#international order of the rainbow for girls
sunnyskies281 · 6 months
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doomedchickyn · 5 months
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as I watched the oral delivery this crossed my mind. I didn’t have this exact words but i did think how strange in a good way it is that South Africans donned the attire of empire and it’s rules and came with knowledge, professionalism, expertise, integrity and justice, and used the structures of global western order and slam dunked it (for me, while the verdict will tell us the health of international humanitarian law, the victory was in the compelling case SA showed). A black man in dreads, a brown woman with her brown girl nose, proud and clear and here to fuck shit up. And our officials donning keffiyehs and rainbow nation scarves. A side of the court of all races and colours while on the other side… the symbolism of all of it will be talked about for generations . *chef’s kiss*
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If you are accepting Shin angst requests, how about him getting a S/O but his friends (Black Dragon Founders) don’t like her so he ends up breaking up with her but comes to regret it?? It might be a bit OOC for Shin but I just want groveling BD founders 🥺
Too Late {Shinichiro Sano}
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A/n: I usually don't publicly comment on my requests and keep any comments or thoughts to myself but I will comment on this one. Shinichiro would never and when I say never I mean NEVER break up with his partner because his friends don't like them especially when their opinions are based on nothing or pure bs. He is proud of himself for finally finding someone and he is also proud of that someone.
ON THAT NOTE, I changed it because I don't write non canon stuff and made him break up with her for another reason. There are many ways to write og Black Dragons angst and I won't choose this to do so
Pairing: Shinichiro Sano x reader
Trigger warnings: breakup, implied sexual relationship, jealousy, slight if not entirely toxic relationship
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You and Shinichiro becoming a couple was rushed to say the least. You had met during one of his rare nights out with the Akashi and Benkei -Wakasa was on a date- and at first it was all butterflies and rainbows for Shinichiro. He would look at you from his table at the pretty chill bar, make a few comments about how beautiful you were to his friends and overall just admire you.
Now, Shin has been through twenty rejections. His pride has been hurt but he is not one to give up. So, when he caught you gathering your things and getting ready to leave, he excused himself and walked towards you.
"Hey." His introduction was simple, honest. He introduced himself and told you that you were beautiful in the most straightforward way you can think of.
By the end of the night, you were tangled in your sheets, cuddled up after a quite intense session. Both of you were half asleep, partly because of the exhaustion the sex had caused and partly because of the difficult day the two of you had respectively.
When Shinichiro suggested you become his girlfriend, you were over the moon. I mean, despite the unpopular opinion, this guy had the whole package. He was sweet, good in bed, kind, hot, handsome and treated you like a queen... what else did you want?
The first few days were great, you met his family, his friends and he met yours. And it wasn't until you met Wakasa that the whole thing started going downhill.
Shinichiro knew -like most of the women and men- that Wakasa was one hell of a man. Even back to their teenage years, Wakasa had somewhat of a plethora of girlfriends and an insane amount of girls asking for just one date.
Shinichiro never had that and it was eating him alive because he was 24 and he had never had a girlfriend.
When the day came for you to meet the guys he was fine for the most part. Akashi wasn't your type and neither was Benkei, but Wakasa? Wakasa was everyone's type.
Those two hours you spent at his shop felt like an eternity. Suddenly everything bothered Shin. The way he had placed the chairs for you and his friends to sit, the way Wakasa's eyes constantly travelled between you and Shinichiro... he ran out of cigarettes, Mikey had misplaced one of his tool boxes for fun... everything was going horribly wrong.
And then he heard it...
"Would you like me to take you home?"
Wakasa's voice was loud and clear in his ears and that was the moment Shinichiro lost his mind internally.
Your eyes fell upon Shinichiro and you could swear that you could see his knuckles turn white from how hard he was holding the key. But to you? It was only because Mikey had messed up his entire shop.
"I... Shin are you planning on staying late?" You asked him with a smile on your face. Your question was more than justified, it was past the shop's closing time, Shinichiro had finished an order for a motorcycle just a few minutes ago and had already got started on another one.
But he didn't answer.
"Oi, man." Akashi slapped the back of his neck.
"No, let's go."
Maybe it was because of Mikey because despite his messy nature, Shinichiro was pretty organised when it came to his tools, but at that moment? All he could see was red and he had no idea who to blame. Wakasa for being such a flirt even when it came to his best friend's first girlfriend? You for not outright declining the offer no matter the case? Or himself for being so insecure and downright sure that even now that he had you, he wouldn't get his happy ending?
Wakasa exited the shop first and then you did, both of you waiting for the others.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Akashi whispered as Shinichiro was locking the door of his shop, Benkei standing next to him.
"You know he just wants her to be safe. All of us do," Benkei said, already having seen past his best friend's thoughts.
Shinichiro only smiled at them and naturally walked you back home without saying another word. Alone.
"You're not going to say anything?" You asked him, slightly concerned. He was far more calm than he was back at the shop but there was still an odd aura around him.
"Do you find Wakasa handsome?"
"Excuse me?" His question shocked you for a number of reasons. It was so out of the blue and not once during the two hours you spent hanging out with him and his friends did you ever imply that you preferred Wakasa over Shin.
However, Shinichiro had his mind fixed and the trauma from all those rejections was something that he had always brushed off as something not really important. Whatever your response was going to be, he would say the next words.
"I am sorry but I cannot be in a relationship with someone who likes my best friend."
To say you were shocked would be an understatement. And to say you didn't try to bring him to his right mind would be a lie. You asked, almost begged, for an explanation but all he said was that everyone liked Wakasa and kept mumbling to himself.
After an arguement that lasted more than an hour, you just got tired. It was as if you were talking to a wall. Shinichiro wasn't listening to you and from the first moment you understood why he was telling you all this. He hadn't hidden his rejections from you and it was something that the two of you would often joke about but you had never realised it was actually bothering him. Especially when everyone around him joked about them too.
"Fine, let's break up." It pained you to say this. Yes, the whole meeting and confession had been extremely sudden but it was love at first sight for you and all this time, you had believed that the same went for him as well.
So Shinichiro left and it wasn't until one week later when Mikey and Emma kept bugging him to see you that he finally realised what had happened. During this one week, he had kept himself so busy that he would return home and fall asleep on the couch without even removing his shoes. He rejected whatever calls he received from the guys but would constantly check his phone for messages from you; it was almost like a muscle memory.
"I am... slightly concerned that's all." Akashi leaned agaisnt the door of the Sano household.
"I'll talk to him."
Grandpa Sano rarely entered Shinichiro's messy room. "So where's your girlfriend?" He asked casually when Shin opened the door.
"It's ten pm on a Monday. I am guessing at her house?" He sighed and laid back down in bed.
"Why don't you tell her to come over for dinner tomorrow?" Grandpa Sano's questions stung like needles if not knives and even though Shinichiro wasn't aware of it, the old man knew far to well what he was doing.
"Good because you are such an idiot that you didn't deserve her," his grandpa's tone was sharp; it hurt more than it should have. "You are a joke of a man, breaking her heart and being angry at your best friend just because you made an assumption based on nothing." The old man sighed and turned around to leave. "Your mother didn't raise you like this, Shinichiro."
Shinichiro waited for his grandpa to leave before grabbing his helmet and his motorcycle keys and storming to the cemetery.
He told the whole story, sitting down with his hands on his knees as if he was being scolded and he didn't care that he was repeating the events of the first few days; he had found himself visiting the cemetery more often just to tell his mum all about you.
"...but I think it's a little too late, mum. I called her on the way here and she wouldn't pick it up."
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kpforpresident · 11 months
Good Vibrations AU
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Lexa is staring particularly hard at the one penis-shaped water stain in the damp ceiling, trying her absolute hardest not to eavesdrop on the couple that was standing a stone’s throw away, arguing hotly next to a hot pink, two-foot-long dildo that Lexa would hazard a guess at being at least as large around as her forearm. The girl, a tiny petite thing with platinum blonde hair fiddles with a bullet toy on the nearby display while the boy, a walking embodiment of a mountain dew and Cheetos gamer, gestures emphatically at the monstrous toy that dangles by the girl’s shoulder. Lexa can practically feel the toy staring at her with its bulbous head, the massive silicone ball silhouette gleaming softly in the dull fluorescent lighting. 
“Babe, I’m just saying, I think it would fit…”
Lexa bites back a shudder as she fastidiously scrubs away an invisible speck away from the display case that houses a frankly staggering array of lubes, both flavored and plain. 
One more year and I will have enough to pay outright for my master’s degree loans, and I never have to step foot in here again, Lexa finds herself thinking with the fervent hope of a thousand suns as she stares unseeing at a strawberry lube bottle that boasts an eye-wateringly bright green label that promises a “Sweet, Slippery Good Time!” 
“You have no issue with my dick, this isn’t that much bigger-” 
Lexa, fighting every demon known not to let out a cackle at the exasperated look on the blonde girl’s face, ducks her head to chew on her lip before moving from the safety of behind her glass and metal counter. Walking purposefully by the duo, she innocently straightens a lacy thigh-high garter that sits proudly in the slightly-frosted windows, just opaque enough to squeak by the city’s stringent guidelines but transparent enough to barely hint at what lay behind the metallic doors of Good Vibrations, Polis’s self-proclaimed best and largest sex shop. 
Kane, the town’s local eccentric but entirely affable billionaire had opened the shop three years ago must to the abject horror of the local evangelical group, led by the most fervent of the bunch, Charles Pike. 
Kane staunchly maintained that the shop existed to promote sex positivity and awareness in a world increasingly fraught with misinformation or staggering layers of prudish beliefs on the topic of sex education. Seething with barely contained hostility, Pike and his acolytes were ordered to cease their weekly prayer circles outside of the front door as Kane managed to find the largest, glittery, rainbow flag with a bedazzled uterus on it and set it flying proudly outside of their front door. 
Much to everyone and no one’s surprise, Good Vibrations does a rip-roaring trade in sex toys and accessories, with customers ordering online from around the world, business pouring in after young and scrappy student journalist Lexa Woods wrote a piece about the story of the local business for a university writing course. She, of course, had expected it to go no further than the boundaries of the sleep little town of Polis, assuming that many students would read the piece and make a note of the store as a place to stagger into when their sweet new girlfriend texted them that yes, they did really want to use the fluffy pink handcuffs, or no, of course, the vibrator wasn’t necessary and her boyfriend always made her O but the girl just figured it would be fun to try the Satisfyer Pro 2. You know, for science. 
