#instead of using the cell part of his name that he used in prison we’re using the bit part because he is different!! and he has changed!!!!
i just. love qpac and qcellbit and their weird complex relationships. like when I hear celltw i think of cannibalism and the prison and all the fucked up implications of just. everything that went on there. when i hear pacbit i think of cellbit telling pac e mike that he loves them and that he’s no longer cell and that that monster died, and cellbit telling pac after the happy pills arc that he’s not alone anymore and he’s a hero, and them raising a kid together and joking about their past. like. it’s insane that one character can change so fuckijg much that two different ship names can make me think of two completely different dynamics, even though cell and cellbit are the same exact character in different points in time and celltw and pacbit are essentially the same ship
LIKE cellbit has changed so much but pac has stayed more or less the same and i just wonder what the hell cellbit must look like from his eyes. yk. how one person can change so much that your entire relationship has flipped on its head and now you’re family but you still find yourself scared of who he used to be sometimes regardless of how he’s changed. the duality of these fucking guys. i’m going to eat the floorboards
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Family Matters
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DI! Leon Kennedy x Fem!Reader
Death Island Spoilers!
Summary– The kids are exposed to the evils of the world. Word count: 3746 D/n– Daughter's name S/n– Son's name Sequels: Aftermath / Out Together
You woke to the sound of quiet sniffling. Someone was shaking you, almost begging you to wake up. Your eyes opened, your vision fuzzy and your head feeling like it had been stuffed with cotton.
“Mommy, wake up,” your daughter cried as she shook you. “Please, wake up.”
You groaned, reaching up to rub your eyes. Taking in your surroundings, you knew you were far from Los Angeles. Instead, you were surrounded by concrete walls and steel bars. This wasn’t the Walk of Fame, it was a prison.
“Mommy, I’m scared,” your daughter said, throwing herself in your arms.
“Don’t be scared,” said her twin brother confidently. “Dad’ll save us.” His pacing betrayed his confidence, not that his sister could tell with her face hidden in your shoulder. “Besides, Aunt Claire and Uncle Chris are here, too.”
“They are?” you asked. The fog in your head was starting to lift. “Chris? Claire?”
“We’re here,” Chris called. But he sounded weak, wounded. 
“Where exactly is ‘here’?”
“Alcatraz,” said Claire. If Chris sounded terrible, she sounded worse. Whatever was going on, you knew it was something the kids shouldn’t be a part of. “Jill’s here, too.” Somewhere." It only took a second for you to connect the dots. If they were all here, then surely Leon would be as well. 
You knew he had been on assignment in San Francisco so logically he couldn’t be too far away. It was supposed to be simple– a job he could complete in a day or so and then he would meet you and the kids in Los Angeles. How it turned into this…
We’re bait, you thought. It was a virtual guarantee. But how? All of your files had been secured and locked up; Leon had made sure of it. So how did you end up here? Why were you here?
D/n trembled in your arms and S/n was becoming more restless. Carefully, you lifted D/n with one arm and pushed yourself to your feet with the other. Reaching out to touch the bars, you gave them a firm shake. They didn’t budge.
“I gotta set you down, baby,” you said to D/n. She nodded hesitantly, going to her brother once she was out of your arms. She and S/n went to sit on the cot, holding each other’s hands. S/n’s leg bounced nervously.
You continued to examine the bars, looking for any kind of weakness. “So, what brought all of you to Alcatraz?” Might as well get an idea of what you were about to face if you were going to be stuck here.
“There were outbreaks in the city,” Chris said, his breathing heavy. “Found a connection to Alcatraz…”
That’s certainly one way to get him and Jill here, you thought. But what about Leon? How did his assignment connect to all of this?
“You kids okay?” Claire asked, taking a sharp breath.
“Okay,” S/n answered softly. 
You abandoned the bars and went to kneel in front of them. D/n’s face was blotchy with tears and she was wiping her nose with her sleeve. Soft hiccups rocked her little body. S/n, on the other hand, was still bouncing his leg and kept his eyes trained on the floor in front of him. You took their hands and gave them a soft squeeze.
“We’ll be okay,” you assured them. “I won’t let anything happen to either of you, understand?” You looked each of them in the eye. “No one will touch you while I’m here.” D/n nodded and you reached up to wipe the tears from her cheeks.
“Mom,” S/n said, but his attention wasn’t on you. It was on someone standing outside of the cell. A tall woman stood there, dressed in a shiny pink jumpsuit. You knew exactly who she was and suddenly it all made sense.
Like a switch had flipped, your attitude went from soft and caring to tough and protective. You stood and put yourself between her and the twins. “What do you want?” Your voice was sharp and stern.
“Your husband will pay for what he did to my father,” Maria replied.
“Yeah, I get that.” You took a step closer. “But they have no part in it. You want to use someone, use me. This isn’t their fight.”
“It became their fight when he murdered my father. They deserve to know what kind of monster theirs is.”
S/n jumped up from the cot and rushed against the bars, gripping them so hard his knuckles turned white. “Our Dad’s a hero!” he yelled. “You're the monster!” Maria hit the bars, scaring S/n away from them. But he only backed away enough to stand next to you and stared Maria down as she marched down the cell block.
D/n was crying again. S/n turned to her. “Dad’s gonna be here,” he assured her. “He’s gonna save us– just like he saved the girl in Spain!” He froze like a deer in headlights and glanced over at you.
“S/n Marvin Kennedy,” you said, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You’ve been in your father’s office again, haven’t you?”
“No.” An obvious lie. There was no other way he would know about Spain and Leon would never talk about past missions with his kids. He never even really told him what his job was.
“We’re having a talk about that later.” He bowed his head and went to sit beside his sister again. “And I’m reminding Dad to change those locks, too.” S/n seemed to shrink more into himself. “Anything else you want to tell me?”
He stayed quiet for a moment. “Dad… maybe… kinda taught me to pick locks.”
“Then get us out of here!” D/n yelled at him.
“I don’t have anything to use!”
Leon would certainly get a scolding for that. A sharp pain shot in your neck. A moment later your body felt weak and you leaned against the wall for support. In an instant, breathing began to get harder, too.
“Mommy?” D/n said through her sniffles.
“Y/n?” came Claire’s voice. Whatever had infected Claire and Chris had infected you, too. But how? Your mind raced. You were never bitten.
You groaned in pain, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. With what strength you could muster, you crawled back to the bars to put distance between you and the kids. D/n moved to go to you but S/n held her back. He knew something was wrong. He knew there was a reason you were moving away from them. At eight years old, you hated how perceptive he was.
Lights shone at the other end of the prison block. Footsteps came closer, echoing off the walls. You gripped the bars, trying to ready yourself to face Maria and whoever else she was working with.
“Leon?” Claire muttered softly.
The kids gasped and ran to the cell door. “Daddy!”
“Y/n? Kids?” Leon rushed to your cell, quickly holstering his gun. The kids reached their hands through the bars, trying to hug him as best as they could. He looked them over for any injuries. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” S/n told him. “But Mom…”
The pain was getting worse. Your breaths had turned into short gasps. The twins let go of him and he turned to you, cupping your face in his hands. “Hey, handsome,” you breathed. 
“Long time, no see, sweetheart,” he replied, his blue eyes full of worry. “What happened?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know. We were going to the Walk of Fame and…” Then you gestured to the cell. “I’m sorry… I should’ve been… more careful.” Maybe you were starting to get rusty. Years ago you would’ve seen the ambush from a mile away.
“It’s not your fault.”
“Get us out of here!” another man’s voice cried, catching Leon’s attention. 
“Well, I’ll be,” Leon muttered as he craned his neck to see who spoke. There was no way in hell he was leaving his family’s side right now. “Antonio Taylor… I’ll deal with you later.”
The overhead lights turned on and the kids scrambled to your side. The light stung your eyes and a headache started to form at your temple. Leon shot up, pulling his gun from its holster and scanning the cell block. There at the second-story railing stood Maria and another man, his cane tapping rhythmically on the metal floor.
This new man introduced himself as Dylan Blake. “I bet you’re wondering how people are getting infected without being bit,” he said, proudly going on to describe his bio-drones: insects that could infect whomever Blake pleased. Your heart sank at this realization. It was only a matter of time before you turned. 
You tuned out whatever Blake continued to say, your attention on the kids. D/n was still shaking like a leaf against you, but her tears had stopped. S/n was on his knees in front of you. The pain was starting to become unbearable, and knowing what would happen if you turned… 
“There’s a reason I left you and Leon alone, Jill,” Blake continued. “You want to talk about justice? You should be pointing your guns at Claire and Y/n.” Leon spared a glance at you. You were pale and shivering and you were only getting worse. “They’ll turn soon enough and when they do, they’ll rip apart the doctor and those kids.”
“The kids have no part in this!” Leon snapped.
“They became part of it when you began to work for liars, people who cover up the truth. The ones continuously sending you into battle rather than staying home with your family.” Leon stiffened. You knew he felt guilty about being away from home so much. “Which will it be? Your wife or your kids? Better make your choice quick before she devours them.”
“Leon,” you called softly. With his gun still trained on Blake, he looked back at you. You nodded at him, but he shook his head. Shooting you wasn’t an option for him. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to shoot his children– he’d rather die than do that.
Soon enough Blake and Maria were gone and Leon was back by your side, D/n and S/n clinging to the arm he slid between the bars. “Babies,” he said, “I need you to get in that back corner. Can you do that for me?” They nodded and did as he said. His attention turned to you and he lowered his voice so they couldn’t hear. “Y/n, I’m not shooting you. The twins need you and I will not let them witness something like that.”
“I don’t want to hurt them,” you told him, tears welling in your eyes. “Leon, you have to.”
“No.” His voice was stern. “It’s not gonna happen. We’ll figure it out.”
You lifted your hand to gently trace the curve of his jaw, his stubble lightly scratching your skin. “I love you, Leon.” He held your hand against his face, pressing a kiss to your palm.
“Daddy,” D/n called. “What’s gonna happen to Mommy?”
“Mommy’s going to be just fine,” he told her firmly. Leon felt like the worst father in the world. The last thing he had ever wanted was for his kids to be dragged into his work. He was sure that with Y/n at home, they’d be perfectly fine. He thought he’d taken every step necessary to keep his family safe. What had gone so wrong that they ended up here?
“Real father of the year,” he muttered under his breath.
“This… isn’t your… fault.” You curled in on yourself as pain shot through your body. You had the cell bars in a death grip as you attempted to maintain yourself. Something was brewing in your chest, something violent and bloody. You met Leon’s eyes, your tears finally falling. “Please…”
Just as he was about to reply, someone came running into the cell block. It was Rebecca with a hard-shelled case in her arms. “What’s that?” Leon asked, but he already knew the answer. He just needed to hear it to believe it.
“A vaccine,” Rebecca replied, popping the case open and handing him a syringe.
Leon couldn’t move fast enough. He uncapped the syringe and brushed your hair aside. “This might hurt, baby.” There was a sting in your neck as he injected the vaccine. Relief washed over you like a cool blanket and finally, you were able to catch your breath. As you composed yourself, Leon got to work on unlocking the door.
The door slid open and Leon enveloped you in his arms, pressing a kiss to your lips. He pulled away and the two of you were nearly thrown over as the twins barreled into you. Leon held all three of you tight against his chest.
“I told you Dad would save us,” S/n said, his voice muffled against Leon’s shirt. Leon kissed the tops of their heads and pulled away just enough to look at all of you.
Whatever was in that vaccine worked wonders and by the time you were back on your feet, you felt good as new. “What now?” You couldn’t just take the kids and leave. There was no telling what was lurking in the halls. Taking them with Leon was risky– Blake wouldn’t give up easily. There was no doubt in your mind that there’d be a shootout at some point.
Leon kissed you again and handed you a spare gun. It wasn’t safe here with the bio-drones and he wasn’t about to let you go out and try to escape the island with two eight-year-olds. His only option was to try to keep you all in his sight and out of harm’s way. “Stay with me.” He turned to the twins. “You two,” S/n stood a bit straighter, “do exactly as I or your mother say. Understand me?”
“Yes, sir,” they replied in unison.
The four of you made your way to the armory. Leon took the lead with the twins behind him and you taking up the rear. Once you made it to the armory, Leon stopped and hugged the kids again. “I love you,” he said to them, “listen to Mom.”
“Where are you going?” D/n asked, gripping his shirt.
“I’m gonna stop the bad guys,” he replied. “Be good.” He stood and pecked your lips. “Get to the control room, you’ll be safe there.”
The three of you reached the control room. The openness of the room didn’t bring you much comfort– there wasn’t any real place to hide the kids. The best you could do was keep them away from the windows.
You made sure the door was secure and turned to the kids, tucking your gun into your waistband as you kneeled in front of them. “How are you two doing?” The answer was obvious, but you wanted to hear them talk to you. You needed them to focus as best as they could and make sure that they understood how important their safety was.
“Aren’t you scared?” S/n asked. 
“I am,” you answered honestly. “And it’s okay to be.”
“So you and Daddy were doing this stuff when you met?” asked D/n in a small voice. She had calmed down but maintained a nearly bone-crushing grip on her brother’s hand. You knew that she had always wanted to picture a romantic meeting between you and Leon like the other girls’ parents at school, but the reality was not nearly as sweet.
“Yeah, sweetie–”
A monstrous roar cut you off and the twins screamed. You grabbed your gun and spun around to the window. A massive, mutated monster took up the expanse of the window, but it wasn’t focused on you. Still, you ushered the kids back into the wall farthest away and kept your gun trained on it.
A number of loud pops sounded from outside. Gunshots. The others must be down there. With the beast’s attention away from the window, you focused your attention on the door. Your grip on your gun tightened. The kids jumped and gasped behind you with each new explosion. Shielding them from watching those through the window would be near impossible.
Something smashed against the window, but the glass held strong. Barrels and boxes flew throughout the expanse of the armory. The ground shook beneath you and the groans of crashing metal echoed in your ears.
The door burst open, scaring the kids and startling you. It was Claire and Rebecca.
“What is that thing!?” D/n yelled.
The two stopped short, unsure of how to answer her. Claire recovered first. “That’s the bad guy.”
“That’s the bad guy!?” S/n repeated. He tugged on your shirt. “You have to go help Dad!”
“I need to keep you two safe.” As much as you wanted to go help, you and Leon had talked long ago about situations like this. Situations you had hoped and prayed would never come to pass and a discussion that led to your retiring from the D.S.O.
Only one of you would actively fight. The other would stay with the kids no matter what. That way if something happened to the other, the twins would still have at least one parent.
“What are you doing?” D/n asked as Claire and Rebecca rushed to the main computer.
“We,” Rebecca started as her hands moved across the keys, “are gonna stop a bunch of bugs.”
As the gunshots rang and rockets exploded, Leon kept watch on the windows of the control room. Leading the creature, formerly Dylan Blake, away from those windows was his top priority (aside from killing it, of course).
At least with Maria dead, he didn’t have to worry about someone else going after you and the twins. And even if she were still alive, you’d give her hell for doing this to your family.
“Just a heads up,” Chris said as they put together a massive rocket launcher, “the missus is gonna have a word with you about teaching S/n to pick locks.” He grunted as they slid the two pieces of the weapon together.
Leon grinned. He knew that would come back to bite him one day. Hell, he was looking forward to your scolding. “I’d be surprised if she didn’t.” He lifted the front of the launcher up on his shoulder while Chris steadied it from behind. “A little lower.” Chris kneeled down a bit more, letting Leon get a higher angle.
The creature had jumped into the water after Jill and was now trying to make for open waters. Leon aimed for the gate's pulley system. With only one shot, he needed to make this count.
Another second passed as he steadied the launcher and pulled the trigger.
The rocket flew from the barrel, jolting him and Chris as it flew to the gate. The rocket exploded on impact, and the gate dropped. It crashed into the water and a moment later another explosion erupted. Blood stained the water and pieces of Blake's mutated carcass rained down.
Leon eyed the water nervously, searching for any movement that could indicate that somehow the bastard survived. When nothing aside from a massive corpse floated to the surface, he sighed in relief.
He barely had a moment to relax before he was knocked over. It wasn't often that his kids caught him off guard, but here they were, piled on top of him and hugging him so tight he could barely breathe. Well, if he were to die, being smothered by his childrens' affection didn’t seem like such a bad option to him.
Once he’d regained his bearings, he hugged them equally as tight, enough to make them groan and try to push away from him (which in turn made him squeeze just a bit harder). He turned his head to see you approaching, a soft smile on your face. “Care to join in on this?”
“He’s crushing us!” S/n squealed.
“Am not,” Leon huffed.
“Are too!”
He let the twins go and sat up. D/n stayed in his lap and S/n sat beside him. At that moment, there was no denying that S/n was his son. He was almost a carbon copy of his father. The scene almost made you forget about everything that had just happened.
You could still feel a faint throbbing where Blake’s drone had stung you, an eerie reminder of what could have been if Rebecca hadn’t shown up when she did.
“Can we go home now?” D/n asked.
While waiting for the evacuation helicopters, the twins had taken to bombarding Claire and Rebecca with questions, giving you a brief moment alone with your husband.
“You know we’re not sleeping alone for a good while.” 
“I know.” He watched as S/n turned his attention to Chris, climbing up on the man’s shoulders. Where other parents might dread the thought of having their bed invaded, Leon welcomed it. He’d rather have them running to him in the dead of night than deal with nightmares on their own.
“We should’ve just stayed in D.C.,” you mumbled, leaning against Leon as he wrapped an arm around you. Maybe if you and the kids had stayed home they would have been spared the terror of being kidnapped and threatened.
Leon shook his head. “Maria would’ve found a way.” Of that, he was certain. If there was anyway to guarantee his suffering, targeting his family was a sure way to do it. “We’ll take a real vacation after this.”
“D/n has been begging to go to Disney.” You sighed. “We can’t hide this stuff from them anymore.” That was perhaps the worst of it. You and Leon had gone to great lengths to shield them from the reality of Leon’s work.
The two of you watched the twins. Chris was still carrying S/n on his shoulders and at some point D/n had managed to steal Claire’s red jacket. Soon, they came running back, wedging themselves between you.
D/n pointed toward the horizon. “Are those the helicopters?”
“They sure are,” Leon replied as he smoothed her hair.
S/n tugged on Leon’s shirt and flashed his best set of puppy eyes. “Can I have the window seat?”
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With Good Weather Brings Good Breedings. (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Poly!KiriBaku x Black!Bunny Girl!Reader
Synopsis: In which your spring cycle comes a little earlier than usual and you’re too afraid of your boyfriends–whom you’ve been dating for five months–thinking you’re weird instead of telling them about your cycle during mating season. However, during a picnic thrown especially for you, your two favorite pros are more aware than you realize and are more than happy to help you with your little problem.
Story Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+ (MINORS STAY TF AWAY), Poly Romance, AgedUp!Pro!Bakugou & Kiri (they’re in their late 20s), Black!Reader, Bunny Girl!Reader, Mating Cycle, In Heat, Dick Crazed, Public Sex/Exhibitionism, Foreplay, Nipple Play, Light Foot Fetish (Toe Sucking), Clit Stimulation, Overstimulation, Deepthroating, Biting/Nibbling, Hair/Ear Pulling, Tail Stroking, Spanking, Face Fucking, Light Hints of Dacryphilia, Degradation, Name Calling, Pet Names, Multiple Positions (Doggystyle, Full Nelson, Mating Press), Non-Protected PIV/Non-Safe Sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT), Mentions of Breeding, Squirting, Creampies, Facials, Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: Happy spring, y’all!! Decided to celebrate by giving y’all another smutty short fic. You’re welcome, enjoy & thank you tons for the love on my work so far. Stay safe out there cuz COVID ain’t over. Wear your mask!! -Jazz
Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Read on AO3 here!
“So how can we help?” Kiri purrs.
You swear you feel like you blackout for a minute when his question and its hidden meaning begin to set in. You gape up at them and their soft yet hungered stares. You feel as if you’re baking in the sun, your entire body hot under their eyes. 
“W-What?” you weakly ask. There’s no way they could possibly be thinking of doing this for you. “You really don’t have to!” you begin to protest, flustered. I-I’m fine!”
Kiri’s eyes grow stern. “Y/N, you are clearly not fine,” he firmly states. “Look at you! You’re clearly struggling and we’re not gonna let our girl go through this alone. Let us ease the tension in any way we can, okay?”
Bakugou moves closer to you, making it so there is no space left between you and him. “We’re not takin’ no for an answer,” he softly growls. “So I suggest you let us know what you want and what you like.” 
His words set you alight and make your pussy embarrassingly clench around air. Kiri follows Bakugou’s movements and cuddles up next to your other side until you’re sandwiched between them both. You still feel slightly embarrassed with this, but also increasingly, unbearably horny with how close they are now. You feel like a prisoner trapped between two incredibly-sexy walls of a cell. Not to mention how patient and encouraging they are. They’re so hellbent on getting to know each and every freaky part of you, and it’s a complete turn-on. 
Time seems to go by in slow motion until you finally get the nerve to speak. “W-Well,” you softly stutter, “we could start with kissing and a little touching like we usually do. Only my ears and tail are free range now.” 
Kiri looks overjoyed by the opportunity. “Of course!” he brightly replies, already turning you away from Bakugou to face him. “Me first!” He ignores Bakugou’s angered growl, his full attention on you and your lips. “I’ve been waitin’ to get these lips to myself all day.” 
Without another word or waste of time, his lips are on yours. As usual, his kiss starts off gentle and careful as if he’s afraid of hurting you. But once he finds that rhythm, he sticks with it. His lips dance with yours in a passionate embrace, his hand under your chin to keep your face right where it is. His lips are pillowy-soft and intoxicating, the slight stumble on his chin tickling you lightly. 
His kiss sends you reeling, your mind filled with nothing but him. You’re aware of his other hand moving to hold your hip, gently squeezing you there. “You feel so fuckin’ good, babe,” he murmurs against your lips. “Taste good too.” He leans in again and gently runs a toothed fang along your bottom lip, making you softly gasp. 
He ducks back in for another kiss, this one with tongue, and it gives you the confidence to begin to run your hands over every part of him you can touch–his neck; his biceps; his chest, and abs. He’s truly a work of art. Both of them are. 
You gasp into the kiss at the sudden tug you feel on your ears. Bakugou is busy playing with them, alternating between running his fingertips lightly along the fur and tugging them at the tips. He even puts the tip of your ear in his mouth, nibbling on it gently. The moan you let out is needy and desperate, embarrassingly so. “Aww, c’mon, Katsuki,” Kiri laughs. “Don’t torture our girl too much.” But Bakugou pays him no mind, still toying with your ears. Kiri begins to run his lips over your jawline, trailing down the tender skin of your neck and collarbone. You have no choice but to lean your head back and embrace it all–this sweet torture. You don’t know how much you can take of this. Your body is trembling with need, your tail twitching in desperation. 
Kiri notices this. “Looks like that tail wants some attention too,” he chuckles, running his fingers along your little cottontail. “Why don’t you show Katsuki the same treatment you showed me and I take care of you here?” 
You don’t even nod or reply. You just turn around to face Bakugou who wastes no time smashing his lips against yours. His kisses are a lot rougher and more passionate than Kiri’s. He makes sure you can’t breathe or think after his kisses are done; that all you can feel are the ghost of his plump, pink lips against yours for days. He firmly grips your chin, keeping your face strictly facing him as his tongue slips into your mouth. As Bakugou works on your lips, you feel Kiri play with your tail, his fingers gently stroking the ball of fur that twitches excitedly as he does. With his other hand, he gently strokes your ears, taking extra care to run his forefinger and thumb along the tips. You pull away from Bakugou to moan at the sensations, your mind hazy with pleasure. 
Bakugou takes advantage of this by pressing rough, wet kisses to your neck and collarbone, gently sucking on the skin to leave faint hickeys. Your mouth falls open, your hands moving to grip his broad shoulders and breathe in his vanilla scent. “‘Suki,” you whimper. 
Bakugou smirks against your skin. “Those whimpers are so fuckin’ cute,” he chuckles. “They’re goin’ straight to my dick. Can you feel it?” He shifts his hips and pushes into your thigh so you can feel the obvious outline of his hardened dick. “You did that to me.” 
You wish he hadn’t done that. Now all you can think about is how hard Kiri’s dick might be and how you want them both in your mouth and pussy. Your naughty thoughts dissipate only when you feel Kiri’s hands slide up your sides underneath your shirt. “Is it okay if I take off your top, princess?” he whispers against your ear, pressing a kiss against your neck. 
Despite your hazy mind currently feeling the effects of your intoxicating boyfriends and your heat symptoms, you’re not horny enough to not understand what he’s implying. “R-Right here?” you ask nervously. “What if someone sees us?” 
Your eyes tick around the area. Though you’re surrounded by trees and wilderness, you never know if someone could come hiking up the trail and see you. You’re shocked by how much it turns you on–the idea of getting caught, perhaps with Bakugou’s dick in your mouth while Kiri’s is in your hand, both of them slowly stroking their hips in time with you, showering you with sweet praise and degradation as they do. Kiri just laughs, already moving your top up higher. “No one’s coming, gorgeous. Don’t worry.” 
“And if they do, they can fuck off,” Bakgou mutters against your neck. “I’ll blast ‘em all to hell if they even look at you.” You giggle at his words, already feeling a little more confident and emboldened with this new kinky journey you’re about to venture upon. But maybe that’s just your horniness taking over. You turn to Kiri, giving him the green light. “You can take off my skirt too.” 
Kiri grins, looking like a kid on Christmas Day. “Yes, ma’am.” He wastes no time peeling your top off of you and then helping you out of your skirt. He coaxes you to sit up so he can get it down your ankles and then off of your body. He flings both articles of clothing to the side, forgotten. Now, all of this attention is on you. His eyes are hungered; starving. “Fuck, gorgeous, look at you.” 
You feel like you’re baking in an oven under your boyfriends’ lustful gazes on your body. You had decided to put on a brightly-colored sexy lace bra and panties under your clothes today; some that you knew you looked good in. Bakugou reaches out to toy with the lace on one of your bra cups. “This shit is way too sexy,” he growls lustfully. “You were planning for this, weren’t you? Bet you were hoping we’d play with you out here in the open, right?” 
His hand sneaks behind you to tug at your ears, sending sparks of pleasure straight to your clit. “Right?” he repeats roughly. 
“Y-Yes!” you whimper, toes curling at the sensation. “I was hoping! Couldn’t help it!” Kiri smirks at your honesty. “Good girl,” he coos, running a finger down your bare leg. “So honest. Why don’t you reward her, K?” 
Bakugou doesn’t need to be told twice. He looks at you, waiting for you to give him the green light. Wordlessly, you nod, giving him the go for the bra to come off. His fingers work expertly to unclip the bra before tossing it to the side. Once it’s off, your breasts fall out of the cups and bounce slightly against your chest. Both pros moan softly at the sight of your brown, hardened nipples, looking like drooling dogs wanting to take a bite of your hanging fruit. You find yourself giggling at the attention, feeling good about yourself. 
Gently, Bakugou lays you down on top of the blanket before hovering over you, his face blocking the sun. “Let me know what feels good,” he whispers before ducking down to kiss your neck and your collarbone. Your eyes flutter closed and your hands run through his ash-blonde hair as his lips dance across your skin, taking his sweet time going to your tits. He takes both into his hands and begins to kneed them gently, his fingers pressing into the tender flesh. “Fuck, you’ve got a nice rack, baby,” he groans, oggling your titties in his hands. “I could do this all day.” 
Then his lips are wrapping around one of your nipples and sucking gently, his tongue swirling around your areola. You moan at the feeling of his wet tongue and plump lips teasing your breast while his hand works the other. “Katsuki,” you exhale, his name a mere whisper in the wind. “Please...pinch them.” 
Bakugou looks up at you from between the valley of your tits and grins. “Naughty fuckin’ girl.” He does as you plead, taking both nipples between his fingers and pinching them, tugging them–not enough to hurt you but enough for you to feel those sparks of pleasure shoot through your veins as he toys with your sensitive nipples. “Mmm-hmm,” he hums, encouraging those little noises dripping from your lips. “Just relax, baby girl. Let us take good care of you.” 
As if wanting to make you lose your mind even more, you feel Kiri take one of your feet into his hands and begin to kiss the sole, his hands gently massaging your calve. Then his lips wrap around one of your toes and he proceeds to gently suck on your big toe, his tongue gently tickling you there. “Sorry, hon,” he chuckles. “Couldn’t stand starin’ at these cute little toes much longer.” 
He then pulls your toe out of his mouth and kisses your foot, his lips pressed to your painted toes before doing the same to the other. “You like that?” he teases before practically sticking your whole entire foot in his mouth. If only he knew. You were fucking losing it, all sense of self-control leaving your body at the sensations. “Fuck, you’re so cute,” Kiri groans, gently placing your foot back down. “I need to have a taste too. Scoot over, K.” 
Surprisingly, Bakugou does as he says. Now Kiri is beside him and taking one of your nipples into your mouth while Bakugou works on his own. Your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets at the pleasure–two sets of mouths and tongues on your nipples, toying with the hardened, brown peaks. “Oh, my God,” you gasp, your head falling back.  
As they continue their foreplay, your body grows more sensitive. The light grazing of their teeth on your nipples sends shivers up your skin and makes your pussy gush into your panties, desperate for something. “Fuck!” you cry out, hands in their hair, gripping their heads closer as your back arches, pushing your chest farther into their mouths. “I-I can’t….” 
You want to tell them to stop or else you’ll cum. As if hearing your silent plea, Kiri stops and looks up at you, his eyes as red as the purest blood. “Look at you squirming around,” he chuckles. “Seems like you’re wanting something, cutie.” 
Bakugou pulls away too and sits up on his knees. “Maybe we should take you to the car and find out,” he purrs, his hand on your inner thigh. Your eyes flick down to the outline of their dicks pushing through their pants, desperate to be released. 
You know damn well you wouldn’t make it to the car or to any of your homes. Your heat has begun to take the driver’s seat and you find yourself cupping both of their bulges in your hands, staring up at them under your lashes as you do. “Why not out here?” you purr, mischievously staring up at your boyfriends. 
