#int. winnie
martinkate · 7 months
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magicshvps · 2 years
closed for: @miuimiu​
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           “who’s idea was this anyways, said that we needed space, but we just got closer? late at night missing the little things, it’s simple as baby just come over.”
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totallytob · 4 months
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All about me !
𓏲 Toby
Minor (17) , He/Him , UK , Boyre 3-10
Im an age regressor, and this is my personal blog! That means this blog is for anything i want; reblogs, selfies, tiny time posts, vents, etc!
Warning that this blog may have gorey things in it as im a horror fan. So plz be aware of that before following.
Interests; shows / films , etc
B99 , winnie the pooh , pingu , adventure time , the spectacular spiderman , all things Marvel , Doctor Who, The Matrix + more! (mostly horror/thriller/action). Metal music >>>
games / activities / etc
watching films, tv shows and cartoons , napping , colouring books , tummy time , paci time , Fallout , Halo ,playing on my nintendo switch ; acnh! , cuddling with my teddies
snacks / drinks
cheese cubes , shaped sandwiches , biscuits, hot choccy , fizzy pop , milkshakes , cucumber slices , yoghurt , ice cream !
Follow me if we have anything in common! Let's be tiny friends ><
My metal playlist! ⬇ warning; LOUD
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DNIs ⬇⬇
Blogs that are: Kink, AB/DL, DD/LG, or Variants. Anti-agere / agedre, Anti-lgbtq+, Exclusionists, gatekeepers.
Thank you for your consideration.
To any of the above, you will be blocked if you interact with my blog. Otherwise;
Okay to Int: Horror fans, horror artists, etc.
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buffythevampirelover · 6 months
Find The Word (tag game)
Thanks for the tag @kaylinalexanderbooks ! Her post is here :) My words: new, clean, decide, system
Your words: small, name, definitely, fine Tagging: @sleepyrxsetea @blind-the-winds @illarian-rambling @badluck990 + open tag! @ me if you take the open tag ;)
INT. CAR (MOVING) - AFTERNOON Mary-Ella and Cal are driving west on a highway. Cal sits in the passenger seat with a sketchbook and pencil in her hands. There is a new bag of groceries by her feet and two cups of iced coffee in the cup holders between them. - CAL: Yup. And also the suspicious vehicles that she said came into the campground. Clean, no plates. Morning of. - CAL: [..] with that in mind she decided journalism was the only “real” job she would like, though she wished she didn’t have to work at all. - WINNIE: I'll be there in a minute, just logging this into the system and printing out a copy.
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hello ! my name is WINNIE ──★ ˙ ̟🐇 !!
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. i am a sigewinne fictive in a dx did sys . fakeclaimers will be blocked 🤥
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. bodily a minor, aswell as an ambulatory (about 75% of the time) wheelchair user . i like to talk about pretty mobility aids!
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. DNI basic criteria, proship, 21+, hoyoverse d riders, non-traumagenic, etc etc
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. sourcemates welcome to int :3
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Guarded Heart
Bucky x Reader
Chapter 15
Warnings: swearing, angst
When Y/N's mother arrived at the townhouse, she was asleep. Her mother thanked Winnie for her kindness and got comfortable in a reading chair in Bucky's room.
Winnie spoke softly "We've made up the guest room for you, it would be more comfortable."
Her mother shook her head "Thank you for that but I need to be here with her in case she needs me. I'll be fine here."
Winnie nodded, understanding. She would do the same for hers. She only hoped they would all survive this mess.
By the time Bucky arrived back at the warehouse the dust had settled and it wasn't pretty. Most of the police were gone except the forensics people and the medical examiners office, clearing out the dead. Seemed no point in gathering evidence since they already knew the whole story but protocols must be followed. Of course the official story would be mob related violence and written off because no one who saw any of it would dare speak out.
He was relieved to find his dad was alright while Steve and Sam only had minor scrapes and bruises. A number of their people had serious injuries and had already been taken for medical care. A few of them were killed. Bucky took note of the injuries and losses to ensure those employees and their families were well taken care of.
The Asgardians hadn't lost anyone here but Thor's death, especially followed so closely after Syf was taking a toll.
Steve told Bucky that Loki had been particularly vicious and noted that the blood on Loki wasn't his own.
Pierce and Dreykov were bound in metal chairs while the Barnes and the Asgardians decided what to do with them. Bucky and Loki were in agreement that whatever was done needed to be slow and painful. They were to be held at one of the Barnes offices and guarded by their most trusted men.