Kane had laughed uproariously and framed it when the New York Times picked it up as an opinion lifestyle piece, hanging it just inside the front door with pride. He then offered young Lexa a job. Desperate to fund her dreams of global journalism and international affairs studies, she seizes the chance to work a flexible job with good pay and weekends off. 
Hence why she was currently furiously chewing her cheek again the onslaught of laughter bubbling up in her throat as Gamer Boy makes a show of jiggling the pink monstrosity of a toy near his own nether regions, minutely hip thrusting in the girl’s direction.
The girl rolls her eyes as she wanders away to examine some kinky position dice, leaving Lexa to contemplate the vast and confusing world of heterosexual encounters.
Her rumination on this topic is cut abruptly short by the cheery little chime of the shop’s front door, a high-pitched noise that automatically has Lexa pivoting away from the couple that is now arguing by a pair of furry, neon green garters, and towards the entrance. 
Only to be completely way-laid out by a wide-eyed blonde barreling towards her at high speed, brandishing something oblong and bright purple in her right fist. Completely nonplussed at this strange girl who was clearly on a mission, Lexa cocks her head and squints at the object in her fist, cursing the fact she forgot her glasses today. 
At least it’s not a weapon, Lexa finds herself thinking as bright blue eyes, sparking with indignation, are moving closer by the second. Hang on, is that—?
Skidding on the recently mopped hardwood in front of Lexa, courtesy of a curious frat boy and an exploded bottle of body glitter, Lexa has approximately 4 seconds to react as the girl slips, cartoon-like, feet flying out from underneath her as she fails to find traction on the glistening floor. 
Lexa, acting on autopilot, thrusts a hand forward to try and catch a flailing limb–
The girl hits the ground so hard the glass dildos rattle menacingly in their cases, Lexa’s teeth along with them. The girl peers up at Lexa dazedly, gaze sharpening and seeming to run the full gamut of human emotion before settling into horror. Both sets of eyes were now fixed on Lexa’s right hand, grasping the only thing she managed to find purchase as the blonde fell. 
A purple vibe fits snugly into her right hand, lights flashing at random as the toy gives a feeble bzzt of protest, seemingly in response to being manhandled in their owner’s fight with gravity. 
A strangled “What the fuck?” roughly 4 octaves higher than normal is all a startled Lexa can get out in response, a very gay part of her brain flashing loud rainbow lights as if to alert her that by some strange twist of fate, she has ended up being personally given this very pretty girl’s personal sex toy. Said toy vibrates feebly twice more before going dark and silent, as if satisfied that its death toll was in Lexa’s confused hand. 
The blond’s head hits the ground for a second time as she rolls her eyes back to face the ceiling, seemingly resigned to her fate. Then, as if animated by the gay sex gods, she pops up again to snatch the toy out of Lexa’s hand. 
“You-” Lexa can barely lean back in time as the purple toy sails within millimeters of her nose- “owe me an orgasm, Woods.”
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girljeremystrong · 2 years
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YOUNG MUNGO by Douglas Stuart
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Seventeen-year-old Lily Hu can’t remember exactly when the question took root, but the answer was in full bloom the moment she and Kathleen Miller walked under the flashing neon sign of a lesbian bar called the Telegraph Club.
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In 1985, Yale Tishman is about to pull off an amazing coup. Yet as his career begins to flourish, the carnage of the AIDS epidemic grows around him. The AIDS crisis and how it affects a group of Chicago friends and the survivors who meet decades later in Paris.
STILL LIFE by Sarah Winman
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An embittered Trans dog walker obsessed with social media inadvertently puts a curse a young man—and must adventure into mysterious dimension in order to save him—in this wildly inventive, delightfully subversive, genre-nonconforming novel about illusion, magic, technology, kinship, and the future.
GIRL, WOMAN, OTHER by Bernardine Evaristo
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MEMORIAL by Bryan Washington
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THIS IS HOW IT ALWAYS IS by Laurie Frankel
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a letter from a son to a mother who cannot read. Written when the speaker, Little Dog, is in his late twenties, the letter unearths a family's history that began before he was born.
A whipsmart novel about three women—transgender and cisgender—whose lives collide after an unexpected pregnancy forces them to confront their deepest desires around gender, motherhood, and sex.
Gilda, a twenty-something lesbian, cannot stop ruminating about death. Desperate for relief from her panicky mind and alienated from her repressive family, she responds to a flyer for free therapy at a local Catholic church, and is abruptly hired to replace the recently deceased receptionist Grace.
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DEAD DEAD GIRLS by Nekesa Afia
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miyoron · 6 months
Anime of 2023, a List By Miyo
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Here we go again, it's 2023 and the year has gone by with another year of anime and all those kinda fun things. It felt like another year where we were encumbered with isekai stuff I mostly avoided and anime overworking its staff as always. I guess atleast there weren't any hacks that delayed Precure this time? I dunno, let's all say hello to my anime list of 2023 of shows I enjoyed or wanted to talk about some.
Past Write Ups
As always, I use whatever version of the title I am most comfy writing. Also these aren't in any order other than sort of by release? I wrote down shows when I finished them so earlier in the year shows end up first. This is my science.
TomoChan is a Girl
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This show is a fun little romcom that's about a violent girl and her childhood friend who she wants to go out with. The only problem is she's ridiculously tomboyish and violent and they've been friends so long, he legit just sees her as his bestie dude karate friend. This is the driving force for the show and expect Tomo to constantly knock Jun upside the head in response to his failing to see her romantic advances.
The show has an enjoyable cast of secondary characters besides the main ones with dour Misuzu always around to cut people down and active embodiment of chaos Carol who…well, girl is just a walking ditz meme. There's fun hidden depth there even with a show that sometimes has a problem with being a lil too horny. I liked it though, they were fun chars and thinking back on them as I write this up makes me remember them fondly.
Akiba Maid War
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Akiba Maid War is one of those shows that is a spectacle over substance when you think about it. However, that spectacle is bonkers and was ridiculously fun to watch. A period piece about the fictional gang style wars of maid cafes in Akihabara, the show is a tale that's as comedic as it is violent. Newcomer Nagomi must learn the ways of maids and the high stakes battles between the maid hierarchy.
Like I said, it's a VERY silly show and ridiculously violent. Calling it a black comedy is pretty on the nose but it absolutely fits. I really don't want to say too much about it, but if you want to see maids murder each other in John Wick-esque violence then I say check it out. It even has some nice drama too amongst it all. Go do it, watch the pig maids!
Nijiyon Animation
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Love Live Nijiyon I don't have too much to say on to be honest. It was more time with characters I liked and they had goofy little jokes. Wild this is getting a second season next year but hey why not?
~*~Time for the Precure Cornerrrr~*~
Hirogaru Sky Precure
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This is a year of firsts for Precure. The fact the first Precures were the blue and white ones, the introduction of an adult and boy Precures who aren't just side characters in one episode..lots of wild stuff. Hero girl Sora and her bestie Mashiro are such a good pair. Tsubasa is a fun nerd and Ageha rules in the tradition of "older Precure, will kick your ass." The villains have been mostly fun, if a little underwritten. Still, I liked Wario but a pig man and shithead dweeb.
The Precure this year has been pretty solid to be honest, and the official subs have gotten a LOT better in quality so things sound way less like it's being done by some poor intern down in Toei's dungeons. Good designs, good style, pretty much a good season to start with if you're curious. Also for a while we got to see older Precures at the end for the 20th anniversary so yay~
Yes Precure 5 Go Go
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So we finished the second half of the Yes 5 series and it was…fine? I still don't really like Milk and even moreso Milky Rose. She's not my least fave cure but she's up there. Coco and Nuts are still bleh and new friend Syrup was ehhhh. Really the main thing I learned to love this year was Bunbee. It's an early season though so I suppose it was still growing pains. This one (like Max Heart) probably could've just been combined into the first series as one year long show and not TWO separate ones.
Dokidoki Precure
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DokiDoki Precure is an interesting one because there is a lot there to like. It's got a fun cast, some dopey villains and a good energy to it all. There's also the ugliest Precure baby I can think of so there's that. I didn't initially like Cure Ace but she grew on me over time which is funny cuz meanwhile I was all in on Regina who is just a shithead goblin (complimentary).
Like I said, it's a nice little series and I enjoyed the character a lot. Mana is a good girl who loves all of her friends and anyone she can make friends with. I think my favorite is Alice though just because she's basically Batman in Precure form, even down to the hyper competent butler. I think going into this show I was thinking it was going to be one of the lesser ones, but I liked it more than I thought I would so that's a win in the end.
Power of Hope ~ Precure Full Bloom
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I'm putting this on here to complete the Precure chat and I think ultimately I was disappointed by it more than happy. Maybe I was expecting something I was never going to get, who knows. The idea of grown up Precure characters having to do their adult ass lives is an interesting one and I really did like all the designs they came up with for the older characters. But the fact they all just transformed into their older, middle schooler designs, and even used the same old footage, was just kind of a bummer for me. Honestly, it felt like a movie that was stretched out over 3 months of TV and probably could've just been that. Maybe they'll do something different when they do the Mahou Tsukai grown ups next. Also Bunbee was here too so yay.
*~*Thus Concludes Precure Corner*~*
Urusei Yatsura
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With friends in tow, finally actually watched some Urusei Yatsura, or rather the 2022 remake series. It's got a lot of what I feel would become the staple Rumiko Takahashi comedy violence in it and I can see why it helped her later works. This is one of those shows where I don't know much to say about because I feel people know what it's about but…oni lady from space comes to Earth, says she's a pervy dweeb's wife and shenanigans ensue from there. A goofy cast of characters that was just an overall silly time. More to come next year!
Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury (S2)
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Not too much to add to this one since I talked about how I liked it last year, but I like where it took the story. Showing Miorine having to deal with being in charge of her dad's company while he was out injured and showing how people dealt with past traumas that affected their present lives. I mean, it's probably basic Gundam stuff, but I enjoyed it. There were a lot of good dramatic moments and one particular episode that really hit hard on the heart strings.
