#instead of randy it's stan and boy
juliejoestar · 4 months
Sister Stan 🥴
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Credit: stroberiguy
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up-side-in-side-out · 8 months
Genderbends main 4 Sorry not sorry.
Kyle- Kyley (like Kylie but with the spelling from the Jersey episode)
Eric- Erica (from the episode the sissy)
Kenny- either Kelly or still Kenny (friends would use Ken as nickname)
Stan- Stan (Randy really wanted a boy 💀). They’d go by nicknames instead of their name. Haven’t decided on what nickname yet though. They’d probably switch between a few.
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Kyley got the haircut cause Erica stuck gum in their hair. I think at first Kyley would hate the length at first but after awhile they like it and decided to keep it short.
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Every Kenny no matter the universe deserves a science pun T-shirt— don’t think I forgot he becomes a scientist!
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stardust-sunset · 7 months
south park body headcanons (im imagining late teens/20s here) - agree or disagree?
stan: 5’10”. stocky, not fat but not super muscular, although it would be easy for him to put on muscle if he wanted to. just doesn’t prioritize it over his creative stuff. strong biceps and shoulders but he got that beer gut. love it.
kyle: 6’2”. lean string bean. conventionally thin with a sleeper build, strong arms and visible abs bc he’s more into sports/working out than the others. he goes on 6am runs and does pushups in the morning let’s be real. and i like the thought of him being awkwardly taller then the other 3.
cartman: 5’8”. he is still volumptious! i don’t care what anyone says. that boy will not mature to be a muscle monster alpha. whatevea whateva, he does what he wants! which would be eating lots of kfc and liane’s cooking. and not working it off. terrible team player and has no sportsmanship, he would not be in any sports.
kenny: 5’6”. he’s the shortest because he was malnourished as a child but we love a short king. scrawny but could hold up in a fight, a little muscular from doing random jobs + i think he’d do football or track.
Stan: Agree. He’s got a bit of a tummy but that never hurt anyone. I kinda picture him being built kinda like Pacha from Emperor’s New Groove. Not quite as chubby but you get the picture. He’s solid. If you throw him at a moving truck he’d ricochet off. Randy probably insisted that he ate more ‘rich people food’ which contributed to his broadness, because Randy kept feeding him too much to ‘make him look like a real rich guy’. Hes got the quarterback build. Hes overweight but most of it is because he’s just solid in high school.
Kyle: Agree! Kyle w/sleepers build is now a fav hdc of mine. i feel like he was that one kid as a freshman who was absolutely rail thin because every calorie he ate went to his height instead of his muscles, but then junior year hits and he suddenly starts gaining muscle. He has a very strict workout routine and likes going for morning runs while the sun’s rising. It helps him clear his head. His immediate response to stress is to exercise. He has a ton of random growth spurts and when he’s at the bus stop with the other 3 the summer after 8th grade he just looms over them, lmao-he’s absolutely strong though. Just because he was rail thin as a freshman did not mean he was weak.
Cartman: Absolutely! I hate when people make Cartman suddenly buff, as if he would give up Cheesy Poofs and Butterwich Sabdwixhes He’s still a chubby boy even in his teen years. Hes that one kid who walks the mile in gym because he ‘doesn’t feel like running today’. Whenever his team loses usually because of him he absolutely throws a fit. He hit Kyle in the head with a baseball bat and nearly split his head open in eighth grade because he lost. Hes thrown kickballs in fits of rage and gives no fucks. Whenever he wins you don’t stop hearing it from him for months afterwards. He would never lift a finger to work off all the KFC and Cheesy Poifs he eats. I don’t care what people say. He’s not gonna suddenly have a change of heart and work off all that. It’s not in character for him. Just look at him in “Raising the Bar”.
Kenny: Agree! He probably has scars on his body from doing stupid shit for money. He didn’t have much to go off of, like you said, because he was malnourished as a kid. I do like to think his friends (mainly Butters and Kyle) start noticing Kenny is way thinner than they thought, and start giving him food, so he does eventually have his growth spurt, but he’s definitely not the tallest. His hands and arms are probably really calloused from random jobs he’s picked up. He’s extremely scrappy and could probably kick ass in a fight, even if he’s malnourished. In his teen years his friends start letting him shower at their place. He starts taking better care of his body as well, with the help of his friends. Hes a tiny little thing tho. I don’t see him being gigantic, but he’s not like-elf sized either.
Agree 100% with these!!
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
Kyle Broflovski/Eric Cartman
"Cartman, your girlfriend's a freak!"
Part 1 >
Kyle discovers Cartman's new partner is into feedism and he has all reason to get involved.
"why can't you listen?! Why don't you care?! Why is it always me who has to fix your problems!"
"No one is asking you to fix me, Kahl!"
"You are! You are by acting dismissive over it when you DO care!"
"I don't! She's all I have! She's the best thing I could ever get."
"What about me?!!"
Warning ⚠️: this is a sp fic you could either expect the worse or the best! So beware if you proceed to read the following content 🙏
Author’s note: the narration of the story would be mimicking the way Cartman was storytelling in that one Christmas creatures story he wrote. So if you guys wonder why it’s kinda wacky that’s why! C:
It was a Monday morning, the sun rising and the light blooming each corner of the trees, streets and buildings. As four boys walked pass the streets heading straight to school. It would've been a normal day if they had met in the bus stop as usual however Randy took Stan that same night for a weed business trip in middle of a sleepover so they also had tagged along. Free employees! for Randy so he said.
What a annoying night for the teens, but not much to complain besides groan and act bitter to their raven friend instead. Regretting not just taking their usual hangout spot which was always at Cartman's place.
"Main bitch out your league too, ah
Side bitch out of your league too, ah~" the brunette sang out shamelessly, a slight smile while moving his hands with the mumbling beat of his own voice.
"Can you stop singing, fatass? I have a fucking headache from last night." Complained the only redhead of the group.
Ever wonder why they all have conveniently diffrent hair colors to difference each other and yet, matched color palettes for clothing that go well with one another? Nah, who thinks about that. They look good together, so the group remains the same! Just switch the coats for hoodies and the pants for jeans. If you want extra, the raven boy has updated for no hat and the ginger for a pair of sneakers instead of boots.
Heights from the tallest to smallest, redhead to raven, blonde and lastly brunette. For the misfortune of the last one ofcourse.
Constant teasing and for what? For a couple of inches extra? Nope. Because he's an ass. That's the reason, and because it's funny.
"For your information I don't care," replied, Cartman as he continued to sway his body from side to side.
Aka shortest, drastically fattest, "you think life is hard? I'm wearing size 13 Nikes", only motherfucker that could kill and would; just for funsies. A loser. But a dangerous one, THE Eric Theodore Cartman a fatherless boy with a crack whore of a mom, "I'm tying to put you in the worst mood, ah-!" he hummed out loud, even louder then before to annoy his friends.
With a long and dragged groan, "way to go, Kyle. You made it worse," Stan complained as he pinched his nose in frustration.
Aka the second tallest, Mr. "I'm part of the football team but never the captain", average weight, depressed homie who would get bailed on the moment he stops acting chill about it. Deadbeat singer. A lover boy and hippie. Stoner without the weed. The "leader" of his gang of friends, Stan (Stanley) Marsh.
"What did I do?!" Kyle exclaimed offended but not really. Too tired to care or actually make a big deal about it.
Aka tallest, average weight with a little tone of muscle in his arms, jewish (apparently important enough to mention for the fat one), "temper bitch with no chicks", looks like a nerd is actually a high graded student but would bail school for his friends. Would beat your ass if you cross his ground or brake his ego. Seriously. He would. Ask Cartman. Wait, don't, he'll lie about it. Anyways, this is Kyle Broflovski.
"Mhmp! Mhmp mhmp," muffled Kenny under his hoodie.
Aka third tallest atleast he's not the shortest!, slightly underweight, "what's that miles away? A arrow? Lighting? Bullet? Nope, it's Michael Myers about to hunt him down", hard worker but slacks from time to time, a stoner with very high grades but no effort. Wise for his age but cries at nights. Fatalities over 100! Kenny (Kenneth) McCormick.
"Nuh-Uh!," Cartman denied with a skeptical frown, "that's not possible poor boy," a slight pause before leaning his head closer to his other friends, "...right?"
Stan and Kyle just shrugged not caring much.
Cartman remained silent as a car swoop there blonde friend off the ground and dragged him to the nearest gasoline station where it comically explodes as he landed just inches apart from the actual gas.
Well there goes Kenny for the day.
They continued their pace as they finally arrived school. Doing their usual thing as changing their books and closing their lockers before entering class.
First period went smoothly while second period in comparison had multiple shootings heard from the hallways, the teens remained unfazed while they were lectured about historical facts they genuinely didn't care about, some listened, some acted like they did and others just slept through class.
Ofcourse Cartman was one of those who slept in. He felt a couple of pokes on his side. He frowned annoyed while swaying his hand in the air for whoever is pestering him to stop. He didn't bother to look up.
"Fatass stop slacking in class," Kyle hissed in a whisper.
Cartman smiled devilish as he recognized that well familiar voice.
