#intravenous antibiotics
bereavedmum · 2 months
Diagnosis of PCP
Written in the Cancer Centre. Leah’s chest infection has been confirmed as PCP – a type of pneumonia that only occurs in people who are immunocompromised.  She’s on continuos oxygen and is on intravenous antibiotics and is back on steroids and is being regularly reviewed by her own Dr and by the ICU Dr in case she needs more intensive support. If her condition stabilises our Dr hopes to be…
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juuggg · 2 years
Hand had an infection 😶
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sffgtrhyjhmnzdt · 9 months
The Importance of Intravenous (IV) Antibiotics
Intravenous (IV) antibiotics in mckinney are a crucial component of modern medicine, playing a pivotal role in the treatment of severe bacterial infections. Administered directly into the bloodstream, IV antibiotics are used when oral antibiotics cannot provide the necessary therapeutic effect or when a patient's condition is critical and requires immediate intervention. In this brief article, we will delve into the significance of IV antibiotics, their administration, and some key considerations.
Why IV Antibiotics?
Rapid and Reliable Delivery: IV antibiotics offer the fastest and most reliable way to deliver medication throughout the body. By bypassing the digestive system, they enter the bloodstream directly, ensuring a rapid onset of action.
High Concentration: IV antibiotics can achieve higher concentrations in the bloodstream compared to oral antibiotics, making them effective against even the most stubborn and resistant bacterial infections.
Critical Cases: In cases of severe infections, such as sepsis, pneumonia, or meningitis, immediate action is essential. Urgent care iv antibiotics in mckinney are often the first line of Defense in such situations, as they can start working within minutes.
Administration of IV Antibiotics
Hospital Setting: IV antibiotics are typically administered in a hospital setting, where healthcare professionals can closely monitor the patient's condition and adjust the treatment as needed.
Intravenous Catheter: A sterile intravenous catheter is inserted into a vein, usually in the arm, hand, or sometimes, a larger central vein. This iv antibiotic therapy in frisco catheter serves as a conduit for the medication to enter the bloodstream.
Dilution and Infusion: The antibiotic is diluted with a compatible IV fluid, creating a solution suitable for infusion. The rate and duration of the infusion depend on the specific antibiotic and the patient's condition.
Monitoring: Throughout the treatment, healthcare providers closely monitor the patient for any adverse reactions or side effects. They may also conduct blood tests to ensure the antibiotic is at the appropriate therapeutic level.
Considerations for IV Antibiotics
The duration of intravenous antibiotic therapy in frisco varies depending on the infection's severity and the patient's response to treatment. Completing the prescribed course is crucial to prevent the resurgence of infection.
Potential Complications: While IV antibiotics are generally safe, they can sometimes cause side effects such as allergic reactions, kidney problems, or gastrointestinal issues. Healthcare providers carefully weigh the benefits against potential risks when prescribing IV antibiotics.
Intravenous antibiotics are a vital tool in the fight against serious bacterial infections. Their rapid and reliable delivery system, combined with high drug concentrations, makes them indispensable in critical medical scenarios. 
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rebeliz7 · 8 months
We have to stop meeting like this
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Natasha Romanoff x Doctor Reader 
Request: Can you do Natasha x non avenger/reader where reader is very possessive and protective over her wife “Listen pal. There are two things I need from you. Number 1 is get away from my wife and number 2 is stay the hell away from my wife.” Natasha finds her wife’s treats very amusing, considering she’s the black widow and can more than well take care of herself.
Word Count: 2255
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You’re about to leave the hospital, your shift having just ended, when your phone rings. 
You see Steve’s name on the screen, and your heart stops for a second before you slide a trembling finger across the screen to answer. 
“You need to come in.” He says after murmuring a soft greeting, and you immediately become terrified. 
“Steve, is she - ”
“She’s okay.” He hurries to explain, probably realizing his mistake. “She’s fine, she’s a little beaten up, but she’s fine.”
“She’s alive.” You assure yourself, before taking a deep breath, and gathering your things. “Give me fifteen minutes.”
The moment you get to the Compound you know that Steve was more than vague in his explanation, because you walk into the most chaotic state you’ve ever seen the Avengers in. 
Thor is speaking loudly, his voice booming and making the windows shake lightly while Tony rubs his temples, trying to soothe a certain headache. Sam is nursing a bleeding arm on the couch, and he looks pissed as he raises his voice at Tony too. 
Steve, on the other hand, seems to be trying to keep everyone in check while Wanda and Carol sit on the nearest couch looking exhausted. No one notices you at first.
“Good evening, Doctor.” Scratch that, Friday notices you, and suddenly everyone else does too. They all fall silent the moment they see you, and when no one opens their mouth you rush down the hallway to the med-bay, terrified all over again. 
“Wait up.” Someone calls behind you.
“What the hell happened out there?” You ask over your shoulder, and you realize that everyone is coming with you. 
“You know we can’t tell you what happened.” Steve says calmly, and you turn around abruptly causing him to  stumble trying to catch himself before running into you.
You notice that his brow is bleeding from a small cut, and his suit has a tear on its chest, and he looks exhausted. 
“I don’t want the details of the mission, Steve. I meant what happened to my wife.” You clarify, and he looks to his left as he swallows, and then nods. 
“Bullet wound.” He says, and you close your eyes as you take a deep breath. Then you turn around, and resume walking.
You know how secretive Natasha’s work is, and you understand the risks. She’s an Avenger, and protecting the world is her job. Injuries are, at this point, just a professional hazard for her. 
Still, she’s your wife, and over the years you’ve only become more protective of her instead of more accustomed to the inevitability of these kinds of calls. 
“She should have waited.” You hear Tony say, as you round a corner. 
“Yeah, and you were a load of help.” Sam says sarcastically, and you begin to pay closer attention to their conversation. 
“More help than you, that’s for sure. Getting yourself shot the second you showed up.” Tony snarks back, getting angrier by the second.
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“You put us all in danger by going for that computer, Stark.” Thor says, and the steel in his voice is terrifying to hear. “You are not a team player.”
“Newsflash, beach boy.” Tony starts, just as you reach the med-bay. “We need that computer if we want to put an end to this nightmare.”
“That’s enough.” Carol says, and even you straighten up at hearing her command. “Not now.”
The second you spot your wife you rush to her side, while simultaneously assessing the situation with a critical eye. Her waist is patched up, and you breathe a little easier when you realize that the bullet must have not hit anything vital. She’s being hydrated intravenously, and they’ve administered an antibiotic. Other than that, she just seems to be sleeping. 
You know she heals faster than a regular person, but you can’t help but feel as scared as you do every time that she comes home with a bruise, let alone a bullet wound. She’s not invincible, despite the world’s beliefs. 
You take a moment to look at her before you press your lips softly to her temple, and pull up the sheets to cover up to her chin. You pick up her chart next. 
The bullet went through and through just like you thought. They just had to patch her up, the wound was already healing when they brought her in. 