The ending was great and, honestly, the only problem is we only got 2 cours worth and not a whole year long show. That being said, I hope we do get to see Suletta again and not just in Super Robot Wars games. Also, don't let anyone try to tell you they aren't married at the end. That's just denying the truth.
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What a cool fucking movie. Cool fucking visuals, cool fucking soundtrack. Just everything about it was a good watch. Made me feel happy, sad..just yea. A tale of friendship between a blind biwa player and a cursed-deformed dancer, it's a really lovely story with like I said..it's just really good and you should check it out. Sorry I don't have better words for this. I think I just want you to discover it for yourselves!
Skip and Loafer
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Skip and Loafer is a cute little slice of life with some romance elements in it with a cute cast of characters from all walks of life. Awkward over-acheiver Mitsumi tries to make her way in the big city high school where she becomes friends with others ranging from the overly chill, but complex, Sosuke to the seemingly aloof Yuzuki. It's a nice little story that treads some of the typical high school anime things but has a lot of hidden depth behind the characters.
Like I often seem to say, it's one of those ones I wish wasn't only 12 episodes and deserves more. It even has a nice bit of LGBTQ+ representation in it with Mitsumi's Aunt Nao. Seriously, fun little show, I want more.
Oshi no Ko
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Oshi no Ko was initially one I wasn't going to check out because the synopsis for it made me very confused and I thought it was JUST too weird. Let there be no mistake, it's a fucking weird premise and sometimes it gets awkward because of that. That being said, I ended up very invested in the story because I really want to know the answer to the overarching mystery of the show. Who dun it huh? Who dun it?!
This show has a lot to say about the entertainment industry, specifically the shittiness of it and I think that's ultimately a good thing. Word of warning, episode 6 and 7 are REALLY heavy and the official subs even have a warning before and after the episodes because of it. Next year there's another season incoming so I will look forward to more Memcho in our future. Also, probably one of the more hype openings this year. Yoasobi is one of my new favorite artists and I enjoy when they do stuff (they also did a G Witch opening so!)
Yohane the Parhelion: Sunshine in the Mirror
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A Love Live April Fools joke that became its own actual show. What a time to be alive. This is an interesting little piece though and had some nice things going for it. As always the music and visuals were good and I like the set up of it all. Plus, I'm always happy to see the Sunshine cast in things since they're the ones I've spent the most time with.
That being said, the show's plot leaves a lot to be desired since some episodes it feels like they forgot they were supposed to have one to be honest. Still though, if you like Love Live Sunshine, you'll probably enjoy this too. Some characters act a little different but I think that's fine since they're in a different setting. Go watch it if you wanna, I dunno!
Spy x Family (S3)
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Spy x Family continues its fun times from last year and I'm glad to have more of it. They even did an episode on the "Yor Gets Shot in the Ass" chapter which is a really fun and silly one. Yea it was a good time for more spy times, lots of good action set pieces and silly little moments in between. It's like a hugely popular show, I don't know what all you want me to say on this. It's fun and good!
Birdie Wing Golf Girls' Story
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We finished the golf! It went even more soap opera and weird! It even felt like they did a Happy GIlmore reference unintentionally! I loved this weird stupid show. I miss it.
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
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This was an interesting one to say the least, I'm not quite done with it yet but Science Saru plus Scott Pilgrim is a fun set up. It's a complete retelling of the show and honestly I'm for it. A lot more stuff with Ramona and in the Japanese dub, Kim is played by Cure Gelato so yea. If you liked the original series, this should be on your list to check out. And if you liked the movie, all the original actors reprise their roles so bonus points.
Side Things I Enjoyed But Don't Have Much to Say On
Otaku Elf
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It's a cute silly little series about a dweeb ass elf. It was fun~
Akane Banashi
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This is a manga I started reading a couple months back about a girl trying to become a pro Rakugo performer to avenge her father, but also to claim her own spot in the competitive world of this Japanese art. It's a fun thing that's played really over the top like a sports/battle manga. I enjoy it, you should cheek it out!
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady
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A series that's ostensibly an isekai but the main character does not seem to have any knowledge of her previous life. At least, outside of vague things like "I saw a witch flying on a broom in a dream that may have been memories of a past I don't remember?? so I'm going to fly on a broom." An interesting one that didn't take the coward's way out at the end either.
So I think this is all I have to say this year? It's not much but it's my little list~ I hope you all enjoyed it~
For next year, I'm looking forward to finishing up the last old Precure season, Happiness Charge. We've also started the original Doremi so that should be fun. We also started watching Freiren so I feel that'll probably be on next year's list so watch out for that. And Dungeon Meshi is very soon too! Hope you all had a good 2023 and let's hope next year is a good one. Or atleast a non painful one.
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tcvsfiredemon · 7 months
Narumayo Week Day 1: Waterfalls/Reunions
Phoenix had bought flowers, which was unusual for him. He tended to actively avoid taking any sort of responsibility for plants, with the one exception of Charley. Even then, it was purely through luck and Maya’s intervention(and now a little extra help from Trucy, thank heaven) that Mia’s favorite piece of greenery wasn’t a brown and shriveled husk at this point. Whatever the opposite of a green thumb was, Phoenix surely had it.
Yet as he’d made his way to the train station this morning his eye had been caught by a stall out front selling a whole rainbow’s worth of beautiful flowers, and something deep inside him compelled him to buy a whole bouquet of purple ones. Some kind of orchids, he thought? Although they could have just as easily been tulips or something. Really he’d just bought them because they were purple and purple was Maya’s favorite color.
Would she even care about getting flowers? In terms of gifts Maya tended to prefer things with more use to her like clothes or games or food. Especially food. Phoenix had brought food, of course, a big hearty order of Eldoon’s famous breakfast ramen that he desperately hoped hadn’t cooled down too much during the two hour train ride. He felt like he needed to give her something else, though, something to show how truly sorry he was for being such a crappy friend and not talking to her for the past two months. Were flowers enough? Was this whole surprise visit a mistake?
But regardless of what kind of spur-of-the-moment decision-making had led him to where he was, Phoenix was there all the same, standing outside the door to the Fey’s family home at nine in the morning with a big bouquet of orchids in one arm and a big brown bag of food in the other. Realizing a little too late his logistical mistake he knocked as firmly as he could with his foot. Within a minute the door slid open and the tiny, surprised face of Pearl Fey poked through.
“Mr. Nick?” the small girl exclaimed with a smile that quickly turned into an angry frown, “You said some real mean things to Mystic Maya.”
She was right, of course. Phoenix had been in a bad place the last time he saw his spirit medium best friend. After hearing the news about his disbarment Maya had rushed into the city as quickly as she could, only to be turned away at his door. You weren’t there for me when I needed you, he’d spat at her, why would I want you here now? Phoenix cringed internally at the cruel verbal beatdown he’d given the person he loved more than anyone else in the world, who had dropped everything just to be there for him in his time of need.
“I know, Pearls, I said a lot of hurtful things that I can’t take back and that’s why I came to see her. To make things up to her and show her how sorry I am. Is she here?”
Immediately the expression on Pearl’s face thawed a little, with the tiniest hint of a smile drawing up the corner of her mouth.
“Mystic Maya told me you didn’t really mean those things. She said you’d say sorry as soon as you could.”
She gave a sudden gasp of delight, putting her hands on her face to hide her blush. “But she didn’t tell me you’d come all the way here to say it! And with flowers! You must have had one of those ‘lovers’ quarrels’!”
Phoenix’s hands were a little too full to hide his own blush. “N-no, Pearls, it’s not like that! Friends give each other flowers too. To show how much they care about each other. Where is Maya, by the way? She’s not asleep, is she?”
“Mystic Maya’s doing her morning meditation in the waterfall in the sacred grove. I don’t think she’s supposed to be interrupted… But for you, Mr. Nick, she won’t mind!”
Phoenix nodded. “Okay, sacred grove, huh? That shouldn’t be too hard to find! Thanks for the help, Pearls!”
They waved each other goodbye, she with her hand and he with his foot, and he set off to find the sacred grove, wherever that was. Hopefully Kurain Village would have some kind of big map to help him find his way around. His mind fully on the task at hand, Phoenix failed to hear Pearl yelling behind him, “Wait, Mr. Nick! I forgot something about Mystic Maya’s meditation!”
There was, unfortunately, no tourist-friendly signage to help Phoenix along his way. After a bit of trial and error he found his way to a forest path that seemed fairly grove-y to him, flanked by stone statues that Phoenix judged to look pretty sacred. Before too long he could hear the rushing current of a waterfall and he knew he was on the right track.
It really was a beautiful vista, full of ethereal trees, lush greenery, and a brilliant view of the mountains. At one point he could have sworn he saw a white deer zip out of sight. Even after nearly four years of knowing Maya he couldn’t believe that she got to grow up in this magical fairyland. Although he supposed even the most beautiful view could get boring if you see it every day.
After a little more walking a lovely clearing came into view, full of lush green grass and brightly colored flowers. Phoenix inspected them for a bit to make sure they weren’t the same ones from his bouquet. At the other end of the clearing was a clear pool beneath a waterfall where Maya sat in meditation. She looked totally at home under the water, eyes closed, relaxed…and completely naked.
Phoenix went cherry red as soon as he registered what he was seeing. Suddenly he recalled that Pearl had been yelling at him as he left to find Maya. This must be what she wanted to tell him. Maya was obviously doing some kind of meditation technique that required the user to take off all their clothes. And with her legs folded under her and her arms at her side, Phoenix could see her whole…her…
He tore his eyes away as fast as he could and tried to figure out a way to make his presence known in a way that wouldn’t be insanely awkward. Finding no obvious solution, he decided to just rip the bandaid off and shout “MAYA!”
“Nick?” she yelled back excitedly, followed by a horrified shriek and a scream of, “Don’t look at me!”
“I’m not looking!”
“Hold on, let me get dressed! Don’t you dare sneak a peek! What are you doing here, Nick?”
“I haven’t seen you in months. I thought I’d pay you a visit. And trust me, I’m not trying to look at you naked.”
