#it’s like an idiot savant only for tumblr
hannagoldworthy · 8 months
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So. This got photographed, because I finally blocked the IP address (bye Felicia) but I can’t stop laughing at how little this “anon” has bothered to disguise her writing style. Oh, this asker uses the word Kenobist like it’s a clever insult and writes like Sheev Palpatine having a quick fap over his own perceived superiority between meetings, just WhO cOulD iT bE?
(Golly gee whiz, Domina, that “block” didn’t last very long. I’d bet my left buttcheek you don’t know where the block button is, just as you don’t know how to work the tag or content filters.)
But thanks for confirming that you’ve never darkened the doorstep of any university with a decent engineering department, if any university at all. Nor have you ever spoken with an engineer, because if you had, you’d realize that a decent majority of engineers have Big Himbo Energy. The engineering fraternity house at my college looked like the house in Flubber before the dean made them take their little machines down. I briefly dated an engineering student with a 4.1 Honors GPA who bought a shitbox car and souped it up to drive in drag races on weekends; I broke up with him after the first date because he drove the car up to my parents’ house and showed it off to my entire family while it was literally smoking and leaking oil on their driveway. A meteorologist - basically a weather engineer - who worked with my father once ran out, bare-headed, into a storm of golfball-sized hail because, and I quote him verbatim, “HOT DAMN I WAS RIGHT, LEMME GET A SAMPLE!”
And…you’re saying that’s NOT Anakin Skywalker? “Modified the Twilight until it was practically unflyable for anyone but him” Anakin? “Ran face first into a lightning attack because he didn’t think his strategy through” Anakin? “Did not realize his wife was pregnant after regularly SpaceTiming her for months, lifting her up and twirling her, AND full-body hugging her” Anakin? “Had a prophetic dream where Padme was still having labor pains after giving birth to one baby and interpreted that to mean she was dying and not GIVING BIRTH TO THE OTHER TWIN” Anakin? THAT Anakin, from the high canon Lucas movies, which you have most definitely watched front to back?
You underestimate the power of your own blorbo, Domina. Anakin Skywalker can be both a mentally unstable himbo AND an engineering prodigy, and in fact, HE IS. And I would think that his number-one stan would be the first to point out that those two very different facets of his personality lend depth to his character. But, then again, I am talking to the idiot who drags Obi-Wan Kenobi into every conversation, even in other fandoms, and then accuses everyone ELSE of being obsessed, so I suppose I should not expect that very basic level of perception from you.
Oh, and also? Thanks for that extra boost of motivation! Now my plans to get my computer fixed have been moved up, because I intend to write even MORE Himbokin Skywalker, just to spite you! Mission Failed Successfully, HUZZAH!
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It’s a Tumblr tournament, of course we have to have a vampire! And that vampire is @cringedaddy’s JASPER ALESON!! He goes by he/him!
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Oh, but it looks like Oliver and Gwennie’s submission wasn’t the only long one! Read more about Jasper under the cut!
Halloween is coming up, so it makes sense to have a scary monster in the competition! ...Or maybe he’s just stupid. Okay he’s just stupid. The creator says so! Speaking of...
“Jasper was born into a rich merchant family, you wouldn't know that unless he told you though. Why? Because he has been busy running around chasing after supernatural anomalies since he was 19, much against his parent's wishes. Chaotic stupid in an intellectual way, Jasper creates about 25% of his own problems and just finds himself in the other 75%... usually surviving by hiding and hoping for the best. He's hopelessly attached to his journals in which he keeps furious notes, often encoded in ways that protect him as much as anyone else who might try and read them. He wasn't always a vampire btw, his vampire love interest turned him while he was afraid he was going to die, and they were basically married from that point forward.”
Stupid AND obsessive! Why should you vote for him?
“Jasper is my oldest OC and would be going to second grade this year if his age reflected that (have fun learning about volcanoes in school Jaspie ♡)! He is a manic pixie dream boy who is always surviving through some of the most stupid turns of luck, and he knows it. I think many can relate his stupid paranormal investigation / cryptozoology pipedream, and I cheer for him every day that he ended up getting his childhood wish of being a vampire. 
I'm hyping him up a lot, but please keep in mind... Despite him being a savant at cryptography and solving intricate puzzles, he is a chronic idiot (and this is one of my favorite things about him!) List of stupid shit he has done to date: 
- Infodumped about the paranormal to complete strangers trapped with him in a carriage for like. 2 hours. And then was upset that they were annoyed with him. 
- Was all "I can change him" about one of the antagonist cult leaders that he met 1 time and only had bad vibes 
-- proceeded not to recognize this cult leader when he was wearing a wig and a dress and joined the party under a different name. 
- Assumed his ex-girlfriend being possessed by a demon was her way of breaking up with him. 
- Carried like 17 mason jars (mostly filled with rocks, dirt, and water) in his bag for like. 2 whole campaigns. 
- Read a cult book, took massive psychic damage, then took it anyways when the party wasn't looking with the intent of reading it again to try and learn more. 
- Had to sit out an entire boss battle because all he could do at the time was punch things and they were fighting a sea creature. 
- Thought that shutting a door in a vampire inn would keep the vampires out. 
- Survived the final boss battle of the first campaign because he was 1 hit KO'd on the first round and forgotten about. 
- Changed his last name to the vampire that turned him immediately after returning to life: surprising him because Jasper hadn't really seemed to return his courtship. They are married happily now. 
Anyways you should vote for him mainly bc he is a pathetic soaked bat of a man and I think it would be funny for him to do well in something -- he'd be kicking screaming and crying from being known. His paranoia knows no bounds, and I won't ever let it stop. KNOW HIM.”
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jytan2018 · 2 years
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(Screenshots obtained with Sonny's permission, image descriptions at the bottom)
I did a response thread to the one shown in the screnshots, and was encouraged to repost it (with edits) on Tumblr as a meta post on Wednesday, so here it is!
Yes that portrayal was um, not very good BUT here's why its problematic-ness is...debatable.
She's a textbook example of what I call the Asshole Savant trope, which is an evolution of the Idiot Savant trope that used to be the default portrayal of autistics. Think Raymond from Rain Man vs BBC Sherlock.
(Yes, their answer to humanizing autistics was to portray more smart assholes. Not a very big step.)
"Okay, but why are you calling it a debatably problematic trope?"you ask.
Well, some autistics actually love stories where non-autistics are so dependent on an autistic's skills, the autistic gets away with being an asshole to them. It's their version of a revenge fantasy.
In fact, that's how the Asshole Savant trope got so popular in the first place. A world where we're so good at what we do, even our haters have to swallow their pride and beg for our help?
As problematic as the trope is, both autistics and non-autistics LOVE THAT SHIT.
That being said, it is possible to use this trope respectfully so long as we're careful about the way our savant protagonist's assholery manifests.
Snarky comebacks when someone's being condescending to them? Totally cool.
Constantly manipulating their friends into signing up for life-threatening adventures? NO, BAD. ABSOLUTELY NOT. BURN IT WITH FIRE.
Like Sonny said, autistics are already unfairly accused of being manipulative all the time. Non-autistics love assuming that if an autistic has enough social awareness to pull off manipulation, they will do so without hesitation because we're unempathetic assholes, right?Except not all of us are bitter and spiteful enough to view manipulation as a mere tool for petty revenge/indulging our special interests. Just because non-autistics manipulate us all the time into doing what they want, doesn't mean we want to see an autistic character do the same thing to them.
That's why I personally find Wednesday's portrayal incredibly uncomfortable, but acknowledge (reluctantly) that it's okay if some people find solace in it. For some folks, she's just a revenge fantasy character. Her blatant manipulation and general evil-doing IS the point. The problem comes when they project characters like Wednesday onto actual autistic people and assume we're all just socially inept villains.
I'm not saying you're evil if you enjoy Wednesday. Just be careful of which things you're assuming is an autistic trait.
(Also, Wednesday's in the teen drama genre, where popular tropes include Fuck the Authorities, Miscommunication=Plot Device, and Outcast Protagonist Saves The Day. It's no surprise that the Asshole Savant trope was a perfect fit for Wednesday too.)
(ID: A Twitter thread by Sonny Hallett that reads, "I really enjoyed Wednesday, but am I the only #ActuallyAutistic person who feels really troubled by all these memes saying how relatably autistic she is? For me her behaviour tips the balance into seriously not okay territory, and would not be good autistic representation.
"Autistic folks, esp autistic women, get unfairly accused of being manipulative quite a bit, but Wednesday is ACTUALLY and calculatingly manipulative, with seemingly no care for others.
"Her friends don’t support her playing torturer, which I appreciated, but they also don’t seem as concerned as I’d hope folks would be at the idea of being friends with someone willing to torture others.
"She does get challenged by her friends but not nearly enough for how awfully she’s treated everyone. To be clear, I’m fine with this being the story arc/style for Wednesday, in that universe, but I’m troubled by how much she’s celebrated as an autism meme.
"Like, we seem to be celebrating a bunch of outdated autism stereotypes about being non-empathetic, uncaring, hyperfocused on only our interests to the point of manipulating and hurting others… uhh I’m not down with that?")
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theenbynightingale · 3 years
Rating Total Drama ships that showed up when playing with the generator! (Pt. 6)
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Beardo and Sierra (or Bearderra): Ah, yes. The extrovert and the introvert. Tale as old as time. Sierra kinda creeps me out but I love the idea of her simping for Beardo's beatboxing and audio fx skills. Rating: 7/10
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Cameron and Tammy (or Cammy): I feel like this would be one of those relationships that would crumble fast after the honeymoon phase. Like I get that they're both nerds but I feel like there's only so much of the LARPers that Cameron would take. Rating: 5.5/10
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Courtney and Sierra (or Courtnerra): So I know Sierra was 100% on Courtney's boat after the whole Gwuncan incident on TDWT (EVEN THO SHE SAID GWEN HAD A CRUSH ON DUNCAN SINCE TDI WHICH IS NOT TRUE-) so like. Idk. Maybe? Rating: 6/10
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Gwen and Dawn (or Gwawn): I don't know why... But I also love this one. Of course, I prefer shipping Dawn with Gwen's cousin... Rating: 8/10
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Heather and Ennui (or Heathnui): Heather and... a goth!? SAY IT AIN'T SO! Maybe her problem was just Gwen. Or maybe she was one of those "get out of my school" kinda gays... What were we talking about? Oh yeah, Ennui. He'd be in tune with Heather's darkness. I can dig it. Rating: 7/10
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Josee and Sierra (or Joserra): Sierra's a crazy stalker fan. The Ice Dancers love their fans. So if Sierra were to get into ice dancing... Nothing is impossible is what I'm getting at, basically. Rating: 7.5/10
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Max and Leonard (or Maxnard): The general consensus of Pakithew Island is that a lot of the characters feel like one-note architypes, and these two are usually examples of this. But that begs the question... Why weren't these two ever given the chance to interact? I feel like they'd actually be funnier as a pair because they're just two idiots working off of each other. Rating: 8/10
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Samey/Sammy and Heather (or Samether): I like that the implication of Heather also feeling an unbreakable relationship towards Samey confirms that she's actually less toxic than Samey. Go off, Heather. Throw Amy off that volcano in the name of love. What a queen. Rating: 7/10
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Scott and Ezekiel (or Scotekiel): Country boys? Horrifically treated by Chris? Assholes? IT MUST BE LOVE! Rating: 11/10
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Scott and Sugar (or Scotgar): It's like that "country boy, i love you" vine and it makes more sense than Scottney. What more could you ask for? It'd be like Aleheather if they were both idiot savants. Rating: 9/10
Anyway, apparently I have to stop here because tumblr won't let me post more than ten images at a time even though I've done that before. It's not like these are all that good, anyway, so whatever.
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worldguardian · 4 years
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it’s finally done! this has been something I’ve wanted to do for a while, but kept procrastinating on for various reasons.
may I present: a mixed canon-and-headcanon (mostly headcanon) family tree for some of my favourite mahjarrat! full-view the picture here, because it’s way too big for tumblr.
now for the important stuff - backstory, explanations and headcanons under the cut! I hope you’ve got a drink, because this is going to get lengthy.
gendered terms such as “mother”, “father”, “daughter” and “son” are used here for the sake of shorthand. mahjarrat are a monosex species in my headcanon and as such had no concept of separating parents (or anyone) into such categories until after the move to gielinor.
you can assume that almost everyone on this chart has more relatives than are pictured, but they were excluded because they weren’t directly relevant (or haven’t been fleshed out and designed yet). notables will be mentioned in everyone’s individual sections.
mahjarrat children are born far more developed than human children; they can walk, talk, and cast magic (though not effectively) much sooner than you could expect of other races.
I really wanted to design outfits for Nabor and Trindine but it wasn’t to be. that’ll have to wait for the fullbody art.
azzanadra, as the oldest mahjarrat alive, was born an extremely long time ago. I don’t have a specific headcanon age for him, but it’s in the ballpark of two hundred thousand years. he’s old as balls. he was the middle of three children born to two tribe leaders who were very powerful, befitting their position in the tribe. their first child was temekel. there was a reasonable span of time between temekel’s birth and azzanadra’s - by human reckoning, temekel would have been in his late teens or early twenties when his brother arrived.