Loki looked to Bucky "Is she alright? I know Thor's death must be extraordinarily painful for her. They were quite close" he coughed.
Bucky shook his head "I don't know. Physically she's alright but she's blaming herself. She's been through so much recently."
Loki looked at him intently "Then you had better be sure you take good care of her. I'm not as close to her as Thor but she is quite dear to me.  You don't wish to make an enemy of me, Barnes. I hope that we will be able to work together once the smoke clears."
Bucky nodded "I'll do my best, I'm not exactly her favorite person right now but I'll do anything I can to protect her. I'm sure we'll be able to work something out."
Loki nodded "Right. I must leave and get started with the" he choked up a little "arrangements." He took a deep breath "I could use a bit of sleep as well. I'd like to meet tomorrow, or later today, to discuss what will be done with those two" he gestured towards the men who were bound.
Bucky nodded "We can meet at my parents for dinner tonight, if you want to see Y/N she is there for the foreseeable future."
Loki nodded and left with Heimdal.
Bucky looked around again "Where is Pietro?" He asked apprehensively.
Steve sighed "Taken to the hospital but stable, last I heard. I'm not sure what his injuries are but he may have been shot."
Bucky let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He didn't want Y/N to lose anyone else she cared for.
At the Barnes home, Y/N was starting to wake and could see the start of the sunrise through the bedroom window. When she realized where she was everything came rushing back painfully. She remembered Thor's still body next to the SUV she was in and Val refusing to let her go to him. It felt like she was punched in the chest and the air was knocked out of her.
Her mother heard her gasping and started to stir "Y/N, honey? Are you ok?"
Y/N just stared at her mother, unable to breathe.
Her mother moved to sit on the bed next to her and started gently rubbing her back until the panic attack passed. Once Y/N was breathing steady again her mother pulled her into a tight hug and Y/N was able to relax. The feel and scent of her mother soothed her.
Y/N pulled back "When did you get here, Mama?'
Her mother smiled " Winnie called me after James brought you here and I can right away."
"Did you sleep in that chair? You must be sore, you should have asked Winnie for the guest room."
Her mom smiled softly "Winnie offered but I needed to be here. I get the impression we are expected to stay here for a couple of days, until everything settles."
Y/N nodded "Even if we stay here there's plenty of work to be done. I'm sure we lost people last night and we need to make sure their families are taken care of. Same with the injured.
Has anyone heard from them?"
Her mother shook her head "I don't know dear but you should get more rest before you worry about business."
"I know you're just worried about me Mama but I can't just lay around when so much needs to be figured out." She squeezed her mother's hand "I'm going to take a shower. You didn't happen to bring me any clean clothes did you?"
Her mother nodded "Of course dear, only comfortable clothes. If any of your business associates have a problem with you dressing casually you can just remind them.you are the boss" she winked at her daughter which pulled the tiniest smile from her.
Y/N went to take her shower and when she stepped out of the bathroom she could smell bacon and coffee so headed downstairs.
In the kitchen she found her mother and Winnie cooking enough to feed a small army.
Winnie heard her first and looked up with a smile "Good morning, Y/N. You look much better than when you got here last night. Hungry?"
Y/N nodded "I honestly don't really remember much from yesterday. Just flashes. It's probably for the best, I don't think it's a day I want to remember." She accepted a cup of coffee her mother offered, already how she likes it. "Besides, there's too much to be done. Without knowing details I'm sure that yesterday shifted the balance of power and we will need to step in before some crazy tries to come in and take over" she set the coffee on the table, grabbed a plate, filled it and sat down to eat.
Winnie and her mother looked on concerned until her mother spoke up. "Sweetheart, you don't need to deal with all that yet, you need to take some time to heal. I'm sure George, James and Pietro can manage for a couple of days without you."
Y/N took a deep breath, knowing her mother was only concerned for her, and tempered her response "Mama, I know you're worried about me but I'm the boss now and have to do my job. I don't even know if Pietro is still alive or able to work. Even if he is I can't just foist my business off on them because I'm grieving. You both know how things work and if I show weakness, someone will try to push me off of my mountain and I'm not having that."
After a moment a look of concern crossed her face "Where's Wanda?" When her mother and Winnie indicated they didn't know she shook her head and quickly resumed eating.
She finished her breakfast, rinsed the plate and put it in the dishwasher. "I need to make some calls" Refilled her coffee and went to get her phone.
