#instead of just skipping all the scenes that don’t have Hayden Christensen
hannagoldworthy · 8 months
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So. This got photographed, because I finally blocked the IP address (bye Felicia) but I can’t stop laughing at how little this “anon” has bothered to disguise her writing style. Oh, this asker uses the word Kenobist like it’s a clever insult and writes like Sheev Palpatine having a quick fap over his own perceived superiority between meetings, just WhO cOulD iT bE?
(Golly gee whiz, Domina, that “block” didn’t last very long. I’d bet my left buttcheek you don’t know where the block button is, just as you don’t know how to work the tag or content filters.)
But thanks for confirming that you’ve never darkened the doorstep of any university with a decent engineering department, if any university at all. Nor have you ever spoken with an engineer, because if you had, you’d realize that a decent majority of engineers have Big Himbo Energy. The engineering fraternity house at my college looked like the house in Flubber before the dean made them take their little machines down. I briefly dated an engineering student with a 4.1 Honors GPA who bought a shitbox car and souped it up to drive in drag races on weekends; I broke up with him after the first date because he drove the car up to my parents’ house and showed it off to my entire family while it was literally smoking and leaking oil on their driveway. A meteorologist - basically a weather engineer - who worked with my father once ran out, bare-headed, into a storm of golfball-sized hail because, and I quote him verbatim, “HOT DAMN I WAS RIGHT, LEMME GET A SAMPLE!”
And…you’re saying that’s NOT Anakin Skywalker? “Modified the Twilight until it was practically unflyable for anyone but him” Anakin? “Ran face first into a lightning attack because he didn’t think his strategy through” Anakin? “Did not realize his wife was pregnant after regularly SpaceTiming her for months, lifting her up and twirling her, AND full-body hugging her” Anakin? “Had a prophetic dream where Padme was still having labor pains after giving birth to one baby and interpreted that to mean she was dying and not GIVING BIRTH TO THE OTHER TWIN” Anakin? THAT Anakin, from the high canon Lucas movies, which you have most definitely watched front to back?
You underestimate the power of your own blorbo, Domina. Anakin Skywalker can be both a mentally unstable himbo AND an engineering prodigy, and in fact, HE IS. And I would think that his number-one stan would be the first to point out that those two very different facets of his personality lend depth to his character. But, then again, I am talking to the idiot who drags Obi-Wan Kenobi into every conversation, even in other fandoms, and then accuses everyone ELSE of being obsessed, so I suppose I should not expect that very basic level of perception from you.
Oh, and also? Thanks for that extra boost of motivation! Now my plans to get my computer fixed have been moved up, because I intend to write even MORE Himbokin Skywalker, just to spite you! Mission Failed Successfully, HUZZAH!
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takerfoxx · 4 years
The Rise of Skywalker Review
All right, new year, new decade, and all that jazz. Now, I do have a few things I wanna say about reflecting back on where I was and where I am now, personal growth and all that, but first, I have some major I need to get out of my system, something that’s been eating at my mind all week, something I really need to sit down and dissect to properly suss out my thoughts and feelings.
And that thing is this: what the fuck happened with The Rise of Skywalker?!
Now, just for the record, I’m that lapsed Star Wars fan who grew up with the original trilogy, who had a full shelf of EU novels that I read and reread over and over until their covers fell off, who spent untold hours replaying both of the Knights of the Old Republic games, was majorly let down by the prequels and became disillusioned by the franchise as a result, who reacted to the news of Disney’s acquisition of the franchise with cyncisim, who thought that The Force Awakens was decent but otherwise substance-less knock-off of A New Hope, who was bored to tears by Rogue One, who skipped Solo entirely, but who actually was surprising engaged and receptive to the subversive themes and new places that The Last Jedi took the franchise even if it was very flawed structurally and thought that it was the best Star Wars film since Return of the Jedi.