(not that human time even remotely means anything to a mahjarrat.)
temekel was in all senses a prodigy. he inherited his parents’ incredible strength and was deeply respected throughout the tribe. he quickly rose to a leadership position alongside his parents. while he was alive, his strength eclipsed even azzy’s.
temekel was thought to have died in tumeken’s deathbomb, but as we later found out, he persisted for some time afterward before being ended.
alotor was the youngest brother in azzanadra’s family, and his birth came with the loss of their mother. he was born during a downturn in mah’s dreams - she was too comatose in this period to sustain many mahjarrat births, and as such, the strain was too much and killed their mother shortly after she gave birth to alotor.
not long into alotor’s childhood, their father was lost to a chelon-mah raid; he was in fact killed by the chelon-mah tribe leader of the time. this left temekel and azzanadra to raise alotor alone, and the clan missing two valued protectors.
alotor was murdered by sliske long before he was even of ritual age. to a human’s grasp of time, he would have been about eight years old.
the brothers all had distinctive blue eyes and gems; their skintone varied but all shared the faint yellow tint. azzanadra’s eyes and gems did not become violet until he formed his bond with zaros.
akthanakos is azzanadra’s son. akthanakos was born during a particularly difficult time for the tribe; their numbers were dangerously low and mah’s dreams had been violent for some time, causing constant muspah onslaughts and catastrophes from freneskae’s environment. akthanakos was born out of a desire to bolster the tribe’s numbers; his mother was not someone azzanadra was personally invested in, but they needed children badly.
azzanadra named his son “undying” with a twofold meaning: as an expression of hope for akthanakos to live through such a harsh time, and in honour of alotor. alotor’s death was some time before akthanakos’ birth. this was all he had to do with akthanakos’ upbringing aside from the tribe’s semi-communal child-rearing methods; the arrangement with akthanakos’ mother was that azzanadra would make no claim to him.
azzanadra has had a total of five children over his life: one died on freneskae, and the remaining three died in tumeken’s deathbomb. akthanakos was the only survivor, and he spent the entire empire unaware of his true parentage. by this point azzy felt it had been too long to reconnect, and was also aware that making his connection to akthanakos public would only put his son in undue danger (political or otherwise). unfortunately, before he could change his mind, the betrayal happened and he was sealed. fortunately, after being released six thousand years later in the fifth age, he finally realised it was time to tell his son.
Wahisietel and Sliske
wahisietel and sliske are half-brothers, born to the same mother. they were both born into the chelon-mah tribe. wahisietel is the elder brother and is “pureblood” chelon-mah: his father and mother were both chelon-mah - in fact, wahi’s father is the one who lead the raid that killed azzanadra’s father. neither of them realised this until far, far down the line.
sliske was born not long after wahisietel, when wahi was more-or-less a toddler. in an extremely rare turn of events, he’s a hybrid: his father was a mahjarrat. how his mother and father met and why they didn’t just opt to kill each other on sight is a mystery for the ages, but both of them had a talent for shadow magic, which was a huge contributing factor to sliske being a savant in it.
sliske’s father left the picture pretty much immediately - he either returned to the mahjarrat or was caught by the chelon-mah. sliske was left to be raised by his mother alongside wahisietel.
unfortunately, it was never a safe situation for either of them. the chelon-mah are far more volatile than the mahjarrat, and culls were frequent. the boys were both safer and more at risk because of their position: their mother was partnered with the tribe leader, the strongest chelon-mah in the clan. in that way, they were safest from the others, but in the most danger from him.
sliske’s mother couldn’t dare claim him. there was no way he could ever pass as being the chief’s son; there was no family resemblance between them at all. so while their mother did her absolute best with him, he was largely left to what group child-rearing the chelon-mah had (not much).
it couldn’t last. suspicions rose higher and higher over time and their mother knew that she’d be found out sooner or later. not only would the chelon-mah kill her for crossbreeding, but they’d kill the children too.
it’s almost unheard of for a chelon-mah to care that much about the wellbeing of their children. chelon-mah children are only looked after in the most barebones manner necessary to keep them alive until they reach the age of independence - which essentially means “old enough that killing you won’t be a waste of resources”.
wahisietel and sliske’s mother cared enough. she cared enough, when the boys were still very young, to send them across freneskae and to find the mahjarrat tribe. they were dead men walking with the chelon-mah, and with the mahjarrat she at least had the sliver of hope that they’d be taken in - after all, the tribes did occasionally snipe children (and adults, in Hazeel’s case) from each other.
the boys made the gruelling trip across freneskae’s wastelands, and eventually they stumbled on the mahjarrat camp. it was a rocky transition, as wahisietel was visibly chelon-mah, and sliske was an anomaly - an aberration, frankly, to most of the mahjarrat present. but children are valued much more by the mahjarrat than they are by the chelon-mah, so the decision was made to bring the boys in.
their raising was a joint tribe effort, left in the hands of the leaders for the most part. at this point in time, that included temekel and azzanadra. both of the boys latched onto these two out of sheer terror and a desire not to be killed. thankfully, they both found their niches in the tribe - wahisietel for his level head and great all-around approach to magic, and sliske for his incredible prowess in shadow magic and the fact that even if you wanted to sacrifice him, you could just never fucking catch the bastard.
Nabor and Trindine
nabor and trindine are two of sliske’s children, born to the same mother. sliske had a number of children over the course of his life, most of which he chose to have nothing to do with. nabor and trindine are two rare exceptions, as they both inherited enough of his power to be interesting to him. they were both relatively young; born on freneskae not too long before the move to gielinor. the transition to the empire served to further cement their father’s favouritism: trindine joined the ranks of the praetorians with him and nabor was appointed to a high position in the church.
(even though sliske found his psychiatry work horrifically boring.)
nabor met his end at azzanadra’s hands and trindine was killed in the god wars.
What in the fuck is Khazard doing there?
this is a headcanon from aaaages ago, but lucky for me I’ve explained it already! see this post.
tl;dr: turns out you can’t breed with gods, so palkeera was left in the very awkward position of having promised a child to zamorak and being unable to conceive. wahisietel stepped forward in return for palkeera promising to vouch for his zamorakian faith, as he’d made the fake switch by this point.
(worked out pretty well.)
azzanadra and wahisietel are partners. wahi’s had a crush the size of the moon on dear old azzy for a very long time. (sliske did as well, and in fact he and azzanadra had a short-lived fling during the empire, which was completely casual until sliske caught feelings like an idiot. it sputtered out pretty quickly after that for mostly-unrelated reasons.)
HOO WOAH thank you so much for reading all that!! this project has been in the works for a while, like I said, and this is basically just the outline of it all. I have so much headcanon for the alien space wizards... I love them... I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did!
all headcanon here is a joint effort between my partner and myself. I absolutely did not come up with all of this myself.
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acetheticsposts · 4 years
Things I Associate Myself With
IMANI: Cardigans, comfortable silence, the word that is always at the tip of your tongue and cannot find, libraries, books without love interest, very ironic first name, speaks with a PG-Rating, bookmarking a really cute part in a story, one hundred and 99 problems, eating slowly, blinking cursor on screen, round glasses, empty cafes, brown boots, librarian fashion, The living phrase, NO NUNCHI’. ( 노 눈치), Going above and beyond for no apparent reason. Takes the title “Without a cause” onto a whole other level.
The almost perfect image from a Tumblr study aesthetic, unfinished drinks, What Wattpad ISN’T ready for, always wondering if she is specific enough, warm green tea, desire to be left alone, Hiraeth (noun) 'a homesickness for a home you cannot return to, or that never was' solely "missing something" or "missing home."
Proudly getting a C- on a exam that you had NO intentions of studying for, slow days at a thrift store, fun-sized. The phrase, “I don’t know how I should say this”
Constant search of parallels and coincidences, unable to voice your thoughts, never-ending writing, lipstick on teeth, that awkward pause after someone asks ‘how are you?’ Doesn’t lie yet doesn’t tell the truth (If you actually ask her for it, 9/10 she will tell you). Oversized sweaters, that constant thought of ‘wtf am I doing?’ Her written thoughts are always better than said, rational when no one is here for it, always thinking that there’s something on her face, the lagging download/installation bar, the undeclared major at a university.
Appears to be cute, almost always outvoted, grammar conscious, surprisingly deep voice, a happy accident, does not know what the word ‘enough’ means, the words ‘duality and dialectical’ are tied first as her middle name, believes that every little thing must be kept a secret, pastel and neutral colors, never-ending playlists, finding great music on accident, indecision, a new obsession, unrealistic goals, self-made catchphrases, isn’t as brilliant as she looks, forgets to react, dark humor, deemed to be robotic, brutally honest. The question: “How does he or she do that?”
Solving problems without talking about them, choreographed poise, seriously questioning if her humanity is authentic upon seeing the Google ‘I’m not a robot’ reCAPTCHA (and passing it), pink and floral obsessed, overtly conscious yet off up in the clouds somewhere, expanding vocabulary, would keep a secret form herself if she could, very aware of brain’s slow information processing speed, forced aloofness, walks with purpose even though she has no idea where and what she’s doing.
Lazy yet studious, hates speaking, questionably calm in disastrous situations, afraid to speak up, sees no difficulty in taking a vow of silence, believes if she shares any of her successes it will result in a jinx, secretly a lazy reader, skims over her own writing, doesn’t know what to do with herself half the time, “unsearched” and unfound purpose, tuning out, b.s. debunker, untapped potential, overtly mindful of time but continuously wastes it, odd fascination with time, numbers, and dates, a self-proclaimed idiot savant.
A wannabe best friend, companion deprived yet questions the need of human interaction in the same breath, the most ungrateful yet grateful person ever, the best one-liners, likes to think she can do ANYTHING and excel but lacks practice and self-discipline.
Lost dreams, constant questioning existence and purpose, afraid of hard work and failure, wants to do EVERYTHING, using lack of resources as an excuse, a plethora of unfinished projects, imaginative and creative without a doubt, ongoing battle of creative vs. academic brain debate with herself, deathly afraid to ask for help, unreasonable spending, retail therapy, pointless saved pile of receipts, the first draft that is drastically different than your final essay.
ATTENTION SPAN BE LIKE: Message saved as an empty draft, brain on standby and in living color.
A Conspiracy theorist (only to find an explanation as to why her life sucks) Making anything ugly look good, worrying about the wrong things, creating an entire charade just to cover up one white lie, stoping at NOTHING in order to pull it off which consists of NOTHING but lies. Keeping distance.
*She may as well be the underlying fear of disappointment herself.*
Greatest ideas out of whim, full of surprises, always has the best ideas, wrongfully skimming over important documents, forgotten masterpieces, the desire to be more descriptive, faking it until you make it, could make up her own language, a strongly worded letter and/or email, likes scenes but does not like to be seen.  Just as layered as a cake at a fair. Probably more ethereal than the wallpaper on your screen. The forgotten $20 bill you find inside the worn-out hole created inside your messenger bag, SHE is contradictory at its prime. The best kept secret.
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puzzleboxzine · 6 years
F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)
Some users are having difficulties accessing this page on mobile, so the content of the page is being made into a post.
Q. Who is making the zine?
My main blog is @swampgallows. I conceptualized and will be organizing and distributing this zine.
Q. What is neurodiversity? What is neurodivergence?
Neurodiversity is the infinite variation in neurocognitive functioning within the human brain [definition via Autistic UK]. It is used in place of “neurodivergence” to refrain from the implication that there is any “correct” neurological arrangement from which differences “diverge”.
Classifications of “neurodivergence” are often pathologized or seen as needing to be corrected rather than as another possible variation of the human experience. As the neurodiversity paradigm gains more traction, more neurodivergent people are receiving accommodation, accessibility, and coping tactics rather than behavioral correction or proposed “cures”.
Q. What are some examples of neurodivergence?
The Autism spectrum/umbrella, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Tourette Syndrome are some examples of neurodivergence.
Q. What is mental illness? Is it neurodivergence?
Mental illness is a set of conditions that affect a person’s thinking, feeling, or mood [definition via NAMI]. Mental illness has multiple causes and manifests in multiple ways. Often what constitutes a mental “disorder” is when the set of conditions inhibits a person from living a healthy, comfortable life.
The line between mental illness and neurodivergence is not clear: some conditions are considered both neurodivergence and a mental illness, such as schizophrenia.
If you would like more information, Medium has written a great article about neurodivergence and mental illness.
Q. What are some examples of mental illness?
Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, schizophrenia, depersonalization/derealization disorder, body dysmorphia/dysphoria, and anorexia nervosa are all varied examples of mental illness.
The DSM-V is the most up to date catalog of mental illnesses.
