reasonablyneurotic · 7 months
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Chat why did he not come home does he not love me
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chifourmi · 1 year
Moi : je hais le monde entier, comment les gens osent-ils m'éclabousser leur bonheur à la figure? Pourquoi je suis pas comme eux?
Moi quelques minutes plus tôt : la vie est trop belle, la nature est incroyable, les humains sont si intéressants, je veux trop rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, cette fille est si jolie, ...
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thechurn · 4 months
huh running on a treadmill is actually p fun. hamster moment
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schwestermord · 6 months
spent most of today in a discord call with friends to distract myself it was nice :)
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walker-diaries · 7 months
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justsomeoneunordinary · 10 months
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hopefulnightlady · 2 years
scouring the ghostbat hashtag like a scrapper in the wastelands, searching pitifully through the 3 newest posts, digging for Usable Material (usable for The Fixation). Times have been rough, and all that keeps me alive is the promise of better days.
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nicolae · 26 days
Intervale și rapoarte în analiza din știința datelor
Intervale Următoarea noastră scară de măsură este scara intervalului, care îndeplinește ceea ce lipsea cu variabilele ordinale. O variabilă de interval are diferențe semnificative și de încredere între valori, care pot fi calculate și analizate. Spre deosebire de cele două scale anterioare, variabilele de interval sunt întotdeauna numerice prin natură. Nu puteți scădea două cuvinte unul de la…
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fitnessmith · 2 months
Vous n'avez que 15 minutes pour vous entraîner ? Voici ce qu'il faut faire
Vous n'avez que 15 minutes pour vous entraîner ? Voici ce qu'il faut faire. C'est dans votre boite mail ou en bio @fitnessmith. #fitness #HIIT #intervaltraining #brûlerlesgraisses #perdredupoids #santé #fitnessmotivation #entraînermaison
Est-il possible de faire un programme sèche en 15 minutes ? La réponse est oui. Il existe des centaines de programmes d’entrainement, mais si vous n’avez que 15 minutes et que vous souhaitez brûler des graisses, je vous recommande celui-là. Si vous voulez perdre de la graisse, vous devez faire un programme qui brûle beaucoup de calories pendant l’exercice et qui continue d’en brûler après…
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floofballsammy · 4 months
Have I been obsessed with the stick figures lately? Yes, absolutely.
Will I stop any time soon? Probably not.
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rottingcompost · 1 year
Man it feels surreal that today is a Monday but that's literally just because I slept for the entirety of Saturday because of a migraine and I only got up yesterday because the migraine had stopped
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paskariu · 1 year
Going on a stupid walk for my stupid mental health and triggering my stupid headaches in the process.
Stay inside -> big sad Go outside -> headaches
there is no winning here.
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Intervalle - Voicelines
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Intro Lines This is a war, one shot, one kill. The Gods, they favour Me. The Gods, they watch over me. I have the favours of the Gods. I will show you a warrior. You Really should fear me. J'ai les dieux de ma côté. Bow down to a true warrior.
Kill Lines The healer outdoes all. You cannot beat me. I’m sorry you thought you could beat me. Les dieux veillent sur vous. Rest easy now, the Gods will watch over you. There is no honour in slaughter. Do not forget where you came from. I don’t know how to lose. But you do. They say I’m supposed to save a life. I forgot. This is what a warrior looks like. 
Ultimate Lines La bague est votre filet de sécurité. - Friendly The ring is your safety net. - Friendly Je possède la bague. - Hostile I own the ring. - Hostile
Passive Lines I have you. I’m watching over you. I will protect you. Je ne te laisserai pas mourir. The Gods now favour you.
Tactical Lines Nothing like a rifle. I do not like how this gun feels. Rifle, going out. Scopes out. I can see into the nest.
Death/Down Lines The Gods are disappointed in me. My Gods would be disappointed in me. I have failed. An eye of iron is no match for your strong heart. 
Jumpmaster Lines Oh, looks like we’re landin’ hot. It’s an honour to lead you. Alright, follow me. 
Acknowledgement Lines Sure. Got it. Fine. If you’re sure. Okay. Why? Ah screw it. 
Hostile Spotted Lines Over there. Somebody is on the ridge. Enemy! They are no match for me. Enemy! Let’s see if they can best us. Hostile.
Hero Select Lines The Gods smile down at me. And you, too. I promise to watch your back. Life or death, merely a window. L'esprit d'une guerrier.
Revival/Respawn Lines(Friendly) I won’t let you down again. I’m not one to play God, but welcome back. The fight goes on.
Revival/Respawn Lines(Self) Looks like I’m back. I won’t let you down. I refuse to die. Pas aujourd'hui.
Ring Closing Ring isn’t nearby, we must move. The Gods tell me the ring is far, let us go. Ring is right there, can we move? I may be long range, but I’d like to be in the ring. Move it.
Thank You Thanks. Thank you. Merci The Gods bless you.
Dibs I need that. Please. I want that. Dibs! May I?
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guitarguitarworld · 1 month
Fripp Style Intervallic Guitar Alternate Picking Exercises
Robert Fripp King Crimson Style Guitar Lesson Please watch video above for detailed info: Hi Guys, Today, a look at Fripp style “Intervallic” guitar alternate picking exercise/vamps. We will then add a double time bar from 8th notes to 16th notes. EXERCISE1 In the first exercise we will perform a repetitive loop or vamp. This will start on a “Downstroke” with strict alternate picking…
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recomvery · 1 year
Pressure to perform (academically, in relationships or job-wise) will ruin your whole life, especially if you are inheriting that from your parents. It most always leads to depression, burnout, anxiety and at some point probably a traumatic event where things have to change and you fail in some type of way. When tackeling a difficult task like school, slow and steady wins the game. Intervalls of work and relaxation, self care and a support system that comforts you. The more you are obsessed with success the more toxic things get and toxic is not a state that is doable long-term. If you are sensitive & vulnerable, don't put yourself in high pressure environments. ♥︎
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