#invasive species child my beloved <3
figs-oliomedley · 1 year
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Mermay 10!! Congrats to me :]
This prompt was “Vibe”, went for a, “Mr Small/hippie” kind of vibe” What is their gender?? Who knows! Probably somewhere in the middle, but more male-leaning.
Went for a different-y style, more flowy and Secret of Kells-esque.
(P. S., dude’s a lionfish)
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bonefall · 2 years
Out of curiosity, do ya have any warrior cat ocs or fan clans ?
i have a google sheets document with 294 cats and i haven't even updated it with my clangen OCs yet
I basically have 3 major fanclan categories though;
The Enclanned
My rework of the fanclan I had as a child, it used to be called MiracleClan and it had dragons and stuff. It was beloved but turning it BACK INTO a fanclan was impossible without undoing everything I loved about it.
So I just leaned into it until it wasn't Warrior Cats anymore. It's a speculative evolution story that follows a society of Felis Astutus (descendant of Felis Catus Domesticus) as they enter the Bronze Age, stretching through several generations in various "epochs."
Some cool noteworthy OCs from here are Tornjaw, Grandheart, and Stagmeadow, the children of a war criminal HERO who accidentally burned down their valley paradise, devastating the ecosystem and perfectly priming it for an invasive species-- dragons
Untitled Airfield Clan + Untitled Saltmarsh Clan
The ecology of the area I live in includes a lot of abandoned factories where we used to make planes, suburbs and roads as far as the eye can see, and underappreciated salt marsh biomes. A lot of my extra WC fancharacters get thrown there (especially the ones that don't fit elsewhere).
It's more of a fun thought exercise to appreciate my local ecosystems, because these suburbs and roads can get depressing and it's a nice framework to explore local flora and fauna with.
Two noteworthy OCs that have ended up here are Barrelstar and Frogfeather. An ancient ancestor and the sole surviving member of a now defunct clan trying to establish a new home in an abandoned air hangar.
BlossomClan from ClanGen
The last one was just a clangen game I played to pass the time while I was visiting my partner's family before school started up a couple months ago. I had a bunch of very cute little characters that came out of it that I plan to distribute into the Airfield and Saltmarsh clans
One of them was Halfheart, who has the most DELIGHTFULLY EDGY story. Every time I turn around this woman is writing a new tragedy.
Her dad brought home three mysterious kittens, Halfheart looks just like him, of which Half is now the only surviving kit after her siblings got killed doing villainous things. She had two kittens- both died. Every mate I put her with died in tragic circumstances. Eventually she managed to find an ex-loner named Meadow (a name heartwrenchingly close to her first mate, Meadowclaw) who gave her two kits, then Spiderlegged her.
Her father Mothheart became MothSTAR eventually, making his unstable daughter his deputy. I still need to open that save up again and see where it goes LMAO
There was also a bunch of other cool guys from there, but I'd have to open up the save again to be able to retell the stories. I wrote it down but left the document on my laptop.
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
i saw seven deadly sins au and went !!!!!!!!!!! this stuff is my weakness. ty long au anon ily <3 /p
anonymous said:
Hi this is that same anon that keeps making long au plots. Here's a seven deadly sins/Demon au where Nagito is the sin of envy, Hajime is the sin of Greed, and Chiaki is the sin of sloth. They are a horrible trio.
-Hajime, as a demon of Greed, really loves finding and hoarding extravagant and pretty things, whether they are his or not.
-Yes Nagito and Chiaki are both apart of his collection. He stole two other demons because "pretty”
-Nanami stayed because not only is she always sleeping and Hajime's cozy little place is nice, but because friend <3
-Nagito stayed because he's lonely, bored, petty, and wanted the pretty boy who called him pretty before sweeping him off his feet's,,attention.
-oh lore time. Hell is a lawless place but there is still a semblance of order between groups of sins. Sins are kind of like their Own species. There's a certain chart of what sin is compatible with what sin, and it's agreed by every sin never to put a demon of envy and a demon of Greed together.
-this is because both envy and Greed as sins are too similar together. Both sins ambitions and motives to get something stem from their desires of want. The difference is envy ways something of someone else, while greed wants anything it can get.
-the problem at first was that Hajime's instinct pulled him to take anything he wanted as his, while Nagito only wanted Hajime (and Chiaki) as his. And he didn't like Hajime's want for others.
-Nagito has nothing against chiaki, even as a demon of envy. This is because demons of sloths are usually considered "neutral" or tolerable territory between all the sins. At first Nagito thought he would have to be competitive to get Hajime's attention but then one time Chiaki and Hajime got into a verbal disagreement and Chiaki went, "friendship over with Hajime, Nagito is my best friend now" And then fell asleep on him.
-Hajime would've gotten annoyed because, greedy, but then he sees Nagito moved to tears at being called a friend and he's like, "IIl let them have that, this time." And then moved closer so they all cuddled.
-of course nagito was in the middle and got stuck between a demon of sloth and Greed as pillow. Tug o war with Nagito's body never became so intense.
-Nagito, is still very petty when he thinks something else has taken away both his partner's interest in him, so he will become very passive aggressive. Usually that was a problem in the past but it has gotten easier knowing that you can buy his forgiveness through physical affection.
-oh did I mention they're all lovers? They keep calling each other "best friend" or "friend" despite sharing romantic intimacy because that's what they started out as and they're just inseparable from each other. They just love each other alot regardless of platonic or romantic feelings. They just want to be a starring role in the other's heart ❤️
-their lives are a bit different than canon, especially since the era they died in is not modern day.
-Chiaki was born normal/middle class until a war or invasion broke out. The city was one of thr firsts to get hit hard by invading forces, and her parents, who were respectable bakers/market people were hit hard. Her town was raided at night constantly and threatened. The bakery was constantly stolen from and vandalized. Many of the sleepless nights stayed with her as she sat with her parents and they held her in their arms. One night her parents got caught in the crossfire in the bakery while it was vandalized, and with no siblings and no neighbors, sleep deprived and tired of it all, chiaki decided she'd at least go with a struggle. She poisoned the invaders supply of food for nights on end until the sleep deprivation got to her and she was dead before they could get to her. Now though she gets to sleep all she wants.