“Well then, how did you know I was naked if you didn’t look?”
“Okay, I saw you for a second, realized you were naked, and looked away immediately. Happy? Plus I think your reaction would have given you away even if I hadn’t seen.”
“Not necessarily, Nick, I could have been wearing something really embarrassing like a fursuit or something. You can look now, by the way.”
Phoenix turned to see Maya squeezing the water out of her hair. She wasn’t wearing her usual robes, but what looked like a thin white bathrobe. Probably some sort of training uniform. She was still dripping wet and the fabric clung to her body in a way that didn’t lessen his blush at all.
“What’s a fursuit?” he asked, trying to distract himself from the situation that was boiling his blood into tomato soup, “Like a big winter coat or something?”
Maya put a hand on her chest and grinned. “Oh, you sweet summer child. I’ll explain later. Whatcha got for me?”
Her eyes locked onto the big brown bag emblazoned with the Eldoon’s logo and he could see her mouth begin to water immediately.
“A couple orders of the breakfast ramen, hopefully not too cold. Extra maple syrup for you, of course.” He handed the bag her way and she grabbed it greedily.
“Ugh, Nick, you have no idea how much the noodles here suck. It’s basically like eating string. And when I talk about putting syrup on them everyone looks at me like I have two heads.”
“To be fair, syrup on noodles is pretty weird everywhere in the world but Eldoon’s.”
Maya was getting ready to tear into the bag when she spotted what was in Phoenix’s other hand. With a gasp she dropped the food and rushed to wrap him in a crushing hug and plant a kiss on his lips, getting him completely soaked in the process.
“Oh my god, no one’s ever gotten me flowers before!” she exclaimed, on the verge of tears. When she let go of her hold Phoenix handed her the bouquet and she took a big sniff. “They’re gorgeous! How did you know I love lavender?”
“Uh, to be honest I just got them–”
“Because they were purple, right? You big dork.”
She punched him in the arm and then wrapped it in hers. Phoenix had accepted at this point that wet clothes were a fair trade for a happy Maya. She looked up at him with an expression he couldn’t quite parse.
“You know I’m still mad at you, right?”
“I don’t blame you.”
“Of course you don’t, you were an absolute bastard that night and you know it. I hated you for a good week after that. I tried to put on a brave face for Pearly, but as soon as I was alone in my room I cried my eyes out. Do you know how devastating that is? To have someone you think is your best friend tell you that they don’t ever want to see you anymore? And then just stop talking to you for two whole months?”
She squeezed down so hard on Phoenix’s arm that he had to suppress a yelp.
“Maya, I’m so sorry.”
“I know you are, Phoenix. I know you were sorry as soon as you closed that door in my face. I know you stood there wanting to take it all back but decided not to say anything because you didn’t think I deserved a friend who was capable of saying the things you said. That you spent the next two months telling yourself that us not seeing each other was for the best even though every instinct you had fought against that. And that’s why I couldn’t hate you as much as I tried. Because no matter what words fly out of your mouth when you’re in pain, no matter how many times you tell yourself you aren’t worthy of love, you’re Phoenix Wright, and you’re my best fucking friend in the whole world.”
Maya detached herself from Phoenix and turned to face him, the flowers still firmly in her hands. They said nothing for what seemed like minutes. Then he finally spoke.
“Maya, did…did you rehearse that speech?”
A smile spread on Maya’s face.
“Shut up, dork.”
Phoenix started to break into a grin as well. It was physically impossible not to smile when Maya Fey was smiling. “No, I mean seriously, how much time did you spend in front of the mirror getting every word just right.”
“It’s not funny, you asshole.” Maya snorted.
“Then why are you laughin’, kid?”
“Because I’m too hungry to think straight. Come on, Nick, let’s make with the noodles. And you can tell me about this Trucy that I keep hearing Edgeworth talk about.”
“Oh man, you’re gonna love Trucy…”
And just like that, everything was right with the world. At least for now.
“Okay, but I really do need to finish up my meditation for the day.”
Their breakfast long finished, Phoenix and Maya were lying together in the grass, heads next to each other, attempting to decipher the clouds in the sky. Maya had been eager to hear as much about Trucy as she could and insisted on going to her next magic show(and bringing Pearl along, of course). Phoenix had taken as many opportunities as he could to sneak apologies in, with Maya magnanimously batting them all aside as ‘water under the bridge’.
“You sure about that? You just finished drying off.”
“Yup, I’m pretty sure. Some of us have jobs, Nick, and mine is to be as good at spirit channeling as I possibly can be.” She pushed herself up off the ground. “And sometimes that means sitting buck naked under a cold waterfall for an uninterrupted hour.”
Phoenix sat up, hearing his back crack as he did so. “You mean you have to start over again.”
“Uh, yeah, old man, meditation isn’t really something you pause halfway through and pick up later.” She cocked her head at him. “You know, if you want to, you can join me this time. I can teach you how to clear your mind.”
“Will I have to be…uh…”
“Yep, unfortunately. As the day you were born. On the bright side, though,” she said, leaning in with a devilish look on her face, “I will be too.”
“Well, uh,” stammered Phoenix, whose blush had gone as purple as the flowers, “I guess I could try it…”
He hoped beyond hope that Pearl never got wind of this.
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otakebi-cam-wao · 6 months
produce 101 japan the girls ep 10 by a harowota
you know, all under the cut, probs gonna speed up or skip elimination cuz i already know the ones who were eliminated (i'm crying)
omg Kaela on the previews me crying now
OMG bby pics!!!
the words, damn
i love their way to get into the elimination set up stage thingy
so cute no matter what
Nalala so oujosama as i said bout &ME song in general
i don't even want to talk bout the elimination's part, like i dunno how they felt THERE, but i know the ones who left already
ohhhh randomly
claw-me had a salon and tokimekki rainbow cafe?
idk new f7avors...
Seul tower apparently, Kokona is afraid of heights
ohhh they eating!, me hungry now, and wanna try all that food
"the song that everyone love it's popcorn" sorry, is the one i like less
claw-me now with makeup and hair styling
i already saw Yui's new hair style (inner color mainly) and love it, really nice
they became koakuma indeed
idk if i'd like that...
so much cream
ohhh Kagura ordered 2 pieces of cake, nice nice, be happy tol girl
awwwwwwwwwww HINA
everyone happy
ohhhh Nalala has i guess korean bbq
miu looks cute like that
hehe Tsuzumi looks cute and funny eating all in one bite
Charm Holic has? what?
oh korean fried chicken, wanna try haven't been able
Kokona ate all quickly lol, mood
Tsukushi is panicking
awwww Ayane being surprised by the flavour so cute
Ayane run for your ramen!!! (me when my mom buys instant ramen)
i love to see cute girls enjoying their food!
oh they have guests
the reacciones while trying to guess who is lol
reactions in general
(don't ask me who they are never watched pd48 nor looked at iz*one... tho i knew Miyawaki Sakura cuz friend likes HKT48 and tried to see HKT)
Tsuzumi is crying so happily
they're living their happy life with them
ok cute moment from Ranka wanting to eat lot of oyakodon cuz ... Yuri? likes it a lot
""Happiness" comes first" okay, yes, food is happiness
the pink haired one, i like her way of thinking towards food lol but ofc the other one has a point to be healthy and keep a diet
Yena, that's the pink haired one... idk her but i liked her with this
this is cute... fr...
OH NO ELIMINATION SHUT UP gonna speed this up
love how parutan is saving herself so at the cut, i love her mochi mochi parutan
love u parutan, i don't care if u don't debut here, i have faith you will debut somewhere
i'm fr gonna skip this, i don't want to watch what i already know
a special gift?!
surprise visit from the "national producers"
lol this is kind of fun so many takes lol
lol this is kinda funny
everyone calling their names is cute
their faces as well, so cute
i like to see their emotive faces
you know? this is what makes me "i don't want anyone to get eliminated" since day 1... well i had exceptions, but still, even if i had them, i wanted them to debut here as well...
they left the eliminated ones talking, damn
more elimination, speeding up again
technically skipped the elimination...
okay, debut evaluation, so last step
did they wrote free debut camp instead of pre debut camp?!
live stream (but for international viewers? what? pirate i guess)
these are new songs as well? i guess
i think i'll like sozoijo who ever is in that group
this way to choose song and position is messed up tho over rank 19th can move the rest, is so messed up, but okay, rules are rules
i love how they kinda tease everyone if they want to
i love how Suzu went all "gomennasai" for moving parutan
they're so cute so apologizing so much when changing someone
Kokona stop, but u cute
Ayane taking sub vocal 1 is a shocker but she's so cute reasoning it
lol Keiko reactions to her change are funny
Ayane like "hm... wanted to be sub vocal, Miu..."
Kassa taking main vocal for the lyrics is so Kassa!
Ayane frustrated for sub 6, but at least she wanted to be sub vocal, not main...
best sub vocal you'll be i think
Koto, you're wrong there's no 50% chance to debut, there's 55% chance to debut
PARUTAN KAWAII!!!! if u don't debut, i'd love u to go knock on up front's door for an audition (but somehow doubt she could get into H!P...?)
i'm just watching cannot actually write
the trainners' words awwwww
i love Nakasone, so mother!!!!! she's my mom now
surprise event made by Kaela?!
they will all sing a song?!
a ballad from her?!
