#internet of things companies
hayasolutionsca · 10 days
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Haya Solutions: Innovating with Custom Web Application Development in Canada
Haya Solutions provides innovative Custom Web Application Development services for Canadian businesses. From concept to deployment, we create high-performance web applications tailored to your operations, ensuring they are secure, scalable, and designed for success.
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gibbearish · 11 months
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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mobiloitteusa · 2 years
IoT App Development Company
The internet of things (IoT) is an emerging technology that is revolutionizing the way we live and work. One of the most promising applications of IoT is in the area of agriculture, where it has the potential to transform the way we grow food. Mobiloitte is at the forefront of this agricultural revolution, developing smart agriculture solutions that make use of IoT technology. Our solutions are designed to help farmers increase yields, reduce costs, and improve the quality of their crops.IoT-enabled agriculture is still in its early days, but the potential benefits are already becoming apparent. With Mobiloitte's help, the future of agriculture looks brighter than ever.
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slugpup2 · 3 months
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got bored
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alphadatadubai · 2 years
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internet of thing internet of things solutions internet of things companies
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monolithiot · 2 years
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MonolithIoT logistics express solutions dimensioning scanning machine with 4 sorting ports.
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jinikaris · 6 days
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/ᐠ > ˕ マ Ⳋ birthday cat ⟢ 2024 birthday stream
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I’m all out of milk, fuckers. Time to sell some coffee that donates all its profit to charity.
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While I was languishing on the bed of illness last week, I spent a lot of time reading up on American Girl Doll lore. Dear followers, you may see a lot of American Girl content in the following weeks. I say this not to apologize, but to entice.
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awkward-teabag · 9 months
Love (cannot emphasis how much sarcasm there is in that word) that an official Canadian government response to high cellphone rates is to switch carriers.
Switch it to what? We basically have three companies since one was allowed to eat the forth (with the government saying it wasn't anti-competition and the company eating the other pinky promising they wouldn't jack rates up). Even the smaller companies have to rent infrastructure from the Big Three so there's only so much they can do if that rent costs an arm and a leg.
And that's not touching on how many "small companies" are actually just subsidiaries of the Big Three. You may save $5 but you're still with Telus/Rogers/Bell.
Or that the actual small companies tend to have shit coverage because they don't have the infrastructure available to them and are prevented from getting it. Or their traffic is throttled in favour of the Big Three's customers. Or both.
Or that they're extremely regional thus aren't an option for a huge chunk of Canada's population.
We have no true options and the government has shown time and again that they're fine with monopolies, in multiple industries, and don't care when said monopolies jack up prices to make shareholders and the c-suite more money at the expense of everyone else. At most there will be a verbal slap on the wrist and a giftcard for $25 that people have to register for, for a decade and a half of price gouging.
It's not talked a whole lot about outside the country from what I've seen and heard but Canada is a country of monopolies. A handful of companies own nearly everything, every province has a family or two that owns a hell of a lot (Nova Scotia is basically owned by one family at this point), and our government ignores it. Even the branch that is supposed to be against monopolies is fine with mergers and takeovers in most cases.
Because, you know, the company said it totally wouldn't use consumers' lack of options to increase prices.
#canada#so much of our infrastructure and critical construction such as housing#has been pawned off for decades to private companies#and i forgot to mention one (1) family owns the bridge that is a major international corridor between canada and the us#which is apparently fine even though they fought tooth and nail to stop a bridge they don't own from being built#like our housing crisis can be traced back to the government deciding to stop building public housing in the 90s#because they figured private developers would pick up the slack#affordable apartments don't bring in much money so we got decades of cheap-ass 'luxury condos' instead#and once airbnb became a thing we got entire buildings with units <300sqft#and of course when the party in charge rotates between conservatives and neolibs nothing changes and that can gets kicked down the road#and keeps getting kicked until something collapses and they see the chance to fully privatize an industry#something similar is happening to our healthcare system too#it has been left to languish for years/decades with funding freezes and cuts#and private companies are quick to jump in and get the government stamp of approval to do [thing] that the public system clearly can't do#when [thing] would absolutely be possible if it was actually funded and/or staffed#so many communities were cut off when greyhound closed up shop because there's no government inter-city transportation#we lost internet/banking/cell service/etc nation-wide because one of the big three decided to push an update to live without redundancies#and it bugged and took the entire company's network down#even the government agency that demands major companies have a backup on a different network was taken down because they ignored that#and they got a deal if they kept their backup with rogers while their main network was also rogers#so they couldn't even make an emergency statement or anything about it#half my province also lost all digital infrastructure because it's a private company and making a redundancy line would mean smaller bonuse#it's just so bad#joke all you want about how canada is nice and friendly#but you are wrong and it's hell if you actually live here#the only reason canada is seen as nice is because it's hard to not seem like the better option when the us is your neighbour#and because of decades of pr work to make canada seem friendly and nice and not at all problematic#in some countries you actually have to try to hide you're canadian because of how much we colonize and the damage we do to other countries#yes these tags have derailed from the post but ugh#i take major issue with people who insist canada is nice and has never done anything wrong
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phoenixyfriend · 1 month
I don't love capitalism. This is known.