And hell, let’s just state my reasons right now. The Last Jedi came out at a time when I was just so tired of people trying to recapture lightning in a bottle with once-great franchises that had lived on long past their expiration date with trying to pass off clearly inferior knock-offs to their original installments as sequels. I mean, it can work, sure. Both of the Creed movies followed the Rocky movie formula pretty closely but were still great, and even if it didn’t click with me the way it did with other people, Fury Road was a fantastic film. The thing is though, both of those movies were still being handled by their original creators, specifically Sylvester Stallone and George Miller, while my beloved Star Wars and Jurassic Park had become divorced from their daddies and were now being handled by people who just. Didn’t. Get it.
And then The Last Jedi came along and was all, “Shut up about bloodlines, they don’t matter! Your main character is not the descendant of some already established character, she’s just some rando Force-sensitive that caught up in all this and decided to answer the call, so let her stand on her own! The Jedi were a well-meaning but immensely flawed, so leave them in the annuals of history and stop venerating them! Same with your heroes! Also, your Resistance has its hands dirty too because it’s a fucking war and war makes monsters of everybody while the little people suffer, sometimes you need to listen to the people in charge instead of being a hothead bucking the system, and the intimidating villains in black are in truth a bunch of insecure man-children playing dress-up to make them feel better about themselves and are pretty pathetic until they take that last step and become actual threats because that is how fascism works!”
Do you realize just how refreshing all of that was? Oh my God, is the Star Wars franchise actually…moving forward? Are we getting new stuff that’s not hampered by George Lucas’s unbearably hackneyed writing?
Yes, the whole Finn and Rose sidequest contributed nothing to the plot and ultimately went nowhere. Yes, the whole Poe vs. Admiral Holdo had the looming question of “Why doesn’t she just tell Poe that she’s got a plan instead of doing everything to set the team rebel off?” which undercut its message. These are major problems, I acknowledge that. The thing is, they are easily fixable problems that would have been smoothed out by a few more script treatments. It sucks that they weren’t, but as for me, they were roadbumps, not dealbreakers. I noticed them, I saw that they were major problems, but they didn’t make me angry, and I liked what they were trying to say enough for me to still be with it. And I felt that all the Luke/Rey/Kylo stuff was gangbusters (yes, I loved cranky, disillusioned old Luke. I know Mark Hamill didn’t care for it, but that’s fine, it worked great for me), so I ultimately left feeling pleasantly surprised. As if in, it was a flawed but very refreshing experience, one that said things I had been feeling for a long time and took things to interesting places that I actually wanted to see play out. I even got choked up when Luke let himself fade away when feeling absolutely nothing when Han died the previous film.
Unfortunately, that seemed to be a minority opinion, with many other Star Wars fan outright detesting it, sometimes to a pretty gross level (you know what I’m talking about). So when JJ Abrams was brought back on board to try to salvage things for the final installment, my reaction was, “I’m going to hate it, aren’t I?”
Still, I knew I was going to see it anyway, just to say that I did. And…welp.
Dafuq was that?
All right, all right, now before I continue, I need to acknowledge something. First of all, I have nothing against JJ Abrams as a person or even really as an artist. From all accounts he’s a cool guy who’s been taking all the backlash he’s been getting with a commendable amount of maturity, and he was placed in a very unenviable position by taking the reins in the midst of a very volatile situation. Plus, he had set a ton of things up in TFA that TLJ burned to the ground. Granted, it was a bonfire that I thoroughly enjoyed, but as the person watching his ideas just get cut off, that must have been frustrating watch. Like, what was he supposed to work with once he was brought back on after Colin Trevorrow had gotten the boot? And on a side-note, they really need to stop bringing Colin Trevorrow into big blockbuster franchises.
