#interesting way
anthyies · 1 year
(finally seeing the post everyone’s vaguing) i need to vague this too
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epoxyconfetti · 4 months
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sevinite · 2 months
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assorted transfem laios dunmeshi drawings,,,, her any pronouns agenderism is real and canonical to me
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mangozic · 2 months
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my dead goth son and his friendly neighborhood personified concept of insanity
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allagashed · 3 months
whenever i say “screaming crying throwing up” this is what i mean
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catmask · 7 months
the 'all marriage is gay as far as im concerned' except its me watching a man and woman character in a show i like and accidentally saying 'theyre so gay' because i literally forget thats not the word for romance because to me all romance is gay
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risaceofhearts · 4 months
After a small amount of deliberation I have decided that a good way I would describe my gender is "absence of proof is not proof of absence."
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smedenn · 1 month
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Blitzøs entire life spent being unwanted. So he adapted, and learned how to be something needed, something to be used.
Which is why I think he firmly believes he is being used by Stolas. He simply cannot fathom a different reality, one in which he is wanted for once in his life.
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apollos-olives · 1 month
before october 7th this blog was a meme page btw.
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polutek · 3 months
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They get distracted easily :((
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 2 months
The thing that is striking me the most about this album is just how messy and human it is. She’s not holding anything back or trying to appear one way or another. She’s just letting it all out regardless of what anyone might say. She found that trying to be polished and keep all the ugly, imperfect, human stuff in to be stifling and just said fuck it I need to do this for me. This album was an exorcism for her.
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pleasureprose · 2 months
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-I don't want to be here
-You exist here
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ministarfruit · 4 months
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day 15: haunting ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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sick of rich people with boring homes. if you're going to set the standard for desirable lifestyles I will never afford, would you at least put some color into it dangnabit
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notbecauseofvictories · 2 months
I'm re-reading the Discworld series for reasons, and honestly the most relatable part of reading these as an adult is how many of the protagonists start out being tired, used to their little routine and vaguely disgruntled by the interruption of the Plot. Sam Vimes wants to lie drunk in a gutter and absolutely doesn't want to be arresting dragons. Rincewind is yanked into every situation he's ever encountered, though he'd much rather be lying in a gutter too. (Minus the alcohol. Plus regretting everything he's ever done said witnessed or even heard about fourth-hand in his whole life.) Granny Weatherwax is deeply suspicious of foreign parts and that includes the next town over; Nanny has leaned into the armor of "nothing ever happens to jolly grannies who terrorize their daughters-in-law and make Saucy Jokes"
Only the young people don't seem to have picked up on this---and that's fortunate, because someone has to run around making things happen, if only so Vimes and Granny and Rincewind have a reason to get up (complaining bitterly the whole time) and put it all to rights. Without Carrot, Margrat, Eric, etc. these characters don't have that reason; they're likely to stay in the metaphorical gutter and keep wondering where it all went wrong or why anything has to change.
............well, that's not quite true. You get the sense that Vetinari knows how much certain people hate the Plot. And as the person sitting behind the metaphorical lighting board of Ankh-Morpork, he takes no small pleasure in forcing the Plot-haters specifically to stand up, and say some lines.
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roguetelepaths · 2 months
"devotion that corrupts" this, "devotion that leads to ruin" that. no, fuck you. devotion that heals. devotion that motivates and edifies and gives those involved the will to keep fighting because now they finally have a reason to. devotion that is met with care and responsibility and warmth and acceptance. devotion that is returned a thousandfold. devotion that is projected outward to have a transformative impact on everyone in the vicinity. devotion that isn't perfect, but tries to do good.
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