From the way Bakugou and Kiri are looking at you, you would think you just asked them to rob a bank. Their eyes are wide, mouths slightly parted in shock. If they didn’t believe you could make it to the car with your horny self, they certainly believe it now. “Wait,” Kiri says, moving away from your hand cupping his dick in his pants. “You want this…right here? Right now?” 
You nod frantically, practically foaming at the mouth with how feral you are. “Yes,” you answer breathlessly. “I want this more than anything.” To persuade them even more of how much you’re craving this, you sit up on your knees, now eye level with them. You stare at them imploringly, hoping they’ll see the heat in your gaze. “Please,” you beg, running your fingers gently over their hardening bulges. “I need you. Both of you.” 
Kiri looks like he wants to scoop you up and protect you from all harm while Bakugou looks like he wants to gobble you up. “Fuck, don’t make her beg, shitty hair,” he hisses impatiently. “Take those fuckin’ panties off before I rip ‘em off myself.” 
The redhead doesn’t need to be told twice. He loops his fingers through the waistband of your panties and, in one swift motion, yanks them down your thighs. As he does, he unintentionally rips the lace waistband when he yanks on it too hard. You gasp when you hear the tearing sound. “Kiri!” you whine, glaring at him. “Those were expensive!” 
Kiri takes a look at the tag on the panties and smirks. “Soma, huh?” he chuckles before tossing them to the side. “I’ll buy you some more. You bought this on yourself, mama. Might as well be a good girl and take it.” He doesn’t even apologize nor do you make him. The both of you are too damn horny to be fighting about torn underwear. Slowly, Kiri coaxes you to lay down on the plush All Might blanket and gently opens your thighs for him and Bakugou. The spring breeze hits your pussy lips dripping in your arousal, making you shiver. 
But nothing gives you the chills like the way Kiri and Bakugou stare at your exposed pussy. “Fuck me,” Bakugou growls, a feral look in his crimson eyes. “Look how fuckin’ wet you are, baby. You’re fuckin’ gushing for us.” He sneaks a hand between your thighs and tentatively drags a finger up your pussy lips. 
His feather-light touch makes your thighs tremble, the feeling better than he can begin to understand. “C-Can’t help it,” you whimper softly. Kiri runs a gentle hand over your stomach, trailing his fingers over your heated skin. “Aw, baby, we know you can’t,” he coos. “Our poor little bunny just can’t help gushin’ for us.” 
You burn internally from his lewd words as Bakugou proceeds to rub your clit, nudging the little button with his thumb. Your mouth falls open as sparks of pleasure shoot into your core, causing you to begin to wind your hips in time with Bakugou’s ministrations. He gives you a cocky smirk as he watches you, his eyes never leaving your body as it wriggles and squirms around. 
“Hold up!” Kiri suddenly shouts. Bakugou pauses, glaring daggers at him. “We need a safe word. This is the first time we’re doin’ somethin’ outside kissing and touching, so we need something to make sure we’re safe.” He turns to you, giving you a reassuring smile. “You pick the word, baby girl.” 
You blink up at him, trying to process what he just said through your pleasure. “Uh...” You search for a good word; one that’s random. Your eyes trail down to the pro hero’s face on the blanket and a lightbulb flickers in your head. “All Might?” you suggest. 
“All Might it is,” Kiri chuckles and nudges Bakugou roughly. “Now you can dig in, and you’d better save some for me.” 
Bakugou nudges him back as he gets onto his stomach, right in front of your pussy. “Let’s get these fuckin’ legs up,” he growls, throwing your legs over his shoulders.” You breathlessly laugh as he positions you the way he wants you, his strength and ability to toss you around making you wetter. “I’ve been dying to see what these thighs of yours taste like.”
Before you can catch a breath, you feel his long, wet tongue pressing against your inner thighs where he proceeds to suckle on the soft, tender skin. As he does, one hand palms at your ass while the other reaches up to tweak and toy with your nipple. You moan at his work on you, one of your hands toying with the breast he isn’t handling. “‘Suki,” you whimper. 
Bakugou moans into your thighs, his tongue and lips moving greedily against your skin. When he looks up at you, his eyes drag you in, hypnotizing you. “Goddamn, you’re wet,” he growls against your leg, pressing a kiss to the inside of your knee. “You’re drippin’ down your thighs, bunny.” 
“No fair!” Kiri grunts, forcing Bakugou out of the way. “Lemme get a taste.” While he starts by licking up your inner thighs, unlike Bakugou, he doesn’t stay there. He shocks you by taking a handful of your hips and proceeding to run his tongue over your pussy lips and clit, alternating between using the flat space of his tongue and flicking the tip against your clit. Your eyes roll back to the back of your head, your ears twitching with joy. 
“Eji,” you moan. “That feels so good.” Your hands immediately go to tug and play idly in his red locks of hair as he continues to work your pussy with his tongue. He eats you greedily, sloppily, spitting all over your cunt and slurping it back up. You should’ve known he was a messy eater. He moans then, pulling off of you to give you a delirious smile. “Fuck, you taste so good, baby!” he proclaims, caressing your hips. 
He goes to duck down again for another lick, but Bakugou stops him. “Time’s up, shitty hair,” he growls, venom in his tone. “Fuck out the way.” He practically throws his boyfriend out of the way to make room for himself between your thighs again. 
If you thought Kiri was sloppy when he ate your pussy, you suddenly think yourself wrong when Bakugou dives in for a taste. He first spits all over your cunt before proceeding to slurp it back up as he licks and sucks at your clit, never taking a moment to slow down or breathe. Your mouth falls open as you pant heavily, your hands gripping his ash-blonde hair and muscular shoulders. 
Your eyes close against the blue sky and bright sun above you, the feeling too much for you. But Bakugou spanks your thigh, forcing you to open your eyes. “Keep your eyes on me, gorgeous,” he demands, giving you a sly wink before diving into your cunt again. This time, he even adds a finger and you nearly scream in utter pleasure as he curls it up, right against your G-spot. 
You suddenly feel Kiri’s hands on your tits, playing with your nipples. “No, baby,” he teases in your ear. “Keep your eyes on me. I wanna see your pretty face when you cum.” He slinks his fingers down to your clit and proceeds to rub it while Bakugou moves his tongue to your pussy lips. “Lemme help you get there faster.” 
You nearly jump out of your skin as you feel Kiri rub your clit at the exact speed with the right pressure that quickly begins to make you peak. That feeling in your stomach begins to unravel too quickly, threatening to snap. “No, no, please!” you sob. “I’m about to cum!” 
“Go ahead, baby girl,” Kiri whispers in your ear. “Cum in Katsuki’s mouth. Let me see you do it.” Bakugou’s muffled moans and the way he feverishly fingerfucks you get you there quicker than you want. 
Before you know it, you’re tumbling down that hill into a sea of pure bliss as the first orgasm either of your boyfriends has given you rocks you to your core. A string of moans leaves your lips as you cum hard on Bakugou’s tongue while Kiri stares on, transfixed by you. You’re practically in heaven, soaring above the clouds as the warm feeling that is only achieved by a damn good orgasm can achieve. 
When you finally come down, you let out a breathless sigh and pet Bakugou’s hair as he cleans you up, licking up every ounce of your cum from your thighs. Finally, he sits back and stares down at you hungrily, eyes hooded and his bottom lip wet with saliva and your cum. It’s the hottest thing you’ve seen thus far. “Feel better, mama?” Kiri asks, trailing his fingers over your sensitive stomach. 
While you do, you know only one orgasm isn’t enough to tame the beast of your cycle. And you’re right: you begin to feel that heat take over again, the ache in your pussy growing. You whimper, moving to clamp your thighs together but Kiri stops you by putting a hand between them. “I’ll take that as a no. Guess you’ll need some more support.” You gasp as he hunkers down between your thighs and tosses your legs over his shoulders, your feet at his ears. Your eyes widen in shock when you realize what’s happening. It’s Kiri’s turn now. “W-Wait,” you stutter in protest. “You don’t have to–” 
Bakugou cuts you off by putting a hand on your throat and his lips roughly on yours. “Shut the fuck up,” he growls against your mouth. “This is what naughty girls like you get. You best shut up and take it.” Your eyes flick nervously from his red-hot gaze to Kiri between your thighs, staring up at you. “You don’t have to do anything, darlin’,” he coos, giving you a wink. “Just like there and enjoy this like the princess you are. Let us serve you. You deserve this.” 
With that, he proceeds to eat you out like you’re leftovers on Thanksgiving, tongue swirling around and around, going aaaaall the way downtown. Though he takes his time and isn’t as fast as Bakugou, he doesn’t spare you from the overstimulation that is making your oversensitive clit tingle and spasm. But the sensations don’t stop there. Bakugou leans down to play with your tits, teeth nibbling at the sensitive peaks. 
You’re seeing stars at this point, unable to keep your voice down. “Oh, fuck!” you cry, your hands moving to grip Kiri’s hair. “Yeah?” Bakugou growls against your titties. “Yeah, you like this shit? Lemme hear you, baby. Let the whole fuckin’ world know how good you feel right now.” Kiri moans into your pussy as he continues to greedily eat it, swirling his tongue around your cunt and clit. The feeling of his nose continuing to nudge your clit as he slips his tongue between your lips nearly throws you over the edge, and you know that you’re about to cum again. 
“I’m so close!” you babble, gripping onto your boyfriend for dear life. “So close again! Please, Kiri!” Kiri peeks up at you from between your thighs to nod at Bakugou. “Rub her clit, Katsuki,” he orders breathlessly. 
Bakugou quickly takes two fingers and rubs your sensitive clit while Kiri takes a finger and slips it inside the wet depths of your cunt.“Say that you’re our good girl,” he orders in a way that is so unlike the Kiri you know. This one is demanding and dominant, and so, so sexy. “Say whose pussy this is and we’ll make you cum.” He presses his finger up against your G-spot as he fingerfucks you and Bakugou laps at your clit. 
Tears prick your eyes as the urge to cum again rises, threatening to overflood the dam of your core. “I-I’m your good girl!” you sob deliriously to your boyfriends. “This is your pussy, daddies, please, please, make me cum!” 
Bakugou stops to glance at you, as does Kiri, both astounded by you and your words. “Oh, fuck, baby,” Bakugou moans in anticipation, a glint in his eye, “we’re gonna fuck you up good now.” 
And they do. Kiri curls his finger inside of you while Bakugou laps at your clit, never slowing down until you finally feel that second orgasm rip through you. “Cumming!” you shout to the heavens. “Oh, my God, I’m cumming!” At this point, you don’t care who hears you–the feeling of your second nut is way too good to stay silent or to even attempt to hide your voice. 
Your arch your back and scream Kiri’s full name as you cum all over his mouth. He moans appreciatively as you do, lapping up every gush of your cum, as does Bakugou. “Can’t forget the thighs too,” he growls against your clit. “Don’t wanna miss a single drop of her, Kiri.” Kiri moans in agreement, telling you that you taste “so fuckin’ delicious” as he continues to lap at your thighs. 
When you finally come down, you’re a twitching, panting mess. The aftershocks rock your hips for a while, causing you to buck into the air until they finally release you. You lay limp on the blanket, completely and utterly satisfied, your eyes closed and your chest rising and falling rapidly. Bakugou cackles from above you. “Looks like we really fucked her up.” 
Kiri chuckles in agreement, his hands massaging your thighs. “Definitely,” he says. “We should let her rest.” Your eyes flutter open at his statement, knowing damn well you’re not done yet. You stare up at Bakugou and Kiri, your body positively teeming with lust and utter need for your boyfriends’ dicks in your hands, your mouth, your other holes, ANYWHERE. 
They stare down at you in utter shock as if you are a totally different person. And you are. You feel all of your shyness and traces of your reserved personality that you had prior to this picnic leave you as your heat grows, creating a needy, greedy monster in desperate need of her fellas inside of her. 
“Who says I wanna rest?” You purr, standing up on your knees. You barely graze either Bakugou or Kiri’s chests, their toned stomaches right in your face. “Especially since I haven’t seen these yet.” Your eyes trail down to their bulges shamelessly protruding through their jeans, desperate to be freed. “Or tasted them.” 
You practically lick your lips as images of what their dicks look like visualize in your naughty mind. Are they thick? Long? Curved so they can brush up against your G-spot perfectly? Would they fit in your hands or in your mouth? Could they even fit in your pussy? With as wet as you are, sure, but you still wonder. 
But you don’t want to just wonder. You want to find out for yourself. Kiri looks hesitant though. “Do you want to?” he asks, raising a red, quizzical brow at you. “Don’t feel like you have to just because we–oh, fuck!” The rest of his words cease to make it out of his lips because your hand is too busy palming his cock over his jeans. 
Kiri’s mouth falls open, his eyes fluttering closed at the heavenly feeling of your hand stroking his hardened dick through his jeans. You do the same to Bakugou, taking him by total surprise. A soft grunt leaves his pink lips as he watches you palm his dick, his wide eyes making you giggle. 
He looks down at you with lust-filled eyes. “You little slut,” he growls. “You want our dicks that badly?” 
You peer up at the both of them through hooded eyes and your long lashes, hoping to God they’ll see how much you’re craving this. Craving them. “Please,” you whisper, begging them. 
Bakugou and Kiri practically groan at as the plea droops from your pretty lips. Kiri even reaches out to gently run his thumb over your bottom lip, smirking as he does. “Who are we to deny such a sweet request.” 
While Kiri gently takes your hand off of his cock, Bakugou just wipes your hand away like you don’t deserve to be touching him…yet. You watch, chin in your hands and a giddy smile on your face, as your boyfriends begin to pull their zippers down and pop their buttons in front of you. Off come the jeans, then come the briefs, and then, finally, your prizes are bestowed upon you. 
Your mouth falls open at the sheer beauty of their dicks. Though they differ in terms of length, they both have a slight curve and are equally as thick which means they will stretch you out perfectly. Your eyes trail over their heavy balls and up to their stomachs, noticing the differences between them: while Kiri has a tuffet of black public curls and a happy trail, Bakugou keeps his shit cropped, his stomach bare of any kind of hair. You also notice precum bubbling from the heads of both of their dicks, coating their heads in cream all for you. You’ve never been so ready to get some dicks in your mouth until now, plus every part of their bodies. 
You want them. Every single bit of them. 
“Well?” Bakugou’s voice has you looking up out of your dickmatized trance, and you find that they have both stripped themselves of their clothes. They are now completely naked, their muscles, tattoos, and scars from many years of missions and hero work on full display for you only. They stare down at you, lust and mischief in their eyes. 
“Don’t just stare at ‘em,” Bakugou grumbles. “You gonna do something with ‘em or what?” You don’t need to be told twice. You scramble to stand up on your knees and start by stroking them first, not wanting to rush this. This is the first time you’re getting a piece of your men’s dicks and you don’t want to waste a moment of it. 
You spit in each of your hands and wrap them around both, loving how your hands can barely wrap around the bases. Their precum continues to drip down their shafts, making use for great lube when the saliva begins to dry in your hands. You’re hypnotized by the way the skin on their shafts stretches and begin to glisten as you stroke them up and down…up and down… 
The soft moans that leave your boyfriends’ lips are delicious, the sounds tickling your eardrums. “Mmm, baby,” Bakugou groans, his head tipping back in absolute ecstasy. “Your hand feels so good strokin’ me like that.” 
Kiri stares down at you, drinking in the way you greedily stroke his cock. “Keep going,” he encourages, his voice breathless and raspier than usual. “You’re making us feel so good, mama.” 
Their nasty version of encouragement pushes you to continue your work, gripping them a bit hard and even slobbering over their dicks to add more spit to make them slicker. Watching your saliva drip over their veiny, fat shafts makes your pussy wetter and clench even harder. Your tail and ears twitch with need, desperate to feel your boyfriends’ hands and fingers stroking them. 
The desperation is traveling faster than a virus now because Bakugou grunts in frustration and pulls your hand off of him. “Fuck this!” he snarls, staring down at you with the most feral look that you’ve seen in his eyes. “I need your mouth on me now.” 
 You couldn’t agree more. You eagerly tip your chin up so he can gently slap his dick against your lips, his hand wrapped around his base. You stick your tongue out so he can slap it against the flattest part of your tongue too, the wet sounds and the heaviness of his dick on your tongue making you hot. You’re practically squirming by the time he finally slips his cock into your waiting mouth. 
He lets go of the base to allow you to take control. You do so, stroking the rest of the length that you can’t fit in your mouth. You swirl your tongue around his head and along his dick, loving how warm his skin is, his masculine scent, and the taste of salt on your tastebuds. You take a bit more of him, your mouth stretching around his thick cock, but you don’t do it enough to hit the back of your throat. Not yet. 
Bakugou is still in his world though. His hand immediately goes to your hair as he watches you bob your head up and down on his cock. “Just like that,” he hisses. “Good girl.” 
His hand travels to the back of your head and gently pushes you down, causing his dick to slip into your mouth farther. You feel him hit the back of your throat finally, causing you to gag and your eyes to water. He pumps his hips a few times into your mouth, his dick stroking the inner walls of your throat, before he finally releases your head with a moan of ecstasy. 
You gasp as you pop off of his dick, a string of saliva following Bakugou in his wake as he pulls his dick out of your mouth that droops from your bottom lip. You softly pant, catching your breath but also to calm yourself down. You’re becoming hornier by the second. 
Kiri is staring between you and Bakugou hungrily, his dick having grown harder in your hand. “C’mon, don’t leave me out. Don’t I deserve some of that too?” He gently takes his dick out of your hand and taps it against your bottom lip, moaning when you begin to kitten lick the head. “You just got your throat fucked by Bakugou and you’re already ready for me, too?” 
“Don’t keep her waitin’, Kiri,” Bakugou rasps, his hand lazily stroking his cock as he stares at you. “Fuck her face for me. I wanna see that mascara drip all over those pretty cheeks.” 
Kiri has already begun to push his dick into your mouth while still letting you keep your hand wrapped around the base. He looks down at you, eyes lust-blown but still looking concerned. 
“Is that okay with you, cutie?” He breathlessly asks. Wordlessly, you nod, causing his dick to hit the roof your mouth. 
He moans at the feeling and slowly begins to jut his hips in and out of your mouth, never moving past your tongue. “Just tap my thigh twice if you wanna breathe, three times if you wanna stop.” 
Once again, you nod and open your throat as if you’re about to yawn, allowing Kiri to slowly slide his dick into your throat. When he hits the back of your throat, you gag a bit and recoil enough to breathe before slowly taking him in again, inch by inch. Kiri’s eyes squeeze shut as he slowly begins to bump his hips against your mouth, his pelvis hitting your nose. “Oh, my God!” He groans. “She’s taking me so…fucking...good!” The most delicious moans and whines leave his lips as he grips the back of your head, his hand curling in your hair. 
All you can feel, smell, and taste his him. His cock stretches your mouth and throat, making you gag against his dickhead. The vibrations and sloppy sounds only make him thrust a little harder, causing saliva to begin to drip from your lips and your eyes to tear. Your jaw begins to ache and the burning in your throat becomes less easy to ignore, but you push through it because at the same time, you fucking love it. 
“Hey.” Bakugou’s large, calloused hand tugs on your ear. Your eyes flick up at his hooded, lust-blown, crimson ones. “Don’t slack, slut,” he growls. “You’ve got one hand free.” Immediately, like you’re being controlled by him, your other hand is wrapping around his hard cock and pumping him in time with Kiri’s thrusts down your throat. 
The only sounds among the peaceful chirping birds and the bubbling of the brook in the distance are Bakugou and Kiri’s porn-worthy guttural grunts and breathless moans, neither one of them quiet or discreet. You love that you’re making them feel like this–so brazen, free, and drunk in their pleasure. You feel yourself growing drunk off of them, too, dizzy with their scents and the feeling of them all over you. 
Bakugou stares down at you as he continues to pump his hips in and out of your hand, Kiri’s moans and orgasmic whines in the background. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” he cackles. Being used, just like you want. Let’s see just how much you’re lovin’ this shit.” 
He licks his hand and suddenly leans down to hook his arm between your thighs. You whine around Kiri’s cock as his index and middle finger slowly plunge into your wet pussy, his thumb rubbing slow circles over your clit. When he retracts his fingers, they are soaking wet from your cunt, dripping in your honey. A hooded gaze crosses his face as he sucks your honey off of his fingers, his eyes set dead on you. 
Kiri watches in awe, looking positively drunk. “Oooh, you naughty little bunny,” he coos, tugging at one of your ears. “Come here, ‘Suki. Lemme get a taste.” He grabs Bakugou by the neck with a toothy smile and plants one on him. 
You watch with wide eyes as your boyfriends share a passionate, open-mouthed kiss, complete with sloppy, lip-smacking sounds and soft moans that make your pussy quiver. You know so many women that are lovestruck for the pro heroes would kill to be in your place right now. A delicious shiver travels down your body, stopping at your clit, and you have no choice but to press two fingers to the sensitive little bud and rub it. 
Bakugou eyes you and pulls away from Kiri, smirking. “Oh, you like seeing us kiss, huh? Little pervert.” He tugs at your ear a little harder, causing you to whimper around Kiri’s cock that is still in your mouth. 
“Oh, look at this!” Kiri mockingly laughs, eyeing your two fingers currently rubbing at your little rosebud. “Touching our pussy without permission, hm? Looks like someone needs to be taught a lesson.” He pulls his dick out of your mouth with a soft moan and slaps the outside of your thigh. “On all fours, mama,” he orders you, still wearing that mischievous smirk. 
You’re not sure what they’re planning, but you do as he demands anyway, placing yourself on all fours with your back arched, your ass and cottontail on full display. You are now given the luxury of breathing freely without a dick down your throat, allowing your jaw to rest. 
Bakugou and Kiri suddenly move behind you, their presence palpable. “We’re gonna try something with you and let us know if you don’t like it, okay?” Kiri softly says, his hand stroking your ass. You shiver at the contact and slowly nod. Whatever they want to try, you are down with 100%. You know wholeheartedly that to them, your safety and your pleasure all top priorities to them. You trust them completely. 
“We’re gonna spank you,” Bakugou explains, a hint of anticipation in his tone. “And each time we do, you count, got it?” You feel the same anticipation he does, and you start to tremble. “Yes, sir,” you softly utter. 
That’s all the confirmation they need. Bakugou takes the first hit, giving you an open-palmed smack on the ass. The sound of his hand hitting your asscheek resonates throughout the clearing.“One!” you explain through a gasp, jumping at the sound and the sharp sting on your ass.
“My turn now, gorgeous,” Kiri chuckles, sounding giddy. “Brace yourself.” He rears his hand back which is why his hit must sting worse than Bakugou’s. As his hand recoils off of your asscheek, he groans at the sight. 
“Two, fuck!” you shout, your head hanging between your shoulders to stare down at your hands. Your ass is stinging horribly, causing your tail to twitch and your toes to curl. But your pussy has never been wetter. It’s already too much for you. 
“This is what naughty bunnies get,” Bakugou grunts as he hits you for the third time. He puts his entire arm into it too–your asscheek is practically burning when he’s done. It’s become a competition between the boys, both of them seeing which one can drive you crazier. “Three!” You practically shout, tears springing into your eyes. 
Kiri just laughs at them. “Is that what you wanted, hm?” he teasingly asks. "To be treated like a fuckin’ slut?” He rears his hand back and delivers a fourth blow, and you’ve finally reached your limit. 
“Four!” you sob, delirious with the feeling of wanting to continue and stop. “P-Please! I can’t take much more!” Your pussy is falling off of the bone at this point in anticipation to be filled while your asscheeks sting and hurt from your boyfriends’ punishment. It’s an intoxicating combination: pain and pleasure. Now you know why masochists exist. 
“Aww, but look at how nice your ass looks,” Kiri coos, running a gentle hand over your stinging ass. You hiss at the contact, your fingers clenching the blanket in fistfuls. “And that lil’ cotton tail is twitchin’ like crazy. But I suppose you’ve learned your lesson.” 
The redhead coaxes you out of your position and scoops you up into his arms, minding your ass. He presses kisses all over your face while he hugs you to his broad chest. “You did so well for us, baby,” he coos to you. Bakugou idles up next to you, nuzzling his face into your hair. “Real well,” he whispers raspily into your ear. “You’re such a good girl.” 
You feel yourself melting at their sweet praise, enjoying their snuggles and wondrous aftercare. However, the tingling in your body and pussy has yet to leave; neither as your excitement over what has come next. Because now that you’ve done a good job receiving your punishment, now you can get your reward. Now, you can finally get dicked down the way you crave. An excited smile crosses your lips. 
That is, until Kiri says, “It’s gettin’ late. I think we should get you back to work now.” 
Your smile instantly slips from your face. They can’t possibly think that’s all you need or want, can they? Do they think this all ends right here, with your jaw aching, ass stinging, and your pussy wet? ‘No!’ You protest deliriously in your head. You know damn well that if you don’t get a dick in you now, you won’t be able to focus or be okay for the rest of the day. 
“B-But I didn’t make you cum yet,” you softly stutter in protest. “And we didn’t…” You trail off and flush, hoping they’ll get the gesture. They do and stare down at you in confusion. “Did you want to do that?” Kiri asks, raising his pierced brow. “We don’t have any condoms on us though.”
“Don’t need it,” you immediately reply. “I’m on the pill.” Your hands trail down to your boyfriends’ dicks and wrap around them. “I need both of you inside of me. Need to feel you both cum inside me...fillin’ me up…” 
‘Fucking me stupid. Stretching me out. Cumming inside of me.’ 
Kiri’s mouth falls open into a silent, pleasured O while Bakugou softly grunts as you begin to stroke the both of them tantalizingly slowly. “You don’t know what you’re sayin’, baby,” Bakugou grunts, and it looks like it’s taking everything in him to not jump you right now. 
“Yes, I do,” you say with conviction. “I want this.” You move out of Kiri’s lap and sit in front of them on your knees, peering up at them between your lashes. You know that these next three words will nail the coffin for you. Either they can agree to do it or not and make you feel like a total idiot. 
But either way, you throw caution to the wind and open your mouth to whisper in a soft, breathy voice so unlike your own: “Please fuck me.” 
Bakugou practically tosses Kiri to the side trying to get to you first. “I go first,” he growls, immediately positioning you onto your hands and knees. Kiri glares at him. “Why you?” he huffs. 
Bakugou’s glare is just as deadly “‘Cause I drove here and cooked the fuckin’ food! And if you keep pissin’ me off, you’ll get none of this pussy later.” Kiri just smirks at him, a lewd glint in his eye. “You don’t mean that. You wanna see me drive my dick deep inside this cutie too, you perv.” 
You shiver at Kiri’s nasty words, wanting nothing more than that too. But first, you’ve gotta get through Bakugou. He moves behind you, one hand on your hip, drawing comforting circles over it. “Arch that back, mama,” he gently orders you. You do as he says, arching your ass and tail up for him. “Now breathe in and out slowly.” 
You do that as well, inhaling and exhaling through your nostrils slowly…only for your breath to momentarily be caught in your throat as Bakugou slides his thick, curved dick inside of you finally. “Good girl,” he groans, placing another hand on your hip. “That’s perfect. You’re perfect.” 
Your mouth falls open as he begins to slowly rock his hips, taking his time to slide in deeper. You’ve never felt so full. You can feel all of him stretching you out, touching spots inside of your pussy that make your thighs quiver and your arms shake. “Fuck, Katsuki!” you shout, unable to hold back the pleasure you’re feeling. “You’re s-so…so...big!” 
Bakugou breathlessly chuckles at your words and grips your gips as you begin to slowly nudge your ass back into him. “Nice and slow, baby,” he coos in his rasped, slightly-strained voice. “Easy; don’t push yourself.” 
But you want to push yourself. You want all of him inside of you, so much that his balls hit your clit and his pelvis is flush against your ass. You want to take every inch of him. And after a few minutes of adjusting to his size, you finally do: you push your ass back into him and he allows him, groaning as his dick sinks deeper into your pussy. “Fuck, baby,” Bakugou moans, gripping your hips as he bumps his against your ass, again and again again. 
You’re a fucking mess–mouth open, eyes closed, breathless moans and gasps leaving your lips every time Bakugou thrusts his hips into your cunt. His dick strokes your pussy walls something magical, sending sparks of pleasure shooting into your sensitive clit. The feeling becomes too overwhelming, so you have to rest your arms. You find yourself with your face down and ass up, Bakugou continuing to bump and grind into you. 
Kiri watches you, eyes wide in awe and dick harder than a rock as it stands at attention for you between his thighs, sinewy with muscle and fine, black hair. “You look so good taking his dick, babe. I wish that were me.” Your pussy clenches at his words and the naughty idea it brings to your head. “Want you t-too!” you whimper between Bakugou’s merciless, heavenly thrusts of his cock inside of you. 
Kiri is quick to get in front of you, his dick now in your face. “Open up then.” You come back up onto your arms and open your mouth, submissive and completely willing. He slides his dick into your mouth once more, groaning as he begins to bump his hips against your mouth. “God, your throat is even tighter than before!” he grunts, taking a fistful of your hair to grip onto as he fucks your throat. 
“And this fuckin’ pussy…” Bakugou smacks your ass before taking a handful of it, continuing to fuck you silly. “Fuck, baby, your pussy is so wet, and it’s all for me, ain’t it?” he growls to you. You want to answer, but your mouth is too full of Kiri’s cock to say much. But Bakugou doesn’t care. He gives your ass another swift, hard smack that makes you yelp around Kiri’s cock. “Say it!” he demands loudly. 
You release Kiri’s cock from your mouth with a gasp. “It’s all for you, daddy!” you deliriously shout. “Both of you!” Bakugou and Kiri grin at you, happy with your answer. “Yeah, it is,” Bakugou breathlessly replies, his hips moving faster now. “Yeah, it fuckin’ is. Now take this fuckin’ dick.” 
He then proceeds to grip your hips harder and piston into your pussy while Kiri continues to fuck your throat, filling your nostrils with nothing but the scent of him. They even tease your tail and ears, tugging and stroking both bunny parts that have your body trembling and your pussy gushing around Bakugou. With the both of them fucking your holes, it is impossible to focus on anything but them and the way they’re making you feel. There is no way you’ll possibly be able to last long–not with how amazingly they are fucking you into the blanket. 
