#inspired by jensen in the snow
thebiggerbear · 2 months
Let Me Set Your World on Fire
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Summary: While on a hunt, you all get stuck in an abandoned cabin in the woods due to a snowstorm that comes out of nowhere. It's cold as hell (Cas' fact checking not withstanding) and both you and Dean are trying to fight off the icy temperatures. When Cas offers his coat to Dean, in usual Michael fashion, the archangel offers you something bigger and more to his liking than a simple article of clothing to keep you warm.
Pairing: Michael!Dean x Female!Huntress!Reader; background hints of Destiel if you squint
A/N: Inspired by this post by @angelicbros 💖💖 that had me laughing for a good five minutes because I could absolutely see that happening with those characters and dynamics. Idk if this turned out okay or not but it was so much fun to write.
I'll admit that I wrote about 5k more than what's posted here, which was mostly background of how Michael!Dean and the Reader's relationship came to be, how Michael looks the way he does, why Team Free Will puts up with him, where Jack is, etc., but ultimately, I really felt it got away from the theme of what I was going for so I cut it out. I think I might clean it up and post it separately.
And you just know that Dean would be super grumpy if Baby was stuck in a snowstorm. 😉
All unbeta'd.
Warnings: implied sex; language
Word Count: 2529
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Supernaural Taglist: @deans-spinster-witch; @just-levyy; @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @brightlilith; @muhahaha303; @mariahoedt; @solacedthistest; @deansimpala; @foxyjwls007; @onlyangel-444
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx; @lyarr24
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You blew warm air into your hands and rubbed them together. You and the Winchesters were stuck in a cabin in the woods while a snowstorm raged outside. Dean had complained earlier about Baby being stuck out there, getting pounded by ice, snow, and who knew what else. “I better not see a single scratch on her,” he warned Sam. He then groused about her probably needing a new paint job once this was over, a mere three months after the last one. 
You had been hunting a pack of werewolves, hot on their trail, when the blizzard from hell came out of nowhere, forcing you to find some form of shelter quickly. Cas had disagreed when you called the storm as such. It was a known fact that snow didn’t come from Hell, it came from a weather system on Earth. Besides there was nothing cold about the pit; Chuck and Lucifer had made sure of that. Dean and Sam had joined you in your stunned disbelief at Cas’ matter-of-fact tone before you all shook your heads and continued looking for materials to burn in the fireplace. Sam had managed to find some scraps of old newspapers in the long abandoned cabin and an old book of matches that had one good match left. So now, there was a small fire burning but from the looks of it, it wasn’t going to last long.
Sam kept checking for cell service but no such luck. You and Dean sat in two opposing chairs, facing towards the fire. “Anything?” Dean asked his brother. Sam glanced at the screen and shook his head. “Dammit.”
Dean blew into his hands just like you had and then crossed his arms, keeping his fingers underneath the material of his jacket. None of you were dressed for this extreme weather or temperature drop. If you didn’t know any better, you could swear some magical being or entity was causing this sudden storm to hit. Sure, Washington was known for its colder, wetter weather most of the time, including snow that could start falling at the drop of a hat, but this fast and this hard…you tended to doubt it. Especially when you had been closing in on the werewolf pack.
“Are you alright, Dean?” Cas asked, drawing your attention to the eldest Winchester.
“Yeah, just cold but I’m good.” He then blew more warm air into his hands. “Can’t believe this freaking place doesn’t have blankets or something,” he muttered.
Suddenly, Cas stripped off his trenchcoat and draped it over Dean.
“I’m fine,” Dean protested grumpily, trying to push the coat away, but Cas held firm.
“No, you’re not. It’s not much but it can provide a little protection against the current temperature.”
“What about you?”
“I’m fine. I don’t feel it.”
“And Sammy?”
Sam cleared his throat and took a few steps towards you all from the other side of the room. “I’m good.” You glanced at Sam to find him smiling knowingly in the direction of his brother as he watched Cas tuck the coat a little more around Dean despite more of his grumbled protests before looking around for more materials to add to the fire. 
“And you?” Dean asked.
You met his concerned gaze and waved a hand dismissively. “I’m good, too. I mean, yeah, I’m cold but I’m fine. Thanks, though.”
Suddenly, heavy but carefully measured footsteps made their way to the opposite side of your chair. “You’re cold as well?” 
You glanced up to find another pair of green eyes intent on you. That intense gaze used to make you uncomfortable, piss you off even, but now you were used to it. Though you never quite got used to there being two Deans around all the time. “A little but I’m okay,” you reassured.
His brows knitted together in displeasure before he lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. The fire in the fireplace suddenly grew without warning and sent Cas flying backwards. Dean and Sam both rushed over to him, making sure he was alright. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a cocky smirk form on the face that you loved as he watched as well. You dropped your head into your hands, shaking it.
“Now, you will no longer be cold. As a matter of fact…” You heard another snap of fingers that made your head pop up. Not only did you suddenly have three different blankets covering you but you noticed a strange orange glow coming from the windows that hadn’t been there before. You threw back the blankets, making him tsk quietly in disappointment, and rushed to look outside. The snow and winds had stopped and there were flames everywhere. Trees, bushes, the ground — all of it was burning. 
“Did you just set the world on fire?” You asked in disbelief, turning shocked eyes onto the angel. 
He shrugged, not caring in the slightest.
Dean and Sam rushed to the other window to see what you were talking about while Cas, who was now on his feet, glared at his older brother. 
“Michael,” You had to be careful how you worded this; the last thing any of you needed was an archangel with an attitude. “I appreciate that you’re trying to make sure I’m comfortable, but setting the world on fire is a bit much, don’t you think?”
Once again, he gave you an unapologetic shrug with a smile. 
“My car is out there!” Dean yelled.
Michael’s smirk grew and he snapped his fingers again. “Not anymore.”
“You son of a bitch!” Dean started to charge towards him but Sam held him back. Michael’s amusement at the hunter’s anger was palpable. You decided later you would have to once again talk to him about the constant antagonizing of your best friend. You knew they were forever going to hate one another due to what happened before you came on the scene, but you were determined to keep things civil between them, for your sake as much as theirs. 
While Michael watched Sam attempting to wrangle his brother with clear enjoyment, you took the opportunity to approach the archangel. His eyes suddenly snapped to you as you got closer. “You don’t need to set the world on fire to keep me warm.” You shot him a look and he appeared pleased as he got your meaning. You watched as he snapped his fingers again and the orange glow was suddenly gone. The howling of the icy winds outside could be heard once more. 
“You couldn’t get rid of the freaking storm?” Dean threw at him. 
Michael’s gaze flickered to his doppelganger. “Do you ever stop complaining? I left the fire in the fireplace as well as the blankets. Be grateful I did.”
You took his hand in yours, urging him to look at you. “Michael,” you whispered, shaking your head.
“Are you freaking—”
“Dean, stop,” Sam warned. Cas glared at Michael but remained quiet, keeping himself positioned in between the Winchesters and the two of you.
Done with what he’d dubbed as the boring weak human sideshow, Michael pulled you closer and used his free hand to cup your cheek, tenderly brushing his thumb along your bottom lip. His gaze burned into yours and you immediately knew why he didn’t snap the storm away altogether. Sure enough, he used an invisible wing to sweep you off your feet and into his arms. You glared up at him as you held tightly onto him but he only chuckled in response. He knew you hated it when he did that; you knew he enjoyed it. 
He snapped his fingers again and a clean bedroom with its own roaring fireplace and fresh linens and pillows on the bed appeared that was suddenly boxed in by walls and a wooden door. Michael immediately began to carry you towards it.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” 
Michael didn’t look back at Dean or any of them, he only kept his focus on you. “I’m going to keep her warm. Maybe your pet should do the same for you.” More angry commentary from Dean erupted that Sam attempted to tamp down but neither of you paid it any attention. You buried your teeth into your bottom lip at the thought of him keeping you warm, his earlier transgression immediately forgotten, and your reaction caused him to flash his usual crooked smile at you. You had a feeling that the storm was now going to last until Michael decided it would end.
“You’re not seriously going in there to have sex and make us all listen to it, are you?”
Once again, neither you nor Michael paid attention to Dean’s question or his resounding groan of “Do they ever stop? They’re like rabbits” when he didn’t get an answer. Instead, Michael walked you into the room and the door closed behind him, locking itself. 
“See? You didn’t need to set the world on fire to keep me warm,” you teased.
“Oh, I’m going to set the world on fire.” He gently tossed you onto the bed, making you laugh, before crawling onto it to hover above you, watching you as you watched him. Your heart rate and breathing both sped up in anticipation. His thumb brushed over your lips once more. “Just yours.” He leaned down to kiss you then and as he’d said, your entire world ignited. 
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Michael had indeed kept you warm, to the point where you had forgotten all about the craziest blizzard you had ever seen in your life still going on outside. You’d even forgotten about everyone else. Keeping his promise, Michael had set your world on fire, over and over and over again. Until your bare body lay there, blissfully sated and sprawled out over his. You were more than comfortable as you drifted off on his chest, feeling him running his fingers through your hair in gentle strokes as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
The storm didn’t begin to clear until you woke the next morning, finding Michael offering you his usual cocky smile when he murmured, “You slept deeply.” You tiredly swatted at his chest, making him chuckle, and he pulled you in for a kiss. He set you on fire one more time before you both finally emerged from the room, now fully dressed, to find both brothers asleep in the chairs under the blankets you’d left with Cas standing sentry at the window, his trenchcoat now being used as a pillow under Dean’s head. 
When you noticed the snow that had covered the window panes the night before was gone and the sun was shining through them instead, you turned a knowing look on Michael. And as expected, he gave you an unapologetic shrug and his signature smirk. You knew you should be annoyed, now knowing he had been the one behind the storm all along, but last night — and this morning — had been incredible. So you couldn’t be too upset at what he’d done, unless he was protecting the wolfpack for some reason.
As if he could read your thoughts, he yanked you up against him, making you quietly squeal in surprise. “No one has my protection. Except you.” His gaze was dark and serious, his meaning beyond clear. You slowly nodded and he framed your face with his hands, studying you before kissing you deeply. You understood his words for what they were; it was a combination of him reassuring you that he wasn’t surreptitiously working against you and him letting you know just how much you meant to him. Some might want the words said aloud, a declaration made in the form of a particular phrasing, but you didn’t need it. You felt it as he sent grace coursing through you from his hand on the small of your back. Reinvigorated from the icy hot tingles affecting your whole body, you grabbed at him and turned the kiss even more passionate, ignoring his infuriating chuckle and moaning into his mouth. You jumped into his arms and he easily caught you as you practically began mauling him, running your fingers through his hair and gripping fistfuls of it.
“They’re still going at it?” Dean gruffed out, the sound you made earlier having clearly woken him up.
“Looks like,” Sam grumbled.
“I believe this is the beginning of another round as you humans like to call it, after many successful copulations throughout the night and earlier this morning,” Cas stated, not sounding quite happy himself.
Normally, you would have told them all to shut up but right then, you were on fire, about to combust, and Michael was the only one that could push you over that glorious edge. A grace-infused orgasm was a world ender all on its own and who better to give that to you than the archangel you were currently playing a ferocious game of tonsil hockey with? The guys would never understand, just like they would never understand your relationship or how you could be with someone who had once wanted to literally burn this world to ash. They wouldn’t understand how now it was only your world that ended on an almost daily basis, that you were the figurative version of scorched earth that Michael created — repeatedly. He could send grace running through your body with any touch between you so when he pulled your legs over his broad shoulders and smirked up at you as he lowered his head…
The thought had you moaning again and him snickering as you squirmed against him and tore at his shirt and jacket, which actually ripped thanks to the temporary grace. He turned and slammed you up against the wall — something he could now do without you getting hurt — and the infrastructure of the cabin shook a bit. He sent more grace through you and you broke away, moaning as he attached his lips to your neck. “Oh God,” you gasped as more icy hot tingles flowed throughout your body.
