trans-axolotl · 7 months
oh also set up an appointment to get back on T!! very excited because i've been off T for about a year now and i would really really like to get back on it. hoping i won't get as fuckign insane about it this time but we will see
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quintessic · 5 months
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Fem Floral Intersex ! ( + Simplified )
- For anyone who is more fem that feels connected to or just enjoys flowers and anything floral !!!
have a wonderful day i will post neu and masc later! <3
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snoopykiss · 8 months
How can you have your period if your trans
Im gonna assume this is not in good nature and that ur being rude. My identity is and always has been impacted and defined by the fact i am intersex. I was a trans man for a long time and now I identify as not a man or woman and prefer strangers use they for me instead of try and guess if im a woman or man. I have always had periods and its not relevant nor applicable to the status of me being a transexual. Not just to me but to the general public who have called me such when trying to identify "what i am" in public and ive even literally been "diagnosed" as it and simply choose to reclaim it becuz i am far from cis. I think I know what ur rlly asking and its "can u tell me in detail what ur genitals look like and how they function" as if theres only two sets of them and ur dying to figure out which one to picture me with. And I rlly only have one answer.
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puppyparkmoving · 1 year
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My ovaries reminding me the price i pay for being intersexy and loving jake too much
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gurorori · 1 year
naw but srsly with how prevalent trans hcs r in da enstars fandom. yud expect thered b some intersex talk as well, but there none
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water-mellie-seeds · 2 years
Me when the pharmacy gives bee too much T: ahaha guess ill have to take it
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heartshapedgreen · 5 days
re: last rb, i have so much to say about the demonization of androgens & the way hyperandrogenism intersexies are kind of regurgitating that by taking their diagnosis and biased researches for granted. dyadist research will usually mention androgen excess and estrogen excess in isolation from the other hormone, nothing about progesterone or estrone, or the fact we all have these hormones working together in different ways, we all have a menstrual cycle (yes, even those who don't bleed - that's just one symptom of a period - and the "male cycle" which centers testosterone cycling every 24 hours is bs cause everyone's testosterone - usually - does that) AND your menstrual cycle is as unique to you as your fingerprint. that's why we all look so different.
like i grew up with high levels of androgens, had a precocious puberty & i'm now going thro puberty no. 2. i suspect high levels of estrogen (relative to my progesterone, everyone forgets her) with androgens prolly decreasing because My God The Pain™️ (& i have very high pain tolerance). i recently developed incontinence issues and really bad pelvic floor dysfunction with chronic pelvic pain. testosterone deficiency leads to chronic pain btw & testosterone is known to help with cfs and fibro. personally increasing my probiotics & fiber has helped immensely (you poop out excess estrogen, and i have ibs-c LOL).
having dealt with dysfunction with both the 'mones, i have to say i much prefer my baby days of growing body hair at 7y/o rather than severe pelvic pain where i can't move and have to do postnatal physiotherapy for it. & knowing i'm just going to get worse and worse with age. my fertile family members would pop out babies every year to stop the symptoms of hyperestrogenism btw. what financial insecurity and no medicalcare does to a bitch.
anyways. what they don't tell you is that androgens and estrogens are both pro inflammatory & anti inflammatory + they work in tandem, and estrogen dominance can be a Bitch. & the virilization that comes with, for ex, PCOS? that's from androgen secreted from the ovarian cysts (which can secrete estrogen too & that's also not good). the androgen excess is a consequence, not a cause. acne, hirsutism, menstruation irregularities are consequences of the inflammatory processes.
and those cysts? most likely caused from various dysfunctions in the body. i'm not a doc (thank god), but something something metabolic dysfunction something. the thing about androgen (and estrogen) being pro iflammation? it becomes a feedback loop of inflammation > high levels of androgen/estrogen secreted > More inflammation. working on the root cause, decreasing inflammation (whatever this means for you) is more likely to help than the way fatphobic and interphobic docs will tell you to lose weight or reduce your testosterone. you also need your testosterone. hirsutism is not the be all end all.