You’re seeing heaven. Your mind is going completely blank. All you can focus on is the tightening knot in your core that is quickly reaching its end to snapping. Kiri catches onto this, still stroking your ears. “I think she’s gonna cum, K,” he breathlessly announces. “She’s suckin’ me in so deep.” 
Bakugou suddenly stops and slips out of you, leaving you empty. “Then she’s gonna take all of me,” he growls determinedly. “Move out the way.” Before you can process what’s happening, you’re suddenly being flipped onto your back with your legs strap up and tossed over Bakugou’s shoulders. 
“Katsuki–“ All you can get out is his name before his dick is slipping inside of you again as he mounts you, fucking you on the balls of his feet and his hands holding back your thighs. In this position, he is much deeper than before, nudging at your G-spot and spreading you completely open for his eyes only. 
He doesn’t slow down either. He continues that same merciless, relentless pace as he fucks you deep into a mating press, pinning you down beneath his hard body. He has you right where he wants you–vulnerable; submissive; completely at his mercy. And you love every single minute of it. You can’t keep your voice down as he fucks you hard and fast, moans of his name leaving your lips. All you can do is grip your boyfriend’s shoulders as he fucks you closer to your orgasm. 
Bakugou leans down towards you, his nose nearly touching yours. “Is my little slut gonna cum, hm?” he whispers teasingly. “She gonna cum all over this hard dick?” 
Your eyes widen as your orgasm gets closer and closer; too much too fast. You want to tell him to slow down, but you can’t, the feeling too much. “Oh, my God, Katsuki, please!” you scream, unsure of what you’re pleading for. But Bakugou doesn’t let up, continuing to hold you down to make sure you can't get away from this. “Cum for me, baby girl,” he demands, speeding up even more as his own orgasm begins to approach. “Cum for me, and I’ll cum for you. I swear, fuck!” 
His hips slam fast and hard into you, nailing that spot that makes your toes curl and that knot in your core finally snap. When your second orgasm hits you, it hits you hard. Your muscles seize and your ears stand on end as you cream all over Bakugou’s cock, sparks of pleasure shooting into your veins. Bakugou chases his own orgasm by rutting into your drenched pussy until he finally cums with a strained groan of your name, gripping you for dear life. You gasp as you feel his cum shoot inside of you, warm and intense. You’ve never felt such an indescribable feeling. And you can’t even begin to describe how fucking good it feels. 
Kiri whistles from above you, staring down at the scene in enjoyment. “Now that’s a sight,” he chuckles. “Look at all of that!” When Bakugou slowly pulls out of you with a soft moan, his cum dribbles lewdly out of your pussy and drips down your ass. You’re overflowed with him. “You made a mess of our girl, K!” Kiri cackles. 
Bakugou smirks down at you, pressing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. “She loved it.” 
And you did. You can’t really articulate how amazing Bakugou fucked you because you’re so exhausted. Even so, your pussy still throbs, wanting more until you’re finally spent. Kiri swoops in on you, taking Bakugou’s place now. “Tired, baby?” he asks, smiling down at you. 
You shake your head, your heat cycle doing the talking. “Good ‘cause it’s my turn now.” You barely have time to recover before Kiri is picking you up effortlessly by your hips and placing you on top of him, your back to him. He places your feet behind his open thighs, also opening your thighs in the process so your pussy is exposed to him, Bakugou, and the surrounding nature. 
“Ready, mama?” he whispers in your ear. You’re speechless, unable to give him a coherent sentence, so you nod. Instantly, he sinks his cock inside of you and grips your hips as he begins to slowly thrust up into you. “Oh, my God!” he cries out, his voice ringing out among the little picnic area. “You’re s-so tight, babe! So wet and warm for me, f-fuck!” 
Bakugou cackles from in front of you, watching as Kiri fucks you as you sit on top of him, reverse cowgirl style. “Don’t tell me you’re cummin’ yet, shitty hair. You haven’t even fucked her out yet.” 
That taunting seems to throw Kiri through a loop. Immediately, he begins to rut his hips up into you as fast as a jackhammer, being extra careful to not hit your cervix or make you feel any kind of discomfort. He is extremely in tune with your body despite this being the first time you’ve been together, listening intently to your sounds and paying close attention to the way your pussy squelches and gushes around him. 
This fact only makes you crazy, completely abandoning all self control. You throw your head back onto Kiri’s shoulder as his dick strokes your pussy again and again. “Fuck, Kiri!” you whimper. “Too much! Too good!” 
Kiri takes your chin into his hand, firmly holding it as he places his lips against your ear. “Too fuckin’ bad, slut,” he growls into your ear. “You wanted this, now you’re gettin’ it. Take this fuckin’ dick. Take all of it! Bounce on my dick like our good little bunny!” 
You have no choice but to do that. Your breasts bounce wildly as Kiri fucks you stupid onto his cock, the sound of your ass hitting his hips every time he pounds up into you driving you insane. You begin to gasp and sob at the pleasure, losing your ever-loving mind. Bakugou rubbing your clit doesn’t make it any better. “Oooh, someone’s sensitive,” he cackles, grinning wolfishly at you. “You cryin’, bunny? Is our little bunny bein’ fucked just too good for her to take?” 
If only he fucking knew. 
Kiri turns your face to the side, once again whispering to you as his cock pistons in and out of you. “You’re ours now, darlin’,” he groans into your ear. “Ours to fuck stupid like this. You wanna be our little slut, don’t you? Maybe I should cum inside you to trap you, hm? Make you our little breeding bunny?” 
‘Whoa, huuuuuh?!!!!!’ 
Before you can even process his words, the familiar tickle signaling something that isn’t a nut. As Bakugou continues to rub your clit, it gets worse and your eyes widen in horror. “W-Wait!” you protest desperately, squirming around on Kiri’s cock. “Wait, Katsuki, I’m gonna pee!” 
Your squirming only makes Kiri fuck you faster, his balls slapping wildly against you. Bakugou smirks darkly at you. “Oh,” he laughs, realizing what’s happening. “I know what’s goin’ on. Come on and show us, slutty girl. Squirt all over Kiri’s dick like a good little bunny.” 
He goes faster and so does Kiri, both of them feeding off of each other and your energy. You have no choice but to sob and whine in protest as the urge to pee gets bigger and bigger.  “No, no, no!” you sob. “Gonna…gonna...” 
“Gonna cum soon, baby,” Kiri whines, still jackhammering up into you. “You’d better hurry up if you don’t want me to breed your pretty ass.” 
When you come undone, a desperate and embarrassed whine leaves your lips as you find yourself squiring all over Kiri’s cock. However, you don’t know that. You don’t even know you can squirt! It’s never happened before, so all you’re thinking is that you just pissed all over your boyfriend’s cock. He doesn’t seem to care though because he’s too busy chasing his own nut, pummeling inside of you with a vengeance. 
When Kiri finally nears his peak, he forces you off of him and places you onto your knees. You’re so exhausted that all you can do is let him, your body as loose and as useless as a rag doll’s. Kiri stands on his knees in front of you, pumping his dick in your face. “Look at me,” he orders. “Tongue out and mouth open. I’m gonna paint that pretty face of yours.” 
You do as he says, closing your eyes and sticking your tongue out for him. He lets out a swear and a porno-worthy string of whines and moans as he finally blows his load all over your face. You feel streams of his cum hitting your skin and drip down your chin and cheeks, all the way down to your neck and tits. 
Finally, finally, when Kiri begins to calm himself from his orgasm do you begin to feel better. As Kiri’s cum drips over your skin and Bakugou’s continues to drip out of your aching pussy, you feel the effects of your heat begin to fade. You are now able to feel normal again, but you also feel completely and utterly tired. 
You’re so exhausted that you fall in and out of sleep, only catching snippets of what happens over the next few minutes. Kiri and Bakugou gently lay you down on the plush All Might blanket while Bakugou wipes at your wet face and chest with a few napkins. Kiri lifts a water bottle to your lips, coaxing you to drink. “Catch your breath, mama,” he coos gently. “Here, drink. You need some water in you.” 
You drink the water, humming gratefully for the cool liquid wetting your parched throat. When you finish, Kiri and Bakugou swoop in on either side of you, trapping you protectively between them. Kiri lays your head on his lap while Bakugou curls up behind you, stroking your hip and drawing circles along your ass. 
‘Work,’ you think. ‘I have a job.’ You open your mouth to tell them, but Bakugou presses a finger to your lips. “Shh, don’t say anything,” he hushes you. “You don’t need to talk. Just rest your fine ass.” 
As appealing as that sounds, especially as the exhaustion of being fucked into oblivion begins to take full effect, you still can’t shake the thought that lunch has gone on longer than it should’ve. “But what about work?” you sleepily mumble. 
“Just let us handle it, gorgeous,” Kiri whispers to you, stroking your head. “We’ve got you. We promise.” He presses a kiss to your cheek as Bakugou presses one to your hip. “Just rest now. We got you.” 
Despite the dozens of protests and arguments in your head, you cannot deny your exhausted body a good nap. And so you let yourself drift away on those ocean waves that sleep brings, a content smile playing on your lips as you snuggle between your men. 
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grapenehifics · 7 months
Prisoner 224
I really loved writing Out of Sync for @fulcrum843's @topwan-obikin fest prompt, but fully intended it to be a one-shot until @somethingsteff started feeding me ideas and, well, I'm limited on free time right now so this is still only a ficlet but I couldn't help myself.
If you don't know the fic, the Council finds out about Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship and they quit the Order. Anakin punches Palpatine when he insults Obi-Wan and gets sent to jail, and Obi-Wan hurries to hit the Chancellor as well so they can stay together. This also fulfills @ficwip's Hey Sweetheart challenge!
Text under the cut:
“Where are we going?” Anakin demanded. His hands were bound at the wrists in front of him, which didn’t make him look very threatening, but he gave his best glare to the backs of the heads of the troopers escorting him down the hall anyway.
Neither the troopers ahead of him nor the two at his back answered him. Their little group just kept marching along.
“I demand to know where you’re taking me,” Anakin tried, not pausing in his forward march but flexing his fingertips in preparation. He didn’t want to use the Force against them – besides the fact that they were probably just acting on orders from someone higher up the prison management chain of command, he was also pretty sure even something mild like knocking four guards out for a few hours would get his sentence extended and that was the opposite of what he wanted considering Obi-Wan was already slated to get out weeks before he did – but he also was not planning on taking a move to another cell block without putting up some sort of a fight.
He and Obi-Wan were kept apart for most of the day – Anakin in his cell and Obi-Wan in his – but because they were part of the same cell block, they were allowed to take both their exercise hour and their meal break together, Anakin holding Obi-Wan’s hand clasped in his as they jogged around the exercise track in their prison-issued tracksuits and rubbing elbows as they sat side-by-side with their dinner trays (and this only because they’d been told off for trying to sit on each other’s laps instead). But it was still a far sight better than not getting to see him at all, and Anakin hadn’t even done anything wrong (lately) and so really didn’t deserve to be punished like this.
“I want to go back to my cell,” he said.
“One of my batchmates is serving under Commander Cody in the 212th,” the trooper behind Anakin on his right said through his helmet vocoder. “CT-3812.”
“Sure. Punch, right?” Anakin said easily. “Yeah, I know him. But what has that got to do with anything?”
“That’s him,” the trooper agreed. None of the prison guards had ever told Anakin their names, just their badge numbers, although not for lack of asking. This one was one of the supervisors. Some of the younger guys were so green they had five-digit designations. “He’s met General Kenobi a few times.”
“Cool. So have I,” Anakin nearly growled. “That’s who I’m trying to get back to. So if you could just put me back in my cell, that’d be great. Or at least tell me what I’ve done.”
“Punch tells me he’s a real stand-up guy,” the trooper continued, as if Anakin hadn’t spoken. “Always makes sure his men have enough to eat. Doesn’t take unnecessary risks. That sort of thing.”
They rounded a corner. Anakin was starting to get desperate. “Just tell me where we’re going,” he practically begged. “I can call in a couple of favors and get myself reassigned back to Obi-Wan’s floor”-
“Punch also said,” the trooper on Anakin’s right said, so loudly he was almost shouting in Anakin’s ear, “that one time you and your troops joined up with their battalion, you threw yourself in front of a blazer bomb. Saved the lives of fifteen men.”
Anakin had done that enough times that that didn’t really narrow it down for him. “Which campaign?” he asked, but the trooper ignored him yet again, which seemed rude, considering he’d started the conversation in the first place.
A commlink chirped – Anakin instinctively looked to his own belt before remembering he didn’t wear one anymore – and one of the troopers at the front of their procession answered it.
“We’re ready for you, Sergeant,” the voice on the other end said.
“Copy,” the man said, replacing the device on his belt.
“Well, I’m not ready,” Anakin said, and he stopped walking. The troopers at his back nearly ran into him. “I’m not going any further without an explanation. If you can’t give me that, then you can just put me back in my cell, because” –
“We do regular maintenance, on all the cells,” one of the troopers injected, talking over the tail end of Anakin’s sentence. “Routine cleaning, things like that. Check that the water pipes are functioning properly, do a little light dusting…”
“I don’t care if my cell is clean or not,” Anakin hissed. “You can skip mine for the next five months if you want. Or let me do it myself. Is that the problem? Just give me the tools and leave me alone. If you’re worried I’m going to break out, I promise I won’t. As long as you’ve got Obi-Wan here I’m, like, the opposite of a flight risk.”
“It might take, say, three hours to finish the whole floor, wouldn’t you say?” the trooper on Anakin’s left asked the trooper on Anakin’s right.
“Maybe as many as four,” he responded.
“And we do these sorts of rounds every other week,” the first one continued.
“What’s that got to do with anything?” Anakin demanded.
“If you’d just wait right in here, Prisoner 224,” the trooper who was friends with Punch said, and nudged Anakin in the back with the butt of his rifle.
“I told you; I’m not going. And you’re bluffing. You won’t shoot me.”
“That’s true,” the trooper admitted. “I’m not. What I am going to do is count to thirty, and by the time I get to the end, you’re going to decide to go, all on your own.”
“Ha,” Anakin said. “Like hell I am. What on earth do you think would make me” –
“Here we are, sir,” another of the troopers said, and he punched the button to release the door guard in front of one of the cells. He was wearing a bucket, but he somehow seemed to be able to stare straight into Anakin’s eyes anyway. “Four hours, every other week,” he repeated slowly, enunciating very clearly.
“I don’t care how clean it is,” Anakin insisted, just as he was very unceremoniously shoved forward into the new cell he absolutely did not want to be in –
“Oh. Hello, sweetheart,” Obi-Wan said, sitting up from where he’d been lying on his back across his bunk, his arms crossed behind his head. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“What” – Anakin stammered as the door guard slammed down behind him, locking him in. Locking him into Obi-Wan’s cell. With Obi-Wan.
Anakin opened his mouth. Shut it. Opened it again. The binders around his wrists unlocked and fell to the floor with a clatter. “Send Punch my regards,” he said, without turning his head. He and Obi-Wan hadn’t stopped staring into one another’s eyes from the moment they’d faced one another. Obi-Wan grinned. Anakin grinned back.
“Will do, sir,” his friend said jovially, but Anakin missed hearing him as he launched himself at Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan, laughing, caught him and lowered him down onto his bunk.
“Did I just hear you say something about four hours?” Obi-Wan asked mischievously, one eyebrow raising into a verbal question mark.
“Shut up and kiss me,” Anakin said, and Obi-Wan did.
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lordgrimwing · 5 months
Stealthros AU
[from this ask!]
The Basics: Malkor establishes his on kingdom in Middle-earth, enthralling/enslaving most of the elves before being defeated by the Valar and tossed into Mandos to contemplate his bad behavior (no elves ever went to Valinor). When he gets out on good behavior, he steals three glowing eggs from a group of dragons, killing dragon!Finwe and wounding dragon!Nerdanel in the process (similar process to Melkor leaving in the book). He then flees across the sea back to Middle-earth to reclaim his kingship. The rest of the dragon family chases after him, desperate to get their unhatched children/siblings back. The dragons work with the free peoples to over-throw Melkor, Feanor is killed at some point never seeing his lost eggs again. — @nighttimepatrons has some fricken awesome art of these dragons. Go check it out! —
Now, the dragons never tell their tentative allies that the ‘silmarils’ are eggs, so as far as anyone knows, the silmarils are just special gems that the dragons want back. Once Melkor is defeated, the elves/men/dwarves don’t give the remaining dragons the silmarils as agreed upon when the alliance was first made, keeping them for themselves (the light of the silmarils helps crops grow and keeps evil creatures away and are just all around very tempting things to keep hold of in a war-ruined land).
Inevitably, this leads to the dragons turning on the newly freed peoples (ie, welcome to the kinslayings on a massive scale). The dragons die one by one, the eggs always just out of reach. Celegorm has a classic western dragon arc with Luthien and Beren before they slay him. Finally, it’s down to Maedhors (the Enormous) and Maglor, and Celebrimbor who never took part in the slaughter for the silmarils because he loves elves, and he’s actually living in Eregion with the elves.
Because Kidnap Fam is kind of a requirement for us, M+M end up with young Elros and Elrond after another failed attempt to get a silmaril. M+M raise E+E and they become half-feral, fearless foster sons committed to helping their dragon dads get what’s theirs!
Okay, that was a lot but there you have the basis for the AU. Now on to some fun details.
The AU got it’s name because Elros is a silly guy who is very proud of how sneaky he can be, how stealthy. He calls himself Stealthros (get it? Stealthy Elros. Steathros. We’re so funny)
Now, because Elros and Elrond are So stealthy and sneaky and want to help their dads, who by this time are starting to give up, they decide to sneak into the treasury of the Noldor King and get the silmaril hidden within. Things go great until they get caught. Elros manages to escape (Stealthros for the win!) but Elrond gets tossed into a prison cell while the king figures out what to do.
Let’s talk about Gil-galad, the King of the Noldor.
Gil-galad, like many of the Noldor, was a thrall of Morgoth, freed after the dragons defeated the Vala. He bares a passing resemblance to Fingon, one of the free Noldor kings who died during the wars and dear friend of Maedhros. With some coaching from Cirdan (who never was a thrall), Gil-galad manages to convince the newly freed and leaderless Noldor that he is the son/grandson of Fingon. Whatever your thoughts on this deception, he’s doing a great shop of rebuilding the world and ensuring people don’t starve. Maedhros refuses to meet with him for any kind of treaties to end the attacks because he knows this upstart usurper is no relation of Fingon the Valiant. Gil-galad has the scars of a setting/rising star cut into his forehead. He doesn’t talk about it.
He's a good king, and he’s terrified when he ends up with a silmaril. He feels the Doom hanging over him and a bit of disappointment: from the stories, he expected something far grander from a silmaril, something glowing with otherworldly light, bright and holy; instead, all he has is a slightly shiny rock that collects dust and invites two nasty dragons to descend on the city. Whatever goodness and power that was housed in the thing is long gone. He hates it.
Now he has this this wild half-elf, foster son of the same monsters, too. He’s so Doomed.
He tries to talk with Elrond. In an ideal world, he’d get an agreement where he frees the boy and gives him the rock, but based on history, even that could bring death flying on dragon wings.
The talk doesn’t go well. Elrond appears to have forgotten his native language, and he only hisses and snaps at Gil-galad, even biting his hand when he gets too close!
There’s only one thing for it: he sends a message to Eregion, asking for someone who’s learned dragon-speech from Celebrimbor to home translate for him.
Celebrimbor is kind of a busybody, though, so he flies over to Lindon himself to see what’s going on and meet the elf-child his uncles raised.
Elrond bullies Celebrimbor. He’s so mean to the dragon 100x his size, it’s unbelievable. He says all kinds of things about Celebrimbor abandoning his family. He punches him in the nose!—Celebrimbor has no idea how to handle this from someone so small. He maybe cries a little. Gil-galad tries not to get second-hand embarrassment.
And that’s kind of it. I Elrond gets back to his dragon dads (Stealthros probably breaks him out), Gil-galad and Celebrimbor probably don’t die (but couldn’t you just imagine a scene like that one from HotD, with Elros on Maedhros chasing them down? shivers).
I’m sure Nightie has more awesome ideas to share (especially focused on the dragons)!
Ask me about fics that live rent-free in my head!
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sunonyoreface · 2 years
Routine Examinations Pt7 - Jimmy Keene - Black Bird Imagine
Hi there, this story is loosely based off the Black Bird series starring Taron Egerton as James Keene. Although the series is based off real events, this story is not and deviates from the show’s plot.
Summary: You’re a doctor working with the FBI, your new patient: Jimmy Keene.  
Word count: 2000
Pairing: Reader x Jimmy Keene
TW: angst, prison environment, mention of insulin injection.
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Jimmy doesn’t hide his surprise when I show up outside his cell. His tired expression is replaced with one of recognition and worry. My patients weren’t alerted about the morning routine change. It’s only for a couple of days. Just until enough people are discharged upstairs and my office is my own again.
“Dr. Green,” concern laces his tone as he stands up from his bed to greet me. He approaches the bars, looking me up and down, searching for evidence to support his wariness. 
“Morning Keene, how are you this morning?” I smile at him through the doors. I’m careful not to be too overtly friendly. Jimmy is not the only one watching. As I’ve made my rounds, the male attention has only grown. At least a dozen depraved eyes are on me as we speak, peering from all angles of the floor. 
Nelson steps around me to unlock his cell door. Jimmy’s eyes flicker to the officer only briefly before landing back on mine. His brows are furrowed, clearly questioning my unannounced visit. He isn’t the only one who reacted this way. several others were upset I’d altered their routine, but thankfully none put up a fight. Once it slides open, Nelson takes a stand near my medical cart, ensuring nothing will get stolen. He stands with his back to us as I requested at the start of our route so it didn’t look suspicious if I were to ask at Jimmy’s cell. 
“Is something wrong?” He asks. 
“Not at the moment. I’m doing medication on the ground today to avoid extra traffic in the infirmary,” I step up to the entrance of his cell. The door is unlocked but his broad frame guards the opening. He’s hesitant to let me in.
“May I come in?” I step up to the entrance. Intense eyes stare down at me as I wait for him to decide. I don’t think he wants his injection out in the open. 
Jimmy takes a small step back, just far enough to allow me in, but not far enough back so that I have space to move past him. We’re standing almost chest to chest. 
It feels strange being in an inmate's cell, especially Jimmy’s. It’s a small glimpse into who they are. What few possessions they have are often incredibly important to them. Yet Jimmy hasn’t been here long enough to add to his cell. I’m not sure he would anyway. He doesn’t come off as that type of person. But maybe I don’t know him that well. 
Nevertheless, you’re stepping into what little space they can call their own. It’s not a home but it’s as close as many of them get for years. It's where they sleep, where they dream, where they think about friends and loved ones on the outside, where they reflect on their past actions, where they determine if it was all worth it. It’s the closest thing they have to a safe space. So just the act of being in his cell, in his space, feels oddly intimate. 
Part of me feels like an intruder after that first step. As though I need to tread lightly because no one should know I’m here. But that’s not really the case, is it?
I fidget with the packaged vile. Jimmy’s name is nearly labelled on it. They’re all meticulously labelled. Every vial for every patient. So, even if I’m not the one doing his shot, Jimmy will receive the crystalloid solution instead of insulin. The wrong vial could kill him. 
He watches me intently. I briefly saw him yesterday for less than five minutes at the crack of dawn, but we couldn’t talk. My office was and still is being shared by two doctors with only a curtain as a divider. Nothing we’d say would be confidential. Today is the first real day since the riot that we’ll be able to talk. Even if it’s for a limited amount of time. 
“How are you?” Jimmy whispers as he towers over me. Looking up into his eyes is mesmerizing. Yet the nagging in my head reminds me of those watching. I grab his arm to pull him deeper into his cell. Here we’re sheltered from everyone but Nelson, who isn’t looking anyway. 
“Tired,” I respond. “Overwhelmed. I haven’t really had time to think about it,” I anxiously rub a hand along the back of my neck. I don’t know how much I can tell him anymore. After Hall’s trip to the infirmary yesterday, part of me wonders what Jimmy all shares with him.  Or if it’s possible he shares details about me in exchange for details about Hall’s life. The logical part of my brain says that would never happen, that Jimmy wouldn’t do that. Yet, I’d be stupid if I didn’t at least consider those possibilities. Because after all, Jimmy is a desperate man. And desperate men are dangerous men. “You?” I ask. 
“Tired. I’m always tired,” Jimmy lowers his voice. “I can’t stop thinking about you” he raises a hand to brush over my bandaged collarbone. Underneath my clothes, the scar is red and still several days away from being fully healed. Part of me wants to disappear into his arms, to be held and comforted again, but I know we can’t. I long to melt into him. I can tell he wants to touch me more because his hands linger above my shirt, but I know he won’t. “These last few nights, all I could think about was if you were okay,”
“I’ll be fine,” I whisper. “Can you take a seat on the bed please?”
Jimmy obeys my request, taking a seat on the neatly folded mattress. He sits with his legs spread and I take the opportunity to stand between his thighs. Our legs brush and I can feel the warmth from his skin pass through our clothes and embrace my outer thighs. 
“Did they catch those fuckers?” Jimmy’s voice is raspy and I can hear the underlying anger in his tone. 
“Sort of,” I hesitate before continuing. “Ralf was charged for stealing the supplies and put into solitary, but Moe wasn’t caught,”
“But you know who they are? Why didn’t you identify them?” I didn’t want to talk about this today but now it’s too late to stop. 
“Because if this goes to court, it doesn’t just draw attention to them, you’ll be brought into it too,” realization dawns on Jimmy’s face. “What you did was technically assault, even if it was to protect me. I don’t know if you’d be charged, but you would definitely be mentioned in the hearing. What happened would be talked about by other convicts, if it hasn’t already. I’m fine. I’ll be fine. But I need you to focus on Hall, okay?” As the words leave my mouth, he breaks eye contact. I don’t think it’s guilt he feels. It’s something else. Something harder to describe. His brows furrow and his eyes search his cell for a nonexistent answer. Jimmy’s hand starts to reach for mine but then he stops and pulls back. My heart clenches. 
“I’m not sorry for what I did,” he says seriously. 
“I’d hope not,” I joke. He looks up at my change of tone to see me smiling down at him. “Now, lift your shirt.”
I’m starting to think Jimmy will never get used to needles. His entire body remains stiff throughout the thirty seconds it takes for me to finish. His breathing is shallow and he refuses to look at my hands. It’s almost cute. 
“Done,” I cap the syringe. “Jimmy, there’s something we have to talk about before I leave,” he looks up. I have his full attention. “Hall came to visit me yesterday,” I watch his reaction carefully. 
“Hall did? Why?” His brows furrowed in confusion and he shifts away from me slightly. 
“He faked an injury because he wanted to see who’s been treating you every morning,” a flash of anger crosses Jimmy’s face but doesn’t stay. He remains quiet, allowing me to continue. “He said you mentioned that I was nice and pretty and he had to see for himself,” I finish with a sigh. 
“I didn’t say those things to him,” Jimmy’s whispering now. Maybe he fears Hall will hear us from his nearby cell. “Well not like you implied. He was asking me what you were like because he hasn’t gone to the doctor since coming here. So I said you were nice, but that’s it.” 
“Has he said anything else about our appointments? Anything at all?” I lower my voice to match his. Jimmy looks to the corner of his cell and I know immediately there’s more. 
“Every once in a while he’ll ask, never in much detail. But he’s asked about what it’s like having diabetes. How often you do my shots. That kind of thing. Once or twice he’s tried to talk about you in more detail but I don’t say much,” he forces a swallow. 
“What did he say?” My tone is more serious than ever, I need to know if Hall’s curiosity is just that or if it’s more.
“He wanted to know if you had kids, you know, stuff like that. If you were married, to which I said I didn’t know and he told me to check for a ring next time,” he pauses to consider his words before continuing. “The day before the riot he started getting more personal. He asked what you smelled like. What shoes you wore. What colour your bra straps are because apparently women send secret messages to men based on the colour of their bra,” Jimmy finally finishes. “But I went into the least amount of detail without it being suspicious. It’d be weird if I outright refused to talk about you with him.”
My stomach drops at the amount of information he just mentioned. Weeks worth of information. Stuff that should’ve been written down and recorded. I can’t believe he didn’t mention this before. 
Despite this, Jimmy’s right. It’d be weird if he refused to talk about me to Hall. Not only that, it would be suspicious. But the fact that Hall has taken a special interest in me, not out of suspicion, but for a more sinister reason, is almost as concerning. 
I sigh. “Okay. Jimmy, in the future you have to tell me this information. Even if you think it’s going to creep me out or that you’re protecting me by not saying anything, I have to know. Okay? Have to.” 
He grabs my empty hand and gently squeezes. “I will. I shouldn’t have kept that from you,”
Any tension I had towards him slips away as the warmth of his hand wraps around my own. His calloused hands are large and gentle. I break eye contact with him to stare at the embrace. I brush my thumb along the top of his fingers as they apply a reassuring pressure to my hand. 
As I stand between Jimmy’s legs, I subconsciously lean forward. He shifts, allowing us to be closer than before. Part of me wishes we were still locked in my office together where there were no prying eyes. I want to relish in the feeling of his arms around me. To linger so close his breath becomes my own.
I allow myself one last moment to memorize the feel of his strong hand.
“We have a lot to talk about once my office is back together,” I murmur.
“Okay,” he whispers. 
I squeeze his hand one last time before pulling away without a look back. My shoes echo along the cement floor as I step out of the cell. Nelson hears my footsteps and takes his cue. Jimmy’s door slides shut and closes with a loud clank. 
As I gather my cart I feel a set of eyes on me. I look back at Jimmy’s cell to find him watching with care. We share a small, risky smile before I quickly look away. However, as I turn away, I notice another set of eyes intently watching our exchange. 
My body stiffens as I lock eyes with Hall. He leans against his cell door, diagonal to Jimmy, twirling his beard between his fingers. My breath catches in my throat as I’m caught off guard. I quickly cover my tracks with a polite smile as I head for the exit. My pace is faster than before and Nelson struggles to keep up. 