He lifted his head, staring into your eyes. “No. Just me.” His eyes flared brightly before he kissed you again. 
“I say we go out there and try to dig Baby out rather than sit here and listen to them go at it for the six thousandth time. Whaddya say?” 
“Uh, yeah, let’s,” Sam quickly agreed with Dean the second you started to rock your hips against Michael’s, eager for him to stop torturing you and finish what he started.
You heard them get to their feet when Michael suddenly lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. Almost as if the storm had never receded, the howling of the wind sounded again and you didn’t need to look to know there was snow and ice whirling around outside once more.
It was confirmed the moment Dean yelled angrily, “Are you freaking kidding me?!?”
You couldn’t help but laugh as Michael ignored him and walked you back into the bedroom, the door slamming shut behind him. The two men groaning in unison in the next room could wait a little longer. Michael needed to make you warm again and fast.
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dividers by @firefly-graphics
banner by @cafekitsune
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36 notes · View notes
A Sweet Mishap- Chapter 16
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader 
A/N: I just want to start by thanking everyone for all the love on this story so far. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. This chapter is a little heavier (as is the story going forward, but I'll include potential triggers for each chapter as relevant), so please read the TW below and only read on if you feel comfortable doing so. Also, this chapter's a little longer since I likely won't be able to upload this Friday due to work commitments.
Potential Trigger Warnings: none
A Sweet Mishap Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Stella’s house is a bustle of energy by 10am. The hair stylist and make up artist are setting up while the photographer is milling around getting photos of the dress and accessories as they get laid out. Me, Stella and the bridesmaids are all sipping fresh coffees as we try to wake up. The excitement is definitely in the air, but so is the tiredness from the early wake up call. I lay out some freshly baked breakfast snacks, kindly donated by Stewie for the big day; while he declined to do the cake weeks ago, once he got back in the kitchen he promised to provide some light snacks for the morning. We are all thankful for his contribution, as none of us feel like cooking. 
Felicity and Gabriella are the first in the chairs; while they of course want to spend the most time on the bride, it’s also important that she’s the freshest. I enjoy sitting back, relaxing and snacking while I wait for my turn. While I wait, I scroll through my photos for the hair and makeup inspiration pics I took offline and then connect up to Stella’s bluetooth speaker and put on some music to boost the mood. The stylists start some small talk about the bride and groom, how they met, the bachelorette party, the plans for tonight, anything they can think of to build the excitement. We all join in, sharing happy and funny stories. 
After a while, Stella and I are finally sitting side-by-side as the stylist brushes and curls her hair and the beautician applies foundation to my face. It’s everything I could have dreamed it would be, and I can’t help but hope that one day the roles are reversed and she’s by my side while they’re styling my hair for my wedding. I push the thought away before I can imagine any other parts of that fictional day, like who the groom could be. Instead, I root myself in the present, wanting to enjoy this day for what it is: one of the best days of my best friend’s life and so by default, mine.
A few hours later, me and the bridesmaids are helping eachother into our dresses carefully, trying our best not to disturb our hair and makeup. The stylists are still standing around on standby to complete any final touchups, but we all know there isn’t time for a redo if we mess anything up too much. Once we’re all dressed, we finally help Stella into her snow-white ballgown-style wedding dress. I help straighten out the off-shoulder straps over her biceps, ensuring the sequins don’t scratch her, while Felicity carefully kneels down to fluff out the skirt. I then pull her hair out from where it caught in the back of her dress and smooth it out along her back, careful not to catch or pull on her perfectly styled curls and bun. 
When I come back around in front of her I take both of her hands in mine. “So beautiful, Nick isn’t gonna know what hit him.” The bridesmaids agree with me, gushing over the fully-dressed bride. We all put on the final touches like our shoes and jewellery while the stylists check and touch up our hair and makeup as necessary, just before we’re interrupted by a car horn outside. I look over at Stella with a big smile, “Time to go marry yourself a husband!”
Stella squeals with excitement. We collect our bouquets and purses and head outside. There are two classic cars in the driveway all decorated up; one for me and Stella and one for the other two bridesmaids. I help Stella in, being sure not to crumple her dress or veil or get it caught in the door when I shut it behind her, I then round the car and get in the other side. The bridesmaid’s car pulls out first and then ours follows a close distance behind. Stella’s knee bounces all the way to the chapel. I let her squeeze my hand as she tries to steady her nervous excitement. 
When the cars pull up out the back, the carpark is already full and her parents are waiting by the door. I get out and then help Stella out before straightening out her dress and making sure she looks perfect. I then hand her over to her parents. They pull her in for a big hug as I step to the side with Felicity and Gabriella. The three of us walk inside and stand just behind the doors in a line as one of the organisers explains the process to us, despite having gone through a full rehearsal last night. I smile back at Stella, standing between her parents as I hear the bridal march begin to play through the chapel. As the organisers push open the large wooden doors everyone stands and turns around. Felicity and Gabriella start to walk down the aisle first, followed by me and then finally Stella and her parents. As I look up at Nick I can see the tears in his eyes as he focuses on his beautiful bride. I smile brighter. Once I reach the front I step to the side and face the crowd as I watch Stella step up to her husband-to-be. He kisses her cheek and takes her hands as her parents pass her to him. I step forward to take her bouquet before standing back to the side. She gives me a grateful smile before focusing fully on her groom and I just know that everyone else has fallen away in their minds and it’s just the two of them there together.
The ceremony is beautiful, it goes perfectly according to plan, just as everything in their life does. The celebrant welcomes everyone and starts the ceremony before prompting them to share their personalised vows. They both share their promises and words of love through teary eyes before exchanging their rings. Then, after sharing a passionate kiss, they run hand-in-hand back down the aisle, out the wooden doors and into a waiting car. Everyone follows behind to see them off. We wave excitedly as they zoom off for a private photoshoot before the reception. As everyone mills around outside and chats, I try to emerse myself in idle conversation to pass time. The doors to the restaurant won’t open for a little while so we need to pass time. Eventually, once the sun is beginning to set everyone starts to file into their cars and make their way over to the venue; I want to be in there and set up before the bride and groom make their big entrance. Gabriella, Felicity and I catch a ride with Travis in the hire car they came in, Travis rode with the groom so is happy to drive the rental with us. 
The restaurant is beautifully decorated, just as we left it. With party favours on each table and stunning centrepieces, made up of flower arrangements. Each seat is labelled to match the seating plan that I’d painstakingly helped Stella and Nick create to ensure the smoothest night possible. Most people get along, but every family has those few people that are best kept apart for whatever reason. Everything is exactly as I remember except a small stage set up in the corner with a sound system and instruments. Despite no one being near them, quiet music is playing behind the chatter of everyone’s conversations about how great the service was and how beautiful everything is and just catching up in general. It’s amazing how weddings can bring everyone together, I see people you haven’t spoken to in years. Of course, I don’t no many people there, but that’s okay, today’s not about me. I’m just thrilled for Stella. 
I visit the bar and order a wine to get my night started before I move around the room doing my best to mingle and chat with her family and a few of our shared friends from college that I haven’t spoken to in a while. Most of them have partners accompanying them, but a few are single. After a while, everyone finally takes their allocated seats. A few gasps and whispered chatter ring out around the room seconds before live music starts to play from behind me. Just as I’m about to turn around everyone starts to cheer as the bride and groom make their big entrance. I join them clapping and cheering as yI give them the biggest smile as they make their way – the long way around – to their seats in the middle of the bridal table. It’s only when I turn to look over at Stella and Nick that I catch the band in my peripheral vision and my jaw drops. 
I force myself to keep my focus on the lovely new couple and not make eye contact with the man expertly strumming his guitar from the small stage. The raging ball of guilt in my stomach does a sommersault and I feel sick but push it back down. Thankfully, Travis takes the attention of the room by standing up to toast the newly weds and give a short speech. I keep my eyes firmly on him as he speaks. Once he finishes he nods over to me as he introduces me for the maid-of-honor speech. It takes me a moment to acknowledge him. But once I get ahold of myself, I stand up and focus on my notes as I attempt to deliver the speech smoothly. I push everything else out of my mind for those painfully slow few minutes as I focus on the bride and groom and tell stories about mine and Stella’s friendship and how happy I am that she found Nick and how happy I hope and know they’ll be together as they move into this next stage in their life. I finally raise my glass and everyone cheers. I wink at Stella as I sit down.
Before the meals are set to come out, Stella informs me that she needs to use the bathroom. I follow her in and help her lift up the massive skirt and keep it from getting dirty while she uses the toilet.
“Was that your doing?” I ask as she pees.
“I told you, I got an offer that I couldn’t refuse. Plus, Dean Winchester was my crush first. How could I turn that down. I don’t know what happened or didn’t between the two of you, but he was very persuasive.”
“How? I didn’t…”
“I don’t know how he figured it out but maybe three days ago the venue called me and said someone had offered to play for the wedding, they gave him my number. And as I said, he was very persuasive.” I help Stella fix her dress while she washes her hands. “It’s my wedding, I got a band that I happen to love. If that also results in my best friend getting her plus one and a dance then that’s just a bonus. I hope you know that I expect a full, detailed explanation of everything that has already gone down and everything that goes down while I’m on my honeymoon, once I get back.”
“We’ll see. For now, tonight’s about you! So let’s get you back out there to your husband!” Ilead her back to the table just in time for the alternative drop meals to be delivered. After dinner, each of their parents and a few other guests give speeches before handing back over to the bride and groom to give their speeches to each other. I engross yourself in the speeches to keep my eyes from wandering to the back of the room. Although amongst all the kind words and talk of eternal love I notice that the background music isn’t being played by a live guitar anymore but instead is a quiet pre-recorded romance track. With that revelation, I let my eyes wander and I notice the stage is free of people. Knowing he’s no longer so close behind me, at least for a few minutes I relax slightly. 
By the time all the speeches are over, the band’s back in place playing quietly as Stella and Nick stand in the centre of the room to cut their cake. As the knife scrapes the plate, they kiss and everyone cheers. The staff then come in to take the cake to the kitchen to slice it up and prepare the desserts. My attention is instantly drawn to the band when I hear Jensen’s deep voice sing the first notes to the song Stella picked for their first dance. I’mamazed that he either already knew it or learned it in just a few days. Stella and Nick take eachother’s hands and move slowly in time with the music. I watch as they gracefully move across the floor. Her head rests on his shoulder as he leads. 
As the song ends and the next one starts Felicity and Gabby nudge me and I quickly stand up and take hands with Travis as he leads me to the floor, followed by the two bridesmaids and groomsmen. I do my best to throw myself into the dance and focus on Travis as he leads me, dancing surprising well for what I know of him. Once the song ends I try to pull back but he holds me close. “I know the kind of man you know me to be, but I promised I wouldn’t let you dance alone or sit out tonight.”
“You didn’t have to do that…I’m okay.”
“I did…Stella’s surprisingly scary.” 
I smile and nod, prepared to let him lead me into the next song. But as the next song starts I notice the voice filling the room is different. Someone comes up behind us and places a hand on my shoulder. “Mind if I have this dance?”
I flick my head around to look at the owner of the deep, Texan drawl. 
Travis looks at me to check and I nod. “Alright,” he says as he steps back, “She’s all yours.”
I smile at Travis as he walks off to find someone else to dance with before spinning around and taking Jensen’s hands and letting him sway me with the slow beat. In a hushed voice I say, “I can’t believe you’re here…”
“You stopped answering my messages or calls…What choice did I have?”
“To forget me…Move on?”