Q. Why “The Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron”?
It’s a bit of a tongue-in-cheek allusion to insanity and madness being attributed to the Void/Old Gods in World of Warcraft. Throughout all of human folklore and history, the neurodivergent and mentally ill have been both reviled and revered as sublime, mysterious bridges between this world and another, resulting in tropes like the Idiot Savant and the Mad Oracle, and even attributing creativity to one’s proximity to madness in the present day. They call it “thinking outside the Box” after all. If they could only open it…
(Besides, we all know it doesn’t open. It’s actually just Yogg’s kickass fidget cube.)
Q. I have another question.
You can view other questions to see if yours has been answered. If you are still unsure, feel free to message this blog or my main tumblr, @swampgallows. I will receive the notification for either blog at the same time.
You can also e-mail [email protected].
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miscmuseodd · 3 years
Rant to an on-line audio book service
Here is a note I sent to a certain on-line audio book service that my daughter got for me, but which I was totally unable to use.  I am finding Tumblr almost equally insufferable, so this is likely my last post.
First of all, I don't find any fault with your service representative, because she did the best she could with an irascible and out-of-sorts customer.  The problem with your program for listening to audio books is that it is unduly complicated and very frustrating to use, and your website only exacerbates the problem and makes it worse, which is a characteristic shared by most other websites.  Let me just give you a few of my thoughts on the subject of computers, the digital world they attempt to make available to us, and internet savvy in general.
I am pushing 80 years old and am of the wrong generation to understand computers, nor do I want to understand them, and despite several decades of owning and using one, I am unable to do more than barely make my word processor work and do some very basic “web surfing,” which is an archaic term referring to the act of searching the internet for random bits of useless information.  Graphics are absolutely beyond my ken.  I am typing this on a computer I do know how to use, but I cannot come near to accessing all the things it will do.  Nor do I care to.  True computer literacy requires attention to detail that I do not have and do not want.
I think people who are computer experts are probably idiot savants; those people who, if you give them a date like October 3rd, 1457, they can tell you right off the top of their head that it was a Thursday, or whatever day it was; I’m not an idiot savant, so I don’t know.  But I’m of the mind that if Columbus had had to use a computer to get funding from Queen Isabella for his trip, he never would have found the New World. Now mind you, in years gone by I used to fly aircraft as pilot in command, I used to teach electronics and nuclear instrumentation, and MENSA, the high IQ society, saw fit to accept me as a member, so I know perfectly well that I am not stupid.  But something has evidently snapped in my brain because my interest in most technological things has sunk down somewhere below the seventh level of Hell, and to where even Danté would fear to go.
Computer programs and online systems are touted as being “so user-friendly,” but I have yet to meet one that is.  The documentation and well-meaning instructions from people who seem to know what they are doing all assume knowledge I do not have, and the HELP files either do not address whatever problem I am having, or they do so in a language I cannot understand.  They do this by using words I generally do understand, along with reasonable grammar, but somehow manage to string them together into sentences that convey no meaning whatsoever.  I could sit up all night and not be able to think up some of the drivel I have heard and read on how to do this or that on some wazoo computer program that is supposed to simplify my life and make whatever it is so much more trouble free and uncomplicated.  And people have the gall to say, “It’s so easy!  Just a couple of clicks and there you are!”  What about flying an F-15, is that easy?  It must be; people do it every day.  They even land them on aircraft carriers in the dark, and when it’s pouring down rain to boot.  How easy is that?  Well, once you learn all the secret incantations, of course it’s easy!
Think of how photography was done in the 1860's, with all its chemicals that had to be mixed up on the spot and spread on a glass plate, then the photographer had to get under a hood and hold up a tray of magnesium flash powder to provide sufficient light for the photo, and so on.  Now compare that with the latest model point-and-shoot camera where all you have to do is aim it and push a button.  In my humble opinion, computers are still where photography was in the 1860's, and user-friendliness must be at least a century away - I don’t expect to see it in my lifetime.
My wife and kids tell me I’m just old fashioned and I guess I am.  I also refuse to use the self-checkout line at the grocery store.  Now I don’t really expect you to make your program and website any easier to use, and one day the self-checkout line at the grocery store will be the only option that is available.  But then one day I’ll be gone and it won’t matter anymore, so pardon the tirade of a stubborn old man who would rather things didn’t change.  I’ll just sit here by the fireplace with a real honest-to-God paper and ink book and a glass of wine, and one of my children or grandchildren can go to the grocery store for me so I won’t have to suffer through the self-checkout line.  I will not know what is going on with your website and listening program, nor will I care, because I can buy all the paper and ink books I want and get audio books on CD's from the local library for free without turning on a computer.
I hope you enjoyed reading my little rant, and perhaps it will provide a chuckle or two when you share it with your colleagues.  Just keep in mind that when you get to be 80 years old there will be something for you to rant about too - it comes with the territory.  Have a nice day.
0 notes
stone-man-warrior · 3 years
January 4, 2021: 1:03 pm:
The clouds never expect it    when it rains, But the sea    changes colors, but the sea   does not change. And so with the slow, graceful flow of age I went forth with an age old desire to please On the edge of... seventeen.
From Bing:
[saˈvän(t), säˈvän(t)]
a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist.See also idiot savant.
synonyms: intellectual · scholar · sage · philosopher · thinker · learned person · wise person · Solomon · guru · master · authority · mahatma · maharishi · pandit”
The passage from the lyrics of Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks:
There was a time when people whisked around doing as they chose, as they needed, as they wanted to...
...Clouds of social organisms, free, in social order.
Then, when they were not expecting it, the Reign came from Britain, from the Vatican, from Canada... a sea of people, all clouds with a false sense of security, were overwhelmed with invisible offensive attack from unexpected reign.
That sea, ocean, plateau of elevated water, layer of clouds... free people... all changed in color, texture, vibe... the soul of the sea, ocean, layer of elevated clouds all changed in appearance slightly, slowly, but was still an ocean, sea. layer of darker, more ominous clouds in social order. They were all replaced. No one expected it to happen, no one was prepared, there was no guard, only illusion of security.
No one has noticed the absence of the clouds.
Make your own assessment of the other part of that passage of lyrics. It seems to go more than one way, only Stevie Nicks knows what way is up.
(account is hijacked again. The Centurylink terror has made the internet connection appear as if it is not connected to the internet, page won‘t refresh, “We Can’t Find That Web Address, Try Again Later... etc..” but the modem is working and all wire connections are good. terrorist bastards at Kate Brown Salem Witches Command Center terror cell is doing this through Centurylink to try to keep them all from facing a firing squad for treason)
2:20 pm:
I went to the terror doctor today, for a health appointment done by telephone conversation, will sitting in my car, in the parking lot of the terror doctor’s office, beneath a cellular telephone tower, where there are no real doctors.
Almost zero traffic going southbound this morning on the interstate, was unusual. Some notable observations include an ODOT project south of the city of Rogue River where one guy on foot w/orange safety vest was wondering around in the northbound median surrounded by orange cones, and one white pick up truck w/flashing yellow hazard lights was parked seemingly about to merge into southbound traffic from the median southbound. There was no indication of any work being done, and I did not see any markings on that white pick-up truck.
There were numerous instances in the soft shoulder along the 40 mile route I took today where indications of roll-over accident was present in the form of a lot of scattered debris at various places on the soft shoulder areas. There was a conflicting vibe at the North Medford Southbound I-5 exit area where a homeless tent city had been cleared away, but big heaps of trash remained at the places where each homeless tent had been. The conflict is that just a half mile further, at the actual freeway exit ramp, another homeless camp of tents was present as it was last time I went to Medford. That one at the off-ramp is all nice and tidy, many tents, all of them have a lot of stuff, all the stuff is all stacked and arranged neatly at the front of each tent. Maybe 15 tents in a area of about two acres to the right of the southbound off-ramp. So, one camp is present, clean, tidy, while the other was removed hastily with a lot of garbage left behind.
Many indications where the people of Medford seem to be speaking directly to me, with items, stance, position, three dimensional communication as I drove passed them, that boils down to: “We were told to stand right here, between this post, this trash can, these backpacks over here, and that fire hydrant over there” sort of way that many people, each individually were expressing. I cannot be more specific without getting potentially innocent people killed.
It was a phone appointment that I went to in Medford. The health service provider was “Denise”, I had written the name wrong yesterday. Before I left my house I thought of the options, which were to go to the terror doctor office to take a phone appointment in the parking lot since they are not allowing anyone to go into the clinic, or, stay home to take the call for the phone appointment from the terror doctor. The medicine I need is not available with electronic prescription to the pharmacy from a doctor in Oregon, so, a paper hard copy is required. So, if I stay home to take the call, I could go to the office at another time later on. But, it’s a terror doctor, they have been trying to kill me for five years, so, the call could be manipulated in ways that are beyond what I can think of, and they can kill me at home or at the terror doctor, there is no advantage either way. The only thing that will guarantee that I get my medicine, is to be there at the time of the scheduled appointment, be it phone call or otherwise. So, reluctantly, I chose to go, in order to be there at the appointment time so that if the call is manipulated there is a better chance that security type people will see that, if I am there, better than if I am not there at the appointment time.
So I get there, check in with the secret special door knock you have to do to get the people to come out of the office to check in for a phone call to happen. Then, I took a walk around, the phone rang, the number is from the terror doctor, I answered, there was no one there on the call. The call ended before I picked up the call. The caller did not leave a message. So, I call back the number, then, I realize I am standing fifty feet away from the place I was returning the call to while listening to endless menu options that the place uses when you call them. It’s hit or miss to call there, maybe someone answers, maybe not. So I hung up that call and walked to the door, to explain that there was no one on the call when the phone rang. The person who opened the office door told me that the appointment was not for another fifteen minutes, just to wait for the call. “The call already happened, the person who called, hung up, the call ended” I said. So, again it was “Just wait by your phone, Denise will call you at your appointment time” from the terror doctor front door monitor.
The call came in at the appointment time as I was told it would.
After the appointment call, I went back to the door, from my car, in the parking lot, to get the prescription. That is when a man driving a black Ford F-150 new looking crew cab truck pulled up to the parking spot nearest the front door, he got out, and was dressed the same as I was dressed. That is when I knew he was the replacement that was supposed to make the hit at the front door. I watched carefully as he did a song a dance dog & pony show at the front door, he brought a brown paper bag with him, it had the name Erica written on it. I was thinking either there is a human head in the large brown bag, or, it’s an enormous stool sample. I suspect it was a symbolic stool sample, something that says “Holy Shit” real quick at the terror doctor, to say something went wrong somewhere, like that gal that was ran through with her own sword the other day in my bathroom, I suspect that one was a Walgreen‘s terror soldier, and Walgreen’s and the Pain Center are very closely associated, so, I think he went there to the terror doctor to be my replacement, but also was prepared to do the “Holy Shit” notification in event that he saw me there, which he did, hence: “Holy Shit, what is he doing here, and where is our Walgreen‘s swords-person at?” is the secret coded message when a Brown Paper Bag is hand carried to the terror doctor by the assassin who failed the hit.
Other stuff happened too, but I don’t want to be typing all day about this when there are no people who are willing to speak with me about any of what I report here.
One other notable thing at the parking was a large commercial jet made a sharp turn while on ascent, it was too sharp, too low, unusual to see that coming out of Medford International Airport, and at the same instant, a loud locomotive train whistle sounded from nearby, but there are no train tracks anywhere around there. That commercial jet had taken off in a southerly direction, is not normal, they usually take off to the north, and land also while traveling north.
A man bolted out of the Crater Lake Surgery Center next door wearing sky blue (hideous blue) shirt, ran to the block wall at the back of the parking lot, and jumped over the wall, and ran towards the Little Caesars Pizza that is over in that direction, where a UPS Big Brown delivery truck was parked. (Reminder that at Medford International I once saw a commercial jet crash and do cartwheels down the runway with big... giant size fireball, I also saw that same airplane trying to avoid collision with someone using the same kind of flying contraption used by someone who is called “Jet Man”, there are YouTube video’s available to see the very small jet aircraft I am talking about and once saw “Playing Chicken” with full size commercial airliners at Medford International, more details are somewhere on this Tumblr account. There were no news reports of the fiery crash at the airport, per usual. Also, same day as that airplane crash, at least I think so, other explosion happened somewhere near Biddle & McAndrews. I saw a very large part of a building come flying out of the sky and land on McAndrews, and tumble through intersection, some cars were struck by flying explosion debris prior to the airplane crash by ten minutes or so. That building was a octagon shape, as if a very large hot tub crash landed)
I counted nine United Parcel Service Freight (UPS; Big Brown)  40 foot long trailers on the way home and passed them by, one triple, and three doubles, big rig UPS Freight all going north, all within one mile of each other on the interstate.
I also passed by a Haggan Daas Ice Cream Delivery truck on the way to Medford while going south, is notable for the giant size graphic on the side of the truck, a big Single Scoop of chocolate ice cream, still in the scooper, was present... I suppose it could have been Rocky Road Ice Cream, single scoop on the side of the Hagen Daas ice cream deliver wagon, Southbound, I-5 nearby Valley of the Rogue State Park exit.