Her first call was Pietro but it went to voicemail. She pushed back the bad feelings and called Wanda, also voicemail. Then she tried to call George who also didn't answer. Winnie confirmed she had heard from him earlier and he was fine.
Y/N took another breath to calm herself before she tried to call Steve who finally answered "Y/N? Is everything ok?"
"I was calling to ask you that. What's it look like there?"
Steve mumbled something she couldn't understand.
"What? Steve stop mumbling"
"I said you should talk to Bucky."
She growled softly "I don't want to talk to him right now. I need to know the status of my people. George, Pietro and Wanda didn't answer so here we are.
Is Pietro alright? Loki?"
Steve sighed and updated her on her peoples status. " You know, Bucky is fine in case you're interested."
"Yes, Winnie already told me but he's not my concern.
When you have a minute can you talk to George about meeting later today."
Steve nodded even though she couldn't see him "There will be a crowd at dinner tonite, Loki has already agreed to come."
Y/N was distracted by banging on the front door and saw Val pull out her gun and go to open it. When she opened the door and aimed at the person in front of her before actually looking to see who it was the shouting almost made Y/N laugh.
"Hey, Hey! Easy. I come in peace to check on my goddaughter."
Y/N contained her giggles "Val! It's ok, Tony is family"
Val lowered her gun and stepped aside so Tony, Pepper and Happy could come in. Tony straightened his suit, harumphing about it being too early to have a gun in his face.
He looked around and stopped when he saw Y/N then rushed to hug her "Jesus kid, you gotta stop scaring me like this. I'm too old for this shit."
"I'm alright Tony, just trying to get my bearings and figure out what's next."
Tony pulled back and looked at her. "Well you look like Hell" and smirked at her.
Pepper protested "Tony!"
"Very funny, Tones."
Steve who was sitting on the other end of the line "Y/N? Do you need anything else from me? I think we're done here, should be home in an hour or so."
"No, I'm good. We'll see you in a bit."
Tony looked at her seriously "Are you sure you're alright? We heard about Thor and-"
Y/N shook her head "I don't want to talk about him" and shut down emotionally, causing concern for her family.
"We need to focus on getting our family and her allies organized so we know who is what. There will be plenty of time to grieve but business first."
Winnie and her mother looked at each other, then Tony with concern. He shrugged and hoped Y/N would allow herself to work through it all. Without a word the three agreed to keep a close eye on her.
Winnie started making sandwiches for lunch, knowing that they would be hungry and tired when they made it home. She also put in an order with George's favorite Italian restaurant to deliver dinner. She didn't want to have to worry about cooking when her husband would need her.
When George, Steve and Bucky arrived they were all tired and messy from the fight. They sat down to eat and gave Y/N all the details then went to take showers and rest for awhile before the remaining families descended on the Barnes residence to work out what comes next.
Chapter 16
@bigphattygyal @cjand10 @lokiandbuckysdolldoll
@kimomoraba @avery199 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @esposadomd
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fountainpenguin · 6 months
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Fae zodiac spirits from my Fairly OddParents 'fics that I drew 4 or 5 years ago. Can't remember if I've shown them before, so enjoy!
The nature spirits play a role in Frayed Knots, and all 7 "half-brothers" appeared in the one-shot "First Things First" (along with their relatives).
Several also appeared in "This Is Halloween." Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda had their first "date" when they met to talk about politics and spirits in "Gentlemanly."
You may recall Tarrow (Reality - the cosmic jellyfish) is their dad with Mother Nature and Father Time as their grandparents.
All my nature spirit resources
Anti-Fairies, who reflect their counterparts' choices, don't always get to choose who they partner with. In their culture, they value three types of relationships - Passion, Affection, and Duty - with duty considered important and praise-worthy.
Dayfry - Love and Balance - Child of Unreality (Hocus Poconos)
The aro/ace sibling, usually busy playing his worldbuilding games. His favor (the amethyst Ring of Love) disappeared a long time ago and his spirit can no longer be channeled.
Cosmo and Wanda were married in a purple building. Fairies aren't allowed into Dayfry's true temple, but a smaller temple was built for those who want to marry in a replica of the Love Temple. Behind Fairies' backs, Anti-Fairies refer to the replica as the Temple of Lesser Love.
Dayfry is the only child born of his father Tarrow's true love, the Hocus Poconos. He's his father's heir (if you can say that among immortals) and considered the only "pure" nature spirit in that his body is solid white crystal instead of black.