-Hajime was the child of a corrupt father and a diseased mother, who didnt/wouldn't give him the attention he craved. When his mother died she only managed to hide her one belonging (a necklace) and gave it to him before she died. His father sold him everything else. His father wasn't abusive, per say, but he took pride in seeing himself in Hajime, and constantly hyped up his "love" for Hajime when he showed the same ambitions as him, while downplaying anything else he deemed unworthy (his mother's kind hearted temperament). So while Hajime still retained his mother's sense of being fair and caring, the ambition to take everything got pounded into him by his father constantly until both of them got a bit blurry. Sad thing is his father loved money more than him and when the angry people who his father scammed burnt his house down, he couldn't care less about his kid and ran with the valuables, leaving Hajime to die in the fire.
-Nagito grew up with a mother who was a seamstress, who was unhappily married and forced to have a child she didnt want and her husband didn't help her raise him, instead he cheated on her behind her back. While she never hurt him, she was emotionally detached from the trauma and pain, and couldn't give him the love he needed as a kid. She instead, tried (and actually managed to achive) some sort of loving emotional bond with her kid through tailoring. Idk how he dies but I was imagining something happens and he and his mother die, and while his mother dies in peace, he dies in envy of another family his father has built and how happy he is.
-(While Hajime's sin might have festered as he grew because of his father, Nagito might have been born sharing the sin of envy with his mother, who envied people being able to live their life. )
-(also yes, I did get these backstories referencing vocaloid songs)
-idk that shit got depressing fast I'm sorry. I can say now though they are happy Imao.
-oh Oh, they also have fun picking a single human and then tormenting them. I don't mean tormenting them as in making their life miserable, but tormenting them by making it very inconvenient and wild. Currently the human they're bullying is Kazuichi.
lmaooo kazuichi............babe i am so sorry you’re getting triple teamed by three demons dksnxksnx he’s probably perpetually in the *clutches beanie in fear* pose—
also!!!!! sin of envy nagito!!!!!! so pog??? i actually have hajime down as the sin of envy for my own 7DS au but.............*looks intensely*
also also i can just see chiaki monopolizing all of hajime’s comfy furniture lmao. he’s a little annoyed bc “that’s mine >:T” but also he’s not very inclined to stop her bc she usually just makes grabby hands to signal for hugs, so he gets to use the couch anyway. it’s all good <3
also i do indeed see the vocaloid references and my mind is running wild bc enbizaka my beloved <3 i still wanna redo the written version of it at some point........
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Want to join the fam? 13th Doctor x child reader
*Author’s note*
Hey gang well here we are again with yet another Doctor who request. To the anon who requested this I THANK YOU FOR YOUR INCREDIBLE PATIENCE. Now I made some slight changes to the reader’s characteristics so I hope that’s okay. Now again most of these updates that I’ll be doing will mostly be Doctor who based (from the endless amounts of DW requests I’ve had on my phone since last year, again anons I thank you for your patience and I am getting through them) but some Marvel ones will come out as well. So just sit back and enjoy these requests ;)
Warnings: Child neglect, malnourishment, human captivity, some angst and fluff.
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I’ve been in this prison for—what feels like forever.  In fact I think it has been forever.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve been the possession of a man known as The Collector due to me being the last of the Timelords.  At first I didn’t know myself what I was, all I knew was that every now and then right at the point of death from malnourishment, my body grew warm and my appearance would change.
When the Collector first saw my change firsthand, he moved me from one cell to another where I had nothing but needles shoved into my arms and every now and then he not only took my blood but there was also this glowing gold light that would also go up into a canister and once it got full after a month of draining, he’d take it away and replace it with a new one.
On and on this went on and I began to think that this was to be my life for the rest of my days. I couldn’t die because all I would do was regenerate into a different person.  I was beginning to think that I would never get out of this horrible place, that the Collector would continue to misuse and neglect me.
That was until…….she came into my life.
I was trying to sleep in my 4x4 cell (it is not comfortable let me just tell you that) when I heard a knock at the solid glass of my prison.  There I saw the Collector standing there, his eyes full of obsession as usual.  His mouth gaped in awe as he said.
“Today is the day my little one.” Oh yeah that’s right.  I’m dying today.  The Collector has even gone far as to make a schedule for when I’m to be expecting to regenerate.  My current 12 year old body had been put through countless hours of testing, blood draining, neglect, and aura extraction.  And now the time has come for me to regenerate once again.
“I can’t believe it’s been your 9th change and you’ve given me more money and immortality than I could ever hope for.” Oh yeah I forgot to mention this one little detail.
Sometimes when the Collector is in his greatest moods, when the Tourist season arrives, hell have his greatest displays out for the public for all the gawk, point and take pictures of.  I was displayed when I was in the process of my 3rd change so everyone got to see me transform from a small 4 year old white child, to an 11yr. old brown skinned girl.
Now that it was time for me to regenerate once more and it was the day tourists from around the galaxy, and across space and time for them to come see his fantastic collection of mistreated, abandoned and unwanted things.
“Now then remember to make this your grandest metamorphosis yet. And also try not to burn any of the clients. Always bad for business if someone gets hurt.” I didn’t respond to him.  I never respond to him, no matter what torture he does whenever he tries to make me answer, I don’t give him the satisfaction of being broken before him.
He can continue to drain me dry but he’ll never break me.
*3rd Person POV*
Meanwhile just in the outskirts of the Collector’s shop, the familiar wheeze of the TARDIS soon echoed out.  The TARDIS went from a faint image to a full solid picture.
“And here we are gang. As promised, welcome to the Bermuda Tri—” soon stepping out of the TARDIS was the Doctor herself, and her little fam, Yaz, Ryan and Graham.
“Uhh Doc, this isn’t what I pictured the Bermuda Triangle to look like.” Graham said.
“What? Ahhh no you stubborn ol girl you do this again!? Every. Time I want to go somewhere I tell you to go, you do a 180!” She snapped as she slapped the side of the TARDIS.
“So……where exactly are we?” asked Ryan as he stepped out along with Yaz.
“It kinda looks like a combination of London and Los Angeles.” Yaz said.
“Honestly I’m not quite so sure myself of where we are. Stay close everybody. Never know what could be lurking around here.” The Doctor said to them.
“Should we—have a look around?” asked Graham skeptically.
“I mean it’s the only way, right Doctor?” Ryan said to the Doctor.