OMG CUTE, i'm releasing some tears cuz i can feel what Kimura felt while writing it
ahhh class w Kaela!
i'm crying! wtf?!
i wish i could have the eliminateds singing this as well, just to make it like for everyone
making them tell their strength/weapon
that part was so cute... and made me sentimental... i'm not like that...
also made me think about my own weapon, i might find some day
RIP KOTO&YUI, they're so cute
stop i'm crying from before this, don't wanna cry more
i see so many friendships here, i love all the girls in this show, how they say goodbye, how the eliminated ones comment to the others on insta, how even after they left the program they meet, how they're doing covers, and all
omg i'm so attached to all these girls!
that was all, i'm crying, bye
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mirageofficial · 1 year
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𖤐 ⤸ ₊ ִ ˚ ࣪ ˖ TRACKLIST
01. ╱ BEWITCHED [03:25]
02. ╱ ROLL THE DICE [02:46]
03. ╱ RAINBOW SPECTRUM [02:50]
04. ╱ NATURAL [03:25]
05. ╱ BREATHE [03:00]
06. ╱ SWAN SONG [03:25]
07. ╱ BEWITCHED (english version) [03:25]
08. ╱ BEWITCHED (instrumental) [03:25]
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𖤐 ⤸ ₊ ִ ˚ ࣪ ˖ ALBUM INSIGHT
VERSION A — "BRAVERY" ( pre-rebirth, light vers. )
VERSION B — "TEMPTATION" ( post-rebirth, dark vers. )
VERSION C — "WITH MY WINGS" ( pre-order, elegant vers. )
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𖤐 ⤸ ₊ ִ ˚ ࣪ ˖ ERA INSIGHT
this is the first release where the girls finally step out of their rookie years, establishing themselves as a well-rounded & permanent group.
the lyricist line of mirage began writing lyrics for bewitched & breathe on the same, and it was a pure coincidence that both wound up being on the album.
the "reborn into darkness" concept was planned since the debut of mirage, intending to show the ups and downs of a heroes’ battle.
since their previous release, mirage has begun to share their own mental health struggles through lyrics in songs like changes, there for you, natural, breathe, and rainbow spectrum. they hope that perhaps they aren’t the only ones feeling the portrayed emotions in these songs, and that idols are human.
xepher and nari produced every track except for natural, which was produced by nako entirely.
after releasing a bright summer songs like vivace, mago, and secret story, fans were shocked to hear mirage promote a pop-rock track — which gained a lot of attention from the media, as many are starting to realize the pattern in their discography.
eunae was originally going to have a solo song on the album, but it was held off as a treat for fans during tour.
thanks to swan song, the general public got one more reason to fall in love with arin: her deep-toned rap verses became the most replayed parts on youtube.
per usual, the girls treated international fans with an english song on the album.
mirage got to promote at the same time as their company partner, noah! (@i9noah) the girls were very excited to see their good friend in action since her debut at the end of last year, and expressed eagerness towards a potential project.
once again, mirage will bring spice to the sbs music show lineups with high energy choreography and live vocals — the girls wore knee pads on days that they performed bewitched.
the girls were incredibly excited to take a break from the vibrant pop side of their discography and return to their girl crush theme once more.
swan song is the promotional track of this era, the girls also performed bewitched and rainbow spectrum at several music shows.
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want to have your idol(s) meet/interact with mirage during promotions? let’s chat! <3
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TAGLIST / @i9noah @i4bree @thestealerzz
reblogs are always appreciated! <3
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sunnyskies281 · 6 months
So, about that cult I was in…
I was 6 years old. I was initiated into a young girl’s group called “Pledge”. The meetings were always boring, we weren’t allowed to cross our legs when we sat down, and most of the time I couldn’t even eat the snacks people brought for after the meetings because I have celiac. Pledge was Rainbow Lite. I wouldn’t have put together that it was a cult if Rainbow was more of the same. But it wasn’t.
Once I turned 11, I was initiated into Rainbow. Thats what it was called when you joined, “initiation”. We learned about God’s Gifts and how it’s good to be charitable and faithful and hopeful and etc etc. that’s fine. An organization that teaches girls how to be kind, and the value of service to others? That’s amazing! And just because it was religious doesn’t automatically make it a cult. Many charities and organizations have a religious affiliation or some such, that doesn’t make them automatically a cult. But then after the meeting, I laid down on the couch in the dressing room and someone told me to sit up, “you’re a rainbow girl now, you can’t be doing that.”
One of my best friends in the organization left when I was only a few months into the organization. She said she just didn’t want to do it anymore. Her sister talked shit about her in the dressing room when we were all getting in our dresses.
Oh did I forget to mention? You had to wear a dress for the formal meetings. No, you couldn’t wear a suit, even though suits are also formal. You’re a Rainbow Girl. You have to dress like one. No black, either. No black dress, no black shoes, no black tights, nothing like that. Black hair was ok, so at least there was that, but that’s like the bare minimum, not forcing someone to change their hair color. I still to this day don’t understand why there was no Black allowed.
Speaking of color, or I suppose lack thereof, the Holy Bible sat on an alter in the middle of the assembly room. It symbolized the White Light that all the colors of the rainbow came from. I like this. Some science in this religious cult! The Bow stations (7, each represented by a color of the rainbow) formed a half circle around it. Next to the alter sat Faith, the first in the Line stations. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
If you’ll allow me to break a rule and paraphrase from the book that had everything they did in meetings (it was called, I shit you not, “the ritual”):
Worthy Advisor: Sister of Faith, what is on the Alter?
Faith: The Holy Bible.
Worthy Advisor: To what color do we designate the holy Bible?
Faith: It is white, the color of purity.
Now. If you think this is bad, linking the color white to purity, just. Take a guess what this line used to be.
Faith: It is white, the virgin color
There’s so much more that’s wrong with Rainbow. So, so much more. But I think this is where I’m gonna stop for now because I need a break from this.
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the-oc-central · 2 months
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Curious about these with naliha,,,,
Not gonna force you to all of these but if you wanna absolutely do
Gonna do em in order!
She loves all animals! Cats, especially but really all of them are so fascinating to her. She doesnt get to see many animals but birds, though. Which she also absolutely adores she makes friends secretly with all of them while Xani isnt looking and has the ability to remember which ones that have visited are which.
Naliha's emotional state is....complicated! Outwardly she's bubbly, cheerful and loyal to whomever she's with at the time and negative emotions were taught to be Undesirable by Xani and xyr guests so its not often she expresses those. She's been conditioned to not even really.... acknowledge having them, so only rare times when she's alone does she get to.
Very sweetly and with a bow. She doesn't have a signature greeting that she like, says but it's always very upbeat and cheerful when she welcomes you. She is the kind of girl to do the Gasp! Welcome!! Sort of greeting. When greeting Nya and Flare the like, 3rd time she does the 2 hand wave.
LOTS but! Namely anyone telling her she's more than what Xani says she is or that she doesn't have to act the way she does around other guests around them. She'll freeze up and glow bright green , trying to process. Any time anyone tries to challenge her view of herself she gets all flustered in a 'Oh-- no it's okay! That's just true, silly! I'm only here to serve,that's what I was made for. Why--//// why do you look sad?? it's not sad!" Etc . (It is sad)
Absolutely everything makes her happy. By design. If you say it's supposed to, it does. If it makes YOU happy, it makes her happy.
Again a lot of the same things that fluster her. Any time the kindness is. Genuinely returned she will blush, because more often than not she's NOT getting that. Flirting is something she can definitely handle, and she's not so bad at dishing it out when its wanted on the other end. If you tell her she's doing a good job or anything along those lines. she'll light up like a christmas tree. So, praise and acknowledgment.
Xani♡ ok ok jokes aside( well, not jokes. They do.) She gets startled when she witnesses anyone But her treated the way she's treated by Xani. In her mind those people are. Actually People! Why is xe treating them that way when she's right there to handle it!! Also, messing up scares her so bad that she'll stop glowing altogether. She'll go completely dim if she makes a mistake, no matter how small. It's not outward but she's also Internally scared by guests who mention they want her out of there for her 'safety' and 'wellbeing'? What are they talking about??
Naliha is unlabeled, she was created to favour anyone who favours her. Recipro, really. Anyone who is kind to her will usually have her drawing hearts in the margin of her workbook at Xani's conferences
She does not need to sleep! How could she be productive and helpful if she had to do something as silly as rest?? That was Not programmed! If she did sleep she'd be an absolute morning person, taking joy in waking up and making Xani and whomever might have stayed the night at a nice breakfast with a cute and silly little apron
She LOVES rain. All weather fascinates her. Especially things like rainbows and sunshowers.
She will listen to anything
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the-loveliest-lotus · 8 months
Center: A child is having a tantrum on the floor. Kicking and screaming and, dangerously, smashing tester bottles around them. There's glass and perfume everywhere. Does your OC feel inclined enough to protect the child from themselves? Would they find the parent? They'd have to step over the child in order to leave. They might step on them by accident.
The scents of the perfume department were overwhelming Lucy. She was never a fan of the cloying floral scents or soft musk that seemed to be the norm in most perfumes, and right now it was overwhelming her senses. All she had come in this store for was a new jacket to modify with all of the patches she had been collecting over the years but didn't have room for on her main jacket.
She took the center aisle, since there didn't seem to be anyone forcing the godawful samples on people in the middle aisle, and then she saw a little girl, sitting on the floor having an absolute fit. Internally, she sighed. It's not like she could just step over the kid, she could end up hurting her.
Even though she didn't want her own kids, she wasn't heartless. Lucy walked up to small screaming child, wondering where her parents were and why none of the perfume counter employees were doing anything. She crouched down next to the girl and said, "Hey kiddo, what's going on?"
The child looked at her, and then was so distracted by her wild hair that it seemed to keep her from crying. "I... I can't find my mom." She sniffled, "Everything smells bad and I just want my mom!" She looked like she was going to cry again.
Lucy said, "Hold on, hold on, it's ok. Come on, we'll go find your mom. I hate the way it smells over here too." She stood up and held her hand out to the girl. The girl took her hand and they walked quickly out of the perfume department. “What’s your name sweetie?”
“Stacey,” she said.
“Well Stacey, I’m Lucy.”
Stacey looked up at her again, and said, “Are you a fairy?” She looked at the child confused, and she said, “I’ve never seen someone with rainbow hair before.”
Lucy smirked, finding that surprising considering how many fans she had seen in the audience of theirs with rainbow hair. “Can you keep a secret?”
She nodded her head, “I’m actually a witch. I do a spell every month to turn my hair rainbow.”
Her eyes lit up, “Really?”
Lucy nodded, “You have to keep it a secret though.”
“Ok!” Stacey was smiling as they reached the customer service area. Her mom came back quickly after the announcement was made.
When her mom showed up, she seemed grateful, but still looked at Lucy funny for how she was dressed. Lucy held back an eyeroll. She said goodbye to Stacey, and then on the way out she heard, “Mom, when I grow up, I wanna be like the pretty rainbow lady!”