His grandparents (Father Time and Mother Nature) are extremely worried about his future as they consider him an unstable child of Reality and Unreality.
Saturn - Fire and Energy - Child of the Sun (Prince Morn)
The warrior, formerly channeled by Anti-Cosmo's mom. He burned her when she gave him up to have Anti-Cosmo instead (more or less). Huge controversy when he claimed a random peasant as his new medium.
Munn - Sky and Acceptance - Child of the Moon (Princess Eve)
Channeled by Anti-Wanda in present day. Huge prankster and always has parties at his temple. Saturn and Munn are very close as Saturn keeps Munn grounded and Munn ensures he lightens up and doesn't get sucked into constant war.
Sunnie - Water and Focus - Born of Tarrow's tears when the Hocus Poconos broke up with him
Channeled by Anti-Cosmo in present day. Formerly considered to be a stuck-up, picky fellow who rarely deemed anyone worthy of his power. After Anti-Cosmo turned himself over, he found out the hard way that there's a reason the previous mediums turned down Sunnie's power.
Twis - Soil and Devotion - Child of Gravity (A random low-class gravity spirit, specifically)
Twis is the hardworking farmer of the nature spirits' planes. He's constantly working his fields. Sunnie regularly vents to him and waters his crops. They snuggle a lot.
Sunnie is completely devoted to Twis, arguably above the mortals he's supposed to be watching over. Anti-Cosmo regularly visits the Soil Temple because of this. The Head Pixie was born in a Soil year and falls under Twis's domain, and although Sunnie has come close to killing him on multiple occasions, the combination of Anti-Cosmo and Twis calming him down usually pulls him back.
Winni - Breath and Communication - Child of Life (Cycling Hen)
Winni is the spirit channeled by Anti-Bryndin, the High Count of Anti-Fairy World before Anti-Cosmo took the throne. Foop is another mortal under his domain, so the dynasty is sandwiched between Breath on both ends (which patient, calculating Winni is very pleased with).
Winni is the spirit of Communication and very good with words. Multiple times in Origin of the Pixies, H.P. is warned that Anti-Bryndin is very manipulative and taking advantage of him. People say he can seduce anyone, and H.P. - assuming he's too ace to be seduced - waltzes right into his trap and gets suckered into an affectionate queerplatonic relationship in exchange for political votes.
Winni is often portrayed as manipulative, but some portray him as self-sacrificing. If he didn't draw Thurmondo in, they couldn't combine their powers to create oxygen, and mortals would die. Many Anti-Fairies paint him as sacrificing his own reputation for the greater good (although Fairies and Pixies tend to be uncomfortable with this portrayal and the way it excuses aggressive behavior).
Thurmondo - Leaves and Curiosity - Child of Death (Grim Repear)
Changes with the seasons, starting his life as shy and affectionate in spring before growing increasingly uneasy with his role in nature as the seasons progress (Winni and Thurmondo combine their powers to bring oxygen into the world).
Thurmondo used to be famed for his scientific creations, but his achievements are often overlooked in favor of modern portrayals of him as a "damsel in distress," so to speak. Thurmondo loses his memories on March 14th every year and wakes in his new state with the turn of spring.
He's often portrayed with chains that tie him to Winni, especially towards the end of winter. Some portray Winni as constantly fawning over him with gifts.
You might enjoy additional nature spirit content found in THIS post
Fairy zodiac tag
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whitewaterpaper · 2 years
Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
¡Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
Ses tillsammans med @kulturdasset .
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När Bette Midler insåg vilken popularitet Hocus Pocus lockat till sig genom åren började hon höra av sig till Disney om en uppföljare. Och här är den nu, 29 år senare och den börjar med att grotta ned sig i systrarnas bakgrund. Taylor Henderson, Nina Kitchen och Juju Journey Brener gör stabila insatser som de yngre upplagorna av systrarna Sanderson. Framför allt Taylor Henderson gör ett storartat jobb att imitera Bettes/Winnies gester och manér. Att den här inblicken i systrarnas förflutna är så matig är något som definitivt uppskattas och följer Disneys nyare grepp att ge sina skurkar välskrivna bakgrunder. De är inte random ondskefulla längre. Jag tycker även att man fått till ett fint slut, utan att det blir sentimentalt oh gråtmilt.