And if that wasn’t bad enough, we had the tragic passing of Carrie Fisher, which, in addition to being a terrible loss in general because she was a wonderful person that we’re all the poorer without, this movie was supposed to in some way revolve thematically around her, much like the TFA did with Han and TLJ did with Luke. But with her gone, they were just left with footage and recorded dialogue from deleted scenes from the first two films, which is next to nothing to go off of. Now there’s a debate to be had about whether or not it would be appropriate to CG her face onto a different actress, and I do get them feeling that doing so would be ghoulish…but they kinda already did that to bring Tarkin back in Rogue One, so…
Even so, that really sucks, and as awkward as the Princess Leia scenes are as a result, it isn’t their fault, so I’ll leave it at that.
And finally, it must also be acknowledged that a lot of the things I’m going to criticize them for were present in the original trilogy, and were just as awkward then. The OG movies weren’t perfect, folks. We’ve come to accept these flaws, but they were just as clumsy asspulls back then as they are now.
All right, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I actually want to start off on a positive note, specifically talking about the stuff I liked.
Let’s begin with the thing that I consider to not only be good, but actually kind of great: the relationship between Rey and Kylo Ren. Their weird Force-link in TLJ was one of the few new ideas that everyone seemed to like, especially since neither of them could really control it and were equally befuddled by it. It’s just a cool idea, a new aspect of the Force we haven’t seen before, and it’s slowly built upon, actually affects both the plot and the characters, and leads to some great scenes between the two of them.
And you know what? I was actually surprised by how much I liked these two together. After the wooden pile of bleh that was Anakin and Padme, I was bracing myself for more of the same. But as it turns out, Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver have an incredible amount of chemistry, and Adam especially was able to pull off the whole tortured bad boy who’s trying to be a villain but feels endlessly conflicted in a way that Hayden Christensen never could (though to be fair, Adam had way more to work with). So giving them that weird link where they’re forced to interact at different points despite being galaxies across from one another is a fantastic idea.
And I was happy to see that not only was this idea not walked back on, they actually built on it. Without giving too much away, there’s an amazing scene where they actually have a lightsaber fight despite being in two completely different locations and not really knowing where the other is, with the camera jumping back and forth from each other’s perspective and items from each other’s surroundings keep getting thrown into the other’s area and it’s honestly really great.
There were also a lot of visuals that were pretty great. The whole indoor lightning of the Sith Planet was neat, as was the flying stormtroopers, and that festival was pretty cool, and…
Actually, come to think of it, most of the scenes in this movie are, when viewed in isolation, pretty good, and could have worked if they had been buffeted by, you know, proper buildup, actual pacing, and taking the time to let events have weight.
But that leads us to this movie’s biggest failing, the problem that bring the whole thing crashing down. And that is it will just. Not. Slow. Down!
Seriously, don’t take a bathroom break, because if you do, you’ll come back to find everybody on a totally different planet doing something completely different, and the plot point you left on is completely in the rearview. It’s exhausting how quickly this movie jumps around from place to place, where we get a look at a setting and characters that might have been interesting if we got to spend actual time with them, only to drop it and we’re onto the next part. This isn’t a story, it’s a list of bullet points! It’s a three hour highlight reel of a whole-ass fourth trilogy, one that could have been cool to watch if they had chopped it up into three parts and fleshed them out into three movies. Hell, I’ll tell you where to end each one: Rey vs. Kylo on the Star Destroyer, Rey vs. Kylo on the wreckage of the Death Star, and the actual finale. Expand on the stuff in between, flesh things out with actual, you know, character development and consequences instead of zipping around, trying to come up with as many places as they can to cram into Star Tours’ randomizer.
And that’s what this basically is, an overly long Star Tours ride! Now I like Star Tours just fine, because it visits places that hold actual meaning due to being properly developed in actual movies, but these places just left me feeling hollow. And while we’re on the subject, did we really need another desert planet, ice planet, and forest planet combo? Spice things the fuck up! Say what you want about the prequels, but at least they tried to take us to cool new places.