“She should have waited.” Tony says again, and you pick up on the fear lacing his tone. Natasha and Tony go way back, you know he’s her oldest friend among the Avengers, and he wouldn’t put her in danger deliberately.
So whatever’s happened, you rest easy at knowing that he had her back. He always does.  
“That’s enough, Stark.” Carol speaks again, her voice is steel  now, and it scares you slightly. “You can try to justify what happened out there all you want, but we all know the truth. We all heard what you said. We all know that it was you who gave Natasha the go-ahead. So stop. Nat is on this bed because of you. Own it.”
The silence that falls upon the room is deafening, and your confusion only increases the moment Natasha opens her eyes. 
“Jesus, Danvers! You’re being way too harsh.” Your wife rasps with humor in her tone. You know she’s okay, but that still doesn’t stop you from leaning down to kiss her lips the moment she’s done speaking. “Who called my wife?” She asks, her hand cupping your face as you comb her hair back with your fingers before kissing her again. 
“We gotta stop meeting like this.” You joke, and she scrunches up her nose. 
“You think you’re funny.” She says, her thumb caressing your cheek.
“Yeah, well. You married me.” You shrug, and she smiles up at you. 
However, your joy at having your wife in one piece is quickly snatched away when you can feel the rising tension among her team again. 
“We can talk about this later.” Steve says, as you sit down on the edge of the mattress, your wife’s hand in yours as you both turn your attention to her friends. 
“Of course.” Tony says, but you can hear the sarcasm in his voice, and so can everyone else. 
“Tony, come on. We’ll talk about it later.” Wanda insists, her hand on his forearm, but he’s quick to shake her hand off, and step closer to the bed, his eyes firmly locked on your wife. 
“You were an idiot!” He points a finger at Nat, and it’s your turn to frown. 
“Tony.” Sam, and Carol try to stop him but he continues to advance on your wife anyway. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” You wife asks as you slowly stand up. 
“That’s enough, Tony. Come on, man.” Steve intervenes, but Tony ignores him, his eyes still trained on your wife.
“Aren’t you supposed to be the master spy? The brains of this bunch, besides me?” He shouts, his anger sparking your own, and you find yourself pushing him back before he can take another step closer to Natasha. 
“Listen  here, pal.” You growl, as he stumbles back a couple of steps. “There are two things I need from you right now. One: Stop yelling at my wife, and Two: Stay the hell away from her. Got it?”
“Seriously?” He raises an eyebrow at you, and you step closer, daring him to try you. He may be Iron Man, and a dear friend, but you’re Natasha’s wife, and he’ll have to respect that. 
You glare until he takes a step back in response, still frowning. He looks at Nat over your shoulder, and you hear her snicker. 
“I’d listen to her, Tony.” She tells him, and you can hear the amusement in her voice. She’s not angry, or hurt, despite Tony’s frustrations. 
“Is anyone seeing this?” He asks, his index finger pointing at your chest, as he looks at everyone else in this room. 
“Come on, man.” Steve sighs again, and you catch Carol smirking, as Wanda rounds the bed to get closer to Natasha. 
When Tony looks at you again you can see the regret in his eyes as clear as day. You don’t know what happened out there, but you don’t blame him for your wife being on this bed. Natasha doesn’t take uncalculated risks, at least not since you two got married. Whatever decision she made during their mission was her own, you’re certain of that. 
“How about a shower, and a nap?” You tell him, your hand on his arm now, and he lets out a deep breath. He looks exhausted, and he’s a dear friend of yours too. You need him rested, and taken care of before he attempts to speak to Natasha again. “Come back later, we’ll be here all night.”
“Yeah.” He nods, and he leaves quickly, leaving you surrounded by equally exhausted superheros. 
“How do you do that?” Sam asks you, as Carol and Steve walk closer to the bed too. 
“Do what?” You ask him, feigning ignorance.
“You know what.” He says, and Carol is laughing when you turn around. 
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“What’s so funny?” You wife asks her as you sit on the mattress, and begin running your fingers through her hair again. You smile to yourself as the Avengers gather around your wife’s bed. 
“Nothing, really.” Carol shakes her head, and your wife frowns, fixes Carol with a glare that only makes the Captain laugh harder as she turns around, and makes for the door. 
“Don’t say it.” Sam shakes his head, also amused and you’re tempted to laugh at the look on their faces but you limit yourself to watching the interaction. 
“What?!” Your wife insists. 
“Well, your wife is a lot scarier than you these days.” Carol shrugs, one foot in the hallway already, and Sam hides his laughter behind a very fake coughing fit. 
“And that’s funny why?” Your wife asks, and Steve shakes his head, finally smiling. 
“You’re the Black Widow.” Carol deadpans, and your wife glares harder. 
“It is kinda true.” Wanda says, nodding her head, and your wife huffs in disbelief this time. 
“Children, the bunch of you.” You call them, as you stand up again to put an end to their teasing. Natasha really does need to rest, as do all of them. “Go, take showers please. And eat something.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” Steve says with humor in his voice, and you roll your eyes as you practically push him out of the room.
When they’re gone, you close the door before taking off your jacket, and heels.
“What are you doing?” Your wife asks with a smile, even while she scoots over on the mattress, already making room for you. 
You get in bed with her, your arms wrapping around her middle as she presses her lips to your temple, and hugs you tight. 
“You need a shower too.” You tell her after a little while, and she pinches your arm as she laughs.
“Rude.” She says, but you’re quick to kiss her lips. 
“Babe, I love you. But you’re all sweaty and gross right now.” 
“I was shot!” She reminds you, and you hum in response. 
“No need to remind me.” 
“I’m sorry.” She apologizes. “I got distracted for just one second.”
“What happened?” You ask her.
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“There was this really cute tabby-cat, and he was right in the middle of - ”
“Hold on.” You interrupt her, your hand in the air. “Please tell me that you didn’t get shot because of a cat, Natasha.”
The silence that you’re met with is answer enough, but she looks absolutely adorable as she grimaces, and pulls back a few inches from you. But that’s exactly who she is, isn’t it? She’s the kind of person that would get shot because she was trying to protect someone… or in this case a cat. 
“You really are scary.” She tells you, and you roll your eyes again. You know she likes cats but this is just ridiculous. 
“I swear!” You huff, and she hugs you closer, her lips pressing sweet kisses on your shoulder again. “Do they know why you got shot?”
“Wanda does.” She says with a smile. 
“That girl is always helping you when you’re reckless.”
“That’s why I love her.” Natasha smiles wider this time, and her wandering lips continue to press kisses along your neck, your jaw. 
“If you think you’re getting lucky while you’re lying on a bed after getting shot because you saved a cat, think again.” You tell her with a pointed look and she lets out a disappointed breath, a smile on her face as she presses one last kiss on the corner of your lips.
“You need to tell Tony that. He thinks you got shot because of him.” You tell her quietly.
“I know.” She sighs, and you can see how tired she feels. 