Keene and Hall aren’t the only ones watching me leave.
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ussgallifrey · 1 year
(She Moves With) Shameless Wonder | 21
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✦ Summary: Your badge clearly said SHIELD consultant, so you weren’t entirely sure where Fury was getting this whole make you an Avenger idea from. But you had a feeling it might have something to do with the recent discovery of an artifact at the bottom of the Arctic Sea.
✦ Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
✦ Warnings: Canon divergence, dialogue taken directly from Avengers: Age of Ultron, language, mentions of Hydra experimentation, moderate violence, Steve Rogers definitely not being jealous.
✦ Word Count: 9.4k
✦ Playlist: Here
✦ Author’s Note: Uh...hey. How's it going? I'm just visiting as it was. For anyone who might be totally unaware, I've been away for almost a year now. At the beginning of 2023, my partner experienced a near fatal injury and well, life has kind of revolved around that for some time. He's physically healing, I'm emotionally and mentally healing and life is finally moving along once again.
Consider this me dipping my toes into writing once again. Maybe not regular updates, but a start. The majority of this chapter has been sitting in my drafts since, god, November of last year? As a spur of the moment kind of thing, I decided to reread the entire story earlier today and felt determined enough to maybe add to it once again. And... here we are. Anyway, back to the story <3
[Master List]
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Steve finds himself in one of the several glassed-in conference rooms in the tower with Tony and Hill - only a few hours after Natasha was cleared by Dr. Cho. The billionaire looks like he’d rather be doing anything other than this. Most likely wishing he could be back in his precious lab, studying the scepter for all its worth before it was returned to its rightful home.
He closes the door behind him, eyeing the laptop on which Maria is typing, “Said you got a lead?”
She hums in soft acknowledgment, eyes scanning something on the screen before she finally gives him her attention. Tony rocks back in his chair, feet crossed at the ankle on the adjacent seat. Steve remains standing at the end of the table.
Images appear on the whiteboard behind her as she begins her report, “It took us two hours to bypass the corrupted files and the top-of-the-line encryption - ”
“No thanks to JARVIS,” Tony adds quickly, with a knowing smirk.
She nods, but otherwise ignores the comment, “We’re looking at roughly thirty years of backlog.”
Steve watches the images on the projection switch between the scepter, schematics, and patient files. Jesus.
“You were on the right track, Captain. Strucker wasn’t just using that thing for weapons - though we have at least a good amount of information on the weaponry he successfully made. But I believe your interest was focused on the containment cells?”
It’s at that moment that you and Clint walk in, offering an apologetic nod as you take a seat beside Tony. You lean forward almost immediately when you see what’s on the screen - an image taken just earlier today of the mangled cell block.
The screen changes to two prisoner files marked PATIENTIENT 4.1and PATIENT 4.2. Admittedly, his German isn’t as good as it used to be during the war, so he fumbles through the article with little to no comprehension.
“Anyone get that?” Clint gestures at the screen, an incredulous expression on his face.
Before Hill can even bring up the translation, you’re muttering out, “They… they weren’t experimented on. The scepter, it wasn’t - ”
“What do you mean?” Steve asks, eyes narrowing at the files as if he could somehow understand the foreign words now.
“Is there any language you don’t speak?” Tony whirls around in his seat to stare at you instead; totally missing the point.
“Jedek, Sentinelese, and Mudbara to name a few,” you answer levelly, before craning your head back to look at Steve and then over to Clint. “It says Patients 4.1 and 4.2 were entered into their program in 2005 - ”
Hill nods, the projection changing over to a set of images - body parts being measured and cataloged. They looked surprisingly small - skin stretched tight over the bones of a forearm, a calf, and a shockingly skeletal spine.
Children. He was looking at the images of two children that HYDRA had taken in.
Gritting his teeth, he manages to get out a sharp, “What else?”
Maria takes over then, back to more pages of files, “They were part of a series of off-the-record adoptions, during the country’s last civil war. People went missing by the hundreds back then. The official death count is still incomplete from the time. But it appears that individuals like Strucker were using the war to their benefit.”
The screen is flooded with images then, hundreds of people - primarily children, he notes with a sour turning of his stomach and the clenching of his fist at his side.
“And he was what, using the scepter like he was playing at God?” Barton scoffs with a bitter tone.
Steve is reminded then of the fact that if anyone understood the gravity of the scepter and the capability of its power in the wrong hands, it would in fact be Clint Barton.
Hill’s lips form a thin line, “For some, yes.”
“But not these two?” Tony fills in, twirling a pen between his fingers.
“Why?” Steve questions, unable to pull his gaze away from the new blurred image of a dark-haired girl, no older than eight - her eyes wide as she’s seemingly forced into a position for the camera.
It’s then that you lean forward in your chair, squinting at the file next to the girl’s picture before you rock back in your seat - “They were showing abilities on their own accord?”
And then the bombshell drops.
“This is their DNA structure against the typical human’s - ” In the center of the table, a blue holographic projection is displayed. Two double helixes slowly rotate alongside one another.
For all his aptitude, Steve can’t spot the immediate difference between the two. But you and Tony surely latch onto it quick enough. Leaning over the table, the billionaire swipes his hand at the helix on the left and instantly increases its size.
“What the hell is that?” Tony wonders out loud, turning the helix with his fingers.
It’s only then that Steve notices the strange strand near the center of the structure. It’s forked, compared to the other relatively straight branches. Almost spiked in its appearance.
“They called it the X gene, in the official reports,” Hill supplements.
“Which did what, exactly?” Tony asks, eyes still focused on the hologram.
She clears her throat for a moment, before saying, “From what we understand from their reports, these two individuals had naturally occurring inhuman powers on a previously unheard-of level.”
Everyone’s attention falls on her, and the silence lingers.
“Superpowered humans whose abilities can be traced back only to their own mutated DNA.”
Tony looks between the screen, the hologram, and then Steve.
“Shit. You’re saying these things can just pop up now, yeah? Any random person could get some kind of unnatural ability?”
“We have to look into it further, obviously - and if we were able to run the appropriate tests - ”
“What happened to them?” you ask, standing slowly. Clarifying only a moment later when you’re met with blank stares. “The file says they were still there when we breached the fortress. And yet we didn’t find anyone there that wasn’t already in a body bag in the morgue.”
She gives a tight nod, flicking off the presentation, “We have eyes on the city.”
“Do we even know what they look like? Let alone their intentions,” Tony questions, leaning away from the table and tapping the pen for a moment against his leg.
Hill shakes her head, “No. But we have a limited age range and a general profile to work with. And two people who were held captive for most of their lives will display a unique range of responses and choices. One slip, and we’ll find them. But if they were able to escape Strucker’s fortress on their own accord - ”
Tony seems unimpressed as he nods, walking backward for a moment as he says, “Keep me looped.”
You step forward to speak to Maria as the billionaire leaves - probably back to his lab. Clint stands up with a tired stretch.
“How’s she holding up?” Steve asks gently as the archer moves around the table.
The blonde smiles fondly, shaking his head, “You know, Nat, man. She doesn’t do bed rest for shit. I’m bribing her with coffee and I got Thor keeping her company right now.”
“Keeping her from escaping, you mean?” you turn back towards them with a knowing smile.
Clint chuckles, “Something like that.”
Steve nods, watching as he takes his leave then, waiting around for you to finish up with Maria. He recalled how rattled you had been that day upon discovering the cells. To finally have an answer to that giant unknown - well, Steve just wanted to see how you were holding up after it all.
Your brows raise marginally as you see him still standing there, but the two of you walk out into the quiet hallway together as Maria packs up her things, stepping in sync as you head for the elevator to the private quarters.
“So…” he starts, still processing the whole meeting in his head.
“So, naturally occurring superpowers,” you agree with a disbelieving shake of your head.
He shares your shock, glancing over at the curiously downturned expression on your lips. And here he thought the weirdest thing science had ever turned out was him. But in a world of literal Gods and billionaires with time and money to spend, Steve probably shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was.
“It makes me wonder,” you say as you stop at the metal doors of the elevator, “If this is the first instance of the mutation - if something in their specific genetics can be traced back to this. Or… or if this could be a totally random human mutation.”
The bell dings gently as the doors slide open and the two of you enter.
Steve just shakes his head, “I have no idea.”
You hum in quiet contemplation. The doors swish shut after a moment and Steve presses the button for the appropriate floor before stepping back, eyeing you out of his peripheral. Your curiosity was like a burning ember, he could see it growing by the second and it made him smile - seeing that thirst for answers, for knowledge, so clear on your face.
“They were seemingly random too - not necessarily connected powers or even all that similar really,” you turn to face him, eyes narrowed as you seem to work through everything out loud, “The male prisoner had an increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. And the girl had neuroelectrical interfacing, telekinesis, and mental manipulation.”
Slowly he turns to face you, peering down into your energized eyes with a look of confusion clearly plastered upon his own.
With one glance up at him, you specify, “He moves incredibly fast and she can move things with her mind. The grooves on the floor, the deformed cell bars. It’s kind of unbelievable, right?”
Steve offers a look of consideration as he nods toward the now-opening doors. The two of you exit onto the pristine floor of the personal living quarters for the team.
“Have you ever seen something like this before?” he asks, glancing over at you as the two of you pass the closed door to Dr. Banner's room.
“Not like this. Gods and other immortals, sure. Gamma radiation accidents and one notable serum-enhanced super soldier,” your eyes turn playful as you look over at him - he returns the expression with a smile of his own. “But never naturally occurring human mutation, no.”
“Tony's gonna have a field day,” he sighs, at last, coming to a stop just beside the door to the room the billionaire had forced upon you.
As if he wasn't already deep in the research pool with the scepter. Once Thor returned it to its rightful home, Stark would eagerly be jumping on the opportunity to explore the mutated genome for all its worth.
You make a thoughtful humming sound as you seem to register just where you are now, peering back at the door.
“Hey, uhm,” Steve clears his throat as he looks over at you, a slight blush on his cheeks. “You're going to the party tomorrow night, right?”
That pulls your attention as you look back at him with a gentle smile, “Yeah, he roped me into it. Told me to call up some friends to come along. He wouldn't take no for an answer.”
Steve laughs, “Yeah, that sounds about right for Stark.”
“Doesn't even matter that I have no one to invite along. Honestly, what does he think I do in my spare time to warrant friendships like that?”
The words themself seem disheartening but you're chuckling despite it.
He offers a grin of his own, “Seems to be a mutually shared problem.”
Your eyes flicker up to his, a sparkle of warmth within the depths of your irises.
“Yeah,” you breathe out gently. And then your hand grabs hold of the door handle and you push back with your weight to open it a crack. “Well, maybe I can scour my contacts for someone. And if all else fails, you could always call up Sharon?”
There's a hopeful lilt to your voice, one that Steve, unfortunately, has to dampen.
“She's on assignment right now. Probably won't be stateside for another month.”
Your lips form a gentle ahh, “I'm sure you'll think of someone by then.”
Seeing a chance appearing in front of him, Steve gulps down his anxious nerves. Natasha had said to be blunt after all.
“Or… I could just take… you.”
With a surprised blink, your lips curve up into a breathtaking smile that nearly sends him reeling.
“Sure, Rogers. Though Sam might be a little jealous of me taking his wingman away.”
Relief swims through his belly as he rocks back on his heels, unable to contain his smile, “I'm sure he'll get over it.”
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The lab is thrumming with energy when you come to check in on the two scientists who, by the looks of it, haven’t left the room since at least the day before - if not longer. Settling in on one of the spare stools alongside an abandoned workbench, you watch them work - flicking between screens and running computations that are basically incomprehensible to you.
“How may I assist you?”
“Cronus!” you startle as the bot seems to materialize next to you.
Unlike the rest of the Iron Legion, this particular bot has a drawn-on smile on its mouthpiece, crudely done in a lopsided Sharpie scrawl. Along with two wonky curved eyebrows above the visual optics.
“Oh, hey, Your Highness,” Tony calls out, not even looking away from the new set of schematics in front of him.
Bruce gives a little wave of his own.
“No need for assistance,” you inform the drone, watching the digitized glowing eyes seemingly blink before it walks back to the corner of the lab from which it came.
From across the room, you hear the billionaire give a slightly defeated damn it before he looks up and seems to decide that you’re far more interesting - striding across the room until he’s leaning against the workbench next to you.
“Have I mentioned how unnerving those things are?”
He glances back at the bot, “My Legion, you mean?”
You hum in agreement, “I mean, I understand that you gave up the suit and this was the next logical step. But you couldn’t have made them a bit more… friendly?”
His lips form a challenging grin, “I’ll have you know that the Ultron line of toys are currently at the top of everyone's Christmas wishlist. And there’s an anime currently in the works inspired by my Legion. So, maybe it's just you and your slightly outdated ways.”
You blink in confusion, “Anime?”
“Seriously? How long have you been around here?”
With a strangled laugh, you look away, “A few thousand years, give or take. And I’ll have you know that my interests far outreach your capitalist hold on the franchise market.”
Tony stumbles back, a hand held to his heart, “Okay, ouch. I let you into my tower, offer you a room, and you call me a money-hungry capitalist?”
A shrug is all you offer him in return.
He gestures at Bruce with a pleading look in his eyes, looking for backup apparently. But the other scientist merely holds up his hands in a clear sign of not wanting to step into the fray.
“Okay, I’ll play,” he resigns, leaning his elbows on the workbench - watching you with a playful intensity. You can make out each ring under his eyes, the speckles of red veins in his tired expression.
“While I’ve been coming up with more and more exuberantly creative ways to fund this entire group operation, you’ve been doing what exactly?”
Turning on the seat to better address him, you state quite plainly, “Cleaning up SHIELD’s mess.”
“Which we’ve also been doing,” he shakes his head. “My question is: why haven’t you joined us on any of these little adventures?”
Admittedly, you kind of blank for a moment.
It was a legitimate question, considering you were doing nearly the exact same thing for the past year, just on your own. While you knew Steve had been silently tracking his long-lost friend during this time, you also were aware of the many raids he had partaken in with the team.
“I mean, even with this whole scepter business just about wrapped up, there’s still bases and terrorist cells out there. And since you’re already here - ”
“Anonymity,” you answer, suddenly.
Tony blinks, jerking his head back as you slowly and calmly press forward.
“I spent centuries being nothing more than a legend amongst your kind. I could come and go as I pleased. I worked for SHIELD while remaining almost entirely off their records. Yet one instance in New York and suddenly my identity was dragged into the open and now - ”
You gesture vaguely around the lab, “Now, I’m here and a part of a household name. I preferred it when it was just me doing the quiet work behind the scenes and not having my name and image on the news.”
“And lunchboxes and costumes and a few knock-off toys, to name a few other things, right?” Tony’s eyes flash with what you think is meant to be humor.
Your anger simmers and you offer him a tired, half-hearted smile, “It was an easier life when my name was only associated with museum pieces and ancient tales, yes.”
He nods thoughtfully, biting at his lip as he looks between you and Bruce.
“So… it’s a maybe?”
You shove his arm away, good-naturedly, “I’ll see you at your party tonight, Stark. You too, hopefully - ” you call over to Bruce.
The other man quirks his lips into a shy smile, “I’m not sure I have much of a choice in the matter.”
“You don’t!” Tony responds cheerily, eyes flickering over to you as you exit the lab. “Okay, let’s run it again, JARVIS, and see if we can keep the system from overloading this time.”
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The party is in full swing now. The drinks have been flowing freely from the bar as comfortable music streams from the speakers. It’s a surprisingly casual affair for Tony’s standards - though the man is dressed in a three-piece suit. There’s a mix of colognes and perfumes and the sharp bitterness of alcohol in the air.
He hasn’t partaken in any of it, in all honesty. He’s on the precipice, waiting for your arrival.
Steve had done his best to hide his disappointment earlier in the day when you informed him that you would have to catch up with him at the party later.
“I’ve got to pick up some friends from the airport,” you had said, almost sheepish when you knocked on the door to his room.
And he had responded with a nonchalant of course, yeah, it’s no problem sort of answer. But now that the party had officially been going on for almost an hour, he couldn’t help but feel an anxious twinge in his side as he kept sweeping the room with his eyes - trying to find you in the crowd.
It’s not that he can’t socialize with the team, the veterans, or the other partygoers. It’s a completely different reason entirely that he keeps seeking you out amongst the celebration.
“So,” Sam knocks his elbow against Steve’s arm. “You find a place in Brooklyn yet?”
He gazes out over the atrium, knowing the well-recycled conversation was just Sam’s attempt at distracting him for another few minutes. While he had never explicitly spoken about his feelings towards you, it seemed it was apparently evident to just about everyone in his inner circle of friends - Sam and Natasha included.
“I’m not sure I can afford a place in Brooklyn.”
It was true. But like he had told you the other night, he didn’t all that mind staying at the Tower. It at least kept him busy when he wasn’t working on the missing person’s case with Sam. Everything had changed after the collapse of SHIELD and Steve hadn’t been particularly interested in going back to square one and attempting his shot at normalcy.
No, joining them on the HYDRA raids had been exactly what he needed.
The other man takes another swig of his drink, “Well, home is home, you know?”
Steve looks at him for a moment before he returns his gaze to the room - eyes not quite seeing the actual location itself. But lost in the beginning of an idea that his mind sometimes liked to dangle in front of him. Images of a possible future that didn’t seem all that unwelcoming - just a little improbable.
It’s only with the loud boisterous sound of Thor’s booming voice that he’s able to focus back on the party itself and, more importantly, on the three women who have just come up the stairs.
It’s like an immediate sucker punch to the gut as he takes you in. He’s not sure if he’s ever actually seen you in a dress before. But what a debut this is.
It’s very… Grecian, he’ll admit. Bathed in soft white fabric and glistening golden embellishments, you’re every bit a goddess as you make your way over to Thor - introducing your guests.
Steve finds himself literally muttering a silent wow to himself, feeling the uptick in his heartbeat and the sudden rush of warmth to his cheeks.
And then he’s clamping his hand on Sam’s shoulder, “Think I need a drink.”
The other man just chuckles into his glass, already knowing exactly where his attention has fallen for the rest of the night.
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You can’t help but smile as Thor tugs the taller woman into a tight hug. The shorter of the two immediately backs up before he can grab hold of her.
“You’ve gotten bigger,” she states with an air of disinterest.
He chuckles, patting the other on the shoulder fondly, “Still using the same mystical illusions then?”
Sprite shrugs.
Her disguise is about five inches taller than her actual form and abnormally similar to the airport's gift shop cashier they had passed on the way out to meet you. With dark chestnut-colored hair and a pair of striking green eyes, she looked nothing like her usual self - but that was the entire point, of course.
“We’re trying to keep a low profile,” Sersi says gently, leveling Thor with a look that was filled with the expectation of continued secrecy.
It wasn’t every day two Eternals were invited to a Stark Tower party. But then again, only the two of you knew of their existence in the first place. A well-kept secret indeed.
He makes an understanding ahh sound, nodding your way, “Friends from work, then?”
“Yes, actually,” you tug Sersi’s hand into your own. “We worked together at the Louvre for two years.”
“And at the Acropolis Museum - ” she fills in.
“And the Natural History Museum in D.C. and - ”
“London and New York, yeah. We get it,” Sprite interrupts briskly, her attention drifting over to a young waiter with a tray full of champagne.
Sersi’s expression softens as she looks over at her companion, “And that’s our cue to get a drink. We’ll catch up later.”
She makes a valiant effort to pull Sprite away gracefully to a nice quiet corner while you look upon Thor in his crimson jacket and casually messy smoothed-back hair.
“I half expected to see you surrounded by your kind,” you admit.
He chuckles, eyes raking over the fit of your dress, “While it is no Asgardian revel, I must admit, I quite enjoy the company I have made here on Midgard.”
“Hmmm, I see.”
Your shoulder brushes against his upper arm as the two of you move through the crowd.
A glance across the room has you spotting Steve at the bar, conversing with Natasha and Clint. You want to make your way over to them, but you know how out of place Thor is in the room - much like yourself, honestly. You had never been one for parties, even back on Olympus - and they were frequent there. Not wanting to interrupt your companions' conversation at the bar, you remain with your fellow god.
“And when you speak of good company, I assume you are referring to your good lady? Dr. Foster?”
The way his brow creases as his lips form a thin line makes everything that much more abundantly clear, especially when the God of Thunder attempts to duck out of view to grab hors d'oeuvres from one of the caterers. He pops the caviar cracker in his mouth and immediately blanches, forcing himself to swallow it down and smile.
“Yes, of course. Very good, very… happy,” he nods, hands on his hips.
Taking pity on the poor man, you rest your hand upon his arm, “Odinson. I know you have been here far more often than you’d like to admit - ”
“Well,” he smirks, “Midgard is quite low on daring quests for someone such as myself to partake in. I seek leisure where I can.”
With an unsurprised huff, you say, gently, “If you were here for leisure, as you say, you would not be here with us, I believe.”
His shockingly blue eyes meet yours. An air of long-held familiarity passes between the two of you as the party around you continues on. It’s with a knowing look in your eyes that he has to force his own gaze away, coughing roughly into his fist.
“Ah, advice from the virginal goddess herself. Have you become an expert in the field of relationships, my Lady Athena?”
You release your hold on his arm, shyly rubbing at your own elbow as your eyes flit across the crowd.
“Hardly. But I’ve been around long enough to know these things, Thor. How long will you be away after you return the scepter?”
He sniffs indignantly, “I have been away from my home for a long time indeed. I feel it warrants an extended visit.”
Something in those eyes makes your heart clench, your features softening in intensity as it dawns on you. He was not spending time with Jane Foster because there was no longer a reason to do so. He wanted to be here. He desired to get away from that place and therefore that relationship.
The realization is heartbreaking, so you find yourself asking, “Are you okay?”
The god nearly balks at that, plastering on a very tight smile, “Wh-why would I not be? Come! We should have a drink to celebrate such an accomplishment!”
His arm wraps around your waist in an instant, his large hand covering the middle of your bare back - fingers splayed across your heated skin. If he did not want to ruin the evening with talk of his past love, then you certainly weren’t going to push the topic tonight.
“I swear if it’s anything like the terrible drink your kind used to have back in the day - ”
He beams, looking down at you as the two of you walk over to the railing overlooking the lower levels of the Tower.
“I come bearing only the best for such revelries - ” he grins, pulling an ornate flask from his open jacket, “And only for the closest of allies.”
Flicking the topper off, he holds it out for you. Taking a wary sniff, your eyes nearly bulge as you giggle a nervous sound.
“Cronus, help us all.”
Grabbing hold of the flask, you take a single swig of the fast-burning liquid, sputtering pensively as it runs down your throat. Voice turned hoarse as you wave it back his way, “See? Truly terrible. Your people have no concept of a good drink.”
Thor chuckles, taking a shot of the Asgardian liquor for himself before pocketing the flask once again, “For tonight only - and because I am in the presence of a friend - I shall try not to take personal offense to that.”
You give him a nod in return, eyes blazing with a playful challenge, “Do try that.”
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Natasha, for all appearances, is fully healed up. She’s perched on the barstool, sipping on her red-tinted drink, eyes scanning the room when Steve approaches. Clint has a grounding hand on her waist as he talks to a man on the other side of her, though she doesn’t seem to mind the lack of attention. Settling her drink down on the counter, she smiles up at him sweetly.
“Well, well, well. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Steve scoffs a quiet laugh, tucking his hands into his pockets as he glances over at you - your two friends seem to be familiar with Thor, or at least extrovertedly confident enough to greet him with a hug.
“You got cleared to drink?”
Nat waves a dismissive hand, “I’m Russian, this barely counts as alcohol. Though I see you’re not participating.”
He shrugs, eyes flickering back over to the four of you as the conversation with your friends seems to wrap up fairly quickly, leaving you alone with Thor.
“Doesn’t do any good with the serum, you know.”
She makes a soft hum of understanding, taking another sip of her drink as she watches him watching the two of you from across the room.
You were the point of his focus.
The soft draping of your dress seemed perfectly tailored to you, with its flutter sleeves and high neckline. The hem fell just above your knees, and as you turned to walk towards the balcony overlook, Steve felt the sudden tightening of his throat as his eyes fell to your back. It was fully exposed, save for the clinching collar at your neck and the guiding hand of the Asgardian whose fingers were resting far too low for Steve's liking.
Clint’s laughter pulls his attention back over to the bar, as he leans down to whisper something in Nat’s ear before dipping back into the crowd of people. Steve’s focus falls on the arrow-shaped necklace the assassin begins to fiddle with.
“If you were looking for a moment, Captain, now would be a good one.”
Sometimes, he found it unnerving how quickly Natasha could read a person down to their very core. Even after all of his time training and working for SHIELD and the STRIKE team, he had never managed to school his features away like they did. He was probably an open book for her abilities, whether he liked it or not.
With a sigh, he finally looks back over just in time to see Thor’s hand on your bare back, his head lowered down as you clutch something small and silver-colored in your hand. You’re laughing and even across the noise of the room, he can make it out with near clarity.
Natasha slides her finger along the rim of her glass, with a teasing, “Tick, tock.”
Pulling back his shoulders and forcing a purposeful breath from his lungs, Steve begins to weave his way through the crowd. He’s stopped one too many times for his patience, but he gives each person a polite and respectful greeting before apologizing and attempting to continue forward once again.
At last, he spots the bright white of your dress. He can even hear the tail end of your conversation above the low hum of the music playing on the speakers.
“ - probably best if you just... yeah. We’ll speak later.”
And only once he’s made his way through the last few party-goers, does Thor press past him with a tightly-lipped Captain in lieu of a greeting. Steve watches him go for just a moment before he focuses his attention back onto the person he had crossed the floor to see.
Your brow is furrowed and your voice cuttingly vicious as you eye two new strangers beside you.
“What in Cronus’ name are you doing here?”
A man with dark curls and a warm complexion merely rolls his eyes at you, “This is how we’re greeted.”
“Well, what did you expect?” You snip, eyes flashing something dangerous as you round on the taller man. “A hug and a kiss? I mean... you can’t just come here and expect – ”
“A warm welcome?”
Steve’s gaze falls to the shorter of the two – still a hair taller than you of course. His grin is worryingly bright, forced, but not sinister. Steve takes a step forward.
The movement alone drags your attention away from the men and the tension on your face seems to dissipate with relief when your eyes lock in on him.
“Steve,” you plead gently, extending your hand out for him.
Unsure of what exactly he has stepped into, he grips his belt and stares straight ahead at the two visitors – only after giving you a quick glance.
“Captain Rogers,” you say with a hint of salt. “May I introduce my brothers.”
He knows his brows have risen in surprise as he refocuses on the men.
The dark-haired one, with the thin beard, sneers down at them both. While the shorter of the pair, decked out in a plum-colored velvet jacket, offers a more comforting smile. But Steve’s reassurance wains when he reaches out and grabs hold of your shoulder – trying to steer you away from him.
“Pleasure, of course. But we need to speak with our dear sister.”
You grip the man’s hand and yank his wrist back in a clear warning.
“And if you decided to seek me out in such a public place, clearly you give little care to who may be around to hear what you intend to say.”
A very clear I’m staying where I am. Steve almost wants to smile with pride as he crosses his arms over his chest and gazes down at you. Not a sign of fear or trepidation lies on your face when you shoot him a quick look.
The taller of the two sighs. Dropping his arms, he reaches into his wheat-colored pant pocket and pulls out something that glints in the ambient lighting. While he takes hold of the silver chain, a small locket slips to the bottom – dangling in the air beneath his fingers.
“A gift.”
Steve’s eyes instinctively trail to your face – curious what your reaction will be. But your expression remains resolutely blank.
Flipping the locket into the palm of his hand, your brother carefully flicks open the silver cover to reveal a gentle flickering orange flame.
If he were able to look away from it, Steve would have seen the near-gasp of surprise on your lips.
“You’ve been away, ‘Thena,” your other brother says gently. “For far too long.”
With a twist of his wrist, the locket snaps shut and Steve’s gaze rises to the dark eyes of the other man.
“A message, I give to you, dear sister. Goddess of Wisdom.”
Extending his hand out, the locket dangling precariously between the two of you, Steve watches as your fingers carefully wrap around the item – slipping the chain from your brother’s fingers until the piece of jewelry is safely secured in your own hand.
Leaning in close, ducking his head down to almost your ear, the taller of the two harshly whispers, “Uti prudenter.”
When he pulls back, your eyes harden and Steve swears a flicker of gold shines there for just a moment. Staring up at the man in question, you ask, “What have you seen?”
“Nothing but what is to come.”
You snort indignantly, tossing the locket in your hand for a moment of thought.
“How ever helpful, Hermes.”
He crosses his arms, sparing you a calculated look.
“I’m not the god of visions, am I?”
“Only a carrier of precious flames, is that right?”
Holding out his palm, as if to say well, give it back then. You hold the locket closer to your chest, turning your shoulder toward Steve, making the man smirk.
“As I thought.”
With a hmph, you watch as he disappears through the small crowd before descending the stairs. Your other brother watches on for a moment before giving you a small, albeit sheepish, smile.
“Be careful.”
At that, your features soften a hair. Raising a brow at him, you ask, “Aren’t I always?”
A sharp laugh escapes from his lips as he steps forward to wrap you into a quick, tight, hug. One that you quickly accept.
Without a parting word, he too follows the steps of your other sibling and heads down the stairs. You stare on for a moment longer, glancing down at the locket in your hand before at last you turn those brilliant eyes toward him.
“Family reunions, am I right?”
He can’t help but chuckle at that.
With a soft sigh, you lean against the banister behind you, encouraging him to do the same as he falls into place on your left. His eyes have a hard time trailing away from that silver-chained locket though, still sitting in your palm.
“They never travel this way,” you explain. “Must be important. Probably on word from the Fates.”
His curiosity piques ever more, but one question seems to fall into place at the forefront of his mind.
“And that flame... was that...?”
Your eyes lift from the necklace to meet his pointed gaze.
“The Promethean Flame, yes. Or an extension of it, at least.”
Giving another sigh, your fingers pull open the latch before you tilt your head to the side. Your hair cascades over your right shoulder as you pull the chain around your neck – clasping the lock together – before you gaze down at the heavy locket now resting against your bosom.
