kelin-is-writing · 2 months
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Sorry, but I can’t stop think about this right here…
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sanicsmut · 2 years
*looking throught the actually plural tag and seeing anti-endo tags like
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spellscarred · 1 year
Self Dx are not real. Do not encourage this. Especially as a mental health professional you call yourself. Encourage people to go get a proper evaluation and diagnosis. Anyone can self Dx themselves with anything, it’s completely invalid to self dx and offensive to those who have been through the actual process of it.
Alright, as a mental health professional I completely disagree with you, for several reasons.
First of all, it's very classist of you to make this claim. Sincerely. There are plenty of people who can't get a professional diagnosis, because it costs a lot of money. It's great if you're in the position to get diagnosis or long-term therapy, but there's a lot of people who aren't financially capable of sustaining or affording this.
Second, professionals know near to nothing about autism in practice, and I was misdiagnosed for years, even after doing an "autism test" during my diagnostic evaluation, and I did CBT for a while before the psychologist concluded that it wasn't working, and then I finally got my autism diagnosis. After that, they dumped me because there was nothing more they could do for me aside from, "oh, I guess read some stuff about it?" In my professional life, this is a reoccurring theme, where I have to tell people what autism is and isn't. The DSM-V criteria is, while better than its previous iterations, incredibly flawed and stereotyped, and that's me being very generous — and this criteria is all most professionals know about autism.
Third, the only time an autism diagnosis will help you is for getting the accommodations you might need, such as additional help in school or disability welfare from the government. In all other instances it might actually harm you because we live in an incredibly ableist society that will punish you for not being productive to able-bodied or neurotypical standards. There's also the little fact that actual professionals won't give you a diagnosis, not because you might not have a neurodevelopmental "disorder" (see: autism or ADHD), but because the diagnosis in your situation will do you more harm than good! From this ask, I assume you don't even know that's a thing.
Fourth, please don't state your opinions as facts. You think it's invaliditing and offensive. I certainly don't. If viewing their experiences in an autistic light gets people to better balance and compassion towards themselves in their life, I'm all for it. Yes, even if it turns out, in the end, that it's not autism after all, but a secret third thing.
— Fun fact, back in ye olden days (70s and back), the autistic and psychotic communities were inextricably connected, because autistic kids weren't diagnosed as autistic, but as "childhood onset schizophrenic". To the professional mental health community, we were all considered schizophrenic, because of the lack of knowledge and understanding, and the big overlap between autistic symptoms and negative psychotic symptoms. Someone self-dxing (usually not in a whim either) as autistic might not be autistic, but they might be psychotic or another form of neurodivergent. I refuse to pull support for people who clearly need it just because they framed their experiences under a "wrong label". Psychology is fucking complex but people needing support really isn't.
Surprise surprise, it's so much more important to me that people get the help and support they need than the purity of labels, especially where something like autism is concerned. And I say this as a mental health professional professionally diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder for 13 years now. You know, since that is part of your validity criteria.
An autism diagnosis doesn't really do shit in practice. The community can help each other so much better than any mental health professional can, and I will help people, with everything I know and have learned and will continue to learn, with or without your approval.
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stiriarges · 27 days
Crește valoarea indemnizației de însoțitor pentru pensionarii
Crește valoarea indemnizației de însoțitor pentru pensionarii încadrați în gradul I de invaliditate Continue reading Crește valoarea indemnizației de însoțitor pentru pensionarii
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territoriale · 11 months
citis - conge pour invalidite temporaire imputable au service du fonctionnaire
Conseil carrière : http://dlvr.it/SxmXxh
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kiribaku · 2 years
being neurodivergent in a way that people don't like you for no real reason and the people who do don't see why people wouldn't like you and in a way invalidite your experiences, but at least they're there for you, unlike most people.
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xhemilbeharaj · 2 years
OSHEE i pret energjinë invalidit në Fier/ Agush Mersala: Kam 3 javë pa drita
OSHEE i pret energjinë invalidit në Fier/ Agush Mersala: Kam 3 javë pa drita
Fier – Skamja “thyen kokën” në shtëpinë e 63 vjeçarit invalid Agush Mersala në Libofshë të Fierit. Jeton i vetëm pa ujë dhe pa drita në banesë, kur ka i paguan dritat, ujin e ka hequr se nuk ka ta paguaj 3 vjeçari Agush Mersala, prindërit e tij nga Ferrizaj i Kosovës kanë ardhur në Libofshën e Myzeqesë afro 100 vjet më parë. Ai është invalid që prej 61vitesh, kur ishte 2 vjeç.Që të shkosh tek…
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jocktrolls · 4 years
I get y’all are having a hayday or whatever and but stop blindly accepting dehumanizing and transmed/transphobic rhetoric in the name of Getting In Some Good Dunks it’s really fucking gross. 
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annoyingdogsong · 5 years
Me, scrolling through my for you page:
Cis person: hey trans people! I love you and you're valid!
Me, after dealing with a bit of bad dysphoria due to misgendering: that's really nice, I should comment something thanking them.
Comment section: people arguing abt trenders + whether or not trans people even deserve rights.
Me: aha.
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rohitcnaik · 4 years
Membre de la chambre de la sécurité financière, depuis tantôt 10 ans. Autonome, compétant, et passionné, Je suis la référence en matière de services financiers. Notre service est basé sur une compréhension attentive et intelligente de vos désirs et de vos préoccupations.
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passionneedefinance · 5 years
L’assurance décès-invalidité peut être souscrire auprès d’une délégation !