“Thanks for defending me.” She says after a few minutes of lying in silence. 
“Anytime.” You grin cheekily at her, and she presses one last kiss on your cheek before getting more comfortable. 
You both know that she doesn’t need you standing up for her. She could have handled Tony on her own, and she can take her teammates teasing. They all know how far to push after all. She is the Black Widow. 
But ‘Black Widow’, ‘ex-assassin’, ‘deadliest woman alive’ or not she’s still your wife, and the love of your life and you will always, always stand up for her. 
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mindblowingscience · 10 months
In the United Kingdom, a 48-year-old who was bit by a stray feline ended up contracting a species of bacterium that scientists have never seen before. His immune response to the foreign microorganism was a doozy. Just eight hours after receiving multiple bites, the man's hands had swollen to such a great extent that he took himself to the emergency department. His puncture wounds were cleaned and dressed and he was given a tetanus shot before being sent on his way with antibiotics. A day later, he was back at the hospital. His pinky and middle fingers on his left hand were painfully enlarged and both his forearms were red and swollen. Doctors had to surgically remove the damaged tissue around his wounds. He was also given three different antibiotics intravenously and was sent home with oral antibiotics. This time, thankfully, the treatment worked and he made a full recovery. Back at the hospital, however, doctors were busy trying to figure out what had happened. When they analyzed the microorganisms present in samples from his wounds, they found an unrecognizable Streptococcus-like organism.
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aealzx · 8 months
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“Uhm… Yes?...Why?” Don responded, taken a little off guard by the question. They were already borrowing the infirmary weren’t they? Donnie and Lil Mikey were going to stay the rest of the night at least. Leatherhead was already settling Donnie back into the bed he’d been in before, and Raphael was trying to lead Leon over to the other bed for Lil Mikey to sleep on.
But Leon was apparently distracted by something else, leaning away from Raphael halfway and slow to respond. “You have intravenous antibiotics, yeah?” he asked, a mix of feeling rushed and excited making his speech faster as he eventually obeyed Raphael's mildly frustrated coaxing and carefully rested Lil Mikey on the mattress. “And two metal plates, about this big, and screws?” Leon followed up, holding his hands up a short distance apart and then a certain thickness.
The questions immediately caused Don’s mind to start listing possible uses in the context he was given. Injuries that would warrant metal plates, screws and antibiotics filtering into his head as he narrowed his eyes just slightly. “Yes, of course. Why?” Don confirmed and repeated his own question with a little more emphasis, restraining himself from grabbing Leon to check him over. It couldn’t be any of them that were currently there that were injured. The only thing Don could think of was a severe fracture, and if that was the case he didn’t think Leon would be moving as easily as he was.
But luckily Leon answered the question of who without the need of further interrogation.
“My brother has an open compound fractured tibia and fibula. Let me go get him, I’ll be right back.” Leon’s answer came as a rush of syllables accentuated by one of the swirling blue discs opening up next to him. Don flinched back slightly at the revelation, and Raphael was more caught off guard by the portal. The kid hadn’t even moved for that to appear. It was a little disconcerting since they still weren’t quite sure what they did exactly. Before the others could fully register what was going on Leon had slipped through the portal, mask tails nearly being caught by the closing gateway.
Being left in silence, Raphael mentally repeated in his mind what Leon had said. He understood most of it, but he wasn’t familiar enough with the names of bones to know which ones the tibia and fibula were. Something in the leg? Or was it the arm? They sounded familiar enough for him to think they were in one of the more external limbs. Looking over to Don for clarification and possible direction, Raphael let out a smothered snort of amusement. Don’s hands had remained frozen in the air where he’d reached out on reflex, and his expression betrayed his disbelief in what he’d just been told. The revelation caused stress to build to the point it bubbled over in the form of a higher pitched whine slowly escaping his form while his fingers flexed.
“Easy there Doctor Don. We don’t want to scare the kid off now that he’s finally started to trust us,” Raphael cautioned with a mild chuckle, recognizing Don’s mental restraint barely keeping him from chasing Leon down. Speaking up only caused Don to redirect his stress at him though.
“Hhhhhhhhh Raph you can not tell me to take it easy after being told the last one of them has a bone sticking out of his leg! if they’re not back in four hours I’m tracking them and getting them myself, and I make no promises on the four hours,” Don rambled, grabbing Raphael’s shoulders and lightly shaking him in distress.
Raphael could only chuckle, reaching up to still Don’s hands and keep him from shaking his brains up too much as Leo and Master Splinter moved closer. “Then I guess you should keep yourself busy getting the supplies you’ll need?” he suggested. Anything to keep his brother occupied and not giving someone a headache.
“...Duh,” Don huffed, giving Rahael an incredulous squint before breaking away to scurry towards the cabinets. The least he could do was make sure they had everything where Leon and he could easily get to it.
“What’s going on?” Leo asked, having heard pieces of the conversation but not actively followed it. He had a relatively clear guess on what the problem was with Don, but he preferred getting clarification before causing issues out of ignorant guesses.
“Remember when your bone was sticking outta your arm?” Raphael asked, raising his own arm and pointing at it.
“...Yeah?” Leo confirmed, reflexively glancing at the scar running down the length of his arm in memory.
“The kid Leo says his brother has the same thing, and went to get him. Obviously that got Don all worked up,” Raphael explained, jerking a thumb at their brother pilling medical supplies on the rolling surgical tray near the table.
Leo’s brows raised in mild surprise before furrowing in concern. He had been quite distracted when his own arm had been broken, for obvious reasons. But he still remembered Don being just as frantic. Paranoid about bone infection, or being able to properly stabilize it without doing further damage, or preventing it from healing properly. Honestly Leo still thought Don had done an amazing job with it, as always, considering he didn’t notice it anymore. And yet the memories just added yet another thing to the list to explain why Leon had been so upset earlier. “..Did he say anything about needing transport?” Leo asked, tone a little more sullen than before. He was starting to regret the way he’d reacted towards Leon’s actions. They were the wrong actions to take, but Leo was starting to find it hard to hold anything against Leon now.
“Nah. I think he can teleport just fine. Like he was doing when he got here,” Raphael admitted with a shrug. “Don gave him four hours, but I bet he’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Then let’s make sure we’re ready for them,” Leo directed firmly, moving around Raphael to head towards Don to see if he could help with anything.
Raphael watched Leo go and could only huff in amusement as he folded his arms. “Took him long enough,” he mused, lowering his gaze down to Master Splinter as he stepped next to him.
“Leonardo has always had difficulty thinking clearly when the safety of his family is in question. A trait he has come to manage as he’s gotten older, but also one that I have never faulted him for,” Master Splinter mused with a smile, looking fondly after his boys. Then his gaze shifted, a knowing smile as he looked up to meet Raphael’s eyes. “It would seem this young, other dimension version of my son has the same trait. And you, my son, have gotten much better at recognizing the motivations behind others’ actions.”