He shakes his head. “I know this isn’t the time or place to have the conversation we need to have, so will you meet me tomorrow?” I meet his eyes briefly and nod. “Good, then let’s just enjoy this dance.” I rest my head on his shoulder for the remainder of the song. Just before the song ends he spins me out and back into his chest. “I promised the bride a dance, so I should go. But thank you. I plan to steal another from you later.”
“Yeah, she’s a pretty big Dean fan…She couldn’t believe I didn’t know you.” 
He lets out a little chuckle, “Yeah, you’re rare and special. Save another dance for me later?” I nod and he pulls away and crosses the floor to where Stella and Nick are playfully dancing to the now upper-tempo song. When Jensen cuts into their dance Nick comes over to me. We both stand off to the side, leaning against the bridal table. 
“Hey, so, uh…I owe you an apology,” he says, breaking the awkward silence.
“Nah, it’s alright. You were just looking out for your bride, as you should. I’d be more mad if you didn’t.”
“Maybe, but I did go overboard. I just get protective when it comes to her…But I should’ve known pushing you away would make her mad too. I’m just glad she didn’t call today off.”
“Nah, she wouldn’t, she loves you. And she knows you were acting from a place of love when you did it. So do I. Plus…you weren’t all wrong, but this isn’t the time or place. We should get back out there before your bride physically drags us out there herself.”
“Yeah…thanks for helping make all this happen by the way. I don’t think I ever told you, but you’ve been a massive help. That’s another reason I’ve felt so bad for what I said, despite what I said you kept turning up and helping with everything. You already know she appreciates it, but I do too.”
I look around the room. “I’m just glad it all worked out. You guys deserve a fantastic night.” Not sure what else to say, I take his hand and lead him out onto the dancefloor.
Jensen moves back and forth between the stage and the dancefloor, doing his job performing but also giving the people what they want and dancing with any girl who recognises him. The night’s almost wrapping up by the time he gets back to me. I’m leaning against the wall finishing a glass of wine when he come up to me.
“So, I was just informed the next song’s the last…care to join me?” He holds his hand out to me expectantly. 
I finish the last mouthful of wine, put the empty glass on the nearest table and take his hand. After everything I’ve said and done and after he pushed so hard to be here, I feel you owe it to him, but also I really want to be in his arms again. He leads me into the middle of the room as his bandmate starts to play and sing a slower love song. He pulls me close, his hands resting on the middle of my back, not letting them fall too low. Mine rest around his neck as we sway in time with the music. As the song goes on, he starts to sing along quietly, just loud enough for me to hear. 
“I've been waitin' for so long
For somethin' to arrive
For love to come along
Now our dreams are comin' true
Through the good times and the bad
Yeah, I'll be standin' there by you
Baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven”
Once the song ends he pulls back, but only far enough that he can make eye contact with me. “Give me a chance…let me come over, or come to my hotel, or meet me somewhere neutral, location doesn’t matter, just please…for whatever reason I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“I’m just asking to talk.”
I nod. “Alright, but somewhere private. We don’t need a repeat of last time, tonight’s gonna be bad enough.”
He nods. “Yeah.”
“Sorry to interrupt,” I hear Stella say from behind us. I pull away from Jensen to face her.
“Congratulatious on the big night. I hope you had a great time,” he says to Stella.
“Thank you. And thank you for coming and playing for us tonight, it was much better than a jukebox. Plus, you made a lot of people’s nights,” she looks at me with a smirk, “Most of all my amazing maid-of-honor here, and believe me, she totally deserved a great night after all the hard work she’s put into making it happen.”
He looks at me and smiles, “Yeah. Well anyway, I better help Steve pack up the gear.”
Once Jensen’s out of ear-shot, Stella says, “I’m so sorry for interrupting, that seemed important, but Nick and I are gonna head out, but I couldn’t disappear on my honeymoon without saying goodbye to you first, and thanking you for everything.”
“I’m just glad you had a great night,” I pull her in for a hug.
When she pulls away she reaches over for her bouquet on the bridal table. “Amid everything I forgot to do the toss, but…” She hands it to me. “Give him a chance. Give yourself a chance.”
“Stel…” I shake my head while smiling at her, “Just go and enjoy your honeymoon. We’ll talk when you get back.”
As Nick approaches, she quickly says, “I’m definitely gonna do that! Thank you, I love you and I’ll talk to you in 10 days!”
He wraps his arms around her waist as he comes up behind her. “You two have fun!”
The remaining guests wave the happy couple out as they run out hand-in-hand. Everyone else filters out pretty quickly after that but I hang around to gather some of the decorations and items that I know Stella will want to keep, such as photos, the wishing well, and the guestbook. Just as I finish getting everything important into a couple of boxes, Jensen comes back up beside me. “Need a hand?”
“I can manage, you should go.”
Felicity call out from the doorway, “Hey Y/N, need a ride? My Uber’s here!”
I look over at her and then back at Jensen apologetically. “Sorry, I should go.”
“Uh, yeah…” he nods, and I pick up one of the boxes but he puts his hand on it to stop me as I turn around. “ Unless, you wanna stay back for a night cap, I can call you a ride after. It doesn’t have to be with me, I can get you your own.”
I hesitate and Felicity calls out again, “Y/N! He’s getting impatient. We gotta go!”
I look between her and Jensen again and then sigh before waving at her and calling out. “You go. I gotta finish up here.”
She rolls her eyes at my hesitation before disappearing outside.
Obviously feeling guilty for putting me in a difficult position, Jensen takes his hand off the box in my hands and apologises.
“It’s fine. I would’ve had to do a few trips and they wouldn’t have liked that either. But I can get my own ride, it’s fine. And, uh, I think they’re gonna kick us out, so the night cap’s probably gonna be out too, sorry.” I look around and notice it’s just the two of us left inside. I put the box back on the table to rest my arms for a moment.
“Alright. How much are you against getting a ride together at least? I don’t wanna overstep or anything. I just want more time,” He gestures at the boxes, “Plus, I could give you a hand with all this.”
I bite my lip as I consider his offer. “Listen, I’m too tired and too tipsy and this is gonna come out all wrong, but I just need you to know that just because you came all this way doesn’t mean I’m going to have sex with you.”
He opens and closes his mouth a few times as he tries to come up with a response. “No, I…I don’t expect you to…That’s not…I wasn’t insinuating.”
I nod. “Alright good. A ride and the boxes. That’s it then. I just need your arms.” I pick up a box and then realise what I said. “That’s not…I just mean…”
“I get it. It’s fine. Let me just call my driver and then I’ll give you a hand with those.” He pulls out his phone.
“Your…driver?” I shake my head. “It must be nice…”
“It’s not what you think. He’s a good friend.” Jensen shakes his head as he holds his phone up to his ear. “Hey Clif…Yeah, I’m ready if you just wanna pull up round back…Yeah…” he glances back over at me with a smile. “We need to make a stop on the way though…Yep, I’ll cover it…See you soon.” He hangs up and leans against the table looking at me before he grabbing the other box and walking out to the parking lot with me. 
While we wait for his friend to bring the car around, he says, “Look, I’m sorry if I’ve been too forward or given the wrong signals. I don’t mean to. I didn’t come all this way to attempt to win you over for sex…I just wanted to give you a reason to talk to me. As I said, I can’t stop thinking about you, and I couldn’t leave things the way we did.”
A large black car pulls up in front of us and a tall, muscular man gets out of the driver’s seat and opens the trunk. Jensen puts his box in and I follow suit. Jensen then opens the back door for me to climb in. I slide over to the far side and he climbs in beside me. Once the driver takes his seat again he turns around, “Where to boss?”
“You can drop the act Clif, she knows you’re a friend.”
“Alright, Boss. Where to?”
Jensen rolls his eyes and then looks over at me. I tell them my address and Clif keys it into the GPS. Despite wanting to use the time to respond to Jensen’s confession outside the restaurant, I feel awkward with his friend in the front seat. Between the nervous energy and the adrenalin in my system, my leg starts to bounce. Jensen notices and after hesitating a few times, finally places his hand on my knee; he doesn’t slide it any higher, just sits it comfortingly on the top of my knee. We endure the rest of the ride in silence until Clif finally finds a park on the street in front of my apartment building.
“Am I waiting?” Clif asks.
Jensen looks at me, smiles and then nods. “I’m just gonna help her with those boxes, I’ll be right back.” I open my door and Jensen follows suit. He opens the trunk and we each take a box and then I lead him inside to the lift.
As I press the button, I look up at him. “You can just leave it, I can manage from here.”
“You don’t want me to see your place?”
“Honestly? Not really…But also, you’ve done more than enough.”
The lift dings as the doors open. He steps inside first, leaving me no choice but to follow. I put the box on the floor so I can press the button for my floor. Once the doors shut he says, “So, am I crazy? Am I chasing something that you’re never gonna be ready for?”
“No. I just have things I need to work through. Trust issues, personal issues, financial issues…Look I’m too tired for this conversation tonight. I know you came all this way, but…”
“Yeah, I came all this way and put you on the spot, which is exactly what I promised I wouldn’t do. I’m sorry.” The doors open and I lead him down to my apartment but stop in front of the door. I pull my keys out of my purse but don’t move to unlock the door. Sensing my uncertainty he places the box on the floor by my feet. “Take the night. I don’t want to push you. Just text me in the morning and let me know what you decide. I will step back completely if that’s what you want or need. But if you want to give us a chance, text me somewhere to meet and we can talk. Okay?”
I nod as I fiddle with the keys. He nods and turns and walks back down the hall to the elevator. I look down at the boxes and notice Stella’s bouquet sticking out the top; her words ring through my head. I look back over at Jensen just as the doors open. I call out, “Meet me at the cafe, 6pm!”
He smiles, nods and then steps inside. Once the doors close I let myself into my apartment, cart in the boxes and dump them in the corner. Not having the energy – physical or mental – to wash off my makeup, undo my hair or shower, I collapse on the couch.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Taglist: @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27, @n-o-p-e-never, @deansimpalababy,
@winchesterwild78, @kr804573, @chriszgirl92, @smoothdogsgirl
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 10 months
Halloween (chapter 1)
Book: Open Heart
Chapter: 1/7
Pairing: Multi (Bryce Lahela x Jensen Valentine (MC), Jensen Valentine x Original Characters)
Characters: Jensen Valentine, Bryce Lahela, Aliyah (OC), Aurora Emery
Rating: Teen
Words: 1266
Summary: A collection of moments throughout Jensen's life, focused on his struggles and accomplishments because of and, more importantly, despite the one relationship he can't seem to let go of. Inspired by Halloween by Noah Kahan.
A/N: This is the most future-based part of the fic, and it actually addresses some hcs I haven't mentioned publicly yet. As I post more chapters, they will go in reverse chronological order, and the relationship in reference will become more clear
But the wreckage of you, I no longer reside in
And the bridges have long since been burnt
The ash of the home that I started the fire in
It starts to return to the Earth.
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The snow pummeled into the ground, large clusters of snowflakes settling on his shoulders and hair. Jensen tucked one of his gloved hands into his pocket as he hurried inside. 
He caught the door with his elbow, greeted by the familiar smell of alcohol disinfectant and lemon cleaner. Patients and doctors milled about the lobby as he headed for the elevators. After a few floors, the doors slid open, the floor relatively empty save for a few nurses chatting around the small station just off from the elevators. 
“Aw, Valentine, d’you get us something?” one of them—Samara—asked with a grin. He glanced down to the takeout bag in his hand she was referencing. 
Continuing down the hall, he replied, “Nope, sorry. Just Bryce and I today.”
“Wow, favoritism, I see how it is,” she said with a sarcastic eye roll, Jensen giving her a quick smile before continuing towards the diagnostics office. 
The lights flickered on to a steady, fluorescent glow, Jensen dropping his pile of things onto the center table. The others had coats, bags, and charts spread out here and there, most with patients or out for lunch themselves.