L’amendement Bourquin autorise en effet aux souscripteurs de contracter une assurance emprunteur provenant d’une délégation d’assurance. Un contrat externe permet alors de réduire de plus de 30% le coût total de l’emprunt.
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solo-silenzio · 4 years
imagine thinking niccolò is to blame for having a past. a past that shaped him, hurt him, changed him, made him the person he's now. everything we got to see during s2 had a deeper meaning. something we couldn't properly find out just yet, if not for maddalena's words. not until now.
luai isn't just a boy niccolò tried to change his life for. he wasn't a random crush. he didn't randomly forget his name. getting to know him, to be friends with him? it wasn't pointless. it wasn't random. he was a choice. he wanted to learn more about his religion, even if that meant he had to learn about something that only wanted them apart. knowing this boy wanted him as much as niccolò wanted him is honestly galaxy brain. they gave us a character perfectly aware of his feelings, a gay muslim boy who had to fight against his parents just because he fell in love with his best friend. a boy who got hurt and treated like something rotten.
imagine feeling something and having to let the people closest to you tell you it's because of a demon. that whatever made you closer to that boy needs to go away with cramps and some puking. and what did niccolò get? his parents and his girlfriend treating him like if he was manic. invaliditing everything he felt.
what did you want? a character like mikael? treating even like utter shit? leading him into a sa? for real? a youtube video where even had to say what happened to him. just like that. I still remember the anger I felt when that plot happened. it was so damn disrespectful towards his character and I really didn't want to see it ever again.
luai and niccolò's past doesn't lessen what he feels for marti. what they had and what they have. it's the proof that maddalena was only lying because she couldn't accept the fact that niccolò never loved her the way she wanted to be loved. and I'm sorry for her. I am. but everything niccolò felt was valid. he didn't try to learn the quran because luai was a whim. a product of his brain. he did it because he cared about him. because he wanted him. just like he did everything he could to be with martino, no matter how much he hurt him.
niccolò loves martino more than anything?????? what was he supposed to do in that pub? you get to see the boy you loved again. after two freaking years. when his parents sent him away so he could "get back to normal". when the only thing he felt was shame? pain? he probably even felt responsible because his relationship with him was the reason everything changed. the reason they both got hurt. you seriously think you'd want the person you loved to go through that? that even if two years have passed, he should have smiled and what? danced with him? of fucking course he felt lost. of course luai gave him a sad smile. they had history together, ffs.
and saying martino only suffered because of niccolò? the boy who had to hear him say awful things about mentally ill people in the bathroom. the boy who didn't want to lose him no matter what. the boy who only ever wanted to protect him. the one who, after their very first kiss, got so freaking overwhelmed that he had to leave but not without letting martino know he thought they were soulmates? the freaking red thread, guys. the drawings and the antidote. bracciano. the poem from benni about the giraffe falling in love. every single thing he ever did in this show was a love letter to martino and even when his boyfriend completely freaked out and left him because he wanted to know everything he didn't have the right to know what did he do?????????? he never pressured him. he stared at him from the other side of the room, waiting for him to say something. anything.
"he should show his love at some point" that's literally all he ever did. blame martino for not even giving him the time to explain. not that he owed him anything by the way. and I know that maddalena's words hurt him back then. that he thinks everything could suddenly end. but he should know better and you should definitely blame him for reacting like that. not niccolò. especially when he went and punched a guy who didn't even do anything wrong.
the lyrics playing during the hide and seek scene said that niccolò lived his life alone before him. that he grew accostumed to that kind of solitude. "before you, had I ever known love?" [...] "but I long for you, even when you just leave the room". bessegato didn't choose them randomly. they had a purpose and the purpose was to let us know martino is something else completely to him. that's literally what you should have realised two years ago while watching s2. and yet people still think getting a s5 would only mean he could cheat on him.
just because you don't understand a plot, it doesn't mean it wasn't beautifully done. because it was.
and I'm super grateful that we got luai.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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bi-kisses · 4 years
This is a bit of a weird question but fo you think there is such a thing as a bisexual female who is heteroromantic? There is this girl who says that while she enjoys having sex with women and is bisexual she just won't date them. And what about homoromamtic bisexual? I find the split attraction model extremely confusing. I don't want to feel like I am invaliditing anyone's experience because sexuality is naunced but it just doesn't make sense to me.
internalized biphobia my dude
the SAM is garbage and if you're bi but wouldn't date a man/woman, it likely means you have some mental issues to work through there. There's nothing wrong with that though!! it's not your fault, I mean.
but with the split attraction model, it normalizes not addressing this unhealthy attitude instead of drawing attention to the root of those feelings.
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territoriale · 1 year
citis - conge pour invalidite temporaire imputable au service du fonctionnaire
Conseil carrière : http://dlvr.it/SpnYbN
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aroaceconfessions · 4 years
i’ve recently identified myself as aro ... but when i when i really think abt me being aro, i begin to think abt where i belong
i don’t label myself as lgbtq or straight, bc i think (honestly please correct me if i’m wrong but this is honestly from my heart) both of those labels are when you are romantically attracted to others, which well in this case i dont feel that way
yes i do understand that aros do develop feelings for others, but with me i just don’t feel that way, and it makes me think if i’m wrong for thinking like this bc i know aros have been excluded from lgbtq spaces and i feel as if i’m invaliditing that experience (honestly i make no sense i don’t know how to put this into words)
so basically, i don’t label myself as lgbtq or straight, and i begin to think that something’s wrong with me, is that okay?? is it necessary for me to label myself as lgbtq bc i’m aro??
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nzdfdfhm · 3 years
mi comentario aún podrían haber reeditado
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