Raphael had to snort in mild embarrassment at the compliment, shifting his weight and shrugging his shoulders uncomfortably. “Wasn’t hard. It was written all over his face. Don saw it too,” he brushed off despite forcing down the grin tugging his mouth.
Master Splinter could only chuckle softly, but was unable to add more to the conversation as yet another blue portal swirled into the room in practically the same spot as before. Raphael stepped back to fully face it, and had to chuckle in mild triumph. “See? Just a few minutes.”
 As time crept on at an agonizing pace in the still darkness, April was finding she hated that she’d agreed to wait until noon to look for Leon. It wasn’t only that she was worried about him, but she missed having him there for company in this empty place. Of course having Raph in her lap brought some comfort, for she wasn’t truly alone. But her back was bare other than a light blanket, and she trusted Leon’s medical expertise way more than her own. She wanted her brother’s weight on her back, and his encyclopedia brain ready to address their needs. But she also wanted all four of her brothers there too. Which was the only thing that kept her where she was, staring at the map on her phone as it showed Leon chasing around the city, trying to find their little brothers. Part of April wanted to help look, but she didn’t know how she could. Leon was definitely able to move around way faster than she ever could. And she knew the best help she could give was to stay there and look after Raph. He didn’t handle being alone in a foreign place well at all even when he was healthy. So she had to be there to keep him calm. But his current state wasn’t doing much in the way of keeping her calm.
Thirty minutes after Leon had left Raph had woken up again, asking almost immediately where Leon had gone. Noting how disoriented Raph seemed to be, April had made up the excuse that Leon had gone to the bathroom. Partly because she didn’t want Raph to try and get up, but also because she didn’t want to add any more stress to her biggest little brother even if he behaved and remained laying down. She just knew he would start imagining all the wrong scenarios in his overprotective mind. Probably start talking aloud that everything was fine to reassure himself. Get fidgety, want to check outside, and otherwise just not relax and rest like he needed to. He needed all the rest and care he could get.
When they had settled down in this room Raph had looked relatively okay despite the pain from his broken bones. Just a clenched jaw and furrowed brow behind his bright red mask. But now those rich green cheeks were flushed red, and his forehead was damp from sweat instead of the rain. April knew the signs of fever in all of her brothers, and even without a thermometer she could tell Raph’s temperature was creeping up. Leon had anticipated it, and had already given him a fever reducer that he’d had stolen while gathering supplies. But they weren’t exactly in the best circumstances. The tarp on the floor wasn’t that comfortable. The blankets weren’t that thick. And their sanitized bubble of space wasn’t impenetrable. They needed antibiotics, and a proper bed at the very least. As soon as Raph had shivered once April had wiggled out from under him to crank up their space heater. Then her own blanket was tossed over him before she slipped his bandana off so his face didn’t overheat.
Two hours after Leon had left April couldn’t bring herself to make up another excuse when Raph opened his eyes again amidst her absently rubbing his head. His right eye was always slightly unfocused after the damage it’d sustained from the Krang, but now even his left eye was finding it difficult to register where April was in the dark. Yet despite that it didn’t take much effort at all for him to notice Leon still wasn’t there.
“... Wh’rs Leo now?” Raph asked, slightly mumbled from exhaustion and fever haze. He sounded a little grumpy, but April knew it was just his worry creeping up into his sleepy mumbles.
“...He went to get Donnie and Mikey,” April relented this time, not willing to lie to Raph a third time and shifting her phone so that he could see the screen as well. Leon’s icon had come to a stop with the other two, and April kept telling herself it was because he’d finally located them, and was just taking care of them or something. Checking their physical and mental wellbeing. Catching them up on what had happened. Making sure no one saw them. The usual. His vitals had had a spike in heart rate at one point, but it was calm now. As were Donnie’s and Lil Mikey’s. So they had to be fine. Right?
“...What?” Raph almost wheezed, shifting to sit up and grinding his teeth when even twitching his leg sent stabbing waves of pain up it. 
“Easy there, big guy,” April protested, placing a hand gently on Raph’s chest, pressing lightly to direct him to lay back down.
After halting his movements and giving a slight hiss, Raph looked back to April with a slight squint. “Why didn’t he wake Raph? I should be helping him get the others-”
“You know you’re not in any condition to be moving around,” April interrupted quietly, but firmly. “Don’t make me lecture you. We agreed after the Krang that no one would be doing anymore self sacrifice bull crap, remember? That includes forcing yourself to do what you physically or mentally shouldn’t when there isn’t immediate danger.” Her scolding felt shallow, but the conviction was still there under the sleep worn exterior. No more hiding injuries. No more getting seriously hurt to save others. They were to include themselves when it came to protecting who needed it most.
At first Raph wanted to be belligerent towards April. It was his job to look after his brothers. He was the oldest. It had always been that way. Especially if they were in an unfamiliar place like they were now. If he’d heard Leon correctly, they were apparently in an alternate dimension. And while Raph was probably the least scientifically inclined of them, he’d seen enough sci-fi stories to know what that meant. This was probably the most unfamiliar place they could get. He wanted to be there for his brothers. Not only to rescue Donnie and Lil Mikey, but also to be there to support Leon. But hearing April remind him of their agreement deflated his stubbornness almost instantaneously. He knew he could move on his own if he had to. His ninpo apparition would make it easier to not use his leg. But he didn’t need to move right then. As far as they knew, he was the most injured. So it was his job to behave and not worry the others. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t also just want to curl up and cry whenever he did move his leg. It was worse than when his shell had been broken.
Seeing Raph almost deflate into obedience, April let out a breath in a tired sigh and returned to rubbing his head. “There you go,” she complimented, grateful for his choice. “He said to wait until noon, and if he wasn’t back here by then to come looking for him,” she added, just so Raph knew they had a plan other than sit and wait endlessly. 
She sounded so tired. And that, combined with everything else caused Raph to let out a small whimper as he shifted to wrap his arms around back around April. “...Okay… Raph will wait,” he agreed quietly, silently wondering what he could do for April in turn. He couldn’t imagine she was comfortable waiting in the dark on her own. So this time Raph stubbornly didn’t let himself fall back to sleep, staying curled around April as they gave each other comfort in the dark. It was hard to pass the time in silence, and unfortunately Raph’s brain felt a little more fuzzy than usual. He didn’t think talking about the others would help either, he knew it wouldn’t help him stay calm. So he ended up pulling himself to other, way less important thoughts. “....Do you think they have Jupiter Jim in this dimension?” 
April couldn’t help snorting at the seemingly random question. But she found the topic was actually incredibly calming. “If they don’t I’m gonna be extremely disappointed,” shifting her attention to her phone with the thought to search for it on the internet. Seeing the tracking screen again though, she paused before looking back to Raph. “Do you have your phone? I’m not sure how to get back into this screen if I exit,” she admitted with a slight grimace.
“Yeah, I still have it,” Raph nodded, moving his hand from his hug just long enough to get his phone from his shell and pass it to April after unlocking it.