Checking his watch proved that Bryce was five minutes late. He gave him until he pulled their food out of the bag, spreading the takeout boxes across two adjacent seats before pulling his phone out of his pocket. In the time it took him to type out something and press send, the door gently creaked behind him. 
“Hey, sorry,” Bryce said, giving his waist a quick squeeze before unceremoniously flopping into one of the chairs, the force sending it back enough that Jensen had to pull him closer.
“You’re lucky I didn’t lock you out and eat it for you,” Jensen said with a quick wave to the food in front of him, taking a seat in his own chair. “M’fucking starving.” He was already shoveling crab rangoon into his mouth, ignoring the steam coming off of it.
“I can tell,” Bryce offered with an exaggeratedly judgemental look. Jensen kicked his chair, sending him rolling away once again. Laughing, Bryce scooted himself back to the table.
He got a grand total of three bites in before he was telling Jensen about his surgery from that morning. Jensen was happy to see him excited about it, especially knowing how slow it had been with mostly post-op check-ins and consults for the last couple days. 
By the time they were both nearly done, Jensen had his feet propped on Bryce’s lap, head resting on his arm over the back of the chair as he listened to Bryce talk about his schedule for the next couple weeks. He happily nodded and offered input where necessary, but, as per usual, he was content just listening to Bryce talk, turning off his brain for the first time all day.
The only thing that stopped Bryce was his pager going off, Jensen giving him a sigh and a look as if it was his fault. Bryce smiled and started to clean up just as the door opened again.
“I think my face is still frozen,” Des said as they approached, wrapped up in winter gear from head to toe. 
“Not quite Florida, is it?” Jensen asked, receiving a glare in return. Des had only moved up a few months ago, but they were settling into the team just fine. Maybe not the weather, but definitely the team.
“Okay, I’m not saying this on record, by the way,” Bryce said, stopping at the large glass wall of windows, “But honestly it is pretty with the snow.”
Jensen shook his head as he walked over next to him, tossing the empty containers in the trash. “Wow, really? It’s almost like I’ve been telling you that since we were in Boston,” he replied, entirely deadpan.
Bryce gave him a mocking expression, Jensen smiling as he followed his gaze out to the icy Lake Michigan, snow piled up along the edge of the water. Chicago winter could keep even the most dedicated runners inside, a notable lack of movement outside. The trees and ground were white, but the walkway along the water was twinkling with festive lights, entirely lit when night fell.
Bryce gave him a quick smile before scooting past, giving Des a wave before heading off.
“Oh, Tara told me to invite you guys to the Tavern tonight, by the way. We’re going pretty late, but if you get time you should stop over for a drink,” Des said as they arranged their things at their seat.
“We’ve got plans tonight, thanks though.”
“Shit, you literally said you had dinner plans, right? I forgot.”
Jensen nodded and waved it off before grabbing a few charts from the desk, thumbing past a few pages. He collected the necessary things before heading off to grab some results for their most recent case.
The midwestern-based diagnostics division had been his most dedicated project for the past four years. Doing split time for the first two was hell, so many flights and so many nights away from home, one he nor Bryce really enjoyed. But, now, he was content. They were content. Him, Bryce, Barry, and Corn all comfortably settled into a downtown apartment, able to enjoy the bustling city nightlife, events, and opportunities.
Jensen met Bryce at home later that night, Aliyah already comfortably settled in the kitchen awaiting his arrival. Corn didn’t even bother to greet him, too worried about the potential of a chip falling off the counter from the bowl Liyah and Bryce were both picking at.
Bryce greeted him with a smile and a quick kiss to the cheek, Jensen giving Corn a look. “At least someone missed me,” he said. 
“She just likes me more,” Liyah said with a smile, Jensen rolling his eyes and shedding his many winter layers on the way to the bedroom. 
On his way back, he scooped Barry out from under the bed, holding him up in the air as he meowed in protest. Bryce was happy to give Barry shit for nothing in particular with him, Jensen finally dropping him into his arms, carrying him like a baby towards the living room.
Their couch was dark green, adjacent to their tête-à-tête sofa. The room was doused in cool yet natural colors, light boxes keeping it bright despite the early winter darkness. Their Christmas tree in the corner brought some warmth to the room with yellow lights and a messy mix of ornament types. Out the main windows was the familiar sight of a glittering Chicago night, lights scattered throughout the surrounding apartment buildings and shimmering against the falling snow. 
Jensen set Barry onto the cat tower overlooking the street, watching him settle in before returning to the kitchen.
The door opened before he could get there, Aurora and her partner, Z, both entering with dishes of food. Jensen was quick to help them, setting out the food along the dining room table with the dish Aliyah had brought, as well as the filler he and Bryce covered.
It was part of their monthly routine, one dinner where they get together and all make something different. The rest of the night was spent talking and drinking and lounging around in the living room after dessert. And they could do it comfortably. With nice furniture, and with plenty of space for everyone, and no worry of cost or rent or food or just fucking surviving. He was comfortable, with the people he cared the most about, and doing what he loved. And that was all that mattered.
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tagging: @jerzwriter @cariantha @kyra75 @gutsfics @inlocusmads @choicesficwriterscreations
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duckprintspress · 10 months
DPP Contributor Interview: A. L. Heard
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A. L. Heard is one of the founding members of Duck Prints Press and has been a part of our planning team since before our official inception, offering her advice and expertise to the Press since mid-2019, and she’s been an editor on our anthologies Add Magic to Taste, And Seek (Not) to Alter Me, He Bears the Cape of Stars, She Wears the Midnight Crown, and Aim For The Heart. She’s also a prolific author of stories of all lengths and in all genres, and one of the most active authors involved with the Press.
Pre-orders of the revised edition of A. L. Heard’s debut novel Hockey Bois open on December 1st, 2023!
Want to meet A. L. Heard and ask her YOUR questions? YOU CAN! Join us TOMORROW, Thursday, November 30th, at 8 p.m. Eastern time (converter) on our Book Lover’s Discord server for a very special Ask Me Anything session with the author of Hockey Bois!
Author Biography: Ashley, pen name A. L. Heard, fandom name jhoom, is a 35-year-old teacher, writer, and mother of two little boys. She’s been writing fanworks since she discovered fanfiction.net back in her middle school days; the platform has changed and the writing’s improved, but Ashley ultimately still spends her free time writing about characters she adores in worlds she’d like to explore. Her first novel, Hockey Bois, was published in 2021. In between writing projects, she works as a language teacher in the Pittsburgh area, plays hockey, and plays trains with her sons.
Links: Bluesky | Instagram
How did you pick the name you create under?
It’s a combination of my [real life] name and family names, making it unique but also still connected to me.
When and why did you begin creating?
I started writing fic during middle school and went through phases where I’d write fic and original work and then long periods with no writing. I’m happy to be settled into writing on a regular basis 🙂
What’s your favorite part of the creation process?
The brainstorming and playing around with a new story and characters, where everything is still possible and I haven’t had to commit to any particular plot point.
Describe your ideal creation space.
An office that’s well lit with an endless supply of tea or coffee or snacks, with no distractions or extra noises except birds. Either that or a brewery or cafe with background noise.
What are your favorite snacks and/or drinks to consume while creating?
Tea, coffee, and baked goods (cookies, scones, that sort of thing)
What’s one thing (style, genre, etc.) that you think you’ll never do, and why not?
Epic fantasy – they’re awesome stories but I don’t have the creativity/brain for a large scale world and magic system like that.
Short Stories A. L. has published with Duck Prints Press:
Brady Jensen vs. Haunted Houses (modern high school Hockey Bois au, m/m, getting together)
Brambles, Pollen, and Other Natural Disasters (modern college Hockey Bois au, explicit, m/m, sex pollen)
In Which James Willoby Enjoys a Ball Far More Than One Should (victorian, explicit, m/m, secret relationship)
Masquerade at Melchor (in the anthology He Bears the Cape of Stars) (science fiction, m/m/m, heist rivals to lovers)
The Musketeer’s Daughter: The Tale of Jacques Toussaint (in the anthology Aim For The Heart: Queer Fanworks Inspired by Alexandre Dumas’s “The Three Musketeers” – coming to our webstore in January, 2024) (historical, f/m, trans musketeer, getting together)
The Offered Ones (fantasy, no ship, found family, children lost in the woods)
The Princess and the Maze (fantasy, no ship, fairy-tale vibe)
Princess Antonia del Montari aka The Accidental Barista (modern, f/f, coffee shop fluff)
Snowbound and Love Sick (modern college Hockey Bois au, explicit, m/m, snowed-in together)
The Tasty Crumpet (in the anthology Add Magic to Taste) (modern with magic, m/m, idiots to lovers)
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ao3feed-j2 · 2 years
Merry and Bright
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/klFnYuQ
by fictionallemons
After Jared saved Jensen's life when they were both in the Peace Corps, they became a successful country music team, but all of Jared's attempts to set Jensen up with guys fall flat. All he wants is his friend to be happy, so when they hole up at a remote Vermont lodge to work on a Christmas album and run into Dr. Jeff Morgan, who they know from their Peace Corps days, Jared thinks maybe this time his matchmaking will finally work. As Jensen and Jeff start getting closer, Jared has the belated realization that maybe he and Jensen should be more than best friends and music partners.
A J2 Christmas story inspired by White Christmas.
Words: 2425, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Original Characters
Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Best Friends, Matchmaking, Christmas Music, Musician Jensen Ackles, Musician Jared Padalecki, Alternate Universe, White Christmas, Eventual Happy Ending, Romance, Snow, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Mild Blood, Minor Injuries
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/klFnYuQ
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Major Study
Production Post #5
Concept Design: Frontier Engineer Companion
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Neal was able to give me some much needed direction after an initial round of thumbnailing which I felt wasn't very successful as mechanical concepting is so new to me. He suggested I carefully consider what it means to be a frontiersmen and also gave me some suggestions around useful technology and tools that are used for evaluating and navigating new terrain. Examples of this are the Skidoo, which is a snow mobile used by denizens of current-day Greenland, and some new concepts by Honda which make use of a drone for checking traffic conditions, etc.
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Some research of exisiting ATV and drone technology.
I also had a look at Titanfall 2 For a more fantastical approach to futuristic technology in the form of mechas. This is neccessary research not just for some shape inspiration, but also because my Frontier Engineer will have a mobile workshop which the drone/droid character will attach to to increase its size or maneuver.
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Some robot designs from TitanFall 2.
I also had a look at artists Colie Wertz, Jack Lee and Andreas Kjær-Jensen for some shape and design inspiration, I'm particularly drawn to the tripod design by Andreas Kjær-Jensen as it has a lot of personality: it's dials become eyes and the articulation of the leg joints has been crafting extremely well, it's both believable and aesthetic.
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I created this second round of silhouettes using my research as inspiration. When showing these during the peer review, options 2 and 4 were the most popular. I'm thinking of integrating them into one design.
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During peer review, Eric suggested I look at animals for inspiration again. He suggested a subtle approach such as the Harkonnen harvesters in Dune which took inspiration from ticks.
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Harkonnen harvesters from Dune (2021).
Kjær-Jensen, A. (2016). Maybreaker. [Online]. ArtStation. Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0o5Z4 [Accessed 26 June 2024].
Lee, J. (2020). Scouting Drone. [Online]. ArtStation. Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/XBrdkY [Accessed 26 June 2024].
Respawn Entertainment (2016). Titanfall 2.  Electronic Arts.
Warner Bros. (2021). Dune.
Wertz, C. (2019). scoutin' the fog. [Online]. ArtStation. Available at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/lVKeda [Accessed 26 June 2024].