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intersexy-guy · 15 days
Uh yes, amab transmascs are real
For reference, this is post anon is referencing:
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My original post was saying if you're assigned a gender a birth and then raised as said gender and identify as said gender and also identify as transgender despite identifying with the gender you were assigned as and also raised as, then you cannot be mad if the reverse happens as well (Perisex people who were assigned as perisex and raised as perisex identifying as intersex) or else you'd be a hypocrite.
The argument I'm seeing being presented is:
If someone is assigned male at birth and raised as male and nothing else, and they identify as male, what would make them a transgender man as their sex and gender and upbringing all align.
Again, if you say that's fine, then that's all good and dandy, but then you also must accept that people who are assigned perisex, raised as perisex, and have a perisex upbringing can also identify as intersex then or else it would be hypocritical (As it's the exact same argument as the above one, except this time 'transgender' is replaced with 'intersex").
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wolver-mean · 11 months
" But you,
you're blind,
you bleat,
you bear your claws. "
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16+ this blog gets gorey !
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resources for palestine - navajo water project - donations 🍉
realities of colonisation - more donations - donations for congo
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trans-axolotl · 9 months
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ID: [A 20 inch quilt made out of yellow and purple fabric, with a larger center panel and an outer border made of squares. In the center panel, silhouettes of people sitting at a picnic are appliqued on, as well as the text "Has this ever happened before?". Image 2 is a zoomed in close up of one of the appliqued figures.]
final project for my feminist disability studies class that i made in 3 hours today! I illustrated a scene from the film Every Body that has archival footage from the first ever meeting of intersex society of north america, where there's these ten intersex people sitting on a picnic blanket, openly talking about surviving medical violence and trauma and grief. and there's this really powerful moment of reclamation where one of the activists says "10 hermaphrodites in one place-has this ever happened before?" so i made this quilt and wrote an essay talking about systemic ableism, intersex is/as/with disability, and how feminist politics of crip futurity provide a framework for us to think about intersex futures and celebrate intersex joy.
literally procrastinated on this project for so long and did the essay and quilt today, so glad i finished it before the deadline. thought i'd share with the intersexy mutuals <3
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some of us are both transexy and intersexy. sexy squared. that’s it that’s the post
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sevvys · 8 months
pookies a miner, zoom zoommmmm/j
i find the word miner so funny for no reason (im a miner too)
but i never met a intersex person before (didn't knew they actually exist) so reading your sntry was a surprise for me my honest opinion on your sntry: it felt like seeing the sun/j
you should totally add me cause im wayy too silly :33 /j
pookie IS a miner!!! nawt for long tho....... ( one month ) (( U DONT GET THE EXACT DATE ))
and yes i am indeed intersexy teehee
i wuld love to add u cuz u do seem berry berry sillay
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mostautisticsinner · 2 years
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(^^^ I look like these)
Hi I'm Lauren Lycan Mallard 😁 I am a jackalgirl, a fictive, an aroallo lesbian, a cripple, intersexy, and a Large Freak. It is my JOB to be Weird about Fictional characters And to be the person who Bites people Sometimes you'll see Other alters Post on here, It’s chill Dont worry Im not being hacked This is a sideblog, if we reblog a lot from you good chance we're following you.
Im Cognitively Disabled and I'll sometimes Word things strangely or Use third person to refer to myself
I Don't have a strict DNI I will just Block as I see fit but Just so we're clear I <3 Mspec Monos I <3 Lesboys + Girls who are gay guys I <3 Narcissists (and any demonized mental illness For that matter)
My Special Interests Are As Followes ... Welcome to Night Vale (I have Amnesia so I might Forget a lot of things Bare with me) The Garden(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Doors (ROBLOX game) Cannibalism, injuries, etcetera Mammals Project Moon, specifically Limbus Company as of right now Will Add More As I Think Of Them
TAGS: Mecore Art Talking tag Inbox tag
Ok Thts all I've got Remember to Always be Strange and Unsettling!!! Don't Be afraid to Talk if you want I Love to Receive asks. Feel free to Draw me also If you Feel So Inclined ...
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gurorori · 1 year
ppl still findin & rbin my intersexy piece T_T.. ❤️🤲🏼
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water-mellie-seeds · 2 months
They call me mr intersexy
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grinchfemmemoving · 1 year
New mf MEDICINE just dropped and i fucking grew an inch cuz im a scary intersexy bitch
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