Quietly tapping the franchise name into a search engine, April ended up scoffing. “Whaaat? Nothing came up? Okay this dimension officially sucks now. What about your dad, are there any of his movies?” she huffed, immediately switching to the next curiosity.
Raph had to snort at her choice of search, and furrowed his brow. “... I dunno. We’re kind of an oddity…” he mused. He and his brothers were decidedly created by someone, not just a common species. He wasn’t sure how that would factor into consistencies between dimensions if something like Jupiter Jim wasn’t there.
“Euh, you’re right. Nothing came up for his movies either. Laaaaame,” April groaned, rolling her eyes.
Raph could feel the tension slipping out of her frame as she excitedly began looking up other things that were familiar to them. The Nexus Hotel wasn’t there, but surprisingly there was still a pizza chain called Lou Mike Tony’s Pizzeria. The two ended up excitedly making a note to try and get some once everything calmed down so they could compare. It made the next hour much more bearable, and they ended up slightly startled when a familiar blue portal whisked into view near them, momentarily illuminating the room as Leon slipped through before it closed.
“April!- Raph!” Leon blurted when he saw them, including Raph when he saw his big brother was awake this time and had jerked his head to look at him.
“Leo!- GAhhkk” Raph called, his attempt to sit up and greet his brother interrupted by another fierce pain firing up his leg.
“Woah there. Take it easy,” Leon cautioned, rushing over to crouch next to Raph and offer support. Even in the dark it only took him seconds to notice Raph’s flushed cheeks, and a brief expression of worry flashed over Leon’s features as he reached up a hand to Raph’s forehead. “Sss… okay, bit higher than expected…,” Leon hissed more to himself, eyes flicking down to Donnie’s wrist computer on his own arm and swiping the screen over to the vitals. 38.7 degrees celsius for Raph. Not horrible, but not good either. Leon knew they wouldn’t be able to avoid a fever, but he’d been hoping he’d have more time than this. At least he had a good place to take Raph and April too now though.
“Did you find Donnie and Mikey?!” April rushed while Leon checked the wrist screen, wedging next to Raph’s side to act as a prop to hold him if needed and handing his phone back to him. She could see Leon checking all of their vitals, so she knew she didn’t have to tell him about changes in Raph’s condition.
“Yeah!” Leon chirped, a bright smile returning to his features as he looked up to them. “They’re okay- Well, they’re a little banged up, but they’re already taken care of and sleeping. These really great guys from this dimension that are probably pretty much us already found them and took care of them,” he rambled, unable to sit still in his eagerness to get back. “They’re also gonna let me borrow their hella cool infirmary to fix up Raph! April you should see it! It’s like a whole hospital crammed into one room! They even have an MRI machine! At least I think that’s what it was….”
April listened to Leon in mild disbelief, what she was hearing conflicting with what she and Raph had thought more than half an hour ago. “Hold up-,” she paused, raising her hand, palm open. “They have the best ninja turtles ever in this dimension too, but no Lou Jitsu?”
“They don’t have Lou Jitsu here?” Leon repeated, looking borderline offended. “Wow, that sucks. Though I guess it makes sense. Their dad is kinda…. Weird. So quiet and…regal? I dunno. I feel like he’s one of those old dudes that just sits and drinks tea all day,” he mused, scrunching his nose slightly. He didn’t think he’d like not being able to roughhouse with and tease his dad. But that was a topic for later, and he pushed it aside in his mind as he addressed Raph again, leaving April to try and configure an image in her mind of this other version of their dad.
“We’re going to have to move you again Raph. Think you can handle it? I’ll try to make the distance as short as possible,” Leon informed apologetically, shifting around to crouch and wiggle underneath Raph’s arm on the opposite side of April.
“Are we going where Dee and Mikey are?” Raph asked, unable to resist giving Leon a little squeeze hug once he was squished under his arm.
“Yup! They’ll be in the same room. But we’re going to fix your leg before letting you join them, okay?” Leon confirmed after giving a small wheeze squeak and laugh at being squished.
Seeing Leon in such a good mood compared to the last time he saw him, Raph realized wherever they were going it was apparently safe enough for Leon to want to be there. And that was enough to reassure Raph that all of them would probably be alright. “Okay, let’s get going then,” Raph nodded, realizing they needed to get moving before the relief Leon brought washed away all resistance he had to the desire to lay back down. Shifting to help Leon and April lift him to his feet, Raph bit back almost all of his whimpers as the trio heaved the group up as carefully as they could. “Easy. Gently. Sorry,” Leon chattered uneasily, pushing back the heartache bubbling up in his chest. “Don’t put any weight on your leg at all okay?” Leon ordered just in case Raph forgot or wasn’t thinking about it, and adjusted his own position to try and take all of Raph’s weight off his broken leg. He wished he had a better way to move them, but portal dropping him onto the surgery table was risky as well as too jarring. So he just had to keep his heart in his chest, forcing himself to be steady as every noise from Raph made him want to stop moving completely, and gradually help them make their way through the new portal he opened.
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Iiiiii struggled so freaking hard with this one ;v; Not only because I just couldn't get words to work to give this part the attention I wanted (it's barely acceptable now), but I've been working on a massive collab image, and then also got super distracted by a game's story |DDD oops.
you for your patience <3 Hope you enjoy the Raph snuggles =7=
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brostateexam · 1 year
Ella Balasa was 26 when she realized the routine medical treatments that sustained her were no longer working. The slender lab assistant had lived since childhood with the side effects of cystic fibrosis, an inherited disease that turns mucus in the lungs and other organs into a thick, sticky goo that gives pathogens a place to grow. To keep infections under control, she followed a regimen of swallowing and inhaling antibiotics—but by the beginning of 2019, an antibiotic-resistant bacterium lodged in her lungs was making her sicker than she had ever been. 
Balasa’s lung function was down to 18 percent. She was feverish and too feeble to lift her arms over her head. Even weeks of intravenous colistin, a brutal last-resort antibiotic, made no dent. With nothing to lose, she asked a lab at Yale University whether she could volunteer to receive the organisms they were researching: viruses that attack bacteria, known as bacteriophages.
That January, Balasa trundled to New Haven from her home in Virginia, burdened with both an oxygen concentrator and doubts over whether the treatment might work. Every day for a week, she breathed in a mist of viruses that biologist Benjamin Chan, scientific director at Yale’s Center for Phage Biology and Therapy, had isolated for their ability to attack Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the multi-drug-resistant bug clogging Balasa’s lungs.
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antonarcana · 1 month
Currently living that Intravenous Antibiotics At The Emergency Room lifestyle - Comms are gonna get delayed a bit, so sorry!