And you know what? I’m going to say it. This movie is actually worse than the prequels. Not because it’s nearly as clumsily written and woodenly acted, or because it’s dragged down by dumb attempts at comedy; it’s none of those things. But at least the prequels were trying! George Lucas might be totally inept as a writer and should not have been given free reign, but there were attempts at things like proper plot and character development, pacing, plot twists, mystery, building things up and paying them off. Just go read the novelization of Revenge of the Sith. It’s fantastic! Same plot, same events happening, same conversations, but the dialogue is reworked to give the characters actual personality and it’s narratively told in an awesome and creative way and it’s overall just a great book. So George Lucas’s movies had the framework of a good story, he just wasn’t the right person to tell it.
In contrast, this movie has actual good acting, and the dialogue isn’t anywhere nearly as corny, but it’s just so unbelievably basic. It’s surface level writing, with barely a hint of cleverness and very little personality other than what the actors are about to wrangle out through their performances. But structure-wise, other than to expand it into a full trilogy, I don’t see how anyone can turn this mess into an engaging, single-movie narrative. So much happens, and it just feels so empty.
And…okay. Let’s address the Bantha in the room. Let’s talk about Palpatine.
Why is he back? Why? Just…why? He doesn’t need to be back! He doesn’t! It’s stupid, it’s hackneyed, it’s not even explained! I mean, there’s an offhand mention of cloning, so yeah, it’s feasible, it just makes no narrative sense! Hell, the fucking opening title crawl just plain says, “Yeah, he’s back. No reason, he just is” and goes on from that. And apparently he’s been behind everything that’s happened, like Snoke and Vader’s voice in Kylo Ren’s head and stuff, because things just can’t happen without being masterminded by someone I guess.
Really? This is the best they could come up with? I know TLJ cut off a lot of their plot branches, but goddamn it, this is the best you’ve got? Resurrect Palpatine? They do remember that the first two movies from the trilogy barely had the emperor as a presence, right? Vader carried them all just fine! Just run with that! Have Kylo Ren be the main antagonist! Have this be able his ascension to actual mega threat instead of Darth Vader cosplayer. If you want Ian McDiarmid to ham it up in the robes one last time (and hey, who wouldn’t?) just give him a cameo! Like, a holographic message to any potential successors Kylo Ren is looking for. Have him be the devil on Kylo’s shoulder in a is-he-real-is-he-just-a-hallucination sort of way. Make him something tempting Kylo Ren to fully embrace being the new Sith Lord, something Kylo has to overcome if he wants redemption. But don’t bring him fucking back! That’s just so, so stupid.
And Rey being Palpatine’s granddaughter kind of pisses me off. Her being revealed as a nobody from nowhere in the last film was great! I loved that idea! But no, let’s just retcon that whole business because we’re trying to apologize for the only one of these movies that had any balls and everybody has to be the descendant of someone important. Even fucking Lando gets a long-lost daughter in this! No, I’m not joking, he totally does.
Now, could Rey’s Sith heritage have worked? Sure! In of itself, it’s a rad idea, one that could have been used to explore all sorts of awesome themes…if that had been their plan from the beginning instead of a cheap attempt to replicate Empire’s big plot twist. But let’s face it: they threw it in as a desperate attempt to placate the fans. There never was any sort of plan. Abrams made the first movie with the sole intention of trying to recapture that nostalgic feel and fucked off, Rian Johnson took over with no notes and decided to do what he wanted, Trevorrow got fired, and Abrams got brought back for PR reasons because hey, people liked his movie, and he had to scramble to piece something together! Damn it, Disney! You literally have infinite resources! Hire someone with actual creative talent!
Oh wait, you did, and people hated it. Fuck.