“Well normally I would say no when I don’t know of a certain location but the TARDIS always has a habit of sending me where I’m needed. Alright listen up gang,” she turned to her three human companions and explained to them in a firm tone. “We’re gonna have a little look around. But again I have no idea who or what lives here. So there is to be no going off on your own, no touching anything, don’t even speak to anyone. You are to stay where I can keep an eye on you. Is that understood?”
“Yes Doctor.” The three of them answered.  The Doctor nodded and soon the three of them walked on ahead.
They walk up a hill till they finally arrive at the borders of the city.  All around so many different species of creatures and people across space and time were gathered around just going about their day.
“It—looks like an ordinary in London. People going about their day, nothing really out of the ordinary.” Graham said.
“I wouldn’t go that far yet Graham. Let’s go, blend in well with the crowd. There’s—something doesn’t feel right for some reason.” The Doctor said.  As they walked they soon heard a few voices say.
“Have you heard about the Collector’s new showcase?” a young woman with albino skin and purple eyes said.
“I go there every year. I’m told he’s got her on display once again.” Said a mechanical green woman.
“Wait you don’t mean…..”
“Yes. It could be another transformation.”
“Then let’s go.” The two women raced on.  Yaz leaned towards the Doctor and whispered.
“Did you catch any of that?”
“I don’t know who exactly they’re talking about, but that’s our best clue as to why the TARDIS might’ve brought us here. Cause out here in the streets there’s clearly no danger. No fights, no war, not even an invasion.”
“Couldn’t hurt to take a look inside and follow those girls.” Ryan said.  So they secretly followed the two women.
Soon the two women turned into a crowd as hundreds upon hundreds of people walked right towards a tower-like building.  As our gang of time travelers went inside, they found that this tower was almost like a warehouse.  It’s darkened hallways lit only by the hollowed lanterns above.  As they continued walking, they noticed that it soon began to remind them of some kind of art show.
“Hang on, I know that thing.” The Doctor said as she suddenly stopped.
“Know what?” asked Graham.
“Over there.” She pointed to a very large cube like cell with an intricate design on each side. It was a circle with what looked like a maze-like pattern decorated along the inside of it.
“What is it?” asked Ryan.
“My old prison in a past life.” The Doctor answered grimly.  Yaz and Ryan walked up to it and they saw on the plaque the words.
Ryan and Yaz looked at each other and Ryan shrugged.
“And that, I recognize that weapon over there.” She and Graham walked to it and Graham asked her.
“Is—is that what I think it is Doc?”
“Yes Graham. A cyberman head.”
“So…..what is this like some sort of art gallery of everything you know?”
“Possibly. But none of this is Timelord technology. However this place does seem to have almost everything I’ve encountered in my many lives.”
‘Ladies and gentlemen. Creatures and species far and in between. Please make your way to the back room for a show like no other. For the first time in decades, the changeling child has returned.’ The voice of a women came on the intercoms from above.
“The changeling child?” Ryan repeated confused.
“So changelings actually exist?” asked Yaz.
“After all we’ve seen, I wouldn’t be surprised.” Graham shrugged.
“I’m not so sure about that guys. C’mon. Stay close and keep to the back.” Soon everyone started heading towards the back room where a giant arena-like stadium stood. At the very center, the Doctor and her friends saw a young girl laying there at the center of the stadium in a clear box like cage.
“Oh my god.” Yaz gasped as she covered her mouth in horror.
“That poor girl is she—she’s completely malnourished. She’s practically skin and bones.” Graham said.
“Doctor. Who would do something like this?” Ryan sneered softly.  The Doctor looked closer and that’s when she saw the glowing hands on the young girl.  That familiar orange, yellowish glow.
“Oh my……”
“What is it Doc?” Graham asked.  But before she could say a word, an elderly man with spiked white hair and wearing a leather attire with a fur coat with multiple colorations came right to the cage and he said to the audience.
“Greetings my dearly beloved guests. As you have ventured into the far outreaches of space and time to see all of my beloved collections. I am proud to announce and reveal to you all for the first time in a very long time, my most prized possession. The changeling child.”
“Calling a child their possession. Boy I’d like to give that crazy git a punch across the face.” Graham hissed lowly.
“Easy Graham. Just watch.”
“Watch what exactly? Doctor what’s going on?”
“Just want to prepare you guys for what you’ll see one day with me.” Soon the young girl began to glow brighter and brighter till her whole face and hands were starting to glow like the sun.
Then with a burst of Timelord energy, a powerful fiery blast exploded from her and the crowd was just in awe of what they were witnessing.  The Doctor shook her head and muttered.
“She can’t be contained when a regeneration happens. It can cause significant damage to the next body.”
“What’s happening Doctor? Is she going to explode?” asked Ryan worriedly.
“No Ryan, just keep watching.” A cry was soon heard and the next thing everyone saw was that the young 12 year old white girl now transformed herself into a young 7 year old brown skinned child.  Her once blonde hair was now pure black and cut into pixie style haircut.
“Wait did she just—” Yaz started off.
“Fam. I’d like to introduce you all to a Timelord child.” The Doctor said in a stoic manner.
“Wait but—I thought you and the Master were the last of your people?” Ryan said.
“So did I. But that there was a regeneration. Known only to the Timelords themselves. No other creature or species in the Universe can do a transformation like that.”
“And it seems that freak’s using her as a main attraction for his Collection around the world.” Graham hissed angrily.
“Well what do we do? I mean we can’t just leave her here. Maybe this is what the TARDIS wants us to do.” Yaz said.
“But how can we rescue her? I mean we don’t even know the layout of this place.” Ryan said.
“Leave that to me. For now I want you guys to play out the roles of interested travelers. If any security goes snooping around, just play them off in any way you can. Trust me gang, right now that little girl down there could use someone whose been through this. And believe me I’ve been through it many, many, many times.”
“Alright Doc. But just know should you need us, we’re just a shout away.” Graham said.  She nodded to them and as the crowd began to leave the stadium, Ryan, Yaz and Graham joined the crowd while the Doctor stayed behind in the shadows and watched as some of the Collector’s helpers moved the child out of her display case and moved her back down to her proper cell.
*My POV*
After being put back in my cell I finally got the chance to look at my new form.  My once white skin was now brown and my hands were smaller. I must’ve de-aged again.  I felt around my face and it was now more rounder than it was previously.  My hair was also shorter, way shorter actually.  So short that I couldn’t even see what color it was.  But I had fingers, lots of fingers, 2 legs, two feet, eyes, nose, mouth, ears.  New body, new rules.