"Meh meh meh meh," he mocked still eyes shut and had no plans on moving from his comfortable position.
As expected, Kyle punched him hard on the arm.
"OWE!" Cartman whined out loud, rubbing his arm that was now aching in pain.
"Mr. Cartman care to explain why you interrupted my class?," The teacher scold. Now attention all on him.
"It was Kahl!" Cartman cried out loud while glaring at his redheaded friend.
"I would never," Kyle commented sarcastically as he rolled his eyes looking at the ceiling innocently.
They all knew who the teacher favored.
Something they all first noticed in their first year of highschool. Was how their history teacher put her immediate attention on Broflovski. At first, Kyle denied it but then he got curious and intentionally wrote wrong all his answers and yet STILL A's a exam. He was shocked but actually felt proud that he can pull a whole grown woman to pine for him with out even trying. Creepy, but cool because he can get away with a lot of shit in her class.
"Eric, I beg you to keep quiet while I lecture, do you understand?"
Cartman roll his eyes knowing Kyle's so call "charm" on their teacher. So there was no point on manipulating the situation to his favor.
"Yes, Ms. Thrust ontitts," he replied bashing his eyelashes innocently.
"Very well, let's continue."
He grips his hand on to the side of his chair, and jumps closer to Kyle's side as he moves, "way to use your jew scooties on crib jumper."
Kyle rolled his eyes, still, he leans his head closer to Cartman's, "better than not having anyone pay attention to you, lardass."
Cartman scoffed but arched a brow as he tried thinking of a better combat. He smiled before saying the first thing that came in mind, "rather have no one than someone that's nearly applying for a elderly home."
"Atleast she's pension."
"Atleast I won't be wiping ass."
"Atleast I'm touching ass."
"Atleast changing diapers won't be a routine."
Kyle gripped his fingers on to his desk, biting his lip trying to come up with something else but failed.
"Fuck you."
"Just try," Cartman teased as he stuck his tongue out childishly. Moving back to his place triumphantly.
Kyle cheeks heated by just his stupidity, then because the image actually popped up inside his head.
"Agh. Gross," Kyle let out as he shaked his head trying to get the image out of his brain.
Embarrassingly turned on by it too.
Cartman snickered, side eyeing his friend. Pleased by the reaction. Oblivious of the other's repressed thoughts.
During lunch period Kyle remained defeated as he slumped his head on to the table. Frustrated that he couldn't get the image of Cartman on fours out of his head.
Yeah, that's his life now. So desperate to find love, so touched starve for physical attention that he is now delusional enough to imagine his rival remotely attractive while positioned under him.
What else could go wrong for him?
He dragged his hands on to his face sliding them down to the sides of his chin still not believing how betrayed he feels by his own perturbed mind.
The thing is, he managed to effortlessly pull a grown ass woman he has zero attention on, to like him. But any girl his age doesn't even bat a eye when crossing paths. It's like a damn curse he can't get rid of.
He's tried but no luck. He always thought his looks were average. He has a great personality. What else do they want?
He scratched his scalp while processing whatever shit load his brain is dumping on him as Stan just eyes him while eating a burger.
You'd think his only concerns would be the fact that he's literally picturing indecent shit about Cartman. But no, that's far from it. To be honest this is mild compare to what he has to endure with his sexually frustrated brain.
Hormones has been his worst enemy these past years. And yet, unlike his other friends he hasn't score anything.
He's not sure if it's the thought that all his friends has done it, and when he means by "it" he means the big S word. Sex.
Well, if you include Cartman he's technically not alone but c'mon that's basically expected from that fat bastard.
So he's technically screwed if he's on his level on not being good enough to be fucked.
He scratched his head in desperation as he sighed.
Stan patted his back in understanding. He has already told Stan a year prior about feeling insecure with it. However, the other only told him the most basic, corny ass shit he could think of "only time will define and just don't feel pressure about it. It's not a big deal", then backtrack it all after scoring with Wendy a week after.
"Dude you're missing out big time, you HAVE to try it," those words echoed his head, and been echoing his head since their middle grade years.
He scratched again angrily before finally deciding to eat his almost forgotten food.
He eyes Cartman basically undressing him. Spiteful. In his defense he started it for just even suggesting that possibility. So he deserves to be ridiculed in this way. Technically this is harmless because it's a internal thought but it feels vengeful in a way. A way he can tolerate and accept he is fact being turned on by his rival.
Another thing he's been questioning in a battle.
His sexuality.
He's not sure if he's into women or men. There's only been a few exceptions when it comes to feeling remotely attracted to both those genders and he doesn't know why.
They're always specific and never spontaneous. He can't simply fall attracted to someone he just met or eyes as pretty. He REALLY has to know what he's dealing with first, and then attraction hits.
But nooooooo Mr. Broflovski here is also picky.
His perfect suit is smart, courageous feisty women. That's basically his personal pick. But at this point he'd go for anything.
Not Cartman though. He doesn't know why his brain in bugging right now.
But Cartman does seem to go for...
He stands up abruptly, startling his friends as he picks up his tray and went to place it in its bin before heading out of the cafeteria. Stan already following behind.
That's enough with thinking.
"Kyle, you okay dude?" Stan asked concerned, hands inside his pockets walking alongside him.
"Yeah, it's been just one of those weird days y'know?" He tried dismissing his thoughts away, focusing on his best friend.
"Yeah, I get that.. like-"
"Oh brother not this shit again," Kyle thought, fighting the urge to not roll his eyes. Isolating himself from the conversation while Stan finishes ranting about his break up with Wendy which was like three months ago and how he misses her.
He eyes the posters plastered on the walls as they walked pass them. Holes everywhere as the previous shooting had already ended but had left drastic but not too drastic damage.
He sighed, crossing his arms as he had stopped waiting for Stan to drink some water from the water fountain before continuously walking the hallways aimlessly as he ranted wanting to get back with her.
His concerns were not suppose to be a big deal, but he made them a big deal. And for what?
Unnecessary stress? They're other more important things to think about and here he was just worrying about being a virgin after graduating.
He never felt so unwanted. Pathetic, definitely pathetic and disappointed.
Maybe if his friends didn't rushed themselves to pass that huge step. Maybe he wouldn't be so worried about it. Maybe if they didn't push him into doing it he wouldn't think about it so much.
Maybe he wouldn't care so much if they all just didn't grow up so soon.
The day already has ceased to it's end, as Kyle dramatically lays on his bed in a position people would normally find funny. His head rested on his pillow while his left arm was folded to his side next to his head, fist against his forehead. His legs spread apart while his other arm was extended to the edge of the bed. His belly exposed as his shirt was slightly lifted to the side of his abdomen.
But Kyle was devastated, exhausted and annoyed mostly.
He huffed before falling asleep.
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amporella · 2 years
(Or; In defense of feminine Kyle and masculine Stan)
(OR or; how Matt and Trey's outdated views prove their intentions for their characters...
(...PART TWO!!!)
If you haven’t read the first part, you can read it HERE to get caught up on a LOT of exposition and just as much Stan talk. If you've already read it yesterday, here's a quick refresher; this is the long awaited (by me. I've been long awaiting it) justification for my interpretation of feminine Kyle and masculine Stan. Let's get into it!
In Part 1, we covered a lot, but we somehow didn't get to one of the centerpieces of this meta; Kyle! So, let's jump right into his section.
i. Personality
The first place to begin in proving Kyle’s femininity would be to compare him to Tweek, or, more specifically, to compare him to the ‘woman-like’ traits that Matt and Trey identified within Tweek. First, let’s quickly go over again what Matt and Trey had to say those traits actually were:
“One person wanting, which is usually the woman... who flips out a bit more about things emotionally, and generally the man is a bit more, like... not responsive to emotion, and just wants to problem solve. And we have had experience with that…"
What this essentially boils down to is that they think the woman is more emotional, and more prone to wanting their emotions validated rather than wanting to immediately solve the problem. Now, we know that Kyle is a problem solver; his SP and Me profile actually explicitly says that he is! But that doesn’t mean he’s a quick problem solver, as we can see in Crack Baby Athletic Association.
This episode is one of the best examples of Kyle engaging in behavior similar to Tweek in ‘Put It Down’, with Stan playing Craig’s role. Kyle has a way to solve the problem immediately - by dropping out of Cartman’s organization and admitting his wrongdoing - but instead, he repeatedly returns to Stan and requests that he validates his feelings on the subject. He wants Stan to admit that he’s right to feel the way that he does, and while the way he does naturally varies from Tweek due to personality differences (Tweek’s reaction being to things generally out of his control, while Kyle reacts to and tries to justify his own decisions), it’s a similar concept.
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Furthermore, Kyle serves as an occasional parallel to Tweek in more situations than just that one episode; they’re both highly neurotic characters, a trait which Matt and Trey have associated with women constantly throughout the show. Even beyond admitting that they view women as more emotional in that initial commentary, women are consistently the ones throughout the show who show the most dramatic reactions. There are some exceptions, namely:
Randy, who tends to be more emotional than Sharon. However, this doesn’t disprove the above point, as Matt and Trey label Randy as a ‘Karen’ for his emotional behavior; despite being an emotional man, he is still compared to a woman within Matt and Trey’s eyes.