There was much Three Dee terror Comm on the ride home. One Special Operative Oregon Department of Transportation white pick-up truck with ODOT logo on the door, w/very special and unique one of a kind aluminum diamond plate truck shell/cover, “not available in stores”, custom made looking cover. Means “ODOT Special Assignment”, is bad news for me. Danger, high alert.
4:00 pm:
Other observation for people who may be keeping score of events, is a correction to previously stated, misinterpreted, terror bullshit at Monroe’s and Chartrand’s last week. I explained recently about new arrival terror soldiers occupying the Monroe Offensive Surveillance Travel Trailer. One day last week I said there was a dark colored car, SUV... “Part shoe box, part mini van“ parked at the trailer, then, next day, it was a copper colored GMC or Toyota truck, I think is a Canyon model GMC. So today I see what is going on with that mixup as the “Part Shoe Box, Part Mini Van“ black vehicle is parked at 376 Jackpine as of this writing, at the house in the far back part of that property at “Chartrand’s Royal Canadian Mounted Police/Oregon State Police” terror cell. The “Black Shoe Box Van” was there at the Monroe Offensive Trailer, then they did a switcheroo on that, took it from the Monroe Trailer, to Chartrand’s, and put that other copper colored stolen GMC or Toyota brand new looking truck at the Monroe trailer, that one is usually in the Monroe driveway, it never goes anywhere.
Also today on the way to the terror doctor, there were at least 7 newer looking Ford Mustangs, at least three of those were convertibles. The Mustangs are special somehow around here, I think they are roled out to say something about Power, because of “Horse Power” is the standard measure for power of a motor.
4:19 pm:
Other very complex terror communication derived of many parts displayed in many places, in many ways says a simple idea, so, just the result of the read about that is:
“Terror comes in ‘singles’, in ‘Ones’, as “individual units” and other ways of saying “Single Unit”, so, I noticed that there were some Amazon Prime Big Rig trailers on the road today, those only use one long trailer, Amazon does not use double or triple trailers that I have seen so far. What is remarkable about that is that the company is said to be so many billions of dollars worth of company, yet they cannot afford to use a matching truck tractor cab for towing the Amazon Prime trailers around. All of the Amazon Trailers are pulled with some other color, random, not uniform big rig towing tractor truck & trailer.
4:28 pm:
Repeat terror happened to me today, I wrote about it before, so, today’s rendition of repeatable terror scenario to make me crash my car, as follows:
I am going north on Biddle Road. I get to McAndrews. A very big red trash truck is turning right from McAndrews to Biddle. The Big Red Trash Truck says “This truck is powered by CNG Fuel” with giant graphics. That truck stopped real fast as if it hit something while turning the corner in front of me a few car lengths ahead. The truck continued to make it’s turn, while I was doing the math: “lets see... C n G... hmmmm.... Holy See Gnosis Trash Big Red parting of the Red See trash Service... what company is that?... I can‘t see that far ... this mini van is in the way....“
So that happened as I approach Food For Less on Biddle, and across the street from there is Black Rock Coffee drive through kiosk in the same parking lot as a Exhaust & Muffler shop, I forget the name of the muffler shop.
I pass by the Big Red Trash Truck, it says “Rogue Disposal Service” on the door.
That is when the car in front of me slams the brakes on, stops, because the car in front of that one slammed the brakes on and stopped, in the far right lane of Biddle Road, in front of Black Rock Coffee Kiosk Drive Through, then, that car, turns left, across four lanes of traffic, into the Black Rock Kiosk Drive Through Coffee.
Four lanes of traffic were crossed... and Biddle Road was crowded.
I avoided “Bad Day at Black Rock” by only a few inches when everything just stopped in front of me in the far right lane.
“Bad Day at Black Rock” is a old movie that is famous as a source for terror command shell language to come from. The story line, characters, and background art.... more, is all used by the terror army to advance commands and marching orders as is Wizard of Oz, Back to the Future, and Star Wars to name a few.
5:10 pm:
Dog & Pony show terror murder hit scenario playing out now at Monroe’s:
I step out for a walk, as I do, the Google terror representative from Bad Guy Auto begins to light a yard waste fire that was prepared there this morning and left there by the Monroe pond, ready to light when I went out just now, and that is what happened. So, I don‘t want to walk by having seen the exact same Dog & Pony Show before, they know I will take an alternate route to get my mail, which I did, went through the woods, where I encountered another Monroe in a Toyota Prius, yet a different Prius than the previous two that were over there this past year. That Monroe is all in my mailbox, lingers there in the Prius, sees me waiting near the road, then moves forward and turns around, waves at me as he drives away with my mail. Then, I walk on the road to my driveway, and two of “The People Who Show Up” are there to huddle around the yard waste fire, they don‘t think I am going to walk by there because they shoot at me so often from there, so that’s when I know there is another Monroe somewhere in the creek sneaking into my house. I did walk by though, and everyone is acting as if we are all old friends waving at me and wanting to make chit-chat. There is a fake Deb Monroe there pretending to be all friendly as I pass by, starts to talk about something that happened at midnight on the day before Christmas, which really means she is going to try to steal my prescriptions I got today at the terror doctor, and is the reason that “The People Who Show Up” showed up with that Bad Guy Auto terror Google representative. The fake Deb said hello. I told her I was going to revoke her SAG Card for being a Ham, then I came home. They have back-up waiting at Chartrand’s inside a running car with foot on the brake, and some gunshots were fired at Manning’s at 598 MedDems terror cell. Those things were done to make sure I don‘t hurt Bad Google Guy, Fake Deb, or those others who were hovering around just in the shadows, out of view. The gunshots and the running car w/foot on brake says: “Don’t even try anything, you are outnumbered” at minimum.
I think the man in the Prius is the same man that was driving that black Ford F-150 Crew cab and was dressed like me earlier today, and brought a big brown grocery bag to “Erica” at the terror doctor.
7:10 pm:
Local Update:
Observations at the Bell terror cell at 445 in absence of any perceived activity there for a number of days is a difference in the animal behavior there. The local deer population has again seemingly been reduced all around the area, while the Bell’s where there at 445, the deer used gather in groups around the southwest corner of the garage there. To my understanding, a previous terror occupant installed some nitrous gas release, or exhaust tubes into the ground there. My perception of how that was done is in association to an outdoor restroom that is at the 445 address, where I was told that the septic system for that house, and that outdoor restroom had been modified so that nitrous and other airborne gasses could be pumped into the closet flange where the toilet for the outdoor restroom is at, then, the gas is released into the air in the yard, through the leach-lines of the septic system, where those extra tubes where attached in the ground nearby the front corner of that garage where the deer used to like to gather at 445 Bell’s terror cell. The deer are no longer gathering at the corner of the garage at Bell’s, now, they are gathering on the front driveway above where there is a culvert that runs beneath the driveway at Bell’s. That culvert is a tubular one, about 16 inch diameter, and is a place where terror soldiers are known to hide inside of that culvert under the front driveway at 445 Bell’s terror cell. So, I have been seeing the deer stand there at that culvert daily now in absence of the Bell’s there at the residence. The animals like the nitrous gas, they tend to follow the invisible clouds of it. Sparacino’s can gather and bring with them dozens of wild turkeys by exposing them to the nitrous, the turkeys go where ever the nitrous goes, and the Sparacino’s use the noise made by all of those turkeys as a cover for their advance on an attack. I suppose that idea also works for deer also. I see terror soldiers walking among deer from time to time, while holding on to the deer as they walk along, crouched and disguised. That culvert at Bell’s 445 is something is something that I need to be mindful of whenever I take a walk to the mailbox even when there is creek water running in the culvert. A possum introduced into the culvert will make sure that there is no one hiding in it.
There is a larger concrete culvert under my driveway, one that has proven to be big enough for not one, but two Royal Canadian Mounted Police disguised as Oregon State Police, who hide in the concrete tunnel beneath my driveway, and swing a sword as I walk by there.
8:10 pm:
On the return trip back home from the terror in Medford, I was reminded of something I would prefer to forget about when I passed by the house on the corner of Russell Road & Jackpine Dr. There, out in the horse pasture behind that house where some horse stables are at, was a familiar portable structure. The structure is only big enough to put a rain cover over one horse, one cameraman, one kidnapped victim, and one or two audience members. The structure is old, been moved around all over the place, is for when victims are kidnapped and the SAG ClubMed Junket members want to see someone having sex with a horse, donkey, or even an African Lion. I usually see that set up in the horse pasture area at the fence line at 333 Jackpine where it meets 315. Many years ago they used to set that up at the house behind mine where there were two donkeys for about twenty three years there. The thing is set up behind the house on Russell and Jackpine near where there is a dark colored truck parked out in the horse pasture, the truck never moves, has been there for years. So, what that means, is that the JP Morgan Chase Bank terror cell is there at that house on the corner, and are ready to make some bestiality/snuff movies. The animals kill the victims during the activity most of the time. The JP Morgan Chase Bank branch on the corner of 7th St. and Midland Ave. is most likely to be there doing that, as I have seen them do that before. They use the bank vault too for the same thing at that branch. It’s not uncommon to see farm animals in the lobby at the JP Morgan Chase Bank on 7th & Midland. One of the terror tellers there I think her name is Adrian Wytcherly, supplies some of the farm animals that are used at the bank vault for that kind of snuff movie. There are a whole bunch of Wycherly family members in Josephine County, they are some of the oldest known terror family cells I am aware of in Oregon. Where Wycherly’s are found, so are the Shippy Family. I have seen the African Lions in the vault there with kidnapped victims. There is another gal who goes by the name “De la Rosa” who was there the times I saw the Lions, she looks a lot like Kate Brown, about the same size and weight too, and could easily do impersonating of the Governor. There is a man who pretends to be a bank customer who has been in that branch every time I have gone, I am pretty sure his name is Richard, and is the person who runs Richard’s Welding on Merlin Galice road, next to the Shell gas station in Merlin Oregon.
As bad as all of that sounds, in comparison to other terror, that is more like a tourism brochure: “Come to Oregon! Enjoy the Wildlife, and Beautiful Scenic views”.
Some of the Wytcherly’s live on Three Pines Road, or, visit a place there. East of the corner of Wilson Ave on Three Pines is an wrought iron gate, that leads to a house on a hill above “Dead Man’s Curve” where there is a nice pond right there, and a old fashioned wind mill on a tower for pumping water from a well to fill the pond.
It turns out, after thinking about some of my encounters with “De la Rosa”, that it’s equally likely that Kate Brown could easily do impersonation of “De la Rosa” who is about as Spanish as is Taylor Swift, their names are similar in other ways. “De la Rosa” could actually be Kate Brown, Oregon Governor.
9:07 pm:
That terrorist bitch that was in my bathroom night before last who put the sword on the toilet seat, I almost sat on the sword, then grabbed it with the toilet paper roll.... and turned the sword around to run her through with it... that one... might have been Kate Brown... de la Rosa.
Brown is a German name.
Clyde Baum’s house changed ownership of record from Powers to Brown about 8 years ago-ish.
We have to do a decode of everything that is “Wall”.
Walgreen‘s... with a German decode. “V Val Green‘s”. How do you say “Green“ in German?
Have to do the same for Walmart. “V Val Mart”, that gets directly into the Vatican Choir to Vivaldi.
Walmart = V Val Mart = Vi Val di mar T = Vi Val di mar X = Vi Val di mar cross = Vi Val dimark Cross = Vivaldi Mark Cross = Classical Mark X = C L Ass I C Al Mark Cross = Holy See, Ass Eye See Artificial Intelligence Cross ...
Walmart = Classical Mark X = Classical Jesus = Sail
Walmart = Sail
I already know that Mark Ross, and/or Mark Cross is someone who claims to work or otherwise be associated to Walmart. That I already learned this past year.
Sail. To move the Pirate Ship.
There may be ways to test that. The people at Walmart will know if that math works out. The ones who wear the vests, work the Service Counter will have some kind of response to the word “Sail” when spoken as a sail on a mast for moving a boat. If so, that response could help to make the necessary connection to the rest of that math, if it’s any good.
They would also have a response for Vivaldi, and Mark Ross.
Mark Cross is a maker of “Fine Leather Goods”
I think “Walgreen‘s” needs to be done in a German dialect with similar Text Math.
VIVALDI - Four Seasons - Alexandra Conunova - Orchestre International de Genève
Once upon a time, there was only ten months in the year, with only two seasons, Summer, and Winter. Then, someone came along and decided that the Equinox was also important, so, they tacked two extra months onto the calendar, but, put them at the beginning of the year, as January and February, thereby putting March in third place, out of the spotlight.
March, became nothing to be concerned about.
By putting those two months on the beginning rather than the end, where they may have been better suited to go, gave the people who decided that the Equinox was important, a slight advantage of understanding and control of knowledge, thereby, may have been the very first application of Gnosis over Knowledge, which is the advantage made possible by control of Real Knowledge.