“Magnificent. This is almost like your 4th form but—lighter skin. And your hair, don’t really like it that short but it is what it is.” The Collector said as he pressed his hands up against my glass cage. “After I count the profits for today, we’ll proceed with the Timelord aura drain.” With a flick of his animal skin cape, he turned and left the room.
I lowered my head exhaustedly and let out a deep breath and soon saw the familiar glowing fog coming out of my mouth.  Then out of nowhere, my cage began to unlock itself but the Collector was nowhere in sight. As the glass walls lowered back down, I sat up in shock and looked around fearfully only to see a woman with short blonde hair wearing a greyish-blue trench coat.
She also wore a dark blue shirt with multiple colored stripes around the front, the color yellow was the main color that really struck out cause it was just piled up on both top and bottom of the other colors.  She also wore what looked like suspenders and brown boots.
But what really caught my attention were her eyes.  Her deep brown eyes.  Unlike the Collector whose eyes were always filled with crazed obsession, this woman’s eyes were filled with kindness, curiosity, and—astonishment.
“It’s alright. I’m not here to hurt you.”
“How can I—trust you?” wow new voice.  It was lighter—almost like the sound of a bell.
“I know this must seem strange to you. Having a stranger open up your prison but tell me this. If I wanted to hurt you, don’t you think I would’ve done it by now?” she asked me. I pondered the thought and realized she was right.
The Collector’s workers who would transfer me from my cell to my display case, they always took a shot using their electro-whips on me just for the sport of it.
“Who are you?” I asked her.
“Well believe it or not. I’m just like you. A Gallifreyian Timelord.”  I looked at her shocked.
She was a Timelord as well? But—the Collector said that I was the last of my kind.  When he found me as a baby, he told me that I was the only sole survivor.
“You’re lying.”
“Actually I’m not. How do I know I’m not lying you might be thinking? Well I can tell you that seven months ago, I was a white haired Scotsman.”
“Prove it.” I asked her. “That you’re a Timelord. How do I know you’re not lying?” she looked around before finding a stethoscope from a nearby stand.  She grabbed it and came up to me and placed the earpieces in my ears.
“Have a listen.” She placed the metal part against her chest and soon enough I heard the 4 heartbeats of the Timelord.  I looked up at her and she looked right at me with those soft eyes of hers and she said, “Well, what’s your verdict?”
“But—it’s impossible. I thought I was……I thought I was the only one.”
“So did I.” she said solemnly.  Her eyes now appeared to have a hint of sadness to them.  “What’s your name?” she asked me.
“I—I was never given one.” I said sadly as I looked down.  I heard her hum softly and that’s when she said.
“Well we can’t just call you nothing. Hmm let me think……I’m not good with coming up with names but I’ll give it a go.” She said before she began muttering to herself as she paced around me.  I looked at her intrigued and she would look right at me before getting right up into my face.
It was a little awkward having this strange woman get right up in my face but it didn’t make me feel intimidated (not like how the Collector makes me feel whenever he gets up in my face).
“Ah-ha! I think I came up with the perfect name!” she exclaimed happily.  I tilted my head. “Lyra!” I looked at her in disgust. “What? Oh c’mon that’s a brilliant name. You’d be named after a constellation. And Lyra is a Greek name Lyre, a Greek instrument. And a marvelous one at that.”
“I’m sorry it’s just that with……this current form I don’t know if Lyra is a good name for me.”
“Yeah I suppose so. Most beings usually pick a name that fits their look. Well like I told you I’m not really good at coming up with names. I don’t think I ever was.”
“I…..” I started off before trailing off.
“What? What is it?”
“It’s nothing I….I can’t say it.”
“Course you can. Hey you listen to me now love, you can say whatever you want. I’m not like that—monster whose treated you like his possession. So if you’ve got something to say, you can tell me.”
“I—I once did come up with a name during my 3rd transformation. But I don’t know if it’s any good.” She looked at me with encouragement telling me through her eyes that I could freely speak it out. “(Y/n).”
“(Y/n). Hmm……I like it. Yeah it suits you. Alright, (Y/n) I’m the Doctor and I’m busting you out of here.”
“Busting me out?”
“Yeah. You know setting you free, freeing you from your cage, all those other freedom metaphors and sayings. Bottom line is, is that you’re coming with me and my friends.”
“But—the Collector. He’ll know that I’ve escaped. He won’t let me leave.”
“That’s why I’ve got a plan. Now c’mon let’s at least get you out of this storage room and into some real light.” She extended her hand to me and I looked at it conflicted. “I promise (Y/n), as long as you’re with me. I won’t let him or anyone else harm you. I can help you, but you have to trust me first.”
I looked up at her warm brown eyes once more and they gave me a fluttery feeling in my stomach.  Was—was this what it feels like when someone’s kind to you? Finally I lifted my hand and I placed my hand in hers.
“Brilliant. Now can you stand and walk? I know that regeneration still takes time to cook but we kinda are on the clock.”
“I think so.”
“Okay, let’s get you off this thing and then we run.” She picked me up and set me down on the floor before taking my hand again and we took off.
We came to the main door which the Collector always kept lock and only he or his workers knew the combination.
“It’s no use, we’ll never get out of this room. He has it locked 24/7.”
“Good thing I’ve always got this.” She then pulled out a long silver or iron like thing with a crystal point at the end.  She pressed a button and aimed it right at the door’s control panels and a loud hum came out of it as the crystal point became a bright yellow color.
Soon enough I heard the locks being unlocked and the doors opened up.
“There that’s better.” She tossed her magic stick in the air before catching it back into her hand and putting it away into her coat. “Now come on, we’ll rendezvous with the others in the main lobby.” As we left the room I asked her.
“What was that thing?”
“What was what?”
“That thing you used to open the door?”
“Oh right! That was my sonic screwdriver. A handy device of my own invention. It can basically be used for anything. Bio readings, translation analysis, but most of all it can unlock any door. The one thing it isn’t used for is for killing. Because killing is senseless and fighting never solves anything. I hate weapons of any kind especially guns.” Her voice started to trail off into anger which made me a little scared seeing this bubbly, whacky woman now become an ice cold queen. “Sorry. I—tend to get a little dark whenever it comes to hate for violence. Now c’mon let’s keep moving.”