0 notes
cleargoateewonderland · 7 months
7 Little Changes That'll Make A Big Difference With Your Emu Restaurant Furniture
Grosfillex Omega Chaise for Al Fresco Dining
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We love this toptier whole for his or her unimaginable quality and a focus to detail in every piece they turn out, along with their in depth experience in furniture trade that ends up in highend patio furniture meant to face the check of time.
Rustic Outdoor Furnishings Inspirations
Choose a highquality cushion material designed to face up to the weather. Many of the superior cushion fabrics feature builtin protection against fading, mildew and mildew growth; water resistance; UV protectants to increase cushion generation; artificial fiber construction such as polyester or acrylic is usually utilized here; some even feature plastic coating for added strength whereas some answer dyed acrylic provides exceptional fade resistance.
Resin Outdoor Furnture for Your Restaurant's Patio. Resin furniture could be a popular alternative for many outside areas. It's easy to clean and maintain, and it's longlasting. Moreover, it is also environmentally friendly. To make resin wicker furniture, manufacturers produce a mold and then pour plastic resin into it. They then use wood and alternative materials to offer the furniture its form.
Their pieces are constructed using weatherproof materials like faderesistant wicker, rustproof aluminum and allweather HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) woven wicker for HDPE use in all conditions. In addition, only the highestgrade materials like Sunbrella and Revolution are used and their goal is to supply reasonable merchandise.
Jensen furniture is wellknown for their premium out of doors furniture, designed with care to supply maximum comfort and longevity. Their chairs and sofas boast mild curves for optimal seating comfort while their 1977 out of doors sofa has been transformed for outside use with its modular design that permits you to arrange each module as desired. Covered in Element fabric which resists staining and water damage because of solutiondyed acrylic threads, its vibrant colours stay intact even under direct sunlight or temperature changes.
The durability of your out of doors furniture is mostly determined by the materials used and the construction design. It�s vital to decide on durable materials that may withstand harsh climatic conditions such as rain, wind, and snow. Additionally, these furniture pieces ought to be resistant to rust and corrosion, fading and stains, along with mildew or mould growth.
Contract Furnishings International provides a choice of commercial grade patio, out of doors, and pool furniture designed to stand up to parts such as snow, sun, rain, mould, and sand excellent for restaurants, hotels and country clubs alike. Their product conjointly return equipped with wicker or rattan seating designed specifically to be used outdoors in commercial outdoor seating areas. If you propose to shop for furniture online, be positive to fastidiously research every retailer's come policies. As furniture can usually need pricey freight costs and come fees may apply if came back; additionally, rummage around for retailers providing material/material swatches before you create a decision thus you recognize you are getting what's desired.
This furniture piece mimics the sound of waves rolling in, creating it the perfect piece for relaxing on your porch or deck. Opt for from an array of colors, styles and designs to seek out one that best complements your patio.
Cabana Couture understands every resort encompasses a distinct complete and their team works directly with purchasers to ensure designs align with this. Furthermore, they provide numerous finishes and materials. Their Aluminum assortment is both weatherproof and rustproof whereas boasting clean line design components paying homage to teak wood grain end options.
Metal may be a sturdy material, and a number of the strongest items of out of doors furniture are created of metal frames. As a result of of their strength, metals will be shaped into more complex designs than different materials. They�re also relatively lightweight, creating them simple to maneuver and maintain. However some metals heat up quickly in the sun, and that they�re inclined to rust or corrosion in harsh environments.
Shopper spending power and willingness to fancy leisure experiences is driving an increase in outdoor furniture purchases; however, several key points should be kept in mind before making a call on this purchase.
Resin furniture might still draw homeowners to its natural organic charms, but nextgeneration materials like resin are quickly gaining in popularity thanks to their durability and suppleness. Resin furniture pieces could prove worthy alternatives to picket tables and chairs because of their appearance while not compromising on quality; however, before making a final call concerning buying resin furniture.
Outdoor Furniture for Family Gatherings
Resin plastic outdoor furniture may be a great choice for restaurants, patios and pool areas. It�s straightforward to clean, durable and appearance stylish. Many designs can be stacked for convenient storage, and several are proof against stains and UV rays. They�re also lightweight, so they'll be simply moved around your house to accommodate guests and events. There are a number of types of resin plastic, together with polyethylene (PE), highdensity PE (HDPE), and polypropylene (PP). HDPE is a lot of durable than polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and is proof against fading, chemical degradation, and warmth harm. It�s conjointly abrasionresistant and punctureproof. Polypropylene is a stronger, lighterweight possibility than PE and is a lot of flexible. It�s more cost-effective than HDPE, but is not as strong or weatherproof.
BFM Seating Omega Chaise for Al Fresco Dining
Brian's Furniture offers a comprehensive choice of out of doors furniture suitable for every size yard and budget. We tend to carry both brand name items from trusted manufacturers in addition to exclusive styles created inhouse whether or not you're looking for luxurious wrought iron sets or a lot of casual conversation pieces, you're sure to seek out your ideal item at Brian's. If you are looking to create a comfy out of doors lounge space, strive this reclining chair and ottoman set. Its elegant style and neutral hues make it appropriate for any yard vogue. We offer several other reclining chairs, chaise lounges, and sectionals in several styles and sizes too.
Omega Chaise for Beachside Lounging
Furniture used around a pool should stand up to the rigorous elements, together with sun exposure, chlorinated water and rain. If it wasn't designed specifically to survive this environment, its color can quickly fade, crack and rust away quickly to stay your poolside patio looking its best, invest in commercial quality outdoor pool furniture that's engineered to last. When looking for outside furniture to complete your poolside oasis, style and luxury should each be priorities. A gorgeous piece will solely impress if it offers comfortable seating solutions; therefore be positive to get chairs, hammocks and lounge chairs that feature ergonomic designs.
Flash Furniture for Summer Parties
No matter if it is for casual breakfast with friends, a romantic sunset snuggle, or hosting a cocktail party with family and friends having the right patio furniture makes enjoying the sunshine easier! Costco offers an impressive range of patio dining sets and garden benches thus your home's exterior becomes your goto relaxation zone.
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Upcycled and Recycled BFM Seating Omega
Homecrest assortment furniture offers longterm quality with poly out of doors items designed not to rot, splinter or attract wood bees. Their durable chairs, tables and loungers can stand up to even extreme climate conditions whereas boasting beautiful color choices that stand up against nature.
Outdoor FurnitureGrosfillex Omega ChaiseMingja Omega Chaise Lighting and Ambiance
Artie's out of doors furniture is highquality and longlasting, designed with sustainability in mind. Their merchandise are created using recyclable materials such as recycled woods and ecofriendly fabrics; additionally they use inexperienced manufacturing processes that have minimal environmental impacts an wonderful method to add fashionable up to date decor into the house.
Flash Omega for Summer Parties
If you are shopping for outdoor furniture, vacation weekends can be great opportunities to attain deals. Memorial Day, fourth of July and Labor Day offer fantastic opportunities to get reasonable patio sets though act fast as these things tend to sell out fast! Wayfair is a useful supply for online out of doors furniture due to its vast choice and competitive prices. Notice everything from sofas and chairs to dining tables even complete patio sets for underneath $1,00zero! And, they supply twoday shipping free with Prime membership! Boss & Main is another goto retailer for outside furniture. Giving both high and low designs, you're sure to search out pieces at intervals your budget at this retailer. Their patio assortment consists of modern pieces in weatherproof materials like natural woods and mixed metals; and you'll be able to order free fabric swatches to work out how the pieces would look in your space before making your final decision. Serena & Lily's coastal vibe makes them an excellent choice for summertime decorating. Their furniture is trendy, sustainable, and incorporates that beloved beach aesthetic while not appearing overtheme. Create certain to keep an eye fixed out for his or her sales as they usually provide steep sitewide discounts!
Rustic Omega ChaiseMingja OmegaEmu Omega Chaise Inspirations
Choosing the correct Outdoor Furniture for Your Home. Choosing appropriate outdoor furniture is crucial to creating an inviting out of doors living area. There are various styles and budgetconscious solutions obtainable to satisfy any desired vogue or budget; wood, synthetics and metal are among the more common selections that supply advantages also drawbacks.
Outdoor Furnishings Shopping Tips
Poolside lounge furniture must face up to additional rigorous use than regular out of doors furnishings, therefore it should be further sturdy and longlasting. Furthermore, chlorine injury or discoloration might damage or discolor it over time if left exposed; explore for materials such as eucalyptus wood or chrome steel hardware as ideal choices. Consider getting the Safavieh Newport poolside lounge chair. With foam cushions arranged over its durable eucalyptus wood frame and convenient options like stackability, this piece can easily work in a poolside lounge chair arrangement or stored when not being used.
Emu Omega Chaise for Barbecue Parties
Many people fancy lounging in pool lounge chairs to unwind and browse or simply take in some sun, and to take a seat with family or friends and chat. You will conjointly use these chairs for conversation. Alternative individuals opt to put out in the water with towels to sunbathe. Furthermore, pool furniture sets provide tables where food and drinks will be placed.
Omega Chaise Shopping Tips
Materials create all the distinction from aluminumframed rattan lounge sets to teak dining tables that can stand the take a look at of time, these durable designs can stand the test.
Plan an alfresco family dinner or host a crawfish boil; selecting outside furniture that creates your guests feel comfortable will add a special bit. From charming balcony chairs to fivepiece patio furniture sets, Baton Rouge offers everything needed for the ideal setup! What Are My Options If I Have a Tiny Balcony or Backyard?
Their pieces are created using weatherproof materials like faderesistant wicker, rustproof aluminum and allweather HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) woven wicker for HDPE use in all conditions. In addition, solely the highestgrade materials such as Sunbrella and Revolution are utilised and their goal is to offer cheap product.
Outdoor furniture sales have experienced unprecedented growth over recent years due to increased client spending on leisure activities and experiences, resulting in rising client spending on luxury outdoor furniture also an increase in luxury materials like beveled edges and cannage patterns. Meanwhile, minimalistic furniture trends are having an influenceful impact on interior design as home furnishings.
Choosing the Perfect Gar Furniture
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Some of the most effective pool furniture ideas for out of doors spaces embody chaise lounges and other chairs crafted from longwearing materials like teak or resin wicker. Though a lot of expensive than different patio furniture pieces, these chairs can rise higher over time and create a higher aesthetic in your pool space. Furthermore, adjustable backrests could add comfort.
Stylish Outdoor Furnishings Ideas
Artie's outdoor furniture is highquality and longlasting, designed with sustainability in mind. Their products are made using recyclable materials like recycled woods and ecofriendly materials; additionally they employ green manufacturing processes that have minimal environmental impacts an glorious method to add fashionable up to date decor into the home.
Householders want to consider many factors when getting outdoor furniture, including its durability below extreme weather and sunlight conditions. Resin wicker furniture stands up extremely well against each components.
To keep outdoor cushions wanting their best, it is essential that they be regularly fluffed. Not solely can this keep them trying newer for extended however additionally ensures all areas receive equal wear. You could also consider buying a cowl protector to keep the cushions free from spills.
Dining sets and patio umbrellas add a luxurious feel to any out of doors pool space, whereas side tables or other smaller items serve as decorative accents to the present area. Umbrellas play an invaluable role in providing patrons with shade as required throughout their day.
If you reside in an space with harsh UV rays or dramatic seasonal climate shifts, you would like out of doors furniture that resists injury and aging from constant exposure. It ought to conjointly be ready to face up to fluctuations in temperature, as these will cause materials to expand and crack.
Pottery Barn offers an spectacular assortment of outdoor furniture if you are willing to go the additional mile when selecting outside pieces for your patio, from chairs and dining tables, through custom orders. Their teak wood furniture stands up well against weather components. Additionally, this complete provides highend products with luxurious details like handapplied finishes and custom stitching.