And thus, the two seasons, Summer and Winter, became Four Seasons, by a division in half, for a quotient of quarters, by addition of Two in the Back at the Head.
Quotes, are a Text element: “Two Blood Moons to Start the March”.
Two in the back at the head, divided with a can of steel:
Tumblr media
And terrorism was born. A quest of control of all of the land on Earth, by Pirating of Time at the beginning, as a means to the end.
To Divide, a verb, it turns out, is more than the key to the conquer, it’s divinity of the Text.
Walmart is the Sail of the contemporary Pirate Ship where customers are nailed to the mast, to propel the boat with their wind. Jesus’ in the breezes.
11:06 pm:
Let’s have a look at Trump’s “Wall” for a quick decode:
Wall = V V All = V Twin All = V X Win = V Cross Win = V Cross V V I N = V V I I V = VVIIV = W”V = WWV = Waves = Air Support = Terror Air Force at 535 Jackpine Dr. and Erickson Air Crane of Eagle Point Oregon
... V V I I V = Vatican 57 Vatican = Vatican Heinz 57 Vatican = Vatican’s Take Saws = Ohh My, Gobsmacked! = Blades of God = A Right Off = “It is Written“ = It’s Text = The Text = Bible
... V V I I V = 55 2 5 = ..... Muslim terror numerical algorithm language presented to entertain anti-terror agencies globally... then... after millions of US Citizens are murdered, on US soil, at home, the security team takes notice, see’s truth... the terror responds with a “sex sell’s sail” ...
... The 5:00 mark... here:
“singing “Come away, come away, come away...”
Well then suddenly there was no one Left standing in the hall In a flood of tears that No one really ever heard fall at all Oh I went searchin' for an answer Up the stairs and down the hall Not to find an answer, just to hear the call Of a nightbird singing "Come away" (Come away)
Trump supporters rush the White House in the first week of January 2021 in effort to sex up the terror, bringing it even closer to home at the White House, anti terror agents are called to a trap by a Knight-bird... AF-1... the leader of the terrorists. The anti-terror agents have been fooled again... they are not aware that the White House was sold like a pharm... along with stories or Pride and Hope at the Auction two decades ago, after the renters decided to buy it with a steel disk count of thirty years of occupancy there. Capitol Sex Distraction at the WH to draw attention away from Global terror HQ in Oregon.
... V V I I V = 55 25
(1-7-2021: 7:26 pm: addition to:
... V V I I V = 55 25
The shit goes sideways right there in the terror math even more than it already it.
British terror includes five quarters. One and one quarter is what humans are composed of as a whole, five parts, all are quarters, they are unequal, are “Drawn & Quartered” when Brits do the math, that goes sideways in at least two directions with a “call to arms” as the draw, and a place to stay as “The quarters”. The other direction is done with equestrian means, horses, to “draw & quarter”, pull physically apart, use a sword to quarter limbs and head into five parts, torso does not count, is not part of the math. Two arms, two legs, one head, are the five quarters when the math is done British style under Vatican Christian Hokus Pokus rules.
So, 55 = a ten divided by two... is a “half” or “Two Piece at the Pollo Loco”.
That 25 then is the head of the bird at the Pollo Loco.
Other Math, alternate division:
The 55 is two SDA soldiers swinging a sword on a “high/low” attack, one swings at the feet, the other at the head, at the same time, is a “high/low”, the 25 is the head rolling around on the ground, and they don‘t talk about feet, they don‘t want to get caught doing pedophilia trafficking for the Pope, so, they stay quiet about matters of the feet on a “high/low” attack by SDA mating pair Christian terror cult members.
I suppose the shit goes sideways in three directions, my bad, I saw only two at first.
Wall =  ...  = Air Support = Terror Air Force at 535 Jackpine Dr. and Erickson Air Crane of Eagle Point Oregon
(Take that to “Mark Cross Fine Leather Goods” from the “Walmart” decode above)
Then, you carry your leather over to Stevie Nicks, she is going to Trade you that leather for her Lace. You need to say some magic words, she is a Witch, so, magic words have to happen there, maybe “Eagle Point” where the Air Support comes from will work, as long as Don Henley is saying it, otherwise, Stevie might respond to “Landslide” as a workable magic word.
Don Henley = Donald Trump Bird = Donald Trump Air Support
(You are Donald Trump as of that moment.)
That checks out real good.
You need the song Leather & Lace, a Duet by Stevie Nicks and Don Henley, and five minutes on the clock at a pro basketball game where each team starts with 100 points, and five minutes to score as much as possible, Canadian Style (basketball was invented by a Canadian).
“Leather & Lace” ~Stevie & Don w/five minutes on the clock:
Make the trade, leather for lace.
Now you got laid, and have Lace, some Text in the aisle (sex math goes here)
“Biblical” begins right there.
(What could go wrong? Donny has a terror air force called Air Support and a Bible after that. Pompeo keeps the Bible in his inside left jacket pocket along side Bob Dole’s Pen. The Bible is called a “Cadet Bible”, is custom made, special words, special passages, you need to have one in order to know what Mike Pompeo has in his pocket, is holding for Trump. Dole, is a company that makes pineapple products on Maui, Hawaii. Go Figure. The Cadet Bible comes with a Bikini, that one is not a good thing, trust me, you don’t want that kind of Bikini, is a terror Bikini, a Two-Piece for Cadets, from the Top. Double D. D-Day. Two Dimensional, SAG card in good standing, dues paid in full).
(it’s 12:46 am: 1-5-2021: I am too tired to continue, this decode needs more work. This one is, well, it’s a Key that unlocks a lot of other terror decodes. Maybe I can do more later, unless you want to take a whack at it, or come talk to me, that would be much more expeditious)
... = V Cross V Vin = V Cross V AF1 = V X V AF1 = 5 10 5 AF1 = ...
... = V Twin All = V Twin Awl = V Twin Scribe = V Twin Script = V Twins Crypt = ...
1-6-2021: 2:25 pm: Addition:
Back to this part of Trump’s Wall presidential terror math:
“... = V Cross V Vin = V Cross V AF1 = V X V AF1 = 5 10 5 AF1 = ... “
... 5 10 5 AF1 = 5 1 0 5 AF1 =  5 1 5 0 AF1 = 5150 AF1 = Pollo Loco = Crazy Chicken = One Bad Bird = Experimental Chicken ...
... 5 10 5 AF1 = 5 1 0 5 AF1 =  5 1 5 0 AF1 = 5150 AF1 = Pollo Loco = Crazy Chicken = One Bad Bird = Rotten Egg = Aerial Gas Attack
... 5 10 5 AF1 = 5 1 0 5 AF1 =  5 1 5 0 AF1 = 5150 AF1 = Crazy Eagle = Don Henley & Stevie Nicks Duet: Leather & Lace = ... (that story above about trade, and five minutes on the clock at a Canadian Basketball Game where the score starts at 100 vs 100, or, “Two dead bitches” doing some tradin‘)
Tumblr media
(technically, there are two separate parallel walls)
... = V Twin Awls = V Twin All Wood El Services = V Twin All Wood Ell Services = V Twin All Wood Capitol Services = Vatican Twin All Wood Capitol Services = Vatican Twin All Treason Capitol Services = Vatican Fascist All Treason Capitol Services = VFATCS = V Fat C’s = Vatican Fat Cats
Wall = Vatican Fat Cats
=============================================== -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1-5-2021: 12:57 pm: addition:
From Vatican Fat Cat’s, presidential terror comm puzzle parts “Don Trump-Henley”, go in tandem, a duet of “Eagles and Dove’s”, along with Stevie Nicks, a SAG representation from Capital Records Building (maybe is only the messenger, kept in the echo chamber dungeon beneath the building. watched over by Frank Sinatra’s Microphone down in the hole there, until she is needed for sending messages), into the front door at Amp Guru, where Stevie’s people (captor’s?) are at, Lindsey Buckingham and Christine McVie, where Lindsey takes the Lace as Down Payment towards a Whole Lot of Linen” (Ann Wilson’s Wardrobe), and Christine McVie sets hands out keys, from “The Key Board at the Valet Parking at The Luxor”, where Amp Guru is at. There, “Tribute to Pink Floyd’s Welcome to the Machine” is forever managed to revolve by Christine McVie, where she is initialized at the Turntable (Technique’s SL Q-2 Quarts Direct Drive w/Strobe), and she becomes Trump Initialized as “DJX“ (that’s Christine McVie doing a Transgender Trump as “The DJX” at the Turntable as a reincarnation of the characters Tin Tin and Kyrano from the 1960′s TV series The Thunderbird’s, all morphed into a single being, and is from whence Amp Guru came from. The two tend to mesh together, and are listed as a single character: Tin-Tin Kyrano = DJX Machine Revolutionary)
Then, from that, where Roger Waters and David Glimour of Pink Floyd are eternally sitting atop a super colossal enormous pyramid, entertaining everyone eternally, with the ominous sounds of Welcome to the Machine, and all of the Windsor’s of Buckingham Palace and all of the Christians of the McVatican are making Cheeseburgers, from the meat locker that is USA’s population, all in effort to maintain The-Heart-Beat-of-America while feeding the beast, Ann Wilson, who has an insatiable appetite for American Cheeseburgers, but is finicky, only will eat them while inside of a Enormous Super Colossal Pyramid.
From there... everything that is Egyptian, is used as a sail to power the pirate ship.
Egyptians knew about the secrets of the feline animals, as do I. You either know about the secrets of a cat, or you don‘t.
That is where the song “Walk Like an Egyptian” by The Bangles, fits in as a command orders, and, also serves as a cover, so that no one will learn the secrets of a cat. If you start a Cracker Jack’s Decoder Ring decode on that song, it will take you deep into the realm of “Rampart Division at The Coliseum”, and towards “The Hell’s Angels do Security for Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones”, and of course “Jon D’Arms of Winchell’s Doughnuts”, the place of origin of Chanel #5 and N-95 Masks”, and beyond ... into space... the final frontier ...
============================================= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It can go in a lot more directions, it’s presidential terror comm, so, there will be three outcomes. One heavenly, one devilish, one ghostly or hidden meaning. That one, Vatican Fat Cats, looks more like bonus to me. I think the “V Twin“ part is going to lead somewhere though, and the “Awl” seems a good “Jesus was a Carpenter” peace to have stumbled onto, could be part of something: “V Twin Awls” is a good place to start over, on another day, unless you want to take a whack at it.
11:44 pm:
I having some recollection of a time between 1998 - 2002 or so when I was held captive and forced to create a lot of graphics, drawings, technical things, inventions I never got credit for and others are profiting from.... a lot of high level terror artwork is what I had to make... that part about “Vatican Fascists All Treason Capitol Services” goes with this Beatles classic.
It might be better to say: “Vatican SAG All Treason Capitol Services”
McCartney asks for directions and assistance from the WH, so, WH/Vatican gives him Google Maps, some traveling money, a US VISA, plenty of Political Asylum, some swords, airplanes, Third Amendment Violations, and a whole bunch of other stuff. There should be a remaster of the song from around 2000 or so if my memory is working.
January 7, 2021: 6:21 pm: Addition to:
[Oh I went searchin' for an answer Up the stairs and down the hall Not to find an answer, just to hear the call Of a nightbird singing "Come away" (Come away)]
[From above, when the WH was stormed by Trump supporters at the 5:00 mark]
Then this:
Well I hear you in the morning And I hear you at nightfall Sometime to be near you Is to be unable to hear you, my love I'm a few years older than you (I'm a few years older than you) my love
Time warp terror... those Trump supporters were filmed rushing the White House sometime between 2001 and 2008. The story is “a few years older than you, my love” (comes with a hauntingly familiar echo)
“You” become “My Love” right there, at that moment.
Refer to “Come Down“ (scroll to the bottom) by the band Bush for the keys that unlock secrets about “love = zero”, a tennis score element somewhere nearby a net, funnel, and Cello at a Castle. Annette Funicello... and onward into the Russian Mother of all Hoaxes with a Disney land vibe, and an E-Ticket to ride Mr.Toad’s Wild Ride at the Theme Park.... eternally.... on, and on, and on, and on... etc... and so on...
This goes above in the part about Donald Trump’s Wall decode where it turns into a terror air force based in Eagle Point Oregon with air force General Bruce & Janice Freeberg at 535 Jackpine Dr. in Grants Pass 97526. (Bruce is dead, he is inside of a stolen F-18 national guard fighter jet trainer at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean off the Oregon Coast, not far from Brookings.)
1-5-2021: 2:16 pm: addition:
Important consideration:
I have done this decode before. The pieces all came together in remarkably similar ways simply by starting at a few particular places in history.