Mr. Garrison, who is one of the most dramatic characters in the series. Matt and Trey often tend to conflate feminine men and women regardless (which would line up with them conflating femininity in any gender with women), and the plot point involving his transition to Ms. Garrison frequently references his ‘feminine’ personality traits as partial justification. 
Even considering exceptions, it’s obvious that Matt and Trey think neuroticism is a female trait, and Kyle, out of the main four, is always the one who’s the butt of the joke about it.
Consider ‘Pee’, an episode that I mentioned briefly in Part 1 as our first example.
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In this episode, Matt and Trey lean heavily on Kyle being a dramatic, easily grossed out character. Furthermore, the rest of the boys don’t seem to care at all; only the background women find peeing in the pool to be disgusting. The two snippets of script that I’ve shown above have obvious parallels between them: one character (Kyle and the woman, respectively) show disgust at pee, and another character (Stan and the man, respectively) wave it off. In this situation, Matt and Trey are obviously comparing Kyle to the woman. And that’s far from the only time they do so in the show.
Kyle is consistently the character that Matt and Trey use for misogynistic jokes, or really any jokes that relate to gender nonconformity. Consider the following examples:
Cartman’s ‘sand in your vagina’ joke. Kyle is always the butt of it; I can’t remember any instance where any other character, no matter how they behaved, was hit with it. Could this be because Cartman obviously hates Kyle? Sure. That’s part of it. But Cartman also frequently relates Butters to femininity, and never projects that joke onto him. Out of the main four, according to Cartman, Kyle is the designated ‘girl’; when Cartman views him as overreacting, he immediately associates it with Kyle being female. 
Another example of this would be in ‘Raising The Bar’, where Cartman points out Kyle’s ‘slim stomach and perky tits’. Kenny does something similar in ‘Make Love, Not Warcraft’, where he comments on Kyle’s avatar. I’m not going to go too deeply into that second one, because we’re going to be discussing that in the Appearance section in a little more detail.
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A third example relating more to general gender nonconformity would be in ‘Help, My Teenager Hates Me!’, where Kyle uses Sheila’s makeup to cover injuries and Gerald tells her that he’s just experimenting. Every time Matt and Trey have the opportunity to make a joke about femininity, or to even align a character with women, they choose Kyle. And while the characters making these declarations about him in-show may have their own reasons for doing so, it’s telling that Matt and Trey still pick Kyle to be the butt of the joke.
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There are also many more instances in which Matt and Trey take the opportunity to align him with gender nonconformity and/or women, with an example of the former being in ‘South Park Is Gay’.
If it’s been a while since you’ve seen that episode (and since the plot is too widely spread for me to pick effective script pieces), here’s a brief summary: the men and boys of South Park decide to become ‘metrosexual’ by dressing in a more feminine manner and being more hygienic. Mr. Garrison believes that they’re imitating gay culture when it becomes convenient for them, and decides to put a stop to it. Kyle, after being beaten up at school for refusing to conform, teams up with Mr. Garrison to kill the Queer Eye guys. 
On first glance, this seems like it shouldn’t belong in this essay; Kyle refuses to conform to femininity, and therefore must prefer masculinity, right?
Well, it’s not that simple. South Park is a satire show; naturally, nearly every episode is a satire of something. South Park Is Gay isn’t meant to be taken literally on the surface level: if you consider it from the perspective of South Park as a whole, it becomes obvious that it’s a satire of the opposite issue. Kyle, as the odd one out, is meant to be the gay, feminine kid who doesn’t conform to masculinity; the boys who beat him up are meant to be masculine boys who don’t support femininity. When looking at it through that lens, it makes a lot more sense; the actual events of the episode are not something that happens in any frequent sense, while the inner layer does happen: naturally, it makes sense to parody it, and the most effective parody (and the best humor) would come from flipping it directly on its head.
Even beyond looking at the satire aspect, Matt and Trey’s decision to pair Kyle up with the most prominent feminine male character is telling; Kyle takes the side of feminine gay men in this episode. He is the gender nonconforming character, and Matt and Trey’s decision to place him in that situation was very much intentional.
It’s also not the only time where Kyle is aligned, either figuratively or literally, with feminine characters. In fact, it happens throughout the entire show: Kyle is very much his mother’s son, and takes after her heavily personality and morals wise. 
Sheila creates ‘Mothers Against Canada’, and Kyle creates ‘Millennials Against Canada’. Sheila grows up in Jersey, and Kyle undergoes a Jersey transformation as a child that they bond over. Kyle even mimics some of her behaviors in the Post-Covid specials; when he gets angry, he emotes in the exact same way that she does. When Stan wants to get to Kyle, he tells him that he’s acting like his mother right now. Kyle’s relationship with Sheila is extremely close and very complex, and that he is compared so consistently to her while none of the other boys are to their own mothers is telling, especially when considering two other factors: that Stan is far more similar to his father in Post Covid, and that Kyle’s role in the show is often maternal.
The greatest example of Kyle’s maternal role would be in The Jeffersons, which also serves as a contrast between how he and Stan behave in that situation. In this episode, Kyle takes it upon himself to protect and care for Blanket after realizing that he’s being neglected from his father.
Despite all of the other kids being there, Kyle notices Blanket’s injury first and is the first to take action to help him. His maternal behavior continues throughout the rest of the episode, even when Stan steps in later on: Stan steps forward to scold Mr. Jefferson and Cartman, while Kyle hangs back and holds Blanket’s hand. 
There are obviously no inherent behaviors of parenting that can be ascribed to mothers or fathers, but throughout history and media, people have stereotyped mothers as being more protective and loving, while fathers are more assertive and defend the family as a whole. Are Matt and Trey progressive enough to intentionally avert these tropes with Stan and Kyle? Probably not. When they choose the way Stan and Kyle behave in this scene, especially considering how frequently they are related to their father and mother respectively, it is highly likely they intended for Kyle to play the ‘mother’ and Stan to play the ‘father’.
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But that’s not all when it comes to examples of Kyle being aligned with women. 
‘Miss Teacher Bangs A Boy’ also serves as an example (to which I say thank you @/imaginationlandtrilogy for bringing this up in a separate post and letting me use it: I didn’t even think of this one!) Throughout the episode, none of the male characters take Ms. Stevenson assaulting Ike seriously. The police, Cartman, and even Stan don’t see the issue. Kyle is the only exception. 
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The female characters, on the other hand, all immediately see the issue with the situation, a non-Broflovski example being Principal Victoria, who is horrified and calls the police. Gerald is not present in the episode, so we can’t make a solid decision on whether Kyle’s behavior is because he’s a member of Ike’s family, but regardless, Kyle is once again put on the side of the women as opposed to the side of the men and boys. 
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Given the large number of instances of this occurring (to which the above few are only a snapshot), it’s difficult to imagine that this isn’t intentional. Matt and Trey consistently align Kyle with the women and separate him from the men. His stereotypically feminine personality traits are called out time and time again, sometimes with entire episodes devoted to them, and when they need a character to serve as the ‘girl’ among the main four, they always pick Kyle. With our Matt and Trey goggles on, the reasoning for this is obvious: they believe that Kyle is the more feminine out of the main four boys, and most certainly out of Kyle and Stan, and use that to differentiate him personality wise, to make jokes at the expense of women, and to open up more opportunity for plots that require such a personality to enact.
We know that Kyle’s personality and the way it’s depicted in the show is intentionally feminine from the perspective of the writers, but what about the other aspects of his character? We still have two more sections we need to address, so let’s get into them. I promise these are going to be shorter.
ii. Interests
Stan tends to be a more fleshed out character than Kyle purely in terms of interests, leaving us few to go off of for the latter, but there is one that’s important enough to his character to merit addressing: his studiousness and interest in academia.
(But before that, to briefly address a point that might come up: Kyle does play basketball, and I did list sports (though American football in particular) as a masculine interest! However, I don’t think that Kyle’s interest in sports is as formative to his character as it is for Stan’s, nor is it as formative as his interest in academia; if you’re interested in my reasoning, you can read more about that in my jock Stan meta!)
So, is studiousness a feminine or masculine trait? Within the wider context of popular culture, that’s difficult to discern; while the ‘nerd’ trait is typically applied to women within media, academia has largely been a male field. But even though we can’t rely on popular culture to get us our answer, we can rely on Matt and Trey, and they’ve made their opinion on that extremely clear through their other most studious character: Wendy Testaburger.
Wendy’s intelligence, studiousness, and commitment to school stand out as some of her more consistent personality traits throughout the duration of the show. In that way, she serves as the closest parallel to Kyle out of the girls, especially considering their shared strong moral standings. As a result, they get along with each other fairly well in scenes they share; an example of such would be in Follow That Egg, where their commitment to the project and to getting an A make them compatible partners.
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Wendy and Kyle working well together on academics isn’t the only reason I bring up the above quotes, though: I also bring it up to point out that even Bebe cares about the project, while Stan doesn’t. In fact, none of the boys we see in the episode do; Cartman goes so far as to accidentally break his egg. This is a theme that remains consistent throughout school-related episodes of South Park: most of the boys don’t care about school, while the girls, and Kyle, do.