“You know that when I’m away from Olympus for too long, my powers weaken. My body grows more prone to suffering as a typical human would. This, I imagine - ” you take hold of the plain-faced locket, staring at it as though it’s a puzzle to answer, “May keep me from experiencing too great an injury.”
Releasing a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding, Steve says, “For your sake, let’s hope so.”
Your warm eyes trail upward to meet his gaze and a curved smile befalls your sweet lips.
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There’s a faint feeling of warm inebriation now running through his veins – having partaken in one or two sips from Thor’s special flask. He uses that reason, and that alone, for the lazy arm he has resting on the couch behind you. His whole body flushes as you turn your head toward him – laughing at something Clint had said just a moment ago. Your left shoulder brushes against his bare forearm and he grins in return – not having heard a single sound above the ringing of your laughter.
“Absolutely not,” Clint’s saying – twirling a pair of drumsticks on the floor beside Maria.
Tony raises a brow in return, “Why would I lie about that? No, I had a rep from Ben & Jerry’s literally here before this whole scepter business blew up. They want to make a whole line of flavors around us.”
Your head lolls to the side, a tired smile tugging at your lips. He can feel the gentle bobbing of your pointed heel against his calf, though you don’t seem to notice as you glance back at the man to your right – saying something soft and apparently funny in nature to Thor who barks a laugh in return.
“What’d ya say, Cap?” Tony grabs his attention. “Up for a little rendezvous with apple pie and other such iconic flavors.”
Steve just shakes his head in return.
“ - yes, a solid rum flavor would do you well,” he hears you say to the other God.
“And for you?” Thor muses playfully. “What shall it be?”
Before you can even conjure up a reply, Steve finds himself saying, “Honey.”
Your sharp gaze turns to him and immediately a smile blossoms across your features.
“Honey, strawberries, and a touch of cream. You know me well, Rogers.”
Steve shrugs in return, secretly pleased with himself for anticipating such an answer and for turning your attention away from the other man for just a moment more.
Somehow talk of ice cream flavors and brand deals gives way to a more interesting topic of conversation amongst the group in only a matter of minutes.
“But it’s a trick,” Clint bemoans.
Thor smiles in a pleased fashion as he passes along the silver flask from you and then onto Steve who quickly knocks back another shot of the fiery liquid.
“No, no, it’s much more than that.”
He can feel the curl of your fingers around his hand when he hands back the container and his eyes fall to the small patch of uncovered skin above your knee – your white dress having risen slightly higher as you lean back against the warm cushions.
“Ah, whoever he be worthy shall have the power!” Clint exclaims, holding his hands out toward the hammer resting on the coffee table. “Whatever, man. It’s a trick!”
“Please, be my guest.”
Thor gestures at Mjolnir and silence seems to befall the group for just a moment as everyone’s attention pinpoints on the infamous hammer. There’s a second of silence as Clint seems to take in the words.
“Come on. Really?”
To his right, he can hear Rhodey sigh, “Oh, this is gonna be beautiful.”
Even you turn your attention to the archer now as he approaches the legendary weapon.
“You know I’ve seen this before, right?”
At Thor’s nod, he grips the handle and attempts to pull. But it doesn’t even budge a millimeter as he grunts with the effort. With an incredulous laugh, he draws his hand away, shaking his head.
“I still don’t know how you do it!”
“Smell the silent judgment?”
Glancing across the room, Clint offers his hand out to the billionaire.
“Please, Stark. By all means.”
With his typical air of arrogance, Tony lifts from the couch beside Rhodey and plucks open the button on his suit jacket. Steve leans back beside you and watches with glistening amusement as he rounds the table.
“Never one to shrink from an honest challenge. It’s physics.”
He takes a moment to wrap the leather strap around his wrist, preparing his hold as he looks toward the God in question.
“Right, so, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?”
Thor, unsurprisingly calm, responds, “Yes. Of course.”
Steve covers his mouth with his fist, already anticipating the likely outcome.
With two solid tugs and a few bitten grunts, Tony releases the strap – a sudden look of determination overcoming his features, as he says, “I’ll be right back.”
As he wanders off, much to the hooted badgering from Clint and Rhodey, Steve catches the familiar look you share with Thor. You lean into the other’s side, nudging his arm with your elbow as you whisper something too soft for even the super soldier’s ears.
Arriving back with a piece of a suit, Tony attempts the feat again. And, when that ultimately fails, he has Rhodes following after him to grab a part of War Machine’s armor. That attempt also fails – rather spectacularly as your sweet laughter fills his ears.
There’s also an attempt made by Bruce and Sam. The latter grunts with the effort before ducking his head down with a laugh.
“Man, I don’t know how you do this.”
And then he feels the gentle pressure of your arm against his elbow. When his gaze trails away from Sam, he meets your heated expression.
“Steve?” you softly goad.
What more can he do than roll back his sleeves and rise to the challenge?
“Go ahead, Steve. No pressure,” Tony drawls, still in defeat over his own failed attempt.
Sam gives him a warm slap to the shoulder as he passes.
“Come on, Cap,” Barton encourages.
Staring down at the hammer, he fixes his gaze upon the engraved runic wording. Physics had failed Tony, sheer force of will failed Clint. Maybe if he just...
Wrapping his hands around the handle, he offers you a quick glance – catching your watchful stare – before he pulls back with all of his might. He swears, for just a second, that he can feel it budge, but when he looks down... nothing.
Holding his hands up in defeat, a smile on his face, he catches the biting laugh from Thor as the other man shakes his head.
Steve presses past the two of you before taking his seat once more. You give him a solidary pat on the shoulder and a gently murmured tough luck, Cap. Someone clears their throat and Banner gestures his hands towards Natasha.
“And... Widow?”
Realization crosses her features as she leans back with a too-obvious smile.
“Oh, no, no. That’s not a question I need answered.”
Drawing their attention to the last remaining member of the team, Steve’s eyes fall upon you. Too busy watching the moment unfold with Romanoff, you’re suddenly staring at the group of them before also laughing – holding your hands up in pure dismissal.
“Absolutely not.”
“Come on,” Tony goads in an instant. “If there was anyone who could manage a feat of godly power...”
“Out of the question.”
This time, it’s Thor’s daunting timber that speaks.
Steve knows he’s not the only one curious by the sudden change in format as all eyes seem to fall on the God himself. Thor stiffens, fingers clutching his glass as he peers over at you for just a second.
“That’s not something that can be done,” you say in slow calculated words. “We will never wield one another’s weapons.”
“Can’t or won’t?” Tony immediately inquires.
Your nervous expression pauses on Steve for just a moment, as if needing strength for whatever conversation was suddenly unraveling. Your knee presses against his outer thigh and he immediately pushes back in return.
“Can’t, obviously,” Thor sniffs, gazing at the contents of his amber drink before taking a healthy drink of it. And then his dark eyes fall upon you, “Show them.”
Sparing the other God a heated glance, you stand up at once – your dress falls back in place with a careful draping of soft white fabric as you brush past Thor’s spread knees – taking your spot before the hammer.
Shooting a look at the accompanying group, you reach your hand out towards the weapon in question – just for a sharp bluish-white zap of lightning to arch out and singe the end of your fingertips. Pulling away with a sharp hiss of discomfort, you bring your digits up to your lips and gently suck at the burned flesh.
“See?” Thor drawls.
And then a light seems to glow in your eyes, a new wave of confidence, as you say with a teasing tone, “Fair is fair.”
Tossing your hand up into the air – a ray of golden light stretches down from the ceiling as your shield materializes in your hand. You hold the Aegis close to your side – looking ever so much like the fictional Goddess of legend that you were.
Steve’s fully, hopelessly, entranced.
Thor actually shrinks away from the object in question – digging himself further into the corner of the couch cushions as though he could vanish into them.
“No mortal man can wield such an item and I do not wish to try.”
Clint barks a laugh, “Come on! Like the lady said, fair is fair. Own up!”
The shield seems surprisingly light in your hand – though even Steve knows that appearances are entirely deceiving, having been in a position to use it on more than one occasion.
But with keen interest, everyone watches as the God of Thunder slowly rises to his feet. His hand reaches out, then pulls away, before he grits his teeth and finally goes for the strap of the inner handle.
You slip your hand away until you’re just barely holding it up at all. Thor’s fingers curl alongside yours for just a moment before you pull away entirely and –
“Fuck!” Barton hollers.
Thor screeches as the shield connects with the floor – splintering the wood – as the Aegis just barely grazes the toe of his shoe. He leaps back as if burned, though clearly he suffers from nothing more than burnt pride.
But Steve’s attention falls on the beaming smile on your face.
“Anyone for a go?” you ask cheerfully.
“Absolutely not.”
“Enough bruised ego for one day.”
And then your eyes cross over the group to meet the super soldier’s, a knowing glint in your warm expression as you ask, “Steve?”
Returning the grin, and feeling a bit prideful in the fact that he presses past a somber-looking Thor, Steve leans down and pulls the Aegis free from it’s temporary holding place in Tony’s floor – offering the shield back to you with little more than an uncomfortable twinge of discomfort from the sheer weight of the item.
“Thank you,” you smooze, taking hold of the shield once again and allowing it to lift up into the air and back to its home of origin.
There’s a moment that passes, between the two of you then, where a silent understanding almost occurs, but it’s immediately lost to the sharp ringing of a mechanical sound across the room. Steve’s hands fly to his ears as he cringes away from the noise.
Just as fast as the ringing occurred, it’s gone in an instant. But the sound of something metal upon the floor grabs everyone’s attention. Steve feels himself stepping closer to your side as you all look on at the metal bot that staggers out of the lab.
“Worthy? How could you be worthy? You’re all killers.”
He takes a breath, unsure of what exactly he’s seeing, but trusting it no more than he did SHIELD or any other faction he had found himself up against in the past three years.
“I’m sorry, I was asleep,” The mangled bot continues, glancing around – almost unseeing – at the room. “Or I was a dream.”
Tony’s pulled out a device and is speaking into it, but Steve can hardly look away from the sight before him – before them all. As the bot twists and turns, unsteady on its feet. Wires hang from its body like dangling tendons and veins, it holds a hand to its head as if in pain.
“- there was this terrible noise. And I was tangled in... in... strings. Had to kill the other guy,” the bot waves its hand in fleeting reference. “He was a good guy. But down in the real world, we’re faced with ugly choices.”
“Who sent you?” Thor demands.
The electronic voice of Tony Stark then plays out for them all to hear.
“I see a suit of armor around the world.”
Beside him, Athena barely breathes out, “Ultron.”
The bot fixes her with a glowing blue-eyed look and Steve stiffens.
“In the flesh. Or... no, not yet. Not this chrysalis. But I’m ready. I’m on a mission.”
Hill clocks the hammer on her gun, staring down the bot, “What mission?”
“Peace in our time.”
And then, as if fixing its look on one person in particular, the bot’s thrusters come to life and it surges forward – hand open – as it grabs hold of Tony and careens out the window.
Steve lurches forward, rushing to the shattered glass as the malfunctioning robot grips the billionaire by the neck over the bustling city street many stories below them all. Tony digs into the arms of the creature, his feet dangling, kicking uselessly for purchase.
Turning his attention toward the group now circling the open space, the bot seems to sneer.
“Look at you. The very ideal of peace-keeping. But what are you really?”
The bot soars closer, not enough to be within full reach. And Steve knows that any attempt at disarming it will bring Tony’s safety into immediate question. He can do nothing more than stare on in disturbed wonder as the robot begins lecturing them.
“Your very existence is a threat to peace. Agent Romanoff and Barton, the two gallivanting criminals.”
Its mechanical eyes rove across the group, landing on the person standing to his left. Your chin juts out in defiance. The robot chortles.
“And the Gods from another realm. How much destruction can you cause with just a flick of your mighty finger? Of course, your faith in humanity’s greatest threat is of grave concern to any being with a twinge of intelligence.”
A pointed metal finger singles out Doctor Banner, who shrinks away from them all – nervous glances shared – as he ducks his head down.
“Captain America, himself.”
Steve’s hardened gaze refuses to be moved by the bot as it focuses all of its attention on him.
“So locked in your ideals, Captain. But at what cost? Unwilling to compromise for something you believe in. Endangering the entire planet at the cost of a ghost.”
A surge of discomfort lashes up inside of him and Steve can’t help but look away – if only to catch your equally concerned eye.
“And you - ” At last, the bot jerks Tony away – giving the man no secure hold beside the arm extending him out to his doom. “Anthony Stark. A man so obsessed with making amends for his past, that you end up causing more harm than good.”
Tony struggles, his face turning red as he puffs out desperate breaths.
The bot turns toward them with the most menacing look a robot could ever give.
“This group – this team. You put the world at large at risk. Every argument, every guilt trip, and jab will lead to your failure. Where I was created to see the world as it is. How it should be. The ultimate global peacekeeper.
In an instant, the wall behind the bar explodes as three similar robots shoot out towards the group.
Tony is all but tossed toward them, landing in a curled heap beside Rhodey and Clint – panting out a worrying series of breaths before he manages to stand and call out to the Legion’s operating system.
Gunshots ring out, the heavy metallic clunk of Thor’s hammer making contact with something equally dense, shattered glass, and the shrill cry of Helen Cho meets his ears as he pushes forward. Leaping over the glass banister, Steve lands atop a silver bot, yanking back on its head with all his might as it tries to slam him into the wall.
It succeeds, with the second blow, as he tumbles down onto the floor – broken glass shards dig into his palm as he tries to steady himself.
Sam’s voice rings out across the room as a shield is tossed his way.
Using a chair for a weapon, you manage to knock away another bot from Dr. Cho’s reach – sending it back into Thor’s hammer. Steve swivels in time to catch the shoulder joint of another robot, bringing the shield down on its back with some relief as the bot splutters out electrical shocks before ultimately disengaging.
Looking up from the remnants of the mayhem, his chest heaving and his hands gripped into tight fists, Steve watches as Tony takes a heavy step back from the initial mangled-looking bot as it presses further into the room.
“That was dramatic.”
Steve spares you a glance as he tightens his grip on the shield.
“I’m sorry, I know you mean well. But this... this team will never work. You will be humanity’s downfall. You want to protect the world, but you don’t want it to change. How is humanity saved if it’s not allowed to... evolve?”
Glancing down at one of its fallen comrades, the bot kicks the side of its head – the steel faceplate gives way, revealing the wires and mechanisms that lie underneath.
“With these? These puppets?”
It looks back upon them all.
“There’s only one path to peace,” it stares at Tony then. “The Avengers’ extinction.”
And then the bot shatters with the might of Thor’s hammer.
“I had strings, but now I’m free...” The bot drowns for just a moment longer before its lights dim and the entire thing grows silent.
Stepping forward, Steve stares down at the last remaining pieces of the mangled robot before his full fury turns toward the billionaire resting on the glass steps with another torn-apart robot beside him.
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raineandsky · 2 years
Pinky promise
aka #13.2 (Part 1) (Part 2)
“Isn’t this wonderful?” the hero asks with a blissful sigh. “I can’t wait to have this time with you every evening once we’re married.”
The situation, in fact, is less than wonderful. The past four days here have been even less than that. The villain is sat at the head of the ridiculously long dining table – not of their own will, if the tightness of the leather straps over their wrists are anything to go by – and of all twenty seats around it, the hero chose the one directly next to them. Obviously.
“Delightful,” the villain says flatly, and their abhorrent beloved laughs brightly as if this is all perfectly normal.
The hero has made it perfectly clear what the deal is in the first twenty-four hours. The supposed beautiful guest room he kicked them into has unwelcoming bars across the window, chains locked to the walls with the threat of their use. The entire place is one giant jail cell, especially for them. They miss their own bedroom – comfortable, modest, and homing someone they actually love.
But here they are instead, strapped into a plush chair that gets more uncomfortable with every passing moment, staring into the untouched meal on the table in front of them, subtly turning away from the fork in the hero’s hand as he rambles on aimlessly about the wedding he’s so certain will happen.
“… oh, we’ll need flowers too. Bouquets.” This one day seems to be all he exists for. It’s embarrassing. “The local florist owes me a favour after I stopped his shop collapsing in on itself. I’ll get him to come tomorrow.”
“I’m surprised the agency doesn’t have anything to say about you being here all the time,” the villain says shortly. He seems to be wandering the corridor outside their room at all hours of the day, and they daren’t think about why he’s out there so often. They can only be thankful he stays out there.
“Ah, I have time off,” he reflects with an idle wave of his hand. “I wanted time for us to plan our big day properly, you know?”
“Of course,” is all they can be bothered to say.
The hero dumps the villain back in their lush prison after dinner. “I’ll see you in the morning,” he says lightly from the doorway. His phone rings from his pocket and he frowns as he pulls it out, tsking when he sees the name on the screen. “Ugh, it’s my boss. Goodnight, love.”
He’s answering the call before he even shuts the door, the phone to his ear as the door softly clicks closed behind him. The villain sinks into the bed with a sigh, listening to his footsteps receding back into the house with confusion. The telltale clunk of the lock turning hasn’t followed the door shutting, and he’s leaving, distracted. Is this… a chance?
They leap back to their feet eagerly, crossing the floor to the door. They rest their hand on the handle, their freedom resting on its ability to turn. They twist it testily, having to hold in their audible excitement when the knob follows them - the door slowly swings open, and the villain peeks into the corridor beyond. The hero has disappeared deeper into the house, his voice echoing off the walls like a warning.
They slip around the door cautiously, keeping their attention pinned to the laugh drifting down the hall. If the past four days have taught them anything, they’re pretty sure the hero’s in the living room – second door down the hall on the left. If they can get past that door without him noticing them, they have a shot at aiming for the one door he hasn’t locked or barricaded.
They creep as close as they dare, listening more intensely to his conversation than they have anything ever in their life. “No, I have to do stuff tomorrow,” he says idly. They can hear the clinking as he probably swings their room key in his hand, oblivious. “Like I said, I have toni– no, I’m busy tomorrow. Already made plans.”
The villain risks a peek around the door. He’s sitting on the sofa, thankfully turned towards the windows to the darkness outside, his arm propped up on the back of the chair to hold his phone to his ear. “Yeah. I’m gonna be planning stuff.” There’s a pause, and in the window’s reflection they can see how his face scrunches up slightly. “Your birthday isn’t for another five months, dumbass. You wish.”
They decide to take the risk, ducking down slightly to sweep past the doorway. Their efforts don’t go unnoticed – the hero’s eyes flit up as their movement flashes across the window’s traitorous mirror, and he twists on the sofa to glance at the doorway. “Yeah, uh, hold on, I– no, I’ll get back to you.”
The words are all the encouragement they need as they cross the hallway as quietly as they can manage. His voice is changing – he’s moving, coming to the door. “Yeah, there’s a stray cat outside. Real pretty one, too. I’ll go get it and I’ll call you back in five.”
The phone beeps as it hangs up, and the villain darts into the tussle of coats hanging by the front door. They’re so close, the door practically in reach, but they can just see the hero as he pads out from the living room, glancing up and down the corridor with a frown.
“[Villain]?” he calls, and for a moment he sounds almost uncertain. He grips the key in his hand more firmly as he wanders up the hall towards their room, and they see their chance. They slip out from behind the coats silently, watching as he pauses at their door before they turn back to their door to freedom. The key is sitting in the lock, rather stupidly, and the hero only notices they’re out when the key clunks loudly as it turns in their hand.
“[Villain]!” he calls again, distinctly frantic, but he only gets halfway down the corridor before they wrench the door open. He skids to a halt as they do, simply watching as they make their great escape.
They only get their foot out of the door before they freeze as well. The superhero is standing on the hero’s porch, giving them a blunt onceover, clearly not expecting to see the villain here. “Hello,” he says formally after a second, though there’s an underlying confusion laced into his tone.
“[Superhero]!” the hero shouts to him from the hall. All this guy seems to do is say people’s names today, they think idly. “[Superhero], they’ve robbed me! Stop them from getting away!”
The villain turns to stare at him somewhat incredulously, and the superhero is very much doing the same. It’s only when they take their opportunity to bolt that he stops them, grabbing the sleeve of their jacket in a fierce grip. “Absolutely not,” he says with more authority. He’s more in his element dealing with apparent criminals, clearly. “Inside.”
This can’t be happening. “No, [Hero], he’s been–”
“I didn’t ask for excuses,” the superhero snaps over them coldly. “Now, get inside.”
They catch a glimpse of the hero’s sickening glee at their failure as the superhero shoves them back through the doorway, slamming the door to freedom closed behind them.
Taglist: @anonymousewrites  @suck-my-clit-loser
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solaneceae · 2 years
“Hello, Chase. How are you doing today?”
His skull is trapped between a vice, dull pain throbbing behind his eyeballs. He wants to reach inside and rip them out, or better yet, detach his head from his own body and set it somewhere else for a moment, thank you. “Take a guess,” he huffs annoyedly, rubbing at the tightness gathered between his eyes, in his temples, in his jaw.
Being hungover fucking sucks. Especially when instead of nursing it all comfy at home (he doesn’t have a home, not anymore, nowhere to go, nothing, nobody), you’re stuck in a fucking cell with some dickwad trying to get into your head for some reason.
Said dickwad hums noncommittally. “I’m not psychic, you know. You’re going to have to work with me a little there, Chase.”
“Fuck off,” the prisoner snaps, refusing to make eye contact with the scientist. “You guys fucking kidnapped me. I’m not saying shit to you.”
He remembers the stumble-jolt — that dizzying feeling of being displaced without moving at all, the sound of leaves rustling in the wind shifting to traffic in an instant. Motor oil and fumes replacing running water and fresh dirt in his nostrils. His confusion, drunkenly stumbling through that parking lot until two men dressed in black came to intercept him, saying words Chase couldn’t parse.
He may have punched one of them. It’s a blur, sir. His victory had been short-lived though, because the next thing he knew, he was waking up in a world of grey and on a scratchy blanket, a little puncture wound in the side of his neck. And of course, with a monster headache and that disgusting taste in his mouth he was starting to grow all-too familiar with.
Was it a bad sign that he wanted a drink right now? Probably.
The scientist sighed. They weren’t wearing any form of identification, no name, no nothing — just that weird symbol of an eye on the side of their lab coat. This had bad news bears written all over it. “Please understand,” they said slowly, like they were talking to a five-year old. It was driving Chase up the wall. “We can’t help you if you don’t help us understand what happened.”
Chase drums his fingertips on his arm, rubbing his feet under the table in hidden nervousness. Normally he’d feel self-conscious about not wearing shoes in front of a stranger, but honestly, he couldn’t be fucked to care — if he was truly stuck here for now, he wasn’t going to make it a bit more comfortable for himself, dammit. “Well. Guess we’re stuck here then, ‘cuz I don’t want to talk to you.”
The scientist purses their lips, but thankfully, they don’t push. They stand wordlessly and walk up to the door, fishing a small remote from their coat pocket and pressing a button. Soon enough, the door slides open and they leave, leaving Chase alone with his thoughts.
He doesn’t see anyone for days after that first time, apart from the aid that occasionally drops by with food or to take him to the bathroom. Because of course the room that passes as a cell didn’t have one, which made him think that maybe, just maybe, this place wasn’t supposed to be a cell at all, but that those guys were making do with what they had. Which meant that whatever was happening had caught them off guard somehow, forcing them to improvise in ways they weren’t used to.
Still, Chase was hating every second of his stay. And the humiliation of having someone monitoring him while he cleaned up or took a piss wasn’t even the worst part.
No, the worst was how goddamn bored he was getting. Seriously, there was only so much entertainment you could get out of the fucking tennis ball they’d him as enrichment. Like he was a dog or something. So when finally, finally someone new entered the room one day to sit in front of him with a notepad, Chase was almost happy to see them. Almost.
“Hello, Chase. How’re you doing today?” the unknown man greets him evenly, flashing him a polite smile. Chase gives him a mirthless imitation of one in return.
“Welcome back,” he says, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “Thought you guys forgot about me or somethin’.”
The other has the gall to chuckle at that. “Yes, well. We figured you needed some space.”
Chase squints. “...I don’t need space. I need to get the hell out of here.”
“And we’ll work on getting you out, you have my word,” the scientist tries to pacify him, which makes Chase scoff. “I just need you to answer a few questions, first.” He stops, considering something. “Or, rather,” he corrects himself, “Just one question, really. Doesn’t sound all that bad, does it?”
Chase squints suspiciously, but doesn’t respond. The other doesn’t seem discouraged by his lack of reaction. “Trust me, it’s relevant to whatever… strange phenomena you might have encountered,” he insisted, and now Chase was even more suspicious. “What are you talking about?” he blinks, electing to play dumb for now. “What, like UFOs? I don’t believe in that shit. You people got the wrong guy.”
“No, no,” the scientist waves his hand dismissively, amused. “Nothing like that. Please, just let me ask you something.”
He opened his eyes, all traces of mirth suddenly gone from his features. Chase recoils a little, taken aback by the sudden shift. “Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?” the strange man asks.
Chase blinks. “The fuck kinda question is that?”
“The kind that could get you out of here, depending on what your response is,” the other replies, undeterred. “I’ll ask again.” He leaned forward and repeated, louder this time. “Have you. Ever experienced. A terrible occurrence. That has impacted you significantly?”
Chase wants to laugh. Oh, buddy. D’you have ninety minutes to go over it? “I don’t know. I—” He sighed, rubbing at his face. He didn’t want to talk about his personal life with this— weirdo! Although maybe, maybe he could tell him about… that, but…
Gah. This was stupid. He wasn’t going to believe a word of it. “Something real weird happened,” he tried anyway, because he sure as shit wasn’t going to mention the rest. Maybe they’d let him go if he threw them a bone to chew on. “I was in the woods. And then, I… wasn’t.”
The scientist tilts his head, his pen tapping mindlessly on his notepad. “Could you elaborate on that?” he leans forward, his eyes gleaming with something Chase doesn’t recognize. Curiosity? Expectation? “Did you black out, maybe? You were pretty inebriated at the time.”
Chase bristles. He doesn't like when people point that out. “Oh yeah, sure,” he chirps bitterly, “I was sooooo drunk I somehow walked all the way to that parking lot, without my phone, or my car, and also under a second. Thank you science man, you figured it out. Now let me out of this shithole.”
The other didn’t take the bait, calmly taking notes. It irked Chase to no end, not knowing what he was scribbling down on that stupid thing. “I thought you guys were some super advanced tech company,” he jabbed. “You’d think pen and paper would be too old-fashioned for you.”
“Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?” the other repeats once again, ignoring Chase’s words entirely. “That’s what I’m asking you. And you’re not being honest with me.”
The vlogger leans back on his chair, because this whole thing is starting to freak him out. “Wait— no, I’m not lying,” he insists, gripping the edge of the table in frustration. “I told you already. I was in the woods, then things got all weird and I was somewhere else, and no time had passed at all. That’s what I remember.” He crossed his arms, pinning the other man down with a stubborn glare. The scientist held his gaze, his expression set in careful neutrality. Then he opens his mouth again.
“Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?”
“Jesus Christ.”
Chase groans, craning his neck to look up at the ceiling. He’s in a nuthouse. And he’s not even the nutcase. “I already told you. Asking three times ain’t gonna make me change my answer.”
“Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?”
Chase glares back down, his foot tapping on the floor impatiently. “Are you fucking braindead?” he hisses, his voice rising in pitch and volume. He clenches his fists, the joints going stark white. “Just drop it man—”
But then the scientist abruptly jumps to his feet and looms over Chase, slamming his hands on both sides of the metal table. It almost sends the cap-wearing man careening backwards — his chair tilts significantly and he yelps, throwing his body forward to avoid falling. “Holy fuck!”
“Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?!” the man almost snarls at him. “A terrible occurrence, Chase!”
“A death in the family!” the scientist enunciates, Chases stares up at him frightfully. “Losing your job! Witnessing a traumatizing event! Did you, Mister Brody?”
“Fuck you!” Chase spits back, his anger overcoming his fear. “I don’t know you, any of you! And I don’t need your fucking help!”
The other man scoffs. He looks frustrated. “Oh, really? Tell that to your little friend stuck in the hospital,” he mocks, inspecting his fingernails. “He could have used our help.”
There’s a heavy silence. Chase’s mind doesn’t make the connection right away, but when it does, it feels like being dunked in freezing water. “...You’re talking about Jack, aren’t you,” he states, not a question, but a fact. His expression slowly hardens as the pieces fall into place. “You knew,” he intones flatly, his voice deceivingly calm.
The scientist shifts uncomfortably, his earlier smugness now gone. Like he knows he just fucked up. “Listen—”
“You guys knew. All this time. And did nothing.”
“Chase, now stay calm,” the other glances at the camera nervously. “Intense displays of emotions can be—”
He never finishes his thought, gasping when a hand grabs at his collar and pulls him forward harshly, the edge of the table digging into his midsection painfully. The scientist winces, staring into previously cloudy eyes that were now sharp with fury. “My best friend’s in a fucking coma,” Chase hisses, almost manic. “That thing’s been stalking me for months, and everyone I went to for help called me a madman. My family—”
His voice breaks, his face twisting in an expression of pain and anguish. “...And you come here, take me in this— fuckin’ Aperture science lookin’ place, and tell me you knew about it the whole time?!”
“Chase, please—”
“No!” the father shrieks, getting up and shoving the scientist back so hard his back collides against the wall. He barely has the time to catch his breath before the prisoner is on him, grabbing him by the throat and pressing him against the rough surface. Chase’s flat cap had fallen, revealing messy, slightly greasy curls that partly fell in front of wide blue eyes rimmed in red and black. “This is on you,” he growls, pulling the other away from the wall only to slam him back against it, drawing a pained yelp from the scientist. “You could have stopped this!” he screams, catching the hand attempting to hit his face before it reaches his target, reaffirming his grip on the other’s throat and cutting off his airways. Blind rage is drowning his world in red, red, red. “You could’ve helped us! But you just watched, as this happened!”