Anne Fletcher som tar över registolen efter legendaren Kenny Ortega gör tillsammans med Jen D'Angelo vid pennan ett storartat jobb med att hitta tillbaka till känslan i den första filmen. Den är fullsmetad med cameos och homage men detta utan att det kladdar ned eller begränsar storyn. Man klämmer till och med in en liten vaksam katt trots att Binx ju givetvis ”gått vidare”.
Den nya trion som bekämpar Sandersons gillar jag också, men från går temat med familjer som strular utan satsar i stället på ett annat välkänt grepp: kompisgänget (eller ja, trion) som är på väg att växa upp och nu glider ifrån varandra. Det hela fungerar riktigt bra, och av någon anledning funkar det med föräldrar som bara är abstrakta koncept utanför kamerabilden.
Den här filmen kommer givetvis aldrig vara i klass med originalet, men den lyckas med något som är få uppföljare förunnat idag: den har hjärta. Det är inte en själlös cashgrab: det är en fullt sebar, charmig liten film som förtjänar sin plats bredvid sin kultiga föregångare. Det är en film man faktiskt kan se om en gång om året…
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f-rg-tmigej · 2 years
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Vi köpte årets första glass 🍦 med vårkänslorna i luften var det givet. Spelade jazz under tiden ifrån mobilen och livet blev genast så poetiskt. Och väl hemma sen såg man ”Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey” som inte alls var bra men då har man sett den. Mycket bra har hänt idag egentligen och så fredag imorgon. Ibland skämmer livet bort en sådär gött!
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WEEK 7 - Wrap Up
Special shout out to Keely Scott for forwarding this clip to me this weekend. Yes, at first I admit I was a bit confused and bothered by this coach and his actions. Then i watched it several more times and I became okay with it. Bottom line...teams have signals and just because this coach happens to be a man, and he is trying to milk himself to send a message that the team needs to slow the pace of the game (milk the clock) ...I don't think he needs to be apologizing to the American public. We have all seen the movie Meet the Parents and know that you can milk anything with nipples. Facts. Gotta love college football!
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And just like that...the winning streak is over for Mr. Krippayne. It came when he was matched up against our current champion, Cliff Young and his marquee player Patrick Mahomes. Scott had an amazing run and now is tied with Cliff and Bebo who are also at 6-1. Scott is still in a great position 1/2 way through the season but, it does show that he is a human and just as he won his first 6 in a row, it is possible that he could lose the next 6. So, congrats to Cliff for exposing Scott and inspiring all of us to take on the giants of the league (not the new york giants of course).
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And just like that...Dana's 4 game losing streak has come to an end! With a fantastic week...putting up 118 points, 16 of those from the Giants Defense...he was able to take down Kyle. Kyle is on a rough road for himself this season. This is now 3 losses in a row for him and puts him at very depressing 1-6 record. Kyle is usually pretty good at this game...so it's surprising that he left 23.50 points on his bench by not playing Josh Downs...especially when Jameson Williams for the Lions put up 0 points. That's a big swing. Nice win Dana! Congrats!
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I am so confused. Bebo is 6-1 while Gully is 1-6. I know I have mentioned a few times in the wrap ups, that this season for Gully has been branded - Andy & Son. They drafted together...they sat on the couch scheming and plotting, sometimes even laughing at all of us...and I just keep going back to the fact that we have never seen Gully do this poorly at Fantasy Football...is it the kid? Or has he just lost his touch? Poor draft? You know - If I am honest, I just don't care. That's for him and his son to figure out! Congrats Bebo...keep doing what you are doing!
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So, this was a close one. Mitch ended up taking down Mr Awesome by just over 2 points. That means if Geno doesn't throw and INT and Eagles get 1 more sack, then boom...we are talking about how great Gabe is and how he is now on a winning streak. But, instead we are having to say that Mitch is hanging in there and continues to be a threat. Everyone, listen to me! Listen closely! When you match up against The Moose...take this shit seriously. We don't need this guy hanging around and making the playoffs. He's a dangerous individual. You don't want him playing week 14, 15 and 16. You have been warned.
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Gotcha Brett. I have to admit - after the early Sunday games I was a bit worried. Cook with 16, Waller with 15, then Gibbs kept putting up points and ended up with 18 and then Koo kicked that winning field goal to make it 13 for your kicker...but then the afternoon came. Lions 2, Ekeler 4, Watson 2 and throw in the Thursday Ridley play of less that 1 point...and boom...victory! And it looks like I will grab the high point again this week! Not to brag or toot my own horn but "LET'S GO!!!!!" Thanks for a relaxing Monday night!