Through this, Matt and Trey establish caring about school as a trait they associate much more heavily with girls: while the girls commit to their work and tend to study, the boys instead wing it. This wouldn’t be an unlikely view for them to have, either; it falls very well in line with ‘boys will be boys’, and is thus a fairly well established view for older men to have. 
By making the girls studious, Matt and Trey set a precedent, and by establishing Kyle as the most academically inclined boy during their childhoods, they consciously choose to group Kyle with the girls. Given the rest of the above instances in which they also choose to group him with women and girls, it’s hard to believe this is a coincidence.
iii. Appearance
Now we get to a particularly interesting part; Kyle’s appearance. A large majority of what constitutes femininity in personality and interests remains up for debate, even when considering it from a more ‘traditional’ perspective, but femininity in regards to appearance has remained relatively consistent in recent years. 
The first point in the appearance section is also the most obvious: his appearance in Make Love, Not Warcraft.
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When selecting his avatar in World of Warcraft, Kyle makes the conscious decision to play as a woman. Furthermore, he doesn’t play as just any woman; he plays as a fairly feminine woman, who wears a dress and could be wearing jewelry. Given that every other boy chooses to play as a man (with Stan choosing a very traditionally masculine man), it’s unlikely that decision was because they were out of male characters, or that none of those male characters was a magic user: instead, it’s more likely that he simply wanted to play as a feminine character. He actively chose to present in that manner in game, and it serves as a sharp contrast between his gender presentation and Stan’s. 
It’s certainly possible he was only given that avatar to give Cartman and Kenny someone to joke about, but that doesn’t explain the character’s motivation in-canon for making that decision, nor does it explain why Kyle was the chosen character instead of Butters, who has far more of a history of choosing to present in a feminine manner. 
There are a few other small things that could also be mentioned in this section (such as Kyle calling himself a ‘styling Jew’ in The Lonely Jew on Christmas, and Kyle being put in the place of Little Red Riding Hood by Cartman), but the next most intentional connection between Kyle and feminine appearances is in TFBW, where Kyle comments this about the New Kid (if they’re female):
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This is particularly notable because none of the other characters say anything like this. Stan comments on how he can’t tell if the New Kid is a boy or a girl, Kenny comments on the New Kid reminding him of his sister, and Kyle comments on… femininity in boys being okay? It’s a strange quote compared to the idling quotes from every other boy, none of which are at all similar. 
Kyle acknowledging femininity in boys being a reality and acknowledging that it’s perfectly acceptable is strange as a one off instance, but it makes a lot of sense when the rest of his behavior, and Matt and Trey’s portrayal of him, is considered. Femininity in boys is relevant to him because he is a feminine boy; he has more of a reason than anybody else to affirm what he thinks the New Kid’s presentation is, because it’s a similar presentation to his own.
iv. Conclusion
I’m going to keep this section brief, because we have a much longer conclusion to go over that will wrap up this whole meta, but here’s a brief summary of the things we’ve just covered in Kyle’s section.
Given Matt and Trey’s historically regressive views of women and femininity, as well as their tendency towards misogynistic jokes, we can take the traits they give Kyle and conclude that he is, in a sense, intended to be the ‘girl’ of the main four, or the character that Matt and Trey use for regressive jokes and scenes they need ‘feminine’ traits for. Furthermore, we can also conclude that Matt and Trey frequently grouping Kyle with girls, women, and gender nonconforming people is not coincidental, and they do so in reference to both behavior and interests. Finally, Kyle’s intentional decisions to align himself with femininity in regard to appearance confirms that he, in comparison to many of the male characters, has a distinct preference for presenting in a feminine manner.
First, let’s do one big final summary of the whole thing, in bullet point format for simplicity:
i. The Summary
Femininity and masculinity are difficult to discern in characters from a progressive view, so we need to figure them out from a different perspective.
Characterization by fans is most accurate when you look at intention instead of individual scenes; therefore, the above perspective we need to use is the most likely one that Matt and Trey would have. We can confirm they hold that perspective using their view of creek.
Using that perspective, we can conclude that Stan is intended to be a masculine character, and Kyle is intended to be a feminine character based on their behaviors, interests, and appearances. Them playing these roles is vitally important to the dynamic of the show.
However, given the heated discussion behind this topic, finishing off with a quick summary probably isn’t enough to put the question to rest. So, it’s mini FAQ time. Don’t take the concept of the FAQ too seriously; it’s just the most convenient way I could think of to answer these!
ii. The FAQ
Q: If Kyle is feminine and Stan is masculine, doesn’t shipping them (or portraying them that way in the ship) make it heteronormative?
A: No. The word ‘heteronormative’ (and the concept of heteronormativity) is wildly misused in fandom in general, and most definitely within the South Park fandom. Heteronormativity, in short, is the concept that heterosexuality is the ‘default’ sexuality, and that straight relationships are the norm. It has barely anything to do with masculine/feminine gay relationships; in fact, I would go so far as to say gay relationships inherently cannot be heteronormative just by virtue of being gay. 
To call a masculine/feminine gay relationship heteronormative implies that that relationship is somehow less gay than a masculine/masculine relationship, which thereby implies that a feminine man is somehow more of a woman than a masculine man. Gender has little to do with how you present yourself; a feminine gay man is still a man as long as he identifies as such. 
Q: Isn’t the whole point of a gay relationship that neither of them are ‘the woman’?
A: There is literally no situation in which a gay man in a relationship is suddenly the woman. It does not matter how he presents himself, or what he does within the relationship; none of it makes him inherently a woman. Masculine/feminine relationships in both gay men and lesbians are a huge part of gay culture, and erasing that to attempt to be progressive is not actually progressive, or helpful, at all. 
Q: How can you say Kyle is feminine when he presents like the other guys (ie masculine) most of the time? 
A: I think a commonly misunderstood theme when discussing these issues is the idea that men existing is inherently masculine. It’s not. When Kyle, a 10 year old, dresses in clothes that a 10 year old often dresses in, he’s not making any statement about his gender presentation. Neither is Stan! That’s why I didn’t include their typical outfits for either of them. 
Femininity is considered to be much more of an intentional performance than masculinity, especially in men; Kyle by virtue of existing as a man can be deemed masculine, but he would need to wear makeup and dresses for people to admit that he chooses to present as feminine. It’s an unfair standard; as such, when I consider femininity and masculinity in terms of appearances, I only do it when they make the conscious decision to change their looks with few outside forces influencing them. He isn’t choosing masculinity or rejecting femininity just by existing, but he does frequently choose femininity when he gets the option to.
Q: Isn’t making Kyle feminine adhering to Jewish stereotypes?
A: I’m not Jewish, so I can’t speak as much on this topic. However, adhering to the way a character is portrayed in canon should not automatically be considered problematic, and furthermore, people are not stereotypes for existing. Feminine Jewish men are very real. Short Jewish men are very real. Gay Jewish men are very real. Jewish men with all of the above traits are once again very real. They deserve to be able to exist without inherently being deemed stereotypical or problematic.
There are always going to be people who are bigoted, or cruel, or intentionally stereotype characters in a legitimately problematic way. That doesn’t mean every person who adheres to that portrayal is that way, especially when there are legitimate justifications for it in canon. You are well within your rights to be personally uncomfortable with feminine Kyle as a portrayal; it doesn’t mean it’s an incorrect or necessarily bad portrayal, especially when legitimately antisemitic things are rife within this fandom. There is much to be focused on and much to be improved; I can’t say I see feminine Kyle to inherently be one of those things that needs correction.
Q: If you make Kyle feminine based off of Matt and Trey’s stereotypes/jokes, doesn’t that mean you believe them?
Not really! It’s true that I think a lot of Kyle’s traits were intended to be feminine by Matt and Trey. That being said, that doesn’t mean I necessarily believe those traits are actually feminine, regardless of how we define that word. Part of consuming media (especially ‘problematic’ media) is learning to critically analyze it, and learning to take what you want from it while leaving the rest. You don’t have to agree with what Matt and Trey think to enjoy the show, or the characters, or to acknowledge the intention they came at those characters with. 
iii. The Actual, Final Conclusion
This is like the fourth conclusion so far, and I promise it’s the final one.
Now that we’ve gotten a good portion of the political questions out of the way, here’s the REAL main reason that I wrote this, outside of discourse or necessary justification or anything like that: I like feminine Kyle! I like writing about him. I like picking out things in canon that support my belief and writing about them. 
That being said, I don’t think you have to like feminine Kyle to acknowledge the points I’ve been trying to make here. You can note everything I’ve put in here, and you can use it for totally different characterizations; that’s your right. Maybe Stan and Kyle undergo a drastic shift in presentation; it could happen! Or maybe you just want to scrap everything here, whether it’s because you’d rather look at it from a different angle or because you want to build your interpretations from the ground up; you can also do that. If that’s what makes you happy, you SHOULD do that! 