The scientist lets out a wheeze, struggling against Chase’s grip frantically. His leg kicks forward and nails the other man’s knee, making him cry out and let go of his throat. The man in the lab coat takes a greedy, gasping intake of air and stumbles away, reaching into his pocket for his remote. He watches Chase warily as the father holds onto a chair for balance, sending him a look that could only be described as murderous as he presses a button.
Almost immediately, the pneumatic door opens with a quiet hiss, two maked men clad in black stepping into the room. The scientist nods at them and hobbles out of the room, rubbing his throat as the door closes back behind him.
Chase glowers at the two — they’re not the same men that came to pick him up in the parking lot, but in this place, faces and time tend to blur into a same-y, grey mush. One of them steps forward, and Chase immediately grabs a hold of the metal chair and hurls it at the guard with a frustrated yell. The guard barely moved out of the way in time, startled, and the other visibly loses his patience and flash-steps up to Chase, whose face goes from anger to fear in the blink of an eye. He doesn’t get the chance to step back before something is jabbed against his midsection, and his entire world explodes in pain.
His body seizes up as the taser goes off, lightning shooting through his body in millions of white-hot needles. A broken scream wrenches itself from his throat before his legs give out under his own weight, sending him crashing to the cold tiled floor. He gasps, all the muscles in his body spasming out of control. ‘It hurts, it hurts’ is all he can think, it’s all he can feel. Everything smells like ozone, and he can taste blood. I bit my tongue, part of him faintly realizes.
Eventually his brain decides that it’s too much and peaces out, pulling the plug on him. The world tilts on its axis, and then nothing.
let me in
let me in
“Hey uh, Sasha?”
“What’s wrong with the cams?”
Sasha glances away from their game of Tetris, frowning at the screens covering the wall of the monitoring room. It takes them a minute to figure out what the other is talking about, but when they see it, they freeze.
The WTCHR cameras, one by one, seem to be going out.
Every single one of them, which displayed perfectly clear feeds just a minute ago, were gradually switching to nothing but static. “Wow,” they almost fall out of their chair, scrambling for balance as they roll forward, eyes wide. “Did you touch something?”
“Did— fuck no!” Eli protests, his voice going up a few octaves in outrage, “Why d’you always blame me whenever weird shit happens?”
Sasha opens their mouth to drop the most sick burn they can think of, but it never reaches past their lips.
The entire facility goes black, and an eerie silence falls.
There’s a body laying down, silent and still. A faint breathing sound and a slow heartbeat the only signs that life still clings to it.
There’s a body seizing up, in a way that doesn’t quite look right. Then it goes limp again, a slow, slow exhale going past its lips, lips that move in half-formed words and aborted sounds.
There’s a body that rises, slowly, clumsily. It moves in the most peculiar way, like something has slipped on an ill-fitting suit and doesn’t know how to move it the way a human would.
There’s a body that walks, unsteadily, through a door that’s not supposed to be open. Red lights and alarms blare, people are running, barking orders.
The body smiles. It doesn’t look right.
Chase wakes up in a strange way — less of a slow drag into consciousness, where his senses gradually come back to him. This time, it’s like the flip of a switch, from asleep to wide awake from one second to the next.
His balance immediately fails him — his legs trip over themselves and send him crashing to the floor, and he doesn’t like how this is quickly becoming a pattern. “Fuck!” he sneers, sitting up against a wall and rubbing the part of his skull he just slammed against the hard floor. He groans and rests his head on his knees, waiting for the throbbing pain to ease off.
Okay. Okay, fuck. He couldn’t think over the sound of that damn alarm. He hoped someone would kill it soon, because it was stabbing through his brain like a metal rod. Christ, his head hurt so much. Like a migraine, but on steroids, with bonus nausea. Was that a side effect of being tased? Chase didn’t know, he’d never been tased before. And it’s dark as all ass in his cell. What was happening?
There’s a weird smell, tangy and potent. The soles of his feet feel sticky, and so do his hands. He doesn’t realize just how bad the situation is until red light lits up his surroundings, and cold horror stabs through his chest like ice.
He’s not in his cell. He’s in some hallway, one he’s unfamiliar with. And there’s pools of something dark on the floor, briefly reflecting the light until it goes out again. Chase’s breathing quickens, panic rising within him. He doesn’t dare move, wide eyes staring out into the darkness, waiting. He doesn’t know what he saw. He has to make sure, make sure it was all a trick, this couldn’t be real, this couldn’t be happening—
The light comes again. And this time, he can’t mistake the shape of the bloodstains on the floor (footsteps, his, his, his feet are covered in blood and his hands and his face and it’s everywhere), the path weaving through pools of dark red at the end of the hallway and oh my god there was a human hand poking from behind a corner someone was there dead dead dead there was a human corpse right there
Chase wails, breaking down into messy, hiccuppy sobs when the weight of reality crashes down on him. He screams and heaves, convulsing as he loses what little he ate this morning (morning, no sun, evening, no clock, time was broken, time was broken). Everything smells of blood and bile, and he can hear the distant sound of a crowd running towards him.
“I didn’t kill them,” he sobs, rocking back and forth as the footsteps come closer and closer. Many, and heavy, the clicks and groans of guns and heavy protective gear. “I didn’t, I didn’t. Not me, wasn’t me. Not me.”
Laughter echoes in a corner of his mind. He screams, hoping to drown it out, but it doesn’t stop. It never does.
ey @beerecordings you wanted feral chase right-
but yeah anyway i got inspired by the possessed!chase idea and wrote this in four hours and not its 6am and im bout to die byyyyyyye
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cookie-crumblr · 2 years
Locked In, Walking Out
Part: 1
F!Reader X Max ~Yandere Prisoner OC
His info: ⛓💌⛓
Part: 1 2
CW: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, DARK FIC Yandere, reader has a vagina, not too defenseless reader, Imprisonment (not of mc) shock collars(not on mc), swearing, cat calling, corrupted systems, teasing, pet names (sweetheart, dollface, princess, doll), sa NON-CON not from mc, a gross man-pig assaults reader, hurt no comfort, blood, dissociation
Author’s note: sorry if my bad mood comes across in this one…
You work as a junior prison guard at Locke West Maximum Security Penitentiary.
You were given a huge bonus, better health benefits, and a fat raise when you were reassigned here.
You couldn’t say no.
Besides, what could possibly go wrong at the nation’s most secure prison…
Made so secure, just to hold the nation’s most dangerous criminals…
They’re forced to have shock collars on, so it’s not like they can do anything, right?
Day 1~
“New blood eh? You must’ve done a good job to get transferred here. Grats.” The senior guard called “Nills”, spoke a little too monotone for that to be a genuine congratulations, but you take it.
“Thanks sir,” you reply enthusiastically.
He looked you over, and smiled, while leaning in closer, “You might not last long here, sweetheart,”
Another guard walked in, and your senior backed up.
This Junior guard was to be your tour guide, and as she began, you noticed she used a similar monotone voice.
“This is the employee lounge,” her voice drew out. “This is the locker room, and where you’ll be changing—” If you could fall asleep while walking this would be the time you did. “This is the— This is where—” UHG! you aren’t even paying attention. Pay attention…
Now you’re only focusing on trying to re-focus!
You were jolted back to the present as heavy doors buzzed open for you both. You were suddenly excited, now you get to see the prisoners, and experience what your new job has to offer…
“Hey honey! Bend over for me, won’t cha?!” a prisoner in his locked cell heckled you. You realized you hadn’t been asked to change into your uniform, so you were still in your nice clothes.
You wore a short dress (no matter how you think you look, you pull it off perfectly), nice enough to impress your boss, but definitely too sexy for depraved men who are locked in cells.
“Oh yeah… That happens, regardless of if we’re in our uniforms or not. Ya get used to it, trust me.” She rolled her eyes and buzzed his collar.
“ARRRRRRRG!! You jealous BITCH!” he spat, as he fell to the ground.
You kept up with her, instead of sticking around that cell.
“This is their canteen,” She was back to her boring tour voice, but this time you managed to listen, being more alert with your surroundings around these men.
Towards the end of a less crowded cell block, you noticed a rather large cell coming up… “What’s that for?”
“That’s Max’s cell. His people pay off the prison for his comfort,” She said plainly.
“What?! that’s a thing?!” you exclaimed.
Prisoners shouldn’t be “comfortable”! you thought.
“Yeah, prisons, and wardens like money. They pay well enough, and Max stays out of our way.”
“Who is this, Max?”
“You know… The Aristandros family… You seriously don’t know?” She looked shocked. “Maxwell Aristandros. The head of the family that controls over half of the nations resources…”
“Wait… If he’s that important to the nation… Why the hell’s he in here?” you ask, stunned.
She shrugs “Maybe he’ll tell you. His is the only confidential case here. None of us know. Except maybe the warden…” She puts her hand on her chin.
You arrive at the lavishly decorated cell, your jaw on the floor. You almost don’t notice the man that matches the aesthetic of a gorgeous old painting, even in that orange jumpsuit and black collar. He’s lain over a chaise lounge, eating an orange, his face toward you, giving you a cheeky smile.
You scowl at him, “HOW CAN WE ALLOW THIS?!” You motion with a wide stance toward the cell, and toward him. “Shouldn’t he be, I don’t know, suffering here?! to be becoming a better person or whatever! WHAT IS THIS?!” You can help but feel angry over this whole stupid scene of a man with three life sentences, supposedly in charge of over half the nation, and in prison living like he’s the king of some medieval fantasy land!
“Woah, I like this one Cher! Give my complements to the warden for me.” His voice was smooth and silky to add a bright red cherry on top of his whole stupid yet beautifully crafted icecream sunday.
Cher sighed and placed a hand to her head. “listen, like i said, his people pay us. It’s not like the taxpayers are wasting any money on this one.”
You couldn’t help but still feel angry, maybe even more so since he seemed to enjoy your outburst.
You end up going home that day much angrier than you thought.
“Time for a romantic bath with myself and some icecream…”
Day 2~
“You look nice, dollface,” he nodded his head.
“Get used to it 232. The warden herself gave you to me, so you’ll be seeing this a lot.” you rolled your eyes at him.
“It’s max, doll, and I’m inclined to correct you, she gave you to me. Not the other way around. You’re mine.” he smiled smugly.
“Who’s in possession of who’s shock collar.” You state tapping your foot in front of his cell door, getting fed up with his games.
“A formality. a necessity really,” he shrugged. “Never know what a dangerous man like me would do to a pretty thing like you without it.” his smile became wolffish, showing off his rather predominant canines.
“Uhg. You’re insufferable. Just, get ready, I have to escort you now,” You placed your hand on the reader near the cell’s door, it buzzed approvingly.
As it slid open, he rushed out and grabbed you. Before you knew what happened your head hit the wall you are now pinned to.
“Careful, princess, what if someone saw us like this?”
Your face reddened, what is this?
And, why do you kinda like this…
It’s your job now to control him.
You lifted your knee hard to meet his groin, and he doubled over. After that, you pressed the button for 232’s shock collar, and he fell to the ground, convulsing.
While he was distracted you tried to catch your breath and still your heart.
You can’t let that happen again.
You stand outside the showers when you hear the slaps of shower sandals approaching.
“Hey beautiful, miss me?” he came out with a loosely wrapped towel hung low around him, showing of his toned body and that perfect v carved into his hip bones. “Hey, eyes up here,” he smirked.
“W-What are you talking about? Go get dressed 232. Quit fooling around, you have a very busy day today,” that for whatever reason, I have to babysit…
He lifted your chin, your face blushing, you stared back into his eyes. His voids of pupils, surrounded by dark brown, feel like they might be sucking you in, you think you could lose yourself in them…
“Good girl,” he smiles and gently lets your face drop, to go get dressed.
While he’s gone you try to compose yourself.
WTF was that Y/N! get a hold of yourself! UHG. You seem to be doing a ton of groaning today, and there’s still plenty of time for more unfortunately.
You make it to the canteen with your prisoner in toe…
“Hey there sweetheart! Give us a show!”
As the man stood, you whipped out your baton, sensing you’d need it.
Max lurched forward, and you blocked his path with your baton at his gut.
“Don’t, 232” you say sternly.
The cat caller’s eyes widen at you stopping Max, and he sits back down slowly.
You put the thing back away on your belt and escort Max to the back having him sit by himself. People approach and you allow them to sit with some distance between them. They talk to Max in what sounds like some code, but you don’t really care if they’re conspiring.
Your job is just to babysit him…
Day 3~
As you’re dressing your senior walks in and puts his arm up over you, he’s staring down your top’s open buttons.
You roll your eyes.
“Didn’t realize you’d be worse than the men in the cages, sir,” you say continuing to pull up your boots and fasten your belt.
He leans down closer, his cigarette stained breath permeating your precious bubble, “Sweetheart, I already told you you wouldn’t last,” he licked his lips, “Now you’re Max’s pet, poor thing. I see why he picked you…” he leaned back, a satisfied smirk plastered on his old face.
After that weird and uncomfortable encounter you made your way to Max’s “cell”, this time you had your baton ready before opening his door. He casually walked out, hands up behind his head.
“Hey there doll, how’s my good girl doin’ t’day?” He asked, his voice so smooth, you falter in your tough nature again.
“H-hey…” You spoke shyly, then coughed “I’m good, thanks… H-how are you?”
He smiled, “I’m glad to hear that,” Before you realized he was standing behind you, his face ticking your neck, “You want to kill some time with me, doll?”
His hands ghosted gently over your arms, as if almost asking permission.
You need to say no…
“Y/N!” you hear your superior yelling.
Max gripped you tighter momentarily in anger, before letting you go. He’s sending death glares toward Nills.
“S-sorry Sir!”
“come with me.” he turns and walks behind a corner. you lock Max back into his cell.
“This kind of behavior deserves some kind of punishment, don’t cha think” Nills asks in a manor that’s definitely not questioning, and definitely too creepy to be work appropriate.
“What? Listen, I have to take 232 to the showers now. Are you done?” you tried to walk away, but he roughly grabbed you and pulled you back.
“Oh you’re not getting off easy here, sweetheart…”
“Don’t call me that, creep!” you stomped on his foot.
He covered your mouth with his hand in a way you couldn’t bite it, and pulled you closer.
Who would have thought it’s not the prisoners you have to worry about, but your superior…
He undid your belt as he held you against a wall, your tried to fight, or grab your weapons but he easily overpowered you.
His hand was shoved down your pants in seconds, and he lifted it up to inhale your scent, you gagged against his hand.
You kept fighting, however useless it was.
He’s disgusting!
Now he’s pulling your pants down and turning you around. You hear his buckle being undone too, and tears prickle and threaten to fall. You refuse them, not wishing to loose your dignity to this man.
You don’t know what to do to stop this, and there isn’t anything anyway… Please, don’t… You try and say, but with his hand still covering you you can only puff out bursts of noisy air.
Your throat vibrates with the rest of the sounds of distress you desperately try, and yet fail to let out.
His dick is pressed between your legs and he doesn’t prep you before entering…
You feel like your being ripped apart, it hurts so bad, like sandpaper it’s so dry inside you, and it feels like his length never ends.
The tears that you refused fall freely now. You give up fighting and slump into his grasp waiting for him to finish.
Luckily he does fast. Obviously you’d prefer if he hadn’t at all… If this whole thing hadn’t at all…. You’re definitely taking a plan b, and getting tested after today… But how are you gonna go about the rest of your shift now? how do you come back tomorrow… You’ve been here 2 whole days almost 3, just for this?
You slide down the wall and cry into your knees.
You don’t even notice him leave.
Whether you’re a virgin or not, you see blood pooling between your legs through your uniform.
You don’t care about anything right now.
You just hurt all over, and your heart feels as heavy as a thousand ton weight sinking inside you. You might throw up, no you wish you could.
You wish you could exspell what’s just happened from you.
and your mind for a short while takes you away, not with white wings into the sky peacefully, but with a heavy and dark fog, that seems to swallow you whole and suffocates your thoughts.
You call the warden some indiscernible time later and tell her you’re going home, she hears the tone in your voice and lets you without asking.
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firewolf-pyro · 2 years
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Episode seven: following lights
Olesia clutched her seat belt as Henry flicked the switch on his van’s dashboard which turned on the sirens. The little makeshift police car crammed all four of the Torchwood team members in it as it raced viciously through the crowded city streets after a fast paced orb. The nimble glowing device soared through intersections forcing the crew to blast through them without a care in the world. It was taking the, very quickly, very dangerously out of the city.
Soon enough they were no longer on city roads but driving through deep sand. The peer was just in front of them and Henry had to pull out some old racing tricks he had learned to prevent the van from skidding in the sand right into it. Once the hot metal box had rolled to a near stop Oleasia, Kendra and Jones all hopped out to tail the orb on foot. They could see it vanish off the end of the docks in front of them. It took all of Jones weight to prevent both Olesia and Kendra from diving in after it.
“Well…” Henry slowed to a stop and took a moment to double over to catch his panting breath.
“Well indeed. A good long chase and we’re left stuck inland while that little orb rushes off into the ocean.” Jones grumbled holding his arms across his large belly to glare into the blueish black abyss.
“Well… I guess now would be a good time to mention that I collected the data from within the orb… right?” Olesia smirked as she inched closer to the end of the dock.
“No, and here I thought you were too busy with that Dalek mutant to focus on this job.” Jones sniggered with distaste as he turned to head back to the steaming van.
“Great… “ Olesia ignored him, choosing instead to take a seat at the end of the dock.
“Well, at least we’ll get to go on a bit of an explore.” Kendra suggested, patting Olesia’s shoulder gently.
ACTIONS-Suggests young woman, pats her shoulder gently.
Upon returning back to the little facility under the apartment building Olesia separated herself from the rest of the group. Instead of entering the office space she headed to the old cells at the other end of the facility. She hesitated at the heavy metal door that held within it their prisoner before clearing her throat and wrapping her knuckles against the surface.
“Enter.” Would come the gruff voice of a Dalek and the heavy door would slide open soon after. Olesia carefully walked into the room- freezing when she saw the writing burned, no- melted into the walls. They seemed to be names or titles describing something. She was not sure if they were references to people the Dalek had met or events they had played a part in. Somehow it reminded her of horror movie asylum rooms.
“Blue…” Olesia blinked towards the Dalek which had pressed itself into the far corner. Both the manipulator arm and the laser were pointed square at the ground. They gave off a sense of despair the closer she got to it.
“I know you’ve been in here for a while now, but- how would you feel about helping us track down that… That little scrap of technology you were after when we found you?”
“I assumed your commander did not wish for any outside assistance.” Blueton responded as the eyestalk turned slowly towards her. Even in a state of depression the Dalek could put off such an air of intimidation.
“Well you aren’t wrong there. And he especially wouldn’t like the idea of mine -“ Olesia smiled at the disheveled Dalek. She set her work case down on the ground in front of his casing.
“Do you seek an alliance with me?” The Dalek asked as its eyestalk focused on the case below it.
“Actually, yes… Though it will only be for a short while. Just long enough to satisfy my curiosity.” Olesia suggested as she opened the case. Within it lay all of the drawn up blueprints and copied bits of information she had gathered from the Orb. She held up a long list of quardnants the orb had dumped into the facility’s computer before taking off.
“You have already begun the process of replicating the technology?” The Dalek asked as it pointed its laser to a few pieces of scrap that Olesia had tucked under some of the blue prints. The Dalek observed them before turning to look at Olesia. She looked up at it and they both just sat there quietly for a moment she cleared her throat.
“Right you are! And you’re going to help me. I have all of the information that little device held within it saved here.” She explained as she pulled out a thumb drive. She waved it around at the Dalek before setting it back down with the rest of the little bits of tech.
“I just need to - figure out the rest of it.”
“That is not necessary. You already have enough information to locate the important piece of technology.” Blueton interrupted, turning its whole casing to face the door that was right behind her. The rim of the skirt pushed the case to the side.
“What do you mean?” Olesia asked as she pulled the case back to her.
“It is only a drone. An assistant. Yes, it may act as a guide but it is not a key.”
“A guide! I knew it, okay- so then where was it trying to take us?” Olesia asked while she closed her case again. She was glancing over the list of quardnants while the Dalek shifted from side to side in a sort of stim.
“In an emergency, where would your assistant guide you?” Blueton asked, trying to prompt Olesia to use her brain. They saw her as usefully intelligent but- somehow she managed to also be a little slow at times.
“Assistant? To an emergency exit. I guess?”
“Consider this, a planet is just another form of ship.” Blueton suggested which got a snort of amusement from Olesia. Its manipulator arm lifted a bit startling her out of the show of amusement.
“It is leading you to an escape pod. You are just as logical as the Dalek drones. This is no fun.” It spat in a tone of disappointment. It seemed to be judging her worth, the manipulator arm shifting from side to side as if he were deciding what to do with her. Olesia glanced back at the door, taking that time to back away towards it.
“Oookay, so this drone grabs people in danger and tries to bring them to the escape pod. That makes sense, but why do you- a Dalek, want this kind of technology?” Olesia asked. The Dalek froze, leaving the pair in a strange silent stair off again. It did not seem to know how to answer that question.
“I can not say.”
“Fine! Keep your secrets.” Olesia huffed before pacing at the cell entrance. She was hoping that her show of annoyance would trick the other into saying more on this topic. She had learned that - for some strange reason, it reacted oddly to different displays of emotion.
“You do not need to rebuild the piece of technology to find a way to the escape pod. We have the coordinates of the assumed location. We should simply go there.” Blueton stated urgently. Her tactic had worked well.
“We?” She grinned over to the Dalek. It backed away from her, the rim clanking against the metal wall.
“I… do not suggest you go alone. Unless your species can breathe under water.” Blueton grumbled.
“Well I really don’t think I’ll be able to bring you with me.” Olesia sighed as she glanced at the door of the cell. To prevent the acceleration of cell death caused by the Mevalon virus in its blood they had returned the mutant to its casing. Even with the anti-virus Olesia had designed, the mutant’s body was having trouble shrugging the illness off.
“That was not the suggestion I had meant to put out.” Blueton corrected her.
“Right, with the rest of the crew.” Olesia laughed, realizing what the Dalek had meant.
“I still don’t get it. Why aren’t you just killing us? Exterminating the inferior and all?”
“You are useful to me.” The Dalek said plainly.
“But what about the others?”
“As long as they do not interfere, they will be safe.” Blueton gave his word. With that Olesia gave him a nod and continued out of the cell.
“I’ll ask Henry and Kendra to help me with this. Get some rest, Dalek.” She called behind her as the cell door closed behind her.
“Why bother doing the work when you can get others to do the work for you.” The Dalek would say, the eyestalk lowering and going dark.
A group of five Daleks traveled through a dark hall lit only by red emergency lights. The two in front were solid black, the one in the middle- blue and the two at the back were bronze with black caps. They were escorting the maddened strategist deep into the asylum. The only sound around them being the defining screams and laughter from the other inmates.
They moved through a crowded white hall with many war torn Daleks chained to the walls. The group passed through the crowd before they vanished into a circular white room. At the center of the room the blue Dalek stood patiently as the four black Daleks chain it to the ground- metal seers into the Dalek’s rim to lock them into place. The blue Dalek is watching every movement of the others around them, the eyestalk moving from one side to the other. When all is done and over with the four black Daleks trail out, one pausing to look back at the blue Dalek.
“Let Chaos awaken within you.” The Blue Dalek spoke. The black Dalek’s eyestalk would give a very subtle nod before it continued after the other three. Leaving the blue strategist alone with nothing but the screams of the other inmates to fill its mind.
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itshouldvebeenme30 · 2 years
The Reaper's Keeper
Pairings: Avengers x Fem!Reader, Natasha x Fem!Reader, Wanda x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
You gently took Natasha's offering hand in yours once again and allowed her to take you in front of the two other people you had just spotted in the room.
“Gentlemen, this is Y/N…” Natasha stepped out of your view to introduce you. You take a curious glance at them. They both gave you a kind smile as they stood side by side from each other.
The shorter one is the first to approach you, extending his hand out presumably for you. “Welcome to the Avenger’s tower kid, my name’s Tony Stark and you can call this fossil beside me, Capsicle.” He pats the other guy’s back playfully. When you didn't move to shake his hand, he clasped his hands together.
“Very funny Tony. Don’t listen to him, I’m Steve.” He only smiled in your direction and his smile radiated warm that made your wariness waver around them for a bit. You have a faint recognition on his voice but you can’t remember where you’ve heard it.
You could only nod at them as you’re unsure on what to do. “Oh, before I forget. Don’t be startled if you hear this voice. JARVIS, please introduce yourself to Y/N.” Tony added shortly.
“Hello, Miss Y/N. I am JARVIS. The tower’s virtual artificial intelligence resident. Please allow me to assist you during your stay.” The robotic noise out of nowhere doesn’t surprise you.
“As JARVIS said, do not hesitate to tell him, including us, if you need help with anything.” Tony offers. You could only reply in silence.
“Why… why are you being…” You mutter struggling to find the words. Kindness just simply doesn’t exist for you. You don't even know what it's called.
“Hey, don’t think about it. One thing I can assure you of is that you’re safe here.” Natasha gently squeezed your hand in hers.
You don’t doubt that. However, you're wondering if it's a smart idea for you to be here with them. You don't believe you're deserving of the things they're giving you.
“We’ll continue this tour, then I’ll get her to her room, okay?” The two men waved at both of you as you continue your journey.
You followed Natasha around looking like a child. She showed you the kitchen, as well as the other communal areas in the tower. When her tour was over, she said she'd take you to your room. You presumed that she’s taking you back to the cell.
Instead of the familiar route, she led you to a different floor. You both stopped in front of a door. “My room’s just there,” she points across to a room before opening the door, “and this will be yours.”
Once inside, you let go of her hand and turned to her. “I – I don’t think I should be here.” You started to fiddle with the hem of your shirt and averted your eyes from her questioning gaze.
“I’m not taking you back to that cell, you’re not a prisoner here.”
“No, I meant… here,” running your hand through your unkempt hair, you risk a glance back at her, “in this tower. With y-you and the others.”
“And why is that?” she says, crossing her arms. You can’t exactly tell her why.
“Look, we’re worried about you—I mean, of your condition. My colleague, Bruce, identified the presence of gamma radiation on your body. It’s dangerous, Y/N.” You furrowed your brows at her. You’re not aware of that.
“You could die. Heck, you should’ve died in the mere presence of it in the first place.” You didn't realize how close she's getting to you. You lightly flinched when you felt her hand on your arm. “Allow us to help.”
Still, you don’t get why she’s like this with you. “Why?” You take a step back, shrugging her hand off you. “You barely even know me.”
"We can work that out later," she starts to leave the room, "In the meantime, I'll let you settle in here. There's some stuff that I needed to do first. I'll let you know through JARVIS when I'll be back." And with that, she left you with your mind still reeling.
You let yourself sit on the bed, deciding to forget everything for a while. As you take a look around, you notice the side of the room with curtains. You approached it and gave it an experimental tug. The curtains revealed a glass window panel, similar to the ones in the living room, with a busy city view below.
The sun starts to settle and the sky manages to take your breath away. You sat down on the floor and allowed yourself to relish in your new surroundings. You wished to stay in that moment for a long time and reminded yourself to thank the redhead for this opportunity.
After an hour, Natasha returned to get you. She takes you first to the lab, where you'll meet with Bruce. They will explain your profound situation to you and request that tests be conducted on you.
When you both arrived, you noticed a man in a lab coat who was oblivious to the two of you since his eyes was fixed on the screen in front of him. Natasha made your presence known by knocking on the table. He finally looked up to face you both.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Bruce Banner. Nice to finally meet you, Y/N. If you’d let me, I’m going to show you what we've gathered so far."  He didn't waste any time and got right to the point, which you already liked.
Your attention went on the screen that Bruce had been looking earlier. It displayed your name beside numerous data and graphs that you didn’t understand.
“Here, take a look at this. This is your x-ray. The object lodged on your sternum gives off the highest gamma ray…” Bruce took approximately an hour to explain everything. You're used to having your body tested and altered by the doctor, so you simply agreed to the whole situation you’re getting into.
“You’re surprisingly pretty calm about all of this, Y/N,” Natasha stated beside you.
You simply shrugged at her, “I’m used to it. It’s nothing new.”
“What do you mean by that?” Bruce asks.
You look at them, contemplating whether to tell the partial truth or not. You opted for the former.
“The doctor. He used to conduct tests on me since I can remember…”
“Is he responsible for this? Did he forced you to it?” There’s a tone in Natasha’s voice that you can’t identify.
“Yes, and uhh, I can’t exactly say… forced.” Your head hung low in quite shame. “I didn't have much of a choice.”
“Is this him?” Natasha conjured a tablet that displayed a photograph of the man you'd known from birth.
Your body went rigid. Even with this younger version of him, the exact same look he'd give you every time is unmistakable.
“Y-yeah… H-how – Did you find him?” Fear evidently rose in your voice.
“We haven’t yet. That's what we're aiming for as well. If we find him, we’ll have the Reaper.”
“Oh…” was all that you could say.
“You don’t have to worry about him, the others are already working on finding him.” You’re not that thrilled to see the doctor soon.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m kinda hungry. We’ll pick this up tomorrow. Right, Bruce?" Natasha motioned for you to follow her. The appeal of the food made your stomach grumble a bit. Which Natasha heard, obviously. The little smirk on her face says so. "Besides, Y/N’s gonna need all the nutrients she could get."
“You go on, you two. I just need to look into a few things first." And with that, you both left Bruce to his tasks.
You sit silently at the counter, watching Natasha prepare food for the two of you. “Not much of a talker, are we?” The redhead tries to strike up a conversation.
“I don’t exactly have stories to tell.” You hear Natasha hum in acknowledgement.
“Tell me, do you have a favorite food?”
“Uhm, a cupcake…and earlier those things you gave me.”
"Nothing else? Does the doctor ever serve you anything other than cupcakes?"
"Well, he gives me those grey nutrient bars. They taste bland but that was all I needed."
"I hate that guy even more now," Natasha sets a plate in front of you, "I’m not much of a good cook, but I can heat up leftovers decently. We got some chicken and mashed potatoes. Eat up.”
You gave her a small, appreciative smile. "Thank you, but…" You gestured the unfamiliar cutlery in front of you, not knowing what to do with it. “How do I use this…” You could feel your face heating up a bit.