The “Secrets of a Cat” is no small thing. It’s so big that the last time I mentioned “The Secrets of a Cat”. Juseph Myers of 560 Jackpine, a neighbor with whom I have never spoken with in more than 20 years, and his terror cell members went out on a mission to collect all of the cats, small, four legged feline animals that make great pet’s. They collected thousands of cats, and killed all of the cats, and tortured many of the small animals, only because I said “secrets of a cat” online, wrote it down. There was a drummer I knew, “Crack Head Jed”, who turned out to be part of the Myers terror cell, and Drummer Jed used to cut the heads off of he cats collected by Myers, and keep them in a big glass jar he had... the cat heads continued to Meeowe for as much as two-weeks after being cut of of the cat body, and there they were, on a kitchen/dining room counter top on display in the big jar, all meeowing away... about twenty of them, when I learned about that, in around 2002. Drummer Jed lived at the house that was nearest to the school bus parking garage entrance at Grants Pass High School at the time when I saw and heard the cat heads in the jar in his dining room. He and others from Myers have been trying to kill me to take my home for a long time. The Jed parts of the Myers terror cell extend over to a place called “The Laughing Clam Restaurant Bar & Grill” on G St. A man by the name of Scotty worked there, was a guitar player along with Jed on drums at various venues, including JD’s Sportsbar on Red Wood Hwy. where there is entrance to underground tunnels behind the bar and inside of refrigerator. The JD’s Sportsbar is nearby the County Fair Grounds, but more important is that it’s nearby the company that provides all of the school bus services for schools outside of Grants Pass city limits, District 7 Schools. The Buses are on Ringuette, and that, is next door to the County Zoning Department, and that, is across a footbridge that leads to the All Sports Park... endless access to children of all ages, can be associated to the Myers terror cell, and, as I already have reported many times, the Myers are national leadership of the Green Jello terror cell, and Green Jello is Universal, NBC, Comcast, where David Letterman heads the east coast chapter, and Jay Leno heads the west coast chapter, of Green Jello terror cell, for doing international terrorism on a grand scale.
So, be advised that the things I write to try to get some help, are used to hurt others, while making me look as the bad guy. That, is a component of the Christian terror on all of it’s levels, to conjure up whatever is necessary to advance the Christian Pirate ship out of the air, and blame others, while propelling the boat forward at the same time. What happens to me, has happened to millions of other people who did not live long enough to explain any of it to you, or to any one who could help.
1-5-2021: 3:11 pm: Addition:
More about the hijacking of Time with insertion of “Two Blood Moons at the Back of the Head as a means to End”
It’s easy to see that there was a vertical division of annual time before January and February were tacked onto the head of the Gregorian Calendar. The addition of the two months created a horizontal divisor on the annual calendar. You could study for ages to get a lot of info out of a “Time Cross” where two halves became four seasons of the same whole as the two halves, for net gain of Zero Time, with vast increase of texture within the whole annual.
With that perspective, we know exactly who hijacked time, when it happened, how it is used as weapon, and that “To Divide is Divine, to Conquer Made Just, in the Nick of Time”
It keeps looking more and more as Stevie Nicks is either a slave, or takes pride in assuming the position of The Russian Whore that is the Mother of all Hoaxes. who ran off with Marcus at the Christening of the Christian Pirate Ship, 2021 years ago.
E = MC² is part of a formula that describes something other than what everyone has been brainwashed to believe. That is only a tiny fragment of the whole equation. I have done the math, it’s lengthy and complex, sophisticated but straight forward and is easy to follow, but not easy to catch.
It’s a mathematical equation that discuses within it how lies and falseness will forever accelerate at such an exponential rate, that true, real knowledge, is never able to catch up to it, as the lies are accelerating down range, out into the future, while the truth chases after it, and is only interested in measuring the size and speed of the lies as they increase, indefinitely forward.
It’s the non-equate equation, where G > K, where G = Gnosis, K = Knowledge, but there is a time component that is built in with a square of a Carpenter, the Compass of a captain, to make lies that last forever, because it turns out that Christopher Columbus did not “Forget” the compass, he tossed it over board on purpose, while keeping a secret one, in his pocket.
That said, the “E” can also transcribe to “Power” as it is contained in the equation, but that is a trap built into the equation, don‘t go there. Instead barrow the E to make Power... Energy, as a means to see that Power = Alpha, then, E = A... Power = Alpha
So, you have A as the strongest thing, most important tool, most desirable item, etc...
Then, you carry the A over to January and February.
Change the e to a: Feb = Fab, and is second of the additional annual blood moons, and has a secondary Alpha built in now.
Feb becomes Fab right there.
F-A-B is what the Thunderbird’s say when they are on a mission.
Jan & Fab are now more subject matter that needs further decode assessment.
That’s as far as I have gone with January & February, but I have not applied the “Brew” of February yet to anything.
(1961 Chevy Impala roles into the service station over-heating, clouds of steam coming out from the hood, lots of hissing sounds going on under the hood... driver shouts:
“Does anyone have a T-Bag?“)
It happened again, almost the same way, except the vehicle was a 1986 Toyota SR-5 Extra Cab Manual Transmission that overheated the same kind of way, and was brought home, over-heating, clouds of steam all coming out from under the hood, lots of hissing sound under there... the drivers father shouts:
“Does anyone have a T-Bag?”
In around 1987 I began a mission, a quest, to find a pre-1975 Ford Bronco that I could afford to buy. I searched everywhere, but only when I had some money, so, like three times over a course of about twenty years I looked around for a Bronco. In my search for the illusive Ford Bronco, I encountered the Toyota Land Cruiser FJ-40 and FJ-45 models of off road goodness. The FJ-45 is a “Holy Grail” grade vehicle... not for sale anywhere, not available for any amount of money. I wound up skipping the Bronco, they had become too expensive over time, and found a suitable Toyota FJ-40 while looking for a Ford Bronco.
US Department of Defense contracts out assignments to commission development of some very specifically defined technology with a communications broadcast company that specializes in the kinds of things that DoD is looking for.
The technical explanations are very specific, are task specific.
The company develops the requested tech, as described by DoD. They do a ton of Research & Development in the laboratories, under top secret conditions. While the broadcast company is working on those carefully defined communication tools, they stumble over other, more sophisticated, more useful, whiz bang technology, for a different application, but, that is not what the DoD ordered, so, they keep working, give DoD what they want, but, they keep and own that other tech that was found by coincidence.
The broadcast company develops a plan to take over the world with use of DoD throw-back, rejected technology.
Carpenter wants to build a house on his property, he knows that the Building & Safety people are a lot like the DoD, are not very flexible, and are real assholes when it comes down to a simple change in preference when such changes happen in the midst of the job. So, the carpenter makes the necessary drawings to satisfy the Building & Safety people, but, he is not exactly sure if he will use interior wood siding, or dry-wall, or plaster wall coverings, and is not certain about what particular exterior siding he might want, and certainly does not know if he will be able to afford those granite counter tops that he wants, maybe some money will fall out of the sky, for those granite counter tops and shower enclosures. Building & Safety hates it when the counter tops, siding, fixtures and such are drawn onto the plan, but change in design later on.
The Carpenter simply draws the plans for the house to show all of the structural safety elements are present, and won‘t ever be changed.
Bare minimum plans, to show the least amount of detail, and produce the necessary result, while leaving the door open for luxury, or appearance details out of the drawings, are submitted, are passed, everything is good.
The carpenter, and the inspectors, are all happily satisfied, and the carpenter can make adjustments to decorative items later, without interference or extra expense imposed at the Building & Safety for making small changes to per-approved plans when the changes, or decisions are made later on.
Some years passed. As they did I had a idea that maybe one day I could get a hold of a 1966 Lincoln Continental, with the suicide doors, slam it to the ground, with some power under the hood, and big shiny wheels.
It did not happen, yet.
One day, after being bombarded with a relentless barrage of attacks from every direction, my family all divided, people suing, people stealing, trespassing, taking everything, lots of heartache and distress... there was a 1959 Ford Thunderbird for sale on the side of the road by the railroad tracks.
The same guy that designed those old Lincoln’s is the guy that designed those old Thunderbird’s. The T-Bird’s look similar to the Lincoln, if you squint your eyes, and soak it in with some dreams.
On a whim, at a time of distress, I bought the Thunderbird from side of the road by the rail road tracks.
The car was good, the circumstances and timing was bad for me to have been weakened such that I made a decision that was not in my best interest at the time. I never got to use that Thunderbird except long enough for some asshole to crash into it head on.... I avoided that, it became a side-swipe down the length of the Thunderbird. It’s solid as a rock though, only some minor damage.
It was a very expensive lesson, I made a lot of bad choices because of a car for sale at the railroad tracks, in Merlin. I swapped a perfectly good 1996 Dodge Caravan for that old Thunderbird, and was the biggest mistake I made associated with that. I suspect the Caravan was used to make me look as the bad guy, so, for the record, by the time the T-Bird was registered to me, I no longer had the Caravan.
That 1959 Thunderbird was once owned by the owner of a Chevron Gas Station in Hawaii. I am in Oregon, the car came somehow from Hawaii, ten thousand miles on the odometer later, and was parked for sale on the side of the road by the rail road tracks in Merlin, but I don‘t when of how it arrived in Oregon.
By the way, there is a name for the Christian Pirate Ship, as explained before.
The HMS Eleanor Rigby
(comes with that brew I was talking about, it turns out, where the e is the a of FAB)
1-25-2021: 5:42 pm:
Local Update:
I went outside to get the mail just now.
Some asshole was vandalizing some things I have at the end of the driveway. nothing important, but what is important is that I finally saw that the asshole who does that actually drives over here, stops in my driveway, gets out of the car for the purpose of knocking down a tree stump that is balanced on some branches there. It’s little more complicated than that, but the items there that were vandalized are bothering someone to the extent that they are tipped over from time to time.
The asshole took off in the car from my driveway as I went out and saw, then heard the sound of the things being knocked over, I suspect it’s Chartrand’s Royal Canadian Mounted Police terror cell who does that. The items are symbolically placed. They tell a story. Only few can read what I wrote with a stump and branches, precariously placed.
Monroe’s are signaling that they want me to fully explain what the items mean as the vehicle drove away. They use lighting, and objects, sounds, smoke, fire, farm animals, cages and enclosures, statuary, trash, small and large, loud and soft, bright and dark, contrast, with a blur, speed with a stall, sound with a directional pan, nature, plants, odors, stink, and aroma.... they have a very large three dimensional vocabulary at Monroe’s, they know exactly what the stump and branches mean, but will never say so to anyone who could send some help to the places where the help is needed.
1-5-2021: 6:15 pm:
There are both helpful people and not helpful people around nearby somewhere. I need to touch a subject of audio surveillance that is heard by the helpful group, and is consistently fouled up by the non-helpful group.
The problem is that what I really need to explain is not believable. There are only maybe a few dozen people on Earth who have a particular set of knowledge about human beings and what we are capable of.
That is part of the audio subject heard by potentially helpful people. The idea that what was heard, is so top secret, that no one knows what is going on when the activity is witnessed.
I am not going to reveal the top secret information.
I am only going to say that the reports where someone says: “He has no eyes”, or “he is injured, his eyes have been removed, are gone”
Anything heard about absence of eyes, the ones people see with, should just be disregarded. Reports that the author of this account is a blind man are false. What they are seeing is a reaction caused by their own weaknesses, nothing more.
I still need help, the only thing that is currently wrong with my eyes is regular attacks with handfuls of ground up glass dust tossed into my eyes. That really does hurt, and fouls up my vision. Other airborne poison gasses used by the Monroe’s and others to poison me on a daily basis are also suspected of fouling my vision in other ways, but any mention that I have no eyeballs, is a false story, you are being fooled by local authorities.
There may be some helpful people who say they saw a condition of absence of eyes, then saw me drive away, without hitting anything. In that case, disregard all but the part where I drove away without hitting anything, and can do that as I please, if I had freedom to go somewhere, and did not have the glass in my eyes.
You too, can achieve the same thing, a condition of enlightenment that is so powerful that your eyes are not necessary, and that is the secret knowledge that is not believable, and only few people know is possible. It comes from a combination of fear, knowledge, confidence, and knowing the difference between smart and stupid when your life depends on smart.
You don‘t have to believe any of that. That’s why I ask that you disregard the audio, and the witness accounts of “He has no eyes”.
I can see better without them showing.
So can you. You have to stop watching television, to start with, in about two years you will be much smarter as a result. But to achieve that other thing “He has no eyes” requires constant exposure to life threatening fear to the extent that there is no more fear, somewhere on the other side of constant fear, is a place where only few people have gone, and survived the experience. So, honestly, it’s a useful thing, but I don‘t recommend learning the hard way about why people say: “He has no eyes”.
I have an example about the level of fear that causes internal survival skills.
I get shot at often, bullets, arrows, even at least one cellulose missal and a number of wire guided missals have been shot at me.
So, that kind of fear, there is a helicopter, it’s shooting missals, at you.