The point I’m trying to make here isn’t that feminine Kyle is the only correct interpretation; it’s that it is a valid interpretation, and that there’s evidence to back it up. There’s a lot of evidence to back it up! I feel confident saying that Kyle is a canonically feminine character. But even if there wasn’t evidence, it’s an interpretation that deserves respect, just like the rest of the harmless interpretations out there, no matter how much you personally dislike it. Furthermore, it’s not an interpretation that necessarily says anything about you as a person, or your political views, or your biases. There are some things in this fandom that are indicative of those; this isn’t one of them.
Representation of gender non-conforming people is important - even representation in headcanons, or representation that you’re wary of, or any other form of representation -  and we should be able to seek it from whatever character we can (and want to) wring it out of.
Even if that character is shaped like an egg.
This meta is basically my child at this point, so I feel like it deserves some acknowledgements:
A huge thank you to @adriabun for their amazing section header suggestions, and thanks to @craigrights, @5ftkyle, and @alister312 as well as @adriabun again for their constant encouragement and moral support! Also thank you to all the rest of my friends, who suggested a ton of the things I ended up using here; in the most un-cheesy way I can say this, I couldn't have done it without your help. Thanks to anybody who I mentioned in here for your great metas, and finally: thank you to anyone who made it this far! It was a long one and it means a lot to me that you read it. <3 
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fish-stan · 2 years
A Proper Introduction to my South Park Monster AU
Still working on the name, anyways I’ve got both new art and lore to offer.
In this AU the main four boys are monsters/nonhumans, having to hide their identities from everyone. 
Stan lives with just Sharon and Shelly in this AU. Randy is not really a part of his life. He very infrequently sends Stan letters, just to let him know he still exists. During one of his “Jack and Crack Witch Weeks”, Randy ends up cursing Stan via dark magic shit. He doesn’t really care though, and just casually mentions it in a letter. Stan thinks his dad is just off his rocker like usual, but the next full moon rolls around and he is (very reasonably) scared and confused. He runs off into the forest near Stark’s Pond, which is where he meets Kyle for the first time.
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Stan in his “Disguised” Form
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Stan without his hat
(Another thing I want to mention but don’t know how to fit it in is that the ears are permanent, regardless of whether or not it’s a full moon, hence why Stan has to wear a hat to school)
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Stan in his “Full Moon” Form
Kyle lives at Stark’s Pond, and unlike Stan, was born a sea monster. He’s been pretty lonely since his parents died, (Jimbo and Ned killed them cause I thought it was funny), so when Kyle finally meets Stan, he is more than eager to hang out with him. While Stan was running around the forest freaking out about his newly acquired powers, he ran into Kyle, and after the initial shock, they become good friends. 
Stan goes to Kyle whenever he feels his transformation is coming. As a result of his, situation, Stan starts to feel more anxious around others, especially in school, only really feeling comfortable around Kyle. This then leads to the horrible great idea to have Kyle go to school with him! They use Shelly’s makeup for his skin, but his fins are still a problem, hence the giant green ushanka. Kyle is naturally smart, but since he’s never been in an academic or social environment, he’s a little behind in some aspects. Kyle is seen as a “special” (neurodivergent cough ADHD cough) kid, but no one in class really suspects his true identity......he thinks....
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Kyle’s “Disguised” Form
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Kyle without his hat
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Kyle without any makeup
Cartman is the result of the Drunken Barn Dance getting a little out of hand. Don’t ask Liane, she doesn’t remember. (I’ll probably change this, but for now we’ll just say some Satyr just felt like getting frisky that night lol.) Cartman was totally normal till about 3rd grade, where one day he just kinda, got ears and horns n stuff. He has to wear this big hat to cover it up, which he thinks looks stupid. (I wanted all the boys to hide their main features with their hats, but horns would kinda show through his beanie, so instead I gave him his hat from Tonsil Trouble.) He kinda just pretends his ears are his hair, and no one really cares enough to question it. 
Kenny and Cartman are ride or dies in this AU. They’ve know each other since forever, but they still don’t know about each other’s real forms. 
Cartman is pretty insecure about his real self, so once he hears from Kenny that something might be up with Stan and that weird New Kid, he starts to investigate.  (Insert plot with Cartman trying to find everyone out, using Kenny to help him, with it resulting in all of them revealing their identities to each other, ending with them all agreeing to never tell anyone, unless they want Mutually Assured Destruction. I also haven’t figured this part out yet, just know that unless stated otherwise, only Stan and Kyle know about each other, while Cartman and Kenny are suspicious towards them)
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Cartman’s “Disguised” Form
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Cartman without his hat
Last but not least,
Kenny is still a cursed child of Cthulhu, just this time, he’s inherited a lot more, visible, traits. When he was born his parents just thought he had a facial deformity. Kenny believed this until he started wondering why he would respawn and his granny didn’t. He eventually figured out the Cthulhu cult stuff, and now just tries to stay out of trouble. He very rarely takes off his mask, even in front of his family, let alone shows his wings. When he does give in and finally lets them stretch, Kenny usually ends up spending the rest of the day flying around the forest. This is when he firsts catches a glimpse of Stan and Kyle.
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Kenny’s “Disguised” Form
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Kenny without his mask
Hope you guys enjoyed!
I’m not sure if I’d ever write a whole story for these characters, but I thought it might be a good idea to get what I already had down on paper in case I ever wanted to. I haven’t exactly ironed everything out yet, but now you guys will know what I’m talking about in any future posts. If you have any questions or ideas about this AU please ask away! I’m eager to talk more about it. 
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checkergoat · 1 year
South park Headcanons: main 4
• When Kenny parents argue and gets a little too violent, Him and siblings sneak out of the house and either walks around the city, or snesk into Kyle rooms when Sheila and Gerald are asleep
• When stan in high school, Randy makes him drops out and have him work with him at the farm
• every time the boys are hanging out at stan house and Sharon said  Stanley instead of stan Eric cartman for no reason makes fun of him
• If Butter parents grounded to the point that he's has to miss school either Kyle or Kenny would bring him his homework
• After the Leslie incident, Kyle stays off the internet more
• In Cupid ye, Stan tried to hangout with Clyde more, to tried to make Kyle jealous (It's didn't work)
• Kenny, Kyle, Stan and all have matching bracelets, but they hide it from cartman
• On Kyle contacts list, he change Cartman name to pig
• Butters and Kenny are both autistic and they both have special interesting to bluey
• Cartman tricks Butters into watching scary movies
•  Every autumn Kenny broughts the fantastic Mr.fox dvd from Kyle so he can distract Karen as Carol and Stuart argue
• Once Butters is older probably high school or middle school, he starts to talk about his problems and issues he has with his parents to either Kenny or father maxi
• Eric cartman watches CaptainSparklez and he said that's he an OG fan and would argue with anyone who says he isn't or questions him
• Stan and Kyle collect and trade Pokemon cards
• Butters, Kenny, and Dougie play hello kitty island adventure
• Kenny dad make Kenny and Kevin go fishing with him, but it always become a disaster like Kenny drowning, Kevin is arguing his Stuart, or both
• Kyle knows about a little bit about fixings computers because he sometimes watches CS Ghost Animation
•After the betrayal of what princess Kenny done, they banished her and Clyde to space and time
BOOM! I made a post about my South park headcannons
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sp-growingpains · 3 months
Introducing Jean Wellman!
Just another asshole who lives in South Park! Can't escape them!
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Elementary School!!
Age: 6 - 10!
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"I can play sports ball! I'm real good at chasing! Let me play with you! Please?!"
Born and raised in South Park by her parents
Her Father was an archeologist, and her mother was a cartographer! They stopped going on crazy expeditions when they had her!
Her father was born in Colorado and her mother came over from China!
It wasn't until she was six that the three got into a car accident, Jean survived but her parents didn't.
She was given to her God Mother, her mother's best friend, who had agreed to take her in if anything happened to them.
Her God Mother is a talent agent, so she's never home. Instead, she pays Sharon to watch Jean when she's not home.
Because of this she grew up close to Stan and Shelly!
After one too many arguments with her God Mother, she took a pair of scissors to her hair!
Got made fun of relentlessly by the boys for her hair
Lost her tooth after rough housing with her friends!
Her clothes get torn up pretty badly because of it too!
The little ring around her neck was her mother's ring, she bites anyone who goes to touch it.
Eventually she becomes friends with Stan and the boys.
Makes friends with Nichole first, adores her with all her heart!
Middle School!!
Age: 11 - 14
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"I got the pizza socks dude! Fucking dripped out!"
Mellows out quite a bit when she hits middle school
At least with the feral attitude, choosing to direct that energy to basketball instead
Somehow her God Mother convinces the school to let her on the team
It's the first time her God Mother and her got along, maybe the first night in years they didn't bicker
That changes when she has Jean learn the piano
It doesn't end well and Jean ends up dropping it in favor for the guitar
Sneaking and going through Randy's things, Jean and Stan find his old guitar and she practices on that
Stan ends up teaching her what he knows and this starts, what they lovingly call. "The Bitch Sesh"
Jean finds he's the only one who gets it. So they play and talk about how they feel. As well as shitty little middle-schoolers can.