Transform your outdoor house with quality patio furniture, offered during a wide selection of materials and styles. Work with native home furnishings professionals to create a house that meets your specific useful and aesthetic needs.
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theheartchoice · 4 years
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@jensenackles: It’s snow secret I miss you ☃️ @mishacollins
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seralinalyn · 6 years
Some recent Modeling Stuff
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
Jensen Ackles | Chicon (June 5, 2022), Gold Panel
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Jensen: All the dings, dents, and scratches are going to stay on Baby. #spnchi (x)
Inspiration for City Grown Willow.  “It was covid and we were bored and stuck in the mountains.” (x)
Inspiration behind City Grown Willow video? JA: it was Covid and it was snowing? We literally went out in the backyard and shot that, on an iPhone. The song is about a friend of Steve’s and their relationship. #spnchi (x)
Jensen’s inspiration for writing music:  Whenever Rob would star in the show, they would sit in the trailer and play music… same with Steve, and same with Jason.  “It’s an artistic outlet… of great value to me.” (x)
Jensen's friends like Rob, Jason and others inspired him and encouraged him to start writing more music. (x)
If Jensen could star any show he would like to be on Yellowstone. He's such a cowboy #SPNCHI (x)
Jensen said Soldier Boy arrives (in the present timeline of the show) at episode 4! (x)
Jensen  said he worked hard to not fall back on the comfortable place of playing Dean while on The Boys #SPNCHI (x)
JA: @antonystarr told Jensen “I didn’t want to like you,” on the set of #TheBoysTV   Another alpha male coming in, but then found out he was a good guy who could act and be a good person… Antony gave in. #spnchi (x)
Jensen saw that 1st 10 min of #theboys s3 in Paris.. & turned to ⁦@therealKripke⁩ to  hear his maniacal laughter! (x)
Jensen:  “I saw the first ten minutes (of the Boys) in Paris on a giant screen, and I had forgot… Oh my GOD!  @therealKripke was sitting behind me and started (maniacally laughing).” (x)
Jensen saying that Karl was his partner in crime in The Boys set #SPNCHI (x)
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mjolnir-steve · 2 years
I Looked at You Like the Stars That Shined
Jake Jensen x fem!reader
Word count: 1269
Summary: Jake is settling into his new apartment and needs some decoration on the walls. You find a photo album from when you first met.
Warnings: cavity-causing fluff
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Author’s note: I haven’t written in a hot minute, but I was inspired to continue my little Jake series, so I rolled with it. This takes place in the days after I Want Your Midnights, but I do still think this can be read as a one-shot, as well. I’m trying to develop the series in my head some more. As always, thank you to my besties Iva (@beefybuckrrito) and Thevy (@the-sal-del-mar) for beta-reading and supporting me!!! The title comes from “Mary’s Song (Oh, My My My)” by Taylor Swift (lyrics | song), and it’s about the kind of lifelong love I wish I could have. 💙
Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated, and I’d love to know what you wanna see from these two! I still need an AU title, so definitely lemme know if you have ideas! 🥰️
The cutest little divider is by @firefly-graphics!
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It was a yucky Sunday afternoon in January, one of those days when you couldn’t quite tell if it was raining or snowing, and you were staying at Jake’s, helping him go through the boxes he’d yet to unpack in his new apartment. He was in his office setting up his work computer when you came across a box labeled PHOTO ALBUMS in his bold, all-caps handwriting.
“Jakeyyy, come take a breakyyy with meee!” you shouted playfully. You plopped yourself in the corner of the L-shaped couch, knowing Jake inevitably would rest his head on your lap and stretch his long legs out in the opposite direction. It didn’t take long before he did just that, throwing himself over the back of the couch and managing to gently land on top of you. He looked up at you and smiled.
“Are we taking a nap already, bubs?” he mumbled through a yawn. “One of those days, huh?”
“We can nap later, bubba. I found photo albums!” You handed one to him. “You should pick out some pictures to frame. The only thing you have on the wall is your pin-up Wanda poster from WandaVision.”
Jake wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “It’s art, and she’s a beautiful lady, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes and softly smacked his forehead. “I found an album from first grade, and then here’s your album with Polaroids from your missions with The Losers.” You held up the yellow photo album that Jake chose to match the yellow stretch Hummer they’d purchased.
“Let’s go through first grade. I wanna find some good ones of us.” He snuggled into you, relaxing into the warmth of your tummy and thighs, and you handed him the fabric-covered album. The very first photo was one of the exterior of his treehouse. “Remember when I fell from the top of the ladder and broke my arm in like sixth grade?” he snorted.
“Yeah, you were already too tall to keep going up there.” You smiled, absentmindedly running your hand through his un-gelled hair as he turned the page. The next photo was of Jake and his sister, Franny, on the first day of school. She was going into fourth grade when the two of you were going into first.
“Isn’t it crazy to think you took that photo with Fran and we met like 45 minutes later?”
“Yeah, you had no idea your life was going to change forever, did you?”
You hummed in amusement, tickling the shell of his ear with your fingertips. “I’d argue both of our lives changed.”
“Oh, of course. But I think I turned yours upside-down.”
“Literally. You taught me how to hang upside-down on the jungle gym during recess that day… while I was wearing a dress, no less.”
You both laughed so hard that it hurt to breathe. “I still remember that dress. That was my favorite.”
“That was the one with the teacups on it, right?” he wiped a joyful tear from his eye as he continued to settle down.
“Mhm, and you asked if I even drank tea, as if I were a poser. Quite the way for the new kid to introduce himself.”
“I needed to know what I was dealing with, sussing everyone out. I was always meant to be a spy of some kind, I think. Trust no bitch.” He pushed his glasses up his nose and flipped through a few more pages as you giggled, until he found a picture of your first grade class. “We were pretty cute, huh?”
“I was cute. You were a menace,” you accused him, pointing at Jake in the class photo, his little polo turned inside out, his front teeth missing, and his glasses crooked.
“Can’t argue with you there.” As he moved to turn the page, a folded photo fell from the pages of the album. Jake put the album down on his stomach and opened the photo up, revealing the two of you on your eighth birthday, a miniature Jake with frosting on his nose kissing your cheek as you smiled, your birthday cake in front of you. “Okay, you have to admit I was pretty adorable here.”
You felt like your heart was glowing as you looked at the photo. “We’ve always made a good pair, huh?” You leaned down to kiss his forehead.
Jake smoothed his thumb over the photo, his brow furrowed, when he suddenly jumped up. “Gimme a few minutes, okay?” He practically skipped to his office, and you heard the clacking of the mouse and keys as he set to work. 
Ten minutes passed, then twenty, and you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore. You settled in for a nap, sure that Jake would wake you when he needed you next.
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Jake worked furiously at his computer. He scanned the damaged photo into several editing programs and didn’t stop what he was doing until he felt he’d fully restored it, making it look good as new. “Y/N, c’mere!” he called, bouncing like a puppy in his seat.
When you didn’t respond, Jake walked back into the living room where he saw (and heard) you softly snoring, clutching a throw pillow to your chest. He smiled and gingerly moved across the room, slipping on his Vans and jacket and grabbing his wallet as he quietly left the apartment.
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You woke up about an hour later to the sound of the front door closing. Confused, you got up and walked toward the door where you found Jake soaked to the bone and clutching several shopping bags to his chest. “Did I wake you, bubba? I’m so sorry.” He toed off his shoes and hung his jacket on the hook inside the door. “Lemme get changed. I have something for you!”
Jake ran to his bedroom and changed his clothes, returning to the living room about ten minutes later. Although he was being super sweet today, you couldn’t help but notice how good he looked in his tight black tank top and gray sweatpants, his muscles and tattoos on display.
He produced an elaborately-wrapped gift from behind his back, complete with a bow and gift tag that read, To: My Bubba, From: Love: Your Bubba.
“Jake, what did you do?” You examined the small, rectangular present, wondering what it could be.
“Open it and find out, Y/N.” He grinned and clapped excitedly as you untied the ribbon and began to open up the paper, careful not to rip it.
Inside the wrapping was a picture frame with two photos side by side. On the left was a perfectly-restored version of the photo from your eighth birthday party. On the right was a copy of the Polaroid you took on New Year’s Eve, in which you kissed his cheek instead.
“I made one for myself, too. I’m gonna hang it above the TV so I can see it,” he whispered, blushing a pretty pink. “Do you like it? Is it too much?” He played with his fingers nervously,
“Bubs, this is perfect. How did you…” You looked at the restored photo in amazement. “Seriously, I love this so much. I love you!” You launched at him, pulling him into a tight hug. “This means so much to me. I can’t wait to hang it up.”
Jake watched you with heart-eyes that he simply didn’t know how to hide. Little did you know, his mom had inscribed on the back of the photo: Jake and future daughter-in-law? :) The year was smudged, but that didn’t matter. Jake intended to fulfill his mom’s prediction, and hopefully, this was step one.
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littlelioncub43 · 3 years
Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
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Summary: A small cabin, a roaring fire, Christmas decorations— it would have been perfect except for the fact that you've been holding Jake hostage. But you know it's just a matter of time before Jake starts to warm up to you.
Pairing: Jake Jensen x Soft Dark!Reader
Word count: 2.5k exactly!
Warnings: dub con, mentions of past non con, kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, smut +18 ONLY (minors DNI), unprotected sex (*strong Scottish accent* dont be silly, wrap yer willy), creampie, some fluff but it's a soft dark fic so not really, dark reader, basement husband!Jake.
A/N: This is my submission for @boxofbonesfic 's Bone-tastic Bone-bastic 5k writing challenge! The theme I selected was "fire place." I really, really, really hope that I stuck with the theme. If not, I will cry real tears and die of shame 🥲 This is inspired by @navybrat817 and her amazing fic "Merry Little Christmas" 😄 if you guys have the time, check it out! Thank you so much! Don't forget to comment and reblog because I'm sexy and I deserve it 🥰💖
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Jake hates everything. 
He hates being locked up. He hates that you’ve kept him for this long. He hates that you were able to kidnap him in the first place. 
But what he hates the most is how sweet you are. 
If you’d been harsh and cruel with him, then it would make hating you easier. 
But no. 
You’re annoyingly gentle with him. You feed him, wash his clothes; you even made him a cake on his birthday, sprinkles and all. Everything would be easier if you were evil, but you’ve never so much as raised your voice. In the beginning he’d beg to be set free, then hurl insults at you when you denied him until that sweet smile you gave him turned sad. He hated how that sad expression made his heart twist with guilt. He’d lost count of how many months he’s been held captive.
The snow continued to fall in a steady downpour, and it put you in a cozy mood. You sat on the couch, watching the flames in the large fireplace dance to the crackling of the embers, Christmas stockings hanging from the mantle, the lovely scent of firewood wafted through the isolated cabin.. The Christmas lights that you’d strung around the room gave you an ethereal glow that Jake wanted desperately to ignore. You wore one of Jake’s t-shirts, a pair of black sleep shorts, and fuzzy socks. Jake watched you from his spot on the couch, the close proximity no longer bothering him. You sighed contently, setting your cup of tea on the coffee table.
“All finished, Jakey?” You asked and gestured to his own cup of tea. 
“Hm? Oh, y-yeah,” he nodded, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you chuckled and took his cup, pressing a kiss to his head as you passed him. Normally, he’d recoil at your sweet gestures, the fact that you pretended that whatever this was was perfectly normal made him sick to his stomach. But he found himself smiling shyly up at you when you kissed his head. 
Jake felt your hands run through his hair, his head tilting back to look up at you as you stand behind him. You sigh again with a placid look in your eye as you take in his features appreciatively, the yellow light from the fire only adding to his charm. Your hand caressing his head in slow pets, just how he likes it. You watch him swallow thickly, his eyes fluttering as you drag your nails across his scalp, his breathing catching. Your smile grows sinfully, and Jake knows what you’re going to say. 