She chuckled to herself as she made her way back to the exit, this time making it through the center aisle and outside to where the rest of the guys were waiting for her.
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cheesewritings · 1 year
Chapter 1: The Prodigal Daughter
Fortunate Son blasted from the stereo of the 67 Kaiser that rolled into Hawkins, Indiana. Eowyn was on a mission, given her orders from her father she needed to gather a few people to assist. Driving carefully around the ravines that split the once quiet town she knows the route very well. She’s headed to a remote cabin that once held many happy memories…until her father had to up and move them to DC with his promotion. She was 15 when they left Indiana and now at 20, she’s the youngest fighter pilot the Coalition has ever seen.
The music fades as she pulls into the gravel driveway of the cabin where she learned how to shoot a rifle, an unfamiliar bus sitting in the spot where her uncle’s Bronco usually sat parked. Eowyn shuts off the vehicle, grabs her go bag and makes her way to the deck only to be greeted by a very unfamiliar voice “Whoa dudette, state your name and your purpose here at this lovely forest abode.” “The name’s Hopper, Lieutenant Eowyn Hopper. I’m here to discuss the…uh…situation at hand.” She introduces herself formally hoping it provides a bit of leverage so the hippie in front of her will let her in. She stands up straight trying to make her 5’1” frame a bit more imposing to the man who stands at least one foot taller than herself. “Wait..Hopper?” a more familiar voice crescendos as they walk towards the door. “Winnie? Is that you? Shit man I haven’t seen you since I was in 7th grade.” “Times change Steven. We all have a role to play, I just happened to get mine a bit earlier than expected.” Eowyn cringes slightly at the use of her old nickname. She and Steve grew up on the same block. Turns out when your dad works for a secret government agency, you get to live in the nice part of town. Steve turns to the unfamiliar man in the doorway, “Argyle this is Eowyn Hopper. She’s Chief’s niece. Man will he be glad to see you. Come on in.”
Eowyn enters the room and heads turn towards her. Soon she is crushed under the familiar yet unfamiliar weight of one of her Uncle Jim's bear hugs. “Winnie, you’re here. Where’s your dad? Is he okay? What about your mom?” “She’s finally set down and released from her uncle’s embrace and answers “He’s fine. Mom’s fine. I’ve been sent here on orders.” “Orders?” a young voice questions. “You must be Henderson.” She smiles when he nods his head. “I have orders to bring you all with me to the base.” A woman the same age as her mother stands “Wait what base? You work for the government?” Another voice echoes the sentiment “We don’t trust the government here.” “Bauman shut your cake hole for two seconds.” Eowyn snaps. She takes a deep breath, composes herself and continues “It’s not necessarily the government per se. I mean…it’s sort of a part of the government but more underground. They know we exist but they also know they can’t touch us because we’re the best and we know their secrets.” “Wait are you asking us to join the coalition?” Chief asks.
“More like you’ve all been selected based on your skills and abilities.” Eowyn replies. The balding bearded man stands up “I told you they were watching us. I knew it!” Jim looks to Eowyn as if he is asking her to explain. “Like I said, we’re not necessarily the government but we do know their secrets. However, we know a bit more than they do and we simply choose not to disclose that information to them. The Coalition isn’t simply American based. We’re international. We handle things that traditional militaries can’t. Things that can’t be explained but can be covered up by a decent story and some crazy tabloids.” She explains.
Suddenly a small female voice joins the conversation, “is it anything like Papa and the rainbow room?” “You must be Jane…er..Eleven?” Eowyn asks unsure of what to call the young girl. “You can call me El.” She replies. “El, this is nothing like that. In fact we’ve been trying to stop him for years. At least, stop him from experimenting with children.” Eowyn explains, shivering at the thought of someone doing anything like that to an innocent child. Eleven looks at her curiously and then sits down as if giving Eowyn permission to continue. "I'm a little bit like you in the sense that I was trained to fight because I have natural capabilities that make me good at combat. When dad kept getting promotions in the Corps, they kept an eye on him and what he could do. That's when he got the call from Stinson and was asked to form an elite unit in order to bring Brenner down as well as handle some other things. This collection of fighters, engineers, technical analysts, and others is known simply as The Coalition of Ordered Governments, we call it the COG." Eowyn looks up at the adults in the room after finishing her story seeing Murray Bauman's eyes wide. "What Bauman? You think we didn't know you knew we existed? You're pretty high up on our list of potential operatives." Eowyn states. Hopper chuckles and looks to his niece, "So is your dad still ya know?" "Are you kidding? That man will literally challenge death to a poker game and win." she answers. "So are you guys in? If so, we need to load up and haul out. I've got to make a quick pit stop first on orders from someone back at base but we can head out in the morning." She asks. El looks at her adoptive father, then to the girl who is apparently her cousin, "I'm in." she declares. "Damnit Jim, you've got a little me on your hands don't you?" Eowyn asks. "Unfortunately." he grumbles with a slight smile at the memories of her childhood antics. "Alright then, gather the squad, prepare for departure at 0600." Eowyn orders. She heads out the cabin and to her jeep when she stops and suddenly says "I know you're behind me Harrington. What do you want?" "This is where you went?" he asks. "Yep. And now you get to join the crew. It's good to see you Harry Harrington." she responds. He grumbles at the old nickname from their childhoods. "Trust me, I have a feeling it's going to be worth it by coming to base." she answers, climbing into her jeep. She turns the key in the ignition and shifts into gear before peeling out of the driveway as Battery by Metallica plays on her mixtape.
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strangeswift · 2 years
Since we are getting controversial... i dont think the line ''it is not my fault you dont like girl'' is Mike projecting his feelings onto Will. He literally explains what he meant by that comment a few seconds later, he says ''we are not kids anymore, we should grow up and stop playing games and get girlfriends''. Mike believes liking girls and getting girlfriends is a part of life and is expected outcome when you grow up, and that he thinks Will not wanting to get girlfriends and not focusing/liking girls is him being childish and refusing to grow up. That's heteronormativity, not IH.
For example, when he's trying to confess to El by using the word 'love' in S3, he says ''it is a word that grown ups say to each other sometimes''. I think that scene also sort of plays into the same thing too, he thinks he should do these things bc it is expected and grown ups do it, that sounds like heteronormativity to me not IH. That's why he wants to leave his hobbies behind because he finds them childish and in order to be 'grown up' and in a relationship with that mindset, he has to hide that side of him when he's with El.
Mike doesnt have a struggle or characterization where he feels like a mistake/broken for being gay. He doesnt have a characterization where he gets explicitly and specifically bullied for being gay. He doesnt have a characterization/writing where he gets bullied or abused by his father for being 'feminine/unmanly' or for being gay to the point his sister thinks Ted unalived him. He doesnt get bullied by his school peers for being gay. Mike doesnt get called slurs. He isnt forced to like ''manly things'' etc. That's Will's characterization, all of those things result in Will having IH. There's more evidence that suggests that what Mike suffers from is heteronormativity. Due to his family dynamic (this is something Jonathan also comments on when he is talking about getting married/family dynamic to Nancy in S1) and he thinks that is a part of growing up.
There's not much canon evidence, textual stuff to claim that Mike has IH or that the writers intended Mike to have an explicit canon IH. I actually think Mike wouldn't even mind being non-straight, because he would think that being non-straight would make him special tbh and he actually has insecurities about not being special too. Literally Mike's insecurity is about him being NORMAL, not being abnormal. Being abnormal is Will's insecurity if anything.... Mike thinks he is just some guy with nothing special about him and he is insecure about being normal, not about being abnormal. Heck, he actually finds abnormal stuff to be cool. This is the guy who commented on Dustin's collarbones by saying it makes Dustin look like a hero. Mike likes being different and different things. I really think if Mike and Will were to be in a relationship Mike would be the proud and confident one in the relationship.
I seriously dont think the writers are going for an IH!Mike or gay!Mike storyline. I don't think the Duffers think that way. I think they're gonna just state Mike has feelings for Will and that is all. We all have Headcanons and theories but at the end of the day we should think from the writers' POV and what they are actually writing in their story, and what are they gonna write in S5. And honestly, I don't think an explicit gay!Mike with a canon IH is likely.
Hi anon! I'm gonna break down why I disagree with each of your points, with peace and love.
First things first, let's define our terms. The Rainbow Project defines internalized homophobia as follows: "Internalised homophobia and oppression happens to gay, lesbian and bisexual people, and even heterosexuals, who have learned and been taught that heterosexuality is the norm and 'correct way to be'."
Regardless of what you believe Mike's sexuality to be, even if you believe he is heterosexual, he is absolutely demonstrating internalized homophobia. It is a common misconception that internalized homophobia is synonymous with self loathing, but that is not the case as it is a broad term.
"Mike believes liking girls and getting girlfriends is a part of life and is expected outcome when you grow up, and that he thinks Will not wanting to get girlfriends and not focusing/liking girls is him being childish and refusing to grow up. That's heteronormativity, not IH."
It is my personal interpretation that Stranger Things has intertwined the themes of growing up and queerness, which is why it is such a large part of Will's (and Mike's) character arc. The pressure to "grow up and be normal" is often synonymous with the pressure to be attracted to and subsequently pursue the opposite sex for queer kids. Which is why I think the way they have intertwined these themes is what makes Will's story so compelling to so many queer people. Also, see the above definition of internalized homophobia.
"Mike doesnt have a struggle or characterization where he feels like a mistake/broken for being gay. He doesnt have a characterization where he gets explicitly and specifically bullied for being gay."
You seem to be implying that since Will is actively bullied for being gay and Mike isn't that Mike can't have internalized homophobia? Hearing homophobic insults said toward Will would absolutely contribute toward Mike's own internalized homophobia.
(I think it's also worth mentioning that when Troy is making homophobic comments about Will, we are shown primarily Mike's reaction. Mike is the one who pushes Troy as well. This seems likely to be an intentional writing choice.)
Secondly, more than one character in a show can experience internalized homophobia. And in small town Indiana in the 80s, it's more likely than not.