Discovers her love for Ronnie Dio and obsesses over that era of music
Leans heavily into rock and punk music, wanting so very badly to be her own rock star
Picks up tabletop games and video games with Nichole and finally becomes friends with Wendy!
Still doesn't take care of her clothes or body and ends up getting bruised and scratched up.
Falls in love with wrestling and hiking! So she's never home if she can help it
DIYs her own piercings like an idiot, she's extremely lucky her lip didn't get infected.
High School!!
Age: 15 - 18
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"Come on, dude, I'm just getting started! Keep your eyes on me, or you'll miss what I can do!"
Picks up her smoking habit early! Got started because of Henrietta!
Picks up drinking more towards 17 and 18, anything from shitty beer to bottom shelf liquor
Doubles down on all of her hobbies, choosing to keep herself busy with them
Starts staying home alone now that she doesn't need to be baby sat anymore
Continues to ignore her mental health and begins punishing her body in other ways.
Runs on energy drinks, greasy food, and her love for her friends
The moment she was able to have the house to herself, she thought it would be so freeing! But every party she hosts, outing to the train tracks, late night dinners at diners, and midnight basketball games at the park won't stop the onslaught of self-loathing.
Despite being a wreck, she somehow shoots up in height!
Gains more muscle so she can quote:
"Dude! I can pick up all my friends in tight hugs if I get bigger! Plus you never know when someone needs a piggyback ride!"
Helps Stan write music for Crimson Dawn but she keeps herself out of the band
Loves watching Jimmy go apeshit on the drums!
Finally starts getting her jacket together, buying patches and things that remind her of her friends:
Mysterion Button -> Kenny
The Cure -> Kyle
Give 'Em Hell Kid -> Nichole
Look Alive Sunshine -> Butters
Problem Child -> Cartman
Black Sabbath/Dio/Rolling Stones -> Stan
Spine and Ribs -> Henrietta
SMPTE button -> Jimmy
More DIY piercings, but Kenny helps her with her industrial bar!
Bebe and Wendy help her kind of learn to be more feminine and the power behind that
Adult Time!!
Age: 19 - 24
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"I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far. Thought I'd be dead in a ditch on the outskirts of this ugly town... but I'm so glad I still get to see tomorrow."
It isn't until the last year of high school where she finally decides what she wants to do
Ends up going to college and becomes a music teacher!
Continues to write music for any instrument she can get her hand on
Can't kick her cigarette habit but she ends up drinking more responsible
Slowly learns to start taking care of herself and actually talking about her feelings instead of piling on everyone else's problems
Still struggles to express anger but she's getting there!
Ends up staying in South Park her entire life but tries to go traveling when she can!
Absolutely steals one of her friends and invites them to travel with her!
Keeps that stupid hat for as long as she can until it won't stay on her head anymore
Same with her varsity jacket!
(Art on the right by: emilyartstudio-s )
More stuff!!
Silly little romance chart!
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"I'm a mess okay?! If you're nice to me, even a little, I fall in love! I can't listen to what my heart says because it's always screaming!"
Falls in love very easily
Honestly doesn't care what gender you are or what you look like, it's more about your personality
Finds herself attracted to people who are ambitious or self assertive
On the flip side, has a soft spot for shy and sweet people
Loves people.
Golden retriever energy!
If she calls you friend, you're her friend until the end.
Her love language is Words of Affirmation -> Acts of Service -> Physical Touch!
♡ Loves praising and flirting with people, wants so badly to make people feel good
♡ Kind of handy so she'll happily help you with anything you need, just don't ask her to cook
♡ Adores picking people up in hugs, carrying people around, just genuinely loves having people in her arms!
》 Needs to be reminded often not to touch if you don't like being touched, but she will learn!
(Playlist. Mood board, and doodle below! ☆)
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Hey thanks for reading and welcome to this stupid blog! Feel free to interact with me and my stupid oc! I love people info dumping on me about their ocs or headcanons! Please be aware I am over 20 so I don't feel comfortable interacting with minors!
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jewbeloved · 2 years
I nearly forgot
*sobs* I don't deserve him.......
*coughs* Anyways! So.......Stan's SO celebrating his birthday?
Thank you :)
Stan's s/o celebrating his birthday 🥰💖💖🎂🎂🎉
Happy birthday marshmallow boy <3💙💙💙
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh 🧊
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You literally stayed up all night planning for Stan's birthday party in the morning.
You always wanted to make his birthday parties special to show how much you love him, Even if he told you that you didn't always have to spoil him down to the maximum.
But how could you resist? That boy means a lot to you and you mean a lot to him <3
You asked everyone to help you with setting up the games, presents, decorations, and finally....the cake!
Randy nearly almost spoiled the whole thing- but good thing Stan didn't notice.
As a matter of fact, Stan is wondering why everyone including you is acting all secretive and weird.
The min he wakes up and goes downstairs to see his parents gossiping about something and he asked them what was going on, but they didn't answer him.
Little does Stan know, that he is in for a big surprise.
He came home from school to find all the lights turned off (I don't know If this sounds like a cheesy way to surprise someone on their birthday-)
"What the? why are all the lights-" He flicked the switch.
You and everyone else shouted "Birthday Stan Marsh" and it startled him.
You took off his poof hat and replaced it with a birthday hat instead before giving him a big present box.
"Y/n? Everyone?" Stan took a moment to gather himself.
He was surprised, but also happy that he wasn't being ignored at all. Especially you.
You gave him a walkthrough to all the games you set up and he had a lot of fun with them.
The cake you got him was big so there would be enough cake slices for everyone to enjoy.
Most of the presents are by you by the way-
"Oh Y/n...you didn't have to do all of this for me you know...." You just giggled which made him blush even more while giving you a smile back.
He suddenly pulled you a little closer to him and gave you a kiss on the cheek before moving to your lips.
Stan never felt more happy in his life💙💙💙💙
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I also made an art edit of Stan with his birthday cake!
(Art by me) Template used: https://pin.it/1Wlywyh
Time taken: 3 hours
Apps used: Ibis Paint X
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dear-wormwoods · 2 years
omgggg yes i wanna ask u every one haha
6 13(Kyle n stan) 12 17 :0000
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
I don’t thiiiink so? The pairings I hate are pretty set in stone. The closest I can think of is that I never really cared for Bunny that much but then some cute art made me go ‘well sure why not’ and now I love that Butters was basically Kenny’s sugar daddy in Post Covid as he was getting off the ground. But I never hated the pairing so I don’t think that counts.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Actually yes! I… I like Season 20. I know it’s not the best season but I genuinely do enjoy the Skankhunt arc and how the Broflovskis were the main characters for once. I like that it expanded on Gerald and confirmed that he plays favorites and actually resents that Kyle takes after his mother. And I loved Kyle and Ike versus Sheila! I also really like the Cartman/Heidi plot, with the seeds of manipulation and abuse being sewn in that season and then expanded upon in 21. I just think their whole relationship was well done and confirmed a lot of things about how Cartman would act as a boyfriend - love bombing, isolating, jealousy, paranoia, etc. I also love how when Kyle brought everyone together to troll, Stan was like “for what” and Kyle was like “NO TIME JUST DO IT” and Stan just goes “okay!” and runs off because he will literally do anything for Kyle. So yeah, unpopular opinion but I enjoy Season 20 even with all its plot holes and flaws.
13. Unpopular opinion about Kyle and Stan?
Kyle: I think this is less an unpopular opinion about HIM and more an unpopular opinion about how fandom treats him, but I really dislike the constant debate about masc/femme… it’s been going on since at least the 2000’s when I started watching the show and it just goes through the same cycle over and over with people doubling down on their preferences and going to extremes that result in the character being sometimes unrecognizable on both ends of the spectrum. Personally I’ve never been a fan of super masc interpretations or, like, Jersey Kyle being a thing, but I don’t think Kyle is particularly femme either. I think the show does a good job of portraying a well rounded character who has both ‘masc’ and ‘femme’ traits, though I think Matt & Trey lean more heavily on character tropes that are often filled by girls (such as being the nag, the wet blanket, the nurturing family oriented one, the one needing saving, even the fiery redhead trope) for whatever reason. The best versions of Kyle I’ve seen or read have always been somewhere in the middle because then he comes off as more multifaceted. It’s the age old Fingerbang argument of tough vs sweet… he’s both! He’s always been both and I try to achieve that balance in my own interpretation.
Stan: Also an unpopular opinion about fandom rather than the character… Stan is both a sports guy and an animal guy. He’s also a board game guy and a music guy. He’s a multifaceted dude with a wide range of interests! Being into football doesn’t mean he can’t be into the other things, and people saying he’s into football doesn’t mean they’re ignoring the other stuff. Humans are typically into multiple things, and Stan is no exception. He can be a dork and a jock at the same time. He can be big and buff and also empathetic with a soft spot for animals. He can be a quarterback and still like metal music. He can be masc and sensitive at the same time. So I guess this complaint is similar to what I said about Kyle in that I think shoving Stan into one box, regardless of what that box is, is doing a disservice to his character.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Pretty typical answer, but instead of shifting the show’s focus onto Randy and Tegridy Farms I would have gone back to the roots and focused on the boys. Everything about the show is better when it’s about the kids being kids. Randy is best when he’s utilized in moderation.