“Let’s go to bed, Jakey,” you purred. 
He wanted to fight, but instead he nods dumbly, his face already flushed, his cock twitching in his grey sweatpants. With a pleased hum, you dip your head to plant a teasing kiss to his lips. You take a step back when he leans in for another one, luring him back to the Queen sized bed on the other side of the room. His feet carry him with you, enchanted by the soft yet devious look in your eyes, desire simmering under your demure appearance in the warm glow of the fire. 
The backs of his knees hit the mattress, your hands lightly push at his shoulders to have him sit. Your gaze keeps him in a trance, his hands rest on your hips, and instead of pushing you away, they caress the fabric of your shorts. Jake was always shy, pretty girls were his weakness, and you are no exception. His breathing deepening as you inched closer to him, your lips ghosting over his. A shiver wracked his body at the light touch, your lips are always so soft and warm. He hates it. You capture his lips, his eyes slide shut with a gasp, the kiss is chaste and tender. He hates it too. Slowly, you deepen the kiss, moulding your lips against his with a little more fervor. Your tongue slides against the seam of his lips, teasing his mouth open until he willingly lets you in, you can’t help but moan at the taste of him, you feel his hands tighten around your hips. 
The leather straps bound to each of the wooden bed posts were worn with use, claw marks littered the dark brown leather. The silver metal buckles that cinch around Jake’s wrists shine in the firelight. The motions to secure Jake’s limbs to the bed were smooth, practiced over the span of months, or however long Jake’s been trapped. You bite your lip at the sight of Jake’s tan, lean body tied to the bed, his cock laying against his stomach, the tip reddening as he gapes up at you. You pull off your shorts before crawling over him, your eyes predatory. You settle in his lap, smirking at the shuddering gasp he lets out when your clothed pussy nestles against his aching cock. Another blush dusts his face and chest. 
“Lay down, Sweetie,” you whisper against his lips when you pull back for air. You can see flickers of defiance that bubble behind his eyes, it amuses you more than anything. You smile softly and pet his chin, the gruff facial hair scratches your palm. He licks his lips and scoots back to the center of the bed, taking off his shirt and tossing to the floor. His boxers and sweatpants are tossed to the floor with his t-shirt. Keeping his eyes on you, he lays back, his head against the pillows, arms and legs sprawled out. You feel a bubble of pride swell in your chest at his obedience.
“Aww, still shy?” You purr and kiss along his jaw, his hands tightening their grip on the leather straps. 
“A l-little…” he whispers, hating how his head falls to the side for you to touch. You hum, and bring your lips to his ear. 
“It’s ok, baby,” your voice is velvety and melodic, he hates it, you slowly start to rock back and forth, your juices soaking through your black panties and coating his shaft with each push of your hips. You mouth at his neck, making a trail for his mouth. “I’m gonna take care of you…”
Jake’s eyes slide shut, trying desperately to reign himself in, to maintain the quickly crumbling wall he’d built against you. He always looks so cute when he tries to block you out like this. You press a kiss to his forehead before sitting up straight in his lap, you toss the borrowed t-shirt to the floor. Jake can’t help but peel his eyes open when he hears your shirt hit the floor. The sight of your bare breasts illuminated by the fire had Jake’s hips thrusting instinctively; he hates it. 
“F-Fuck,” you gasp, your eyes fluttering shut, “I was gonna suck that fat cock of yours, but you just wanna get right to it, don’t you, baby?” 
Jake turned his head away, a wave of shame washing over him. You chuckle softly before pulling your cotton underwear off and tossing them behind you. The feeling of your soft slick pussy rubbing the sensitive tip of his cock has Jake gasping. Your hands sliding across his chest, the gentle caresses always made him shudder and today is no different. You mouth at his jaw, nibbling at the spot just below his ear, distracting him so he doesn’t notice you guiding his cock to your entrance. 
In one fluid motion, you sink down on him, your walls opening up to welcome him home. A throaty groan vibrates through Jake’s chest as he fails to keep quiet. Your own fluttery moan fills the room, your thighs trembling around his narrow waist at the dizzying pleasure that courses through your veins. You hide your face in the crook of his neck to catch your breath.
“O-Oh fuck, Jake,” you whimper breathlessly into his throat, your sweet little body shaking against his, a thin layer of sweat beginning to form on your skin. 
Giving Jake’s neck one final kiss, you push yourself up to sit in his lap. The shift of your hips had Jake slipping even deeper into your tight heat. His head rolls, his jaw hangs open as a stuttered gasp and moan falls from his lips, his eyes still shut. You grin at his reaction; Jake always makes the sweetest noises when you ride him like this; he loved being as deep as he physically could, even if he never admit it. Your hands rest on his chest, massaging his pecks as he shifts with need underneath you, his body betraying him. 
You make sure to move as slow as you could, your hips drawing random patterns against his, building a rhythm that you know will drive him crazy. The tuft of hair at the base of his cock rubs against your clit, the friction only adding to your pleasure. 
“You feel so good, Jake,” you praise sweetly, loving the way he struggles to keep from moaning, you speed your hips up slightly, the pace still tortuously slow, “and you’re so fucking deep, baby, can you feel it?”
He could. He could feel everything and it felt like Heaven. 
The comfortable duvet cover underneath him, the softness of your skin as you ride him, the strong but gentle tension of the leather straps on his ankles and wrists, then your hot, wet cunt swallowing him whole. It was perfect, his whole body begging to stay here as long as possible, wanting to revel in the ungodly pleasure you give him. A small part of him reminded him that he shouldn’t want this; he shouldn’t want you to ride him like this, he shouldn’t want to feel you cum around him. But he does. And he hates it. 
You get lost in the euphoria that takes over you, your pace speeding up a little more. Jake opens his eyes, immediately zeroing in on the place where your bodies meet. Your puffy lips stretched around his thick girth, your little nub swollen with need; and for the first time, Jake wishes he could rub it while you ride him. He tugs on the leather straps, the wooden posts groan at his efforts but stay put. 
“Oh my God…” Jake whispers, his head falling back on to the pillows, not being able to touch you is driving him crazy. You give him a little more, your hips raising off his in a controlled motion, the slow movement giving you the chance to feel every ridge and vein on his shaft, your fluttering walls begging him to stay inside you. You lift up until only his fat tip remains inside you, then you let gravity pull you down harshly. “A-Ah!”
You moan with him before doing it again and again, his cock splitting you open with each drop. The room fills with the sounds of your moans, Jake’s groans, the crackling of the roaring fire, and the salacious wet claps of your bodies meeting in a hypnotizing rhythm. You can feel Jake’s chest heaving as he pants, his jaw hung open, his glasses sliding all over his nose as he sweats, his groans getting louder. A particularly hard bounce had Jake shouting for you. 
“OH GOD, FUCK YES!” He gasps dramatically, his legs twitching excitedly. 
“Feeling good, Jakey?” You ask smugly. He hates to admit it, but he's feeling so fucking good. He nods shyly, muttering a 'yeah'. You hum approvingly but stop your hips. He looks up at you confused, eyes begging you to keep going. "I wanna hear you say it, Angel," you whisper and kiss his lips gently, "need to make sure you're feeling good.” 
He swallows thickly, the internal battle of not wanting to give in was one he was losing. He feels the nagging need to cum overriding any sense he has left, he wants you to keep going, he needs you to keep going.
"I'm feeling good... I'm feeling really good..." he whispers against your lips, seeking another kiss which you give him, your hips returning to the mind-numbing pace. "Fuck, baby, yes, please…”
A pleased smirk paints your lips at the pet name that rolls off his tongue like second nature, Jake’s too far gone to even notice what he's called you. You knew it was only a matter of time. The pleasure builds in the pit of your stomach as he gives himself to you, finally submitting to the role you knew he was meant for. He looks up at you, need written all over his face, and you just want to give him anything he asks for. 
“You’re so good for me, Jake, always such a good boy,” you praise, your pace speeding up to ride him for all he’s worth, the bed frame slamming into the cabin wall forcefully, “Good Boys get what they want,” you hear Jake’s breath catch in his throat, his hips thrusting up into your cunt, forcing himself a little deeper each time, “what do you want, Jake, tell me.”
“Wanna cum! Please, need it, need to cum, m’ a good boy, wanna cum!” He babbles in a whiny voice, his words slurring together as his high gets dangerously close, his limbs beginning to tingle. He feels your breasts pressing into the hard muscle of his chest, your body so inviting, so intoxicating—he couldn’t get enough of it.  
“Hold it, m’so close, jus’ a little bit more,” you whimper and begin to rub your clit in quick circles, your pussy tightening around him in a nearly painful grip, his toes curling with effort to hold himself back. Jake gazes up at you, his eyebrows pinched together, those baby blue eyes glassy with ecstasy, soft pillowy lips cherry red from being chewed on and slick with his spit as he drools slightly. 
“Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease,” he chants breathily, his begging pushes you over the edge, your walls close around him like a wet fist, holding him tightly as your orgasm tears through you. A strangled cry flies from his lips as you shake on top of him, your nails biting into the skin of his chest and shoulders, your pace faltering as you cum around him. Jake can’t help but follow you head first into his own high, his body shaking as his eyes roll in his head, his spine bowing off the mattress as he shoots his spend deep inside you. “H-Haaaaa-aaaaaah!”
You gasp when you feel his hot cum filling you up. You feel his cock twitching as he comes, the death grip he has on the leather straps finally beginning to loosen as he relaxes into the bed, his muscles starting to ache from being pulled tight for so long. You both catch your breaths, your head resting on his sweaty chest, Jake’s head naturally leans against yours as he listens to you breathe. A small content smile finding its way across his face.
Maybe he doesn’t hate it here as much as he thought.
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Tag list: @boxofbonesfic @scorpioaes @tumblin-theworldaway @purple-babygirl @runawayolives @smokememories @hawsx3
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J2 Gold Panel Chicon 2022
My boys looking as handsome as always, really loving their outfits today ❤️
At the beginning of the panel Jared makes a joke about his accident which the crowd does not appreciate- it’s too soon Jared! But as he says, he’s joking about himself which is a valid point. Anyways, there’s a little exchange between the boys because Jensen jokingly says he was all ready to wheel Jared up the stage that morning and Jared replied Jensen carried him up the stairs. x
Asked why he didn’t sing in yesterday's concert, Jensen replies that he did sing. In his hotel room, he sang himself to sleep. To which Jared comments: I wish it was just yourself. Interesting comment there Jared 👀 After looking at Jared with an expression I can only describe as mischievous Jensen says it’s true that the whole hotel lobby was asking Jared to shut him up. x
Jared makes a second joke about his accident, and I wanna point out Jensen’s reaction when he does this; Jared jokes that he just didn’t want to go to the con so he came up with an idea to stay home aka his accident. Jensen did not like that joke, and you can tell because he goes from smiling to pursing his lips, slightly shaking his head, and then saying “next time just stay home”. And Jared got the message loud and clear because he turns serious and sort of mumbles ‘might have turned out better’. Jensen’s reaction was twofold. He not only let Jared know that he did not like the joke but - while I do not know and it is not my business to know Jared’s reasons for being in that car on that day I am willing to bet that Jensen and him had a very serious conversation about it, and that while Jared may joke he knows not only how bad it could have been but also how much it frightened Jensen. x
First, official question is: in what world do they imagine that Walker, and Jensen’s new character on Big Sky, Beau Arlen, meet? Jared says in all the worlds he imagines. Me too, buddy. And Jensen says that it’s the crossover that makes most sense since his character Beau is from Houston and has a law enforcement past there.