"He doesnt have a characterization/writing where he gets bullied or abused by his father for being 'feminine/unmanly' or for being gay to the point his sister thinks Ted unalived him. He doesnt get bullied by his school peers for being gay. Mike doesnt get called slurs. He isnt forced to like ''manly things'' etc. That's Will's characterization, all of those things result in Will having IH."
See my previous point. Just because Will has internalized homophobia doesn't mean Mike can't too. (Also... "unalived" hehe hello tiktok user.)
"There's more evidence that suggests that what Mike suffers from is heteronormativity. Due to his family dynamic (this is something Jonathan also comments on when he is talking about getting married/family dynamic to Nancy in S1) and he thinks that is a part of growing up."
See my first point in reference to the definition of internalized homophobia and the connection between the themes of growing up and queerness.
"I actually think Mike wouldn't even mind being non-straight, because he would think that being non-straight would make him special tbh and he actually has insecurities about not being special too. Literally Mike's insecurity is about him being NORMAL, not being abnormal. Being abnormal is Will's insecurity if anything.... Mike thinks he is just some guy with nothing special about him and he is insecure about being normal, not about being abnormal. Heck, he actually finds abnormal stuff to be cool. This is the guy who commented on Dustin's collarbones by saying it makes Dustin look like a hero. Mike likes being different and different things. I really think if Mike and Will were to be in a relationship Mike would be the proud and confident one in the relationship."
Mike doesn't feel the need to be special or unique so much as he feels the need to be needed. He doesn't want to be special for the sake of it, he wants to be special because El is special, and he needs her to need him. Or rather, he needs anyone to need him. That's what he expresses during the van scene.
And nobody in small town Indiana in the 80s is happy to be queer because it makes them feel special. Let's get that out of the way.
Mike has also gotten less comfortable with being different as he's gotten older, which is common. Young kids are usually much more carefree and they celebrate the things that make themselves and others unique. Enter social conditioning, and kids now feel a sudden need to conform. (Which brings me back to why intertwinig the themes of childishness and queerness is brilliant.) A good example is your earlier point about Mike's "heteronormativity" (internalized homophobia) and the ideas he has about how growing up means he needs to have a girlfriend and tell her he loves her in S3.
I also think Mike has some significant cognitive dissonance when it comes to the topic of conformity in S4 especially.
"I seriously dont think the writers are going for an IH!Mike or gay!Mike storyline. I don't think the Duffers think that way. I think they're gonna just state Mike has feelings for Will and that is all. We all have Headcanons and theories but at the end of the day we should think from the writers' POV and what they are actually writing in their story, and what are they gonna write in S5. And honestly, I don't think an explicit gay!Mike with a canon IH is likely. "
This is where we agree, I don't think the Duffers will confirm Mike as gay. As far as "canon IH" I would argue that we already have that, though I know you meant of the self loathing variety, and I agree that we probably won't get that explicitly.
I disagree that we should only be thinking from the writer's POV though. My interpretations of Mike's character are not intended to be S5 predictions, they are simply interpretations. I explained that a little bit in my previous post. That's the thing about art and media, you take away your own interpretation.
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skullaton · 1 year
Chapter 2: You should head back
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Wally Darling / GN Reader Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Rating: M
The city is full of people. Then why did it feel so lonely? Memories of clinking bottles and dazzling neon lights flickered through your mind. Misty, car filled streets with humans, but no humanity. A bridge and a phonebooth. And a sweet voice that wanted you to come home. You’ve wandered too far, and you don’t know how to get back. But don’t worry! You’ve made some friends from a colourful town that can help you!
TW: Childhood trauma, scopophobia, alcohol references AO3 link: here Wally logo by Clown
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A low buzz of static hummed throughout your living room.
You were alone again.
It wasn’t new to be alone.
Your mom worked multiple shifts, and your teenage sister was often out late.
Your dad had been out of the picture for a long time.
You sat on the verdant shag rug as you leafed through the spines of old VHS tapes on your entertainment centre. Tempting titles such as Pokemon or Doraemon called for you to pick them, but there was one that you always meandered back to.
There was a worn, yellow plastic tape, the sticker long faded from years of use.
Welcome Home.
Your mom picked it out at a second-hand shoppe - probably to get you off her back while she shopped for other things.
It quickly became one of your favourite shows.
It felt like a nice little respite from the world. A home away from home.
You also loved the fact that the artist segment changes every time you watch it!
It must be a new feature for VCR players, because none of your other tapes did that!
You popped the VHS into the player, the gears winding the tape.
The rainbow show lit up the room, like a beacon of life in this dreary existence.
The opening title of the show rolled. You hummed to it as you got comfortable on the floor, your tiny legs kicking in the air as you lay on your stomach.
The segment started, the main character behind an easel peaking out, paintbrush in hand.
“Hello, neighbour!”
Your heavy eyelids blinked as consciousness pulled you out of your deep slumber. You sucked in a deep breath of air as you stretched your sore limbs.
What a day, yesterday.
You rolled to your side as the reality of waking up connected in your brain. You tiredly stared at the rows of storeroom shelves, internally cursing yourself.
Guess it was all real.
You fumbled out of your blanket cocoon and wobbled your way to the door. You were greeted with the same towering, multi-limbed creature from yesterday. There was something comforting about him today, though. He felt more realistic. Kind.
He was stocking his shelves dutifully before looking up to you. He held in a chuckle. “Good morning! You look like you slept well.”
You gave him a groggy ‘huh?’
He responded simply by pointing at your hair.
Your hand went up to touch the literal bird’s nest that sat on your scalp. You hurriedly ran your fingers through the locks, flattening out whatever imperfections. An embarrassed blush crossed your features.
He chuckled once again. “If you want, you can use the shower. I can find you a fresh pair of clothes.”
“You sell clothes?” Your sleepy voice cracked in surprise.
“More like I special order clothes for Julie. The only thing is that silly little girl always forgets to pick up her orders.”
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes. “Wouldn’t she be mad if you looked through her orders?”
He gave a dismissive wave of a hand as he moved his way to a few boxes behind the front counter. “If I told her that it was for you, she’d probably assume it was for ‘dress up party’ purposes. So I don’t think she’d mind.”
You tried not to think about the ethical and legal implications of going through your customer’s stuff. Arguing probably wouldn’t help you in this case.
He pulled out a pair of high waisted flare jeans and a muted rainbow top. He offered them with one set of hands, while the others went to seal the boxes back up.
Dang, multitasking to the extreme.
You gratefully accepted the clothes. “You sure this is okay…?”
He gave you a caring smile, dismissing your concern, “Go get washed up.”
You bowed your head in thanks, padding your way to the bathroom.
A shower will help you feel human again in this insane puppet world.
Turning on the faucet, hot steam clouded the tiny washroom. Dipping into the warm waters, you felt your woes and worries wash down the drain.
Your mind wandered to Howdy. He sure helped you a lot. His generosity knows no bounds. Maybe you should help him in some way? Maybe pay back your debt by cleaning up the bodega a bit?
Yeah, that sounds good. It must be hard being the only worker.
You stepped out of the shower, wrapping a spare towel around your body. You swiped a hand across the clouded mirror, giving a good look at yourself.
That husk of a human from last night looked more alive. Colour was back in your face, and the fine lines around your eyes seemed to have lightened.
Those retinol treatments you were doing probably helped a lot with your complexion.
Despite everything, you’re still you!
Tossing on the retro styled clothes, you embarked on the new day.
”What can I do to help?”
“Really, you don’t need to do anything.”
You released a stubborn sigh, arms folding across your chest. You stared at the bug man from across the counter. “I really want to help you, Howdy. I want to help pay off my debt.”
The salesman weighed the options. He gave a resigned sigh. “Alright, but you have to follow the price guides of the bodega!”
You quirked a brow. “Price guides?”
He gestured to the ‘100% off!’ sign on the window pane.
Your brows furrowed as you scoffed. “How does that even work?”
“Well, people pay in jokes, ideas, or observations!” He then pointed to an apple display adjacent to the front counter. A sign on it read ‘1 Apple for 1 Joke’.
There’s no way these silly Muppets live in capitalism-free town. “How does commerce even work, then? How do you pay for goods being imported to your shop?”
Howdy put a finger up to his lips as he smirked. “Trade secrets! Maybe you’ll find out some day, young Grasshopper!”
You released a defeated huff.
“Besides, there’s more to life then pointless currency. Sometimes the most valuable things are your friend’s company and wise words!”
They really did live in a commune. In a sense, you envied them.
The morning tolled on, and he instructed little things on how he ran the bodega. You helped by stocking some shelves and sweeping the floors. Before you knew it, it was midday.
The door chimed as a pair of customers sauntered in. Your breath hitched as you saw a 7 foot, bumbling blue dog plod through the doorway. You were tempted to hide behind a shelf,… that is, until your eyes landed on the shorter man walking behind him.
A smile stretched across your face, “Hello, Wally!”
The cardigan-clad puppet gave you an all-encompassing grin, “Hello, neighbour!”
“Oh, is this the kid you were talking about?” the dog rumbled in a deep baritone.
Your skin prickled at the term ‘kid.’ You were quite obviously not a kid.
Wally regarded the towering puppet with a nod. The giant mock Blue’s Clues character offered a wave, “Welcome to Home! The next Big City this side of the forest! I’m Barnaby, by the way.”
You assuaged the temporary anger and introduced yourself with a little wave. Howdy, who was behind the front counter, called out to the new patrons. “What can I get for you fellas?”
Barnaby put up two fingers, “Two hot dogs, please!”
“Two dogs wrapped in yellow and red bow ties, with all the fixin's, comin’ right up!” The caterpillar’s limbs went to work as he swiveled around to the hot dog machine. He loaded the dogs up with whipped cream, onions, ketchup, mustard, and a cherry.
Imagining the taste made you shiver.
He offered the food to the pair, while another set of hands punched in the order on the cash register. “And how will you be paying today?”
Barnaby gave a smug smile. “Why did the baby cookie cry?”
A pause.
“Its mother was a wafer so long.”
Howdy erupted in a boisterous laugh, one of his hands going down to slap his knee. Even you smirked at the atrocious dad joke. He rubbed a tear away from his eye as he regarded Wally. “And how about you?”
Wally gave his signature hum as he rolled his head to the side. “What do you call an insect who can’t get out of bed?”