But every time I think about the company doing High Speed Rail along a specific set of Florida cities, I do feel respect.
Like yeah. That WAS a good choice. Go you.
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carmen-berzattos · 2 months
I keep seeing posts of people saying that not using words like growled, boomed etc as dialogue tags is bad writing advice and that these words are not meant to be taken literally, but poetically. That is all fine and good and true. But! The reason that you're often discouraged from relying on such descriptors isn't because the readers will take it literally, but to encourage writers to find more interesting ways of conveying emotions without these tags. The idea here is that you use precise description of external environemnt to convery mood, use internality as a way of hinting and hightening said mood, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, have your dialogue stand on its own that its tone and function in the character interaction is self-evident. Basically, you want to reach the point where adding the word "growled" feels like an overkill because the text already conveys the tone. And even then, I wouldn't necessarily say never use these descriptors, but I will say make them so sparse that the reader stands at attention when they're used. Because they know you mean business
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hilacopter · 3 months
*on the floor trembling through gritted teeth* this made me grow as a person. this made me change for the better. good things have come out of this.
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pixelephant · 5 months
ok long ass paragraphs of nuance time
so i totally get why watcher has made this decision, running a creative business on youtube is difficult because algorithms are fickle and views are SO obviously geared towards just when shane and ryan specifically are in content. they can’t branch out into new ventures and cast members and ideas without taking a huge monetary risk of if people will actually watch the damn thing. so streaming gives them that opportunity because no matter the viewership, they still get that income.
but on the other hand, the lack of diversified content is exactly why im hesitant to pay money for the service. there’s just not much there outside of shane and ryan led shows. don’t get me wrong, love their stuff! but if i’m paying for a service, i’d prefer it to be something i can go to for a variety of things.
it’s a catch 22 imo, can’t diversify without the money, can’t get the money without the content they know gets them the views, and so it goes back and forth ad nauseam. personally, i can’t see myself immediately paying for it, but maybe in a few months time when they have that freedom to actually change up their roster i’d be more interested
okay shifting gears, not to be the guy that compares this to rooster teeth and dropout but im gonna be because people are picking one or the other to support their own argument and its bothering me. "rooster teeth proved this method doesn't work!" not true, they shut down because they were owned by warner brothers, a big media conglomerate that doesn’t care about restructuring something to make it work, only dollar signs (while also not exactly being well known for being the best at handling their money). i still think rt could’ve continued to exist in a different capacity if they had never sold to wb (and didn’t have so many scandals) but i guess we’ll never know.
“dropout proves that this system works!” also not true they offer VERY different kinds of content (game shows, story based stuff like d20, pure improve comedy, etc.) from what watcher is doing, they are not a one to one. also as good as they’re doing now, they’re still kind of recovering from the verge of bankruptcy, trying things out, seeing what works. the system itself is not a guarantee for success.
all this to say i get why some people hate this decision. it’s yet another subscription based service to pay for in a media landscape that is frankly too rife with them. it makes things once free now costly. it puts exciting content behind a paywall that some people genuinely cannot afford.
but the people making the exciting content need stable jobs. the company needs a consistent cash flow to be able to pay their employees and continue making cool and interesting things. they can’t rely on the fickleness of youtube views, algorithm changes, and third party sponsorships at the pace they’re going (which is also part of the problem, they grew to fast and honestly set too high a standard of content from the jump for how early into the company they are but hey let’s not go on yet another tangent).
i think the announcement as a whole could’ve been more successful if it wasn’t hyped up ahead of time and/or if it was a more gradual shift to paid shows than a ripping of the bandaid. i also think essentially saying anyone can afford it for $5/month is a bit insensitive so now people are just grasping onto that instead of discussing the reasons for the change. but saying, “a majority of your audience is broke college students this isn’t the move!” isn’t gonna help or change their decision. i’m sorry but they don’t care. companies are not your friends.
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alphadatadubai · 2 years
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internet of thing internet of things companies internet of things solutions
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monolithiot · 2 years
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MonolithIoT DWS dimensioning weighing scanning equipments are on testing…
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