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huomenhaamu · 6 months
Medical cw
Seriously bad couple of days, personal, improved
A couple of days' really bad time is moving towards better
Kidney infection wrought havoc and caused sepsis and incredible stomach pain
First went to the ER on Tuesday where I evaluated my pain at 9/10, which is, you know, slightly below incoherently screaming and passing out
Early Wednesday morning they said that specific hospital isn't doing much care during independence day, and I was slightly improved with the pain and nausea meds, and told to come back if worse
So I went to mom's place for independence day to moan and throw up for 24 or so hours because nothing fucking stayed in, but pain stayed below 5 with or without strong pain meds
Thursday normal weekday, go back to that hospital, situation worsened nonstop, blood pressure sank, inflammation values through the roof, ultrasound shows nothing much and their CT scan was broken, wee-oo eee-oo ambulance trip to main hospital
ER and ICU care on Friday
Do you know how hard it is to move when attached to two drips, a catheter, intravenous blood pressure check, ten EKG lines, and the damn pulse and oxygen monitor that keeps falling off your finger
Last meal or even a bit of food? Tuesday. Last bowel movement? Tuesday. Pain started? Tuesday. Washed? Tuesday. Teeth brushed? Tuesday.
So many things went beep and boop when I shifted around on the bed and something snagged and the machines thought I fucking died
At least ER and ICU are places where there's constantly a nurse or two keeping an eye on vitals, so every time something went beep or I said anything, someone wad already there
Now on Saturday I'm now almost fine, upright, showered, kind of fed, and not hooked up to ten different cords, just occasional antibiotic
Not a fan of smelling my rank hospital clothes when they reminded me of how dad smelled before passing
If I can prove I can eat something sensible instead of just yoghurt, and my test values seem ok, I might get to go home tomorrow
Note to self: if nauseous, a chewable pill is NOT a better option
Can't remember the rates but I doubt this will go over 200 euros
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After her water broke, Amanda’s doctors sent her home and told her to watch for signs of infection, and that only when she was “considered sick enough that my life was at risk” would they terminate the pregnancy, Amanda said. “My doctor said it could take hours, it could take days, it could take weeks,” she remembers. Once they heard “hours,” they decided there was no time to travel to another state for an abortion. “The nearest ‘sanctuary’ state is at least an eight-hour drive,” Amanda wrote in an online essay on The Meteor. “Developing sepsis – which can kill quickly – in a car in the middle of the West Texas desert, or 30,000 feet above the ground, is a death sentence.” So they waited it out in Texas. On August 26, three days after her water broke, Amanda found herself shivering in the Texas heat. “We were having a heat wave, I think it was 105 degrees that day, and I was freezing cold, and I was shaking, my teeth were chattering. I was trying to tell Josh that I didn’t feel good, and my teeth were chattering so hard that I could not even get the sentence out,” she said. Josh was shocked by his wife’s condition. “To see in a matter of maybe five minutes, for her to go from a normal temperature to the condition she was in was really, really scary,” he said. “Very quickly, she went downhill very, very fast. She was in a state I’ve never seen her in.” Josh rushed his wife to the hospital. Her temperature was 102 degrees. She was too weak to walk on her own. Her temperature went up to 103 degrees. Finally, Amanda was sick enough that the doctors felt legally safe to terminate the pregnancy, she said. But Amanda was so sick that antibiotics wouldn’t stop the bacterial infection raging through her body. A blood transfusion didn’t cure her, either. About 12 hours after her pregnancy was terminated, doctors and nurses flooded her room. “There’s a lot of commotion, and I said, ‘what’s going on?’ and they said, ‘we’re moving you to the ICU,’ and I said, ‘why?’ and they said, ‘you’re developing symptoms of sepsis,’ ” she said. Sepsis, the body’s extreme response to an infection, is a life-threatening medical emergency. Amanda’s blood pressure plummeted. Her platelets dropped. She doesn’t remember much from that time. But Josh does. “It was really scary to see Amanda crash,” he said. “I was really scared I was going to lose her.” Family members flew in from across the country because they feared it would be the last time they would see Amanda. Doctors inserted an intravenous line near her heart to deliver antibiotics and medication to stabilize her blood pressure. Finally, Amanda turned the corner and survived. But her medical ordeal isn’t over. Amanda’s uterus suffered scarring from the infection, and she may not be able to have more children. She had a surgery recently to fix the scarring, but it’s unclear whether it will be successful. That leaves the Zurawskis scared – and furious that they might never have a family because of a Texas law. “[This] didn’t have to happen,” Amanda said. “That’s what’s so infuriating about all of this, is that we didn’t have to – we shouldn’t have had to – go through all of this trauma.” The Zurawskis say the politicians who voted for the anti-abortion law call themselves “pro-life” – but they don’t see it that way. “Amanda almost died. That’s not pro-life. Amanda will have challenges in the future having more kids. That’s not pro-life,” Josh said. “Nothing about [this] feels pro-life,” his wife added.
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sffgtrhyjhmnzdt · 1 year
The Importance and Challenges of Intravenous Antibiotics Administration
Intravenous (IV) antibiotics play a critical role in the treatment of severe bacterial infections. The administration of antibiotics via the intravenous route allows for rapid and efficient delivery of the medication urgent care iv antibiotics in mckinney directly into the bloodstream, ensuring high systemic levels and optimal therapeutic outcomes. This Intravenous antibiotic therapy in mckinney, the challenges associated with their administration, and potential strategies to enhance their efficacy and safety.
Importance of IV Antibiotics:
Rapid and targeted delivery: IV antibiotics enable the rapid delivery of high concentrations of medication directly to the site of infection, ensuring effective bactericidal activity.
Treatment of severe infections: IV antibiotics are crucial in managing life-threatening infections such as sepsis, pneumonia, meningitis, and complicated urinary tract infections.
High bioavailability: IV administration bypasses the gastrointestinal tract, ensuring optimal drug absorption and bioavailability, particularly in patients with compromised gastrointestinal function.
Patient population: IV antibiotics are commonly used in hospitalized patients, surgical prophylaxis, and those with compromised immune systems, where oral antibiotics may be ineffective or impractical.
Challenges in IV Antibiotics Administration:
Catheter-related complications: IV antibiotics require the insertion and maintenance of intravenous catheters, which can lead to complications such as bloodstream infections, phlebitis, and thrombosis.
b. Antimicrobial resistance: The widespread use of antibiotics, including IV formulations, contributes to the development of antimicrobial resistance, posing a significant challenge in the treatment of infections.
Drug interactions and side effects: IV antibiotics, like any medication, can interact with other drugs and may have adverse effects such as allergic reactions, nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, or disruption of normal gut flora.
Cost and resource implications: IV antibiotics often require hospitalization or frequent outpatient visits, leading to increased healthcare costs and resource utilization.
Strategies to Enhance Efficacy and Safety:
Proper selection and dosing: Choosing the appropriate IV antibiotics in frisco based on the suspected or confirmed pathogen, susceptibility patterns, and pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic principles is essential. Dose adjustments are crucial, particularly in patients with renal or hepatic impairment.