So yeah. Rey’s parentage? Total waste, raises more questions than it answers. Chewie’s apparent death? Total waste, because he was actually on another ship! Though you could Force sense these things, Rey! Dark Side Rey in the trailer? Total waste, just a Force vision. That whole bit with C-3PO potentially sacrificing his entire identity? Total waste. No one seems to care, he gets no say, and after his memory gets wiped it’s treated as comic relief. Yeah, one last look at your friends indeed, Threepio. Some friends you have there. Oh, except Artoo’s got your memory backed up, so it doesn’t matter, just like everything else.
Oh yeah, and fuck Chewie’s medal! Who was really asking for that?
What a mess. What a disjointed, soulless, pandering mess. What a waste of potential, squandered on nothing. Bleh.
Oh well, at least we still have the Mandalorian. I’ve started watching that and it’s really cool so far.
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thevalueofdowntime · 5 years
Day 2 & 3 - Big Fly
“The jury’s still out on this (and I could be angrily updating this through rage tears), but my checked luggage was tagged with “CAN” on it, and the Delta worker said it was going to be checked clear to Guangzhou since my Beijing layover was so short (<6 hours). Unclear if that’s because they bumped up my tickets, or if that’s standard regardless of your ticket class.”
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No rage tears, but I did have to pick up and re-check my luggage, and by the time I got the Beijing airport, they had apparently scrambled all my shit and I had to wait at the kiosk for 30 minutes before they resolved my ticket. I really thought I was going to be stuck in Beijing for the next day or so and I’d have to unfuck it with my own money.
ALSO Tumblr is blocked in China and I didn’t feel like putting the work into getting a VPN, so this is why I’m writing this literally two months later in January.
Before we talk about Beijing though, I should talk about the flight itself. As expected, business class is swanky as shit, with a travel kit I did not open and immediately gave to my parents upon arrival in China because they can make use of that, a fancy food menu, a gigante screen, and a shit ton of leg room, including a seat that could recline all the way down and be complete flat (!!).
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I actually have to be honest - the food was only okay. I didn’t think it was markedly better than the food you normally get on international flights, but there certainly was a lot of it. The appetizer bit that shown above was probably actually my favorite because I love cheese and bread and cured meats. 
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Any, fast reviews! Spoilers ahead.
Annihilation - way more gore and horror than I thought it would be (probably because I didn’t bother doing any research on this movie, but I liked it. Definitely felt like Arrival as a horror movie. Shades of Amigara Fault when Natalie Portman climbs into the hole at the end.
In Bruges - I suspect anti-Americanism was much hipper when this movie was made because a third of the jokes in the first half are at my country's expense. Anyway I hated the entire first half and skipped to the end after I saw Ralph Fiennes' first on-screen appearance is just him screaming at his wife.
Author’s note: a lot of this was written contemporaneously and is being edited on the fly, but I just wanted to comment that I apparently only watched two movies on the way over to China? How did that happen?
Alright, so here’s what happened when I was in Beijing. As you can see, the check-in part is where everything went to bullshit. 
PEK SPEEDRUN, 11/17/2018 5:30 PM - landed and disembarked 5:45 PM - cleared immigration 6:00 PM - cleared baggage and customs 6:30 PM - checked in (they couldn't find my ticket so there was a half hour stretch where I thought I would miss the flight) 6:35 PM - cleared security (lightning quick, although I received a thorough patdown on my junk) 6:40 PM - terminal 6:45 PM - boarding begins 7:00 PM - we get on the shuttle 7:15 PM - I don't know if this was actually 15 minutes, but it felt like forever on the shuttle
The flight from Beijing to Guangzhou is three hours long, so I watched another movie! I realized I had never actually seen Star Wars Attack of the Clones from end-to-end, so I gave it a whirl.
