to make big purchases#i've never spent this much money except on tuition#i dont know that its specially unreliable i just know its got rust and duct tape and they're selling it bc they'd rather have a car payment#bc they put more money into it than its worth#but its got new tires and brakes and passed inspection somehow with the rust sooo? maybe its not as bad as it looks 😂
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teaandinanity · 4 months
I'm gonna wind up learning CSS entirely against my will because my fucking 'send this shit to the shadow realm I don't want it' skin is NOT blocking a thing I need to kill
my kingdom for a native site blocklist that did not involve learning to code I am too stupid for this
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Is there anything more unsettling than your four cats staring in the same direction down the hall, only for you to later find a spider on the back of your bedroom door?
"Aww, what are you silly little guys doing over-? GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY, IS THAT A BIG HONKIN' RECLUSE???"
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orcelito · 11 months
OK WAIT here's a ITNL chapter 14 section that's not really spoilers. just a sweet lil section
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after this is where it's more Spoilers. but for now. HERE U go. happy birthday vash & also Uhhhh @ ITNL readers I PROMISE i am working on the chapter. things r just hard lol
#speculation nation#itnl shit#spoilers bc of uhh. Conversation. i wanna keep the conversation a secret for now lol#not bad spoilers it's just better digested as a whole probably#ANYWAYS heres some more vash & kaite bro time. god im gonna miss kaite when we gotta say goodbye to him#but he's still here for now and he gets to watch vash tinker with his (very internally fried) arm#before and after this section is vash inspecting the damages & thinking of what he can do to try to fix it#which i do have a lot written. but im gonna be going thru it for accuracy & also keeping in mind the thing from earlier#the possibility that average operational power of his arm comes from vash himself rather than extra batteries#this is with the assumption that a (relatively) small output of electricity is not smth that would fuck with his lifespan#just a normal expenditure of energy. like moving his flesh muscles. just a constant lil stream of electricity that he gets from eating & w/#no need to dip into his life reserves for it. bc if he did that would get impractical.#idk im going to think about it more. i really dont Need to figure out how his arm works#but listen. ive built a robot before. im in polytech. i wanna think about wtf his arm actually Is#even if this is coming in the context of all the internal wires being blown & a bunch of shit straight up Melted#his arm is... very very blown... he's gonna be going one-arm for a While still lmao. oh well#i think it's a good thing to remember that he is in fact physically disabled. he can make up for it Especially in a fight#but it still will inconvenience him in a lot of ways. cool biotech arm is cool but also it's nice to remember that he Is physically disable#and so i am embracing it. he's tinkering with his arm in his free time but if he has to spend weeks (or months) w/o his prosthetic#well that's just the reality he's gotta live#anywyas. Here u go. snippet. that's a few hundred words so idk if this counts as a snippet but im calling it a snippet. Here You Go
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mihrsuri · 3 months
I am so tired and teary it is completely ridiculous.
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monstertsunami · 1 year
fiddled with the js a bit more n then got the css down! this should be a good idea of what the rest of the character galleries will look like.
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mobile responsive as always, tho i'll still have to tweak the css to get it looking just right..
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u can visit the live page here :0
also heres some vaguely unimpressive code that im far too proud of.. annotated n every thing cause i had to figure this all out from scratch n i wanna talk abt it!! hehe
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korusalka · 1 year
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toomuchsky · 1 year
man the amount of money i could be throwing into savings if i didn’t have to pay off the stupid engine and hospital bills
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Sunday accountability post since apparently I'm not the only one who thought to do laundry today and am rapidly approaching the point of not being able to get done everything I wanted to today without having to ask for wifey's help 🫠🫠🫠
On Sunday and Monday I will:
Remove everything from the closet
Wash the closet walls, floors, and baseboards
Empty out Doom Bin 1, wash it, and put it aside temporarily
Organize all items from Doom Bin 1
Break down doggie den and put away in closet
Empty out Doom Bin 2, wash it, and put it aside temporarily with 1 and move them under window
Organize all items from Doom Bin 2
Put all washing in hampers
Put large dog toys in Doom Bins 1 and 2 and station one in each section of house
Put small dog toys in Blue bin and station by my side of the bed
Put cat toys in small green bin and station by Kitty Heaven
Clean and clear TV stand
Rearrange bedroom furniture
Sweep and wash bedroom floors
Wash a round of dishes
Organize Pile of Doom in front of Kitty Credenza
Wash a round of dishes
Organize spices
Wash a round of dishes
Clear counters
Wash counters
Wash a round of dishes
Wash exteriors of aplliances
Wash a round of dishes
Wash the walls and baseboards
Wash all dish washing gear
Wash the inside of the fridge
Wash the inside of the microwave
Organize the counter
Sweep and wash the floors
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lobpoints · 2 years
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mydigitalstore7 · 2 years
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#Is Meticore safe- Are there any no side effects --#Meticore has been taken by thousands of folks with no reported side effects.#Click here to purchase Weight loose Meticore product :-#https://www.digistore24.com/redir/348520/Ameshram5/#And Meticore is a lot safer than starvation diets or hours of high intensity cardio at the gym#because you#are restoring your body's core temperature rather than disrupting it further. Addressing low core#temperature is the single most important thing you can do right now for a turbo-charged metabolism and#long-lasting results now and into old age.#Meticore is safer than your daily multivitamin. It has natural ingredients and they're extremely high quality#manufactured at an FDA-inspected#state-of-the-art facility#it's on the latest equipment and then on top of#that they're put through additional third-party inspections and quality control so you can rest assured that#Meticore is safe.#What results can I reasonably expect?#When you start Meticore be prepared for some big changes.#As your core temperature is addressed and metabolism is boosted#so you can expect stubborn fat to#decrease from all over your body. You can expect your skin to glow and feel plump and fresh. Your hair#will get silkier and your joints pain will ease.#Now#of course#the point is everyone is different. Everyone has slightly different body chemistry#so it's#difficult to say for sure which benefit you might experience first.#The best way to find out is to claim your own supply. Grab one of the three packages below and just give#it a shot. With our 60-day money-back guarantee#you can feel totally safe doing that.#Most folks are surprised because they have no idea how much their metabolism has been ruining their
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fiberandfancysticks · 2 years
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Roughly 100 cocoons in a box!!! Now I have space in my Assortment of Cardboard Tubes to continue sticking starting-to-spin silkworms in them! (there are still lots more than 150 silkworms. I bought supposedly 250 eggs!)
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This fluff is the extra silk from around all of these cocoons! Apparently, you can just spin this straight up? I'm going to try it!
I attempted to weigh the fluff, and it is less than a gram! I am VERY EXCITED! SILK!!!
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meat-pvppet · 2 years
Due to someone mentioning it, i have been thinking of an inscryption au involving dr malcom
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bengallemon · 1 month
protip: when using any form of cleaning chemicals, especially if you're using a lot of it (i.e: cleaning your dirty ass fridge room floor): wear a mask so you don't inhale the fumes :)
(post brought to you by my head feeling a little weird after one layer of mopping)
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solemntitty · 2 months
hell of a fucking week, was 400 miles away at a conference meeting coworkers in person for the first/last time, almost got scammed, still don't have my wallet, my apartment entered my unit while i was away without proper 48 hours notice, can't login to the apartment portal to set up new payment (that the complex themselves rolled out literally 5 days before rent is due and i was at a conference) because they're having issues with it, now i am just getting radio silence from the leasing office. do y'all fuckers even want my money
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