Antimicrobial stewardship programs: Implementing strategies to optimize antibiotic use, including dose optimization, duration, and de-escalation, can help minimize resistance and adverse effects.
Catheter care and infection prevention: Stringent protocols for insertion, maintenance, and removal of intravenous catheters can reduce the risk of catheter-related infections. Adhering to infection prevention practices such as hand hygiene and aseptic techniques is vital.
Monitoring and surveillance: Regular monitoring of therapeutic drug levels, renal and hepatic function, and clinical response is necessary to ensure efficacy and minimize toxicity.
Intravenous antibiotics therapy in frisco plays a critical role in the management of severe bacterial infections. While their administration presents challenges, strategies such as proper selection and dosing, antimicrobial stewardship, infection prevention, and careful monitoring can enhance their efficacy and safety. Continued research and collaborative efforts are necessary to address emerging issues, such as antimicrobial resistance, and improve the overall management of infectious diseases through IV antibiotics.
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
I hate to be the one to do this (blatant lie) but what do you think about Jesse’s physical health in El Camino and what sort of treatment do you believe he may need to recover physically? I think about how likely it is that he is experiencing chronic pain and illness, repercussions of what he’s been through, for the rest of his life and it hits me right in the heart.
(all the furniture flies into the walls) LIKE. ok i acknowledge that my fixation on this part of the narrative is motivated by me being in med school and having been obsessed with pathology and treatment since forever, but its also like this little part of me who wants to fill in every detail and realistically approach EVERY aspect of the story, even the ones that aren't necessarily important to the narrative. like it was way more important to show how jesse gets the money together to escape than what kind of electrolyte solution he needs DFGHDFGH
but yeah :( its hard because i know there's not really a place in the story for this physical recovery to take place, but he would absolutely need intravenous intervention for dehydration and severe malnutrition, especially in the context of electrolyte loss (i am making the horrifically realistic assumption here that he was subsisting on scraps at the compound). he specifically needs sodium and potassium, so he would need ringer's lactate IV fluid or 0.9% saline for initial hydration and so he could actually absorb the nutrients of anything he eats. then we have the matter of all those scars we see at the beginning of el camino and although most of the ones we see are keloided, there could definitely still be open or half-healed wounds and the ones that are "closed" are more likely than not infected due to him Living In A Hole and not having sufficient nutrition or time to rest given jesse was probably still cooking for them up until the very end. even if he wasn't in sepsis from untreated infection, he would at least probably need to go on antibiotics and have his wounds irrigated, disinfected, and properly closed/sutured. if u look at the physical state jesse would realistically be in at the very beginning of el camino, it's insane that he was able to drive away (adrenaline probably) and survive the night at skinny's.
as for the fucking. longer-term :( we know that jesse was physically tortured, not just at the compound but throughout the entirety of the show. based on what we see in the finale and el camino, he didn't have adequate safety gear at all when he was cooking for jack's gang, not even fucking gloves. again (digging my fingernails into tabletop) he was living in a Fucking Pit with exposure to the elements, disturbed sleep, and limited self-maintenance, which is a recipe for general illness and infection. we know that he at least survives long enough to make it to alaska, but it's going to basically be impossible for him to live there for longer than a couple of weeks without medical care. he's probably breathed in a LOT of hazardous vapors that might trigger adult asthma. his immune system is going to be absolutely destroyed. the neurological ramifications of the (many) head injuries he sustained are going to require some kind of intervention and might lead to problems with coordination and walking and memory, as well as migraines. even if his wounds heal correctly and any broken bones/muscle strains are resolved, he's going to experience chronic pain from the injury to his nerves, especially in his back and limbs from the mechanical and nerve stress of cooking while in shackles. he'll probably have more cardiovascular problems earlier in life too.
LIKE. this is so fucking long already oh my god, but its not even like a. idk, its not a torture porn thing for me, its just where my mind goes and how i think about this stuff. jesse is such an important character to me and i know its like a meme that he suffered more than christ and it would be ridiculous and cruel to want to see him suffer any more, but the idea of him actually receiving adequate medical care and having the physical ramifications of everything he's been through properly treated is just as important to me as like him getting the therapy and psychological help he would also desperately need after surviving this. its important to me.
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mindblowingscience · 2 years
Scientists have been able to direct a swarm of microscopic swimming robots to clear out pneumonia microbes in the lungs of mice, raising hopes that a similar treatment could be developed to treat deadly bacterial pneumonia in humans.
The microbots are made from algae cells and covered with a layer of antibiotic nanoparticles. The algae provide movement through the lungs, which is key to the treatment being targeted and effective.
In experiments, the infections in the mice treated with the algae bots all cleared up, whereas the mice that weren't treated all died within three days.
The technology is still at a proof-of-concept stage, but the early signs are very promising.
Continue Reading.
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alivingmel · 11 months
GOT MY LAST CHEMO INFUSION ON WEDNESDAY BABEEE, feelin' like garbage but finally can recover without another scheduled dose of suffering on the horizon.
-There are over a hundred chemo drugs used to fight cancer! Alkylating agents, antimetabolites, anti-tumor antibiotics, topoisomerase inhibitors, the list goes on. . . Some are administered intravenously, some are taken orally, some are injected with a needle, and some even come in wafer form (surgically placed near a tumor)!
-My treatment regimen involved five different chemo drugs. . . 12 weeks of paclitaxel and carboplatin (every week), 8 weeks of doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide (every other week), and Keytruda (every 4 weeks, I think? lost track lmao) throughout.
-DOXORUBICIN (also known as Adriamycin) is one of the most infamous chemo drugs. Its nasty list of side effects and bright red color has earned it the nickname "The Red Devil". You have to get an echocardiogram before recieving doxorubicin because it can cause serious heart problems. For this reason, there's a maximum cumulative dose. You also piss bright red after it's administered!!!
-PACLITAXEL (also known as Taxol) comes from an interesting source. . . The bark of the Pacific yew tree! Makes you wonder how many cures for diseases are hiding in plain sight. . . Or being covered up by the pharmaceutical industry because they aren't profitable enough. :')
-My understanding of chemo from TV and movies made me believe it made you puke nonstop. . . But, because doctors anticipate the nausea, they have plenty of preventative treatments so it's not nearly as common a side effect as it once was. I didn't throw up once! But I did get nasty heartburn and plenty of bowel issues to make up for it, yikes. (I once was someone that got anxiety about bringing up embarrassing problems to my doctors, this experience has bled me dry of shame. . .)
-You don't always have to lose all your hair either! For those recieving meds that cause hair loss, cooling caps are an option. They're expensive, but some hospitals (including mine, thankfully) have programs for those that can't afford them. (Partly because nurses weren't too keen on helping only the richest patients keep their hair.) Cooling caps work by chilling your scalp, reducing the amount of blood flow (and thus chemo drugs) that reaches your hair follicles. IT FEELS LIKE THE WORST BRAIN FREEZE EVER BECAUSE IT ENCASES YOUR SKULL IN ICE AND IT ADDS LIKE 3 HOURS ONTO YOUR INFUSION VISIT, but hey! I kept like 50% of my hair, and I would have kept more if it wasn't for the goddamn doxorubicin (which is notoriously tough on hair). MY IDENTITY IS VERY HAIR-BASED so it made me feel better.