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And on this one...we wait. Yes Rob Howard is up 94 to 31 and still has Mattison to play but Stu has Addison, Hockenson, Akers and 49ers Defense...so we wait and watch on MNF. Predictor says Howard wins 104 to 79...but we will wait. Stu was on a great path to winning and then Addison went out...and the 49ers Defense just kept failing. Add to it - Purdy INTs and boom...Howard holds the lead and grabs the win. Sorry Stu...nice win Rob!
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And it's over for Rob Howard. The Bills go down to the Patriots so we are now left with Scott, Mitch and Gully going into week 8.
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I know...I know...we have moved on from Minka Kelly but I won high point and I miss her. She is the ultimate cheerleader anyway so she wins this week!
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magicshvps · 2 years
closed for: @sugarsmint​
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        “don’t worry, i got your favorite drinks and snacks for this picnic and it’s a beautiful day so....please? just humor me, will you?”
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essaer · 2 years
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Efter en viss besvikelse över Alice B Toklas självbiografi ville jag ändå ge Gertrude Stein en till chans. Pga Modernistas nyutgåva (2018) av Ida (1941) fanns nyligen författade recensioner där boken beskrevs som en exponent för Steins modernism. Ida saknar det linjära berättandet som finns i Alice B Toklas självbiografi, förståeligt när världskrigets universella (tids)referens samt kända namn är frånvarande. Steins utmärkande och sparsmakade användande av interpunktion är dock bekant. Språkligt är Ida definitivt mer experimentell, framförallt genom de många repetitionerna. Det är repetitioner i en och samma mening, utan skiljetecken, betoningen förändrar betydelsen.
Hon gav sig av på ett tåg i en bil med flygplan till fots (s 47).
Det finns en distans i texten, uppradande av skeenden som jag inte riktigt vet hur jag ska hantera. Jag försöker läsa högt för att hitta en rytm men det går inte, och jag känner ännu mer att jag inte förstår varför vissa saker berättas, t.ex.:
Ida var alltid redo att vänta men det fanns inget att vänta på här och hon gav sig av (s 47)
Men så finns det också passager jag tolkar som samtidskritik som glimmar till. T.ex. den här passagen om politik som jag associerar till samtidens utsuddade gräns mellan varumärke och personliga värderingar, hur genuint menade åsikter förstärker produktplaceringar i flödena samtidigt som försäljaren glädjer sig åt att slippa kompromissa med sina värderingar trots att hen ägnar sig åt kommersiell verksamhet den säger sig egentligen vara emot:
Hon var snäll mot politiken medan hon var i Washington mycket snäll. Hon sa till politiken att det var mycket trevligt av dem att få henne att vara snäll mot dem. Och det var hon hon var mycket snäll (s 66).
De verkligt intressanta idéerna, förklarar hon i Everybody’s Autobiography, är verkligen de politiska eller sociologiska, utan de som behandlar en människas inre relation till sig själv. Amerikas geografiska historia är inte bara en historia om ett land, det är en historia om allting enligt Stein, den kan handla om att älska en man eller en kvinna eller till och med en liten eller stor hund. (Ida Björel, xiv)
Ida är det enda barnet, men hon skriver brev till en syster, som också heter Ida men kallas för Winnie för att hon vinner allt, själv är hon Ida-Ida. Ida träffar män, hon följer dem, eller inte, och gifter sig med dem, eller inte. Hon är ständigt trött och vilar, ständigt eftertraktad.
Den geografiskt svårdefinierade berättelsen och känslan av utsatthet påminner mig om Elfriede Jelineks Älskarinnorna, som jag minns mest var en beskrivning av en känsla, att vandra runt i ett landskap av ångest och våld. Som Ida Björel skriver i förordet: fokus är varseblivningen, inte det varseblivna.
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Fick Alice B Toklas självbiografi i födelsedagspresent av Sara, dessvärre delar jag inte hennes fäbless för dokumentation av kändisliv. Boken är skriven utifrån Steins partners perspektiv men handlar huvudsakligen om Steins bedrifter, som Toklas visserligen möjliggjorde genom att sköta mycket kringarbete, i Paris 1903-1932.