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nikkiruncks · 10 months
I don't hate Donna but I hate what they did with her character, she in seasons 7 and 8 is a far cry from the girl she was in the first three seasons. I mean they had her do nothing with her life, just sit around in Point Place and wait for Eric for NO REASON when in the early seasons she was always talking about how she doesn't want to stay there, she wants to get out and see the world and study in Europe. It was literally the reason she and Eric broke up and then it's just never mentioned again?? After that they always just said that they broke up because she wouldn't accept his ring when it was so much deeper than that. It is never even mentioned why she chose not to apply to colleges outside of Wisconsin, when her dream was always to get out. Could be her parents' financial problems but we don't know. And then she just chooses to not even go to the university of Wisconsin, because she can't stand to be away from Eric! Sorry for the rant I just hate how they butchered her character
First of all, no need to be sorry. You can rant in my inbox anytime you want.
Second, I definitely agree. As a Donna stan, it pains me how the writers dropped the ball on her character. And until you just mentioned it, I didn’t think that deep about the E/D breakup but you’re right. Donna had always wanted to leave Point Place to find herself, but in s7, nothing happened??? She and Eric just…hanging out and not doing shit. (I still maintain that in s7, E/D were just fuck buddies who call themselves bf/gf.) I like that Eric got to go to Africa and do stuff but I also wish Donna got to leave as well. S8 would’ve been so much better if she had just went traveling and explored the world because that’s what she wanted. But instead she stops going to college because of a boy and is doing whatever with Randy (who is literally just there to replace Eric).
I just…I love Donna so much and she deserved better but with those sexist writers handling the show, she never would’ve stood a chance :(
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The new season finale got me thinking. Randy and Stan in this episode are really good look at the disconnect between an extrovert parent with an introvert child.
Randy loves being the center of attention and is regularly involved with things either in the town, or making his own junk to do and get attention from. He clearly doesn't like the idea of being on his own or being stuck at home for too long. Stan is the exact opposite of Randy. He doesn't like being caught up in the chaos and nonsense that Randy often feeds on, normally just being dragged along for the ride, and when given the option to do whatever he wants, he chose a quiet week in with his close friends enjoying board games. That was what made Stan happy.
The message of the episode aside, it was clear that Randy felt a disconnect with Stan, not understanding why he'd want to just stay home and play games with Tolkien over going out and being in the middle of the spring break madness like he always enjoyed when he was younger. But instead of trying to understand Stan's point of view, he tried to force his own view onto Stan and hoped it would stick. But it obviously didn't because Stan is his own person and had no interest in his father's views. He completely ignored Randy and his attempts to make Stan act out like him, choosing to continue playing with Tolkien, the thing that made him happy in the first place.
Randy talking to Steve about their past spring breaks in their youth and Steve admitting he never did the wild spring break thing like Randy was nice. Steve approved of Tolkien's choice to spend his break playing Warhammer with Stan. Steve always seemed like a more quiet and mild mannered person, so it makes sense he would be more on the boy's side. As far as we could tell, he was just relaxing at home with his wife during the time Tolkien was with Stan. He likely doesn't have that disconnect with his own son, so didn't get into Randy's nonsense.
It's been a running theme in the show that Randy and Stan don't see eye to eye, but still deeply care for each other, which makes Randy do more dumb things like this to try and connect with Stan, but ends up failing. I think this episode showcases that theme really well.
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north-park · 1 year
I think you might be interested in knowing that in the official sp discord server members can give themself a role for one of the main four + towelie. The most commonly chosen role is kenny at ~12k followed by kyle at ~10k, stan at ~8k, towelie at ~6k, and eric at ~5k.
Now, some other factors besides character popularity come into play there- everyone can see which role you picked while polls are anonymous, eric's role was pink instead of red or something, some people probably dont actually like towelie more than the boys and just thought it would be funny to pick him over the main characters, etc. But it's still interesting that eric made it to the finals in both bro-downs while his role is the least chosen in the server
I didn't knew that! But honestly I'm not surprised, Kenny is a very popular character to be chosen as icon, his round shape makes him very PFP-able across social media, Cartman simply doesn't has that quality, you don't want that bigot little boy to represent you
But honestly I think it's very weird Cartman didn't win any of the polls, like or not, but Cartman is the biggest cultural impact Matt and Trey will ever leave into this world, he is one of the most popular character out of the 90s, this was the Cartman Show for a long while, and he lost to Randy both times?
I like Randy, but I think many adults who like him so much and more than the boys mostly do so because he is the only main character who is an adult, a 40yo dad is more likely to see himself being represented into another 40yo who does funny stuff every ep no matter how evil and immature modern Randy can be, and surely he will never more iconic than Cartman either, which is why Trey used to forces Cartman into Randy plots that should have nothing to do him (and not only him ofc, but how many modern eps want to be the "Tegridy Farm (and sometimes Cartman) Show" so bad?
Every Towelie icon/role/liker is a stoner and i will never believe otherwise
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feastingmaggots · 1 year
momentary bliss : ch. 2
tw for self harm and self harm mentions and intrusive thoughts
At the end of the school day, Kyle walked out of his classroom, looking around the hallway. Stan didn’t come to school that day.
Kyle walked through the long corridors and hallways until he reached the front door of the school and walked out. He walked through town, making his way closer and closer to his neighborhood that Stan conveniently also lived in. Once he turned into the neighborhood, instead of going home, he walked right past his own house and continued walking to Stans.
He saw Randy’s car in the driveway. Kyle walked up the front steps, and lightly knocked on the door. He waited a few seconds, before it was opened. He was met with the face of his boyfriends father.
“Oh. Hey Kyle. If you’re here for Stan, he’s up in his room. He was sick today..”
Randy seemed to know just what Kyle wanted. Kyle smiled at him, nodding as he walked inside and up the stairs. He made his way towards his boyfriends room, and knocked gently.
He heard a cough, then a groan, before a muffled “Come in.”
Kyle felt himself growing a little concerned, but he entered anyways. As he walked in, he saw Stan laying face down on his pillow, his arms by his side. He was wearing a slightly oversized T-shirt and sweatpants.
“Oh, honey..” Kyle said, before going towards Stans bed and sitting on the end of it, facing him. “What’s wrong??” He asked, a hint of worry in his tone. Stan just groaned into his pillow. Kyle stared down at him for a few seconds, the gears turning in his head. Then, with sudden realization-
“Dude, are you hungover?!” Kyle asked, his worry turning to anger. Stan had promised Kyle to stay sober. Of course, Stan wasn’t the type to follow those promises. Stan sat up from his pillow and turned to face Kyle, sitting with his legs criss crossed. “Yeaahh..” Stan said, not making eye contact with the boy in front of him, instead looking down at his sheets. He sounded embarrassed.
“Stan, you promised!” Kyle said, his voice was stern but he made sure not to yell at Stan. He knew in this situation yelling would only make Stans headache worse, and also probably make Stan start crying. And that was the last thing Kyle wanted.
But, even without Kyle yelling, he heard Stan start to sniffle.
“Stan..” Kyle said, reaching out to grab his lover’s hand. Stan moved his head up, now locking his eyes with Kyle’s green ones. Stan felt hot tears spill out of his eyes, and he covered his face with his hands out of embarrassment. “I don’t know why I’m crying, actually!!” He said with a small laugh before sighing. “I shouldn’t be the one crying. I broke your trust.. I’m sorry.”
Kyle felt his heart break at just those few words. “Stan, you know I’ll never be mad at you.” He said reassuringly. He made sure his voice was low, as to not affect Stan’s throbbing migraine. Stan moved his hands from his tear stained face and leaned into the boy in front of him, pressing his lips against Kyle’s. In response, the redhead put his hand on Stan’s cheek, caressing it gently. Kyle then pulled away and smiled at him.
“Don’t cry.. I love you so much, Stan.” He said, taking his hand and wiping away a small tear that was on his cheek. Kyle once again reached out to hold Stan’s hand and tilting his head down so he could see, but what he saw instead could have killed him right on the spot.
Cuts that weren’t extremely fresh but were definitely new.
Cuts that Stan took the bandage off of this morning to let them air out.
Kyle’s eyes widened. His hand recoiled back. He looked back at Stan’s eyes with worry. “..Stan.” He said, feeling his eyes fill up with tears against his own will. Stan just stared at Kyle, before looking down at his arm also. He looked back up.
“Fuck. I’m so sorry, I don’t even know what happened I just did it, and sometimes I can’t control myself and I’m so sorry I just-” Stan continued talking so fast that Kyle could barely understand him. He also couldn’t understand him because he felt himself dissociating from reality almost. “Stan.” He said sternly.
Stan stopped his ranting and locked eyes with Kyle.
“Why didn’t you call me?.. Why didn’t you say anything?! We’ve talked about this!!” He said, his voice breaking as tears rolled down his cheek.
Stan held his head in his hands and pulled his knees to his chest. “God, I’m so fucking stupid..” He muttered.
Kyle just stood up from Stan’s bed, staring at him.