Jared also says that since around spn s4 he has wanted to work on a joint project with Jensen that’s separate from spn which I find kind of adorable because even when he was spending little to no time away from Jensen all he wanted was to spend more time with him and do other projects together. Says he wants to do a project where he and Jensen’s characters have a moment where they pass by each other and do a double take; which prompts Jensen to share that technically they did a moment like that when he directed Walker. After they filmed one of the concert scenes he walked on set and he and Jared looked at each other and it would have worked if it hadn't been for Odette Anabelle, who plays Geri, reacting. x
Do they have any short term or long term plans for what they want to do with their Baby's? Jared wants to keep it aesthetically the same but fix it so it’s workable because it works for filming but not so much for actually driving through town which he found out when he drove it home from Jensen’s brewery which is where the cars had been delivered to, so she's getting some work done; Jensen said the same, he doesn’t plan to change anything aesthetically but he has gotten some work done on her and at first he was planning to change the engine because it’s loud as hell but after thinking about he thinks he’s gonna keep it just for nostalgia sake and just get it tuned up.
When the show wrapped up, their props department gifted them “care packages” , which was basically a collection of little, random props. Some of the props Jared got was the Samulet, hotel keycards, some legos and GI Joe/army men from Swan Song and when he got them he went to the garage and put some of the legos around 😭
What was the inspiration for the City Grown Willow music video? They were bored and stuck in the mountains. Literally. It was filmed during the pandemic lockdown, Steve was there, it was snowing, him and Jensen had nothing better to do so they went and spend a couple hours filming the thing; originally it was gonna just be for them, something they did for fun but since it turned out so good they decided to post it. Steve is the one who came up with the idea for the song and it’s based off of a friend of his, she was a city girl and he was kind of a country guy and it was inspired by their relationship. Then Jared makes Jensen crack up by reminding him of an old SNL sketch. x
What inspired Jensen to start writing music? He’s always been surrounded by musician friends who encouraged him, and included him in their songwriting. And Jared once again shared the story of how when his brother went to visit back in s1 he told him that he had to hear Jensen’s singing. Proud hubby from day 1 this one 💕
Does Dean Jr. having the anti possession tattoo leave the door open for a sequel? Jared says that was not the intention, that for him the intention was that even though Dean was gone he was still there, but sure, maybe 🤷‍♀️
A fan askedJensen about how it was to film as Soldier Boy as opposed to filming as Dean. But before she can finish her question Jensen mentions seeing episode 1 of The Boys s3; I’m not gonna give spoilers and he doesn’t give spoilers either but he mentions how he saw the episode at the Paris premiere, in a movie theater, and it had been so long from filming and reading scripts that he had forgotten all about a specific scene involving a character named Termite. So he got to see that on a very, big screen, and when the scene happened what he heard was Kripke, who was sitting behind him, cackling maniacally 😂
Him and Jared flew to the convention together (💕), and Jensen being such a good husband, such a good friend he showed the episode/Termite scene to Jared on the plane 🤣🤣🤣
Before we continue just in case anybody who has not seen the episode and does not watch The Boys is curious and decides to look up the scene in question please be aware that the scene is extremely graphic, it contains nudity, a sexual situation and gore. Look it up at your own discretion.
To answer the question, Jensen says it was different all around. With spn that was his and Jared’s house, and they loved inviting people in and making them comfortable, but on The Boys he was the guest so he made sure to stay in his lane and be respectful. He says Antony Starr who plays Homelander on the show was reluctant to like him; he told Jensen that he didn’t want to like him but he does. When it comes to the character aspect, he had several conversations with Kripke and Phil Sagriccia to ensure he didn’t slip back into Dean. And says that Soldier Boy arrives on the scene in ep 4! I’m so excited, we got a bit of him in ep 3 and he’s just 😍
If they could cameo on any show that’s not related to spn or one of their current projects, what show would it be? Jared says Saved by the Bell or Home Improvement. Jensen goes with Yellowstone. 
Jared, also says, that he wanted to be like Jonathan Taylor Thomas, and tells the story that years ago he was in LA driving down this thin street and there was an SUV heading his way but it wasn’t in its lane so he’s looking at the car like wtf! and as the car slowed down and came nearer he realized it was JTT, and when Jared noticed who it was he just went ‘oh it’s cool man!’ 😂
Final question! They are known for being menaces on set. Is that something that will continue on in their new sets? It’s difficult for Jared to do so because he doesn’t have a partner in crime on the Walker set due to being the EP. So for example he’ll start joking around and he’ll see Keegan go with the flow and tease him back until he remembers Jared’s the EP and then he’s like oh shit and Jared has to tell them that it’s okay to tease him. He loves his Walker crew but so far only two of the members are comfortable teasing and joking around with him. Jared has such golden retriever energy when he’s saying this; and Jensen mentions how on his first day of prep for the Walker ep he directed, he made a friendly joke about Jared thinking the crew would laugh and instead all he got was a bunch of wide eyeballs staring back at him like 😳
In Jensen’s case he did have a partner in crime on The Boys. Him and Karl Urban build a camaraderie and after a couple eps they started doing the silent communication thing where whenever someone said something that could be taken as innuendo or in a different way they would smirk at each other and that would lead to them messing with somebody but they had to be careful because there’s a lot of different personalities on that set and while some are okay with joking around others are very much not. x
J2 Gold Panel Chicon
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hintsofhoney · 3 years
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My requests are always open, however, it may take me a while to get to them. I only write when I’m inspired, so sometimes I have to wait for that inspiration to strike! I will reply to your ask once I’ve posted your request, but until then it’ll be chilling in my inbox. All the information you need to know before you request is below the cut!
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jensen Ackles
Danneel Ackles
Misha Collins
Billy Butcher
Soldier Boy
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Bucky Barnes
TASM Peter Parker
Steve Rogers
Yelena Belova
Dane Whitman
Loki Laufeyson
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Andrew Garfield
Sebastian Stan
Jon Snow
Tyrion Lannister
Robb Stark
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Simon Basset
These are the characters, people, and ships I am confident writing for, however I will try almost anything once, so if there’s a character, person, or ship that you’d like to request (within these fandoms), please don’t hesitate to ask! I’ll let you know if I’m not confident in my ability to do it justice. When it comes to kinks, (tw: unconventional kinks) toilet stuff, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, and incest (yes, that includes Wincest) are a hard no for me. If there’s something outside of that that you want to request, I’ll let you know if I’m comfortable with it. I’m fine with dom/sub dynamics, BDSM, CNC, and certain non-con (depending on the request). 
If you want to request something, just shoot me an ask, and I’ll get to it as soon as the inspiration comes to me!
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cooloddball · 3 years
I was minding my business reeling about Misha's sad revelation and then something hit me. Didn't Steve Carlson say that CGW was written for or maybe inspired by a couple that Jensen knew? What if it was about Misha and Vicki? I have read and re-read the lyrics and it's all I can think about.
Why? Why would you hurt me like this? This day has been painful enough, I had planned not to open my inbox because of today's developments but I opened and this was the first thing I saw and I had to answer even if I promised myself not to say anything about this whole situation.
Did Steve say that? If he did then it makes your speculation about the song may be right. It could be about Misha and Vicki or maybe another couple that he knows.
But in light of recent developments, I'm not sure what to think. I mean...
She wants to know the names of the games he plays He wants the names of the players in the game to change He's young in years but wise in wonderful ways Her faith in love is better on sunny days
City grown willow, unchain your pillow Let the man from the mountains run away with your heart Let the man from the mountains run away with your heart
He stokes the flames 'cause he is amused by the glow She'd rather feel all of its warmth than watch the show Holding the answer, he dances for the one he knows His faith in love will last through wind, rain and snow
All they want is forever, and All they need is for Their time together To be free
It seems like yeah, the couple mentioned here is in an open relationship of some kind. I had started analyzing the lyrics a while back but I stopped for some reason. But it's clear that this is about a couple who have other partners. The said couple (whoever they are) they just want to live their truth, freely.
However, it could be about anything. Also, thanks nonnie for breaking my heart all over again.
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destieldailynews · 4 years
February 14-21 weekly wrap-up
DeanCas Wedding February 14, 2021 One Valentines day, the supernatural fandom created and celebrated a wedding for Dean Winchester and Castiel which spanned social media platforms. Originally inspired by tweets by Chad Lindberg and Samantha Ferris, the event soon took on a life of its own. Fans created art, stories, and other fanworks, shared headcanons, and took this opportunity to celebrate the love between Dean and Cas. The wedding highlighted the ways in which fandoms can come together to spread positivity.  Submit fanworks commemorating the DeanCas Wedding to DDN here
Valentine’s Day at the Roadhouse February 14-16, 2021 Actors Chad Linberg (Ash) and Samantha Ferris (Ellen) made tweets to role play a Valentine’s Day celebration at the Roadhouse. Several of their comments seemed to be suggesting that they would celebrate the wedding of Dean and Cas. Ferris and Lindberg did not roleplay a wedding, and both actors became defensive when the subject was brought up. Fans were hurt and frustrated by Ferris and Lingberg’s responses.as well as Lindberg’s liking of a post that claimed Destiel supporters have been “gaslighting the rest of the fandom for 10+ years.” link to our post  link to Chad Lindberg' twitter link to Samantha Ferris's twitter
Architectural Digest Ackles Article February 15, 2021 Architectural Digest has done a feature on the Ackles family. The article is titled “CW Star Jensen Ackles Invites AD Inside His Family Home in Austin” and contains pictures of Jensen and Danneel Ackles and a very nice house, although they have not lived there for some time. AD attempted to capitalize on the fan enthusiasm around #DeancasWedding by re-issuing this article with a tweet reading “Sad over Destiel? Self Medicate with Jensen Ackles’s real-world Austin home.” link to our post
Reactions for AD Destiel Tweet February 15, 2021 Fans, for cast members, and other members of the supernatural community including Danneel Ackles, Ruth Connell, Felicia Day, and the Stands twitter account, reacted to the Architectural Digest tweets. link to our post
Shoshannah Stern Valentine  February 14, 2021 On Valentine’s Day, actress Shoshannah Stern, who played Eileen Leahy on Supernatural, tweeted a Valentine’s Day card which had a picture of Eileen and the text “🤟 (I love you)” on it. The Valentine was created by @agg_red1 on twitter, whom Shoshannah tagged in her post.  link to tweet link to original valentine
Shoshanah Stern likes Fancam  February 15, 2021 On February 15th, Shoshannah Stern liked an Eileen fancam, made by Twitter user @lexiegender. The edit consisted of various clips of the character, with a she/they bisexual flag around them phrases such as “she/they bi rights” bordering them. link to original tweet tweets liked by Shoshannah link to our post about Shoshannah's twitter activity
The Ackles’ Celebrate Mardi Gras  February 16, 2021 On Tuesday, February 16th, Danneel Ackles posted a picture and video of her family celebrating Mardi Gras on Instagram, with the caption: “Although this year’s Mardi Gras may look a little different… Tonight we still say, Hail Bacchus! To My Valentine and My King! New Orleans we will see you in 2022!!! #BacchusLI.”  The posts shows Jensen enjoying a meal and a glass of wine, along with a video of him trying to eat while his daughter, Justice, jumps on his back. link to our post link to Daneel Ackles' Instagram 
Supernatural Virtual Weekend Announced February 19, 2021 Creation Entertainment announced an event of virtual panels, meet-and-greets, and one-on-one chats with actors Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Mark Sheppard, Kim Rhodes and Briana Buckmaster. Highlights will include a Q & A with Misha Collins and a Q & A with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki.  link to our post link to virtual weekend website 
Jensen Ackles makes Instagram Post about Texas February 19, 2021 Jensen Ackles posted a video to Instagram in order to raise awareness about the crisis in Texas. The video is a loop of him staring into the distance as snow falls in the background and features a message of support to his “fellow Texans” as well as links for how to donate to places organizing aid in Texas.  link to our post link to Jensen Ackles' Instagram 
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