#insta tags too much
redladydeath · 3 months
I don’t think we appreciate how much better Tumblr’s tagging culture is than Twitter or Instagram
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clementartz · 1 month
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Ᏽ𐌉ꃴ𐌄 𐌉𐌍𐌕ꂦ 𐌕𐋅𐌄 𐌀𐌍𐌉𐌌𐌀𐌋
soooo i read @littlecrittereli’s wild kratts reprogrammed au fic and was immeeeediately hooked. the lore goes CRAZY !!! RAHHHHH!!!! also i made a playlist to go along with it >.<
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passionpeachy · 6 months
Just so you know, I did NOT cry but I definetly did whimper
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pengucrei · 3 months
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partybeetle with matching scarfs causs i love them
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emry-stars-art · 11 months
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Thoughts on prince Riko’s “perfect court” before anyone escaped Evermore ( @thefoxesraven pls remind me if it was you with the branding vs tagging idea on that insta live)
@snazzy-jas-z-is-a-fan-of came up with SO MUCH of the possible politics and family ties of this au, it was incredible to watch and I think I finally understand enough to post about it 😂 there’s a balance of power between the two branches of Evermore royalty, which balance is shifting slowly to the Moriyamas and by the end of the story belongs solely to them with Ichirou as king. I’ll try to explain it in a different post if there’s interest
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(And lest we go a day without Abram angst: he does in fact get his brand and more, when he’s taken back to Evermore and Riko takes the chance to reclaim his property ‘like he should have done to begin with’.)
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the-butler-did-it · 18 days
I dreamt I had somehow become a part of the Dropout cast and I had both the best conversation with Emily and got multiple of the best hugs from Brennan and Izzy
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constellarcreator · 17 days
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Estelle is real btw. If u even care.
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The year is 2024 and I'm considering using my blog as a random art dumpster again... hm. Is this bad or good for me.
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burstingsunrise · 1 year
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sofishticated3 · 11 months
Omg the f1 side of instagram and particularly the m*x fans are not passing the vibe check. I mean, of course if he's your favorite driver, you can be happy and express that in the comments but is it necessary to always bring up Lewis or merc domination? Or harass someone as soon as they express their opinion about m*x that does not fit the "golden boy/great white hope" image? I swear some are just proving themselves to be racist and misogynist, which considering the man they stan, well
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paranormalplanet · 1 year
i made more wednesday fanart
the wednesday/wenclair brainrot is strong so uuuuh enjoy these doodles
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also im gonna put some headcanons and talk about some stuff i thought was interesting under the cut (huge s1 spoilers!!)
ALRIGHT SO. first, with tyler, i'm wondering up until what point was genuine because he could have just... not saved wednesday from rowan and snatched her blood as the key for crackstone. THEN, in the abandoned house he could have totally kidnapped her because she was alone (besides thing, who he could have easily destroyed if he wanted to) AND, at the rave'n it seemed like marilyn/laurel was suprised to see him sooooo.. idk share your thoughts if you want??? maybe he's just stupid lmao
also i saw someone headcanon ajax as nonbinary and i love that sm.
i might be projecting on wednesday, but oriented aroace wednesday that feels all types attraction as the same thing (quoiromantic) and is still able to enjoy typically romantic gestures, is my favorite oddly specific headcanon.
and mspec lesbian enid because bi flag colors in her hair and lesbian sweater
i want enid and wednesday to be in a qpr so bad but i know they won't do it :(
also undiagnosed autistic wednesday with visual sensory issues thinking it's a "color allergy" (it's canon in my heart)
enid totally played animal jam and/or neopets as a kid (was probably a furry, brony, or misc. fandom-goer at some point tbh)
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mildmayfoxe · 1 year
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❤️ shop | patreon ❤️
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mistykaru · 2 years
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i wish to go back to posting all my doodles without feeling anxious :>
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entitybear · 3 months
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Some recent stickers & trinkets I've got. Nearly covered the front of my new bigger sketchbook with these, and a few my friend gave me ^-^
stickers, keychain & notebook from @strawbunnycakes And other recent sticker haul from @sweatermuppet respectively 🫶
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iwrotemrtambourineman · 6 months
what about thrawn? / The George Lucas Talk Show with James Austin Johnson, X Mayo, and Zac Cherry
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seekingthestars · 15 days
@it-begins-with-rain replied to your post “little floof has the best possible time at con,...”:
I'm so incredibly happy for you!!!!! I love how loved you are at that con, and it's absolutely the amount of loved you should be!!!! You are such a wonderful and kind and shining soul, and everyone can see it and everyone looks forward to it every single year! And your Flower Eevee is perfection itself and I'm so happy you managed to get the flowers done in time because they're PERFECT!!!!!!!! Just absolutely perfect!!! I'm so happy you had a few days to find yourself again and decompress after the shitshow that has been the last year, and i wish con was an entire week long for you to just bask in complete and utter blissful fun and recharge!
i frequently feel like i'm Too Much at con sometimes, like my favorite guests would get annoyed at seeing me so much at all their panels/autograph sessions and asking for pics and stuff, but then they do things like call to me BY NAME in the hallways when i'm not even paying attention and haven't noticed them just to actually get me to notice them and say hi back, or ask me if i'm coming to their next show after each one that i go to, or share my ig posts to their stories thanking me BY NAME AGAIN for coming and specifically saying they were glad to see me again and i just cry and melt inside bc they are genuinely the sweetest they could possibly be to me and they certainly don't have to be but they ARE and it makes me feel SO warm 😭😭😭😭
ALSO THANK U FOR KIND WORDS ABOUT FLOWERY EEVEEEEE <3 so many people stopped me at con to tell me my dress was beautiful and so many people asked about it after they took pics and everyone was so impressed when i said i'd hand sewn them all on and said they looked like they were originally part of the dress which tbh is the highest compliment to me, thank u random con goers ilu so much
I ALSO WISH CON WAS AN ENTIRE WEEK LONG SO I COULD JUST BASK IN COMPLETE AND UTTER BLISSFUL FUN bc that's what con is for me every time and i need it fjeiaowfwae i at least sorta wish i'd somehow taken this entire week off after con LOL but the memories are good, the memories and the pictures will help take the edge off going back to work <3
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