After going up several more levels and her using her sonic screwdriver to get the doors unlocked, we finally arrived at the main level.
“Alright, now my friends are in the lobby like I’ve said. So it’s just a straight forwards to—hang on.” She suddenly said urgently.  She stopped and looked around. “Something isn’t right. There were hundreds of people here just now and now it’s—it’s completely empty.”
“The shop isn’t closed cause it’s still light out. So—where is everyone?” suddenly the alarm sounded off and every entrance, window and door, were sealed off.  The red light of the alarm was the only source of light we had for awhile before it went completely dark.
“You thought I’d let you escape that easily?” then a bright light shined down just a few feet in front of us and there stood The Collector.  Behind him were three people, two men and one a girl around the Doctor’s age.
All three of them were not only being held by the Collector’s guards but from their feet to their hips were trapped in the crystal prison that I was familiar with. In some of his collections, the Collector loves to showcase his ‘prizes’ in crystal form with specially designed rings that encases whatever he wants in a crystal prison.
Trapping them alive.
“We’re sorry Doc. They caught us just before we could meet up.” Said the elderly white man.
“Let them go.” the Doctor stated firmly.
“Or what? See I’ve got basically almost everything across Time and Space but pure humans—well imagine the attractions they’ll bring us.”
“We’re not your property you crazy old bastard!” the young black man spoke up.  Which resulted in him being shocked by the Collector’s guards and the crystal formation went higher up his body from his hips now to his ribs.  He groaned in agony after his shock treatment and the Collector said to him in that low voice of his.
“On the contrary. All those that trespass on my home are my property. No payment in, you serve as a part of my Collection.” He turned back towards us and he continued, “Who would’ve thought that I would get the chance to not have one Timelord, but two. Such a rarity indeed.”
“Yeah bet you didn’t think this was going to happen when you woke up this morning.” The Doctor said sarcastically.  The Collector chuckled softly and that’s when I noticed the Doctor’s sonic screwdriver in her back pocket.  I looked around to make sure that no one was looking at me and I quickly took her sonic and stalked away towards one of the cells.
This was the only option I could think of that could give us enough time to get all of us out of here.  And finally put an end to the Collector once and for all so that no one else could be captured and experimented on again.  I arrived at cell 722 and pointed the screwdriver at the keypad which soon activated.
“This is madness. But you’re our only hope.” I walked inside and went right to work.
*3rd Person POV*
The Collector stared at the Doctor with obsessed eyes and he said to her.
“Who would’ve thought that there were two Timelords left in the entire galaxy. If only you were a male, then once my female one would take a mature form, I could’ve had you both make more Gallifreyian children.”
“Believe it or not I was a man. Actually many times before I’ve been a man.” The Doctor said.
“Interesting. So you can choose which gender you want to be.”
“I don’t really have control over my regenerations. They just happen and I stick with the form I get.”
“Pity. But no matter, you will soon join the child and you both will become my ultimate supply source and tourist attraction. While your friends become one of the many other displays I will showcase in my museum.”
“That won’t happen.”
“You’re so confident about that?”
“Yeah. See, I’ve been in rougher scrapes than this. Now this here, sure it’s a bit of a pickle but it’s way low on the amount of danger I’ve been in on a regular basis.” The Collector stroked his chin as he continued to stare at the Doctor with interest.
“So you’ve been everywhere and seen everything?”
“More than you can imagine pal. Now unless you’d like to be overloaded with the knowledge I’ve got, which trust me you don’t want to know, I suggest you free my friends, let me take the girl, and allow us to walk out of here quietly without another word.” The Collector chuckled icily and lowly and he said.
“And allow you to take my immortality away from me? Do you have any idea how powerful the essences of your kind is?”
“And that’s what makes people like you sick to my stomach. What you’ve been doing to that poor girl is inhumane! No one should ever be put through the hell you put her through! Extracting her Gallifreyian aura, draining her blood. Yeah I’ve seen the needle injections on her arms.”
“What you see as inhumane. I see as an opportunity. The essence of a timelord can give the bearer an immortal life. Even at the point of death, you can just regenerate yourself and start off fresh again. And now that I have too, I’ll forever be immortalized as the famed Collector of the last two Timelords!”
Suddenly the alarm began blaring out loudly.  Everyone looked around in confusion, the Collector had both confusion and anger.
“What is going on?” it was then they heard screaming from down the hall as some more of the Collector’s worker’s were fleeing for their lives.
���Sir! Sir! Prisoner 722 has been reactivated! It’s going on a rampage!” one of the workers said before it was suddenly shot at and he fell to the ground dead.
“No.” The Doctor softly enunciated. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Why did you have it here!? What makes you think you could contain such a monster!?” she sneered.
“Doctor what’s going on? What are you talking about?” then they heard it.  That haunting raspy, mechanical voice proclaiming.
‘WE ARE THE DALEKS! WE WILL REIGN SUPREME AND YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED!!’ Soon coming down the hallway was the Doctor’s most feared and hatred rival, a Dalek.
It was an older generation Dalek but it still had it’s program to search and destroy everything that isn’t Dalek based.
‘SURRENDER NOW OR YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED!!’ the Dalek proceeded to fire all over any everyone and everything.  While the Dalek was literally destroying everything in sight and bodies kept dropping like flies, over by Graham, Ryan and Yaz, they suddenly felt themselves getting free of their crystal prisons.
They looked down and there stood (Y/n) holding their three rings.  She slammed them on the ground and stepped on them.
“C’mon let’s go!” she whispered as the four of them raced over to the Doctor.  They dodged and nearly got blasted by the explosions of the Dalek’s gun.  Once they came up to the Doctor she turned to (Y/n) and said.
“Were you responsible for this?”
“I didn’t have a choice. This was the one thing they never went to. All of them were too afraid to go near it when it reactivated itself years ago.”
“RUN!!!” The Doctor cried out as we ran out of the lobby and towards the side exit (that had no just been created thanks to our Dalek).  
*My POV*
We quickly raced out but I was suddenly grabbed and I was pinned against the Collector’s chest.
“You’re not going anywhere! If I die then you’re coming with me!” I squirmed and tried to free myself from the Collector’s grip when suddenly he was shot in the head and he dropped down to the ground.  The Dalek rolled up to me and it’s scope-like eye stared right at me.