Another example is the African Lions that the Safari terror cell uses. If while checking the mail, and the mail carrier suddenly comes down the road, stops to put the mail into the mailboxes, but the door on the other side opens, and a African Lion is set loose. right there where I am standing to wait for the mail carrier to drive away, only to that she dropped off an African Lion there at the mail boxes. That, is scary. So, you have to outsmart the Lion, there is no other way, when the US Postal Service drops off a Lion.
Those are the times when I see much better, can move more deliberately, can outsmart an African Lion, or a cellulose missal, and the helicopter that brought it.
You can too, just move to Oregon, and do as I suggest if you want to survive here without joining the terror army, or obtaining a smart phone the way they demand you do.
I have fought more than one-hundred African Lions armed with no more than a fingernail clipper, and lived to tell about it. I don‘t want to tell about it. I need to because of “He has no eyes” keeps the helpful people from helping.
I suggest this, with every amount of energy possible to convey: “do not come to Oregon. If you are here in Oregon, go back to somewhere safe, then, come back with US Military, well equipped, quietly, with big ears, small mouths, not a lot of unnecessary activity, and learn, observe somehow without giving away the observation techniques. Drones won‘t work. They are loud, only an absolutely silent drone might work if it also is disguised as a bird, and makes bird sound as it fly’s. Mechanical sounds won‘t last more than an hour. Be advised that any tech brought to Oregon and is captured by the terror army is modified by Amp Guru, and used against the people who brought it. Equipment brought by helpful people is used to try to kill me often. It’s used to torture US Citizens. If you cannot tether it to your body so you don‘t loose, then maybe you should use that. Guns won’t work. The terror army plays a mind game, where there is too many people downrange, might miss, hit an innocent victim. Your gun is used to kill you without any shots ever being fired, because of the mind game, those with guns are attacked from perceived innocent people during the time they are deciding when and who to shoot at.... in that small delay that happens due to uncertainty. You have to be certain that 100% of the people in Oregon are terror soldiers. The men, the women, the children, the elderly, and the disabled, all are terror soldiers. The exception is the slave soldiers, who are kidnapped US Citizens forced to do whatever they are told to do. I don‘t have a way to determine who is who about the slave soldiers vs their Canadian soldier captors. Consider that the slaughter has already been done, there are no more US citizens, the slaughter happened and was complete about ten or more years ago, so, there are not likely to be very many small children who are under ten years old who are slaves. The problem with that deduction is the terror army are traffickers, can import slave soldiers of all ages.
That’s why US Military needs to find a way to quietly learn who is who.
Otherwise, just go to all of the broadcast networks, and shut them down. That will expose a lot about who is who. Radio, Television, Twitter, newspapers, junk mail advertising... all is used to advance and update the terror army.
“Easter Egg Phones” are a problem for helpful people. The terror army has a network built of many hundreds of thousands of Blue-Tooth phones that serve as a wide area communication network, each phone plugged in and turned on serves as a miniature cellular telephone tower that can daisy chain with others, all are within range of a few others, to maintain uninterrupted connections throughout Oregon. They are everywhere, tucked behind and beneath every refrigerator in all directions for miles around, as of 2004-ish. I suspect they have gone to a next generation idea, where the Pacific Power Residential and Commercial Smart Meters serve as the daisy chain blue tooth base units for bouncing a signal to terror soldiers where ever they go.
I advise taking control of Rocky Mountain Power, all of it, all five of the sub companies. I suggest to continue power service at a subsidized rate, where nominal usage is provided, and extra usage over a calculated limit is charged for at least on a temporary basis. All of the linemen of those companies serve as the controlling strong arm of the terror army, they use their easement rights as a front to cover access where access is not always necessary. So, those guys all need to be rounded up. Same is true about Oregon Department of Transportation, they too serve as a strong arm. That, and the Easment Maintanance companies who contract with the state to maintain roadway shoulders and medians, as well as Power Line easements, for keeping the trees from the lines, and out of the shoulder areas, are a big deal, there are tens of thousands of those guys, are all physically fit, able to climb tall trees, are skilled with tools, and are also skilled at using those tools as unconventional weaponry. Both the Power Linemen, and the Tree Service guys, as well as Forestry workers, are highly skilled with use of cables, fulcrums, mechanical means of all kinds used for moving heavy stuff around, all of that works as a weapon, is hidden, easily overlooked spring loaded traps and wire snares.
Centurylink Internet and Land Line Phone Service is a giant size nightmare problem because none of the phone lines go to the addresses that they are supposed to go, all were switched out at the access terminals, there is a map somewhere that enplanes how they were swapped out. The map of accounts at Centurylink HQ is intentionally wrong. That shows where the phone are supposed to lead to, but not where the lines actual are physically connected. There is detailed explanation about the different ways that the phones are fouled on this account, is extreme complication, many layers of fouled phone activity going on at Centurylink.
I received email notice today that my account number was changed, as was all of the Centurylink customers. That could be good news because part of the confusion service was that everyone had an account number that is also a phone number, even for people who do not have telephone service, only use the DSL as I do. The same format as a phone number is how Centurylink causes some of the confusion service they do. All of the customers in the 541 area code start with 541, (there are no guarantees about reality, the account could be in Hawaii, and only say 541 for confusion) and all of them end with 234 for residential customers. That leaves 7 digits in between for unique account number at Centurylink. I am told that account number system changed, is no longer a 541 or a 234 happening in the account number, which they informed me is a 9 digit number, and provided me with new account number in today’s email from Centurylink. So, as of this morning, my account number is different than it was yesterday, or last billing cycle is better to say.
Above is the link that tells of the extent of the changes with the billing. See that the information is written in less than collage level writing skills. See that there are a lot of open doors where terror can stick it’s foot into among the details, notably there is something about: “There are a number of reasons why your due date could change....” I smell a yeast infection waiting to happen with a lot random activity going on with that.
Don‘t drop this.
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There is no Russia!
This happened:
One day, on the day before the soccer ball changed hands, a terror soldier had come into my house, was hiding behind the chair where I was reclined in. Communication was going on, I was being poisoned with nitrous gas, other gas is also suspected. Chris Wallace’s voice was in my house. There was talk about what to do at a meeting between Putin and Trump. Trump had already sent a lot of assassins to my house by then, i think Jeff Sessions had already been killed in defense, Trump began sending his cabinet over immediately when I sent email to the White House asking for his help to stop mass murders in Oregon.
So, “What should we do at the Putin/Trump meeting?” was asked of me.
I said: “Give Trump a gift, a soccer ball, can you get a soccer ball on short notice?”
The reply was “Yes, we can, the soccer world series just ended, and there are soccer players nearby, we can get a soccer ball”
So, I said: “There you go, that is my suggestion, have Mr. Putin give to Mr. Trump a soccer ball” (I still thought there was a Russia at the time)
I don‘t recall if an explanation was included, but the explanation is that the ball is made of Pentagons, tiny Pentagons are sewn together, it makes a soccer ball.
The idea was that maybe Trump would understand the magnitude of the terrorism (before I considered that he was a leading terror general, or a British Knight disguised as US President.) Maybe a Pentagon Bell would go off in his head.
So that happened. I don‘t remember any more right now.
Important considerations of that: Terror is “International”.
“International” is a key word for the Christian terrorists.
Soccer is an international game, known as Football everywhere except USA,
There are recent reports about a world renown Soccer player who died recently, stories are on Twitter, I think he was a Columbian (best coffee comes from Columbia. Maybe some coffee was poisoned)
The soccer players casket was fashioned to resemble a race car, or other vehicle, people gathered in great number to his funeral services held around the world.
The casket, to me, was a “Matterhorn Bobsled” from Disneyland symbol.
That’s all I have on that, unless the bridge that collapsed at Florida International University happened shortly after the soccer ball was delivered, then, that goes here too for doing math some other time.
I just want to say: “Don‘t drop the ball”
1-5-2021: 9:41 pm:
“He has no eyes”
The Christian terror bastards who see that happen, have concluded that I must be God, because I they think I can drive while blind. They say I must be God, because I actually have caught the bullets and arrows they shoot at me.
So, the Myers brand of terror, decided to keep God locked up, to use me as their scape goat while terrorizing the whole world, all because they saw something that they do not understand.
The Sparacino’s do the same thing, they go along with the Myers story about me being God, when all they saw was some unusual activity with the way my eyes look when I am terrified out of my mind, and have to survive impossible situations, like US Postal Lions, Express Delivery.
The Sparacino’s say I am Allah, to cover the scape goat for all of the spectrum of the advance of Global Domination Under the Cross, the stuff I am trying to stop.
What they are seeing, like I said, is a result of their own weakness. They cannot handle the truth, they need a God, at least they believe they do. So these religious cult bastards have been thinking that they managed to catch a God, some of them say “baby God”, and they put the God they found into a bug jar, to watch, and for them to ask what I think they should do. Lately, they are just reading what I write, while I am looking for help, they twist the words around to do Christian terror activities, with biblical scale and scope, Globally to serve their goals while blaming me, and fooling the national and global security people with bullshit all conjured up out of the air.
That truth I was saying about humans are capable of much more than they are told, has a name that the Christians assigned to it, while covering up the notition that people are amazing, but are gullible and will believe in a lot bullshit as long as the people don‘t need to think on their own to save their own lives... people will even line up to buy Hope... even when the Hope is handed out for free someplace else.
“The Fear of God” is what happens on the other side of fear, that is when people like you and me become God Like. The Christians came up with that to suppress the truth about: “He has no eyes”.
I have seen three other people in my lifetime who also had the “He has no eyes” going on at the time I met them. Including myself, that makes four people in about a 35 year time range who “has no eyes” and suffered from “The fear of God”.
The thing that makes those people weak, is their minds. The Christians are raised among a series of lies stacked and layered with a lot of bonus textures, stories with so much false detail that that there is no way to escape the thickness and weight of a lifetime of lies about a invisible man who rules every aspect of their being, a bunny that hides eggs, a fat man who brings gifts into the chimney, those flying reindeer and so much more is all taught with a straight face right out of that Bible at the Church where the children are raped by the pastor.
Weakness of the mind, due to inability to believe things they don‘t understand long enough to study the information for the purpose of actually learning something useful.
I suggest everyone should make an attempt to challenge their own mind.
Your goal is to determine what is real, and what is a lie. Your goal is to move away from the lies, and towards the truth. If you cannot find any truth, you still win by moving away from the lies. Do you believe there is a Santa Clause? If not stop participating in the charade, that is the scope of the challenge against yourself. Are you willing to continue to allow yourself to fool you?
Discontinue participation in lies. Truth by omission of bullshit.
Less bullshit is a wealth that gets no respect.
Every dollar spent on those prearranged fake holidays is a dollar that is used to kill your family, neighbors, friends, and those who’s job is to protect and to serve the population of USA. The way it works, is so much incoming money all at the same time creates a vast momentum in terror advance. They are able to make capital investments in scale that would not otherwise be possible had there been no fake holiday. I recommend discontinue the fake Hallmark Holidays, all of them in favor of celebration of your own birthday, and those of your family and friends to produce a more genuine celebration of those you care about, while leaving that Easter Bunny as road kill on the way to get a birthday gift for someone who really matters.
That, if everyone did just individual birthday giving, all distributed evenly throughout the year, with a similar budget as a Christmas budget, would produce a vastly stronger nation built of companies that can survive all year long, not just in December, while at the same time, pull the rug out from under that asshole at the Vatican and all of his murderous child raping friends.
Is your mind strong enough to overcome the Santa within?
In your minds eye, there is you vs that overwhelming urge to participate in the Hallmark Charades. It’s you vs the holiday, and year after year, the holiday has been kicking your ass in every way. Financially it breaks you, and physically it exhausts you, but you continue to kick your own ass every year, year after year, only because of something known as Christian Guilt, it is taught in such a way that we are addicted to the guilt, and serve it for others to eat as we kill ourselves doing it, to please no one who is impressed by the effort.
Every year it gets harder and harder to overcome the burden of the Hallmark holiday because the terror army is getting stronger and stronger with every dollar you spend for the Hallmark holiday.
So, are you to weak to save your own life from the monster you are feeding?
1-5-2021: 11:16 pm:
Local Update, update:
Something fishy going on with the mail.
When I went to get the mail earlier, there was the US Cellular Phone bill, and that is all that was in the mailbox. Whats fishy is that the US Cellular bill has almost never arrived on the fifth of the month, it almost always arrives on the eighth, and sometimes the ninth of the month. I am reminded of Clyde Baum of 333 Jackpine, who always was in my mailbox, taking the mail, open the mail, then put the mail back into my mailbox, and nothing I can do to stop it because the sheriff is in league with Clyde Baum, and, because I am outnumbered 50,000 : 1 just in this county, more with consideration of the rest of the state.
So why did the US Cellular bill arrive on the fifth of the month? That’s at least two days early, but is actually on time, it’s just not what I am accustomed to with consideration of the terror spies and the lengths they go to for fooling federal fools who are not accustomed to not being fooled, and insist on being forever fooled by religious cult terror soldiers.