“No need to be embarrassed, here let me show you…” After that, you both began to dive into your meals, and you relished the new flavors you’d just discovered. "This is much better than those nutri bars I’ve had in my entire life."
"Well, I’m not gonna feed you sandwiches and leftovers everyday so Dr. Cho’s gonna take over, monitor and provide your needed nourishment starting tomorrow." You give her a nod and continue eating your meal.
Both of you ate in silence for a few minutes before Natasha started asking you questions.
"Back there, with Bruce, what do you mean by already getting used to tests? Do you have some illness that requires treatment?"
"Not that I’m aware of. Only the doctor knows. He never even told me his name." You took a little pause before deciding on what to say next. “He’d inject something into me and strap me to bed…”
You felt Natasha’s hand on top of yours, “We’re not gonna do that to you. Or anything intentionally that could hurt you for that matter.” You feel like your hand just got burned. You remove it from hers and look her in the eyes.
“Even when I am potentially a danger to all of you? I-I can’t… you shouldn’t trust me, Natasha.” You saw her eyes narrow a bit.
“Why? Do you want to hurt us? Are you planning to harm us on purpose?”
“You don’t understand… Even if I don't intend to hurt you, you will be.”
“Hmm. Pretty sure we can manage ourselves just fine if that happens. We aren’t the world’s mightiest heroes for nothing,” she finishes her own meal. “Besides, I’ve decided to have faith in this, Y/N. In my teammates. In you.”
“You’re making a mistake. I don’t want to burden you…with me.” You try to argue.
“That’s on me then, I’m willing to take the responsibility.” You realize there’s no point in arguing with the redhead as she seems to be determined. “Want some refill?” You shake your head at her as you’re feeling full already.
After you've finished your meal, you wait quietly for Natasha to finish cleaning up.
“Is there something you wanna do after this?” You certainly have no idea so you meekly shake your head once again.
“I’d like to go back in my room, please…” Natasha nods in understanding and extends her hand to you, which you accepted without any hesitation.
Part 3 || Next
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Words: 2,952 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: The prison (Season 3) Warnings: language, that's it! A/N: Kintsugi, aka "golden joinery" is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with precious materials like gold and it is strikingly beautiful. I think you'll understand why I titled the fic this at the end! Summary: After Daryl leaves with Merle, he return to the prison to find that Y/N is extremely angry with him...
Your name: submit What is this?
Your face went through a rapid series of emotions as soon as his familiar broad shoulders came into view. First was shock and surprise, and then relief to see him again and to see him in one piece, and then just... anger. Daryl shifted his weight anxiously from one foot to the next, watching over everyone crowded around him as you simply stood up and turned your back on the room and left. You walked straight out and into the row of cells, disappearing through the heavy metal door. Daryl caught Rick’s eyes and the sheriff simply tilted his head and gave Daryl a knowing look. Daryl’s attention was pulled away as Carol grabbed him into a tight hug.
He was surprised when you didn’t come back out to join in the discussion of what the hell to do next about Woodbury and the Governor. He worked up the courage to try to talk to you, knowing full well it may just be an exercise in futility.
You easily heard the familiar cadence of his steps approaching your cell and the doorway darkened as his frame stopped in the space. He gripped the edge of the cell door and anxiously chewed his bottom lip.
You were sitting on the edge of your bunk, determinedly not looking at him. “Go away, Daryl.” Your voice was quiet but there was an unfamiliar edge to it.
He shifted uncomfortably but didn’t leave. “Just—would ya just talk to me?” he ventured. He saw the muscle in your jaw tense as your teeth clenched. “What is there to talk about?” “I—’M back now. I came back,” he said. He felt sick. He wasn’t used to you being angry with him and it was completely twisting him into knots.  “Yep,” you said, standing and going to the doorway. You pulled the hanging sheet in the doorway, a makeshift door, closed right in his face. “Leave me alone,” your voice came out from the cell and then he heard the springs of your bunk creak as you sank back down on it.  He stepped back from the fabric and dropped his hand from its grip on the doorframe, heaving a heavy sigh. Carol stepped out of her cell, just a few doors down and looked at Daryl staring at the closed sheet in front of him. He turned at the sound of her soft footsteps.  Carol’s brow was furrowed low over her eyes and she tilted her head in the direction of the staircase that climbed to the second level. Daryl’s hand clenched and unclenched in a fist and he gave your cell one last parting look before turning away to follow Carol up the stairs. She peeked at Judith in her makeshift bed and smiled. Daryl stopped beside her and looked down at the little sleeping bundle. His heart warmed at the sight of her, but his expression was still dark. Carol glanced over at him. He chewed on his bottom lip anxiously again. “She won’t even talk to me,” he drawled. “Give her a little time,” Carol said gently. “She’ll come around.” Carol sounded very sure of her assertion, but all Daryl could think was that he’d ruined things for good. “I came back,” he said, leaning back against the railing. His heart was aching with regret. Going off with Merle was stupid in the first place. Almost as soon as he’d done it he knew it was a mistake.  “You being back doesn’t change the fact that you left in the first place,” Carol pointed out. “You really think she doesn’t have a right to be upset? Think about how she’s interpreting you leaving.” He gave her a questioning look. Carol straightened up and stared at him. “I understand why you did what you did. He’s your brother. He’s blood. But you leaving with him... to her it means she wasn’t worth staying for. You chose Merle, a racist asshole, over all of us, and right when we’re sitting on the edge of war against the psychopath Merle worked for. I know that isn’t really what happened. It’s not that simple, but that’s what it feels like. She thinks you leaving means that... whatever there is between the two of you wasn’t worth anything. It wasn’t enough to make you stay.”
He gulped and shifted uncomfortably. “But that ain’t true...” Carol shrugged. “That’s how it seems to her.” 
Daryl ran a hand over his face and sighed again. “I really fucked up,” he growled. The grit and gravel in his voice was heavier than usual. “You did what you thought you needed to do,” Carol said, giving his shoulder a light squeeze. “Just give her a little time. She’ll cool off.” But the rest of the day, you stayed in your cell with the doorway covered. Daryl hung around hoping you’d step out so he could try to talk to you again, try to apologize and explain. He was sick with regret and guilt and worry, but you never stepped out. “Who’s on watch tonight?” Daryl asked Rick. He was thinking about offering to stay up and take both shifts because there was no way he would be sleeping that night anyway. He was too anxious. “Y/N first and then Glenn is taking the second shift. He gave Daryl a knowing look. The archer looked miserable. Rick sighed. “I’m just glad you’re back,” Rick said.
Daryl nudged his nose up in nod. “Yeah... thanks...” You’d be on guard first. You wouldn’t be able to hide in your cell forever. You could, however, still tell him to fuck off, but he had to try. Just waiting around was agonizing and he kept thinking about how in this world even the next minute wasn’t a guarantee. He had to make things right as soon as he could.
Night fell and after scraping together his courage, Daryl got up, knowing you’d be in the guard tower by now. He went to the little stove and heated up some water, pouring it over a tea bag in a mug and staring down at it. Yeah, bring her tea, dumbass. That’ll fix it. But regardless of that derisive voice in his head, he grabbed the mug and headed out to climb the narrow stairs of the guard tower, curls of steam wafting off the surface of the amber liquid. You turned when you heard the metal door from the stairwell creak open, thinking maybe Glenn couldn’t sleep and was coming to keep you company early. Instead you saw the broad shoulders of the archer coming through and you turned away and fixed your eyes on the darkness blanketing the prison yard. “What?” you asked sharply. Daryl gulped. Obviously you hadn’t cooled off enough yet. “I just—uhh.” He rubbed his hand awkwardly over the back of his neck. “I brought ya some tea,” he drawled.  You kept your back to him and said nothing. He edged closer and set the tea in front of you on the table. It was then that he noticed the bandage on your upper arm. He hadn’t noticed it before, probably because you’d been wearing a jacket. Without thinking, he reached out and gently grabbed your arm. “What happened?” 
You glanced at his hand on your arm and then up to his blue eyes. You felt your resolve crumbling as soon as your eyes met his. It was like some involuntary reaction you had no control over, but you tugged your arm from his grasp and shifted away from him, averting your eyes back toward the outside again. “I got shot,” you said. “What?” he urged. “The hell ya mean ya got shot?”
His voice was tinged with deep concern. “By one of those Woodbury assholes. You know, when you were off running around with Merle,” you replied. Daryl’s stomach twisted. How could he have been so stupid? If he’d been at the prison where he was supposed to be he could have protected you. What if it hadn’t just been your arm? He hadn’t even said goodbye to you... he’d just left. The hell was he thinking? You must have sensed his sudden panic because you looked over at him again and studied his face. “It’s just a bullet graze, Daryl.” Your tone was flat this time, but it was an improvement over the previous anger. “I’d rather be alone,” you said quietly. You hesitated. “Thanks for the tea.”
He gulped again. This distant tone you had was eating him alive and he felt his blood pressure rising. “Would ya just look at me at least? Gimme a chance to explain!”
You were a bit taken aback by his tone, which was now a little angry too, and you did turn to stare at him, your brow furrowed heavily now. “Explain?” You scoffed. “What the hell is there to explain? You made your choice. Your priorities are pretty damn clear. So, just—just leave me alone...”
“Nah,” he growled. “Not ‘til ya listen to me.”
You glared at him and he watched the muscle in your jaw tense as you clenched your teeth. “Actions speak louder than words, Daryl.”
“I fucked up, alright? I ain’t denyin’ that! I wanted to come back as soon as I left!” he roared. “‘M sorry!” “Sorry?” You stared at him, bewildered. “You’re sorry,” you repeated. “Yeah, well, so am I. Sorry I was stupid enough to think that maybe—” You broke off and shut your eyes, breathing in a tense breath. “That maybe what?” Daryl pressed you.
“That maybe I actually fucking meant something to you!” you yelled. There were angry tears in your eyes now and you fought to blink them away. “But if you could just leave then clearly I’ve deluded myself, because I could never do that to you. So, I guess I don’t know what this—” you gestured to yourself and then to him, “—is. Was. Whatever... apparently it’s nothing.” The archer stared at you feeling like his heart had split open. “That ain’t—that ain’t true. And it wasn’t that simple. S’not that simple.” He took a hesitant step toward you. 
Your jaw was still set. “Forget it. You don’t need to explain anything to me. It’s not like we were.... together. I was stupid to read into anything. I’m—I’m done. I’ll just send Glenn up later,” you murmured, trying to storm out of the guard tower, ready to race down the stairs and leave the whole mess behind you. But Daryl’s hand gently caught you as you tried to move past him, landing lightly but firmly on your arm.
“Nah. Don’t do that! Don’t just—just dismiss this!” he growled. 
You stared up at him, caught off-guard by his hand on you, by him physically stopping you from leaving. You were trying to think of something to say but your mind was suddenly blank. His hand finally dropped from your arm but instead of backing off he stepped closer to you. “This ain’t nothin’!” he argued. “And ya weren’t kiddin’ yerself. Now just stop bein’ so damn stubborn and talk to me!” You felt your resolve crumbling a little.  “I—I don’t have anything else to say!” you retorted angrily. “Now let me by!” You tried to brush past him again but he stepped right in your way. “Daryl,” you growled. “Get outta the way.” “Nah,” he said shaking his head. “Ya wanna be stubborn? Fine, but so will I.”
“Move!” you yelled at him again, feeling a flush of angry heat in your face. “No,” he said again, this time catching your eyes with his blue ones.
Your chest was heaving with angry and nervous breaths. “Let me go,” you said, and this time even you were surprised by how weak your own request sounded.
Daryl stared down at you, his posture defiant, obstinate. His heart was absolutely racing in his chest and he finally couldn’t suppress the urge any longer. He clasped your face in both hands and kissed you urgently, something he’d wanted to do for so long, but even more so since he’d tried to leave. It was all he could think about. A moment later he was sweeping you into him with a hand on your lower back.
You let out a noise of surprise and stumbled back, away from him, staring at him standing there with his chest heaving. “Wh—what the hell are you doing?”
Daryl gulped. Oh shit. Had he just fucked things up worse? He gestured vaguely with one hand. “This ain’t nothin’,” he drawled, breathless from his lips on yours. He stepped toward you cautiously again, half expecting you to move away or brush past him for the exit, but you didn’t move. He anxiously licked his lips, and you felt butterflies flit to life in your stomach. “‘M sorry,” he said again.
You stared at him, a quizzical expression on your face. You wanted his lips on yours again. “Say it again,” you said softly. You stepped closer to him. 
Daryl stared down into your eyes. The regret in his was plain. He slipped his fingers into your hair and clasped your face again. “‘M so sorry. I ain’t ever gonna leave again if I can help it.”
Your expression softened and you grabbed onto the front of his vest and pulled his lips down to meet yours, kissing him heatedly. Daryl’s hand landed on your lower back again and he pulled you against him, pressing forward so you were touching practically from knees to nose. His kiss was urgent, feverish. He pressed into you and you moved backwards blindly until you felt the table behind you. Daryl’s strong hands lifted you, setting you on the edge. You looped your arms around his neck and gently bit at his lower lip, eliciting a chesty growl from him. His hands wandered over your back and smoothed down your sides, feeling the curve of your waist and angles of your hips. They wandered down further and ran over your thighs, sending tingles of electricity up your back. You tugged him into you more tightly, feeling his hips pressing into the inside of your knees as you sat on the table. You slid a hand under his vest, around his back, and scratched your nails over the thin cotton of his shirt, feeling his strong, tense muscles beneath the material. He pulled back from you suddenly and your eyes opened, long eyelashes fluttering, disappointed and feeling the inches between your lips profoundly. “What is it?” you asked him, completely out of breath. He just stared down at you, not lifting his hands from your hips. “Nothin’. Just tryin’ to convince myself this is really happenin’,” he drawled, his eyes flitting between yours and your partially parted lips. 
You ran your fingers through his hair and he leaned into your touch. “It is.”
He looked suddenly nervous again. “Listen, I still wanna tell ya... I can’t entirely explain it. I know Merle’s an asshole. Of course I know that... But he’s my brother. And it was almost like I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I’d already left him once in Atlanta. I couldn’t do it again.” Daryl rushed on, still in vague disbelief that somehow you’d gone from yelling at him to kissing him in a span of a few minutes. “But as soon as we were alone out there... I realized he might be my brother but he ain’t really my family anymore. Maybe he never was.”
You gulped and nodded, pressing your hand flush to his chest and feeling his racing heart beneath your fingers. “I’m sorry I was so hard on you,” you said regretfully. “I was just—hurt.”
He nodded. “I can’t blame ya. ‘M sorry.”
You looped your arms around his neck again and he gave in to the gentle tug easily as you pulled his lips back to yours. The heat built between you again and you let out a small sigh as Daryl’s lips wandered from yours to kiss your neck and the delicate skin by your collarbone, his fingers tangling roughly into your hair. You found yourself arching into him more and more and Daryl was reeling as your fingernails lightly scratched his back, even over the fabric of his shirt. But the building heat was quickly quashed by the sound of the squeaky metal hinges on the door to the stairwell and both of you startled. Daryl spun around and you jumped up from your spot on the table, accidentally knocking the mug of tea to the floor, which of course shattered and sent liquid splashing everywhere. Your entire face flushed as you saw Glenn standing in the doorway with a surprised look on his face, one hand still on the doorknob. 
“Uhhhhh... sorry,” he mumbled. But his face quickly broke into a grin he tried to stifle. “I’ll just—I’m gonna go,” he said jutting a thumb back over his shoulder, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice. Daryl shifted uncomfortably next to you. Glenn turned on his heel and headed right back down the stairs and into the cellblock again. 
Rick, unable to sleep with the threat of the Governor still looming, caught sight of him returning and gave him a questioning look. “I thought you were on guard duty now?” he asked curiously. Glenn smiled and laughed a little awkwardly. “Uhh, yeah, but uhh—Y/N and Daryl have got it,” he said, his eyebrows lifting. “Y/N and Daryl? Isn’t she still pissed at him?” the sheriff asked, looping one thumb into his pocket. Glenn laughed again. “I’m pretty sure they made up... Night, Rick.”
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Stealin’ Hearts
George “Digger” Harkness x Reader
Fandom: DC Extended Universe
Summary: You’re a superhero and you just found out your soulmate is the notorious diamond thief, Captain Boomerang. You want to trust him, but you’re not sure you can just yet, so…now what?
Note: This is the sequel to He’s a Challenge. I really wanted to write a second part lol so here you go!
Warnings: Alcohol mention.
Word Count: 1.5k
Reader is: Female (but I would be willing to rewrite another version for a male or gender neutral reader.)
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When the jet landed, you let go of Boomer’s hand and led him out onto the roof of your family’s secluded forest mansion. He looked down at the sheer size of it, his eyes wide.
“Nothing, just…It’s not what I expected.” He admitted, hauling his duffle bag full of his few belongings over his shoulder. You led him in through the door and down the stairs to the balcony that overlooked the lower level of the house. You saw your siblings were congregated there, River looking particularly anxious, his arms across his chest. Rose and Ryan were sitting on the couch, talking, but their discussion stopped when they noticed you and Digger standing there, looking down at them.
“We’re here.” You called awkwardly.
“I see that.” River said, his eyes guarded as he looked the notorious Captain Boomerang up and down.
You led him down the stairs to where the others were and he hesitated, but followed after you anyway, a sheepish look on his face.
“So, Mr. Harkness, I’m not sure if (Y/N) told you why you’re here.”
“Well, I know we’re soulmates, so…” he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, obviously anxious about the whole situation. “I kind of figured that was why.”
“Well, yeah, but also no.” Rose laughed, motioning for everyone to sit down, so you . “(Y/N), why don’t you explain?”
You exhaled a long breath, nodding. “Yeah, I guess I can.” You looked up at Digger and he smirked. “Yeah, so, uh, our mom is the queen of an alien planet. So like…we’re royalty. And because of that, through our laws, you get diplomatic immunity because you’re my soulmate. I mean…unless you do something super fucked up and then I can’t help you.”
He was quiet for a long moment, his expression confused, but also evaluating what you had just said. “You mean to tell me my soulmate is a princess.”
“Yeah.” You shrugged.
He grinned. “Wicked.”
With every room of the mansion you showed Digger, the more and more impressed he became, taking everything in. He was still expecting you to take it all back at some point, tell him it was all a big joke and he wouldn’t be living in your giant mansion for the rest of his days.
That was strange to him, too. This weird sense of security. He’d had a rough upbringing, that much was for sure. He wasn’t used to stability, even in his adult life. He’d been constantly on the run, in and out of prison, doing whatever he could to make ends meet and try to establish something for himself, and…here it was. It had fallen right into his lap.
You pulled open a door and led him into another bedroom. There were a few generic pieces of art on the wall. The comforter was charcoal gray and there were a few navy throw pillows on top.
“I’m sorry it’s so empty in here.”
“Why are you…?” He paused for a second, looking around the spacious bedroom. It was nice, clean…way better than the tiny, dingy jail cell he’d been in for the past few years. “Is this my room?”
“Yeah, is that alright? It’s next door to mine, so I figured…”
“It’s perfect, princess.” He smiled softly, shaking his head in disbelief. “I still can’t believe this is happening.”
“Well, believe it.” You chuckled, stepping further into the room and opening the drawers on the dresser. “We didn’t know what size you were, so we guessed, but we picked you up some basics. I didn’t know what all you had…”
Digger was silent, watching you with careful eyes. You barely knew him and yet you’d done all of this for him, going out of your way to get him clothes and bedding.
“And this is your bathroom.” You opened the door to what he had assumed was a closet or something, but no, he now had an entire bathroom to himself as well. “I know the shower can be a little confusing, so let me know if you need any help with anything.”
You blinked up at him, waiting for some kind of reaction. “You good?”
“Y-yeah, I just…” He chuckled and shook his head. “This isn’t what I was expecting.”
“What, did you think we’d throw my soulmate in the dungeon?” You smirked, watching the way he couldn’t help but crack a smile at that.
“I wouldn’t have blamed you for it.”
You were both quiet for a moment before he asked, “Do you mind if I take a shower real quick? I haven’t had a warm shower in…” He didn’t finish the thought. You both knew it had been a while since he’d had a bathroom to himself, let alone water that wasn’t already cold by the time he got to it.
“Go for it. I’ll be down in the living room when you get out.”
When Digger came back downstairs, you were almost shocked, looking at him. He’d trimmed his beard, combed his hair, and he was wearing one of the cozy gray hoodies you’d picked out for him. He looked nice. You couldn’t help the heat that rose to your cheeks when you took him in.
“What, princess?” He raised an eyebrow, walking over to sit down next to you.
You set the book in your hands down on the coffee table. “Hmm?”
“What’s that look for?”
“You look nice, is all.” You shrugged.
He grinned. “You think so?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded. Once he was closer, you could smell the eucalyptus shampoo in his slightly damp hair. You leaned in the tiniest bit, terrified of moving too fast, but he leaned in a bit too, only to be interrupted by—
You looked up at the sound of the voice with wide eyes, chuckling when you saw none other than Harley Quinn standing there with a bottle of wine.
“Boomer? What are you doin’ here?” She asked, looking at him.
“I found my soulmate, Harls.” Digger said, smiling as he did.
She looked between the two of you, her eyes widening in realization. “Wait, are you two…?”
“Yeah, we are.” You confirmed, slipping your hand into Digger’s. He embraced it quickly, giving it a proud squeeze.
“But I thought your soulmate was some dude named George…?”
“Digger is just a nickname, mate.” He chuckled. “My real name is George.”
“Ohhhhhh.” Harley nodded. “Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.”
“You know it’s Wednesday, right?” You said, glancing down at your phone to double-check.
“Oh, is it? I thought it was Thursday.” Harley laughed. “My bad.”
“You can hang out if you want to, though.” You offered, motioning to the couch.
“Don’t mind if I do.” She ran over and hopped onto the open end of the couch next to you, setting the wine bottle on the coffee table before crawling over to whisper in your ear, “He’s a keeper, (Y/N). You’re in good hands.”
“Oh believe me,” you smirked, “I know.”
It was a few months later. Much to your surprise, Digger stuck around. Part of you had expected him to leave that first night with all of your family valuables in his duffle bag, but he…hadn’t. Instead, he’d been coexisting peacefully with your siblings, spending significant amounts of time trying to get to know you better, reading, cooking on occasion, and helping with chores around the house.
He remembered in vivid detail the first time you’d trusted him enough to fall asleep with him. It had been innocent enough, one of your first times cuddling together. Your other siblings were all out of the house, so you and Digger had the house to yourselves. Naturally, you had popped in a movie. One thing had led to another and you’d ended up fast asleep on his chest.
He took a long moment to look at you, something he had never felt before welling up inside of him as slow breaths worked into and out of you.
Something changed then, and since that moment, he had been pretty attached to you. Not that you minded. It felt natural. He was your soulmate, after all.
“Princess, have you seen my—” Digger popped his head into your bedroom, frozen in his tracks when he saw you there, laying on your bed, reading a book.
“What?” You asked coyly.
“Nothing, I just…” He smirked and stepped into the room. “Would you like some company?”
“Weren’t you looking for something?”
“Yeah, my heart, and it seems you’ve been hiding it in here with you.” He replied, walking over to your bed and climbing on next to you. He gently guided your book away from you and took its place on your chest instead, looking at you with his sparkling eyes, his weight comforting on top of you.
“And here I thought you were the thief.”
“Reformed, darlin’.” He said, unable to keep the smile off of his face. For one of the only times in his life, not only did Digger feel safe, but he finally felt happy, and he knew as long as he was by your side, that feeling would never fade.
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
You always have a choice: 1
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Summary: Loki and you are in prison together. An oppertunity presents itself and the two fo you can escape. But things take an unexpected turn.
Word count: 3.585 words
Warnings: Angst, mention of torture and abuse (but not in detail what happened), eventually smut!
A/N: Hope you like it! If you have any ideas, requests or comments, plese let me know.
Click here for chapter 2
‘Can you breathe any louder?’ Loki asked you irritatingly. Like your punishment couldn’t get any worse, you had to share a cell with the God of Mischief and Lies. The only upside was his mother, making sure he had plenty of books, a comfy chair, and a table. She even got him a bed, even tough it was one bed. Even her influence was limited, but you were more than grateful for these extra’s in your shared cell. Of course, Loki wouldn’t let you sleep in the bed. No, you should be happy he was not making you sleep on the floor. He gave you the chair to sleep in instead, bastard.
‘What was that, dear?’ you asked innocently. You knew how annoyed he would get when you called him by a nickname. Loki certainly was a dominant man, and nicknames was not something he accepted. You smirked when he didn’t answer you, he just grumbled at the name you gave him. You grabbed one of his books and began to read it. You were halfway the first chapter when you hear an annoying voice say ‘Who told you that you could grab my things?’
‘Come on, I’m bored out of my mind. It’s not like you need all these books at the same time’ you argued back. Loki, who was sitting on the floor against the wall, got up and strut towards you. He slapped the book out of your hands. The book went flying against the wall, the barrier burned it a bit. It made a hard sound when it hit the floor. ‘Those are MINE’ he growled. He didn’t move from his position, trying to dominate you with his stance. You were still sitting on the floor on the opposite side from where he sat. You weren’t having this. You looked him straight in his eyes ‘The fact that I’m stuck in here is also YOURS’ you said back.
Loki gave you a mean glare but returned to his original position, sitting across the ground on the other side of the cell. You had to admit, it wasn’t entirely his fault that the two of you were stuck in this cell. You had to steal the Tesseract from Odin’s fault, and it took a long time planning the heist too. Everything was in place, until he had to ruin it, of course. You knew he was planning on taking the Tesseract himself, some people close to him told you. But the idiot hadn’t taking into account the new alarm system. So, when he set it off the guards were gathering around you. They saw you holding the Tesseract and Loki standing right behind you. Your explanation to the Allfather didn’t matter, what you did was wrong and both of you needed to be punished.
You could handle the imprisonment, it wasn’t the first time you were. But imprisonment with him was. And you knew he hated it as much as you. You were convinced the only reason Odin put you in a cell together, was to add a sting to Loki’s sentence. You looked around the prison, your cell was the only on with furniture and books, thanks to Frigga. How the other prisoners coped, you did not know. You turned your attention back to Loki. He licked the tip of his index finger and turned a page. You got up and sat in the chair, also known as your bed.
‘Loki, I’m bored’ you whined to him. ‘That is not my problem, tell someone who cares’ he replied. ‘You are the only one here’ you sighed. ‘How lucky are you’ he said sarcastically. ‘What, if you weren’t there I wouldn’t be caught. Unlike you, I had an escape plan´ you argued. Loki just smirked ‘What was your escape plan on Jotunheim?’ he asked. The remark gave you flashbacks to the time you tried to steal the source of powers from the Frost Giants. But Loki interrupted you suddenly, because he was there with Thor and the Warrior Three on a different quest. You hadn’t had an escape plan and spend the next six months in this prison. After that you ran into him in a sleezy bar far away from Asgard, right before he tried to take over Midgard. You should have known he faked his death. Even tough you hated him, you had to admit he didn’t look like himself. He looked awful.
When you heard the Tesseract was on Midgard, you went yourself. When you saw him on Midgard he looked even more terrible. His hair was a mess, he had dark circles under his eyes and was walking with a limp. Something that was weir, considering he healed fast. But you didn’t care, you had a mission the finish. If you didn’t you would pay for it with your life. It was annoying that Loki himself wanted the same thing you were after. You felt Loki trying to invade your mind. ‘Stop it’ you yelled. Hoping that he would, because you didn’t know how to stop this kind of attack. Loki just smirked and returned to his book.
Your favourite guard brought the two of you your lunch. ‘Thank you, Baldar’ you said when he opened a small part of the barrier and slide two meals inside. ‘My pleasure’ Balder replied politely. You saw Loki role his eyes at the interaction, but he didn’t say anything, You grabbed your tray and began to eat the meal, it tasted terrible. ‘How is it?’ Loki asked. ‘What do you think?’’ you replied. Loki got up, grabbed his tray, and tasted it You smiled when you saw his face scrunch. ‘I may have found something more terrible than you’ he said while scrunching his face.
The rest of the midday, you two didn’t speak to each other. You grabbed another book and luckily Loki didn’t smash it from you. The lights were going off and you realised was night-time. You had enough of the chair you were sleeping in and decided to lay down on the bed. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ Loki asked, when he saw you laying down in his bed. ‘I’m going to sleep you answered while pulling the blankets closer to your chest. Loki must have been tired because he didn’t argue with you. He just sighed and walked towards the bed.
He laid beside you. Just before you drifted to sleep, he grabbed your throat. ‘What game are you playing?’ he asked. You tried to not be intimidated ‘Look, I needed the Tesseract, I wasn’t planning to use it for my own. But even if I do get out now, I’m in trouble’ you finally snapped. You had no interest in telling him your problems, but knew that lying to him was pointless. Loki didn’t say anything for a long time. He let go of your throat and laid back down facing you. ‘What if I’m in that predicament too?’ he asked you. You didn’t know how to respond to that. Loki could never know that you encountered Thanos and that he expected you to deliver the Tesseract. He didn’t have to know what you went trough, it was too painful to think about. You didn’t know what situation Loki got himself into, but you couldn’t let him best you anymore. Thanos’ patience had run out and you were in serious trouble. ‘Trust me, it’s not the same’ you replied. You closed your eyes and turned around.
It was the middle of the night when you woke from a loud explosion. ‘What is happening?’ you asked. You looked around your cell and saw another cell with its barrier breached. A prisoner was freeing some of the other inmates from different cells. This was your chance! Before you moved you felt one of Loki’s arms retracting from your sides. ‘Well, good luck to you, daring’ he purred. Was he just cuddling you? You decided not to dwell on it. You grumbled at him, you hated when he called you by a nickname, and you knew he knew that. The prison was now absolute in chaos. Guards were running around, and more and more barriers were breached. It didn’t take long before the barrier of your cell was broken. Loki and you exchanged a look before running in the opposite way from each other.
The chaos was your moment of opportunity. You ran towards the vault, there were only two guards guarding the door. You took them both out quickly and entered the vault. You ran to the end of the hall. There you saw it, the emulating light blue cube that you needed to escape whatever death Thanos had in store for you. You picked up the Tesseract when you heard a voice behind you ‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you’.