Actually, let me continue whining about In Bruges. In the one hour that I watched, I saw no redeeming qualities, which is a pretty low bar. I felt like I was taking crazy pills, so I read a review in the Guardian about why they liked it so much and skimmed a few other takes on it from Reddit. Long story short, I'm pretty sure it just isn't the kind of movie for me:
- I didn't think any of it was funny. - Colin Farrell annoyed me the entire time because he was rude and violent to everybody he meant, including slinging cheap anti-American jokes and a weird sidebar about retaliatory violence. - Am I supposed to feel sorry for a hitman who accidentally killed two people instead of just one? There's a line about how there's a Christmas tree in London with gifts that'll never be opened, but was it that hard for him to make the same level of reflection for the priest he murdered? Or anybody else he would've subsequently murdered in his job as an assassin? - What the shit was that romantic subplot with dollar store Claire Danes?
Anyway, what does this have to do with Attack of the Clones? Attack of the Clones has significantly worse writing (both plot and dialogue), significantly worse acting (literally any line by Hayden Christensen and half the lines by Natalie Portman), and worse effects (the explosion of the ship in the opening scene is impossibly bad), but I enjoyed it a hundred times more because I didn't intensely hate the main character and there's one specific dialogue that worked really well.
When Obi-Wan and Anakin are chasing Count Dooku, their ship takes damage and Padme falls out. Anakin wants to go after her, but Obi-Wan shouts him down. I felt like Obi-Wan's lines in that moment are the only ones in the entire film that last more than two exchanges and are well-acted. We kind of see this again in Revenge of the Sith because Obi-Wan's last words to Anakin are remarkably well-acted, even IT'S OVER ANAKIN I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND, which, as Russell once pointed out, is a decently well-acted line if you don't actually process the insanity of the words. Anyway, a few other points:
- Rose Byrne is in this movie! She's one of Padme's decoys. Keira Knightley played a decoy in The Phantom Menace, so I think it's funny that there's a pair of now well-known British actresses in these awful movies. - I applaud the production team for giving Padme a new outfit in every scene (whereas every other character wears the same clothes scene after scene), but they're all completely crazy town banana pants. - I'm sure somebody has pointed this out and refuted it, but is there any particular reason why Naboo had to be created and they couldn't just make Padme's homeworld Alderaan? - I fell asleep a handful of times in the movie, but I never quite figured out how/why Padme went from "don't look at me like that, it makes me uncomfortable" to "I truly love you let's get married." I feel like the bar for bodyguard sexual harassment is pretty low, and Anakin takes the bar and snaps it over his leg.
Anyway, I got to Guangzhou around midnight and we took a long drive to my cousin's empty apartment. China still has that kind of Blade Runner feel to it because of all the skyscrapers with neon lights and nearby drab looking apartments with mold growing on the side and aluminum bars on all the balconies and windows making it look like a prison.
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The Loving Hate (Hayden Christensen)
"Cut! Hayden what the heck is the problem today?!" The director, Andy called out at Hayden who was having a hissy fit today. "My problem is her!" He points at me "What did she do?" Andy asks "He wasn't paying attention to where he was walking and ran into me and got coffee all over him this morning." I answer "Maybe you should have been paying attention to wear you were walking." Hayden says with complete and absolutely hatred lacing his voice "Ok stop this, enough bickering and start acting fucking professional Hayden or I'll find someone else who can do your job and not blame other for their mistakes," Andy tells him off "Five minute break and then we continue." I walked off of set straight to the intern that was handing a bottle of water to me "Thank you." I say "You're welcome." She replies and walks off. "(Y/N)." I hear behind me as a hand grabs my wrist, I turn around to see it's one of the cinematographers, John. "Hi there John." I answer, a mental sigh going through my brain; ever since we had started shooting, John had been constantly following me and trying to talk to me, and it was starting to get extremely creepy and concerning. "Man that Hayden guy is an asshole." He says, I mean