-Of course, you don't just lose hair on your head, though! First went the pubes, then the armpits, eyebrows, and now my eyelashes are on their way out. . . Arm and leg hairs seem the most resilient (in my case, anyway).
-THE BEST (aka worst) side effect of chemo for me, personally, has been the chemically induced menopause. Chemo causes you to temporarily lose your period, which sounded like a huge bonus! Until the hot flashes and the night sweats started. Not fun to deal with during the summer!!! I hope this is extra intense because of it being more abrupt than naturally occuring menopause, otherwise I DREAD getting this shit for real in the future, yowza.
-Because chemo drugs are tough on your veins (and can cause serious tissue damage if an IV isn't placed correctly), patients often get a port-a-cath placed in their chest to make the constant blood draws and infusions easier. I got one and I CANNOT WAIT TO GET IT OUT. It's internal, but you can feel the plastic disc "target" where they stick the IV cuz it's right under the skin and it gives me the heebie jeebies UGHHH. . . Also one of my cats almost stuck his filthy nail in it and that would've been DISASTER. . .
-The 20-34 age group only makes up 2.7% of all cancer cases. . . Which I definitely noticed in the waiting rooms! I felt out of place and didn't end up talking to many other patients, but the nurses were all very kind to me.
-It might go without saying, but where you go for treatment matters big time!!! The local hospital I got diagnosed at dragged their ass on scheduling me for a mammogram (putting me at risk for metastasis). . . And the chemo regimen they presented to me afterwards was either outdated or not specifically geared toward Triple Negative breast cancer cuz it was pretty different than the regimen I ended up on (which is supported by the most current research). . . I'm lucky enough to be close enough to Boston that I could travel up there for treatment! If you have a life-threatening condition, it's worth making the trip to the nearest city with a good hospital, believe me. (Getting stuck in traffic after treatment sucks HARD though, god.)
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macgyvermedical · 1 year
Okay so, if you've watched Knives Out, the scene where Marta's giving Harlan his medicine, she's not giving him the shots directly but putting them through a tube thing around his arm. What is that? How does it work? Can/ should I give my recovering from big injuries blorbo one of those?
I have seen Knives Out!
In fact, I did a whole post about it you can read here.
The thing in Harlan's arm was called a PICC, or Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter.
See, unlike in TV and most movies, when someone needs a medication given in a vein (called an intravenous medication), we don't just stick a needle into a vein- it has to go through some type of IV catheter.
An IV catheter (AKA a "peripheral venous catheter") is a thin plastic tube that goes through the skin and into a vein. The part sticking out of the skin can attach to a syringe to "push" medication into a vein, or be hooked up to a set of tubing and a bag of fluids or medication that has to go into the person over time.
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The kind of these you'd get in a typical hospital setting only last about 7 days max, though. So if you need an IV for longer periods (like, say, you need IV antibiotics or chemotherapy infusions over weeks or months), or you need medications that are really irritating to a vein (like total parenteral nutrition or a medication to raise blood pressure), or you have such bad veins that no one can put an IV in you and you're critically ill, you need what is called a central line instead.
There are several types of central lines. The kind Harlan has is a PICC- meaning a central line that is inserted into a peripheral part of the body (usually the upper arm) and goes into a really deep vein. The catheter (thin plastic tube) is much longer than a typical IV catheter, and actually goes all the way to the heart. It is then secured to the skin by stitches and a plastic film that is changed every 5 days or so.
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If your blorbo is in an ICU and can't keep his blood pressure up, or needs IV antibiotics to go home on, he might get a PICC or other central line. They do everything a regular IV does, plus they can take more irritating medications that would ruin peripheral IV catheters.
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arthropooda · 5 months
My breathing is getting worse again. This will be the fifth antibiotic resistance I've had. It's by far worse than any bronchitis I've ever heard of. They said I don't have pneumonia anymore but almost all my symptoms are the same severity, and it's in both lungs now.
I can't sleep because I can't stop coughing and internally it sounds like a Geiger counter. I'm just really scared. I'm on 10+ prescriptions. I'm sure all of this is related to having covid in September because I have never before been a fraction of this ill ever in my life. I wear a mask virtually everywhere but finally caught covid doing odd jobs and errands for a wealthy person who did not wear a mask. I've felt weaker ever since that happened but really could not afford to slow down or take a break to get better. I couldn't even rest enough while actually having covid because I was living with a denier and my spouse would not let me come to our house during that time. I did at least get to take paxlovid but was pretty much forced to be active during that time and immediately go back to work after.
Then, a month later, I got extremely ill from a cold my coworker had. I went to urgent care for high fever but because I went during one of the only breaks in the actual fever, I was given nothing for it and it kept coming back until I had pneumonia.
Then, I went to a university hospital where I feel more mistakes were made, like giving me something too weak for too short a time, giving me antibiotics through a bad iv, and not releasing me with any oral antibiotic. They also would not let me have my blood pressure medication so I had extremely high blood pressure the whole time I was there (also a problem I did not have before covid).
Now I have two inhalers and a home nebulizer. Sometimes I feel like I just pass out from not having enough oxygen. It feels like physically moving my lungs to breathe is difficult, even beyond oxygen saturation. I have been to a marginally better hospital, but it takes longer to get to and I know if the ER were busy it would probably be as bad as the university one. I have an appointment with a specialist on boxing day, which was the soonest I could get since this started, even after being admitted (the university hospital made me an appointment for the end of January and I've been back in the ER twice since then). I don't know if I can even wait for five more days. Since the first time I went to the ER I haven't been out of the hospital for as long as a week without then feeling worse and needing to go back even more urgently. Based on all of this, I will probably have to go back by Saturday.
I know there are lots of stories like mine but I just wanted to make a longer post about it in case I feel too badly to do it later.
Cautionary advice:
wear your mask; only take it off if you are specifically willing to get sick from the environment/activity you're engaging in.
If you have persistent high fever, do not lie on your side if you are crying, laughing, or congested; this can easily cause an infection to spread to the lung on the side you're lying on. Also, if you already have an infection of that severity, don't even lean to one side while laughing or crying because that can make it suddenly worse and further spread the infection. I just feel like I need to include this because it can happen so easily.
Everyone probably knows this but if you have a busted vein, do not use an iv on the same vein, even if medical staff say it doesn't matter. It does matter, and getting an infusion that just leaks out of a busted vein instead of actually circulating intravenously will not have the same effect and will cause complications.
If you have antibiotic resistance and you get iv antibiotics and then leave the facility before you're in good health, you need to go home with oral antibiotics. Really this is probably a good idea even without prior antibiotic resistance since an incomplete course just makes resistance more likely.
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