Steins Toklas återkommer till en bokidé om geniers fruar. Är detta ett sätt att beskriva Toklas som sin fru? Annars känns det mest som en illustration om hur Toklas satt avsides, med rollen att underhålla hustrurna, för mitt intryck är inte att det är pga hustrurna är särskilt intressanta som de motiverar en bok. Av alla de uppburna personer hon möter är det några få hon ser som sanna genier - varav en är Stein - och på de många middagarna är det fruarna som Toklas får samtala med. Toklas tycks ha haft den genom historien klassiska rollen som faller på hustrun till en intellektuell, ansvarig för hushållet och ruljansen av det stora projekt som var att ständigt förse den strida strömmen celebra gäster med middag, men också en viktig roll i administrativa aspekter. I en passage beskrivs hur Stein vägrar lämna bilen med vilken hon kör förnödenheter till krigsskadade soldater i Paris för att visa sina papper, eftersom den typen av administrativt arbete förargade henne, utan istället skickar Toklas. Det är ett av fler exempel på Steins självklarhet, hur hon förväntade sig att saker ordnas åt henne, men som hon menade var tillåtet om man var grundad i en övertygelse om allas lika värde (s. 189). Toklas tycks ha varit den som bidragit till att raden från dikten Rose “a rose is a rose is a rose” kom att återanvändas, eftersom hon fann den i Steins anteckningar och såg till att den trycktes på bl.a. brevhuvudet, bordsporslinet och “överallt där hon lät mig sätta det” (s. 152).
Det tycks ha varit en medveten strategi av Stein att skriva om sin namnkunniga umgängeskrets för att få genomslag med sin bok, det blev också hennes kommersiella genomslag. Hon tycks ha tänkt mycket på litteraturen i teoretisk mening, för vidareläsning Composition as Explanation. Tack vare en tydligare röd tråd bestående av konst, konstnärer och konstnärlig produktion, med verkliga personer och tidsmarkörer är boken mer lättläst än Ida men likväl är det något med språkets rytm som får läsningen att halta, det blir lite väl mycket upprapande, alla detaljer illustrerar inte konstnärernas personligheter på ett sätt som motiverar dess plats i boken.
Det är inte så mycket Steins tankar eller den litterära kvaliteten i sig som jag tar med mig, det är det ständiga inflödet människor och nya intryck som Stein och Toklas fick uppleva som inspirerar mig. Jag vill öppna salong. Stein, tillsammans med sin bror, var konstsamlare och det tillhörde vanligheterna att det om kvällarna ringde på folk som kommit för att se på ett eller annat konstverk. Det krävdes inbjudan, men alla fick komma in, det räckte med att säga att hen kände den eller den som kände eller besökt Stein, och Stein visade allt, även de mycket ömtåliga sakerna som hon samlade på.
Carl van Vechten har i alla dessa år haft den charmerande vanan att skicka introduktionsbrev till Gertrude Stein med personer han tror skulle roa henne. Detta har han gjort med så stor noggrannhet att hon tyckt om dem alla (s. 152).
Citatet påminner mig om vikten av introduktion. I tv-programmet Babel listade Little Jinder saker för en lyckad utekväll, där vikten av att presentera folk för varandra en punkt. Även Laura nämner när hon tror vänner kan ha gemensamma intressen/samtalsämnen, som en slags öppning. Jag själv har försökt börja göra det men, och detta kan ha att göra med min ångest, jag är så rädd att det ses som ett övergrepp, att kränka någons rätt att själv få definiera sig och sina intressen. Samtidigt kan frånvaron av introduktion ses som ett symptom på den samtida synen på personlighet som essens, å ena sidan något som därmed borde gå att sätta ord på, men å andra sidan något som är något så djupt personligt att bara man själv är den sanna uttolkaren av vad som är Jag. Den typen av spontana möten som Stein och Toklas fick uppleva berodde delvis p.g.a. sin uppburna ställning och kulturella och ekonomiska kapital men också delvis, tror jag, p.g.a. den icke-digitala tid de levde i. Den som ville uppleva var tvungen att söka sig vidare, bjuda in sig själv till evenemang och platser, vilket i kanske större mån än idag krävde att man hade något att bidra med; förmåga att skapa trevlig stämning, en naturlig frågeställare, eller konkret kunskap. Samtidigt betydde troligen frånvaron av kommunikationsmedel att man var tvungen att ringa på dörren för att se om någon ville samtala en kort stund, och det var ute på stan man sprang in i och mötte folk och följaktligen där man rörde sig om man vill ses och bli sedd. Även den som vill springa in i folk idag får inte mycket ut av att spatsera på stan eller i Trädgårdsföreningen. Jag försöker därför nu etablera att folk ska bjuda in sig själva och även spontant ringa på hos mig, lika bra är jag dock ännu inte på att bjuda in mig själv (och vänner) hem till andra. Ett projekt i utveckling.