‘TIMELORD ENERGY DETECTED! TIMELORD ENERGY DETECTED! EXTERMINATE!’ I quickly jumped out of the way and just barely managed to escape the death beam.
“(Y/N)!! RUN!! GET AWAY FROM IT!!!” As quick as I could I raced out of the building.
It wasn’t easy to escape the Dalek cause it kept coming right after us firing shot after shot, explosions coming up around us.  Finally we came up into a blue box that said POLICE BOX written on top.
“In here quick! The forcefield’s up now, but it won’t last for long!” the Doctor cried out.  One by one we each piled into the TARDIS before she shut the doors.  As we all ran inside my first reaction was that it was bigger on the inside.  Could this be more of my people’s technology or is this some kind of magic?
The Doctor quickly flipped a few of the controls and soon a wheezing sound came from the center of this room and a large light shined from the center console that stood in the middle of the controls.
“There. Daleks alone can’t navigate through space and time without a ship. We’re safe. Are you all alright fam?”
“I’m good.” Said the woman.
“I’m thankful that I won’t end up as a display case.” Said the elderly man.
“He’ll survive. And I’m okay too Doctor.” The young man said.  The Doctor sighed with relief and pressed her hand up against her chest over her two hearts.  She then turned to me and asked me as she knelt down in front of me.
“Are you alright (Y/n)?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry about that—thing. It was the only thing I could think of as a distraction that I knew they would be too afraid to fight back against.” I looked down sadly but she lifted my chin up and she said as she stroked the back of my head, burying her fingers into my short hair.
“The most important thing is that you’re okay. And that you’re free now.”
Free.  I—I couldn’t believe it. For the first time in my life, I was finally free of the Collector, I would no longer be his lab rat or neglected ever again.  He was dead and he couldn’t hurt me or anyone else again.
“But I must ask you one important question first?” she said in a serious manner.  I tilted my head to the side in confusion and said.
“How do you feel about going to Barcelona with me and the fam?” I looked around and these three people who had no idea who I was, all nodded with warm smiles on their faces. I turned to the Doctor and immediately hugged her.
There was soft laughter all around as she hugged me back.  I nuzzled into her shoulder and I whispered to her.
“Thank you, thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me. Now then, let me introduce you to the gang.” The Doctor then took me over to the three people and introduced me to Ryan, Yaz, and Graham. And she introduced them to me as the second to last Timelord from Gallifrey.
From then on, I stayed with the Doctor and her friends.  We traveled throughout the entire galaxy and back and forth through time. Eventually there came a time when I went from calling her Doctor to mum.  She was my savior, my protector, my mother.  And I will always be grateful to the day when she and her friends came to save me.
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topworldhistory · 4 years
Feral swine. Rodents of unusual size. And a python that swallowed three deer.
The history of invasive species is usually one of unforeseen consequences. When an animal, fish, insect or plant is taken out of its original ecosystem and introduced to a new one—whether by accident or on purpose—it's less likely to have any natural predators. 
Which can lead to environmental havoc. 
Without anything to keep their population in check, some invasive species—especially the prolific breeders—often flourish. They can destroy native plants, gobble up native animal populations and introduce disease, upending the delicate balance of organisms that provide food or support for each other, or provide a check on each other’s growth. Extinctions have proliferated.
Globalization has fueled the problem of invasive species. When European colonizers sailed to the Americas, they disrupted existing animal populations while also introducing new ones. Invading creatures have long affected the United States, as people imported new animals for study, sport, fur or even the love of Shakespeare. (Yes, really.) Here are seven invasive species that still pose a threat to the U.S. today.
READ MORE: How Burmese Pythons Took Over the Florida Everglades
1. FERAL SWINE (Sus scrofa)
Other names: Wild or feral boars, hogs or pigs; Eurasian or Russian wild boars
Originate from: Parts of Europe, Asia and North Africa
Reason in U.S.: European settlers brought them for food beginning in the 1500s; others brought them for sport hunting in the 1900s
Destructive superpowers: Devour crops and native vegetation
Newsworthy moment: Twitter's 2019 viral meme of '30 to 50 feral hogs'
The very real problem of invasive feral swine went viral in August 2019 when Twitter user @WillieMcNabb of Arkansas tweeted: “How do I kill the 30-50 feral hogs that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play?” The phrase “30 to 50 feral hogs” quickly became a meme; and while it’s unlikely that many wild hogs actually run into McNabb’s yard at once, the discussion did highlight the growing issue of wild hogs in the U.S.
Feral swine are the same species as the pigs found on farms, and are descended from farm escapees and/or Eurasian or Russian wild boars brought to the U.S. for sport hunting in the 1900s. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates there are at least 6 million feral swine spread throughout some 35 states. They have been a particularly virulent problem throughout the south, especially in Texas, where their incessant rooting and voracious eating destroy crops, erode soil and uproot tree seedlings, causing deforestation. They also carry disease like pseudorabies and swine brucellosis. The U.S.D.A. estimates, conservatively, that invasive swine cause upward of $1.5 billion in damage annually to all manner of agriculture, including rice, corn and grains.
READ MORE: Bugs of War: How Insects Have Been Weaponized Throughout History
2. BURMESE PYTHONS (Python bivittatus)
Originate from: Southeast Asia
Reason in U.S.: Exotic pet trade
Destructive superpowers: Annihilating native small mammal populations
Newsworthy moments: Killed a two-year-old child; swallowed three deer
In 1979, staff members at Everglades National Park discovered Florida’s first recorded python, which was likely a Burmese python. By 2000, Florida was receiving reports of established populations of Burmese pythons in the state. These snakes, which can grow up to 20 feet long or more, were brought to Florida as part of the exotic pet trade. But many owners released the huge creatures, which reproduce rapidly; females are known to produce 50-100 eggs per year. With no predators on this continent, these slithery gluttons have since become a danger to native species, devouring more than 90 percent of small and medium-sized mammals in the Everglades. Some are more ambitious: One killed and swallowed three deer—a doe and two fawns—over a three-month period.
While not known to be a threat to humans, there have been isolated incidents. In 2009, a pet Burmese python broke out of its terrarium and strangled a two-year-old girl to death.