“I’m not mad at you, Stan.” Kyle said. His voice stayed flat and shaky. If you heard him, you could tell that he was crying.
“Well- Fuck.” Stan said, before lifting his head. He stood up right next to Kyle, making eye contact with him. “You should be.”
Kyle just stared blankly at him. His expression unreadable. “..What?” Kyle said, his voice breaking.
“I’m- Im a shit boyfriend, I didn’t stay sober after I promised I would-, I didn’t call you before cutting myself like I promised, I keep breaking your fucking promises!”
Stan yelled. It wasn’t a familiar thing to hear. Stan never yelled.
Kyle almost flinched at Stan raising his voice suddenly. He blinked, and more tears fell. “Stan, I-“
“No, Kyle. You keep saying that it’s fine, and that you’re not mad at me, but I suck, dude!” He stated, cutting Kyle off.
“I don’t see what we’re fighting about.” Kyle said, sniffling. Stan looked at the floor.
“I’m not even trying to fight with you. I’m just telling you that you deserve better than me, man. I’m a horrible boyfriend, and-“
This time, Kyle cut Stan off.
“Stop. Don’t talk about my fucking boyfriend like that. My boyfriend is a creative, pretty and caring dude. And I love him for who he is.” Kyle said.
Stan continued to stare at the floor.
“Stan, I love you. So much. Nothing in this entire world would cause me to leave you.”
Kyle held Stans chin in his hand and tilted his head up to face him. He leaned in and kissed the other boy softly.
Stan was the one to pull away this time.
“I’m.. Im sorry, Kyle. I love you. So much.”
Stan said, before pulling the other boy in for a hug. An extremely needed hug. Both of the boys craved physical affection almost all the time. Stan wrapped his arms around Kyle’s waist, and Kyle wrapped his arms around Stans neck.
“I love you too.”
Kyle said, his voice buried in Stans shoulder.
“But, I mean it. If you ever. And I mean ever, feel like hurting yourself, please just call me.” Kyle said while pulling away from the hug. Now, he just stood in front of Stan with their eyes locked.
“I will.” Stan said, unsureness in his voice. He never liked burdening people with his problems. Especially if that person was Kyle Broflovski, his boyfriend of almost 4 years and crush since elementary school. He hated telling him about his troubles in fear it would make Kyle stress more about Stan than himself. So, he never did. But, he was going to try. To make Kyle happy, he was going to try.
“I gotta go now.. My moms going to get worried.” Kyle said with a small sigh. Stan nodded, hugging the boy one last time before watching him walk out of his room.
Kyle waved goodbye while standing in his doorway, and Stan returned the gesture. Then, after Kyle closed his bedroom door, he stumbled and then fell onto his bed in frustration. He felt like ripping his hair out.
What an idiot he was. He forgot to rebandage his cuts, and look at the consequences. Now his boyfriend would be worried about him. To be fair, Kyle would always worry anyway. But this time, it gave him a reasonable thing to worry about instead of his brain making up random junk.
Stan closed his eyes as hard as he could, then opened his eyes. His vision was blurry. He did this a couple more times, and tried to make out shapes in his eyelids.
(god fuck why am i so fucking stupid)
He usually did this to ground himself. He then sat up, looking back down at his arm and almost shuddering. Stan still didn’t know why he willingly did this. He didn’t really have a good reason.
For Stan, self harm was like a release. It was like something he could do to just get a break. It sounds stupid, yes, but to Stan it made sense. For example, after a fight with his boyfriend, to make himself feel better about it he’d take a razor to his arm. Then, afterwards, he would stare at the cuts with almost a proud smile on his face. He didn’t think he could ever explain this to anybody without being put into an asylum for it.
(i’m not fucking crazy)
Stan once again fell backwards, and he repositioned himself so that his head was on his pillow now. He was kind of tired. Mainly because he was still a little hungover, and since he was crying an awful lot. So, he rested his eyes. But, like always, he ended up drifting off to sleep.
Kyle walked the familiar path he always did while lightly humming to himself. His mind began to wander. He thought about a lot of things. Most of the things would just come, he’d think about them for a little, then he just moved on to the next. He did this with most of his thoughts. But, the one thought he didn’t do this to were the ones about Stan.
He let those ones stay. He smiled while thinking about his soft black hair, and his blue eyes that Kyle occasionally got lost in. But, thinking about Stan also meant thinking of bad things. Some things that Kyle knew Stan would never even dream of doing, like for example, cheating on him with Wendy. Sure, it would never happen because Wendy came out as lesbian a few years back, and Stan expressed to him that he’s completely uninterested in her anymore, but he still couldn’t help but think about if.
Stan probably didn’t want to call you. He knew you wouldn’t know how to handle the situation.
One voice said.
You’re too stupid to know what to do with Stan. You know that you think that he’s too much sometimes. How awful do you have to be?
Said another.
(get out of my head)
(no i don’t actually mean that my brain just says things i don’t mean please i love him)
The voices in his head kept going back and forth until Kyle just about got sick of it, but then he realized he was at his house. He internally groaned, before twisting the metal doorknob and walking inside.
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pinkdinkydoon · 1 year
south park episode ideas dump!!!
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- British Museum Episode: my s/I as a one off character but she has to explain that what the british museum does is BAD but the boys think it doesn't make sense since all the finds in south park go to the Denver museum. It's a whole ordeal with a lot of bad things going on, hiests, and then also the prime minister of the UK gets involved.
- Eric Medicated Episode: once more as previously mentioned. But I feel like it'd be like. It progressively gets worse. Like it starts off with Clyde's gang trying to keep him in check with his meds but it doesn't work so then it goes wendy, stan, Kenny and then kyle being the final nail in the coffin of finally getting Eric to remember his prescriptions.
- Kyle Tegridy Episode: kyle finally visits the farm for the first time and Stan and kyle BOTH get lost in the corn field like weed maze randy had built and it's kinda a test of how they've grown apart but are still very close friends kinda deal. A lot of randy BS without him actually being in the episode and Stan going "ugh dad." Or "good grief" like he normally does
- Mall of America episode: as previously stated before, shit goes down and it gets crazy to a point it ends with them in the parking lot with like 1/4 of the building on fire and Randy and liane just staring painfully at it.
- Marjorine 2 Episode: another marjorine episode, only instead of a sleepover the girls convice butters to do it again so she can come to a period party or something. The boys are like "you got invited to a GIRLS PARTY?!? WHAT ABOUT US?" "Uhm... sorry fellas... they just wanted ME to go" they try breaking in, typical bs
- Freedom Pals Episode: boys go to Denver and decide To be Superheros in town there. Instead of mysterion being a favorite, The coon becomes denvers new hero. Much to everyone dismay. A lot of eric bragging and them trying to convince the town what a terrible person he is and how incapable he is. It works in the end, mostly.
- Kenny Loses His Jacket Episode: you might be thinking he'd be hoodless majority of it but the answer is no, he finds an alternative jacket and the boys spend the whole episode ramsacking South park for it. Ends with him taking off the other coat and saying some actual lines to the boys without the hood, a lot of canon typical bs happens
- New Halloween Ep: new halloween episode. Cartman as Power, Kyle as Kermit. Stan as a Gladiator/Warrior of sorts. Kenny as Riddler but like 2022. Them vs Craig's gang to see who gets rhe most candy but in Their fashion a few people get extremely harmed and they are now wanted by the police.
- Free Churro (SP.EDITION) Episode: everyone knows bojack horseman legendary episode free churro where he stands at the podium for 22 minutes and just talks. Ok that but they're all at the bus stop bickering about an event we didn't even see for 22 minutes. Ends with "where the FUCK is the bus!?!?"
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guineasaurusrex · 2 years
"are you there god? it's me, jesus" for the ep ask game :3
★ Do I like this episode? Why or why not?
it’s fine! i’d place it pretty firmly in sp’s mid era. s1 started strong and 5-7 gave us some of the all-time classics, but the seasons in between often show the signs of behind-the scenes burnout that stop them from living up to their full potential. episodes from this period are also less visually interesting? the color palette feels muddier and the overall aesthetic is lacking both the polish we’ve come to expect from modern sp and the janky charm of the earliest episodes. this one probably falls somewhere on the higher end of s3, but it’s still an episode i’m unlikely to watch unless i’m binging the whole season.
★ Favorite moment?
“I’m here, goddess earthly delight.”
honorable mentions: stan saying randy never went through puberty, stan trying to sing over the credits, the boys tragically thinking craig is cool
for me, it’s definitely an episode where the individual moments shine brighter than the sum of their parts!
★ Least favorite moment?
jesus should really leave the moralizing speeches to kyle  😔
★ Do I have an unpopular opinion about this episode? What is it?
no idea! i never see this episode get much discussion so idk if there’s any kind of consensus on it
★ Something I would change?
you know, i think i’d leave this one as is. there’s something really fitting about sp’s big new millennium episode being just okay instead of some super memorable y2k spectacular
★ Rating out of 5?
2.7. solidly mid-tier
★ Anything else I want to say about this episode?
if 3 seconds of research on wikipedia is to be believed, rod stewart was 54 at the time this episode aired.
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trey parker will turn 54 later this year.
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