You peered at him expectantly.
“A bedbug!”
Howdy offered a sympathetic chuckle, the joke not landing as hard as Barnaby’s. He punched the jokes on the register, the receipt screeching out as it was printed.
“You tried, fella,” Barnaby put a big paw on Wally’s shoulder.
“Can’t top the town jokester, after all,” the smaller puppet winked up at his friend and they both chuckled.
With hot dogs in hand, they started to make their way out. As Barnaby ducked out of of the tiny doorframe, Wally stood in place for a moment.
It felt like minutes pass until he finally regards you. “Would you like to come with us? We can introduce you to the rest of the neighbours.”
You bit the inside of your cheek as you considered. You still felt guilty about not paying back all of what Howdy has done for you.
“Go meet everyone, Grasshopper,” the voice next to you pulled you out of your thoughts, the new nickname cooling any form of anxiety that you harnessed. “You can’t figure out how to get out of here without friends, right?”
You offered Howdy a kind smile. “Thanks.”
He shooed you off with your new friend, allowing you to step free into the rainbow world of Home.
Wally and you caught up to Barnaby, who was happily snacking on his treat.
The three of you trekked throughout the colour radiant town, making pit stops in front of each of the townsfolk’s homes.
The first person you all ran into was the mailman, Eddie. He curtly greeted himself, but just as quickly excused himself to get back to work.
You watched him run off into the distance before regarding your friends. “You reckon he’d know the roads out of here?”
Wally tilted his head as he observed you, still just casually holding his hot dog. “I think his route takes him further from the City.”
You gave a sad, thoughtful hum before Wally and Barnaby, the persuasive of friends, convinced you to meet with every one of the neighbours.
Poppy, who lived in a barn, was elated to see you again. She gave praises and crooned over how you were a ‘poor lost duckling.’ She vowed to cook for you if you ever needed food for the trip.
The next new person was a literal star who lived in a theatre. Sally was an eccentric puppet who was working on a set for an upcoming play. When you spoke to her about your story, you can tell she was taking internal notes. Please, Sally, don’t make your lost voyage into a Shakespearean tragedy.
Julie was as excited as ever to see you again. She complimented your outfit, stating that it looks ‘oddly familiar.’ Hm. You wonder why. She offered if you needed anymore clothes, she’s always willing to play dress up.
Frank was out in his lawn, taking notes on a butterfly perched on a flower. You all decided not to bother him. Butterfly watching seemed stressful, as is.
Now you all stood in front of Barnaby’s doghouse. He was hungrily staring at Wally’s hot dog, who, to your humour, was carrying the snack around like it was a show and tell specimen.
“You going to finish that, buddy?” Barnaby rumbled.
Wally shook his head and offered the undisturbed snack to his friend. The dog practically wolfed the food down in a blink.
The yellow puppet clapped his hands to get the remaining crumbs off his palms while Barnaby wiped the remnants on his own forearm.
“I think this is a wonderful day to sun bathe,” Barnaby started before dipping into his yard. “You guys comin’?”
Wally hummed at the offer before shaking his head politely, “I still need to show them Home.”
Barnaby gave a carefree shrug, “Suit yourself. Y’know where to find me.” With that, he sauntered into his littered yard and found a nice batch of grass to plop down on.
You regarded Wally with a quirked brow, “’Home’? Isn’t that just the town name?”
He tutted with a tiny smirk, “Silly, silly.” He didn’t explain, instead marched up the hill to the centre of town. A red house sat on the crest, it’s windows watching you.
Wait… watching?
You stumbled back as you stifled a yelp, the giant windows blinking at your reaction. You tried to scramble behind the short puppet man.
He simply shook his head with a chuckle. He gestures to the sentient house, “This is Home! This is where I live!”
Home made some thumping noises in greeting.
You sucked in a breath as you watched in horror. Your hand came up to grasp your forehead. “Okay, I finally accepted puppets. Houses now? I must be dead. There’s no way this is real.”
“If you’re dead,” Wally looked back at you with sleepy eyes, voice nonchalant, “then this must be heaven!”
You swallowed thickly, not sure how to process his words. You sucked in another big breath to calm your trembling body and forced a weak wave at Home.
Home waved its shutters in greeting.
Well… it’s not trying to eat you like Monster House. Maybe it really isn’t that bad?
Wally broke his barrier between you and Home, making you feel exposed and vulnerable. He maneuvered his way to an easel that sat just outside his home. He placidly began to pack up the art supplies that was left outside. A half painted picture of an apple lay on the canvas, probably abandoned this morning as he opted to hang with Barnaby.
The tension you held in your shoulders ease as you watch his easygoing pace.
There really is a charm about him that can ease your worries.
He briefly glanced back to catch you staring, a soft smile gracing his plush lips. “Penny for your thoughts?”
A blush shot to your face as you looked away, embarrassed. Your heart hammered as you focused on anything but him. You cleared your throat as a thought began tumbling out, “It’s nice here, but I’m wondering if… maybe you have any suggestions on how to leave?”
Wally noticeably tenses. He was quiet for a few beats, his lazy eyes never leaving yours. “I suppose I can paint you a map! But…”
He paused, his expression softening, tone becoming more sympathetic. “It must have been pretty serious for you to get lost like you did. Do you really want to go back? You wouldn’t be a burden here in Home! You’re always welcome.”
It felt like time stood still as his words washed over you.
There was a heaviness to it all, something akin to scratching at a mental scab. A truth that you didn’t want to uncover the band aid of.
You stood in silence as you mulled over the implications.
He watched you as your thoughts clouded your features. He observed the storm in your brain get cloudier before deciding to intervene. He extended a hand out to caress your arm, the felt touch anchoring you back to reality. His voice was low and pleasant, “Take your time. It’s a big decision, and there’s no need to rush. I’ll be here for you if you need it.”
The pressure from your jaw released, the tension that built up now toppled like building blocks.
He really was a good person.
“Thank you, Wally.”
He only offered a cute feline-like smile. **
It wasn’t long before the sky became a vibrant array of pinks and blues. The sun was settling just over the horizon as you and Wally decided to part from each other.
You made your way back to Howdy’s Place, giving the caterpillar a quiet greeting. He was starting to close up shop, and you decided to help him - much to his dismay.
With the two of you, the shop was closed and cleaned in record time.
He wiped the sweat off his brow, his face bearing a proud smile. “You really help a lot, young grasshopper.”
You shrugged. “It’s the least I can do.”
He shook his head with a chuckle. “You should eat some food. I think I have a spare salad in the back.”
You blinked at the thought of eating. Come to think of it, you didn’t feel hungry at all today.
How strange.
You decided to chock it up to stress from a new environment.
You thanked him for his generosity before wishing him a good night. You dipped into the backroom to locate the fresh greens. Chomping on the leaves, your mind wandered to the day.
The day felt… nice. Almost surreal.
You almost felt like you belonged.
But… you really should head home.
… Right … ?
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doughbrainer · 6 months
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Gonna Post This Now Before I Eventually Forget Too, But I Have A Proper HLVRAI OC! Her Name Is Minus And They Goes By She/They Pronouns.
I Created Her For A HLVRAI Story I'm Still Currently Writing. (It's On A Pause At The Moment For Several Reasons But You Can Read It On My Wattpad.) I Made Her In Order To Be The Conflict Of The Story But As The Story Got More Complicated And Certain Characters Became More Important, They Have Become More Fleshed Out In The Process.
I Don't Want This To Take Up People's Feed So If You Want To Know Her Backstory And Lore, Keep Reading!
Minus Is Derived From The Unused Female Scientist In The Original Half-Life Game, But The Code For The Unused Female Scientist Remained. When Coomer, Bubby, Tommy, Darold And Benrey All Became Aware, She Did Too.
Because The Female Scientist Isn't Technically Minus (Yet), She Went By A Different Name. The Name Female Scientist Went By Montague (Dr. Montague.) Benrey Can Access The Internal Code And So He Was The Only One That Knew Of Her, But Never Investigated Since She Was Unused. If He Ever Was Asked About Her, He'd Just Refer To Her As "The Girl" , "Girl Scientist" Or "Unused Chick", Tommy Does Eventually Become Aware Of Her Too, But It Was By Accident, If He Was Asked About Her, He Calls Her "Lady Scientist".
As The Game Went On, Her Code, Personality And Eventually Appearance Changed. Because Minus' Code And Montague's Code Are Mostly Different From One Another, Minus Doesn't Consider Themself Montague But Considers Montague As More Of Her Mother.
Minus Doesn't Wear Traditional Clothes Seen In Any Half-Life Games, Opting For A Tie-Dye Shirt And Black Shorts She Created For Herself Within The Code. Her Appearance Stands Out Quite A Lot And Tends To Frighten Others.
When She's In HL2, She Tries To Disguise Herself As A Regular Citizen But It's Clear From The Beginning That They Are Not Like The Others. Her First Meeting With The Scientist Team Is Outside Of The Hall. Benrey Accidentally Gets His Code Intertwined And Stuck Inside Her Code, Making Them Share Of Body. When This Happens, She Looses Any Reason To Play Along And Begins To Go After The Scientist Team. Because Benrey Now Has Her Reason And Logic, He Begins To Panic And Tries To Convince Her Not To Until He Realise There's No Hope Unless Someone Saves Him As Minus' Code Keeps Him Trap. As They Continue, Minus Slowly Begins To Develop A Crush On Tommy.
Once Benrey's And Minus' Code Are Eventually Separated, Minus And Benrey Share Small Pieces Of Code Which Makes Gives Minus Black Mesa Sweet Voice And Benrey A More Rational Mind. This Gives Benrey An Opportunity To Make Himself Better. Although Benrey Is A Little Scared Of Minus After The Events, They Still Get Along. Minus Doesn't Officially Join Their Team, But She Tries To Spend As Much Time As She Can With Tommy. Minus Eventually Becomes Tommy's Love Interest And For The Most Part, It's All Sunshine And Rainbows From The Team Onward.
Alt Design Of Minus (When Benrey Is Trapped In Their Body) "Possessed" Version.
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Minus With Montague.
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(It Was A Big Jump In Design, Hence Why They Are Their Own Characters.)
Minus Colour Pallet
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