READ MORE: 9 Powerful Snakes from History and Mythology
3. DOMESTIC CATS (Felis catus)
Other names: feral cats, outdoor domestic cats
Originate from: North Africa and Southwest Asia
Reason in U.S.: European settlers brought them as pets
Destructive superpowers: Kill native birds and mammals
Newsworthy moment: Author Jonathan Franzen saying 'cats must die'
Cats are a beloved pet in the U.S., which is why it comes as such a shock to many Americans that they are seen as a destructive invasive species here as well as in the U.S. and many other parts of the world. Historians believe ancient Egyptians were the first to domesticate cats, and that these pets spread to Europe during the Roman Empire. When Europeans colonized North America, they brought cats with them as pets.
Since then, these animals have flourished while harming native species. In 2013, a paper in Nature Communications estimated “free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3-22.3 billion mammals annually.” And the American Bird Conservancy estimates that cats have contributed to the extinction of more than 60 species of birds, mammals and reptiles. Author and bird lover Jonathan Franzen, for one, has drawn criticism for his statements on this issue. Back in 2013, he told New York magazine: “The bird community’s position is, we need to get rid of the feral cats, and that means cats must die.”
4. EUROPEAN STARLINGS (Sturnus vulgaris)
Other names: Common starling, English starling
Originate from: Parts of Europe, Asia and Africa
Reason in U.S.: A Shakespeare fan went too far
Destructive superpowers: Destroy crops
Newsworthy moment: In 1960, a swarm of 10,000 starlings flew into a passenger plane taking off from Boston’s Logan Airport, disabling the engines and causing a crash that killed 62 people.
Eugene Schieffelin was such a fan of William Shakespeare that he decided to introduce a bird mentioned in his play Henry IV into the U.S. In 1890 and 1891, Schieffelin unleashed approximately 100 imported Europeans starlings into New York City’s Central Park. 
Bad idea. 
Within 50 years, they had spread across the continent. Today, there are more than 200 million European starlings in North America; considered noxious and destructive, they compete with native species and destroy crops such as grains and pitted fruits. They swarm agricultural feeding troughs, contaminating food and water, and their droppings are associated with diseases ranging from histoplasmosis, a lung ailment afflicting agricultural workers, to toxoplasmosis, which can be particularly harmful to pregnant women.
5. NUTRIA (Myocastor coypus)
Other names: Coypu, swamp rats, river rats
Originate from: South America
Reason in U.S.: Brought for fur trade
Destructive superpowers: Damage crops and natural resources
Newsworthy moment: A Louisiana hunter, likely incentivized by the state's $6-per-tail bounty on the swamp rats, handed in nearly 11,000 tails to the 2019 nutria culling program.
Described by some as a cross between a beaver and a sewer rat, with large orange buck teeth, nutria can grow as large as 20 pounds. They came to Louisiana in the early part of the 20th century as part of the fur trade, but as the market declined, traders released them into the wild, where they have wreaked havoc and spread to each coast. They not only damage crops and other property; they gnaw prodigiously through wetland plants, causing significant soil erosion and turning swamps into open waters; their extensive burrow systems can destabilize roads, bridges, levees and golf courses; and they can transmit diseases like tuberculosis. 
California actually eradicated nutria in the 1970s, only to discover them again in the state’s San Joaquin Valley in 2017. Since then, California has relaunched efforts to eliminate these rodents, which can be prolific breeders.
6. ASIAN CARP (multiple species)
Originate from: Different parts of Asia
Reason in U.S.: Introduced into the U.S. in the 1970s to help keep fish farms clean
Destructive superpowers: Out-compete native fish for food and habitat
Newsworthy moment: Wildlife authorities cautioning against massive carp leaping into people’s boats
In the U.S., there are four invasive species collectively known as “Asian carp”: bighead carp, black carp, grass carp and silver carp. In the 1970s, the U.S. imported them to help keep aquatic farms clean, control weeds in canal systems and help with sewage treatment. However, they escaped into the Mississippi River basin, scarfing up the base of the aquatic food chain, with some species eating as much as 20 to 100 percent of their body weight daily. They have been outbreeding native species and pushing them out of their own ecosystem, while expanding into new waterways. Silver carp, which have a disconcerting habit of leaping out of the water, have been seen as a hazard to boaters and anglers.
 7. GYPSY MOTHS (Lymantria dispar)
Originate from: Europe and Asia
Reason in U.S.: French artist and astronomer accidentally let them loose
Destructive superpowers: Strip trees of leaves and make them vulnerable to disease
Newsworthy moment: Defoliated more than 2 million acres in three years alone
French artist and astronomer Étienne Léopold Trouvelot first brought gypsy moths to the U.S. in the late 1860s to see if they could produce textiles better than silkworms. Unfortunately, they blew out of the building he was living in near Boston—oops!—and spread into the Massachusetts countryside. From there, the voracious gypsy moths, which appear initially as spiky caterpillars, have spread throughout the northeastern U.S., threatening more than 300 species of trees and shrubs, reducing animal habitats and presenting an increased fire hazard. They are particularly fond of oak trees.
They’re also an expensive pest to deal with: Between 1980 and 1994 alone, the U.S. spent an average of $30 million annually on gypsy moth eradication, suppression and research.
Swamp People: Serpent Invasion premieres Thursday, March 12 at 10/9c.
from Stories - HISTORY https://ift.tt/2PjU1Xg February 25, 2020 at 03:37AM
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veneziahqs · 5 years
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𝓋𝑒𝓃𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝒾𝓉𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊 ,   asli sözen  /  bahar sahin !  welcome  to  𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐳𝐢𝐚𝐡𝐪𝐬 ,  gen (  @guiltbite  )   !   we’re  super  excited  to  have  you  here  .   you  have  𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓 (  24  ) 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔  to  read  our 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒  𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑎𝑔𝑒  ,   and  then  send  in  your  account  .   we  hope  you’re  excited  for  your  stay  in   venezia  ,   italia, rumor  has  it  it’s  gonna  be  a  wild  one  .  
out of character:
name/alias:  mercy age (17+ only):  22 timezone:  pst pronouns:  she/her activity level: a solid 3/7 for a few hours tbh will you have a mumu blog or separate character blogs?: i will only be writing asli as i can only write one muse at a time.  coke or pepsi: none! i prefer water or sprite. pasta or pizza: uhhh, pizza…? no, no. i like pasta.