‘You have no idea what you’re talking about. Just leave me alone’ you said.
‘If you bring him that he is just going to send you to get another stone. If you fail him you die, if you don’t and he succeeds that chance of you dying is about 50 percent’ Loki told you.
You just stared at Loki with wide eyes. ‘How do you know that?’ you asked. He took a few steps towards you, standing very close before you. ‘I’ve been doing everything in my power to stop Thanos, you on the other hand have not been making that task easy’ he growled.
‘How do you know about him?’ you yelled.
‘There was a time he thought I was working for him. I know more about him than you might think’ he answered.
‘Then you know I have no choice, I’ll be dead if I don’t do this’
‘I didn’t do it and I’m still alive’ he quipped back.
‘Unlike you I don’t have magic to help me’ you took a step back and turned around. Ready to teleport with the Tesseract out of the vault. Loki grabbed your wrist and spun you back around. ‘You have me’ he said.
‘What?’ you asked absolutely stunned. ‘There’s always a choice, darling. You have three options. One, you give him the stone and probably die serving him the rest of your life. Two, you hide on your own, but he surely finds you and you die anyway. And don’t for a second think it would be quick and painless. We both know Thanos doesn’t do that.’ Tears were starting to form in your eyes, thinking back to all the torture you had been put trough. You noticed the look in Loki’s eyes, you saw something vulnerable in them. ‘What is the third one?’ you asked. ‘You come with me, I’ll keep you safe. And we think of a plan to stop him’ he gave you a genuine smile.
‘You hate me, why would you do that?’ you asked.
‘Just because we’re enemies doesn’t mean I hate you. We both did what needed to be done to survive. But, you have 10 seconds to decide before an army of guards burst through those doors’
For a few seconds you looked at him and thought over your options. Did you really have a choice? you thought. ‘Fine, I’ll go with you’ you said before your time was up. Loki engulfed you in a hug and a green shimmer formed around you. You started to feel dizzy and closed your eyes, leaning on Loki. You heard him chuckle. ‘As much as I enjoy this, you can open your eyes and let go now’ he said. You did as he said and found yourself standing in the middle of a cottage. ‘Where are we?’ you asked. ‘My safehouse somewhere in the woods on Midgard. You can relax, Thanos won’t find you here. I put up shields, nobody knows we’re here’ he answered.
You moved around the cottage. It was slightly bigger than the cell you just escaped from. There was a fire burning in the hearth, with in front of it a very comfy looking couch. There was a big bookcase with a desk and a comfortable lounge chair. The kitchen was small, but all the essentials were there. There was one door which led to the bathroom, with only a shower, sink, and a toilet. When you closed the door and stood in the main room you noticed that there was one large bed. You glared at Loki ‘I’m not sleeping in a chair again’ you said. Loki laughed ‘The bed is big enough for two, I think you’ll be fine’
‘One thing, I need you to hand me the Tesseract. My shiels may hide us, but they can still sense it is here’
You doubted giving him the cube. He saw the doubt in your eyes. ‘I made a promise to keep you safe, all you need to do is trust me’ he added.
‘Would you trust you?’ you asked.
‘Probably not, but I need you to’ he said back.
You took a deep breath and gave him the Tesseract. What choice did you have anyway? A green shimmer started to shine over the cube, and it slowly disappeared in his hands. He gave you a reassuring smile. Despite the fire burning you felt a little cold. ‘I’m going back to bed’ you said. Loki nodded, followed you and laid down next to you. Even tough the bed had room for four people in it, Loki laid close enough for you to feel his warmth. The orange light of the fire was dancing over his face, and you noticed that Loki was quite an attractive man. The only thing you wanted to do that moment was cuddle closer, lay on his chest and fall asleep while he was holding you close to him. You were wondering what sparked these feelings. You never thought about him that way. But then again, this was the first time you felt safe in a very long time. He made you feel safe.
‘See something you like?’ Loki smirked. That was when you realized that you were staring a bit too long at him. You felt yourself starting to blush. You wanted to turn around, but Loki put a hand on your shoulder to stop you. He moved closer to you and you froze, not knowing how to react. He didn’t stop until his lips almost touched yours. He looked in your eyes intently, waiting for you to make a move. You shut your eyes and closed the distance between the two of you. His lips started to move softly against yours. The way his lips felt on yours, you needed more, more of him. You put a hand on his neck and deepened the kiss. Loki eagerly returned your affection by sliding his tongue in your mouth. His hand trailed from your shoulder to your lower back. He pulled you closer to him. You put a hand under his t-shirt, starting to explore his chest and abbs. Loki started to kiss down your neck and you felt him smile against your skin.
He stopped to crawl on top of you and removed his shirt. You couldn’t keep his hands off him. He ducked back down to kiss you. He starting to kiss you deeper and faster. Your hands started to stroke his back and you opened your legs to pull him closer. He moaned into your mouth. It spurred you on to undo the button of his pants. ‘Eager, aren’t you?’ Loki smirked at you. You stayed silence and pulled his pants from his bottom. He helped you by taking them off completely. You tried to pull him down to kiss you, but he grabbed your hands and put them down beside your head. ‘Now, I don’t think this is quite fair’ he said. ‘Well, I always was a few steps ahead of you’ you smirked. Loki let out a low growl. He found the clasp of your dress and unlocked it, immediately pulling the fabric from your body. You laid beneath him, in your lingerie. ‘If I knew you were this underneath your clothes, I would have done this much sooner’ he whispered to you.
He started to kiss you, while his hands were roaming your body. You did the same and couldn’t help but land your hands on his butt. You give him a light squeeze, making Loki moan hard. You really liked this side of him. He undid your bra and hooked his fingers on the side of your thong. ‘Wait’ you said. Loki immediately froze and looked at you questionably. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked. You felt a little bad, seeing the worry in his eyes. ‘Nothing, I just want you to undress first’ you smirked at him. Luckily, your comment put the twinkle back in his eyes. ‘Have you earned that?’ he challenged you. ‘I’ve bested you in most situations, so yeah, I’ve earned it’ you grinned widely at him. He just chuckled ‘I will let you think that, but you still haven’t earned it, darling’ he said. He pulled your thong down and you were now completely naked underneath him.
‘You look absolutely beautiful’ he sighed while kissing your stomach, trailing downwards. You thought he was going for your clit, but instead he just resumes kissing you. His lips went to your hips and your upper thigh, down towards your knees. He trailed back upwards, but still was avoiding the place you needed him the most. ‘Loki’ you panted. ‘Hmm, say that again’ he hummed. His lips trailed further upwards until he reached your neck. ‘Loki, please’ you panted again. You felt him hum again, and he sunk his teeth in your neck. You hissed from the sudden action, he didn’t bite down hard, it was enough for you to feel alive but not hard enough to actually pierce your skin. ‘If you want something, all you got to do is ask’ he purred. ‘You really think you got the upper hand here, do you?’ you asked. Loki didn’t have to answer you, his face said it all. He did.
That’s when you bucked your hips and rolled against his. You felt his erection clearly through his fabric. Your wetness left a small stain on his boxers, only adding friction to your movement. Loki let out a silent moan. He replicates the movement and didn’t stop. The fabric of his boxers between the two of you felt thicker each time he slid it against your core. Loki let out a hard growl ‘Fuck it’ he said. You were a bit shocked, you never heard Loki curse before, he always kept his composure. He leaned back a bit and undid himself of his boxer. He laid back down on top of you, putting more weight on you than before. ‘Normally I would play with you for hours, but right now I need you’ he whispered in your ear. Without any hesitation you opened your legs more and felt Loki enter you. He certainly was bigger than you first anticipated. He filled you up like you never had before. You felt every movement he made, every vein on his cock and it felt like Valhalla itself. Loki, who was thrusting slowly in and almost out of you, picked up the pace. The length of his erection reached all the way to your G-spot. The way he hit that sensitive spot inside of you made squeeze around his cock. He started to moan, grunt and curse under his breath.
He didn’t slow down. The way he fucked you could only be described as animalistic. Like he was denied his release for so long, he couldn’t hold back anymore. You put your hands in his hair and pulled him down for a kiss. He started to kiss you like he was fucking you. Leaving fast and open mouth kisses on your mouth, your cheek, and your neck. His put a leg over his shoulder and you felt his fingertips grab you hips tighter. You knew for sure his kisses and hands would leave you bruised the next morning. But you didn’t mind that people could see you were his, you knew he was doing this for that reason on purpose. ‘I’m close’ Loki panted. He put one of his fingers on your clit, drawing circles on it with much pressure. The only thing you could do was moan his name. You moaned it over and over again. Loki grabbed your chin and kissed you. He broke the kiss to let out a loud grunt. Your orgasm hit you hard and you felt his seed spill inside of you.
Loki pumped in and out of you a few more times, before he collapsed on his back beside you.
‘That was amazing’
he panted. You were out of breath and the only thing you did was hum in agreement. After Loki had cleaned himself up, you went into the bathroom to do the same. When you walked back to the bed you saw Loki almost drifting to sleep. He looked innocent and pure in that moment. You crawled into the bed and he immediately grabbed you and pulled you close to him.
‘I’m never letting you go’
he whispered to you.
‘You better not’
you quipped back. He nuzzled his face further in the crook of your neck. His arms tightened around you. For the first time you felt safe, peaceful, and relaxed. The problems the two of you were facing would come tomorrow, but right now, everything was perfect.
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damn-stark · 3 years
The trouble final pt.
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A/N- it's over :( I’m sad that it is, but I’m so thankful for all of you that read it and stuck around to finish with me :)
Warning- ANGST, talks of loss and grief, ptsd, Violence, blood, light fluff
Pairing- Jesse x fem!reader
“Give me your arm again,” Ellie mutters after she had cleared the room that had once been filled with enemies part of the same group as those two me she, and you had taken out. “It’s—”
“It’s okay,” you cut her off and pull your arm away before she could grab it again. “It won’t change sizes, or color in the last ten minutes that you checked.”
After finding out that you had gotten bit by the infected that the man taunted you with, Ellie has been careful with you, she’s made sure that you wouldn’t strain yourself, she’s kept you from helping her fight the danger that lingered, as if you were some child.
And you understood why she kept insisting on trying to keep you from harm's way, she was being cautious, she was worried, but that isn’t going to change the outcome of your dooming fate.
“We could try cutting it off,” she insisted again, hoping that this time you’d change your mind.
You shake your head, “no, we don’t have the proper equipment.” You sit up and begin walking out of the broken down corner store. “I’d end up bleeding to death instead. Plus,” you sigh. “We don’t have time. Not if we want to reach Abby.”
Ellie follows behind you slowly, albeit somewhat lagging behind as she comes across good loot to collect. “We?” She quieres, “it’s we now?”
Your gaze drops to the ground, seeing the natural greenery that cracked through the sidewalk and began to take back its natural place. “I told you my reason already. No matter what’s happening, I’m sticking to it.” You feel chills all over your body and when your head lifts and your eyes flicker to her passing you, that’s where you see him again; Jesse. The bullet that shot through his face and took his life. His cold dead eyes were piercing into you, and his body was stuck in place, unable to even move but causing the same effect it always did.
Ellie noticed your wavered attention, followed your line of vision and saw nothing and knew what was happening. But perhaps that was because of the horror in your eyes. Regardless, she didn’t question it, she just walked towards you to break you from your stupor. “It’s not far anymore. We’re almost where the man told us. I see the round building.”
You pull your eyes from the now empty space where Jesse had been to glance back at Ellie and follow right behind her—for the most part it was silent, but as far as your mind, it was loud and booming with different racing thoughts and memories.
Ellie’s eyes follow your line of vision to the couple quietly talking amongst themselves in the far end of the room. And at first she didn’t think much of it. Actually she simply ignored it and just thought you might be spacing out, but just as she was going to look away the young girl in front of the tall guy with dark shaggy hair, caught her attention. Ellie did a double take and found herself captive by the girl's looks; her long dark hair styled in a ponytail, the light freckles on her face and her bright, charming smile.
She couldn’t keep herself from asking about her in complete starstricken awe. “Who’s that?”. Albeit her words didn’t register in your mind until she grabbed your shoulder and ripped you from your own awe. “Y/N?!”
You blink and look down at the drink in your hand, thinking she was referring to the guy and smiling softly as you answered. Even if a slow sizzling jealousy did begin to boil in the pit of your stomach because she asked. “That’s Jesse.”
Clueless to the fact that you told her the guy's name, Ellie nodded and slowly turned her head to pick up her drink from the table, unable to keep a smile from tugging on her lips. Her curiosity got the best of her before she could even think of taking a sip from her drink like she had planned to. “Is Jesse…dating someone?”
You glance at Jesse and answer her with bitterness in your tone. “Yeah, he's dating Dina. The girl he’s talking to.”
Ellie snaps her head and takes another look at the couple before looking at you with confusion. “Wait, Jesse is the boy? Or the girl?”
“The boy,” you tell her.
“Oh.” Ellie’s eyebrows furrow deeper and thinks that the name Dina suits the girl a lot better. It was actually a pretty name.
“Wait, why do you ask?” You probe as you shift around to look at her better. “Do you…” you pause and narrow your eyes. “…think Jesse is cute?”
“What?” Ellie scoffs with even more confusion. “No. No,” she shakes her head, “I thought the girl was named Jesse, since when I asked you for her name you said that.”
Oh. It makes sense now.
“Oh,” you breathe out and then smirk when you realize why she asked if Dina was dating anyone. “Do you think Dina is cute?” You sip on your straw and raise your eyebrows.
Ellie’s cheeks turn to a tint pink and she looks away from you to hide her flustered smile. “No. Just curious.” She turns her head and smirks when she looks at you. “Do you like Jesse?”
You sigh and look at your hands on the table. “Yeah, but well he’s dating Dina, so I can’t really tell him how I feel can I?” Your heart sinks to your stomach, but you try to ignore the gloomy feelings. “Regardless, he’s a good friend, so I’m better off not telling him anything at all.”
Ellie’s eyes wander to Dina for a brief moment and just like you, a heaviness sets over her heart because of the girl that she can’t try and pursue. You both were stuck looking from afar like a couple of love-struck idiots.
But maybe it was better off that way. Looking from afar.
Neither of you would get hurt that way. If only it was that easy to keep looking and not desire their love in return. Especially when you have to face them everyday of your life, around the same four walls that kept you secure from the rotting, walking corpses…and other humans.
Why couldn’t things be simpler?
When you steal a glance from Jesse that’s all you asked for. Which was such a funny thing to ask with the world as it was. It made you wonder if people back then asked the same thing?
How’s having clickers for simple?
Nonetheless that’s what you wanted right now. A simple life…or really simple feelings, platonic feelings for the guy you’ve known for too many years now. It would make those thoughts—dreams you had of an intended life with him nonexistent. It would make being around him feel like nothing.
Why couldn't life be so simple—why couldn’t your feelings be simple?
“Through here,” Ellie waves you over into a dimly lit hall that was crowded with a bunch of old broken furniture and worn down junk that covered wooden doors, leaving an open path towards a darker-lit corridor. Making this part of the invasion the simplest part of sneaking inside.
“Sneaking inside this building was much harder than actually getting in the property,” you snap in a sharp whisper as you turn off your flashlight and continue behind Ellie, seeing her peek over her shoulder to steal a quick glance as she remarks on your comment.
“Tell me about it.” She scoffs and stops in front of the only unblocked door after turning the corner. “Would’ve been much easier if you stuck behind like I asked.”
You narrow your gaze on her and stop to put your hand on your hip and retort. “You know I’m not a child. Maria doesn’t even treat me this way. I can take care of myself.”
“You’ve never been bit, that's why.” Ellie snaps, her back still facing you and her head turning to face the door after she caught what came out of her mouth.
When her words hit you too, you drop the sass and exhale deeply, letting a sorrow filled frown replace the curled lip. Instead of responding to her with something you know would weigh down on the already heavy subject, you just smoothly change it to the matters in front of her. “Are you going in first, or should I?”
Ellie rolls her shoulders back and straightens her posture to slowly push the door forward, and reveal another poorly lit, dirty room. This time however, whispers came from beyond the shadows of the room, making Ellie put her hand out, signaling you to wait as she carefully snuck inside with her revolver in hand.
Not like you listened albeit, because once she had taken a few steps inside you followed behind her with your hand around your weapon. However once you stepped inside the room your eyes instantly fell on the cell filled with people all poorly taken care of, people they called their prisoners and proved that letter you found about an escapee right. The sight shook you to your core and froze you just under the doorway, that hesitance causing you to miss the woman who jumped out from behind the door and attacked Ellie with a bat like some crazy person.
Of course, Ellie reacted quickly and managed to jerk back, grabbing a hold of the bat and shoving the woman to the wall by pressing the wooden weapon against her throat. But since Ellie was wounded, and weak from lack of food, the woman overpowered her, caught her off guard, and kicked her injured side to then push her to the floor when Ellie was hit with that throbbing and blinding pain.
The woman thought she was going to win, but she hadn’t seen you when she just abruptly attacked without a plan, leaving you with the perfect chance to sprint forward and grab the side of her head, completely startling her. She tried to rip your hands off, but you punctured your thumb into her eye beforehand, causing her to groan out in pain whilst you lifted your leg to kick her towards the cell where the prisoners got ahold of her instead.
“Ellie,” you instantly called out in worry, letting the people behind the cell overpower their captor and take her out with a hard squeeze to her throat with the same bat she used on Ellie— “Are you okay?” You offer her your hand to help her off the floor, and she takes it without an ounce of hesitance. The moment she stands up though, is when you see that more blood began to leak from her wound. She noticed your worried stare and just covered it with her hand, pulling your eyes up to meet her gaze for a lingering second before she looked at the prisoners. You follow her line of vision and watch the prisoners letting themselves out of the cell and quickly occupying their hands with different guns.
Before the prisoners leave Ellie leaves your side and steps towards them with an obvious question. “Where’s Abby?”
They all glance at each other and before any could answer, a woman points out what you thought you had well hidden. “She’s bit!”
A man beside the woman doesn’t fret to point his rifle at you, triggering Ellie instantly and causing her to point her gun at them as she spat out at the man in a venomous tone. “Don't point that gun at her!”
Seeing the gun in hand pointed at the man, those behind him point their weapon at the both of you and surround you with one single intention in mind. Yet before they could act on it, an older man comes in between all of you. “Hey, hey, hey! Abby tried to escape.”
Ellie’s aim on the man falters, and her glare shifts to the man who continues. “She’s down in the pillars.”
“The pillars?” Ellie presses for clarity.
“Head down to the beach,” the man motions out the door with his head. “You won’t miss it. She’s probably already dead.”
With nothing else to ask, or share, the prisoner, Ellie and you, slowly step away from each other and part your own ways; with the prisoners leaving out the door you just came out of, Ellie and you march out the double doors the man had pointed to. Yet the beach wasn’t outside these doors, it would be much easier if it was, but no, you were welcomed by a dark hall, that was purely lit by the moonlight that peeked through the broken windows on the wall. Still the menacing darkness didn’t scare you away, you both continued down the path that led to a broken pair of doors that led to a brighter room, one that smelled like rotten, and moist wood.
Besides that annoying smell, the old, green covered patio was easy to navigate through, even with its broken floors and disorganized room. But through the silence between your friend and you, the sound of gunshots, and shouting against the new threat that escaped from the cell easily and loudly echoed in your ears, even after you jumped a small ledge and walked between the palm trees that scattered when you finally reached the beach.
However, salt, nor water is what you smelled, instead the stench of blood, and putrid aroma of death tickled your nose, almost causing you to gag. You would have thrown up if it wasn’t for all the people you saw tied to actual pillars on the beach. Most were already dead—all were already dead, most were just left as skeletons.
It was such a horrifying sight, like straight out of a nightmare. You’ve heard of tortures like this from Tommy, from other older people in town who experienced similar situations but you never thought it was real. You could never believe it.
“Ellie,” you murmur in disbelief, your eyes unable to stop glancing at every body tied up to pillars when you pass by them in search of one woman. “We should just—”
“There.” Ellie blurted in what almost sounded like excitement. “She’s there.”
Ellie points to a figure up on a pillar, and that’s when you see her. Abby; She’s a lot skinnier now from the lack of food every person not part of the gang seemed to suffer through, her hair was cut close to her scalp, her clothes were torn and her muscles were almost completely gone, leaving nothing behind but slightly toned arms. She didn’t even look alive, but her raspy voice proved otherwise.
“Help me…please.”
It was shocking hearing her talk, but instead of feeling pity, sadness and an urgency to help her, knowing you could, all you felt was an unknown uncontrollable and blinding anger that invaded your mind and judgment. All the sorrow you felt was for the man she killed, the man you loved. She took him right as you both had gotten the chance to finally discover what it was like to love each other. That anger that you warned Ellie about, the rage and thirst for revenge that you’d seen burning in Tommy’s eyes, now overwhelmed you too. It completely fueled wild and violent, revenge filled thoughts that you once thought vile.
Now you shared what motivated Ellie to leave behind her life on her farm.
“It’s you…” Abby whispers hoarsely after she picks up her head and spots Ellie, leaving you to be almost invisible in her eyes. If it wasn’t because Ellie surprisingly let her down from the pillar you would’ve remained nothing but a shadow. Alas Abby saw your face behind Ellie’s when she managed to stand on her feet, she didn’t recognize you at first, but then you saw the flash in her eyes when the memory faded in.
Albeit she didn’t react any differently, instead Abby simply walked to that boy she had been with before; he looked skinnier now, just as weak as Abby. He’s someone you felt pity for, your fight wasn’t with him, but you still did nothing to help, you stood frozen behind Ellie, shocked that she tied down Abby instead of using her switchblade to finish her off. That state of disbelief only heightened when you both began to follow Abby towards boats.
You sought for answers with a simple look, but Ellie’s expression on her beaten face gave nothing but rage. You almost wanted to end the ache you felt in the fragments of your shattered heart, however right when you raised your trembling gun, there he was. Jesses ghost reappearing. He stopped you from acting on revenge, but fueled an adrenaline you couldn’t act on. Not with how Ellie was holding back after coming all this way. You couldn’t help but wonder out loud.
“Ellie, what are you doing? She's right there.” You come to a stop on the side of a small boat, meeting Ellie’s gaze. “Let’s do it. Let’s kill her.” Your eyes drift behind her shoulder to look at Abby, seeing her seem eager to get out of here with the boy without as much of a question of why you were both here. It’s as if she didn’t care. It pissed you off. It made you eager to just kill her yourself.
And it was due to that eagerness that blinded you that you didn’t see Ellie’s sudden switch with the sight of her blood on her hand. It wasn’t until you heard the water clash with her stride towards Abby. Her voice broke through your ears and made your eyes focus intently on her. “I can’t let you leave.”
You take a step back, intending to walk to her side for aid, but you stop when Abby responds with such nonchalance. “I’m not doing this.”
Those words trigger Ellie, causing her to take those last steps towards Abby to grab her shoulder and her hair to forcefully throw her to the water. Continuing then to kick her side and making Abby groan, but not fight back. She just stayed in the water and simply shook her head, “no. I’m not going to fight you.” Abby looks back at you and shakes her head. “Either of you.”
Again you stand frozen. Her words stung like cold ice against your skin, they just stomped on your already broken heart and broke it to finer pieces within your chest. How could she just decide that after what she did?
Then again….
Ellie killed Abby's friends. All of them. But it was for Joel….but….Abby was down, she pleaded for mercy even if she didn’t directly say it.
Why is your mind so confused? Why did this hunger for revenge suddenly begin to fade away? Just when it started?
What would’ve Jesse done?
Your eyes fall on your bite from that infected and then you glance at the vision of Jesse. His bloody face reminded you of what you wanted….of what Tommy wanted, even if it wasn’t for Jesse’s death. And you tried to force your anger to be as furious as moments ago.
“Yes, you will.” Ellie seethed, pulling your eyes back to her as she stormed towards Abby's boat and threatened his life with her blade against his throat. Not like he could even fight back, he was too weak to even open his eyes. It should’ve made you protest, but Abby beat you to it.
“He’s not a part of this.”
“You made him a part of this.” Ellie retorted angrily.
Abby stands up and says, “okay, okay,” to give Ellie what she wanted. A fight that would deem one winner, and it was obvious who. Even as Abby charged at Ellie and tackled her to the ground first, you knew in the back of your head Ellie would win.
Even still though, you watched their fight attentively. Maybe you should’ve helped, but this solely felt like Ellie’s fight now. Because again, you couldn’t find it in yourself to act on those feelings.
Nonetheless when your eyes fell on Abby's boat whilst Ellie swung her blade and fought her, Jesse’s haunting ghost made you think of taking what Abby loved the most. The kid—he was there, you could slip by them now that Ellie had forced Abby to the ground with a harsh jab on her shoulder. Abby wouldn't be able to stop you until it was too late, she’d only see his dead body just like how you saw Jesse when you ran out of the theater. She’d suffer the same way, she’d stay on the ground in shock and broken hearted, it would be good revenge to finally stop seeing Jesse’s dead body haunt you.
But you didn’t want to—your eyes return to Ellie and Abby fighting to watch neither of them get the upper hand. Ellie managed to stab her blade through Abby's shoulder when they were on the ground, but Abby reacted quickly and kicked Ellie off her, only continuing the fight, this time with no weapons, just their fists. It left the kid open.
Even if you didn’t want to, you walked past the boat and slowly walked towards the boy. You didn’t stop until you were beside it and overlooking the unconscious boy. And just like you had predicted Abby didn’t stop you, she couldn’t because she didn’t know you were here now, Ellie knocking her to the ground kept her distracted. This was your chance.
You lift your own knife and move your hand towards the boy's throat, the tip of your blade hovers inches over his skin; one more inch and the blade would puncture his skin and flesh, he'd be dead, Abby would have no one. She’d feel your heartbreak. Jesse would be avenged….
The knife in your hand begins to tremble, and hesitation pulls back your hand. Your heart aches every day, the nightmares never stop, continuing everyday felt like being stabbed multiple times all over your body, but it wouldn’t change anything, killing the boy wouldn't stop the vision of Jesse’s dead body from reappearing. Jesse would know that. He knew that when it came down to it he’d have to do bad things, but he was also merciful when he could. He wouldn’t do this, not to the kid. You can’t either. You can’t kill Abby either, it wasn’t right.
These couldn’t be your last moments either. Which is why instead of falling prey to revenge, the knife in your hold falls from your grip and your body crashes down into the water. However instead of crying, you find yourself being more worried over Ellie. You couldn’t lose her….even if she was going to lose you, you couldn’t fathom the thought of losing her now. You needed her in your last moments.
However when you look at her, she’s proving you right, she’s on top of Abby and keeping her underwater to keep her from breathing. She’s moments away from winning, from finally killing Joel’s killer and completing her revenge. The thought of stopping her popped in your head, but this was her fight, she needed to make her decision. Even as you saw Abby struggle to resurface to breathe in air, you couldn’t stop Ellie now.
You watched the rain in her eyes, watched tears and ocean water glisten on her face, cleaning the blood off her cheeks. You waited to be there for her when she was done. But the moment never came, Ellie let go of Abby, letting her resurface to gulp in a breath of fresh air whilst she fell down. She chose to let Abby go and the girl took that chance after she recuperated enough to move. You let her go too. She never paid any attention to you until she glanced at you once because you were beside her boat, but that was it, she left with no hesitation after.
Leaving Ellie panting, and crying as she stayed sitting in the water. You let her have time alone for a little, but it was through the silence after Abby and the boy left that it all set in. The ultimate and unavoidable truth. You’ve tried to ignore any symptom that you could feel due to the bite, which didn’t turn out to be hard since well so far all you’ve felt is a slight annoying dull pain. Any other effect had yet to set in, but the wait was the most irritating side effect.
That and noticing that Ellie couldn’t even face you; due to her processing what just happened, what caused her to let Abby go, and that looking at you without having the mission of finding Abby as a distraction meant that she has to face the harsh truth of your death. She had to face the fact that she was losing someone else, she was going to lose someone else to the infection she couldn’t prevent. She was going to be alone.
“Ellie,” you mutter as your footsteps crash on the water while you slowly step towards her. “It was a good thing that you let them go.”
Said girl sits down in the water, letting the small waves crash into her legs, and feeling the breeze blow past her hair and wet her face, mixing her tears with water droplets.
“You’re right…” she breathes out, dropping her head to look at the cold dark blue water. “Joel wouldn’t have wanted it. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that sooner.”
Your lips tug to a smile and you sit beside her, the feeling of your body brushing against hers making her lift her gaze to steal a quick glance. “Why didn’t you stop her? You seemed eager at the end.”
You sigh and dip your fingers in the water to gently sway them back and forth while you answer her. “Realization set just like with you. The nightmares won’t go away anytime soon, and killing her wouldn’t have solved anything either.”
“Nightmares?” Ellie scoffs, finally daring to meet your gaze. “You're still worried about that.”
You laugh softly and glance at the bite on your arm before looking back at her again. “It’s weird, I thought it would hurt, but all I feel is annoyed. No fever, no pain. Nothing.”
Ellie straightens up and her eyebrows furrow as her eyes fixate on your bite mark. “Nothing?” She repeats and the back of her hand presses on your forehead. “Hmm. Maybe we’ll both live with that burden then. Would be nice.”
You offer her a soft smile and grab her hand to interlace it with yours. Feeling hope piece together the fragments of your broken heart. “I guess we’ll have to wait then, to see what the future holds.”
Ellie’s eyes shift to the grey clouded sky, while her hold secures around your hand in hopes that by doing so you wouldn’t leave her. She hoped that her words would be the manifestation needed to keep you alive and keep you from leaving. She couldn’t lose someone else. She couldn’t bear feeling that pain all over again. “Well, I hope you do live.”
A grin spreads on your lips, and your head falls on her shoulder as your own eyes drift to watch the clouded horizon in a peaceful, waiting silence.
Tagged- @protect-lev, @expecto-nox @vintage-and-hypnotic , @kokomaesadie , @0j-b0, @itsyellow , @minheoly @traceylader
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