This is for federal fools to ponder, it’s personal:
I suspect the MedDems are behind this one though. Two days at least early for a phone bill is all they need to fool feds who were told I actually received medical treatment. I did not receive any medical services, I received a phone call in the parking lot beneath a cellular telephone tower at a terror cell that is disguised as a doctors office, and I was doing your job while I was there, and have been doing your job there for almost six years regularly. now, they are using a cell phone bill to further fuck with me, to fool you, so they have another chance to kill me tomorrow. That is what the two days early are really about. I have played this game before.
There is absence of helpful people, a vacuum of help is present.
I went for a walk, and someone from Myers 560 had come into my house to make signature Myers brand terror signature mess in my house.
1-6-2021: 12:48 am:
There is a woman who lives at Myers 560, she is about 5′ 9“, 180 lbs, 62 y/o, grey shoulder length hair, usually drives white cross over style car, I think is a nissan Rogue, has a grey shelf looking thing around the rear bumper. She has been there a long time, could be Rita, could be nora, I don‘t know which one. She sneaks up on people while dressed in a costume made of human body parts, and always seems to say the same thing, happens so often that I have it memorized:
“Look, I have these... felopian tubes, there fresh... see? Ohh darn, this ovary keeps falling off, I’ll have to glue it.”
That is when she holds a female reproductive system in her hands, to show the victim she is about to kill with a sword. I hear that at Monroe’s from time to time these days, but she has said it to me while dressed that way in that costume made with arms, legs, heads.... at my front door when the Jahova Witnesses come knocking on Saturday morning.
But that is not the glue I have, I already explained all of that before.
Lately, that woman has been wearing a coat that is just like the one that I wear around the house. Green, with hood, cotton. She and the sheriff are using that coat and a pair of jeans to fool the federal fools for about four months to my count.
That is not the glue either.
This is the glue:
There was once a man who attacked at my home, about 6′ 4″, 200 lbs, 32 years old, short light brown hair, used an alias name of Erick, I think his real name was Patrick, and I think he was sheriff of Multinoma County Oregon, or nearby county to Multinoma. I killed him in defense, left him in pieces inside of a red Toyota that he came here in. It was about four years ago and was the last time I saw someone I care about who he had with him, and is why I defended that way.
That, is part of the terror doctor visit, it’s the reason for that brown bag that said Erica on it. It may have said Erick, I remember seeing that it said Erick, but I heard the man with the bag say Erica, who is one of the terror doctors at the terror clinic I went to.
So, I am in possession of a paper prescription since that visit, on it are two of these: ** like that, where “Quantity” is noted. There is special instructions that indicate the safety measure. There is also “Tamper Proof Paper” noted as a safety measure.
Those two things are the special terror instructions to send my phone bill through earlier than usual. Like I said, it arrived at least two days sooner than it usually does, almost never arrives on the fifth. What that does, is tells the mail carrier that there is something to be concerned about, and the presence of that in my mailbox on the fifth tells the terror spies on Jackpine that there is something to be concerned about. The concern was noted on Monday the 4th, at the terror doctor, where there must be a way to send a copy to the DEA or some other place as a normal and customary safety measure. The problem is the DEA were hijacked a long time ago, are all SAGClubMed and MedDems terror cell members as of the time that Asa Hutchinson was in charge there, or before that.
The part about the “Tamper Proof Paper” is somehow about the woman who lives at, or used to live at 520 Jackpine, next door to my house, and is also next door to Myers at 560. 520 is in between. I only have been saying that the woman is “Mystery Pot Grower Lady” for not knowing anything about the people there who somehow obtained the home of an entire dead family called the Nathan & Naomi Phillips family who used to live at 520, are all dead now. The Josephine County Tax Assessors Online Portal says that someone by the name of Tammy owns that 520 house now, and that Tammy is also presumed to be dead. So, Tamper Proof Safety Measure is just exactly the kind of thing that the US Postal Service terror cell can use to alert other terror cells of what kind of problems the terror cell at the terror doctor is experiencing there. US Postal Stork knows everything there is to know about everyone there is to keep track of, they know more than the people at Mikey’s Video know, and that is saying a lot. 520 is a place where I have seen Sir Richard Branson, and have encountered a Queen‘s Guard along with Prince Charles Windsor out front of there on the road. The terror on Jackpine is indeed global, international terror.
Two asterisks are being used to fool the federal agents who are assigned the wrong kind of duty for the wrong kind of crime, they need to be bringing US Military to ward off hundreds of thousands of Canadians who took the state of Oregon twenty years ago, but instead are sent to investigate a possible prescription counterfeit for a few pills, and were sent into the Lions Den like Dan on Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, where there is no lion, the Welsh Dragon that’s in the den, ate the lion and all of the other previously sent federal agents who insist on being lion and dragon food all of the time.
All of Josephine County knows you are nearby.
I strongly advise you go back to someplace where it’s safe, do so carefully, they will follow you and have better communication equipment than you do.
Go get US Military somehow... Trump will not help with that, and there are no more US national guard alive in Oregon unless they are held as prisoners.
50,000 : 1
That’s Fifty-thousand to one, that I am outnumbered against a Canadian terror army that took the state, killed all of the citizens, unless some are prisoners as explained above. That’s only considering Josephine County.
Jackson County = 75,000
Douglas County = 25,000
Klamath County = 25,000
Josephine County = 50,000
That’s 175,000 just in those four counties. I cannot make estimates farther away, and the information is ten years old. They are much stronger now, far more refined in their ways.
I have been told by Walmart terror soldiers that my estimates are too small, too conservative. They read everything I write and use it against me and those who are sent to see what’s going on here. The are Google, so, they made a searchable data base, and a parallel set of information to keep track of what lies were told in association with all of the different details I have explained about, so they can keep their lies all organized nice and tidy, thanks to Google and their expertise of organizing information.
Please, don‘t get dead, go get military.
1-6-2021: 1:52 am:
(Centurylink is still turning off my number pad on my keyboard when I need to use a numeral)
For people who might choose to try to wing it:
You need to be aware of taxedermied humans, and how they are used as bait. There are such taxedermied humans. They are placed in houses, seated at a computer that is on and running, or in a kitchen, propped up at a counter that looks as if they are making some cookies, or in a car, or anywhere that a person might be doing activity. They are bait. You see someone that you are looking for who disappeared in Oregon, follow a lead from the sheriff, who says to go to that place over there, to look at this car over here in this garage right there, and shows on Google map where the tip says to go. Then, there is the person, looks in good shape, like nothing is wrong.... so, you let down your guard... bad idea.
The person is dead, is taxidermy.
The terror sheriff tells Myers that you are on the way, so, they make last minute preparations, to take you captive, not kill you. They need to torture you first, so that you will say the secret words that can get their people into your HQ.
1-6-2021: 2:17 am:
Also, you have to pay close attention to that train that just sounded the horn at Jess Way crossing, what that train does alerts many thousands of terror soldiers along that route. The train is two hours late, so, at minimum, there is abnormal conditions around here. The characteristics of the way the train operator feather’s, or lays into that horn is a language all it’s own. I don‘t know how to read it. I can read the timing is off. There may or may not be another train at around dawn at Jess Way crossing, they seem to go north more than south somehow.
January 7, 2021: six o’clock hour additional decode keys are contained here for “Edge of Seventeen“ contained in a song by.... you guessed it...
Come Down ___________
Love and hate Get it wrong She cut me right back down to size Sleep the day Let it fade Who was there to take your place? No one knows Never will Mostly me But mostly you What do you say? Do you do? When it all comes down? 'Cause I don't want to come back down From this cloud It's taken me all this time To find out what I need again I don't want to come back down From this cloud It's taken me all this All this time There is no blame Only shame When you beg You just complain The more I come The more I try All police are paranoid
So am I So's the future So are you Be a creature What do you say? Do you do? When it all comes down? 'Cause I don't want to come back down From this cloud It's taken me all this time To find out what I need Yeah, yeah, yeah I don't want to come back down From this cloud It's taken me all this All this time Shoot up Shoot up Shoot up You're high Love and hate Get it wrong She cut me right back down to size Sleep the day Let it fade Who was there to take your place? 
No one knows Never will Mostly me But mostly you What do you say? Do you do? When it all comes down? 'Cause I don't want to come back down From this cloud It's taken me all this time To find out what I need Yeah, yeah, yeah I don't want to come back down From this cloud It's taken me all this All this time Why did you? Why did you? Why did you? Why did you? Why did you? Why did you? Why did you? Why did you?
Why did you? Come down I don't want to come back down From this cloud This cloud This cloud This cloud This cloud This cloud This cloud This cloud This cloud
The song is used by the Christian terror army to change the meaning of “Love” to “Hate” then further to “zero” or “nothing” or “utter eternal darkness” and the result, “Death“.
The meaning carries over to “Edge of Seventeen” and other places where the Christian terror cult needs some kind of written (text) to justify the things they do, because if it is written, they feel, it is so, and thus is “sewn” into the fabric of “The Cloth”.
See... ? it’s all very simple...
At some point along the Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride featuring Annette Funicello or Stevie Ncks as you prefer, you must carry the Bush over here:
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For further understanding, it’s a burning bush.
Use it to gain some wings to navigate the airwaves of the Audioslaves of the Christian terror cult army, all armed with smart phones and nitrous oxide rocket fuel. Terror comm is located where you look for it. It’s everywhere you look.
There is no one looking for terror comm.
There is no one watching the baby. The baby is on fire.
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skywalkersays · 7 years
tagged by the Lovely @rnyfh​ 💖💖💖 
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: clara @loserxvi​ 3. Text message: my sister 4. Song you listened to: uhhh “save a prayer” by duran duran 5. Time you cried: i cried like 2 minutes after getting out of bed this morning im Depressed
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: not technically but like... i never learn so .. i guess 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yup 8. Been cheated on: not really 9. Lost someone special: yeah 10. Been depressed: yes big Time boys 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yep
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: red, pink.... yellow? beige...
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes 16. Fallen out of love: nah 17. Laughed until you cried: yes constantly 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yea always gotta keep an eye out for Snakes 19. Met someone who changed you: of course 20. Found out who your friends are: lol 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes... 💀
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them i hate it i deactivate my facebook like twice a month 23. Do you have any pets: yea my lil boy lewis 24. Do you want to change your name: nah i always thought my name sucked and now i think it’s great 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: uhhh nothing shattered my phone screen and went to an 8am class 26. What time did you wake up: uhh well my alarm goes off at like 10:30 every day and then goes off every 10 mins until i get up so.... ngl i got out of bed at like 2 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: blowdrying my sister’s hair 28. Name something you can’t wait for: war of the planet of the apes........ 💀 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this morning... 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my financial situation and like 80% of my relationships 31. What are you listening right now: “Twenty miles” by NBSPLV 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: unfortunately 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: literally All right now 34. Most visited Website: tumblr fml
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: yea 36. Mark/s: yeah a big weird scar space in my right eyebrow...... idk....... 37. Childhood dream: idk i guess i always wanted to write. i used to want to act 38. Haircolor: blond right now but naturally like a dark brown 39. Long or short hair: stupidly long i need to cut it 40. Do you have a crush on someone: not really i can’t remember the last time i genuinely was like “i have a Crush” 41. What do you like about yourself: some ppl think im funny 42. Piercings: 2 on each ear + cartilage + nose piercing 43. Bloodtype: suspicious 44. Nickname: clem. also alex is kind of a nickname i guess 45. Relationship status: single n depressing 46. Zodiac: pisces/aries cusp 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Shows: broad city, community, xfiles, hannibal... b99.... adventure time.... futurama... i watch a lot of tv
49. Tattoos: two one on each ankle 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: only dental.... my front teeth r fake 52. Hair dyed in different color: yeah blond rn fml 53. Sport: ive played like all sports and sucked every time 55. Vacation: i just want to be in the sun or like... the woods 56. Pair of trainers: whats this question....
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: i made a meat pie last night it’s ... my masterpiece 58. Drinking: water 59. I’m about to: shower and drink a quadruple espresso i wish i was kidding 61. Waiting for: my life to make sense and Improve 62. Want: to see the big sick and to have a neat bedroom fml 63. Get married: idk perhaps. yes. maybe 64. Career: probably something writing related
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: depends whom.... i prefer a kiss if it’s from someone i want to kiss and i don’t like Love to be hugged 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: idc 68. Older or younger: roughly same age i guess 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: idc 71. Sensitive or loud: both? im loud :/ so i guess sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: yeah :/ 75. Drank hard liquor: yeah :-l 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes 77. Turned someone down: yes 78. Sex on the first date: no
79. Broken someone’s heart: maybe 80. Had your heart broken: yeah i guess 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yeah 83. Fallen for a friend: not really
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: i try my hardest 85. Miracles: idk 86. Love at first sight: nope 87. Santa Claus: no 88. Kiss on the first date: yeah??
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: idiot savant bot 8000 91. Eyecolor: blue 92. Favorite movie: alien covenant... obvious child..... 
i tag @loserxvi and @galaxygalpals and @noncaf and also anyone who wanna do this
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