you're not wrong there, I thought to myself "Yeah." I reply "So (Y/N) I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go on date sometime." John tells me "Oh um, sorry John but I have a boyfriend." I explain "Oh sorry, I guess I go now." He grumbles under his breath and walks away like he's running away from a fire. "Places!" Is called out by Amy the stage manager and I walk back to set. I got home with a puff and immediately sank into the couch "(Y/B/F/N), I'm home." I call out. I don't get a response back "(Y/B/F/N)?" I call out again, looking around and see a note on the table "Dear (Y/N), I won't be home until next week. An unexpected work trip came up and had to leave unexpectedly. (Y/B/F/N)." Of course he was gone, he's always gone. The man can't ever stay home for more than a week before another "unexpected work trip" came up. I huffed out and started to relax until there was a knock at the door. Who the hell is that? I asked myself as I got up and slightly opened the door to see John standing there "Hey John, ugh what are you doing here? How did you find my apartment?" I asked him as I reached for the pepper spray in my purse "Oh you left you your script in the break room and you had already pulled out of the parking spot so I jumped in my car and followed you home." He says as he pulls my script out of his messenger bag and hands it to me through the door "Thank you John, I'll see you tomorrow." I say, clutching the pepper spray in my hand and the script under my arm "You're welcome see you tomorrow (Y/N)." He says and starts walking away, I close the door and lock all of the locks. It's moments like this that I really wish he would stay home, I thought as I walked into the kitchen. ------------------------------------------ Two weeks later. It was official. (Y/B/F/N) was moving out, he finally told me he had been cheating for a couple of months now and he was tired of sneaking around. I'd told Amy about it while she did my makeup and had gone to the set without crying and went through the day. At lunch, I stayed on set for catering and ate with Amy and John came over. "What's the matter (Y/N)? You've been acting off all day long." He asked concerned, I just scooted a little closer to Amy. I'd told her about what he did the other day and she'd agreed that it was creepy "Oh it's nothing, my boyfriend and I broke up, don't worry about it." I told him "Oh I'm sorry (Y/N), hey I know way to cheer you up." He says a big hopeful smile on his face. For you to go away and leave me alone. "I can take you out to dinner tomorrow and we'll have lots of fun." He tells me as I inwardly cringe "I wish I could but I was going to go have a girls night with Amy tomorrow." I lie "Yeah sorry I got to her first John." Amy goes along "Oh well, maybe some other time." He says, getting up and leaving. I let out a breath of relief "Thank god, that's like the second time." I tell Amy "I don't get why he doesn't get the hint." Amy replies "Yeah, honestly." I get up and throw away the leftover food "I've got to go, Andy wanted me and Hayden to go over that last scene together again." I tell Amy "Ok see you later (Y/N)." She says as I walk out of the room and into the hallway. I'm walking down the hallway when a hand goes over my mouth and I pulled into a closet "I'm so fucking sick of you rejecting me." I hear a voice say and recognize it as John's. "I don't understand why you don't get it that I'm not like that worthless ex-boyfriend of yours. I'll fucking worship you and not cheat on you with some fucking skank." How did he know that (Y/Ex/N) cheated? Oh my god he must of been listening to me and Amy talking earlier. "John please let me go." I ask him "Not until you fucking agree to out with me (Y/N)." He demands, grabbing my arm and putting behind my back in a position I know that if he yanks it hard enough will break it. "Ok John, I'm sorry. I'll go on date with you, now please let me go." I lie "You're lying to me!" He grits out and turns me around to face him "No, please believe me. What can I do to make you believe me?" I ask him frantically "Kiss me." He gets close to me. I can feel his breath against my lips and it's smells horrible, I lean forward and press my lips against his. He smashes his against mine and presses his hand against my breast. Someone please save me from him. Hayden's POV "Where the hell is (Y/N)?" Andy asks "I don't know." I answer him "Well go find her." He orders "Fine." I huff and walk down the hallway to the dining hall, passing Amy "Hey Amy, do you know where (Y/N) is?" I ask her "What do you mean? She left to meet you and Andy on set 15 minutes ago." She says alarmed "She never showed up." I tell her. "I