in character:
application: 。.。:+* 【 bahar sahin; female, she/her, 19 / 22 】looks a hell lot like【 asli sözen 】, dontcha think? with them being a 【 werewolf 】, i wouldn’t suspect their favorite 【 movie 】 to be 【 howl’s moving castle 】, but i’ve seen them checking it out on the water taxi to【 dorsoduro 】district. they’re a【 junior investigative reporter 】and supposedly known as the【 inquisitive 】of the town, so i’m personally keeping an eye out for them. 〔 mercy 〕
extra things: you’re free to look at this blog for any musings!! x
affiliations: asli is not a part of a pack yet, much to the dismay of her mother who wishes she would find a home and protection amongst her own species. 
brief writings:
Asli was born in a Turkish forest to a couple of nomad werewolves, outed from their pack for disobeying clan rules. Unfortunately, the Eren pack were deeply involved in a centuries old conflict with the Sözen Coven, the family who resided in the neighboring town over. Finding no place to call home and with high hopes that their issues would be resolved somewhere along the line, the banished wolves settled near the plains outside of town. Suspicions eventually arose regarding a new family of three and within a month of their arrival, news had broken out that there were wolves living in their land, wolves that belonged to none other than the Eren pack. At just a few months old, Asli was orphaned due to severe politics and the resentfulness between two infamous families. 
A compassionate member of the Coven; Selen Sözen, found Asli hidden in a tiny foxhole, crying her tiny little lungs out. With her motherly instincts kicking in, she was unable to turn the baby girl away and quietly took her under her wing, begging the coven leader to allow this scandalous adoption to happen. She was just an infant and posed no threat to anyone, especially not to the coven. After much deliberation, Selen was allowed to adopt Asli, with the terms that the child would be kept ignorant of the conflict that resulted in her biological family’s death — that, and of course, that she would pose no threat if she were ever to find out. As a way to reassure their safety, Selen promised she would leave as soon as Asli showed signs of her lycanthropic ancestry.
Asli’s childhood was incredibly smooth and she grew up without any conflict in the coven, or as she saw them, her beloved family. She grew up in the supernatural community, with a vast knowledge of its forces and creatures. She was more than aware of her mother’s magical bloodline and often voiced her concern of awakening her own abilities as well. Always keen with her own body, she figured her heightened senses was the first step of becoming a fully fledged witch. With a curious mind and a heart too adventurous for her own good, it was gradually becoming difficult for Selen to brush off her daughter’s invasive questions. 
On Asli’s nineteenth birthday, a group of stray creatures attacked Selen and Asli during one of their monthly harvesting trips, causing Asli’s instincts to kick in. The battle between beast and child fared rather poorly as it resulted in a cold-blooded death and something completely unexpected to happen. Before she could process her actions or show the slightest bit of remorse for what had unfortunately happened, the teenager went through an excruciating process which morphed her into the same beast that attacked her and her mother in the fields, all in accordance to the pureblooded atoms in her body. Not even her mother’s magic was unable to suppress the pain and confusion that the girl felt. Her turning lasted for six hours and Asli has little to no recollection of it.
After the fated night that was all but a horrendous dream, Asli couldn’t help but feel bewildered with what had happened to her over the span of the night. Mildly upset with her mother and her coven altogether for not telling her what her true nature was, it was then that she began to demand answers. Reluctantly, Selen told her all about her ancestry, but failed to inform her of the murder of her parents. At first there was a tinge of hope that her mother was joking, but it all made perfect sense to her. She wasn’t as upset as she thought she would be, especially since she now knew the entire truth.. as forgiving and naive as Asli was, she continued to accept Selen and the coven as her family, all while exploring her true roots.
Selen was keen on supporting her daughter be who she truly was meant to be. Deep down, however, she silently worried over what would happen to them both if the coven was to find out about her daughter’s newfound abilities. As Asli continued to grow, her wildness grew along with her, something that caused endless worry for her mother. Her fangs and claws came out whenever dinner was served, pretty brown eyes changed vividly when she was feeling far too emotional, and Selen could only cover up her innocent remarks regarding scents and sounds for so long. Sadly, the coven members were not as stupid as they hoped they would be and had begun to grow suspicious over Asli’s peculiar behavior. 
Selen knew that she had to take action the moment she saw them whispering to one another. She knew about Italy’s rich supernatural culture and the affinity of covens and packs for her and her daughter to join. She was absolutely certain Asli and herself would be able survive there, with or without the support of their current coven. Asli was hesitant to leave her home, especially when she hadn’t yet announced her heritage to them, but precautions had to be taken. Eventually, Selen was forced to tell her the truth, or part of it at least, yet again. Asli was shocked, hurt even that the people she grew to love considered her a time bomb, a threat to their safety. It didn’t take long for Asli to change her mindset about her family and flee to Italy as quickly as possible.
Many many years have passed since then and at the age of twenty-two, Asli grew up to be an independent girl yearning to live a normal, drama-free life as a college student and junior investigative reporter. As strange as it sounded, she was done being bounded to family titles and being fearful of the consequences that came along with them, all contrary to her mother’s old-fashioned beliefs. Living with just Selen in a sleepy neighborhood in Italy, they had yet to find a clan formidable enough to call their own, or find one at all for that matter. Selen was by far puzzled as to why there was no underlying supernatural life or their presence altogether. 
It was until she accidentally stumbled upon a botanical store in town that she realized they had been living in the wrong town for nearly a decade! Urging her daughter to pack her things, the two women then moved to Venezia where they happily took in the presence of others that belonged to their vast community. Having never met others of her own kind much less other species, Asli showed nothing but excitement considering the only werewolf she ever knew of was herself. Naturally, Selen limited her to keeping her heritage a secret. Not everyone knew about the supernatural and Asli had to remind herself constantly about that.
for events: my sweetest asli, she likely tried to save people in the fire and got hurt in the process. she is an injured puppy right now, licking her wounds and pretending she is perfectly fine so she won’t get scolded by her mother. she does not understand what is happening in the city and from the looks of it, she is more than willing to find out.
inner thoughts: asli is very new to other species as the only kind she has only ever known are witches from her village in turkey! asli knows of other species, has heard stories about them, but does not have personal experiences with them. she is still learning and has no judgements against any other species.
relationships: anything that is plot-driven, please! asli loves to stick her nose where it doesn’t belong. she resembles a puppy in that aspect. i’d love someone who is constantly getting her out of trouble! an older werewolf she likes to bother like puppies do older dogs. friends of different species!! and most importantly, i’d love for someone to play her mother!!
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