Stein beskriver också de materiella omständigheter under 1900-talets första decennium:
Och det stämde att konstnärerna då gjorde av med mycket pengar och gjorde av med allt de kom över för på den lyckliga tiden kunde man få vara skyldig pengar i flera år för färg och duk och hyra och mat och för i stort sett allt utom kol och lyxartiklar (s. 66).
Det var grogrunden för det konstnärliga livet, det gick att skapa utan stressen över nästa månads hyra flåsande i nacken. Men visst beskrivs också hur barn tvingas leva med bättre bemedlade släktingar i väntan på det stora genombrottet, inte allt är flådigt.
Det är i alla fall så, menar hon, att ingen konstnär behöver kritik, han behöver bara uppskattning. Om han behöver kritik är han ingen konstnär (s. 246).
Picasso påminner Stein om att “du glömmer att när vi var unga hann vi med mycket på ett år.” (s 207)
Stein kritiserade inte detaljer i text utan ägnade sig åt att se helheten i författarens text och hjälpa denne komma så nära verkligheten som möjligt (s. 227).
Konstens borde inte orsakas av saker, utan illustrera den inre processen i människan (s. 224).
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lincolnonline · 4 years
WHO: lincoln clarington-smythe & @winnieclarington​ WHERE: mckinley high WHEN: tuesday, 1/18, a few hours after the public humiliation of link clarington-smythe
Once Link had been able to ensure that the hallway was empty and had done whatever he could to clean himself up using hand-soap and toilet paper, he made his way out of the bathroom, tail between his legs as he did. It was the middle of the school day now and the rage he had first felt had turned into an emotional numbness. He still couldn’t comprehend why the universe had aligned the way it did and ruined his fucking life but a the current moment, Link didn’t even have the bite in him to shade Rocky on his socials. It was like all his confidence had swam dived out the window the second he heard all those people laughing at him.
Taking his phone and bag out of his locker, Link quickly scrolled through his contacts. He had no clue was class his sister would’ve had going on now, he in all honesty he truly did not care. Once he heard Winnie pick up, Link didn’t even let her get a word in before biting the bullet. “So, I don’t know if you already know about...everything, knowing you I bet you do...” He didn’t know if the word had gotten around to his sister, he wanted to think it hadn’t, but Winnie stayed in the know the same way Link did and if that was anything to go by... “But I, uh, need your help. I’m at my locker. I know you’re in class or something but...yeah, I really need someone right now if you’ve got, like, spare clothes on you or something.”
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polarisashley · 4 years
TEXTS || WINNIE + { leigh }
WINNIE: Were you trying to get my attention in class today?
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mandacjs · 4 years
It was strange to be taking the backseat on her job for the summer, but she supposed she needed it. With almost no days off for the last year and a half, she finally realized just how consuming her job could be. People often saw the glitz and glamour of her career field, but they never saw the 16 hour days of fast paced work, with little room for error. 
It was the third day in a row she found herself at the beach, but that wasn’t so surprising. Hopping out of her car with her bathing suit top on and a pair of ripped shorts, she began to unhook her surfboard from the rack on her car. She pulled on it a bit and found it stuck on a strap. With one aggressive tug, she released it from the rack and came fumbling back with it, hearing a loud thud. It took her a second to realize she had just swung the board back into someone’s head as they walked by. Gasping a little bit, she grimaced and set the board down. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. Jesus, I really just smacked the hell outta you, didn’t I?” Both guilt ridden and tense with embarrassment, she blurted, “You can totally slap me. Come on, I can take it.”
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refcrmist · 5 years
@sadqiirl sent ‘first line’ for a random starter ( accepting ) !!
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without meaning to, she'd arranged two dates for the same evening. thuy’s attention more recently was on winnie, and she was meeting her at dairy queen, but it’d slipped her mind that two weeks ago she’d planned to go to dinner with another girl at subway next door. she thought they were both adorable, and spent so much time debating who to cancel on that she didn’t cancel on either of them.
“winnie!” she sings as she slides into the booth beside the other girl. she’s gone back and forth between dairy queen and subway twice now, and it was proving to be stressful and inefficient. “i couldn’t find that thing i was looking for in my car,” she lies effortlessly, laughs. “so where were we?” thuy leans in to kiss her cheek.
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