don't know where she would be but I do know that recently John's been acting really creepy and she rejected him earlier and he may not have taken it well." She tells me, my heart skips a beat "Let's look for her then, I'll check this hall," I say pointing down the hall "and you check that one." I point down the opposite hall "Gotta." She says and goes looking down the hall. I go down the hall and pass a closet and hear voices coming from the closet, I get up close to it and listen "Please let me go, I proved I'd go on a date with you. Now let me go." Taylor's voice says "You'll just run off and not go on a date with me (Y/N), so I'll just get what I want from you now." John says "NO! STOP! SOMEONE HELP!" Taylor screams. I open the door and see John with his hands down (Y/N)'s pant and (Y/N) pressed up against a wall with her hands behind her back "John get your filthy hands off of her." I growl out, John's back stiffens and he turns around "Go away Hayden and don't try and be a hero." John ordered "John I know, you don't want to hurt (Y/N), so let her go. You've already made her late to meet with Andy and you don't want her to get cut do you?" I ask him "No, of course I wouldn't want that for her." He assures me "Then let her come with me to our meeting with Andy so that won't happen." I insist. I can see the fear in her eyes and my heart feels heavy; I would never wish that fear on someone I hated, especially not someone I was slowly falling in love with. "Please John, let me go." (Y/N) pleads with him, a look of defeat fills his eyes and he slowly lets go of (Y/N), who rushes into my arms "Thank you John." I say and rush (Y/N) out of the closet and to set "(Y/N) where have you been?!" Andy barked out at her "Andy calm down, John just attacked her." I warned him "What?! Crap, I'm sorry (Y/N), do you want me to call security or the cops?" He asks her. She nods her head and curls up into a ball in one of the chairs on set "Okay I'll be right back." Andy says, running off with his phone in his hand and cursing under his breath. I get on my knees in front of (Y/N) and cautiously put my hand on her knee "Are you gonna be okay?" I ask her softly, she nods her head and looks up at me with tears and so many emotions in her eyes. I sigh at the thought that someone would hurt her like this and feel my heart throb. I start to shift away but her hand reaches out and grabs onto my sleeve "Thank you," she croaks out, looking at me "Thank you for saving me Hayden." "You're welcome (Y/N), but you don't have to thank me. Any decent person would have helped in that situation." I assure her "But you hate me and you did it." She mumbles "I don't hate you (Y/N), I'm just over dramatic." I tell her. Quickly after the security guards showed up and dragged John off to a higher ups office where I hoped he was gonna get fired. After an hour of dealing with the cops, security and a lot of questions, Andy called it quits for the day and sent everyone home. Every part of my body made me want to take (Y/N) home and take care of her because I'd never seen her so broken and never wanted to see her look like that again. Weeks went by and I could feel my attraction growing even though I knew that it was wrong considering I had my girlfriend at home who loved me, but I couldn't get (Y/N) off of my mind. It eventually got to the point where I would dream about her and would almost say her name instead of my girlfriend's when I was with my girlfriend. So I broke it off with my girlfriend and waited for the next time I'd see (Y/N). It came time for the premiere and I had to tell her. She looked gorgeous in her flowing red dress, it popped against her skin and almost made me drool. "Can I talk to you in private?" I asked her before the screening started "Sure, what is it Hayden?" (Y/N) asks me, following me into a back area "I've got to tell you something (Y/N)." I tell her "What? Is something wrong?" She questions, a look of worry covering her face. "(Y/N), I've started to fall in love with you." I mumble, I look up at her and she's got a look of shock on her face "Did you hear me?" I ask louder "Yes." She whispers "You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know." I tell her and get up to leave "Hayden?" She says so softly I barely hear her "Yes?" I turn around "Would it be odd if I said I'd fallen for you too?" She confesses "No, in fact it would be wonderful." I tell her, walking back over to her and grabbing her hand "Do you?" I whisper "Yes." She answers. I inched my face closer and brushed my lips against hers and she pressed her lips against mine and kissed me. Sending me into ultimate heaven.
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